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DEDICATION To Professor Eugene Ulrich of Notre Dame ,C~
OCT 2 3 f997
Teacher, Mentor and Friend
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ISSN 0169-9962 ISBN 90 04 10341 4 ©Copyright 1997 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Cop,\' right Clearance Center, 222 Rouwood Drive, Suite 9/0 Ocmvers MA 0/923, USA. Ft't.l' ell'!' mbjt'ct to clumgf, I'MIN'I'IiU IN '1'111! NI\'1'111\MI,t\NI>S
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CONTENTS Contents Vll Preface ...................................................................................................... xi List of Maps and Plates ........................................................................... xv Abbreviations, Terms, and Sigla ........................................................... xvii Map ...................................................................................................... xxiii Plates ...................................................................................................... end INTRODUCTION 1. Background Description of the Psalms Scrolls 2. Previous Scholarship on the Psalms Scrolls .......................................... 2 2.1 Publication of the Psalms Manuscripts ............................................ 2 2.2 Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature ....................................... 7 3. Plan of this Study .................................................................................. 9 3.1 Terminology and the Primary Data ................................................. 9 3.2 Analysis of the Issues .................................................................... 10 4. Contribution of this Study ................................................................... 12 PART I APPROPRIATE TERMS AND RELEVANT DATA CHAPTER 1: APPROPRIATE TERMINOLOGY 1. Resources and Previous Discussion 2. Terms Requiring Further Examination 3. The Terms in Historical Perspective 3.1 "Masoretic Text" ...................... . 3.2 "Canon," "Bible," and "Apocrypha" 3.3 "Book of Psalms," "Psalters," and "Psalms" 4. Terminology to be Used in this Study 5. Summary and Conclusion
13 13 15 18 18 20 22 24
CHAPTER 2: A SURVEY OF THE PSALMS SCROLLS ........................... 27 1. Editions, Transcriptions, Listings, and Studies ................................... 28 2. Psalms Scrolls from Cave 1 and the Minor Caves at Qumran ............ 31 3. Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4 ................................................................ 33 4. Psalms Scrolls from Cave 11 39 5. Psalms Scrolls Found at Other Locations 43 6. Additional Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert? 45 7. Other Relevant Manuscripts 46 8. Initial Observations on the Psalms Scrolls 47 CHAPTER 3: PSALMS VARIANTS LISTED BY MANUSCRIPT ........... 50 I. Primary Sources and Previous Listings of Variants ............................ 50 2. Introductory Comments ...................................................................... 50 2.1 Criteria for Determining Vnrinnts ................................................. 51
2.2 Orthographic Variants ................................................................... 51 2.3 Signs, Sigla, and Format.. .............................................................. 51 2.4 The Manuscripts ............................................................................ 52 3. Cave 1 and the Minor Caves at Qumran ............................................. 52 4. Qumran Cave 4 ................................................................................... 53 5. Qumran Cave 11 ................................................................................. 65 6. Nabal Bever (with "Wadi Seiyal") ..................................................... 82 7. Masada ................................................................................................ 83 8. Additional Manuscripts ....................................................................... 83
CHAPTER 4: VARIANTS LISTED BY PSALM AND VERSE ................. 86 l. Introductory Comments ...................................................................... 86 2.1 Psalms 1 to 41 (Book I) ................................................................ 86 2.2 Psalms 42 to 72 (Book II) ............................................................ 90 2.3 Psalms 73 to 89 (Book III) ........................................................... 92 2.4 Psalms 90 to 106 (Book IV) ......................................................... 94 2.5 Psalms 107 to 150 (Book V) ........................................................ 99 2.6 Compositions Lacking in the Received Psalter .......................... 115 CHAPTER 5: SYNOPSIS OF SUPERSCRIPTIONS, POSTSCRIPTS AND DOXOLOGIES IN THE MT, THE SCROLLS, AND THE LXX ..... 1. Primary Sources and Previous Listings ............................................ 2. Introductory Comments .................................................................... 3. Synopsis of Psalms 1 to 151 .............................................................. 3.1 Psalms 1 to41 (Bookl) .............................................................. 3.2 Psalms 42 to 72 (Book II) .......................................................... 3.3 Psalms 73 to 89 (Book III) ......................................................... 3.4 Psalms 90 to 106 (Book IV) ....................................................... 3.5 Psalms 107 to 150 (Book V) ..................................................
117 117 117 118 118 121 124 126 128
PART II ADDRESSING THE MAIN ISSUES ( 'IIAPTER 6: STABILIZATION OF THE PSALTER I. Resources and Previous Discussion 2. The Theory of Gradual Stabilization .\. Adjoining Psalms in the Thirty-Six Manuscripts 4. The PKnhns Scrolls and Stabilization of the Psalter 4.1 l>iffercnces in Arrangement and Content.. ................................. 4.2 The Criterion of Chronological Age .......................................... ~. Supci'Mcriptions and Different Arrangements of Psalms ................... · (), Rormlt11 nnd Conclusions ..................................................................
135 135 136 137 141 141 143 146 148
CHAI"I'BR 7: TEX'I'llAL AFFILIATIONS AND EDITIONS I , Re•nurccK nnd Previous Discussion
150 150
2. The Problem Defined 3. Two Preliminary Issues 4. Macro-Variants 5. More than One Collection 6. An Early Collection of Psalms 7. The Scrolls and the MT-150 Psalter 8. The Scrolls and the llQPs"-Psalter 9. Additional Collections of Psalms 10. Secondary Collections and Three Editions 11. Conclusion
151 152 153 155 156 157 159 165 167 170
CHAPTER 8: DAVID'S SOLAR PSALTER. THE STRUCTURE AND PROVENANCE OF 11QPsa ............................................................... 172 1. Resources and Previous Discussion .................................................. 172 2. The Largest of the Psalms Scrolls ..................................................... 173 3. Early Assessments of the Structure of 11 QPs a ................................. 17 5 4. Additional Organizational Principles ................................................ 177 4.1 Gerald Wilson's Juxtaposed Groupings ...................................... 178 4.2 Ben Zion Wacholder's Eschatological Psalter ............................ 179 4.3 Michael Chyutin's Calendrical Psalter ........................................ 182 4.4 Assessment of Previous Proposals .............................................. 186 5. A New Structural Analysis of llQPsa .............................................. 189 5.1 Contents and Outline ................................................................... 189 5.2 The Solar Calendar ...................................................................... 192 5.3 D!lvidic Emphasis ........................................................................ 193 5.3 Groupings by Form or Genre ...................................................... 194 5.4 Juxtaposition of Opening and Closing Formulae ........................ 195 5.5 Thematic Linkage ........................................................................ 196 6. The Provenance of llQPsa ............................................................... 198 7. Assessment and Conclusions ............................................................ 200 CHAPTER 9: TRUE PSALTER OR SECONDARY COLLECTION? ...... 202 l. Resources and Previous Discussion .................................................. 202 2. Proposal: 11 QPs a is Part of a True Scriptural Psalter ....................... 204 3. Early Reactions ................................................................................. 206 3.1 David's Compositions ................................................................. 207 3.2 Liturgical Reordering .................................................................. 209 3.3 A Sectarian Collection ................................................................ 209 3.4 Supplementary Material .............................................................. 210 3.5 The Received Psalter is Earlier .................................................... 213 3.6 Presupposes the Received Psalter ................................................ 214 3.7 The Divine Name ........................................................................ 216 3.R Summary ...................................................................................... 216 4. Different Editions and Secondary Liturgical Compilations .............. 217
5. The Psalms as "Scripture" at Qumran ............................................... 218 5.1 Formal Indications of Scriptural Status ....................................... 218 5.2 Functional Indications of Scriptural Status ................................. 220 6. 11 QPsa: Different Edition or Secondary Collection? ........................ 222 6.1 Was 11QPsa Used as Scripture at Qumran? ................................ 223 6.2 The Attribution to David ............................................................. 224 6.3 The Structure of 11QPsa .............................................................. 225 7. Assessment and Conclusions ............................................................ 226 CHAPTER 10 THE PSALMS SCROLLS AND THE LXX PSALTER ... 228 1. Resources and Previous Discussion .................................................. 228 ahlfs' Edition of the Septuagint Psalter .......................................... 229 onsidering the Greek Evidence ....................................................... 230 he Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert .................................... 231 5. Representative Listing of Variants by Category ............................... 232 5.1 Agreements against m in minor details ....................................... 232 5.2 Agreements against ffi in more significant aspects ..................... 234 5.3 Agreements with other Greek manuscripts against mand~ ...... 235 6. Results and Conclusions ......................................... 236
CONCLUSION AND APPENDICES CONCLUSIONS AND OUTSTANDING ISSUES ..................................... 237 1. Appropriate Terms and Relevant Data ............................................... 237 2. Addressing the Main Issues ................................................................ 238 3. The Issues that Remain ....................................................................... 241 APPENDIX I "Apocryphal" Psalms and Other Compositions ..................... 243 APPENDIX 2 Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert ................................. 252 APPENDIX 3 Adjoining Compositions In the Psalms Scrolls .... ... ... .... .. ... ... 254 APPENDIX 4 Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript ... .... .... ... ......... 255 APPENDIX 5 Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Chapter and Verse . .. .... . ... 265 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Texts, Editions, Lists and Reference Works 2. Secondary Literature l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. K.
273 278
INDICES Psalms Index A: Groupings and Clusters of Psalms............................... 287 Psalms Index B: Psalms by Chapter and Verse ...................................... 289 Psalms Index C: "Apocryphal" Psalms in the Psalms Scrolls ................ 304 Psalms Index D: Psalms in the Septuagint ............................................. 306 Scripture Index (excluding the Psalms) .................................................. 310 Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Manuscripts ............................................... 313 Other Ancient Writings .. .......... ......... ...... ..... ..... .... ...... .... ..... ... .. ..... ... ... ... 315 Index of Modern Authors ............................................. 316
PREFACE This is an ambitious book. As the thoroughly revised and updated revision of my 1993 dissertation "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms," it represents five years of painstaking research. I have no doubt that the study will be welcomed by many scholars who are interested in the Book of Psalms, in view of the wealth of primary data and pertinent information contained in Part I ("Appropriate Terms And Relevant Data") and because this is the first comprehensive investigation of the Psalter in the light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Of course, such confidence does not extend to Part II ("Addressing The Main Issues"), which explores several topics related to the Psalms scrolls and offers bold and far-reaching conclusions. It falls to you, dear reader, to evaluate the soundness and credibility of these results. The material offered here officially represents the state of the question through August 1996, but in fact the book incorporates important data that became available as late as February 1997. This was made possible through the kindness and generosity of several scholars who provided helpful information via the modern miracle of e-mail, and sent me advance copies of articles and editions that are appearing in 1997 or beyond.
****** A work of such intricacy and magnitude is very dependent upon the assistance, kindness and patience of many people. Just as manuscripts are weighed not counted, may every syllable of gratitude on these pages be seen for its depth, and not its brevity. To those who have read. Portions or all of the manuscript were read by several scholars, who offered many helpful suggestions. Thanks to Prof. Gerald H. Wilson (Western Evangelical Seminary), whose great contribution to Psalms scholarship has informed much of my research, and who has offered valuable feedback on earlier drafts of this book. To three of the original readers of the dissertation: Profs. Michael A. Signer and James C. VanderKam (University of Notre Dame), and Harold W. Attridge (olim Notre Dame, now Yale University). Also to Dr Florentino Garcia Martfnez (one of the two editors of the STDJ series); my present colleagues Prof. Craig A. Evans and Dr Martin G. Abegg, Jr. (Trinity Western University); and Mr Tyler F. Williams (Wycliffe College, University of Toronto). To those who have assisted. Prof. Hartmut Stegemann, friend and adviser to so many Scrolls scholars, took a special interest in my work and offered several helpful insights. Also to several Editors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, who furnished an abundance of vital information: Prof. Joseph M. Baumgarten (Baltimore University), Prof. J. P. M. van der Ploeg and Dr Florentino Garda Martfncz (Qumrfin lnstituut, Groningen), P~rc Emile Puech <(~cole Bihlique et Arch6ologiquc, Jerusalem); nnd Drs. llwe Olel.\mer (University of llnmhurg), Nnthnn
R. Jastram (Concordia University), Annette Steudel (University of Gottingen)
To those who have assisted. Several graduate students have rendered stellar service in bringing this work to completion. Extensive checking and indexing were done by Andrea Alvarez and Marjorie Wiebe (Trinity Western University), the plates were prepared by Kitty Murphy (University of Notre Dame), and most of the variants were checked by Curt Niccum (University of Notre Dame). Thanks also to my daughter Abigail Flint for preparing and entering the Index of Modern Authors. To those who have encouraged. Several scholars were not directly involved in this book but provided much encouragement during its production. Dulce et decorum est, when one feels adrift in a sea of variants, to be reminded that a work is of value and that many scholars are looking forward to its appearance. My thanks to Profs. Roger T. Beckwith (Latimer House, Oxford), Arie van der Kooij (University of Leiden), Patrick D. Miller (Princeton University), MarkS. Smith (St. Joseph's University), and Klaus Seybold (University of Basel); some of you may be surprised to find your names listed here. To those who have supported. Much of the research culminating in this book took place during five Summer sessions in Jerusalem as I worked on the Psalms scrolls. Thanks to the following bodies for funding some of these visits: the American Schools for Oriental Research (1991), the American Philosophical Society (1995), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (1996). I also acknowledge the support and facilities provided by the institutions where I was teaching as this work and the preceding dissertation were being written: the University of Notre Dame, Southwestern College (Arizona), and Trinity Western University (British Columbia). To those who take care of the Scrolls. The co-operation and assistance of various bodies and museums is also noted, especially General Amir Drori and the Israel Antiquities Authority, as well as the efficient and helpful staff at the Rockefeller Museum and the Shrine of the Book. Thanks also to Prof. J. Briend, Director of the Musee Bible et Terre Sainte (Paris), for personally introducing the holdings to Eugene Ulrich and myself and giving us the opportunity to examine 4QPsq in July 1996. To those who have waited. Heartfelt thanks are due my wife Erica and my children Claire, Amy, Abigail and Jason. I deeply appreciate your patience and encouragement, and will not not mind if you choose not to read this book. I would also like to apologize to the many scholars who-to judge from letters that the publisher and I have received-have been waiting for this work to appear. Because of personal circumstances that included a change of employment and relocating to a new country (to Trinity Western University in Canada), I was not able to deliver the final manuscript in early 1996 as intended. I trust that the delay of more than a year will in some small way be expiated by the quality of the book itself.
and Eibert Tigchelaar (Qumran Instituut, Groningen). Also to Prof. Bruce E. Zuckerman (West Semitic Research) and Dr Marilyn J. Lundberg and Mr Michael B. Phelps (both of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center). I am grateful to Prof. Albert Pietersma (University of Toronto) and Dr Anssi Voitila (University of Helsinki) for their valuable advice on the Septuagint manuscripts that feature in Chapter 10. Garlands adorn Profs. Shemaryahu Talmon and Emanuel Tov (both of the Hebrew University), and Dr George J. Brooke (University of Manchester). Among them these three scholars exchanged with me over 100 e-mail messages and several letters as they clarified many questions on the Psalms scrolls and the issues involved. To those who have gone before. I am very conscious of the rich legacy left by Monsignor Patrick W. Skehan, the original Editor of the Cave 4 Psalms scrolls. Several of the insights in this study could not have been reached without access to/his excellent and dedicated research. I am sorry that I never met this greatyeholar and fine man. If he is listening-and I suspect he is-I hope he will be pleased with this book (Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine). And to Prof. Jonas Greenfield, who was always kind and encouraging to me in my research, and corresponded with me concerning the Psalms scrolls from Nabal I:Iever/Wadi Seiyal. I am honoured to be editing those same manuscripts, which he entrusted to my care several months before his untimely passing (~ "r). To those who have listened. Sincere thanks to the chairmen of several meetings and to various professional bodies for allowing me to present earlier versions of this material at meetings on three continents. These include: "The Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert and the Septuagint" [ 18 July, 1992] during the VIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies held at the College de France in Paris (Chairmen: Prof. Leonard J. Greenspoon [Creighton University] and Dr Olivier Munnich [College de France, Sorbonne University]; see Chapter 10); "Textual Relationships Among the Psalms Scrolls" [19 July, 1992] during the First Congress of the International Organization for Qumran Studies at the College de France (Dr Florentino Garcia Martinez, Qumran Instituut; part of Chapter 7); "Ancient Psalters and Modern Readers" [22 November, 1992] at the Annual Meeting of the AAR/ SBL (Psalms Section) in San Francisco (Prof. J. Clinton McCann, Jr., Eden Theological Seminary; also part of Chapter 7); "Editions of the Psalter Among the Scrolls" [10 July, 1994] at the Qumran Research Group, which met at the Hebrew University's Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem (Profs. Shemaryahu Talmon and Emanuel Tov, Hebrew University; see Chapter 9). I was most honoured when a pre-publication draft of this book was featured in a session of the Psalms Section at the Annual Meeting of the SBL in New Orleans in November 1996, with Profs. James Sanders, Mark Smith and Gerald Wilson, and Mr Tyler Williams, serving as respondents.
To those who now publish. My thanks to the STDJ editors, Prof. Adam S. van der Woude (Groningen University) and Dr Florentino Garcfa Martinez, for accepting this work for the series. I am grateful to E. J. Brill NV for their enormous help and patience as they awaited my manuscript. It has been a pleasure to work with such a team of dedicated professionals. Particular thanks are extended to Desk Editors Gert Jager and Pim Rietbroek, and to Junior Editor Mattie Kuiper. A special word of appreciation belongs to Senior Religion Editor Hans van der Meij, who offered great encouragement at a time when my personal circumstances made it very difficult to focus on the noble pursuit of preparing camera-ready copy. And most important of all. Two names are thus far conspicuous by their absence, simply because they have been heavily involved in so many aspects of this book. To them I extend my deepest words of thanks. The first is Prof. James A. Sanders, who in 1965 published the great Psalms scroll from Cave 11 and then formulated the issues that have set the agenda for discussion on all the Psalms scrolls. Not only did Prof. Sanders serve as an outside reader for the dissertation on which this book is based, but has shown an abiding interest in the issqes involved, has offered many helpful suggestions, and has been a great enc~agement to me as a scholar. I am pleased to say that on the whole this work vindicates the bold proposals that he articulated over thirty years ago. The second name is Prof. Eugene Ulrich, who more than anyone has trained me to become a "Dead Sea Scrolls scholar" during my years at the University of Notre Dame. One essential pre-requisite for this comprehensive study of the Psalter in the light of the Dead Sea Scrolls was to have access to all the relevant texts. It was only when he made available to me all the Cave 4 Psalms scrolls in 1988-a time when such access was very restricted-and then appointed me as Co-Editor of these manuscripts, that the present work became feasible. As director of the original dissertation ("The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms"), Prof. Ulrich greatly assisted me to formulate many of my proposals and helped me work through several issues more clearly. While the present book subsequently took shape, with its many revisions and expansions of the original dissertation, he continued to read drafts and offer helpful suggestions, several of which have been adopted. I stand responsible for my views and for any errors in this work (I hope there are few!), but whatever success is enjoyed by The Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls and the Book of Psalms will in no small measure be due to Eugene Ulrich's involvement and guidance.
Peter W. Flint Langley, British Columbia Palm Sunday, 1997
LIST OF PLATES (See end of Book) PLATE I 4QPsa: The oldest of the Psalms Scrolls, mid 2nd century B.C.E. PAM 43.027, frgs. 6 (Ps 38:2-12) and 7 (Pss 38:16-23 + 71:1-14) PLATE II 4QPsb: from the Herodian period PAM 42.026, cols. XXIII to XXVII (parts of Pss 103:4-113: 1) PLATE III 4QPsc: mid 1st century C.E. PAM 43.156, cols. I (Ps 49:1-17) and II (Pss 50:15-51:5) PLATE IV 4QPse: mid 1st century c.E. PAM 43.028, frg. 26 i (Pss 125:2-126:5) and ii (Pss 129:8-130:6) PLATEV 4QPsf: ca. 50 B.C.E. PAM 43.603, cols. VII-X (Ps 109:25-27 and "Apocryphal" Psalms) PLATE VI llQPsa: 30-50 C.E. PAM 43.791, col. XXVII (2 Sam 23:7; David's Compositions; Ps 140:1-5) PLATE VII llQPsa: 30-50 C.E. PAM 43.792, col. XXVIII (Ps 134:1-3 and 151AB. End of this Psalter) PLATE VIII Nai:Jal Bever (XI:Iev/Se 4): 2nd half of 1st century PAM 42.189, frgs. 6-7 (Ps 18:17-36, 38-43)
PLATE IX Biblical scrolls with the Divine Name in palaeo-Hebrew (a) ltQPs" (b) 2QExodh (c) 4QExodi (d) 4QLevg (e) 4QDeutk2 PLATE X Biblicul scrolls with the Divine Nurne (n) 4()1suc lpnlueo-Bebrewl (h) 4()Sumc Idots I (c) l()lsu11 Idots I
See Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Septuaginta. Psalmi cum Odis (ed. A. Rahlfs), and the DJD series (esp. P. W. Skehan, E. Ulrich and J. E. Sanderson, Qumran Cave 4:/V. Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek Biblical Manuscripts [DJD IX; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992] xi-xiii). For journals and other secondary sources, cf. "Instructions for Contributors" in the Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55 (1993) 888-97 and the Membership Directory and Handbook of the Society of Biblical Literature (1994) 223-40. For Qumran sigla, see J. A.. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and ToolsforStudy (rev. ed.; SBLRBS 20; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990) 1-8. ~
+ (?)
(?)99: 1-2 79:1(?) X
[l [ \\\ II
+ > t
* * carr
10,20 2° manu Line 2sup II 4-5
frg. I 0 ii 4-5 2:23[24] tUH~
udd. Alii.
A passage is continuous with the one listed before it (e.g. Ps 38~71). A passage follows the one listed before, although some text is missing. Some doubt exists as to the identification of a verse or reading. When (?) is written to the left, the complete entity is not fully certain. When (?) is written to the right, only the specified verse is not certain. Denotes a verse/section that is absent from MT (e.g. Ps 118: I, 15, 16, 8, 9, X, 29), or an uncertain cave (e.g. XI:Iev/Se4). The bracketed portions are not extant, but were originally written. Space between fragments or where the leather surface is missing. Division between lines in a manuscript. A smudge or defect in the leather. Two or more parallel texts (e.g. Ps 18//2 Sam 22). Manuscript number (e.g. Ken #142). Ink traces of an unidentified letter remain. Word(s) or a verse have been added. Word(s) or a verse have been omitted. Signals the complete attestation(s) of a word or form in the Heb. Bible. What the scribe originally wrote (e.g. 4QPse*). Denotes Heb. pagination (e.g. Haran, "IIQPsaa i1'::>'Jr:Ji1 ," 123*-128*). The corrected form (e.g. 4QPs e carr). The first, second occurrence of a form. Written by the "second hand," often the corrector. A word or letters written supralinearly above line 2. The second extant column of the manuscript, lines 4-5. Fragment 10, column 2 (frg. 10 preserves two columns), lines 4-5. The number in square brackets is the Greek verse number. A certain letter, a probable letter, a possible letter, respectively. A setuma '(closed section) in ffi, used to designate a new section of text beginning on the same line as the end of the previous section. A petu/:la (open section) in used to designate a new section of text beginning on the line below the end of the previous section. End of u verse in the MT (e.g. 102· 24b-25 ·~ ~ :•o• ~ ffi). ac/c/it, add/tum, "it ndds," "nddcd" (1111 nddcd word. word or verse). Josephus, Antlttult/1'.~.
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Bohairic Coptic translation of the LXX. Fragments from the Cairo Geniza (cited from BHS). 11: urn, with. c. cj. ) oniunge, coniungit, coniungunt, join, it joins, they join; or coniungendum, to be joined with. Column(s). col(s.) "And" (i in Hebrew, Kalin Greek). copula correctus, -a, urn, the corrected reading. corr. "He (the scribe) deleted or erased (it)". delevit "It is missing," the MS is not extant at this point. deest For a full list of MSS and Cave numbers, also see Index 6. Dead Sea Scrolls The (Cairo) Damascus Document. CD The Genesis Apocyphon from Cave I (in Aramaic). IQapGen ar The Community Rule. IQS The Hodayot or Thanksgiving Hymns. IQH 4QpaleoExod m An Exodus scroll from Cave 4 written in palaeo-Hebrew. 4QPsa The first of a series of Psalms manuscripts found in Cave 4 (= 4Q83). The eighty-third in a sequence of scrolls from Cave 4 (= 4QPsa). 4Q83 The first Psalms pesher found in Cave 4. 4QpPsa The Florilegium from Cave 4 (= 4QMidrEschata). 4QF!or The Tanl:Iumim from Cave 4. 4QTanl:I 4QMidrEschata. b = 4QFlor, 4QCatena A, respectively. The "Commentary on Genesis" from Cave 4. 4QpGena "The Words of the Heavenly Lights" I. 4QDibHama The Psalms scroll from Cave 6 (written on papyrus). pap6QPs The Melchizedek Scroll from Cave II. IIQMelch "Some of the Works of the Law" (Miqsat Ma'aSe Ha-Torah) 4QMMT The New Jerusalem Scroll. IIQNJ David's Compositions in IIQPsa. DavComp 5/6Bev-Sel Num Num scroll from N.I:Iever (once listed as a Bever MS and a Seiyal MS). = 5/6Bev-Sel Num, 5/6l:lev-Se2 Num, respectively. 5/6Bev-Se I, 2 Deut scroll from N. Bever (once listed as a I:Iever MS and a Seiyal MS). 5/6Bev-Se3 Deut = 5/6Bev-Se3 Deut. 5/6Bev-Se 3 The Psalms scroll from the "Cave of Letters" at Nanali:Iever. 5/6BevPs BHS Bo
XI:Iev/Se4 Se I-IV 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps 5/6Bev-Se 4 8BevVII gr MasPs". MasPsh M 1039-160
Psalms scroll from cave "X"(= uncertain) at Nal:Ial Bever, once thought to be "Wadi Seiyal," MS number 4 (i.e. the Psalms scroll). Plates of the "Wadi Seiyal" scrolls (I-IV contain Seiyal4). Ps scroll from N. Bever (once listed as a I:Iever MS and a Seiyal MS). = 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps. The Minor Prophets scroll from Cave 8 at Nahall:levcr (= 8l:lcv I). The first, second Psalms scroll found at Masuda. M I039 denotes the wall cusemate south of the "Synagogue" at Masuda and item 160 is the MS MusPs" (or MPs").
ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA de Rossi e,ex eras. fin. f(s). or frg(s). ~or LXX ~* ~ap
A' A'
A" ~B
orB Bmg
B' B'
B" ~RorR
RS Rs' R'
R' R" ~~~ orS
s' ~TorT ~u
u' u" ~ZorZ ~o
orO oro' L
L" Ld Lh Lpau L' L'
u· L" ~-/,11\SS
55 I09H 1219
de Rossi's edition of the MT with variant readings (cf. BIBLIOGRAPHY). Out of, from. erasum, erased. finis, end (e.g. 144:13fin). Fragment(s). The Old Greek (as in the Gottingen editions). The (reconstructed) original reading of the Old Greek. A reading in the critical apparatus. The reading in an edition, usually in contrast to an alternate reading considered to be the original Old Greek reading. Codex Alexandrinus. Codex Alexandrinus and other manuscripts. A+ 1219 A+55 A+l219+55 Codex Vaticanus. A marginal reading in Codex Vaticanus. B+S B+Bo B +S +Bo Codex Veronensis, in Greek and Latin (the Verona Psalter). R suppemented. R5 + LaR orR s + LaR(s) R+LaR R+LaG R + LaR +LaG+ Aug Codex Sinaiticus. S+Bo Codex Purpureum Turicense (=the Zurich Psalter). British Museum Papyrus 37. u + 2013 U +Sa U+2013+Sa Codex Zuqninensis Rescriptus. The Septuagint text in Origen's hexaplaric recension. Lucianic text (more than 75 Lucianic MSS listed in Holmes & Parsons). 56-75 Lucianic MSS listed in Holmes and Parsons. 36-55 Lucianic MSS listed in Holmes and Parsons. 16-35 Lucianic MSS listed in Holmes and Parsons. 2 or 3-15 Lucianic MSS listed in Holmes and Parsons. L+Tht L + Sy 56-75 Lucianic MSS listed in Holmes and Parsons+ Tht. l~ (Z T) + Tht + Sy (He) Septuagint MSS other than Lucianic ones. The cursive MS 55. The Milun palimpsest. Wushington ('mlc:x II.
XX 12195 ' 1221 Coislin 44 2005 2007 to 2151 2008 2011 2013 2017 2046 2110 a' a' o' 8' E' c;' 'E~p'
Ga hab Heor~He
Holmes + Parsons IAA in it. Ken
La LaR LaG LXX ffiorMT
ffiLorB19A mms(s)
mq m. Mk 13:14A Mos. MS(S)
Mus. Inv. Mut. n. non n.p. n.s. NT D or D 0 • 1175 gig OG ORTH.'I
ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA 1219 (lost after Ps 142:8) supplemented from an 8th century MS. A palimpsest (Greek written over Coptic) housed in Vienna. Contains fragments of Eusebius' commentary on the Psalms. The Cambridge Hexapla fragment. Various cursives that were not available to or collated by Rahlfs. Amherst Papyrus V. A MS housed at Cambridge. The Leipzig papyrus roll. A MS housed at the British Museum. P. 6747 in the Berlin State Museum. Bodmer Papysus XXIV. h versions of Aquila, Symmachus, the Seventy, Theodotion. nta and Sexta, translations thought to be in the Hexapla for Psalms. E~pa1oc;, a translation of anonymous authorship. The Gallican Psalter. habet, habent, it has, they have. The Psalms text in the Commentary of Hesychius of Jerusalem. Edition of the LXX by R. Holmes and J. Parsons (see BIBLIOGRAPHY). Israel Antiquities Authority (photograph accession numbers).
initium, beginning. Kennicott's edition of the MT with variants (see BIBLIOGRAPHY). The Vetus Latina or Old Latin translation of the LXX (= La R +LaG). The Old Latin section of the Verona Psalter [see ~R orR]. Old Latin MS 11947. The Septuagint (usually as in A. Rahlfs, Psalmi cum Odis). The Masoretic Text (as in Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia). An edition of the Masoretic Text (usually BHS). Codex Leningradensis. Masoretic manuscript(s). qere for the Masoretic Text. Mishnah (as in m.Yadayim). This reading according to Codex Alexandrinus. Philo, De Vita Mosis. Individual manuscript(s). Museum Inventory Number (mostly MSS in the Rockefeller Museum). Philo, De Mutatione Nominum. nota, note. Not. No publisher (cited). New series. New Testament. Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis. The minuscule 1175. Codex Gigas. The Old Greek (originul Septuagint). A form thut muy be only un orthographic vuriunt. Peshcr (e.g. 4Qpl's"),
ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA PAM pr. prb. q. v. Ra Ranumber recte recto rei. repr. rev.
5 Sa sebir Sy Syh ([
Tht tr.
lJ v(v)
vacat VAR.? verb. sap. verso vi d. Vorlage y. cErubin
y. Sabbat
Palestine Archaeological Museum (photograph accession numbers). praemitte, -mittit, -mittunt, place before, it places before, they place before; or praemittendum, to be placed before. probabiliter, probably. quod vide (=refer to this). Rahlfs' edition of the Septuagint. The "Rahlfs number" of a MS in the Gottingen system (e.g. Ra 1098). Correctly. The front, inscribed side of a manuscript: the hair side of a leather scroll, or the side of a papyrus having horizontal ridges. reliqui, -ae, -a, the remaining MSS. Reprint(ed). Revised. suppletor, i.e. supplemented by the original hand. The Syriac Peshitta. The Sahidic Coptic translation of the LXX. sebir(in), "supposed" or "expected" correction(s) [e.g. at Ps 144:2]. The Syriac translation from the Geek (by Paul of Tell a, 616-17 CE). The Syrohexapla. The Aramaic Targum. Theodoret. transpone(ndum) -it, -unt, the letters or words are (to be) transposed. The Latin Vulgate. Verse(s). Indicates that the leather or papyrus was intentionally left blank. A form that may be a variant. verbum sapienti sa tis est(!). The reverse side of a manuscript: the flesh side of a leather scroll, or the side of a papyrus having vertical ridges. ut videtur, -entur, as it seems, they seem from the available evidence. The Hebrew text used by the translator of the Greek or other Version. The Palestinian Talmud, Tractate cErubin. The Palestinian Talmud, Tractate Sabbat.
IIIIK Ill IS 11/h
Anchor Bible D. N. Freedman (ed.), The Anchor Bible Dictionary (6 vols, 1992) Alter Orient und Altes Testament American Schools of Oriental Research Acta theologica danica Biblical Archaeologist Bulletin l!l tht• American Society l!f' Papyrologists Bibliothecu cphcmcridum thcologicarum lovanicnsium Biblia lft>lm1ica (cd. R. Kittel)
11/b//a llt'braim Slllttl(artt'n.l·ia 11/b//ca
Bulletin of the Intern. Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies Catholic Biblical Quarterly Catholical Biblical Quarterly-Monograph Series Coniectanea biblica, Old Testament Compendia rerum iudaicarum ad novum testamentum Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (of Jordan) The Forms of Old Testament Literature J. L. Mays eta! (eds.), Harper's Bible Commentary Harvard Semitic Studies Harvard Theological Review Hebrew Union College Annual K. Crim (ed.), Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Supplement Israel Exploration Journal Journal of Biblical Literature Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Journal of Jewish Studies Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages-Supplement Series Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Journal for the Study of the Old Testament-Supplement Series Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha-Supplement Series Journal of Semitic Studies u 'a! of Theological Studies Me ormick Quarterly itteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens R. E. Brown et al (eds.), The New Jerome Biblical Commentary Novum Testamentum Graece (27th edition) New Testament Studies Orbis biblicus et orientalis Oudtestamentische Studien M. Black and H. H. Rowley (eds.), Peake's Commentary on the Bible Palestine Exploration Quarterly Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association Revue biblique Revue de Qumran Society of Biblical Literature Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series Society of Biblical Literature Resources for Biblical Study Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah G. Kittel & G. Friedrich (eds.), Theological Dictionary r!f· the New Testament Theologische Zeitschriji United Bible Societies Gm•k New Tt•.\'tamenr
Vell4.\' '/i•.l·tam<'IIIU/11
Vctus Tcstumcntum-Supplemcnts
Altltl'hrai.l't/k Zr/udrr(/1./ilr tllr ulttr.~IWII<'IItlidtl' W/s,\'1'/I.W'ht(/t Zl'/t.l'l'ilrin tiN tlrlll.l'l'irNI l'u/1/.l'tillll Vrrr/11.1'
Jordan River
•3 11
• el
• •
Bethlehem Khirbet
• Cave with Manuscripts Khirbet="ruins Wadi=Seasonal Stream
Dead Sea
Nal}al f:Iever e
Aduptcd from liurold Scunlln, Tilt Dead Sra Scro/1.1' tmd Modrrn 7'ra11.1·/atlmr.\' t!f'
tht Oltl Tt.l'lllllltfll (WheAton, USA: Tyndule llouxe, 11)1)3), Pll· KI.
INTRODUCTION Recent emphasis on the later period of Hebrew psalmody and the final form of the Biblical text 1 has been given fresh impetus by the new texts discovered at several sites in the Judaean desert. These manuscripts provide solid documentary evidence for the later formative stages of the Book of Psalms, as preserved in the Masoretic Text and in other collections used in the Second Temple period. The present study is ambitious in scope and twofold in purpose: to present in a systematic manner several types of primary data contained in the Dead Sea Psalms scrolls (PART I+ the Appendices), and to address the pertinent issues arising from analysis of this material (PART II). 1. Background Description of the Psalms Scrolls Between 1947 and 1956, eleven caves were discovered in the region of Khirbet Qumran, about 1.6 km inland from the western shore of the Dead Sea and some 13 km south of Jericho and 30 km east of Jerusalem. 2 These caves yielded various artifacts, especially pottery, and almost 900 manuscripts written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. 3 Although a few are well-preserved, most of the scrolls are very fragmentary; a fair estimation is 100,000 pieces, with many no bigger than a postage stamp. Over 200 manuscripts are classified as "Biblical scrolls," since they contain material found in the canonical Hebrew Bible,4 and constitute our earliest witnesses to the text of Scripture. Many of the 600+ "nonBiblical" documents are of direct relevance to early Judaism and emerging Christianity, since they anticipate or confirm numerous ideas and teachings
1 See, for example, Erich Zenger, "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 17 (1994) 37-54. esp. 43. 2 The distance from Jerusalem is between 25 and 32 km, depending on the road that is travelled (see the Map preceding the Introduction). 3 Hartmut Stegemann previously indicated that "about 814 scrolls .... came to the museums" from Qumran ("Methods for the Reconstruction of Scrolls from Scattered Fragments," in Lawrence H. Schiffman [ed.], Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The New York University Conference in Memory of Yigael Yadin [JSPSup. 8: JSOT/ASOR Monographs 2: Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990] 189-220, esp. 190, 208-209 n. 12). However, Stegemann has since pointed out that some manuscripts were listed together under a single Q number in certain editions, and now estimates the total number as closer to 900 (Die Essener, Qumran, Johannes der Tiiufer und Jesus [4th ed., Freiburg: Herder, 1994] 115). My colleague Martin Abegg (personal communication) arrives at a figure of 864 manuscripts for the Qumran material, which confirms Stegemann's higher estimate. 4 According to Stegemann, "little more than twenty percent of all these Qumran manuscripts represent biblical books sensu strictu" ("Reconstruction from Scattered Fragments," 190). Eugene Ulrich (Chief Editor of the Cave 4 Biblical Scrolls) suggests (personal communication) a number of "just on 200," while Jumes VunderKam (The IJrad Sec1 Scroll.v Today [Orand Rapids: Eerdmans; London: SPCK. 1994) 10 11) esthnates the numher ut 202 biblical ~crolls, with 19 more found at other sites In the Judaeun desert.
found in the New Testament and in the Mishnah. The Qumran manuscripts, which were copied (many composed) between the third century BCE and 68 CE 5 in the Holy Land itself, have generated intense debate among scholars and wide interest among the general public. It is no exaggeration to state that the Dead Sea Scrolls constitute the most important archaeological find of the century, at least from the perspective of Judaism and Christianity. In addition to the finds at Khirbet Qumran, several manuscripts were discovered at locations in the vicinity of the Dead Sea: Wadi Murabba'at (1951-52), Nahal I-Jever (1951[?]60),6 and Masada (1963-65).7 At least thirty-nine of these are Psalms scrolls or manuscripts containing Psalms; thirty-six were discovered at Qumran, two at Masada, and one at Nahal Bever. No other book is represented in as many of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which underscores the importance of the Psalms for the Qumran community.
Qumran II contained a single Psalms manuscript each: 2QPs, 3QPs, 5QPs, pap6QPs, and 8QPs, all of which were published by M. Baillet, J. T. Milik, and R. de Vaux in DJD III (1962). 12 Unfortunately, these scrolls are very fragmentary and contain few real differences from which at the time led most scholars to conclude that the Psalms scrolls are basically in agreement with the Received Psalter. 13 And who could blame them for doing so in those early days -before the contents of Caves 4 and 11 were known? The Cave 11 Psalms Scrolls. Perceptions of the Psalms scrolls were to change dramatically with the publication of the best preserved and most extensive of them all, 11 QPsa, which was edited by James A. Sanders for DJD IV (1965).14 A second volume was also published by Sanders in 1967, with a more general audience in view. Omitting most of the technical data and copious footnotes found in the editio princeps, this "Cornell Edition" IS presents the Hebrew text with a facing English translation. In addition, details are given of the manuscript's discovery by the Bedouin in 1956 and of how the fragile scroll was unrolled, all of which makes fascinating reading. Sanders also reports that-after the DJD edition had appeared and when the more popular book was already in the publisher's hands-a telegram arrived from the Israeli scholar Yigael Y adin in December 1965, announcing that he had gained possession of a missing section of llQPsa. 16 Designating this piece as "Fragment E," Yadin was to publish a preliminary edition soon afterwards (1966). 17 Although it was now too late to incorporate this new material at the appropriate place in the Cornell volume, Sanders was able to append a Postscript which included a photograph, transcription, and English translation of the new fragment. Because 11QPsa contains many Psalms in an order different from that found in m, as well as several compositions not present in the MT-150 Psalter, 18 this document challenges traditional ideas concerning the shape and the finalization of the Book of Psalms. In the introduction and conclusion to the Cornell Psalms volume, Sanders began articulating his views regarding the "Qumran Psalter," which were to give rise to intense debate. 19
2. Previous Scholarship on the Psalms Scrolls It would be helpful to begin with a brief overview of previous research on the Psalms scrolls. Scholarly literature may be divided into two general areas: the editing and publication of these manuscripts, and the issues that emerge from analysis of their contents.
2.1 Publication of the Psalms Manuscripts While bibliographical details and technical data concerning the Psalms scrolls themselves are provided in Chapter 2, here I offer a brief overview of their publication-not in strict chronological order, but according to the locations where they were found. It should be pointed out that the first scholar to publish Psalms material was apparently John Allegro, with his preliminary edition of 4QpPsa (4Q171) in 1954. 8 However, as apesher or commentary, this does not qualify as a true Psalms manuscript. Cave 1 and the Minor Caves at Qumran. Cave 1 yielded three Psalms scrolls and one Psalms pesry}er: lQPsa, lQPsb, 1QPsc and 1QpPs, published in 1955 in the official series/Discoveries in the Judaean Desert" (DJD or DJDJ)9 under the editorship of D. Barthelemy and J. T. Milik. 10 Five of the minor caves at 5 The terminus ad quem is the apparent destruction of the Qumran settlement by the Romans in the late Spring (April?) or early Summer (June?) of 68 CE. 6 It was initially thought that some of this material came from Wadi Seiyal (Nal)al Se'elim); however, these manuscripts were almost certainly found at Nal:lal ijever (Wadi Khabra). See Chapter 2.5 ("Psalms Scrolls Found at Other Locations"). 7 See the Map preceding the Introduction. 8 "A Newly Discovered Fragment of a Commentary on Psalm XXXVII," PEQ 86 (1954) 69-75; cf. "Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect," JBL 75 ( 1956) 89-95 +pis. m-IV, esp. 93-95. 9 For vols. Ill ( 1962), IV (1965) and V ( 1968) the series wus titled "Discoveries in the Judueun Desert of Jordon." In this volume: I shall follow the accepted scholurly convention of "DJD." IO (}umrtm C'avt I (I>JD I; O~fnrd: Clarendon Press, 19~~).
Caves 2-3, 5-10 are "minor" because they contained relatively few manuscripts and artifacts. Les 'Petites Grottes' de Qumran: Exploration de lafalase, Les grottes 2Q, 3Q, SQ, 6Q, 7Q, a 1OQ, Le rouleau de cuivre (DJD III; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962) I. Textes 2. Planches. 13 "Received Psalter," "Masoretic Psalter," "MT-150 Collection" and "ffi" all refer to the Psalter as found in the Masoretic Text. They are often used interchangeably in the present work, subject to context and other considerations (see ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS, AND SIGLA). 12
The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 I 11QPsa/ (DJD IV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). 16 The larg.e fragment contains parts of Psalms 118, 104, 147, and 105 in that order, joining frg. d and col. I of the larger manuscript. For a full list of contents, see APPENDIX 4. 17 Y. Yudin, "Another Fragment (E) of the Psalms Scroll from Qumran Cave II (IIQPs•)," Tt'xtu.f ~ ( 1966) t .. t0 + pis. 1-V. The frugmcnt is quite substuntiul, preserving parts of three columns. 1 H For this term, sec n. 13 und C'huptcr 1.4 ("Terminology to be Used in this Study"). IY See "lsMUCN RuiNed in the Sc~ondury Litcruturc" on pp. 7 'I heluw. 15
Cave 11 contained four more Psalms scrolls ( 11 QPsb, c, d and 11 QPsApa), 20 which have been assigned to the Dutch team (J. van der Ploeg, A. S. van der Woude, F. Garcia Martinez and E. J. C. Tigchelaar) for publication in the DJD series. 21 Vander Ploeg produced an edition of llQPsb in 1967, part of llQPsc in 1973, and several more fragments from 11 QPsc--d in 1992. 22 Garcia Martfnez and Tigchelaar's preliminary edition appeared towards the end of 1996. 23 A manuscript to have attracted much attention is 11 QPsApa (or 11 QApPs a), which contains three "apocryphal" Psalms followed directly by Psalm 91. In addition to van der Ploeg's preliminary edition in two parts, 24 transcriptions and analysis have been offered by Otto Eissfeldt (1968)25 and Emile Puech (1990, 1992). 26 The Psalms Manuscripts from Cave 4. By far the largest number of Psalms scrolls-at least twenty-two-were discovered in Cave 4. 27 Twenty of these were assigned to one of the two original editors of the Cave 4 biblical material, Patrick W. Skehan of the Catholic University of America (the other being Frank Moore Cross of Harvard University). Skehan and Cross identified thousands of scattered fragments, and then pieced these together to restore the biblical manuscripts from Qumran. Skehan was in the latter stages of preparing his edition of the Psalms manuscripts when he was sadly taken from us by illness on 9 September, 1980-a great loss to Biblical scholarship in general and to Qumran studies in particular. Before his death, however, he was able to publish 4QPsb and part of 4QPss, 28 brief descriptions of the Cave 4 Psalms scrolls and
° For the alleged existence of II QPse, see Chapter 2. 4 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave II").
Garcfa Martinez, Tigchelaar and van der Woude will be mainly responsible for the DJD edition. 22 "Fragments d'un manuscrit de Psaumes de Qumran (IIQPsb)," RB 74 (1967) 408-12 +pl. XVIII; Fragments d'un Psautier de Qumran," in M.A. Beek eta! (eds.), Symbolae biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodora de Liagre Bohl dedicatae (Leiden: Brill, 1973) 308-309 +pl. I; Fragments de Psaumes de Qumran," in Z. J. Kapera (ed.), lntertestamental Essays in Honour of J6zef Tadeusz Milik (Krakow, Poland: Enigma Press, 1992) 233-37 +pl. II (sic). 23 "Psalms Manuscripts from Qumran Cave II: A Preliminary Edition," in F. Garcfa Martinez and Emile Puech (eds.), Hommage aJ6zefT. Milik, RevQ 65-68 (1996) 73-107. 24 "Le Psaume XC~da s une recension de Qumran," RB 72 (1965) 210-17 +pis. VIII-IX; and "Un petit rouleau de Psa es apocryphes (IIQPsApa)," in G. Jeremias, H.-W. Kuhn and H. Stegemann (eds.), Traditio und Glaube: Das friihe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabe fUr Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65.Geburtstag (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1971) 128-39 +pis. II-Vll. 25 0. Eissfeldt, "Eine Qumran-Textform des 9l.Psalms," inS. Wagner (ed.), Bibel und Qumran. Beitrdge zur Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen Bibel- und Qumranwissenschaft (Berlin: Evangelische Haupt-Bibelgesellschaft, 1968) 82-85. 26 E. Puech, "IIQPsApa: Un Rituel d'exorcismes. Essai de Reconstruction," RevQ 55 (1990) 377--408; "Les deux derniers Psaumes davidiques du rituel d'exorcisme: IIQPsApa N 4-V 14," in D. Dimant and U. Rappaport (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research (STDJ 10; Leiden: Brill; Jerusalem: Magnes and Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1992) 64-89. 27 The 22 scrolls are: 4QPsa-h, j-u, 4QPs89, and 4Q522 ("Work with Place Names"). For an additional manuscript that is most likely from Cave 4, see section 6.1 ("A Recent Find in Yadin's Study") in Chapter 2. 2H "A Psalm Manuscript from Qumran (4QPsh)," CBQ 26 ( 1964) 313-22; "Gleanings from Psalm Texts from QumrAn," in A. Caquot and M. Delcor (eds.), Mllanxn bibliqut.v t't orientaux en 1'/wnnt'ur dt' M. Henri Caullt'.v (AOAT 212; Neukirchen- Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981) 439~2. CNp. 224--4K.
their contents, 29 a partial list of variants, 30 and several articles discussing the nature of these manuscripts. 3I Additional Psalms material from Cave 4 has been published by other scholars: 4QPsq and the intriguing 4QPs89 (J. T. Milik),32 most of 4Q522 (Emile Puech), 33 and part of 4QPsf (J. Starcky). 34 The lastmentioned is particularly interesting, since the first half contains "biblical" Psalms, and the second half preserves "apocryphal" compositions. Skehan obtained the permission of Starcky and Milik, respectively, to include 4QPsf and 4QPsq in the edition that he was preparing, so that both might be published together with the other Psalms manuscripts from Cave 4. In 1981, the task of editing Skehan's allotment passed to Eugene Ulrich (University of Notre Dame), who ten years later was to become Chief Editor of the Cave 4 Biblical material. In view of my own research on the Psalms Scrolls, Ulrich appointed me as Co-Editor of the Cave 4 Psalms material in 1991; together we are expanding and finalizing Skehan's Psalms edition for publication. New material has been added-for instance, collations of further 35 variants and two more manuscripts: 4QPs89 (4Q236) and (at least part of) the "Work with Place Names" (4Q522). 36 By August 1996, the prelimary editions of 4QPsg + h had appeared, 37 4QPsd was in press, 38 and the other manuscripts were in the final stages of preparation. All the Psalms material from Cave 4 will appear in a single volume in the official series, 39 with the exception of the two pesharim that were published in DJD V (1968). 29
"Litterature de Qumran-A. Textes bibliques," Supplement au Dictionnaire de Ia Bible Supplement 9 (1978) 805-22, esp. 813-17. 30
"Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 173-82. 31 For example, "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," and "Gleanings from Psalm Texts from Qumran" (see notes 28 and 30).
J. T. Milik, "Deux documents inedits du Desert de Juda," Biblica 38 (1957) 245--68, esp. 24555 +pl. I; and "Fragment d'une source du Psautier (4QPs89) et fragments des Jubiles, du Document de Damas, d'un phylactere dans Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran," RB 73 (1966) 94-106, esp. 94-104 +pl. I. 33 "Fragments du Psaume 122 dans un Manuscrit hebreu de Ia Grottte IV," RevQ 36 (1978) 547-54; and "La Pierre de Sion et l'autel des holocaustes d'apres un manuscrit hebreu de Ia Grotte 4 (4Q522)," RB 99 (1992) 676--96.
"Psaumes apocryphes de Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran (49Psf VII-X)," RB 73 (1966) 353-71 + pl. XIII. This publication features only the second part of 4QPs containing the "apocryphal" Psalms.
In addition to ffi and the Septuagint, the :ollations will incorporate all 39 Psalms scrolls from the Judaean Desert, plus 7 other relevant manuscripts (cf. Chapter 2.7). 36 4QS22 (previously designated "4QPs 122") is not actually a Psalms scroll. It contains Ps 122 and other compositions whose general theme is Jerusalem, the Holy City-hence the title "Work with Place Names." Further details are provided in Chapter 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4"). 37 Patrick W. Skehan, Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint, "Two Manuscripts of Psalm 119 from Qumran Cave 4," RevQ 64 ( 1995) 477-86 +pis. I- II. 3 H Peter W. Flint, "A Preliminary Edition of 4QPsd (4Q89)," in D. Purry and E. Ulrich (eds.), Technolollica/lnnovation.l', N~w 1-,.xt.v, and Nt'w and Reformulated 1.1".\'Ut'.\' [Provisional title] (STDJ series; Leiden: Brill). [f'urthcnming[ 19 · These manuscriptN (ed. l'ntrick W. Skehnn, llugene Ulrich, nnd Peter W. Flint) ure Ncheduled fnr vnl. XVIuf'the I.>J() NerieM.
Psalms Scrolls from Other Locations in the Judaean Desert. In addition to the Psalms manuscripts from Qumran, three more 40 have been discovered at other locations in the Judaean Desert. 41 Part of one scroll (5/6I:Iev-Se4 Ps) was found by Yigael Yadin and his team in 1960 at Nabal Bever, and was published the following year. 42 Larger portions of this manuscript were purportedly discovered in 1962 at a different location, Wadi Seiyal (Nahal Se'elim)-but these were almost certainly found at Nahal Bever as well. 43 Official publication of the entire scroll was initially allotted to J. T. Milik and then to Jonas C. Greenfield of the Hebrew University, who prepared an inventory of contents and reported on the manuscripts from "Wadi Seiyal" at the Madrid Dead Scrolls Conference in 1991. 44 In 1993, the edition was assigned to myself by the Israel Antiquities Authority for publication in the DJD series. 45 Fragments of two more Psalms manuscripts were found in 1963 during the excavation of Masada by Yadin and his team, but details have been slow in forthcoming. The largest is MasPsa (or M1039-160), 46 which contains most of Ps 81:1-85:6 on a single fragment; unfortunately, Yadin published only a small part (Ps 82:1-4) in 1965. 47 Over twenty years later, a sharp-eyed German scholar named G. Wilhelm Nebe spotted a small photograph of the entire manuscript in an article entitled "Treasures of the Holy Land," 4 8 and produced a preliminary edition (including variants) in 1989. 49 A description of the smaller manuscript (MasPsb or M1103-l742) was provided by Yadin in several publications, 50 but apparently he did not produce a transcription or preliminary edition. Both manuscripts are currently being prepared for official publication
in the Masada series 5 1 by Shemaryahu Talmon of the Hebrew University, who recently produced the preliminary edition of MasPsb. 5 2
40 Skehan's assertion ("Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 167) that a Psalms manuscript was found at En-gedi probably refers to the scroll from Nal)al flever; see Chapter 2.6 ("Additional Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert?"). 41 For the locations, see the Map preceding the Introduction. 42 Y. Yadin, "Expedition D," IEJ II (1961) 36--52 +plates, esp. 40 +pl. XXD. 4 3 See Jonas C. Greenfield, "The Texts from Nal)al I:Iever (Wadi Seiyal)," in J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Monta~er'ds.), The Madrid Qumran Congress. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead S a Scrolls, Madrid. 18-21 March 1991 (STDJ 11.2; Leiden: Brill; Madrid: Universidad Complu se, 1992) 661-65, esp. 661-63. 44 See the preceding note. 45 Peter W. Flint: "The Biblical Scrolls from Nabal flever (including 'Wadi Seiyal')," forthcoming in the DJD series (Oxford: Clarendon Press). I was privileged to correspond and converse with Professor Greenfield concerning this material and other issues before his untimely death on 12 March, 1995. It was an honour to know this affable man and great scholar. 46 The bracketed sigla indicate the locus and item number (see ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS, AND
SIGLA). 47 "The Excavation of Musadu-1963/64. Preliminary Report," IEJ 15 (1965) 1-120 +plates, esp. 81, 103-104 +pl. XIXA.
John K. McDonald, "Trc:usurcs of the Holy Land," BA 49 (1986) 155-65 (photograph, p. 163). G. W. Nehc:, "Die Masadu-Psulmen·Hundschrift M I039-160 nuch einem jOngst vertlffentlichen Photo mit Text von Psalm KI ,2 !1~,6,'' RevQ 53 ( 1989) 89-97. ~ 0 ror example, in Ma.vmlt1. llrrml'.•· l'ortrnv and tilt' Zl'alot.•·' /.tl.l"t Stcmd (New York: Random llnuNe, 1966) 174. 4H
The above survey indicates that as of August 1996, the following Psalms scrolls were available in the official DJD series: 1QPsa-c, 2QPs, 3QPs, 5QPs, pap6QPs, 8QPs and llQPsa. Preliminary editions of several manuscripts had also been published or were in press: 4QPsb, f, d, g, h, q' 4QPs89, llQPsb-d and MasPsa-b, as well as parts of 4QPsf, s, 4Q522, llQPsApa and 5/6I:Iev-Se4 Ps.
2.2 Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature Publication of the first Psalms manuscripts to be discovered did not generate great excitement among scholars, since they were very fragmentary and seemed to be close to the Masoretic Psalter in both content and arrangement. However, the situation was to change dramatically with James Sanders' edition of llQPsa in 1965. 53 It soon became apparent that this-the largest of the Qumran Psalms scrolls and copied ca. 30-50 CE-diverges radically from the Masoretic Psalter both in the ordering of contents and in the presence of additional compositions. In a series of articles commencing in 1966, 54 Sanders arrived at several conclusions that pose a serious challenge to traditional views of the text and canonization of the Book of Psalms. One of these is that llQPsa is part of the "Qumran Psalter," an earlier form of the Hebrew Psalter prior to its finalization and viewed by the community at Qumran as a true Davidic Psalter. According to Sanders, the Qumran Psalter was regarded by those who used it as "canonical" (since it incorporated Psalms l-89, which had been finalized), yet also as "open" (being able to admit additional contents or arrangements, since Psalms 90 onwards were still fluid). He maintained that the process of stabilization was arrested when the founders of the Qumran community left Jerusalem, at a time when Psalms 1-89 had reached finalization. The gathering of Psalms 90 and beyond then developed independently in two directions. This resulted in two collections, having Psalms 1-89 in common but differing from Psalms 90 onwards. These are what Sanders termed the "Qumran Psalter" of which almost all the second half is represented by llQPsa, and the Psalter found in the Received Text whose second half comprises Psalms 90-150. If Sanders' proposals are correct, the evidence from Qumran attests not to a single, finalized Psalter, but to more than one edition, which would mean that 51 Masada, The Yigael Yadin Excavations /963-1965. Final Reports; cf. Chapter 2.5 ("Psalms Scrolls Found at Other Locations"). 52 "Fragments of u Psalms Scroll from Masuda, MPsb (Masuda 1103-1742)," in M. Brettler and M. Fishbane (eds.), Mini)ah le-Na/rum: Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in llonour of Hi.1· 70th Birthdc1y (JSOTSup 154; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993) 318-27 + 320 (pl.). 53 Seen. 14. 54 For example, "Variorum in the Psalms Scroll (IIQPs 11 )," IITR 59 (1966) 83-94; "Cave II Surprises And the QueNtiun ufCunun," M!'CQ 21 ( 1968) 1-·1~; "The Qumrun Psalms Scroll ( IIQPs•) Reviewed," in M. Bluck and W. A Smnlley (cds.), Cullllr~. and R~lil(ion: In llrmor '!I' llul(""' A. Nlclc1 (The lluauc and 11uriN: Moutun, l'l74) 79-99.
there was no closed and generally accepted form of the Psalter among Jews in the first half of the first century CE (when the manuscript was copied). When considered together, James Sanders' proposals comprise what I shall term the "Qumran Psalms Hypothesis," which contains four main theses:
mentor supplementation of the MT-150 Psalter. The debate between Sanders and such opponents constitutes the first phase of discussion, since it focused almost exclusively on a single manuscript. The second phase was ushered in by a series of articles and a Yale dissertation by Gerald H. Wilson, which appeared from 1983 to 1985. 61 Since Skehan had given him access to his own notes and transcriptions, Wilson was able to take into consideration not only llQPsa, but almost all of the Cave 4 scrolls as well. His research expanded the entire Psalms debate and contributed significantly to the discussion. Wilson's conclusions support several elements of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis, especially those of stabilization over time and the status of llQPsa as a true Psalter. By investigating the consecutive arrangement of Psalms in the scrolls, he reinforced the thesis that these manuscripts attest to overall stability for Psalms 1-89, 62 and to general fluidity for Psalms 90 onwards. With respect to the scriptural status of llQPsa, Wilson's analysis shows that this collection was organized in accordance with principles similar to those found in the MT-150 Psalter. The discussion has not advanced substantially since Wilson's dissertation was published in 1985, and the whole Psalms debate has subsided in recent years. The time is thus ripe for a thorough reassessment of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis and to address additional questions posed by the Psalms manuscripts from the Judaean Desert.
(1) Concerning Gradual Stabilization: llQPsa w~tnesses to a Psalter that was being gradually stabilized, from beginning to end. (2) Concerning Textual Affiliations: Two or more Psalters are represented among the scrolls from the Judaean Desert. (3) Concerning Provenance: llQPsa was compiled at Qumran, and thus may be termed the "Qumran Psalter." (4) Concerning Status: llQPsa contains the latter part of a true scriptural Psalter. It is not a secondary collection that is dependant upon Psalms 1-150 as found in the Received Text. Not surprisingly, reactions to these proposals were quick to follow. In 1966, Shemaryahu Talmon and M. H. Goshen-Gottstein published separate articles which asserted that llQPsa is not part of a true scriptural Psalter at all, but is instead a secondary or non-biblical collection. 55 Marshalling arguments such as the incompatibility of "David's Compositions"5 6 with a scriptural Psalter (Goshen-Gottstein), or that llQPsa contains material that is supplementary to Scripture (Talmon), both scholars sought to demonstrate that the "Qumran Psalter" is a liturgical compilation of Psalms selected from an already finalized arrangement of 150 Psalms as is found in the Received Psalter. In a series of articles from 1973 to 1978, 57 Patrick Skehan adopted a similar position concerning the secondary status of 11 QPsa, but classified it as a "library edition" or an "instruction book" containing the supposed works of David. 58 Skehan reiterated several arguments put forward by his two Israeli counterparts, but went further by seeking to demonstrate that the MT-150 Psalter is chronologically prior to llQPsa. In more recent times, Ben Zion Wacholder59 and Menahem Haran 60 have supported the view that llQPsa contains a rearrange55 S. Talmon, "P~ Be>emsa' Pasuq and IIQPs 3 ," Textus 5 (1966) 11-21; M. H. GoshenGottstein, "The Psalms Scroll (IIQPs 3 ): A Problem of Canon and Text," Textus 5 (1966) 22-33. 56 This prose composition is found in col. XXVII of II QPsa a (cf. plate VI). 57 Especially "A Liturgical Complex in IIQPs 3 ," CBQ 35 (1973) 195-205; and "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 163-82. 58 Shortly before his death, Skehan offered his final assessment of the Psalms Scroll as "an instruction book for budding Levite choristers" at the Temple, during the Oniad high priesthood (ca. 200 BC). Cf. "The Divine Name at Qumran, in the Masuda Scroll, and in the Septuagint," BIOSCS 13 ( 1980) 14-44, esp. 42. 59 "David's Eschatological Psalter: II QPsalms•," HUCA 59 ( 1988) 23-72. Wacholder's focus is not upon the textual aspects ot the Psalter, but rather on the nature of II QPs 8 as a collection, and so will feature in Chapter 8 ("David's Solar Psalter. The Structure and Provenance of IIQPs 8 "). Wacholder views IIQPs• us a rearrangement of the MT-150 Psalter supplemented by additional material. 60 "II QPsa and the Canonical Book of Psalrns," in Brettler and Fish bane (eds.), Mln~uh II'· Na!fwn, (19J-20 I); see note ~2.
3. Plan of this Study The overall purpose of the present study is twofold: to present in a systematic fashion several types of primary data that are contained in the Psalms scrolls, and to assess the main issues arising from analysis of this material. Particular attention will be paid to the four elements of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis.
3.1 Terminology and the Primary Data PART I and the five Appendices address the question of terminology and systematically present several types of primary material that will prove relevant to students of the Hebrew Psalter. Chapter 1 considers the problem of appropriate terminology for the materials and the period under discussion. This issue is pressing because most scholars who have written on the Psalms scrolls, particularly llQPsa, have tended to use language that is imprecise and which presupposes the finalization of the Psalter and the closure of the Hebrew canon. Since this was not the case during the 111 G. H. Wilson, "The Qumran Psalms Manuscripts and the Consecutive Arrangement of Psalms in the Hebrew Psalter," CBQ 45 (1983) 377-88; "The Qumran Psalms Scroll Reconsidered: Analysis nf the Debate," CBQ 47 ( 1911!'1) 624-42; The Editinli of the Hebrew Psalter (SBLDS 78; Chico, CA: Schnlun Press, 1911~). 62 Wilson 110tes u few specific exceptions to this stability; for example, Ps 31 is followed directly hy l'N :U in both 4QPsM Mnd 4QPNII.
Qumran period, I shall propose more appropriate terminology in this section. Chapter 2 outlines the essential details of each of the Psalms manuscripts: amount preserved, approximate date, format, orthographic character, and major differences (if any) from the Masoretic Psalter. Plates of key manuscripts are also included, with some appearing for the first time in this book. The chapter closes with several observations suggested by preliminary analysis of this material. Chapters 3 and 4 feature two lists of variants, of which the criteria for inclusion are variation either from other Psalms scrolls or from m. Collations against the Septuagint are included, but play no role in the actual determination of variants. 63 The first of the two collations is presented by manuscript and the second by Psalm and verse. These variants will allow the reader to assess the following: (a) to what extent individual scrolls resemble or differ from each other and from the Masoretic Psalter; and (b) whether these manuscripts contain readings that differ from m or other Psalms scrolls for any given passage. Chapter 5 provides in the received order a synopsis of superscriptions or headings for the Psalms in the scrolls, the Masoretic Text, and the Septuagint. It will be shown in Chapters 6, 8 and 9 that these superscripts are relevant with respect to the compilation of the Psalter, since they feature prominently in the final "shaping" of the Book of Psalms. Finally, Appendices 1-5 contain a translation of the "apocryphal" Psalms, a table with data on the Psalms scrolls, a comprehensive listing of contiguous Psalms, and two lists of contents (the first by manuscript, the second by Psalm and verse). Besides furnishing reference material for the discussion in PART II, these Appendices enable the reader to: (a) have ready access to the "apocryphal" Psalms; (b) obtain an overview of all the Psalms scrolls; (c) ascertain precisely which Psalms are physically joined to others; (d) determine the contents of specific Psalms manuscripts; and (e) identify all passages from Psalms l-151 that are represented in the complete corpus of Judaean Psalms scrolls. The primary material presented in Chapters 2-5 and the Appendices is comprehensiv1, since it takes into account all the Psalms manuscripts, both published and npublished. These data have been obtained from the following sources: publi ed editions (final or preliminary), photographs of the scrolls, the edition of the Cave Four manuscripts (in the final stages of preparation), and many of the leather fragments housed in the Rockefeller Museum (Jerusalem).
been stabilized as a collection; (b) Psalms 90 and following were not yet finalized in any universally accepted grouping, but stood in widely differing arrangements. Key variants from Chapters 3-4 above (involving the order or arrangement of Psalms) will feature prominently in the discussion. Chapter 7 considers the question of textual affiliations by attempting to determine how many different collections of Psalms are represented among the thirty-nine Psalms manuscripts. The problem of whether each collection (especially llQPsa) constitutes an edition of the Book of Psalms, or merely a secondary compilation, will be addressed in Chapter 9. Chapter 8 examines the structure and provenance of llQPsa, the most complete and intensively discussed of all the Psalms manuscripts. With respect to structure, I shall outline earlier attempts to account for the shape of this compilation and offer new proposals. The issues of form, genre, and groupings of Psalms will also receive attention. In treating the provenance of llQPsa, I shall consider whether the document's contents offer any clues as to who compiled it and on its origins as a collection. Chapter 9 examines the central thesis in the debate surrounding the Psalms scrolls, with special reference to the largest and best preserved of these manuscripts. According to Sanders, 11 QPs a contains the latter part of a true scriptural Psalter, as opposed to a secondary liturgical compilation that is dependant upon a previously finalized collection as found in the Masoretic Psalter. At issue is the view of several scholars that the Book of Psalms was fixed in its received form and had become normative well before the second century B CE. A solution to the problem of "scriptural Psalter" versus "secondary compilation" is reached via examination of the authoritative nature of llQPsa. This is done with recourse to both the primary data assembled in PART I and the secondary literature. Two issues are dealt with in particular: (a) The Psalms as "Scripture" at Qumran. (b) Were the collections identified in Chapter 7 (especially llQPsa) regarded at Qumran as editions of the Psalter or as secondary compilations? Chapter 10 deals with the relationship between the Psalms scrolls and the Septuagint Psalter((\)). Since a thorough treatment of the topic is beyond the scope of the present study, discussion is restricted to one issue arising from the primary material presented in PART I: the question of the Vorlage or underlying Hebrew text used by the Septuagint translator(s). I proceed to evaluate a representative selection of readings that are shared by various Psalms scrolls and the Old Greek (or Greek manuscripts) against other Psalms scrolls or against m. The objective here is to determine whether these manuscripts contain distinctive readings that were present in the translator's Vorlaf:e. The chapter also offers suggestions concerning the current and future editions of Rahlfs' critical edition of the Greek Psalter64 in the light of the Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls.
3.2 Analysis of the Issues PART II, which comprises five sections, addresses the main issues arising from analysis of the Psalms documents and the data that were presented in PART!: Chapter 6 examines the hypothesis that the scrolls attest to the progressive stabilization of the Psalter. There are two implications of this view if it is correct: (a) By the Qumran community's demise in 68 CE only Psalms 1-89 had
114 h.l
The crileriu for vuriunls nrc fully cKplnined in Chnplor 1.2 ("Introductory CummcntM"),
l{uhlfs, A. SrfiiiW/(inta X. l'.wlmi
Od/.1' Ord ed; Ollttingen: Vnndenhueck nnd Ruprecht,
4. Contribution of this Study By assembling primary material from many sou~ces and offering it all in one place for the first time (PART I and the Appendices), the present study provides a comprehensive data-base which informs much of the analysis in PART II. Furthermore, several types of primary data that are of relevance to the Book of Psalms, and its finalization as a collection, are made available here. Since all the Psalms scrolls have been consulted-from Qumran as well as other locations in the Judaean Desert-the information is intended to be as inclusive as possible. The collected material is designed to complement the official editions of the Psalms scrolls in the official DJD series, but should not become obsolete even when all the manuscripts have been published. There are two reasons for this: (a) The reader would otherwise need to consult several volumes and journals in order to glean what is presented in this study. (b) Although much of this information will eventually appear in various DJD volumes, 65 the data collected here are broader than those normally found in an edition. 66 Finally, in anticipation of issues to be addressed in the following section, the problem of appropriate terminology is examined at the beginning of PART I, in order to facilitate clearer discussion. Issues arising from analysis of the Psalms scrolls are investigated in PART I I. Some of these have been addressed by previous scholarship, especially the four components of the "Qumran Psalms Hypothesis": Gradual stabilization, More than one Psalter, Qumran Provenance of llQPsa, Scriptural Status of llQPsa. But for the first time all the Psalms manuscripts are here taken into account, 67 which should move the discussion forward-or at least render it more complete-with respect to these four issues. Three areas that have largely been ignored by previous scholars will also be treated: the need for more appropriate terminology in the Psalms debate; the forms or genres of Psalms that are found in 11 QPsa; and the relevance of these scrolls for understanding the Hebrew text used by the tr~nslator(s) of the Septuagint Psalter. The most important issues associated wit . the Psalms manuscripts from the Judaean Desert are thus dealt with in this s udy. Inevitably, several outstanding questions remain to be explored more fully. A list of these will be provided at the end of the volume. 68
65 For instance, the variants by manuscript in Chapter 3. 66 For instance, the variants by Psalm and verse (Chapter 4) and the synopsis of superscriptions
(Chapter 5). 67 Although Gerald Wilson was able to consider most of the Psalms scrolls in his study, he did not have access to the transcriptions or photographs of several more, including II QPsC (most), II QPsd, MasPs", MasPs b, and most of S/6J:{ev-Se4 Ps (i.e. XJ:{ev/Se 4 ). IlK See "Conclusions and Outstanding Issues."
APPROPRIATE TERMINOLOGY 1. Resources and Previous Discussion:
Abegg, Martin G, Jr. "4Q471: A Case of Mistaken Identity?," in John Reeves and John Kampen (eds.), Pursuing the Text: Studies in Honor of Ben Zion Wacholder (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 135-47. Bardtke, H. "Librum Psalmorum," in K. Elliger and W. Rudolph (eds.), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1966-77). Barr, James. Holy Scripture: Canon, Authority, Criticism (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1983). Beckwith, Roger T. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985) I 05-109. - . "Formation of the Hebrew Bible," in M. Mulder (ed.), Mikra, 39-86 [see under Mulder]. Beyer, H. W. "Kavwv," TDNT 3.59. Brown, R. E. and R. F. Collins, "Canonicity," NJBC 1034-54 (§66.1-101). Cross, Frank M. "The History of the Biblical Text in the Light of Discoveries in the Judaean Desert," HTR 57 (1964) 281-99. Reprinted in Cross and Talman (eds.), Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text, 177-95 [see under Cross and Talman]. "A Response to Emanuel Tov's Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible," 22 November, 1992 (Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, San Francisco, 21-24 November, 1992). Cross, Frank. M. and S. Talman (eds.). Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1975. Delling, D. "vfl.VO<; ... tfiai\wk," TDNT 8.489-503. Fitzmyer, J. A. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Major Publications and Tools for Study (rev. ed., SBLRBS 20; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990). Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 18-34. Gerstenberger, E. S. Psalms Part I; with an Introduction to Cultic Poetry (FOTL 14; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988). Gooding, D. W. "An Appeal for Stricter Terminology in the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament," JSS 21 (1976) 15-25. Goshen-Gottstein, M. H. "The Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa). A Problem of Canon and Text," Textus 5 (1966) 22-33. Hatch, Edwin and Henry A. Redpath. A Concordance to the Septuagint and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament (Including the Apocryphal Books) (2 vols., repr. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1975). Hoffman, T. A. "Inspiration, Normativeness, Canonicity, and the Unique Sacred Character of the Bible," CBQ 44 (1982) 447-69. Kittel, R. (ed.). Biblia Hebraica (16th ed., Stuttgart: Wiirttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1971). Knight, Jack C. and Lawrence A. Sinclair (eds.). The Psalms and Other Studies on the Old Testament. Presented to Joseph I. Hunt (Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Seminary, 1990). Kraus, H.-J. Psalms 1-59. A Commentary (OTL; Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988). Leiman, Sid Z. The Canonization f~{ Hebrew Scripture (Transactions of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 47; Hamden, CT: Anchor Books, 1976). Metzger, Bruce. The Canon of the New Testament. Its Orixin, Development, and Sixnificance (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987). Mulder, Martin J. (ed.) Mikra. Text, Tran.vlation, Rt'adin11 alllllntrrpretation of tilt' llehn•w Bible /11 Andmt Judtll.wm 1111d Burf.v Chri.1·tlanit.v (CRINT 2.1; Assen und Mnnstricht: Van Gorcum; Philndclphiu: Jlnrlrcss, I1)88). Ocpke, A. "KpU1TThl, . , , dnoKpUcj)()C. ," '1'/)N'f' .l.IJ~7· 7K.
Qimron, Elisha and John Strugnell, Qumran Cave 4: V. Miq$at Ma
2. Terms Requiring Further Examination
This chapter deals with the problem of appropriate terminology for the literature, manuscripts and period under discussion. Many scholars who have written on the Psalms scrolls, particularly llQPsa, have used language that presupposes the finalization of the Psalter and the closure of the Hebrew canon prior to 200 BCE. 1 However, the diversity of Scriptures found among the Dead Sea Scrolls shows that the Writings (and possibly the Prophets)Z had not been closed or finalized by the end of the Qumran era (68 CE). 3 Discussion of terminology and vocabulary falls into three parts. First, the main terms which merit attentio~ will be identified. Second, I examine these terms in their historical per~ective and assess their suitability with respect to the Qumran period in general, and to the Psalms scrolls in particular. Third, I offer some proposals for alternative nomenclature that is more apposite. It should also be noted that-while reference will often be made to scholarly discussion of the Psalms scrolls-this chapter focuses upon terminology rather than issues. 4
1 A typical view with respect to the Psalms is that of Erhard S. Gerstenberger, who states that "this book of hymns and prayers" was closed by about 200 BCE (Psalms Part !, 27). 2 For discussion of the Torah, the Prophets, and other groupings of Scriptures among the Dead Sea Scrolls, see Chapter 9.5 ("The Psalms us 'Scripture' at Qumran"). J The terminus ad quem is fixed by the probable destruction of the Qumran settlement by the Romans in the lute Spring (April'/) or early Summer (June'/) of 6K. 4 The issues ure treuted in Chups. 6--10; cf. pnrt 3 of the Introduction ("Plan of thiM Study"),
(a) The "Masoretic Text." Anyone working with the Hebrew Bible is basically dependant upon the Masoretic Text (ffi), which is not simply to be equated with the text(s) of Scripture at Qumran. Before even turning to the Psalms scrolls, the more general problem of Masoretic terminology needs to be addressed. Biblical scholars are dependent upon mbecause it is the only complete Hebrew text to have been transmitted, and thus becomes our "standard" text by default. 5 While Versions such as the Septuagint also contain the full text of Scripture, these are translations from Hebrew originals, which makes it difficult to arrive at firm conclusions concerning the Vorlagen involved. Even when such underlying texts can be reconstructed with confidence, many scholars and translators prefer using actual Hebrew manuscripts to adopting theoretical reconstructions-which underscores the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Yet no matter how positive one's view of the Scrolls, no book in the Hebrew canon-with the exception of Isaiah-is fully preserved in these ancient manuscripts.6 As the only complete Hebrew text available to us, ffiis our standard text for practical purposes, which is admitted by even the most ardent proponents of textual pluriformity. With respect to the Qumran biblical scrolls, disagreement with m is a main-often the only-criterion for variants, 7 and very fragmentary texts are usually published in the arrangement found in the Received Text. While acknowledging the immense value of mfor Biblical Studies, scholars need to be cognizant of its limitations. Not everyone is aware that the manuscript which forms the basis for Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS), as well as its predecessor Biblia Hebraica (BHK), is dated at 1008 or 1009 CE.s This is the Leningrad Codex Bl9A (or L), apparently the "oldest dated manuscript of the complete Hebrew Bible." 9 It is of course widely recognized that BHS preserves an ancient text, which is attested by many of the Dead Sea Scrolls. But this mediaeval text also contains corruptions, omissions and additionswhich is confirmed by many Qumran manuscripts. Moreover, many scholars are unaware that Bl9A numbers the Psalms differently from modern Bibles, with Ps 150 designated as 149!1° The clear implication for the Psalms scrolls 5 I acknowledge the insights and influence of Eugene Ulrich in formulating this terminology. 6
The "Great Isaiah Scroll" (I Qlsa 8 ) contains all 66 chapters of Isaiah, but with occasional lacunae and a few words missing at the bottom of certain columns (see Fitzmyer, Dead Sea Scrolls, II). 7 Purther criteria can be disagreement with other Dead Sea scrolls or with the Old Greek (\!) ). In pructice, however, the Septuagint is not always used as a criterion, while other scrolls containing the pussugc(s) in question are often unavailable or non-existent. K "Prolegomena" to Ill-IS, xi--xiii. 1 ' !IllS "Prolegomcn11," xi. 111 Nute the number 00~ for this l'suhn in II/IS, with Ps II~ unnumbered becuusc it is joined with 114.
is that while several may contain readings or arrangements that are "Masoretic -like," these are not to be automatically equated with the text of BHS. Consequently, the reader should distinguish between m and its precursors, and employ terminology that reflects this distinction. (b) "Canon," "Bible," and "Apocrypha." The interchange surrounding 11 QPsa was outlined in the Introduction, 11 and will be extensively discussed in Chapter 9 12 where the relevant bibliographical information is provided. At this preliminary stage, I draw attention to several key terms that occur repeatedly in the debate: "Canon," "Bible," and "Apocrypha," together with their respective adjectives. Such vocabulary is used by James A. Sanders in his proposals concerning the Psalms scrolls, by his early opponents in their reaction to these views, and by Gerald H. Wilson in his subsequent analysis. For example, Sanders regards 11 QPsa as part of a different edition of the Hebrew Psalter prior to its finalization in the "canonical" text, draws attention to the similarity between the "non-biblical" and the "biblical" Psalms of 11QPsa with respect to style and vocabulary, and concludes that the "Qumran Psalter" represented by 11QPsa was regarded as both "canonical" and "by no means closed" at Qumran. To him, the scroll accordingly has important implications for our understanding of the canonical process, and should be regarded as "a signpost in the multi-faceted history of the canonization of the Psalter." 13 M. H. Goshen-Gottstein disagrees with Sanders' thesis, but employs similar terminology when describing the existence of an already finalized and canonical Psalter. Goshen-Gottstein objects to the "canonicity" of 11QPsa because this would mean that the Book of Psalms had not been closed, and that competing collections must still have existed, in the early first century CE.14 At least two "canons" would thus have been found at Qumran-the first represented by the the Masoretic Book of Psalms and the second by llQPsa. The obvious implication is that accepted views on the finalization of biblical books regardeias "canonical" may be incorrect, which he finds unpalatable. Shemaryahu T mon uses similar language and entertains like presuppositions: for instance, i his reference to the "numerous non-canonical interpolations" in 11 QPsa, together with its "unorthodox arrangement" of the "canonical psalms." 15 Talman concludes his article on llQPsa by asserting that blank spaces were introduced into the "Biblical text" as pointers to "extraneous expansions" that were intended to remain outside the "authoritative canon."16
Gerald Wilson likewise makes use of the term "canon," but in a more nuanced manner than do Talman and Goshen-Gottstein. While recognizing the existence of conflicting views or definitions of the word, Wilson tries to accommodate the notions of "canon consciousness" and the gradual growth of canon by affirming Sanders' concept of an "open-ended canon." 17 Although Patrick Skehan was generally careful in his use of terminology, he could still be less than precise on occasion; for instance, Skehan describes those Psalms scrolls whose contents or arrangement differ from that found in mas "7 offbeat Psalm MSS from Qumran, 4 of which include noncanonical texts." 18
1 1 See section 2 ("Previous Scholarship on the Psalms Scrolls"). 1 2 "True Psalter or Secondary Collection?"
1J Sanders, Psalms Scroll, 13; sec also "Variorum," 90--91. 14 Goshcn-Gottstcin, "Problem of Canon und Text," 2~-26. 1 ~ Tulmon, "Pisquh Be'emsu' Pusuq," 12. 1 h Tulmon, "l'isquh Bc'emsu' l'usuq," 21.
Unlike "canon" and "Bible," the term "Apocrypha" (and "apocryphal") is not often used in the relevant literature, but is often presupposed because many scholars assume the Book of Psalms to have been finalized and closed prior to the Qumran period. Accordingly, those compositions that are present in the Psalms scrolls but not in the Masoretic Psalter are often referred to as "apocryphal Psalms."l9 Despite the different positions that have been adopted with respect to llQPsa, the key terms mentioned above are very evident in the debate. But a more rigorous and stricter terminology is necessary, 20 since the language being employed is imprecise and often incorrect. With respect to "canon," for instance, Patrick Skehan points out that Sanders' equation of "canonical" with "authoritative" is confusing: a canon is a closed list of books (which did not exist at Qumran), while the term "authoritative" is too general to be useful. 21 Skehan also views as contradictory the notion that 11 QPsa could be "canonical" and "open-ended" at the same time. 22 It will become clear in the following historical overview that "canon," "Bible" and "Apocrypha" are postbiblical terms, and are thus inappropriate with respect to the Qumran period. (c) The "Book of Psalms," "Psalters," and "Psalms." This group of words requires sharper definition, especially since differing groups of "Psalms" are 17 Wilson, "Psalms Scroll Reconsidered," 624-26; Editing of the Hebrew Psalter, 88-91; cf. Plint, "Psalters at Qumran," 22. 1H "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 167. 19 See, for instance, Patrick Skehan's article "The Apocryphal Psalm 151," 407-409. In similar fashion Lawrence A. Sinclair lists the contents of 11 QPs• as: "canonical psalms," other psalms previously known in Greek and Syriac, and "previously unknown apocryphal psalms" ("A Psalms Scroll from Qumran," 114). 2 Cf. the earlier appeal by D. W. Gooding with respect to textual criticism ("An Appeal for Stricter Terminology," 15-25). 21 "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 164, where Skehan notes that several nonscriptural hooks were also "authoritative" for the Qumran community (e.g. the Hodayot and the Wnr Scroll). 22 "Qumran und Old Testament Criticism," 164--6~. Wilson ("Psalms Scroll Reconsidered," 1•12) observes thnt Skchnn objects to "inconsistencies in Sunders' claim that the scroll is at once 'cnnonicul' und 'open-ended,' since cunonicnl implies closed, exclusive, murking off what i~ ~~~·ccpUthlc. Open-ended, by contrust, the tentative nnturc of the collection und the possibility of tttldltlon und ddrtlon of ltrms."
represented in the extant Psalms manuscripts. It will be shown in Chapter 9 that the main issue confronting Psalms scholars is whether the largest of these scrolls, 11 QPsa, contains part of an edition of the Book of Psalms or is instead a secondary liturgical collection of Psalms and other material. If such issues are to be adequately addressed, the following three questions need to be resolved: (i) Is it legitimate to speak of the "Book of Psalms" in the Qumran period? (ii) What is the difference between the "Book of Psalms" and the "Psalter"? (iii) Since several types of compositions (literary forms) are found in the Book of Psalms, what exactly does the word "Psalm" denote?
landmark work on textual criticism, which was held at the 1992 Annual Meeting of the the Society of Biblical Literature in San Francisco. 2 9 With respect to the precursors of m, Cross divides the early period of transmission into two parts: the "Proto-Rabbinic," ending with Hillel in the late first century BCE; and the "Rabbinic," extending from Hillel to the destruction of the Temple (rather than the Second Revolt). 30 It remains to be seen how other scholars will react to these proposals; while Cross's two categories are not without problems and require the redefinition of a widely-accepted term, they serve to differentiate between the earlier and later parts of the "protoMasoretic" period. The second stage of transmission-for which Cross reserves the term "proto-Masoretic"-extends from the destruction of the Temple until the eighth century CE, and is characterized by a large degree of textual consistency. 3! The main witnesses for the earlier part of this period are numerous biblical scrolls from the Judaean Desert and several translations into other languages. The (fragmentary) scrolls were found at Murabba'at (parts of the Torah, Isaiah, and the Minor Prophets) and at Nabal Bever (Numbers, Deuteronomy, Psalms), 32 and were all written before 135 BCE. The translations include several Targumim, the Syriac Peshitta, and recensions of the Septuagint (Aquila, Symmachus, and the fifth column of Origen's Hexapla). The terminus ad quem is indicated by the earliest manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah (ninth century onwards). Unfortunately, very little evidence from the middle of this period has survived. As was the case with the first stage, the term "proto-Masoretic" is commonly used to denote the precursors of m during this phase. The third stage of transmission extends from the eighth century until the end of the Middle Ages, and is characterized by almost complete textual unity. 33 The main sources for this stage are Masoretic, with the earliest manuscripts (from the Cairo Genizah) dating to the ninth century. These texts usually include the complete apparatus of the Masorah, together with biblical quotations in the writings of mediaeval commentators. With the addition of vocalization, accentuation and the Masorah, which demanded the fixation of consonants, the Masoretic Text became almost completely standardized during this time. Written sources are subdivided into two groups: manuscripts from
3. The Terms in Historical Perspective 3.1 "Masoretic Text" 23 This term is somewhat imprecise, being attested in several sources rather than a single one; strictly speaking, "Masoretic Group" or "Masoretic Family" would be more accurate. However, the conventional term is too widely accepted to be replaced by another, except perhaps in very technical writing. It is also difficult to decide whether a single archetype of mever existed. This group of Hebrew manuscripts is by far the largest among all our textual witnesses, 24 and underwent three periods of transmision. The first period spans a long time, and is characterized by marked differences among the witnesses. 25 The beginnings of m are unclear; Frank Moore Cross suggests an origin among Babylonian Jews, 26 while Emanuel Tov posits the "spiritual and authoritative center of Judaism" (possibly the Pharisees), or even "temple circles." 27 This phase ended with the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE-although the end of the Second Revolt (135 CE) has also been proposed as a terminus ad quem. 28 Witnesses for this stage include many of the Hebrew texts from Qumran (mid-third century BCE to 68 CE), Masada (wri"tn before 74 CE), and ancient translations such as Ka( yETheodotion (mi -first century BCE). The term "proto-Masoretic" is commonly used for the ecursors of m in this period, but is really too general since it applies to the following period as well. The need for more precise terminology was emphasized by Cross during a panel discussion on Emanuel Tov's 23 For this section, see especially "Prato-Masoretic Texts and the Masoretic Text," in Tov, Textual Criticism, 22-79. I am also grateful to Eugene Ulrich for several suggestions regarding the Masoretic Text and its precursors. 24 Over 6,000 manuscripts belong to this group (Tov, Textual Criticism, 23, 25). 25 For this stage, see especially Tov, Textual Criticism, 29-33. 2 6 Cross, "History of the Biblical Text," I !!6. 27 Tov, Textual Critici.1·m, 28. 2H The curlier date is put forward by Emanuel Tov ('/'t'xtrml Criticism, 29); hut Eugene Ulrich suggests (personal communication) thut the Iuter date muy he prcfcruhle hccuuse it murks more cmnpletc destmction for Judueu.
29 F. M. Cross, "Response to Emanuel Tov" (see "Resources and Previous Discussion" ahove). I do not believe Cross has so far presented his arguments in print, and so have tried-with the kind assistance of Eugene Ulrich-to describe them on the basis of his 1992 presentation. ·10 Cross thus concurs with Emanuel Tov with respect to the terminus ad quem. .lt Tov, Textual Criticism, 33-35. A prominent exception to textual consistency in this period is the Sevcms Scroll, whose text often differs from that of ffi. 12 Fur the alleged discovery of hihlicul scrolls at Wudi Seiyal (Nabal Se'clim), see Chapter 2.5 ("l'sulms Scrolls Found at Other Locations"). 11 Tuv, 'l'l'xllml C', .1~· ~(!.
the early Middle Ages (up to ca. 1100), and subsequent ones. Although the differences between these manuscripts generally involve minutiae, the earlier ones are more reliable in every respect. The Leningrad Codex, which forms the basis of modern critical editions, comes from this period.
Church, and "list" of sacred writings of the Old and New Testaments.42 Implicit is the notion of reflexive judgement on the part of the church authorities and compilers, who declared certain lists to be normative and sacred. "Canon" is thus to be regarded as a technical term with several distinct components. 43 Since a definition of "canon" should thus include the elements of norm, list and reflexive judgement, I propose the following: "A canon is the closed list of books accepted retrospectively by a group (especially Jews or Christians) as authoritative and binding for religious practice and doctrine."44 Two comments are appropriate at this juncture. First, this definition allows for the fact that different groups have different canons, whether in the ordering of materials (Jews versus Christians) or in the inclusion or exclusion of specific books (Roman Catholics versus Jews and Protestants). Secondly, "books" here refers to literary works rather than their specific form. 45 To term a book such as the Psalter or Jeremiah or Exodus "canonical" does not mean that only one form of that book may qualify. Different forms can be canonical at the same time: for example, the (shorter) Septuagint version of Jeremiah is viewed as Scripture by the Greek Orthodox Church, while most other Churches and Judaism accept the (longer) version preserved in the Masoretic Text. In Chapter 9, 46 it will be pointed out that the Qumran community used different forms of the same book and regarded each as Scripture (for example, Exodus and Jeremiah). The word "Bible" 47 usually denotes a book consisting of writings that are generally accepted by Jews or Christians as inspired by God and thus of divine
3.2 "Canon," "Bible," and "Apocrypha" These terms and their corresponding adjectives display various senses in English 34 and in biblical scholarship, 35 which has given rise to confusion both in the discussion of "canon" and in the debate surrounding llQPsa. As several scholars have pointed out, 36 the need for clearer and more precise terminology in this area is a clear desideratum. The basic meaning of "canon" is a "reed," but its two extended meanings in Classical Greek, "norm" and "list," are pertinent for biblical studies. 37 Occurring thrice in the Septuagint38 and four times in the New Testament, 39 its only significant usage in the present context is Gal 6: 16, which says that Christians live by one Kavwv or normative rule of life. In the early Church, the notion of Kavwv as a norm soon became prominent due to early disputes, 40 and was also used for binding decisions. 41 In addition to a norm, the term sometimes denoted widely accepted lists of Scriptures. Such closed lists of KavovL(OflEVa became invested with ecclesiastical status, giving rise to the twofold meaning of Kavwv that prevailed in later theology: "norm" for the 34 This wide range of meaning is most evident with respect to "canon." Definitions given by Webster's New International Dictionary (p. 328a) include: "a decree ... made by ecclesiastical authority"; "a collection or authoritative list of books accepted as holy scripture"; "the authentic works of a writer"; "a basic general principle or rule generally accepted as true, valid and fundamental"; "a general mathematical rule, formula or table"; "a norm, criterion, model, or standard for evaluating . . ." In addition, further philosophical, musical and liturgical meanings are listed. 35 According to Bruce Metzger (Canon of the New Testament, 36), Brevard Childs uses "canon" with three different meanings: a fixed collection of books, the final form of a book or a group of books, and a principle of finality and authority. See also Ulrich, "Canonical Process," 269 n. 6, which b~o· ght Metzger's observation to my attention. 3 6 For example T. A. Hoffman, "Inspiration, Normativeness, Canonicity," 447-69; and Ulrich, "Canonic Process," 2-3. 37 "Canon" transliterates the Greek Kavwv, which derives from a Semitic word for "reed" (cf. Gk. Kavva, Heb. i1~j? and Ar. qaniih. Note also the English term "cane"). In classical usage, the basic sense of "reed" yields to that of "straight rod" or "bar," with the literal meaning of a measuring tool (e.g. a measuring stick used in building). Metaphorically, the term becomes a "norm" or "ideal" or "standard" of excellence (e.g. to denote the perfect human figure in sculpture or the basis for knowing what is true or false in philosophy). Finally, the term can signify a "table" or "list" (e.g. a chronological timetable or a mathematical series). See Brown and Collins, "Canonicity," NJBC 1035 (§66.5); and H. W. Beyer, "Kavwv," TDNT 3.596-602. 38 Mic 7:4; Judith 13:6; 4 Mace 7:21 (The last is a figurative reference to philosophical rule.) 39 2 Cor 10:13, 15, 16; and Gal6:16. 4 0 For instance, Clement (96 CE) employs the term in un ethical and homiletical context (I Clement 7:2), and lrenaeus (ra. I HO) uses the "canon of truth" to describe the binding truth of the Gospel, attested hy the S~:riptures und tradition ( AHaln.1·t llrr·~.,·i~.,. I. 9.4-~; J. 2.1; .lll.l. ). 41 !'or cxumplc, the decisions reached at Nicucu (12~) were termed "cunons," which functioned liN nornmtive rulcK nf life fm C'hri~tinns.
42 In the early fourth century (in his letter to Carpian) Eusebius uses KavovEc; for chronological timetables and for lists of Gospel references, although he refers to his own listing of New Testament books as a KaTaAoyoc; (Ecclesiastical History 3.25; 6.25). Our earliest extant list is in the Muratorian Fragment (late second century), but it is only with lists from the later fourth century-those of Athanasius, Augustine, and the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage III (397)-that general agreement with respect to their contents becomes apparent in much of the Church. Athanasius, for instance, distinguishes between the KavovL(OIJ.EVa (canonical books) and the clTTOKpu<j>a. 43 See Ulrich, "Canonical Process," 269-70; and James Barr, Holy Scripture, 50. 44 Cf. Sid Leiman: "A canonical book is a book accepted by Jews as authoritative for religious practice and/or doctrine, and whose authority is binding upon the Jewish people for all generations" (Canonization of Hebrew Scripture, 14). 45 Ulrich points out that "canon" is concerned with "the literary opus, and not the particular wording of that opus" ("Canonical Process," 273). 46 See 9.4 ("Different Editions and Secondary Liturgical Compilations"). 47 From ~L~Ala, pl. of ~L~A(ov, the diminutive of ~(~\oc;, "papyrus" or "book." 8[~\oc; is a loanword from the Egyptian, first denoting the papyrus reed, later the inscribed paper or scroll, and finally the writing as a hook, letter, record, or statute. It is also used for individual books (e.g. Psalms in Acts I :20) or groups of hooks (e.g. the whole Law in Mk 12:26). The diminutive form ~L~A(ov is used especially for a scroll or writing, for nonbiblical writings, libraries, archives, chronicles, epistles und for documents. With reference to the OT, TO ~l~Alov can denote the Law (e.g. Gul ~:I 0) or u single hook (cf. Lk 4: 17), hut the plural Tel ~L~Ala seems to indicate several OT hooks in 2 Tim 4: I~- Luter, Tel I3LI3Ala is used for the entire canon, which for Christians includes the NT. Specinl senses of ~l~Alnv nrc niNo evident in the Book of Revdution. See G. Schrenk, "13ti3Mc•• 13ti3Mov," "/'I>N'I' I.C1 I~ 20.
authority, although more general, 48 narrow, 49 or technical5° meanings are also possible. The difficulty with using this term for writings prior to the second century CE is that it implies (i) the completion of the Jewish Scriptures, and (ii) their existence in one book or collection at that time. These presuppositions are inaccurate with respect to the Second Temple period in general and to the Qumran era in particular, and are valid only at a later date. No completed Bible existed at Qumran, and it is incorrect to say that the collection preserved in the Masoretic Bible had been finalized and intentionally closed prior to the community's demise in 68 CE. "Apocrypha" may be defined as "quasi-scriptural" or "non-canonical" books of doubtful authorship and authority. 51 The term originally denoted hidden or secret writings to be read only by initiates into a given Christian sect, but was eventually used for works that were similar to biblical books in content, form or title, but not accepted into the canon. 52 "Apocrypha" is used differently in Protestant and Roman Catholic theology, since the books so categorized by Protestants (and Jews) are accepted as biblical by Catholics, who designate them as the "Deutero-Canonicals." What Protestants and Jews term "Pseudepigrapha" are traditionally known in Catholicism as the "Apocrypha." However, in scholarly circles and journals the consensus seems to be moving towards "Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha" rather than "DeuteroCanonicals/ Apocrypha. "53
"Book of Psalms" (t:i''?;:Tt;JiJ i~O). 56 Furthermore, the halakhic letter (or manifesto) 4QMMT indicates that three groupings of Scripture were envisaged at Qumran: the "Book of Moses," the "Prophets," and "David."57 This reference suggests that the Book of Psalms was viewed as strongly Davidic in character, 58 since the third division of the Hebrew Scriptures (which was still in the making) is indicated by the foremost Davidic book, which can only be the Psalms. 59 The term "Psalter" is generally accepted as "a translation or version of the Psalms,"60 or as an alternate designation for the Book of Psalms. The English term is derived from tJ;ah1lpLOv, the preferred title for the collection of 150 Psalms in Codex Alexandrinus of the Septuagint (lfi A). Strictly speaking, tJ;at..T1lptov corresponds to the Hebrew'?~~ which denotes a stringed instrument, and thus may indicate a collection of songs with stringed accompaniment. 61 The term "Psalm" may be understood in both a broad and a narrow sense.62 The word itself derives from the Greek tJ;a/..jJ.6s, "plucking," and then "playing" a stringed instrument. In the Septuagint, tJ;a/..jJ.6c:; usually translates the Hebrew iiC\0. "song" or "psalm," almost always (57x) in Psalm titles.63 In the Book of Psalms, however, tJ;a/..jJ.6s translates other forms of 'her as well as i1?i1t:J, i1n~. Ji'~tq. i'rD and '?~~.64 which indicates that this Greek word was used for several literary forms. In modern scholarship and liturgy, the term usually means "one of the biblical hymns collected in the Book of Psalms."65
3.3 "Book of Psalms," "Psalters," and "Psalms" The "Book of Psalms" is prominent both in Rabbinic Judaism (t:i'?iJl'"l i;JO) and in early Christianity (~(~/..oc;- tJ;aAIJ.WV). 54 t:l'?i1!'1 is a special form~ti~n from i1?i1!'1. the technical term for Psalms of the hym~-type; instead of the expected feminine form ni?i1t;J, the masculine plural appears to be reserved for the title of the book. 55 Several scrolls indicate that this "Book"-in whatever formwas also known and used by the Qumran community. For instance, the Psalms have survived i3" more manuscripts (36) than any other book among the Qumran scrOJIS, which suggests frequent usage. In addition, one documentthe War Scroll-contains a passage that seems to refer specifically to the 48 "A book containing the sacred 49 For example, the Torah.
writings of [any] religion" (Webster's Dictionary, 211c).
50 "A library or collection of books" (Webster's Dictionary, 2llc). 51 See A. Oepke, "KpUTTTW, ... drr6Kpucpoc:;," TDNT 3.957-78; and Webster's Dictionary, IOOc. 'Arr6Kpucpa is the neuter pl. of drr6Kpucpoc:;, meaning "hidden" or "secret"; cf. drroKpUTITE:LV "to hide away." 52 See Brown and Collins, "Canonicity," N.IIJC 1035-36 (§66.9-10). 51 As is evidenced by the .loumal ./{1r tht• Study r~f'tht• Psrudepi/irtlf'ha (JSP) and by the "Pseudepigruphu Section" and "Pseudepigrupha Group" thut guther ut the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in the USA. ~ 4 ror example, Acts 2:20 (y/ypcl1TTriL yap I. v ~l~~ cjJn~wv). ~ ~ C'f. Kmus, l'.wlm.l I 5\1, II.
56 See 4Q491, frg. 17 line 4. The reference is from 4Q491B, which preserves a particular recension of the War Scroll (cf. M. Abegg, "4Q471: A Case of Mistaken Identity?," 137 n. 6). With respect this passage, Florentino Garda Martinez suggests (by letter) that O''?i1ni1 iElO may be referring not to the Book of Psalms at all, but to a collection of prayers or hymns that will be used in the War. 57 4Q397 14-21 C, lines 9-10: [i]~1i::l1 D'~'j[Ji1 ']iElO::l[1] iirbio iElO::l J'::lntD i1:;,''?~ 1i[::!m "]1111] ("And we have also written to you that you should examine the book of Moses and the books of the Prophets and David ... "), in Qimron and Strugnell, Miq$al Maictionary, 1829b. 111 Conversely, while 11010 is usuully translated by cjJaAj..l6c:;, it is rendered by ~81) on two occasions (Ps 4:1; 3K:l1Hcb :W:IIJ. 1>4 Cf. Hutch-Redpnth, Connm/am·t' to thl' St'ptualiilll, 2.14K1b c. 6 , See Wr/Wt~r',,. l>ll'tlmwrv, I K2l)h.
4. Terminology to be Used in this Study
relating the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.69 "Apocrypha" (along with "apocryphal") will likewise be eschewed, since this category is not indicated among the Qumran writings. Such terminology may, however, be retained when it is used retrospectively ("Which apocryphal books are represented at Qumran?"), or in titles ("The Genesis Apocryphon"). Identifying appropriate terminology for describing the sacred or authoritative status of certain writings in the Second Temple period is no simple task. The ancient sources suggest several possibilities: 70
The above evidence indicates that "Canon," "Bible" and "Apocrypha," as well as "Masoretic Text," are postbiblical terms. While such languageis legitimate with reference to ancient writings in Judaism or Christianity after the biblical period, it does not accurately describe the form or status that these writings occupied in Second Temple times. But if these terms are inappropriate owing to their later connotations, is there more suitable language with which to describe the form and status of sacred writings during the Qumran period? (a) Prato-Masoretic Text, Masoretic Text, Received Text, MT-150 Psalter. It was pointed out in section 2 above that while many of the "biblical" scrolls exhibit almost identical readings to m, the reader should employ terminology that reflects the distinction between m and its precursors. Since they contain an earlier-but not an identical-form of m, most scholars refer to such documents as exemplars of the "proto-Masoretic Text." Although the historical survey in section 3 showed this term to be somewhat unsatisfactory because it covers such a large time-span, I shall retain it in the present study. The term "Masoretic Text" (or "Received Text") will also be used on occasion, especially when variant readings (against ffi) are being discussed. Finally, following Sanders and Wilson, 66 I shall use "MT-150" Psalter to express in a convenient way the Psalter of 150 Psalms as preserved in the Masoretic Textalthough our oldest complete Hebrew manuscript numbers the Psalms at 149.67 (b) Scripture(s) and Writing(s). "Canon" and "canonical" will not be employed in this study with reference to Qumran and other Second Temple literature, since these are clearly post-biblical terms. Nevertheless, because 4QMMT indicates that at least three groupings of Scripture were envisaged at Qumran, 68 it does seem possible to regard "canonization" as the culmination of a long process. Accordingly, terms such as "canonical process" or "canon consciousness" might be admissible even in the Second Temple periodalthough I -shal( generally avoid them in the quest for greater clarity and precision. Of course, "canon" and "canonical" are perfectly legitimate in discourse about the Dead Sea Scrolls if the retrospective aspect of such terms remains evident (for example, in the question: "Which of our canonical books are represented at Qumran?"). "Bible" and "biblical" will also be avoided as far as possible, except with reference to the modern distinction between "biblical" and "non-biblical" books from Qumran for purposes of classification. While this distinction is not always ideal, it remains the best practical one, especially for purposes of 66 See Sunders, "Psalms Scroll Reviewed," \16. Wilson (/l't/itill/1 t~f' tht• ll<'hrt'w l'.wltu, I, 3, und fltl.v.vim) uses the term "MT I ~0." 67 Sec n. I 0 uhove. hK Srr n. ~7 uhnve.
(I) ~lPOiJ
("What is read," cf. Neh 8:8). The form ~lPO is also found in the Qumran scrolls, but usually in the sense of "gathering."71 (2) :nrq it{)~ or :nn.f it{)~~ ("As it is written"): lQS col. V 17, col. VIII t4; 4QF1or frg. 1 2, 12, 15, 16; 4QCatena A frgs. 5-6 ll; frg. 7 3; frgs. 10-11 l. (3) :::nn.fiJ ("What is written"), llQMelch col. II 19. (4) ili:rpiJ ':::J,n:!) ("The Holy Writings"), m. Yadayim 4:6; cf. allEpat ypacpa( (1 Clem 53:1); TU lE:pa YPcliJ.IJ.UTQ (2 Tim 3:15); ypacpal aylm (Rom 1:2). (5) t:l'i~t;liJ ("the Books," Dan 9:2) or i~OiJ (lQS col. VII 2). Cf. Ta ~t~A.[a Ta ayta ("the Holy Books"), 1 Mace 12:9; allEpat ~[~A..ot, Alexander Polyhistor (according to Eusebius, Preparatio Evangelica 9.24). These terms suggest that sacred material is contained in three loci or activities: reading, writing, and books. At Qumran, "writing" features most often with respect to sacred truth or teaching, with passages from holy and authoritative works regularly introduced by :nn.f it{)~~ or a similar phrase. Accordingly, "Scripture" (and "scriptural") seems most fitting for conveying many aspects of the term "Bible," but without the accompanying later connotations. Other terms to be considered are ~lPI:I ("Reading") and t:l'i~9iJ ("books)." However, the first is not really appropriate, at least at Qumran, where ~lPO does not have the sense of "Bible" found in later Rabbinic writings. The second term is somewhat more fitting, since it is frequently used for "biblical" books at Qumran. 72 Yet I shall avoid using t:l'"'!~9iJ since it can also denote book(s) whose authority probably differed from that of scriptural ones.7 3 In this study 69 This statement requires some qualification. While all Jews and Christians accept the books of the Ta11akh as Scripture, Roman Catholics, Orthodox, and some other Christian groups include additional books in their canons. From a Roman Catholic viewpoint, for example, the Ben Sira scrolls from Masada belong to the "biblical" category of scrolls. The Ethiopian Church, with its l'vcn wider canon, would regard the Enoch fragments as "biblical" manuscripts as well. 7 For survey of terminology denoting Scripture, see Roger T. Beckwith, "Formation of the llehrew Bible," 39-40. 71 The comhination tvi1p ~ipr:l ("holy gathering") appears twice in the Temple Scroll (IIQT XVI! 10 and XXV J). 72 For example, iiini1 iDO (CD V 2); '?~prn' i!lO (4Ql74 frg. I 16); '?~'li i!lO (4Q474 frg. 2 I); C''?iinii iDO (4Q491 frg. 17 4) 7 ·1 For exumpl~. ,n'ii 1"'10 "'IDO (4Q2.5.5 fr11. I 1); J1i::>l iDO (CD XX 19 und 4Q417 frg. 2 I~ ·It\); 011 nii ii:IO (4Q!I04 fr11•· I 2 recto vi 14). Such works were uuthoritutivc for the Qumrnn n•nmmnity, hut not in the NlllllC NllnMc n• the Tnrnh, l\1.ckicl, l>nnicl, or the l'sulrns.
I shall use Scripture(s) for works regarded at Qumran as ancient and especially authoritative or sacred. The term writing(s) will denote works not invested with this status, without denying that many of these were authoritative in a more contemporary sense. (c) Book of Psalms, Psalter, Psalms, Hymns, Prayers. "Book of Psalms" seems very appropriate for the Qumran period, since this term is attested in the scrolls and because the Psalms as a collection were regarded as Scripture by the community.7 4 Although "Psalter" has no formal equivalent in the Dead Sea Scrolls, in this study the term will be used as an alternate designation for the Book of Psalms.7 5 "Psalm" will usually refer to any of the compositions collected in the Psalter, rather than a specific type or form. It seems reasonable to employ this term to denote hymns or prayers, or even wisdom compositions, 76 belonging to a collection associated with David and viewed as Scripture at Qumran. "Hymns" or "Prayers," on the other hand, 77 will be used for liturgical or hymnic compositions that may or may not be Psalms. According to these definitions, all the compositions in the Received Psalterwhether liturgical or not-may be regarded as Psalms. Likewise, if llQPsa or a similar collection was associated with David and regarded as Scripture at Qumran, its contents would likewise qualify as Psalms.7 8
A SURVEY OF THE PSALMS SCROLLS This chapter introduces the real heroes of our book: the Psalms scrolls I that have survived the ravages of time for some 2,000 years-though all too often, alas, in battered and fragmentary form. For each of these thirty-nine documents the following information is provided: the amount of text preserved, approximate date, 2 format, 3 orthographic character, and major differences in arrangement or content 4 from the Masoretic Psalter (ffi ). 5 For anyone dealing with ancient manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible, such data form a prerequisite for any serious research. Four points may be noted at the outset. (a) Discussion takes place with frequent reference to the Map 6 and Appendices 1-4. 7 (b) The reader should also consult Plates I-X where appropriate; several of the photographs are published here for the first time. 8 (b) The Psalms manuscripts are described in the following four groupings: 9 Psalms Scrolls from Cave 1 and the Minor Caves at Qumran (2-3, 5-6, 8); those from Cave 4; those from Cave 11; and those found at other sites in the Judaean Desert.IO (c) Seven additional scrolls are described
5. Summary and Conclusion This chapter has identified the problems arising from the use of imprecise terminology (particularly "canon" and "Bible") with respect to ancient sacred literature, including the Psalms. I have carefully proposed several terms (such as "Scripture," "Psalms," and "Hymns") with the object of achieving more precision in discussions regarding the Psalms scrolls. While these terms may not be entirely adequate, and can no doubt undergo further refining and nuancing, they serve to promote more accurate discourse and the avoidance of inappropriate janguage. The intended result is greater clarity both in this study and in wide;/cliscussion surrounding the Book of Psalms at Qumran.
1 The term "Psalms scrolls" is used loosely, since some of the 39 manuscripts may not strictly qualify as such. In particular, the "Work with Place Names" (4Q522) contains Psalm 122 and at least one other composition whose overall theme is "Jerusalem, the Holy City." Some may argue that this counts as a "manuscript containing a Psalm" rather than an actual "Psalms scroll." The complex issue of what constitutes a Psalms manuscript will be examined further in Chapters 7-9; the more inclusive and general term is appropriate at this stage. 2 The date when the manuscript was copied, not the date of composition. 3 While one would expect manuscripts containing hymnic or poetic material like the Psalms to be written stichometrically, many are written in prose, and at least two preserve material in both formats (cf. section 8.6 below). 4 The most obvious differences between several Psalms scrolls and m are variations in order of Psalms and variations in content (i.e. the presence or absence of entire compositions). These largescale variants will feature prominently in the investigation of textual affiliations in Chapter 7. While individual verbal variants are also important (cf. Chapters 3 and 4), they will not be discussed here. 5 These large-scale variants, as well as the orthographic character of each manuscript, will largely he determined in relation to m. While this is far from satisfactory on theoretical gounds, it is necessary because (as found in Codex Leningradensis B [9A) remains the practical standard for purposes of comparison (cf. the discussion of terminology in Chapter 1.4). 6 Preceding the Introduction. 7 "'Apocryphal' Psalms and Other Compositions"(APPENDIX I); "Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert" (APPENDIX 2); "Adjoining Compositions in the Psalms Scrolls" (APPENDIX 3); "Contents ofthe Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript" (APPENDIX 4). K The new photographs ure 4QPs 11 (pl. 1), 4QPsC (pl. Ill), 4QPs" (pl. IV), and Xijev/Se 4 (pl. VIII). 9 I huvc udoptcd this division hecuuse the greut mujority of the relevant manuscripts were found in Cuves 4 und II. 10 In addition tn the Psuhns Sl'rnlls from Qumrun twn were discovered ut Musudu und different sections of u third at Nu~ul llever (Wudi Kh11bru). llnr discussion re11urdina this locution and Na~Hl :>e\llim (Wndi Seiynl), see~. I below.
74 Here the "Book of Psalms" is not necessarily to be equated with the MT-150 Psalter. 7 5 Cf. section 3 above (on "Book of Psalms," "Psalters," and "Psalms"). 76 For example, Psalms I and 119. 77 "Hymn" denotes a "song of praise" (to God). In the Septuagint, u~vo<; translates several different Hebrew words. See G. Delling, "u~vo~; ... lj;a>..~o<; ," TDNT 8.489-503; Webster's Dictionary, 1829h, c. 7K There is one possible exception in the case of IIQPs• (on the assumption that this is a scriptural Ps11lter). The prose piece in col. XXVII ("()uvid's Compositions") is not a Psuhn, hut functions us un extended super~cript or us un cpilo1111C to the entire collection.
under the heading "Other Relevant Manuscripts." Even though no manuscript in this last group represents a Psalter, each is relevant since it quotes one or more verses from the Psalms. (d) Because they are so fragmentary, no indications of major differences from the Masoretic Psalter are evident for most of the smaller Psalms scrolls. However, this does not preclude the existence of such variation when these documents were complete. It is too readily assumed that every Psalms manuscript supports the arrangement found in the Received Text unless otherwise proven; but in the final analysis this procedure is unscientific and detrimental to research on the Dead Sea Scrolls and on the Book of Psalms.
GleBmer, Uwe. "Das Textwachstum von Ps 89 und ein Qumranfragment," Biblische Notizen 65 (1992) 55-73. - . "Ein Psalmen-Fragment als Anfrage an exegetische Methodik," ZAH 9 (1996) 42--47. Greenfield, Jonas C. "The Texts from Naball:lever (Wadi Seiyal)," in J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner (eds.), The Madrid Qumran Congress. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid. 18-21 March 1991 (STDJ 11.2; Leiden: Brill; Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1992) 661-65, esp. 661-63. Horgan, Maurya P. Pesharim: Qumran Interpretations of Biblical Books (CBQMS 8; Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1979). Jonge, M. de and A. S. van der Woude. "IIQ Melchizedek and the New Testament," NTS 12 (196566) 301-26. McDonald, John K. "Treasures from the Holy Land. Ancient Art from the Israel Museum," BA 43 (1986) 155-65, esp. 163 (photograph of MasPs a). Milik, J. T. "Deux documents inedits du Desert de Juda," Biblica 38 (1957) 245-68, esp. 245-55 + plate I. "Fragment d'une source du Psautier (4QPs89) et fragments des Jubiles, du Document de Damas, d'un phylactere dans Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran," RB 73 (1966) 94-106, esp. 94-104 +pl. I. "Milkl-sedeq et Milkl-resa' dans les anciens ecritsjuifs et chretiens," JJS 23 (1972) 95-144. Nebe, G. Wilhelm. "Die Masada-Psalmen-Handschrift MI039-160 nach einem jiingst verOffentlichen Photo mit Text von Psalm 81,2-85,6," RevQ 53 (1989) 89-97. Ploeg, J.P. M. van der. "Le Psaume XCI dans une recension de Qumran," RB 72 (1965) 210-17 + pis. VIII-IX. "Fragments d'un manuscrit de Psaumes de Qumran (II QPs b)," RB 74 (1967) 408-12 + pl. XVIII. "L'Edition des Manuscrits de Ia Grotte XI de Qumran par I' Academic Royale des Sciences des Pays-Bas," in P.W. Pestman (ed.), Acta Orientalia Neerlandica. Proceedings of the Congress of the Dutch Oriental Society, Held in Leiden on the Occasion of Its 50th Anniversary, 8th-9th May 1970 (Leiden: Brill, 1972) 43--45. "Un petit rouleau de Psaumes apocryphes (IIQPsApa)," in G. Jeremias, H.-W. Kuhn and H. Stegemann (eds.), Tradition und Glaube: Das friihe Christentum in seiner Umwe/t. Festgabe fiir Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburtsdag (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1971) 128-39 + pis. II -VII. "Fragments d'un Psautier de Qumran," in M. A. Beek et al (eds.), Symbolae biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodora de Liagre Bah/ dedicatae (Leiden: Brill, 1973) 308-309 +plate. "Le sens et un probleme textuel du Ps LXXXIX," in A. Caquot and M. Delcor (ed.), Melanges bibliques et orientaux en /'honneur de M. Henri Cazelles (AOAT 212; NeukirchenVluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981), 471-81. "Les manuscrits de Ia Grotte XI de Qumran," RevQ 45 (1985) 3-15. "Fragments de Psaumes de Qumran," in Z. J. Kapera (ed.), Intertestamental Essays in Honour of J6zefTadeusz Milik (Krakow, Poland: Enigma Press, 1992) 233-37 +pl. II (sic). l'ucch, Emile. "Fragments du Psaume 122 dans un Manuscrit hebreu de Ia Grottte IV," RevQ 36 ( 1978) 547-54. "IIQPsAp": Un Rituel d'exorcismes. Essai de Reconstruction," RevQ 55 (1990) 377--408. "Les deux derniers Psaumes davidiques du rituel d'exorcisme: IIQPsApa N 4-V 14," in Dimant and Rappaport (eds.), Forty Years of Research, 64-89. [see under Dimant] "La Pierre de Sian et l'autel des holocaustes d'apres un manuscrit hebreu de Ia Grotte 4 (4Q522)," RB 99 ( 1992) 676-96. croyance des Esseniens en Ia vie future: imnrortalite, resurrection, vie eternelle (2 vols.; Paris: Gitbalda, 1993) 568-70. l{<'<'d, Stephen A., revised by Marilyn J. Lundberg with the collaboration of Michael J. Phelps. The l>t-ad St•a Scrolls Catalo~:ut•: Oot·umt•nt.\', 1'/wtolimfJh.\· and Museum Inventory Numbers (SBLRBS n: Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994). Sunders, Jumcs A. 7111' /'.m/m.1· Scml/4Qumrfln Cavt• II IIIQPs 11 1 (I)JD IV; Oxi(Jrd: Clarendon l'rrss, 196~ ). "l'rr.-Masoft'tic l'snltrr Trxts," C'IIQ 27 (I%~) 114 2.1, rsp. II Cl.
1. Editions, Transcriptions, Listings, and Studies: Ackroyd, Peter. "Some Notes on the Psalms" JTS n.s. 17 (1966) 392-99, esp. 396-99. "The Open Canon," Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review (May, 1970) 279-91. Aharoni, Y. "Expedition B," IEJ II (1961) 11-24. Allegro, J. M. "A Newly Discovered Fragment of a Commentary on Psalm XXXVII," PEQ 86 (1954) 69-75. "Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect," JBL 75 (1956) 89-95, esp. 93-95 +plates III- VI. Qumran Cave 4. I [4Q158-4Q 186] (DJD V; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968). Baillet, M., J. T. Milik, and R. de Vaux. Les 'Petites Grottes' de Qumran: Exploration de lafalaise Les grottes 2Q, 3Q, 5Q, 6Q, 7Q, a JOQ, Le rouleau de cuivre (DJD III; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962) I. Texte 2. Planches. Barthelemy, D. and Milik, J. T. Qumran Cave I (DJD I; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955). Briend, J. "Le musee Bible et Terre Sainte," Le Monde de Ia Bible 86 (1994), 44--45. Brooke, George J. Exegesis at Qumran. 4QFlorilgeum in Its Jewish Context (JSOT Sup 29; Shefffield; JSOT Press, 1985). Dimant, D. and U. Rappaport (eds.). The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research (STDJ 10; Leiden: Brill, and Jerusalem: Magnes and Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1992). Eissfeldt, Otto. "Eine Qumran-Textform des 91.Psalms," inS. Wagner (ed.), Bibel und Qumran. Beitriige zur Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen Bibel- und Qumranwissenschaft. Hans Bardtke zum 22.9.1966 (Berlin: Evangelische Haupt-Bibelgesellschaft, 1968) 82-85. Eshel, Esther, Armin Lange and K. F. Diethard Romheld. "Dokumentation neuer Texte," ZAH 7 (1994) 25x-8'esp. 281. Fitzmyer, J. A. "A ibliographical Aid to the Study of the Qumran Cave IV Texts 158-186," CBQ 31 (1969) 59- I. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Major Publications and Tools for Study (rev. ed., SBLRBS 20; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990). Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 35-53. "A Preliminary Edition of 4QPsd (4Q89)," in D. Parry and E. Ulrich (eds.), Technological Innovations, New Texts, and New and Reformulated Issues [Provisional title] (STDJ series; Leiden: Brill). [forthcoming] [For the editions of 4QPsg-h, see under Skehan.] Garcfa Martfnez, F. "Lista de MSS proccdentcs de Qumran," Henoch II (1989) 149-232. "Estudios Qumranicos 1975-1985: Panorama Critico (VI)," Estudios Bfhlicos 47 (1989)225--66. "Texts from Qumran Cave II," in Dimant and Rappaport (cds.), Forty Years of Reuarch, I!!-26. Isee under Dimantl Gurdu Martfnez, F. and E. J. C. Tigcheluur. "Psalms Manuscripts from Qumrun Cuve II: A Preliminary Edition," in F. Oarclu Murtfnez nnd Emile l'uech (eds.), flomnrlll(e tl Jtluj'T. Milik, RevQ M-6K ( l'l%) 71··107.
- . The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). Skehan, Patrick W. "A Psalm Manuscript from Qumran (4QPsb)," CBQ 26 ( 1964) 313-22 + pl. "Litterature de Qumran-A. Textes bibliques," Supplement au Dictionnaire de Ia Bible (1978) 9/10.805-22, esp. 813-17. "Edition of Twenty Cave Four Psalms Scrolls." [ca. 1980, unpublished] "Gleanings from Psalm Texts from Qumran," in A. Caquot and M. Delcor (eds.), Melanges bibliques et orientaux en l'honneur de M. Henri Cazelles (AOAT 212; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981 ), 439-52. "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-82. Skehan, Patrick W., Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint. "Two Manuscripts of Psalm 119 from Qumran Cave 4," RevQ 64 (1995) 477-86 +pis. I-II. Starcky. J. "Psaumes apocryphes de Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran ( 4QPs f VII-X)," RB 73 (1966) 353-71+ pl. XVIII. Stegemann, H. "Der Peser Psalm 37 aus Hiihle 4 von Qumran (4QpPs37)," RevQ 14 (1963) 235-270. Steudel, Annette. Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde (4QMidrEschata, b; (STDJ 13; Leiden: Brill, 1994). [Forthe full title, see BIBLIOGRAPHY.] Strugnell, John. "Notes en marge du Volume V des <
2. Psalms Scrolls from Cave 1 and the Minor Caves at Qumran
Psalms Scrolls in Preparation for Official Publication: Flint, Peter W. "The Biblical Scrolls from Nahall:lever (including 'Wadi Seiyal')." [DJD series] Garda Martinez, F., E. J. C. Tigchelaar and A. S. van der Woude. "Four Psulms Scrolls from Cave II." [DJD XXIII] Skehan, Putrick W., Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint. "The Cuve 4 Psuhns Scrolls." [DJI> XVII Tuhnon, Shemuryuhu. "The Psulms Scrolls from Musauln," in Yudin et ul, Mumdu. [see nbove.J
A total of eight Psalms manuscripts were discovered in these caves, three in Cave I and one each in Caves 2-3, 5-6, and 8. 11 Unfortunately, all of these are very fragmentary and display little of the variety that characterizes many of the scrolls from Caves 4 and 11. While it is possible that some contained major variants when they were fully extant, no significant divergence from the Masoretic Psalter is apparent in the surviving portions. The first three of these manuscripts were published in 1955 by Barthelemy and Milik (DJD I), and the remaining five in 1962 by Baillet, Milik, and de Vaux (DJD III). 2.1
1QPsa (1Ql0) 12 [DJD I, 69-70 +pl. XIII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 38]. Of the twenty-two fragments published as "1QPs•," only eleven have been positively identified as part of this manuscript, which is dated on palaeographical grounds to ca. 50 BCE. Parts of Psalms 86, 92, 94-96 and 119 13 are preserved in an arrangement that is completely or mostly stichometric. The orthography appears to be sparing. 14
IQPsb (1Qll) [DJD I, 71 + pl. XIII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 38]. Portions of Psalms 126, 127 and 128 are represented in the six extant fragments of a manuscript which may have originally contained only the Psalms of Ascent (120-134). 15 Written in prose format, the scroll is dated on palaeographical grounds to the first century CE. The tetragrammaton is inscribed in palaeo-Hebrew letters 16 and Barthelemy and Milik assess the orthography as "pleine" or expanded. 17
1QPsc (1Ql2) [DJD I, 71-72 +pl. XIII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 38]. This scroll preserves parts of Psalm 44 (frgs. 1-7), plus two unidentified fragments. The orthography seems to be full, and palaeographic analysis suggests a date in the Herodian period. Despite the fragmentary state of the manuscript, it seems that the lines were written in prose format.
2QPs (2Q14) [DJD III, 69-71 +pl. XIII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 3839]. The two fragments of this scroll, which dates from the Herodian period, contain portions of Psalms 103 and 104. The manuscript is written in prose format, and the orthography may be classified as mixed. Fragment 1 is particularly interesting, since the first two lines-which originally contained
See Map (preceding the Introduction). Individual scrolls can be signified by two types of sigla, which may be illustrated with reference In IQPs• or IQlO. The first type specifies the cave number, site, work, and exemplar; IQPs• accordingly denotes the first of a series of Psalms scrolls from Cave I at Qumran. The second kind specifies cave number, site, and number of the particular manuscript; thus I QlO signifies the tenth manuscript ainong those found in Cave I. 11 For a precise list of contents, see APPENDIX 4 ("Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 14 I. e. displaying relatively few malrt'.f lectiones. 1~ C'f. DJD I, 71. However, this seems impossible to prove since few fragments ure extant. t~ The same phenomenon iN evident in IIQPs 0 . 17 I.e. relntivcly llbernlln the use of nwt,.f lflctlmu•.!; d. ()JI) I, 71. 12
Ps 103: 1-4-were inscribed in red ink, although only four complete words and two partial words survive. The use of red ink is a rare phenomenon among the scrolls, 18 but is found in writings from Egypt (especially the New Empire), Greece and Rome, 19 and is referred to in the Talmud. 20 In this manuscript it seems that the letters written in red have a liturgical function, by drawing the attention of the reader or reciter to the first four verses of Psalm 103.21
pap6QPs (pap6Q5) [DJD III, 112 +pl. XXIII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 39]. The single extant fragment of this manuscript preserves only three incomplete words, and one uncertain letter of a fourth. Although such a paucity of text renders identification difficult, the fragment seems to contain parts of Ps 78:36-37. To judge from the relative positions of the words in the two partially extant lines, the manuscript was written in prose format.
3QPs (3Q2) [DJD III, 94 +pl. XVIII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 39]. Only a few words from Ps 2:6-7 are extant in the sole surviving fragment of this manuscript, which is dated to the first century CE. 22 As far as may be ascertained from the small amount of remaining text, the arrangement is stichometric 23 and the orthography seems to be sparing.
8QPs (8Q2) [DJD III, 148-49 + pl. XXXI; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 39-40]. This scroll, which dates from the first century CE, consists of fourteen fragments. The text is arranged stichometrically and preserves portions of two Psalms: Ps 17 (frgs. 1-6) and Ps 18 (frgs. 8-13). 25 The orthography may be described as sparing and has been likened to that of the Masoretic Text. 26
5QPs (5Q5) [DJD III, 174 +pl. XXXVII; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 39]. Portions of Psalm 119 are extant in the two fragments of this scroll, which was copied in the first century CE. Written in a stichometric format, this is one of three Qumran scrolls in which only parts of Ps 119 are preserved. 24
18 4QNumb contains a red line at the beginning of a pericope (F. M. Cross, "Le travail d'edition des manuscrits de Qumran," RB 63 [1956] 56). The editor of 4QNumb, Nathan Jastram, lists ten places where such writing is found, and under what conditions (cf. Ulrich, Cross eta!, DJD XII, 21011 +pl. XLIX). During the Summer of 1992, while I was working on the Cave 4 Psalms scrolls at the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem, Professor Joseph Baumgarten (editor of the Qumran scrolls of the Damascus Document) pointed out that red letters are also found in 4QDe (4Q270), at a juncture where a section of agricultural laws is being introduced. See now his Qumran Cave 4:Xlll. The Damascus Document [4Q256-4Q273] (DJD XVIII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996) 137-68 +pl. XXVIII, esp. 147. Another MS came very recently to my attention: E. Larson and L. Schiffman, "4Q481d. 4QFragments with Red Ink," in J. VanderKam et al (eds.), Qumran Cave 4:XVIT. Parabiblical Texts, Part 3 (DJD XXII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996) 315-19 +pl. XXIX. Prof. James Sanders also informs me by letter that Bruce Zuckerman of the West Semitic Research Project has photographed a scroll that contains red ink, but this seems to be frg. 109 (formerly X4) of 4QNumb, which is listed by Jastram in DJD XII (pg. 267). For an analysis of red ink in the biblical scrolls and 4QDe, see Y. NirEl and M. Broshi, "The Red Ink of the Dead Sea Scrolls," Archaeometry 38 (1996) 97-102. 19 See DJD III, 70; and Jastram, DJD XII, 210 n. 5. For the use of red writing in Egypt, see B. van de Walle, "La division materielle des textes classiques egyptiens et son importance pour !'etude des ostraca scolaires," Le Museon 59 (1946) 223-32, esp. 224-25; H. Brunner, Altiigyptische Erziehung (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1957) 74; Alfred Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Tndustries (3rd ed.; London: Edward Arnold, 1948) 397-99; Georges Posener, "Les signes noirs dans les rubriques," lEA 35 (1949) 77-81; and "Sur l'emploi de l'encre rouge dans les manuscrits egyptiens," JEA 37 ( 1951) 75-80. writing in the Graeco-Roman period, see Klingmiiller, "Rubrica" in PaulyWissowa, Real-E~clopiidie der classischen Altertums-Wissenschaft (Stuttgart: J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandl g, 1922) 2nd Series. IA.ll68; W. Schubart, Einfiihrung in die Papyruskunde (Berlin: Weidman sche Buchhandlung, 1918) 44. It is also interesting to note that in Codex Sinaiticus red writing is used for the titles of the Psalms and for the Eusebian apparatus (DJD XII, 210 n. 5). 2 Cf. L. Blau, Studien zum althebriiischen Buchwesen und zur biblischen Literatur- und Text!!l'Schichte (Strassburg, 1902) 56. 21 See DJD Ill, 70. Jastram (in Ulrich, Cross, et al, DJD XII, 211) arrives at a similar position regarding the purpose of the red writing in 4QNurn h After considering various possibilities, he wncludes that its most likely function was to introduce pcricopes for liturgical reading. 22 Cf. DJD Ill. 94. 2.l On the busis of the rclutivc positions of the remaining letlers in verses 6 und 7, which begin on Slll'ccssivc lines. 24 The other two manuscripts nrc 4CJPs~ nnd 4CJPsh. l's 119 is nlso found in IQPs" nnd IICJI's 11 , hut to11ether with other l'snhns.
3. Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4 No less than twenty-three of the manuscripts under consideration were found in Cave 4 at Qumran_27 As is evident from the list of contents by manuscript (APPENDIX 4 ), some of these scrolls are substantially preserved, 28 but many have not fared as well, with only a few scraps remaining. 29 3.1
4QPsa(4Q83): see PLATE!. [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 40]. Among all the manuscripts discovered in the Judaean desert, 4QPs• is second only to llQPs" with respect to the number of verses represented, whether in whole or in part. 30 It consists of twenty-two fragments, of which some are very substantial (7, 16, 17). Nineteen Psalms are represented in the identified pieces, ranging (in Masoretic terms) from Ps 5 to Ps 71.31 The manuscript is dated on palaeo graphical grounds to the midsecond century BCE, thus qualifying as the oldest Psalms scroll (with the possible exception of 4QPs89 [q. v.]). The material is presented in prose format and the orthography is expanded. Although 4QPsa seems to reflect the general arrangement found in the Masoretic Psalter, two striking deviations are evident: Ps 31 is directly followed by 33 in frg. 3, 32 and Ps 38 by 71 in frg. 7.
4QPsb (4Q84): see PLATE II. [Skehan, "A Psalm Manuscript," 313-22 + pl. I; Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 40-41]. This Psalms manuscript-the only one to have been published in full by Skehan-preserves portions of 26 out of 32 consecutive columns. The lines
25 The preserved verses are 18:6-13, which are equivalent to 2 Sam 22:6-13.
See DJD Ill, 148. See Map (preceding the Introduction). 2K For example, 4QPs". 4QPsh and 4QPsc. 211 For example, 4CJPs I, 4QPst and 4QPsU. 1 · For nsscssing the umount of text preserved, sec section 8.1 below ("Quantity Preserved"). 11 Fur u precise list of contents, see APPENDIX 4. For such manuscripts the range of contents is provided for purposes of cornpurison with the Mnsorctic l'snlter. It should not be uutomutically inf~t-red, howevet·, thut every scroll ori11inully contnined the designated Psalms in the sume order us m. 12 This variunt urdC!r is nlsu fuund in 4CJI's 4, 2(,
are written stichometrically and palaeographic analysis suggests a date in the second half of the first century BCE. 33 Although the orthography is usually close to that of ffi, it is sometimes more sparing. 34 Fifteen Psalms are represented, ranging from Ps 91 to 118, which may well be the final composition in the original scroll. In comparison to the Masoretic Psalter, one major variant is evident: Ps 112 follows 103, which means that 104-111 were either omitted or placed elsewhere in the manuscript. 35 3.3
4QPsc (4Q85): see PLATE III. [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 81416; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 41]. The twenty surviving fragments of this manuscript preserve a substantial amount of text; fifteen Psalms are represented, ranging from Ps 16 to Ps 53. Although two cola are usually written to the line, some Psalms were written in prose format (e.g. 49, 52). There are no apparent differences in content or arrangement in relation to the Masoretic Psalter. The late formal script indicates a date of ca. 50-68 CE for this scroll, and the orthography is close to that of m but more sparing. 36 4QPsd (4Q86) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 41; "Preliminary Edition of 4QPsd"]. For this manuscript, which dates from the mid-first century BCE, parts of five successive columns are preserved. From line 6 of col. III onwards, a clear stichometric arrangement is evident, and the orthography is mostly close to that of m. The order of the three surviving Psalms is 106(?)~ 147~ 104, 37 which differs markedly from that of the Masoretic Psalter. Earlier speculation that this scroll contains a palaeohebrew waw denoting the Divine Name have proved unfounded.38 4QPse (4Q87): see PLATE IV. [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 81416; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 41]. This scroll is written in prose format and is dated on palaeographical grounds to the mid-first century CE. Among the twenty-six surviving fragments, no less than twenty Psalms are represented, ranging from Ps 76 to 146(?), and the orthography is expanded. Several variations in order are evident as compared to the Received Psalter; for instance, in this manuscript the preserved top margins and spacing require an
Skehan, "A Psalm Manuscript," 313; "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16. In this manuscript, waw as a vowel letter is less frequent than in m. 35 Col. XXV preserves vv 20-21 of Ps 103, which must have ended on line 8. Since the next column (XXVI) contains Ps 112:4-5, it is clear that 112:1-3 originally filled the rest of col. XXV, and that Psalms 10~111 do not follow 103 in this scroll. See Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 40-41. 36 Waw as a owe! letter is more frequent in m. 37 The sigl m --7 indicates that one Psalm directly follows another in the manuscript (e.g. Ps 147 is directly fol owed by Ps 104). See ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA. It should be noted that Psalms 147 and 104 are also grouped together in frg. e of IIQPsa, but in the opposite order (104--?147). 38 Patrick Skehan suggested in a lecture that ink in col. Ill line 5 is a paleohebrew waw with spacing before and after (i.e. ~ m'n), leading to speculation that 4QPsd contains the Divine Name in 104:11; see G.-Wilhelm Nebe, "Psalm 104,11 aus Hlihle 4 von Qumran (4QPsd) und der Ersatz des Gottesnames," ZA W 93 ( 1981) 284-90. However, a close examination of the leather reveals that the alleged Tetragrammaton is actually an ink-smudge (which is denoted in transcription by three lines): ln:n.- \\\i1 rM\\\ ni'n 4QPsd] ,,1/J 1M'i'1 ?;, m. 33 34
additional composition (which is no longer extant) between Psalms 104 and 105 in frgs. 10-12, 16 col. i.39 3.6
4QPsf (4Q88): see PLATE V. [Starcky, "Psaumes apocryphes," 353-71 +pl. XIII; Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 41-42). Parts of one unplaced column (frgs. 1-2) are preserved, together with portions of at least nine others; where not contiguous, these columns were in close proximity in the original scroll. Three Psalms are represented (22, 107, 109), together with several "apocryphal" psalms. 40 The material is presented in prose format with generally full orthography, and the date of copying was ca. 50 BCE. 41 The scroll seems to have been slashed horizontally by a knife, sword, or other sharp instrument, probably by Roman soldiers who were ravaging the Qumran site in 68 CE. 4QPsf is the only Psalms scroll from Cave 4 to preserve compositions that are absent from the Received Psalter. 42
4QPsg (4Q89) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 42; Skehan, Ulrich and Flint, "Two Manuscripts of Psalm 119," 477-81 + 485 (pl. I)]. For this scroll, which originally contained Psalm 119, only the sixth column is preserved, 43 together with parts of cols. VII and XIXIII. The extant material ranges from v 37 to v 92 in six fragments. The manuscript is dated about 50 CE and the orthography is fairly full. The format is stichometric by the full line, with a blank line left after each eight-line stanza of this acrostic Psalm.
4QPsh (4Q90) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 42; Skehan, Ulrich and Flint, "Two Manuscripts of Psalm 119," 477, 481-84 + 486 (pl. II)]. The extant fragment is from the bottom of a first column from a scroll that-like 4QPsh and 5QPs-apparently contained only Psalm 119. Only verses 10-21 survive, and are written stichometrically by the full line. The orthography is generally full and the script is dated on palaeographic grounds to the Herodian period.
4QPsi (4Q91) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 42]. The eight surviving fragments of this manuscript contain portions of Psalms 48, 49 and 51, and the orthography may be described as full. The lines are written in prose format and palaeographic analysis indicates a date of ca. 50 CE.
39 It will be shown in Chapter 7.8 ("The Scrolls and the II QPsa-Psalter") that this manuscript represents the same arrangement to be found in IIQPsa. 40 The number of "apocryphal" psalms in cols. Vllb-X is not certain. Starcky ("Psaumes apocryphes," 354, 370) proposed four compositions (Apostrophe to Zion, Eschatogical Hymn, Apostrophe to Judah, and the first word of another). However, the final word in the scroll di1'1J'?'?[i1] at the right margin) could just as well be the ending of the Apostrophe to Judah. See Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 41-42 n. 40. For an English translation of these pieces, see APPENDIX I ("'Apocryphal' Psalms and Other Compositions"). 41 Starcky, "Psaumes apocryphes," 355; Skehan, "Littc!rature de Qumran," 814-16. 4 2 But see 3.23 below. 41 Two other manuscrip!K (4QPsh und SQPs) preserve nnly parts of Ps 119. This Psalm is also found to11ether with others In IQPs• und II QPs "·
4QPsk (4Q92) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 42]. All that remains of this scroll is a strip from the bottom of two adjoining columns. Since the first column contains parts of Ps 135:6-16 and the second apparently preserves portions of Ps 99:1-5, the arrangement in this manuscript is at variance with that of the Masoretic Psalter. The orthography is sparing and the lines are written in prose format. On the basis of palaeographic analysis, the scroll is dated to the first century BCE.
4QPsl (4Q93) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 42]. Only Ps 104:3-5, 11-12 are extant in this manuscript, which is dated to the second half of the first century BCE. The Psalm was written stichometrically by the single colon in narrow columns, of which two are represented in the scroll. The orthography may be described as close to that of m, but is sometimes more sparing. 44
4QPsm (4Q94) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 42-43]. This scroll survives in nine fragments, which contain portions of Psalms 93, 95, 97 and 98. The manuscript includes one longer orthographic reading than that of ffi,45 which might suggests a fuller spelling, but too little material survives to allow an accurate assessment. The lines are written in prose format in a script that is dated on palaeographical grounds to the Herodian period. 4QPsn (4Q95) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 43]. The three surviving fragments contain parts of Psalms 135 and 136 in a prose format. Ps 135:11-12 is directly followed by 136:22-23, which constitutes a major difference from the Masoretic Psalter. Although the orthography in the extant portions shows no variation from m, the fragmentary state of this manuscript precludes an adequate assessment of its orthographic status. Analysis of the script indicates a date in the Herodian period, probably the end of the first century BCE. 4QPs 0 (4Q96) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 43]. Parts of Psalms 116-118 are extant in the three fragments of this manuscript. Although few pieces survive, the orthography may be regarded as full. Written in prose format, the scroll is dated on palaeo graphical grounds to the late first century BCE.
4QPsP (4Q97) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 43]. Only two fragments remain, containing portions of Ps 143:3-4, 6-8.~· ating from the Herodian period, the manuscript is written in prose forma . Although there are no orthographical differences from ffi, too little text surv· es to allow a proper evaluation.
4QPsq (4Q98) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 815-16; Milik, "Deux Documents," 245-55 +pl. I; Briend, "Le musee Bible et Terre Sainte," 45;
44 Waw as u vowel letter is found less often here thun in ffi. 4 ~ In Ps 93:5 4QPslll hus waw us u vowel letter in Tn1,ll Qumrun," 43 n. 45.
q•n,ll ffi);
cf. !'lint, "Psulten ut
Eshel, Lange and Romheld, "Dokumentation neuer Texte," 281; GleBmer, "Ein Psalmen-Fragment," 42-47; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 43]. The top parts of two adjoining columns are preserved, containing the end of Ps 31, a good deal of Ps 33, and some of Ps 34. As was the case in 4QPsa, Ps 32 is not present in its expected place, which constitutes a major deviation from m. The lines are written in prose format, and the orthography is classified as mixed. 46 Palaeographical analysis suggests a date in the mid-first century CE for this manuscript. 47 It has been suggested that this manuscript is not from Qumran at all, but from Nal}ali:Iever. 48 3.17
4QPsr (4Q98a) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 43]. The four extant fragments come from the bottom of two adjoining columns which were very tall, and preserve text from Psalms 26, 27 and 30. The scroll is written in prose format, and its script indicates a date in the Herodian period. Too little text survives on which to base an evaluation of the orthography.
4QPss (4Q98b) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 815-16; Skehan, "Gleanings from Psalms Texts," 445-48; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 43-44]. Only two fragments survive of this manuscript, which is written in prose format and dates from 50 CE or later. 49 Although too little text survives on which to base a thorough orthographic analysis, there are indications that the orthography is mixed. so The first piece, which contains parts of Psalms 5:86:1, may come from the bottom of a column, while the second small fragment preserves portions of Ps 88:15-17.
4QPst (4Q98c) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 44]. 51 This isolated fragment preserves only three words, two complete and the third incomplete, from Ps 42:5. The small amount of extant material precludes any comment regarding othography, but the positioning of the complete words indicates a prose format. 52 On palaeographical grounds the scroll may be dated to about 50 CE.53
46 Waw occurs frequently as a vowel letter, but yod 47 Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 815-16.
does so less often than in
48 Cf. Briend, "Le musee Bible et Terre Sainte," 45; Eshel, Lange and Riimheld, "Dokumentation ncuer Texte," 281. The latter article claims that this document is a "new" text from Qumran, but this is emphatically not the case in view ofMilik's preliminary publication (1957) and the critical edition that is in preparation (Skehan, Ulrich and Flint, in DJD XVI); see also GleBmer, "Ein PsalmenFragment," 1-3. In July 1996 Professor Ulrich and I examined the manuscript, which is housed in the Musee Bible et Terre Sainte (Paris). We are grateful to the Director of the Museum, Prof. J. Briend, for both our gracious reception and his invaluable assistance. 49 In 1978 Skehan suggested ca. 50 CE ("Litll~rature de Qumran," 815-16), but three years later he proposed 50-68 CE ("Gleanings from Psalms Texts," 445). ~ 0 Whereas waw is not used as u vowel letter, the longer suffixed forms occur, as the following example (frg. I line 4) illustrutcs: ;,;:,::) lon 4QPss] l:::l '01n ffi (Ps 5:12). See Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 44 n. 49. ~t The curlier dcsignution for 4QI'st wns 4QPs frg. I, ~2 J!uch word he)lins n new line, which means thut the ri)lht mnrgin is preserved. 1 , Thus Skchnn, "l.llt~rnturc de Qumrun," KI~ 16.
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS 4QPsu (4Q98d) [Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 44].5 4 Only two words from Ps 99:1 are extant-of which one is incomplete-on this fragment. Like 4Q98c, so little is preserved that no decision on format or orthography seems possible. Skehan dates this scroll at the end of the first century BCE. 55 4QPsV[?] (4Q98e[?]) [Formerly Maslg(?) or MasPsc(?)] For this recently identified piece, which is most likely from Cave 4 and contains the first halves of Ps 18:26-29, see section 6.1 below ("A Recent Find in Yadin's Study"). 4QPs89 (4Q236) [Milik, "Une Source du Psautier," 94-104 +pl. I; Skehan, "Gleanings," 439-45; Vander Ploeg, "Ps LXXXIX," 471-81; GleBmer, "Ps 89 und ein Qumranfragment," 55-73; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 44]. Aptly described by Skehan as a "battered and isolated bit," 56 this fragment preserves parts of Psalm 89 written in prose format and in an arrangement that is otherwise unattested: vv 20-22, 26, 23, 27-28, 31. Obviously at variance with the Masoretic Psalter, the composition has been variously evaluated as part of a source for the Psalter, 57 as a "practice page written from memory,'•58 or as belonging to a libretto of messianic testimonia. 59 The orthography is highly unusual and is difficult to categorize; it has been classified as "archaic," 60 and seems to display Aramaic influence.6 1 On palaeographic grounds Milik estimates that this scroll was copied or written between 175 and 125 BCE,62 while van der Ploeg suggests the second half of the first century BCE. 63 4QPs89 is thus one of the two oldest Psalms scrolls, the other being 4QPsa (q. v.). "Work with Place Names" (4Q522) [Puech, "Fragments du Psaume 122," 547-54; "La Pierre de Sion," 676-96; Skehan, "Gleanings," 448-52; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 44-45]. 64 This manuscript preserves parts of Psalm 122:1-9 65 in four small fragments, together with at least one other composition whose general theme is "Jerusalem, the Holy City." 66 The document does not qualify as a Psalms scroll,67 as is indicated by its title in English and
54 The earlier designation for 4QPs u was 4QPs frg. 2. 55 Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 815-16. 56 Skehan, "Gleanings," 439. 57 This is the view of Milik, as the title of his article indicates. 58 Thus Skehan, who regarded 4QPs89 as "secondary to the canonical Psalm" ("Gleanings," 439). 59 Vander Ploeg, "Ps LXXXIX," 475, 481. 60 Milik~" ne Source du Psautier," esp. 97-98; cf. van der Ploeg, "Ps LXXXIX," 477. 6 1 Cf. Ske an, "Gleanings," 441-42. 62 Mili 'Une Source du Psautier," 95, 102. 6 3 Vander Ploeg, "Ps LXXXIX," 475. 64 An earlier designation for this manuscript was 4QPs 122. 65 Portions of all 9 verses are extant. 66 Puech, "Fragments du Psuume 122," 549. 67 I urn grateful to Emile Puech for his insights on this mnnuscripl which he shared with me at the Ecole Bihlique in Jerusalem in the Summers of 1992 nnd 1994. Puech points out thut 4QS:Z2 mny belong to nnother copy of the work with thiN nnmc from Cnve ~ (~QII), which WIIM puhliMhcd curlier by J. T. Mlllk (I)JI) III, 17 11 IHO +pl. XXXVIII). See uiMo hiM "Lu Pierre de Slon," 677.
French ("Ouvrage avec toponymes").68 Reconstruction indicates that the Psalm was written in prose format. While the orthography seems to be sparing several variants against the Received Text are evident. (similar to that of Palaeographical analysis suggests a pre-Herodian date, perhaps the second third of the first century BCE.69
4. Psalms Scrolls from Cave 11 While only five of the thirty-nine Psalms manuscripts were found in Cave 11, 70 several are of great significance for studying and understanding the Psalms at Qumran. For some scrolls the identification and placement of pieces has proved especially difficult, giving rise to much confusion among scholars. Thus I particularly acknowledge the kindness of Professor F. Garda Martinez and Dr. E. J. C. Tigchelaar, two of the official editors of llQPsb-d and llQPsApa, for making available to me a draft of their DJD edition.7 1 By eliminating llQPse altogether, redeploying several known fragments among llQPsb-d, and identifying some new pieces, they have produced a critical edition that differs radically from all previous ones. 72 But first we must consider the largest and best preserved of all the Psalms manuscripts, llQPsa, which contains several major differences in comparison to the Masoretic Psalter. Both because of its importance among the Psalms scrolls and its prominence in scholarly discussion, I now proceed to describe this manuscript in considerable detail. 4.1
llQPsa (llQS): see PLATES VI, VII, IX. [DJD IV and Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll; Yadin, "Another Fragment," 1-10 +pis. 1-V; Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran,'' 814-16; van der Ploeg, "Les manuscrits de la Grotte XI," 5-6; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 45-47]. In view of its size and prominence in scholarly discussion, more space is devoted to the description of this scroll than to any of the other thirty-eight Psalms manuscripts. Most of 11 QPs a was published by James Sanders in 1965, 73 but the following year saw the appearance of an additional fragment (e), edited by Yigael Yadin, which Sanders was also able to include in his "Cornell Edition" of 1967. Palaeographic analysis indicates that the manuscript was copied between 30 and 50 CE.74
68 Cf. Reed, Dead Sea Scroll Catalogue 139; Tov,"Unpublished Qumran Texts [JJS]," 126; "Unpublished Qumran Texts [BA]," I 02. Tov' s articles are different but bear the same title. 69 Puech, "Fragments du Psaume 122," 550. 70 See Map (preceding the Iniroduction). 71 The final edition will appear in DJD XXIII; the preliminary version was published in late 1996 (Garcia Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Preliminary Edition," 73-107). 72 For the revised list of contents of the relevant scrolls, see APPENDIX 4 ("Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 7 J The manuscript was found nine years earlier in 1956 and unrolled in 1961 (Sanders, Dead Sea l'.wlm.v Scroll, J-6). 74 ThiN dute wnM prupoMed by JnmcN Sundcn und iN NUpported by Fronk Moore Cross; see Sanders, llJP IV, 6--9; IJI'ml.'iral'.mlm.l Sr·ro/1, 6.
these columns is at least partially extant, except for Ps 120 in col. II, which is supplied by reconstruction. 87 However, the fragmentary state of the first surviving sections (frgs. a--d) raises the possibility that earlier sections of this manuscript are no longer extant. Patrick Skehan maintained 88 that II QPsa originally began with Psalm I 0 I (frg. a), basing his assessment on physical, thematic and statistical grounds. (i) First, he argued, the remains of the initial extant column (frgs. a, b, c) preserve a top margin, and Ps 101 began on the right margin. No other composition in the 34 inscribed columns commences in the exact equivalent position, which indicates that the scroll itself began here. 89 (ii) Second, Skehan considered it appropriate that this expanded "Davidic" collection commences with Ps I 0 I, which is the first Psalm in Book IV (of the Masoretic Psalter) to begin with 1 (')11l;J.90 (iii) Finally, he maintained that II QPsa begins the last 50 of the ISO Psalms in accordance "with the kind of mathematics" that is evident in the prose catalogue of col. xxvn.9 1 One objection to this proposal is that it presumes the existence of a finalized Psalter containing exactly ISO Psalms, which was not necessarily the case.92 In sum, Skehan's proposal that IIQPsa began with Ps 101 is very plausible, although it cannot be proven with certainty.9 3 My own analysis of IIQPsa indicates that the manuscript most likely did commence with Ps 101, and that a few additional compositions are missing between Ps I 09 in frg. d and Ps 118 in frg. e. 94
llQPsa preserves 49 (or 50)75 compositions,76 of which 39 appear in Books IV and V of the Masoretic Psalter; these range from Psalm 93 (col. XXII) to Psalm 150 (col. XXVI), but frequently occur in a different order. 77 Of the ten (or eleven) additional pieces, 78 one is found elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, 79 five were familiar from ancient translations, 80 and four were comt>letely unknown. 81 The lines are written in prose format, except for Ps 119 in cols. VI-XIV which is written stichometrically, 82 and the orthography is expanded.83 llQPsa thus diverges radically from the Masoretic Psalter, both in arrangement and by the inclusion of additional compositions. Because of this divergence, and since so much of the manuscript is preserved, most discussion concerning the Psalms scrolls has been focused around this document. 84
Excursus I: The Original Extent of 11 QPsa. Is II QPsa almost entirely extant, or did it contain further compositions in its complete and original form? The surviving scroll measures approximately 5 m, which makes it one of the longest preserved manuscripts found at Qumran. 85 The remains of 35 columns survive, consisting of 29 joined columns on a continuous expanse of leather, and apparently a further six in frgs. a-e. 86 The end of the scroll is preserved, since the final piece (Ps !SIB) in col. XXVIII is followed by a blank column (cf. PLATE VII). Every discrete composition that appears in 33 of 75 The higher total is reached by counting the Catena in col. XVI as a separate composition. Although it contains verses found mostly in Psalm 118 in m, some scholars regard the Catena as a distinct compilation (cf. Ackroyd, "Some Notes on the Psalms," 396-99; "The Open Canon," 280-81). For my argument that this piece actually forms a single Psalm together with 136, see Chapter 8.5 ("A New Structural Analysis of IIQPsa"). 76 For a complete listing of contents, cf. APPENDIX 4 ("Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 77 For instance, Ps 132 is directly followed by Ps 119 in col. VI. Further examples are given in the list of adjoining Psalms in APPENDIX 3. 78 An English translation of most of these appears in APPENDIX I ("'Apocryphal' Psalms and Other Compositions"). 79 "David's Last Words"(= 2 Sam 23:1-7); however, only six words ofv 7 are actually preserved in IIQPs" (col. XXVII). 80 Psalms 154 and 155 (in Syriac); Ps ISlA, Ps !SIB and Sirach 51:13-30 (in Greek, Syriac and Latin). 8l "The Plea for Deliverance" (col. XIX), "The Apostrophe to Zion" (col. XXII), "The Hymn to the Creator" (col. XXVI), and "David's Compositions" (col. XXVII); for the latter, see plate VI. 82 In this case the stichometric format is demanded by the acrostic structure of Psalm 119. 83 "The scroll, generally speaking, exhibits plene spellings" (Sanders, DJD IV, I0). 84 See especially Chapters 8 ("David's Solar Psalter. The Structure and Provenance of IIQPsa") and 9 ("True Psalter or Secondary Collection?"). 85 The measurement of 5 m takes into account the main part of the II QPsa, which measures 4.112 em (DJD IV, pgA), as well as frgs. a--d and frg. e (the last being 36 em long); cf. Yadin, "Another Fragment,~' 2. Although this is one of the longest scrolls found at Qumran, others were substantially longer, in~ng IQisaa (7.34 m) and the Temple Scroll (8.148 m, but originally at least 8.75 m). See H. Stegemann, "Methods for the Reconstruction of Scrolls from Scattered Fragments," in Lawrence H. Schiffman (ed.), Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea St.·rolls. Tht! Nt'W York Univt'rsity Conference in Memory of Yigael Yadin (JSPSup. 8; JSOT/ASOR Monographs 2; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990) 189-220, esp. 212-13 n. 55. 86 Sanders, Dt'ad Sfa P.mlm.\" Scm//, 28-·33, 160·-M; cf. Skehan, "Qumrttn 11nd Old TeMtnment Criticism," 169.
llQPsb (11Q6) [Van der Ploeg, "Un Manuscrit de Psaumes," 408-12 + pl. XVIII; "Les manuscrits de la Grotte XI," 6, 13; Skehan, "Litterature de Qumran," 814-16; Garda Martinez, "Texts from Cave 11," 21; Garda Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Preliminary Edition," 74-81 + pls. VIII-IX; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 47]. Written in Herodian script, this manuscript dates from the first half of the first century CE. 95 The lines are written in a prose format, and the orthography may be described as expanded. Although only ten fragments survive, the scroll is significant because it displays several affinities
87 See Sanders, Psalms Scroll, 23; Skehan, "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 169. In col. XVII Ps 145 was followed by a subscript. See Chapter 8.2 ("The Largest of the Psalms Scrolls"). 88 Skehan, "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 169-70. 89 Although Ps 121 begins in the top margin of col. III, it is indented; while compositions also begin in the top margins of cots. XXI and XXII, each follows the end of the previous piece and an interval in the same line (cf. Skehan, "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 169-70). 90 It should be noted, however, that the collection also contains Psalm 93 (in col. XXII), which raises the possibility that other Psalms prior to I01 may have been included in the original scroll. 91 "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 170. 92 Furthermore, II QPsa also lacks many of the "last 50" Psalms referred to by Skehan, and (with several other scrolls) attests to fluidity in arrangement and content from Psalms 90 onwards. For further discussion, see Chapter 6 ("Stabilization of the Psalter"). 'I) It has also been proposed that the manuscript began with Ps 90 (Stegemann, "Methods for the Reconstruction of Scrolls," 212-13 n. 55). However, the superscript preserved in ffi for this Psalm uttributcs it to Moses (D'i1'?~i1 tD'~ i1tDD'? i1'?Eln, "A Prayer of Moses, the Man of God"), which seems to preclude its use 11s the first piece in a Davidic collection. In the same note Stegemann also suggests thut IIQPs 11 could originally h11ve been much longer than the 37 columns that are now preserved. 14 ' Sec Chapter 8.5 ("A New Structural Analysis of II QPs 11 "), where I propose that six pieces are missing: Psulms II 0 and lll-117. 'l.~ Vander PloeJ, "lJn MunuNcrit de !'N11umes," 408; Ourclu Martinez & Tigchelaar, "Preliminary 1\dition," 7~.
songs against demons: three "apocryphal" pieces followed by Psalm 91. 104 Van der Ploeg identifies these 105 as the illl::l,~ l:l'll,)~il ?ll p.l? ,~ ("Four Songs for playing over the Stricken") that are mentioned in "David's Compositions" (llQPs•, col. XXVI, lines 9-10). Many scholars accept this identification, but it should be noted that the official editors (Garcia Martinez, Tigchelaar, van der Woude) are more cautious by only admitting it as a possibility.
with IIQPs•, including the sequence 141--tl33--tl44 96 and portions of the Catena, the Plea for Deliverance, and the Apostrophe to Zion. The newlydiscovered presence of Ps 77:18-78:1 is also to be noted. 97 4.3
llQPsc (11Q7) [Vander Ploeg, "Un Psautier de Qumran," 308-309 +pl. II; "Les manuscrits de la Grotte XI," 13; "Fragments de Psaumes," 233-37 + pl. II; Garcia Martinez, "Estudios Qumranicos," 259; "Texts from Cave 11,"21; Garcia Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Preliminary Edition," 82-92 +pis. XXI; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 48]. Nine compositions, ranging from Ps 2 to Ps 25, are represented in the extant fragments of this scroll, 98 and are written in prose format. The orthography is expanded and the manuscript is dated on palaeographical grounds to the Herodian period, more specifically the first half of the first century CE. 99 With respect to arrangement no striking contrasts are apparent in comparison with the Masoretic Psalter.
llQPsd (11Q8) [Vander Ploeg, "Fragments de Psaumes," 233-37 +pl. II; "Les manuscrits de la Grotte XI," 13; Garcia Martinez, "Estudios Qumranicos," 259; and "Texts from Cave 11," 21-22; Garcia Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Preliminary Edition," 92-101 +pis. XII-Xill; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 48]. Written in prose format. this scroll is dated on palaeographical grounds to the Herodian period, most likely the mid-first century CE. 100 Portions of twelve Psalms are preserved, ranging from Ps 6 to Ps 116, 101 with no major disagreements against the Masoretic Psalter.
llQPsApa or llQApPsa (llQll) 102 [Van der Ploeg, "Le Psaume XCI," 210-17 +pis. Vill-IX; "Un petit rouleau," 128-39 + pls. II-VII; "Les manuscrits de la Grotte XI," 12; Eissfeldt, "Eine Qumran-Textform," 82-85; Puech, "Rituel d'exorcismes," 377-408; "Les deux derniers Psaumes davidiques," 64-89; Garcia Martinez, "Texts from Cave 11," 22-23; Garcia Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Four Psalms Scrolls from Cave 11 (excluding 11QPsa)," Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 48]. This manuscript is written in prose format in a Herodian script dated at 50-70. 1OJ It most likely contains four
96 See, respectively, cols. XVI, XIX, and XXIII of IIQPs•. For the siglum -7 see ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA. 97 The other new passages to be included are Psalms (?)109:3-4 and 119:163-165, and the Apostrophe to Zion, vv 4--5. 98 For the full list of contents, see APPENDIX 4. Ps 77:18-78:1 was formerly included in this manuscript, but has now been moved to IIQPsb A newly-discovered piece of IIQPsc is Ps 19:4-8. 99 Cf. van der Ploeg, "Un Psautier de Qumran," 309; "Fragments de Psaumes," 237; Garcia Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Preliminary Edition," 83. 100 Van der Ploeg, "Fragments de Psaumes," 237; Garcia Martinez and Tigchelaar, "Preliminary ' · Edition," 93. 101 P~that were not included in previous editions and listings are: Psalms 6:2-4; 9:3-6; (?)19:3 or (?)60:9; 18:39-42; 36:13-37:4 (formerly part of IIQPse); 45:6-7; (?)50:3-7; 78:36-37; 86:11-14 (formerly part of II QPse); and 115:16-116: I. 102 For the total elimination of II QPs 0 ( IIQ9), see the beginning of section 4 ubove. tm See Eissfeldt, "Eine Qumran-Textform," !!2; van der Ploeg, "Le Psaume XCI," 210; Puech, "Rituel d'exorcismes," 377; Gnrcfn Martrne1., Ti~tchelaar and vnn der Woude, "Four PNnlmN ScrullN from Cave I I."
5. Psalms Scrolls Found at Other Locations In addition to the thirty-six manuscripts from Qumran, three were discovered at other locations in the Judaean desert. These sites are Nal).al Bever and Masada. It has also been suggested-but incorrectly-that Psalms scrolls were found at Nabal Se'elim (Wadi Seiyal) and Ein Gedi. For the several locations discussed in this section, see the Map. 106 5.1
The Psalms Scroll from Nal).al Bever (abbreviated 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps, 107 see PLATE VIII. [Yadin, "Expedition D," 40 + pl. XXD; Aharoni, "Expedition B," 24; Greenfield, "Texts from Nal)al Se'elim (Wadi Seiyal)," 661-63; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 48]. The small fragment from Cave 5/6 at Nal)al Bever (5/6 BevPs) contains Ps 15:1 to 16:1, with the interesting omission of 15: 1a. 108 In the pieces designated Seiyal 4, (XI:Iev/Se 4 or Se II-IV), fourteen Psalms are represented, ranging from Ps 7 to Ps 31. 109 On palaeographical grounds, the complete manuscript is dated to the second half of the first century CE. IIO For the abbreviations used for this manuscript, and the complex details surrounding its discovery, see below.
Excursus II: Nahal }f.ever (Wadi Khabra) and Nahal Se~elim (Wadi Seiyal). The claim that biblical texts were found at both Nal)al Bever and Nal:Jal Se'elim has given rise to considerable confusion, and so merits detailed examination in the present study . 111 The texts from Nal) a! Bever were discovered in the course of a controlled archaeological expedition led by Yigael Yadin in 1961-62. The small Psalms fragment was found on 3 April 1960 in the first chamber of the "Cave of Letters." This piece is abbreviated 5/6flevPs, with the large three-chambered cave classified as "Cave Five-Six," since it has two openings. 112
104 Ps 91 is the final piece in the document, since it is followed by a blank space indicating the end of the scroll; cf. van der Ploeg, "Le Psaume XCI," plate IX. 105 Vander Ploeg, "Un petit rouleau," 129. For further discussion, see Chapter 7.9 ("Additional ( :ollections of Psalms"). 106 Preceding the Introduction. 107 This seems to be the most accurate and convenient way of designating a manuscript of which different portions have been abbreviated 5/6}jevPs and Xl;lev/Se 4. !OK Here ffi reads 1lt!l'i ?ll ?li ~ ?. tm Ahuroni's early report on the excavation of Nahal Se'elim ("Expedition B," 11-24) indicated only that Hebrew fragments on papyms containing "various texts" had been found, without specifying the hooks or passages involved. Ito Yndin, "Hxpediti1m D," 40. Itt ('f. Jonus Oreenfield, "Texts from Nahal S2elim (Wadi Sciynl)," 661~2. t 12 Ya1din, "l!xpedilinn I>," 40.
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS However, the bulk of the Psalms and other biblical material 11 3 had been found several years earlier ( 1951 or 1952) by the Bedouin, who took it to East Jerusalem-at that time in Jordanian hands-and sold it to the Rockefeller Museum authorities. The Bedouin claimed to have discovered the scrolls at Wadi Seiyal (Nal)al Se'elim), about 9 km further south, since at that time Nal)al I:Iever was in Israeli hands while Wadi Seiyal was in Arab territory. 114 The designation XI:Iev/Se 4 means cave "X" (= uncertain) of Nal)al I:Iever, traditionally named Wadi Seiyal, manuscript number 4 (i.e. the Psalms scroll). The situation is rendered more complicated by yet another abbreviation for this material, where roman numerals denote the individual plates of the Seiyal series. Using this system the "Seiyal" part of our Psalms manuscript is designated by its three plates as Se II-IV. 115 It should also be noted that the very choice of Hebrew or Arabic names for the locations involved can be politically motivated; thus the abbreviation Xl;lev/Se 4 is both neutral and apposite for this part of the scroll. It now seems certain that the Bedouin had actually discovered their fragments at Nal)al I:Iever, since several of the pieces later found by Yadin and his team belong to the same manuscripts. 116 As editor of this material, I was able to confirm this identification in the Summer of 1996 by physically comparing the "Bever" and "Seiyal" biblical scrolls, which in earlier years was very difficult to arrange. 117 If we accept that the "Seiyal" material actually came from the Cave of Letters-as the evidence strongly suggests-then the abbreviation 5/6l;lev-Se4 Ps is appropriate for the combined remnants of this manuscript.
MasPsa or Masle (M1039-160) [Yadin, "Excavation of Masada," 81, 103104 +pl. XIXA; "Massada," Encyclopaedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, 812-13; McDonald, "Treasures," 163 (plate); Nebe, "MasadaPsalmen-Handschrift," 89-97; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 49]. This manuscript was discovered on 20 Nov. 1963 in locus 1039, the archaeological designation for the third wall casemate south of the synagogue at Masada. The palaeography indicates a date in the later Herodian period, more specifically the first half of the first century CE. 118 Most of Psalms 81-85 are extant in a stichometric arrangement, with few variants from the Masoretic Text. MasPsa (and MasPsb) will be appear in the Final Reports of the Masada excavations. 119
113 These are two scrolls of Numbers, which I designate 5/6ijev-Sel Num (previously XI:Iev/Se I) and 5/6ijev-Se2 Num (Xl:lev/Se 2), and one of Deuteronomy (5/6ijev-Se3 Deut or XI:Iev/Se 3). 114 See Map (preceding the Introduction); Greenfield, "Texts from Nal)al Se'elim (Wadi Seiyal)," 661-62; and Tov, The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, vii and I. 115 Greenfield ("Texts from Nal]al Se'elim [Wadi Seiyal]," 663) states that Se I-IV all contain the Psalms MS Se 4; but in fact Se I(= 1-3) preserves material from Numbers and Deuteronomy. 116 These include both biblical scrolls (Psalms, Numbers, Minor Prophets) and non-biblical material (e.g. a sales document and a Nabataean text). 117 The "I:Iever" and "Seiyal" fragments were kept for many years at two different locations: the former at the Shrine of the Book, and the latter at the Rockefeller Museum. In 1995 the ijever manuscripts wen;;transferred to the Rockefeller, which made possible my physical comparison of the Psalms materia!ias well as the relevant Numbers fragments). 118 Yadin, "Excavation of Masuda," 103. The terminus ad quem is 74 CE, when Masuda was conquered by the Romans (cf. Nebe, "Masada-Psalmen-Handschrift," 93; G. Vermes, The Deml Sea Scrolls. Qumran in Pt~rspective !rev. cd., Philudelphia: Fortess, 191!1] 20). 119 Professor Talmon comments: "I do nol expecl lhc Musadu mulerial to he included in the OJD series. II will he puhlished in the frnmewnrk of the definitive report nn the excavutionM, of which fnur volumes have ulrendy nppenred." See Yudin et nl (eds.), Mlwula. '1111' Yilltlt'l Ymlln l:'.mmrt/on.1.
MasPsb or Mas If (M1103-1742) [Yadin, Jerusalem Post (20 December, 1964); and Masada, 174; Talmon, "Fragments of a Psalms Scroll from Masada," 318-27 + pl. (pg. 320); Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 49]. In the Jerusalem Post of 20 December 1964, Yadin reported the discovery of another Psalms scroll from Masada. The two small fragments that survive preserve traces of Ps 147:18-19, and much of 150:1-6 followed by a blank column; this is good evidence for a Psalter that ended with Ps 150. 120 The editor of this manuscript, Shemaryahu Talmon, dates it to the last half-century BCE. 121
6. Additional Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert? As excavations proceed in the area of the Dead Sea and further afield, it seems inevitable that further manuscripts (both "Biblical" and "Non-Biblical"), including Psalms scrolls, will be discovered. 6.1 A Recent Find in Yadin's Study. Professor Talmon informs me of a small fragment of Psalms material that was discovered in a drawer in Yigael Yadin's study in the early nineties. Details of this piece, together with another two small fragments (not of Psalms) from the same source, will be published in the first half of 1997. 122 Talmon's preliminary evaluation may be summarized as follows: (a) The piece preserves the first halves of Ps 18:26-29 (definitely not the parallel text from 2 Sam 22). (b) The text contains no variants against the Masoretic Text. (c) Palaeographic analysis suggests a Herodian date for this manuscript. (d) It is not from Masada and certainly not from Bev/Seiyal. It may well come from Qumran, possibly from Cave 4. (e) Yadin probably picked it up on the antiquities market. In the light of Talmon's comments, I have provisionally changed its allocation from Maslg(?) or MasPsC(?) to 4QPsV(?) or 4QPs98(?), 123 as was indicated in section 3.21 above. 6.2
Were Psalms Scrolls found at Ein Gedi? In one of his most important articles on Textual Criticism ( 1978), Patrick Skehan referred to "Psalms MSS from Wadi Khabra and Engeddi." 124 As indicated above, the first location is the Arabic name for Nai).al Bever. But the second place is problematic, since there is no evidence in the literature or in the Scrolls inventory of biblical scrolls from Ein Gedi, situated some 4 krn northeast of Nai).al Bever. In view of his reference to both locations in one phrase, it seems that Skehan's "Engeddi" is actually Nal}al Se'elim (Wadi Seiyal), which is about 11.5 krn from Ein Gedi, and 9 krn from Nahal Bever. Thus the "Psalms Mss" he mentioned constitute the single Psalms scroll that I now abbreviate as 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps.
120 This is in ,marked contrast to the Psalter preserved in IIQPsa, which contains Ps !50 in col. XXVI and ends with Ps 151 in col. XXVIII. 121 "Fragments of a Psalms Scroll," 322. 122 0"1:::111 C':ln:l 'V~p ("Fragments of Hebrew Writings"), Tarbiz 66 (1997) 113-21, esp. 11315. I urn grateful to Professor Tulmon for sending me an advance copy of this publication. I2J Fur the previously used sigh1, cf. Reed, Dl'ad Sea Saol/s Catalo11ue, 185; Tov and Pfann, l>l'ad St'tl St.·ro/ls on Mlcrajit'ht, Companion Volumt, ~6. 4QPs118e cnnnot be allocated a discrete (,lumnm number becnuMe no mnre nrc uvuiluble fur the Cave 4 P•ahm scrolls (4Q83-4Q\18d). 124 "Qumr11n nnd Old TeMtnmcnt CrltlciNm," 16J-K2, cMp. 167.
scriptural quotations followed by pesharim. 12 8 While the scriptural passages are almost exclusively from Isaiah, one Psalms passage is quoted: 79: 1(?), 2-3.
7. Other Relevant Manuscripts In addition to the thirty-nine scrolls described above, at least seven others of relevance to the Book of Psalms were published between 1955 and 1968. Although none of these manuscripts is a Psalter, all contain passages from the Psalms. Several are pesharim, in which a scriptural passage is quoted and followed by a commentary. Five of the seven works listed below appeared in DJD V, but this edition is not always accurate and must be read in conjunction with Strugnell's "Notes en marge du Volume V." l25 7.1
4QpPsb (4Q173) [DJD V, 51-53+ pl. XVIII; Strugnell, "Notes en marge du Volume V," 219-20; Horgan, Pesharirn, 226-28; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 50]. Five fragments survive of this manuscript, containing quotations from the following passages, together with pesharim: Ps 127:2-3 (frgs. 1-2), 5 (frg. 3); Ps 129:7-8 (frg. 4); Ps 118:26(?), 27(?), 20 (frg. 5).
4QAor (4Q174) [DJD V, 53-57 + pls. XIX-XX, esp. 53 (= pl. XIX); Strugnell, "Notes en marge du Volume V," 220-25; Fitzmyer, "Bibliographical Aid," 67-68; Brooke, Exegesis at Qumran, 80-278; Puech, La croyance, 572-91; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 50]. This manuscript consists of twenty-seven fragments, 126 and contains a "Florilegium" or anthology of scriptural quotations followed by pesharim. 127 Psalms 1:1 and 2:1 are cited in fragments 1-2.
4QCatena A (4Q177) [DJD V 67-74 +pl. XXIv-xxva; Strugnell, "Notes en marge du Volume V," 236-48; Steudel, Midrasch zur Eschatologie, 19092; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 50]. This work, which may be termed a "thematic midrash" with parallels to earlier midrashim, 129 gives quotations from several sources, especially the Psalms and the Prophets. Verses from Psalms 11, 12, 5(?), 13, 6, 16, and 17 are cited or alluded to (in that order).
11QMelch (11Q13) [VanderWoude, "Melchisedek als himmlische ErlOsergestalt, 354-73 +pis. I-II, esp. 358-65; de Jonge and van der Woude, "llQ Melchizedek," 301-26, esp. 301-308; Milik, "Milki-~edeq et Milki-resa'," 95144, esp. 96-109, 124-26; Flint, "Psalters at Qunu;an," 51]. llQMelchizedek consists of an anthology of scriptural quotations with intervening comment and interpretation. Psalms 7:8-9 and 82:1-2 are cited or alluded to, the latter being introduced by the formula 10~ ~ i'1i ;l'rD::J 1''?.ll \::J1n;, ltD~;, ("As it is written concerning him in the hymns of David who says: ... ,"co. II 9-10).
lQpPs (1Q16) [DJD I, 81-82 +pl. XV; Horgan, Pesharirn, 65-70; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 50]. Consisting of eighteen fragments, this scroll presents several verses from the Psalms, followed by pesharim: Ps 57: 1 (citation, frg. 1), a pesher on Ps 68:12-13 and citation of 68:13 (frgs. 3-7), Ps 68:26-27 (citation and pesher, frg. 8), and Ps 68:30-31 (citation and pesher, frgs. 9-10). Although fragments 11-18 appear to belong to this manuscript, they are all very small and unidentified. 4QpPsa (4Ql71) [DJD V, 42-50 + pls. XIV-XVI; Strugnell, "Notes en marge du Volume V," 211-18; Vogt, "Fragmentum Ps 37," 263-64; Fitzmyer, "Bibliographical Aid," 65-67; Horgan, Pesharirn, 192-226; Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 50]. This scroll is the most intact of the Psalms pesharim, and survives in thirteen fragments. The following quotations and pesharim are preserved: Ps 37:7 (col. I); 37:8-26 (cols. II-III), 37:28c-40 and 45:1-2 (col. IV); Ps 60:8-9//108:8-9 (frg. 13).
4QTanl) (4Q176) [DJD V, 60-67 + pl. XXII-XXIII, esp. 60 + pl. XXII; Strugnell, "Notes en marge du Volume V," 229-36; Flint, "Psalters at ~," 50]. Consisting of fifty-seven fragments, 4QTanl)umim presents
I recently learnt via informal channels that a revision of this volume (to be termed "DJD Va") is being planned and will be announced early in 1997 (verb. sap. I). 126 Brooke (Exegesi.i at Qumran, 128) counts 27 fragments, while Allegro (DJD V, 57) has 26. 127 This work could also be termed 11 "thematlcal midrnsh"; cf. Steudcl un 4QCalcnll A (4Ql77) below.
8. Initial Observations on the Psalms Scrolls With reference to the above survey of the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls and seven other relevant manuscripts, six observations should prove of interest to students of the Psalms and will be of relevance to the discussion in PART II.
8. I Quantity Preserved For many manuscripts, very little text has survived due to the ravages of the elements, animals or humans. 130 The scrolls with the greatest number of verses preserved (wholly or in part) are as follows, in decreasing order: 11 QPsa, 4QPsa, 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps, 4QPsb, 4QPsc, 4QPse.131 8.2 Original Contents It must be emphasized that virtually all the Psalms scrolls are badly damaged and consist of remnants. Several were undoubtedly larger when originally copied: for instance, 4QPsa, 4QPsc, 4QPse, and 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps.l3 2 But it also 128 In his edition, Allegro uses the word "peser" twice (DJD V, 60, 62). However, this term may not be appropriate; I am grateful to George Brooke for pointing out (private communication) that it does not actually occur in 4QTanl)umim. 129 In terms of Gattung, Annette Steudel (Midrasch zur Eschatologie, 191) describes 4Q177-and also 4Q174-as "ein thematischer Midrasch mit Parallelen zu den [friihen] Pescharim." My thanks to Dr. Steudel (Gtittingen) for information by letter concerning this manuscript prior to the publication of her important study. 13 For instance IQPsb, 3QPs, 4QPsl, 4QPsl, 4QPsu, and pap6QPs. 131 To base this assessment on the number of verses preserved, rather than physical dimensions, seems most useful for purposes of comparison. For example, while the extant portions of 4QPsb are physically larger thun 4QPs 11 , the latter actually preserves more extant verses or parts of verses (ca. 12:1as opposed to ca. 97). 1.12 After cxuminina4QP•" nnd 4Q•c in JeruNalem durinll the Summers of 1994 and 1995, Hartmut Steacnumn conclude• th11t the•e mRnu•crlpt• wel'\l nrllllnnlly fur lurjlcr.
seems likely that some Psalms manuscripts originally contained only a few compositions or part of a Psalter. One reason is that the physical dimensions of a complete Psalms scroll would have to be very large; for example, approximately 5 m has survived of 11 QPsa, which preserves only forty-nine compositions. While this scroll is is not fully extant, it would have to be extremely long to accommodate Psalms 1-89 as well. 133 Secondly, there is good evidence that certain manuscripts ended before Ps 150 (in contrast to ffi) or Ps 151 (in contrast to 11QPs•). For instance, the collection found in 4QPsb may well close with Ps 118, 134 and when fully extant 1QPsb possibly contained only the Psalms of Ascent. 135 Third, it seems highly likely that Psalm 119 was the only composition found in some scrolls. 136 Finally, when the preserved contents of all thirty-nine Psalms manuscripts are analyzed, it is interesting to note that only five preserve material from both Psalms 1-89 and 90-150.137 Such a distribution of contents suggests that some of the Psalms scrolls originally may have contained material only from Psalms 1-89, while others comprised Psalms from 90 and beyond.
8.4 Major Disagreements with the Masoretic Psalter Twelve scrolls contain major disagreements in comparison with the MT-150 Psalter. The Table in APPENDIX 2 clearly shows that differences in the order of Psalms alone are evident in seven manuscripts from Cave 4. 143 Variations in content (i.e. the inclusion of compositions not found in ffi) occur in two scrolls from Cave 4 and another from Cave 11, 144 while differences in both order and content are present in two scrolls from Cave 11. 145 These disagreements will be explored more fully in the discussion of textual affiliations in Chapter 7.
8.3 The Compositions in these Manuscripts Of the 150 Psalms found in the Received Text, 126 are at least partially extant in the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls and seven related manuscripts. 138 All or most of the twenty-four "missing" Psalms were most likely included, but these are now lost due to the fragmentary state of most of the scrolls. Nineteen are not extant for Psalms 1-89, 139 and five are not represented for Psalms 90-150. 140 In addition to these "biblical" pieces, at least fifteen "apocryphal" Psalms or compositions are distributed among five manuscripts (especially 11 QPsa). 141 Seven of these were previously familiar to scholars: Psalms 151A, 151B, 154, 155, the Catena of Psalm 118, 142 "David's Last Words"(= 2 Sam 23:1-7), and Sirach 51:13-30. The other nine were unknown prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: the Plea for Deliverance, the Apostrophe to Zion, the Apostrophe to Judah, the Hymn to the Creator, an Eschatological Hymn, three Songs Against Demons, and David's Compositions. 13 3 See above, 4.1 (Excursus 1: The Original Extent of 1/QPsa). 134 See 3.2 above. 135 See 2.2 above. 136 In particular, 4QPsg, 4QPsh, and 5QPs. 137 These manuscripts are IQPs•, 4QPse, 4QPsf, IIQPsb, and IIQPsd. 138 See section 4.1 ("Differences in Arrangement and Content") of Chapter 6, esp. n. 21. !39 Psal~ 20-21,32,41,46, 55, 58, 61,64-65,70,72-75,80, and 87. 140 Psalms 90, 108(?), 110, Ill, and 117. 141 The five scrolls are: 4QPsf, 4QS22, IIQPs". IIQPsb, and IIQPsAp". For translations into English, see APPENDIX I ("'Apocryphal' Psalms und Other Compositions"). 142 While most scholars view the Catena us u distinct composition, I will argue that it forms 11 single Psalm together with 136; d. n. 75 ubove und Chapter IU ("A New Structural AnalyNiM of IIQPs 11").
8.5 Comparative Datings On the basis of palaeographic analysis, at least thirteen manuscripts were copied before the Common Era. The oldest two, 4QPsa and 4QPs89, date from the second century BCE, 146 while the remaining eleven were copied in first century BCE. 147 Seven scrolls are generally classified as "Herodian" (30 BC to 70 CE), 148 and four are loosely assigned to the first century CE. 149 More specifically, ten others are dated from the early to mid-first century CE, 150 and four from the mid-first century CE onwards. 151 8.6 Format of the Psalms Scrolls As far as can be determined, nine of the Psalms manuscripts are arranged stichometrically, 152 while twenty-one are written in prose format. 153 At least two scrolls contain some Psalms arranged stichometrically and others in prose format. 154 In view of its fragmentary state, it seems impossible to establish the format of at least one manuscript. 155 These data should help facilitate discussion of stichometry at Qumran, which occurs in several Psalms scrolls and in other manuscripts (e.g. 4QDeutq)_156 143 4QPs•, 4QPsb, 4QPsd, 4QPse, 4QPsk, 4QPs 0 , and 4QPsq. 144 4QPsf, 4QS22, and llQPsAp 3 . 145 llQPs•andllQPsb 146 While the date proposed by Milik for 4QPs89 (175-125 BCE) is accepted, van der Ploeg's later dating (second half of the lst century BCE) should be noted (cf. 3.22 above). 147 lQPs•, 4QPsb, 4QPsd, 4QPsf, 4QPsk, 4QPsl, 4QPs". 4QPs 0 , 4QPsu, 4Q522, and MasPsb. 148 lQPsc, 2QPs, 4QPsh, 4QPsm, 4QPsP, 4QPsr, and 4QPsY(?). 149 IQPsb, 3QPs, 5QPs, and 8QPs. 150 4QPse,4QPsg,4QPsi,4QPsQ,4QPsl,llQPs•,!lQPsb, IIQPs 0 , IIQPsd,andMasPsa 151 4QPsc, 4QPss, IIQPsAp•, and 5/6l:lev-Se 4 Ps. 152 These are: IQPs•, 3QPs, 4QPsb, 4QPsg, 4QPsh, 4QPsl, 5QPs, 8QPs, and MasPs•. 153 Two from Cave I (IQPsb and lQPsc), two from the Minor Caves (2QPs, and pap6QPs), fourteen' from Cave 4 (4QPs 8 , 4QPse, 4QPsf, 4QPsl, 4QPsk, 4QPsm, 4QPs 0 , 4QPs 0 , 4QPsP, 4QPsQ, 4QPsr, 4QPss, 4QPs89, and 4Q522), and three from Cave 11 (IIQPsb, llQPs 0 , and liQPsd). IS4 4QPsc and llQPs•. The latter is really a prose collection, with Ps 119 in cols. VI-XIV written stichometrically because it is un acrostic Psalm (cf. section 4.1 above). ISS 4QPsU.
I~ 6 Shortly before this manuscript was submitted, Professor Tov kindly sent me his article, "Speciul Luyuut of PueticullJnits in the TeKtN from the Judeun Desert," in J. l>yk (ed.), Give Ear'" Mv Word.1·. l'.wlm.\' ami Othl'l'l'o~trv In""'' Amuntlthr llr/Jrrw HI/Jir. 1\.ua.v.v in Honour •!( Pmjio.uor N. A. vtm Udrt~l,, (AmMttl'llnrn: SnctotnMIIobrnicn AmNtclmlnrnonMiM, 1996) 10~ -21!.
PSALMS VARIANTS LISTED BY MANUSCRIPT 1. Primary Sources and Previous Listings of Variants: Bardtke, H. "Librum Psalmorum," in K. Elliger and W. Rudolph (eds.), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung 1966-77). Fitzmyer, J. A. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Major Publications and Tools for Study (rev. ed., SBLRBS 20; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990). Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 54-106. - . "Methods for Determining Relationships Among the Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls," in M. 0. Wise et al (eds.), Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 722; New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994) 197-209 + 210-211 (discussion). Kennicott, B. (ed). Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum Variis Lectionibus (2 vols.; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1776-80). Kittel, R. (ed.). Biblia Hebraica (16th ed.; Stuttgart: Wiirttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1971). Ouellette, J. "Variantes Qumriiniennes du livre des Psaumes," RevQ 25 (1969) 105-23. Rahlfs, A. Septuaginta X. Psalmi cum Odis (3rd ed.; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1979). Reed, Stephen A., revised by Marilyn J. Lundberg with the collaboration of Michael J. Phelps. The Dead Sea Scrolls Catalogue: Documents, Photographs and Museum Inventory Numbers (SBLRBS 32; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994). Rossi, J. B. de. Variae Lectiones Veteris Testamenti (4 vols.; Parma, 1784-88 [repr. Amsterdam, 1969). Skehan, Patrick W. "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piere, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-82, esp. 173-82. Ulrich, Eugene. "An Index of the Passages in the Biblical Manuscripts from the Judean Desert (Part 2: Isaiah-Chronicles)," Dead Sea Discoveries 2 (1995) 86-107. [See also the Editions and Transcriptions of the Psalms Scrolls listed in Chapter 2.1.]
2. Introductory Comments
This Chapter presents by manuscript every variant found in the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls and seven other documents that were profiled in Chapter 2. These collations will enable scholars to assess the textual nature of each manuscript, as well as its relationship to other Psalms scrolls, to m, and to ~Sj_ Five points may be noted at the outset. (a) Most of the comments in this introductory section are applicable to both Chapters 3 and 4. (b) Chapter 4 contains the same data but in the order of the received MT-150 Psalter. (c) For publishe~ial, variant readings were obtained mainly from the preliminary or final editions that are listed in Chapter 2. (d) For unpublished scrolls, photographs were consulted wherever possible. Transcriptions and collations were also provided by the respective DJD editors preparing Psalms manuscripts from Cave 4 (Skehan, Ulrich, Flint), from Cave II (earlier van der Ploeg, now Garda Martfne;r., Tigchelaaar, van der Woude), and from Nabal ijever/Seiyal
(earlier Greenfield, now Flint). (e) These collations have been extensively checked are as accurate and reliable as possible; but a few readings or line numbers will inevitably be modified as unpublished material is finalized or as earlier editions are reassessed by scholars. 2.1 Criteria for Determining Variants As was indicated in the Introduction, 1 a variant is defined as any disagreement between one of the Dead Sea Psalms scrolls with either the Masoretic Text or another Psalms scroll. While not underestimating the importance of the Versions (ISj, La, S, 0::, and 0) 2 for studying the text of the Psalter, this study focuses upon the main Hebrew texts used in biblical scholarship (the Judaean scrolls and ffi). Furthermore, the relationship between the scrolls and the Versions is the subject of at least one monograph, and is thus clearly beyond the bounds of this book. The relationship between the Psalms manuscripts and the Greek Psalter will nevertheless be explored in Chapter 10 because of the great importance of the Septuagint as a textual witness. 3 The reading of ISj is thus included in the collations as far as possible, although it plays no role in the actual determination of variants. 2.2 Orthographic Variants Orthography is not a prominent concern in this study, since it involves no changes in meaning. 4 Consequently, orthographic differences are not included in the collations, but with two exceptions: (a) Where an entry may also qualify as a variant, in which case it is followed by [V AR or ORTH] or, in more difficult cases, by [V AR and ORTH?]. (b) When the original reading (denoted by the siglum *) has been subsequently corrected to a different orthographic form. 5
2.3 Signs, Sigla, and Format The sigla used in Chapters 3 and 4 are generally in accordance with BHS, Septuaginta X. Psalmi cum Odis, and the DJD series, with the vast majority listed under ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA. 6 Three additional points may be made: (a) The long dash followed by a manuscript (for example, -4QPsd) indicates that while the scroll contains the verse or pericope involved, it is not extant for the specific reading. While less than elegant, this procedure informs the reader that the scroll in question has been consulted. (b) Fragment 1
Section 3.1, 'Terminology and the Primary Data." I.e. the Septuagint, Old Latin, Syriac, Aramaic Targums, and Latin Vulgate. 3 The investigation in Chapter lOis preliminary, not comprehensive, and is restricted to two areas: variant readings shared by specific scrolls and~ against other Psalms scrolls or m, and the relevance of these variants for determining the Vorlage of the Old Greek of the Psalter. 4 While orthography is not a major concern in this book, a general orthographic assessment is provided for each Psalms scroll in Chapter 2. ~ Although such cases could he omitted, they are included because the issue of why and how a manuscript hus been corrected is of interest to muny scholars. h Sec ulsn J. A. Fit:r.mycr, Thr /)rat/ Sra Scro/1.1·: Mtl}or fuhlimtion.•·and Tool.\·.fi~r Study (rev. ed.: SBLRBS 20: Atluntn: S~hnlnrs l'ress, I<)<)()) l K. 2
numbers are given in arabic numerals (e.g. frg. 1), column numbers in a sequence of columns are in roman capitals (e.g. col. 1), and the numbers of columns restricted to a fragment are in small roman numerals (e.g. 4 ii = the second column in frg. 4). (c) The format of the collations enables the reader to identify with precision the following items for any reading: the manuscript, the scriptural reference, the fragment or column number, the line number, relationship to the corresponding reading in other scrolls (if any), relationship to the Masoretic Text, and relationship to the Septuagint.
lQll. lQPsb
126:6 (f. !,line I) 128:3 (f. 6, line 2)
'~W,J 2° IQPsb IIQPsa ~a'LpovTEt;)] ~WJ 2°m (cf. v 6a); ~W1J mms(Ken) [i1'1)E:li1!QPsb] i1'1E:l m (= Isa 17:6) ~(?); -IIQPsa 1Ql2. lQPsc
2.4 The Manuscripts The primary material for the present study is the corpus of 39 Psalms scrolls and 7 other manuscripts that were introduced and discussed in Chapter 2:
104:8 (f. 2, line 2)
['?)i:J'?1 2QPs ] '?~ m~; -4QPsd 3Q2. 3QPs
The Psalms Scrolls
(2) !Qll. IQPsb (3) IQ12. IQPsc (4) 2Ql4. 2QPs (5) 3Q2. 3QPs (6) 4Q83. 4QPsa (7) 4Q84. 4QPsb (8) 4Q85. 4QPsC (9) 4Q86. 4QPsd (10) 4Q87. 4QPse (II) 4Q88. 4QPsf (12) 4Q89. 4QPsg (13) 4Q90. 4QPsh
(14) 4Q91. 4QPsi (15) 4Q92. 4QPsk (16) 4Q93. 4QPsl (17) 4Q94. 4QPsm (18) 4Q95. 4QPs 0 (19) 4Q96. 4QPso (20) 4Q97. 4QPsP (21) 4Q98. 4QPsq (22) 4Q98a. 4QPsr (23) 4Q98b. 4QPs 5 (24) 4Q98c. 4QPst (25) 4Q98d. 4QPsu (26) 4Q98e.(?) 4QPsV(?)
(27) 4Q236. 4QPs89 (28) 4Q522. Work with Place Names (29) 5QS. 5QPs (30) pap6Q$. pap6QPs (31) 8Q2. 8QPs (32) IIQS. IIQPsa (33) IIQ6. IIQPsb (34) IIQ7. II QPsc (35) IIQS. IIQPsd (36) II Q 11. II QPsApa (37) 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps (38) MasPsa (Ml039-160) (39) MasPsb (MII03-1742)
4. Qumran Cave 4
Works quoting Psalms (40) IQ16. !QpPs (41) 4Ql71. 4QpPsa (42) 4Q173. 4QpPsb (43) 4Q174. 4QF!or (44) 4Q176. 4QTanb (45) 4Ql77. 4QCatena A (46) IIQ13. IIQMelch
3. Cave 1 and the Minor Caves at Qumran
____/ IQlO. lQPsa 92: 12 (f. 2, line 1)
i1l10W IQPs"] i1Jl10WI1 ffi~
119:32 (f. 6, line 2)
1111~[0] IQPs"] TI11~0 m~ 'JI11[l1] IQPs" (cf. Jub 19:6)] 'J~I11l1 ffi~
119:711 (f. II. line 2)
[CJ•oo,p )lio 8QPs (haplography? cf. DJD III, p. 148) ] CJ•oo,pnoo rn~
4Q83. 4QPsa 5:9-10 (f. I, line I)
ooo~ 4QPsa] r~ ':J m~; r~r 4QPs 5
5:11 (f. !,line 2)
,o·w~i14QPsa] CIO'tD~i1 m~; -4QPs 5 ilJ~J. 4QPsa ] i1J~:J m ~ ; -4QPss pr.Ps314QPsa4QPsq] pr.Ps32ffi~[31];cj.Ps33c. Ps 32 mmss(cf. ~mss)
5:13 (f. I, line4) 33: I (f. 3 i, line 6) 35: 15 (f. 5, line 2)
)oi~O~J 4QPsa] 1E:!O~J ,E:!O~J, m~; 1E:!OJ ( 4QPsq
35:16 (f. 5, line 3)
•'?.11 ,p1n 4QPsa ~(E~pv~av E'TT' Ej.l.E)] •'?.11 p·11J m; -4QPsq
35: 16 (f. 5, line 3)
Ci'Jtl) 4QPsa] ,O'JtD m; ~(TOUt; 686VTat; aimi:\v); -4QPsq
35: 17 (f. 5, line 3)
'Ji1~ 4QPsa• (cf. 38:16, 23) ] •j1~ 4QPsa carr m [ORTH, hut CORR)
35:20 (f. 5,
'?~~ 4QI's11 (cf. n. 20'1 in HHK)] '?.11, ffi~
54 35:27 (f. 3 ii, line 2)
'~Eln[i1) (2°) 4QPs•~(o\. 8EAOVTE:c;)) rEJni1 ffi;
71:12 (f. 7 ii, line 12)
i1tD'n 4QPs• ffi (cf. 38:23) ) i1tD1n ffiq; cf. 38:23 and 70:6 (i1tlJ~n) [VAR and ORTH]
71:13 (f. 7 ii, line 12)
[1)?::::l'1 4QPs•mmss ~(KaL EKALTTETwaav)] 1?::::l• ffi; ,~?::::l• mmss
53:4 (f. 9, line I)
?1::::l[ 4QPs•~(TT
53:5 (f. 9, line 2)
t1:1p 4QPs• ) 1t1:1p ffi ~
36:6 (f. 3 ii, line 7)
(11i) ?1::::l prn• 4QPs•] (111) ?.iJ :l~·n• m; = (111) ?::::l[:l) :l~'n'\i1 ~(TTapEUTI) TTa.OlJ 684)). 4QPs• may be corrupted from (111) ?::::l ?.iJ :l~'n'. Cl'~tlJi1~ 4QPs•) Cl'~tlJi1:l sic! ffi; = 'tl):l mmss~(Ev)
36:7 (f. 3 ii, line 8)
.iJ'tD1n i1:l 4QPs• ] .t''tD1n m ~
38:9 (f. 6, line 4)
l otl;1:jJ 4QPs•]
38: I 0 (f. 6, line 5)
1noJ 4QPs• ] i11nOJ m
66:16 (fs. II ii + 13-16 i 28)
1.iJ~tl)1 4QPs• ) 1.iJ~tl) ffi ~
38:12 (f. 6, line 6)
[•.iJ)'11'~1 '.t'1 (1J[J~) 4QPs• (cf. Ps 88:19; Job 19:13-14)]
67:6 (fs. II ii + 13-16 i 34)
)i1::::l11'1 4QPs•) 1111' I o ffi~ [VAR and ORTH]
67:8 (fs. II ii + 13-16 i 35)
i1::::l1::::l1:l' 4QPs•) 1J::::l1:l' ffi~
69:3 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 25)
1':l (or 11:l?) 4QPs•]
69:3 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 25)
1'tl: 4QPs• ) rt~:1 ffi ~ n?1:ltZJ 4QPs• ) n'?:ltZJ1 ffi ~ [ VAR and ORTH]
36:5 (f. 3 ii, line 6)
•nmm m; E"KUKW8T]V ~
11~.t'' '.t'JJ (1JJ~ '.t'11) ffi; KaL oi. TTATlalov f.l.OU E~ EvavTlas f.l.OU -1\yytaav KaL E'aTI)aav ~ (= n~.t'1 1.t'JJ 1)J~ '.iJ11 [vid.])
38:16 (f. 7 ii, line 2)
'JJ.t'n i1ntl: 'J1tl: 4QPs•) 'J1tl: i1J.t'n i1ntl: ffi(1 mmss) ~
38:16-17 (f. 7 ii, line 2)
) ~i1?t~: '::::l 4QPs•] '::::l 17 'i1?t~:m~
38:17 (f. 7 ii, line 2)
1?•1;• 4QPs•) 1?'1Ji1 ffi~ i1::::l 4QPs• ) '::::l ffi ~
38:19 (f. 7 ii, line 3)
'nJ1;!) 4QPs•) 'J1.t' ffi~
38:19 (f. 7 ii, line 3)
'mt~:tbn 1rj 4QPs•) •nt~:~n~ ffi ~ [VAR and ORTH]
38:20 (f. 7 ii, line 3)
ClJn 4QPs• (cf. 35: 19; 69:5; note 20• in BHS) ) t:l"n ffi~
38:20 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
'1~tl) 4QPs• [suffix?]) 1ptD ffi~
38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
·~•?tzJ~ 4QPs•~(OL clVTQTT08L80VTEt;)) '~"tZJm ffi~ms(+ f.l.Ol) [VAR and ORTH]
38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
i1:li~ nnn ii.iJi 4QPs•* ffi~) i1:l1~ nnn 4QPs• corr
38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
'JOtD[")4QPs•) 'J1J~tl)' ffi~ 1:l1 4QPs•) 'E)111 ffi; 'E)11 ffiq =ffimss; cf. ~
38:22 (f. 7 ii, line 4) 38:23 (f. 7 ii, line 5) 38:23 (f. 7 ii, line 5)
11'~ Cl1':l 4QPs• ) p·~~ ffi ~
56:4 (f. 10, line I)
t:l1'1 4QPs•] Cl1' ffi~(Tjf.l.Epac;); cf. Cl1':l v 10
69:3 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26) 69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26)
38: 19 (f. 7 ii, line 3)
38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
53:7 (f. 9, line 3)
)fr?t~: 4QPs• (transposed?)) 'i1?tl: i11i1' ffi~
69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26)
1'?::::l 4QPs• ) 1?::::l ffi [ VAR and ORTH?] 'JtD 4QPs•] 'J'.t'Tm~
69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26)
?•n:l 4QPs• ) ?n•~ ffi; = ?n•Q (or ?n~o BHS) ~
69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26)
[?t~:1)tD' 'i1?t~:? 'i1?t~:? m~
C> •?)
4QPs• (cf. v 7; '.t'tl)'
69:5 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 27)
69:6 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 28)
•n•1? t1:1? 4QPs•) 't:l'?}~? ffi~
69:7 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 28)
1tD1[:l') 4QPs•] + ':l
4QPs• )
'i1?t~:? Mic 7:7)]
m1.t'tl)~ ffi
ni. ~
69:7 (fs. 16 ii-17, lines 28-29) 1~?.J['\ ?t~:) 4QPs•) ':l 1~?::::l' ?t~: ffi~ 69:9 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 29)
1r '~ 4QPs•) 1r1~ hof. partie. ffi~
69:9 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 30) 69:11 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 30)
69:12 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 31)
'1::::lj 4QPs•) '1::::lJ1 ffi~ 1tl:1 4QPs•] i1::::l:ltl:1 ffi; ~mss edd KUL UUVEKUf.ltj;a = t')::::ltl:1 , cf. 57 [56] :7 (BHS app = i1~':f~1 or i1~.!,)~1 ?); ~mss KaL UUVEKUAUtj;a = i10::::ltl:1 (or inner Greek corruption?) 'i1m 4QPs• (cf. v 11) ) 'i1tl:1 ffi ~
i1tZJ'n 4QPs• (cf. 71:12 [i1tZJ'n ffik])) i1tZJ1n ffi; cf. 71:12 (i1tD1n ffiq) and 70:6 •n1r.t'? •? 4QPs•] •n1r.t'? m~
1J':;l ffi~ [VAR and ORTH]
71: I (f. 7 ii, line 5)
pr. Ps 38 4QPs• ] pr. Ps 70 ffi~[69]
69:13 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 31)
1n'tD[') 4QPs• ) + ':l ffi (cf. v 7 [2x]); = 1n'tD' ':l (?) ~
71 :2 (f. 7 ii, line 6)
'J"'~i1 4QPs• ~(p\Jaalf.l.E) ) 'J?•~n ffi 'J~?EJn 4QPs• ) 'J~?EJn1 ffi; = 'J~?EJ1 ~; > ~ms ( cf.
69:13 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 31)
15JJ1 ':l4QPsa ] mJ'JJ1 ffi; = 1J)J ':l1 ~
71 :2 (f. 7 ii, line 6)
i1~? 4QPs• )
69:14 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 32)
i1n.t' 4QPs•] n,p m~
~?n 'Jnp'1 [i1)b:ltbtl: ?~[1)4QPs•] i1.t':l~tl: ?t~:1 m~ C> •?rJ 'Jnp'1)
71:2 (f. 7 ii, line 6)
'J?'~i1 (2 °) 4QPs• (cf. 31 :3) ) 'J.t''tD1i11 ffi~
69:15 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 33)
71:3 (f. 7 ii, line 6)
) o~i.t' ':l? 4QPs• ('n'1~) 1'00 tl:1:l? ffi; = m11~~ n':l"(vid.) ~ (cf. 31 :3)
69:15 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 33)
___/ 71 :4 (f. 7 ii, line 7) 71 :6 (f. 7 ii, line H)
r1~n1 4QPs• (cf. !sa I: 17) ) r~1n1 ffi~ 'r1.t' 4QPs• ~(f.l.OU E1 UKETTaaTfJc;) ] m; EL 0
71: II (f. 7 ii, line II)
69:15 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 33)
'J?~[~i1)2o 4QPs•) i1?~Jtl: ffi~ 'P~.t'~ 4QPs•] •p~.t'~m ffi(cf. Ps 130:1); ~(sg. Ka'L EK
69:16 (fs. 16 ii-17,line 34)
'J.iJ:lC!lti 4QPsB) 'J.iJ?:ln ffi~
'El 4QPs 0 ) i1'El ffi ~
{mEpaamaTfJc; f.l.OIJ ~"\'(ex 30:5'1) [1i11tl))Eln 4QPsll ) 1i11tDEJn1 ffi ~
1" ffi ~
69:14 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 32)
Tou ~cieouc;)
69: 17 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 34)
~JJl.) 4QPsa ) + iW1~ ffi 63
69:17 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 34) 69:18 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 35)
i1:J10M :mo:J 4QPsa (cf. BHS note 17 a-a) ] 110M :m0 ~:J ffi63 [VAR and ORTH] ',~ 4QPsa ffi mss 63(1J.ll) ) '?~1 ffi 63 ms (2' manu)
69:18 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 35)
i1'1[i1~] (vid.) 4QPsa) ii1~ ffi
69:19 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 35)
'?l.1 :J.ip 4QPsa) '?~ i1:J.ip ffi
91:6 (col. I 11-12)
91:7(coi.I 15) 91:8 (col. I 16) 91:13(coi.II 10) 91:14(col.II 12) 92:5 (col. III, line II)
103:10 (col. XXIII 14)
1J~1ni[Jl.l:J]4QPsb) ~J~IJ~i,P~ ffi63; -2QPs [VAR, ORTH]
103:20 (col. XXV I)
i11i1~ n~ 4QPsb] i11i1~ m (> m>
103:20 (col. XXV 2)
1~i:J.1 I ' 4QPsb ) 1i:J.1 I' ffi 63
103:20 (col. XXV 3)
1~i:J.1 2' 4QPsb63] 1i:J.1 2' ffi63mss
112:1 (col. XXV 11?)
pr. Ps 103 4QPsb (>Psalms 104-111) ] pr. Ps I II ffi63[!10] i1~~ 4QPsb) ~J i1~~ ffi; -4QPs 0
115:2 (col. XXIX I)
4Q84. 4QPsb t:l~ii1~[ 11tD~]p~ \ 'l'?i1~ '?Q~:J. i:J.1~]4QPsb ffi63(tr.l'?i1~ and '?~~:J. 63mss[Ev O'KOTEL 8tarropEUOIJ.EIJ.OU]) ) tr. a and b IIQPsApa tDJ(~] 4QPsb ffi 63( E:yytE'i) ) l.)J~ (.Y l.)JJ) I I QPsApa; cf. I K 6:27; Jer 51:9 (both with'?~); 2 Sam 14:10 (+ace.) co~:J. o[ TJ~l.1:J.]4QPsb (vid.) mcco~:J.n TJ~l.):J.)63] TJ~l.):J. [co~:J.n] tr. 1IQPsApa 1nm '?ntv '?l.1 4QPsb m ] [ l1n~ \\\ ['?l.1] IIQPsApa; E:rr' aarri8a Kat ~aO'LALO'KOV 63 ptvn 4QPsb ffi ) i1Mptv[M]!! QPsApa; f\A.mO'EV 63[~:J.]4QPsbffiiDSS] ~tvl.)~:J. ffi63(pr. Kat)
118:7 (col. XXXIV 12)
~J~ 4QPsb ) ~J~1 ffi 63
I 18:8 (col. XXXIV 13)
Mto:J.'? 4QPsb !IQPsa[catena] (M1to:J.'?) 63(1TE1TOL8EVat)) mon'? m
118:12 (col. XXXIV 16)
pr. v 10 4QPs b (> v II ; homoiarchton ?) ) pr. v II ffi 63
118:16 (col. XXXV 4)
v 16a c(i1~~1i i11i1~ rJ~'. reconstr.) 4QPsb(?) mms63ms (8E~La KUpiou ut/JWO'EV IJ.E; cf. 15b)) + 16b IIQPsa [catena] (i1i1:J.) i1MtDl.1 i11i1~ r~~) ffi c'?~n i1tDl.1-) 63c&~ta Kupiou E:rroiTJO"Ev; p~ IIQPsb[catena]
118:19 (col. XXXV 7)
t:l~1:J.~ 4QPsb] t:l:J. ~:J.~ ffi63 t:Jjn~ 1J!l'1[:J.] 4QPsb II QPsa COIT(Ps 118](t:l:J1J:Ji:J.) m 63(EUAOYllKUIJ.EV UIJ.Uc;') ] t:ltD:J. t:l:J1J:Ji:J. IIQPsa* [Ps 118]; -4QpPsb
118:26 (col. XXXV 16)
92:15 (col. IV 16)
pi~ 4QPsb ) pi~ ffi 63 ~'?1 4QPsb (cf. 73:22) ) ~'? ffi63 i1:J.1CD i1:J.~tv:J. 4QPsb (cf. Gen 15:15, etc.)) > i1:J.1CD ffi63 i~i11 4QPsb ) 1~i1~ ffi 63
93:5 (col. V 14)
i11J 4QPsb (cf. Jer 6:2)) i11~J ffi; -4QPsm [VAR & ORTH?]
94:14 (col. VII 9)
~', ~:J 4QPsb* ffi ) ~1'? ~:J 4QPsb corr [ ORTH, but CORR]
94:14 (col. VII 9)
1~l.) n~ 4QPsb ) 1~l.) ffi
[1J~~JtD ]~ 4QPsc ] 1J~~JtD~1 ffi 63 44:8 (f. 10, line I) 49:10 (fs. 12-14 i, lines 10-12) [i1~i~ l \ ~'?1 4QPsC m mss ] i1~i~ ~'? m 63IDSS; CJTL OUK ot/JETat = ~'? ~::J (?) 63; -4QPsi 49:13 (fs. 12-14 i, line 14) r:J.~ 4QPsc 63(0'UvlJKEV; cf. V 21)] r'?~ ffi
102:5 (col. XIX 2)
'?[:J~~ ~~n'?] (end of colon)? 4QPsb] tr. ffi63
50:21 (fs. 14 ii-15, line 14)
n1~~ sic! 4QPsC ] n1~i1 ffi; UVOIJ.LUV = n~ iJ (?) 63
1~i" 4QPsb) 1~i"1 ffi(i~1 mmss) 63
51:4 (fs. 14 ii-15, line 20)
i1:J.ii1 hif. imper. form 4QPsc 4QPsi ffi ) :J.ii1 apocopated form ffiq mss; Em 1TAELOV 63
52:7 (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 14) 52:8 (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 15)
t:l"Mi1 4QPsc ) t:l"M ffi 1~'?l.) 4QPsC 63IDSS] 1~'?l.)1 ffi63
92:5 (col. III II) 92:7 (col. III 14) 92:15(coi.IV 15)
102:16 (col. XX 13) 102:16 (col. XX 14)
r~ 4QPsb* ] fi~i1 4QPsb carr ffi63(Tflc; yfJc; ); > 63mss
102:16 (col. XX 14)
111:J.:J 4QPsb (cf. Isa 59:19)] 111:J.:J ffi63
4Q85. 4QPsc
102:17 (col. XX 16)
11:J.:J:J. 4QPsb] 111:J.:J:J. ffi63
102:20 (col. XXI 5)
11l'~~ 4QPsb (cf. Deut 26:15)] t:l1i00; -IIQPsa
52: II (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 19)
111~1 4QPsc] 111~ ffi63
102:20 (col. XXI 6)
fi~'? 4QPsb] [f]i~i1 '?~ IIQPs ; fi~ '?~ ffi; E:rrl. (Ek 63mss) TI]V yfjv 63
52: II (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 20)
11~on 4QPscmmss] TTOM ffi63 [VAR and ORTH]
102:24 (col. XXI 13)
~nS 4QPsb ffiq mss) 1M:J ffi63; -l!QPsa
102:24-25 (col. XXI 14)
v 24b :''?~ i~~ ~~~ i~p 4QPsb 63] vv 24b-25 ~~~ i~: ~~~i~p ffi; -IIQPsa
147: I (col. I, line 6)
1~'?~J 4QPsh• ) 1~'?~~) 4QPsh corr ffi ( ORTH, but CORR) ~~i1 4QPsh] ~~ii1 ffi63; -2QPs
147: I (col. I 6-7)
103:3 (col. XXII IIi) 103:3 (col. XXII 16)
'?:J'?'? 4QPsh•) '?::>'? 2" 4QPsh curr ffi
10:1::1 (col. XXII Ill)
T1'?nn 4QPsh• ] 1'~1'?nn 4QPsh cnrr; '=>'~7nn m
_____/ 103:2 (col. XXII 14)
4Q86. 4QPsd
147:14 (col. II 2)
pr. Ps 106 (v 48 i1~1??[i1] l[~]) 4QPsd] pr. Ps 104 IIQPsa4QPse(reconstructed); pr. Ps 146ffi63[!45] ii'?i1n t:l~ l'J i11~J 1j [~ ]ft['?~ i1im i11]~5 1J~i1'?~ i1i~r (dittogr.?) 4QPsd] i1'?i1n i11~J t:l~l.)J ~::> 1J'i11'?~ i1im II QPsU(vid., i1'?i1[, spacing) ffi; t/Jaf..IJ.6c;' T4) 8E4) TJIJ.WV T]Buveflll at vmLc; 63 :l'?ni 4QPsd~(l
147:20 (col. II 9)
[t:i'C!ltltll]61 4QPsd ffi{6(+ suff. 3 sing.)] t:I'C!ltltlJQ 11QPsa
104: I (f. 9, line 2)
104:1 (col. II II)
pr. Ps 147 4QPsd] pr. Ps 118 4QPse 11QPsa; pr. Ps 103 ffi{6[102)
pr. Ps 118 4QPse(?) IIQPsa] pr. Ps 147 4QPsd; pr. Ps 103 ffi{6[102]
104:2 (f. 9, line 3)
104:1 (col. II II)
i11i1' i1[tl: 'tlltlJ 'Ji::l]4QPsd ffi ] pr. i'1i'? 11 QPsa 4QPse(?) {6(T<j) ~auL8)
[i1.t1'i]'J t:I'Qtll i1C!l1J ii[a'?tDJ] 4QPse 4QPsdcarr 11QPsa ffi\\3] i1a'?tDJ 4QPsd*
147:1 (f. 16 ii, lines 10--11)
pr. Ps 104 4QPse(reconstructed) IIQPsa] pr. Ps 106 4QPsd; pr. Ps 146 ffi{6[145)
104:1 (col. II II)
tl[ 'i1'?tl:
]i11i1' i11i1' 4QPsd ] 1J'i11'?tl: i11[i1' i11i1'] 11QPsa(vid.); 'iJ'?tl: i11i1' i11i1' ffi{6; 'i1'?tl: i11i1' mmss; = 'i1'?tl: i11i1' i11i1' i11i1' (6 ms; --4QPse
105:1 (fs. 12, 16 i, line I)
pr. Ps 147 4QPse[reconstr.]llQPsa] pr. Ps I04ffi{6[103)
105:37 (fs. 14-19, line l)
[1]Q.t1 ~~1'1 4QPse IIQPsa(1Q.tJ i1[tl: tl:~1'1]); cf. v 43 ) t:ltl:'~1'1 ffi{6
104: I (col. II 12)
tll:J'?n 4QPsd] i1tll:J'? ffi{6; --4QPse -11QPsa
104:3 (col. II 13)
i1ipa 4QPsd {6ms ] i1ipai1 ffi{6; --4QPse --4QPsl -11QPsa
105:38 (fs. 14-19, line 2)
1natll 4QPse) natll ffi{6; -11QPsa
146:1 (fs. 14-19, line 8)
pr. Ps 105 4QPse(?) IIQPsa] pr. Ps 145 ffi{6 [144]
104:3 (col. II 13)
115:17 (f. 24, line 2)
104:3 (col. II 14)
1n[1']'?.f.l4QPsd] 1'n1''?.t1 ffi{6; --4QPse --4QPsl -11QPsa 1'"/i1Q 4QPsd] 1'?i1Qi1 4QPsl 11QPsa ffi{6; --4QPse
104:4 (col. II 15)
'tll.tJ 4QPsd 4QPsl] i1tll.t1 ffi; b TTOLWV {6; -11QPsa[vAR
I04:4 (col. II 15) 104:4 (col. II 15)
or ORTII) 1'Jt~:'?a 4QPsd ffi{6] 1Jt~:'?a 4QPsl; ]tl:[ 11QPsa 1'[i1itlJQ]4QPsct 11QPsan;n[ ) ffi(1'i1itlJQ){6(pr. ml) 1i1i'tlJQ 4QPsl T
104:4 (col. II 15-16) I 04:5 (col. II 16)
tb[i1'?] tlltl: 4QPsd 4QPsl ffi ] i1C!li11'? tlltl: 11 QPsa; rrup cp.A.E:yov {6; prp. C!liJfj BHS i01' 4QPsd {6 mss(o 8Ej.1EALWV) ] it;;): ffi{6 (E8Ej.1EALW<JEV); itll' 4QPsl; -11QPsa [VAR and ORTH)
104:10 (col. III 4)
n'?tDQ 4QPsd] n'?tllai1 ffi{6; -2QPs
104:10 (col. III 4)
t:l'ii1i1 4QPsd {6(TWV opE:wv)] t:l'ii1 ffi: -2QPs
104:11 (col. III5)
ni;n 4QPsd] 1n'i1 '?::> ffi; TT
104:11 (col. III 5)
[i1Ji]~ \\ \i1 i1tl: 4QPsd] 'itll ffi{6(TOU aypou);-4QPsl
104:11 (col. III 6)
ii'Jtb' 4QPsd] 1i::ltll' 2QPsc[1]i:Jtll') ffi{6; ]' 4QPsl
104:22 (col. IV 10)
1tl0tl:'1 4QPsd 11 QPsaq1tlOtl:'1) {6(Kal. avvf]xSTJaav) ] 11tl0tl:' ffi; --4QPse 1tlJ.tJj 4QPsd (cf. Ps 33:16)] i1i1'tll.t1 11QPsa ffi(i1'tll.t1) {6
104:24 (col. IV 15) 104:25 (col. IV 18) 104:25 (col. IV 18)
fb[ai]4QPsd ffi {6 ) i1:Jii1 tl)Qj II QPsa [itl]Orj 4QPsdffi{6(apL8iJ.6s)] itlOa'? infinitive? IIQPsa
104:34 (col. V 17)
v 34a 4QPsd) + 34b (i11i1'::l natlltl: 'JJtl:) 11QPsa (i11i1['::l]) ffi{6
[1a]n' 'J 4QPsd] 1Qi1' itllti:J 119Psa; 1Qi1' ffi{6
4Q87. 4QPsC 78:31 (f. 2 ii, line I)
[t:ii1' ]~QWQ 4QPs0
119:44 (f. 6, line 1)
i1on'?o" 4QPNc
t:ii1'JQtl)Q:J ffi {6
1 i1m'?o:J m {6
120:6 (f. 25, line 2)
t:i'i1Q tl:1'? 4QPse {6mss(OUXL VEKpol)) t:l'i1Qi1 t~;', ffi {6(oux o'L vEKpol) ['tll ]m', 4QPse ] 'tl)t)j i1'? ffi; > i1'? {6
125:2 (f. 26 i, line l)
::1'::10 ia[.tJ'?]4QPse
125:3 (f. 26 i, line 3)
t:li' 4QPse*] t:l'i' 4QPsecarr (= t:l'1: or t:l'1: [?], cf. 125:5); t:li1'i' ffi{6; -11QPsa
125:4 (f. 26 i, line 4)
:J'?:J 4QPse 11 QPsa {6 (Tij Kap8lcl-) ) t:ln1:J'?:J ffi
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
'p'?p .t1 4QPse* 11 QPsa ) pr. t:I'C!lQi11 4QPse carr ffi {6
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
t:l''?1p'?p.t1 4QPse*] t:l'ti'?1p'?p.t1(?) 4QPsecarr; n1'?1p'?p.t1 11QPsa; t:II;li?j??j?.P ffi{6(> suffix [Ek Tac; aTpayyaA.Lck)); cf. Judges 5:6 [ni";Jj?'?i?P.D
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
''?.tJm i1tl: 4QPse ffi(''?litl i1tl:){6(j.1ETU TWV E:pya(Oj.lEVWV)] ''?.tJm '?1J i1tl: IIQPsa :J1tll::l 4QPse*] pr. n1'?.t1Qi1 i'tll 4QPse carr 11QPsa ffi{6
126: I (f. 26 i, line 5) 126: I (f. 26 i, line 5)
1 1Q.tJ'? ::1'::10 tr. ffi{6; -IIQPsa
n1:JtlJ (,li1:JtlJ)4QPseffimSs(6(aLXiJ.UAW<Jlav)) i1:J'tl) (,I ::l1tll od :Jtll') ffi; i1'::ltll (,I i1::ltll) ffims; -IIQPsa
126:2 (f. 26 i, line 7)
'?'i:1i1 4QPse* ) + i11i1' 4QPse carr II QPsa ffi {6
130: I (f. 26 ii, lines 2-3)
[t:i'pa.U]QQ 4QPse* ] pr. n1'?.t1Qi1 i'tll 4QPse carr (vid.) ( ]'?1.t1) IIQPsa ffi{6
130:6 (f. 26 ii, line 7)
[t:i'im]tbJ 4QPse] t:l'iQtll ffi; =t:i'iQ(1)tlJQ {6 (or i1iQtlJti:Q, cf. BHSaPP); -11QPsa
4Q88. 4QPsf 22:15 (fs. 1-2, line 4)
tlJ(Q]J 4QPsf] OQJ ffi [ VAR and ORTII)
22:16 (fs. 1-2, line 5)
tll:Jirj 4QPsf] p::!ia ffi{6
22:16 (fs. 1-2, line 6)
itl.tJ 4QPsf ] itl.t1'?1 ffi {6
22: 16 (fs. 1-2, line 6)
]001tll 4QPsf] 'Jnoon m: KaTiJyayE:c; iJ.E {6 (-yayEv {6m')
107:9 (col. II lines 7·K)
i1~p[tD tlltlJ1 t]ii:J.Ui [tlltlJ] 4QPsf) tr. ffi{6 (i1::l.t1i tlJ£)j1 I i1pptD tlJ£)))
60 107:13 (col. II I6)
tJ[i1'n1]p;~oo 4QPsf (cf. v 28)] tli1'n1p~oo ffi; '1 mmss [VAR and ORTII]
107:13 (col. II 107:14 (col. II 107:15 (col. II 107:15 (col. II
l::I.Ii'tD'1 4QPsf] t:Jli'tDi' ffi63 [VAR and ORTII] tl~'~1'1 4QPsf63(KaL E-6'ryayEV auTouc;)] tl~'~1' ffi [111]i1 4QPsf] 111' ffi63
I7) 17)
I9) I9)
11'0n 4QPsf] i'191J ffi; = 1'10n 63(Ta EMT] aUTOU) [VAR and ORTII] ii[tDnJ] 4QPsf (cf. Isa 45:2 [i1tD1nJ]) ] ntDnJ ffi
107:16 (col. II 2I) 107:24 (col. III 13) 107:25 (col. III I5) 107:26 (col. III I6) 107:26 (col. III 17) 107:28 (col. III 20) 107:28 (col. III 2I) 107:29 (col. III 2I) 107:29 (col. III 22) 107:30 (col. III 23) 107:35b (col. IV 13) 107:35b (col. IV I3) 107:36 (col. IV I4) 107:36 (col. IV I5) 107:39 (col. IV I9) 107:41 (col. IV 22) 107:41 (col. IV 22-23) 107:42 (col. IV 25) 109:4 (col. VI I) 109:5 (col. VI I) 109:6 (col. VI 3) 109:25 (col. VII 5) 109:26 (co~) 109:28 (col. VII H) I09:31 (col. VII
1n1~'?ElJ 111' 4QPsf (cf. preceding i11i1' and vv 8, 15, 21, 31) ] 1'n1~'?~J1 ffi 63 [ V AR and ORTil?] tl''?J 4QPsf (cf. v 29 [tli1''?J])] 1''?J m 63(Ta KUIJ.aTa auTflc;' cf. v 25) tltD~J1 4QPsf] tltDElJ ffi63 [tl]i1J 4QPsf (cf. v 5)] i1.i]iJ ffi63
tli1'n1p'~OO 4QPsf (cf. v 13)] tli1'np1~001 ffi63 tll]'tD'1 4QPsf (cf. v 13)] tl~'~1' ffi63 (cf. v 6) 1a;;; (~4"?)4QPsf] tlP' (hif.tl1p)m63 tl' ''?J 4QPsf (cf. v 25)] tli1''?J ffi63 v 30b 4QPsf] pr. v 30a OpntD' '.:::> 1nOtD'1) ffi 63
fi~ 4QPsf] fi~1 ffi 63
'll1JO'? 4QPsf (cf. Isa 35:7; 49: 10; Eccl 12:6)] '~~0'? ffi63 (cf. v 33 andisa41:18) Ji t:Jl] 4QPsf] tl'Jl]i ffi63 'il] 4QPsf 63mss(TTOAELc;) ] i'l] ffi63(TTOALV) [1~l]]rj' 4QPsf] 1~.!]0'1 ffi63 ':Jl]j 4QPsf63mss(Ev TTTWXta), cf. v 10] 'Jil]O ffi63(EK TTTWXELac; [am) TTTWXELac; 63ms]) [VAR and ORTH] a[ ]a 1'?.!] [\tltD'1] 4QPsf] tltD'1 ffi63
Apostr. (col. VII I4-VIII I5) Apostr. (col. VII I4) Apocr. Pss (cols. IX-X)
Apostrophe to Zion 4QPsf IIQPs 3 IIQPs 3 ] > ffi63 pr. Ps 1094QPsf] pr. Sir 51:1-23[13-30]11QPs3 ; >ffi63 Apocryphal Psalms 4QPsf] > IIQPs 3 ffi63
4Q89. 4QPsg 119:37 (f. I, line I)
1:Ji1J 4QPsg ffi63 ] i1:JiJ1:> IIQPs3 ; T:Ji1J It: ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi); 1iJ1J mmss(Ken, de Rossi)
119:37 (f. I, line I)
':J'n 4QPsg ffi 63 ] ':JJ1n II QPs 3 ( cf. co is. XII 5; XIII 5; XIX 14)
119:40 (f. I, line 4) 119:41 (f. I, line 6)
"J'n4QPsg ffi63] 'JJ1n IIQPs 3 (cf. v 37 [col. VIII I]) 'J~'J'1 4QPsg ] 'J1~1J'1 II QPs 3 ffi (':J~J'1); = ':J~J'1 63 '·
119:41 (f. I, line 6)
110n 4QPsg ffi63(To EAE6c; aou)] 10n IIQPs 3 ; T10n ffiq(Ken) i1Jl]~1 4QPsg II QPsa corr ffi 63 ] i1J.l.l1 II QPsa*
119:42 (f. I, line 7) 119:42 (f. I, line 7) 119:43(f.l,line8) 119:43 (f. I, line 8)
'ni~J T11p~ '.:::> 4QPsg ( cf. vv 45, 56, 100)] 1iJ1J 'nn~J '.:::> IIQPs 3 (i1:Ji-) ffi63 1n0~ 4QPsg] no~ IIQPs 3 ffi63;-IQPs 3 1~~tDO'? 4QPsg i1:J'iJ1'? II QPs 3 ; T~~tDO'? ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi) 63; -I QPs a
m. ]
119:44 (f. 2, line I)
tni1n 4QPsg] 1n11n IQPs3 IIQPs 3 (i1:>n-) ffi63
119:45 (f. 2, line 2)
i1Jni:J 4QPsg(i1~iJ) ffi63 ] i1'J1niJ II QPs 3 ; -lQPs 3 i['?:>]4QPsg ffi63] i1n'?:> IIQPs 3 (cf. v 81) 'n"i14QPsg ffi63] 'Jn'tDl] IIQPs 8 [ ']'5.fl:J 4QPsg ffi63 ] 'J11l]J IIQPsa ffims(Ken)
119:82 (f. 5, line 4) 119:83 (f. 5, line 5) 119:92 (f. 6, line 7)
4Q90. 4QPsh
f~p 4QPsf] i1~~p m
119:13 (f. I, line I3)
'ni~tD 4QPsh (cf. preceding 'n~tDJ)] 'ni~O ffi
'J10~0' 4QPsf] i1'?~n 'J~1 'J1J~tD' c+ i1'?~n 'J~1)
119:15 (f. I, line I5) 119: 17 (f.!' line I7) 119:17 (f. I, line I7)
n'tD~ 4QPsh] i1n'tD~ liQPs 3 ffi i1m 4QPsh 11 QPsaffi ms (Ken) ] ?m UVTarr68oc; 63(ambiguous? cf. Ps 57[56]:3 and 138[137]:8) ii'n~1 4QPsh IIQPs 3 m.mss(Ken, BHS)] i1'n~ ffi63
119:18 (f. I, line I8) 119:20 (f.2, line 20)
~'J~ 4QPsh] i1~'J~1 IIQPs 3 ffi63 i10iJ 4QPsh ffi ] i10iJ ll QPs 3 [VAR and PHONETIC VAR]
ffi63(vid.) [10]'0' 4QPsf] 10'tD'1 ffi63
and ORTH]
[1]tb1tD1 4QPsf] 1~~1 ffi63 tltD1i 4QPsf (cf. Deut 32:32)] tltD~i ffi; -llQPsa [VAR and ORTH] v 26a 4QPsr] + v 26b n10n:> "Jl]"tD1i1) llQPs 8 c]'Jl]'tD1[i1) m 63 [i1]~1Jl] 4QPsr] 11Jl]1 (pr. 1) ffi63(6 8E8ouA6c; aou); i1:>[ II QPs0 [ v AR and ORTH I [rcconstr.] + Aposirophe to Zion 4QPsr] + Ps 110 ffiG)[I09]; 7 IIQPs......._,
4Q91. 4QPsi 48:5 (f. I, line
49:9 (fs. 3-4, line I)
]j'?o 4QPsi; cf. 63mss = fi~ '.:::>'?0 (cf. 2:2 and 72[71]: II)] t:J':>'?oi1 m63 o1'?n1 4QPsi ] '?1n14QPscc'?1n1) ffi; a\. EKOTTaUEV Jv 10) G),. ffi'l
62 51:4 (f. 7, line I)
ii:::l,ii hif. imper. form 4QPsj 4QPsc ffi ) :::l,ii apocopated form mq mss; E1Tl1TAELOV ~
116:8fin (line 3)
4Q92. 4QPsk 135:10 (col. I, line 3) 135:11 (col. I 3)
11n~o n~ 4QPsk] 11n~o'? ffi; TOV LTJWV ~; -4QPs 0
135:13 (col. I 4)
pr. Ps !35:12 4QPsk ffi~[l34:12] ] > 4QPs 0 ~tVlJa 4QPsk mmss ~(€pya) ] iitVlJa m
135:15 (col. I 5)
99: I (col. II 3)
pr. Ps !35 and other composition(s) 4QPsk] pr. Ps 98 4QPsh(vid.) ffi~ [97] (?)[,1ara i]4i'? 4QPsk ~mss (tr. ~)] > ffi; -4QPsU
4Q98. 4QPsq 33:1 (col. I, line 2)
pr. Ps 31 4QPsq 4QPsa) pr. Ps 32 ffi~ [31]; cj. Ps 33 c. Ps 32 mmss(cf. ~mss)
33:1 (col. I 2)
,1ara ,~tl] i~1i'? 4QPsq) > ffi; T4) ;1auL8 ~; cj. c. 32 mmss; -4QPsa
~tl]l] 4QPsl 4QPsd) jjtl]l] ffi; o 1TOLWV ~; -llQPsa[VAR
33:8 (col. I 6)
or ORTII] 104:4 (col. I 9) I04:4 (col. I 10)
33:7 (col. I 6)
4Q93. 4QPsl 104:4 (col. I 9)
jjl]QjQ ~:J~l] i1~ (> 8c by homoiarchton) 4QPs 0 ] + ~nia ~-,), n~ (habet 8c) ffi; pr. waw mmss~; > mmss(> 8b by homoiarchton)
4Q97. 4QPsP
Cl~~'?a 4QPsk) pr. ),ii1 ffi~
99: I (col. II 3)
1~~'?a 4QPsl) 1~~~'?a 4QPsd ffi~; ]~[ l!QPsa
1n,~tVa 4QPs'] ,~n,tVa 4QPsctM ) IIQPs"<1~n ) m (1~i1,t9a) ~(pr. Kal)
33:9 (col. I 7) 33:12 (col. I 8)
ii5[ 1a~ 1:::l~:J ]Ci~afr t:Jtb[ i11Q1iii1] 4QPsq (gloss on 33:7? [vid.]; cf. 78:13, Exod 15:8)) i11Q1iii1 ffi~ (a~vaaovc;;); -4QPsa
1~,~ 4QPsq] 1~,~: ffi; o~Tj8TjTW ~;
1[ 4QPsa [VAR andORTH] ii~ii1 4QPsq] ~ii~1 ffi~(Kal EyEvl']STjaav); -4QPsa 1ii1'?~ ii~ii1 4QPsq) 1~ii'?~ ii1ii~ ffi~; -4QPsa
I04:4 (col. I 10)
~ii'? tV~ 4QPsl 4QPsd ffi ) i1~ii1'? tV~ 11 QPsa; 1Tup A.E"yov ~; prp. ~iJ() BHS
33:14 (col. I 10)
104:5 (col. I II)
itV~ 4QPsl) iO: ffi ~(E8Efl.EAlwou); i01~ 4QPsd ~mss(o 8Efl.EALWV); -IIQPsa [VAR and ORTII]
35:8 (col. II 3)
';[:::li1] (vid.) 4QPsq; cf. ~ v 8 (nlV olKOUf!EVTJV) ) f,~jj m~cn']v yfjv) [ii~1]tV 4QPsq(?)] ii~1tV:::l ffi~(Kal EV TiJ Tiayl8L)
t:J'?lJ'? 4QPs' mmss ~(Ek TOV alwva)] Cl'?1lJ ffi; -4QPsd -llQPsa [VAR and ORTII]
35:15 (col. II 7)
1El0:J 4QPsq) 1El0~:J ffi[VAR and ORTII]
I 04:5 (col. I 12)
35:15 (col. II 7)
Cl~~n [< Cl~~:J1 ?] 4QPsq ] Cl~~:J m c...J ii~:J); f!UaTL YEs ~; -4QPsa
4Q94. 4QPsm 95:5 (fs. 3-4, line 2)
4Q98a. 4QPsr
iitV:::l~[1]4QPsm (cf. Gen I :9f.) ) i1tV:::l~1 ffi (cf. Exod 4:9)
4Q95. 4QPsn 135:6 (f. I, line 1)
[Cl~ii1'?~ .. ii]tVlJ~ i11tVlJ'? f[,~:::l1 Cl~atV:::l]4QPs 0 (vid.)
30:9 (col. II I)
~:J~nfr1 (vi d.) 4QPsr (,, ii~n)) ~~~'J/ ffi~ (,, pn) [ii1ii]~ 2° 4QPsr ffi mss ] ~jj~ ffi; = ~it'?~~
30: 10 (col. II 2)
nntV'? 4QPsr ) nntV '?~ ffi
30:11 (col. II 3)
[~:J:Jn]~1 4QPsr) ~:J:Jn1 ffi; Ka't. TJAET]aEv fiE~
26: 11 (col. I, line 5)
11QPsa) f,~:::l1 Cl~atV:::l ffi~ (>strophe); -4QPsk 135:7 (f. I, lines 3-4)
1~ri4[,~1~a n1, ~~1a] 4QPs 0 ) pr. iitVlJ ,~a'? Cl~p,:::l 11 QPsa ffi ~; 1~i1,~~6[ 4QPsk
135: 12a (fs. 2-3, line 2)
[1:J]'; ii'?n:J (vid.) 4QPs 0
136:22 (fs. 2-3, line 2)
pr. Ps 135:12 4QPsn] pr. Ps 136:21 11QPsa(vid., reconstr.)
ii'?n:J 1° ffi~; --4QPsk
4Q96. 4QPso 115: I (line 2) 116:8 (line 1)
~1'?1 2" 4QPs") ~', 2" ffi~ (VAR and ORTH] itlJaia 4QPs 0 ffi lllKK ~lJai 1a ffi
4Q98b. 4QPss 88: 16 (f. 2, line 2)
ii,1El~ 4QPss; cf. ~(EeTJ1TOpl'j8Tjv, onomatopoeic effect)
and Isa 24:19 in ffi~) ii:J1El~ ffi
4Q98e(?). 4QPsV(?) [previously MasPsC(?) or Maslg(?)]
5. Qumran Cave 11
4Q236. 4QPs89 89:20 (lines 1-2)
in[:::l 'n~in]4QPs89*] pr. [i1:::l]J ... :)'in[:J'? 4QPs89COIT; i1:JJ ... 1'1'0n'? ffi
89:20 (line 1)
:)'in[:J'?]4QPs89 Ccf. v 4 ['i'n:J'?n] 1'1'on'? mmss> ~;TOLl;; ULOU£;; aov ~mss
102:18 (C ii, line I)
"? IIQPs•] '"~ ffi (haplography?) n.v'?1n 11 QPs• ] n'?~n m ~
I 02:20 (C ii, line 3)
[f]i~i1 '?~ IIQPs• ] fi~'? 4QPsh; fi~ '?~ ffi; err\.
I 02:24 (C ii, line 6)
i1jl] ':) IIQPs•] i1jl] 4QPsbffi~ (> ':))
I 02:26 (C ii, line 8)
i1101:1 II QPs•] n10' 4QPsb ffi ~ 'tvlJ~1 IIQPs• 4QPsbffims(Ken) ~] i1tvlJQ1 ffi
101:2 (A-C i, line 2)
Ti]v yfjv~
89:20 (line 1)
i~~n 4QPs89] i~~n1 m ~
89:20 (line I)
ntv 4QPs89 ] 'n'1tv m
102:26 (C ii, line 8)
89:20 (line I)
[it]i.V 4QPs89] ir.!J ffi 1n[:J]4QPs89*] inj 4QPs89corrffi(i1n:J) ~ [VAR and ORTH?]
102:27 (C ii, line 9) 102:29fin (C ii, line 11)
89:20 (line 2) 89:20 (line 2)
~l] 1~ 4QPs89 ] t:Jl]~ ffi
89:21 (line 3)
1~tv 1~ 4QPs89] 1~tv:::l ffi~ 1~tv 1[tv~]4QPs89*] 1[tv~]4QPs89Corrffi~
89:22 (line 4) 89:22 (line 4)
t:J:)j:)n 4QPs89] 1~.!] 11:)n ffi~(auvavTLATHH/JETm airr{i\)
89:26 (line 5)
pr. v 22 4QPs89 ] pr. v 25 ffi~
89:26 (line 5)
1' 4QPs89] 11' ffi~
89:26 (line 5)
ii1:J:J4QPs89*] nii1j:J 4QPs89C 0 IT; niii1:J:J1 ffi~
89:23 (line 6)
pr. v 26 4QPs89] pr. v 22 ffi~
89:23 (line 6)
:::1~1~ 4QPs89] 1:::1 :::1'1~ ffi~ '?lJ 4QPs89] i1'?1lJ ffi [VAR or ORTH] rm.v'? 4QPs89* ] 1rm.v'? 4QPs89COIT(cf. ~ and 2 Sam 7: 10); 1jjl]' ~., m~ms
89:23 (line 6) 89:23 (line 6) 89:24-25
> 4QPs89 ] hab ffi~
89:27 (line 7)
pr. v 23 4QPs89 ] pr. v 26 ffi~
89:27 (line 7)
27a 4QPs89(n~ ':J[~))] + 27b ffi('n.V1tv' i1~1 '"~) ~
89:28 (line 7) 89:28 (line 7)
'j~ 4QPs89 ] pr. =-)~ ffi ~ :Jri~ 4QPs89*] (1):J:Jri~ 4QPs89corr(?); 1i1:Jn~ ffi~
89:31 (line 8)
pr. v 28 4QPs89 ] pr. v 30 ffi~
4Q522. 4QPs 122 (Portion of "Work with Place Names") 122:1 (liney
pr. Apocryphal piece4QS22] pr. Ps 121 ffi~[120]
122:5 (line 3)
t:Jtv 4QPsl22] i1~ ffi;
122:7 (lineS)
t:J[1]'?[tv]4QPs 122 ] i11'?tlJ ffi; i11'?tv1 IIQPs• mmss ~(Ka\. ft.JT)vla l
122:9 (line
C1,tD 4QPs122] :::l1~i IQPsn(i1:J1cb) ffi6)(o:ya9ci); > 6)m•
tt11:::l'?:)1 II QPs• ~ ] tv1:::l'?:) 4QPsb ffi i1i'?[ ) llQPs•] >ffi(cf. 111'? 103:1);cf. EkTOV alwva KUTEU8uv8TjaETaL ~; ---4QPsb
109:27 (D, line 6)
i1n~ [i11i1'?]1!QPs•] tr. i11i1' i1n~1ffi;>1mmss~;
I 09:31 (D, line 9)
1~.!] IIQPsa~(lTapEaTT))] 1~.!]' ffi t:Jtv:::l t:J~1j~j:J II QPs•*[Ps 118] ] t:J:)1j:)j:J II QPsa corr [Ps 118]4QPsh(t:J:)n~ 1:J:J1[:J)) ffi~(EUAOyT]KUJ-l.EV UJ-1.6.£::); ---4QpPsb
> 4QPsf 118:26 (E i, line 2)
118:27 (E i, line 3)
Jn 'i10~ [1i10~ BHS]IIQPs• (cf. Judges 16:11; 15:13; Ezek 3:25)] Jn no~ ffi; avaTT]aaa8E EopTT]v ~; ---4QpPsb
104:1 (E i, line 6)
pr. Ps 118 IIQPs• 4QPse(?) ] pr. Ps 147 4QPsd; pr. Ps 103
104:1 (E i, line 6)
1'11'? II QPs• 4QPse(?) ~ (T(i\ LlaUL8) ] > 4QPs d ffi
I 04: I (E i, line 7)
1:i'i11'?~ i11[i1' i11i1' ]!! QPs•(vid.) ] tl[ 'i1'?~] fr1i1' i11i1' 4QPsd; 'iJ'?~ i11i1' i11i1' ffi ~;
'i1'?~ i11i1' mmss;
= 'i1'?~ i11i1' i11i1' i11i1' ~ ms; ---4QPse
104: I (E i, line 7)
i11~1~ IIQPs•] 1~~ ffi; ---4QPsd ---4QPse [VAR and
I 04:2 (E i, line 8)
i1lJ'i':) t:J'~tv m~m i1~'?tv:) IIQPs• 4QPsdCOrr 4QPse ffi\\3] i1~'?tv:) 4QPsd* 1~fl[i'tv~]IIQPs• 4QPsd ffi(1'ni~~) ~Cpr. Kal)] 1ni'tv~ 4QPsl n~i11'? tv~ IIQPs• ] ~i1'? tv~ 4QPsd(c'ti[i1'?] tv~) 4QPsl ffi; rrup cpA.E-yov ~; prp. ~iJ'?) BHS
104:4 (E i, line 10) 104:4 (E i, line 10) 104:22 (E ii, line 2)
11~0~'1 II QPs• 4QPsd(1~0~'1) ~(Ka\. avvi]xST)aav) ] 11~0~' ffi; ---4QPsC
104:22 (E ii, line 2)
Cii 4 1ii~1lJ~ II QPs• (cf. Jer 21: 13; Job 37: 18) ] t:Jn:i1lJ~ 4QPsd
104:23 (E ii, line 3)
1.!] II QPs 3
104:24 (E ii, line 4)
i1:J,n:l II QPsa* ] i10:J,n:l II QPsa corr 4QPsd ffi(i10:JIJ:l)
'1.!] 4QPsd ffi; Ewe; 63; flEXPL 63ms
i1r ffi63; ---4QPsd ] tliU ffi;---4QPsd [VARor ORTH?]
104:25 (E ii, line 4)
tl'i1IIQPs 3
104:25 (E ii, line 5)
i1tliU locative? IIQPs 3
104:25 (E ii, line 5) 104:25 (E ii, line 5)
i1:lii1 iUO, II QPs
3 ]
iUO, 4QPsd(tD[O,) ffi 63 ] ,~00 4QPsd( ]Orj) ffi
,~00'? infinitive? IIQPs 3 63capL8f1&;;)
104:27 (E ii, line 7) 104:28 (E ii, line 8) 104:29 (E ii, line 8)
tl'?:J,~ tli1'? nn'? IIQPs3 63(8ouvaL Tijv Tpo¢T]v Ul!TOLt:;)] tl'?:J~ nn'? ffi(> tli1'?) 1,~pt;;, IIQPs3 ] 1,~P"' ffi63 t'JO,n II QPs 3 4QPsd[reconstructed] (2 hemistichoi) ] pr. v 29a 1,?i1:l' T:J~ ,,non [,non mmssl m63 (3 hemistichoi)
105:6 (E iii, line 13)
,'1:l.!J 11:l.!J II QPs 3 * [thus Yadin] ] ,'1:l.!J II QPsa corr 63 (8ou>-.m auTou); ,1:l.!J m 63ms(8ou>-.ou auTou) ,,,n:l II QPs3 ffi mss ] ,,,,n:l ffi 63
105:7 (E iii, line 13)
~,i1 ':J IIQPs3
105:6 (E iii, line 13)
105:9 (E iii, line 15)
] ~,i1ffi63 tli1,:l~ tl.!J IIQPs3 ] tli1,:l~ n~ ffi; TQ 'Af3paaf163 ,n.!J,:ltu IIQPs3 ] 1n.!J,:ltV1 ffi63
I 05: II (E iii, line 16)
tl:J'? liQPsa] 1'? ffi63
105:9 (E iii, line 15)
COLI 105:28 (1, line 4)
tli[:l1 ?]II QPsa] ,,,:::11 ffi; ,,:::11 ffiq mss; 1',:::11 mmss 63
I 05 :29(?) (I, line 4)
tltu II QPs3
105:30 (1, line 5)
] l~i1 ffi 63 i1~,[rD]!!QPsa ] f,iU ffi
105:37 (1, line 10)
,O.!J n[~ ~~,,,]11 QPs3 4QPs•([,]O.!J [~]~,,, ); cf. v 43 ] tl~'~,,, 63
105:44 (1, line 15)
1n', nn'?(?) II QPsa* ] 1n'1 II QPsa corr (eras.) ffi63; ---4QPs•
146: I (1, line 17?)
pr. Ps 105 IIQPsa 4QPse] pr. Ps 145 ffi63[144]
104:29 (E ii, line 8)
i1:Jm, IIQPs 3
104:29 (E ii, line 8)
,.!]1)', IIQPsa63(KUL E"KAEL!/Joumv)] 1,.!JW ffi
104:30 (E ii, line 9) 104:31 (E ii, line 10)
1,~,:::1,, IIQPs 3 63(KUL KTLa81laoVTUL)] 11~,:l' ffi 'i1', II QPs 3 ] 'i1' ffi 63
104:32 (E ii, line II)
f,~i1 '?~ II QPs 3
I 04:32 (E ii, line II) 104:34 (E ii, line 13)
1iU.!J', II QPsa*( error?) ] ,jiU.!J'1 II QPsa corr ffi
104:35 (E ii, line 13)
,Ori' ,tu~:J IIQPs 3
104:35 (E ii, line 13) 104:35 (E ii, line 13)
tl'~~1n l!QPsa] tl'~~IJ ffi; ---4QPsd [VAR and ORTH?] f,~O IIQPs3 ] f,~i110 4QPsd(f,]~i1 jrj) ffi
104:35 (E ii, line 14)
i1'1'?'?i1!1QPs 3 ffi(i1'-,'??i1l] cj. c. 105[104]63; ---4QPsd
148: I (II, line 6)
tl'OiUO i11i1' 1'?'?i1 II QPsa ] tl'Otui1 10 i11i1' n~ ,'?'?i1
147: I (E ii, line 16)
pr. Ps 104 IIQPsa 4QPs•(?)] pr. Ps 106 4QPsd; pr. Ps 146 ffi63[!45]
148:4 (II, line 9)
tl'Otu'? '?.!JO IIQPsa] tl'Otui1 '?.!JO ffi
148:5 (II, line 9)
,'?'?i1 II QPsa ] 1'?'?i1' ffi 63
120: I (II, line 20?)
pr.Ps 148 IIQPsa(reconstructed)] pr.Ps 119ffi63[!18]
147: I (E ii, line 16)
tlm, ffi63
f,~'? ffi; ETILTTjv yf]V 63
v 34b i11i1[ ':l notu~ ':J:J~] II QPsa ffi 63 ] > 4QPsd ]
10n' ffi®; [,o]n' ':J 4QPsd
i1'?i1n i11~:J tl'.!Jj ':J l:l'i1,'?~ i1,0r IIQPs 3 (vid., i1'?i1[, spacing) m] ,j[']i1[?~ i1,or m]~5 ,:J'i1'?~ i1,or ii'?i1n tl'.!Jj fn~:J (dittogr.?) 4QPsd; !/JUAflOs" TQ 8EQ ilflWV T]8uv8d T) a'LvwLc; 63
1'n1,,:l) ... f,~i1 '?,:J i1,i1'0 [n1.!J' ] ... tl,n, II QPsa (+verse;cf.Ps33:8; 145:10-12)] n,.!J' ... tl,n' ffi63
148: I (II, line 6)
pr. Ps 146 IIQPsa] pr. Ps 147 ffi63 [146-147]
148: I (II, line 6)
,'?'?i1!1QPsa] pr. i1' ,'?'?i1 ffi63(+ 'Ayyaiou Kat Zaxaplou; only 'AAAT)AOU(cl 63mss)
COL III 121:1 (III, line I)
n,'?.!JOi11IQPsaffimss (cf. 122:1, etc.)] n1'?.!JO'? ffi (cf. 123:1, IIQPsa)
147:20 (E iii, line 7)
tl'~~iUO IIQPs3
147:20 (E iii, line
tl.!J'11i1 '?:l II QPs 3 ®(oiJK E-81'}>-.waEv ai!To'ic;) ] tl,.!J1' '?:l ffi; ---4QPsd
121:2 (III, line 2)
tlO II QPsa* (error?) ] tl.!JO II QPsa corr ffi; napci 63
121 :3 (III, line 3)
'?~, II QPsa ffi mss 63(f1T)8E) ] ~ T ffi
105: I (E iii, line 8)
pr. Ps 147 IIQPsa 4QPs•(reconstructed)] pr. Ps 104 ffi63[!03]
121 :5 (III, line 4)
i11i1' i1'?''?:l II QPsa ] i1,i1' I ffi 63
105init (E iii line 8)
[110n tl'?.!J?] ';j :l1~ ':J i11i1''? ,1,i1 IIQPsa (cf. Ps 118 and 136)] > ffi; pr. 'AAAT)AOti(a 63; ---4QPsc
I05:3 (E iii, lines 10-11)
,J1~,\[tup:l0 :l'? nOtu']I!QPs11 (= I Chron 16:10b63
tl'~~tum 4QPsd(
COL. II 146:9+ (II, line
]f.n) ffi63(+ suff. 3
sing.) 7)
121:5 (III, line 4)
i1:J'?~ II QPsa ] l"~ i11i1' ffi 63 [ VAR and ORTH]
121:8 (III,· line 6)
,,OiU' II QPsa] pr. i1,i1' ffi63(KUpLoc;)
122:2 (III, lineR)
''?J, IIQPsa
122:3 (Ill, line 9)
i11:J:li1 IIQPs 11 * (error?) ---4QPsl22
122:3 (Ill, line 9)
IEU>pavSi]aETUL Kap8la 'T)Toooa Eu8oKlav ai!Toul) i11i1' 'tup:lO :l'? notu' ffi63; I Chron 16:10 ffi; ]:l'?[ norD' 40f~c
1 ,:J''?:l, ffi63; ---4QPsl22
1 i1'~:J:li1IIQPs3 corr ffi;
II QPs 11 (referring to Jerusalem; thus also Ps 125:2) 11n' i1'? ffi ~; ---4QPs 122
122:4 (III, line 9)
i11JtD IIQPs•] t:ltDtD ffi; E"KEL yap lfi; -4QPsl22
122:4 (III, lines 9-10)
122:4 (III, line 10)
'?t~;itl)' n1.lJ IIQPs•] '?t~;itD''? n11.lJ 4QPsl22ffilfi
122:5 (III, line II)
ti;OJ IIQPs•] n1ti;OJ 2° ffilfi; -4QPsl22 otl;tl) 1'?t~;tD IIQPs•*] 1'?t~;tD IIQPs•corr(eras.) ffi; -4QPsl22
]i11JtD IIQPs• ] i1' '~:ltD t:l'~:l.tD 1'?.lJ t:ltDtD ffilfi; i1' '~:ltD[ 4QPs 122 (V AR and ORTH]
122:6 (III, line 11) 122:7 (III, line 12)
i11'?tD1 IIQPsammss lfi(KaL EUcpT]VLa)] i11'?tD ffi; t:1[1]'?[tD] 4QPsl22
126:6 (IV, line 15)
'tl;tl)1J I II QPs• lfi(a'tpOVTEC:) ] tl;tl)j I ffi (cf. v 6b and BHS •PP); -IQPsb
126:6 (IV, line 15)
"tl;tl)1j 2° IIQPs• IQPsblfi(a'tpOVTEC:)] tl;tl)j 2° ffi (cf. v 6a); ~tD1:1 ffims(Ken)
COL V 128:5 (V, line I) 129:2 (V, line 4) 129:3 (V, line 5) 129:4 (V, line 6) 129:8 (V, line 8)
':111~ IIQPs• ] i11i1" ffi; KUpLOc;
n1:l.i l!QPs•ffims(Ken)] n:l.i ffi t:l".lJtDi IIQPs•lfi(oL a~apTWf..ot)] t:l"tvin ffi
":111~ 11 QPs• ] i11i1" m; KUpLOc; 11) t~;1'?tD IIQPs•] ~'?1 ffi; -4QpPsb -4QPse QJ"i11'?[t~; i11i1"] IIQPs•] i11i1" I" 4QpPsb ffilfi; -4QPse [VAR and ORTH] t:IJ"'?.lJ 11QPs• 4QpPsb(b[J"]'?.lJ) mmss(Ken); cf. lfi(E-cj>' u~uc;)] t:IJ"'?~ ffi; -4QPse
122:8 (III, line 13)
i1i:l.1tl; IIQPs• (cf. v 7)] + tl;j ffilfi(E-Acit..ouv 8Tj); ]it~; 4QPsl22
122:9 (III, line 14)
i1:l.1cb IIQPs•] :l.1~ ffi; t:l1'?tD 4QPsl22
123:1 (III, line 15)
130:1 (V,line 10)
t:l"PrJ.lJ~JrJ ":111~ 11QPs"] t:l"PrJ.lJ~JrJ 4QPse
123: I (III, line 15)
n1'?.lJrJ'? 1"11['? i'tD] IIQPs•(cf.l21:1 ffi)] m'?.lJ~Ji1 i'tv m c> 1'11'?> ['nt~;]J IIQPs•* (error?)] •nt~;tDJ IIQPsacorrffi\1)
123: I (III, line 15)
'J['.lJ] IIQPs• ffims(Ken)] "j'.l) nt~; ffi
130:2 (V, line 11)
dt:i"PrJ.lJ]OO> mlfi C> ":111~> ~:1 "i1n 1IQPs• ] i1:1""i1n ffilfi; -4QPse
123: I (III, line 15)
::J.tlJ1'i1 II QPs• ffims(Ken) ] '::J.tD"i1 ffi [VAR? and ORTH]
130:2 (V, line II)
i1JJr1~ 11QPs•ffims(Ken)£1:1r~J] TJr~mi1J;-4QPse
1nJtl; (?) II QPs•* (error?) ] 1JnJtl; II QPs• corr ffi
130:2 (V, line II)
n::J.1tvp IIQPsaffimss(Ken)] ni::J.~pffi; Jp 4QPse [VAR andORTH]
129:8 (V, line 9) 129:8 (V, line 9)
(VAR and ORTH]
COL IV 124:7 (IV, line I) 125:1 (IV, line 3)
t~;1'?tD II QPs• ] t~;', ffi 11J
125:2 (IV, line 4)
IIQPs• (refers to Jerusalem; cf. Ps 122:3)] -4QPse
i1'? ffi;
125:2 (IV, line 4)
i11i1' IIQPs• (haplography?)] i11i1'1 ffilfi; -4QPse
125:4 (IV, line 7)
::J.'?::J. IIQPs•4QPselfi(EUSEO'L TiJ Kap8tq.)] t:Jm::J.'?::J. ct:J'itli''?1 >m 'p'?p .l) II QPs• 4QPse* ] pr. t:l'~Qi11 4QPse corr ffi 11)
125:5 (IV, line 7) 125:5 (IV, line 7)
125:5 (IV, line 8) 125:5 (IV, line 8) 126: I (IV,line IO) 126:4(1V,~
126:6 (IV, line 14)
n1'?1p'?p.lJ IIQPs•] t:i''?1p'?p.lJ 4QPse*; t:l'ti'?1p'?p.lJ (?) 4QPse corr; t:II;li'?j?~j? ,P ffi lfi(> suffix [Ek TUC: O'Tpayyaf..Lac;]); cf. Judges 5:6 rni'?j?~j?~]) ''?.lJ1El '?1J nt~; IIQPs•] •'?l.iE:l nt~; (> '?1J) 4QPse (''?.lJ1El nt~;) ffilfi(~E:Ta TWV E-pya(o~E-vwv)
130:2 (V, line 11) 130:5 (V, line 13)
"'? n::J.1tvp 11QPs"] ni:l.~p ffilfi (> "'?); -4QPse 1i::J.1'? 11QPs• mms(Ken) lfiiDSS(Ek TOV A6yov QUTOU)] 1i:l.1'?1 ffi(1"i- mms); 1i:l.1'?1 mmss lfi(Elc; TOV A6yov O'OU; >copula); -4QPse
130:6 (V, line 13-14)
["tDE:lJ] \ "'?"n1i111QPs• (cf. Pss 42:6, 12; 43:5)] "tDE:lJ ffilfi(for TjAlTLO'EV, cf. "n'?n1i1 v 5fin ffi); -4QPse
130:7 (V, line 15)
i11El 1Q.l) :l.ii1 II QPs• ] n11El 1Q.l) i1:l.ii11 ffi 11J
130:8 (V, line 15)
~1i1IIQPs"] ~1i11 ffi\1)
COL VI 132:10 (VI, line 2)
(?):l.tDn :l.tDn '?~ IIQPs•* ] ::J.tDn '?~ l!QPsacorr (eras.)
11tl; II QPs• ffi ms (Ken); cf. Ps 141 :9b in col. XXIII, line 5 ] 11tl;i1 ffi; TIJV aVO~LQV lfi; -4QPsc
132: II (VI, line 3)
"iElQ "J IIQPs• ] "iEli'J ffi\1)
t:l'rJ1'?nJ IIQPs• lfi(wc; rrapaKEKAT]~EVOL; cf. Isa 38: 16)] t:J'rJ'?nJ 4QPsc(t:J'rJ'?nj) ffi [VAR and ORTH] 1:1"n1:l.tD. IIQPs•mmss(Ken) ffiknJtJ1:l.~)] 1:1tJ":;l~ ffiq mss -4QPse
132: 12 (VI, line 4)
~OJ '?.lJ IIQPs•] ~OJ'? ffi i1r IIQPs• ~£mms(Ken)] ir ffi
132: 12 (VI, line 5)
1.l) "11.lJ IIQPs• ] 1.lJ "1,P ffi (but cf. 132:14 [col. VI 6])
132: 12 (VI, line 5)
1'? .l)" II QPs• ] 1:l.tll" ffi 11J
132: 16 (VI, line K)
1:1:ii' IIQPs• ] pr. pi ffil1)
1J:l.1 1J'?" 11'?i1 IIQPs••I1JcrropEu6~EVOL f'rropEuovTo KQL ~KAaLOV) ] iJ::J.1 ,.,., 11'?i1 II QPs" corr (crus'/); cf. ffi
(Kcn); i1J:l.1 \'" 11'i1 ffi; -IQPsh
132: II (VI, line 4)
119: I (VI, line II)
pr. Ps 132 IIQPs•] pr. Ps 118 ffilfi[I17]
119:2 (VI, line 12)
n.lJ ['?1J:l.] IIQPs• mm'(Ken)] :l.'? '?J:l. ffi\1) (cf. 119:20, col. VII II)
119:2 (VI, line 12)
i11tD1,i' II QPsa ] ,i11tD1i' ffi ~
119:5 (VI, line 15)
i1:Jn~[~?] l!QPsa] TPn m~ nn,~~ has also been proposed.)
COL. IX 119:59 (IX, line I) 119:64 (IX, line 6)
i1r1'tD~, 11 QPsa*(?)] i1:l'tD~, 11 QPsa corr (eras?) ffilfi
i1:Jp,n IIQPsa] TPn m~
119:68 (IX, line 10)
'j,j~ i1r1~ :l,~ II QPsa ~ (KUpLE) ] i1r1~ :l,~ ffi
119: 16 (VII, line 2)
i1:J'p,n:::l.IIQPsa (cf. v 12 and BHS app)] Tn,p,n:l 4QPsh ffiC1'rip~:l) i1:J'1:li l!QPsa mmsscmq Ken, de Rossi) ~(TWV AO')'WV aou)] 11:li ffi; --4QPsh ,,~) IIQPsa 4QPsh mms(Ken)] ';m ffi; avmrr68oc; ~(ambiguous? cf. Ps 57[56]:3 and 138[137]:8)
119:70 (IX, line 12)
'.!7,[tD].iJtb IIQPsaffims(Ken); cf. 119:24,77,92, 143, 174] 'r1.l)tD.l)tD ffi~(EiJ.EAETT}<Ja)
119:71 (IX, line 13)
':Jr1':J,l) 11QPsa mms(Ken) ~(harrdvwack iJ.E ); cf. Ps Il9:7s; 88:8 ] 'n':J.P m
119:72 (IX, line 14)
(?)~,~~ 11QPsa (cf. Gen 20:16; 2 Sam 18:12; Isa 7:23;
119: 17 (VII, line 3)
i1'n~, !IQPsa 4QPsh mmss(Ken, BHS)] i1'n~ ffi~
119: 17 (VII, line 3)
i1:J'1:li IIQPsa mmss(ffiq Ken, de Rossi) ~(Touc; A6youc; aou) ] 11:li ffi; --4QPsh
COL. X 119:82 (X, line 119:83 (X, line 119:83 (X, line 119:85 (X, line
119:16 (VII, line 2) 119:17 (VII, line 3)
119:18 (VII, line 4) 119:20 (VII, line 6) 119:22 (VII, line 8) 119:27 (VII, line 13)
i1:J'm1,r1~ II QPsa ffi ms (Ken) ] 1r11,r1 (~) ffi ~; --4QPsh i1tlJ1) IIQPsa] i101) 4QPsh ffi (VAR and PHONETICVAR] ,,) (qal imper. of,,)) l!QPsa; cf. ~(lTEplEAE)] ,~ ffi (another form of imper.; cf. Versions) i1:Ji,p~ IIQPsa* ffims(cf. Ken) ] i1:J'i,p~ 11QPsacorr
Song8:11)] ,~,~~ ffi~
i1r1,:J IIQPsa (cf. v 81)] ,,:J 4QPsg(i{,:J]) ffi~
':Jr1'tD.l) 11QPsa] 'r1"i1 4QPsg('r1"[i1]) ffi~
i1:JiOn 11QPsa] TPn m~; --4QPsg nnW 11QPsaffims(Ken)] mn'tD ffi; = mn'tv ~ (a8oA.mxtac;)
f1~~ 11QPs• (cf. BHSaPP)] f1~:l ffi~ 'mn 11QPsa] ':J'n ffi~ (cf. 119:37 [col. VIII t])
119:87 (X, line 6) 119:88 (X, line 7) 119:88 (X, line 7)
119:92 (X, line II)
m,i,l) (rare form of pl.) 11 QPs" ~(Tel jJ.apTUpLa <JOU) ] mi.l)ffi 'j,,.l):::l.J!QPsaffims(Ken)] "j.l):::l, 4QPsg ffi~
119:37 (VIII, line I)
i1:J1:li:J 11QPsa] 1:J1i:l4QPsg m~; T:J1i:l ~ ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi); 11:li:l mmss(Ken, de Rossi)
COL. XI 119:105 (XI, line 1)
119:37 (VIII, line 1)
':mn 11 QPsa (cf. cols. XII 5; XIII 5; XIX 14) ] ':J'n 4QPsg
119:105 (XI, line I)
i1:J'1:li II QPsa ffi q mss(Ken, de Rossi) ] 11:li ffi ~ ,,~ llQPsa] ,,~, ffi~
119:105 (XI, line 1)
'm:l'n:J' (pl.) II QPsa ~ ] 'r1~'n:J' (sing.) ffi~ [VAR and
119:40 (VIII, line 4)
'mn IIQPsa (cf. v 37 [col. VIIIt])] ':J'n 4QPsg(~J'n)
119: I 06 (XI, line 2)
mtD.!7, 11QPsa] 1~tD, ffi~
m~ m~
119:41 (VIII, line 5) 119:42 (VIII, line 6)
iOn IIQPsa ] 110n 4QPsg ffi~(To f.A.E6c; aou); TiOn ffiq(Ken) i1:J,l), II QPsa* ] i1:J,l)~, II QPsacorr 4QPsg ffi ~
119:42 (VIII, line 6)
i1:J1:li:l 'nn~:::J. ':J IIQPsamn,->~] 'r11~j Ti,p~ ':J 4QPsg ( cf. vv 45, 56, 100)
119:43 (VIII, line 7)
i1:J'1:li, II QPsa ] ,~~tV~, 4QPsg m; T~~tD~, ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi)~; -IQPsa
119:44 (VIII, line 8) 119:45 (V_!!!.Jit{e 8) 119:48 (VIII, line 12) 119:49 (VIII, line 13)
j.l), IIQPsa ] pr. tl,.l), ffi~(Ek TOV alwva Kat Elc; TOV atwva Tou atwvoc;) ~; -IQPsa --4QPsg i1':l,n1:l IIQPsa) fr:::J.n1:J 4QPsg(i1~':J1:l) ffi~; -IQPs8 i1tD'tD~, IIQPs 8 ] i1n'~, ffi~c-Jn'tD); ]tV~, IQPs 8 i1:J'1:li IIQPs•~mss(TWV Myov <JOU)] 1:li ffi; =11:::J.i ~(TOV ~'YOV <JOU ); --4QPsll
'~~tV~ llQPsa* ffi~(Tcl KpLjJ.aTa) ] ~~tV~ IIQPsacorr(eras.)ffimss(Ken)
119: 107 (XI, line 3)
'r1',.l)j 11QPs•] 'r1':J.l)j ffi~(harrdvw6r]V)
119: 107 (XI, line 3)
'mn i1:Jr11~~:J 11QPsa lfimss(AO')'LOV). For the form 'j:J,n, cf. 119:37 [col. VIII I], etc.) ] 11:li:J ':J'n ffi
119:108 (XI, line 4) 119:108 (XI, line 4)
i1~1 11QPsa mmss(Ken) ~mss(EU80Kll<JOV)] ~ri1~1 ffi ~(EU80Kll<JOV 8i]) i1:J'~~tD~~ II QPsa ] T~~tD~, m ~
119:109 (XI, line 5)
i1:Jn,,n JIQPs•] 1n,,m m~
119:110 (XI, line 6)
119:106 (XI, line
119:110 (XI, line li)
' ' IIQPs8 ] , ffi~ i1:J'i,p~ IIQPsU] ,,,,p~~, m~(KaL EK TWV EVTOAWV <JOU)
119:111 (XI, line 7)
,,tDtD ':J II QPs•• ffi ~ ) ptDtD I IQPs• curr (crus'/)
119:113 (XI, line 9)
i1::ln1,n IIQPsa] 1n1,n, ffil\J; -5QPs
119: !56 (XIII, line 7)
119:114(XI,line 10)
i1::l'1:l1'? II QPsa mms(Ken) l\)IDSS(Ek TOUs Myouc; aou)] 11::11'? ffil\J(i.e. Ek Tov Myov aou); -5QPs
•mn llQPsa (cf. v !59 [col. XIII 11]; but also v 154 [line 5], the only time ffi = l!QPsa for this word) ] 'J'n ffil\)
119: !59 (XIII, line 11)
i1::ln11:l~::l liQPsa] 110n::l ffi; 110n:ll\J(£v Tii\
119:115(XI,line II)
m~l:l sing.? IIQPsa (if pl., then orthographically unique in
119:159 (XIII, line 11)
•mn IIQPsa (cf. v !56 [col. XIII 7]; but also v 154 [line 5], the only time ffi = II QPs a for this word) ] 'J'n ffi l\J
119:116(XI,line 12)
'1:ltD1:ll:l IIQPsa ] '1:ltD1:l 5QPs ffi
119: 160 (XIII, line 12)
i1::l'1:l1 !IQPsa ffims(Ken) l\J(Twv Mywv aou)] 11::11
119:117 (XI, line 13)
~tD~, l!QPsa] i1.l)tD~, ffi; = .l)tlJ.l)ntD~, (hitpalpel of .l).l)tD; cf. vv 16, 47) l\J(Kal IJ.EAen'pw); -5QPs
119: 160 (XIII, line 12)
p1~ IIQPsa ] 1P1~ ffil\J
119:117 (XI, line 13)
i1::l'p,n IIQPsa] TPn:l ffil\J; TPfl[ 5QPs
119:161 (XIII, line 13)
CJ1Jn II QPsa ] CJJn ffi [ ORTH and VAR ?]
119: 119 (XI, line 15)
'n:ltvn II QPsa l\J (EAO'YLUUIJ.T)V) ] I;l:ltDi1 ffi; I;l:ltDn mmss (Ken, de Rossi); -5QPs
119: 161 (XIII, line 13)
i1::l'1:l11:l, l!QP~a ffil\J(Kal. cmo TWV Mywv aou)] 11:l11:l, mq mss l\)IDSS(Kal. no TOU Myou aou)
1J ',,!) IIQPsa]
119:162 (XIII, line 14)
~~,l:ll:l II QPsa ] ~~,l:l::l ffi l\J
119: 163 (XIII, line 14) COL XIV 119:171 (XIV, line 1)
i1::ln1,m II QPsammss(Ken) l\J(8€) ] 1n1,n ffi
EAEEL aou)
this MS)] m~l:l pl. ffil\J; -5QPs
119:119 (XI, line 15) 119:119 (XI, line 15)
p'? 5QPs ffi i1::l'm,1.!) '?,::l 2" IIQPsa] Tri1.!) 5QPs ml\Jmss (> '?[,]::l); + 8u1navT6t; l\J(cf. v 117, where 8u1navT6c; translates 1'1:ln; probably dittography ace. to BHS app)
119:172 (XIV, line 2)
COL. XII 119:128 (XII, line I)
'?,::l '1,p~ 11QPsamms] '?::l '1,p~ '?::l ffi; [npOc;] naaac; T '?::l2"]
i1::l'? i1'?i1n II QPsa ] i1'?i1n ffi l\J (> 1'? I i1::l'?) i1J.l)n IIQPsa] 1.l)n ffi
119:173 (XIV, line 3)
'J1r,.l)', IIQPsa] 'J1W'? ffi [ORTH and VAR?]
119:174 (XIV, line 4)
i1::ln1,n IIQPsa]
119:175 (XIV, line 5)
i1::l'~~tD6i IIQPsa* ((ffiq mss(Ken) l\J(Kal Ta KpliJ.UTU aou) ] i1::l'~~tD II QPsa corr (NB: scribal dots over,
119:129 (XII, line 2)
nm 'J'?~ IIQPsa ] m~'?~ ffil\) (cf. 119:36 [col. XII 9])
119: 130 (XII, line 3)
1~i11 imper. II QPsa ] 1'~' imperf. ffi l\) i1::l'n1,~1:l'? l!QPsammss(Ken)] pr. '::l ffil\)
119:175 (XIV, line 5) 119:176 (XIV, line 6)
i1::l'm,1.!) IIQPsa] Tm~l:l ffil\J
135: I (XIV, line 7)
pr. Ps 119 !IQPsa] pr. 134 ffil\)[133]
135:1 (XIV, line 7)
119: 136 (XII, line 9)
'n:l~n IIQPsa (cf. Ps 119:40, 174 [cols. VIII 4; XIV 4])] 'n:l~' m hapax; E1TETI68ouv l\) i1::ln11:l~'? !IQPsammss(de Rossi)] 1n11:l~:l ffi; 1n11:l~::l mmss(Ken, de Rossi) l\J '::l ',,!) l!QPsa mmss] ',,!) ffi (> '::l)
'J1n.l)' II QPsa ] 'r,t.P,~ ffi ffiq ms(Ken); 'J1W' ffik ms (Ken) l\J(~oT)Sf]aEt .IJ.OL)
Order of1'?'?i1 phrases: c b a in IIQPsaffimss(Ken); cf. Ps 113: I (=a c b) ] abc ffil\J(8oDAOL KUpLov)
119: 137 (XII, line 10)
Cl'1tD', IIQPsa l\jffiSS(Kal EUSElc;)] 1tD', ml\J
135:2 (XIV, line 8)
119: 140 (XII, line 13)
i1::l:l.l) II QPsa* (error?) ] i1::l1:l.l) 11 QPsa corr; 11::1.!), 5QPsffil\J
Cl'11:l,.l)tD i1' ,1:ll:l,1, !IQPsa (cf. Ps 99:5, 9)] Cl'1rj.l)tl) ffil\)
135:2 (XIV, line 9)
119:142 (XII, line 15)
mp1[~] ni[p1~]? IIQPsa ] p1~ 1np1~ ffil\J;
Cl''?tD,1' 1::l,n:l, ,J,m'?~ 11 QPsa (cf. Ps 116: 19) ] ,J'i1'?~ m l\J
135:3 (XIV, line 10)
i11i1' n~ ,','?i1 II QPsa ] i1'-,'?'?i1 ffi (> ~)
119:131 (XII, line 4) 119:131 (XII, line 4) 119:133 (XII, line 6)
-5QPs 119: 142 (XII, line 15)
Cl'?,.l) II QPsa ] Cl'?,.l)', 5QPs ffi l\J
COL XIII 119: !52 (XIII, line 3)
i1::ln.l)11'.:l11QPsa (cf. 1QH I 21; XV 12)] Tn1.!)1:l ml\J
119:152(~e 3)
'Jn10' 11QPsa] tln10' ffil\)
119: !53 (XIII, line 4)
i1::ln1,n 11 QPsa (> '::l; haplography?) ] pr. '::l ffil\)
119: 154 (XIII, line 5)
::1'1 11 QPs8 * ] i1:l'1 11 QPsn corr ffi
119: 155 (XIII, line 6)
tl'.l)tD11:l p,n1 11QPs8 * ] i1.l),tD' tl'.l)tD11:l p,n1 11QPsncorrffilf) \
and 1:l );
ffi(> , mmss)
135:3 (XIV, line 10)
:l,~ '::l!IQPsa ] i11i1' :l,~ '::l ffil\)
135:3 (XIV, line 10)
,l:ltD II QPsa ] ,l:ltD'? ffi l\J
135:4 (XIV, line 11)
,', 1n:l IIQPsa ] i1' ,', 1n:l ffil\)
135:4 CXIV,line' 11)
'?~1tD', II QPsa ] '?~1tD' ffi l\)
135:4 (XIV, line 11) 135:5 (XIV, line 11)
,', i1'?,JO'? IIQPsa l\)mss(nEpLouawaiJ.OV E"auTcjl; ex 4a?)] ,n'?Jo'? ffil\J(nEpLouaLaaiJ.ov avToD) 'J~ IIQPs 8 ] pr. '::l I" ffil\)
135:5 (XIV, line 12)
,J'i1,'?._, ll QPs8
,J'J1._, ffi If)
74 I35:6 (XIV, line 12) I35:6 (XIV, lines 13-14)
ltV~ II QPs• ) pr. '-,~ ffi \SJ; -4QPsk -4QPs 0 tl~m'-,~ ... i1tV.l:'~ n1tV,l;l'-, r1~:J., tl~~tV:J. I1QPs• 4QPs 0 [vid.](i1)tV.l:l~ n1tV,l;l'-, f[I~:J.,)]
+ strophe tl.l:' t'].,~:J. n1C!l:J.~ mi1~:J. :J.,C!):J.'-, :J.,C!l 1IQPs• [catena] ) > 4QPsb c(tl~:J.~1J]:J.) ffi\S}
118:29 (XVI, line 5)
pr. v 9 +strophe 11QPs•[catena] ] pr. v 28 11QPs• 4QPsb (reconstr.) ffi; pr. v 28 and 2 strophes (cf. v 21) ISJ[117]
118:29 (XVI, line 6)
i1~ ,.,.,i1 ,10n tJ'-,,l;l'-, ~~ 11 QPs•[catena] ] ,,on tJ'-,,l;l'-, ~~ 11QPs•[Ps 118] ffi(> i1~ ,.,.,i1); cf.ISJ 1I8:1 (= 119:I ffi); ] ~~ 4QPsb
ri~:J., tl~~tV:J. ffi\S} (>strophe); -4QPsk
I35:6 (XIV, line 14)
n1~,i1ri .,,~:J., IIQPs• mmss(Ken, de Rossi) ISJ(Ev 1Taamc; TalC a~uaamc;)) n1~,i1r1 .,~, ffi; = n101i1r1:J., \SjffiSS(Ev TULC a~.); m[ 4QPs 0 ; -4QPsk
COL. XV 135:17(XV,line 1) 135:18(XV,line 1) 135:21 (XV, line 4)
145:I (XVI, line 7)
pr. Catena 11QPs•] pr. Ps 144ffi\SJ[143]
r~, II QPs• ffi ms (Ken) ) r~ t']~ ffi; ou8€ yap IS} .,,~, IIQPs• mmss(Ken) ISJ(KUL1TUVTEC)) '-,~ ffi\S}mss
145:1 (XVI, line 7) I45:1 (XVI, line 7)
i1'-,::ln 11QPs•] i1'-,i1n ffi\SJca'lvwtc;) ~m'-,~ i11i1~ 11 QPs•* ) ~m'-,~ 11 QPs• carr ffi IS} (> i11i1~)
145:1 fin (XVI, lines 8-9)
136:3 (XV, line 7)
1,1~'-, IIQPs•) ~:J1~'-, ffi; TQ KUpL(JJISJ
145:2 (XVI, line 9)
1,1:J. 11QPs•] '-,~:J. ffi\SJ; cf. refrain
136:4 (XV, line 8)
r1,~'-,!:)J IIQPs• ISJmss(8auj..laaLU)) r1,.,,~ r1,~'-,!:)J ffi ISJ(8auj..lciaw wyaA.a)
145:2 (XVI, line 10)
136:7 (XV, line 10)
n11,~~ II QPs• ] tl~l,~ ffi;
145:3 (XVI, line 10)
136:7fin (XV, lines 10--11)
non tJ'-,,l;l'-, ~~ n1~, n~, rv~rvi1 '~ ,,on tl.,,.l:'., ~~ II QPs•*; > r1~, II QPs• carr (eras); cf. vv 8init, 9init) ,,on tl.,,,l;l., ~~ m~SJ (>strophe)
145:3 (XVI, line II)
,~tV i11i1~ 1,1:J. 11QPs•*[refrain] ) ,~tV 1,1:J., i11i1~ 1,1:J. 11 QPs• carr (+ 1,1:J.,); > ffi IS} '-,'-,,m II QPs•* ] '-,'-,,i1~, 11 QPs• carr ffie'-,'-,i1~, ); al VEToc; IS} ,n'-,n~'-, IIQPs•] ,n.,,~.,, m~SJ
145:4 (XVI, line 12)
,n:J.rv~ 11 QPs• ] n:J.rv m ~SJ
145:5 (XVI, line 13)
,I:J.1~ II QPs• \S)(;\.a;\.ijaouaLV) ) ~I:J.1, ffi i1~~m~'-,!:)J, II QPs• \S}(KUL Ta 8UUj..lciatci aou) )
136:8 (XV, line 11)
IIQPs• (cf. Ps 134:3 [col. XXVIII 2]) \S}ms(EUAOYTlaEL aE)) 1,1:J. ffiiSJ(EUAOYTlTOC)
cf:>wm ISJ
n,'-,tV~~'-, II QPs• ffi mss (Ken); cf. v 9 of ffi ) r1~tV~~'-, ffi (cf. Gen I:l6); Ei.c; E-~ouatav ISJ .
145:5 (XVI, line 13)
tl,~ IIQPs•) tl,~:J. ffi; Tfjc; TJj..LEpac; IS}
I36:9 (XV, line 12)
n1~ IIQPs•] nl~i1 n~ m
145:5 (XVI, line 14)
136:12 (XV, line 14)
.l:',li~:J., IIQPs•) .l:',li:J., ffi
145:6 (XVI, line 15)
136:15 (XV, line 16)
l.l:'J IIQPs•ISJms(EKTLVU~UVTL)) l.l:'J ffiiSJ(KUL
COL. XVI Catena (XVI, lines 1-6) Catena (XVI, line 1) Il8:I (XVI, line I)
145:6 (XVI, line 15)
Catena ofPs 118 11QPs• IIQPsb) > ffi\S} pr. Ps 136 IIQPs•) > ffi\SJ;? !IQPsb
pr. v I [catena]IIQPs• and IIQPsb) pr. v 14 ffi\S} [Ps 117]
16b IIQPs• [catena] (i11,:J.~ i1r1tV.l:' i1,i1~ r~~) ffi c'-,~n i1tV.l:'-) ISJ(8E~La Kuptou E1TOLTJaEV 8UvUj..LLV)] >4QPsb(?)ffims\SJms; )~~ IIQPsb[catena]
Il8:16 (XVI, line 3)
118:8(X~3) 118:8 (XVI, line 3)
COL. XVII 145:13fin (XVII, lines 2-3)
pr. Ps 136 IIQPs•[catena]] pr. Ps 117 4QPsb(reconstr.) ffi\SJ[ll6]; -l!QPsb
Il8:15 (XVI, line 1)
n~tV~ II QPs• ) i1n~tV~ ffi; 8LTJyTJaOVTaL IS} i1~~m'-,,,~, II QPs• carr (i1~~n'-,,,~, *) ffiCT~Tl ] 1r1.,,,~, ffi q mss ISJ(KUL n'jv j..LEyaA.wauVTJV aou)
l::lO~ IIQPs•) i1JI::l0~ ffi\SJms( avTijv); ,1!:)0~ \SJ (8LTJyTJaOVTaL)
,~rvl'~ .,,~:J. ,~om ,~I:J.1:J. tl~m'-,~ \ 1~~J 11 QPs• mms(Ken#142) IS} (v 13•: maTOC KUpLOCEV [+ 1TUaLV = .,,~:J.IS} mssl TOLe; Mymc; UUTOU I KUL oaLOc; EV 1TUaL TOLC €pymc; UtiTOU). The J-strophe; cf. v 17] >ffi II QPs•* ] 1n1J II QPs• carr ffi; 8t8wc; IS} [VAR and
145: 15 (XVII, line 6)
i11,:J.~ i1r1tV.l:' II QPs•[catena]ISJ(E1TOL TJcrEv 8Uvaj..LLV)] '-,~n i1tV.l:' ffi; -IIQPsh
145:15 (XVII, line 6)
i1~'-,~,~ II QPs•* ) pr.
145: 16 (XVII, lines 7-K)
i1~1~ \ r1~ i1r1~ nn1::l IIQPs• ISJ(avot YELC au n'jv
pr.v 1611QPs"[catena]] pr.v7 4QPshffiiSJ[Il7] n1C!):J.'-, IIQPs• [catena]4QPs 0(nC!l:J.'-,) ISJ(1TE1TOL8EVUL))
145:18 (XVII, line 10)
i11i1~ :J.,Ip IIQPs8 (cf.\SJl) +ltV~ '-,~'-, ,~~~p '-,~'-,
:J.,C!l:J.~ IIQPs 0 [cutenu.J (error'/) ] HC!l:J.~ 4QPs 0(riC!l::l~) m~
1I QPs• carr ffi(tl'-,~~ r1~)
XE1pa aou)) 11~ r1~ nn1::l ffi (> i1r1~; cf. r1~ foil.) m~ cscribal error r:J,IP-1,1:J.J. but there should be
n,on'-, m 118:9 (XVI, line 4)
1,1:J. 11 QPs• ) > ffi IS} (Refrain is constant to each verse and unique to 11QPs•)
136:8 (XV, line 11)
!:', tJ'-,,,l;l'-, \ ,~tV 1,1:J., i1,i1~
und ure 14 words in v 18 with the refrain; cf. col. XVI 9) 145:18 (XVII, line II)
im~~::liiQPs"] n~::l m~
145:20 (XVII, line 14)
1,~i, IIQPsa] 1,:::li1~ ffi~
145:21 (XVII, line 16)
1tD11p t:ltD n~ IIQPsa mmss(Ken #38 and #142)] 1tv1p t:ltv m [11']1 t:l'?11'? 10tD 11i:::l1 i11i1, 11i:::l II QPsa refrain ] shorter refrain 11'1 t:l?l.l? m~ (11'1 t:l?l.l? are the last words of the IIQPsa refrain). Note also the addendum (cf. BHS n. 2Ja-a and 115:18) in mmss(Ken): 11, 1??11 t:l?11' 11'1 i1nl.'o 11, 1i:::l:J 1:1n:1~1; Elc; Tov atwva Kat Elc; Tov atwva Tou alwvoc; ~
145:21 (XVII, line 17)
145:21 fin (XVII, line 17)
11i:Jt? n~1t I!QPsa (subscript; cf. col. XXVII) ] > ffi~
145:21fin (XVII, 18-20?)
Short composition preceding Ps 154 IIQPsa (?)] ? ffi~
154:1-3 (XVII, 21-22?)
Ps 154 [= Syriac Ps II]:I-3 IIQPsa] > ffi~
COL. XVIII 154:3-19 (XVIII, 1-17?) Plea (XVIII, 18-23?)
Ps 154 [= Syriac Ps Il]:3-19 IIQPsa] > ffi~ Plea for Deliverance IIQPsa IIQPsb ] > ffi~
COL. XIX Plea (XIX, lines 1-19)
Plea for Deliverance IIQPsa IIQPsb ] > ffi~
139:1 (XIX, line 19or20)
pr. Plea for Deliverance IIQPsa] pr. Ps 138 ffi~[137]
COL. XX 139:10 (XX, line I) 139: II (XX, line 3)
t:ltD IIQPsa] pr. t:l~ ffi~ i1t~ IIQPsa*] it~ llQPsa corr (eras.); i1~ ffi~
139:11 (XX, line 3)
,11':JIIQPsa] ,:111':::1 ffi [VAR and ORTH]
139:12 (XX, line 4)
i1~:J 1tD1n:J IIQPsa] i1i1~:J i1:J,tvn:J ffi~
139: 14 (XX, line 5)
i1n~ ~i1:J (nif. partie.) IIQPsa] n1~i1:J ffi~(TTO~Epwc;) (?)n,~'?E:l:J cn,~'?E:l:J, final i1Iacking?) II QPsa ~mss
139: 14 (XX, line 5) 139: 15 (XX, line 6)
TcE-eauiJ.acrTw6rjc;)] ,n,?El:J m~cE-eauiJ.a<JTw8rJV) ,:::1~1' IIQPsa(error?)] ,0~1' ffi~
139: 16 (XX, line 8)
i1:J,iElO IIQPsa] T1El0 m~ 1'?1 II QPsa ffi q ms\Ken, de Rossi). For 1? = ~'-, cf. 2 Sam 18:12; 19:7 (?)] ~?1 ffi~(oV8Eic; [oi18Ek ~mss])
139:16 (XX, line 8)
n~:::liiQPsa] 1n~ ffi~
139:16 (XX, line 9)
i10i10 II QPsa ffi mss (t:li10, Ken, de Rossi) ] t:li1:::l ffi ~ i10 '?l.l II QPsa (cf. Isa I :5) ] i10 2" ffi(i101 mmss) t:li1,tDi II QPsa* ] t:li1,tD~i II QPsa corr ffi
139: 16 (XX, line 8)
139:17 (XX, line 9) 139:17 (XX, line 9) 139:18 (XX, line 10)
111'1 IIQPsa] ,111'1 ffi; Kat E-yw ~ms)
ETL E:ljJ.L ~ (+ IJ.ETU <JOU
139:19 (Xx._un/11)
,tl)j~ IIQPs• ~l:iv8pEc;)] ,tl):J~1 ffi
139:19(XX,line II) 139:21 (XX, line 13)
i10 IIQPs•] 1i10 ffi~ i1:J,oo1pnoo1 IIQPs•] Too1pn:::11 m: 1,oo1pno:::11 mm•N(Ken, de Rossi); T001pno1 ffi"'"'(Ken); KQL fTTL To1c; f"xpo1c; OfU ~
139:23 (XX, line 15)
,:::1? IIQPsa] ,:::1:::1? ffi
139:23 (XX, line 15)
,Ell'iO I!QPsaffims(Ken)] ,Ell'itv ffi (cf. ,Ell'itv Ps 94:19t); Tel£; Tpl~OUs IJ.OU ~ [VAR and ORTH]
137:1 (XX, line 17)
pr. Ps 139 llQPsa] pr. Ps 136ffi~[135]
137:1 (XX, line 17)
?:J:::l:::liiQPsa] ?:J:::lffi~ 1:::ltD, II QPsa* ] 1:J:::ltD, 11 QPsa corr ffi ~
137:1 (XX, line 17)
COL. XXI 138:1 (XXI, lines 1-2) 138:1 (XXI, line 2)
i11i1, \ i1:J11~ I II QPsa m mss (Ken, de Rossi) ~ ( E~Oj.lO AOYll<JOj.laL <JOL, KUpLE)] 111~ m t:l,i11?~ i11i1, 2" IIQPsa* ffims(Ken) ] t:l,i11?~ II QPsa corr (eras.) ffi(t:l,i1?~ )~ 0
138:4 (XXI, line 6)
i1:J,EliiQPsa*] :J,EliiQPsacorr(eras.) ffiCTEl) [ORTH, but CORR]
138:7 (XXI, line 8) 138:7 (XXI, line 8)
11n:::1 IIQPsa] :::lip:::l ffi i1:J1, IIQPsa ffi<11,) ~(XE1pci <JOU) ] T1, mq mss (Ken, de Rossi) ~mss(XELpcic; crou)
Sir 51 (XXI 1-23?)
Sirach 51:13-30 [some reconstr.]ll QPsa] > ffi; >Psalter~
COL. XXII Sir 51:23[30] (XXII, line I) Apostr. (XXII, lines 1-15)
Sirach 51:23 [= 51:30] II QPsa] > ffi; >Psalter~
Apostr. (XXII, line I)
pr.Sir51:1-23[13-30]11QPsa] pr.Ps 1094QPsf; >ffi~
93: I (XXII, line 16)
pr. Apostrophe to Zion II QPs a ] pr. Ps 92 ffi ~ [91] pr. i1,1'?'?i111QPsa] > ffi~
93:1 (XXII, line 16)
Apostrophe to Zion II QPsa 4QPsf] > ffi~
93: I (XXII, line 16)
it~n,1 I!QPsa ~Kat TTEpLE(W<JaTO) ] it~ni1 ffi
93:1 (XXII, line 17) 93: I (XXII, line 17)
f:J[n]IIQPsaffims(Ken) ~(E<JTEpEW<JEV); cf. Ps 75:4] 11:Jn ffi (cf. Ps 96: 10) C!l10C!lllQPsa] C!l1Qn ffi~ [VAR, PHONETIC, ORTH?]
141 : I (XXII, line 20?)
pr. Ps 93 IIQPsa] pr. Ps 140 ffi~ [139]
COL. XXIII 141:5 (XXIII, line I)
'nEl?n, [possibly 1nE:l?n,]llQPsa(error? metathesis?)] ,n?E:ln1 m~
141 :6 (XXIII, line 3)
10~ l':J IIQPsa*] 10,P:J IIQPsacorr(eras.) ffi[ORTH, but
141 :7 (XXIII, line 3)
,0~1' II QPsa (A possible emendation is ,0~1'; cf. Ps Sol
CORR] 16:1-2)] 1:1,o~l' m~cTa
ouTa "TliJ.wv); Ta ooTa
airrwv = t:li1,0~1' ~mss 141:9 (XXIII, line 5) 141 :9 (XXIII, line
1,0 II QPsa ] ,1,0 ffi; cirr6 ~ 1tD1p, IIQPsa] 1tvp, ffi [ORTH and VAR?]
141 : I0 (XXIII, line 6)
i:Jl.'~ II QPs•* ] ii:Jl'~ II QPs• corr ffi [ ORTH, but CORR]
133:1 (XXIII, line 7)
pr. Ps 141 IIQPs 11 IIQPsh] pr. Ps 132 ffi~[l31] 1',0 'EliiQPs• IIQPsh] ,,n,,o 'El ffi; sing.~
I:n:2 (XXIII, line 9)
133:3 (XXIII, line 10)
"1i IIQPsa ffims(Ken)] ~jjjj ffi~SJ; -IIQPsb
133:3 (XXIII, line 10)
ii~tD IIQPsa] tltD ffi; ~XE'L ISJ; -IIQPsb
133:3 (XXIII, line 10)
ii:Ji::lii nt~: IIQPs3 ] tl~~n ii:Ji::lii nt~: IIQPsb dtl~~n] ii:Ji:Jii nt~:' vid.) ffi~SJ; tl"n1- mms IS)
133:3 (XXIII, lines 10--11)
tl'?lV il1 11QPsa mmss(Ken) ] tl'?,l1ii il1 ffi; t:J'?( IIQPsb; €w.:; Tou aLwvo.:; tSJ
133:3fin (XXIII, lines lO-ti)
'?t~:itD~ '?l1 tl1'?tD tl'?,l1 \ jl) IIQPs 3 IIQPsb (cf. 125:5 and 128:6) ] tl'?,l1ii il) ffi\S) (cf. Ken on Ps 122:9)
144:1 (XXIII, line 12)
pr. Ps 133 IIQPs3 IIQPsb ] pr. Ps 143 ffiiSJ[I42]
144:1 (XXIII, line 12)
~i,~ ii1ii~ 1,i::l IIQPs 3 IIQPsb(vid.) mmss(Ken)] pr. ,,,'? m IS) (+ rrpo.:; TOV rof-w8)
144: I (XXIII, line 12)
i'?~ii IIQPsa* (error?)] i~'?~ii 11QPsa corr IIQPsb
144: I (XXIII, line 12)
ffiiSJ(o 8L8cicrKWV) ~ml1:J~tl:, 11QPsaffims(Ken)] ~ml1:J~tl: ffi~SJ; -11QPsb
144:2 (XXIII, line 13)
~'? ~'?E:l0111QPsa] ~'? ~~'?E:l01 ffi (> ~ mmss ISJ; cf.
144:2 (XXIII, line 14)
18:3); -IIQPsb tl~~l) II QPs3 mmss, sebir (Ken, de Rossi); cf. Ps 18:48// 2 Sam 22:48] ~~l) ffiiSJ(TOV f-a6v J.lOU); -<Jou ISJms; -Q.trrOU ISJmss; -IIQPsb
144:3 (XXIII, line 14)
tl~m'?t~: IIQPs 3
144:4 (XXIII, line 15)
,~~~, IIQPsa] ,~~~ ffi\Sj
ii1ii~ ffi\S) (cf. v 5 below)
144:5 (XXIII, line 15)
tl~m'?t~: IIQPsa] ii1ii~ ffi\S) (cf. v 3 above)
144:5 (XXIII, line 16)
ii, 11 QPs 3 IS) (KUL KUTcl~T)8L)] iin1 imperf. ffi
COL XXIV ii1ii~ itDtl: IIQPs 3
155:1-19 (XXIV, lines 3-17)
Ps 155 [= Syriac Ps III]:I-19 IIQPs 3
142: I (XXIV, line 20?)
pr. Ps 155 [Syriac Ps III]IIQPs 3
ii1ii~tD ffi;
ov IS)
144:15 (XXIV, line I)
> ffi\S)
pr. Ps 141 ffiiSJ[I40]
143:5 (XXV, line 12)
iin~tDtl: IJQPsa (cf. Ps 119 passim; 145:5 [col. XVI 14])] nmtDt~: m: EJ.LE>-hwv tSJ
143:6 (XXV, line 12) 143:6 (XXV, line 12)
fiti::J II QPs3 mms (Ken) ] fiti::J ffi IS); -4QPsP iiE:ll1\?) (..J&:'),l1 ?) II QPsa* ] iiE:l~ l) (..J&:')~ l) ?) II QPsa corr ffi; -4QPsP
149:1 (XXV, line 20?)
pr. Ps 143 JJQPs3
pr. Ps 148 ffi\S)
COL. XXVI 149:9 (XXVI, line 3)
,tDi,p tll1 '?t~:itD~ ~:J:J'? ,~,~on '?,::;'? 11 QPs 3 mms (Ken #40 [1:::1,ip tll1 ... '?::;'? ]); cf. Ps 148:14 ] ,~,~on '?::;'? m tSJ
ISO: I (XXVI, line 4)
'?t~: ,',',jj JJQPs 3 mmss(Ken) ISJmss (haplography?, cf. ISJ)] pr. [ii~ ,'?'?ii] MasPsb(?) ffiiSJ( 'AAATJAOU(a); + 'Ayyatou Ka't. Zaxaptou ISJmss; cf. 145[146]: I; 146[147]:1, etc.
150:3 (XXVI, line 5) 150:6 (XXVI, line 7) 150:6fin (XXVI, line 8)
l),l?n:J IJQPsa] 11pn:::1 MasPsbffi [ORTH and VAR] n1~tD:Jii JJQPs3 ] ii~tD:Jii MasPsb(?) ffi\S) + 6 or 7 compositions JJQPs 3 +Psalm 151 ISJ
end of Psalter MasPsb ffi;
Hymn (XXVI, line 9)
Hymn to the Creator JJQPs3
LWords (XXVI, lines 17-23?)
David's Last Words(= 2 Sam 23:1-7) [reconstr.]IIQPs 3 > Psalter ffi IS)
> ffi\S) ]
COL. XXVII Last Words (XXVII, line I)
David's Last Words(= 2 Sam 23:7) JJQPs 3
Last Words (XXVII, line I)
n~:J~~n fl1, IIQPs 3 (Sanders: read n1:J~~n?, cf. Ps 57:5)]
Last Words (XXVII, line I)
l:]iitD IIQPsa* 2Sam23:7ffi] l:]itD IIQPsacorr(eras.)
DavComp (XXVII 2-11)
David's Compositions JJQPs 3 ] > ffi\S)
>Psalter ffi\S)
>Psalter ffiiSJ; n~:Jn fl1, 2 Sam 23:7 ffi\S)
140: I (XXVII, line 12)
pr. David's Compositions II QPs 3 ] pr. Ps 139 ffi\S) [138]
142:5 (XXV, line I)
140:2 (XXVII, line 13)
tl"~n 11 QPsa* ] tl~O~n 11 QPs 3 corr ffi
140:2 (XXVII, line 13)
~:Ji~n llQPsaffimss(Ken)] ~:Ji¥~n ffi [ORTH, PHONETIC,
140:3 (XXVII, line 13-14)
m~ii \ ',,::; 11QPs3 mmss(Ken) IS)(+ OATJV TJlV TJJ.lEpav
140:3 (XXVII, line 14)
iiJ~ JIQPs 3
140:4 (XXVII, line 14)
tD~:J:Jl) IIQPs3 (cf. lsa 59:5; Job 8:14t)] ::l,tD:Jl) ffi ISJ(acrrrt8wv)
142:8 (XXV, line 5)
iitl:itl:, r~~ ii~~:Jtl: II QPs 3 IS) (KUTEVOOUV d.:; TU 8E~La KUL ETTE~AETTOV)] iitl:i, r~~ ~~:Jii (imperatives, ..J~:l:l) m ,i~n::;~ II QPsa* (hi f., cf. Ken) ] ~it;l~~ II QPsa corr (eras.)
143:3 (XXV, line 9)
143:3 (XXV, line 9)
\SjffiSS) ] t:J,~ '?~ m
ffi; UTTOJ.lEVOUcrLV ISJ (= ~it:J~:?: BHS); [VAR and ORTH] IIQPsa] &:')ii
ffi~SJ; ~QPsP
(?)ii:Ji II QPs 8 * (cf. Ken and Ps 44:20; 51: 10) ] ti::Ji IIQPsa corr ffi~SJ(cf. Isa 3: 15); -4QPsP
tl~,ntD~, IIQPsa] tl~,ntD~ ffi~SJ; -4QPsP
) ,i~J~ ffi (,i.r has also been proposed); rrapETacrcravTo tSJ
143:4 (XXV, line tO)
~:::1:::1'? II QPsa ffi ms (Ken #219) ] ~:::1'? ffi ; -4QPsP
134: I (XXVII, line m)
pr. Ps 140 IIQPs 8 (reconstructed)] pr. Ps 133 ffiiSJ[132]
143:5 (XXV, line II)
'?,:::1 IIQPsa• (error?>] '?,:J:J IIQPsacorrffic'?:;>:J> IS)
143:5 (XXV, line II)
~tDl)~::lllQPs• mmMI(~en, de Rossi) ~(bl 'ITOLitJ.LacrLV)]
COL XXVIII 134:2 (XXVIII, line I) 134:2 (XXVIII, line 2)
t:J:J~j~ II QPs 8 ffi q(Ken>) t:J:J[~ ffi [ VAR and ORTH?]
iirDl10::l m
mii' tlW n~ t t QPs• ] ii,ii' n~ m
80 !SlAB (XXVIII, lines 3-14) !SlAB (XXVIII, lines 3ff.) !SIB (XXVIII, lines 12ff.)
Ps ISlAB IIQPs• \i) ) > ffi
17:14 (f. 8, line 4)
pr. Ps 134 IIQPs•) pr. Ps ISO \i); >ffi End of Psalter IIQPs•[ISI AB] \i)) Ps ISO ends Psalter ffi
17:14 (f. 8, line 5)
11Q6. llQPsb Catena (f. 3, lines 1-2) 118:IS (f. 3, line I) Plea (fs. 4-S, lines 3-16) Ap. Zion (f. 6, lines I-2) 141:10(fs.7-IO,line I) 133: I (fs. 7-10, line 2) 133:2 (fs. 7-10, line 4) 133:3 (fs. 7-10, line 5) I33:3fin (fs. 7-10, line 5) 144:1 (fs. 7-10, line 6) 144: I (fs. 7-10, line 6) 144:1 (fs. 7-10, line 6)
Catena of Ps 118 IIQPsh IIQPs•) > ffi\i) pr. vI [catena]IIQPsb and IIQPs•) pr. v 14 ffi\i)[Ps 117] Plea for Deliverance II QPs b II QPs• ) > ffi \i) Apostrophe to Zion IIQPsb 4QPsf IIQPs•) > ffi\i) i,::ll]~ II QPsb II QPs• corr ffi ) "i::llJ~ II QPs•* [ ORTH, but CORR] pr. Ps 141 IIQPsb IIQPs•) pr. Ps 132 ffi\i)[J31] ,,,a 'EliiQPsb IIQPs•) ,,nna 'El ffi; sing. \i) (tl"n] il:Ji::lil n~ IIQPsb ffi \i); tl"nr mms \i)) il:Ji::lil n~ II QPs• [?~itu' ]?.!J tl,?tu t:J?[,.!J ilJ]IIQPsb IIQPs• (cf. 12S:S and 128:6) ) tl'?,.!Jil 1.!] ffi\i) (cf. Ken on Ps 122:9) pr. Ps 133 IIQPsb IIQPs•) pr. Ps 143 ffi\i)[J42] ''i(,~ il,il' l,i::l]IIQPsh(vid.) IIQPs• mmss(Ken)) pr. ,,,., m \i) (+ rrpoc: TOV r OA.La8)
9:S (f. 3, line 2) 9:S (f. 3, line 2) 12:6 (fs. 4-7, line 3) 12:7 (fs. 4-7, line 4) 12:8 (fs. 4-7, line 4) 14: I (fs. 4-7, line II) 14:S (fs. 4-7, line 14) 17:9 (f. 8, li~ 17:9 (f. 8, line I) 17: II (1'.
line 2)
17: D (f. K, line 4)
18:2 (f. 8, line 9) 18:4 (f. 8, line II) 18:4 (f. 8, line II) 18:12 (f. 8, line 18)
18:16 (f. 9, line 2) 18:16--17 (f. 9, line 2) 18:17 (f. 9, line 3) 19:7 (f. 10, line 3) 19:8 (f. 10, line 4)
[i]a?aiTIIQPsh IIQPsacorrffi\i)(o8t86.rrKwv)] 1?ai1 II QPs•*(error?)
11Q7. llQPsc 2:3 (fs. 1-2, line 2) 2:4 (fs. 1-2, line 4)
[,a']mi10,b IIQPsc] ,a'mio,a ffi\i) ':J,j~ IIQPsc) ':Jj~ ffiL; iJ1il' \[ffimss; > ffiA; Kat 0 KUplOC: ~ iln::ltu, II QPsc ) n::ltu' ffi ~ iln~Eltu IIQPsc] ~mtu m~
68: 16 (f. 8, line 2) 78:9 (f. 9, line 5) 81:6(f.IO,Iine3) 81:7(f.IO,line4) 86:13 (f. II, line 3)
('J,]tDii IIQPsc) ':J,jtl] ffi\i)(TUAULTTWpT)CJclVTWV fl.€); -RQPs 'J,tui~ (pie!) IIQPsc~(fl<~clAAOVTEr. ~lf)) ,J'itp~ ffi; 'J,itu._ ffi 11111 ; prp. 1~,- or 'J,itp' /IllS . CO"[ E) ]I I QJ>M<'
ilto"E) tft
[ ] ?~ 1?ai1 IIQPsd] 1?ai1 ffi\i) [iil il]r IIQPsd) iil 2° ffi\i) 'Ptu,:J IIQPsd m~] 'tup,:J mmss n1Eltu IIQPsd) n;ltu ffi\i); -MasPs• [VAR and ORTH] ,El:J IIQPsd) ,'El:J ffi~; -MasPs• [il:J10n ''?].!J .,,,J (vid.) IIQPsd] ''?lJ ?nJ 110n
llQll. llQPsApa (= llQApPsa) Apocr. Pss (cols. I-V) 91: I (col. VI, line 3) 91:1 (col. VI 3)
i16tlJ IIQPsc) tltu ffi~
i1r IIQPsC] ,r m (cf. Ps 62: 12); TWV ~[16:9]; -8QPs
'~p(a]!IQPsc) il~pa ffi~ [VAR and ORTH(?)] ni[i,n]liQPsc] n1,n m~
[n]'tu~ tJ'p['i~ ?~]IIQPsc] n'tu~ m~; n'tut-i:[ ] XHev/Se4 Yi~? '?'.!J( IIQPsc) r1~? '?''?.!J::l ffi XHev/Se4; 8oKtfl.OV TiJ yiJ ~ ilr II QPsc ) ,r ffi; -XHev/Se4 ]i1?,.!J( I IQPsc ) iT?'?.!] ffi; .,,.!] ffi ms
[il:J ]1'6[ tl' ]liiaa 11 QPsc ] 11' tl'naa m: arro EX8pwv Tflc: xnp6c: CJOV ~; -8QPs [tJ]i1"n::liiQPsc\i)(Ev TiJ (wiJ airrwv)] tl"n::l ffi; -8QPs ]6ni (prb il:J'nani, v. d. Ploeg) IIQPsc) 1an1~ ffi~ > 2 Sam 22:2 ffi\i} il~ip~ IIQPsc) ~~p~ ffi and 2 Sam 22:4 ffi; ETTLKUAECJOflaL ~and 2 Sam 22:4 ~; --4QPsc '::l',~a, II QPsc 2 Sam 22:4 ffi('::l'~a1) ) '::l'~ 1a, ffi; --4QPsc [V AR and ORTH] n1:Jtu(n]IlQPsc) n:;,?tuiJ ffi; njt4)1J mms 2 Sam 22:12 ffi (hapax); CJKOTHVOV l1';; CJKOTO~ 2 Sam 22:12 ~ms ]fr 8QPs; --4QPsc [VAR and ORTH] '[10,a] (masc.) IIQPsc] [n]11oia (fern.) 4QPsc mcm101a> [n]?tu~ (v 17a?) IIQPsc] lnilJJa (v I6c) ffi\i); --4QPsc (tr. stichs 16cd and 17ab?) ['J]rlp', IIQPsc) 'Jnp' ffi~; --4QPsc
11Q8. llQPsd 4S:6-7 (f. S, lines 1-2)
'>I :2 (col. VI 4)
91:2(col. Vl4)
Three "Apocryphal" Psalms II QPsAp•) > II QPs• ffi~ pr. Apocryphal Psalm IIQPsAp•) pr. Ps 90 ffi\i) [1',1?] (vid.) IIQPsAp•~cA1voc: 08flc: TQ .6.avt8)] >ffi ia,~il IIQPsAp•) jrj~ m~ms; EpE'i ~(intermediate var. = ir;l~", v. d. Ploeg?) [ VAR and ORTH] ,::l( nto::l~] nto::la II QPsApu (cf Ps 71 :S; Job 31 :24); + ~OT)86t; fl.O'll «)mss ex 17:3(?); pr. ~ [O]T)8cX «)ms ] ,:::1 MCO::l._ «)
'11:4 (col. VI tl)
p~tun IIQPMAp 0 ) ilOMn ffi«)(f>-.m'ir.)
i1J~ t'?[.V 1]iOn 11QPsApa (lost hemistich[?]; cf. BHS)]
91:4 (col. VI 6)
il'?O 11QPsApa] > ffi~ l'iil" \ '?EJ[~:J ]1:::110 C1"1il[~ ]11tu" :lC!lpD 11QPsApa] tr. a and b 4QPsb ffi~; tr.l'?il" \ '?~~:l ~mss(Ev
91:4fin (col. VI6) 91:6(col. VI 7-8)
22:5 (f. 10, line 2) 22:17 (f. 11, line 4)
10C!l'?~n XHev/Se4 ] ,OC!l'?~m ffi ,1~.::> XHev/Se4 mmss ~wpu~av)] "1~.::> ffi; 11.::> mmss,edd
31:6 (f. 15, line 5)
n"1~ XHev/Se4 ] iln"1~ ffi
7. Masada
<JKOTEL 8LarropEUOf.J.EflOU). with~);
91:7 (col. VI 8)
l])" (..JlJ)J) 11QPsApa; cf. 1 K 6:27; Jer 51:9 (both
91:8 (col. VI 8-9)
TJ".V:l [C!l":ln]11QPsApa] C!l":ln T:l".V:l tr. 4QPsb cvid., C!l":J a[ TJ" .v:Jh m~ [CI" ].Vtu1 Cl1'?tu ii[~1n1]1l QPsApa ] il~1n CI".Vtu1 no'?tu1 m~;-4QPsb
81:9 (col. I, line 21 ?) 82:8fin (col. II 12)
"~'?olJQtun MasPsa*] .,, lJOtun MasPsa corr (eras.) ffi~
83:7 (col. II
1:111~ "il['?~](?) MasPsa (cf. 2 Chron 25:20) ] 1:111~ "'iil~
Ci1'?tu 11QPsApa (cf. Isa 34:8; Hos 9:7; Mic 7:3) ] no?tPl ffi(hapax); Kat UVTarr68o<JLV ~; -4QPsb . .
83:8 (col. II 19) 83: l 0 (col. II 21) 83:12 (col. II 23)
91:8 (col. VI 9) 91:8 (col. VI 9)
]11ono n[ lD]no n~[1p] 11 QPsApa] 1:11.Vo notu 11"'?.v "Dna il1il" iln~ ".::> m~ 11ono llQPsApa (cf. l Kings 20:6; Isa 64:10)] l:J1.VO
91:9 (col. VI 9) 91:9 (col. VI 9)
91:10(col. VI 10)
[il]~1n 11QPsApa] i1J~n ffi(cf. Prov 12:21) ~(rrpoa
91:10 (col. VI 10) 91:10(col. VI IO)
EAEU<JETaL ... KaKa) [.V)J]lJ)" ~1'?[1] 1lQPsApa] :l1p" ~ lJ)J1 m~ T'i[il~:l]llQPsApa] l'?il~:l m~mss(Ev Tcjl <JKT]VWfla Ti aou ); Tcjl <JKT]VWflaTi aou ~ [l1]01tu'? 1lQPsApa (cf. 1lJ01tu:l 1QS II 13)] l1Dtq'? ffi [VAR and ORTH] l1n~ \\\ ['?.V]11 QPsApa] 1n~1 '?ntu '?.v tr. 4QPsb m; ETT, arriBa Kat ~a<JLAL<JKOV ~
91:11 (col. VI II) 91:13 (col. VI
91:14-16 (col. VI 91:14 (col. VI 12)
91: l6fin (col. VI
91:16 (col. VI 13) 91: l6fin (col. VI 14) 14)
shorter version 11QPsApa] longer version ffi~ ilnptu[n]11QPsApa] ptun 4QPsb ffi; TjATTL<JEV ~ 1~1"1 l1QPsApa] 1il~1~1 ffi; Kat 8Ei~w aiJTcj) ~
_/ 3)
15:3 (f. 5, line 3)
84:7 (col. III 13)
1iln"tu" MasPs a ] 1il1n"tu" ffi [VAR and ORTH?]
MasPsb (M1103-1742) 150: I (lines
150:3 (line 5) 150:6 (line 10) 150:6fin (line 10)
'?~ 1'?'?il [il" 1'?'?il] MasPsh(?) ffi~('AAAT]AOVta); + 'Ayyaiou Kat Zaxapiou ~mss; cf. 145[146]:1; 146[147]:1,etc.] '?~ 1'?'?il!IQPsammss(Ken)~mss (haplography?, cf. ~ .vpn:lMasPsbffi] .V1pn:li!QPsa[oRTHand VAR] [ilOtu:J]il MasPsh(?) ffi~] n1Dtu:JilllQPsa end of Psalter MasPs bffi ] + 6 or 7 compositions 11 QPs a; +Psalm !51~
8. Additional Manuscripts 1Ql6. lQpPs 57:1 (f. I, line I)
"J~'?o IQpPs (cf. I Sam 8:18) ] "J~Q ffi; arro rrpoawrrou
6K:31 (fs: 9-10, lines 2)
~ [ORTH, VAR, PHONETIC?] ri1lJ) IQpPs ] 1lJ) ffi ~
(5/6ijev-Se4 Ps =5/6}:1evPs + Xijev/Se4)
r1~'? 'i"'?lJ:J XHev/Se4 ffi ] r1~'? ,., lJ[ l l QPsc; 8oKlflOV TiJ Tii ~ [,:l1p '?l>] ... iltD[.V ~'i] 5/6 UevPs (2 hemislichni) ) pr. ,:ltD'? '?1> '?)1 ~ llt~ (3 hemistichni)
m ~ (metathesis or different reading?) po.V '?:J) MasPs a ] 11Dl71 '?:J) ffi ~10"0.) v 1Oa MasPsa ~ ] ~10"0.) v 1Ob ffi 1D":l"1J MasPsa*] pr. 1Dn"tu MasPsa corr ffi; cf. ~(6ou = (il)n"tD, BHS)
Cl"il'?~ ~~Ps a ] "il'?~ ffi ~ [l):l'? ... 1l71"1] MasPsaffi] i;l1il" ... 1l71"1 ffi (cf.
10~ 10~ CI.Vil '?.::> 1Jl7"1)
il'?O liQPsApa] > ffi~ (NB: no Psalm commences with il'?O, and only Psalms 3, 9, 24, and 46 end with il'?O).
96~? 116f[O 1"tu] MasPsa*] MasPsacorr(del) = ffi~
83:14 (col. II 25) 83: 19a (col. III 2)
[10~ 10~ 1J]l7"1 llQPsApa(?)] > ffi~ (cf. Neh 8:6
6. Nabali:Iever (with "Wadi Seiyal")
12:7 (f. 4, line
MasPsa (M1039-160)
2 Sam 14:10 (+ace.)] tl])" 4QPsh(tu5["]) ffi~(EYYLEL)
4Q171. 4QpPsa J7:7 (cnl. I, line 17)
'inn '?~, 4QpPs" ] 1nnn '?~ ffi: fl~ rrapa(i)A.ou ~ (usyndetnn ffi~) [VAR and ORTH'I[
\7:K (en!. II I 2)
1nn \ '?~1 4QpPs" ] 1nnn '?~: fl~ rrapa(i)A.ou ~ [vAR und OKTH'II
84 37:10 (col. II 6)
iTm:m~, 4QpPsa ] nm:mm m ~
37:13 (col. II 12)
fT'[iT']4QpPsa] ':11~ ffi;
37:13 (col. II 13)
118:20 (f. 5, line 4)
6 8E KUpLOt:; ~ ~::J. 4QpPsa mmss(Ken); cf. Jer 50:27; Ezek 21:30, 34] ~::J.' m~
37:14 (col. II IS) 37:14 (col. II IS)
,~,.,, .. , 4QpPsa = EVE TEL vov ~ mss (?) ] ,~!,, m;
'?~'? 4QpPsb (cryptic form of divine name?, cf. DJD V, 53) ] miT''? ffi~(TOU KUpLOU); ]'?[ 4QPsb
4Q176. 4QTanl}
'?'El'? 4QpPsa (elision of iT; cf. Mishnah?) ] '?'EliT'? ffi [ORTH and VAR?]
4Q177. 4QCatena A
37:14 (col. II 16)
n,::J.t!l'?, 4QpPsa ] m::J.t!l'? m ~
37:15 (col. II 16)
tliT'r1,r1tDp, 4QpPsa ] tlt11r1tDp, ffi [VAR and ORTH?]
11 :2 (fs. 5-6, line 8)
,:1.,~.,, 4QCatena A ] 1:1:1~ ffi~
[m]ll,it~ 4QpPsa (rare form aleph prosthetique; cf. Jer 32:21: Job 31 :22n ] mll,ir m ::J.l/i 4QpPsa) 1,::J.l)i ffi (rare; cf. Gen 42:19, 33); -4QPsc [,]itDEl 4QpPsa* (> 20a~ et ba) ] pr. ip'~ miT' '::J.iT1~1 tl'i,~ 4QpPsa corr ffi(tl'i~ ip'~ iT,iT., '::1.'~,) ~(has both 20a~ and ba; cf. DJD V, 48) '::J.m~, 4QpPs•corr] '::J.~~, ffi~(o\. 8E £x8pot) [VAR and ORTH] tl'i,~ 4QpPsacorr] tl'i~ ffi (cf. Ps 65:14; Isa 30:23t); KUL u!J;wSf]vaL (= tl~~~~) ~ [VAR and ORTH] 1tDll~ 4QpPs• mmss(Ken) ~(waEl KUTTVOt:;)] 1tDli::J. m ,~1'1 '?tJ::J. 4QpPs•] ,~.,,, ffi~ (> ',,~::1.)
11 :2 (fs. 5-6, line 8)
tl':~m 4QCatena A ~(~EAT))] tl~n ffi
13:2 (fs. 10-11, line 8)
iT~'jE) 4QCatena A ] iT~':IEl-n~ ffi
37:17 (col. II 23) 37:19 (col. III 2) 37:20 (col. III Sa)
37:20 (col. III Sa) 37:20 (col. III Sa) 37:20 (col. III 7) 37:23 (col. III
37:25 (col. III 17) 37:28 (col. IV I)
tlJ, 4QpPs• mmss; cf. (fl(KUL yap) ] tlJ ffi ,,~tl)j 0'?[,ll'? tl''?~ll] 4QpPsa ( ll- strophe, cf. ~ (aVOilOL 8E
EK8~~x8T]aovTUL ); cf. DJD V, 49]
n~tD:I tl'?,ll'? m 37:33 (col. IV 7)
1t!lEltDiT::J.,(?) 4QpPsa* (partly erased waw; cf. DJD V, 49)] ,t!lEltDiT::J. 4QpPs• corr ffi ~
37:35 (col. IV 13)
]ini~ 4QpPsa ] iTillr101 m; KUL brmp6j.1EVOV =
37:36 (col. IV 13)
i,::J.l)~ 4QpPsa ~(Kat napfjf.8ov; > KUL ~ms) ] "'i::J.ll',
37:36 (col. IV 13)
[iT:iiT1 1':i]El '?ll 4QpPs•] iT:IiT, ffi~
37:38 (col. IV
1n' 4QpPsa ] ,,n., ffi
ffi[VARandORTH] 18)
37:40 (col. IV 20)
Ot!l'?El.,, tlt!l'?~.,, 4QpPs• ] tlt!l'?El' tlt!l'?El.,, m;
puaETm ... Kal. £eE>-.E"LTal ~ 45:2 (col. I V y 60:8/1108:8 (f. 13, line 4)
] ':i,tD'? ffi ~ iT11~~ 4QpPs•) 11~~ ffi; 8LUilETpi}aw ~
':i,tD'?, 4QpPs 3
4Q173. 4QpPsb 129:8 (f. 4, line 2)
Cl[~']'?.l) 4QpPs" IIQPs 0 mm••(Ken); cf. 15(icp Lilac;) ]
t:l~,'?~ ffi; -4QPse \
13:3 (fs. 10-11, line 8)
iTr1'tl)~ 4QCatena A ] r1'tlJ~ ffi [VAR or MORPH?]
17: I (f. 14, line 4)
['r1'?Eln]'? 4QCatena A ] 'r1'?Elr1 ffi ~ (Tfjc; TTpoaEUXfls !lOU)
11Q13. llQMelch 7:9 (line II)
'?~ IIQMelch ] miT' I" ffi~(KUplot:;)
82: I (line 10)
::J.i1p::J. llQMelch ] ::J.ij?.::J. MasPsaffi; Ev j.!Eaw ~ [VAR and ORTH?]
82:2 (line
',,,l) llQMelch) '?J.V MasPsaffi; a8KLUV ~ [VAR and ORTH?]
VARIANTS BY PSALM AND VERSE 12:7 (fs. 4-7, line 4)
r1~" "'l.l[ 11QPsc] r1~" "'"l,):J, ffi XHev/Se4;
12:7 (f. 4, line 3)
r1~" """l,):J, XHev/Se4 ffi] r1~" "'l.l[ 11QPsc;
1. Introductory Comments These comments are to be read in conjuction with the introduction to Chapter 3, where the following areas were covered: primary sources and previous listings of variants; criteria for determining variants; orthographic variants; signs, sigla, and format; and the manuscripts involved. Chapter 4 presents in the order of the Received Text (ffi) every variant found in the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls and seven other manuscripts that were introduced in Chapter 2. The material conveniently divides into five main sections: Psalms 1 to 41 (Book I); 42 to 72 (Book II); 73 to 89 (Book III); 90 to 106 (Book IV); and 107 to 150 (Book V). A final section treats those compositions that are lacking in the Masoretic Psalter but present in certain Psalms scrolls. While this information is virtually identical to that offered in the previous chapter, its arrangement serves a different purpose. The variants assembled here by Psalm and verse are of value for biblical exegesis and for textual study of individual Psalms or groups of Psalms. In contrast, the listing of variants by manuscript in Chapter 3 illumines the textual nature of each manuscript and its relationship to other Psalms scrolls, to m and to ~- The discussion of several issues in Part II of this study (Chapters 6-1 0) will require frequent recourse to both types of extended listing.
2:3 (fs. 1-2, line 2) 2:4 (fs. 1-2, line 4) 5:9-10 (f. I, line 1) 5:11 (f. I, line 2) 5:13 (f. l,line 4) 7:9 (line II) 9:5 (f. 3, line~ 9:5 (f. 3, line 2) II :2 (fs. 5-6, line 8) II :2 (fs. 5-6, line K) 12:6 (fs. 4-7, line J)
[,Q']n1110,Q IIQPsc] ,Q'n110,Q ffi~ 'J,,~ II QPsc] 'J1~ ffiL; ini1' l£ffimss; > ffi A; Kat KUpLOt:;' ~ ooo~ 4QPsa] r~ ':J ffi~; r~[ 4QPss ,Q'[l~f14QPsa] t:JQ'[l~i1 ffi~; --4QPss i1J~:J, 4QPsa ] i1J~:J ffi ~ ; --4QPss ~ IIQMelch ] ini1' I' ffi~(KUptoc;) i1r1:J.[l, IIQPsc] r1:J.tzl' ffi~ i1r1~E)[l I IQPsc ] ~E),[l ffi ~ ,J':J'HQCutena A ] ,JJ:J ffi ~ t:l'~n 4QCutcnu A ~(~fAT))] t:J~n ffi [n] 4tv._ o4p[·1~ ~QPsc] n•w._ m~; n•tvM[ XUev/Se4
12:8 (fs. 4-7, line 4) 13:2 (fs. 10-11, line 8) 13:3 (fs. I0-11,1ine 8) 14:1 (fs. 4-7, line II) 14:5 (fs. 4-7, line 14) 15:3 (f. 5, line 3) 17:1 (f. 14,line 4) 17:7 (f. 5, line 4)
TlJ 'Yfl ~
8oKLflOV TlJ 'Yfl ~ i1r 11QPsc] ,r ffi; -XHev/Se4 i1:J'JEl 4QCatena A ] i1:J'JEl-n~ ffi i1r1'tl)~ 4QCatena A ] r1'[l~ ffi [VAR or MORPH?] ]f1"ll1[ II QPsc ] i1"'" l,) ffi; "l!) ffi ms f16t!J IIQPsc] t:J[l ffi~ [,:!1p "l.l] ... i1tll[l.l ~"] 5/6 HevPs (2 hemistichoi) ] pr. ,J[l" "l.l "J, ~ m~ (3 hemistichoi) ['n"Eln]" 4QCatena A ] 'r1"Eln ffi~(Ti'jt:; TTpoaEuxflc; flOU) [t:J'QQ,p ]riQ 8QPs (haplography? cf. DJD III, p. 148) ] t:J'QmpnQQffi~
17:9 (f. 8, line I) 17:9 (f. 8, line I) 17: II (f. 8, line 2) 17:13 (f. 8, line 4) 17:14 (f. 8, line 4) 17:14 (f. 8, line 5) 18:2 (f. 8, line 9) 18:4 (f. 8, line II)
2.1 Psalms 1 to 41 (Book 1)
18:4 (f. 8,line II) 18:12 (f. 8, line
18: 16 (f. 9, line 2) 18:16-17 (f. 9,line 2) 18:17 (f. 9, line J) 19:7 (f. 10, line J) 19:8 (f. 10, line 4)
i1r IIQPsc ] ,r ffi (cf. Ps 62: 12); TWV ~[16:9]; -8QPs ['J,]tD11 11QPsc] 'J,1[l ffi~(TaAatTTWpl)UclVTWV flE); -8QPs 'J,[l1J (pie!) IIQPsc~(EK~UAAOVTEt:;' flE)] ,J'1[l~ffi; 'J,1[l~ mms; prp. iQ'- or 'J,1tp' BHS ··.
~"[eJ]J1 QPsc ] i1~"E) ffi
[i1:J]1'6[ t:l']riiQQ IIQPsc] 11' t:l'r1QQ ffi; UTTO E:xepwv Tf]t:; xnpk emu~; -8QPs [t:J]i1"n:l IIQPsc ~(Ev TiJ (wiJ airrwv)] t:l"n:l ffi; -8QPs ]6n1 (prb i1:J'r1Qn1, v. d. Ploeg) IIQPsc] 1Qn1~ ffi~ > 2 Sam 22:2 ffi~ i1~1p~ IIQPsc] ~1p~ ffi and 2 Sam 22:4 ffi; ETTLKUAEUOflaL ~and 2 Sam22:4 ~; --4QPsc ':l',~Q, II QPsc 2 Sam 22:4 ffi(':l'~Q,) ] ':!'~ 1m ffi; --4QPsc [VAR and ORTH] n1:Jtv[n]IIQPsc] r1~tl)IJ ffi; r1"'}tDIJ mms 2 Sam 22:12 ffi (hapax); aKoTnv6v 63; aKoT6c 2 Sam 22:12 ~ms ]11 8QPs; --4QPsc [VAR and ORTH] '[10,Q] (masc.) IIQPsc] [r1]i10iQ (fern.) 4QPsc ffi
[nj"[l.; (v 17a?) IIQPsc] 1r11l.'JQ (v 16c) ffi~; --4QPsc (tr. stichs 16cd and 17ab?) ['J]np', IIQPsc] 'Jnp' ffi~; --4QPsc '~P[Q]IIQPsC] i1~PQ m~ [VAR and ORTH(?)) ni[1,n]IIQPsc] n1,n m~
22:5 (f. 10, line 2)
,l:l~?::Jn XHev/Se4 ] ,l:l~?::Jn, ffi
22: 15 (fs. 1-2, line 4)
IZ.l[l:l]:l 4QPsf] Ol':l:l m [VAR and OR1H]
36:5 (f. 3 ii, line 6)
(li'i) ?,::J f.lJ'n' 4QPsa] (li1) ?.u ::l~'n' ffi; = Cli1) ':l::J[::!] ::l~'n'\i1l13(napE-CYTTJ na.
22: 16 (fs. 1-2, line 5)
IZJ::l1rj 4QPsf] p::!11':l ffil13
22:16 (fs. 1-2, line 6)
i::l.U 4QPsf ] i::l.U?, ffi l13
36:6 (f. 3 ii, line 7)
22:16 (fs. 1-2, line 6)
]tb::J,IZ.l 4QPsf] ':ln::JIZ.ln ffi; Kan']yayE-c; l.l.E l13 (-yayEv l13ms)
36:7 (f. 3 ii, line 8)
i.l'IZJ1n i1::l 4QPsa ] l''IZ.l1n ffi l13
37:7 (col. I, line 17)
inn ?~1 4QpPsa] innn ?~ ffi; l.l.TJ napa(i)A.ov l13 (asyndeton ffil13) [VAR and ORTH?]
37:8 (col. II 1-2)
inn\ ?~1 4QpPsa ] innn ?~; l.l.TJ napa({]A.ov l13 [VAR and OR1H?]
22: 17 (f. 11, line 4)
,i~::J XHev/Se4 mmss l13(wpv~av)] 'i~::J ffi; ,i::J mmss,edd
t:l'l':liZ.li11':l 4QPsa ] t:l'l':liZ.li1::l sic! ffi; = 'IZJ::l ffi mss l13(Ev)
26:11 (col. I, 5)
':J;nfn (vid.)4QPsr(vi1'nl] '~~t:Tlffil13cvpn>
30:9 (col. II I)
[i11i1]' 2° 4QPsr mmss ] ':l1~ ffi; = 'i1?~ l13
30:10 (col. II 2)
nniZ.l? 4QPsr ] nniZ.l
30:11 (col. II 3)
[':l:Jn]'14QPsr] ':l:ln1 ffi; Kat ~AET]CJEV l.l.E l13
31:6 (f. 15, line 5)
n'1::l XHev/Se4 ] i1n'1::l ffi
33:1 (f. 3 i, line 6)
pr. Ps 31 4QPsa4QPsq] pr. Ps 32 ffil13[31]; cj. Ps 33 c. Ps 32 mmss(cf.l13mss)
37:14 (col. II 15)
1::J1i1', 4QpPs" = EVETELVOV l13m 55 (?)] 1::J!11 ffi; E-vE:Tnvav l13 ·
33: I (col. I, line 2)
pr. Ps 31 4QPsq 4QPsa] pr. Ps 32 ffil13 [31]; cj. Ps 33 c. Ps 32 mmss(cf.l13mss)
37:14 (col. II 15)
?'::l? 4QpPsa (elision of i1; cf. Mishnah?) ] "'::Ji1? ffi [ORTH and VAR?]
33: I (col. I 2)
i,l':lrl':l i'IZJ ,,,,? 4QPsq] > ffi; TQ .:lavL8l13; cj. c. 32 mmss; -4QPsa
37:14 (col. II 16)
n1::1~?1 4QpPsa ] n1::!~? ffi l13
37:15 (col. II 16)
t:li1'n1niZ.lp1 4QpPsa] t:ln1niZ.lp1 ffi [VAR andOR1H?]
1iJ[ ,l':l::J ,::l~:l ]CI'I':li1 tltb[ n11':l,i1n] 4QPsq (gloss on 33:7? [vid.]; cf. 78:13, Exod 15:8) ] n,l':l,i1n ffil1j (a~UCJCJOVS"); -4QPsa
37:17 (col. II 23)
[n,].U1it~ 4QpPsa (rare form aleph prosthetique; cf. Jer
37:19 (col. III 2)
::ll]j 4QpPsa] p::!.Ui ffi (rare; cf. Gen 42:19, 33); -4QPsc
37:20 (col. III 5a)
[,]iiZ.l::l 4QpPsa* (> 20a~ et ba) ] pr. ip'::J i11i1' '::li11~1 t:l'i1::J 4QpPsacorrffi(t:l'i::J ip'::J i11i1' ':::1'~1) l13(has both 20a~ and ba; cf. DJD V, 48)
33:7 (col. I 6)
33:8 (col. I 6)
37:10 (col. II 6)
?~ ffi
37:13 (col. II 12) 37:13 (col. II 13)
i1:l:l1::ln~, 4QpPsa ] nm::1nm m l13 i1~[i1']4QpPsa] ':l1~ ffi; 6 8€ KUpLoc; l13 ~::l4QpPsa mmss(Ken); cf. Jer 50:27; Ezek 21:30, 34] ~::!' ffil13
,~j' 4QPsq] ,~j': ffi; <jJO~T]8TJTW l13; 1[ 4QPsa [VAR and
32:21; Job 31 :22t) ] m.U1ir m
OR1H] 33:9 (col. I 7)
i1'i1, 4QPsq] 'i1', ffil13(Kat EYEvTJSTjCYav); -4QPsa
33:12 (col. I 8)
,m?~ i1'i11 4QPsq] ,,ii?~ i11i1' ffil13; -4QPsa
37:20 (col. III 5a)
'::li11~1 4QpPsacarr] '::!~~, ffil13(o\. 8€ E-x8pot) [VAR and
33:14 (col. I 10)
';[::!n] (vid.) 4QPsq; cf. l13 v 8 (TIJV olKOVI.l.EVT]V) ] fi~i1 ffil13(1ijv yf]v)
37:20 (col. III 5a)
OR1H] t:l'i,::J 4QpPsa carr] t:l'i~ ffi (cf. Ps 65: 14; Isa 30:23t); Kat ut/Jwflfjvm (= t:l1i~i) l1j [VAR and OR1H]
35:8 (col. II 3)
[i1~,]1ZJ 4QPsq(?) ] i1~,1ZJ::l ffil13(Kat EV
35:15 (col. II 7)
,::JO:J 4QPsq ] ,::JO~:J ffi [V AR and OR1H]
35:15 (col. II 7)
t:l'::Jn [< t:l'::J:l1?] 4QPsq] t:l'::Jj ffi -4QPsa
TiJ nayt8L)
(vf i1::J:l);
l.l.UCJTLyEc; l13;
35: 15 (f. 5, line 2)
]oi~O~J 4QPsa] 1::JO~:l 1::JO~:l1 ffil13; 1::JO:l [ 4QPsq
35:16 (f. 5, line 3)
'?.U 1pin 4QPs" l13(E!~pv~av E-n' El.l.E l ] '?.U p·it:l m; -4QPsq
35: 16 (f. 5, line 3)
35:17(f··.!me 5 3)
t:l':JIZ] 4QPs" ] 11':l':JIZ] ffi; l13(TOUs 686vmc; aim?Jv ); -4QPsq
':Ji1~ 4QPs•• (cf. 38:16, 23) ] 'j1~ 4QPs 0 corr ffi [ORTH, butCORR]
35:20 (f. 5, line 5) 35:27 (f. 3 ii, line 2)
?~i 4QPso (cf. n. 20" in BHK)] ?.U1 ffil1j '~Elri[i1] (2 "l 4QPs11 l13(o\. 9£A.ovnc; l] f::lni1 ffi; -4QI's•·
37:20 (col. III 7)
11Z.ll'::J 4QpPsa mmss(Ken)
37:23 (col. III 14)
1::Ji'1 ?1:):::1 4QpPs" ] 1::Ji1, ffil13 (> ?1::J::l)
mnv6q] 11ZJ.lJ::l ffi
37:25 (col. III 17)
t:lJ1 4QpPsa mmss; cf. l\j(Kat yap) ] t:lJ ffi
37:28 (col. IV I)
111':liZJ:l CJ?[1.U? t:l'?i.U] 4QpPs" (l'-strophe, cf. l13 (UVOI.l.OL 8€ EK8~~xe{]CJOVTaL ); cf. DJD v. 49 1il':liZ.l:J t:l?1.u? m ,~::JIZ.li1::11(?) 4QpPsa* (partly erased waw; cf. DJD V, 49)] ,~::JIZ.li1::l 4QpPsa carr ffi l1j
37:33 (col. IV 7) 37:35 (col. IV 13)
]i.lril':l 4QpPs• ] i1i.Unl':l1 m; KUL E1Tmp6wvov =
37:36 (col. IV 13)
i1'?~nQil13 i,::l.U~ 4QpPs" l13 (Kal. napfjA.8ov ; > Kat l13 m<) ] "i::!.U',
:n:36 (col. IV U)
[i1Ji11 ,,J]::J ?.u 4QpPs"] i1Ji11 ffil13
37:31! (cui. IV IK)
1n• 4QpPs" ]
ffi [VAR und OR1H]
,,n• m
0~'?~'1 l:l~'?0'1 4QpPs 3
37:40 (col. IV 20)
38:9 (f. 6, line 4)
l:l~'?~' l:l~'?~'1 rn; KaL
inOJ 4QPsa ) i1inOJ rn ['lJ]'11'01 'l)j (iJ[JO) 4QPs3 (cf. Ps 88:19; Job 19:13-14)] 1i0l)' 'l)JJ (iJJO 'l)i1) rn; Ka'L ot TTAllai.ov !J.OV £~ !J.OV ll'Y'YLaav Kat EUTllaav 1\3 (= 1i0l)1 1l)JJ iJJO 'l)i1 [vid.]) 'JJl)n i1n~ 'Ji~ 4QPs 3 ) 'Ji~ i1Jl)n i1n~ rn(1 rnmss) 1\3
38:10 (f. 6, line 5) 38:12 (f. 6, line 6)
38:16 (f. 7 ii, line 2) 38: 16-17 (f. 7 ii, line 2)
] ; i1'?~ '~ 4QPsa ) '~ 17 'i1'?~ rn 1\3 1'?'i~' 4QPsa) 1'?'i)i1 rna;
38: 17 (f. 7 ii, line 2) 38: 19 (f. 7 ii, line 3) 38:19 (f. 7 ii, line 38: 19 (f. 7 ii, line 38:20 (f. 7 ii, line 38:20 (f. 7 ii, line 38:21 (f. 7 ii, line
/:ruaETm ... Kat E:~EA.Ehm 1\3 o~1eJJ 4QPsa] •nm~J rn; EKaKwBllv a;
i1~ 4QPsa ] '~ rn 1\3 'nJll) 4QPsa) 'J1l) rna;
'n1~6n F~ 4QPs3 ] ·n~cpno rna; [ v AR and ORTif] l:lJn 4QPs 3 (cf. 35: 19; 69:5; note 203 in BHS) ] l:l"n rna;
3) 3)
'iptV 4QPs 3 [suffix?]) iptV rna; 'O''?tVO 4QPs3 \\3(0L avTaTTo8L80VTEC:) ) '0'-,tlJ01 . rna;ms(+ !J.Ol) [VAR and ORTif]
4) 4)
i1:J.i~ nnn
38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4) 38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
4QPsa* rna;) i1:J.1~ nnn 4QPsa corr
'JOtV[']4QPsa) 'J1J~tV' rna; i:J.i 4QPsa] 'mii rn; '~ii ffiq =rnmss; cf. 1\3
38:21 (f. 7 ii, line 4) 38:22 (f. 7 ii, line 4)
]i1'?~ 4QPs 3 (transposed?)] 'i1'?~ i11i1' rna; i1tV'n 4QPsa (cf. 71:12 [i1tV'n rnk])] i1tV1n rn; cf. 71:12 (i1tV1n ffiq) and 70:6 'nirlJ'? •'? 4QPs 3 ) 'nirlJ'? rna;(>''?)
38:23 (f. 7 ii, line 5) 38:23 (f. 7 ii, line 5)
2.2 Psalms 42 to 72 (Book II) 44:8 (f. 10, line I) 45:2 (col. IV 26) 45:6-7 (f. 5, lines 1-2) 48:5 (f. I, line 4) 49:9 (fs. 3-4, line I) 49:10(fs.
l~ines 10-12)
49:13 (fs. 12-14 i,line 14) 50:21 (fs. 14 ii-15,1inc 14) 51:4(f.7,1incl)
[1J'~Jtl) ]0 4QPsc ] 1J'~JtlJ01 rn 1\3 'J1tV'?1 4QpPs 3 ] 'J1tV'? rn a3 [ ] '?~ l'?Oi1 IIQPsd) l'?Oi1 rna; ]j',o 4QPsi; cf. a;mss = rj~ ·~'?0 (cf. 2:2 and 72[71]: II) ) l:l'~?oi1 rna; ]o1?m 4QPsi] ?in14QPscc?ini> rn: a\. EKOTTaUEV [v 10] 1\3 = rn? [i1~i' ~.,, 4QPsC m mss ] i1~i' ~? rn a;mss; OTL OUK l'>tjJETaL = ~', '~(?)1\3; -4QPsi
1':J.' 4QPsc \\3(UVvDKEV; cf. V 21)] rn n1'~ sic:! 4QPsc ] n1'i1 ffi; OVOtJ.laV = n~jJ ('/) 1\3 i1:J.ii1 hi f. imper. form ~QPs.i 4QPsc ffi ] :J.ii1 upocoputed fnrrn m~ IIIMM; I "TTL "TTMOV G)
51:4 (f. 7, line I)
i1:J.ii1 hif. imper. form 4QPsi 4QPsc rn ) :J.ii1 apocopated form mq mss; ETTL TTAELOV a;
52:7 (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 14) 52:8 (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 15) 52: II (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 19) 52: II (fs. 14 iii, 16, line 20) 53:4 (f. 9, line I)
l:l"ni1 4QPsc ] l:l"n m 1''?.!.) 4QPsc a;mss ] 1''?.!.)1 rna;
53:5 (f. 9, line 2) 53:7 (f. 9, line 3)
~ip 4QPs 3 ) 1~:"1p rna; 11'~ l:l1':l 4QPs 3 ) 11'~0 rn 1\3 l:l1'i 4QPsa] l:l1' rna3(TjtJ.Epac:); cf. l:l1':J. v 10 'J~?o IQpPs (cf. I Sam 8:18)] 'J~O rn; cirro rrpoawrrou 1\3 [ORTif, VAR, PHONETIC?] i1ii0~ 4QpPs3 ] iiO~ rn; 8LaflETpl]aw 1\3 1l)OtV1 4QPs 3 ) 1lJOtV rn 1\3 ]i1~1i'1 4QPs 3 ) l1i1' I rna; [VAR and ORTif] i1~1~i:J.' 4QPs3 ) 1J~i:J.' rna; [ii1 i1]r IIQPsd] ii1 2° rna; tiil)J !QpPs ) jl)j ffi\\3
56:4 (f. I 0, line 1) 57:1 (f. I, line I) 60:811108:8 (f. 13, line 4) 66:16 (fs. II ii + 13-16 i
67:6 (fs. II ii + 13-16 i 34) 67:8 (fs. II ii + 13-16 i 35) 68:16 (f. 8, line 2) 68:31 (fs. 9-10, lines 2) 69:3 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 25) 69:3 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 25)
li1~1 4QPsc] li1~ rn\\3 li'On 4QPscrnmss] TTOn rna; [VAR and ORTif] '?1~[ 4QPs 3 a3(TTCIVTEC:); cf. 14:3 ('?ji1) ) 1'?~ rn
1':J. (or P:J.?) 4QPs3
1'~ 4QPs3
69:3 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26) 69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26)
n?1:J.tlJ 4QPs3
69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26) 69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26) 69:4 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 26)
'JtV 4QPs 3
69:5 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 69:6 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
'ilJWO 4QPs 3
11':;1 rna; [VAR and ORTII]
1'~1 rn 1\3 )
n'; rn\\3 [VAR and ORTif]
1''?~ 4QPs 3 ] 1?~ rn [V AR and ORTif?] ]
'J' l) rna; T
'?•n:J. 4QPs 3 ) '?n-1~ ffi; = '?n'r~ (or '?n•o BHS) 1\3 ['?~i]tV' 'i1'?~? 4QPsa (cf. v 7; 'l)tV' 'i1'?~? Mic 7:7) ] 'i1'?~? ma; ]
n1ilJtVO rn
'n'1'? ~1'? 4QPs3 ) 'r:J "("!)~'? ffi\\3 28) 1tV1[:J.']4QPs3 ) + ':l nl\\3 69:7 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 28) 69:7 (fs. 16 ii-17, lines 28-29) 1o'?S['\ '?~] 4QPsa] ':J. 10?~· ?~rna; ir '0 4QPs3 ) ir10 hof. partie. ffi\\3 69:9 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 29) 'i~~ 4QPs 3 ) 'i~J1 rna; 69:9 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 30) l~1 4QPs 3 ] i1~:J.~1 rn; a;mss edd KaL UUVEKatJ.tjJa 69:11 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 30) = ~p~1. cf. 57[56]:7 (BHS app = i1:p';l~J or i1~.P~J?>; a;mss Kat UVVEKaA.vtjla = i10~~1 (or inner Greek corruption?) 'i1n1 4QPs 3 (cf. v II)] 'i1~1 ffi\\3 69:12 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 31) 1n'tV[']4QPsa] + ':l ffi (cf. v 7 [2x]); = 1n'tV' ':l(?) 1\3 69:13 (fs. 16 ii-17,1ine 31) 1
69:13 (fs. 16 ii-17,1ine 31)
1~)Ji ':l 4QPsa ] n1J'm ffi; =1m ':l1 a3
69:14 (fs. 16 ii-17,1ine m 69:14 (fs. 16 ii-17,1ine Jl)
i10'? 4QPs" ] rn G) i1nl.l 4QPs" ] np ffi G)
92 69:15 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
;'?rJ ':inp•, [i1)U~c!J~ ?~[,)4QPs 3 ] i1l'~~~ ',~, ffi~ •?rJ 'Jnp',) ':J'?;[~i1)2' 4QPsa] i1'?~:J~ ffi~
82:8fin (col. II 12)
96~? 1i6f[~ 1'tD) MasPsa*] MasPsacorr(del) = ffi~
83:7 (col. II 18)
t:l,1~ 'i1[?~)(?) MasPs3 (cf. 2 Chron 25:20)] t:l11~ •?i1~
83:8 (col. II 19) 83:10 (col. II 21) 83:12 (col. II 23)
69:15 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 69:15 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
69:16 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
69:16 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 69:17 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
69:17 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
69:18 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
'P~ll~ 4QPs 'P~ll~~, ffi(cf. Ps 130:1); ~(sg. KUL EK Tou ~a eave;) 'Jl'~~ri 4QPs 3 ] 'J.!.l'?~n ffi ~ '~ 4QPs3 ] i1'~ ffi ~ ':1:1.!.' 4QPs 3 ] + i11i1' ffi~ i1:J10n ~,~:J 4QPsa(cf.BHS note 17a-a)] 110n ~,~ ':J ffi~ [VAR and ORTH] ',~ 4QPsa mmss ~(iJ.Tj)] ',~, m~ms (2' manu)
69:18 (fs. 16 ii-17, line
i1'1[i1~) (vid.) 4QPs3
69:19 (fs. 16 ii-17, line 71: I (f. 7 ii, line 5)
3 ]
1i1~ ffi
'J'?'~i1 4QPs 3 ~(pucrat iJ.E) ] 'J'?•~n ffi 'J~?~n 4QPs 3 ] 'J~?~m ffi; ='J~?~, ~; > ~ms(cf. 31:2) ':i'?'~i1 (2 ') 4QPsa (cf. 31 :3) ] 'Jl''tll1i11 ffi ~
71:3 (f. 7 ii, line 6)
]o~il' ·~', 4QPsa 1 ('n',~) 1'~n ~,~', ffi;
71:4 (f. 7 ii, line 7)
f4~n4 4QPs 3 ( cf. Is a I: 17) ] r~,m ffi ~
71:6 (f. 7 ii, line 8)
'nl' 4QPs3 ~ (iJ.OV El O'KE1TUO'Tljs) ] 'm ffi; El 0 imEpacrmcrTTjc; iJ.OV ~ms(ex 30:5?) [,i11tD )Eln 4QPs3 ] ,i1,tD~m ffi ~
71: 13 (f. 7 ii, line 12)
i1tD'n 4QPs3 ffi (cf. 38:23) ] i1tD,n ffiq; cf. 38:23 and 70:6 (i1tDin) [VAR and ORTH] [,)?:J•, 4QPsa mmss ~(Kal. EKAL1TETWO'UV)] ,?:J• ffi; ,~?:J• mmss
78:9 (f. 9, line 5) 78:31 (f. 2 ii, line I) 81:6 (f. 10, line 3)
81:9 (col. I, line 21'1) R2: I (line 10) !12:2 (line 11)
'?J?J, IIQPsc] '?J'?J~ ffi~ i1~:J'Jt'~ IIQPsc mmss (cf. BHS app)] t:J:J:Jt~ ffi~ and ORTH] 'PtD,J IIQPsd m~] 'tDP,:J mmss
83:14 (col. II 25)
t:l'i1'?~ ~a~Ps 3 ] ,i1'?~ ffi~
83: 19a (col. III 2)
[1)~? ... ,171',] MasPs 3 ffi] i:J,i1' ... ,.!.'1', ffi (cf.
84:7 (col. III
86:13 (f. II, line 3)
,i1n'tD' MasPs 3 ] ,i11n'tD' ffi [VAR and ORTH?] [i1:l10n •?).!.' ?,1J (vid.) IIQPsd] •?.!.' ?,1J 110n
88:16 (f. 2, line 2)
i11,~~ 4QPs 5 ; cf. ~(E~TJ1TOplj0TjV, onomatopoeic effect)
89:20 (lines 1-2)
1n[~ ·n~1n)4QPs89*] rr. [1,~)J ... :J'1n[~? 4QPs89COIT; ,,~j T1'0n? m
89:20 (line I)
:l'1n[~?)4QPs89 (cf. v 4 ['1'n~?n] T1'on? mc1i-
BHS)~ 13)
and Isa 24:19 in ffi~ ] i1:J,~~ ffi
TO'ic; ui.m)c; O'OV
£9:20 (line I) 89:20{1ine I)
,~~n 4QPs89] ,~~m m ~ ntD 4QPs89] •n•,tD m
89:20 (line I) 89:20 (line 2)
[1r)il' 4QPs89] 1tl' m ,n[~)4QPs89*] 1n~ 4QPs89corrffi(1,n~) ~ [VAR and
89:20 (line 2)
~.!.' 1~ 4QPs89 ] t:lll~ ffi
89:21 (line 3) 89:22 (line 4) 89:22 (line 4)
1~tD 1~ 4QPs89] 1~tD~ ffi~ 1~tD '1[tD~]4QPs89*] '1[tD~)4QPs89corrffi~
t:J:JJ:Jn 4QPs89] ,~,!.) 1,:Jn ffi~(O'UVUVTLATjiJ.t/IETUL UUTlfl)
[t:li1']bb~ 4QPse] t:li1'J~tD~~ ffi~ n1~tl) II QPsd ] n!;;ltD ffi ~; -MasPs" [ V AR and ORTH] m:J IIQPsd] ,,~:J ffi~; -MasPs" •',o,!.l~tDn MasPs"•] ,', ll~tDn MasPs" corr (eras.) ffi~
~,,p~ IIQMelch ] ~1p~ MasPs• ffi; fV j.l!O'I.ll ~ [ VAR and ORTH 'l) ?,,.!.' IIQMelch] ?W~asPs" ffi; d81dav ~ l VAR and ORTH'IJ
(metathesis or different reading?) 1,~.!.' '?~J MasPs 3 ] 1,~.!.', '?~J ffi ~10'0:l v lOa MasPs 3 ~ ] ~10'0:l v lOb ffi ,~,~,1:1 MasPsa*] pr. ,~n'tD MasPs 3 corr ffi; cf. ~(0oD = (i1Jn'tzi, BHS)
= m,,~~ n·~i?(vid.) ~ (cf. 31:3)
2.3 Psalms 73 to 89 (Book Ill) 77:19 (f. 9, line I) 78: I (f. 9, line 5)
'?l? ~1p 4QPsa] '?~ i1~1p ffi pr. Ps 38 4QPsa ] pr. Ps 70 ffi~[69]
71 :2 (f. 7 ii, line 6) 71 :2 (f. 7 ii, line 6) 71:2 (f. 7 ii, line 6)
71:11 (f. 7 ii, line II) 71:12 (f. 7 ii, line 12)
89:23 89:23 89:23 89:23
(line 6) (line 6) (line 6) (line 6)
pr. v 26 4QPs89 ] pr. v 22 ffi~ ~~,~ 4QPs89] ,~ ~,,~ ffi~
',,!.) 4QPs89 ] i1?,.!.l ffi [VAR or ORTH] fml'? 4QPs89* ] 1fml'? 4QPs89C 0 "(cf. ~ and 2 Sam 7:10); 1JJll' ~? m~ms
89:24-25 89:26 (line 5)
> 4QPs89 ] hab ffi~
89:26 (line 5)
i' 4QPs89 ] ,,, ffi ~
89:26 (line 5) 89:27 (line 7)
1i1:J~ 4QPs89* ] n1i1:J~ 4QPs89corr; ni1i1:J~1 ffi~
!19:27 (line 7) !19:2!1 (line 7)
pr. v 22 4QPs89] pr. v 25 ffi~
pr. v 23 4QPs89 ] pr. v 26 ffi~ 27u 4QPs89(n~ ,:j[~])] + 27h ffi(,nll,tD, 11~1 ,'?~) ~
,j~ 4QPs!l9 ] pr. ~~ ffi ~
89:28 (line 7)
Jri~ 4QPs89*] (1)JJri~ 4QPs89corr(?); 1ii:lnt~: ffi®
91:10 (col. VI 10)
[.l.'JJ] .l.'J' t~:1'?[1] IIQPsApa ] :lip' ~ 1'JJ1 ffi®
89:31 (line 8)
pr. v 28 4QPs89 ] pr. v 30 ffi®
91:10 (col. VI 10)
89:44 (f. 6, line I)
ilon'?o'; 4QPse ] ilon'?o:J m ®
T'?[iltl:::l] llQPsApa] l'?ilt~:::l m®mss(Ev T{jlCTKT]VWIJ.UTL CTOU ); T{jl CTKT]VWIJ.UTL CTOU ®
91:11 (col. VI II)
[li]01tD'? IIQPsApa (cf. 11'Q1tl]::l IQS II 13)] liO~'? ffi [VAR and ORTH]
2.4 Psalms 90 to 106 (Book IV) 91: I (col. VI,line 3)
pr. Apocryphal Psalm IIQPsApa] pr. Ps 90 ffi®
91:1 (col. VI 3)
[1~11'?] (vid.) IIQPsApa®cA1voc;- l\J8f]c;- T{jl daut8)]
91:2 (col. VI 4)
>ffi i01tl:i1IIQPsApa] irjt~: m®ms; EpEL ®(intermediate var. = iQtl:~, v. d. Ploeg?) [VAR and ORTH]
91:2 (col. VI 4)
91:4(col. VI 6)
1:J[ n~:Jtl:] n~:JQ l]QPsApa(cfPs71:5;Job31:24); + ~OT]86qwu ®mss ex 17:3(?); pr. ~ [O]Tj86c;- ®ms] 1::! n~:Jt~: m®
91:13 (col. II 10)
91:13 (col. VI 11-12)
1n::J1 '?ntD '?.l.l 4QPsb m ] [ J 1n::l \\\ ['?1'] IIQPsApa; E-rr' aarri8a KUL ~UCTLALCTKOV ® ] 1n::l \\\ ['?1'] 11 QPsApa] 1n::J1 '?ntD '?.l.l tr. 4QPsb m; Err, aarrt8a KUL ~UCTLALCTKOV ®
91:14-I6(col. VI 12-13)
shorter version IIQPsApa) longer version ffi®
91:14 (col. II 12)
ptDn 4QPsb ffi ) ilnptD[nJ II QPsApa; TlAlTLCTEV ®
91:14 (col. VI 12)
ilnptD[nJ II QPsApa) ptDn 4QPsb ffi; TlAlTLCTEV ®
91:16 (col. VI 13) 91:J6fin (col. VI 14)
ltl:i'1 II QPsApa] 1iltl:itl:1 m; KUL BElew UUT{jl ®
11::JtDn IIQPsApa] ilOnn ffi®(EATIEk) 9I:J6fin (col. VI 14)
[F~tl: 10tl: 1J]1''1 IIQPsApa(?)] > ffi® (cf. Neh 8:6 10tl: 10tl: Cl.l.'il '?::J 1J1''1) il'?O IIQPsApa] > ffi® (NB: no Psalm commences with il'?O, and only Psalms 3, 9, 24, and 46 end with i1'?0). iltZJll[Q:J] 4QPsbffimss] 'tl].l]Q:J ffi®(pr. Kat)
ii:l~ 1''?[1' 1]ion IIQPsApa (lost hemistich[?]; cf. BHS)]
91 :4fin (col. VI 6)
il'?O IIQPsApa] > ffi®
92:5 (col. III, line II)
91:6 (col. I 11-12)
t:l~iil~[ 11tD~ ::l~]po \ 'l'?il~ '?t{t~:::l i::l10] 4QPsh
92:5 (col. III II)
pi' 4QPsb] pit~: ffi®
92:7 (col. III 14)
t~:'?1 4QPsb (cf. 73:22) ] t~:'? ffi®
92:12 (f. 2, line I)
il.l.'Qtl] IQPsa] ii:l.l.'OtDn ffi®
ffi®(tr. l'?il~ and '?::ltl:::l ®mss[Ev CTKOTEL 8tarropEUOiJ.EiJ.OU]) ) tr. a and b IIQPsApa 91:6 (col. VI 7-8)
l'?il~ \ '?::J[tl:::l ]i:J1Q Cl~iil[~ ]11tD~ ::l~po IIQPsApa] tr. a and b 4QPsb ffi®; tr.l'?il~ \ '?::Jtl:::l ®mss(Ev
92:15 (col. IV 15)
il::l1~ il::l'tlJ::l 4QPsb (cf. Gen 15:15, etc.)] >il::l1~ ffi®
92:15 (col. IV 16)
1'i11 4QPsb] 1'i1' ffi®
93: I (XXII, line 16)
pr. Apostrophe to Zion II QPs a] pr. Ps 92 ffi ® [91]
91:7 (col. I 15)
CTKOTEL 8wrropEUOIJ.EiJ.OU) tD5[~]4QPsb ffi ®( E"yytEL) ] .l.'J~ (,I .l.'JJ) II QPsApa; cf. I K 6:27; Jer 51:9 (both with '?tl:); 2 Sam 14:10 (+ace.)
93: I (XXII, line 16)
pr. i1'1'?'?i111QPsa) > ffi®
91:7 (col. VI 8)
.l.'J' (,I .l.'JJ) II QPsApa; cf. I K 6:27; Jer 51:9 (both with ~ ); 2 Sam 14:10 (+ace.)] tDJ' 4QPsh(tlJJ[~]) ffi®(E"yytEL)
91:8 (col. I 16)
~~:Jo[ TJ'.l.'::l] 4QPsb (vid.)ffi(~'::ln TJ'l'::l)®] TJ'.l.'::l r~~::ln] tr. IIQPsApa TJ~.l.'::l [~'::ln] IIQPsApa] ~'::ln TJ'.l.'::l tr. 4QPsb
91:8 (col. VI 8-9)
91:8 (col. VI 9) 91:9(col.V~
91:9 (col. VI 9)
93: I (XXII, line 17)
1:J[n] IIQPsaffims(Ken) ®(ECTTEpEWCTEV); cf. Ps 75:4) 11::Jn ffi (cf. Ps 96: 10) ~1Q~ IIQPsa] ~1Qn ffi® [VAR, PHONETIC, ORTH?]
93:5 (col. V 14)
i11J 4QPsb (cf. Jer 6:2)) i11ti:J ffi; -4QPsm [VAR & ORTH?]
t~:'? '::J 4QPsb* ffi ) tl:1'? '::J 4QPsb corr [ ORTH, but CORR]
94:14 (col. VII 9)
101' nt~: 4QPsb ] 101' ffi
95:5 (fs. 3-4, line 2)
iltlJ::l'[1] 4QPsm (cf. Gen 1:9f.)] ntD:J'1 ffi (cf. Exod 4:9)
Cl1'?tD IIQPsApa (cf. !sa 34:8; Hos 9:7; Mic 7:3)] no~W1 ffi(hapax); Ka\. GVTalT080CTLV ®; -4QPsh ' .
99: I (col. II 3)
]11ono n[ 1oJno nt~:[ip] IIQPsApa] lJ11'o notD 11~',1' •ono i11i1' ilnt~: '::J m®
99: I (col. II 3)
pr. Ps 135 and other composition(s) 4QPsk] pr. Ps 98 4QPsh(vid.) ffi® [97] (?)[i1QtQ 1]11'? 4QPsk ®mss (tr. ~)] > ffi; -4QPsu
101:2 (A-C i, line 2)
•'? II QPsa ) •'?t~: ffi (haplography?)
11ono 11 QPsApu (cf. I Kings 20:6; !sa 64: I0) ] lJ11'Q
102:5 (col. XIX 2)
[Cl' ].l.'tDi Cl1'?tD ii[tl:in1] II QPsApa ] ilt~:in t:l' .l.'tDi no'?tD1 m ®: -4QPsb
91:10(col. VI 10)
itt~:n'1 IIQPsa ®(m\. lTEplE(WCTUTO)) itt~:nil ffi
93:1 (XXII, line 17)
94:14 (col. VII 9)
cvid .• ~~:Jo[ TJ'l':Jh m® 91:8 (col. VI 9)
93: I (XXII, line 16)
[il]~in IIQPsApll) il~~nffi(cf. Prov 12:21) ~(rrpoo fMOOfTQL. '. KQK~)
102:16 (col. XX 13) 102:16 (col. XX 14) 102:16(col. XX 14)
'?[::Jti:Q 'On'?] (end of colon)? 4QPsb) tr. ffi® 1tl:i" 4QPsh ) 1tl:i"1 ffi(i'1 ffi mss) ®
ri~ 4QPsb•) rit~:i14QPsb corr ffi~(Tf1 c; yf]c; ); > ®mss
111:J::l 4QPsb (cf. lsu 59: 19)) l11:::l::l ffi~
96 102:17 (col. XX 16)
1,::l,::l 4QPsb) ,,,::l,::l ffi~
104:2 (col. II 12)
102:18 (C ii, line I)
nli'?,n II QPsa ) n'?~n ffi ~
104:2 (col. II 13)
102:20 (col. XXI 5)
1,lil.ll.l4QPsb(cf.Deut26:15)] tJ,11.ll.l;-IIQPsa
102:20 (col. XXI 6) 102:20 (C ii, line 3)
f1~'? 4QPsb] [fh~i1 '?~ llQPsa; r,~ '?~ ffi; ETTL (Ell; ~ mss) TT]v yf]v ~ [f]1~i1 '?~ IIQPsa ) f1~'? 4QPsb; f1~ '?~ ffi; ETTL TT]v yf]v ~
102:24 (C ii, line 6)
i1:lli ~, IIQPsa) i1:lli 4QPsb ffi~ (> ~,)
102:24 (col. XXI 13)
~n5 4QPsbffiqmss] ,n,m~;-IIQPsa
102:24-25 (col. XXI 14)
v 24b :; '?~ 11.l~ ~l.l~ 1~p 4QPsb ~ ] vv 24b-25 ~7~ 10~: ~l.l~ 1~p ffi; -IIQPsa
I02:26 (C ii, line 8)
103:2 (col. XXII 14)
i11Cm IIQPsa) n10~ 4QPsb ffi~ ~tvlil.l, II QPsa 4QPsb ffi ms (Ken) ~ ] i1tDlil.l, ffi tim'-,,, II QPsa ~ ) tD,::l'?, 4QPsb ffi ,,;'-,[ ]IIQPsa] > ffi(cf. ,,,'-, 103:1); cf. Ek TCJV ULWVU KUTEU8uv8T]crETUL ~; -4QPsb ,~'-,m 4QPsb*] ,~'-,~l.l) 4QPsb carr ffi [ ORTH, but CORR]
103:3 (col. XXII 16)
~~,, 4QPsb) ~~1i1 ffi~; -2QPs
103:3 (col. XXII 16)
'-,,'-,'-, 4QPsb*) "'" 2" 4QPsb carr ffi T,'?nn 4QPsb*] T~,'?nn 4QPsbcarr; ~,~~?nn m
I 02:26 (C ii, line 8) 102:27 (C ii, line 9) 102:29fin (C ii, line 11)
103:3 (col. XXII 16)
103:20 (col. XXV 3)
,j~,n1[:ili,]4QPsb] ~:l~t\~i_p~ ffi~; -2QPs [VAR and ORTH] i1,i1~ n~ 4QPsb ] mi1~ m > ,~1::l1 I" 4QPsb] ,1::l1 I" ffi~ ,~1::l1 2" 4QPsb ~) ,1::l1 2" m~mss
I04: I (col. II 11)
pr. Ps 147 4QPsd] pr. Ps 118 4QPse IIQPsa; pr. Ps 103
103:10 (col. XXIII 14) 103:20 (col. XXV I) 103:20 (col. XXV 2)
c> rn
pr. Ps 118 4QPse(?) IIQPsa] pr. Ps 147 4QPsd; pr. Ps 103 ffi~[I02]
104: I (E i, line 6)
pr. Ps 118 IIQPsa 4QPse(?)] pr. Ps 147 4QPsd; pr. Ps 103 ffi~[I02]
104: I (E i, line 6) 104:1 (col. II II)
,~,,'-, IIQPsa 4QPse(?) ~(Tci\ ~UUL8) ] > 4QPsd ffi i1,i1~ n[~ ~tvm ~,1::l] 4QPsd ffi ) pr. ,~,,'-, II QPsa
4QPse(?) ~(Tci\ ~aut8) 104:1 (col. II II)
____/ 104: I (E i, line 7)
t:J[~i1'?~ ]~ni1~ mi1~ 4QPsd] ,:~~m'?~ m[i1~ mi1~] IIQPs"(vid.); ~o'?~ mi1~ mi1~ m~: ~i1'?~ mi1~ ffi mss;
I 04:2 (E i, line 8) 104:3 (col. II 13) 104:3 (col. II 13) 104:3 (col. II 14) 104:4 (col. II 15) 104:4 (col. I 9) 104:4 (col. II 15) 104:4 (col. I 9) 104:4 (col. II 15)
i1,i1., j11j1~ i1,i1~ ~ ms ; -4QPsc
,J~i11'?~ i11[i1' i1,i1~]IIQPs"(vid.) ) t:J[~i1'?~] ~ni1~ i11i1~ 4QPsd; •iJ'-,~ i11i1' i1,i1., ffi~; 'i1'?~ i1,i1., mmss; =•j1'-,~ i11i1' i1,i1., i11i1., ~ 11111 ; -4QPsc
104: I (E i, line 7)
i11~11.lliQPs 11 ) 1~0.ffi;-4QPsL--4QPsc!VAR,ORTHI
104: I (col. II 12)
tD:J'?n 4QPsd) ntV::!'?'m~: ·--4QPsc --IIQPs"
'~li 4QPsd] i1~li ffi-4QPse -IIQPsa i1i.l'?[tlJ,]4QPsd*] + i1lJ.,,.,, tJ•i.ltlJ [~]t!m 4QPsdcarr 4QPse IIQPsa ffi(\) [i1li'1]~, tJ'I.ltlJ i1t;),j ii[l.l'?tlJ,] 4QPs 0 4QPsdcarr II QPsa ffi(\) ] i11.l'?tD' 4QPsd* i1li~,.,, tJ'I.ltlJ i1t;J,J i11.l'?tD, IIQPsa 4QPsdcarr 4QPse ffi(\) ] i11.l'?tD' 4QPsd* i11pl.l4QPsd~ms) i11pl.li1 ffi~;-4QPse-4QPsl -IIQPsa 1n[,~ ]'-,lJ 4QPs d ] ,~n,•'-, li ffi ~; -4QPse -4QPsl -IIQPsa l";i11.l 4QPsd) 1'?i11.li1 4QPsl IIQPsa ffi~; -4QPse 'tDli 4QPsd 4QPsl] i1tDli ffi; o TTOLWV ~; -llQPsa[VAR or ORTH] ~tl]li 4QPsl 4QPsd) i1tDli ffi; o TTOLWV ~; -IIQPsa[VAR or ORTH] ,~,~'?l.l4QPsd ffi~) ,,~'?l.l4QPsl; ]~[ IIQPsa ,,~'?l.l4QPsl) ,~,~'?l.l4QPsd ffi~; ]~[ IIQPsa ,~[n1tDI.l]4QPsd IIQPsa(1;fl[ ) ffi(,~n1tDI.l)~(pr. Kal) ) ,n,~tDI.l 4QPsl T
I04:8 (f. 2, line 2)
,n,~tDI.l 4QPsl) ,~n1tDI.l 4QPsdc,~[ ) IIQPsac,;fi ) ffi O'n1tDI.l) ~Cpr. Kal) ,; fl[ 1'tD~]11 QPsa 4QPsd ffi(,~n1~1.l) ~(pr. Kal) ] ,n,~tDI.l 4QPsl tb[i1'?] tD~ 4QPsd 4QPsl ffi] nc;,m'-, tD~ IIQPsa; TTUp cj:>f..Eyov ~; prp. t;liJf1 BHS t;Ji1'? tD~ 4QPsl 4QPsd ffi ) nc;,m'-, tD~ II QPsa; nup cj:>f..Eyov ~; prp. t;liJ/1 BHS nc;,i1,'? tD~ II QPsa ) t;Ji1'? tD~ 4QPsdct!J[i1'?] tD~) 4QPsl ffi; nup cj:>f..Eyov ~; prp. t;liJf1 BHS 10,~ 4QPsd~mss(o 8qLEALWV)) 10: ffi~ (E8Efl.EAlWcrEV); 1tD~ 4QPsl; -II QPsa [VAR and ORTH] 1tD~ 4QPsl ) 10: ffi ~(E8Efl.EAlwcrEV); 101~ 4QPsd ~mss(O 8Efl.EALWV); -IIQPsa [VAR and ORTH] CJ'?li'? 4QPsl mmss ~(Ek TOV aiwva)] tJ'?,li ffi; -4QPsd -IIQPsa [VAR and ORTH] ['-, ];,'-,, 2QPs ) '?~ ffi ~; -4QPsd
104:10 (col. III 4)
n'?tDI.l 4QPsd) n'?tDI.li1 ffi~;-2QPs
104:4 (col. I 10) 104:4 (E i, line 10) 104:4 (col. II 15-16) 104:4 (col. I 10) 104:4 (E i, line 10)
104: I (f. 9, line 2)
104:2 (f. 9, line 3)
104:5 (col. II 16) 104:5 (col. I II) 104:5 (col. I 12)
104:10 (col. III 4)
tJ~1i1i1 4QPsd ~(TWV 6pEWV)) tJ~1i1 ffi; -2QPs
104: II (col. Ill 5)
ni;n 4QPsd] 1n~i1 " ' ffi; TTclVTU Tel 8'r]pta ~;-4QPsl [i1J1]~ \\ \i1 n~ 4QPsd) ~1tD ffi~(TOU ciypou);-4QPsl i1.,,rb~ 4QPsd) 11::ltD~ 2QPsc[,]'i::ltD~) ffi~; ]~ 4QPsl ,ElO~.,, 4QPsd II QPs"( pElo~~, l ~(Kat avvf)x8r]aav l ] 11!)0~' ffi; ---4QJ>sc
I04: II (col. Ill 5) 104: II (col. III (I) 104:22 (col. IV IO)
104:22 (E ii, line 2)
1,EJO~.,, II QPsa 4QPsd(1EJO~",) dJ(Kal. avvf]xfu]aav) ] 1,EJO~" ffi; -4QPse
105: I (E iii, line 8)
104:22 (E ii, line 2)
tJii~lii:J1l)~ IIQPsa (cf. Jer 21:13; Job 37:18)] t:Jn~,l)~ 4QPsd(CJti ) ffi; -4QPse
105:3 (E iii, lines lO-ll)
104:23 (E ii, line 3)
1l) IIQPsa) "1l) 4QPsd ffi; Ewe; dJ; IJ.EXPL 11)=
104:24 (E ii, line 4)
i1:J,n:J II QPsa* ] i1~:J,n:J II QPsa carr 4QPsd ffi(i1~:Jn:J) T
104:24 (col. IV 15)
,tDl)~ 4QPsd (cf. Ps 33:16)] i1n"tDl) IIQPsamcn"tDl)) dJ
104:25 (E ii, line 4)
tl"i111QPsa) t:l"i1 i1r ffidJ; -4QPsd
104:25 (E ii, line 5)
i1t:JtD locative? II QPsa ) t:JtD ffi: -4QPsd [VAR or ORTII?]
104:25 (col. IV 18)
tb[~i]4QPsd ffi d) ) i1:l"ii1 tD~i II QPsa
104:25 (E ii, line 5) 104:25 (col. IV 18)
i1:J"ii1 tD~i II QPsa ) tD~i 4QPsd(tD[~i) ffi d)
104:25 (E ii, line 5)
[iEJ]oa 4QPsd ffidJ(cipL8f16c;)] iEJO~? infinitive? IIQPsa
I04:28 (E ii, line 8) 104:29 (E ii, line 8)
104:29 (E ii, line 8)
105:9 (E iii, line 15) 105:11 (E iii, line 16) I05:28 (I, line 4)
t:I?:J,~ t:li1? nn? II QPsa dJ(8ouvm Ti]v Tpocpr]V UUTo'ic;>) t:J?:Jt;~: m? ffi(> t:Ji1?) 1,~p';;, IIQPsa] p~p?" ffid)
i1~i[tD]IIQPsa) ritv ffi
I:')O,n IIQPsa 4QPsd[reconstructed] (2 hemistichoi) ] pr. v 29a 1,?i1:J" T~EJ i"non nnon mmssl mdJ (3 hemistichoi)
105:37 (I, line 10)
,~l) n[~ ~~,.,,]11 QPsa 4QPse([,]~l) (~]~,.,, ); cf. v 43 ) t:l~"~,.,, ffid)
105:38 (fs. 14-19, line 2) 105:44 (1, line 15)
,n~tD 4QPse) n~tD ffidJ; -IIQPsa 1n.,, nn?(?) IIQPsa*) 1n.,, IIQPsacarr(eras.) ffidJ; -4QPse
i1:Jmi IIQPsa] t:Jmi ffidJ
1,~i:l", II QPsa dJ (KaL KTLaeTjaoVTaL) ) 1,~j:J" ffi
104:31 (E ii, line lO)
"i1", IIQPsa) "i1" ffid)
I 04:32 (E ii, line 11)
ri~i1 ?~ II QPsa) ri~? ffi; ElTL Ti]v yfjv d) ,tl)l)", II QPsa*(error?) ) ,~tl)l)", II QPsa carr ffi
107:9 (col. II lines 7--8) 107:13 (col. II 16)
104:34 (E ii, line 13)
v 34b i11i1[":l n~tD~ ":J~~]IIQPsa ffid)) > 4QPsd
104:35 (col. V 18)
[,~]n" ":J 4QPsd] ,~n" itD~:J IIQPsa; ,~n., ffidJ
107:13 (col. 107:14 (col. 107:15 (col. 107:15 (col.
,~li" itD~:J IIQPsa] ,~n" ffidJ; [,~]n" ":J 4QPsd
I 04:35 (E ii, line 13)
t:J"~~,n IIQPsa) t:J"~~I'J ffi; -4QPsd [VAR and ORTII?]
105init (E iii, lineR) 10~:
I (fs. 12, 16 i. line I)
ri~~ IIQPs") ri~i1 1~ 4QPsd(ri]~i1
jO) ffi
i1",??i1JIQPs"ffi(i1"-1??i1>] cj.c.I05[104]11J; -4QPsd [110n t:J?l)?] "j :l,~ ":J i11i1"? ,11i111QPsa (cf. Ps 118 and 136)) > ffi; pr. 'AAA.T]A.otJtci dJ; -4QPse pr. Ps 147 4QPsC(rcconstr.) IIQPs"] pr. Ps 104 ffi~[l03)
2.5 Psalms 107 to 150 (Book V)
v 34a 4QPsd) + 34b (i11i1":l n~tD~ ":J~~) II QPsa m dJ
I 04:35 (E ii, line 13)
[,j~l) ~~,.,, 4QPse IIQPsa(1~l) n(~ ~~,.,,]); cf. v 43 ) t:l~"~,.,,
104:34 (col. V 17)
t:I:J? liQPsa) 1" ffid) t:l"i[:J1 ?] II QPsa ) ,,i:l1 ffi; ,i:l1 ffi q mss; ,.,i:l1 mmss d) t:ltD II QPsa ) 1EJi1 ffi d)
,,l),j", IIQPsadJ(KUL EKAEL!j;ouaLV)] p,l),j" m
104:35 (E
~,i1 ":J IIQPsa) ~,i1 ffid) t:li1i:l~ t:ll) IIQPsa) t:li1i:l~ n~ ffi; T!j\ 'A~paa1-1 d) ,nl),:Jtl) II QPsa ) ,nl),:Jtl), ffi d)
105:30 (I, line 5) 105:37 (fs. 14-19, line l)
104:30 (E ii, line 9)
104:35 (E ii, line 13)
pr. Ps 147 II QPsa 4QPse(reconstructed) ] pr. Ps I 04 ffi\1)[103] m~i\[tDp:l~ ::1? n~tD"]IIQPsa(= I Chron 16:10bdJ [Eucppav!3flaETm Kap8[a (TJToDaa Ti]v Ev8odav auTou])] i11i1" "tDp:l~ :l'? n~tD" ffidJ; I Chron 16:10ffi; ]:J?[ n~tD" 4QPse ,.,1:Jl) 1,:J,l) II QPsa* [thus Yadin] ] ,.,1:Jl) II QPsa carr d) (8oDA.m aUTOU); ,1:Jl) ffid)ms(8oDA.ou aUTOU) ,,.,n:JIIQPsaffimss] ,.,,.,n:J ffid)
105:29(?) (1, line 4)
104:29 (E ii, line 8)
I 04:32 (E ii, line 11)
105:6 (E iii, line 13) 105:7 (E iii, line 13) 105:9 (E iii, line 15)
iEJO~? infinitive? IIQPsa) iEJO~ 4QPsd( ]00) ffi dJ(apL81J.6c;)
104:27 (E ii, line 7)
105:6 (E iii, line 13)
II 17) II 17)
II 19) II 19)
107:16 (col. II 21) 107:24 (col. III 13) I07:25 (col. Ill 15) 107:26 (col. Ill ltl)
i1pp[tv tDEJJ, !]f'r:Jl)i [tvm] 4QPsf] tr. ffidJ (i1:ll)i tDEJ~, I i1pptv tDEJ~) t:l[i1"n,]p;~~~ 4QPsr (cf. v 28)] t:li1"mp~~~ ffi; ,, mmss [VAR and ORTH] t:J,l)"tl)", 4QPsr) t:Jl)"tzli" ffid) [VAR and ORTII] t:1~.,~,.,, 4QPsfdJ(KaL £6'J'yayEv aUTOlJs)) t:l~"~,., ffi [,1,]i1 4QPsr] ,,,., ffid) ,,.,on 4QPsr] i191'J ffi; =,.,,on dJ(Ta EAET] aUTOU) [V AR and ORTil] ii[tvn~] 4QPsf (cf. Isa 45:2 [i1tD1m]) ) ntvm ffi 1n1~?EJ~ ,,,., 4QPsf (cf. preceding i11i1" and vv 8, 15, 21, 31) ] ,.,m~?EJ~, ffi dJ [ VAR and ORTil?] t:l"?j 4QPsf (cf. v 29 [t:li1"?j]) ] auTi')c;. cf. v 2~) t:ltDElJ1 4QPsf ) t:ltDEl~ ffi ~
,.,?j m dJ(Ta KUIJ.UTa
107:26 (col. III 17)
[Cl]i1:1 4QPsf (cf. v 5)] i1ll1:1 ffi~
107:28 (col. III 20) 107:29 (col. III 21)
Cli1'n1P'~~~ 4QPsr (cf. v 13)] Cli1'np1~~~1 m~ Cl.lJ'tD'1 4QPsf (cf. v 13)] Cl~'~1' ffi~ (cf. v 6) lo;;; (EJ4'?)4QPsr] ClP' (hif.Cl1P>ffi~
107:29 (col. III 22)
Cl' ''?J 4QPsf (cf. v 25) ] Clii''?J ffi ~
107:28 (col. III 21)
107:30 (col. III 23)
v 30b 4QPsr] pr. v 30a (1pntv' '~ 1n~tD'1) ffi~
107:35b (col. IV 13) 107:35b (col. IV 13)
r1~ 4QPsr] r1~1 ffi~ '.lii::l~'? 4QPsf (cf. Isa 35:7; 49: 10; Eccl 12:6)] '~~~'-,
107:36 (col. IV 14)
:::11 Clll 4QPsf ] Cl'::lll1 ffi ~
107:36 (col. IV 15)
'1ll 4QPsf~mss(TTOAW:;) ] 1'll ffi~(TTOAlV)
107:39 (col. IV 19)
[1t!lll]Q' 4QPsr] 1t!lll~'1 ffi~
107:41 (col. IV 22)
'jl)j 4QPsf~mss(Ev TTTWXLU), cf. v 10] ':Jill~ ffi~(EK
ffi~ (cf. v 33 and Isa 41: 18)
TTTWXEiac; [am) TTTwxEiac; ~ms]) [VAR and ORTH] [\CltD'i] 4QPsr] CltD'1 ffi~
107:41 (col. IV 22-23)
o[ ]o 1'?ll
107:42 (col. IV 25)
YEJP 4QPsf] i1~EJP m
108:8//60:8 (f. 13, line 4)
4QpPs" [see entry for
109:4 (col. VI I)
60:8] ':J1~t!lO' 4QPsr] i1'?EJn ':J~1 ':J1:Jt!ltD' <+ i1'?EJn ':J~1)
109:5 (col. VI I)
[1~]'0' 4QPsr] 1~'(!)'1 ffi~ [VAR andORTH]
109:6 (col. VI 3)
[1]cb1tD1 4QPsf] 1~t91 ffi~
109:25 (col. VII 5)
CltD11 4QPsf (cf. Deut 32:32)] CltD~1 ffi; -IIQPsa [VAR andORTH]
I 09:26 (col. VII 5-{J)
v 26a 4QPsf] + v 26b <110n~ ':lll'tD1i1) II QPs a <]'ll.i'tv1[i1 l m ~
109:27 (D, line 6)
i1n~ [i11i1' ?]i!QPs•] tr. i11i1' i1n~1 ffi; > 1 mmss ~;
pr. Ps 136 llQPs•[catena] ] pr. Ps 117 4QPsb(reconstr.) ffi~[116]; -11QPsb
118:7 (col. XXXIV 12)
,j~ 4QPsb] ,:J~1 ffi~
118:8 (XVI, line 3)
pr. v 16 llQPs 3 [catena]] pr. v 7 4QPsb ffi~[117]
118:8 (col. XXXIV 13)
nt!l::l'? 4QPsb 11QPs3 (catena] (nit!l::l'?) ~(TTETTOl8EVUl)] mon'? m
118:8 (XVI, line 3)
n1t!l::l'? 11 QPs 3 [catena]4QPs b(nt!l::l'?) ~(TTETTOl8EVUl) ] mon'? m
118:9 (XVI, line 4)
:11t!l::l~ 11QPs•[catena] (error?) ] rit!l::l~ 4QPsb(l1t!l::l~) m~
118:9fin (XVI, line 5)
+ strophe Clll =]'?~::! n1t!l::l~ i11i1':1 :11t!l::l'? :11t!l 11 QPs3 [catena] ] > 4QPsb ([Cl'::l'1~]::l) ffi~
118:12 (col. XXXIV 16)
pr. v 10 4QPs b (> v II; homoiarchton?) ] pr. v II ffi ~
118:15 (XVI, line I)
pr. vI [catena]llQPs•and IIQPsb] pr. v 14 ffi~[Ps 117]
118:15 (f. 3, line I)
pr. vI [catena]IIQPsb and IIQPs 3
118:16 (col. XXXV 4)
v 16a ([i1~~11 i11i1' rJ~', reconstr.) 4QPsb(?) mms~ms (OE~Ul KUpiou utJ;wuEv j.l.E; cf. 15b)] + 16b IIQPs 3 [catena] (i111:1J i1ntDll i11i1, r~') (.,,n i1tDll-) ~(oEI;ta Kupiou E:rroilluEv ouvaiJ.LV); ]~, IIQPsb[catena]
109:28 (col. VII 8)
[i1]:J1::lll 4QPsr] 11::lll1 (pr. 1) ffi~(o 8€ 8ouA6c; uou); i1~[ IIQPs 3 (VAR and ORTH]
I 09:31 (D, line 9)
1~l'IIQPs 3 ~(TTUpEUTT))] 1~ll' ffi
109:31 (col. VII 13)
[reconstr.] +Apostrophe to Zion 4QPsr] + Ps 110 ffi~[I09];? IIQPs 3
112:1 (col. XXV II?)
pr. Ps 103 4QPsb (>Psalms 104-111)] pr. Ps Ill
115:1 (line 2)
~1'?1 2' 4QPs 0
115:2 (col. XXIX I) 115:17(f.2~)
116:8 (line 3) 116:Hfin (line 1)
~., 2' ffi~ [VAR and ORTH]
i1'~ 4QPsh] ~j i1'~ ffi; -4QPs 0 CJ'n~ ~1'-, 4QPse ~mss(OlJXl VEKpOL)] CJ'n~i1 ~., ffi ~(OUX OL VEKpOL) i1ll~1~ 4QPs" ffi mss ] i1ll~1 1~ ffi i1ll~1~ '~'ll n~ (> 8c hy homoiurchton) 4QPs"] + 'n1~ ,.,J, n~ (habet 8c) ffi; pr. WCIW ffi'"""~; > ffi 111""(> 8h hy ho~uinrchlon)
pr. v 14 ffi~[Ps 117]
16b IIQPs• [catena] (i111:1J i1ntDll i11i1' r~') ffi b'n i1tDll-) ~(oE~La Kupiou E:rroi11uEv ouvaiJ.LV)] >4QPsb(?)ffims~ms; ]~, IIQPsb[catena]
118:16 (XVI, line 3)
i111:1J i1ntDl'IIQPs 3 [catena] ~(ETTOLllUEV 8vvaiJ.lV)] '?'n i1tDll ffi; -IIQPsb
118:19 (col. XXXV 7)
Cl~i::l~ 4QPsb] Cl::l ~:I~ ffi~
118:20 (f. 5, line 4)
'?~'-, 4QpPsb (cryptic form of divine name?, cf. DJD V, 53) ] i11i1''? ffi~(TOU KUpiou); ]'-,[ 4QPsb
118:26 (col. XXXV 16)
CJjn~ 1:J:J1[::!] 4QPsb II QPs• COff(Ps 118](Cl~1:J~1:1) m ~(EUAOYllKUiJ.EV Uj.18.C:)] !:ltD:! Cl~1:J~1::liiQPsa*
118:26 (E i, line 2)
!:ltD:! Cl~1:J~1::li!QPs 3 *[Ps 118] ] Cl~1:J~1:1 IIQPsacorr [Ps 118]4QPsb(CJ~n~ i:J:J-1[::1]) ffi~(EUAOYllKUiJ.EV ViJ.8.c;); -4QpPsb
118:27 (E i, line 3)
Jn '110~ [1110~ BHS]IIQPsa (cf. Judges 16:11; 15:13; Ezek 3:25)] Jn 110~ ffi; uvun'juau8E E:opn'jv ~; -4QpPsb
118:29 (XVI,Iine 5)
pr. v 9 +strophe IIQPs"[catena]] pr. v 28 IIQPsa 4QPsb (reconstr.) ffi; pr. v 28 and 2 strophes (cf. v 21) ~[117]
[Ps 118]; -4QpPsb
118:29 (XVI, line 6)
li 1J: I (VI, line II)
i1, 1'?'?i1 110n Cl'?ll'? ,~ II QPs•[catena] ] 110n Cl'?ll'? ,~ II QPs 11 1Ps 118] ffi(> i1, 1'?'?i1); cf. ~ IIH:I(=II9:1ffi); ],~4QPsh pr. I'N t:l2 IIQPN 11
pr. I'N 118 ffi~lll7]
102 119:2 (VI, line 12)
nl.) ('"n:J:J]JIQPsa mms(Ken) ] :J'? '?::l:J ffi(fi (cf.
119:41 (f. I, line 6)
110n 4QPsgffitfi(To EAE6c; crou)] 10n IIQPsa; T10n mq(Ken)
119:41 (VIII, line 5)
10n 11QPsa] 110n 4QPsgffitfi(To EAE6c; crou); T10n mq(Ken)
119:20, col. VII 6) 119:2 (VI, line 12)
i11tvi11" llQPsa] 1i11tvi1" ffi(fi
119:5 (VI, line 15)
i1::ln~[to~;?] llQPsa] TPn mtfi nni~t-1; has also been proposed.)
119:42 (f. I, line 7)
i1J,l)t-1;1 4QPsg II QPsa corr ffi tfi ) i1J,l)1 II QPsa*
119:13 (f. I, line 13)
"ni1!ltv 4QPsh (cf. preceding "n1!ltv:J)] "ni1!l0 ffi
119:42 (VIII, line 6)
i1J,l)1 II QPsa* ) i1J,l)t-1;1 11 QPsa corr 4QPsg ffi (fi
119:15 (f. I, line 15)
n"tv~ 4QPsh ] i1n"tvtol; II QPsa ffi
119:42 (f. 1, line 7)
119: 16 (VII, line 2)
i1::l"p1n:J IIQPsa (cf. v 12 and BHS app)] Tn1p1n:J
"ni~J T11p1!l "::l 4QPsg ( cf. vv 45, 56, 100)] 1i:J1:J "nn~:J "::l 11 QPsa (i1::li-) ffi (fi
4QPsh mcTriPCf:J> i1::l"i:J1 IIQPsammss(mq Ken, de Rossi) tfi(TWV Mywv crou)] 1i:J1 ffi; -4QPsh
119:42 (VIII, line 6)
119: 16 (VII, line 2)
i1::li:J1:J "nn~:J "::l llQPsa ffi<1i-)tfi] "ni~J T11p1!l "::l 4QPsg ( cf. vv 45, 56, 100)
119:43 (f. I, line 8)
1n~to~; 4QPs8] n~to~; IIQPsa ffitfi; -IQPsa
i1DJ 4QPsh IIQPsaffims(Ken)] ';m ffi; avTmr68oc; tfi(ambiguous? cf. Ps 57[56]:3 and 138[137]:8) i1~) IIQPsa 4QPsh mms(Ken) ] ';~) ffi; avTan68oc; tfi(ambiguous? cf. Ps 57[56]:3 and 138[137]:8) i"l"nt-1;1 4QPsh IIQPsa mmss(Ken, BHS)] i1"nto~; ffi(fi
119:43 (f. I, line 8)
l~1!ltv~'? 4QPsg m ] i1::l"i:J1'? II QPsa; T~1!ltv~'?
119:17 (f. I, line 17) 119: 17 (VII, line 3) 119:17 (f. I, line 17)
ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi) tfi; -IQPsa 119:43 (VIII, line 7)
i1::l"i:J1'? II QPsa ] 1~1!ltv~'? 4QPsg m; T~1!ltv~'? ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi) tfi; -lQPsa
119:44 (f. 2, line 1)
j"ni1n 4QPsg) 1ni1n IQPsa IIQPsa(i1::ln-) ffi(fi
i1"nt-~;1 IIQPsa 4QPsh mmss(Ken, BHS)] i1"nto~; ffi(fi
119:44 (VIII, line 8)
119: 17 (VII, line 3)
i1::l"i:J1 llQPsammss(ffiq Ken, de Rossi) tfi(Touc; Myouc; crou)] 1i:J1 ffi; -4QPsh
1.l11 IIQPsa ) pr. tJ'?.l1'? ffitfi(Ek TOV aiwva Kat Ek Tov atwva Tou atwvoq tfi; -IQPsa -4QPsg
119:45 (f. 2, line 2)
119:18 (f. I, line 18)
fbni:J 4QPsg(i1:Jni:J) ffi(fi] i1":J1ni:J llQPsa; T T -IQPsa
119:45 (VIII, line 8)
i1":J1ni:J llQPsa] fbni:J 4QPsg(i1~fJi:J) ffitfi; -IQPsa
119:20 (f.2, line 20)
~":J~ 4QPsh] i1~":Jt-1;1 IIQPsa ffi(fi i1::l"n1i1n~ IIQPsa ffims(Ken)] 1ni1n(~) ffitfi; -4QPsh i10i) 4QPsh ffi ] i10i) II QPsa [VAR and PHONETIC VAR]
119:48 (VIII, line 12)
i1tD"tvt-1;1 II QPsa ] i1n"tvt-1;1 ffi tfi c'-'n"tv); ]tvt-~;1 I QPsa
119:20 (VII, line 6)
i1tlJi) II QPsa ] i10i) 4QPsh ffi [V AR and PHONETIC V AR]
119:49 (VIII, line 13)
'?1) (qal imper. of'?'?)) IIQPsa; cf. tfi(TTEpLEAE)] '?~ ffi (another form of imper.; cf. Versions) i1::l11p1!l llQPsa* ffims(cf. Ken) ] i1::l"11p1!l!JQPsacorr
119:59 (IX, line I)
i1::l"i:J1 IIQPsatfimSS(TWV Myov O"OU)] i:J1 m; = 1i:J1 tfi(Tov Myov crou ); -4QPsg i1n"tvt-1;1 II QPsa*(?) ] i1:J"tvt-1;1 II QPsacorr (eras?) ffi (fi
119: 17 (VII, line 3)
119:18 (VII, line 4)
119:22 (VII, line 8) 119:27 (VII, line 13)
119:64 (IX, line 6) 119:68 (IX, line 10)
meT-> tfi
i1::lp1n IIQPsa] TPn mtfi "J11tol; i1nto~; :J1~ 11QPsatfi(KUpLE) ] i1nto~; :J1~ ffi
119:32 (f. 6, line 2)
1n1~[~]!QPsa] Tm~~ mtfi
119:70 (IX, line 12)
119:37 (f. I, line I)
1::li1:J 4QPsg m (fi ] i1::li:J1::l II QPsa; T::li1:J 1£ ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi); 1i:J1:J mmss(Ken, de Rossi)
".l11[tv]i1tb llQPsa ffims(Ken); cf. 119:24,77,92, 143, 174] "n.l1tv.l1tv ffi tfi (EIJ.E AETllcra)
119:71 (IX, line 13)
119:37 (VIII, line I)
i1::li:J1::l IIQPsa] 1::li1:J 4QPsg ffitfi; T::li1:J 1£ ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi); 1i:J1:J mmss(Ken, de Rossi)
"Jn"J,l) llQPsa mms(Ken) tfi(handvwmk f.l.E ); cf. Ps ti9:75; 88:8 ] "n"J.P m
119:72 (IX, line 14)
119:37 (f. I, line I)
"J"n 4QPsg ffi tfi ] "JJ1n II QPsa (cf. cots. XII 5; Xill 5; and XIX 14)
(?)~'?to~;~ IIQPsa (cf. Gen 20:16; 2 Sam 18:12; Isa 7:23; Song8:11)) "1!l'?to~;~ ffi(fi
119:78 (f. II, line 2)
"Jn1[.l1]tQPsa (cf. Job 19:6)] "Jin1.l1 ffi(fi
119:37 (VIII, line I)
"JJ1n IIQPsa (cf. cots. XII 5; XIII 5; XIX 14)] "J"n 4QPs8 mtfi
119:82 (f. 5, line 4)
i['?::l]4QPs8 ffi(fi) i1n'?::l llQPsa (cf. v 81)
119:40(f.~) 119:40 (VIII, line 4) 119:41 (f. I, line t'>)
~J"n 4QPsgffitfi] "JJ1n IIQPs" (cf. v 37 [col. VIII t]) "mn ttQPs" (cf. v 37 [col. VIII t))] "J"n 4QPs8(~3"n> mtfi
"Jto~;':J"1 4QPsll] "J1~1:J"1 ttQPs•m c"J~:J"1);
= "J~:J"1 6)
119:82 (X, line I)
i1n'?::ltiQPsa (cf. v 81)] 1'?::l4QPsgci'?::l]) ffi(fi
119:83 (f. 5, line 5)
"n""i1 4QPsg ffi tfi ) "Jn"tv,l) II QPsa
119:83 (X, line 2)
"Jn"tv,l) II QPs") "n""i1 4QPs8("n""[i1]) ffi(fi
119:83 (X, line 2)
i1::l10n ttQPs"] TPn ffitfi; -4QPs8
nntv t t QPs" m
(X, line 4)
cKen> ] n1n'rv m : = mn'rv tfi
119:88 (X, line 7)
fi~O IIQPsa (cf. BHSaPP)] fi~:J ffi(fi •mn IIQPsa] ':J'n ffi(B (cf. 119:37 [col. VIII 1])
119:88 (X, line 7)
n111.IJ (rare form of pl.) IIQPsa (fi(Ta iJ.UpTUpLa aou)]
119:92 (f. 6, line 7)
[•]''~il:J 4QPsgffi6j] ':J11.IJ:J llQPsaffims(Ken)
119:92 (X, line 11)
':J11l]:J 11QPsaffims(Ken)] ":Jl]:J 4QPsg ffi(fi
119:105 (XI, line I)
i1~'i:l1 IIQPsa ffiq mss(Ken, de Rossi) ] li:l1 ffi(fi
119:87 (X, line 6)
119: I06 (XI, line 2)
i1~ II QPsa ] i1~1 ffi 6; 'n1:J'n:J'? (pl.) 11 QPsa 6; ] •n:;~.•m'? (sing.) ffi(B [VAR and OR1H?) n1tD.IJ'? IIQPsa] iOtD'? ffi(fi
119: I06 (XI, line 2)
'~EltDO l!QPsa* ffi(fi(Ta KptjJ.UTa) ] ~EltDO
119:105 (XI, line 1) 119:105 (XI, line 1)
JIQPsa corr (eras.) mmss(Ken) 119:107 (XI, line 3) 119: 107 (XI, line 3)
'n'1lJ:J IIQPsa ] 'n':JlJ:J ffi6;(harrdvw8"rjv) •mn i1~nio~~ I!QPsa 6;mss(A6yLOv). For the form ':J:J1n, cf. 119:37 [col. VIII 1], etc.)] li:l1~ ':J'n ffi 6;(A6yov) i1~i IIQPsammss(Ken) (fiffiSS(Eu86Kllaov)] ~:J-i1~i m 6;(EU80KT]aOV 8Tj)
119:128(XII,line 1)
'?1~ '11pEl 11QPsa mms] '?~ '11pEl '?~ ffi; [rrpoc] rraaac;; Tac;; EVToMc;; aou 6;[= T11pEl ~('?);
119: 129 (XII, line 2)
nEl:J ')'?El!!QPsa] m~'?El ffi(fi (cf. 119:36 [col. XII 9])
119:130 (XII, line 3)
i~i11 imper. IIQPsa] i'~" imperf. ffi(fi i1~"n11~0'? IIQPsa mmss(Ken) ] pr. "~ ffi(fi
> .,~ 2']
119:131 (XII, line 4) 119:131 (XII, line 4) 119:133 (XII, line 6) 119: 136 (XII, line 9) 119: 137 (XII, line 10)
"n:J~n IIQPsa (cf. Ps 119:40, 174 [cols. VIII 4; XIV 4])] •n:J~" m hapax; E1TE1T68ouv 6j i1~nio~'? 11QPsammss(deRossi)] lnio~:Jffi; lniO~~ mmss(Ken, de Rossi) 6; "~ '?.IJ IIQPsaffimss] '?.IJ ffi (> "~) t:l"itD"1 IIQPsa (fimss(Kal EU8Ek)] itD"1 ffi(fi
119:140 (XII, line 13)
i1~:Jl] II QPsa* (error?) ] i1~1:J.IJ II QPsa corr; l1:l.IJ1 5QPs ffi(fi
119: 142 (XII, line 15)
mp1[~] ni[p1~]? IIQPsa] p1~ 1np1~ ffi(fi;
119: 142 (XII, line 15)
t:l'?1.IJ II QPsa ] t:l'?1.IJ'? 5QPs ffi 6}
-5QPs 119: !52 (XIII, line 3)
i1~n.IJ10 11QPsa (cf. IQH I 21; xv 12)] Tn1.IJO ffi(B
119: !52 (XIII, line 3)
":Jn10' IIQPsa] t:ln10" ffi(B
i1~'~EltDOO !IQPsa] T~EltD01 ffi(fi
119: !53 (XIII, line 4)
i1~ni1n II QPsa (> "~; haplography?) ] pr. ·~ ffi(fi :l"i II QPsa* ] i1:J"i II QPsa corr ffi
119: Ill (XI, line 7)
i1~nim IIQPsa] 1ni1m ffi(B ':J~ •'? !IQPsa ] "? ffi(fi i1~'11pEl!IQPsa] T11pEl01 ffi(fi(Kal EK TWV EVTOAWV aou) ]1tDtD '~ II QPsa* ffi 6} ] ]1tDtD II QPsa corr (eras?)
119: !54 (XIII, line 5)
119:113 (XI, line 9)
i1~ni1n IIQPsa] 1ni1m ffi(B; -5QPs
119:108 (XI, line 4) 119: 108 (XI, line 4) 119: 109 (XI, line 5) 119:110 (XI, line 6) 119:110 (XI, line 6)
119: 114 (XI, line 10) 119:115 (XI, line 11) 119:116 (XI, line 12) 119:117 (XI, line 13) 119:117 (XI, line 13)
i1~'i:J1'? l!QPsa mms(Ken) (fiffiSS(Ek TOUC:: A6youc;; aou) ] li:l1'? ffi(B (i.e. de;; TOV Myov aou); -5QPs n1~0 sing.? II QPsa (if pl., then orthographically unique in this MS)] n1~0 pl. ffi(fi; -5QPs 'i:ltDOO IIQPsa ] 'i:ltDO 5QPs ffi ~tD~1 IIQPsa ] i1lJtD~1 ffi; = .IJtD.IJntD~1 (hitpalpel of .i]l]tl); cf. vv 16, 47) 6;(KaL iJ.EAETTjaw ); -5QPs
i1~'p1n 11 QPsa] TPn:J ffi(fi; TPI1[ 5QPs
119: 119 (XI, line 15)
'n:JtDn llQPsa6;(EAOYLa6.iJ.T]V)] t;\:ltDi1 ffi; t;\:JtDn mmss (Ken, de Rossi); -5QPs
119:119 cxum{ 15)
119:119 (XI, line 15)
IIQPsa] p'? 5QPs ffi
i1~'n111.IJ '?1~ 2'' IIQPs"] Tri1.IJ 5QPs ffi(fimss (> '?[1]~); + 8La 1TUVT6<: {fi(cf. V 117, where 8Lcl1TUVTOt; translates 1'0n; probubly dittography ace. to BHS "1'1')
119: !55 (XIII, line 6)
t:l"lJtDiO p1ni IIQPsa* ] i1lJ1tD' t:l"lJtDiO p1ni IIQPsacorrffi(fi
119: !56 (XIII, line 7)
•mn IIQPsa (cf. v 159 [col. XIII 11]; but also v !54 [line 5], the only time ffi = l!QPsa for this word)] ':J'n ffi(fi
119:159 (XIII, line 11)
i1~nio~~ IIQPsa] 11on~ m: 110n:1 6;(Ev T(il EAEEL aou) •mn IIQPsa (cf. v !56 [col. XIII 7]; but also v !54 [line 5], the only time ffi = IIQPsa for this word)] ":J"n ffi(fi i1~'i:J1 IIQPsa ffims(Ken) 6;(TWV A6ywv aou)] li:J1 ffi p1~ IIQPsa ] lP1~ ffi(fi t:l1:Jn IIQPsa] t:l:Jn ffi [OR1H and VAR?] T
119: 159 (XIII, line 11) 119:160 (XIII, line 12) 119:160 (XIII, line 12) 119: 161 (XIII, line 13) 119:161 (XIII, line 13)
i1~'i:J101 11QPsa ffi(fi(KUL cirro Twv Mywv aou)] li:l101 mq mss (fiffiSS(Kal cirro TOV A6you aou)
119: 162 (XIII, line 14)
~~100 II QPsa] ~~10~ ffi 6} i1~ni1n1 IIQPsammss(Ken) 6;(8E) ] lni1n ffi
119: 163 (XIII, line 14) 119:171 (XIV, line 1) 119:172 (XIV, line 2) 119:173 (XIV, line 3) 119:174 (XIV, line 4)
i1~'? i1'?i1n II QPsa ] i1'?i1n ffi 6; (> l'? I i1~'?) i1:J.IJn I IQPsa ] ].IJn ffi ":Jir1.IJ'? IIQPs"] •:Jir,Y'? ffi [ORTH and VAR?]
i1~ni1n 11QPs" ] 1ni1n1 m 6;
106 119:175 (XIV, line 5)
i1:J~~EltD6i IIQPsa* ~mq mss(Ken) ~(Kat Tel KpLj.l.aTci aou)] i1:J~~EltD 11QPsacarr (NB: scribal dots over 1 and 0); 1~EltD01 ffi(> 1 mmss)
119:175 (XIV, line 5)
~:Jirltl~ II QPsa] ~r1t.P,~ ffi ffiq ms(Ken); ~:Jir.tJ' ffik ms
(Ken) ~(~oTJSrlaEL ~ot) 119:176 (XIV, line 6)
i1:J~rm1ll IIQPsa] Tn1::m m~
120: 1 (II, line 20?)
pr. Ps 148 IIQPsa (reconstructed)] pr. Ps 119 ffi~[118] [~tv ]El:J'? 4QPse ] ~tDEl:J i1'? ffi; > i1'? ~
120:6 (f. 25, line 2)
123: 1 (III, line 15)'i1 II QPsa ffims (Ken) ] ffi [VAR? and ORTH]
124:7 (IV, line I)
1n:J~(?) 11QPsa* (error?) ] 1:Jn:J~ IIQPsa carr ffi
125:1 (IV, line 3)
~1'?tD IIQPsa] ~'-, ffi~
125:2 (IV, line 4)
125:2 (IV, line 4)
i11i1~ llQPsa (haplography?)] i11i1~1 ffi~; --4QPse
125:2 (f. 26 i, line I)
:J.':J.O iO[ll'?] 4QPse] 10ll'? :J.~:J.O tr. ffi~; -11QPsa
125:3 (f. 26 i, line 3)
Cl1' 4QPse* ] Cl~1' 4QPse carr(= CJ:1: or Cl'1: [?], cf. 125:5); Cli1~1~ ffi~; -IIQPsa
IIQPsa (refers to Jerusalem; cf. Ps 122:3) ] --4QPse
i1? ffi;
121 : I (III, line 1)
n1'?llOi111QPsaffimss (cf. 122:1, etc.)] n1'?.t10? ffi (cf. 123:1, IIQPsa)
121:2 (III, line 2)
DO II QPsa* (error?) ] ClllO II QPsa carr ffi; rrapci ~
125:4 (f. 26 i, line 4)
:J.'?:J. 4QPse IIQPsa ~(T(j Kap8lq.)] tln1:J.'?:J. ffi
121:3 (III, line 3) 121 :5 (III, line 4)
?~1 IIQPsammss ~(l.l.T]8E)] ?~ 2" ffi i11i1~ i1'?~?:J. 11QPsa] i11i1~ I" ffi~
125:4 (IV, line 7)
:J.'?:J. IIQPsa 4QPse ~(Ei18E:aL T(j Kap8lq.)] CJm:J.?:J. cCJ'itli''?1 >m
121:5 (III, line 4)
i1:J'?~ II QPsa ] 1?~ i11i1~ ffi ~ [ VAR and ORTH]
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
'p?p ll 4QPse* II QPsa ] pr. Cl~~Qi11 4QPse carr ffi ~
121:8 (III, line 6)
i10tD~ IIQPsa] pr. i11i1~ ffi~(KupLO~)
125:5 (IV, line 7)
'p?p ll II QPsa 4QPse* ] pr. Cl'~Qi11 4QPse carr ffi ~
122:1 (line 1)
pr. Apocryphal piece 4Q 522 ] pr. Ps 121 ffi ~ [ 120]
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
122:2 (III, line 8)
~?Ji IIQPsa] 1:J~?Ji ffi~; --4QPsl22
122:3 (III, line 9)
i11:J:J.i1 IIQPsa* (error?)] i1~~:J:J.i111QPsa carr ffi; --4QPs122
Cl''?1p?p ll 4QPse* ] CJ~b?1p?p ll (?) 4QPse carr; n1'?1p'?p.!i IIQPsa; Cll;li?j??j?.P ~~(>suffix [Ek Tel~ aTpayyaALa~]); cf. Judges 5:6 [n1'?j?(j?~D
125:5 (IV, line 7)
122:3 (III, line 9)
1? IIQPsa (referring to Jerusalem; thus also Ps 125:2)] 11n~ i1'? ffi~; --4QPs122
n1'?1p?p.t1 IIQPsa] Cl~?1p'?p.!i 4QPse*; Cl~b'?1p'?p.!i(?) 4QPse carr; CJI;li'?j?(j? .p ffi ~(> suf:ix [Ek Tel~ aTpayyaALac;]); cf. Judges 5:6 [n1'?j?(j?~D
122:4 (III, lines 9-10)
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
•'?.!i1El n~ 4QPse ffit'?liEl n~)~(j.l.ETel TWV €pya(Oj.l.EVWV)] ~?ll1El '?1:J n~ IIQPsa
122:4 (III, line 9)
i10tD II QPsa ] CltDtD ffi; EXEL yap~; --4QPs 122
125:5 (IV, line 8)
122:4 (III, line 10)
'?~itD~ n1ll IIQPsa] '?~itv~? nnll 4QPsl22 ffi~
•'?.!i1El '?1:J n~ IIQPsa] ~?liEl n~ (> '?1:J) 4QPse t'?ll1El n~) ffi~(j.l.ETel TWV Epya(Oj.l.EVWV)
125:5 (IV, line 8)
122:5 (line 3)
CltD 4QPs122] i10tD m;
11~ II QPsa ffi ms(Ken); cf. Ps 141 :9b in col. XXIII, line 5 ] 11~i1 ffi; TIJV aVOj.l.Lav ~; --4QPse
122:5 (III, line 11)
~O:J IIQPsa] n1~0:J 2" ffi~; --4QPsl22 o~tl) 1'?~tD IIQPsa*] 1?~tD IIQPsacarr(eras.)ffi; --4QPs122 Cl[1]'?[tD] 4QPs122] i11'?tD ffi; i11'?tD1 IIQPsammss~(Kat ElJT]VLa)] i11'?tD ffi; Cl[1]?[tD] 4QPsl22
]i10tD IIQPsa ] i1~ ~~:ltD Cl~~:J.tD 1'?ll CltDtD ffi~; ~ ~~:ltD[ 4QPs 122
[VAR and ORTH]
122:6 (III, line 11) 122:7 (line 5) 122:7 (III, line 12)
122:8 (III, line 13)
i1i:J.1~ II QPsa (cf. v 7) ] + ~:J ffi ~( € MA.ouv 8Tj ); ]i~ 4QPs122
122:9 (line 6)
Cl1?tD 4QPs122] :J.1~ JIQPsa(i1:J.1tb) ffi~(aya8a); > ~ms
122:9 cm,Ji!w14> 123: I (III, line 15) 123: I (III, line 15) 123: I (Ill, line 15)
126: I (f. 26 i, line 5)
:J.1tD:J. 4QPse*] pr. n1'?ll0i1 i'tD 4QPse carr IIQPsa ffi~
126: I (f. 26 i, line 5)
n1:J.tD (--li1:J.tD)4QPseffimss~(alxiJ.aAwalav)] n:J.'tD (--I :J.1tD or ..J :ltD~) ffi; n~:J.tD (--I i1::ltD) mms; -11QPsa
126: I (IV, line 10)
Cl'Oi?n::; JIQPsa ~(we; rrapaKEKAT]iJ.EVOL; cf. lsa 38: 16)] CJ'07n:J 4QPse(CJ~o?nj) ffi [VAR and ORTH]
126:2 (f. 26 i, line 7)
?~1Ji1 4QPse* ] + i11i1' 4QPse carr II QPsa ffi ~
126:4 (IV, line 13)
1:J~n1:J.tD 11QPsammss(Ken) ffik(~:J(l~:J.~)] ~:J(l~:;l~ ffiq mss --4QPse
126:6 (IV, line 14)
~:J:J.1 1:J?~ 11'?i1 II QPsa* ~ (TTOpEUOj.l.EVOL ETTOpElJOVTO Kat ~KAaLOV)] i:J:J.1 1?• ]1'?i1JIQPsacorr(eras?); cf. mm'(Ken); ii:J:J.1 1'?~ 11'?i1 ffi; -IQPsb
i1:J.1\b II QPsa ] :J.1~ ffi; Cl1'?tD 4QPs 122 n1'?.t10'? 1~11[? i~tD] IIQPsa (cf. 121: I ffi)] n1?.t1oi1 i~tv m c> 1~11? >
126:6 (IV, line 15)
[~n~]:J IIQPs"• (error?)] ~n~tD:J IIQPs"currffi~ ~:J[~ll] IIQPs 11 mm'(K"')) '~'ll n~ ffi
·~tD1~ I" IIQPs•~(a'(poVTE~)] ~tD:J l"ffi(cf.v6band BHS 0 PP); -IQPsb
'~tD13 2" IQPsh IIQPs 11 ~a'(povn:c;)) ~tD:J 2" ffi (cf. v 6u); ~W1~ ffi 11111 (Ken)
108 126:6 (IV, line 15)
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS '~tl],J 2' IIQPs• IQPsb aJ(a'(pOVTEt;;) ] ~tl]J 2' ffi (cf. v 6a); ~tl]1J ffims(Ken)
VARIANTS BY PSALM AND VERSE 133:1 (fs. 7-10, line
pr. Ps 141 IIQPsb IIQPs 8
pr. Ps 132 ffia3[131]
[i1'i]EJi1IQPsb] i1'iEJ ffi (= lsa 17:6) a3(?); -11QPs 8
133:2 (XXIII, line 9)
,,ia 'EJ IIQPs IIQPsb] ,,n,ia 'EJ ffi; sing. a)
'J,i~ 11QPs8 ] i11i1' ffi; KUpLOt;; a3 mJi IIQPs8 ffims(Ken) ] nJi ffi
133:2 (fs. 7-10, line 4)
,,ia 'EJ IIQPsb IIQPs 8
133:3 (XXIII, line 10)
ii1 IIQPs8 ffims(Ken)] 'iii1 ffiaJ; -IIQPsb
133:3 (XXIII, line 10)
i1atD IIQPs•] !:ltD ffi; EKEL aJ; -IIQPsb
133:3 (XXIII, line 10)
129:8 (V, line 8)
Cl'lltDi IIQPs 8 a3(o\. Uj..LUpTWAOL)] Cl'tDin ffi 'J,i~ IIQPs 8 ] i1,i1' ffi; KUpLot;; aJ ~,~tl] IIQPs•] ~~, ffi; -4QpPsb -4QPse
i1::JiJi1 n~ II QPs8 ] Cl"n i1::JiJi1 n~ II QPsb ([CJ"n] i1::JiJi1 n~. vid.) ffiaJ; tl"n,- mms a)
129:8 (V, line 9)
a::J'i11~[~ i1,i1']IIQPs 8
133:3 (fs. 7-10, line 5)
[tl"n] i1::JiJi1 n~ IIQPsb ffi aJ; tl"m- mms a)] i1::JiJi1 n~ II QPs 8
133:3 (XXIII, lines 10-11)
Cl~,ll illliQPs•mmss(Ken)] Cl~,lli1 ill ffi;CJ'?[
133:3fin (XXIII, lines 10-11)
~~itD' ~ll Cl,~tl] Cl~,ll \ill IIQPs 8 IIQPsb (cf. 125:5 and 128:6)] Cl~,lli1 ill ffia) (cf. Ken on Ps 122:9) ~~~itl]' ]'?ll Cl,~tl] tJ~[,ll ili]IIQPsb IIQPs• (cf. 125:5 and 128:6) ] Cl~,lli1 ill ffia) (cf. Ken on Ps 122:9)
128:3 (f. 6, line 2) 128:5 (V, line I) 129:2 (V, line 4) 129:3 (V, line 5) 129:4 (V, line 6)
129:8 (f. 4, line 2) 129:8 (V, line 9) 130: I (f. 26 ii, lines 2-3)
] i11i1' I' 4QpPsbffiaJ;-4QPse [VAR and ORTH] Cl[::J']~.l) 4QpPsb IIQPs 8 mmss(Ken); cf. a3(€¢' Uj..LUt;;)] Cl::J'~~ ffi; -4QPse Cl::J'~ll IIQPs 8 4QpPsb(Q[::J']~ll) mmss(Ken); cf. a3(€¢' Uj..LUt;;) ] Cl::J'~~ ffi; -4QPse [Cl'pall]aa 4QPse* ] pr. m~llai1 i'tD 4QPse carr (vid.) (]~,ll) IIQPs•ffiaJ
130: I (V, line 10)
Cl'pallaa 'J,i~ II QPs• ] Cl'pallaa 4QPse ([tl'pali]OO) maJ (> 'J,i~)
130:2 (V, line 11)
~J 'i1n IIQPs• ] i1J"i1n ffiaJ; -4QPse
130:2 (V, line 11)
i1::Jm~ II QPs 8 m ms (Ken)nJr~ l ] TJr~ m a); -4QPse
130:2 (V, line 11)
[V AR and ORTH] nJ,tDp liQPsaffimss(Ken)] niJtppffi; Jp 4QPse [VAR andORTH]
130:2 (V, line 11)
'~ nJ,tDp IIQPs 8
,,n,ia 'EJ ffi; sing. a)
IIQPsb; €w~;; Tov alwvo~;; a3
133:3fin (fs. 7-10, line 5) 134: I (XXVII, line 23?)
pr. Ps 140 IIQPs 8 (reconstructed)] pr. Ps 133 ffia3[132]
134:2 (XXVIII, line I)
Cl::J'i' IIQPs 8 ffiq(Ken)] CJ::J1' ffi [VARand ORTH?]
134:2 (XXVIII, line 2)
i11i1' !:ltD n~ II QPs 8
135:1 (XIV, line 7)
pr. Ps 119 IIQPs 8
135:1 (XIV, line 7)
Order of ,~~i1 phrases: c b a in II QPs 8 ffim''(Ken); cf. Ps 113: I (=a c b) ] abc ffia3(8o\JA.oL KupLov)
135:2 (XIV, line 8)
tl'i01lltD i1' ,aa,i, II QPs 8 (cf. Ps 99:5, 9)] Cl'iQlltl] maJ
130:5 (V, line 13)
niJtpp ffia) (> '~); -4QPse ,,Ji~ IIQPs• mms(Ken) a)ffiSS(Ek TOV Myov Ut!TOV)] ,,Ji~, ffi(1'i- mms); 1iJi~, mmss a3(Ek TOV Myov <JOU; >copula); -4QPse
135:2 (XIV, line 9)
Cl'~tD,i' 1::J1nJ, ,J'i1,~~ II QPs 8 ( cf. Ps 116: 19) ] ,J'i1~~ maJ
130:6 (V, line 13-14)
['tDEJJ] \ '~'n1i1IIQPs 8 (cf. Pss 42:6, 12; 43:5)] 'tDEJJ ffiaJ(forT\ATILO'EV, cf. 'n~n1i1 v 5fin ffi); -4QPse
135:3 (XIV, line 10)
i11i1' n~ ,~~i1 11 QPs• ] i1'-,~~i1 m (> ~)
135:3 (XIV, line 10)
J,~ '::J IIQPs 8
130:6 (f. 26 ii, line 7)
[Cl'ia,]tb::J 4QPse ] Cl'iatD ffi; = Cl'ia (1)tDa a3 (or niatD~a. cf. BHS 8 PP); -IIQPs 8
135:3 (XIV, line 10)
,00 IIQPs•]
130:7 (V, line 15)
135:4 (XIV, line II) 135:4 (XIV, line 11)
132: I 0 (VI, line 2)
i1iEJ ,all Jii1 IIQPs• ] nnEJ ,all i1Jii11 maJ ~,i1 IIQPs8 ] ~,i1, ffia) (?)JtDn JtDn ~~ II QPs•* ] JtDn ~~ II QPs 8 carr (eras.) ffi
~~itD', II QPs 8 ] ~~itD' ffi a3 ,~ i1~,)0~ II QPs 8 aJmss(lTEpLOUO'LUO'j..LOV EUUTQ; ex 4a?)] ,n~)O~ ffiaJ(rrEpLOUO'LUO'j..LOV Ul!TOV)
132: II (VI, line 3)
'iEJa '::J II QPs8
'iEJa ffi a3
135:5 (XIV, line II)
'J~ IIQPs 8
132: II (VI, line 4)
~O::J ~ll IIQPsa] ~O::J~ ffi i1r IIQPs• ~tmms(Ken)] ir ffi
135:5 (XIV, line 12)
,J'i11~~, IIQPs 8
135:6 (XIV, line 12)
itD~ II QPs• ] pr. ~::J ffi aJ; -4QPsk -4QPsn
ill 'i,liiiQPsa] ill 'i.!J ffi (but cf. 132:14 [col. Vl61) ,~ll' IIQPs8 ] ,Jtl]' ffiaJ .
135:6 (f. !,line 1)
[Cl'i11~~ .. i1]tDll' mtvll~ f[i~J, Cl'atDJ]4QPs 0 (vid.)
132: 12 (VI, line 5) 132: 16 (VI, line K)
,JJi' IIQPs 8
pr.Psl411IQPs 0 IIQPsh] pr.Ps132ffi~l1311
135:6 (XIV, lines
133: I (XXIII, line 7)
130:8 (V, line 15)
132:12 (VI, line~ 132: 12 (VI,-Hne 5)
pr. pi ffia)
135:4 (XIV, line II)
i11i1' n~ ffi a3
pr. 134 ffia3[133]
i1,i1' J,~ '::J ffia)
,atD~ ffia) ,~ inJ 11 QPs• ] i1' ,~ inJ m aJ
pr. '::J I' ffia) ]
,J'Ji~, ffia)
IIQPsu] ri~J, Cl'atDJ ffia) (>strophe); -4QPsk 1] .. 14)
Cl'i1,~~ ... i1tllll' n,tllll~ ri~J, Cl'atDJ II QPs8 4QPs 0 lvid.J
strophe); -4QPsk
110 135:6 (XIV, line 14)
rW:J,i1li .,,::J:J., IIQPs 8 mmss(Ken, de Rossi) ~(Ev rracrmc; Tate; a~vaaotc;) ] rw:J,i1n ',::;, m; = n,r:J,i1n:J., ~mss(Ev Tate; a~.); m[ 4QPs 0 ; -4QPsk
135:7 (f. I, lines 3-4)
,.,lii[1~,tl:o m1 tl:~,o] 4QPs"] pr. i1tDl' 1~0'? tl"p1:
135:10 (col. I, line 3)
Cl"::J'?r:J 4QPsk ] pr. :11i1, ffi ~
135:11 (col. I 3) 135:12a (fs. 2-3, line 2)
IIQPs 8 ffi~; ,.,n1~tl:f.l[ 4QPsk ,n.,o ntl: 4QPsk] l,n.,o'? m: Tov ~TJwv ~: -4QPs"
,:J]'; i1'?n:J (vid.) 4QPs 0
r ffi~; -4QPsk
139:1 (XIX, line 19or20)
pr. Plea for Deliverance 11QPs 8 ] pr. Ps 138 ffi~ [137]
139:10 (XX, line I)
139:11 (XX, line 3)
,,ftl: IIQPsa*] 1ftl: 11QPsacorr(eras.); ,,tl; ffi~
139: 11 (XX, line 3)
"1l':J. llQPsa] ":J1l':J. ffi [VAR and ORTH]
139:12 (XX, line 4)
,,tl;::; ltD,n::; IIQPs 8
139:14 (XX, line 5)
i1ntl: tl:1,:J (nif. partie.) IIQPs 8
139:14 (XX, line 5)
(?)n"tl:'?::l:J (nitl:'?::l:l, final i1lacking?) IIQPsa~mss
pr. CJ) ffi~
i11,tl:::J i1::J"tvn::; ffi~ ]
n,tl:,,:J ffi~(TTO~Epwc;)
135:13 (col. I 4)
pr. Ps 135:12 4QPskffi~[134:12]] >4QPs 0
135:15 (col. I 5)
"tlll'r:J 4QPsk ffi mss ~(~pya) ] i1tDl'r:J ffi
135:17 (XV, line I)
1"tl:, IIQPsaffims(Ken)] 1"tl: ~tl:ffi;ou8€ yap~ ',,::;, IIQPs 8 mmss(Ken) ~(KaL TTclVTEc;)] ',::; ffi~mss
139: 15 (XX, line 6)
":l~l' IIQPs 8 (error?) ] "r:J~l' ffi~
139:16 (XX, line 8)
i1::J"1:::10 II QPs 8
i1::J::J1:l" IIQPs8 (cf. Ps 134:3 [col. XXVIII 2]) ~ms(EUAOYT]crEL crE)] l,1:J. ffi~(EUAOYTJTOc;)
139:16 (XX, line 8)
,.,, II QPs8 ffi q ms'(Ken, de Rossi). For ,., = tl:'? cf. 2 Sam
135:18(XV,line I) 135:21 (XV, line 4)
136:4 (XV, line 8)
1,1tl:'? II QPs 8 ] ":J1tl:'? ffi; T{!l KUplt;l ~ mtl:'?::l:J IIQPsa~mss(8auJl.acrLa)] n,'?1:1 mtl:'?::l:l ffi ~(8auJl.acrta Jl.Eya/..a)
136:7 (XV, line 10)
m1,tl:O II QPs 8
136:7fin (XV, lines 10--11)
,,on CJ'?l''? "::J n,.,, ntl:, rvotvi1 'ntl: ,,on CJ'?,l''? "::J !IQPsa*; >ntl:, 11QPsacorr(eras); cf. vv 3init, 9init] ,,on Cl'?,l''? "::J m~ (>strophe)
136:3 (XV, line 7)
Cl"1,tl: ffi; cj>6ha ~
T(E:8aUJl.acrTw8Tjc;)] "n"'?::l:J m~(E:8aUJl.acrTW8T]V)
11:::10 ffi ~
18:12; 19:7 (?)] tl:'?, ffi~(ou8Eic; [ou8Eic; ~mss]) 139: 16 (XX, line 8)
ntl::J. IIQPsa] 1ntl: ffi~
139:16 (XX, line 9)
i11:Ji11:J II QPs 8 ffi mss(Cli11:J, Ken, de Rossi) ] tli1:J. ffi ~
139:17 (XX, line 9)
i11:J '?l' IIQPs 8 (cf. Isa I :5)] i11:J 2' ffi(i11:J, mmss)
139: 17 (XX, line 9)
Cli1"tD1 II QPs 8 * ] Cli1"tDtl:1 II QPs 8 corr ffi
139: 18 (XX, line 10)
139:19 (XX, line II)
"tll:Jtl: IIQPs 8 ~av8pEc;)] "tl):Jtl;, ffi
139:19 (XX, line II)
1,0 IIQPs 8
139:21 (XX, line 13)
i1::J"ompnoo, IIQPsa] Tompn:, m: Tr:Jo,pno:, ffi 11155 (Ken, de Rossi); Tr:Jo,pno, mmss(Ken); Kal ETTL
139:23 (XX, line 15)
":J.'? IIQPsa] ":J.:J.'? ffi
139:23 (XX, line 15)
"::lli10 IIQPsaffims(Ken)] "::lli1tv ffi (cf. "::lli1tv Ps
140: I (XXVII, line 12)
pr. David's Compositions 11QPs 8 ] pr. Ps 139 ffi~ [138]
140:2 (XXVII, line 13)
Cl""On II QPs 8 * ] Cl"Or:Jn II QPs 8 corr ffi
140:2 (XXVII, line 13)
":J1~n IIQPsa mmss(Ken)] ":J1~~n ffi [ORTH, PHONETIC,
140:3 (XXVII, line 13-14)
Cl,"i1 \ ',,::; IIQPsammss(Ken) ~(+ OAT]V Tijv TJJl.Epav ~mss)] Cl,., ',::; m
i1::J"::liiQPsa•] ::J"::liiQPs 8 ~orr(cras.) ffi(T::l) [ORTH, but CORR]
140:3 (XXVII, line 14)
138:7 (XXI, line K)
l,n:J. IIQPsa] :J.1P:J.ffi
138:7 (XXI, line K)
i1::J1" IIQPsa ffi
140:4 (XXVII, line 14)
tD":l::lli IIQPs 11 (cf. lsu 59:5; Joh !!: 14t)] :J.,tD::ll' ffi 6)(cicrrrt8wv)
136:8 (XV, line II)
n,'?tDOO'? IIQPs 8 mmss(Ken); cf. v 9 of ffi) n'(tDOO'? . ffi (cf. Gen 1:16); Elc; E:~oucriav ~
136:8 (XV, line II)
Cl,., II QPs 8
Cl,":J. ffi; Tfjc; TJJl.Epac; ~
136:9 (XV, line 12)
n1" II QPsa] n1"i1 ntl: ffi
136:12 (XV, line 14)
l',1ftl::J., IIQPs 8
136:15 (XV, line 16)
1l':J 11QPs8 ~ms(EKTLVa~aVTL) ] 1l':J ffi~(Ka't
pr. Ps 135:12 4QPs 0
pr. Ps 136:21 IIQPs 8 (vid., reconstr.)
137:1 (XX, line 17)
'?:J.:J.:J. IIQPsa] '?:J.:J. ffi~ ,:ltD" II QPsa• ] ," II QPsa corr ffi ~
137:1 (XX, line 17) 138:1 (XXI, lines 1-2) 138: I (XXI, line 2)
i11i1" \ i1::J1,tl: I' II QPs 8 m mss (Ken, de Rossi) ~ ( E~OJ-1.0/..oyT]croJl.aL crot, KUpLE)] l1,tl: m Cl"i1,'?tl: i11i1" 2' IIQPs8 * ffims(Ken)] Cl"i11'?tl: II QPsa corr (eras.) ffi(Cl"i1'?tl: )~
(Ken, de Rossi) 6) "~X£Lpac; crov)
ffi; KaL ~TL ElJl.L ~ (+ Jl.ETCt crou
,,,0 ffi~
94: 19t); TCtc; Tpl~OUc; Jl.OU ~ [VAR and ORTH]
pr. Ps 136 ffi~ [135]
pr. Ps 139 IIQPs 8
Tote; E:xpok crou ~
137:1 (XX, line 17)
l',1f:J., ffi
136:22 (fs. 2-3, line 2)
,,~)" ffi (,,~.,has also been proposed);
rrapnacrcravTo ~
pr.Ps93 IIQPs•] pr.Ps140ffid;[l39]
144: I (XXIII, line 12)
~m.l.l:l~~1 llQPsaffims(Ken)] ~m.l.l:l~~ ffid;;-l!QPsb
~nEJ?n1 [possibly 1nEl?n~JIIQPsa (error? metathesis?)] ~n?Elmmd;
144:2 (XXIII, line 13)
141:6 (XXIII, line 3)
1~~ .l)j llQPsa*] 1~,P:J IIQPsacorr(eras.) ffi[OR1H, CORR]
144:2 (XXIII, line 14)
141 :7 (XXIII, line 3)
~~~.l) II QPsa (A possible emendation is ~~~.l.l; cf. Ps Sol
~? ~?El~1 IIQPsa] ~? ~~?El~1 ffi (> ~? mmss d;; cf. 18:3); -IIQPsb t:l~~.l) IIQPsa mmss, sebir(Ken, de Rossi); cf. Ps 18:48// 2 Sam 22:48 ] ~~.l) m d;(TOV A.a6v J.lOU ); -aou d;IDS; -<J.VTOU d;mss; -IIQPsb
144:3 (XXIII, line 14)
t:l~i11?~ IIQPsa] i11i1~ ffid; (cf. v 5 below)
1~~ II QPsa ] ~1~~ ffi; chr6 d;
144:4 (XXIII, line 15)
1~~~1 II QPsa] 1~~~ ffi d;
1tD1p~ IIQPsa] 1tllp~ ffi [ORTH and VAR?] l:l.l.l~ llQPsa*] li:l.l.l~ llQPsacorrffi[OR1H,butCORR]
144:5 (XXIII, line 15)
t:l~i11?~ II QPsa ] i11i1~ ffi d; (cf. v 3 above)
144:5 (XXIII, line 16)
111 II QPsa d; (Ka't. KUTU~T]8L) ] 11n1 imperf. ffi
144:15 (XXIV, line I)
i11i1~ ltD~ II QPsa ] i11i1~tll ffi; otJ d;
142: I (XXIV, line 20?)
11:l.l)~ II QPsb II QPsa corr ffi ] "i:l.l.l~ II QPsa* [ OR1H, butCORR] pr. Ps !55 [Syriac Ps III]IIQPsa] pr. Ps 141 ffid;[J40]
142:5 (XXV, line I)
i1~1~1 r~~ i1~~:l~ II QPsa d; (KUTEVOOUV Ek Tel
145:1 (XVI, line 7)
8Eelel KQL ETTE~AETTOV)] i1~11 r~~ ~~:li1 (imperatives, .Y~:l:J) m 11~n~~ II QPsa* (hi f., cf. Ken) ] 1ir:J~~ II QPsa corr (eras.) ffi; UTTOJ.lEVOUCJLV d; (= 11r:J~~?; BHS); [VAR and OR1H]
145: I fin (XVI, lines 8-9)
1.l.l1 t:l?1.l.l?\ 1~tll l11:l1 i11i1~ l1i:l!IQPsa] > ffi d; (Refrain is constant to each verse and unique to IIQPsa)
145:2 (XVI, line 9)
l11:l IIQPsa] ?~:l ffid;; cf. refrain
145:2 (XVI, line IO)
141: I (XXII, line 20?) 141:5 (XXIII, line I)
16:1-2)] 1:J~~~.l.l ffid;(Tel aim:ilv = t:li1~~~.l) d;mss 141:9 (XXIII, line 5) 141:9 (XXIII, line 5) 141 : 10 (XXIII, line 6) 141:10 (fs. 7-10, line I)
142:8 (XXV, line 5)
oaTa liJ.Lwv); Tel ooTa
145: I (XVI, line 7)
pr.CatenallQPsa] pr.Ps 144ffid;[J43]
145: I (XVI, line 7)
i1?Eln IIQPsa] i1?i1n ffid;(a'tVEaLc;) ~m?~ i11i1~ II QPsa* ] ~m?~ II QPsa corr ffi d; (> i11i1~)
143:4 (XXV, line IO)
~::1::1? IIQPsaffims(Ken#219)] ~:l?ffi;-4QPsP
143:4 (XXV, line 10)
t:l~1ntll~1 IIQPsa] t:lmntll~ ffid;; -4QPsP
145:4 (XVI, line 12)
1~tll i11i1~ l11:l II QPsa*[refrain] ] 1~tll l11:l1 i11i1~ l11:JJJQPsUCOIT(+ l11:J1); >ffid; ??1i11 IIQPsa*] ??1i1~1 llQPsacorr ffi(??i1~1); alvnoc; d; 1n?11)? tiQPsa] 1n?1)?1 ffid; 1n:ltll~ II QPsa ] n:ltll ffi d;
143:5 (XXV, line II)
?1::1 !IQPsa* (error?)] ?1~::1 IIQPsa corr ffi(?~:l) d;
145:5 (XVI, line 13)
11::11~ II QPsa d;{A.aA.TjaouaLV) ] ~1::111 ffi
145:5 (XVI, line 13)
i1~~m~?El:J1 II QPsa d;{KaL Tel 8aUJ.lUO"LU aou) ] Tm~?El:Jm
143:3 (XXV, line 9)
II QPsa ] =-]11 ffi d;; ~QPsP
143:3 (XXV, line 9)
(?)i1~1 IIQPsa* (cf. Ken and Ps 44:20; 51:10)] ~~1
145:3 (XVI, line 10)
IIQPsa corr ffid;(cf. Isa 3:15); -4QPsP
143:5 (XXV, line II)
~tl).l)~:li!QPsa ffim
143:5 (XXV, line 12)
i1n~tll~ IIQPs3 (cf. Ps 119 passim; 145:5 [col. XVI
(Ken, de Rossi) d;(Ev
145:3 (XVI, line II)
nmtD~ m; EJ.lEAETwv d;
143:6 (XXV, line 12) 143:6 (XXV, line 12) 144: I (XXIII, line 12) 144: I (fs. 7-10, line 6) 144: I (XXIII, line 12) 144: I (fs. 7~ 6) 144:1 (XXIII, line 12) 144:1 (fs. 7-10, line II)
fl~:l II QPsa mms (Ken) ] fl~~ ffi d;; -4QPsP i1El.l.l~(?) c.Y=-]1.l.l?) IIQPsa*] i1El~.l) c.Yt']~.l.I?)IIQPsacorrffi; -4QPsP pr. Ps 133 IIQPsa IIQPsb] pr. Ps 143 ffid;[t42] pr. Ps 133 IIQPsb IIQPs•] pr. Ps 143 ffid;[t42] ~~1~ i11i1~ l11:l IIQPsa IIQPsh(vid.) mmss(Ken)] pr. 111? m d; (+ npoc; TOV r OALa8) ~i[1~ i11i1~ l11:l]tlQPsh(vid.) IIQPs• mmss(Ken)] pr. 111? m d; (+ npoc; TOV roA.ta8) 1?~i1 II QPs"• (error?)] 1~?~i1 II QPs" corr II QPsh ffid;(o 8LBciCJKWV) [1]~?~i111QPsh IIQPs 11 cnrrffid;(o8LBclcrKWV)) 1?~i1 II QPs 11 *(error'l) \
145:5 (XVI, line 14)
n~tlJ~ IIQPsa] i1n~tlJ~ ffi; 8LT]yrlO"OVTQL d;
145:6 (XVI, line 15)
i1~~m?11)1 II QPsa corr (i1~~n?11)1 *) ffiCT~r> ]
145:6 (XVI, line 15)
IElO~ IIQPsa] i1:JIEl0~ ffid;ms(8LT]YTJO"OJ.laL auTTjv); 11El0~ d; (8L T]yrlO"OVTaL ) 1~tll.l.l~ ?1~::1 ,~om 1~1::11::1 t:l~m?~ \ 1~~:J 11 QPsa mms (Ken #142) d; (v J3a: TTLO"TOc; KUpLoc; EV [+ TTQO"LV =?1~::1 d; mss J Tole; A6yOLc; UUTOU I KQL OO"LOc; EV TTdCJL Tol.c; €pyOLc; auTOU ). The :J-strophe; cf. v 17 ] >ffi 1m II QPs•* ] 1n1:J I IQPs• corr ffi; 8l8wc; d; [ vAR and ORTH?)
ln?11)1 ffiq mss d;(Kal. TI]v J.lEYUAWCJUVT]V aou)
145: 13fin (XVII, lines 2-3)
145:15 (XVII, line 6)
m II QPsu corr ffi(t:l?~~ n~) au Tl']v
145:15 (XVII, line 6)
i1~?~1~ I I QPsu• ) pr.
145:16 (XVII, lines 7-H)
i1~1~ \ n~ i1n~ nn1El IIQPs 11 d;(avolyELc;
XEtpci crou)] l1' 11~
nn1£l ffi C> i111~; cf. n~
114 145:18 (XVII, line 10)
145:18 (XVII, line II) 145:20 (XVII, line 14) 145:21 (XVII, line 16) 145:21 (XVII, line 17)
i11i1' :111p l!QPsa (cf. ®)] + 11Z.l~ '?J'? 1'~1p '?J'? m ® cscribal error [:l11P-111:lJ. but there should be and are 14 words in v 18 with the refrain; cf. col. XVI 9)
i1:J1~~:li!QPsa] n~~:l ffi® 1'~1' IIQPsa] 1':li1~ ffi® 11ZJ11p I:IIZJ n~ IIQPsa mmss(Ken #38 and #142)] 11Z.l1p I:IIZ.l m [1ll]1 1:1'?1ll'? 1~1Z.l 111::11 i11i1' 111::1 IIQPsa refrain ] shorter refrain 1ll1 l:l'?ll'? m® (1ll1 l:l'?ll'? are the last words of the II QPs a refrain). Note also the addendum (cf. BHS n. 2Ja-a and 115:18) in mmss(Ken): i1' 1'?'?i1 1:1'?1ll , ll1 i1nll~ i1' 11:J:J 1:Jm~1 ; de; Tov ai.wva Ka't de; Tcw ai.wva Tou ai.Wvoc; ®
I:I'~IZ)~ i11i1' 1'?'?i1 II QPsa ] I:I'~IZ.li1
148: I (II, line 6)
148:4 (II, line 9)
I:I'~IZJ'? '?ll~ IIQPsa ] I:I'~IZ.li1 '?ll~ ffi
148:5 (II, line 9)
1'?'?i111 QPsa ] 1'?'?i1' ffi ®
149:1 (XXV, line 20?)
i11i1' n~ 1'?'?i1
pr. Ps 143 l!QPsa] pr. Ps 148 ffi®
150: I (XXVI, line 4)
11Z.l11p l:lll '?~11ZJ' ':J:l'? 1'1'0n '?1J'? II QPsa ffims(Ken #40 [1:l11p l:lll ... '?J'?]); cf. Ps 148:14] 1'1'on '?J'? m® '?~ 1'?'?i1JIQPsammss(Ken) ®mss (haplography?, cf. ®)] pr. [i1' 1'?'?i1] MasPsh(?) ffi®('AAATJAOVta); + 'Ayyalou KaL Zaxaplou ®mss; cf. 145[146]:1; 146[147]:1, etc.
!50: I (lines 1-2)
'?~ 1'?'?i1 [i1' 1'?'?i1] MasPsh(?) ffi®('AAATJAOVta);
149:9 (XXVI, line 3)
145:2Jfin (XVII, line 17)
111Jt'? n~1t IIQPsa (subscript; cf. col. XXVII) ] > ffi®
145:2Jfin (XVII, 18-20?)
Short composition preceding Ps !54 IIQPsa (?)] ? ffi®
146:1 (fs. 14-19, line 8)
pr. Ps 105 4QPse(?) IIQPsa] pr. Ps 145 ffi® [144]
146: I (1, line 17?)
pr. Ps 105 IIQPsa 4QPse] pr. Ps 145 ffi® [144]
150:3 (XXVI, line 5)
ll1pn:l IIQPsa] llpn:l MasPsb ffi [ORTH and VAR]
146:9+ (II, line 1-4)
1'nn1:lJ ... f1~i1 '?1J i11i1'~ [mll'] ... 1:11n' JIQPsa (+verse;cf.Ps33:8; 145:10-12)] n1ll' ... 1:11n' ffi®
150:3 (line 5) 150:6 (line IO)
llpn:lMasPsbffi] ll1pn:liiQPsa[oRTHand [i1~1ZJ:J]i1 MasPsh(?) ffi®] n1~1ZJ:Ji111QPsa
pr. Ps 106 (v 48 i1'1'?'?[i1] i[~~]) 4QPsd] pr. Ps 104 IIQPsa 4QPse(reconstructed); pr. Ps 146 ffi®[145]
150:6 (XXVI, line 7)
n1~1ZJ:Ji1 IIQPsa] i1~1ZJ:Ji1 MasPsh(?) ffi®
150:6fin (XXVI, line 8)
+ 6 or 7 compositions IIQPsa] end of Psalter MasPsb ffi; +Psalm 151 ® end of Psalter MasPsb ffi] + 6 or 7 compositions IIQPsa; +Psalm 151 ®
147: I (col. I, line 6) 147: I (f. 16 ii, lines 10-11) 147: I (E ii, line 16) 147: I (col. I &-7)
pr. Ps 104 4QPse(reconstructed) l!QPsa] pr. Ps 106 4QPsd; pr. Ps 146ffi®[!45] pr. Ps I 04 II QPsa 4QPse(?) ] pr. Ps I06 4QPs d; pr. Ps 146 ffi®[145] ii'?i1n 1:1' ll:J i11~:J 15 [']i1['?~ i11at m]~J 1:J'i1'?~ i11~r (dittogr.?) 4QPsd] i1'?i1n i11~:J l:l'll:J 'J 1:J'i11'?~ i11at IIQPsa(vid., i1'?i1[. spacing) ffi;
a'(vEaLc; ®
147:14 (col. II 2)
i1'?i1n i11~:J l:l'll:J 'J 1:J'i11'?~ i11at IIQPsa(vid., i1'?i1[, spacing) m] 15[']i1['?~ i11~r i11]~J 1:J'i1'?~ i11at ii'?i1n 1:1' ll:J i11~:J (dittogr. ?) 4QPsd;
147:20 (col. II 9)
[I:I'C!lEliZ.l]01 4QPsd ffi®(+ suff. 3 sing.)] I:I'C!lEliZ.l~ IIQPsa
147:20 (E iii, line 7)
I:I'C!lEliZJ~ II QPs" ] I:I'C!lEliZJ~1 4QPsd( ]01) ffi ®( + suffix
147: I (E ii, line 16)
3 sing.)
147:20 (E iii, line 7)
Oll'11i1 1:11ll1'
148: I (II, line 6)
pr. Ps 146 IIQPs"] pr. Ps 147 ffiG)II46--1471
148: I (II, line 6)
1'?'?i111QPs•] pr. i1' ffiG)(+ 'Ayyalov Ka't. Zaxaplov; nnly 'AM11AOIJ(a G) 111"")
'?::1 II QPs" ®(oiJK €8i]A.waEv auTol.c;) ] '?::1 ffi; -4QPsd \'i'?i1
+ 'Ayyalou KaL Zaxaplou ®mss; cf. 145[146]:1; 146[147]:1, etc.] '?~ 1'?'?i1JIQPsammss(Ken) ®mss (haplography?, cf. ®
!50:6fin (line 10)
2.6 Compositions Lacking in the Received Psalter LWords (XXVI 17-XXVII I)
David's Last Words(= 2 Sam 23: 1-7) IIQPsa] >Psalterffi®
Last Words (XXVII, line I)
n1 :J~'n fll1 IIQPsa (Sanders: read n1:J'~n?. cf. Ps 57:5)]
Last Words (XXVII, line I)
> Psalterffi®; n':Jn fll1 2 Sam 23:7 ffi® t']i11ZJ II QPsa* 2 Sam 23:7 ffi ] t'J11Z.l II QPsa corr (eras.)
!51 AB (XXVIII, lines 3-14)
Ps !SlAB IIQPsa®] > ffi
!SlAB (XXVIII, lines 3ff.)
pr. Ps 134 IIQPsa] pr. Ps !50 ®SmsLa; > ffi
!SIB (XXVIII, lines 13ff.)
End of Psalter IIQPsa[J51 AB] ®La] Ps 150 ends Psalter
Sir 51 (XXI II-XXII I)
Sirach 51: 13-30 [some reconstr.] II QPsa] > ffi; >Psalter G)SLa
154: 1-19 (XVII 21-XVIII ITl) Ps 1541= Ps II in 51:1-19 IIQPsa] > ffi® 155:1-19 (XXIV, lines J-17)
Ps 1551= Ps Ill in 51:1-19 IIQPs"] > ffi®
i\pncr. Pss (cnls.l-V)
Three Snngs uguinst Dcrnnns II QPsi\p"] > II QPs" ffi®
i\p. Zinn (en!. VII
i\pnstrophc tn Zinn 4QPsf IIQI's" llQPsh] > ffiG)
116 Ap. Zion (XXII, lines 1-15)
Apostrophe to Zion llQPsa4QPsf llQPsb] > ffi~
Ap. Zion (f. 6, lines 1-2)
Apostrophe to Zion llQPsb 4QPsf llQPsa] > ffi~
Apostr. Zion (col. VII 14)
pr. Ps 109 4QPst] pr. Sir 51: 1-23[13-30]11QPsa; > ffi~
Apostr. Zion (XXII, line I)
pr.Sir51:1-23[13-30]11QPsa] pr.Ps 1094QPsf; >ffi~
Apostr. Judah (col. X 4-15)
Apostrophe to Judah 4QPsf] > llQPsa ffi~
Catena (XVI, lines 1-6)
Catena ofPs 118 llQPsa llQPsb] > ffi~
Catena (f. 3, lines 1-2)
Catena of Ps 118 llQPsb llQPsa] > ffi~
Catena (XVI, line I)
pr. Ps 136 IIQPsa] > ffi~; ? llQPsb
Dav Comp (XXVII 2-11)
David's Compositions llQPsa] > ffi~
Eschat. Hymn (col. IX 1-15)
Eschatological Hymn 4QPst] > llQPsam~
Hymn Creator (XXVI, line 9)
Hymn to the Creator llQPsa] > ffi~
Plea (XIX I-XVIII 23?)
Plea for Deliverance 1 fQPsa llQPsb ] > ffi~
Plea (fs. 4-5, lines 3-16)
Plea for Deliverance 11 QPs b 11 QPsa ] > ffi ~
SYNOPSIS OF SUPERSCRIPTIONS, POSTSCRIPTS AND DOXOLOGIES IN THE MT, THE SCROLLS, AND THE LXX 1. Primary Sources and Previous Listings: Bardtke, H. "Librum Psalmorum" (1969) inK. Elliger and W. Rudolph (eds.), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1966-77). Kittel, R. (ed.). Biblia Hebraica (16th ed.; Stuttgart: Wtirttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1971). Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 107-24. Rahlfs, A. Septuaginta X. Psalmi cum Odis (3rd ed.; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1979). [See also the Editions, Transcriptions, Listings, and Studies on the Psalms Scrolls in Chapter 2.1.]
2. Introductory Comments
It is generally agreed that the superscriptions or titles affixed to most of the Psalms in the Masoretic Text (and to virtually all in the Septuagint) are secondary additions to the individual compositions involved. Because of the strong connection between the Psalms and liturgy in ancient Israel, both during the First Temple period and later, many scholars would conclude that the Levites were largely responsible for promoting or even providing these explanatory headings. But it is also possible that some of the individual references and technical terms found in the superscriptions go back to earlier times. This is because the interest in David as founder of the Temple and organized worship may constitute a return to earlier Jerusalem traditions, as opposed to a merely late development.' We shall see in Chapter 6 that a strong correlation exists between the stabilization of the Psalms as a collection and the presence of titles, especially for Psalms l-89 (Books I-III). 2 It will also be shown in Chapters 83 and 9 4 that the structure of different collections (notably llQPsa) is partially determined by the presence or absence of s•1perscripts, as well as postscripts and opening and closing formulae (particularly halleluyahs). 5 Accordingly, this chapter presents a complete synopsis of these headings, endings and refrains for the 150 Received Psalms as found in the Masoretic Text, the Judaean scrolls, and the Septuagint. The superscriptions for Ps 151 are also included, since this Psalm ends the collections found in both llQPsa and the Septuagint. In addition to aiding 1 Cf. H-J. Kraus, Psalms 1-59. A Commentary (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988) 32.
See especially section 5 ("Superscriptions and Different Arrangements of Psalms"). ' Cf. sections 4 ("Additional Organizational Principles") and 5 ("A New Structural Analysis of IIQPs 11 "). 4 Cf. section 6 ("IIQPs 11 : Different Edition or Secondary Collection'/"). ~ Strictly speukinJ!. there Is only one Irue postcript in the Masoretic l'sulter, where 72: I 0 reads: 'W"J:l m n1?1ln 1'?;:, ("The prnyers of l>uvid sun of Jesse urc ended"). Uowever, in the synopsis below the term is more hmscly nppllcd, nml so the hcudin11 "l'ustscrlpt/DoKololly" Is fCJ!Uiurly used.
[not extant]
m 4QAor (\)
[not extant] :1:JJ cn'?tliJ~ ':J::Jo 1n1JJ 1n'? 11om WaA! T!/)
Ets TO TEAOS, Ev !jla'A[J.o"is· 08T] T!/)
Tfis KATJPOVO[!OUOTJS" !jlaA! T!/)
4:1 5:1
:111'? 110i0 n':J'OtDi1-'?!l m:J',:JJ n~:Jo'?
[reconstructed 111'? 110!0 n':J'OtDi1-'?!l m:J',:JJ n~:Jo'?] [1'11'? 11om n'mtvi1-'?!l] mrj5:J n::do'?] Els To TEAOS, tmE:p
Tfis KATJPOVOflOUOTJS" !jlaA! T!/) ~aut8.
:':J'O'-p tD1~-'1J1-'?!l i11i1''? 1tD-1tD~ 1i1'? ]1''tD ~bs T!/) ~aut8,
ov WEV T!/) Kupltp im€p Tilv >..6ywv [1]11'? 11010 [Lcuthcr uhrused]
Els- TO TtMS', lmfp Tw >-T)v
111'? n~:Jo'?
:1n'? 11mo n':J'Otliir'?!l n~:Jo'?
:1n'? 11mo n~:Jo'?
Els TO TE'Aos· !jlaA! T!/)
n':J'OtD ]i1 '? !l n~:JO'?
Els TO TE'Aos, urrE:p Tfis 6y86r]s· !jlaA! T!/)
[reconstructed 1'i1'? 110i0 n~:JO'?]
111'? 1imo ri~:Jo'?
111'? n~:Jo'?
Els To TE'Aos· !jlaA! T!/)
111'? 110i0
[not extant] ~aut8.
111'? Cln:JO
111'? i1'?::Jn
E'Ls TO TE'Aos· !jlaA! T!/)
WaA!J.Os T!/)
i11'tlii1 '1J1-n~ i11i1''? 1J1 1tli~ 111'? i11i1' 1J!l'? n~:Jo'?
10~'1 2 :'?1~tli 1'01 1'J'~-'?~ :"J~O 1m~ i11i1'-'?'~i1 Cl1'::l n~m
Ill Hev/Se4 ~
[111]'? i1'?::Jn ITpocrEUXTJ Tou
4QPs 3
[1]11'? on[~o] ~}rTJ'Aoypa<j>la
1i[1]? n~:Jo'?
Xoucrt ulou 'I EflEVL.
:111'? 11010 n•nm-'?!l n~:Jo'?
[Leather abrased; possibly an interval] [ J
[reconstructed 1'i1'? n~:Jo'?]
m (\)
9:1 10:1
:1n'? 11om m'?'mi1-'?~ n~:Jo'? Els TO TE'Aos, tmE:p
brr6TE: arrE8l8paaKEV arro rrpocrwrrou 'A~cacra'Aw[l Tou u'Lou airrou.
:1n'? 11om mr,:JJ n~:Jo'?
Els To TEAOS, tmE:p TGJ! Kpu<j>lwv Tou u'Lou· !jlaA! T!/)
3.1 Psalms 1 to 41 (Book I)
:1n'? 11om p'? mo'?!l n~:Jo'?
discussion in Part II of this study, the synopsis provides source-material that will prove relevant to scholars with an interest in the shaping and finalization of the Book of Psalms. Three types of sigla may be noted. (a) A solid line --denotes the absence of a superscript, postscript or doxology. (b) The entry "[not extant]" means that the leather has not survived where the superscript, postscript, or doxology may have stood. (c) The siglum ~ denotes the "Old Greek" of the Psalter as found in Rahlfs' Psalmi cum Odis; but it should be emphasized that the Gottingen Psalter may not always preserve the Old Greek since it is not a thorough critical edition (cf. parts 2-3 of Chapter 10).
3. Synopsis of Psalms 1 to 151
IIQPsc ]ii1'tvi1 '1J1[ n~ ]ii1i1''? 1:::11 itv~ 1['n'? i11i1' 1::l!l'? n~:Jo'?] 10~[1];[1 2 '?]1~tv 1'01 1'J'1~ '?1~ :"J[~o 1m~ i11i1' '?'~i1 Cl1'::l m~m] Els TO TEAOS" T!/) TTat8t Kuplou T!/) ~aut8, ENlAT)crEV T!/) [17:1-2] (\)
Kupltp TOUs Myous Tfis 08%" TalrrTJS Ev T][!Ept;t, €ppucraTo airrov Kuptos EK XELPOs mivTwv Tilv £x6pwv airrou Kat €K XHPOs };aou>.., 2Kat EhEv
:111'? 11010 n~:Jo'? ElS' Til TtA.o<;" ljJaX!!Iy; Tfil.1.autB.
:i1i'? 11oro n~Jo'?
Els TO TE:A.os· tjJaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8.
:in'? 11om n~Jo'?
Els To TEA.os· tjJaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8.
:i1i'? 11om intliil n'?'~-'?.ll n~Jo'?
Els TO TEAOS, imE-p Ti'js uvnA.ruJ.tjJEws Tf]s E:w9Lvfjs· tjJaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8.
i1i'? i10m WaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8. i1Dm i1i'?
[not extant; reconstructed i1DfD i1i'?] WaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8· Tf]s f.LLas aa~~6.Twv.
ToD .6.auL8.
m ®
T0 .6.auL8.
KUL U1TEAUO"EV airr6v, Ka'L 0.11i1A.9Ev.
i1i'? [reconstructed i'1i'?]
:in'? iTW-i::J.Il'?
[reconstructed in'?]
]1'n'? i11il' i::J.Il'? n~J[o'?l
Els TO TEA.os· T0 8oiJA.4> Kuplou T0 .6.auL8.
in'? i'n'?
ToD .6.auL8.
:i'Jfi!'? i1i'? i1Dm
WaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8· ELS avclf.LVT]O"LV 1TEp'L aa~~6.Tov. :i1i'? 11mo )1n'i''? n~Jo'?
Els TO TE:A.os, T0 '18L9ouv· 08-f] T0 .6.auL8.
:11om in'? [
ToD .6.auL8· 1Tpo TOU XPLaefjvm.
Els TO TEA.os· T0 .6.auL8 tjJaA.j..L6s.
Els TO TEA.os· tjJaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8.
:in'? 11om
ToD .6.auL8.
i11'? 11om
[not extant]
o'?1.1lil i.ll1 o'?1.1liTO '?~1ilr 'iT'?~ iTW 1n::J
Els TO TE:A.os· tjJaA.j..Lbs 08ils ToD E:ymLvLaf.LoD ToD o(Kou· T0 .6.auL8.
:in'? 11oro n~Jo'?
Els To TE:A.os· tjJaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8· EKaTciaEws.
'?'JtDO in'?
T0 .6.aVL8· auvE:aEws.
[31 :1]
m 4QPs"
i1Df0 i'tv i'1i'?
4QPs'l 132:1)
:]0~1 ]0~
WaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8· E-~o8lou O"KT)vfjs. :i1i'? n'::Jil mm-i'tli 11om
T/i) .6.auLB.
[reconstructed in'?]
34:1 [33:1]
:1'?'1 1iltVi)'1 1'?0':::!~ 'J::J'? 10.Ilt!m~ 1rmtli::J in'? T0 .6.auL8, brr6TE l)AA.olwaEv TO TipoowTiov airrov E:vavTlov
[not extant] WaA.j..Lbs T0 .6.auL8.
EuA.oYTlTOS KVPLOS b 9Ebs 'I apaT]A. alTo ToD alwvos Ka'L Els Tov alwva. [40:14) ® YEVOLTO YEVOLTO.
3.2 Psalms 42 to 72 (Book II) :nip-'J::J'? '?'Jtvo n~Jo'? Els To TEA.os· Els awEmv To1s u'Lo1s KopE.
[not extant]
\jluA.j..Lbs T{/J .6.auL8.
:'?'Jtvo nip-'J::J'? n~Jo'?
Ets To TlA<><;· Tn1s u'uils Kopt fls crl.rvmLv tjJrtA.j..L6s.
:m'1' 1'tli ?•::>ivo mp-'J:J'? CJ'Jtlitl!-?s; n~Jo'? [n11'1' 1'ill '?':liDO mp 'J:J'? ]D'[JiD1iD] '?s; n~Jo'? Els- TO TEAOS', imE:p TWv aA'Amwfu]ao~f.vwv· TOLS' u\.o1s- KopE ElsO"VVEO"LV" <jl8Tj (mf:p ToV ayUTITJTOU. :1'tli mo?s;-?s; mp-'J:J'? n~Jo'? Els- TO TE'Aos-· imE:p TW u\.wv KopE, imE:p Tiilv Kpucf>iwv
:n1p-'J:J'? 110!0 1'tD
[11]6to n"l~ '5:J? [n~Jo'?] Els- TO TE 'Aos- · To1s- u\.o1s- KopE t/Ja'A~Ds-. =-jOt~;'? 110!0
Tt/) 'Aaacf>. [49:1] :lJ:Jtli-m-";lt~; t~;Y1tDt~;::l t~;':JJil]nJ 1''?t~;-t~;1:J:J 2 :111'? 110!0 n~JO'? 51:1-2
SJ:Jill m ['?t~;] ~:J 1illt~;::> t~;':JJil 1m 1''?t~; t~;1:J:J 2 111'? 11om n~Jo'?
Els- TO TEAos-· t/Ja~bs- Tt/) AauL8 2EI' Tt/) f.'A8E'i:v 1rpos- avTov [50:1-2] \13 Naeav Tov 1Tpoc/>T]TT]v, ftviKa Elai'j'A8Ev 1rpbs- BT)paa~EE. '?1t~;tli'? 1r1 '01t~;il ;t~;11 t~;1:J:J 2 :111'? ?•;:,(Do n~Jo'? 52:1-2 m :1'?o•nt~; n'Y'?t~; 111 t~;:J 1'? 10t~;'1 Els- TO TE'Aos-· auvf.aEw<; Tt/) AauL8 2€v Tt/) f.'A8E1v AWT)K TOV (51:1-2] \13 'I 8ov~a1ov KQL avayy{i:AaL Tt/) L:aov>.. KQL EL1TELV aiJTQ ~HA8Ev AUUL8 EL') TOV OLKOV 'A~L~EAfX. :111'? ?•;:,(Do n'?no-?s; n~Jo'? 53:1 m
[1'1]1'? '?':liDO n'?no '?s; n~Jo'? Els- TO TEAO'), tmEp ~UEAE8" O"UVEO"EW') Tt/) AUUL8.
4QPsc [52:1]
:111'? ?•;:,(Do m•m n~Jo'? 54:1-2 :1Jol7 1nnoo 111 t~;'?il '?1t~;tli'? not~;'1 CJ'El'lil t~;1:J:J 2
[1'11'? '?':liDO nJ')J:J n~Jo'?] 4QPs• 1Jol7 1nnoo[ 1'11 t~;'?il '?1t~;iD'? not~;'1 CJ'El'lil t~;1:J:J 2] Els- TO TEAOS', Ev u~vms-· auvf.aEws- Tt/) AauL8 2E:v Tt/) E-'A8E1v TOUs [53:1-2] \13 ZLcf>alous- Ka't d1rE1v Tt/) L:aov>.. Oi!K l8ou AauL8 KEKpu1TTm 1rap' ft~1v; ____/ :111'? ?·::>ivo m')J:J n~Jo'? 55:1 m Els- TO TEAO'), Ev u~vms-· auvlaEw<; TQ AauL8. :m:J CJ'ntli'?EJ 1nt~; Tnt~;:J cn::>o 111'? c•pn1 c'?t~; m1·-?s; n~Jo? Els TO Tl>-.os, !m(p TOU AaOU TOU d1Til TtlJJ aylwv ~!fiWKpu~qLlvou· T!/) AauLB Els' \rTT]"AoypcHj>lav, /m{m fKpOTT]cYCIV nirrov o\. n>..Mcj>u>..m (v ('(0.
[54: I]
56:1 ~~~:I[
[i11l'O:J '?1t~;iD] 'JEJ'?o 1n11::1[::1 cmo 1'11'? nnilln '?t~; n~Jo'?]
08ils- TOLS' u\.o1s- KopE · 8EVTEpc;t aa~~aTou. :11mo n1p-'J:J'? n~Jo'?
:i11l'O:J '?1t~;tl!-·mo 1n1::1::1 cn::>o 111'? nntlin-?t~; n~Jo'?
[n1p 'J:J'? 11m]o 1'ill \jla~b')
:11mo n1p-'J:J'? n~Jo'? Els- TO TE'Aos-· imE:p TW u\.wv KopE
Els- TO TEAO')" ~T] 8wcf>8dp1JS'" Tt/l AauL8 ELS' O"TT]Aoypacf>iav Ev Tt/) QVTOV U1T08L8paO"KELV am) 1TpOO"W1TOU WOUA EL') TO O"'TTT']AaLOV. Els- TO TEAO')"
:cmo 111'? nntlin-?t~; n~Jo'? 8wcf>8Eipl]S'" Tt/) AauL8 ELS' O"TT]Aoypacf>iav.
:1n'oi1'? n':Jil-nt~; notli'1 '?1t~;tli n'?tli:J cmo 111'? nntlin-?t~; n~Jo'? Els- TO TE'Aos-· ~T] 8wcf>8dp1]s-· Tt/) AauL8 Els- O"TT]'Aoypacf>Lav, emoTE a1TEO"TELAEV L:aov>.. Kat Ec/>VAQ~EV TOV OLKOV QVTOV TOU eavaTWO"QL QVTOV.
CJ'1i1J t:l1t~; nt~; 1m~il:J 2 : 10'?'? 111'? cmo n11s; Jtli1tli-? s; n~Jo'? 60:1-2 m :=-j'?t~; 1iDl7 CJ'JW n?o-t~;'):J t:l11t~;-nt~; T1 :Jt~;1' :Jtli'1 il:J1~ t:l1t~;-nt~;1 Els- TO Tf.'Aos-· To1s- aA'Amwfu]ao~f.vms- i'TL, ELS' O"TT)Aoypacf>iav [59:1-2] \13 Tt/J AauL8, ELS' 8L8axT!v, 2cm6TE EVE1TUpLO"EV TT]v Mwo1ToTa~iav L:upias- Kat TT]v L:upiav L:w~a, Kat E1TEO"TpEt/JEv 'Iwa~ Kat E1TaTa~Ev TT]v cf>apayya TGv w..JJJv, 8w8EKa XLALa8as-. :111'? nnr'? s; Els- TO TEAOS', Ev u~vms-· Tt/) :111'? 110!0 ]1n11'-'?l7 Els- TO Tf.'Aos-, imE:p 'I 8L8ouv· t/Ja~bs- Tt/)
:i111il' 1:J10:J 1n1'il:J 111'? 110!0 [reconstructed i111il' 1:J10:J 1n1'il:J 1'11'? 11om] wa~b') Tt/) AauL8 Ev Tt/) ELvm aiJTov Ev Tfl €pl']~4J Ti'js- 'I ou8aias-. :111'? 110!0 n~Jo'? Els- TO TEAOS'" t/Ja~bs- Tt/) AauL8. :1'tD 111'? 110!0 n~JO'? Els- TO Tf.'Aos-· t/Ja~bs- Tt/) AauL8, t(l8T,· 'IEpE~LOu Ka't 'IE(EKLT)A EK ToD 'A6you Ti'js- 1TUpOLKias-, aTE E~EA'Aov EK1TOpEuwem. 110!0 1'tD n~JO'? Els- To Tf.'Aos-· <jl8T] t/Ja~oD· [avaaTaaEws-.J :1'tli 11mo nrm n~Jo'? [1'ill 110!0 nJ')J:J n]~JO'? Els- TO TE 'Aos-, Ev u~vms- · t/Ja~b') 08ils-. :1'tD 110!0 111'? n~JO'? [1];iD 1[10!0 1'11'? n~JO'? Els- TO TE'Aos-· Tt/) AauL8 t/Ja~bs- t(lSi'js-.
Postscrlpt/l>oxolol(y (?):
m (\3 f
:C'il'?~ 111::1 u>._oy'lTiJS IJ Df{J;.
=i = t
~ ~
~ [2.
..... ,:.;
co ;5 <3·
0 6i es -
..... .. a
es -
f: F-
z n n b
. S'
w a.
t:l c -3-S'
'o -;:; 'o ;=
n._l1 ;.
c <3 Q ;:,. i:J5
;= (~
"'· or.
3.4 Psalms 90 to 106 (Book IV) D'il"i~;no·~ iltt5o'? il'?~n
ITpoaE:UxTJ TOU Mwuaij av8pW1TOU TOU 8e:ou.
[reconstructed 1'11'?]
liQPsApa [90:1]
Alvos 08ils Ti/l .6.aut8.
il"iO []0~1 ]0~ 1~]11'1
ITpoae:uX1'1 Ti/l 1TTWX0. oTav ai
111? [no decision possible] 1[11'?] [reconstructed 1'11?] [not extant, difficult to decide]
T0 .6.aut8.
2QPs 4QPsb llQPsa 2QPs
:n::~iZii'T m·'? "l'ili 11om
lliaAfJ_as <)J8i']s, e:ls TI,v T][lEpav Tov aa~~
E'ts TI]v i]f.lEpav Tou Tipoaa~~aTou, aTe: KaT<{!KtaTat t, yrr alvos 08fls T0 .6.aut8.
lliaAfJ_as T(/!.6.aut8, TETpa8t aa~~aTwv. Alvos 08ils Ti/l .6.aut8.
m 4QPsb
cjJKo8o[.te:1To [lETa TI,v a'txflaA
Ti/J .6.aut8, we: f] yfJ airrou Ka8laTaTat.
m Ti/l .6.aut8.
m 4QPsk 4QPsu
[no decision possible] Ti/l .6.aut8.
i111n'? 11om
[seems definitely excluded
4QPs 0
l! e:ls €eofloA6YTlatv.
11010 111?
m IIQPs 11
!reconstruct;! 11010 1'11?1
aut8 I)Ja>-!1(JS'.
[reconstructed 1'11?] 1'11? T0 .6.aut8.
(100: II
4QPse II QPsa [103:1]
m 4QPsd
[not extant]
llQPsa [103:35]
[not extant, difficult to decide] [110n 0?111'?] ':l :l1t!l ':l ~~~ "'4'? 111il 'AAA.11 t..outa.
[no decision possible] [not extant]
il' 1"i"iil
:1n'tv l~iZi' i11il' •m?1 t']t!l11'-':l ·~11? il?::Jn [1n'tv l::ltv' ~~~ 1.. ·~::J?1 t']]1t!l11' ':l ·~11? [il?::Jn]
IIQPsApa [90:16+]
4QPse llQPsa [104:1]
[not extant] [not extant]
m 4QPsd II QPsa
Postscript/Doxology: 106:48
Euf..oYTlTOs Kupws b Se:as 'I apa11f.. a1ro Tou alwvos Kat EWS TOU alwvos. KUL lpe:1 TTCls b f..a6s rlvotTO YfVOLTO.
i1'-1"i?i1 i1'1?l?i!l
Cl'?111il 1111 Cl"i111il-]O '?~"ltv' 'i!'?~ i11i1'-111:l ]0~ Cl11i1-?:l 10~1 [doxology not exant]
4QPsd('l) (I0~:4K(
[room for superscript?] XPT)UT6s,
11ma 111"i n~~a"i
[not extant]
llQPs• [108:1]
Els To Tf.A.os· Tc)l b.aut8 tjlaA.fl6s.
Tc)l b.aut8 tjlaA.fl6s.
il' 1"i"iil
il' 1"i"iil
il' 1":l":lil
m 4QPsb
Postscript/Doxology: 113:9
[not extant]
[ m 4QPse
[not extunt] 1113:261
[not extant]
llQPs• ~
11on o"i1.1J"i 'J J.1t:~ 'J i11il'"i n1il
m 4QPsb llQPs• I lQPs• Cat I lQPsb Cat
'AM11 A.outci. 'Eeof!oA.oyE1a8E Tc)l KUpt(jl, OTl aya86s, OTl ELS TOV alwva TO EAEOS airroD.
[117: I]
11on o":l1.1J"i 'J J.1t:~-'J i11il'"i 111il
[110n o":l1.1J":l 'J J.1t:l ]'J[ i11il'"i n1il
[110n o":l1].1l'? 'J J.[1t:l 'J i11il'"i n1il
non o"i1.1J"i 'J J.1t:l 'J ~~~£? [111i1]
110n D"i1.1l"i 'J J.1t:l 'J i11il'"in1i1]
[Ps 115 seems to follow 114 without interval]
11s: ts
reconstructed? il'-1"i"ii1]
[not extant]
[not extant]
i11il'-n~ 1"i"iil
110n t:J"i1.1l"i 'J J.1t:l 'J ~~~ 1...,":J 111il
il'-1"i"iil I
llQPs• [112:9]
non o"i1.1J"i 'J J.1t:l 'J ii[1il'"in1i1]
[not extant]
11ma 1n"i
'Ot8T] tjlaA.f!oD Tc)l b.aut8.
J 116:10
[beginning of v 10 not extant]
[Psalm 108 included by reconstruction]
[ I
:1n"i 11am 1'tZi
[1]1ma 1['11"i
ds Tov alwva To EAEOS airroD]
4QPse IIQPsd
4QPsf [106:1]
'AM11A.outci. [' Eeof!oA.oyE1a8E
[not extant, difficult to decide]
:non o":l1.1J"i 'J J.1t:I-'J i11il'"i 11il
Tc)l Kupi(;l,
3.5 Psalms 107 to 150 (Book V)
il' 1"i":lil non o":l1.1l":l 'J J.1t:l 'J ~~~ 1..., "i 111il f~Of!OAOyE'taOE
T{jl KUplcp, l'rn ayn06s, 1)-n flS" TOV alwva Tf) ~M(}!) ClVTOU.
IIQPs•cat 1117:291 ~
'OL8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV.
rn'? l'~il 1'tli
n1'? l'~il 1'tli
rn'? l'~il 1'tli
[Psalm included by reconstruction rn'?l'~il 1'iV) [119:1]
n1'?1'~'? 1'tli
rn'? l'~'? 1'tv ava~aOIJ.WV.
111'? rn'?l'~il 1'tli
m 11QPsa
1['11'? rn'? l'~'? 1'tvJ m'?l'~il 1'tli
4Q522 [121 :I]
rn'? l'~'? 1'11['? 1'tli) 'Ot8T] TWV
111'? m'?l'~il 1'tli
[rn)'?m[~il 1'tvJ
rn'? l'~il 1'tli
[seems impossible to reconstruct)
111'? rn'? l'~il 1'tli
'Ot8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV" Tcfl ~avt8.
m'?l'~il 1'tli
[131: I]
[reconstructed 111'? rn'?l'~il 1'iV)
rn'? l'~il 1'tli
'Ot8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV.
111'? m'?l'~il 1'tli
'Ot8T] TWV
4QPse corr
m'? l'~il 1'tv
il~'?tb'? rn'? l'~il 1'tli
'OL81'] TWv
[not extant)
[not extant)
ii~1'?tv'? [m'? l'~il 1'tvJ
rn'? l'~il 1'tli
[ 126: I]
IIQPs 11 [reconstructed (7) m'?.!l~il 1'iV) 'Ot8"1) TWv ava~a01!WV. I 127:1 I 11}
1'11'? m'?l'~il 1'tv
1'11'? m['? l'~il 1'tvJ
'Ot81'] TWv ava~a01J.WV" Tcfl ~avt8.
m'? l'~il 1'tli
[not extant) 'Ot8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV. iT'
[1'?'?i1, but order of v 1 differs)
rn'? l'~il 1'tv
[reconstructed(?) rn'?l'~il 1'iV)
llQPsa [129:1]
[reconstructed m'?l'~il 1'iV)
4QPse corr
rn'?l'~il 1'tv
'Ot81'] TWv ava~a01J.WV.
'Ot8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV.
[reconstructed (?) 111'? m'?l'~il 1'iV)
1'11'? rn'? l'~'? 1'tv 'OL8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV.
[m'? l'~il ,, ltv
'OL8T] TWV ava~aOIJ.WV.
'Ot8T] TWV
[vv 13-21 omitted) iT'
m 4QPs 0
11QPsa [134:21]
:11on CJ'?1l''? ':J :n~-·:J i11i1''? mil [superscript not extant; v 22 follows 135:12 directly) 11on c'?1.!.l'? ':J :::11~ ':J i11i1''? 111il 'AAI..TJAol!Ld. 'E~ol!oA.oyf1a0f Tlfl Kupl(fl, !'rn XPTJaT6s, &n fls
Tov al61va To miTofr
4QPs 0 IIQPsa (135:1)\1)
:non t:l'?1ll'? 'J t:l'~iDil '?~'? 111il [non t:l'?1ll'? 'J
T{il 9E0 TOU oupavou, ELS TOV alwva TO EAEOS auTou· E:~OiJ.OAoydcr9E T{il Kvpltp TG"v Kvplwv,
)11J!'? n~1! [ 1ll]1 Cl'?1ll'? 1~iD 111:J1 ~:(~1.. 111:::l [v 21+]
il' 1'?'?i1
m IIQPs•
il' 1'?'?i1 137:1
T0 AauL8.
il' 1'?'?i1
11~ro 1n'? n~:J~'?
11QPs• [145:1]
11QPs• ,I
Els To Tf>,os· tj;aAjlbs T{il Aavt8.
:111'? 11m~ n~:J~'?
1'11'? 11m~ n~:J~'?
il' 1'?'?i1
Els To TEAos· tj;aAjlbs T{il Aavt8.
1n'? 11m~
'AAAT)AOVU1: 'Ayyalou Ka't Zaxaplou.
: il'?Eln i11ll~:J 1nm:J 1n'? '?•Jtv~
[141 :I]
1n'? 11~i0
[not extant]
'AAAT)AOVUi· 'Ayyalou Ka't Zaxaplou.
4QPsd [147:1]
il' 1'?'?i1
'AAAT)AOV[a· 'Ayyalou Ka'L Zaxaplou.
il'-1?'?i1 147:2o m [postscript not extant]
IIQPsa [147:9] 113
T0 AaVL8, 1Tp0s TOV ro>-.w8.
111'? il'?im
[144: II
1'11'? il'?Eln AlvmLs Tcfl Aavt8.
147:12 m
I!JaAjlbs T{il AauL8, OTE avTOV b v\.bs KaTa8UDKEL.
11QPs• [146:1]
[v 12 not extant]
1'n'? 11~i0
m 4QPsd
[not extant, but possible]
I!JaAjlbs T{il Aavt8.
[not extant]
[not extant]
'AAAT)AOVUi · 'Ayyalou Ka'L Zaxaplou.
T0 Aavt8.
[not extant]
il'-1'?'?i1 148:14 m
[postscript not extant]
IIQPs" (14H:I4( \1}
\ ~.
il' 1'??i1
[not extant) 'AAAT]AOutci.
il' 1'?'?i1
il' 1'??i1
IIQPs" MasPsb
il' 1'?'?i1 'AAAT]AOutci.
Postscript/Doxology: i1'-1'?'?i1
il' 1'?'?i1
il' 1'?'?i1
MasPs b
[not included in m) 'iLl'
1'11'? i1'1':J':Ji1
Oirros b tj;aA.flas l8L6ypaos Ets b.auL8 Kat
TOU apL81J.OU" OTE EiJ.OVOIJ.ciXT]aEV T4) roA.La8.
[not included in m) t:l'i11'?~ ~'JJ 1niDDiDD 1'[11)? i1i[1)JJ n'?iln
m [!SIB]
With the primary data assembled and available in PART I, we can now turn to the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis that was outlined in the Introduction. Sanders' first proposal is that the Psalms scrolls attest to the gradual fixation of the Book of Psalms, from beginning to end. In more specific terms, the following thesis will be examined: Several of these manuscripts indicate that Psalms 1-89 (Books I-III) had been stabilized, and the arrangement of Psalms 90 onwards was still fluid, as late as the second half of the 1st century CE. I. Resources and Previous Discussion: Beckwith, Roger T. "The Courses of the Levites and the Eccentric Psalms Scrolls from Qumran," RevQ 44 (1984) 499-524. Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 126--41. "The Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert: Relationships and Textual Affilations," in George J. Brooke (ed.), New Qumran Texts & Studies. Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris 1992 (STDJ 15; Leiden: Brill, 1994) 31-52. "Of Psalms and Psalters. James Sanders' Investigation of the Psalms Scrolls," in Richard D. Weis and David M. Carr (eds.), A Gift of God in Due Season: Essays on Scripture and Community in Honor of James A. Sanders (JSOTSup 225; Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) 65-83. Gerstenberger, E. S. Psalms, Part I. With an Introduction to Cultic Poetry (FOTL 14; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988). Hurwitz, A vi. 'Jt!i n•:J 'r:l':J ~ipr:lii J1t!i'? nn'?1n'? .J1t!i'?'? J1t!i'? )'::! [The Transition Period in Biblical Hebrew. A Study in Post-Exilic Hebrew and Its Implications for the Dating of the Psalms] (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1972). Kraus, H.-J. Psalms 1-59. A Commentary (OTL; Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988). Sanders, James A. The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). "Variorum in the Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa)," HTR 59 (1966) 83-94. "Cave II Surprises and the Question of Canon," McCQ 21 (1968) 1-15. Reprinted in D. N. Freedman and J. C. Greenfield (eds.), New Directions in Biblical Archaeology (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969) 101-116; and inS. Z. Leiman (ed.), The Canon and Masorah of the Hebrew Bible. An Introductory Reader (New York: KTAV, 1974) 37-51. "The Qumran Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa) Reviewed," in M. Black and W. A. Smalley (eds.), On Language, Culture, and Religion: In Honor of Eugene A. Nida (The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1974) 79-99. Skehan, Patrick W. "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-82. Skehan, Patrick W., Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint. "The Cave 4 Psalms Scrolls" in E. Ulrich et al. (eds.), Qumran Cave 4: The Writings (DJD XVI; Oxford: Clarendon Press [forthcoming]). Weiser, A. Tht' Psalms. A Commentary (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1962). Wilson, G. H. "The Qumran Psalms Manuscripts and the Consecutive Arrangement of Psalms in the Hebrew Psalter," CBQ 45 ( 1983) 377-8!1. • An curlier venion of lhi~ rnuteriuluppcurcd us "Of PNulms und Psalters. Jumes Sunders' InvestiJ!IIIion of Ihe Psulms S~rulls," In the S1mders Jlcshchritt A O(fl t~f'Ood In /Jut Sra.wm (sec ubove).
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS The Editing of the Hebrew Psalter (SBLDS 78; Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1985). "The Use of Royal Psalms at the 'Seams' of the Hebrew Psalter," JSOT 35 (1986) 85-94. "The Qumran Psalms Scroll (IIQPs•) and the Canonical Psalter; Comparison of Canonical Shaping," CBQ 59. [forthcoming, 1997]
2. The Theory of Gradual Stabilization
According to James Sanders, 11 QPs a contains the latter part of a Psalter which was regarded by the Qumran community as both "canonical" and "by no means closed." 1 While Chapter 1 showed that such terminology is not entirely appropriate, it does sum up his view that llQPsa is part of a Psalter that in the early first century CE could admit additional compositions after Psalms 1-89 had already been stabilized. Sanders' position has in fact evolved as to precisely which Psalms were regarded as fixed and which were viewed as fluid at Qumran. 2 After describing Psalms 1-72 as stabilized and 73 onwards as fluid in the Cornell edition of llQPsa, he subsequently observed in the Postscriptum that "the last third" of the collection indicates a still open-ended Psalter in the first century CE. 3 Sanders' viewpoint is clearly expressed in a 1969 article, where he refers to "the last third (or slightly more)" of the Qumran Psalter as unstable, and states: "The fluidity in the Qumran Psalter ... is in the last two Psalter books, IV and V, Psalms 90 and following." 4 This formulation takes into account the data provided by llQPsa, where the earliest Psalm (in Masoretic terms) is Ps 93 in col. XXII. For Sanders, the scroll thus has important implications for our understanding of the canonical process, and should be regarded "as a signpost in the multi-faceted history of the canonization of the Psalter," 5 for which a gradual process of stabilization from beginning to end is to be assumed. In further support for the lateness of Psalms found only in the latter part of the Psalter, Sanders refers to the studies of A vi Hurwitz on the basis of linguistic analysis. 6 Hurwitz concludes that eight Psalms in the Masoretic Psalter can be dated as post-exilic, all of which are in the last third of the collection, 7 which supports the view that this part was finalized last. In the present study, I shall first assess the degree of stability evident in the scrolls for Psalms 1-89, and secondly for Psalms 90 onwards. 8 This will be done with recourse to two main types of evidence: order (i.e. differences in 1 "Psalms Scroll Reviewed," 98. 2 Cf. Skehan, "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 165. 3 Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 13 and 158. 4 "Cave II Surprises," 109-10. 5 Psalms Scroll, 13; "Variorum," 90-91; "Cave 11 Surprises," 288. 6 "Cave II Surprises," Ill. 7 Psalms 103, 117, 119, 124, 125, 133, 144 (second hulf), 145; cl'. Hurwitz, )'::l; "Linguistic Criteria for Duting Prohlemutic Bihlicul T~xts," 79. 11 11 H The point of division mny not he ut Psulm K9, since the dutu provided by IIQPs or IIQPsAp might respectively sug11es1 Ps 91 or l's 91 (cf. Skehun, "Qumrnnund Old Testument Criticism," 16~).
pw.,., pw.,
arrangement of adjoining Psalms), and content (i.e. the linkage of Psalms with compositions absent from the Masoretic Psalter). A third type of evidence will also be be examined, namely chronology or the relative age of the manuscripts involved; some problems, however, are associated with the use of this criterion. 9 Despite the fragmentary state of many scrolls, the statistics that emerge should provide three bases for comparison between Psalms 1-89 and Psalms 90-150: (a) the proportion of conflicts against and agreements with the order of the the Received Psalter; (b) the overall number of times that specific Psalms are joined to non-Masoretic compositions; and (c) the relative age of manuscripts that support or contradict the arrangement found in m. When viewed together, these results will provide a firm basis for comparing the stability and fluidity of Psalms 1-89 and 90-150 in relation to each other. 3. Adjoining Psalms in the Thirty-Six Manuscripts The criteria of order and content involve the various groupings of Psalms in llQPsa, the other Psalms scrolls, and the Masoretic Psalter. 10 Agreements between m and the scrolls may be regarded as indicative of stability: for example, Ps 102 followed by Ps 103 in 4QPsb. In contrast, disagreements in order or content provide evidence of fluidity. An example of fluidity in order is Ps 103 followed by Ps 112 in 4QPsb, while fluidity in content is illustrated in 11 QPsa where the Hymn to the Creator follows Ps 150. 11 With recourse to the method for comparison that was pioneered by Gerald Wilson, 12 Table 1 contains two columns of adjoining Psalms, concerning which six points may be noted: (a) Comparisons in arrangement can be made only when at least one of the 150 Psalms from the Received Psalter is included. 13 (b) The first column indicates agreements between the arrangement found in the 9
See below, section 4.2 ("The Criterion of Chronological Age"). 10 See APPENDIX 3 ("Adjoining Compositions in the Psalms Scrolls"). 11 The first two examples illustrate how the same manuscript (in this case, 4QPsb) can contain combinations that respectively support and conflict with the order of the MT-I SO Psalter. 12 Wilson, Editing of the Hebrew Psalter, 116-21. Examining the consecutive arrangement of material in the Psalms manuscripts, Wilson correlated the instances of support of, and conflict with, the MT-150 Psalter. He did not examine specific variants, but only whether Psalms that are consecutively joined agree with their order in the Received Psalter (In Chapter 7, I will propose the terrn "macro-variant" for this type of difference in arrangement). 13 Nevertheless, the sequence Ps IS 1B-7 Blank col. in II QPs a is incorporated because it signifies the end of the Psalter involved (cf. Ps 150-7Blank col. in the MT, denoting the end of that collection). The following sequences do not feature in Table 1: Psalm 154-7Plea IIQPs" II QPsu Sir 51-7Apostrophe 4QPs 1 Apostrophe-+ Hymn Hymn-+Lust Words IIQI's 11 Hymn -+Juduh 4QPs f Lust Wurds-+ l>uv C'nmp IIQI's 11
Masoretic Psalter and specific manuscripts, while the second indicates disagreements. (c) This listing is exhaustive, specifying every instance where a Psalm is joined to another Psalm or composition in the thirty-six Psalms scrolls that were described in Chapter 2. (d) The sign~ indicates that a Psalm is continuous with the one that precedes it. (e) The asterisk* denotes those manuscripts which do not physically preserve the points of transition between designated Psalms, but nevertheless appear to support a particular arrangement. (f) In several instances a particular sequence of Psalms is very likely on the basis of reconstruction. These cases are accordingly indicated by the use of square brackets [ ]. 14 Table 1: Adjoining Psalms and Other Compositions
Psalm 7~8 Psalm 9~10 Psalm 10~11 Psalm 12~13 Psalm 13~14 Psalm 15~ 16 Psalm 17~18 Psalm 23~24 Psalm 26~27 Psalm 27~28 Psalm 28~[29] Psalm [29]~30
Contradicts Masoretic Order
Psalm83~84 Psalm84~85
Psalm35~36 Psalm36~37
Supports Masoretic Order Psalm 91~92 Psalm 92~93 Psalm 93~94 Psalm 95~96 Psalm 99~ 100 Psalm 101~ 102 Psalm 102~ 103 31~33
Contradicts Masoretic Order
4QPsb 4QPsb 4QPsb IQPsa 4QPsb IIQPsa 4QPsb 11QPsa
IIQPsd Book II (Psalms 42-72)
Supports Masoretic Order Psalm49~50
Psalm Psalm
52~ 53 53~ 54
14 The full list is: Psulms.211-tl291-t30 in4QPsr; 63-ti64-+MI-t66-+67-tl611l-t69 in 4QPs 11 ;
107-tll011'/l-tl09 in 4QPs 1; II6-+III7HIIII in 4QPsh; 1411-+1120HI21 in IIQPs 11 ; und 147 -+11411-+ 1491-+ I ~0 in MnsPs h.
4QPsb 4QPse 4QPsd *4QPse *4QPse 4QPse 4QPsd
Book V (Psalms 107-150)
Contradicts Masoretic Order
4QPsc 4QPsc 4QPsc 4QPsc 4QPs"
Apocr. Ps III~Ps 91 Psalm 9l~Biank col. Apostrophe~Psalm 93 Psalm 93~ 141
Psalm 103~ 112 Psalm 118~ 104 Psalm 147~104 Psalm 104~ 147 Psalm 147~ 105 Psalm I 05~ 146 Psalm 106(?)~147
4QPsa 4QPsa IIQPsd Psalm38~71
Contradicts Masoretic Order
4QPse IIQPsb MasPsa MasPsa MasPsa MasPsa Book IV (Psalms 90-106)
Psalm Psalm
Book III (Psalms 73-89) Supports Masoretic Order
4QPsa 4QPss 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps IIQPsc 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps IIQPsc 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps IIQPsc 5/6Bev-Se4 Ps 4QPsr 4QPsc *4QPsr *4QPsr *4QPsr
4QPsa *4QPsa *4QPsa *4QPsa 4QPsa *4QPsa *4QPsa Psalm38~71
Psalm 76-~ 77 Psalm 77~78 Psalm 81~82
Book I (Psalms 1-41) Supports Masoretic Order
Psalm 63~[64] Psalm [64~65] Psalm [65]~66 Psalm 66~67 Psalm 67~[68] Psalm [68]~69
Contradicts Masoretic Order
Supports Masoretic Order Psalm 107~[108?] *4QPsf Psalm [108?]~109 *4QPsf
Psalm Psalm Psalm 112~ 113 Psalm 114--+ II S Psalm liS-+ 116 Psulm 116--+11171
4QPs" 4QPNc •4QPsh
4QPsf 4QPsb
11QPsa IIQPsa IIQPsa 11QPsa
140 Psalm [ 117]---+ 118
*4QPsb Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm
Psalm [120)---+ 121 Psalm 121---+122
Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm
IIQPsa IIQPsa llQPsa 4QPse *4QPse *4QPse *4QPse 4QPse IIQPsa IIQPsa
118---+ 104 132---+ 119 119---+135 148---+[120)
Apocr. piece-+ Ps 122 122---+ 123 123---+ 124 124---+ 125 125---+ 126 126---+ 127 127---+ 128 128---+ 129 129---+ 130 130---+ 131 131---+132
Psalm 135---+ 136 Psalm 137---+138
Psalm 142---+ 143
Psalm 147---+[148)
4QPse IIQPsa IIQPsa *l!QPsa
Psalm [149]---+150 Ps !50-+ Blank col.
llQPsa IIQPsa llQPsa IIQPsa IIQPsa
II QPsa *MasPs b MasPsb
Psalm 146---+ 148 Psalm 148---+[120] Psalm 143---+ 149 Psalm 150---+Hymn Ps 151B---+Blank col.
4. The Psalms Scrolls and Stabilization of the Psalter The information presented in Table 1 incorporates eleven scrolls that sometimes differ from the Masoretic Text with respect to contents or order, or even both: 4QPsa, 4QPsb, 4QPsd, 4QPse, 4QPsf, 4QPsn, 4QPsq, 4Q522, llQPsa, llQPsb, and llQPsApa.ts Most of these manuscripts will be investigated separately in the discussion of textual groupings in the next chapter. 16 The list of adjoining Psalms has direct bearing on Sanders' thesis of gradual fixation for the Hebrew
Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm
132---+ 119 141---+133 133---+144 140---+ 134 134---+151A 119---+ 135 135:12---+136:22 139---+ 137
11QPsa 11QPsa 11QPsa 11QPsa 11QPsa llQPsa 4QPs" 11QPsa
Psalter, according to which Psalms 1-89 were stabilized first and Psalms 90 onwards remained fluid. When all the Psalms scrolls are taken into consideration, the following picture emerges: 11QPsb 11QPsb
Psalm 138---+Sirach 51 Plea---+Psalm 139 Psalm 139---+ 137 Dav Comp---+Psalm 140 Psalm 140---+ 134 Psalm93---+141 Psalm 141---+ 133 Psalm !55-+ 142
11QPsa IIQPsa 11QPsa IIQPsa 11QPsa 11QPsa IIQPsa IIQPsa
Psalm 143---+ 149 Psalm 133---+ 144 Psalm 144---+ !55 Ps 136+Catena---+145 Psalm 105---+ 146 Psalm 146---+ 148 Psalm 104---+ 147 Psalm 106('1)---+147 Psalm 147---+ 104 Psalm 147---+ 105
11QPsa llQPsa 11QPsa IIQPsa 4QPs 0 IIQPsa "4QPs0 4QPsd 4QPsd •4QPs•
4.1 Differences in Arrangement and Content For Psalms 1-89, no deviations in content are evident, since no compositions absent from the Received Psalter are found joined to any of these Psalms.l7 With respect to
arrangement, only two deviations emerge prior to Psalm 90: Conflict with m
Manuscript( s)
Psalms 31---+33 Psalms 38---+71
4QPsa, 4QPsq 4QPsa
But for Psalms 90 and beyond disagreements with the Received Text are far more extensive, both in terms of the ordering of material and the presence of compositions not found in the MT-150 Psalter. Variations in content are frequent, where "apocryphal" pieces are joined directly to "biblical" Psalms. Three examples are as follows: 11QPsb
•MasPs 0
Psalm [148---+ 149)
llQPs 11
Conflict with m "Apocryphal" Psalm III---+Ps 91 Plea for Deliverance---+Ps 139 Ps 109---+Apostrophe to Zion
Manuscript( s) 11QPsApa 11QPsa 4QPsf
15 Cf. Chapter 2, section 8.4 ("Major Disagreements with the Masoretic Psalter"). An additional scroll that varies from the MT-150 Psalter is 4QPsk, but its precise arrangement is difficult to identify (Ps 135-+ Another Psalm -+99[?]). 16 Chapter 7 ("Textual Affiliations und Editions"), especially sections 8-10. 17 A possible exception muy be Ps 22 in 4QPs f, which ulso contains purls of Psalms I 07 and I 09 and several "apocryphal" Psalms; cf. Chapter 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4"). But since this Psalm is not joined with uny other l'nmpnsitinn in the scroll, it docs not follow I hut it was linked with nn npucryphnii'Muhn.
Divergences in the arrangement or order of material are evident in several of the scrolls. Note the following examples: Conflict with m Psalms 147--+ 104 Psalms 118--+ 104 Psalms 133--+ 144
Manuscript( s) 4QPsd 4QPse IIQPsa, IIQPsb
Building on the earlier work of Gerald Wilson 18 (but also refining his methodology), 19 such statistics give rise to two types of correlation for identifying support or disagreement against the Received Psalter. (a) The first correlation (Table 2) considers the order (or arrangement) of adjoining Psalms, concerning which a cautionary note is necessary. Simply to compare the number of disagreements between the scrolls and the Masoretic Psalter for Psalms 1-89 and 90-150 can be misleading. 20 This is because less of Psalms 189 has survived than of Psalms 90 onwards, since the beginnings of scrolls are usually on the outside and are thus more prone to deterioration. 21 A higher total of discrepancies vis a vis the Masoretic arrangement is thus to be expected for Psalms 90-150 than for Psalms 1-89. A more accurate estimate of stability versus fluidity is obtained by calculating the proportion of agreements and disagreements that exists between the scrolls and the Masoretic arrangement. This more nuanced correlation of the primary data yields the following results:
Table 2: Agreements and Conflicts with the MT in Arrangement22 Books (Psalms) I(l-41) II (42-72) III (73-89) IV (90-106) v (107-150) 18
Consecutive Joins 19 13 6 18 64
Agreements with m 17 (89%) 12 (92%) 6 (100%) 7 (39%) 26 (41%)
Conflicts with m 2(11%) I (8%) 0 11(61%) 38 (59%)
Wilson, Editing of the Hebrew Psalter, 116-21; and "Qumran Psalms Manuscripts," 378-87.
l9 Wilson reports that he consulted "all the available Qumran Psalms MSS" (Editing of the
Hebrew Psalter, 8; "Qumran Psalms Manuscripts," 378). However, some scrolls were not yet available (e.g. the Xl;!ev/Se4 material), and thus could not be taken into consideration. Moreover, Wilson considered only disagreements in order between the MT-150 collection and the other Psalters. A more complete picture of textual variation requires that disagreements in content (i.e. the presence or absence of additional compositions) also be taken into account. 20 Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 133-34. 21 See Roger Beckwith, "Courses of the Levites," 499-524. Beckwith estimates that only five Psalms from 90-150 are not found among the scrolls, while twenty-nine Psalms are totally missing from 1-89. With recourse to all the known manuscripts, my own analysis confirms Beckwith's observation with respect to Psalms 90-150, with 90, I08(?), II 0, Ill, and 117 not represented. But for 1-89 only nineteen Psalms are not extant: 3-4,20-21,32,41.46, 55, 58, 61,64-65,70,72-75, 80, 87. See Chapter 2, section 8.2 ("Original Contents"). 22 Following further exuminution of the nmnuscripts, some of these numbers differ slightly from-and supersede-the dntu in my two enrlier versions of this chnpter (cf. Flint, "Psnlters ut Qumrnn," 114; nnd "Of l'snlms nnd l'snlt~rs," 76).
When the cumulative evidence for Books I- III (Psalms 1 to 89) is compared with that for Books IV- V (Psalms 90 to 150), the small number of disagreements with the MT-150 Psalter for Psalms 1 to 89 contrasts markedly with the high incidence of variation for Psalms 90 to 150. For Books I-III, out of 38 consecutive joins 35 Psalms are found in the same arrangement as in the Received Psalter, which represents 92% of the total. This is in marked contrast to only 3 Psalms occurring in a conflicting order (8% of the total). Of the 82 consecutive joins that are evident for Books IV- V, only 33 support the Masoretic arrangement (40%), while 49 are in conflicting order (60%). (b) The second correlation involves content, i.e. the presence or absence of compositions that are not found in the Masoretic Psalter. Gerald Wilson did not incorporate this information in his investigation, but its inclusion is necessary to facilitate a more complete analysis of the data. For the purpose of situating a particular work within the earlier and later sections of the Psalter, only those compositions which directly precede or follow a "biblical" Psalm are included. The figures in Table 3 show that these additional pieces are never joined with any of Psalms 1-89, but are linked eleven times with compositions that appear in Psalms 90-150 of the MT-Psalter.
Table 3: Conflicts with the Masoretic Text in Content23 Books (Psalms) I (1-41) II (42-72) III (73-89) IV (90-106) v (107-150)
"Apocryphal" Psalms 0 0 0
2 9
The statistics in Tables 2 and 3 show that for Psalms 1-89 (or thereabouts) the order and content of compositions in the Psalms scrolls is very similar to that of the Received Psalter, but for Psalms 90 and beyond divergences are both abundant and major. These data strongly support James Sanders' proposal that Books I-III were stabilized, and that Books IV-V remained fluid, during the Qumran period. 24 4.2 The Criterion of Chronological Age In addition to differences in arrangement and content, a chronological schema has been proposed as an indicator of stability or fluidity in a collection of Psalms. According to Gerald Wilson, 25 when the relative ages of manuscripts that either fully support or contradict the MT-150 Psalter are considered, the following pattern emerges: 23 See the previous note. 24 Cf. Flint, "J>sulteu nt Qumrnn," IJ~. 2 ~ l:'tlltillll t!f'lht' flt'llrt'W l'.w/1,, 121 22; "Qumrnn Psnlms Manuscripts," ·'K7 -KK.
Manuscript 3
4QPs 4QPsf 4QPsd 4QPsb 4QPse 11QPs3 11QPsb MasPs 3 4QPsq 4QPs8 4QPsc 5/6BevPs
Date Mid-2ndBCE ca. 50 BCE Mid-1stBCE 2nd half of I st BCE 1st half of 1st CE 30-50 CE Isthalfof 1st CE 1st half of 1st CE Mid-lstCE 50CE 50-68 CE 2nd half of I st CE
Relationship to MT Contradictory Contradictory Contradictory Contradictory Contradictory Contradictory Contradictory Supportive Contradictory Supportive Supportive Supportive
In Wilson's view this evidence indicates that there is no Qumran scroll dated before the first century CE that fully supports the consecutive arrangement of the Masoretic Psalter. This correlation, he observes, affirms a "certain looseness" in arrangement of Psalms manuscripts, followed by gradual conformity to the MT-150 Psalter which reached its height about the mid-first century CE and prevailed thereafter. 26 He concludes that the theory of gradual stabilization is further supported when the age of supportive and contradictory manuscripts is taken into account. Yet this criterion is problematic, since for Psalms 1-89 the primary evidence does not consistently confirm Wilson's evaluation of certain scrolls as "contradictory" and others as "supportive" in relation to the Masoretic Psalter. For instance, the classification of 4QPsa and 4QPsq as contradictory, and 4QPsc, 4QPss and MasPsa as supportive, is unsatisfactory-at least on the criteria of content and the ordering of material. As will be shown below, 27 there is a high degree of correlation between the Psalms manuscripts and the Masoretic Text with respect to the order of Psalms 1-89; deviation is apparently possible for only four of the few Psalms that lack superscriptions: 10, 33, 43, and 71. It is evident from Table 1 that 4QPsa and 4QPsq follow this pattern exactly, deviating from the Masoretic order at Psalms 31~33 (4QPsa and 4QPsq) and 38~71 (4QPsa). Since the extant parts of 4QPsc, 4QPss and MasPsa include no material from Psalms 10, 33, 43, and 71, nor from Ps 90 onwards, it is to be expected that these scrolls will conform closely to the MT150 arrangement. Furthermore, it cannot be assumed that these originally contained the sequence of Psalms 31~32 and 38~39 rather than Psalms 31~33 and 38~ 71, since they are no longer extant at these junctures. To regard 4QPsa and 4QPsq as "contradictory" to the Masoretic Text and the other three manuscripts as "supportive" is thus not valid, since different quantities are being 26 Edit in!( r~( the llehrt'w l'.wlter, 121: "Qurnrun I'MnlmM MnnuMcriptM," ~H7-HH. 27 SectionS ("Superscriptions nnd l>ift'crent Arrnnjlemcnt~ of I'Mnhm").
compared: scrolls that preserve material from the crucial Psalms, and others that do not. While it is possible that 4QPsc, 4QPss and MasPsa were originally more similar to the MT-150 Psalter in arrangement than were 4QPsa and 4QPsq, this cannot be demonstrated on the basis of arrangement as Wilson has tried to do. The physical evidence permits us only to conclude that during the Qumran period Psalms 1-89 were stabilized except at a few specific junctures. For 1-89 the absence of superscriptions in m seems to preserve an ancient tradition of fluidity for Psalms such as 33 and 71. Allowing for these two exceptions, it may be stated that all five of the manuscripts mentioned above are actually in agreement with the Masoretic arrangement of Psalms 1-89. The real points of disagreement-in order and in content-between the Psalms scrolls and m are not located in Books I-III of the Psalter, but in Books IV-V. The following table takes into account this distinction, listing virtually all the manuscripts that preserve joins between successive compositions. 28
Table 4: The Age of Manuscripts and their Relationship to the 150-Psalter Manuscript 3
4QPs 4QPsd 4QPsf 4QPsb MasPsb 4QPs 0 4QPse IIQPsb MasPs 3 IQPs 3 4QPs 0 4QPsr IIQPsc IIQPsd IIQPs 3 4QPsq IIQPsAp 3 4QPss 4QPsc 5/6B ev-Se4 Ps
Date Mid-2ndBCE Mid-lstBCE ca. 50 BCE 2nd half of 1st BCE 2nd half of I st BCE Late 1st BCE Mid-lstCE 1st half of 1st CE 1st half of 1st CE 50BCE Late 1st BCE Herodian 1st half of 1st CE Mid-1st CE 30-50 CE Mid-lstCE 50-70CE 50 CE or later ca.S0-68 CE 2nd half of I st CE
Psalms 1-89
Psalms 90-150
Contradictory Contradictory Contradictory Supportive Supportive Contradictory Contradictory
Supportive Contradictory
Supportive Supportive Supportive Contradictory Supportive
Supportive Supportive Supportive
2M A solid line --denotes munuscripts thut either do not contain material from the section of the Psalter in question, or where n distinctive sequence of Psnlms cnnnot he established when they do. For the full list of contiguous Psulms, d. Table I nbovc und APPENDIX~ ("Adjoining Compositions In the Psuhns ScrniiM"). For the few discepuncies between these und Wilson's dutes, sec Chupter 2 and APPENDIX 2 ("l'snhns S~rnlls frumthc Judnenn l>oscrt").
Although most of these manuscripts are very fragmentary, when they are considered together, several conclusions emerge. (a) First, the data do not support the thesis of gradual stabilization of the Psalter with recourse to the age of individual scrolls. The same pattern is evident from the earliest manuscripts to the latest ones. (b) Second, the Psalms scrolls clearly bear witness to the early fixation of Psalms 1-89 (or thereabouts) and to the ongoing fluidity of Psalms 90 and beyond. (c) These manuscripts strongly suggest that the Book of Psalms was finalized in two definite stages, with the first part largely stabilized before the beginning of the Qumran period in about 150 BCE, while the second remained fluid well into the first century CE.
abrased at the juncture between Psalms 9 and 10 that virtually no ink survives. There is no evidence of a superscription, although an interval seems possible. 30 Psalm33 This composition features in several arrangements and sometimes has a superscription. The following table is provided for purposes of clarity: Arrangement Psalm32~33
32 and 33 joined Psalm 32[31]~33[32] Psalm 31~33 Psalm
5. Superscriptions and Different Arrangements of Psalms The preceding section shows that the extant portions of the Judaean Psalms scrolls contain only two instances of deviation from the Masoretic ordering of Psalms 1-89, namely 31---;33 in 4QPsa and 4QPsq, and 38---;71 in 4QPsa. Both deviations coincide with the rare absence of superscriptions in Books I to III of the Masoretic Psalter, which signals a correlation between stabilization and the presence of titles for Psalms 1-89. The absence of superscriptions in Books IIII seems to identify those Psalms whose positions were not finalized as late as the first century CE (cf. 4QPsq), thus rendering them prone to varying combinations with other Psalms. For Psalms 1-89, only six pieces lack superscriptions in ffi: Psalms 1, 2, 10, 33, 43, and 71. Of these, the first two are special cases, as will presently become clear. The only instances of deviation exhibited by the scrolls for Books I-III are found among the remaining four "orphan" Psalms, which is surely more than mere coincidence. It would be helpful at this point to examine the six untitled Psalms and the different arrangements in which they occur at Qumran and elsewhere. This will be done with reference to Chapter 5, which contains a synopsis of superscriptions in the scrolls, the Masoretic Psalter, and the Septuagint. Psalm 10 This Psalm was arranged in at least two different ways in the ancient sources. (a) In ffiL (Codex Leningradensis) and in the majority of Masoretic manuscripts it follows Ps 9 after a break, but without any superscription. (b) In the Septuagint and in a few Masoretic manuscripts it is combined directly with Ps 9. As is noted in B H S, 29 this combination is obviously preferable to the L, since 9 and 10 together form one acrostic poem. separation found in (c) Unfortunately, for these two Psalms the evidence from from the Judaean Desert is not very helpful. IIQPsc includes Ps 9:3-7, and 5/6ijev-Se4 Ps preserves parts of 9: 12-10:6, 8-9, 18. The second of these manuscripts is so
2'1 "Kc~lc," sec nnlc 10:1 11 inlhc uppurulus.
Tradition or MSS ffiL and most mmss A few mmss
Superscript No No
lB andE'
i1010 i'\Z) ,,,,,
Due to their fragmentary state, it is not possible to decide what followed Ps 33 in 4QPsa and 4QPsq, the only scrolls from Qumran to contain portions of both Psalms 31 and 33. 32 It is feasible that Ps 32 came next, unless it occupied another place in these manuscripts, or was entirely absent from the Psalter represented by these scrolls. Psalm43 At least three different arrangements are evident. (a) In mL and the majority of Masoretic manuscripts Ps 43 follows 42 with a break, but with no superscription. The only Qumran scroll to contain part of Ps 43 is 11QPsd, but the relevant fragment33 is too small for any decision to be reached on the presence or absence of a title. (b) In many Masoretic manuscripts Ps 43 is joined directly with 42, which is preferable since the two form a single lament. 34 (c) A superscription is provided in a few Masoretic manuscripts (i1i'?), as well as in the Septuagint tradition (loB and 8' read lj;aA.[loc;; T
collected in the MT, only 38 and 70 have a superscription indicating that the Psalm is "For the memorial offering" (cf. Ps 38:1, 1':;!ri1'? ,,,'? 11QIO; and Ps 70: 1, 1':;!!i1'? ,,,'? n~Jo'? ). The tendency for the untitled Ps 71 to be linked with L) where it follows 70, a 1':;!!i1'? Psalm is indicated in the Masoretic Psalter and in 4QPsa where it is joined directly with 38.
only two exceptions involving Psalms that lack superscriptions in the Received Text. This overall stability contrasts markedly with Psalms 90 and beyond, where the divergences are far more extensive (40% supportive, 60% contradictory). (e) The Psalms manuscripts show that for Psalms 1-89 at least, a strong correlation exists between fixed order and the presence of superscriptions, and between fluidity and the lack of superscriptions. This may also be true for Psalms 90 and beyond, but is more difficult to demonstrate. (f) It is not exactly clear where the cutoff point between the stabilized collection and the fluid part of the Psalter should be. Psalm 89 was selected in this study because it concludes Book III of the Masoretic Psalter, and Psalms 91 and 93 appear in arrangements that conflict with that of m (in llQPsApa and llQPsa, respectively). But we are by no means certain that the Psalter had been divided into constituent books even in the late Second Temple period; it is possible that the stabilized collection concluded with the Davidic series at Ps 72, or with a different Psalm. The overall conclusion reached in this chapter-that on the evidence of the scrolls the Book of Psalms was finalized in two stages-confirms James Sanders' thesis of the stabilization of the Psalter over time. But the data also show that this thesis must be further nuanced by dividing the process of stabilization into two distinct stages rather than viewing it as a gradual one. It will be shown in Chapter 7 that at least two editions incorporating the latter part of the Psalter were in circulation in the Second Temple period. The (Hebrew) Book of Psalms was only to reach finalization in a universally accepted form towards the end of the first century CE, when all other editions were eclipsed and the proto-Masoretic Psalter survived.
Psalms 1 and 2 These two untitled Psalms perform a special introductory function (at least in the Masoretic collection), and thus do not feature among the "moveable Psalms." It seems either that both Psalms were prefixed to the rest of the Psalter, 35 or that Ps 1 originally served as an introduction or preamble to the collection, with Ps 2 counting as the first Psalm. 36 For these Psalms at Qumran, two manuscripts are of relevance. The first is llQPsc, where a superscription for Ps 2 was almost definitely absent.37The second is the Florilegium (4Q174), where Ps 2:1 + pesher follows quotations of Ps 1:1, Isa 8:11 and Ezek 37:23(?). Here the order of quotations seems to suggest that the compiler or author of the Florilegium was using a Psalter in which Ps 2 followed Ps 1. 6. Results and Conclusions Six main results emerge with respect to the stabilization of the Psalter in the light of the Psalms scrolls. (a) On the criteria of consecutive ordering, the inclusion of "apocryphal" compositions, and the relative age of manuscripts, the thesis that the Hebrew Psalter was stabilized over time is supported by the scrolls from the Judaean Desert. (b) This stabilization took place not gradually, but in two distinct stages: Psalms 1-89 (or thereabouts) prior to the first century BCE, and Psalms 90 onwards towards the end of the first century CE. Although the manuscript evidence is not complete, the scrolls strongly suggest that during the entire Qumran period Psalms 1-89 were virtually finalized as a collection, while Psalms 90 and beyond remained much more fluid. (c) The decisive factor with respect to stabilization and fluidity is not chronology, but whether particular compositions are to be found among Psalms 1-89 or 90-150. A chronological development is true only in the sense that Psalms 1-89 were stabilized at an early stage, and 90 onwards at a much later stage. (d) For Psalms 1-89, the order of contiguous Psalms almost always corresponds with that found in the MT-150 Psalter (92% supportive, 8% contradictory), with the 35 Cf. Gerstenberger, Psalms /'art /, 37. 36 Sec Kraus, P.wlms 1--59, 113 and 125; Weiser, Thl' l'sa/ms, I02. Note also the reading of some Western texts (ll 1175 gig) in Acts 13:33, where Psalm 2 is referred to as the first Psalm (EV TQ TTp1..:mp ... t/JaAilQ). ruther than the second one (fV Tlj\ t/JaA~lQ ... Tl~ BcuT(pljl)--(JsC preserves purls of vv 1-H; d'. AI'I'I\NIJIX 4 ("Contents of the Psnhm Snolls hy Mnnusnipt"),
1. Resources and Previous Discussion: Chyutin, Michael. i1liDi1-m'? 'El-'?.!1 Cl''?'i1n '"11DtD n::l'i.t11 'liD ri'::J nmpm i1liDiTn1m'? non'?o [The War of the Calendars in the Period of the Second Temple and the Redaction of the Psalms According to the Calendar] (Tel Aviv: Morlan, 1993). "The Redaction of the Qumranic and the Traditional Book of Psalms as a Calendar," RevQ 63 (1994) 367-95. Duncan, Julie Ann. "Considerations of 4QDeuti in Light of the 'All Souls Deuteronomy' and Cave 4 Phylactery Texts," in Trebolle Barrera and Vegas Montaner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid, 1.199-215 +pis. II- VII. [see under Trebolle] Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 126-41. "The Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert: Relationships and Textual Affilations," in G. J. Brooke (ed.), New Qumran Texts & Studies. Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris 1992 (STDJ 15; Leiden: Brill, 1994) 31-52. "Methods for Determining Relationships Among the Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls," in M. 0. Wise et al (eds.), Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 722; New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994) 197-209 + 210-211 (discussion). Ploeg, J.P. M. van der. "Le Psaume XCI dans une recension de Qumran," RB 72 (1965) 210-17 + pis. VIII -DC "Fragments d'un manuscrit de Psaumes de Qumran (11QPsb)," RB 74 (1967) 408-12 +pl. XVIII. "Un petit rouleau de Psaumes apocryphes (IIQPsApa)," in G. Jeremias, H.-W. Kuhn and H. Stegemann (eds.), Tradition und Glaube: Das friihe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabe fiir Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburtsdag (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1971) 128-39 + pis. II- VII. Sanders, James A. The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave I 1 [IIQPs•] (DJD IV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). "Variorum in the Psalms Scroll (llQPsa)," HTR 59 (1966) 83-94. The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). "Cave II Surprises And the Question of Canon," McCQ 21 (1968) 1-15. Rrprinted in D. N. Freedman and J. C. Greenfield (eds.), New Directions in Biblical Archaeology (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969) 101-116; and inS. Z. Leiman (ed.), The Canon and Masorah of the Hebrew Bible. An Introductory Reader (New York: KTAV, 1974) 37-51. "The Qumran Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa) Reviewed," in M. Black and W. A. Smalley (eds.), On Language, Culture, and Religion: In Honor of Eugene A. Nida (The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1974) 79-99. Skehan, P. W. "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piete, sa theolo11ie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-82. *Presented on 22 November. 1992 as "Ancient Psalters and Modern Readers" at the Annual Meeting of the AAR/SBL (Psalms Group) in Snn f-lrancisco; nnd on 19 July, 1992 us "Textual Relationships Among the Psalms Scrolls" ut the First Congress of the lnternutionul Organization for Qurnrun Studies, which met ut the College de Frunce (Sorbonne University) in Puris from 18-19 July (published version in the Congress l'rm·nrlillll·' above). I urn gruteful to Tyler Williums (University of Toronto) fur his cnrefulussessrnent of this puhlicution und other IIN(lCClN of my l'suhns reseurch.
Starcky, J. "Psaumes apocryphes de Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran (4QPsf VII-X)," RB 73 (1966) 353-71 +pl. XVIII. Swete, H. B. An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek (2nd ed, rev. by R. R. Ottley; Cambridge: University Press, 1914 [repr. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1989]). Trebolle Barrera, J. and L. Vegas Montaner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid. 18-21 March 1991 (2 vols., STDJ 11; Leiden: Brill; Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1992). Ulrich, E. "Double Literary Editions of Biblical Narratives and Reflections on Determining the Form To Be Translated," in J. L. Crenshaw (ed.), Perspectives on the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honor of Walter J. Harrelson (Perspectives in Religious Studies 15; Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1988) 101-116. "The Canonical Process, Textual Criticism, and Latter Stages in the Composition of the Bible," in M. Fishbane and E. Tov (eds.), "Sha'arei Talman." Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992) 267-91. "Pluriformity in the Biblical Text, Text Groups, and Questions of Canon," in Trebolle Barrera and Vegas Montaner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid 1.23-41. [see under Trebolle] "Multiple Literary Editions: Reflections toward a Theory of the History of the Biblical Text," in D. Parry and S. Ricks (eds.), Current Research and Technological Developments on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Conference on the Texts from the Judean Desert, Jerusalem, 30 April 1995 (STDJ 20; Leiden: Brill) 78-105 +pis. I-ll. Ulrich, Eugene and Frank Moore Cross, et al. Qumran Cave 4:1X. Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings (DJD XIV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995). VanderKam, James C. The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994). Vaux, R. de and J. T. Milik (eds.), Qumran Grotte 4,2: I. Archeologie; II. Tefillin, Mezuzot et Targums /4Ql28-4Ql57] (DJD VI; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977). Vermes, Geza. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Qumran in Perspective (Rev. ed.; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981).
2. The Problem Defined Since the publication of 11QPsa in 1965, reaction has focused on two aspects of this collection: its shape, which involves the order and arrangement of passages; and its contents, particularly those compositions not found in the received Masoretic Psalter. According to James Sanders, 11 QPs a is part of an earlier form of the Hebrew Psalter prior to its finalization in what he calls the "canonical text." 1 In his view, the evidence from Qumran attests not to a single, finalized Psalter, but to more than one edition: the "11QPsa Psalter," probably the "MT-150 collection," and maybe others besides. 2 As was indicated in the Introduction, this constitutes the second thesis of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis. 3 If Sanders is correct, the use of 11QPsa and other Psalters at 1 Sanders, "Variorum in the Psalms Scroll ," 83-94; "Cave II Surprises," 101-116; "Psalms Scroll Reviewed," 79-99. 2 "Psalms Scroll Reviewed," 95-97. In view of the unpublished state of many Psalms manuscripts, Sanders has been cautious us to how muny urrungements of the Psalter were present in the Qumran library, und whether the Musoretic urrungement wus ulreudy known. 3 In section 2.2 ("Issues Raised in the Secondury Litcruturc"), this thesis wus defined us follows: "Concerning 1'rxtua/ AJ.!illllllmu: Two or more l'sulters ure represented umnng the scrolls from the Judaeun Desert."
Qumran indicates that there was no universally accepted and finalized form of the Psalter among Jews as late as the first half of the first century CE. 4 When many ancient manuscripts of a book exist, the question of textual affiliations or groupings arises-which in this study means different collections of Psalms. My rather imprecise use of terms such as "affiliations" and "groupings" is due to the overriding problem that has dominated discussion of the Qumran Psalms scrolls: Do the various collections found in these manscripts represent different editions of the Psalter, or are they secondary compilations that are dependent upon an already finalized text? In this chapter several collections of Psalms will be identified, and at least three different editions of the Psalter will be proposed. Chapter 9 will show that 11QPsa, the largest of all the Psalms scrolls, is not a secondary compilation but the latter part of a genuine edition of the Book of Psalms.
literary edition largely depends upon an assessment of individual variant readings. These variants may be very limited in scope (involving only a letter or word), or more extensive (involving extensive pluses, minuses, or different arrangements of material). With respect to several of the Psalms scrolls and the Masoretic Psalter, two types of variation are prominent: differences in order of adjoining Psalms, and the presence or absence of entire compositions. 9 These large-scale variations in order or content-which I term "macro-variants"feature prominently in the analysis that follows. Emphasizing these variants is appropriate because most discussion of 11 QPsa and other Psalms scrolls has focused on the overall arrangement and contents of the Psalter. Evaluation of the macro-variants will indicate how many collections of Psalms are evident in the scrolls; the possibility that some of these represent different editions of the Psalter will be considered later in the chapter.
3. Two Preliminary Issues One purpose of this chapter is to explore the relationships between 11QPsa, several other Psalms scrolls, and the Masoretic Psalter, which requires an evaluation of the differences among manuscripts. Two important issues require clarification at the outset. The Original Contents of /1 QPsa. In terms of the received arrangement these range from Psalms 93 to 150, with the addition of several other compositions. 5 Earlier in this study I indicated that this scroll is almost complete, since it most likely commenced with Ps 101, with a few additional compositions missing between Ps 109 in frg. d and Ps 118 in frg. e. 6 Editions and Other Categories ojTextual Variation. According to the schema proposed by Eugene Ulrich, 7 textual variations between manuscripts may be divided into three principal groups: (a) orthographic differences; (b) individual variant readings; and (c) variant literary editions. The last of these categories, a literary edition, is particularly significant and is defined by Ulrich as "an intentional reworking of an older form of the book for specific purposes or according to identifiable editorial purposes." 8 For biblical manuscripts in general, the decision as to whether a particular book or passage constitutes a 4 II QPs 8 and several other manuscripts were copied during this period; see APPENDIX 2 ("Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert"). 5 The manuscript's full contents are listed in APPENDIX 4 ("Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 6 See Chapters 2.4 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave II"); further details will be provided in Chapter 8.5 ("A New Structural Analysis of IIQPs 8 "). 7 Ulrich, "Pluriformity in the Biblical Text," 2:1-41 esp. 29; and his "Double Literary Editions," 101-16. K "Pluriformity in the Biblicul Text," .12; cf. "Double Litcrury Editions," 10:1---104. The longer Musorctic uml.~hortcr Scptuugint versions of the J>uvid und Uoliuth stury (I Sum 17 ~Ill) nrc two vuriunt editions of the s1une pussltge.
Macro~ Variants
A complete listing of adjoining compositions in all thirty-nine Psalms scrollsor manuscripts that include Psalms-is found in APPENDIX 3. 10 These data indicate that the overall content and order of Psalms in the scrolls often correspond to those of the Masoretic Psalter, but that variations are also frequent. An example of disagreement with the Masoretic order is found in 4QPsd, where Ps 147 is directly followed by Ps 104. Disagreement with the Masoretic content is evident in 11QPsApa, where Ps 91 is directly preceded by "apocryphal" Psalms. 1 1 Such macro-variants are to be found in twelve scrolls, nine of which are from Cave 4, 12 and three from Cave 11. 13 The first type of macro-variant (differences in order) is evident in seven manuscripts from Cave 4: 4QPsa, 4QPsb, 4QPsd, 4QPse, 4QPsk, 4QPsn, and 4QPsq. The second type (differences in content) is found in two manuscripts from Cave 4 and one from Cave 11: 4QPsf, 4QS22 and llQPsApa. Both types of macro-variant are found in two more scrolls from Cave 11: 11QPsa and 11QPsb. When all the Psalms scrolls are correlated against each other and against the Masoretic Text, two lists of macro-variants emerge, as listed by chapter and verse. Table 1 contains variants in the order of Psalms, while Table 2 presents variants in content. 14 9 Cf. Chapter 6.3 ("Adjoining Psalms in the Thirty~Six Manuscripts"). 10. "Adjoining Compositions in the Psalms Scrolls." 11 For an English translation of these and other pieces not found in the MT-ISO Psalter, see APPENDIX I ("'Apocryphal' Psalms and Other Compositions"). 12 4QPs 8 , 4QPsh, 4QPsd, 4QPs 0 , 4QPsk, 4QPs". 4QPsq, 4QPsf and 4QPs522; cf. Chapter 2.8 ("Initial Observations on the Psalms Scrolls"). D IIQPs", IIQPs 0, and IIQPsAp 11• 14 Fur an explanation of Nil!lll in these tubles, see AlllllWVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIOLA. Specific column, frut~ment, und line numbcn nrc given in the vurlunt lists in C'hupters .lund 4.
Psalm 33:1
Table 1: Macro-Variants by Order
Table 2: Macro-Variants by Content
pr. Ps 31 4QPs• 4QPsq] pr. Ps 32 ffi\\3[31]; cj. Ps 33 with Ps 32 ffimss (Cf. (\3ffiSS)
71:1 91:1 93:1 99:1 104:1 104:1 105:1 109:31 112:1 119:1 120:1 133:1 134:1 135:1 136:22 137:1 139:1 140:1 141:1 142:1 144:1 145:1 146:1 146:1 147:1 147:1 148:1 149:1 150:6fin Ps !SlAB Catena Apostr. Zion
pr. pr. pr. pr.
Ps 38 4QPs•] pr. Ps 70 ffi\\3[69] Apocryphal Psalm IIQPsAp•] pr. Ps 90 ffi\\3[89] Apostrophe to Zion II QPs•] pr. Ps 92 ffi\\3 [91] Ps 135 and other composition(s) 4QPsk] pr. Ps 98 4QPsb(vid.) ffi\\3[97] pr. Ps 147 4QPsd] pr. Ps 118 4QPs•(?) IIQPs•; pr. Ps 103 ffi\\3[102] pr. Ps 118 4QPs• IIQPs•] pr. Ps 147 4QPsd; pr. Ps 103 ffi\\3[102] pr. Ps 147 [reconstructed] 4QPs• IIQPs•] pr. Ps 104ffi\\3[103] [reconstr.] +Apostrophe to Zion 4QPsr] + Ps 110 ffi\\3[109]; sequence unclear II QPs• pr. Ps 103 4QPsb [>Psalms 104-111] ] pr. Ps Ill ffi\\3[110] pr. Ps 132 IlQPs•] pr. Ps 118 ffi\\3[117] pr. Ps 148 11QPs•[reconstructed] ] pr. Ps 119 ffi\\3[118] pr. Ps 141 IIQPs• 11QPsb] pr. Ps 132 ffi\\3 [131] pr. Ps 140 IIQPs•[reconstructed]] pr. Ps 133 ffi\\3[132] pr. Ps 119 IIQPs•] pr. 134 ffi\\3[133] pr. Ps 135:12 4QPs"] pr. Ps 136:2111QPs•[reconstructed] ffi\\3[135:21] pr. Ps 139 IIQPs•] pr. Ps 136 ffi\\3[135] pr.PleaforDeliverance IIQPs•] pr.Ps 138ffi®[137] pr. David's Compositions IIQPs•] pr. Ps 139 ffi\\3[138] pr. Ps 93 IIQPs•[reconstructed]] pr. Ps 140 ffi\\3[139] pr. Ps !55 [Syriac Ps III]IIQPs•[reconstructed] ] pr. Ps 141 ffi\\3[140] pr. Ps 133 IIQPs• IIQPsb] pr. Ps 143 ffi\\3[142] pr. Catena IIQPs•] pr. Ps 144ffi®[I43] pr. Ps 105 4QPs•(?) IIQPs•] pr. Ps 145 ffi\\3[144] pr. Ps 105 [reconstructed]4QPs• IIQPs•] pr. Ps 145 ffi\\3 [144] pr. Ps 106 4QPsd] pr. Ps 104 IIQPs• 4QPs•[reconstructed]; pr. Ps 146 ffi\\3[145] pr. Ps 104 [reconstructed] 4QPsc IIQPs•] pr. Ps 106 4QPsd; pr. Ps 146 ffi\\3[145] pr. Ps 146 IIQPs•] pr. Ps 147 ffi\\3[146-147] pr. Ps 143 IIQPs"] pr. Ps 148 ffi\\3 + 6 or 7 further compositions I IQPs 8 ] end of Psalter ffi MasPs h; +Psalm lSI® pr. Ps 134 IIQPs"] pr. Ps 1501\3; >ffi pr. Ps 136 IIQPs 11 ] pr. Ps 117 4QPsh[reconstructed[ ffi\\3[ 116[; sequence uncleur I IQPsh pr. Ps 109 4QPsf] pr. Sir !'i I: 1-2~[13-~0[ IIQPs11 ; > ffi~
Psalm Ps ISlA Ps 1518 Ps 154:3-19 Ps 155:1-19 Catena Sirach 51 Apocr. Psalms Apostr. Judah Apostr. Zion DavComp Eschat. Hymn HymnCreat Last Words Plea
Ps ISIA:I-7 IIQPs•\\3] > ffi Ps ISIB:II1QPs•\\3] >ffi Ps 154 [= Syriac Ps 11]:3-19 IIQPs•] > ffi\\3 Ps 155 [= Syriac Ps III]:I-19 IIQPs•] > ffi\\3 Catena ofPs 118 IIQPs• IIQPsb] > ffi\\3 Sirach51:13-30[somereconstructed]IIQPs•] >ffi; >Psalter® Three Apocryphal Psalms II QPsAp•] > II QPs• ffi\\3 Apostrophe to Judah 4QPsr] > II QPs a ffi 1\3 Apostrophe to Zion 4QPsf IIQPs•] > ffi\\3 David's Compositions IIQPs•] > ffi\\3 Eschatological Hymn 4QPsf] > II QPs a ffi 1\3 Hymn to the Creator IIQPs•] > ffi\\3 David's Last Words[= 2 Sam 23:1-7]11QPs•] > Psalterffi\\3 Plea for Deliverance IIQPs• IIQPsb] > ffi\\3
5. More than One Collection We may now test the proposal that two or more Psalters are represented among the scrolls from the Judaean Desert, with at least one (llQPsa) differing substantially from the Masoretic Psalter. With arrangement of Psalms and the presence of additional compositions as criteria, examination of the thirty-nine manuscripts yields several distinctive combinations that serve as indicators of textual affiliation (cf. APPENDIX 3).15
Manuscript At least I0
Manuscript MasPsb
Supportive of Psalms 1-89 Many instances of contiguous Psalms 16
Distinctive Agreement with
magainst 11 QPsa
ISO~ blank column (denoting end of scroll) 17
Distinctive Agreement with 11 QPsa against m
'4QPs• IIQPsb
Catena; Plea for Deliverance; Apostrophe to Zion 141 ~133~ 144
Disagreement with
103~ 112
m, but not necessarily with 11 QPsa
(104 to Ill are lacking)
15 "Adjoining Compositions In the Psalms Scrolls." 16 The ten manuscripts are: 4QPs•. 4QPsc, 4QPsq-;;, liQPsc-e, 5/6ijev-Se Ps, and MasPs•. For further details, see Chapter 6.4 ("The Psalms Scrolls and Stabilization of the Psalter"), especially Tables 2-4. 17
An arrow --+ indicutes thut u pnssuge directly follows the one listed before it, while the plus sign
+ indicates that it utmost definitely follows the previous pussuge. Squurc brackets f J denote a pussuge thut is nn longer extant, hut which wus nrijlinully written on the munuscript (cf. Ps 104--+ [ 147]--+ IO!'i in 4QI's0 ). Sec AIIIIKiiVIATIONS, TiiKMS ANI> SIOI.A.
Ji 156 Manuscript 4QPsd 4QPsf 4QPsk 4QPs 0 4QS22 IIQPsApa
Disagreement with both m and 11 QPSJ (?)106~ 147~ 104 109 +Apostrophe to Zion~Eschatological Hymn~Apostr. to Judah 135:6-16 + composition(s) + 99:1-5 135:12~ 136:22 (135:13 to 136:21 are lacking) Apocryphal Psalms~Ps 122 Apocryphal Psalms~Ps 91
This list is by no means exhaustive, since many other scrolls are ambiguous or neutral with respect to the ordering of Psalms, for three reasons. First, because some manuscripts are so fragmentary, the Psalms they contain can be ordered to conform with either the arrangement of mor with that of llQPsa.IS Second, the nor llQPsa (asorder of material in several scrolls conflicts with neither suming that the latter is not fully extant). 19 Finally, a few manuscripts seem to have contained only one composition, 20 which renders them neutral evidence in decisions regarding the arrangement of Psalms. At least eleven scrolls fall into this ambiguous or neutral category: lQPsa, lQPsb, 2QPs, 4QPs8, 4QPsh, 4QPsl, 4QPsm, 4QPs 0 , 4QPsP, 4QPsu, and 5QPs. When all the Psalms scrolls have been carefully collated, a comparative analysis indicates the existence of three major collections, as well as several minor ones. The three main groups are: (a) an early Psalter comprising Psalms 1 to 89 (or thereabouts); (b) the MT-150 Psalter; and (c) the 1lQPsa-Psalter. These collections will now be described in tum.
6. An Early Collection of Psalms Chapter 6 showed that the Dead Sea Scrolls bear witness to an early collection of Psalms whose arrangement was virtually stabilized well before the second century BCE. It seems reasonable to conclude that the stabilization of this collection represents one milestone in the formation of the Book of Psalms, but with two provisos. First, it is not exactly clear where tli.e cutoff point between the largely stabilized collection and the fluid part of the Psalter should be. One is tempted to regard Psalm 89 as the final composition in the earlier collection, which means that it coincided with the end of Book III, but this collection may have ended with another Psalm such as 72_21 Second, it is possible but not certain that some of the Dead Sea Scrolls originally contained only this shorter collection of Psalms. These would be IK For example. 4QPsP. which only preserves Ps 14:\::\-4, 6-!!. For additional possibilities, sec APPENOIX 1. I'I For instance, 4QI's" contains l's 114~ II~: 116, whkh iscompntiblc with both IIQI's 11 und
20 For cxnmplc, Ps 119 wns very likely Ihe sum col\lcnt of 4QPsll, 4QPsh und ~QPs. 21 It is not ccrlnin thallthc Psnlter hnd been divided into wnstltucnt bonks even in the lute Second Temple pcriml: cf.l'hnptcr l'l.ll ("Results und ('oncluslnns").
among the following fourteen manuscripts, which preserve material only prior to Psalms 90, and are listed here with their first and last extant verses: 22 1QPsc (Ps 44:3 to 44:25), 3QPs (2:6-7), 4QPsa (5:9 to 71:14), 4QPsc (16:7 to 53:1), 4QPs.i (48:1 to 53:5), 4QPsq (31:24 to 35:20), 4QPsr (26:7 to 30:13), 4QPs 5 (5:8 to 88:17), 4QPst (42:5), pap6QPs (78:36-37), 8QPs (17:5 to 18:13), llQPsc (2:1 to 25:7), 5/6.ijev-Se4 Ps (7:13 to 31:22), and MasPsa (81:1 to 85:6). Most of these scrolls are far too fragmentary for any final decision to be made regarding their original contents. However, there are good reasons to suppose that some Psalms manuscripts contained far fewer compositions than the 150 found in modern Psalters: for instance, that the physical dimensions of a complete Psalms scroll would have to be extremely large, and the fact that certain manuscripts ended before Ps 150 (in contrast to ffi) or Ps 151 (in contrast to llQPsa). 23 It is also signifcant that of all the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls only four preserve material from both Psalms 1-89 and 90-150. 24 Such a distribution of contents admits the possibility that certain manuscripts originally contained material only from Psalms 1-89, while others comprised Psalms from 90 and beyond. While it is feasible that some Psalms scrolls contained only the shorter, earlier collection, to actually prove this is extremely difficult. I have long suspected that the shorter collection alone may have originally existed in 4QPsa, which only preserves material ranging from Psalms 5:9 to 71: 14. Two other possibilities are 4QPsc (with text ranging from Pss 16:7 to 53:1) and llQPsc (from Pss 2:1 to 25:7), and llQPsd (from Pss 39:13 to 81:10). 25 However, caution now seems necessary following discussions with Eugene Ulrich and Hartmut Stegemann; the latter has examined the photographs of 4QPsa and 4QPsc and suggests that both were very originally very large manuscripts containing far more text than Psalms 1-89.
7. The Scrolls and the MT-150 Psalter While several manuscripts found at Qumran support the general arrangement of Psalms 1-89, it is remarkable that none definitely confirms the longer order of the Masoretic Text against llQPsa. Firm evidence for the second major collection among the Psalms scrolls is only found at Masada, where MasPs b clearly supports the MT-150 structure against the one found in 11 QPs a. 26 Although no 22 These verses are listed in the order of the Received Text. For a precise listing of each scroll's contents, see APPENDIX 4 ("Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 23 See Chapter 2 (section 8, "Initial Observations on the Psalms Scrolls"). 24 These scrolls are I QPsB, 4QPse, 4QPsf, und II QPsh. 25 See APPENDIX 4 ("Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 26 Both MusPs h and the Mnsorctic Psalter end with Psalm I SO, in contrast to Psalm I SO followed by the Hymn to the Crcutnr in IIQPs 11 •
lf I 158
manuscript from Qumran unambiguously confirms the arrangement of the Received Psalter against that of llQPsa, it is of course possible that several scrolls originally supported the MT-150 Psalter when they were fully extant. Candidates for manuscripts originally supporting this arrrangement are all those which meet two criteria: (1) preserving some material from Psalms 90 to 150; and (2) not conflicting with the order of the Received Text. Nine possibilities emerge: 1QPsa, 1QPsb, 2QPs, 4QPs1, 4QPsm, 4QPs 0 , 4QPsP, 4QPsu, and 11QPsd. 27 While none of the Qumran manuscripts supports the MT-150 arrangement against 11QPsa on the macro-level, 28 the affinity of some with rn may be demonstrable on the basis of key individual variants. 29 This possibility will not be explored in the present study, where the emphasis is upon the arrangement of Psalms and the presence or absence of compositions that are not found in the MT-150 Psalter. Patrick Skehan maintained that no fewer than seventeen Qumran manuscripts offer evidence for only "canonical" Psalms and for conformity to the Masoretic sequence. 30 However, this figure must be substantially reduced since it rests on the false assumption that any scroll which does not contradict the order or content of rn is therefore in agreement with it. A more cautious-and realisticestimate recognizes that the sparse remains of many manuscripts can be arranged so as to support several different collections, such as the Masoretic order or that of llQPsa, and others besides3 1 In addition, several scrolls can equally support both the MT-150 and 11QPsa-Psalters where these are in conflict. Such rearrangement may involve material common to both Psalters (e. g. Psalms 126, 127 and 128 in 1QPsb), or material found in rn but presumed to be no longer extant in 11QPsa (e. g. Psalms 114, 115, 116 in 4QPs 0 ). The difficulty of identifying even one Qumran manuscript that attests to the Masoretic order of Psalms 90-150, and having to turn to Masada (MasPsb) for such evidence, serves as a sober reminder to scholars who are quick to identify several prototypes of the Received Text among the Psalms Scrolls. If none of the Qumran scrolls in fact supports the MT-150 arrangement, it is tempting to suggest that the community preferred the 11QPsa-Psalter, 32 which is attested in several manuscripts, and to which I now turn. 27 See section 5 ("More than One Collection") and Chapter 2 (section 8.2, "Original Contents"). Three scrolls (4QPsg, 4QPsh, and 5QPs) should be eliminated as possibilities because they originally contained only Psalm 119. 28 I.e. with order or large blocks of content as criteria. 29 While one or two such variants do not necessarily indicate un edition, larger numbers can do so hy forming a pattern. 30 "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 165-69, esp. 167. 31 For example, since Psalms I03:2-11 und I04:6-11 ure not joined in 2QPs, these pussugcs cun be urrunged to support either the sequence I03--+ I04 us in m, or I03, II K--+ I04 liS in II QPs1 . .\2 One conclusion thllt will he rc11ched In Ch11pter 9 is thnt the IIQPs"-Psultcr Is the m11in represcnt11tivc of the Bonk of Psulms 11mon11 the l>e11d Sell Scrnlls (section K, "Aucumcnt 11nd C'oncluslons") .
8. The Scrolls and the 11 QPsa-Psalter I conveniently label the third major Psalms collection the "11QPsa-Psalter," but this term merits careful definition. It is more neutral than James Sanders' "Qumran Psalter," 33 and obviously refers to the arrangement found in the largest of all the Psalms manuscripts. Yet if this collection is the second part of a Psalter that included Psalms 1-89, the term must be more comprehensive in scope. On the analogy of the "MT-150 Psalter" the 11 QPsa-Psalter is to be understood as containing both Psalms 1-89 and the arrangement found in 11QPsa. It is in this wider sense that I am using the term, although much of the focus will be on a single scroll as its main representative. While the earlier part of this Psalter is not found in llQPsa, 34 we shall presently see that both 4QPse and 11QPsb preserve material from Psalms 1-89 and the arrangement evident in 11 QPsa. According to Patrick Skehan, 35 the 11 QPs a-Psalter is represented in only two manuscripts from Cave 11, namely llQPsa and llQPsb. This Chapter will demonstrate that at least one more exemplar was also stored in Cave 4 in the form of 4QPse.
11 QPsa. This is the largest of all the extant Psalms manuscripts (see PLATES VI-VII and IX), and has already been discussed in detail,36 and a full list of contents is provided elsewhere. 3? Little space is thus devoted here to the scroll; but it will prove advantageous for the discussion that follows to provide the list of 49 or 50 compositions that it contains: 38 Psalm 101 ~ 102~ 103; 109;
liS~ 104~147~ 105~ 146~ 148
120]~121~ 122
(with Catena)~ 145(with
postscript)~ 154~ Plea
for Deliverance~ 139~ 137
~138~Sirach Sl~Apostrophe toZion~Psalm 93~141~133~144~155 ~142~ 143~149~150~Hymn
to the Creator~ David's Last Words~David's column [end]
Compositions~Psalm 140~ 134~ ISlA~ !SIB~ blank
11 QPsh. Although little remains of this scroll, in the preliminary edition J. van der Ploeg 39 demonstrated that it represents the Psalter found in llQPsa. In contrast to the Masoretic Psalter, these two manuscripts share several distinctive features, both in content (e.g. Catena, Plea, Apostrophe to Zion) and arrangement (141~133~144). The collation of relevant variants is as follows: 40 33
See Chapter 8.7 ("The Provenance of 11 QPsa"). And probably never was; cf. section 3 above ("The Original Contents of 11 QPsa"). 35 "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 165-67. 36 See Chapter 2.4 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 11 "). 37 See APPENDIX 4 ("Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript"). 38 Reproduced from APPENDIX 3 ("Adjoining Compositions in the Psalms Scrolls"). 39 "Fragments d'un munuscrit," 408-12 +pl. XVIII. 40 In this collation fragment and line numbers have been included for purposes of location or citation. The manuscript contains a few additionnl vnriunts; the full list wus given in Chapter 3.5 ("Qumran Cove II"). 34
160 Catena (f. 3, lines 1-2) 118:15 (f. 3,line I) Plea (fs. 4-5, lines 3-16) Ap. Zion (f. 6, lines 1-2) 133: I (fs. 7-10, line 2) 133:2 (fs. 7-IO,line 4) 133:3fin (fs. 7-10, line 5) 144: I (fs. 7-10, line 6) 144:1 (fs. 7-IO,line 6) 144: I (fs. 7-10, line 6)
Catena ofPs 118 11QPsb IIQPsa] > ffi{\3 pr. v I [catena]11QPsb and 11QPsa] pr. v 14 ffi{\3 [Ps 117] Plea for Deliverance II QPs b II QPsa] > ffi {\) Apostrophe to Zion II QPs b 4QPsf 11 QPsa ] > ffi {\) pr. Ps 141 IIQPsb IIQPsa] pr. Ps 132 ffi{\3[131] i'il:l 'El II QPsb 11 QPsa ] i'niil:l 'El ffi; sing. {\) ['?~itv' ]?.ll Cii'?tv b'?[i.ll i.ll] IIQPsb liQPsa (cf. 125:5 and 128:6)] CJ'?i.llil i.ll ffi{\3 (cf. Ken on Ps 122:9) pr.Psi3311QPsb IIQPsa] pr.Psl43ffia3[142] ''i[i~ iliil' lii:::l]IIQPsb(vid.) liQPsammss(Ken)] pr. iii? ffia3(+ npoc; TOV roA.w8) [i]O'?Cil liQPsb IIQPsa carr ffiaJ(o 8L8ciaKWV) ] i'?Oil II QPsa*(error?)
4QPse. The 11QPsa-Psalter is represented by at least one scroll from Cave 4 (cf. PLATE IV), which is dated on palaeographic grounds to the mid-first century
CE. 41 This identification is based on four separate pieces of evidence, which unite to show that 4QPs e shares with 11 QPsa the distinctive sequence of Psalms 118~ 104~[147]~ 105~ 146, together with individual variants. In view of the fragmentary condition of 4QPse, these features require detailed explanation, for which the RECONSTRUCTION (pp. 162-63) should be consulted. 42 (a) In both 4QPse and llQPsa Ps 104 is preceded by Ps 118. The four lines found in frg. 9 of 4QPse read as follows:43 [iion c'?i].ll? •;:~ :::~16[ •;:~ iliil''?]
I3 1 'tvEl:l 'Sli:J i'n?P : 14
[ilt!!i.ll nrv:::~? iiili iiil ii~o iln'?il •m?~ ili]iT iliil' r11; [i:Ji;:ii CJ':J.Il crvil i'ni'?.ll CJ'c:J ilipcil 3 il.ll'i]';:~ CJ'crv ilt!li:l ii[o?rv;:~ ii~] [fi~ i0' 5 t!!ili? rv~ i'mrvo mm1 i';:~~?o iltvi.ll 4 ]mi 'El:i;:i[ ?.ll l?ilcil] 2
1s I6
Had this manuscript conformed to the Masoretic ordering of material when it was fully extant, the words in line II that precede Psalm 104: 1 require an explanation, since i:',il' n~ 'rDEl:l ';:11:::1 forms the ending of Psalm 103. One possibility is that the refrain iiOn CJ'?i.ll? ';:! :lit!! ';:! iliil''? iiiil belongs to Ps 103, but is simply not found in the Masoretic version. This is on the analogy of frg. e iii of llQPsa, where Ps 105:1 is preceded by the identical refrain at the end of Ps 147 ([iiOn CJ'?i.ll?] ';:! :lit!! ';:! ~~~ 1..,? iiiil)-which is lacking in ffi. But there is a more plausible explanation: that line II is from the end of
a completely different Psalm that precedes 104. The Masoretic Psalter yields only five instances of the phrase in question, of which four are at the beginning of specific Psalms (106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 136:1). 44 Only once is this refrain found at the end of a Psalm, namely 118:29, which precedes Ps 104 in 11QPsa! The most likely explanation is that the four lines in 4QPse contain the end of Psalm 118 followed by the beginning of Psalm 104, which marks the first distinctive feature shared by 4QPse and llQPsa. (b) This scroll supports the arrangement of Psalms 104~ 147~ 105 in 11QPsa as opposed to the Masoretic Psalter. In 4QPse Psalm 105 could not have followed immediately after 104, because the extant column tops and spacing require an additional piece of approximately 16 lines between 104 and 105. The only known (ancient) instance of a composition occurring between these two Psalms is found in llQPsa, where Ps 147 falls between 104 and 105. Furthermore, reconstruction 45 indicates that 147 fits exactly in the required space in 4QPse. Despite the fragmentary state of the manuscript, the most logical conclusion is that 4QPse originally shared this sequence with llQPsa. (c) The piece following Psalm 105 could be either 146 (as in llQPsa) or 106 (as in the MT-150 Psalter). Ps 105 is followed in 4QPse by just two extant words, il' i'??il. In terms of the Masoretic arrangement, this would be the opening halleluyah of 106. But this configuration also supports the arrangement of llQPsa, where Ps 105 is followed by 146 with its opening halleluyah. Since 4QPse already deviates from the Masoretic order at two important places where it suggests the arrangement of llQPsa, it is very reasonable to identify iT' i'?'?il as the opening of Ps 146 rather than Ps 106. (d) Individual variants indicate that 4QPse agrees with llQPse rather than m. The three previous pieces of evidence involve macro-variants, or the arrangement of entire Psalms common to both llQPsa and 4QPse; these indicate that the sequence of Psalms 118~ 104[ ~147]~105~ 146 is very likely for 4QPse. Additional confirmation is obtained via a fourth piece of evidence: a series of individual variants, which further affirms the affinity of 4QPse with 11 QPsa. The relevant variants may be divided into three groups: 4QPse
104: I (f. 9, line 2) 105:37 (fs. 14-19,1ine I) 125:4 (f. 26 i, line 125:5 (f. 26 i, line 126:2 (f. 26 i, line
See Chapter 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4") for discussion, and APPENDIX 4 for contents. 42 The four reconstructed columns are hased on frgs. 9-19 of 4QPse and incorporate the expanded orthography that is characteristic of this MS, as well as several variant readings found in II QPsu. The width of columns in this scroll is not consistent; compare I and IV (wider) with llund Ill (narrower). 4:1 In un eurlier version (Flint, "Psulms Scrolls from the Juduean Desert," 42), line 12 was trunscrihed us [i11i1[' nM 'Will '[;:)1:::1 1'11.,[, with n1i1' I" omitted. The improved rc11ding now 11ppears ahove; my thanks to Tyler Williams for his helpful comments on this fru~&mont.
4) 4) 7)
= 11 QPsa against m
i'ii'? 4QPse(reconstructed) II QPs a ] > 4QPs ct ffi [i]O.Il ~~i'i 4QPse IIQPsa(ic.ll n[~ ~~i'i]); cf. v.43 ] c~·~i'i m aJ :::1.?:::1. 4QPse II QPs• {\) (Ti] Kap8tc;t) ] Clni:::l'?:::l ffi 'p'?p.ll4QPse• IIQPs•] pr. Cl't!!Oili 4QPse carr ffi{\3 Cl"il:::l 4QPs 0 II QPsa ] Cl'il:::l ffi [ORTH]
In I06: I the refrain is preceded hy i1'1.,.,i1. ~ Reconstruction supposes column• of <'II. 2~· 26 lines in len11th (hascd on fr~ts. 2 und 26) und vuryin~t from m. J~ (usunllyl to 44lcltcn (fr~&K. 14 Ill} in width. 4
r:lro ;nor 25
:::1'1.!1 '1.!1 1fl'l1:::1.!1'71 5
top margin
41 ijf] •;::,42 ;il[J m·~:J 1:::l,i1] c•o[ 1:::111'1 11~ nnEl ] Cil':Jtb[• Cl'o]tv
mm .,n.,
[bottom margin]
1ll'l1i"':lx x ':l:::~n ':::lt!l1' ':11;:, 111l' 1lCC f"''fl!li"' ':11;:, mn•c I 5 .,..,.,.. tl'71.!1'7 i"'li"'' 11'7o• 10 1'1i111:::1l .~ dl nll il tt ii ii!: 8) 11 ·~::;: il fl!l"'':::l n•1'l'ln 11'11 '11'1'7 11'1! 1:'11.,'7i"' 1';)1''71:! '71:J 1i"'1'7'7n 2 !:l'C1'1Cd 1i"'1'7'7n !:l'Or11C i"'li"'' 1'7'7n148:1 3 ,.,,.,.,n 4 '11fl!l ':::ld1:J ':11;:, 1m'l'ln FJ'I'1 t!ll:lt!l 1m'l'ln lfi!ldl! ':11;:, l'li"' •;:, mn• cr11 nfl!l 1'7'7n 5 c•cr11'l 'l.!lc '1r1111l tl'l:lm !:l'r:lt!li"' •ct!l 2 o 6 f1R 1'7'7n 7 '11:::\ll' !ll1'71 llil f'lFl !:l'l1.!1'7 'lll':J !:l'l'Cll'1 111l'l:::ll1 i"'ll! 8 iT\IlO rn., 11m'J'1 l'71!1 '1'1:::11 l!lfl!l mcmn ':11;:,1 !:l'l'ln )''lfl!li"' ll:l mn• 9 '71:J1 i"''fii"' 1 tl'l"'l!!l '71;)1 ''l[l f.!l f11ll:::ll '71:J1 tl''li'ii"1 1'1:::1'1 i"'t!l1ll 11 'IMl'll!l '71:J1 !:l''lt!l !:l'l:l1fl!l'7 ':11;:,1 f"''fl!l •;,'7c "}l:J '11[)1!1 l!ll:l"'l non::~ 12 13 m'l' !:lt!l n~ 1'7'7n• !:l'"''lll 1:lll !:l'lpr m'71f1d !:ll1 !:l''l1fl:::l flfl!l 2 5 14 n'7nn 1C.!l'7 I.,P !:l'l'1 !:l'Ct!l1 f'llll '7.!1 1'11i"' 1'1:::1'7 11:lt!l :::llt!ll •;:,
3 4 :l1D' m11 1111!11 i"1.!111!11i 1':1 J'!!lt!l 1:l'l!!l J:::ld 1:l'd''lld mm:::~n '71!1 ''11lld 5 n:lll 1il.!ld d1fl.!l' ':l!!lt!l 'lr11!!l 1'f1J11it!lll 1id!!l !!l1ili"' 1:l1'd 1fiC'l!!l':J 10 6 iD11Di"' tld "''l!lfi!C '71:J lifi!C1 1:l'i"' lifl!l f1!!l1 1:l'l:lr11 i"'t!l1ll 1'i"'1'71i!C i"'li"'' ':Ill 7 '1'nc i"'m' !:l'd.!l"'''l tJFI'l Jfl1l !:l'fl1r11ll'7 m[lt!lc i"'r111ll tl'l1ll'7 nc!!l 8 !:l'lltlfl!l D'P''ll! :::li"'lfi!l nm• !:l'miD:J "JPH nm• !:l'"''1ll np1ID nm• • .,,x m.P' tl'.!lt!l'l ,.,,, '1'11ll' mc'7fl!l1 tJm' !:l''ll fl!!l "''C1t!l mn• 9
[i'Oll:J 45 'IIUi"
:::1"' noto'
,??]f!nil3 ,,n[,~?~:J
m'to ,?
[bottom margin]
28 29 cn•c•c nfl!l ct!l !:l'l:::l'l nfl!l 1"'10 fl!l1'71 1t!lfi'1 ]t!lm n'7t!l m f'l~d 3 cn•;,'lc '"'l'lfi:::l !:l'll'l"'l[ll! !:ll!"'l!!l i"'l!'lt!l tlfll'l n!!l nc•1 !:l'l'l 31 32 f11di"''7 r11fl!l '11:::1 !:li"''l:lt!ll 1m tl'71:::1l '71:J:::I tl'l:J :::11"'1.!1 1\1:::1'1 "'1Cfl!l 33 34 i"'d'lfi!l fi!l1d'1 'll:lfl!l !:l'71dl f.!l "'':::lt!l'1 !:lf1Jfl!lf11 !:ll[ll 1'1 !:ll!'lfi!ld 35 !:lf1C'lfl!l '"''[l '7:Jfl!l1'1 tll!'l!!l:::l :::lr/1.!1 '71:J '7:J~1'1 '1[l0C 1'~1 p'7'1
[11~0 10il n~ iEl'1 Cln ri~:::l iJ :::!1pil]; Cl'i~O[ ,~itD'] [n,tv 26 1'i:::llJ:::l ,:::lJnil, 10il ~1Jt!), Cl:::l, 1El]i1 25 1'i~O[ 1i10~il'1] 27 !:l'I1ID1C1 1'1111i1fl!l ''1:::1'1 tl:::l 11:lt!l 1:::1 "''fl:::l lt!l~ ll'li"'fi!C 1'1:::\ll i"'t!l11:l
4 1'1:JI 5 'l'l:lli 1'l[l 1111p:::1 111.!11 nm• 1t!l'1'1 ml!'l t!lp:::!o 6 d1flll' 'ld 1''ldll !:li"'"'l:::l~ ll"''! 1'[) •m[lt!lc1 1'1i[l11:l i"'t!l.!l "'lt!l~ 7 c'l1ll'l I:JI 8 1'miDt!lc flllli"' '71:Jd u•m'l~ mn• fl!lm •;:, 1"'1'fid 9 11ill1dt!l !:li"'"''dfi!l !:lll li'l:::l lt!l!ll , , "J'7fl!l'7 i"'1l! '1:::1'1 1fl''ld 10 111:lfl!l'7 11 c'71ll fl''l:::l '7fl!l'lr11''7 pm'l :::11tJ.!l''7 i"''l'l:lll'1 pnt!l•'l 12 IIDCC 'Iii:! !:lli1'i"1:::1 tl:JI1'lfil '7dFI Jlll:J f'lfl!l flfl!l lflfl!l !:J;)'] 13 'lfi!!l !:lll '71!1 n;,'lccc '1l 'l!!l '1lc 1:J'li"'f1'1 i"'d !:l''ll1 m.!ll:l:J 14 15 1llm '7fl!l c•;,'lc cn•'lll n:J1'1 cpt!ln'l !:l'lfi!l n•m li!l1'7 16 nmo 'l,J:::l f"''fl!li"' '7.!1 :::Ill"'! li!llfl'1 1ll'lf1 '7fl!l 'fl!l':::ll'71 'fi't!lc:::l 17 'ldt!l tlFl':l ']d;):::l Ull 18 "JC1' 'I:JCl '1:::1.!1'7 t!l'fl!l !:li"''l[l'l Fl'7t!l 19 1t!lm i"'fi!ld '7!'1:::1 1''7l'l mniD"''l! nm• 11'11:!1!1 1"'1:::1'1 ~1:::1 nll '1» 20 21 m•d'7 J1'l!!l 1ct1J 1i"'fifl[l'1 !:l'l:l.!l 'lr11m m'l'li'1 1'71:l n'7t!l 22 23 !:l:Jfi' 1'lp11 1t!l[ll:::l 1''1r11 '110~'7 fi!l1d'1 U'lp '71:J:::I '7t!l1C1 24
17 , l[l' 1'1:::1'1 n'lr11• 18 'lll:lll' 'l:l m1p 'l[l'l !:l'li[l:J m'lp 1''7t!lc 19 1'm[lt!JC1 1'p1F1 d1flll''7 1"'1:::1'1 'l'll:l tl'C 1'71' 1fi1'1 :::lr/1' tlCC'1 20 n•1'l'ln !:lll''lm ':1:::1 !:l'miDt!ll:l •u '71:J'l p nt!l.!l li!l1'7 'lli!l'lt!l''l 2 1[;or 1' 1i'tv 1•n1'''il Cl'Oil:J 1il'];1i1 1otv[:::1 1~1p ,.,,.,,, 11111 105 =1J
[top margin]
Col. III: Pss [147:16-20 +] 105:1-3 [+ 4-22 +] 23-25 [+ 26-35]
''"~~)'l"'nn•r•-~~ -~-.r
[bottom margin]
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[ilJi:::l p!U]IU:J 10[il ~~1'1 43 1i:::lil Ci1i:::l~ ]n~[ 1tD]ip i:J1 5 Cl'01~' 'oil1 Cl"1]J m~;[~ Cli1' 1n•1 44 1']'i•n:J n~ [i1' 1"11 1]'ii~J[' 1•n111m 1•p1n 1]'iow• ~~ i'liO~ "n:J illil' ,.,,,.,~2 illi1' n~ 'tDElJ ,,,., ]i1'1"i1146:1]
[+ 4-19]
[l;on c'1]ll? •;::, :Ji6[ •;::, illi1''l [ilt!l1il 2 ilntv:J' ;;m 1111 111~10 iln,,, 1J'i11'~ m]ii• ,.,,.,, n~ 'tDElJ •:S[i:J 1'11'104:1] [1:::l1:::li Cl':::lil Cl1Ui1 l'nl''il Cl'O:::l iiipoi1 3 ilil'i]':::l Cl'OIU ilt!l1J ii[O,IU:::l i1~] lr;~ ;o• 5 nt!lill' tv~ mi!Uo mn1; 1':::l~'o i11Z11il 4 Jm; 'ElJ:::l[ 'il 1'iloi1]
•n-•r!• rllrhrn•a:w,;,-::y-
[+ 2-10 + 148:1-14]
[top margin]
Col. I: Psalms 118:[8-28 +] 9 ::nm 1:l':::l''lJ:::I mm:::~c mn•:::~ mon'l :::11m 1:l'l!!l:::l mm:::~c mn•:::~ mon'l 11 10 'J1:::IO 1:l'l'c!!l •;:, mn• 1:lr11:::1 'J1:::l:::IO 1:l"1l '71;:, 1:lll "J'l!!l:::l mm:::~c mn•:::~ 2 1:lt!ld 1:l'l!1fl r1111l:J 1:J.!l1i 1:l '11 :::1 '1;) 'l1 d 0 I 1:l'l'C!!l ';) i"'li"'' 1:lt!l:::l 'J1:::1d0 1:ll 14 13 •'7 'i"''1 n• 11'1r:ll1 •w 'lllll mn•1 'lml'l 'lrl'fi'l mn'l 1:l'7'c!!l •;:, mn• 16 15 mn• J'O' 'l•n i"'r111ll mn• J'C' 1:l'fl''ll! •'7n!lld i"'.!l1t!l'1 nn '71p i"'.!l11!1''7 17 8 '110' I i"'' 't!llll:l '1[)01!11 i"''fi!!l ';) 1'111:l!!l 1!11'7 'l•n i"'t!llll i"'li"'' J'C' i"'O'C1'1 19 20 'lllt!li"' m n• n'lm 1:;1:::1 !!l1d!!l p'll! 'lllt!l ,., mi1ID 'llfll 1!11'7 mc'l1 n• 'l'10' 21 22 10!!lc Jd!!l i"'.!l1r11''7 •'7 •nm 'lri'Jll •;:, n;,'l1!!l 1:::1 11!11:::1' 1:l'fl''ll! mn•'l 24 23 m 1l'l'll:::l fllll'l[ll lll'i"' fl!!l11 nn•n mn• fl'!!lc i"'J[l t!l!!l1'1'7 i"'l1'i"' 1:l'l1:::1i"' 25 nn•'ll!n mn• !!ll!!l !Ill i"'.!l't!lm nm• !!ll!!l 1:::1 nnot!ll1 n'7'll nm• i"'l!l.!l 1:l1'i"' 27 26 '1101!1 1l'l '11!1'1 i"'li"'' 'llll i"'li"'' fi':::IC 1J;)1l:J'1:::1 i"'li"'' 1:lt!l:::l !!l:::li"' i"':J1'1d !!ll 29 28 n'l1i"1 n;,oc1'1!!l •n1'l!!l n:J'l1!!l1 nnlll •'7!!~ n:::~ron mnp '1.!1 1:l'fl1:::1.!1:::1 m
[Jim 90:::l:J 1)':u1 ~~1·1 CJ1~ ?[1;::,' n·w~; Jc[~;~:J i1:::l:J '1;::, 1'1 ] [Ci'T"?ll Ci)iEl ,£lj ':::l Cln~~:::l c[·;~]o 1notv 38 ,t!)1j [1];C!l:::ltD:::l j[·~1] [t::r171 1''?!!1 ~:::!];; ,1\10 40 , , ,,, ]'i·~il, t!)~1 100, pill tDiEl 39]
Col. IV: Psalms
{bottom margin]
J?5 ,...,.!11!1 'Fl'"'l:::l pm •;:,'3 Jl'l! 1'i"'1'7!!l14 1.!1':::11!1' t~•mn :::1'7Fl 1:l1'7t!l 1'lm 1:lr11n 25 m J11U.i 16 11:::11 r,.,, mnc '1.!1 fl!!l
'IT'DI n'71!lii ""8C ~ ""DlC
~:1 Tl:l
nn., l1'1:JID' n;,•'7.- t~'71;, 1:::1 pF11!1'7 i"'l1'1l!' m ]11'1'7 p;,'ln• psr.ll7' 00"1' rmm 1~.,,, !:loTI Jfll1 2 8 111.11:::1 tJ'7;,m tJn'l 29 c-eJI "-" pmr1 00111'1 "J0111 p'7n:::~• i"';)'JID 'l'mm :::11m 31 30 ':1'1 i"'CiR 'liD 1!11Flfl1 ]11\ld'l i"';)Fl1'1 Fl':ll!lrJ )1d1r11' 10 32 "UI""i11 f'""lloi '7at m'»i 1'1!1.!10:::1 mn• Flr:ll!l' tJ'71.!1'7 mn• ~ ii"''Cnt "Fl:::l mn•'7 i"'l'r/11\ 3 3 1JI!I.!1'1 1:l'li"'d lll' 'D1' "''IIC 35 mol'd fltl!!7l!l ';)UI'I 'Fl'r/1 1''7.!1 dl.!l• 34 'i).!ld :t.,.,.,., .,,.,, nR 'I!IIDJ •;,1d 1:ll'l\ '11.!1 1:l' .!lr/1'11 f'l!!lo 1:l'!!lm1f1 2 :t'7nn mal tl'.!ll •;:, u•m'7!!l n1or :::11m •;:, n•1'l'ln 147 = 1 1 5 3 D'IC'I ':/") ..-,m, M11'1.i Old' '71!111!1' 'fl"IJ i"'1i"'' 1:l''ll!l11' Jt"''P' f1'ICI!! tl'7n'7 tl':::ld1::h 'l[lOo m1c 4 1:lfl1:::1l!ll'l 6 mor lr'lll1 Tn!ID IIDOI:l J'!!l 1f1J1:::111'7 rn;, :::111 1l'J1i!!l Tr.rf'llh T'lCl ~ i"'\i..., 1lll 7 fl!!l ''1.!1 1:l'llr111 ':l•[lr/)l:l C.,:t H'DlCDi"' '1mD r'1111'7 j';)r:li"' 1:l':::l.!l:::l 1:l'r:ll!l i"'O:Jr:li"' 8 Ill;) :::I 2 0 llt1'7 1O ~· iWl'l :::1'11.!1 'l:::l'7 i"'OFI'l i"'Oi"':::l'l Jfl1l 9 "'l'l!Fl ra it"n" itlCT1 1 mn• 111'"'' 'f11!1:::1 1!11'7 f[JF!' omn fl'11:::1l:::l 2 """" il1iT' ra t~":lm'1' 'fl:::lr/1 1'lon'7 t~•'7n•cn 111!1 1'1!11'
n;,J•Jp f'll\n nl\'lo nn'l!lll 11Wl 'IIDOO'l )'1\1 i"':::l'li"' l!ll:l'l
i"';)'I!I.!IO 1:::1'1 no
11CII I:M" ::vn1 'll'll t~•n f'I'Mit 1:1!12 6 m?Tll ll!1 m:H!lp
top margin him 'm tb'lOTI 1:::1 ,.,,,,, ,,.,,, 1t1Jln nwn 20 1~1:::10] [mtn 22 c~ "~ IUP:J'i ~,C!l, c·J~11Z1 C'i'El:m 21 iil'] (r,~ tJ"'M ~ 23 pnh•[ ]C!ii[J1il0 ,~1 ]1El0~'1 IUOtDil]
Col II: Psalms 104:[19 +] 20-22 [+ 23-35 + 147:1-16]
Reconstruction of 4QPsalmse (cols I-IV)
.·wen i RCWtc:·~·-
v.> v.>
fl 'i
=m against 11 QPsa
'7.lJ,El n~ 4QPse ffi (''?DEl n~) ~(IJ.ETcl TWV €pya(OIJ.EVWV) ] '7.lJ,El ?,::J n~ II QPs3 t::J'o?n::J 4QPs0 ffi] Cl'O,?n::J IIQPs 3 [ORTII or VAR?]
125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4) 126: I (f. 26 i, line
4QPse corrected towards a text like 125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4) 125:5 (f. 26 i, line 4)
126: I (f. 26 i, line 5) 126:2 (f. 26 i, line 7) 130: I (f. 26 ii, lines 2-3)
'p?p.!J 4QPs * IIQPs ] pr. Cl't!!Oi11 4QPse carr ffi~ Cl'?,p?p.lJ 4QPs0 *] Cl'lj?,p?p.!J(?) 4QPs 0 carr; m?,p?p.!J l!QPs 3 ; Clt;"li?i?'?i?.P ffi~(> suff.); cf. Jdg 5:6 [ni?i??i?~l) :::l,tD:::l 4QPse* ] pr. m?.lJOi1 i'tD 4QPs 0 carr II QPs 3 ffi ~ 7'iJi1 4QPse* ] + i11i1' 4QPse carr II QPs 3 ffi ~ [Cl'pO.lJ]OO 4QPs0 * ] pr. m?.lJOi1 i'tD 4QPse carr (vid.) (]7,l1) !IQPsaffi~ 0
When these three groups of individual variants are weighed together, several results emerge. (a) It is evident from the first group that 4QPse frequently agrees with 11QPsa against the Masoretic Text. (b) The second group shows that 4QPse clearly agrees with the MT-150 Psalter against 11QPsa only once, with the omission of?,:; in 125:5. 4 6 (c) The third group indicates that the original reading of 4QPse has been systematically corrected towards another text. Although the last three cases could be viewed as corrections towards a text like ffi or a text like llQPsa, the first two suggest that 4QPse has in fact been corrected towards the proto-Masoretic Text. 47 In the light of this evidence, all five instances may be regarded as corrections towards a text like rather than a text like 11QPsa.
The four pieces of evidence presented above indicate that 4QPse most likely contained the same arrangement of material that is found in 11QPsa. If this evaluation is correct, 4QPse is an important manuscript because it provides the first concrete evidence that an exemplar of the llQPsa-Psalter was stored in Cave 4. It also joins 11 QPsa in confirming that this Psalter included material from the highly stabilized earlier part (Psalms 1-89). 48 But it should not be regarded as an identical copy of II QPs a, although the palaeo graphical dating is about the same (mid-1st century CE). The corrections made in 4QPse suggest that it is most likely an earlier exemplar of the edition found in 11 QPsa, but has undergone subsequent correction towards a textual form similar to the one preserved in m. 46 C'l:l'm::l
in 126: I muy be regarded us un orthographic vuriunt.
47 With tbe insertion of C'C!lOin, und correction from C'.,,p.,pv• to u lilrm (C'n'1p.,pll) thut seems liN close UN possible to ffi (Cl\fl"f''Pll). 4 " I.e. Psulms 76, 77, 78, HI, 86, 88und 89. IIQPsh ulsu prcacrvcs mutcrlul (77:18-21 und 78:1) from the curlier section uf the Psullcr.
9. Additional Collections of Psalms Several other manuscripts suggest that additional arrangements of Psalms were used at Qumran; specific data may be obtained from the list of contiguous Psalms in APPENDIX 3. Distinctive ordering of material is evident in the following six scrolls:
4QPsh. Dating from the Herodian period, this manuscript contains few Psalms that are physically joined to each other. 49 Consequently, much of its material can be arranged to correspond with either the MT-150 Psalter or the 11QPsa-Psalter. However, in this scroll Psalms 104-111 are lacking from their Masoretic position, since Ps 103 is followed directly by 112 (see PLATE II). At this point the manuscript is clearly in conflict with m, but not necessarily with 11QPsa, since it is could be argued that Ps 103 was originally followed by 112 in 11QPsa.50 But structural considerations and other disagreements against llQPsa show that 4QPsb represents an arrangement different from that of the 11 QPsa-Psalter. In particular, the two scrolls are in conflict with respect to the position of Psalm 93; cf. 91 ~ 92 + 93 + 94 in 4QPsb and AposZion ~93~ 141 in 11QPsa. 4QPsd. Only a few fragments remain of this scroll, which was copied in the mid-first century BCE. 51 The manuscript preserves one obvious contrast to 104~ 105 in the Masoretic Psalter, since Ps 147 is directly followed by Ps 104. This arrangement is reminiscent of the sequence 104~147 in 11QPsa, but in reverse order; both scrolls seem to reflect a tradition where Psalms 104 and 147 were linked with one another. However, it is very unlikely that 4QPsd originally contained the general arrangement exhibited by 11 QPsa, since the wider sequence 106~ 147~ 10452 in 4QPsd is irreconcilable with the order 118~ 104 ~147 in 11QPsa. 4QPsf. In this manuscript (ca. 50 BCE), Psalms 22, 107 and 109 are partly extant, 53 together with three or four 54 compositions that are absent from the 49
See Chapter 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4") for discussion, and APPENDIX 4 for contents. This arrangement for IIQPsa is proposed by Michael Chyutin ("Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 373), since IIQPs 3 originally contained additional material (Chapter 2.4 ["Psalms Scrolls from Cave II"]). 51 See Chapter 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4") for discussion, and APPENDIX 4 for contents. 52 In col. I of 4QPsd the partially preserved line that directly precedes Psalm 147 reads as follows: i1'1':\?i1 ] j[ ] . This most likely indicates the final nun of ]1:1111 + i1'1??i1 in I 06:48. 53 Spacing indicates that a Psalm directly followed 107 and preceded 109, most likely yielding the sequence Psalms J07 ~[108]~ 109. See Skehan, "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 166; and Starcky, "Psaumes Apocryphes," 354. Further details are given in Chapter 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4"), and the list of contents in APPENDIX 4. 54 According to Skehan ("Qumrun and Old Testament Criticism," 166), only three "apocryphal" compositions ure extant in 4QPsf. But in the preliminary publication of cols. VII-X ("Psaumes Apocryphes," 3S3-71 ), Starcky indicates that the single [1['?':iJnJ in the final preserved line belongs "suns doute" to u fourth "upocryphnl" composition (see pp. 3~~. 370). On the other hand, ""i77i1 may furrn the ondinJI nfthe third piece (cr. Psnlm• II~:IH: 146:10). 50
Received Text (see PLATE V). 55 The inclusion of Ps 22 does not undermine the thesis that the scrolls attest to the overall stability of Psalms 1-89, since it is not joined to any of the other compositions. 56 But the arrangement of the other Psalms-both "biblical" and "apocryphal"-is indicative of a collection that is at variance with both the MT-150 and 1lQPsa-Psalters. The following sequence for 4QPsf seems very plausible: Psalms 107 ~ [ 108, reconstructed]~ 109~Apostrophe to Zion~Eschatological Hymn~Apostrophe to Judah. 4QPsf thus attests to an arrangement whose order differs from both m and llQPsa. 4QPsk. This manuscript (first century BCE) preserves only a strip from the bottom of two adjoining columns .57 The first column contains parts of Ps 135:616 and the second portions of Ps 99: 1-5, which constitutes a major difference from both the MT-150 and the llQPsa-Psalters. 58 Little more can be said concerning such a small piece, except that it may provide further evidence for fluidity of arrangements involving Psalms 99 and 135 in the first century BCE. 4QPsn. In this scroll (late first century BCE) Psalm 135:11-12 is directly followed by 136:22-23, 59 an arrangement that is definitely at variance with the MT-150 Psalter and probably with the llQPsa-Psalter. The relevant section of llQPsa (cols. XIV-XVI) actually preserves Ps 135:1-6, X, 7 [+8], 9 [+10-16], 17-21; and Ps 136:1-7, X, 8-16 [+17-25], 26. 60 The order of 4QPsn seems incompatible with llQPsa, but it should be noted that the verses it contains are not actually preserved in 11 QPs a. 11 QPsApa (or 11 QApPsa ). This scroll seems to contain three "apocryphal" compositions followed directly by Psalm 91 which ends the document. 61 .J. van der Ploeg's proposal that these are the "Four songs for making music over the stricken" (illl::li~ Cl'lliJElil '?.tl pJ'? i'ill)-which are mentioned in lines 9-10 of David's Compositions (llQPsa, col. XXVII)-seems very attractive. 62 Evidence for this identification includes: the use of Psalm 91 in later Rabbinic texts as the Cl'lliJElil i'ill ("Song for the Stricken" or "Song of Evil Spirits"), 63 and the 55 All grouped together, these are the "Apostrophe to Zion," "Eschatological Hymn," and "Apostrophe to Judah" (For an English translation of these pieces, see APPENDIX I ["'Apocryphal' Psalms and Other Compositions"]). 56 Ps 22 may have appeared much earlier in the manuscript, or could even belong to a different scroll written in the same hand. 57 See 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4") for discussion, and APPENDIX 4 for contents. 58 For II QPsa, note the order of Psalms 135 ~ 136~Catena~ 145 in cols. XIV-XVII. 59 See 2.3 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave 4") for discussion, and APPENDIX 4 for contents. 60 'X' denotes an additional verse not present in the Masoretic Psalter, while SlJUUrc hrackets 1 signify a passage that is no longer extant, hut originally wrilten on the manuscript. See AllllREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA. 61 Indicated by a blank spuce; cf. van der Ploeg ("Le Psuume XCI," pl. IX fudng pg. 217). (• 2 Thus vun dcr Ploeg, "Un petit roulcnu," 129. But the off'idul editors (Ourdu Mur1h1e1. und Tigchcluur) only udmit thiN us one posRibillty; cl'. Chupter 2.4 ("I'Rnhns ScroiiR from Cuve II"). (d C'f. v. 'l:'mb/11 10.26c; v..~a/1/mt 6,Kh; Mit/m,; '1-,.hlllim to l'snlm91; Sunders, '/'hr 11.1'11/m.! Sl'l'oll. tn; van tier Ploeg, "lln petit roulenu," 129.
presence in llQPsApa of the words "stricken" ([Ci"]lliJEli1 in col. V line 2) and "David" (i'ii'? in col. IV line 4).64 If the identification with the "Songs for the Stricken" is correct, the reference in David's Compositions and the superscript i'ii'? indicate that 11QPsApa was viewed at Qumran as a collection of Davidic pieces. The designation llQPsf for this group of "Davidic" compositions would then seem appropriate. On the other hand, the limited size and specialized nature of this collection precludes the possibility that it is a small edition of the Psalter; it is better classified as a "Davidic Exorcism Handbook."
10. Secondary Collections and Three Editions The above data and configurations lead to two main conclusions. First, it is very likely that some of the Psalms scrolls contain secondary collections of scriptural material. Second, at least three editions of the Psalter are to be found among these manuscripts. Secondary Collections: The term "secondary collection" denotes a group of compositions selected from a fixed Scriptural collection and then rearranged for secondary purposes, whether liturgical or otherwise. The existence of secondary compilations elsewhere among the scrolls cautions against identifying every arrangement of Psalms as an earlier crystallization or edition of the Psalter. Two possible examples of secondary collections are 4Q522 and llQPsApa, with 122 and 91 respectively having been excerpted from a larger collection of Psalms. Excursus I. Several scholars view I I QPs 3 and other collections that deviate from the Received Text as secondary compilations that are dependent upon the MT-150 Psalter. But is there evidence for such secondary collecitons among the Dead Sea Scrolls? The pesharim come to mind as obvious examples, but these are not very appropriate since the pesher-form or genre differs markedly from the liturgical forms featured in the Psalms manuscripts. While the established scriptural text is cited in the pesher, a longer interpretation inevitably follows-in marked contrast to the hymns and poetry found virtually throughout I I QPs a and other Psalms scrolls. 65 Much closer in form to these texts are several of the phylacteries 66 and manuscripts such as 4QDeuti, which contains a liturgical reordering of previously finalized poetic texts from Exodus and Deuteronomy.67 The phenomenon of liturgical reorderings of scriptural texts at Qumran makes it very possible that some of the Psalms scrolls are secondary compilations. 64 These readings and column/line numbers are taken from the forthcoming DJD edition. I am grateful to Prof. Garcia Martinez and Dr. Tigchelaar for sending me a pre-publication copy. 65 The exception is "David's Compositions," tbe prose piece found in col. XXVII (see PLATE VI). 66 According to J. T. Milik, certain pericopes from Exodus and Deuteronomy feature prominently in the phylacteries. He suggests two categories: "le choix maximum des pericopes," consisting of Deut 5:1-6:9, 10:12-11:21; and Exod 12:43-13:16 (with Exodus generally following Deuteronomy); and "le choix minimum et classique des pericopes," comprising Deut 6:4-9, II: 13-21, and Exod 13:110, 11-16 (de Vaux and Milik, DJD VI, 38-39). 67 When fully extant, this scroll contained several liturgical texts, apparently in the following order: Deut 5:1-6:3; !1:5-10; 10:12-11:21; Exod 12:43-13:16; and Deut 32:1-9 (cf. Julie Duncan "Considerations," 199-215; and "4QDeut.l," in Ulrich et ul. DJD XIV, 75-91 ). Other examples of "special use" liturgicul tcxtN nre 4Ql>eut 0 where Deut K:S-10 is followed directly by 5: 1-6: I, and 4QDeut q which NccmN tn huvc cnntnlned only the Son11 of' MoscM (!)cut J2: 1-4:1 ).
Three Editions of the Psalter The three larger collections that were identified above represent three different editions of the Psalter. This conclusion is of considerable import for understanding the later stages in the formation of the Book of Psalms, and will thus be articulated here in some detail. Discussion takes place with reference to the phenomenon of variant literary editions that was introduced earlier in the chapter, 68 and which merits further elaboration at this point.
Excursus II. The status of II QPs a and other collections should be evaluated in the broader context of different editions of scriptural books in ancient Jewish literature. Scholars are well aware that several biblical books existed in different forms in antiquity. For example, there are two Jewish editions of the Book of Exodus, the first represented in 4QpaleoExodm and the second in the Masoretic Text. 69 More than one edition also occurs for the Books of Samuel, 70 Jeremiah, 71 and DanieJ.72 The implication for the present study is clear: different editions of scriptural books were found at Qumran, and were used alongside one another by the community and even by Jews in general (Such usage was apparently widespread, there being no indication that the manuscripts listed for these editions were peculiar to the Qumran community). Therefore, the possibility of variant editions of the Psalter cannot be summarily dismissed as contrary to practice.
(a) Edition I: An Early Edition of the Psalter (Psalms 1 or 2 to 89). On the basis of the available evidence, which is admittedly incomplete, the earlier collection that was identified above 73 may be termed "Edition I" of the Psalter. This identification does not deny the existence of earlier groupings or even editions as the Psalter was taking shape, 74 but recognizes that the Dead Sea Scrolls provide our earliest documentary evidence for an earlier and shorter form of the Psalter. This edition had an independent existence prior to the formation of the larger Psalter or Psalters, 75 and was possibly the sum content of specific scrolls such as 4QPsa, 4QPsc, 11QPsc, and 11QPsd. 76 If such 68 Cf. section 3 ("Two Preliminary Issues"). There the term "(literary) edition" was defined as "an intentional reworking of an older form of the book for specific purposes or according to identifiable editorial purposes" (Eugene Ulrich). 69 Cf. Ulrich, "Canonical Process," 278-80. 7 Compare the longer version of the David and Goliath story in m with the shorter account in ~71 A shorter form is evident in 4QJerb and~. and a longer from in m. 2QJer, 4QJera, and 4QJerC. See Ulrich, "Canonical Process," 283. 72 One edition is preserved in ffi and the other in~: cf. Ulrich, "Canonical Process," 283-85. 73 See section 6 ("An Early Collection of Psalms"). 74 "Edition I" could be interpreted as signifying the first edition of the Psalter, which is not the case. A more nuanced formulation has been proposed by Eugene Ulrich ("Pluriformity in the Biblical Text," 39-40) in his analysis of Daniel. There Ulrich uses "Edition N" to designate "the unknown number (second, third, etc.) in the series of editions of the Book ... ," and "Edition N+ 1" to denote a revision of Edition N. In the present study I prefer to use "Edition I" because it is less technical and thus more easily grasped by biblical scholars and exegetes. 7 ~ Cf. Introduction ("Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature"). According to James Sunders, the process of stabilization was arrested when the founders of the Qumran community left Jerusalem, at a time when Psalms l-K9 hud reached finalization. 7 ~ Rut nute the words nf cautlnn In sec! inn 6 11hnve.
manuscripts did contain only this earlier Psalter, 77 it would have been used at Qumran alongside the longer l1QPsa-Psalter and (apparently) the MT-150 one. 78 But it is also possible that the earlier collection existed at Qumran only as part of longer Psalters, with later Psalms originally present but no longer preserved in the relevant manuscripts. In that case the independent existence of Edition I would seem unlikely at Qumran, suggesting that it was used before the community's founding in about 150 BCE. 79
(b) Edition Ila: The 1JQPsa-Psalter. The present chapter does not evaluate the true scriptural status of llQPsa, which will be proposed and demonstrated in Chapter 9. However, that conclusion must be anticipated in the present context, because it shows that the llQPsa collection qualifies as the latter part of an edition of the Book of Psalms. This may be termed "Edition Ila" or the "l1QPsa-Psalter," and is represented by at least three manuscripts: 4QPse, llQPsa, and 11QPsb. Edition Ila is not simply to be equated with 11QPsa, since it consists of Edition I (Psalms 1/2-89) plus the arrangement attested most fully in the large Psalms scroll. While 1lQPsa does not actually preserve material from Edition I, the existence of both parts of the larger edition in single scrolls is confirmed by 4QPse and 11 QPsb. 80 There is no firm evidence that the second part of this collection was compiled at Qumran; 81 it was more likely joined with Edition I before the Qumran period to form Edition Ila among Jewish circles that advocated the solar calendar. 82 (c) Edition lib: The MT-150 Psalter. This consists of Edition I plus Psalms 90-150 as found in the Received Text, and is possibly connected with Jewish groups supporting the lunar calendar. 83 The use of "lib" for this Psalter and "IIa" for the 11QPsa-Psalter does not necessarily mean that the MT-150 arrangement is later than the other, but signifies that Edition I was finalized first and that the two larger editions represent growth of the Book of Psalms in two different directions. Both Ila and lib seem to have been completed prior to the Qumran period; it seems impossible to decide which was earlier. It was shown above 84 that several manuscripts found at Qumran support the general 7 7 Since only four scrolls (lQPsa, 4QPse, 4QPsf, and llQPsb) preserve material from Psalms 189 and 90-150, it is tempting to conclude that certain manuscripts originally contained Edition I (Psalms 1-89), while others comprised Psalms from 90 and beyond. 78 I am grateful to Professor Sanders for his helpful insights on this point in response to an earlier draft of the chapter. For the two longer Psalters, see below. 79 The terminus a quo is 150-140 BCE (Vermes, Qumran in Perspective, 141; cf. VanderKam, Dead Sea Scrolls Today, 104-105). 80 The preserved section of 4QPse begins with Ps 76:10, and that of IIQPb with 77:18. 81 According to Sanders, Psalms 90 onwards developed independently in two directions after the founders of the Qumran community had left Jerusalem: cf. Introduction ("Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature"). 8 2 This issue is explored more fully in Chapter !!.7 ("The Provenance nf II QPsa") 8 ·1 I.e. the Phurisees: cf. Chapter K.7 ("The Provenuncc nf II QPs 0 "). 84 Cf. Kcctinn 7 ("The ScrniiN and the MT -·PMulter").
arrangement of Psalms 1-89, but that none decisively confirms the order of the longer Masoretic Text as opposed to the 1lQPsa-Psalter. Clear support for the MT-150 arrangement is first found at Masada in the structure of MasPsh. But this does not mean that the arrangement found in m is of late origin, since it is seems to be attested by the Septuagint translation, 85 and was apparently completed ca. 200 BCE. 86 It is possible but not certain that several Qumran scrolls originally supported the MT-150 Psalter when they were fully extant. Nine manuscripts were found to meet the twin criteria of preserving material from Psalms 90 to 150, and not conflicting with the order of the Received Text.87 Possible copies of the MT-150 Psalter would thus be found in this list. But caveat lector: in their present fragmentary state most of these scrolls can be arranged to support either the Masoretic order or that of 11 QPsa.
collections among the scrolls, it is very likely that some Psalms manuscripts contain secondary compilations, with 4Q522 and 11QPsApa as distinct possibilities. But many other Psalms scrolls represent at least three literary editions of the Book of Psalms: Edition I (Psalms 112-89), Edition IIa or the 11QPsa-Psalter (=Edition I plus the arrangment found in 11QPsa), and Edition lib or the MT-150 Psalter (=Edition I plus Psalms 90-150). Edition I was possibly the sum content of 4QPsa, 4QPsc and llQPsc, but this is not assured. Edition IIa is represented by 4QPse and llQPsb (Edition I with the second part) and by llQPsa (second part only). Edition lib is attested by MasPsh (second part only [i.e. material from Psalms 90-150]), and maybe by some Qumran manuscripts. The surprising absence of distinct exemplars of the MT-150 Psalter at Qumran has been duly noted. It is possible that the Scrolls contain yet more literary editions of the Book of Psalms (notably the 4QPsf arrangement), but this is far from certain. The conclusions reached here partially anticipate the findings of Chapters 8 and 9: that llQPsa qualifies as the latter part of an edition of the Book of Psalms and was regarded as Scripture among Jewish circles advocating the solar calendar, which included the Qumran covenanters. These findings vindicate the second thesis of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis, that two or more Psalters are represented among the scrolls from the Judaean Desert. They also move this thesis forward in two respects: by defining such Psalters in terms of variant literary editions, and by identifying an early, shorter Edition I. All this, plus the possibility that 4QPsf may represent a fourth literary edition, lends solid weight to James Sanders' early insight that the Psalms scrolls contains two editions of the Psalter, and probably others besides.
Other Editions of the Psalter? One or more further editions of the Psalter may be found among the Psalms scrolls, but this is not certain. The most likcy candidate is 4QPsf, whose arrangement differs from both both m and l1QPsa, and which may preserve part of a fourth edition of the Book of Psalms. 88 However, a definite decision cannot be reached in view of the fragmentary state of this manuscript. The likelihood that it represents a secondary liturgical composition, or even an earlier collection that formed a source for the Psalter, cannot be ruled out. 11. Conclusion Despite the fragmentary state of many Psalms scrolls, as a corpus they indicate the existence of multiple collections of the Psalter in the late Second Temple period. Five such compilations are: an early collection of Psalms which ended with Ps 89 or thereabouts; the two-part "llQPsa-Psalter"; the protoMasoretic Psalter with its 150 Psalms; the arrangement represented by 4QPsf; and the small collection contained in 11QPsApa. In the light of other secondary 85 Many scholars believe that the existing critical edition of the LXX Psalter may not contain the Old Greek (original translation) in every instance; cf. Chapter I 0.2 ("Rahlfs' Edition of the Septuagint Psalter"). Yet there is little evidence that its arrangement differed much from that found in the Masoretic Psalter. Exactly when the Greek Psalter assumed its present form is not easy to pinpoint. According to Swete (Old Testament in Greek, 25), "the later books of the Greek Psalter may be assigned to the second half of the second century" BCE. 86 James Sanders proposed that Books IV-V of the Masoretic Psalter developed after the founding of the Qumran community in about 150 BCE; cf. Introduction ("Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature"). However, the apparent finalization of the Greek Psalter shortly afterwards (cf. the preceding note) indicates that the MT-150 collection (whose order it follows) must must have been compiled earlier (r:a. 200 BCE). It hus been posited thut the Chronicler's use of Ps 106 with its benediction (cf. I Chron 16:~6) shows that Books I-IV of the Psalter hud been finuli1.ed hy ca. 400 liCE. However, this evidence is hy no means conclusive; for discussion sec section 3.5 in Chapter 9. 87 IQPs". ~QPsh, 2QPs, 4QPs 1, 4QPsm, 4QPsP, 4QPs 0 , 4QPsu, and IIQI'sd. Three manuscripts (4QPsll, 4QPs , and SQPs) were eliminutcd because they most likc:ly contnined only Ps 119. KH See section 9 ("Additionnl <'ullectiuns uf Psnhns"),
DAVID'S SOLAR PSALTER. THE STRUCTURE AND PROVENANCE OF llQPsa 1. Resources and Previous Discussion: Ackroyd, Peter. "Some Notes on the Psalms" JTS n.s. 17 (1966) 392-99, esp. 396-99. "The Open Canon," Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review (May, 1970) 279-91. Brooke, George. "Psalms 105 and I 06 at Qumran," RevQ 54 (1989) 267-92. Brownlee, William H. "The Significance of 'David's Compositions,'" RevQ 20 (1966) 569-74. Chyutin, Michael. i1lt1m-m'? '!:l-'?ll l:l''?'i1n 'i1D!D n::>'ill1 'ltv n'::l n!:l1pn:::! i1ltvi1-mm'? non'?o [The War of the Calendars in the Period of the Second Temple and the Redaction of the Psalms According to the Calendar] (Tel Aviv: Modan, 1993). "The Redaction of the Qumranic and the Traditional Book of Psalms as a Calendar," RevQ 63
(1994) 367-95. Cross, Frank Moore. "The History of the Biblical Text in the Light of Discoveries in the Judaean Desert," HTR 51 (1964) 281-99 (Repr. in Cross and S. Talmon (eds.), Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1975) 177-95. Farrell, Shannon E. "Le Rouleau IIQPsa et Ia Psautier biblique. Une etude comparative,'' Laval theologique et philosophique 46 ( 1990) 353-68. Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 155--69. Goshen-Gottstein, M. H. "The Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa). A Problem of Canon and Text," Textus 5 (1966) 22-33. Hossfeld, F. L. and E. Zenger. Die Psalmen I (Neue Echter Bibel29; Wiirzburg: Echter Verlag 1993). Kselman, JohnS. and Michael L. Barre. "Psalms," NJBC 523-52. Limburg, James. "Psalms, Book of,'' ABD, 5.522-36. Luhrrnann, D. "Ein Weisheitspsalm aus Qumran (11QPsa XVIII)," Z4 W 80 (1968) 87-98. Newsom, Carol A. '"Sectually Explicit' Literature from Qumran," in W. H. Propp, B. Halpern, and D. N. Freedman (eds.), The Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters (Biblical and Judaic Studies from the University of California, San Diego I; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 167-87. Pigue, Stanley C. "Psalms, Syriac (Apocryphal)," ABD 5.536-37. Ploeg, J.P. M. van der. "Un petit rouleau de Psaumes apocryphes (IIQPsApa)," in G. Jeremias, H.W. Kuhn and H. Stegemann (eds.), Tradition und Glaube: Das friihe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabe fur Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65.Geburtsdag (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1971) 128-39 +pis. II-VII. Polzin, Robert. "Notes on the Dating of the Non-Massoretic Psalms of 11QPsa," HJR(JJ(I%7)468-76. Sanders, James A. The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 [IIQPsa] (DJD IV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). "The Qumran Psalms Scroll (II QPsa) Reviewed," in M. Black and W. A. Smalley (eds.), On Language, Culture, and Religion: In Honor of Eugene A. Nida (The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1974) 79-99. "Psalm 154 Revisited," in G. Braulik, W. Gross, & S. McEvenue (eds.), Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Fur Norbert Lohjink S.J. (Freiburg: Herder, 1993) 296-306. Schiffman, Lawrence H. Reclaimint? the Dead Sea Scrolls (Philadelphia and Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society, 1994 ). Sinclair, Lawrence A. "IIQPs 11 --A Psalms Scroll from Qumran: Text and Cunon," in J. C. Knight und Luwrence A. Sincluir (eds.), Thr l'salm.ltJml Othtr Stud/t'.1on thl' Old 1.,.1Wml'nt. l'rt'unt,d to'ph I. Hunt (Nushntuh, WI: Nushutuh HnuNe Seminnry, 191)0) 1()9"'1 ~-
Skehan, Patrick W. "The Apocryphal Psalm 151," CBQ 25 (1963) 407-409. "A Liturgical Complex in 11QPsa," CBQ 34 (1973) 195-205. "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piere, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-82. "The Divine Name at Qumran, in the Masada Scroll, and in the Septuagint," B/OSCS 13 (1980) 14-44. Smith, Morton. "Psalm 151, David, Jesus, and Orpheus," Z4 W93 (1981) 247-53. Stuhlmueller, Carroll. "Psalms," HBC, 433-94. Talman, S. "Pisgah Be'emsa' Pasuq and IIQPsa," Textus 5 (1966) 11-21. ~lp i1DID :J~iD1pD t1'i::llli1 ptli'?::l l:l"l1~'n l:l'i1DID ["Extra-Canonical Psalms from Qumran -Psalm 151"], Tarbiz 35 (1966) 214-34 (Repr. in The World of Qumran from Within. Collected Studies [Jerusalem: Magness Press; Leiden: Brill, 1989], 244-72 +pl. I). Tov, Emanuel. "Hebrew Bible Manuscripts from the Judaean Desert: Their Contribution to Textual Criticism," JJS 39 (1988) 5-37. Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (Assen and Maastricht: Van Gorcum; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992). Ulrich, Eugene. "Piuriformity in the Biblical Text, Text Groups, and Questions of Canon," in J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid. 18-21 March 1991 (STDJ II; Leiden: Brill; Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1992) 1.23-41. "The Canonical Process, Textual Criticism, and Latter Stages in the Composition of the Bible," in M. Fishbane and E. Tov (eds.), "Shacarei Talman." Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992) 267-91. "Multiple Literary Editions: Reflections toward a Theory of the History of the Biblical Text," in D. Parry and S. Ricks (eds.), Current Research and Technological Developments on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Conference on the Texts from the Judean Desert, Jerusalem, 30 April 1995 (STDJ 20; Leiden: Brill) 78-105 +pis. I-ll. VanderKam, James C. The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994). Wacholder, Ben Zion. "David's Eschatological Psalter: II QPsalmsa," HUCA 59 (1988) 23-72. Wilson, Gerald H. "The Qumran Psalms Manuscripts and the Consecutive Arrangement of Psalms in the Hebrew Psalter," CBQ 45 (1983) 377-88. "The Qumran Psalms Scroll Reconsidered: Analysis of the Debate," CBQ 47 (1985) 624-42. The Editing of the Hebrew Psalter (SBLDS 76; Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1985). "The Qumran Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa) and the Canonical Psalter; Comparison of Canonical Shaping," CBQ 59. [forthcoming, 1997] Zenger, Erich. "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 17 (1994) 37-54. [See also under Hossfeld.]
2. The Largest of the Psalms Scrolls The focus of this chapter is upon llQPsa, the largest extant Psalms scroll from Qumran and the central document in the Psalms debate. In particular, I will be paying attention to the structure, organization, and provenance of this manuscript. First, previous attempts at a structural analysis will be examined, culminating in Gerald Wilson's 1985 dissertation, 1 which expanded the discussion considerably. Second, I hope to advance our understanding of llQPsa by introducing new proposals concerning its structure. The rather provocative 1 WiiMun, lidltltlllt~f'tht'lll'hrfw l'.mltt'r.
title of this chapter signals two conclusions which will be reached: that the arrangement of 11 QPs a is dependent upon the solar calendar and attribution to David. The last part will consider the provenance and origin of 11QPsa, which entails an evaluation of the third thesis of the "Qumran Psalms Hypothesis," that 11QPsa was compiled at Qumran and thus may be termed the "Qumran Psalter." 2 The scroll preserves parts or all of 49 compositions 3 whose full contents are listed in APPENDIX 4. 4 The intricate discussion of relationships and groupings found in this material will take place with reference to Table 1.
3. Early Assessments of the Structure of 11 QPsa
Table 1: The Extant Contents of 11QPs 3 by Composition* Frgs. a--e
Psalm 101 ~102 ~103
109 118 ~104
to the Creator Last Words ~David's Compositions ~Psalm 140 ~Hymn
~130 ~131
[end of scroll]
*An arrow ~ indicates that a passage is continuous with the one listed before it. The plus sign + signifies that a passage follows the one listed before it, even though some text is no longer extant. Items in square brackets [ ] are included by reconstruction. See ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA.
Cf. James Sanders, Dead Sea P.wlm.1· Scroll, I ~8; "Psalms Scroll Reviewed," 98. ·1 The manuscript was introduced in Chuptcr 2.4 ("Psulms Scrolls from Cave II"). 4 "Contents of the Psalms Scrolls by Manuscript." The tntul uf' 49 presumes that Ps I )6 and the Catena in cuts. XV· XVI form a sin11le composition (cf..~.1 below). 2
Prior to 1985, there were few comprehensive attempts to explain the structure or organizing principles of llQPsa as a whole. As was indicated in the Introduction,5 James Sanders understood this manuscript to contain part of a scriptural Psalter prior to the widespread or universal acceptance of the MT150 collection in the late first century CE. 6 In response, M. H. Goshen-Gottstein and others viewed it as a secondary liturgical compilation drawing upon the already finalized and accepted MT-150 Psalter. These contrasting assessments will be evaluated in Chapter 9, but are significant in the present context because they were accompanied by few specific insights or proposals as to how the document was put together. A more sustained effort to account for the structure of llQPsa was made by Patrick Skehan, who believed it to be a secondary collection. Skehan offered a twofold explanation for the arrangement of its contents: liturgical regroupings and "library edition" expansions, 7 although his estimation of 11QPsa was to evolve further over the years. 8 He also identified some of the blocks of material that make up this collection, the two most obvious being the alphabetic acrostic Ps 119, 9 and thirteen of the fifteen m'?.I)Oi1 'iW or "Psalms of Ascent" ( 120132).10 According to Skehan, other clusters of Psalms show evidence of deliberate liturgical grouping, the clearest being Pss 135--7136--7 Catena--7145, 11 with inserts and a subscription following Ps 145. 12 This "complex," he added, shows signs of "deliberate liturgical grouping," with the main locus in the Jerusalem temple precincts (cf. Ps 135:2, 21) and a presumed origin prior to the second century BCE. 13 Further groupings proposed by Skehan are: the Passover Hallel (Psalms 113--7114--7115--7116--7117--7118), 14 Psalms
to Zion
Cols. VI -XIV Cols. XIV-XV Cols. XV-XVI
Cols. V-VI
Cols. IV-V
Cols. III-IV
145(with subscript)
Col. III
+ 154 + Plea for
Frg. e-Column I Cols. 1-11
5 Cf. "Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature" in section 2. 6 This constitutes the fourth thesis of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis. 7 "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," I69. By "library edition," Skehan meant an inclusive compilation of Davidic pieces to honour "the Psalmist par excellence" ("Liturgical Complex," 195). 8 Skehan's final assessment of llQPsa appeared in a I 980 article ("The Divine Name," 42), where he described it as a copy of "an instruction book for budding Levite choristers" at the Temple, during the Oniad high priesthood (ca. 200 BC). 9 Cols. VI-XIV of liQPsa 10 "A Liturgical Complex," 196. These Psalms are found in cols. II-VI of I JQPsa, assuming that
Ps 120 was originally written in the missing bottom section of col. I I. The remaining two rn'?llDi 'itll appear later in the manuscript: Ps 133 in col. XXIII, and Ps 134 in cols. XXVII-XXVIII. II See cols. XIV -XVII. 12 "A Liturgical Complex," 195-205. 13 "A Liturgical Complex," 196. Skehan pointed to the "insert" in 135:6 as evidence of deliberate
liturgical regrouping; however, the strophe present in IIQPs" and not in mcould be a textual variant. Specific readings are listed nmong the Vnrinnts in Chnpters 3 nnd 4 of the present study. 14 "A Liturgical Complex," 196. Although only vv 2~-29 of Psalm IIH ure extunt (frg. e i), this sequence is very pouihle on the hnsis of spncingnnd restorntion of the mntcriltl missing between frgA. d nnd c. The l'snlms of the l'nssovcr Hullelnt'c included in my "New Stntcturnl Ann lysis of II QPs"'' (section ~ heloW).
to the Creator,l5 and Psalms 104~147~105~146~148. The third of these groups, he suggested, "gives the impression of a collocation for a service of praise." 16 Not everyone would support Skehan's thesis regarding the status of 11 QPsa, and some of his categories may be further refined, but he made a valuable contribution by attempting to explain the structure of 11 QPs a in terms of a theoretical framework. 17 While not focusing upon the macro-structure of 11QPsa, several other scholars have investigated individual compositions or small groups found there, 18 especially the ten or eleven pieces 19 not present in the MT-150 Psalter. 20 One of these is catena-like in form, 21 one is found elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, 22 five were familiar from ancient translations, 23 and four were completely unknown until the discovery of the scroll. 24 In defence of the scriptural status of the collection, Sanders emphasized the similarity of the "non-biblical" Psalms to the "biblical" ones in style and vocabulary, and dated their composition in the third century BCE. 25 Shemaryahu Talman, however, regarded these as non-canonical "interpolations" that have been arranged alongside "canonical Psalms." 26 For Skehan, the fact that these "apocryphal" Psalms begin only in col. XVII of the manuscript, and are dispersed among Psalms 137-150, was indicative of dependence upon the MT-150 Psalter.27 Whatever their standpoint on the status of 11 QPsa, all these early studies recognize the importance of David's Compositions, the prose "epilogue" that
appears in col. XXVII. Sanders understood this piece as part of the strong Davidic emphasis in the scroll, while Talman and Skehan viewed it as incompatible with a true scriptural Psalter. 28 An unusual perspective was offered by William Brownlee, who suggested that David's Compositions once stood in a special recension of 1-2 Samuel, where it followed the Last Words of David. 29 Five main results emerge from these early studies of 11QPsa with respect to its arrangement or structure: (a) The collection contains several smaller groupings, which have been organized according to definite principles. (b) While some of these principles were suggested by Skehan in particular, no structural key or overriding schema was offered to systematically explain the arrangement of the entire collection. (c) Whether 11QPsa is a scriptural Psalter or a secondary collection, all parties have .acknowledged the strong Davidic emphasis in the scroll. (d) Any assessment must take into account those compositions that are not found in the MT-150 Psalter, and must explain their inclusion in llQPsa. (e) David's Compositions in col. XXVII is significant for understanding the structure and purpose of the collection found in this manuscript. Although it is presented with the other "apocryphal" Psalms in APPENDIX 1, this important prose piece is reproduced here in full since it features so prominently in the present chapter:
176 149~150~Hymn
David's Compositions in UQPs 3 (col. XXVII, lines 2-11) (2)
15 With the Hymn serving as a "pendant" to Psalms !49 and !50 (cf. "A Liturgical Complex," 202-3). Although he did not initially regard the Hymn as directly liturgical, Skehan later understood it as such, and proposed that II QPs 3 as a liturgical collection effectively ends with Psalms 149~ 150~Hymn ("Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 171). l6 "A Liturgical Complex," 202. 17 Skehan's groupings are tabulated in section 4.4 below (see Table 2). 18 Three studies are: Brownlee, "Significance of 'David's Compositions,'" 569-74; Talmon, J~ir.11po n'i::l.ll
(4) (5) (6)
(8) (9)
(10) (II)
And David, the son of Jesse, was wise, and a light like the light of the sun, and literate, and discerning and perfect in all his ways before God and men. And the LORD gave him a discerning and enlightened spirit. And he wrote 3,600 psalms; and songs to sing before the altar over the whole-burnt perpetual offering every day, for all the days of the year, 364; and for the offering of the Sabbaths, 52 songs; and for the offering of the New Moons and for all the Solemn Assemblies and for the Day of Atonement, 30 songs. And all the songs that he spoke were 446, and songs for making music over the stricken, 4. And the total was 4,050. All these he composed through prophecy which was given him from before the Most High. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 87)
4. Additional Organizational Principles In more recent times, three scholars have made significant contributions towards evaluating the structure and purpose of 11 QPsa. Some of these proposals have not received the attention they deserve, especially in Europe, and are thus summarized here in some detail. 2K The debate regarding the .~tutus of II QPs 11 i.~ summarized in sections 2-3 of Chapter 9 and the issue is resolved in sections 4 6. 29 I.e. 2 Snm 23: 1-7; cf. Rruwnlee, "Si(lnificunce nf 'l>uvid's Compositions,'" 569.
4.1 Gerald Wilson's Juxtaposed Groupings Further progress towards explaining the structure of llQPsa was made by Gerald Wilson in his 1985 dissertation, The Editing of the Hebrew Psalter. 3D Wilson supports several elements of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis, especially those of gradual stabilization and the status of llQPsa as belonging to a true Psalter. 31 His research indicates that similar organizing principles lie behind some groupings of Psalms in the scroll and the compilation of Books IV and v of the MT-150 Psalter.3 2 Such organization, Wilson suggests, is most apparent in the juxtaposition of superscripts and postscripts to highlight various types of groupings in 11 QPsa. 33 One example is to be found in cols. XIV -XVI: Psalm 135 136 Catena
Postscript il' ,,,il
:nt!l ':J ~'~2.,'? 1i1i1 :nt!l':J ~,~2..'? 1i1i1
il' 1'?'?i1
The result is an arrangement with a "decidedly chiastic structure." By this Wilson means that the grouping is organized to keep the two Psalms with an opening 1i1i1 formula together, but also to open and close with Psalms concluding with i1'1'?'?i!. 34 A similar arrangement appears in frgs. e i-iii and cols. I-11: Psalm 118 104 147 105 146 148
[:::J.1t!l':J ~,~2..'?1i1i1]35 [
::l1t!l':J ~,~2..'?1i1i1 [? l
i1'1'?'?i1 [il' 1'?'?i1] [? l
i1'1'?'?i1 [il' 1'?'?i1]
Wilson stresses the regularity of this structure but also its variation from the Received Psalter, since no two Psalms occur in their Masoretic order. The alternation between 1i1i1 and iT' 1'?'?i! Psalms seems to be systematic, since the 1i1i1 phrase in Ps 105 is an "addition" when compared to the MT-150 Psalter. Because the effect of this addition is to fill out the symmetry of the grouping in II QPsa, Wilson states that it was made intentionally. 36 30
See also his "Psalms Manuscripts and Consecutive Arrangement," 377-88. These two issues are treated in Chapters 6 and 9 of the present study. 32 For further comment, see Brooke, "Psalms 105 and 106 at Qumran," 269-70. 3J The terms "superscripts" and "postscripts" us used by Wilson are loosely defined, since the hall~luyahs and doxologies which he cites do not strictly qualify. See the full synopsis in Chapter 5. :l 4 Wilson, /Mitillll t!f' thr 111'/Jrrw l'sa/trr, 12Cl. ~5 This doxology iN not preserved on fr11. e, hut is supplied hy Wilson nn the hasis of its uppcuruncc in und the Cutcnu in cnl. XVI. .In ll'tlltlnl/ t~f'tht 1/,.h,w l'.ml/1'1', 12Cl. 31
Such evidence leads Wilson to posit an overall structure for 11QPsa (cf. Table 2),37 in which he identifies four clear groupings: (a) A collection of mainly Davidic Psalms (101, 102, 103, 109); (b) Six 1i1ilfi1'1'?'?i1 Psalms (118, 104, 147, 105, 146, 148); (c) Thirteen Psalms of Ascent (120 to 132) with Ps 119; and (d) Three 1i1i1/i1'1'?'?i1 Psalms (135, 136, Catena). Additional structural principles for the remainder of the scroll are not as clear, but Wilson offers further suggestions: 38 (e) a liturgical grouping (149, 150, Hymn to the Creator); and (f) two Davidic pieces (David's Last Words [= 2 Sam 23:1-7], David's Compositions). Wilson has clearly advanced beyond his predecessors in attempting to account for the arrangement of 11QPsa. By demonstrating how the juxtaposition of superscripts and postscripts highlights various types of groupings in this collection, he has made a significant contribution towards a fuller explanation of its structural principles. 39 4.2 Ben Zion Wacholder's Eschatological Psalter This 1988 study 40 offers many helpful insights on the structure and purpose of 11QPsa. Wacholder views the collection as a series of traditional and noncanonical compositions representating those songs that the eschatogical Davidic deliverer will lead all Israel in singing at the end of days. 41 He does not present a systematic structural outline, but guides the reader through the manuscript and comments on most of the compositions that it contains. Like all of his predecessors, Wacholder recognizes the importance of David's Compositions, which he regards as a type of pesher to David's Last Words that· immediately precedes it (cols. XXVI-XXVII). 42 In this prose piece, he posits, the historical and eschatological Davids have been amalgamated. 43 Wacholder also believes the complete manuscript to have began not with Ps 101 in frgs. a-c i, but with Ps 100 on the basis of its content (thanksgiving and praise), 44 and divides the collection into three main sections. His general method is to explain why certain pieces have been grouped together, especially by identifying thematic connections, and to suggest why Psalms found in the Masoretic collection have been omitted or rearranged. In his view the compiler adhered to the "traditional order" of the Book of Psalms, but intermingled hodu and hallel compositions which correspond to the general themes and ideology of the
37 In section 4.4 below. 38 Editing of the Hebrew Psalter,
127. 3? Cf. Flint, "Psalters at Qumran," 161; Brooke, "Psalms lOS and 106 at Qumran," 269-70. Wilson's groupings will feature again in Chapter 9 (section 6.3, "The Structure of IIQPsa"). 40 Ben Zion Wacholder, "David's Eschatological Psalter," 23-72. 41 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 46. Wacholder understands "David" in the scroll as the eschatological descendant of Jesse expected at the end of days (pg. 23). 4 2 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 32. 43 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 35. 44 "David's Eschutnlollicull'sultcr," 42-43 .
collection. According to Wacholder the most important of "these" (presumably themes) is that both men and angels join in pronouncing hodus and hallelluyahs which are modelled after the Song of the Sea. The first proposed section of 11 QPsa is from frg. a to col. I I, beginning with Ps 100 and ending with Ps 148 (see Table 1 above). Wacho1der offers two possible explanations for the sequence of Psalms 109 + 118~104~ 147~ 105. First, he allows that the "canonical order" of the last third of the Psalter may not have existed when 11QPsa was compiled, which means that different arrangements were still possible. Alternatively, he suggests that Psalms in this document have been selected from a finalized collection and rearranged on the basis of liturgical elements within them. 45 It soon becomes clear that Wacholder prefers the second option, which he elaborates at some length. For instance, he points out that Ps 109:21 contains a phrase that echoes the hodu strophe of Ps 100:4c-5, while the following Ps 118-which is an important Psalm in the synagogal hallel liturgy-concludes with the recitation of the hodu in v 29. In addition to finding links between adjoining Psalms, Wacholder explains the arrangement of larger groups by identifying common liturgical or thematic elements. Presuming that the compiler of 11QPsa selected material from a collection similar to the MT-150 Psalter, he pays little attention to groupings that are not in conflict with it (e. g. 100~ 101 ~ 103), but concentrates on those that are at variance (e. g. 109 + 118~104~147~105) or that are absent from the Received Text. He attributes the "omission" of Psalms 106-108 and 110117 to inappropriate subject-matter (e. g. rebelliousness, Ps 106), to polemical factors (113-117), or to the lack of Davidic superscriptions (111-117).46 Wacholder also makes prominent use of "negative linkage" (my term), by which the unsuitability of one Psalm (e. g. 106) leads to the exclusion of subsequent ones (e. g. 107-108 and 110). Having defined Wacholder's overall approach with recourse to the first part of llQPsa, I will deal with his other two sections very briefly. The second part extends from cols. III to XVI, 47 which contain thirteen of the fifteen Psalms of Ascent, Psalms 119, 135, and much of 136. He suggests that the compiler of 11 QPsa "shifted" the position of Ps 119, whose content is universal in nature, so that it would follow a series of Ascent Psalms which can be applied to events in David's life. More specifically, in this collection 132 is followed by 119 (not 133 as in ffi) because !32's focus on the sanctuary supplies a messianic context for Ps 119. 48 This section ends with Psalms 135 and 136, with the latter's hodu anti strophe serving as a bridge to the third section of the scroll. This third part is
from cols. XVI to XXVIII, which contain the end of Psalm 136 and twenty-five more compositions, of which ten or eleven 49 are not present in the MT-150 Psalter. Since the presence of these "apocryphal" pieces is in conflict with the Masoretic Psalter, Wacho1der devotes much space to them. For example, he points to "peculiar" elements in the Catena, 50 identifies "contextual correspondences" between Ps 145 and 154,5 1 suggests that 144:15 serves as a liturgical invocation to recite Ps 155 which follows, 52 views the Hymn to the Creator as a pastiche of quotations forming a distinctive type of scribal colophon, 53 and describes David's Last Words as an apology for the peculiar structure of the scoll vis-a-vis the traditional Book ofPsalms. 54 Wacholder finds the position of Psalms 140 and 134 near the end of the scroll puzzling, suggesting they were either overlooked or were deliberately placed on the basis of topical, literary or theological considerations. 55 With reference to Table 2 below, 56 I offer the following assessment of Wacholder's approach to 11QPsa. First, he has rendered a useful service by identifying themes and vocabulary that are shared by groups of Psalms in this manuscript. Second, W acholder draws welcome links between some arrangements and phrases in 11QPsa and Jewish liturgical material. However, his deep insights and innovative approach are often obscured by a need to account for arrangements or contents that are not found in the MT-150 Psalter, thus preventing him from treating 11 QPsa as a collection on its own terms. On occasion W acholder errs in his understanding of the manuscript itself. For instance, he presumes that Ps 109 was followed by Ps 118 in the scroll, although it seems clear that material is missing between cols. d and e. Rather than speculating why Ps 113-117 are missing, he should also consider the possibility that these originally formed part of the manuscript. 57 Furthermore, Wacholder's view that llQPsa originally began with Ps 1005 8 is surely incorrect. Skehan's earlier proposal that it commenced with Psalm 10159 is manifestly more preferable for several reasons. On physical grounds the clearly visible top margin shows that Ps 101 begins a new column; since Ps 100 is only five verses long, the previous column that Wacholder's view requires would have to hold far more text than these five verses. On thematic grounds it is
45 "David's Eschutologicul Psalter," 4~. 46 "David's Eschatologicul Psulter," 45 6. Wucholder incorrectly cluims that Ps 110 also lucks a l>uvidic superscription. 47 Nut III-XV us Wucholder usserts (p~. 46). 4K "Dnvid's Hschntologicull'snltcr," 47.
Forthe precise number, see n. 21. 50 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 48. 51 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 51. 52 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 54. 53 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 55. 54 "David's· Eschatological Psalter," 56. 55 "David's Eschatological Psalter," 57. 56 See section 4.4. 57 Originally proposed by Patrick Skehan; sec section 5 ("A New Structural Analysis of II QPsa"). 5 " "David's Eschatoloaicull'snltcr," 42 -4~. 5Q "Qumrun und Old Teshnncnt Criticism," I69 · 70. 49
appropriate that as an expanded Davidic collection 11QPsa would open with Ps 101 which is the first Psalm in Book IV to begin with ,(')m, and not with Ps 100 which has no Davidic superscript. 60
While it is not possible for a single scroll to contain so many pieces, Chyutin understands the "Qurnranic Book of Psalms" as comprising a sample collection of David's songs in a calendrical sequence: 65 25% of the Psalms for every day, 50% of the Sabbath Psalms, all the Psalms for the New Moons and Festivals, and all for the intercalary days. 66 In accordance with these these figures, the number of compositions that are found in this Psalter totals 151:
4.3 Michael Chyutin 's Calendrical Psalter Chyutin's comprehensive Hebrew monograph 61 and English article 62 merit a response because he makes a significant contribution and puts forward new perspectives. Several issues that he raises are complex and far-reaching, but here I can offer only a description of his proposals and an initial assessment. The Israeli scholar's basic premise is that the redaction of the Book of Psalms is connected to the "wars of the calendars," and is found in two forms: llQPsa based on the solar calendar of 364 days, and the "traditional" Book of Psalms based on the lunar calendar of 354 days.63 Chyutin posits that a solar calendar existed in the kingdom of Judaea and Israel during the First Temple Period, and that Solomon-influenced by the solar calendar used in Egypt-institutionalized worship on the basis of a 364day solar year and 52 weeks and Sabbaths. With the conquest of Samaria and Judaea by the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians, the Mesopotamian calendar of 354 days was imposed on the country's inhabitants. The exiles in Babylon were forced to adopt this lunar calendar and their influence resulted in it becoming the accepted religious calendar of Judaism. He emphasizes that the calendar struggles conducted by "sects" such as the Essenes, which are evident in Qumran texts and other apocryphal books, must be understood against this background of surrender and change. 64 Chyutin's work is obviously challenging and controversial, but I must restrict comment to the structure of what he terms the "Qumranic Book of Psalms" in accordance with the 364-day calendar. Focusing on David's Compositions (cf. the translation at the end of section 3 above), Chyutin summarizes the works composed by King David as follows: 364 52 30
for every day, throughout the year, the regular offering for the Sabbath sacrifices for New Moons, days of Solemn Assemblies, Day of Atonement
446 4
partial total (as explicitly stated) for the intercalary days
Psalms Psalms Psalms Psalms
Total number of Psalms
partial total psalms
total (as explicitly stated)
1: The Originul Extent of IIQPs 8"). nr:ln?r:l (War of tht• Call'lular.l). For the present study I huve only consulted Chyutin's English article. h2 "Reduction of Psalms us Culendur," 367··9~. ll.l "Reduction of l'snlms ns Cnlendnr," 3ll7. 114 "Rednctinn nf l'snhns us <'nlendnr," .16H. 60 Cf. section 5.1 and Chapter 2.4 ("Excursus 61 i1l~!li1-mm?
91 (= 25% of 364) 26 (=50% of 52) 30 4 151
After commenting on the similarities to the Septuagint (with its 151 Psalms), 67 Chyutin offers the following rationale for the "Qumranic Book of Psalms" in accordance with his schema (cf. Table 2). 68 (a) The first part of this Psalter ended with 91, the Psalm intended for the intercalary day. As evidence Chyutin cites llQPsApa, where the ending for Ps 91-which is not found in ffi-reads: "And they respon[ded Amen and Amen]. Selah." 69 In his view, this is similar to the closing formulae that seal the five books of the MT-150 Psalter, which shows that Ps 91 functioned as the piece closing the collection of Psalms for every day.7° (b) Only ten of the twenty-six Sabbath Psalms are actually found in 11 QPsa, and so Chyutin supplies sixteen more as no longer extant in the scroll. (c) Of the thirty Psalms for New Moons and Festivals (or Days of Solemn Assembly), thirteen are Psalms of Ascent, four are for Memorial Days, and thirteen for Holy Days. Chyutin relates the prominence of the figure 13 to the mishmarot or priestly courses, which total twenty-six (i.e. 2 x 13) in some Qumran texts 71 and was apparently the number of shifts at the End of Days for the Qumran covenanters. 72 Among the four Psalms for Memorial Days, he views the Catena not as a separate composition, but as forming a single Psalm with 136, 73 and regards the apparent subscription toPs 145 74 as evidence of this 65
"Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 371. Chyutin ("Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 370) interprets the "Four Songs for making music over the Stricken (tl'l!1J!:li1 )" as days of "meeting," and thus as intercalary days. For the sense of "to meet" for--I l!E he cites Josh 19:11-34, esp. vv II, 22, 26, 27, and 34. 67 "Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 371-2. 68 In section 4.4 below. 69 i1'?01 Jr:l~ J~ 1l]l!'1, col. V, line 14; cf.Jr:l~ Jr:l~ tll!i1 ?:;~ 1ll!'1 (Neh 8:6). 70 "Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 377. 71 Especially the War Rule (II, lines l-2) and the New Jersusalem scroll. 72 "Redaction of Psalms us Culendur," 378. 7J "Redaction of Psnlms us Culcndur," 374. Chyutin's basis for this view is common subjectmutter und the luck of nn intervening spnce between the two pieces. 74 Cf. col. XV II, lines 17 IK: ... p,::>l? nlol\1 ("This iN fur u memorinl .... "). 66
450 3,600
for every day for Sabbaths for New Moons and Festivals for intercalary days
piece being the last of the memorial group. 75 Chyutin regards the grouping of the Psalms for Holy Days, which number thirteen, as meticulously constructed. (d) According to this schema the four Psalms for the intercalary days serve as the final compositions in the calendrical portion of the Qumranic Book of Psalms_76 (e) Chyutin adds that David's Last Words and David's Compositions together form a prose conclusion to the calendrical portion, and for comparison refers the reader to the postscript that closes Book II of the MT-150 Psalter.7 7 (f) Chyutin explains the problematic position of the final four Psalms in 11 QPsa (140, 134, 151A, 151B) 78 by classifying them as "additiona1." 79 For him these pieces were not included the Qumranic Book of Psalms because they deal with war and victory-specifically the victory of the Sons of Light over the Sons of Darkness in the future, which would be a unique and non-calendrical event. 80 How are we to assess Chyutin's proposals? They are clearly bold and innovative, and are plausible in many respects. First, this research treats llQPsa on its own terms, rather than being fixated on the Masoretic Text and canon, which is unusual and refreshing. Chyutin approaches the data with a high degree of "textual neutrality," which allows him to think in terms of two redactions of the Book of Psalms. Second, he has made a concerted effort to incorporate data from many of the Psalms scrolls rather than focusing on llQPsa alone. 81 Third, his thesis that the redaction of llQPsa is structured in accordance with the solar calendar is very intriguing. Chyutin's assertion that the "traditional" Book of Psalms is based in turn on the lunar calendar is more problematic, but should at least be carefully considered. Fourth, some of his textual observations are very interesting: for instance, that the longer ending for Ps 91 indicates shows this piece to have closed the collection of Psalms for every day, and that the subscription to Ps 145 indicates that it closed the memorial group. Finally, he is correct in viewing David's Last Words and David's Compositions not as two Psalms in the collection but as together forming a prose conclusion. But Chyutin's proposals are problematic in five areas: his reconstruction of 11 QPsa, his manipulation of numbers, his categories of Psalms, his assessment of manuscripts, and his understanding of the redaction process. (a) First, in reconstructing llQPsa he has to supply sixteen Sabbath Psalms as no longer 75 "Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 374, 378. 76 "Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 381. 77 See Ps 72:20: 'W' J:l i1i m?Eln 1?::> ("The prayers of David, son of Jesse, have ended"). This is the only true postscript in the MT-150 Psalter. 7K Directly following David's Lust Words and David's Compositions. 79 Compare the superscription to Ps I~ I in the Scptuugint, denoting thutthis Psalm is "outside the TOU apLOflOU). number" KO "Reduction of l'sulms us Culendur," JK J .. K2. HI Fur c~umplc, Chyutin hnscs some of his findinjiM on 4(JJ>sh, 4(JJ>sd, 4(JI'sc, 4QI's", II(JJ>sh, nnd the Syrlnc l'nltcr ("Rcdnctlun of l'snlms us C'nlcndur," .17~ 7~).
extant in the scroll, in order to reach the required number of twenty-six (see Table 2 below). In fact, only a few Psalms seem to be missing between frgs. d and e, and there were probably no additional pieces between Ps 103 in frg. c and Ps 109 in frg. (b) Chyutin's use of numbers often seems to be arbitrary, which forces him to manipulate the data. For example, were he to reduce the number of Sabbath Psalms from twenty-six to thirteen, thereby requiring only three additional Psalms by reconstruction, his grand total of 151 compositions would be jeopardized. His identification of not one, but two, sets of intercalary days is also problematic; Chyutin's explanation that two conflicting traditions concerning the placement of these days are reflected in the structure of 11 QPsa is ingenious but fanciful. 83 Moreover, the proportions in which Chyutin' s categories of Psalms occur in the "Qumranic Book of Psalms" (25%, 50%, or 100%) seem to be based on arithmetical juggling rather than actual hard evidence. One suspects that the numbers could be rearranged to produce several more configurations and Psalters! (c) Chyutin's justification for assigning particular Psalms to categories is often unclear, at least in his English article. He occasionally draws attention to a Psalm's superscription as indicative of its function (e. g. Ps 92 is n:Jtvi1 !:11''?, "for the Sabbath Day"), but this type of heading is very rare. As to the four Psalms for intercalary days, several scholars believe 84 that the "Four Songs for playing over the Stricken" referred to in David's Compositions are found not in 11QPsa as Chyutin maintains, but separately in llQPsApa. Perhaps this scholar is reaching into Talmudic tradition for some of these identifications (e. g. Ps 119 as the Psalm for the first day of ordination [Rosh Hashanah]), but it seems likely that many more have been determined by his numerical schema instead. (d) Chyutin's assessment of manuscripts is sometimes inaccurate. He seems convinced that 11 QPs a originally contained most of the Psalms found in Books I-III 85 of the traditional Palter-whereas this scroll most likely began with Ps 101. 86 Both the earlier and later parts of the 11QPs 11-Psalter are represented in 4QPse and llQPsb, 87 but 11QPs11 should be described only as containing the second half of this longer Palter. Chyutin also errs in his use of other documents 82 In section 5 ("A New Structural Analysis of IIQPsa") I argue that in the complete scroll Ps 103 was followed directly by I 09, and that 110 and 113-117 lay between I 09 and 118. See Table 3 ("The Original Contents of IIQPsa") in 5.1 below. 83 In Chyutin's schema the intercalary days are represented by the last of the 91 Psalms for every day, and in a separate count at the end of the list. He attributes this to two different traditions, one adding an intercalary day at the end of each quarter (cf. Enoch 75: I; 82: II; and Qumranic calendrical texts), and the other adding all four days at the end of the year in a single group in accordance with the Egyptian calendrical model ("Redaction of Psalms as Calendar," 372). 84 Cf. J. van der Ploeg, "Un petit rouleau," 129. For further discussion, see Chapter 2.4 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave II"). 8 ~ "Redaction of Psalms us Calendar," 372, 376. 86 See "Hxcursus I: The Ori11inulli~tent nf II (JI's"" (in section 4.1 of Chapter 2). K7 See C'hnpter 7.H !"The Scrolls nnd thr II(Jl'sll~l'sultcr"),
for reconstructing 11 QPsa. For instance, he suggests that Psalm 112 originally followed 103 in the scroll, since this order appears in 4QPsb. But 4QPsb represents an arrangement at variance with that found in the 1lQPsa-Psalter, 88 and is thus not a valid model for reconstructing the larger manuscript. Chyutin also indiscriminately "mines" other Psalms scrolls for the purpose of identifying those compositions that are to be restored, 89 with little or no regard for textual affiliations. (e) Finally, Chyutin's understanding of the redaction process is open to question. In particular, his arrangements of the "Qumranic" and traditional Psalters require the finalization of two very specific collections prior to the Qumran period. The first part of Chyutin's Qumranic Psalter has to contain precisely ninety-one pieces, and the first part of his proto-Masoretic collection precisely eighty-nine; any other numbers would simply be unacceptable because his figures are based on calendrical data. Such an approach is highly questionable for Psalms 1-89 because our ancient manuscript evidence is so fragmentary, which is why in this study I generally refer to the earlier collection in somewhat imprecise terms. 90 To speak of complete or absolute stabilization is to move beyond the actual physical data; the fragmentary evidence at our disposal makes it simply impossible to prove the existence of one ancient collection of precisely 89 Psalms, and another of 91, as Chyutin so confidently asserts. 91 4.4 Assessment of Previous Proposals With reference to Table 1 above9 2 and taking into account the contributions of previous scholars, I will offer new proposals concerning the arrangement of llQPsa. The four major proposals to emerge concerning its structure are those of Skehan, Wilson, Wacholder and Chyutin, which are schematically presented in Table 2. It must be noted that the first three outlines do not feature every composition in llQPsa because only those groupings that have been specifically identified or incorporated by each author are included. These scholars sometimes agree with respect to the identification of smaller groupings: for instance, the thirteen Psalms of Ascent, and Psalm 119 standing alone. On occasion Skehan and Wilson concur; note the liturgical grouping of
Table 2: Previous Proposals for the Structure of 11QPs 3 Patrick Skehan: [113~1 14~1 15~1 16~1 17]~1
Passover Halle! (6) Liturgical Grouping (5) Psalms of Ascent (13)
104~147~105~146~148 [120]~121~122~123~124~125~126~127 ~128~129~130~131~132
Wisdom Psalm (I) Liturgical Grouping (4) Liturgical Grouping (3)
119 I 35~ 136~Catena~ 145 149~ 150~Hymn to the Creator
Gerald Wilson: 101~102~103;
Mainly Davidic (4) 11\1 li1'1??i1 PPsalms (6) Psalms of Ascent (13)
118~104~147~105~146~148 [120]~121~122~123~124~125~126~127 ~128~129~130~131~132
Wisdom Psalm (I) 111i11i1'1??i1 Psalms (3) Liturgical Grouping (3) Davidic Pieces (2)
119 135~ 136~Catena 149~ 150~Hymn to the Creator David's Last Words~David's Compositions
Ben Zion Wacholder: Praises of Israel, David, angels (7) Psalms of Ascent (13)
109~ 118~ 104~ 147~105~ 146~
[120]~121~122~123~124~125~126~127 ~128~129~130~131~132
Torah Psalm (I) God's favour for the righteous (2) Zion and the Temple (2) First person Davidic lyrics (2) When David was in hiding (2) Peroration to David (3) Davidic Pieces (2) Two types of David (2)
119 145~154
Apostrophe to Zion ~93 141~133
155~142 143~149~150
David's Last Words~David's Compositions 151A~l51B
Michael Chyutin: Songs for Sabbaths (26) (Some attributed to David)
[92~94~95~96~97~98~99~100]~101 ~102~ 103~[106~107]~109~[110~1
88 The two scrolls are in conflict with respect to the position of Psalm 93 (cf. 91 ~92 + 93 + 94 in 4QPsb; and Apostrophe to Zion~93~ 141 in IIQPs 3 ). See Chapter 7.9 ("Additional Collections of Psalms"). 89 His restoration of Psalms 92, 94-100 and 106-107, 110-116 are based on 4QPsh, 4QPsc, 4QPsf, and 4QPs 0 , as well as on the MT-150 Psalter ("Redaction of Psalms us Calendar," 373, 377), despite the fact that several of these scrolls differ from each other in arrangement. 9 For example, that Psalms 1-89 were "virtually finali1.ed as a collection" (cf. Chapter 6.6, "Results and Conclusions"), or that it is not clear where the cutoff point hetween the largely stabilized collection and the nuid part of the Psalter should he (Chupter 7.6, "An Enrly Collection of Psalms"). 'II Cf. the order of Psalms ·'I ~33 in 4()Ps" und 4QI's4, und 3H -+71 in 4()Ps 11 . Note also the rending of some Western texts (I) 117~ gig) in Acts 11:D. where Psulm 2 is referred to us the flut l'sulm (lv Ttjl1TpWTijl ... tjla>-1!4\). ruther thun the second one (lv T(j\ tjla>-1-1'~ ... Tl~ BruTlpljl). Yl See section 2 ("The LurllllNt of the P•nhn• ScrnllM").
(6 i1'1??i1 Psalms) For New Moons and Festivals (30) (13 Psalms of Ascent)
[120]~121~122~123~124~125~126~127 ~128~129~130~131~132
(4 for Memorial Days) (13 for Holy Days)
119~ 135~
!54~ Plea
136(with Catena)~ 145(with subscript) for Deliverance~ 139~ 137~ 138~Sir 51
~Apostr. toZion~93~141~133~ 144~155~142
Songs for intercalary days (4) Prose Conclusion (2) Additional Psalms (4)
143~ 149~ !50~ Hymn ~David's
to the Creator Compositions
Words~ David's
149~ 150~Hymn to the Creator. However, disagreements are also evident: while Skehan regards 118 as the final Psalm in a sequence of six (113-118, the "Passover Hallel"), Wilson and Wacholder group it with the five Hymns of Praise that follow. Psalm 145 is placed by Skehan together with 135, 136 and the Catena in a liturgical grouping, while Wilson arranges only the other three in a chiastic structure. Chyutin, on the other hand, identifies a larger block that includes Ps 119 as well as 135, 136(with the Catena), and 145. Several of Wacholders's groupings are smaller or distinctive, because he attempts to find the links between adjacent compositions rather than identifying larger clusters of material. Chyutin's arrangements, in contrast, are larger because he divides virtually all the contents of llQPsa into three main groups. Skehan, Wilson, and Wacholder do not present a comprehensive theory regarding the structure of 11QPsa. Skehan's analysis seems to be limited by his agenda: to demonstrate that 11 QPs a contains liturgical complexes and "library edition" expansions that are dependent upon the MT-150 Psalter. But this approach is compromised because the Received Psalter itself is a combination of liturgical groupings (e.g. Psalms 146-150) and wisdom compositions (e.g. Psalm 119). In addition, Skehan sometimes fails to include "apocryphal" compositions in liturgical groupings even when these manifestly belong with "biblical" Psalms. For example, the cluster of 135 ~ 136~Catena~ 145 is succeeded by Psalm 154, which obviously belongs with it since all five compositions are hymns of praise or thanksgiving, while the group that follows contains only prayers of supplication. 93 Wacholder' s need to account for arrangements or contents that are not found in the MT-150 Psalter undermines his ability to treat 11QPsa as an integral collection. In addition, his emphasis on eschatological themes may obscure other important elements for understanding how 11QPsa was compiled. Wilson's treatment is rather limited by his emphasis upon the juxtaposition of opening and closing halleluyahs or doxologies for highlighting groupings in 11 QPsa. Many compositions in fact lack superscripts or opening doxologies, as well as closing formulae of praise, which renders Wilson's organizing principles tenable for only part of the collection.94It seems apparent that no single element can account for all the groupings and arrangements in llQPsa. Skehan and Wilson each incorporate 32 compositions in their schemata, and Wacholder 36; but of the 49 pieces 95 that are actually preserved in llQPsa Skehan incorporates only 25, Wilson 30, and Wacholder 35. The need for a comprehensive treatment is met in part by Chyutin, who provides a complete structural analysis of II QPsa, for which he assumes 66 pieces
preceded by Psalms 1-91. But as we have seen, Chyutin's proposals present several difficultes-not least his highly speculative reconstruction of the scroll, whereby he supplies 16 Psalms in order to reach a predetermined number of 26 Sabbath songs. Another limitation is Chyutin's focus on the 364-day calendar as the primary structural key for understanding llQPsa. He accordingly pays little attention to the distribution of Psalms with Davidic superscriptions, groupings according to genre, or the juxtaposition of opening and closing formulae. Following the significant contributions of these scholars on 11QPsa, one desideratum is an improved structural analysis that includes two features: (a) a comprehensive explanation for the organization of llQPsa, in which all its constituent compositions are taken into account; and (b) the identification of all the organizational principles that are operative in this collection.
•n Plea for Deliverance~ 139~ 137. 94 As this book was going to press, Professor Wilson informed me that in u forthcoming article ("Qumrun Psalms Scroll and the Cunonicul Psalter") he offers u more comprehensive rationale for the structure of II QPsu. 9 ~ This lllllll counts l's 136 with the C'11ten11 in col. XVI 11s 11 single composition; cf. n. 21 nhove nnd section ~.I bcluw.
5. A New Structural Analysis of 11 QPsa 5.1 Contents and Outline The structural outline of 11 QPs a that I will propose is based on the reconstructed list of contents presented in Table 3, but several points should first be noted. (a) While this scroll is not entirely extant, almost all of its compositions are represented, including part of the final piece 96 and 48 that precede it. (b) The main part of the preserved manuscript contains 29 joined columns, of which 28 are inscribed and the last is blank. Since frgs. a-e are not complete, additional columns must have preceded those on the main piece. (c) Patrick Skehan's view 97 that 11QPsa originally began with Ps 101 in frg. a cannot be conclusively proved, but is based on sound evidence and may be accepted. 98 Observing that the first extant column (in frgs. a-c) preserves a top margin with 101 beginning on the right margin, Skehan emphasized that no other preserved composition in the entire scroll commences in this exact position, which strongly suggests that the manuscript itself began here. He also considered it appropriate that this expanded "Davidic" collection would commence with Ps 101, the first Psalm in Book IV (of the received Psalter) to begin with i(')1Ti. (d) On the basis of spacing it is very likely that Ps 103 was followed directly by Ps 109 in the original scroll, with 103:16b-22 + 109:1-20 written in the missing column iii. (e) Accepting Skehan's view that the entire Passover Hallel (113- · 118) was originally included in the manuscript, I understand 113-117 now to be missing before Ps 118. This restoration is supported by 4QPse, which is textually affliated with llQPsa and preserves parts of Psalms 114, 115 and 116. 99 96 Column XXVIII preserves the first two lines of Psalm 151 B, and is followed by a blank column denoting the end of the manuscript (cf. PLATE VII). 97 "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," 169-70. 9H Cf. "Excursus 1: The Origin11l Extent of II QPsU," in Chapter 2.4. 99 See APPilNDIX 4 ("Contcmts of the l's11lms Scrolls by Manuscript").
*Table 3: The Original Contents of 11QPs 3
(f) I also restore Ps 110 after 109, mainly on the basis of its Davidic superscription.100 Computerized reconstruction shows the sequence 109~110 followed by 113-118 in cols. iv-vi to be very plausible on the basis of spacing. (g) The reconstructed text yields a total of 38 columns, consisting of 9 in fragmentary form plus the 29 joined ones on the main piece. Only 3 of the 38 columns have actually been added by reconstruction, since 6 are partly preserved in frgs. a-e. (h) Every composition that was written on the main fragment (cols. I to XXVIII) is at least partially represented, with the exception of Ps 120 in col. II. Since this is the first of a long sequence of Psalms of Ascent (ni?lloil 'ltv), and fits perfectly into the seven or eight line lacuna following Ps 148, IOI the restoration is all but certain. (i) Although the Catena in col. XVI contains verses found mostly in Ps 118, it cannot be viewed as a version of that Psalm, 102 since 118 occurs elewhere in this manuscript. 103 I am persuaded by Chyutin's view that it actually forms a single Psalm together with 136 on the basis of common subject-matter 104 and because Ps 136~Catena is the only juncture in the scroll where there is no intervening space between two compositions. U) Ps 145 ends in line I7 of col. XVII, but Ps 154 must have commenced in line 22 or 23 in the missing bottom part of the column. In view of the two words that are preserved after Ps 145, 105 the approximately four lines 106 that originally stood between it· and Ps 154 constitute a subscript, not a new composition. 107 The reconstructed manuscript contains a total of 56 compositions, which includes all the preserved pieces and 7 additional ones (110, 113-117, 120) that have been restored. A careful evaluation of this material yields the structual outline presented in Table 4 (overleaf). It seems clear that no single element can account for all the groupings and arrangements in llQPsa. I proceed to offer fresh proposals concerning the structure of this collection, with recourse to five organizing elements. The first two are the solar calendar and Davidic emphasis, which constitute the overriding principles at work. The other three are less comprehensive, but account for specific groupings and clusters in the document. These are: groupings according to form or genre, the juxtaposition of opening and closing formulae, and thematic linkage.
Top mg. Extant Text
a-<: i cii
yes yes
iv v
d missing
vii viii
ei e ii e iii
ix II ill
main main main
Estimated Contents 101:1-102:18
101:1-102:2 102:18-103:1
102:18-103:16 103:16-22~ 109:1-20
109:21-110:7~ 113:1-114:5
yes yes
114:6-116:11 116:12-118:24 118:25-29~ 104:1-20
104:21-35~ 147:1-17
yes yes
yes yes yes
main main
yes yes
main main main
147:1-2 105:1-11
147:18-20~ 105:1-24 105:24-45~ 146:1-9
105:24-45 146:9-10~148:1-12
146:9-10~ 148:1-14~ 120:1-7
121:1-124:7 124:7-128:3
124:7-127:1 128:3-131:1
yes yes yes
119:15-28 119:37-49 119:59-73
main main
yes yes
119:82-96 119:105-120
xm XN
main main
yes yes
main main
yes yes
main main
vm IX X XI
yes yes
119:105-127 119:128-149 119:150-170
119:150-164 135:1-9
135:17-136:26 135:17-136:16 136:26(with Catena)~145:1-7 136:26(with Catena)~ 145:1-12 145: 13-21(with Postscript) 145:13-21(with Postscript)~ 154:1-3 154:3-20~Plea
main main main
yes yes
154:3-19 Plea for Deliverance 139:8-24~ 137: I 137:9-138:8~Sir 51:1-11
yes yes
Sir 51 :23~Apostr~93:1-3 141 :5-10~133: 1-3~ 144:1-7
main main
yes yes
144:15~155:1-21 ~142:1-4
144:4-143: 1-12~ 149:1-6
main main
yes yes
149:7-150:6~Hymn 1-9 2Sam 23:7 .... Comp~l40:1-5
main main
yes [yes[
main main
yes yes
119:37-58 119:59-81 119:82-104
Plea~l39:1-8 139:8-24~137:1-9 137:9-138:8~Sir 5 I :1-23 Sir 51 :23~Apostr~93:1-5~141 :1-5 141 :5-10~ 133:1-3~ 144:1-14
l-10_.2S 23:1-7
134: 1-3-+ 151 A-+ 151 B: 1-2
2Sam 23:7~Comp-+ 140: 1-14-+134: I 134:1-3-+ ISlA-+ 151 B: l-end
hlank column [end of ms[
hlank column (end of ms]
•Lower-case roman numerals (i, ii) denote columns found on smaller frngments of IIQPs 0 , while upper-case roman numerals (1, II) signify columns nn the main, unbroken part of the Mcmll. An arrow -+ indicates that 11 pussu11e is cnnllnuuus with the one listed hcfore it. Not ull the desl11nntcd cxtnnttexl is nctunlly preserved in cols. n-e; fur the exact contentM Nell AI'PilNl>IX 4.
100 The only other Psalm from 90-150 with a Davidic title that does not occur in 11QPsa is 108. 101 The format of Psalm 119 in II QPsa shows that the columns numbered 23 or 24 lines. 102 Cf. Ackroyd, "Some Notes on the Psalms," 396-99; "The Open Canon," 280-84; and Chapter 2.4 ("Psalms Scrolls from Cave II"). 103 Col. e i preserves 118:25-29; vv 1-24 were in the preceding column which no longer survives. 104 Note the phrase that is common to both Ps 136 (vv I, 26) and the Catena (first and last verses): 110n l:l'?ill'? •:;, :liC!l •:;, illii''? 111ii ("0 give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast Jove endures for ever"). I05 The end of line 14 reads: p1:;,t'? M1t ("This is for a memorial ... "). 106 145 and 154 were most likely sepuruted hy u hlunk line, us usually occurs in the manuscript. I07 /'act' Sunders, I>JI> IV, .IH n.
Table 4: Structural Outline of llQPsa Mainly Davidic Pieces (5) Passover Halle! (6) rnii I ii'1'?'?ii Psalms (5) Psalms of Ascent (13)
101~102~103~109~[110] [113~114~115~116~117]~118 104~147~105~146~148 [120]~121~122~123~124~125~126~127 ~128~129~130~131~132
Wisdom Psalm (I) Hymns of Praise (3) Deliverance/Supplication (4) Praise or Wisdom (4) Mostly Supplication (6) Liturgical Grouping (4) Mainly Davidic Pieces (5)
119 135~ 136(with Catena)~
145(with subscript) for Deliverance~ 139~ 137 138~Sirach 51~ Apostrophe to Zion~ 93
!54~ Plea
141~133~144~155~142~143 149~ !50~ Hymn
to the Creator~David's Last Words
Compositions~Ps 140~ 134~ !51 A~ 151B
5.2 The Solar Calendar One of two main keys for understanding the structure of llQPsa appears to be the solar calendar, which contains 364 days and 52 weeks. The above structural outline reflects this calendar in a manner that stays closer to the evidence and is far less elaborate than the one proposed by Michael Chyutin. But just how are these 56 compositions to be related to the solar calendar without recourse to numerical gymnastics? I propose that 11 QPsa originally contained 52 Psalms plus four pieces that serve to assert Davidic authorship of the entire document. Two of the four are David's Last Words and David's Compositions, which together form an extended epilogue to this collection of Psalms. 108 Yet we are still left with 54 compositions-not 52, which would correspond to the number of weeks in the solar year. The remaining two appended pieces are Psalms 151A and 151B in col. XXVIII. Since both contain poetry and not prose, 109 they seem similar to many other compositions in llQPsa, yet both are intrinsically different from all other Palms with respect to content. These two poems (corresponding toPs 151 in the Septuagint) are the only truly autobiographical Psalms at Qumran, since both their titles and contents refer unambiguously to events in the life of David. 110 As such their function (like that of 151 in the Septuagint) is to assert Davidic. authorship of the collection. Whether llQPsa was used in worship or for providing instruction, 111 it is easy But see note 123 below. 109 Strictly speaking, this is true for 151 A alone, since only the superscription and a few words of 151 B survive. However, it is very likely that both pieces contained the same type of language. 108
11 For example, "Smaller was I than my brothers, and the youngest of the sons of my father" ( 151 A: I); "So he sent his prophet to unoint me, Sumuel to make me greut. My brothers went out to meet him ... " (IS I A:S); "Then I saw u Philistine uttering defiunces from the r[unks of the enemy)" (IS I B: I). By contrast, ull other Psalms ure mnre genernl und ure not clearly tied to specific evcntN; muny Iuter come to be ussociuted with Duvid on the busis of contents or tradition.
Sec Introduction ("Issues Ruised in the Secomlury Literature").
to envisage a group of worshipers or a teacher reciting Ps 101 or 145 or Sirach 51 or the Plea for Deliverance, which all relate to individual or community life in one way or another. But this is not the case for David's Last Words, David's Compositions, Ps 151A and Ps 151B, which emphasize Davidic authorship of this Psalter by highlighting the achievements or career of David. 112 llQPsa thus originally contained 52 Psalms plus 4 pieces that assert Davidic authorship. This has clear calendrical implications, since the basic collection comprised 52 pieces in accordance with the weeks in the solar year. Exactly how these Psalms were used for worship or teaching, and how they related to the festivals, must be explored at another time. For our purposes the numerical connection with the solar year is sufficient evidence to show that the structure of 11 QPsa is in some way related to the solar calendar. I do concede that the identification of this organizing principle is not absolutely certain, since it depends on there being precisely 52+ 4 compositions in llQPsa. However, this figure is rendered very plausible on the basis of comparison with affiliated manuscripts, 113 the inclusion of Psalms with Davidic superscripts, and the fact that the scroll most likely began with Ps 101.11 4
5.3 Davidic Emphasis The second major organizing element of llQPsa is its strong Davidic character, which is clearly evident in the structure of the document. For example, it seems certain that the final two m'?lJ~"Ji1 'iiV, Psalms 133 and 134, have been intentionally separated from the other thirteen (120 to 132) by the compiler(s) and placed later in the collection. 115 Closer examination of the Psalms of Ascent reveals a rationale for this strategy: the Ascent grouping in , llQPsa now ends with Ps 132, the most Davidic of all fifteen m'?lJ~"Ji1 'iiV with respect to content. 11 6 This has "freed" the remaining two Psalms for deployment elsewhere. Ps 133, with its Davidic heading, has been moved and incorporated into the "Mostly Supplication" group (141~ 133~144~155~142~143), to which we now turn. Of these six compositions, only the first two and last two contain superscriptions, 117 while 144 and 155 do not. The two "orphan" Psalms are thus bound on each side by Davidic pieces-thus forming an inclusio which "Davidicizes" both. The remaining Psalm of Ascent (134) has been placed in the middle of the final Davidic cluster: David's Compositions~ 140~ 134~ 11 2 This may be one reason why the superscription to Ps 151 in the LXX describes it as being "outside the number" (l!eweEv ToD apLef.LoD). ll3 Notably 4QPse and II QPs b. 114 See (c) in 5.1 above.
Thus also Wilson, Editing of the Hebrew Psalter, 130. "David" is mentioned four times in Ps 132 (vv I, I 0, II, 17). Apart from the superscripts, the only other Psalm of Ascent that mentions David is Ps 122:5. 11 7 Two superscripts are supplied by reconstruction via comparison with m: Psalm 141 (superscript reconstructed), J:H (superscript), 144 (no superscript), 155 (no superscript), 142 (supencript reconstructed) 143 (supeucriptl. !'or the fulllistin{l of superscriptions, see Chapter 5. ll5 116
Lacking the name David in its superscription, this hymn of praise is virtually forced to become Davidic by the prose piece and three other Psalms with Davidic superscriptions surrounding it. Another example of Davidic emphasis is found in the sequence 101 ~ 102 ~103~109~[110]. All of these Psalms begin with Davidic superscripts, except for 102, which is somewhat anonymous when read alone ("a prayer of one afflicted, when he is faint and pours out his complaint before the LORD"). 119 But the surrounding pieces provide a strong Davidic character to the entire cluster, ensuring the place of 102 in this Davidic Psalter. Turning to the group 138~Sirach 51 ~Apostrophe to Zion~93, we find that it contains three hymns of praise or thanksgiving and one wisdom piece (Sir 51). At the head stands Ps 138 with its Davidic superscript, which asserts the Davidic character of the cluster, probably with the support of the Apostrophe to Zion in view of its content. While Sirach 51 and Ps 93 have no Davidic superscripts, the influence of 138 with the Apostrophe is sufficient to affect the entire group. In addition, the first piece in the following cluster (Psalm 41) has a Davidic title, thus forming another Davidic boundary. A final example is the liturgical grouping 149~150~Hymn to the Creator~ David's Last Words. Whereas the MT-150 collection ends with the untitled Psalms 149 and 150, in the llQPsa-Psalter these are followed by the Hymn and the Last Words which identifies the whole cluster with the final words of David. Additional instances of Davidicization can be provided, but enough has been presented to indicate the organizational principle that is operative: by dispersing titled Davidic Psalms among untitled ones, the compiler of llQPsa has succeeded in permeating the entire collection with a Davidic character and in giving "orphan" Psalms a Davidic home. It is true that some established compositions in llQPsa have been included in the collection without a Davidic title, the two main examples being the acrostic Ps 119 and Ps 127 with its Solomonic superscription. 120 But their presence in this Davidic collection indicates that the compilers regarded them as Davidic Psalms, however illogical this may seem. We are told in David's Compositions (col. XXVII, lines 10-11) that he wrote 4,050 pieces through i1~1::::l:J ("prophecy"), which implies that all the compositions found in llQPsa, and many others besides, were regarded as originating with David.
groupings by form or genre, which usually correspond with Davidic clusters.I21 Two examples show how the presence of a Davidic superscript in one piece lends a Davidic character to an entire block of compositions of the same genre: 5 Hymns of Praise: 104(Davidic superscript)~l47~ 105~146~ 148 3 Hymns of Praise or Thanksgiving: 135~ 136(with Catena)~ 145(Davidic superscript)
151A~ 151B. 118
5.3 Groupings by Form or Genre The above two organizing features-the solar calendar and distribution of Davidic Psalms-provide a rationale for most or possibly all of the collection preserved in II QPs". Yet other structural principles are also evident, including IlK Psnlms 151 A und 151 B nrc nol striclly purl of the 52 J>sulms in this collection, but serve to nsscrt Duvidic nulhorship. As such I hey still function us purl of u Duvidic duster (cf. 5.2 ubovc). ll'l i"n'fl) 11lW' 11~11 t., 'll:l'?1 '1)1C!lll' ';:) 'lll'?[ n'?l:lnJ, frgs. II·~ i,linc II. 1211 no1'?fll'? ln1'?110n "'l'flli. This rending is purticulnrly intcrcstirll!, since il shnws thut the curnplleu did nut feel ut liberty to rcplucc such supcm·rlptluns with nn nttrlhuliun In l>uvid.
But as the following clusters indicate, Davidicization sometimes takes precedence over form and genre. Untitled Psalms can be bounded by Davidic pieces whose form differs from one another: I0 I (Royal Psalm, Davidic superscript)~ I02(Supplication) ~I 03(Hymn of Praise, Davidic superscript)~ I09(1ndividuallament, Davidic superscript) ~[ IIO](Royal Psalm, Davidic superscript) 141 (Supplication, Davidic superscript)~ 133(Wisdom, Davidic superscript)~ 144 (Supplication, Davidic superscript)~ 155(Supplication)~ 142(Supplication, Davidic superscript)~ 143(Supplication, Davidic superscript) 149(Hymn)~ 150(Hymn)~Hymn to the Creator~David's Last Words(Wisdom [?], extended Davidic epilogue) In the second of these clusters, five Psalms are supplicatory in form, 122 while only 133 is a wisdom Psalm. The function of Ps 133 seems to be one of reinforcing the Davidic character of the entire group, irrespective of form and genre. Along similar lines, the last group contains three hymns of praise followed by David's Last Words, which may be regarded as a wisdom piece. 123
5.4 Juxtaposition of Opening and Closing Formulae Gerald Wilson's observations regarding the juxtaposition of opening and closing formulae of praise have considerable merit and are valid for some _groupings; 124 however, these must be seen in conjunction with the Davidic emphasis outlined above. While halleluyahs and other praise formulae may have been deliberately added or omitted in 11 QPsa, this is evidently not the case with respect to Davidic titles. The redeployment of Davidic pieces (such as Ps 133) was for the purpose of distributing these throughout the collection; had the compiler(s) felt free to add Davidic superscripts, this would surely have been done for many or all the compositions that lack them. Accordingly, I would consider,,,,-, in Ps 104 (= (.1)*; > ffi) and Ps 123 (> ffil1J*) as present in the compiler's base-text. 125 Conversely, the absence of a Davidic heading for Ps 144 in llQPsa (,,,-, ffil1J*) suggests that it was lacking in the text before him. 121 For classifications by form or genre, cf. Stuhlmueller, "Psalms," 433-94; Kselman and Barre, "Psalms," 523-52; Limburg, "Psalms, Book of," 522-37. 122 Although 144 is usually classified as a Royal Psalm, il is also a communal supplication (cf. Stuhlmueller, "Psalms," 433). 123 The genre is difficult to classify, but is reminiscent of the wisdom Ps I. While comprising an extended epilogue with David's Compositions, in terms of form it muy be grouped with 149 and ISO. 124 Note his cxumplcs in section 4.1 nhovc. 12~ Here the ustcrlsk • denotes the Vorlt111r or llchrcw text behind the Greek rending.
5.5 Thematic Linkage This final organizing principle is related to groupings by form or genre, but is less specific. Building upon Erich Zenger's method of "historical redactionanalysis" with respect to the MT-150 Psalter, 126 I suggest that the structure of llQPs 8 is better understood when connections between adjacent Psalms are taken into consideration. With a renewed emphasis on redaction history and holistic or canonical reading, Zenger's approach assesses the placement and function of individual Psalms in relation to contiguous ones, within larger groups of Psalms, and within one of the five books of the traditional Psalter.I27 He pays attention to form or genre and recognizes the significance of superscriptions and endings, but goes further by also identifying common themes or vocabulary in adjacent Psalms and groups of Psalms. Zenger's method is complex and not easy to describe, but may be illustrated by his treatment of Psalms 26 to 32. (a) He first assesses these pieces as a wider composition, classifying 26-28 as three intercessory prayers and 30-32 as three songs of thanksgiving. 128 Functioning as the centre of this group is Psalm 29, an old hymn that focuses on the divine and human king-and here marking the transition from intercession to thanksgiving. (b) Turning next to individual Psalms in the group, Zenger identifies "mutual mirroring," whereby a framework is effected via deliberate correspondences around 29. 129 For instance, 28 and 30 (the two pieces surrounding 29) both deal with the threat of death, while in the triad 28-29-30 the essence of Yahweh as strength is prominent. (c) Zenger considers themes that are common to each Psalm in 26-32, in this case identifying terminology dealing with the Temple or Temple theology.I30 (d) He also detects themes in triads within the larger group: for instance,
suffering from illness in 30-32. (e) Zenger distinguishes between the deliberate rearrangement of existing Psalms (which he terms iuxtapositio) and the modification or expansion of such Psalms in order to implement the theological agenda uniting them (concatenatio). Among the group of Psalms 26-32 he regards 26 and 29 as essentially unmodified, but all the others as altered or expanded. 131 (f) Finally, Zenger examines the relationship between 26-32 and other sub-groups (notably 3-14 and 15-24 in the first Davidic Palter), and identifies 25 and 34 as forming the new framework of the composition. I am not convinced that Zenger's method of historical redaction-analysis accounts for the structure of the entire MT-Psalter, since it tries to find links and elaborate thought-patterns whose intricacy sometimes surpasses the intention or methodology of ancient compilers. But his approach has much to commend it, and appears valid for understanding the structure of some collections such as Psalms 26-32. Zenger's method is surely profitable for explaining some of the groupings of Psalms that appear in 11QPs 8 ; however, a thorough investigation would be very time-consuming and is properly the subject of a separate monograph. In the present study I confine myself to a few initial observations with reference to the structural outline in Table 4 above. The first group proposed there was five "Mainly Davidic Pieces" (101~102 ~103~109~[110]) in frgs. a-d, with the last Psalm supplied by reconstruction. Careful analysis of these Psalms reveals the general theme of justice or just rule, with 101 and 110 forming the framework which focuses on the earthly ruler. While 101 deals with the king's justice on earth, 110 affirms his vindication in the coming judgement. The two Psalms that border 101 and 110 are 102 and 109, which focus on those who are poor and needy (102:17; 109:22, 31) and who pray for help and justice (102: 17; 109:21). The piece at the centre of the cluster is 103, which offers the praise of one has received help from the God who works vindication and justice for the oppressed (v 6), and shows steadfast love to those who fear him and keep his covenant (vv 17-18). What Zenger calls "mutual mirroring" seems to be operative in this cluster of Psalms, since a framework is effected by deliberate correspondences around 103. The second group I will discuss is 154~Plea for Deliverance~l39~137 in cols. XVII-XXI, whose general theme is the kindness of God who delivers or
126 "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," 37-54, esp. 42-54 (The most appropriate name for this method is not altogether clear; Zenger also speaks [pg. 43] of a "diachronically reflected synchronic reading" of the text). His methodology is clearly evident in the commentary that he authored with F. L. Hossfeld, Die Psalmen I. 127 "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," 43-44. 128 "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," 45. 129 "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," 46. 130 Zenger ("New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," 46) offers the following examples: Psalm 26-walking around the sacrificial altar (v 6), mention of Yahweh's house and the seat of glory (v 8). Psalm 27-Yahweh's palace; his tabernacle and tent (vv 5ff.); the search for Yahweh's face (vv 8ff.). Psalm 28-lifting up of the hands to the all-holy (v 2). Psalm 29-glorification in the simultaneously heavenly and earthly palace (v 9b). Psalm 30-references to the Temple such as "his holy nume"(l) (v S) and the placing on the "protecting mountain" (v !!). Psalm 31-mention of the "protecting rock" and the "secure fortress" (v 31l); the mention of"the (=Yahweh's) tabernacle" (v 21). Psalm 32-Temple allusions in the open confession of sins before Yuhwch (v ~). surrounding jubilation of the community celehrntlng salvation (v 7), the wisdom liturgical oracle of Yahweh (v K).
13 t For example: in Ps 27:14 two prayers have been linked by the exilic redaction, and the new combined Psalm ends with each individual among the poor being encouraged to have hope and trust. Ps 28:1-7 acquires a final confession in v 8 in which the salvation experience of the one praying becomes a paradigm for the community of the pious. The basic Ps 30:1-6 is expanded by the addition of vv 7-13, which clarifies the latent relationship to the Temple (v 8). In Ps 31 a basic prayer of petition and lamentation (vv 10-19) is transformed into one of thanksgiving by the addition ofvv 2-9 and 20-25 (now fitting the sequence of thanksgiving prayers that started with Ps 30). Ps 32 features two insertions in the closing prayer, the first highlighting intercessory prayer at a time of distress (v 6) in order to emphasize the relationship to the Temple, and the second featuring "one who trusts the LORD" (v I 0) to show that the person praying belongs to the group of the pious. For these and additional details, see Zenger, "New Approaches to the Study of the Psalms," 47-41!.
vindicates his people.l32 The first two pieces focus on God's goodness and compassion (154: 1-19; Plea, lines 1-3, 4-11 ), while the second two express the cry of the individual (139) and the community (137) for deliverance and vengeance (139: 19-24; 137:7-9). By emphasizing the qualities and suffiency of God, Ps 154 and the Plea show him able to deliver the pure ones or those who stumble (154: 18; Plea, line 2) from an "evil time" (154: 17) or from Satan (Plea, line 15). This sets the stage for the dramatic pleas for deliverance and vengeance to be found in the next two Psalms. In contrast to the first cluster (101~102 ~103~ 109~[110]), which was framed by two pieces focusing on the earthly ruler, this cluster exhibits a progression in which 154 and the Plea define the character and power of the God who is called upon to act in 139 and 137. The analysis offered here is preliminary and can be expanded further, but is sufficient to show the value of Zenger's approach for understanding the structure of llQPsa. Features such as iuxtapositio, concatenatio, common terminology, similar themes, and "mutual mirroring" are all evident in the limited sampling of two clusters that have been discussed.
three manuscripts (4QPse, llQPsa, and llQPsb), 139 which shows that it played a significant role in the life of the community. Second, it is very possible that the i1ll::litl; Cl'll1J£li1 '?ll 1:U'? i"iV or "Four Songs for Making Music Over the Stricken" in David's Compositions (XXVIII, lines 9-10) refers to the collection found in llQPsApa, which was used at Qumran. 140 Third, the solar calendar that is so evident in David's Compositions is clearly indicated in other writings that are undoubtedly of Qumranic origin (e.g. 4QMMT). Fourth, llQPsa displays what Emanuel Tov terms the expanded "Qumran orthography" or the "Qumran practice." 141 For those who support the view that such orthography is indicative of provenance, this constitutes further evidence that the llQPsaPsalter was compiled or at least copied at Qumran. When viewed together, these arguments admit the possibility that the llQPsa-Psalter was assembled by the Qumran covenanters, but by no means prove this to be so. Several other factors indicate that the collection was in fact compiled and used by wider Jewish circles-including those at Qumran-who advocated the solar calendar. First, all of the individual compositions in llQPsa seem to predate the Qumran period. 142 Second, the absence of "sectually explicit" indicators, such as references to the Teacher of Righteousness, 143 suggest that none of the pieces was actually composed there. Finally, the 364day solar calendar evident in this collection is attested in other Jewish writings that arose before the founding of the community; three examples are 1 Enoch, 144 Jubilees, 145 and the Temple Scroll. 146 The clear implication is that the llQPsa-Psalter as a collection originated before the Qumran period; there is no convincing proof that it was compiled by the covenanters. These considerations indicate that Sanders' epithet of the "Qumran Psalter" should be abandoned as being too restrictive and replaced instead with the "11 QPs a-Psalter." Yet this move should not be understood as constituting a rejection of Professor Sanders'' basic theory, but as an advance beyond it in accordance with his vision. In fact, he now maintains that llQPsa did not originate at Qumran, but was brought
6. The Provenance of 11 QPsa The third element in James Sanders' Qumran Psalms Hypothesis is that 11 QPsa was compiled at Qumran, and thus may be termed the "Qumran Psalter." 133 Of central importance for this thesis is David's Compositions in col. XXVII, 134 since it presupposes the 364-day solar calendar that was followed by the Qumran community. 135 Sanders' critics seem to agree with him on this proposal; for instance, M. H. Goshen-Gottstein maintains that llQPsa with its epilogue was "probably restricted to Qumran or other sects" which accepted this calendar. 136 Although his overall intention is different, 137 the Israeli scholar supports Sanders' notion that llQPsa as a compilation 138 originated among the Qumran community. But by adding "or other sects," he recognizes the difficulty of restricting this Psalter to Qumran alone. It would be helpful at this point to assemble the evidence both for and against such a provenance for the collection. Four possible arguments could be formulated in support of the view that this Psalter originated at Qumran. First, the compilation has been found in at least 132 For a translation of Ps 154 and the Plea for Deliverance, see APPENDIX I(" 'Apocryphal' Psalms and Other Compositions in the Psalms Scrolls"). 133 Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 158; see also the Introduction ("Issues Raised in the Secondary Literature"). 134 See plate VI and the translation at the end of section J above. 135 Cf. the 364 songs for the days of the year and the 52 songs for Suhbuth offerings (lines 6-7). 136 "Psalms Scroll," 28. 137 Goshen-Gottstein attempted to show that if IIQPs• is reully u "canon," it is only 11 sectnrlnn one und thus of limited significance (cf. Wilscm, "l'sallms Scroll Reconsidered," 6:\ I). l.lH Hut not necessarily its lndlvldmtl com(losltlons.
139 See Chapter 7.8 ("The Scrolls and the II QPslLPsalter"). 140 See Chapter 7.5 ("More Thao Ooe Collection"). 141 Cf. Tov, "Hebrew Bible Manuscripts from the Judaean Desert," 23-25; and Textual Criticism, 108-109. 142 The compositions not found in the MT-150 Psalter were written in the third century BCE or earlier. See section 3 above (esp. note 25). 143 The issue of determining which works found at Qumran originated there has been explored by Carol Newsom ("'Sectually Explicit' Literature from Qumran," 167-87). I thank James VanderKam for bringing this article to my attention. 144 Calendrical data are particularly evident in the Astronomical Book of I Enoch (chapters 7282). The earliest manuscript for this section is dated shortly after 200 BCE, thus suggesting an even earlier date of composition (VanderKam, Dead Sea Scrolls Today, 38). 145 Jubilees may be dated about 160 I!CE, perhaps shortly before the formation of the Qumran community (VanderKnm, Dtad Sta Scroll.~ Today, 39). 146 Although some scholars believe it to be of Qumran origin, the Temple Scroll may well predate the rounding ol' the community (cf. VunderKum, /J~m/ s~a Scro//.1· Todli,Y. Sll-~59).
there from outside, possibly as the hon offered as surety by a novice on entering the community .147 I was pleased to learn of Sanders' new understanding with respect to the provenance of the collection, which was reached independently of my own shift to a non-Qumranic origin. 14 8 The notion of an 1lQPsa-Psalter that was used not only at Qumran, but also among other Jewish circles advocating the solar calendar, attests to a widespread type of Judaism which may have included the Sadducees. 149 This is in marked contrast to the Pharisees and Rabbis with their 354-day lunar calendar, and cannot be viewed as sectarian. Restricting the solar calendar to "Qumran or other sects," as Goshen-Gottstein has tried to do, is inappropriate and is a retrospective judgement from the standpoint of a later status quo. Yet a distinction needs be made between the origin of collections and the production of individual scrolls. Since the 11 QPsa-Psalter is attested in at least three manuscripts, it was clearly an important collection for the community. Although differences exist between them, all three scrolls display expanded orthography, which Tov regards as evidence that they were copied at Qumran. This argument, however, must be treated with caution, since Eugene Ulrich has shown the thesis of "Qumran orthography" to be far from convincing. 150 Whether or not Tov's argument is accepted, in my view it is very likely that some-or even all-of 4QPse, llQPsa and llQPsb were copied at Qumran on other grounds: the fact that scrolls were produced at the site (as most scholars believe), the wide use of the l1QPsa-Psalter by the covenanters, and the late (Herodian) date of all three manuscripts. So with respect to 11 QPsa as a manuscript, I find it difficult to accept Sanders' view that it was copied elsewhere and brought to Qumran. While this is possible, it seems more likely that the scroll was copied there for use by the community.
the deployment of Davidic Psalms throughout the document. Additional principles are also in evidence, notably groupings according to form or genre, the juxtaposition of opening and closing formulae, and thematic linkage. The new structural analysis offered here can no doubt be refined or nuanced further, but it hopefully succeeds in providing a comprehensive framework for the entire collection without recourse to elaborate theories. As to the provenance of llQPsa, my position has shifted since 1993, 15 1 when I was far more open to a Qumranic origin and to the suitability of the term "Qumran Psalter." 15 2 But since then further reflection, a more thorough analysis of the data, and persistent nudgings by other scholars 153 have led to more nuanced conclusions. Taking into account the distinction between manuscripts and collections, I now conclude that J 1QPsa as a scroll was most likely copied at Qumran for the community's use. But this is not the case for 11QPsa as a collection: this Psalter was almost certainly compiled prior to the Qumran period and is representative of more widespread groups for whom the solar calendar was authoritative. It is becoming increasingly apparent that such Jewish groups can no longer be viewed as sectarian-on the contrary, they constitute one or more genuine types of Judaism that were as much "mainstream" as the Pharisees in the period before Rabbinic Judaism became normative. This reality is better served by the term "11 QPsa-Psa1ter" rather than "Qumran Psalter," which is why it has been consistently employed in the little book before you.
7. Assessment and Conclusions This chapter has proposed an overall structure for 11QPsa, the largest of the Qumran Psalms manuscripts. Building upon the contributions of previous scholars, especially Patrick Skehan and Gerald Wilson, I have suggested that two main structural principles are operative: a b~sic 52-piece collection that has a relationship to the solar calender, and a strong Davidic emphasis achieved by 147 "Psalm 154 Revisited," 301-2 (esp. n. 22). In this more recent article Sanders focuses on the "acquisition policy" of the Qumran community for its library. 148 See section 8 below ("Assessment and Conclusions"). 149 It is not easy to identify the calendar that wus used .by the Sadducees; for the view that they practised the 364-day solar calendar, see Schiffman, Rt>claiminllthl' Dt>ad St'a Scro/1.1·, 73-76, esp. 7~. 1 0 ~ Ulrich, "Pluriformity," 31-32. It is beyond lhe scope of the present work lo explore this interesting issue in detail. Ulrich disputes Tnv's position nn lwo main grounds: (n) Rxumples nf expanded orthography arc found in Palestine outside of Qurnrnn and in Hgypt; and (h) The tendency of "copyists" nt Qumrun to reproduce texts exactly ns they found them. Sec now his "Multiple Literary Editions: Renectlons," 93--96.
151 This change is but nne example of how the present study thoroughly revises and updates my 1993 dissertation, "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." 1 2 ~ There I concluded that II QPs 11 was probably compiled at Qumran and may be termed the "Qummn Psalter" ("Psalters at Qumran," 167-68). I~J I urn porticulurly 11rnteful tn Eugene Ulrich for his helpful comments (and unrelenting chullcniiCM)) on thiN iMMUC,
I. Resources and Previous Discussion: Aejmelaeus, Anneli. "What Can We Know about the Hebrew Vorlage of the Septuagint?," ZA W 99 (1987) 58-89. Barr, J. "Translators' Handling of Verb Tense in Semantically Ambiguous Contexts," in C. Cox (ed.), VI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Jerusalem 1986 (SCS 23; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987) 381-403. Brooke, G. and B. Lindars (eds.). Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings. Papers Presented to the International Symposium on the Septuagint and Its Relations to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Writings (SBLSCS 33; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992). Caloz, M. Etude sur Ia LXX origenienne du Psautier (OBO 19; Freibourg, Suisse: Editions Universitaires; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1978). Cook, J. "On the Relationship between II QPsa and the Septuagint on the Basis of the Computerized Data Base (CAQP)," in G. Brooke and B. Lindars (eds.), Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings. Papers Presented to the International Symposium on the Septuagint and Its Relations to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Writings (SBLSCS 33; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992) I 07-30. Flint, P. W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993) 199-207. - . "The Psalms from the Judaean Desert and the Septuagint Psalter," in L. Greenspoon and 0. Munnich (eds.), Vlll Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Paris 1992 (SBLSCS 41; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995) 203-17. Hedley, P. L. "The Gottingen Investigation and Edition of the Septuagint," HTR 26 (1933) 57-72. Hiebert, R. J. V. The 'Syrohexaplaric' Psalter (SBLSCS 27; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989). Jellicoe, S. The Septuagint and Modern Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968; repr. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989). McCarter, P. Kyle. Textual Criticism. Recovering the Text of the Hebrew Bible (Guides to Biblical Scholarship; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986). Olofsson, S. The LXX Version. A Guide to the Translation Technique of the Old Testament (ConBOT 30; Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1990). God is My Rock. A Study of Translation Technique and Theological Exegesis in the Septuagint (ConBOT 31; Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1990). Pietersma, A. "The Greek Psalter: A Question of Methodology and Syntax," VT 25 ( 1976) 60-69. "Proto-Lucian and the Greek Psalter," VT 37 (1977) 66-72. Two Manuscripts of the Greek Psalter (AB 77; Rome: Biblical Institute Press) 1978. "David in the Greek Psalms," VT 30 (1980) 213-26. "The Edited Text of P. Bodmer XXIV," BASP 17 (1980) 67-79. "Septuagint Research: A Plea for a Return to Basic Issues," VT 35 ( 1985) 296-311. "Ra 2110 (P. Bodmer XXIV) and the Text of the Greek Psalter," in D. Fraenkel, U. Quast and J. Wm Wevers (eds.), Studien zur Septuaginta-Robert Hanhart zu Ehren (MSU 20; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1990) 262-86. - . "Articulation in the Greek Psalms: The Evidence of Papyrus Bodmer XXIV," in G. J. Norton and S. Pisano (eds.), Tradition of the Text. Studies offered to Dominique Barthelemy in Celebration of his 70th Birthday (OBO 109; Freiburg, Schweiz: Ur.iversiUitsverlag; Gtlttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1991) 184-202. • An earlier version was presented on lH July, 1992 us "The Psalms Scrolls from the Judaenn Desert and the Septuagint" ut the VIII Congress of the lntemntionul Orguni7.ution for Septuugint and Cognate Studies, which met 111 the College de llrnnce (Sorbonne University) in PuriM.
Rahlfs, A. Septuaginta X. Psalmi cum Odis (3rd ed.; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1979). Sailhammer, J. The Translational Technique of the Greek Septuagint for the Hebrew Verbs and Participles in Psalms 3-41 (Studies in Biblical Greek 2; New York: Peter Lang, 1991). Swete, H. B. An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek (2nd ed, rev. by R. R. Ottley; Cambridge: University Press, 1914 [repr. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1989]). Voitila, A. "La Technique de traduction du yiqtol (l'imparfait hebreu) dans l'histoire de Joseph grecque (Gen 37, 39-50)," in C. Cox (ed.), VII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Leaven 1989 (SCS 31; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991) 223-37. "What the Translation of Tenses Tells about the Septuagint Translators," Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 10 (1996), 183-196.
This chapter deals with the relationship between the Psalms scrolls and the Septuagint Psalter (IB ), a topic which alone merits an entire monograph. Since a thorough treatment is clearly beyond the scope of the present study, I will use this opportunity to assess the critical edition of the Septuagint Psalter (Psalmi cum Odis, edited by A. Rahlfs) in the light of the Dead Sea Scrolls with particular reference to the two lists of variants in Chapters 3 and 4. The first part offers a brief description of Rahlfs' edition and outlines his criteria for establishing preferred readings. The second section briefly surveys recent discussions concerning the Septuagint Psalter, with particular reference to some important Greek papyri. Finally, I present several examples of variant Psalms readings shared by specific Judaean manuscripts and the Septuagint over against other Psalms scrolls or the Masoretic Text, and explore the implications of these variants for the Vorlage (underlying Hebrew text) of the Greek Psalter. The research presented here appears at an opportune time, since it precedes a major Symposium to be held by the Septuaginta-Unterhehmen in Germany with a view to planning a new edition of the Septuagint Psalter. 1
2. Rahlfs' Edition ofthe Septuagint Psalter With the appearance of Alfred Rahlfs' Psalmi cum Odis, the year 1931 is a watershed for modem investigation of the text of the Septuagint Psalter. A second edition appeared in 1967, containing only a few corrections; most seem to be of a typographical nature, several of which were pointed out by P. L. Hedley in his 1933 review of the first edition. 2 A third "unveranderte Auflage." was published in 1979. Thus the best critical text of the Psalms that is currently available to us contains only minor improvements over the original edition of sixty-five years ago. 3 A brief comment on the methodology employed by Rahlfs in establishing the text of the Septuagint Psalter is appropriate at this point. The manuscript sources have been divided into six groups: 4 1 "Symposium tiber den Septuaginta-Psalter und seine Tochtertibersetzungen," Gottingen 23-26 July, 1997. 2 "OIIttingen Investigation," 57-72. 3 Plint, "Psulms from the Judaenn Desert and the Scplungint Psalter," 204. 4 l'.l·almlt·um Otl/.1, 6, 2J .. 70.
Lower Egyptian: for example, B S Bo 2008 Upper Egyptian: for example, U 2013 Sa 1221 2017 Western: for example, R LaR LaG Hexaplaric: for example, 2005 1098 Ga Lucianic: for example, Z T Tht Sy He ca. 100 MSS in Holmes and Parsons Mixed: for example, A 1219 55
Four principles or criteria for selection of the "Old Greek" or original Septuagint text are clearly presented in the Prologomena to the edition: 5 (a) When a reading is attested by the Lower Egyptian, Upper Egyptian and Western texts (i.e. the three most ancient groups), it is accepted as the Old Greek. (b) When conflicting readings are attested among the three ancient text-groups, the reading that is equivalent to the Masoretic Text (ffi) is selected. (c) When the three older groups disagree with ffi, while the younger (Hexaplaric and Lucianic) groups support it, Rahlfs adopts the reading of the older groups as the Old Greek and regards the Hexaplaric and Lucianic readings as corrections towards the proto-Masoretic Text. (d) In doubtful cases, Rahlfs accepts the reading of B' (i.e. BandS) as constituting the Old Greek, but not B alone.
In establishing the OG readings of the Psalter, Rahlfs offers an eclectic text that disregards Lucianic manuscripts almost completely. Moreover, Psalmi cum Odis requires a thorough revision and updating, since it falls far short of the requirements for a proper critical edition; 6 several Greek manuscripts that were available to Rahlfs, and many more that have subsequently been discovered, were not included in his collations. Whereas less than 100 manuscripts were collated for the critical edition, Albert Pietersma recently estimated that ca. 1, 200 Greek manuscripts of the Psalms are now available to scholars.? Two desiderata for a new critical edition are to: (a) thoroughly evaluate the Greek evidence that Rahlfs did not use, and (b) assess the relevance of the Dead Sea scrolls for identifying the Old Greek of the Psalter. 8 In view of the focus of this book, I shall comment but briefly on the Greek manuscripts, and devote most discussion to the relevance of the scrolls from the Judaean desert. 3. Considering the Greek Evidence Evaluation of the Greek evidence involves two areas of research: the collation of many more manuscripts, and an assessment of readings that occur in individual documents.9 We possess today far more manuscripts than were available to Alfred Rahlfs in 1931, and others are regularly coming to light from S Psalm/ cum Odis, 71-72. 6
Cf. Jellicoe, The SeptUU/Iint und Modern Study, 297-98.
7 "Ra2110 (P. Bodmer XXIV)," 263. K
Flint, "Psalms from the Judaean Desert and the Septuaaint Paaltcr," 20~.
~ Flint, "PNnlmN from the Judneun IJcNcrt und the Septunaint Paalter," 209.
Egypt and elsewhere. In 1978 Pietersma published a monograph that included a useful list of 112 Psalter fragments in Greek that are additional to those used for Psalmi cum Odis . 10 At that time, eighty-six of these manuscripts had been allocated a number by the Septuaginta-Untemehmen in Gottingen, ranging from 2007 to 2151, while the remaining twenty-six had no "Rahlfs number." The collation of these manuscripts and others besides is at an advanced stage at the Unterhehmen, and will provide a wealth of data yielding important results. Readings from these new sources will often lend support to Rahlfs' choice of Old Greek readings, but should also lead to new decisions as to what constitutes the Old Greek text in specific cases. Evaluation of individual manuscripts plays an important role in determining the text of an edition and in refining or expanding the apparatus. Three specific studies may be listed. (a) Following two analyses of Papyrus Bodmer XXIV (Ra 211 0), 11 Pietersma arrives at three main conclusions: this manuscript is one of our most reliable witnesses to the Old Greek text of the Psalter; extensive corruption is present in our texts of the Greek Psalms; and the Old Greek is closer to the received Masoretic Text than is evident in Rahlfs' edition. 12 (b) In 1978, Masseo Caloz produced a major monograph dealing with the relationships between Psalms readings in the manuscript Coislin 44, the hexaplaric fragments found in Rahlfs 1098, and the text of the Gallican Psalter. 13 (c) In 1989, Robert Hiebert published a study of the Syrohexaplaric Psalter, which proposes fifteen corrections to Rahlfs' text of the Psalms. 14 4. The Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert We turn now to the relevance of the Dead Sea Psalms scrolls for the Septuagint Psalter. A thorough study of the relationship between these two bodies of literature requires an assessment of all the similarities and differences between individual Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. Central to this investigation is the identification of variant readings that are shared by specific Judaean scrolls and the Septuagint over against m. With a variant being defined as any disagreement between a Psalms scroll and (a) the Masoretic Text, or (b) another Psalms scroll, hundreds of differences have emerged, all of which are listed in Chapters 3 (by manuscript) and 4 (by Psalm and verse). Scores of these variants 10 Two Manuscripts of the Greek Psalter, 6-15. A few of these were in fact used by Rahlfs, which is somewhat confusing to the reader. Pietersma appears to have listed those that are now known to contain additional material (e.g. 2011), or which have been published since the appearance of Rahlfs' edition (e.g. 2046). 11 "Ra 2110 (P. Bodmer XXIV)," 262-86; "Articulation in the Greek Psalms," 184-202. 12 "Ra 2110 (P. Bodmer XXIV)," 285-86; and "Articulation in the Greek Psalms," 202. Many Septuagint scholars would disagree with Pietersma's conclusions.
1J lttude ,\"ur lt1l.XX ori!llnirnnt du P.wutin 14 Tht ',\'vmhtxclplllril''/',mltn,
are of relevance to our understanding of the Septuagint Psalter, usually because they agree with specific Greek manuscripts against the Masoretic Text. While this area of study has not been explored in depth so far, 15 such a full and systematic study is clearly beyond the scope of the present investigation. One requirement would be an expansion of the variant lists in Chapters 3 and 4 by introducing a third criterion for determining variants: (c) disagreement between the Septuagint and any of the Psalms scrolls or the Masoretic Text. 16 In the pages that follow I offer several proposals and set the stage for more comprehensive and systematic studies in the future. This will be done by providing representative listings by category of variant readings that are relevant to the Greek Psalter, and by exploring the significance of these variants for determining the Vorlage for the Old Greek of the Psalter.
(c) Verbal differences in person 36:36
i1~ 4QpPs• d;(KUL1TapfjA.8ov; > KUL (1; 2013 )] i~ll'1 ffi
(d) Imperative instead of imperfect '~'?'~i1 4QPsa d}(puaat f.l.E) ] ,~.,,~n ffi
(e) Differences in tense
118:160 119:160
iDll II QPsa d}(rrapEaTT)) ] iDll' ffi
(f) Nominal changes in number (singular or plural) i1~'i~i IIQPs• d}(Twv A6ywv aov)] li~i ffi
(g) Construct plural instead of absolute singular forms 134:15
'tDllD 4QPsk mmss d;(£pya)] i1tDllD ffi
'tDllD~ llQPs• mmss d}(E:v 1TOLrlfJ.UaLV)
1El0~'1 4QPsd II QPsa(]1El0~'1) d;(KUL avvr']x8T]aav) ] )1El0~' ffi
~'?ni 4QPsd d}(m'L aTEap)] ~'?n ffi
i1tDllD~ ffi
(h) Addition of syndeton
5. Representative Listing of Variants by Category Many of the Dead Sea Psalms scrolls share common readings with the Septuagint text or with other Greek manuscripts. These may conveniently be classified under three main categories, with one or two examples illustrative of each. Following each listing, a general evaluation is given as to whether the specified Hebrew readings found in the scrolls were present in the Vorlage of the Septuagint Psalter, or whether the agreements between the Judaean and Greek texts are due to other factors. An important element to be considered in this process is translation technique, which for the Septuagint Psalter may be described as fairly literal and non-idiomatic-not slavishly literal or wooden. 17
5.1 Agreements against min minor LXX 34:16 125:6
MT 35:16 126:6
(i) Omission of syndeton
[Cl]i1'n~ IIQPsc d}(E:v
TlJ (wfj airrwv)]
Cl"n ffi
~'?~ 4QPse IIQPsa d}(TiJ Kap8Lq.)] Cln1~'?~ ffi
118:108 119:108
i1~i 11 QPs• mmss d}S R" (fU80KTjaOV)] ~~-i1~i ffid}L" A"
(Eu86KTJaov 81'])
(1) Change of preposition
(a) Verbal changes in number 1pin 4QPs•; cf. d;(£~pv~av)] pin ffi
'~n'~ll IIQPsa
'tD~~ IIQPs• d}(av8pcc;) a'] 'tD~~1 ffi
(k) Omission of particles
~~ 1° ffi
)tDll~ 4QpPsa mmss d;(wad mrrv6c;) ] )tDll~ ffi
'~ll~ 4QPsfd;Rcorrss(E:V 1TTWXLU),cf. v
mms d;(hnrdvwack fl.E)]
'~illD ffid}(EK [alTO
(b) Verbal changes in mood 118:71
(j) Addition or omission of suffixes
details 18
'~1~ I" IIQPs•d}(a'(povTEC:
'D''?tDD 4QPs• d}(o'L UVTa1T08L86vTEC:) ] 'D'(tDD1
(m) Addition of preposition
'n'~.p ffi 103:5
15 In his Cornell edition of IIQPs• (1967), James Sanders drew attention to three variants that exhibit agreements with readings found in the Septuagint (The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll [Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967]. 159). Further observations have been offered by Johann Cook, "On the Relationship between llQPs• and the Septuagint," 107-130; and P. Flint, "Psalms from the Judaean Desert and the Septuagint Psalter," 208-212. 16 I am preparing such an expanded collation for presentation at the forthcoming Gbttingen Symposium (see the first note above): P. Flint, "The Variants of the Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls against the Masoretic Text and the Septuagaint Psalter." Eugene Ulrich will he offering a related paper that presents an overall evaluation: "The Dead Sea Scrolls and Their lmplicutions for un Edition of the Septuagint Psalter." 17 Cf. P. Kyle McCarter, Tl'xtual Critid.l·m, 92. According to some scholurs, theological exegesis on the purl of the trunslutor is evident in ccrtuin cuses; note Ihe lillc of S. Olnhstm's honk, Oot/1., My Rock. A Study t~l Trcm.vl111ion 'l'rt·hnlqur 11nd '/1rrolollil'lllll'xl!l/t'.fi,l' In thr Stfi/Utll/1111. 1H Sec Flint, "Psulms frum Ihe Judnenn Desert und the Septunglnt PNultcr."' 20K- 209.
Cl'?l.l'? 4QPsl mmss d;(fk TOV atwva)] CJ'?1ll m
(n) Addition or omission of the article 103:10
Cl'ii1i1 4QPsd d}(TWV opEWV) ] Cl'ii1 ffi
Cl1'i1 '?1~ IIQPs• mmss d;(OA'flV
TJ1v T)f.!.Epav)]
Cl1' '?~ ffi
Evaluation: Some of the Hebrew readings listed with d; in these examples may well have been present in the Vorlage of the Septuagint Psalter. But caution is advised since the Psalms were generally not translated into Greek in an extremely literal manner. In some cases, readings that are common to specific scrolls and the Greek Psalter may be coincidental. In several other instances the translator may have used a Hebrew text like the one now
preserved in m, but did not select purely literal equivalents for reasons of style or inner-Greek considerations. In the case of verbal forms, for example, it is sometimes difficult to determine the tense of the Hebrew verb that lay before the translator. 19 Thus under example (d), in Ps 70:2 [71:2] the Greek form puaat IJ.E may be translating the imperative ':J'?'~i1 (= 4QPsa), but could also be translating the imperfect ':J'?·~n (= ffi).2o
Evaluation: The majority of these examples provide strong evidence for a Vorlage that differs from m. It may be argued that some are due to Greek style
5.2 Agreements against min more significant aspects2 ' LXX 48:13 128:3
MT 49:13 129:3
(a) Substitutions of verbal or nominal root 1':::l' 4QPsc aJ(aUvf)KEV; cf. v 21)] 1''' ffi Cl'.lltvi IIQPsaaJ(ot ciiJ.apTWAOL)] Cl'tvin ffia' a' (b) Addition of superscripts or Halleluyahs
32:1 103:1
33:1 104:1
i1Dri'J i'tv 1'11'? 4QPsq; cf. aJ(T4J t.auL8) E'; pr. tjJaA.fl6<: aJL" A'] > ffi; cj. cPs 32 mmss 1'11'? II QPsa 4QPse(?) aJ(T4J t.auL8 pr. [LPau add.] tjJaA.IJ.6t;; La' [non He])] >4QPsdffi
(c) Addition of phrases or strophes I44:13fin 145:13fin 1'tv.lli'J '?1;,:::J, 1'0n1 1'i:::l1:::l Ci'i11'?~ )i'J~:J IIQPsa ffims(Ken #142) aJ(TTLaTOt;; KUpLo<: Ell [+ naaLv = ~:::l * aJRL" 12198 '] TO'it;; AOyOLt;; aiJTo\) Kal OaLOt;; Ev naaL TOll;; €pyOLt;; aUTOU)] > m a' 6' a' E' t;;' 'E~p' (d) Verse-division 101:24-25 102:24-25
v 24b :•'?~ ii'J~ 'i'J' i~p 4QPsb aJ(Tijv oAL y6T1T)Ta Twv TJIJ.EPWV IJ.OU avayyELAOV IJ.OL)] 24b-25 ''?~ 10~ :'i'J' i~p ffi
Ps 151
5.3 Agreements with other Greek manuscripts against m and @ 23 LXX MT 68:18 103:3 106:36 106:41
69:18 104:3 107:36 107:41
118:137 119:137 129:5
135:15 150:1
136:15 150:1
m<> mil' >
(f) Translation on the basis of word-sound (onomatopoeia)
or translation technique, but most are sufficiently distinctive to confirm the existence of an underlying Hebrew text that reads differently from m. For example, both llQPsa and the Septuagint Psalter end with the autobiographical Ps 151. Swete claimed22 there to be "no evidence that [Ps 151] ever existed in Hebrew," but llQPsa now affirms that Hebrew copies of this Psalm were circulating in Palestine around the turn of the Common Era. A second example is provided in Ps 144:13 [Heb 145:13], where the missing nun verse in the Masoretic version of this acrostic poem is found in almost identical forms in 11 QPsa and the LXX.
(e) The Divine Name ':J11~ i1n~ :::l1t:l 11 QPsa aJ(KUpLE)] i1n~ :::l1t:l ffi(> ':J11~) i11i1' i1;,11~ 1" 11QPsaffim88 aJ(E-EoiJ.OAoy{jaoiJ.aL aOL,KUpLE)]
i1i1El[~]4QPs 8
ISXE-EllTTOplj6llV); cf. Isa 24:19 maJ ] i1:J1El~ m
(g) Agreement regarding the end of the Psalter IIQPs•[ISIAB] aJ] Ps ISO ends Psalter ffi
19 Thus the example provided in (e) is not certain; cf. Barr, "Translators' Handling of Verb Tense," 381-403; Voitila, "What the Translation of Tenses Tells," 183-196; Sailhammer,
Translational Technique of the Greek Septuagint. 20 In response to my paper at the Sorbonne (see the first note above), Anssi Voitila (University of Helsinki) writes: "In Ps 71:2 I would argue that the translator's Vorlag~ read the imperfect. My research on the Pentateuchal material shows that the translators not infrequently use Greek imperatives as a translation equivalent for Hebrew imperfects, ... usually in 'commundin11 contexts,' which is the cuse in this verse." I am grutefulto Dr. Vuitil11 for his guidance in the area of tran•lation equivulents and un several uther uspects of this chapter. 21 See Flint, "Psulms from the Juducun Desert und the Scpt111111intl'•nltcr," 209-10,216.
4QPsa mmss aJ(flTJ, i.e. aJ-B(A etc.);> 18a B*> ]
ffiaJB (2" manu)
i1ipD 4QPsd aJ55(aTEya(wv)] i1ipDi1 ffiaJ(o aTEya(wv) 'i.ll 4QPsf aJR'L"A' (TTOAELt;;)] i'.ll ffiaJ(TTOALV aJS') ':J.Il:::l 4QPsf \BRcorr 55(81 TTTWXLa); cf. v 10] ':Ji.llD ffiaJ(EK TTTWXELat;; [clTTO TTTWXELat;; aJRD Cl'ni'J ~1'? 4QPse aJLPau(OUXL VEKpoL) ] Cl'ni'Ji1 ~'? ffiaJ(oux at VEKpOl; i.e. aJ-Lmss) i1;,'i:::l111QPsaaJL'He(TWV A6ywvaou)6' o'] i:::l1 ffi a',li:::l, aJ(Tov A.Oyov aov); = 'i:::l1 a' Cl'itv'1 11QPsa aJL' A' (Kal EiJeE'l.t;;)] itv'1 ffiaJ(i.e. Kal EUeTjt;; aJS' R"TI219SaGa) 1i:::l1'? 11QPsa mms aJS 2017(vid.; non Sa)(Ek TOV A.Oyov airrou)] 1i:::l1'?1 ffi(1'i- mms) a'' li:::l1'?1 mmss aJ(Ek TOV A.Oyov aov; >copula) i1;,;,j:::J,' 11QPsa (cf. Ps 134:3) aJR(EUAoy{jaEL aE)] l1i:::l m aJc EuA.oy11T6 q m~'?El:J 11 QPsa aJSa-2017 (6aUIJ.UaLa) ] n1'?1J m~'?El:J ffi®(6au1J.aaw flEYUAa) i.ll:J IIQPsa ~T4J EKTLvaEavn)] i.ll:J1 ffiaJ(KaL EKTLvaEavn) '?~ 1'?'?i1 II QPsa mmss aJLpau] pr. iT' 1'?'?i1 ffiaJ('AAAllAOULU); + 'Ayyatov Kat Zaxaptou aJLpau(cf. 145[146]:1; 146[147]: 1, etc.)
Evaluation: The Judaean scrolls frequently contain readings that do not concur with m or aJ, but appear in other Greek manuscripts that were not accepted by Rahlfs as containing the OG for these entries. That certain readings not adopted by Rahlfs are found in Greek manuscripts and certain Qumran scrolls does not automatically mean they were present in the Old Greek. But it does 22 lJ
H. B. Swete, Introduction totht' Old Tt.\'tammtln Grt'tk, 2~3. Flint, "PNnlmM from the JudiiCnn DeNcrttmd the Septua11int PNultcr," 210-11.217.
indicate that such readings are often very ancient, and cannot be summarily dismissed as secondary or inferior. The Psalms scrolls remind us that many readings that were not adopted by Rahlfs but relegated to his Apparatus should be seriously considered for determining the original Greek text of the Psalter. Our representative listing of variants suggests that the following categories sometimes preserve the Old Greek: the Western group (106:36; 134:21); the mixed group (68: 18; 103:3; 106:36; 106:41; 118: 137; 135: 15); and the Lucianic group (106:36; 113:25; 118:137; 118:49; 150:1). The last of these groups is somewhat surprising, since Rahlfs tended to disregard Lucianic manuscripts for determining the OG; yet it should be noted that even he sometimes felt constrained to base his critical text on Lucianic readings. 24 6. Results and Conclusions With a new and expanded edition of the Septuagint Psalter in view, this chapter has considered the relevance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for determining the Vorlage of the Septuagint Psalter. Several proposals have been offered towards the planned revision, which entails a more accurate determination of the Old Greek text. With respect to the many additional Greek manuscripts that are now available to us, two desiderata have emerged: an extensive collation of these documents, and an evaluation of individual manuscripts. But the Psalms scrolls that were discovered in the Judaean desert are our most ancient witnesses to the text of the Book of Psalms, and must also be taken into account for the new edition of the Septuagint Psalter. While a comprehensive evaluation of the relationship between these documents and the Greek Psalter has not been offered in the present study, three factors have emerged. First, several Psalms scrolls and the Septuagint Psalter share distinctive readings in contrast to m, which strongly suggests that the translator used a Vorlage that sometimes differed from the text now prserved in the Masoretic Text. Second, the Judaean scrolls support some Greek readings that were not adopted by Rahlfs as constituting the Old Greek of the Psalter. Several of these readings occur in the Western, Mixed and Lucianic groups, which indicates that the criteria used for determining the Old Greek in. Psalmi cum Odis may have to be reassessed or further refined. Finally, if textual affiliations are taken into account (cf. Chapter 7), it may be possible to identify specific Psalms scrolls that join certain Greek manuscripts (e.g. B) in preserving a proto-Masoretic form, while other Psalms scrolls and Greek manuscripts (e.g. R or 55) represent different editions of the Psalter. It must be noted that this suggestion is only preliminary, since firm results would require a thorough evaluation of variants in the Greek Psalter and their relationship to specific Dead Sea Scrolls. 24 E.g. PH 1~:11 (TTpowpw~T)V); 32:1~ ((lt;); 39:3 nnd 611:3
CONCLUSIONS AND OUTSTANDING ISSUES The present study has consisted of two parts, the first (Chapters 1-5 in PART and the Appendices) dealing with terminology and data, and the second (Chapters 6-10 in in PART II) with several issues that arise from analysis of the Psalms scrolls. The purpose of this final section is twofold: to articulate the findings of the book in a concise manner, and to identify several of the issues that remain to be addressed.
1. Appropriate Terms and Relevant Data Chapter 1 addressed the problem of appropriate terminology, with a view to more accurate discourse and the avoidance of misleading language in relation to ancient literature. This is a desideratum because discussion of the Psalms manuscripts has been characterized by language that presupposes the finalization of the Psalter and the closure of the Hebrew canon-both of which took place after the Qumran period. The intended result is greater clarity both in this study and in wider discussion surrounding the Book of Psalms at Qumran. (a) Precursor(s) of the Masoretic Text. It is generally accepted that several groups or types of biblical texts existed in ancient Palestine and elsewhere, especially those represented in the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Septuagint, and the received Masoretic Text. Scholars often refer to the consonantal precursors of mas the "Proto-Masoretic Text," which denotes the many exemplars of this type of text from well before the Common Era until the MT proper in about the eighth century CE. While the term is not altogether satisfactory because it spans such a vast period of time, I have retained it in this study to describe the precursor(s) offfi. In addition, the term "MT-150" Psalter has been used for conveniently denoting the Psalter of 150 Psalms as preserved in the Received Text-although the earliest complete Hebrew Bible (the Leningrad Codex) numbers them at 149! (b) Words Denoting Scripture. Because they are postbiblical terms, "canon," "Bible," and "Apocrypha" should be avoided with respect to Second Temple literature, unless it is clear that modern categories are being applied: for example, "Which of our biblical books are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls?" I accordingly offered "Scripture" as a more fitting term, since it expresses the authoritative status of certain writings at Qumran while avoiding the later connotations of the other three words. The more general term "writings" was proposed for other works found at Qumran that were not invested with this authoritative status. (c) Psalms, Hymns and Prayers. I chose the following terms to describe collections of Psalms and the individual compositions that they contain: "Book of Psalms" (attested in the scrolls), "Psalter" (an alternate designation for the Book of Psalms), and "Psalms" (hymns, prayers, or wisdom compositions belonging to a collection regarded as
Scripture at Qumran). "Hymns" and "prayers" may be used for liturgical or hymnic compositions and is indicative of form or genre rather than status; accordingly, some hymns and prayers may be classified as Psalms that were used as Scripture at Qumran, while others denote non-Scriptural pieces. Chapters 2-5 and the Appendices presented several types of data, including: (a) A description of all 39 Psalms scrolls from Qumran and other sites in the Judaean Desert, together with the salient features of each manuscript (contents, date, type of script, distinctive features). (b) Comprehensive listings of variants by manuscript and by Psalm and verse (the criterion for a variant being disagreement with m or with another Psalms scroll). (c) A synopsis of superscriptions for the Psalms scrolls, m and 1\3. (d) Translations of the "apocryphal" Psalms and other compositions that are not present in the MT150 Psalter. (e) A complete table of adjoining or contiguous compositions that occur in the Psalms scrolls. (f) Contents of all the Psalms scrolls by manuscript and by chapter and verse. While this study has not included editions of specific Psalms manuscripts, much of the information presented here was gleaned from editions (final, preliminary, or in preparation), and is ultimately intended to complement the critical texts in the series "Discoveries in the Judaean Desert" (Oxford University Press).
this study because it concludes Book III of the Received Psalter and because Psalms 91 and 93 appear in arrangements that conflict with that of m (in llQPsApa and llQPsa, respectively). But it is not certain that the Psalter had been divided into constituent books in the Second Temple period; the stabilized collection may have concluded with the Davidic series at Ps 72 or with another Psalm. On the evidence of the scrolls the Book of Psalms was finalized in at least two distinct stages, which contradicts Sanders' proposal that it was gradually stabilized from beginning to end. Sanders' basic thesis of stabilization over time stands vindicated, but must be further nuanced by understanding the finalization of the Psalter as taking place in at least two distinct stages rather than a gradual process. Chapter 7 analyzed the second element of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis: that two or more Psalters are represented among the scrolls from the Judaean Desert. Examination of the evidence demonstrated that several collections of Psalms are found among these manuscripts. Deciding whether these are editions or secondary compilations is no simple task. In the light of other secondary collections, it seems very likely that some scrolls contain secondary compilations (e.g. 4Q522 and llQPsApa). Further evidence gleaned from Chapter 9 shows that many other manuscripts represent at least three literary editions of the Psalter: Edition I (Psalms 112-89), Edition lia or the llQPsaPsalter (=Edition I plus the arrangment found in llQPsa), and Edition lib or the MT-150 Psalter(= Edition I plus Psalms 90-150). Edition I was possibly the sum content of some scrolls, but this is not assured. Edition IIa is represented by 4QPse and llQPsb (Edition I with the second part) and by llQPsa (second part only). Edition lib is attested by MasPsb (second part only [i. e. material from Psalms 90-150]), and maybe by some Qumran manuscripts. It, was most surprising to find that no manuscript from Qumran unambiguously supports the arrangement found in Books IV- V of the MT-150 Psalter. Some scrolls may contain further literary editions of the Book of Psalms (notably the 4QPsf arrangement), but this is far from certain. Chapter 8 considered the structure of 11 QPs a and assessed the third element of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis, that llQPsa was compiled at Qumran and may be termed the "Qumran Psalter." (a) While no single principle can explain all the groupings and arrangements in llQPsa, two main organizing elements were identified: a relationship to the solar calender since the scroll represents a 52-piece collection, and a strong Davidic emphasis achieved by the deployment of Davidic Psalms throughout the document. Additional principles are also in evidence, notably groupings according to form or genre, the juxtaposition of opening and closing formulae, and thematic linkage. (b) With respect to the provenance of llQPsa, this study found that as a manuscript it was most likely copied at Qumran for the community's use, but as a collection the llQPsaPsalter was compiled among circles that embraced the 364-day solar calendar
2. Addressing the Main Issues The main issues arising from analysis of the Psalms scrolls were treated in PART II. Four of these were grouped together as comprising the "Qumran P.salms Hypothesis" as proposed by James Sanders. Chapter 6 considered the first component of the Hypothesis: that 11 Q Psa and other manuscripts bear witness to a Psalter that was gradually stabilized, from beginning to end. This study found that when all the Psalms scrolls are considered together, they show the Book of Psalms to have been finalized in two stages. For Psalms 1-89 at least, there is a correlation between fixed order and the presence of superscriptions, and between fluidity and the lack of superscriptions. This may also be true for Psalms 90 and beyond, but is more difficult to demonstrate. Although the manuscript evidence is far from complete, the order of contiguous Psalms in the scrolls corresponds with that of the MT-150 Psalter for Psalms 1-89 with very few exceptions (92% supportive, 8% contradictory), but for Psalms 90 and beyond it contradicts the arrangement of more often than not (40% supportive, 60% contradictory). These data suggest that the first part of the Psalter had been largely finalized with respect to arrangement well before the Qumran period began in ca. !50 BCE. In contrast, Psalms 90 and beyond are far more fluid and appear in various combinations, indicating that the second part of the Psalter remained unstabilized during the entire Qumran period which ended in 68 CE. It is not altogether clear where the transitional point between the largely stabilized collection nnd the tluid parts of the Psulter should be. Psnlm 89 wa11 11elected in
f i
as found in 1 Enoch and Jubilees. For this reason I have abandoned the epithet "Qumran Psalter" as being too restrictive and have replaced it with the "llQPsa-Psalter." Such results find this aspect of Sanders' hypothesis to be wanting, but nuance it further by implying that the llQPsa-Psalter was not restricted to a small group or "sect" living in the Judaean desert. Chapter 9 assessed the fourth thesis of the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis: that 11 QPsa contains the latter part of a true scriptural Psalter or edition of the Psalter. Attempts by several scholars to show that 11 QPs a is not a true scriptural Psalter but a secondary liturgical compilation proved to be unconvincing because all presume that the arrangement of the MT-150 Psalter or its textual form had been finalized and was accepted by virtually all Jews as the "Book of Psalms" well before the second century BCE. This study showed that the llQPsa--collection (Edition Ila) qualifies as a true scriptural Psalter on three grounds: attribution to David, structural principles and usage. The implied attribution to David in "David's Compositions" is reinforced by the arrangement of compositions in llQPsa, which forms clusters dominated by Psalms with Davidic titles (as was shown in Chapter 8). Furthermore, the juxtaposition of opening and closing formulae in some groupings resembles that of m, thus indicating that similar organizing principles lie behind these clusters in the scroll and behind the compilation of Books IV and V in the MT-150 Psalter. After taking the full panoply of Psalms scrolls into consideration, this study has vindicated James Sanders' Qumran Psalms Hypothesis, but with some qualifications. In particular, more nuanced terminology is necessary in the Psalms debate; his proposal that stabilization took place gradually from beginning to end should be modified by dividing the process of finalization into two distinct stages; and llQPsa contains the "l1QPsa-Psalter" rather than the "Qumran Psalter" since it was copied at Qumran but not compiled there. The final chapter differed from the previous nine by focusing on the relationship between the Psalms scrolls and the Septuagint Psalter (IB ), in recognition of the importance of the Greek Bible for studying the text of Scripture. As was indicated in the Introduction, a thorough treatment of this topic is beyond the scope of the present investigation. Discussion thus focused on whether the Psalms scrolls contain distinctive readings at variance with m but present in the underlying Hebrew text used by the Septuagint translator(s). This involved an evaluation of representative readings shared by various Psalms scrolls and the Greek tradition against m. Results were twofold: the Psalms scrolls exhibit readings that were present in the Greek translator's Hebrew Vorlage but differ from m, and sometimes support readings that occur in Greek manuscripts but which were not adopted by Alfred Rahlfs as con~tituting the original Greek translation. This strengthens the notion that the criteria used for determining the Old Greek in Psalmi cum Odis should be reassessed.
3. The Issues that Remain As this odyssey comes to an end, I draw attention to ten themes or areas of research that remain to be addressed with respect to the Psalms scrolls. (a) First, the question of appropriate teminology in relation to "biblical" texts, the "Psalms," and other terms in the Second Temple period needs to be explored further. (b) With the obvious exception of llQPsa, many of the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls and seven other relevant manuscripts that were profiled in Chapter 2 remain to be investigated. (c) Research on the different formats (stichometry, prose, mixed) that occur in the Psalms scrolls and other Qumran documents is still in its early stages; Professor Tov has made a welcome first step (see n. 156 in Chapter 2). (d) The listings of variant readings and superscriptions in Chapters 2 to 5 will provide a rich resource for scholars dealing with exegesis, the text of Scripture, and the stablization of the' Psalter. (e) The question of textual affiliations that was explored in Chapter 7 needs to be nuanced further. While I identified most (all?) of the manuscript groupings that are detectable on the basis of macro-variants (i.e. differences in the order of Psalms or the presence/absence of entire compositions), it should be possible to find additional affiliations with recourse to smaller variant readings. (f) I offered bold and innovative proposals for explaining the structure of the 11 QPs a-Psalter, and welcome further suggestions for understanding how this collection and others in the Psalms scrolls were put together. (g) The nature and structure of smaller collections within the larger Psalters in certain scrolls are just waiting to be explored. One example is the Psalms of Ascent, which featured prominently in the groupings discussed in sections 3-5 of Chapter 8. Another collection is the Asaph Psalms (50, 73-83), which seems to be underrepresented in the Psalms scrolls. (H. P. Nasuti's book on this collection is listed in the BIBLOGRAPHY, but it was beyond the scope of the present study to evaluate his work.) (h) Links between the Psalms manuscripts and other documents or collections of related material that quote or allude to specific Psalms, require further investigation. Six of these are: the Damascus Document, 4Q174 and 4Q177, 4Q380 and 4Q381, and llQMelchizedek. (i) Ongoing evaluation of the relationship between specific Psalms scrolls and the Septuagint is called for. This will require a more extensive listing of variants, for which the criteria are not only disagreement of a Psalms scroll with m or another Psalms scroll, but also with \B (I will be producing this expanded list for the Symposium organized by Septuaginta-Unterhehmen in July, 1997 with a view to planning a new edition of the Septuagint Psalter; see n. 1 of Chapter 10). (j) The relationship between scrolls such as llQPsa and the Syriac Psalter may be profitably explored, since many readings and even entire compositions (e.g. Psalms 151, 154, 155) are common to both.
APPENDIX 1 "APOCRYPHAL" PSALMS AND OTHER COMPOSITIONS IN THE PSALMS SCROLLS This Appendix presents all the texts from the Psalms scrolls that are classified as "apocryphal." These English translations are taken from already published sources, except for the three compositions from 4QPsf which are from the forthcoming DJD edition. The material is presented in two parts; the first contains pieces that were previously familiar to scholars (items 1-6). One of these-David's Last Words from llQPsa-has mostly been taken from the New Revised Standard Version of 2 Sam 23:1-7, since only the last six Hebrew words of v 7 are extant in the scroll. Of the other five, three were known in Greek, Syriac and Latin (Ps lSI A, Ps lSIB, and Sirach S1:13-30), and two only in Syriac (Psalms 1S4 and ISS). The second section features compositions that were previously unknown (items 7-16, in alphabetical order). These are found in four scrolls: 4QPsf, llQPsa-b, and llQPsApa. Four additional points should be noted: (a) In most of the translations verse numbers have been given where possible; otherwise line numbers are provided. (b) I have proposed in Chapter 8.S (section 1, "Contents and Outline") that the Catena forms a single composition with Ps 136 in col. XVI of llQPsa, but it is included here because some scholars classify it as a separate piece. (c) Since the three Songs against Demons in llQPsApa (items 7-9) are so fragmentary, two different types of translation are given for these pieces: one that provides extensive reconstruction (by F. Garda Martinez), and one that stays closer to the Hebrew text by offering minimal reconstruction (Wise, Abegg and Cook). (d) Several of the compositions in this appendix also appear in the plates: the Apostrophe to Judah and the Eschatological Hymn (items 11 and 14, from 4QPsf) in PLATE V; the end of David's Last Words and all of David's Compositions (items 1 and 13, from llQPsa) in PLATE VI; and Psalms ISlA and ISIB (items 2 and 3, from llQPsa) in PLATE VII. 1. Resources and Previous Translations: Garcia Martinez, Florentino. The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated. The Qumran Texts in English (Leiden: Brill, 1994). Sanders, James A. The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave II [II QPsa] (DJD IV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). - . The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). Skehan, Patrick W., Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint. "The Cave 4 Psalms Scrolls" in E. Ulrich et a!. (eds.), Qumran Cave 4: The Writin!(s (DJD XVI; Oxford: Clarendon Press). [forthcoming] Vermes, Oeza. The DMd Sl!u Scrol/.v in En!(lish (4th ed.; London: Penguin, 1995). Wise, Michael, Martin Abegll, Jr. and Edward Cook. Tht' Dt'ud St'u Scrolls. A New Tran.1·lution (San Francisco: HurpcrCnlllins, 1996) .
2. The Sixteen Texts
4. Sirach 51:13-23, 30
2.1 Six Compositions that were Previously Known 1. David's Last Words (= 2 Sam 23:1-7) (II QPsa col. XXVII. line I) (I)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Now these are the last words of David: The oracle of David, son of Jesse, the oracle of the man whom God exalted, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the favourite of the Strong One of Israel: The spirit of the LORD speaks through me, his word is upon my tongue. The God of Israel has spoken, the Rock of Israel has said to me: One who rules over people justly, ruling in the fear of God, is like the light of morning, like the sun rising on a cloudless morning, gleaming from the rain on the grassy land. Is not my house like this with God? For he has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. Will he not cause to prosper all my help and my desire? But the godless are all like thorns that are thrown away; for they cannot be picked up with the hand; to touch them one uses an iron bar and the wood of an outside room, and they are utterly consumed with fire in the sitting. (Verses l-7a reconstructed from NRSV, v 7b from J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 87)
2. Psalms 151A:1-7 (IIQPsa col. XXVIII, lines 3-12) A Hallelujah of David the Son of Jesse. ( 1) Smaller was I than my brothers and the youngest of the sons of my father, so he made me shepherd of his flock and ruler over his kids. (2) My hands have made an instrument and my fingers a lyre; And (so) have I rendered glory to the LORD, thought I, within my soul. (3) The mountains do not witness to him, nor do the hills proclaim; The trees have cherished my words and the flock my works. (4) For who can proclaim and who can bespeak and who can recount the deeds of the Lord? Everything has God seen, everything has he heard and he has heeded. (5) He sent his prophet to anoint me, Samuel to make me great; My brothers went out to meet him, handsome of figure and appearance. (6) Though they were tall of stature and handsome by their hair, The LORD God chose them not. (7) But he sent and took me from behind the flock and anointed me with holy oil, And he made me leader of his people and ruler over the sons of his covenant. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dt•ad St•a P.m/ms Scroll, 89)
3. Psalm 151B:l-2 (llQPs 11 col. XXVIII, lines IJ-14) (I l At the beginning of David's power after the prophet of God had anointed him. (2) Then I [suw] u Philistine uttering defiances from the r[unks of the enemy[. I .. , the.,. (TrnnNlnlinn hy J, Sunders.
81'11 P.wlrn.l Scroll, K9)
(IIQPs col. XXI, lines 11-18 to XXII, line I) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
(22) (23)
I was a young man before I had erred when I looked for her. She came to me in her beauty when finally I sought her out. Even (as) a blossom drops in the ripening of grapes, making glad the heart, (So) my foot trod in uprightness; for from my young manhood have I known her. I inclined my ear a little and great was the persuasion I found. And she became for me a nurse; to my teacher I give my ardor. I purposed to make sport: I was zealous for pleasure, without pause. I kindled my desire for her without distraction. I bestirred my desire for her, and on her heights I do not waver. I opened my hand(s) [... ] and perceive her unseen parts. I cleansed my hands [........ . ................. ] your reward in due season. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 75, 77)
5. Psalm 154:3-19 (I IQPs 3 col. XVIII, lines 1-16) (3) ... your souls with the good ones and with the pure ones to glorify the Most High. (4) Form an assembly to proclaim his salvation, and be not lax in making known his might and his majesty to all simple folk. (5) For to make known the glory of the LORD is wisdom given, (6) and for recounting his many deeds she is revealed to man: (7) to make known to simple folk his might, to explain to senseless folk his greatness, (8) those far from her gates, those who stray from her portals. (9) For the Most High is the LORD of Jacob, and his majesty is over all his works. (10) And a man who glorifies the Most High he accepts as one who brings a meal offering, (II) as one who offers he-goats and bullocks, as one who fattens the altar with many burnt offerings, as a sweet-smelling fragrance from the hand of the righteous. (12) From the gates of the righteous is heard her voice, and from the assembly of the pious her song. (13) When they eat with satiety she is cited, and when they drink in community together, (14) their meditation is on the law of the Most High, their words on making known his might. (15) How far from the wicked is her word, from all haughty men to know here. (16) Behold the eyes of the LORD upon the good ones are compassionate, (17) and upon those who glorify him he increases his mercy; from an evil time will he deliver [their] soul. (18) [Bless] the LORD who redeems the humble from the hand of stranger[s and deliv]ers the pure from the hand of the wicked. (19) [who establishes a horn out of Ja]cob and a judge (Trunslution hy J. Sunders, Dt•tul Sea P.mlms Scroll, 69)
:fl i
6. Psalm 155:1-19 (II QPsa col. XXIV, lines 3-17) (I)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
0 LORD, I called unto thee, give heed to me. I spread forth my palms toward thy holy dwelling. Incline thine ear and grant me my plea, And my request withhold not from me. Edify my soul and do not cast it down, And abandon (it) not in the presence of the wicked. May the Judge of Truth remove from me the rewards of evil 0 LORD, judge me not according to my sins; for no man living is righteous before thee. Grant me understanding, 0 LORD, in thy law and teach me thine ordinances, That many may hear of thy deeds and peoples may honor thy glory. Remember me and forget me not, and lead me not into situations too hard for me. The sins of my youth cast far from me, and may my transgressions not be remembered against me. Purify me, 0 LORD, from (the) evil scourge, and let it not turn again upon me. Dry up its roots from me, and let its leaves not flourish within me. Thou art (my) glory, 0 LORD. Therefore is my request fulfilled before thee. To whom may I cry and he would grant (it) me? And the sons of man-what more can [their] pow[er] do?My trust, 0 LORD, is befo[r]e thee. I cried "0 LORD," and he answered me, [and he healed] my broken heart. I slumbered [and sl]ept, I dreamt; indeed [I woke ........ ] (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 81)
2.2 Ten Previously Unknown Compositions 7. Apocryphal Psalm 1: Against Demons (II QPsApa col. I, lines 2-11) [formerly frg. a, lines 2-11] Col. I 1[... ] and who weeps for him 2[... ] the oath 3[... ] by YHWH 4[... ] the dragon 5 [... ] the ea[rth ... 6... ] exor[cising ... 7 ... ] to[ ... 8... ] this[ ... 9... ] to the dev[ils .. _10 ... ] and he will dwe[ll ... ] (Translation by F. Garcia Martinez, Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, 376) 8. Apocryphal Psalm II: Against Demons (IIQPsAp", line 3) [formerly cols.J-JV, line 3] Col. II 2[0f David. Concerning the words of the spell] in the name of [YHWH ... 3... ] of Solomon, and he will envoke [the name of YHWH 4to set him free from every affliction of the sp]irits, of the devils, 1Liliths, 5 owls and jackals]. These are the devils, and the pri[nce of enm)ity 6 [is Belial], who [rules) over the abyss [of dark]ness. 7[ ... ) to[ ... ) and to mug[nify the) God of H [wonders ... the sons ofl his people have completed the cure, 9 [ ... those who] huve relied on your nmne. Invoke 10 [... guardian of] lsruel. Lean 11 [on YHWH, the God of gods, he who mude[the heuvens 12 [und the eurth und ullthut is lnlhem[, who sepuruted [light "from durkness ... [ ... [... 1
Col. III '[ ... And you shall say to him: Who] 2are you? [Did you make the heavens and] the depths [and everything they hold], 3the earth and every[thing there is upon the] earth? Who has ma[de these portents] 4and these won[ders upon the] earth? It is he. YHWH, [the one who] 5has done a[ll this by his power], summoning all the [angels to come to his assistance], 6 every [holy se]ed which is in his presence, [and the one who judges] 7[the sons of] heaven and [all the] earth [on their account], because they sent 8sin upon [all the earth], and [evil] upon every ma[n. But] they know 9[his wonder]ful [acts], which none of them [is able to do in front of YHW]H. If they do not 10 [tremble] before YHWH, so that[ ... and] obliterate the soul, 11 YHWH [will judge them] and they will fear that great [punishment(?)]. 120ne among you [will chase after a thousand ... ] of those who serve YHWH 1Jr, .. ] great. And[ ... ] ... [... ] Col. IV 1[and] great[ ... ] summoning[ ... ] 2and the great[ ... And he will send a] powerful [angel] and will ev[ict] you [from] 3the whole earth. [... ] heavens [... ] 4YHWH will strike a [mighty bl]ow which is to destroy you [for ever], 5and in the fury of his anger [he will send] a powerful angel against you, [to carry out] 6[all his comm]ands, (one) who [will not show] you mercy, who[ ... 7... ] above all these, who will [hurl] you to the great abyss, 8[to the] deepest [Sheol]. Fa[r from the home of light] shall you live, for 9 the great [abyss] is utterly dark. [You shall no]longer [rule] over the earth IO[but instead you shall be shut in] for ever. [You shall be cursed] with the curses af Abaddon, 11 [and punished by] the fury of Y[HWH]'s anger. [You shall rule over] darkness for all 12 [periods of] humiliation[ ... ] your gift 13 [... ] Col. V 1[... ] ... [... ] 2which [... ] those possessed [... ] 3the volunteers of your tr[uth, when Ra]phael heals them.[ ..... ] Blank (Translation by F. Garcia Martinez, Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, 376-77 Apocryphal Psalm II: Trusting in the Name of Yahweh (IIQPsAp" cots. 11-V, line 3) [formerly cols. I-IV, line 3]
The God of creation, who separated light from darkness, is invoked for protection against the powers of darkness. Col. II 1- 2[... A Psalm of] Solomon. He took [... 3... ] the demons [... 4... ] these are [the de]mons [... s ... I]sr[ael ... 6- 7... ] with me[ ... ] healing 8[... the righteous]leans on Your name and calls[ ... 9... He says to Is]rael, Be strong 10 [... ], the heavens 11 [... ] who has separated [light 12from darkness ... ] God's power in creation is again entreated. The spell proper begins with the words "/adjure ... "and goes on to include a citation from Scripture. Col. III 1[... ] 2and the earth [... ] the earth, who m[ade the host of heaven for seasons] 3and for sig[ns ... ] He is the Lord[ ... ] 4He made the[ ... I] adjure all[ ... ] 5[... ] and all [... ] which[ ... ] before[ ... 6 .. ] the earth[ ... 7... every] sin, and concerning all these [... ] you know 8[... ] which are not[ ... ] if not 9[... ] from before the Lord [... ] to slay the soul of H>[ ... ] the Lord, and let him be afraid[ ... ] this great [spell]: 11 "0m• ~~f'you [will pursuefathou[,mnd" (Joshua 23: 10) ... ] served the Lord[ ... 12 ... 1greut [... [
(ur 248
Another psalm-spell, calling on angelic powers to combat the demonic. Col. IV 1Great is[ ... I] adjure [you ... ] 2and the great[ ... ] against [you ... ] the mighty [angel ... ] 3all the earth[ ... ] the heavens and[ ... ] 4May the Lord smite you [with a mighty blow] in order to destroy you[ ... ] 5and by His fierce wrath [may He send] against you a mighty angel[ ... 6... ] which[ ... no] mercy for you, who[ ... 7... ] against all these which [shall be sent forever] into the great abyss 8[... to] lowest Hades, and who[ ... there] you shall lie, and darkness 9[... ] very much[ ... ] in the earth 10 [... ] forever [... ] with the curses of des[truction ... ] 11 [... ] the fierce wrath of [... ] darkness [... 12... ] affliction [... ] your portion [... ]
10. Apostrophe to Zion:1-18
( llQPsa col. XXII, lines 1-15) I
'!!'I ' i
(2) (3)
A summary statement on the nature of the preceding psalm. Col. V 1[... ] 2which [... ]and those possessed by [demons ... ] 3those crushed [by Belial
. . . on Isra]el, peace [eternal ... ]
(Translation by Wise, Abegg, and Cook, Dead Sea Scrolls. A New Translation , 453-54) (7) (8) (9) (10)
9. Apocryphal Psalm III: Against Demons (IIQPsApa cols. V, line 4-VI, line 3) [formerly cols. IV, line 4-V, line 3]
Col. V 40f David. Conc[erning the words of the spe]ll in the name of YHWH. [Call on] 5the heavens [at a]ny time. [When] Beli[al] comes upon you, [you] shall say to him: 6Who are you, [accursed amongst] men and amongst the seed of the holy ones? Your face is a face 7offutility, and your horns are horns of a wre[tch]. You are darkness and not light, 8[s]in and not justice. [Against you], the chief of the army. YHWH will [shut] you 9[in the] deepest She[ol, he will shut] the two bronze gates through which] no IOJight [penetrates. On you] there shall not [shine the light of the) sun, which [rises 11 upon the] just man [to illuminate his face]. You shall say to him: [Is there not] perhaps [an angel] 12 [with the just] man, to go [to judgment when] Sa[tan) mistreats him? [And he will be freed) from dark[ness by 13 the spirit of tru]th, [because jus]tice is with him [to uphold him at the judgment. 14 .. ) not [... ) (Translation by F. Garcia Martinez, Dead Sea Scrolls Translated, 377) Apocryphal Psalm III: Yahweh will Strike you with a Great Blow (IIQPsApa cols. V, line I-VI, line 3) [formerly cols. IV, line 1-V, line 3]
An incantation attributed to David, to he uttered against Resheph, an ancient deity whom the Israelites thought (Jf as a demon. Here the chief weapon is mockery. Note the reference to the demon's horns. Col. V 4A Psalm of David, against[ ... ] in the name of the Lor[d ... ] 5against Resheph [... ] he will come to you at ni[ght, and) you will say to him, 6Who are you? [Withdraw from] humanity and from the ho[ly] race! For your appearance is ?[nothing], and your horns are horns of sand. You ure darkness, not light, K[wicked]ness, not righteousness [... ]the Lord[ ... ) 9[in Hud]es most deep, [enclosed in doors] of bronze[ ... 1°... ] light and not[ ... never uguin to sec] the sun thut 11 ]shincs on the] righteous[ ... ]und then you shall suy ]... ] 12 ]... ] the righteous to come[ ... ] to do hunn to him[ .. . 1
~ ... tr]uth from[ ... righ]teousness to[ ... ]
(Trnnslntion hy Wise, AhCIIII• und C'ook, /)1'1111 St'a S('f'ol/.v. A Nl'w '/'nm.l'latlon , 4~4)
• l
(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
I remember thee for blessing, 0 Zion; with all my might have I loved thee. May thy memory be blessed forever! Great is thy hope, 0 Zion; that peace and thy longed-for salvation will come. Generation after generation will dwell in thee and generations of saints wiii be thy splendor; Those who yearn for the day of thy salvation that they may rejoice in the greatness of thy glory. On (the) abundance of thy glory they are nourished and in thy splendid squares they will toddle . The merits of thy prophets wilt thou remember, and in the deeds of thy pious ones wilt thou glory. Purge violence from thy midst; falsehood and iniquity will be cut off from thee. Thy sons will rejoice in thy midst and thy precious ones will be united with thee. How they have hoped for thy salvation, thy pure ones have mourned for thee. Hope for thee does not perish, 0 Zion, nor is hope in thee forgotten. Who has ever perished (in) righteousness, or who has ever survived in his iniquity? Man is tested according to his way; every man is aquitted according to his deeds; all about are thine enemies cut off, 0 Zion, and all thy foes have been scattered. Praise of thee is pleasing, 0 Zion, cherished through all the world. Many times do I remember thee for blessing; with all my heart I bless thee. Mayst thou attain unto everlasting righteousness, and blessings of the honorable mayst thou recieve. Accept a vision bespoken of thee, and dreams of prophets sought for thee. Be exalted, and spread wide, 0 Zion; praise the Most High, thy savior: let my soul be glad in thy glory. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 77) 11. Apostrophe to Judah
(4QPsf col. X, lines 4-15) Then let heavens and earth give praise, 6give praise in unison all the stars of dusk. 7Rejoice, Judah, in your joy; 8rejoice in your joy and dance in your dance. 9Celebrate your pilgrim feasts, fulfill your vows, for there is 10in your midst no scoundrel. May your hand be exalted! 11 May your right hand prevail! See, the enemy 12perish, and scattered are all 13evildoers. But you, Lord, forever 14 are; your glory is forever and ever. 15 Praise the Lord! (Translation by P. Skehan, "Cave 4 Psalms Scrolls")
12. Catena
(II QPsa col. XVI, lines 1·6) (I)
0 give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever!
(15) Hark, glad songs of victory in the tents of the righteous:
" The right hand of the LORD does valiantly. The right hand of the LORD is exalted, the right hand of the LORD has wrought strength!" (8) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (9) It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. (X) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in a thousand people. (29) 0 give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever! Praise the LORD!
(Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll,
(6) (7) (8) (9)
(IIQPsa col. XIX, lines 1-18)
2-1 I)
14. Eschatological Hymn (4QPs f col. IX, lines 1-15) 4many ...................... And let them praise 5the name of the LORD, for he comes to judge 6every deed, to extirpate the wicked 7from the earth; and the guilty [brood] will be nowhere 8found. And the heavens will give their dew, 9and there will be no searing drought within their borders; And the earth 10will give its fruit in its season, and will not 11 cheat of its produce. The 12fruit trees ................ and will not 13 ............... . the 14 Iowly will eat and be filled, ........ those who fear the LORD .... . (Translation
P. Skehan, "Cave 4 Psalms Scrolls")
15. Hymn to the Creator (II<.)Ps 11
16. Plea for Deliverance
(2) And David, the son of Jesse, was wise, and a light like the light of the sun, and literate, (3) and discerning and perfect in all his ways before God and men. And the LORD gave (4) him a discerning and enlightened spirit. And he wrote (5) 3,600 psalms; and songs to sing before the altar over the whole-burnt (6) perpetual offering every day, for all the days of the year, 364; (7) and for the offering of the Sabbaths, 52 songs; and for the offering of the New (8) Moons and for all the Solemn Assemblies and for the Day of Atonement, 30 songs. (9) And all the songs that he spoke were 446, and songs (10) for making music over the stricken, 4. And the total was 4,050. (II) All these he composed through prophecy which was given him from before the Most High. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll,
Separating light from deep darkness, he established the dawn by the knowledge of his mind. When all his angels had witnessed it they sang aloud; for he showed them what they had not known: Crowning the hills with fruit, good food for every living being. Blessed be he who makes the earth by his power, establishing the world in his wisdom. In his understanding he stretched out the heavens, and brought forth [wind] from his st[ orehouses ]. He made [lightening for the rai]n, and caused mist[s] to rise [from] the end [of the earth]. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll,
13. David's Compositions (II QPsa col. XXVII, lines
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
(19) (20)
Surely a maggot cannot praise thee nor a grave-worm recount thy lovingkindness. But the living can praise thee, all those who stumble can laud thee. In revealing thy kindness to them and by thy righteousness thou dost enlighten them. For in thy hand is the soul of every living thing; the breath of all flesh hast thou given. Deal with us, 0 LORD, according to thy goodness, according to thy great mercy, and according to thy many righteous deeds. The LORD has heeded the voice of those who love his name and has not deprived them of his lovingkindness. Blessed be the LORD, who executes righteous deeds, crowning his saints with lovingkindness and mercy. My soul cries out to praise thy name, to sing high praises for thy loving deeds, To proclaim thy faithfulness-of praise of thee there is no end. Near death was I for my sins, and my iniquities had sold me to the grave; but thou didst save me, 0 LORD, according to thy great mercy, and according to thy many righteous deeds. Indeed have I loved thy name, and in thy protection have I found refuge. When I remember thy might my heart is brave, and upon thy mercies do I lean. Forgive my sin, 0 LORD, and purify me from my iniquity. Vouchsafe me a spirit of faith and knowledge, and let me not be dishonored in ruin. Let not Satan rule over me, nor an unclean spirit; neither let pain nor the evil inclination take possession of my bones. For thou, 0 LORD, art my praise, and in thee do I hope all the day. Let my brothers rejoice with me and the house of my father, who are astonished by thy graciousness ..... [For e ]verI will rejoice in thee. (Translation by J. Sanders, Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, 71)
col. XXVI, lines IJ-1~)
(I) Greut und holy is the LORD, !he holiest of holy ones fur every generution. (2) Majesty precedes him und following him is the rush of muny wulers. (:1) Clruce und truth surround his presence; Iruth und justice und righteousness ure the foundution of his throne.
il l
k "l'J,
PSALMS SCROLLS FROM THE JUDAEAN DESERT Details of the thirty-nine Psalms scrolls are summarized in the Table below. For the sigla used in the first two columns ("Scrolls by Siglum" and "Scrolls by Number"), see ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA. Column III ("Variant Order") specifies which scrolls contain Psalms in an arrangement at variance with that of the the MT-150 Psalter. Column IV ("Different Content") denotes those manuscripts that contain "Apocryphal" compositions in addition to Psalms found in ffi. Column V ("Range of Contents") lists a manuscript's earliest and latest verses in terms of their Masoretic order. But here it must be emphasized that many scrolls are very fragmentary, and thus contain only part of the specified content. Moreover, in several manuscripts the order of the preserved material differs from that of the Received Psalter (cf. col. III). Column VI ("Date or Period when Copied") indicates the approximate date of each manuscript on the basis of palaeographic analysis. I Scroll by Siglum
II Scroll by Number
III IV Variant Different Order Content
v Range of Contents
VI Date or Period when Copied
86:5 to 119:80
126:6 to 128:3
1st c. CE
44:3 to 44:25
Herod ian
103:2to 104:11
1st c. CE
mid-2nd c. BCE
91:5 to 118:29
2nd half 1st c. BCE
16:7 to 53: I
ca. 50-68 CE
104: I to 147:20
mid-I st c. BCE
76:10 to 146: I'!
mid-I st c. CE
22: 15 to I09:28
ca. 50 BCE
119:37to 119:92
c·a. 50CP.
4QP~ -----------
48: I tn 53:5
4Q91 ---------
50 ('I!
·~ ,_
I Scroll by Siglum
II Scroll by Number
III IV Variant Different Order Content
Range of Contents
VI Date or Period when Copied
99:1? to 135:16
I st century BCE
104:3 to 104:12
2nd half I st c. BCE
93:3 to 98:8
135:6 to 136:23
late 1st c. BCE
4QPs 0
114:7 to 116:10
late 1st c. BCE
143:3 to 143:8
mid-I st c. CE
il ,
26:7 to 30: 13
4QPs 5
5:8 to 88:17
50 CE or later
4QPs 1
42:5 only
ca. 50CE
99:1 only
late 1st c. BCE
89:20 to 89:31
175-125 BCE
122: I to 122:9
2nd third of 1st c. BCE
119:99 to 119:142
I st century CE
17:5 to 18:13
I st. century CE
93:1 to 150:6
77:18 to 144:2
1st half of 1st c. CE
2:1 to 25:7
1st half of 1st c. CE
6:2 to 116:1
mid-I st c. CE
Khabra/S e'elim
15:1 to 31:22
2nd half of I st c. CE
81:1 to 85:6
1st half of 1st c. CE
147:18 to 150:6
2nd half of I st c. BCE
Noll.': 4QP.fv(?) Wll.l' prl.'viou.l'ly clc•.l'illnatnl Ma.1'P.1·"(?) or Ma.l'/1/(?)
' I
Four types of sigla are used in this Appendix. (a) An arrow ~ indicates that a passage directly follows the one listed before it; these are almost always found on the same fragment. (b) The plus sign + signifies that a passage follows the preceding one, although the two are no longer physically joined. (c) The plus sign with a number in square brackets [+ 147] denotes that a Psalm originally followed the preceding one, although the scroll is no longer extant at this point. Such cases are determined on the basis of reconstruction. (d) The sign (?) indicates that some doubt exists as to the identification of a particular Psalm. This is because the Psalm is hardly extant-such as 146(?) in 4QPse-or because it is included by reconstruction: for instance, [108(?)] in 4QPsf.
1. Previous Listings of the Judaean Scrolls and Their Contents: Burchard, C. Bibliographie zu den Handschriften von Toten Meer, ll: Nr. 1557-4459 (BZAW 89; Berlin: Topelmann, 1965), 313-59 ["Register: Ausgaben und Obersetzungen der neugefundenen Texte, Antike Essenerberichte"]. Fitzmyer, J. A. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study (rev. ed.; SBLSBS 20; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990) 16-17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 36-38, 47-48, 57-58, 63-64,69-70, 73-75,77,85,222-28. Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993), esp. 219-36. Garcia Martinez, F. "Lista de MSS procedentes de Qumran," Henoch II (1989) 149-232. "Estudios Qumranicos 1975-1985:Panorama Critico (VI)," Estudios Blblicos 47 (1989) 225-66, ~.257-63.
lQPs" 4QPs•
Psalm 95~96 Psalm 5~6; 31~33; ~66~67 [+ 68]~69
4QPsb 4QPsc 4QPsd 4QPse
Psalm91~92+93+94; 99~100; 102~103~112~113; 116[+ 117]~118 Psalm 27~28; 49~50~51~52~53 Psalm 106~147~104 Psalm 76~77; 115~116; 118~104 [+ 147]~ 105~ 146(?); 125~126 [+ 127 + 128]~129~130 Psalm 107 [+ 108(?)] + 109~Apostrophe to Zion+ Eschatalogical Hymn+ Apostrophe to Judah Psalm 135 [+Another Psalm]~99 Psalm 135: 12 ~ 136:22 Psalm 114~ 115 Psalm 31~33 Psalm 26~27 [+ 28 + 29]~30
4QPsf 4QPsk 4QPs" 4QPs 0 4QPsq 4QPsr 4QPss 4Q522
34~35~36; 38~71; 53~ 54; 62~63
[+ 64 + 65]
Apocryphal piece~Ps 122 Psalm 101~ 102~ 103; 118~
104~ 147~ 105~ 146~
148 [+
120]~ 121~
Ploeg, J.P. M. van der. "L'Edition des Manuscrits de Ia Grotte XI de Qumran par I' Academie Royale des Sciences des Pays-Bas," in P.W. Pestman (ed.), Acta Orientalia Neerlandica. Proceedings of the Congress of the Dutch Oriental Society, Held in Leiden on the Occasion of Its 50th Anniversary, 8th-9th May 1970 (Leiden: Brill, 1972) 43-45. "Les manuscrits de Ia Grotte XI de Qumran," RevQ 45 (1985) 3-15, esp. 5-6, 12-13.
Rosso Ubigli, Liliana. "Indice Italiano-Inglese dei Testi di Qumran. Italian-English Index of Qumran Texts," Henoch II (1989) 233-70. Sanders, James A. The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 [IIQPsa] (DJD IV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). "Pre-Masoretic Psalter Texts," CBQ 27 (1965) 114-23. "Appendix II: Pre-Masoretic Psalter Texts," in The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967) 143-49. "Palestinian Manuscripts 1947-67," JBL 86 (1967) 431-40. "Palestinian Manuscripts 1947-72," JJS 24 (1973) 74-83. Skehan, Patrick W. "Litterature de Qumran-A. Textes bibliques," Supplement au Dictionnaire de Ia Bible (1978) 9/10.805-22, esp. 813-17. "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-82, esp. 180-81. Stegemann, H. "Anhang," ZDPV 83 (1967) 95-100 [This supplements Burchard's list]. Ulrich, Eugene. "An Index of the Passages in the Biblical Manuscripts from the Judean Desert (Part 2: Isaiah-Chronicles)," Dead Sea Discoveries 2 (1995) 86-107, esp. 98-104.
122~ 123~ 124~ 125~126~ 127~ 128~ 129~ 130~ 131~ 132~ 119~ 135~
136(with Catena)~ 145(with
subscript)~ 154
+Plea for Deliverance to Zion~Psalm 93~ 141 I50~ Hymn to the Creator~David's
~ 139~ 137~ 138~Sirach 51~Apostrophe
~133~ 144~ 155~142~ 143~ 149~
llQPsh llQPs" llQPsd llQPsAp 11 Hev/Seiyul MusPs 11 MusJ>sh
Last Words~David's Compositions~Psalm 140~ 134~ 151A~I51B~ blank column [end of scroll] 77~7'1!; Catena; Plea for Deliverance; Apostrophe to Zion; Ps 141 ~ 133~ 144 Psalm 12~ 13~ 14: 17~ I!! Psalm 36~37: 39-+40: 115-+116 Apocr. PsI+ Apocr. Ps 11-+Apocr. Ps 111-+Ps 91-+blunk col. (end of Ncroll] Psulm7-+K: 9-+10-+11: 12--+J:l: 15-+lll: 23-+24 Psulm KI-+112-+113-+!!4-+K~ l'suhn 147(+ 14K + 141JI-+ 1~0-+hlunk cnlumn(end ohcrnll(
2. Sigla and Introductory Comments In this listing deviations from the Received Text in terms of order or arrangement are usually indicated by an italicized comment such as [note order]. The following passages were earlier reported to be in 11QPsd (cf. Sanders, "Appendix II," 145), but have not been included since they do not seem to be present in any of the Psalms scrolls: 35:15-28; 36:1-13; 37:1-40; 38:1-23; 39:1-14. Six types of sigla are used in this Appendix (see also ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SJGLA ): (a) The sign X denotes the presence of an additional word, verse or section that is not present in the Masoretic Psalter: for example,
Ps 145:13, X, 14-21, X in col. XVII of llQPsa. (b) The siglum >indicates that a specified Psalm or verse occurring at this point in the Masoretic Text is absent in the scroll, for example[> Ps 32]. (c) The arrow---? indicates that a passage is continuous with the one listed before it, because both are on the same fragment or are in adjoining columns. Virtually all such cases entail successive Psalms (for instance, Ps 38---?71 in 4QPsa), but on occasion only verses are involved (for example, Ps 118:6-10---?12 in 4QPsb). (d) The plus sign+ indicates that a passage very likely follows the one listed before it, on the basis of reconstruction; the fragments involved are usually not physically linked (for example, Ps 93:5 + 94:1-4 in 4QPsb). (e) The sign(?) indicates that some doubt exists as to the identification of a particular verse or reading. When it stands to the left of an entry, this siglum denotes that the complete entity is not certain: for instance, (?)99:1-2, 5 in 4QPsk. When written to the right of an entry, it indicates that only the specified quantity-usually a single verse-is not sure: for example, 79: 1(?), 2-3 in 4QTanb.. (e) Square brackets [ ] indicate that while the designated verses are no longer extant, they were originally written on the manuscript. Such reconstructions are only provided where they are certain or very likely, which almost always occurs under one of two conditions. The first is where the extant text occupies successive columns of a manuscript: for example, Ps 147:1-2 [+ 3-17] 18-20 in llQPsa. The second is where the missing material originally occupied part of a discrete fragment, but is no longer extant: for example, Ps 53:4-5 [+ 6] 7 in 4QPsa. Two types of designations are used for the manuscripts that are listed: *For the Qumran scrolls, an abbreviated title is given which specifies the cave where a particular manuscript was found, together with the alphabetical number assigned to it (Thus 4QPs a denotes the first of a series of Psalms scrolls found in Cave 4). An alternative designation follows in parentheses, denoting the relevant cave and the number alloted to the specific manuscript among all those found there (Thus 4Q83 indicates that 4QPsa is the eighty-third in a sequence of scrolls from Cave 4). *Parts of the single manuscript found at Nabal Bever (Wadi Khabra) were alleged to be from Wadi Seiyal (Nahal Se'elim), but this is evidently not the case (cf. Chapter 2.5 "Psalms Scrolls Found at Other Locations"). The portion discovered by Yadin is denoted by the siglum 5/6}:IevPs, which indicates that it was found in the "Cave of Letters" at Nabal }:lever (with 5/6 referring to this cave's two openings). The part discovered by the Bedouin is indicated in two different ways: by the number of the specific scroll (Seiyal4) and by individual plates (Se I-IV all contain Seiyal4). •For the two manuscripts found at Musudu, the first designation specifies the scroll (MusPs 11 or Musil), while the second indicates the locus where each manuscript was found and its number. M l
!i ~
3. Contents by Manuscript
:, ~:·t
3.1 Psalms Scrolls from Qumran (36) I. 1QPs3 (IQlO)
.~ ~
[> v 7?]
92:12-14 94:16 95:11
i ;~
i l,l
119:31-34,43-48,77-80 (plus fragments) 2. 1QPsb (!Qll)
3. IQPsc (IQ12)
Psalm 44:3-5,7,9,23-24,25 (plus fragments)
4. 2QPs (2Ql4)
5. 3QPs (3Q2)
Psalm 2:6-7
6. 4QPs (4Q83)
126:6 127:1-5 128:3
103:[1+]2 [+3]4-6 [+7]8-11 104:6 [+7]8-9 [+10]11
Psalm 5:9-13 -t6:[1+]2 [+3]4 25:15 31:23-24[+25] ~33:[1+]2 [+3]4 [+5]6 [+7 + X]8 [+9]10 [+11]12 [>Psalm 32] 34:22 [+23] ~35:[1+]2, 13-18 [+19]20 [+21-25]26-27 [+28] ~36:1 [+2]3 [+4]5-7 [+8]9 38:2 [+3]4-6 [+7]8-10 [+11]12 [+13-15]16-23 ~71: 1-14 [note order] 47:2 53:2, 4-5 [+6]7 ~54:[1+]2-3 [+4]5-6 56:4 62:13 ~63:[1+]2 [+3]4 [+ 5-12] [~64:1-11] [~65:1-14]
~66:[1-15+]16 ~67: 1-2
[+17]18-20 [+3]4-8
[~68:1-36] ~69:1-19
(plus fragments)
I 1111
fi j J
7. 4QPsb (4Q84)
Psalm 91:5-8 [+9-11]12-15 [+16] ~92:[1-3+]4-8, 13-15 [+16] + 93:[1-4+]5 + 94:1-4 [+5-7]8-14 [+15-16]17-18 [+19-20]21-22 96:2 98:4 99:5-6 [+7-9]
88:1-5 89:44-48, 50-53 109: 1(?), 8(?), 13 (?)114:5 115:15-18 ~116:1-3
(?)118:29 20-22 [note order] [~ 147: 1-20] [note order] ~ 105:1-3 [+4-22]23-25 [+26-35]36-45 [note order] ~(?) 146: I [note order] 120:6-7 125:2-5 ~126:1-5 [+6]
~ 104:1-3,
102:5, 10-29 [+7-8]9-14 [+15-19]20-21 [+22] ~112:[1-3+]4-5 [+6-10] [note order] ~103:1-6
115:2-3 116:17-19 [~117:1-2]
~ 118:1-3
[+4-5] 6-10~ 12 [+ 13-17] 18-20 [21-22] 23-26 [+27-28]29 [>verse 111
8. 4QPsc (4Q85)
16:7-9 (?)17:1 18:3-14 [+15]16-17 [+18-31]32-36 [+37-38]39-41 27:12-14
Psalm 22:15-17 107:2-5 [+6-7]8-16 [+17]18-19 [+20]22-30 [+31-34]3542 [+43] [v 21 probably lacking] [+ 108:1-14] + 109:[1-3+]4-6 [+7-23]24-28 [+29-31] ~Apostrophe to Zion:l-2 [+3-10]11-18 [note order] + Eschatological Hymn + Apostrophe to Judah [~A possible additional composition(?)] (plus fragment)
12. 4QPsg (4Q89)
119:37-43, 44-46, 49-50, 73-74, 81-83, 89-92
13. 4QPsh (4Q90)
14. 4QPsi (4Q91)
Psalm 48:1-3 [+4]5 [+6]7 49:6(?), 9-12, 15(?), 17(?) 51:3-5 (plus fragment)
15. 4QPsk (4Q92)
Psalm 135:6-8 [+9]10-13 [+14]15-16 [+17-21] [+Another Psalm] ~(?)99:1-2 [+3-4]5 [note order]
16. 4QPs 1 (4Q93)
17. 4QPsm (4Q94)
Psalm 93:3-5 95:3-7 97:6-9 9K:4-K
35:27-28 37:18-19 42:5 (?)44:8-9 45:8-11 48:15 ~49:1-17 [+18-21] ~50:[1-13+]14-23
~52:[1-5+]6-11 ~53:1
(plus fragments) 9. 4QPsd (4Q86)
Psalm (?)I 06:48 ~147:1-4 [+5-12]13-17 [+18-19]20 [note order] ~104:1-5 [+6-7]8-11 [+12-13]14-15 [+16-21]22-25 [+2632] 33-35 [note orderI
10. 4QPsc (4Q87)
Psalm 76:10-12[+13] ~77:1
78:6-1 r+R-3oJ 31-D Kl :2-3 R6:10-11
II. 4QPsf (4Q88)
104:3-5 [+6-10]11-12
260 18. 4QPs" (4Q95)
135:6-8, 11-12
Cots. I-II
[+ 120:1-7 reconstructed, note order]
114:7 [+8]
143:3-4, 6-8
21. 4QPsq (4Q98)
Psalm 31 :24-25
--+123:1-2 [+3-4] III-IV
35:[1-3+]4-5 [+6-7]8 [+9]10 [+11]12 [+13]14-15 [+16] 17 [+18]19-20 Psalm 26:7-12
--+127:1 [+2-5] IV-V
[+ 29:1-11] --+30:[1-8+]9-13 23. 4QPs 5 (4Q98b)
--+ 130:1-8 V-VI
--+132:[1-8+]8-18 --+119:1-6 [+7-14]15-28 [+29-36]37-49 [+50-58]59-73 [+74-81]82-96 [+97-104]105-120 [+121-127]128-142 [+143-149]150-164 [+165-170]171-176[noteorder]
--t135:1-6, X, 7 [+8]9 [+10-16]17-21 [note order]
--+136:1-7, X, 8-16 [+17-25]26
Psalm 5:8-13 88:15-17
Psalm 42:5
25. 4QPsu (4Q98d)
Psalm 99:1
--t131:1 [+2-3]
--t6:1 4QPs1
--t128:[1-3a+]3b-6 --+ 129:1-8
--+27:1 [+2-14] [+28:1-9]
--+124:[1-6+]7-8 --+125:1-5
--+33:1-7, X, 8-14 [+ 15]16-18 [+19-22] [>Psalm 32]
22. 4QPsr (4Q98a)
--+ 121:1-8 --+122:1-9
116:5 [+6]7-10 20. 4QPsP (4Q97)
--+ 146:[1-8+]9, X, 10 [note order] --t148:1-12 [+13-14] [note order]
--+ 136:22-24 [note order] 19. 4QPs 0 (4Q96)
--+ 118: I-+ 15--t 16--t8--t9-+X--t29 [Catena] XVI-XVII
--+ 145:1-7 [+8-12]13, X, 14-21, X [constant refrain plus postscript. Also note order]
26. 4QPsv (4Q98e)
27. 4QPs89 (4Q236)
Psalm 89:20-22--t26--t23--t27-28--t31 [note order]
--+154:[1+2]3-19 [+20]
28. 4QPs122 (4Q522)
122:1-9 {follows "apocryphal" material]
+Plea for Deliverance 1-18
29. 5QPs (5Q5)
119:99-101 [+102-103]104 [+105-112]113-120, 138-142
30. pap6QPs (pap6Q5)
Psalm 78:36-37
31. 8QPs (8Q2)
17:5-9, 14 18:6-9, 10-13 [= 2 Sam 22:6-9, 10-13]
--+139:[1+7]8-24 [note order]
--+137:1 [+2-8]9[noteorder]
--tSirach 51:1-11 [+12-22]23 (= 13-20 [+21-29]30 LXX) -+Apostrophe to Zion 1-18 --+93: 1-3 [+4-5] [note order]
--+ 141: [ 1-4+] 5-10 [note order] --+ 133:1-3, X [note order]
--+ 144:1-7 [+8-14]15 [note order] --t155:1-19 [+20-21] [note order]
--+ 142:[1-3]4-8 [note order]
--+149:[1-6+]7-9, X [note order] --+ISO: 1-6 --+Hymn to the Creator 1-9 I note order I
-+Duvid's Last Words(= 2 Sum 23:[1-6+]7)
--+ 138:1-8
(plus fragment) 32. IIQPsa (11Q5) Frgs. a-e
--+102:1-2 [+3-18]18-29 --+103:1 I09:21-22 [+23] 24-31 118:25-29 --+ 104:1-6 [+7-20] 21-35 [note order/
--+ 143:1-8 [+9-12]
--+ 147:1-2, 3('1) [+4-17] 18-20 {note order} Frg. e-Column I
--tl05:X, 1-11 [+12-24)25-26(+27[28-29(?)30-31[+32) 33-35[+36[37-39[+40[41-42[+43] 44-45 [notl' ordu}
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS -+David's Compositions
78:5-12, 36-37
--+140:1-5 [+6-14] [note order]
--+134:[la+]lb-3 [note order]
--+151A:l-7 [note order]
115:16-18 --+116:1
--+151B:l-2 -+blank column [denoting end of scroll] 33. llQPsb (IIQ6)
36. IIQPsApa (llQll)
Apocryphal Psalm I + Apocryphal Psalm II
Psalm 77:18-21
-+Apocryphal Psalm III
--+ 78: I
--+91:1-14--+16b, X [note order]
-+blank column [denoting end of scroll]
119:163-65 118: I-+ 15--+ 16 [Catena] Plea for Deliverance 1-15
3.2 Psalms Scrolls from Other Sites in the Judaean Desert (3) Psalm
37a. 5/6I:IevPs
Apostrophe to Zion 4-5 141:10
37b. Seiyal4 (II-IV)
Psalm 7:13-18
--+133:1-3, X [note order]
--+8:1, 4-10
--+144:1-2 [note order]
(plus fragments) 34. II QPsc (II Q7)
--+I 0:6, 8-9, 18
Psalm 2:1-8
--+ 13:[1+]2-3 [+4]5-6
--+14:1-2, 3-6
18:6-11' 18-36, 38-43
22:4-9, 15-21
--+18:1-12, 15-17(?)
35. IIQPsd (IIQS)
--+ 16: I
--+24: 1-2
25:4-6 29:1-2
Psalm 6:2-4
(plus fragment)
18:39-42 19:3(?) or 60:9(?) 36:13
(5/6fJevPs and Seiyal 4 belong to the same manuscript) 38. MasPsa (Ml039-160) Ps
--+37: 1-4 39:13-14
--+82: 1-8
--+40: I
--+83: 1-19
45:6-7 (?)50:3-7 59:5-6 [+7] R 68:1-S, 14-IR
18:26-29 81:[1+]2-3 [+4]5-17
--+85: 1-6 39. MasPsb (Mll03-1742) Ps
147:18-19 150:1-6
-+hlunk column {denotinl( md t!f".l"cro/1]
3.3 Pesharim and Other Scrolls where Psalms are Cited (7) APPENDIX5
I. !QpPs (IQ16)
Frg. I line 1 Frg. 2 lines 1-2 Frgs. 3-71ines 2-3 Frg. 8 lines 1-2 Frgs. 9-10 lines 1-3 2. 4QpPs• (4Ql71) Col. I lines 5, 17-18 Col. II lines 1-26 Col. III lines 2-18 Col. IV lines 1-20 Col. IV lines 23-27 Frg. 13 lines 3-4 3. 4QpPsb (4Q173) Frg. I lines 2-3, 7 Frg. 2 line I Frg. 3 lines I, 3 Frg. 4 lines 1-2 Frg. 5 lines 2-4 4. 4QFlor (4Ql74) Col. I line 14 Col. I lines 18-19 5. 4QTanb (4Ql76) Col. I lines 3-4 6. 4QCatena A (4Ql77) Frgs. 5-6 lines 7-8 Frgs. 5-6 line 12 Frgs. I0-11 line I Frgs. 10-11 line 5 Frgs. 10-11 lines 8-9, II Frgs. 12-13 lines 2-3, 5 Frg. 14 line 2 Frg. 14 line 4 7. IIQMelch (IIQ13) Line 10 Lines IG-11 (cf. 14) Line II
Psalm 57:1 57:4 68:13 68:26-27 68:30-31 Psalm 37:2(?), 7 37:8-19a 37:19b-26 37:28c-40 45:1-2 60:8-9 or I08:8-9 (plus fragments) Psalm
127:2-3 127:3b(?) 127:5 129:7-8 118:26(?), 27, 20 1:1 2:1
Psalm 79: I(?), 2-3 Psalm
11:1-2 12:1 12:7 5: 10(?) 13:2-3, 5 6:2-5, 6 16:3 17:1
Psalm 82:1 7:8-9/note order r!f citations/
[For Previous Listings of the Scrolls and Their Contents, see Appendix 4]
Fo~ sigla that appear in this Appendix, see "Sigla and Introductory Comments" in APPENDIX 4 and ABBREVIATIONS, TERMS AND SIGLA. In addition, while the function of this Appendix is to provide a listing of contents in biblical order, an asterisk * alerts the reader when a designated passage deviates from the Received Text in terms of content or arrangement. These variations almost always entail entire compositions (for instance, Ps 38~ 71 in 4QPsa), but on occasion only verse-order is involved (for example, Ps 118:610~ 12 in 4QPsh); for more specific details see APPENDIX 4. Compositions that are not found in the Masoretic Psalter appear at the end of the listing. For each entry, the Psalms passage indicated in Column 1 is followed by an abbreviated title for the relevant scroll (Col. 2), and an alternative designation in Col. 3. These designations were explained in APPENDIX 4. 1. Psalms 1 to 150 Psalm 1:1 2:1 2:1-8 2:6-7 5:8-13 5:9-13 5: 10(?) 6:1 6:2,4 6:2-4 6:2-5,6 7:8-9 7:13-18 8:1,4-10 9:3-6 9:3-7 9:12-21 10:1-6, 8-9, 18 II: 1-2 II: 1-4 12: I. 7 12:~-9
Manuscript 4QF!or 4QF1or IIQPsc 3QPs 4QPs 5 4QPs" 4QCatenaA 4QPs 5 4QPs" IIQPsd 4QCatenaA IIQMelch Seiyal4 Seiyal4 IIQPsd IIQPsc Seiyal4 Seiya14 4QCatenaA Seiyal4 4QCatena A IIQPNC
Location/Number 4Q174 4Q174 IIQ7 3Q2 4Q98b 4Q83 4Q177 4Q98b 4Q83 IIQS 4Ql77 IQll Se II Se II IIQS IIQ7 Se II Sell 4Ql77 Se II 4QI77 IIQ7
12:6-9 13:1-3 13:2-3, 5 13:2-3, 5-6 14:1-6 (?)14:3 15:1-5 16:1 16:3 16:7-9 (?)17:1 17:1 17:5-9, 14 17:9-15 18:1-12, 15-17(?) 18:3-14, 16-17, 32-36, 39-42 18:6-9, 10-13 18:6-11, 18-36, 38-43 18:15-17(?) 18:26-29 18:26-29 18:39-42 19:3(?) [or 60:9(?)] 19:4-8 22:4-9, 15-21 22:15-17 23:2-6 24:1-2 25:2-7 25:4-6 25:15 26:7-12 27:1 27:12-14 28:1-4 29:1-2 30:9-13 31:3-22 31:23-24 31:24-25 * 33:2,4, 6, 8, 10, 12 * 33:1-7, X, 8-14, 16-18 34:22 35:2, 13-18,20,26-27 35:4-5,8, 10, 12, 14-15, 17, 19-20
Seiyal4 Seiya14 4QCatenaA 11QPsc 11QPsc Seiyal4 5/61-JevPs 5/61-JevPs 4QCatenaA 4QPsc 4QPsc 4QCatenaA 8QPs 11QPsc 11QPsc 4QPsc 8QPs Seiyal4 11QPsc 4QPsv MasPsa 11QPsd 11QPsd 11QPsc Seiyal4 4QPsf Seiyal4 Seiya14 IIQPsc Seiya14 4QPsa 4QPsr 4QPsr 4QPsc 4QPsc Seiya14 4QPsr Seiya14 4QPs 8 4QPsq 4QPs 8 4QPsq 4QPs 8 4QPs 8 4QPsq
Seiii 4Q177 11Q7 11Q7 Se III W. Khabra W. Khabra 4Ql77 4Q85 4Q85 4Q177 8Q2 11Q7 11Q7 4Q85 8Q2 Se III 11Q7 4Q98e M1039-160 11Q8 11Q8 11Q7 Se IV 4Q88 Se IV Se IV 11Q7 SeiV 4Q83 4Q98a 4Q98a 4Q85 4Q85 Se IV 4Q98a Se IV 4Q83 4Q98 4Q83 4Q98 4Q83 4Q83 4Q98
APPENDIX 5. CONTENTS BY PSALM AND VERSE 35:27-28 36:1, 3, 5-7,9 36:13 37:1-4 37:2(?), 7, 8-19a, 19b~c-40 37:18-19 38:2,4-6, 8-10, 12, 16-23 39:13-14 40:1 42:5 42:5 43:1-3 44:3-5, 7, 9, 23-24,25 (?)44:8-9 45:1-2 45:6-7 45:8-11 47:2 48:1-3,5,7 48:15 49:1-17 49:6(?), 9-12, 15(?), 17(?) (?)50:3-7 50:14-23 51:1-5 51:3-5 52:6-11 53:1 53:2,4-5, 7 54:2-3, 5-6 56:4 57:1,4 59:5-6, 8 60:8-9 [or 108:8-9] 60:9(?) [or 19:3(?)] 62:13 63:2,4 66:16, 18-20 67:1-2, 4-8 68:1-5, 14-18 68:13,26-27,30-31 69:1-19 * 71:1-14 76:10-12 77:1
4QPsc 4QPsa 11QPsd 11QPsd 4QpPsa 4QPsc 4QPsa 11QPsd 11QPsd 4QPsc 4QPs1 11QPsd 1QPsc 4QPsc 4QpPsa 11QPsd 4QPsc 4QPsa 4QPsi 4QPsc 4QPsc 4QPsi 11QPsd(?) 4QPsc 4QPsc 4QPsi 4QPsc 4QPsc 4QPsa 4QPsa 4QPsa 1QpPs 11QPsd 4QpPsa 11QPsd 4QPsa 4QPsa 4QPsa 4QPsa 11QPsd 1QpPs 4QPsa 4QPsa 4QPs0 4QPs•
267 4Q85 4Q83 11Q8 11Q8 4Ql71 4Q85 4Q83 11Q8 11Q8 4Q85 4Q98c 11Q8 1Q12 4Q85 4Q171 11Q8 4Q85 4Q83 4Q91 4Q85 4Q85 4Q91 11Q9(?) 4Q85 4Q85 4Q91 4Q85 4Q85 4Q83 4Q83 4Q83 1Ql6 11Q8 4Ql71 11Q8 4Q83 4Q83 4Q83 4Q83 11Q8 1Q16 4Q83 4Q83 4Q87 4Q87
268 77:18-21 78:1 78:5-12 78:6-7, 31-33 78:36-37 78:36-37 79: I(?), 2-3 81:2-3 81:2-3,5-17 81:4-9 82:1 82:1-8 82:2 83:1-19 84:1-13 85:1-6 * 86:5-6~8 86:10-11 86:11-14 88:1-5 88:15-17 * 89:20-22, 26, 23, 27-28, 31 89:44-48, 50-53 * 91:1-14, 16b, X 91:5-8, 12-15 92:4-8, 13-15 92:12-14 *93:1-3 93:3-5 93:5 94:1-4, 8-14, 17-18, 21-22 94:16 95:3-7 95:11 96:1-2 96:2 97:6-9 98:4 98:4-8 99:1 * (?)99: 1-2, 5 99:5-6 100:1-2 101:1-8 I02: 1-2, 18-29
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS IIQPsb IIQPsb IIQPsd 4QPse pap6QPs IIQPsd 4QTanh 4QPse MasPs" IIQPsd IIQMelch MasPs" IIQMelch MasPs" MasPs• MasPs• IQPs" 4QPse IIQPsd 4QPse 4QPs' 4QPs89 4QPse IIQPsAp" 4QPsb 4QPsb IQPs" II QPs" col. XXII 4QPsm 4QPsb 4QPsb IQPs" 4QPsm IQPs" IQPs" 4QPsb 4QPsm 4QPsb 4QPsm 4QPsu 4QPsk 4QPsh 4QPs" I IQPsu frgs. u, ..: i I IQPs 11 fr~ts. h. c i
APPENDIX 5. CONTENTS BY PSALM AND VERSE IIQ6 IIQ6 IIQS 4Q87 pap6Q5 IIQS 4Q176 4Q87 MI039-160 IIQS IIQ13 M1039-160 IIQ13 M1039-160 Ml039-160 Ml039-160 IQlO 4Q87 IIQ8 4Q87 4Q98b 4Q236 4Q87 IIQll 4Q84 4Q84 IQlO IIQS 4Q94 4Q84 4Q84 IQlO 4Q94 IQlO !QlO 4Q84 4Q94 4Q84 4Q94 4Q98d 4Q92 4Q84 4Q84 IIQ5 IIQ5
I i ~
I 02:5, I 0-29 103:1 103:1-6, 9-14, 20-21 103:2,4-6, 8-11 * 104: 1-3, 20-22 * 104:1-5, 8-11, 14-15,22-25, 33-35 * 104:1-6,21-35 104:3-5, 11-12 104:6, 8-9, II * 105:X, I-ll, 25-26, 28-29(?), 30-31, 33-35, 37-39,41-42,44-45 * 105:1-3,23-25,36-45 105:34-35 ) (?)106:48 * 107:2-5, 8-16, 18-19,22-30, 35108:8-9 [or 60:8-9] 109: I(?), 8(?), 13 109:3-4(?) 109:4-6, 24-28 109:21-22,24-31 * 112:4-5 113:1 (?)114:5 114:7 115:1-2,4 115:2-3 115:15-18 115:16-18 116:1 116:1-3 116:5,7-10 116:17-19 * 118:1,15, 16(Catena) * 118:1,15, 16,8,9,X,29(Catena) * 118:1-3, 6-10, 12, 18-20,23-26, 29 118:25-29 118:26(?), 27, 20 (?)118:29 * 119:1-6, 15-28, 37-49, 59-73, 82-96, 105-120, 128-142, 150-164, 171-176 119:10-21 119:31-34,43-48,77-80 119:37-43,44-46,49-50,73-74, 81-83, 89-92 119:99-101. 104, I D-120, 13K-142
4QPsb II QPs" frg. c ii 4QPsb 2QPs 4QPse 4QPsd IIQPs" frg. e i-ii 4QPs1 2QPs
4Q84 llQS 4Q84 2Ql4 4Q87 4Q86 IIQS 4Q93 2Q14
IIQPs" frg. e iii-col. I 4QPse II QTempJeb(?) 4QPsd 4QPsf 4QpPs" 4QPse IIQPsb(?) 4QPsf II QPs" frg. d 4QPsb 4QPsb 4QPse 4QPs 0 4QPs 0 4QPsb 4QPse IIQPsd IIQPsd 4QPse 4QPs 0 4QPsb IIQPsb II QPs" col. XVI 4QPsb IIQPs" frg. e i 4QpPsb 4QPse
IIQSS 4Q87 IIQ20(?) 4Q86 4Q88 4Q171 4Q87 IIQS(?) 4Q88 IIQS 4Q84 4Q84 4Q87 4Q96 4Q96 4Q84 4Q87 IIQ8 IIQS 4Q87 4Q96 4Q84 IIQ6 IIQS 4Q84 IIQS 4Q173 4Q87
IIQPs 3 cols. VI-XIV 4QPsh IQPs"
4Q89 5Q5
119:163-65 120:6-7 121:1-8 * 122:1-9 122:1-9 123:1-2 124:7-8 125:1-5 125:2-5 126:1-5 126:1-6 126:6 127:1 127:1-5 127:2-3, 5 128:3 128:3-6 129:1-8 129:7-8 129:8 130:1-3,6 130:1-8 131: I 132:8-18 * 133:1-3, X * 133:1-3, X * 134:1-3 * 135:1-6, X, 7, 9, 17-21 135:6-8, 11-12 135:6-8, 10-13, 15-16 * 136:1-7, X, 8-16,26 * 136:22-24 * 137:1,9 138:1-8 * 139:8-24 * 140:1-5 * 141:5-10 141:10 * 142:4-8 143:1-8 143:3-4, 6-8 .. 144:1-2 .. 144:1-7, 15 "145:1-7, 13, X, 14-21, X (plus refrain) "('1)146: I
IIQPsb 4QPse II QPs• col. III 4QP1ace Names II QPs• col. III II QPs• col. III IIQPs• col. IV IIQPs• col. IV 4QPse 4QPse II QPs• col. IV IQPsb IIQPs• col. IV IQPsb 4QpPsb IQPsb IIQPs• col. v IIQPs• col. v 4QpPsb 4QPse 4QPse IIQPs• col. v IIQPs•col. v IIQPs•col. VI II QPs• col. XXIII IIQPsb II QPs• col. XXVIII IIQPs• col. XIV-XV 4QPs" 4QPsk IIQPs• cols. XV-XVI 4QPs" II QPs• cols. XX- XXI II QPs• col. XXI II QPs• col. XX II QPs• col. XXVII II QPs• col. XXIII IIQPsb IIQPs• col. XXV IIQPs• col. XXV 4QPsP IIQPs" IIQPs• cots. XXIII-XXIV IIQPs" cols. XVI XVII 4QPs0
* 146:9, X, 10 * 147:1-2, 3(?), 18-20 * 147:1-4, 13-17,20 147:18-19 * 148:1-12 * 149:7-9 150:1-6 150:1-6
II QPs• col. II II QPs• frgs. e ii-iii 4QPsd MasPsb II QPsa col. II IIQPsa col. XXVI IIQPsa col. XXVI MasPsb
271 I!QS IIQS 4Q86 Ml103-1742 IIQS IIQS I!QS MII03-1742
2. "Apocryphal" Psalms and Other Compositions • D"id'' ""' Woro, 7 (= 2 s,m " )
l '
1 f
* 151A:I-7(SyrPsl) * 151B:I-2 (Syr PsI) * Sirach 51:1-11, 23 [= 13-20, 30 LXX] * 154:3-19 (Syr Ps II) * 155:1-19 (Syr Ps III) * Apocryphal Psalm I * Apocryphal Psalm II * Apocryphal Psalm III *Apostrophe to Judah *Apostrophe to Zion 1-2, 11-18 * Another apocryphal piece(?) * Apostrophe to Zion 1-18 * Apostrophe to Zion 4-5 *David's Compositions * Eschatological Hymn * Hymn to the Creator 1-9 * Plea for Deliverance 1-18 *Plea for Deliverance 1-15
II QPsa col. II QPs• col. II QPs• col. IIQPs• col. II QPs• col. II QPs• col. IIQPsAp• IIQPsAp• IIQPsApa 4QPsf 4QPsf 4QPsf IIQPsa col. IIQPsb II QPsa col. 4QPsf II QPsa col. II QPs• col. IIQPsb
1. Texts, Editions, Lists and Reference Works 2. Secondary Literature
273 278
1. Texts, Editions, Lists and Reference Works
Aharoni, Y. "Expedition B," IEJ II (1961) 11-24. Allegro, J. M. "A Newly Discovered Fragment of a Commentary on Psalm XXXVII," PEQ 86 (1954) 69-75. "Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect," JBL 75 (1956) 89-95, esp. 93-95 + pis. III-VI. Qumran Cave 4:I [4Q158-4Ql86). (DJD V; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968). Baillet, M. Qumran Grotte 4:III [4Q482-4Q520] (DJD VII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982). Baillet, M., J. T. Milik, and R. de Vaux. Les 'Petites Grottes' de Qumran: Exploration de fa falaise Les grottes 2Q, 3Q, 5Q, 6Q, 7Q, a IOQ, Le rouleau de cuivre (DJD III; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962) I. Texte 2. Planches. Bardtke, H. "Librum Psalmorum" (1969) in Elliger and Rudolph (eds.), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. [see under Elliger.) Barthelemy, D. and 1. T. Milik. Qumran Cave I (DJD I; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955). Baumgarten, Joseph. Qumran Cave 4:XIII. The Damascus Document [4Q256-4Q273] (DJD XVIII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996) Briend, J. "Le musee Bible et Terre Sainte," Le Monde de fa Bible 86 (1994), 44--45. Burchard, C. Bibliographie zu den Handschriften von Toten Meer, II: Nr. 1557-4459 (BZA W 89; Berlin: Topel mann, 1965), 313-59 ["Register: Ausgaben und Obersetzungen der neugefundenen Texte, Antike Essenerberichte"]. de Jonge, M. [see under Jonge.) de Rossi [see under Rossi.] de Vaux, R. [see under Vaux.] Cross, F. M. "Le travail d'edition des manuscrits de Qumran," RB 63 (1956) 56. Dos Santos, E. C. An Expanded Hebrew Index for the Hatch and Redpath Concordance to the Septuagint (Jerusalem: Dugith Publishers, ca. 1975). Duncan, Julie A. "A Critical Edition of Deuteronomy Manuscripts from Qumran Cave IV: 4QDeutb, 4QDeute, 4QDeuth, 4QDeuti, 4QDeutk, 4QDeutl." Ph.D. Dissertation: Harvard University (1989). "4Q37. 4QDeuti," in Ulrich eta! (eds.), Qumran Cave 4:IX. Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings 75-91 +pl. XX-XXIIJ. [see under Ulrich) Eissfeldt, Otto. "Eine Qumran-Textform des 9l.Psalms," in S. Wagner (ed.), Bibel und Qumran. Beitriige zur Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen Bibel- und Qumranwissenschaft. Hans Bardtke zum 22.9.1966 (Berlin: Evangelische HauptBibelgesellschaft, 1968) 82-85. Elliger, K. and W. Rudolph (eds.). Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung 1966-77). Eshel, Esther and Hanan, Ada Yardeni. 101o?tv? i!'?'Eln1 ilp i10too llC!lp 1:::!1 J~i01po i1::J'n 1n;,?oo1 l'?Oil Jnl1' ?tv ["A Scroll from Qumran which Includes Part of Psalm !54 and a Prayer for King Jonathan and his Kingdom"], Tarhiz 60 ( 1991) 295-325 +tables I-III [English summary, pg. I]. Eshcl, Esther, Armin Lange und K. F. Dicthurd Rtlmhcld. "Dokumentution ncuer Texte," 7AH 7 (I 994) 2~K-KJ. CNp. 2K I'
.f 274
Field, F. Origenis Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt Sive Veterum Interpretum Graecorum in Tatum Vetus Testamentum Fragmenta (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1875 [Repr. Hildesheim, Germany: Olms, 1964]). Fitzmyer, J. A. "A Bibliographical Aid to the Study of the Qumran Cave IV Texts 158-186," CBQ 31 (1969) 59-71. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Major Publications and Tools for Study (rev. ed., SBLRBS 20; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990). Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993). - . "A Preliminary Edition of 4QPsd (4Q89)," in D. Parry and E. Ulrich (eds.), Technological Innovations, New Texts, and New and Reformulated Issues [Provisional title] (STDJ series; Leiden: Brill). [forthcoming] [For the preliminary edition of 4QPsg-h, see under Skehan.] [For the critical edition of the Cave 4 scrolls with P. Skehan and E. Ulrich in DJD XVI, see under Skehan.] "The Biblical Scrolls from Nabal l;l.ever [including 'Wadi Seiyal']" (DJD series; Oxford: Clarendon Press). [forthcoming] Garcia Martinez, F. "Lista de MSS procedentes de Qumran," Henoch II (1989) 149-232. "Estudios Qumranicos 1975--1985:Panorama Critico (VI)," Estudios Biblicos 47 (1989) 225-66, esp. 257-63. "Texts from Qumran Cave II," in Dimant and Rappaport (eds.), Forty Years of Research, 18-26. [see under Dimant] The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated. The Qumran Texts in English (Leiden: Brill, 1994). Garcia Martinez, F. and E. J. C. Tigchelaar. "Psalms Manuscripts from Qumran Cave II: A Preliminary Edition," in F. Garcia Martinez and Emile Puech (eds.), Hommage a 16zef T. Milik, RevQ 65-68 (1996) 73-107. Garcia Martinez, F., E. J. C. Tigchelaar and A. S. van der Woude. "Four Psalms Scrolls from Cave II" (DJD XXIII; Oxford: Clarendon Press [forthcoming]). GleBmer, Uwe. "Das Textwachstum von Ps 89 und ein Qumranfragment," Biblische Notizen 65 (1992) 55-73. - . "Ein Psalmen-Fragment als Anfrage an exegetische Methodik," ZAH 9 (1996) 42-47. Greenfield, Jonas C. "The Texts from Na])al I:Iever (Wadi Seiyal)," in J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner (eds.), The Madrid Qumran Congress. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid. 18-21 March 1991 (STDJ 11.2; Leiden: Brill; Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1992) 661-65, esp. 661-63. H~h, Edwin and Henry A. Redpath. A Concordance to the Septuagint and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament [Including the Apocryphal Books] (2 vols., repr. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1975). Holmes, R. and J. Parsons. Vetus Testamentum Graecum cum Variis Lectionibus (5 vols.; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1798-1827, esp. vol. 3, 1823). Horgan, Maurya P. Pesharim: Qumran Interpretations of Biblical Books (CBQMS 8; Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1979). Jastram, Nathan. "The Book of Numbers from Qumran, Cave IV [4QNumh ]." Ph.D. Dissertation: Harvard University ( 1990). - . "4QNumb," in Eugene Ulrich, Frank Moore Cross ct a! (eds.). Qumran Cave 4:VII. Genesis to Numbers, 205-67 +pis. XXXVIII-XLIX. [see under Ulrich.] Jonge, M. de and A. S. van dcr Woudc. "IIQ Melchizedek and Ihe New Testumenl," N'l:\' 12 ( 1965-66) 301-26. Kuperu, Z. J. "An Anonymously Received Pre-Publicntion of the 4QMMT," '1111' Qumran Clmmidr 2 ( 1990), Appendix A, I 12.
'·t I~
. ,,
!:"!;' H'
Kennicott, B. (ed). Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum Variis Lectionibus (2 vols.; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1776-80). Kittel, Bonnie. The Hymns of Qumran: Translation and Commentary (SBLDS 50; Chico CA: Scholars Press, 1981 ). Kittel, R. (ed.). Biblia Hebraica (16th ed.; Stuttgart: Wiirttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1971) . Larson, E. and L. Schiffman, "4Q48ld. 4QFragments with Read Ink," in VanderKam eta! (eds.), Parabiblical Texts, Part 3 (DJD XXII) 315-19 +pl. XXIX. [see VanderKam.] McDonald, John K. "Treasures from the Holy Land. Ancient Art from the Israel Museum," BA 43 (1986) 155-65, esp. 163 (photograph of MasPsa). Milik, J. T. "Deux documents inedits du Desert de Juda," Biblica 38 (1957) 245-68, esp. 245-55 + plate I. - . "Fragment d'une source du Psautier (4QPs89) et fragments des Jubiles, du Document de Damas, d'un phylactere dans Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran," RB 73 (1966) 94-106, esp. 94-104+pl.I. - . "Milkl-~edeq et Milkl-resa' dans les anciens ecrits juifs et chretiens," JJS 23 (1972) 95-144. - . "Tefillin, Mezuzot et Targums (4Ql28-4Ql57)," in R. de Vaux and J. T. Milik (eds.), Qumran Grotte 4://. 2. Tefillin, Mezuzot et Targums (DJD VI), 33-91. [see also under Baillet for DJD III.] Newsom, Carol A. Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice: A Critical Edition (HSS 27; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1985). Nebe, G. Wilhelm. "Die Masada-Psalmen-Handschrift M1039-160 nach einemjiingst veroffentlichen Photo mit Text von Psalm 81,2-85,6," RevQ 53 (1989) 89-97. - . "Psalm 104, II aus Hohle 4 von Qumran (4QPsd) und der Ersatz des Gottesnames," Z4.W 93 (1981) 284-90. Ouellette, J. "Variantes Qumraniennes du livre des Psaumes," RevQ 25 (1969) 105-23. Pietersma, A. Two Manuscripts of the Greek Psalter (AB 77; Rome: Biblical Institute Press) 1978. - . "The Edited Text ofP. Bodmer XXIV," BASP 17 (1980) 67-79. Ploeg, J. P. M. van der. "Le Psaume XCI dans une recension de Qumran," RB 72 (1965) 210-17 +pis. VIII-IX. - . "Fragments d'un manuscrit de Psaumes de Qumran (IIQPsb)," RB 74 (1967) 408-12 +pl. XVIII. - . "L'Edition des Manuscrits de Ia Grotte XI de Qumran par I' Academic Royale des Sciences des Pays-Bas," in P.W. Pestman (ed.), Acta Orientalia Neerlandica. Proceedings of the Congress of the Dutch Oriental Society, Held in Leiden on the Occasion of Its 50th Anniversary, 8th-9th May 1970 (Leiden: Brill, 1972) 43-45. - . "Un petit rouleau de Psaumes apocryphes (IIQPsApa)," in G. Jeremias, H.-W. Kuhn and H. Stegemann (eds.), Tradition und Glaube: Das friihe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabefiir Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65.Geburtsdag (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1971) 128-39 +pis. II-VII. - . "Fragments d'un Psautier de Qumran," in M.A. Seek et al (eds.), Symbolae biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodora de Liagre Bohl dedicatae (Leiden: Brill, 1973) 308-309 +plate. - . "Le sens et un probleme textuel du Ps LXXXIX," in Caquot and Delcor (eds.), Melanges bibliques et orientaux, 471-81. [see under Caquot] "Les manuscrits de Ia Grotte XI de Qumran," RevQ 45 (1985) 3-15. "Fragments de Psuumes de Qumrlln," in Z. J. Kuperu (ed.), lntertestamental Essays in Honour ofJt)u•fTcult'Usl Milik (Krnkow, Poland: Enigmu Press, 1992) 233-37 +pl. II (sic).
Puech, Emile. "Fragments du Psaume 122 dans un Manuscrit hebreu de Ia Grottte IV," RevQ 36 (1978) 547-54. - . "IIQPsApa: Un Rituel d'exorcismes. Essai de Reconstruction," RevQ 55 (1990) 377-408. - . "Les deux derniers Psaumes davidiques du rituel d'exorcisme: IIQPsApa N 4-V 14," in Dimant and Rappaport (eds.), Forty Years of Research, 64-89. [see under Dimant] - . "La Pierre de Sion et l'autel des holocaustes d'apres un manuscrit hebreu de Ia Grotte 4 (4Q522)," RB 99 (1992) 676-96. Qimron, Elisha and John Strugnell. "An Unpublished Halakhic Letter from Qumran," Israel Museum Jouma/4 (1981) 9-12. - . "An Unpublished Halakhic Letter from Qumran," in J. Amitai (ed.), Biblical Archaeology Today (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1985) 400-407. - . Qumran Cave 4:V. Miq~at Maca:Se Ha-Torah (DJD X; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994). Rahlfs, A. Septuaginta X. Psalmi cum Odis (3rd ed.; Giittingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1979). Reed, Stephen A. Dead Sea Scroll Inventory Project: Lists of Documents, Photographs and Museum Plates. Fascs. 1-2, 6-8, 10, 14 (Claremont, CA: Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, 1991-92). Reed, Stephen A., revised by Marilyn J. Lundberg with the collaboration of Michael J. Phelps. The Dead Sea Scrolls Catalogue: Documents, Photographs and Museum Inventory Numbers (SBLRBS 32; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994). Rossi, J. B. de. Variae Lectiones Veteris Testamenti (4 vols.; Parma, 1784-88 [repr. Amsterdam, 1969). Rosso Ubigli, Liliana. "Indice Italiano-Inglese dei Testi di Qumran. Italian-English Index of Qumran Texts," Henoch II (1989) 233-70. Sanders, James A. The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 [IIQPsa] (DJD IV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). "Pre-Masoretic Psalter Texts," CBQ 27 ( 1965) 114-23, esp. 116. The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). "Palestinian Manuscripts 1947-67," JBL 86 (1967) 431-40. "Palestinian Manuscripts 1947-72," JJS 24 (1973) 74-83. Sanderson, J. [see under Skehan.] Schiffman, L. [see under Larson.] Sot1liller, Eileen M. Non-Canonical Psalms From Qumran. A Pseudepigraphic Collection (HSS 28; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986). Skehan, Patrick W. "A Psalm Manuscript from Qumran (4QPsb)," CBQ 26 (1964) 313-22 + plate. - . "Litterature de Qumran-A. Textes bibliques," Supplement au Dictionnaire de Ia Bible (1978) 9/10.805-22, esp. 813-17. - . "Edition of Twenty Cave Four Psalms Scrolls." [ca. 1980, unpublished] - . "Gleanings from Psalm Texts from Qumrlln," in A. Caquot and M. Delcor (eds.), Melanges bibliques et orientaux en l'honneur de M. Henri Cazel/es (AOAT 212; Neukirchen- Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981 ), 439-52. - . "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumrlln. Sa plitl., sa theologle et .wm milit!U (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978) 163-1!2. Skehan, P. W., E. Ulrich und J. E. Sanderson, Qumran CtWt• 4:/V. Palal'o-Ht'hrt'w tmd Gr,k lliblkal Manu.l'l'ripts (PJD IX; Oxford: Clurendon Press, 1992).
Skehan, Patrick W., Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint. "Two Manuscripts of Psalm 119 from Qumran Cave 4," RevQ 64 (1995) 477-86 +pis. I-II. Skehan, Patrick W., Eugene Ulrich, and Peter W. Flint. "The Cave 4 Psalms Scrolls" in E. Ulrich et al. (eds.), Qumran Cave 4: The Writings (DJD XVI; Oxford: Clarendon Press [forthcoming]). Starcky, J. "Psaumes apocryphes de Ia Grotte 4 de Qumran (4QPsf VII-X)," RB 73 (1966) 353-71 +pl. XVIII. Stegemann, H. "Der Peser Psalm 37 aus Hiihle 4 von Qumran (4QpPs37)," RevQ 14 (1963) 235-270. - . "Weitere Stiicke von 4QpPsalm 37," RevQ 22 (1967) 193-210 +pl. I. - . "Anhang," ZDPV 83 (1967) 95-100 [This supplements Burchard's list]. Steudel, A. Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde [4QMidrEscha;a. b]. Materielle Rekonstruktion, Textbestand, Gattung und traditionsgeschichtliche Einordnung des durch 4Ql74 ('Florilegium') and 4Q177 ('Catena A') repriisentierten Werkes aus den Qumranfunden (STDJ 13; Leiden: Brill, 1994). Strugnell, John. "More Psalms of 'David,'" CBQ 27 (1965) 163-276. - . "Notes en marge du Volume V des <
[For the critical edition of the Cave 4 scrolls with P. Skehan and P. Flint in DJD XVI, see under Skehan.] Ulrich, Eugene, Frank Moore Cross, et al. Qumran Cave 4: VII. Genesis to Numbers (DJD XII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994). Qumran Cave 4:IX. Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings (DJD XIV; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995). van der Ploeg. [see under Ploeg.] van der Woude. [see under Woude.] VanderKam, J. et al (eds.), Qumran Cave 4:XVII. Parabiblical Texts, Part 3 (DJD XXII; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996). Vaux, R. de and J. T. Milik (eds.). Qumran Grotte 4:ll1. Archeologie; 2. Tefillin, Mezuzot et Targums [4Ql28-4Ql57] (DJD VI; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977). [see also under B aillet for DJD III] Vermes, Geza. The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (4th ed.; London: Penguin, 1995). Vogt, E. "Fragmentum Ps 37 ex Qumran," Biblica 36 (1955) 263--64. Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged (3rd ed., Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1967). Wise, Michael, Martin Abegg, Jr. and Edward Cook. The Dead Sea Scrolls. A New Translation (San Francisco: HarperColllins, 1996). Woude, A. S. van der. "Melchisedek als himmlische Erlosergestalt in den neugefundenen eschatologischen Midraschim aus Qumran Hohle XI," OTS 14 (1965) 354--73 +pis. I-II. [For the critical edition of four Cave II Psalms scrolls with F. Garcia Martinez and E. J. C. Tigchelaar in DJD XXIII, see under Garcia Martinez.] Yadin, Yigael. "A Midrash on 2 Sam. vii and Ps. i-ii (4QFlorilegium)," 1EJ9 (1959) 95--98. "Expedition D," IEJ II (1961) 36--52 +plates, esp. 40 +pl. XXD. - . "The Expedition to the Judaean Desert, 1961, Expedition D," IEJ 12 (1962) 227--57. - . "The Excavation of Masada--1963/64. Preliminary Report," IEJ 15 (1965) 1--120 + plates, esp. 81, 103--104 +pl. XIXA. - . "Another Fragment (E) of the Psalms Scroll from Qumran Cave 11 (II QPsa)," Textus 5 (1966) 1--lO+pls. I-V. - . Masada. Herod's Fortress and The Zealots' Last Stand (New York: Random House, 1966). - . "Massada," in Michael A vi- Yonah and Ephraim Stern (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (4 vols.; Jerusalem: Masada Press; Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1975) 812--13. Yadin, Y. et al (eds.). Masada, The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-1965. Final Reports (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989--).
"Translators' Handling of Verb Tense in Semantically Ambiguous Contexts," in C. Cox (ed.), VI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Jerusalem 1986 (SBLSCS 23; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987) 381-403. Barthelemy, D. "Redecouverte d'un chainon manquant de l'histoire de Ia Septante," RB 60 (1953) 18--29. "L'Ancien Testament a miiri a Alexandrie," 1Z 21 (1965) 358--70. "Origene et le texte de I' Ancien Testament," Epektasis (Paris, 1972) 247--61. "L'enchevetrement de l'histoire textuelle et de l'histoire litteraire dans Ies relations entre Ia Septante et le Texte Massoretique," in A. Pietersma and C. Cox (eds.), De Septuaginta, 21-40. [see under Pietersma.] Beckwith, Roger T. "The Courses of the Levites and the Eccentric Psalms Scrolls from Qumran," RevQ 44 (1984) 499--524. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985) 105--1 09. - . "Formation of the Hebrew Bible," in M. J. Mulder (ed.), Mikra [see under Mulder]. Beyer, H. W. "Kavwv ," TDNT 3.59. Blau, L. Studien zum althebriiischen Buchwesen und zur biblischen Literatur- und Textgeschichte (Strassburg, 1902). Brettler, M. and M. Fish bane (eds.). Minf?ah le-Nal]um: Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in Honour of His 70th Birthday (JSOTSup !54; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993). Brooke, George J. Exegesis at Qumran. 4QFlorilgeum in Its Jewish Context (JSOT Sup 29; Sheffield; JSOT Press, 1985). "Psalms 105 and 106 at Qumran," RevQ 54 (1989) 267--92. - (ed.). New Qumran Texts & Studies. Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris, 1992 (STDJ 15; Leiden: Brill, 1994). Brooke, G. and B. Lindars (eds.). Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings. Papers Presented to the International Symposium on the Septuagint and Its Relations to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Writings (SBLSCS 33; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992). Brown, R. E. and R. F. Collins. "Canonicity," NJBC 1034--54 (§66.1--101). Brownlee, Wm H. "The Significance of 'David's Compositions,'" RevQ 20 (1966) 569--74. Brunner, H. Altiigyptische Erziehung (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1957). Caloz, M. Etude sur Ia LXX origenienne du Psautier (OBO 19; Freibourg, Suisse: Editions Universitaires; Gtittingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1978). Caquot, A. and M. Delcor (eds.). Melanges bibliques et orientaux en l'honneur de M. Henri Cazelles (AOAT 212; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981). Childs, Brevard S. "Reflections on the Modern Study of the Psalms," in F. M. Cross, W. E. Lemke and P. D. Miller (eds.), Magnalia Dei: The Mighty Acts of God (Garden City, NY; Doubleday, 1976) 377--88. Chyutin, Michael. iiltvii-m'? 'El-'?ll t:l''?'iin 'i1r:ltr.:l n;,'ill1 'ltD n'::l nmpn::l i1ltvi1-n1m'? nr.:ln'?r.:l [The War of the Calendars in the Period of the Second Temple and the Redaction of the Psalms According to the Calendar] (Tel Aviv: Modan, 1993). - . "The Redaction of the Qumranic and the Traditional Book of Psalms as a Calendar," RevQ 63 (1994) 367--95. Cook, J. "On the Relationship between II QPsa and the Septuagint on the Basis of the Computerized Data Base (CAQP)," in Brooke and Lindars (eds.), Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings, 107--30. Cross, Frank M. "The History of the Biblical Text in the Light of Discoveries in the Judaean Desert," HTR 57 ( 1964) 21! 1--99. Reprinted in Cross and Talmon (eds.), Qumran and the Hi.~tory ofthl' 11/h/im/ 'l'l'xt, 177-95lsee under Cross and Tulmon].
2. Secondary Literature
Abegg, Martin G, Jr. "4Q471: A Case of Mistaken Identity?," in John Reeves and John Kampen (eds.), Pursuing the Text: Studies in Honor of Ben Zion Wacholder (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 135-47. Ackroyd, Peter. "Some Notes on the Psalms" JTS n.s. 17 ( 1966) 392--99, esp. 396-99. - . "The Open Canon," Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theolol(lcal Review (May, 1970) 279-91. Aejmelaeus, Anneli. "What Can We Know about the Hebrew Vorlal(e of the Septuagint'/," Z4 w 99 ( 191!7) 51!-1!9. Burr, Jumes. Holy Scripturr: Canon, Authority, Crlticl.~m (Philadelphia: WeNtminNter, 191!3).
"A Response to Emanuel Tov's Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible," 22 November, 1992 (Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, San Francisco, 21-24 November, 1992). Cross, Frank. M. and S. Talmon (eds.). Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1975). Dahood, M. Psalms I (The Anchor Bible 16; Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970). Deist, F. E. Towards the Text of the Old Testament (Pretoria: D. R. Church Booksellers, 1978). - . Witnesses to the Old Testament (The Literature of the Old Testament 5; Pretoria: N.G. Kerkboekhandel, 1988). Delcor, M. (ed.). Qumran. Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu (BETL 46; Paris: Editions Duculot; Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1978). Delling, D. "v~voc; ... !jiaAfi&; ," TDNT 8.489-503. Dimant, D. and U. Rappaport (eds.). The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research (STDJ 10; Leiden: Brill, and Jerusalem: Magnes and Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1992). Duncan, Julie Ann. "Considerations of 4QDeutj in Light of the 'All Souls Deuteronomy' and Cave 4 Phylactery Texts," in Trebolle Barrera and Vegas Montaner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid, 1.199-215 + pis. IIVII. [see under Trebolle] Eybers, I. H. "Some Light on the Canon of the Qumran Sect," in Leiman (ed.), Canon and Masorah 23-36. [see under Leiman.] Farrell, Shannon E. "Le Rouleau IIQPs" et Ia Psautier biblique. Une etude comparative," Laval theologique et philosophique 46 ( 1990) 353-68. Fish bane, Michael. "Use, Authority and Interpretation of Mikra at Qumran," in Mulder (ed.), Mikra, 339-77. [see under Mulder] Fishbane, M. and E. Tov (eds.). "Sha '"arei Talman." Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talman (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992) 267-91. Flint, Peter W. "The Psalters at Qumran and the Book of Psalms." Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, USA (1993), esp. 125-207. - . "Methods for Determining Relationships Among the Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls," in M. 0. Wise eta! (eds.), Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 722; New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994) 197-209 + 210-211 (discussion). - . "The Psalms Scrolls from the Judaean Desert: Relationships and Textual Affilations," in George J. Brooke (ed.), New Qumran Texts & Studies. Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris 1992 (STDJ 15; Leiden: Brill, 1994) 31-52. - . "Editions of the Palter Among the Scrolls" at the Qumran Research Group (Institute ./f'or Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, 4-13 July, 1994). [academic lecture] - . "The Psalms from the Judaean Desert and the Septuagint Psalter," in L. Greenspoon and 0. Munnich (eds.), Vlll Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Paris 1992 (SBLSCS 41; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995) 203-17. - . "Of Psalms and Psalters. James Sanders' Investigation of the Psalms Scrolls," in Richard D. Weis and David M. Carr (eds.), A Gift of God in Due Season: Essays on Scripture and Community in Honor (~l James A. Sanders (JSOTSup 225; Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) 65-H3. Flusser, D. "Psalms, Hymns and Prayers," in M. E. Stone (cd.), Jewl.fh Writings of th1 Second Templt' Period (CRINT 2.2; Assert and Maastricht: Van Oorcurn; Phlladelphht: Fortress, 19H4) ~~1-77.
Freedman, D. N. and J. C. Greenfield (eds.). New Directions in Biblical Archaeology (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969). Gerstenberger, E. S. Psalms Part I; with an Introduction to Cultic Poetry (FOTL 14; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988). Gooding, D. W. "An Appeal for Stricter Terminology in the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament," JSS 21 (1976) 15-25. Goshen-Gottstein, M. H. "The Psalms Scroll (IIQPsa). A Problem of Canon and Text," Textus 5 (1966) 22-33. - Haran, Menahem.l:l''?'iln 1El0 '?tv i1i:l'n n'll:li IIQPsa ii'?'Jr:lii ["IIQPsa and the Composition of the Book of Psalms"], in Fishbane and Tov (eds.), "Sha<arei Talman," 123*128* (English Abstract, xxi-xxii). [see under Fishbane]. - . "II QPsa and the Canonical Book of Psalms," in Brettler and Fishbane (eds.), Min/Jah le-Na/Jum, 93-201. [see under Brettler] Hedley, P. L. "The Giittingen Investigation and Edition of the Septuagint," HTR 26 (1933) 57-72. Hiebert, R. J. V. The 'Syrohexaplaric' Psalter (SBLSCS 27; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989). Hoffman, T. A. "Inspiration, Normativeness, Canonicity, and the Unique Sacred Character of the Bible," CBQ 44 (1982) 447-69. Holm-Nielsen, Svend. Hodayot. Psalms from Qumran (ATDan 2; Aarhus, Denmark: Universitetsforlaget, 1960). Hossfeld, F. L. and E. Zenger. Die Psalmen I (Neue Echter Bibel 29; Wiirzburg: Echter Verlag 1993). --Hurwitz, A vi. 'ltD n':l 'r:l':l ~1pr:lii Jitli'? ni1'?in'? . ptli'?'? Jitli'? )':l [The Transition Period in Biblical Hebrew. A Study in Post-Exilic Hebrew and Its Implications for the Dating of the Psalms] (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1972). - . "Linguistic Criteria for Dating Problematic Biblical Texts," Hebrew Abstracts [National Association of Professors of Hebrew]l4 (1973) 74-79. Jellicoe, S. (ed.). Studies in the Septuagint: Origins, Recensions, and Interpretations (New York: KTAV, 1974). The Septuagint and Modern Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968; repr. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989). Kahle, P. The Cairo Geniza (2nd ed.; Oxford: Blackwell, 1959) 191-313. Klingmiiller, "Rubrica" in Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encyclopiidie der classischen AltertumsWissenschaft (Stuttgart: J. B. Metlzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1922) Second Series. IA.II68. Knight, Jack C. and Lawrence A. Sinclair (eds.). The Psalms and Other Studies on the Old Testament. Presented to Joseph I. Hunt (Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Seminary, 1990) . Kooij, A. van der. "Symmachus, 'de vertaler der Joden,'" Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 42 (1988) 1-20. """Kraus, H.-J. Psalms 1-59. A Commentary (OTL; Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988). - . Psalms 60-150. A Commentary (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1989). Kselman, JohnS. and Michael L. Barre. "Psalms," NJBC 523-52. Leiman, Sid Z. The Canon and Masorah of the Hebrew Bible. An Introductory Reader (New York: KTAV, 1974). The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture (Transactions of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 47; Hamden, cr: Anchor Books, 1976).
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"Inspiration and Canonicity: Reflections on the Formation of the Biblical Canon," in E. P. Sanders et al (eds.), Jewish and Christian Self-Definition. Volume Two: Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco-Roman Period (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981) 56-63, 315-18. Lightstone, J. N. "The Formation of the Biblical Canon in Judaism of Late Antiquity: Prolegomenon to a General Assessment," SR 8 ( 1979) 135-42. Limburg, James. "Psalms, Book of," ABD, 5.522-36. Lucas, Alfred. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries (London: Edward Arnold, 1948). Luhrmann, D. "Ein Weisheitspsalm aus Qumran (IIQPs 3 XVIII)," Z4.W 80 (1968) 87-98. McCarter, P. Kyle. Textual Criticism. Recovering the Text of the Hebrew Bible (Guides to Biblical Scholarship; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986). Metzger, Bruce. The Canon of the New Testament. Its Origin, Development, and Significance (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987). Mowinckel, S. "Psalm Criticism Between 1900 and 1935," VT 5 ( 1955) 13-33. The Psalms in Israel's Worship (2 vols.; Oxford: Blackwell, 1982). Mulder, Martin J. (ed.). Mikra. Text, Translation, Reading and Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (CRINT 2.1; Assen and Maastricht: Van Gorcum; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988). Nasuti, H. P. Tradition History and the Psalms of Asaph (SBLDS 88; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988). Newsom, Carol A. '"Sectually Explicit' Literature from Qumran," in W. H. Propp, B. Halpern, and D. N. Freedman (eds.), The Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters (Biblical and Judaic Studies from the University of California, San Diego I; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990) 167-87. Nir-El, Y. and M. Broshi, "The Red Ink of the Dead Sea Scrolls," Archaeometry 38 (1996) 97-102. Oepke, A. "Kp{nrrw, ... chr6Kpu<j>o<;; ," TDNT3.957-78. Olofsson, S. The LXX Version. A Guide to the Translation Technique of the Old Testament (ConBOT 30; Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1990). God is My Rock. A Study of Translation Technique and Theological Exegesis in the Septuagint (ConBOT 31; Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1990). Ottley, R. R. A Handbook to the Septuagint (London: Methuen, 1920). Pfeiffer, Charles F. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1969). Pietersma, A. "The Greek Psalter: A Question of Methodology and Syntax," VT 25 ( 1976) 60-69. "Proto-Lucian and the Greek Psalter," VT 37 ( 1977) 66-72. "David in the Greek Psalms," VT 30 (1980) 213-26. "Septuagint Research: A Plea for a Return to Basic Issues," VT 35 ( 1985) 296-311. "Ra 2110 (P. Bodmer XXIV) and the Text of the Greek Psalter," in D. Fraenkel, U. Quast and J. Wm Wevers (eds.), Studien zur Septuaginta-Robert Hanhart zu Ehrrn (MSU 20; Gtittingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1990) 262-86. - . "Articulation in the Greek Psalms: The Evidence of Papyrus Bodmer XXIV," in 0. J. Norton and S. Pisano (eds.), Tradition of the Text. Studies offered to Domlnlqul Barthelemy in Celebration 1~{ his 70th Birthday (OBO I 09; Freiburg, Schwclz: Universitiitsverlag; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1991) 184-202. PietefS'ma, A. and C. Cox (eds.). De Septuaginta: Studies in Honour i!f"lohn William W1111r.r on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Missassauga, Ontario: Benben, 1984). Pigu6, Stanley C. "Psalms, Syriac (Apocryphal)," ABD !1.536-37. Posener, Georges. "Sur l'emploi de l'cncre rouge dans lcs munuscrits 6gyptiens," JEA 25 ( 1949) 77-K I.
Polzin, Robert. "Notes on the Dating of the Non-Massoretic Psalms of 11QPs ," HTR 60 (1967) 468-76. Puech, Emile. La croyance des Esseniens en Ia vie future: immortalite, resurrection, vie etemelle (2 vols.; Paris: Gabalda, 1993). Roberts, B. J. The Old Testament Text and Versions (Cardiff: University of Wales, 1951) 101-87, 197-278. Sailhammer, J. The Translational Technique of the Greek Septuagint for the Hebrew Verbs and Participles in Psalms 3-41 (Studies in Biblical Greek 2; New York: Peter Lang, 1991). Sanders, James A. "Variorum in the Psalms Scroll (IIQPs 3 )," HTR 59 (1966) 83-94. - . "The Ancient Versions of the Old Testament," in PCB (1967) 81-85. - . "Cave II Surprises and the Question of Canon," McCQ 21 (1968) 1-15. Reprinted in Freedman and Greenfield (eds.), New Directions in Biblical Archaeology (q. v.) 101116; and in Leiman (ed.), Canon and Masorah (q. v.), 37-51. "The Qumran Psalms Scroll (II QPsa) Reviewed," in M. Black and W. A. Smalley (eds.), On Language, Culture, and Religion: In Honor of Eugene A. Nida (The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1974) 79-99. - . "Psalm 154 Revisited," in G. Braulik, W. Gross, and S. McEvenue (eds.), Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Fur Norbert Lohfink S.J. (Freiburg: Herder, 1993) 296-306. Scanlin, Harold. The Dead Sea Scrolls and Modern Translations of the Old Testament (Wheaton, USA: Tyndale House, 1993). Schiffman, Lawrence H. Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls (Philadelphia and Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society, 1994). Schrenk, G. "~t~M<;;, ~t~A.iov," TDNT 1.615-20. Schubart, W. Einfiihrung in die Papyruskunde (Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1918). Segal, M. Z. p10E:l .l!::>D141:::1141p0'E:lii, Tarbiz 29 (1960) 203-206. Sinclair, Lawrence A. "11QPs 3-A Psalms Scroll from Qumran: Text and Canon," in Knight and Sinclair (eds.), The Psalms and Other Studies, 109-15. [see under Knight] Skehan, Patrick W. "The Qumran Manuscripts and Textual Criticism," VTSup 4 (1957), 15354. "The Apocryphal Psalm 151," CBQ 25 (1963) 407-409. "A Liturgical Complex in IIQPsa," CBQ 34 (1973)195-205. "Jubilees and the Qumran Psalter," CBQ 37 (1975) 343-47. "Litterature de Qumran-A. Textes bibliques," Supplement au Dictionnaire de fa Bible (1978) 9/10.805-22, esp. 813-17. - . "Qumran and Old Testament Criticism," in M. Delcor (ed.), Qumran. Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu, 163-82. [see under Delcor] - . "The Divine Name at Qumran, in the Masada Scroll, and in the Septuagint," BIOSCS 13 (1980) 14-44. Smith, Morton. "Psalm 151, David, Jesus, and Orpheus," Z4.W 93 (1981) 247-53. Stegemann, Hartmut. "Methods for the Reconstruction of Scrolls from Scattered Fragments," in Lawrence H. Schiffman (ed.), Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The New York University Conference in Memory of Yigael Yadin (JSPSup. 8; JSOT/ASOR Monographs 2; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990) 189-220. - . Die Essener, Qumran, Johannes der Tiiufer und Jesus. Ein Sachbuch (4th ed.; Spektrum 4128; Freiburg, Basel and Wien: Herder, 1994).
! 3
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j. i
:: .
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INDICES I. Psalms Index A: Groupings and Clusters of Psalms
2. Psalms Index B: Psalms by Chapter and Verse
3. Psalms Index C: "Apocryphal" Psalms in the Psalms Scrolls .................... 304 4. Psalms Index D: Psalms in the Septuagint
5. Scripture Index (excluding the Psalms)
6. Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Manuscripts
7. Other Ancient Writings
8. Index of Modern Authors
Since the Indices are a significant feature of this book, a few explanatory comments would be appropriate. (a) The Indices are based on the entire work up to the end of Appendix 3 ("Adjoining Compositions In the Psalms Scrolls"). The final two Appendices, being lists of contents of the Psalms scrolls, are not included. (b) The first Index ("Groupings and Clusters of Psalms") features groupings of Psalms, which play an important role in determining the shape of various Psalters. (c) The fourth Index ("Psalms in the Septuagint") does not include the hundreds of Septuagint references(~) in the variant lists of Chapters 3 and 4, but only those that involve different arrangements of Psalms. For example, the entry "pr. Ps 103 ffi~[l02]" on pg. 96 is listed here as "Ps 102 (Heb 103)." (d) The Scripture Index covers all references from the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the New Testament, with the obvious exception of the Psalms. (e) The Dead Sea Scrolls Index includes all the manuscripts that have featured in this study, with the exception of the 39 Psalms scrolls. To include the latter would involve thousands of additional entries. (f) The seventh Index ("Other Ancient Writings") covers the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Church Fathers and Rabbinic sources. In this listing ancient writers or figures have been included even when no specific work is being referred to: for example, Origen (19), Clement 20n., Hillel19(2x). 1. Psalms Index A: Groupings and Clusters of Psalms /
Psalms I to 149 (used for 1-150 in BI9A) I to 150 I to 151 I to 41 (Book I) I to72 I to ~9
15, 15n., 24 8,24,41,204 10, 118, 183 86(2x), 118. 142, 143 136, 205n. U, 22n., 23n., 117, 135, 148n.
I to 89
I or 2 to 89 I to91 2 to2S 3 to 14 3 to41 7 to31 IS to 24 18 to 86 26 to 28 26 to 32 30 to 32 36:13 to 37:4 42 to 72 (Book II) 73 onwards 73 to 89 (Book III) 77:18 to 78:1 81 to 8S 81:1 to 8S:6 81:2 to 85:6 90 (Psalms prior to) 90 onwards 90 to 106 (Book IV) 90to 150
93 to 150 94 to 96 101 to ISO 104 to 106 104to 111 107 to 1SO (Book V) I 10 to 117 III to 117 113 to 117 113 to 118 (Passover Halle!) 116to 118 120 to 132 (13 Psalms of Ascent) 120 to 134 (IS Psalms of Ascent) 13S:I3-136:21 137 to ISO 1'43to 150 146 to 148 146to 150 Eight late Psulms (A. Hurwit7.)
2. Psalms Index B: Psalms by Chapter and Verse
7(3x), 9, 10, 48(4x), 117, 13S, 136(2x), 137(2x), 141(2x), 142(3x), 142n.(2x), 143(3x), 144(2x), 14S(4x), 146(4x), 148(Sx), 149, 1SS, JS6, 1S7(4x), 1S9(3x), 164, 166, 168n., 169n.(2x), 170, 186(2x), 186n., 20S, 238(2x) 168,169,171,227,239 183, 186, 189 42 197 229 43 197 42 196 196(2x), 197(3x) 196,197 42n. 86,90, 121,142,143 136 86,92, 124,142,143 42, 42n., 164n. 44 6, 157 6n., 29 157 7(3x), 11, 41n., 135, 136(2x), 141(2x), 142, 143, 144, 146, 148(3x), 149(2x), 169n.(2x), 238(3x) 86,94, 126,142,143 7, 48(2x), 137(2x), 142(2x), 142n.(2x), 143(3x), 145, 148, 157, 1S8(2x), 169, 169n., 170, 171(2x), 191n., 206,227, 239(2x) 40, 152 31 41, 41n., 208n., 209 226 34,34n.,S7, 100,154, ISS, 165 86, 99, 128, 142, 143 180, 215n. 180 41n., 180, 181, 18Sn., 189, 191 17S, 17Sn., 188, 189, 191, 21Sn. 36 17S, 179, 186, 187(4x), 192, 193 31, 193 156 176.214,215 209n. 209 188,226 206
Psalm 1 PsI I :1 Psalm2 Ps2 2 as first Ps 2:1-8 2:1 2:2 2:3 2:4 2:6-7
Psalm3 Ps 3 3:1 Psalm4 Ps4 4:1 Psalm 5 Ps5 5(?) 5:1 S:8-{i:) 5:8 S:9-IO 5:9 5:10(?) S:11 S:12 5:13 Psalm 6 Ps6 6:1 6:2 6:2-5,6
For Oroupinl(.l' with Apocryphal Compo.l'itlon.v, .vu 'filhlt'.v 2to4 (flfl. 187, IWJ, 192)
Psalm 7 Ps 7 7:1 7:8-9 7:9 7:13 Psalm 8 Ps 8 8:1
26n., 146, 148(3x), 195n., 204, 22-1n.(2x) 46,118,148,220,221 42, 146, 148(4x), 148n., 186n., 204, 22ln.(2x) 148n., 186n. 148n. 46, 118, 148, 1S7(2x), 220,221,2S3 61,90 80,86 80,86 32, 1S7,2S2 48n., 82, 9S, 142n., 212 118 48n., 142n. 118 33, 138, 254(2x) 47, 223, 223n. 118 37 IS7,253 S3,86 IS7(2x), 252 220, 221n. 53,86 37n. 53,86 47, 138, 223, 223n., 254(2x) 118 2S3 220, 221n., 222 43, 138,2S4 118 220 85,86 157 138,254 IlK
Psalm 9 Ps 9 9:1 9:S 9:3-7 9:12-21 Psalm 10 Ps 10 10:1 10:6, 8-9, 18
Psalm 11 Ps II 11:1-2 11:1 11:2 Psalm 12 Ps 12 12:1 12:1,7 12:6 12:7 12:8 Psalm 13 Ps 13 13:1 13:2 13:2-3,5 13:3
Psalm 14 Ps 14 14:1 14:3 14:S Psalm 15 PsIS IS:I-16:1 15:1 IS: Ia 15:3 Psalm 16 Ps 16 16:1 16:3 16:7
82, 9S, 138, 146(3x), 147, 2S4 119 80(2x), 86(2x) 146 146 138(2x), 144(2x), 146(2x), 147(2x), 2S4 119 146 47, 138, 223, 2S4 220, 221n. 119 8S(2x), 86(2x) 47, 138, 223, 223n., 254(2x) 119 220, 221n. 80,86 80, 87(2x) 80,87 47, 138(2x), 223, 223n., 2S4(2x) 119 85,87 220, 221n. 8S,87 138, 254 80, 87, 119 55,91 80,87 138,2S4 43 119, 2S3 43 82,87 34,47, 138,223,2S4 119 220, 221n. IS7(2x), 2S2
Psalm 17 Ps 17 17:1 17:3 17:5 17:7 17:9 17:11 17:13 17:14
33, 42, 138, 208n., 254 119 81,87 78, 113 81(2x), 87(2x) 33n. 81,87 157,253 81,87 81,87 81,87 81,87 81,87 38,45,253 42n. (//2 Sam 22:48) 78, 113
Psalm 19 Ps 19:1 19:7 19:8
119 81,87 81,87
Psalm20 Ps 20 20:1
48n., 142n. 120
Psalm22 Ps 22 22:1 22:5 22:15 ~6 22:17
Ps 24 24:1
35, 141n., 165, 166, 166n. 120 83,88 59,88,252 59(3x), 88(3x) 83,88
Ps 25 25:1 25:7
138,254 120
42, 197 120 157(2x), 253
Psalm26 Ps 26 26:1 26:6,8 26:7 26:11 26:12
37,138,196,197,254 120 196n. 157,253 63,88 220,222
Psalm27 Ps 27 27:1 27:5ff., 8ff. 27:14
37, 138(2x), 196, 254(2x) 120 196n. 197n.
Ps 28
Ps 32
28:1 28:1-7, 8 28:2
Psalm29 Ps 29 29:1 29:9b
37, 138n., 138, 196(3x), 196n., 197n., 254 197n. 120 54,92, 196n. 196n., 197n. 197n. 63,88 63,88 63,88 157,253
Psalm 31 Ps 31
31:1 31:2-9
9n., 33, 37, 43, 53, 63, 88(2x), 138, 141, 144(3x), 146, 147(3x), 147n. 154, 186n., 196, 2S4(2x) 120 197n.
37, 48n., 53(2x), 63(3x), 88(5x), 142n., 144, 147(4x), 154(2x), 196, 197n., 234, 256 120 196n. 197n. 197n.
Psalm 33
33:1 33:7 33:8 33:9 33:12 33:14 33:16
138n., 138(2x), 196(4x), 197,254 120 196n.
30:1-6 30:1 30:5 30:8 30:7-13 30:9 30:10 30:11 30:13
32:1 32:5, 7, 8 32:6 32:10 Ps 33
138n., 138(2x), 196(3x), 254(2x) 120 197n. 196n.
54,92 147n. 54(2x), 92(2x) 196n. 147n. 83,88 197n. 197n. 157,253 157,253
Psalm 32
Psalm 28
Psalm23 Ps 23 23:1
82, 95, 138, 254 120
Ps 30 48n., 142n. 120
Psalm21 Ps 21 21:1
31:2 31:3-22 31:3 31:3ff., 21 31:5 31:6 31:10-19 31:20-25 31:22 31:24
Psalm 24 33,47,138,223,254 85,87, 119,220,221n. 81,94 157,253 53,87 80(2x), 87(2x) 80,87 80,87 81 (2x), 87(2x), 233
Psalm 18 Ps 18 18:1-2 18:2 18:3 18:4 18:6-13 18:12 18:13 18:16-17 18:16 18:16c 18:17 18:17a 18:26-29 18:39-42 18:48
9n., 33, 37, 53, 63, 88(2x), 138, 141, 144(4x), 145, 146(2x), 147(8x), 147n., 154, 186n., 254(2x) 53, 63(2x), 88(3x), 120, 154,234 63(2x), 88(2x) 67, 63(2x), 88(2x), 114 63,88 63,88 63,88 58,98
Psalm 34
Ps 34 34:1
37,138,197,254 121
Psalm 35 Ps 35 35:1 35:8 35:15-28 35:1 s 35:16 35:17 35:19 35:20 35:27
138(2x), 254 121 63,88 255 53, 63(2x), 88(3x) 53(2x), 58, 88(2x), 232 53,88 54,90 23,88, 157,253 54,88
36:5 36:6 36:7 36:13
138(2x), 254(2x) 255 121
54,89 54,89 54,89 42n.
Psalm 37 Ps 37 37:1-40 37:1-4 37:1 37:2(?), 7 37:7 37:8-40 37:8 37:10 37:13 37:14 37:15 37:17 37:19 37:20 37:23 37:25 37:28 37:33 37:35 37:36 37:38 37:40
28, 30(2x), 46, 138, 254 255 42n. 121 220 46,83,89 46, 220, 223n. 83,89 84,89 84(2x), 89(2x) 84(3x), 89(3x) 84,89 84,89 84,89 84(6x), 89(6x), 233 84,89 84,89 84,89 84,89 84,89 84(2x), 89(2x), 233 84,89 84,90
Psalm38 Ps38
38:1-23 38:1 38:9 38:10 38:12 38:16-17 38:16 38:16,23 38:17 38:19 38:20 38:21 38:22 38:23
Psalm36 Ps 36 36:1-13 36:1
33,54,92, 124,138,139, 141, 144(3x), 146, 147, 148(2x), 154, 186n., 254, 256,265 255 23, 121, 148 54,90 54,90 54,90 54,90 54,90 53,88 54,90 54(3x), 90(3x) 54(2x), 90(2x) 54(4x), 90(4x), 233 54,90 54(2x), 55(2x), 90(2x), 92(2x)
Psalm39 Ps 39 W:l-14
138, 144,254 255
23n., 121
Psalm40 Ps40 40:1
138,254 121
50:21 50:23
48n., 142n., 194,213 121 121
Ps 51
147(2x) 121 37, 157, 253 69, 108
Psalm 43 Ps 43 43:1 43:5
144(2x), 146, 147(4x) 121, 147n. 69, 108
Psalm44 Ps 44 44:1 44:3 44:8 44:20 44:25
51:1-2 51:4 51:10
31 121 157,252 57,90 78, I 12 157,252
Ps52 52:1-2 52:7 52:8 52:1 I
Ps 54 54:1-2
Psalm 55
45:1 45:1-2 45:2 45:6-7
Ps 55 55:1
122 46, 220,223n. 84,90 42n., 81,90
Psalm 56
48n., 82, 95, 142n. 122
Psalm 57
Psalm 46
Psalm47 47:1
Psalm48 Ps 48 48:1 48:5
35 122, 157,252 61,90
Psalm49 Ps 49 49:1 49:9
~0 9:13 49:21
34, 35, 138, 254 122 61,90 57. 61, 90 57,90,234 57,90
Psalm 50 Ps 50 50:1
D8(2x), 254 122
56:1 56:4 56:10 57:1 57:3 57:4 57:5 57:7
Ps 63 63:1
34, 138(2x), 254 122 57,91 57,91 57(2x), 91(2x)
Ps 64 64:1 Ps 65
34, 138(2x),254,254 I 22, I 57(2x), 252 256 55,91 55,91,157,252 55,91
65:1 65:5 65:14 Ps 66 66:1 66:16
138, 208n., 254 122
48n., 138n., 139(2x), 142n., 254 123 54 84,89 I 38n., I 39(2x), 254 123 55,91
Psalm 67 Ps 67 67:1 67:6 67:8
48n., 142n. 122
138n., 139(2x), 254 123 55,91 55,91
Psalm68 122 55,91 55,91
Ps 68 68:1 68:12-13 68:13 68:16 68:26-27 68:30-31 68:36 68:31
46,83,91,123,220 61,70 220 79, I 15 55,91
138n., 139(2x), 254 123 46 46,220 81,91 46,220 46,220 123 83,91
Psalm 69 48n., 142n. 123 123 123 (= 108:1!) 84, 91, 100 (= 101!:1!-9) 220
Psalm 6/ Ps 61
48n., 138n., 139(2x), 142n., 254 123
P.mlm 60 60:1-2 60:8 60:M-9
I 38n., 139(2x), 254 123
4Kn., 142n.
Ps 70 70:1 70:6
Ps 69 69:1 69:3 69:4 69:5 69:6 69:7 69:9 69:11 69:12 69:13 6'1:14
55(3x), 92(3x) 55(2x), 92(2x) 56(2x), 92(2x) 56(2x), 92(2x), 235 56,92
I 38n., 139, 254 124 55(3x), 91 (3x) 55(4x), 91(4x) 54,55,90,91 55,91 55(5x), 91 (5x) 55(2x), 91 (2x) 55(2x). 91(2x) 55,91 55(2x),'ll(2xl 55(2x),91(2x)
48n., 54, 92, 142n., 147(3x), 148(2x), 154 124, 148 54,55,90,92
Psalm 71 Ps 71
Psalm 65
Psalm 59 59:1
69:15 69:16 69:17 69:18 69:19
Psalm 70
Psalm 64
Psalm 58 Ps 58 58:1
139,254 123 80,87
Psalm 63
Psalm 54
Ps46 46:1
Ps 62 62:1 62:12
35, 138(2x), 208n., 210, 254 122,211 57,62,90,91 78, I 12
Psalm 53 Ps 53 53:1 53:4-7 53:4 53:5 53:7
Psalm 62
Psalm 52
Psalm42 Ps 42 42:1 42:5 42:6, 12
57,90 157
Psalm 51
Psalm41 Ps41 41:1 41:14
71:1 71:2 71:5 71:3 71:4 71:6 71:11 71:12 71:13 71:14
33(2x), 138, 139, I 41, 144(4x), 145, 146(2x), 147(5x), 148, 186n., 254, 256,265 54(4x), 92(4x), 124, 154 233, 234, 234n. 81,94 54,92 54,92 54,92 54,92 54(2x),55,90(2x),92 55,92 I 57(2x), 252
Psalm 72 Ps 72 72:1 72:10 72:18-19 72:20
48n., 142n., 149, 156, 213, 239 61,90,124 117 124 124, 184n.
Psalm 73 Ps 73 73:1 73:22
48n., 142n., 205n. 124 56,95
Psalm 74 Ps 74 74:1
48n., 142n. 124
Psalm 75 Ps 75 75:1 75:4
48n., 142n. 124 77,95
Psalm 76 Ps76 76:1 76:10
34, 139, 164n., 254 124 169n., 252
l'.mlm 77 l's 77 77:1
U9(2x), 164n., 254(2x) 124
294 77:18-21 77:18 77:19
Psalm 78 Ps 78 78:1 78:9 78:13 78:31 78:36-37
42, 42n., 164n. 169n., 253 92 139, 164n., 254 42, 42n., 124, 92, 164n. 81,92 63,88 58,92 33,157,253
Psalm 79 79:1 79: I(?), 2-3
Psalm80 Ps 80 80:1
Psalm 81 Ps 81 81:1 81:6 81:7 81:9
Psalm 82 Ps 82 82:1-4 82:1 82:2 82:2 82:8fin
Psalm 83 Ps 83 83:1 83:7 83:8 83:10 83:10a, JOb 83:12 83:14 83:19a
Psalm84 Ps 84 84:1 84:7
Psdm85 Ps 85 85:1 85:6
125 47,220,256 48n., 142n. 125 139, 164n., 254 125,253 81,92 81,92 83,92 139(2x), 254 6 85, 92, 125, 220 220 85,92 83,93 139(2x), 254 125 83,93 83,93 83,93 83,93 83,93 83,93 83,93 139(2x), 254 125 83,93
86:1 86:11-14 86:13
Psalm 87 Ps 87 87:1
Psalm88 Ps 88 88:1 86:5 88:8 88:15-17 88:16 88:17 81'!:19
Psalm 89 Ps 89
89:1 89:4 89:19 89:20-22 89:20 89:21 89:22 89:23 89:24-25 89:25 89:26 89:27-28 89:27 89:27a, 27b 89:28 89:31 89:44 89:30 89:53
Psalm 90 Ps 90 90:1
Psalm 91 Ps 91
139,254 125 253 .li,42,1Mn.
91:1 91:2 91:4 91:4fin 91:5 91:6 91:7 91:8 91:9 91:10 91:11 91:13 91:14 91:14-16 91:16 9l:J6fin 91:!6+
125 42n. 81,93 48n., 142n. 125 164n. 125 252 71,103 37 63,93,234 157, 253 54 28, 29(3x), 38(3x), 38n.(3x), 136n., 149, 156, 164n., 170, 206n., 213, 238 125 64,93 90 38,253 64(7x), 93(7x) 64,93 64(4x), 93(4x) 38, 64(5x), 93(5x), 253 64,93 64,93 38, 64(5x), 93(5x), 253 38,253 64(2x), 93(2x) 64,93 64(3x), 93, 94(2x) 38,64,94,253 58,94 64,94 125 41n., 48n., 81, 94, 141, 142n., 154,206 126 4, 28, 29,34,42,43, 43n.(2x), 136n., 139(3x), 141, 149, 153, 156, 165, 166(2x), 166n., 167, I!13(:\x), I H4, I H(m., 239, 2~4(2x)
Psalm Hfl Ps H6
Psalm 92 Ps 92
92:1 92:5 92:7 92:12 92:15
Psalm 93 Ps 93
93:1-5 93:1-3 93:1
93:3 93:5
Psalm 94 Ps 94 94:1-4 94:1 94:14 94:19
Psalm 95 Ps 95
81(2x), 94(2x), 126, 154 81(2x), 94(2x) 81, 82, 94(2x) 82(2x), 94 252 56, 82, 94(2x) 56, 82, 94(2x) 56, 82(2x), 94(4x) 82(2x), 94(2x) 82(3x), 94, 95(2x) 82,95 56, 82, 95(2x) 56, 82, 95(2x) 82,95 82,95 82(2x), 95(2x) 126 31, 77, 95, 139(2x), 154, 165, 185, 186n.(2x), 187, 254 126 56(2x), 95(2x) 56,95 52,95 56(2x), 95(2x) 36, 40, 4ln., 77, 112, 136, 136n., 139(4x), 140, 149, 154, 159, 165(3x), 174, 186n.(3x), 187(2x), 192, 194(2x), 215n., 239, 254(2x) 190 190 77(5x), 95(5x), 126, 154, 253 253 36n., 56, 95, 256 139, 165, 186n.(2x), 187, 254 256 126 56(2x), 95(2x) 77, Ill
36, 139, 186n., 187,213, 254 126
Psalm 96 Ps 96 96:1 96:10
Psalm 97 Ps 97 97:1
Psalm 98 Ps 98 98:1 98:8
Psalm 99 Ps 99 (?)99:1-2, 5 99:1-5 99:1 99:5,9
Psalm 100 Ps 100 100:1 100:4c-5
Psalm 101 Ps 101
101:1-8 101:1 101:2
Psalm 102 Ps 102
139, 186n., 187,254 126 77,95 36, 186n., 187 126 36, 62, 95, !54, 186n., 187 126 253 139, 166, 186n., 187, 254(2x) 14ln., 256 36, 156, 166 38, 62(2x), 95(2x), 126, 154,253,253 73, 109 139,179,180, 181(2x), 182, 186n., 187,254 126 180 41(5x), 4ln., 139, 152, 159, 174, 179(2x), 180, 181(2x), 182, 185, 187(2x), 189(3x), 192, 193(2x), 194, 195, 197(5x), 198, 206, 208, 208n., 254 190(2x) 126 65,95
102:1-18 102:1-2 102:1 102:5 102:16 102:17 102:18-29 102:18 102:20
137, 139(2x), 159, 174, 179, 180, 187(2x), 192, 194(3x), 195, 197(2x), 198, 208n., 254(2x) 190 190 127 56,95 56(3x), 95(3x) 56, 96, 197(2x) 190(2x) 65,96 56(2x), 65, 96(3x)
102:24 102:24b-25 102:24b 102:26 102:27 102:29fin
DEAD SEA PSALMS SCROLLS 56, 65, 96(2x) 56,96,234 56,96,234 65(2x), 96(2x) 65,96 65,96
Psalm 103 Ps 103
103:1-16 103:1-4 103:1 103:2-11 103:2 103:3 103:6,17-18 103:10 103:16-22 103:20-21 103:20
31, 32, 34, 34n., 57, 58, 59, 65, 96(3x), 100, 136n., 137(2x), 139(3x), 154(3x), 155, 158n.(2x), 159, 160(2x), 165(2x), 174, 179, 180, 185, 185n., 186, 187(2x), 189, 192, 194, 195, 197(3x), 198, 206n., 254(2x) 190 32 65,96, 127,190 158n. 56,96,252 56(3x), 96(3x) 197 57,96 189, 190 34n. 57(3x), 96(3x)
104:11 104:21-35 104:22 104:23 104:24 104:25 104:27 104:28 104:29 104:29a 104:30 104:31 104:32 104:34 104:34a, 34b 104:34b 104:35
104:1-35 104:1-20 104:1-6 104:1
104:2 104:3-5, 11-12 104:3 I~
104:5 104:6-11 104:8 104:10
3n., 31, 34, 34n.(3x), 35, 57, 59(2x), 66(2x), 98, 99, 114(3x), 139(3x), 140(3x), 142(2x), 153, 154(3x), 155, 155n., 156, 158n.(2x), 159, 160(2x), 161(8x), 165(6x), 174, 176, 178, 179, 180(2x), 187(4x), 192, 195, 195, 205n., 225, 226, 254(3x) 162 190 190 58(4x), 59, 65(4x), 96(9x), 127, 154(2x), 160, 161 n., 234, 252 59, 65, 97(2x) 36,253 58(3x), 97(3x), 235 58(4x), 62(4x), 65(2x), 97(10x) 58, 62(2x), 97(3x), 233 158n. 53,97 58(2x), 97(2x), 2J3
34n.(2x), 58(3x), 97(3x), 252 190(2x) 58, 65(2x), 97, 98(2x), 233 66,98 58, 66, 98(2x) 58(2x), 98(6x) 66,98 66,98 66(3x), 98(3x) 66,98 66,98 66,98 66(2x), 98(2x) 58, 66, 98(2x) 58,98 66,98 58, 66(4x), 98(5x), 127
Psalm 105 Ps 105
Psalm 104 Ps 104
105:1-45 105:1-24 105:1-11 105 init 105:1 105:3 105:6 105:7 105:9 105:11 105:25-45 105:28 105:29(?) 105:30 105:34-35 105:37 105:38 105:43 105:44 105:45
3n., 35, 59, 66, 67, 98, 114(2x), 139(2x), 140(2x), 154(2x), 155, 155n., 159, 160, 161(8x), 165, 172, 174, 176, 178(2x), 178n., 179, 179n., 180(2x), 187(4x), 192, 195,202, 213, 216n., 225, 225n., 226(2x), 254(2x) 163 190 190 66,98 59,66,98,99, 127,154, 160 66,99 67(2x), 99(2x) 67,99 67(2x), 99(2x) 67,99 190(2x) 67,99 67,99 67,99 220 59, 67, 99(2x), 161 59,99 59, 67, 99(2x), 161n. 67,99 127
Psalm 106 Ps 106
106(?) 106:1-48 106:1 106:6 106:25 106:48
57, 59, 66, 114(3x), 154(2x), 161(3x), 165, 170n., 172, 178n., 179n., 180(3x), 202, 186n., 187, 213(2x), 215n., 216n., 225n., 226, 254 34, 139, 140, 156 214 127, 161, 161n., 162 220 220 57, 114, 127, 165n., 213(2x), 214
Psalm 107 Ps 107
107:1 107:5 107:6 107:8 107:10 107:13 107:9 107:13 107:14 107:15 107:15 107:16 107:21 107:24 107:25 107:26 107:26a, 26b 107:27 107:28 107:29 107:30 107:30a, 30b 107:31 107:33 107:35b 107:36 107:39 107:41 107:42
35, 138n., 139, 14ln., 165, 165n.(2x), 166, 180(2x), 186n., 187, 215n., 254 128, 161 60, 100 60, 100 60,99 60, 100 60(2x), 100(2x) 59,99 60(2x), 99(2x) 60,99 60,99 60(2x), 99(2x) 60,99 60,99 60,99 60(3x), 99(2x), I 00 6(2x), 99, 100 60 220 60(3x), I00(3x) 60(3x), 100(3x) 60, 100 60, 100 60,99 60, 100 60(2x), 100(2x) 60(2x), 100(2x), 235 60, 100 60(2x), I00(2x), 233, 235 60, 100
P.l'alm 108 Ps I08, IOH('/)
48n., l:lHn., IJ9(2x), 142n .. 165n., 166,
180(2x), 191 n., 215n., 254(2x) 108:8-9 (= 60:8-9) 46, 220 108:8 (=60:8) 100
Psalm 109 Ps 109
109:1-20 109:1 109:4 109:5 109:6 109:21-31 109:21 109:22 109:25 109:26 109:26a, 26b 109:27 109:28 109:28 109:31
35, 41, 77, 116, 138n., 139(2x), 141, l4ln., 152, 154, 156, 159, 165, 165n.(2x), 166, 174, 179, 180(2x), 181, 185, 185n.(2x), 187(3x), 189, 191(2x), 192, 194, 195, 197(2x), 198, 215n., 254 189, 190 128 60,100 60, 100 60, 100 190(2x) 180, 197 197 60, 100 60, 100 60, 100 65, 100 100 252 60, 100(2x), 154,233
Psalm 110 Ps 110
II 0:1 110:1-7
4ln., 48n., 60, 100, 142n., 154, 180, 180n., 185n., 186n., 187, 191(3x), 192,194,195, 197(4x), 198, 215n. 128 190
Psalm 111 Ps Ill 111:1
48n., 57, 100, 142n., 154, 180, 186n., 215n. 128
Psalm 112 Ps 112
112:1 112:1-3 112:4-5
34, 137, 139(3x), 155, 165(2x), 180, 186, 186n., 187, 215n., 254 57,60,65, 100,128,154 34n. 34n.
Psalm 113 Ps 113 113:1 113:1-9 113:9
109, 175, 180, 186n., 187(2x), 192, 215n., 254 73, 109, 128 190 128
., 298
Psalm 114 Ps 114
114:1 114:1-5 114:6-8 114:7
Psalm 115 Ps 115
115:1-18 115:1 115:2 115:17 115:18
Psalm 116 Ps 116
116:1-11 116:1 116:10 116:8 116:8b, 8c, 8c 116:8fin 116:12-19 116:19
Psalm 117 Ps 117
117:1-2 117:1 117:2
Psalm 118 Ps 118
15n., 109, 128, 156n., 158, 175, 180, 186n., 187(2x), 189, 192, 215n., 254 128 190 190 253 15n., 128, 139(2x), 156n., 158, 175, 180, 186n., 187(2x), 189, 192, 215n., 254(3x) 190 62, 100, 128 57, 100 59, 100, 235 76, 114, 128, 165n. 138n., 139(2x), 156n., 158, 175, 180, 186n., 187(2x), 189, 192, 215n., 254(3x) 190 129,253 129,253 62, 100 63, 100 63, 100 190 73, 109, 129
118:1-24 118:1 118:6-10~12
118:7 118:8-29 118:8 118:9 118:9fin 118:9 118:10 118:11 118:12 118:14 118:15 118:15b 118:16 118:16a, 16b 118:19 118:20 118:21 118:25-29 118:25-26 118:26,27,20 118:26 118:27 118:28 118:28 118:29
Psalm 119 Ps 119
48n., 74, 101, 136n., 138n., 139, 140, 142n., 154, 175, 180, 187, 192, 206n., 215n., 254 190 129 129 3n., 34, 40n., 41, 58, 48(2x), 57(2x), 59, 65(3x), 66, 69, 74, 80, 96(3x), 98, I0 I (6x), 116(2x), 138n., 139, 140(2x), 142, 152, 154(3x), 155(2x), 158n., 159, 160(3x), 161 (2x), IM, 174, 175, 176n., 178, 179, I!IO{]x), 1!11, I !ISn., I K7(4x), I K!l, 1119, 191(2x), 192, 215n., 225, 254(hl
119:1-14 119:1-6 119:1 119:2 119:5 119:10-21 119:12 119:13 119: IS-2!1 119: IS-36 119:15 II'>: IC!
INDEX OF PSALMS BY CHAPTER AND VERSE 190, 191n. 74(2x), 80, 101(3x), 129, 160, 161 256,265 57, 74, 101(2x) 162 57, 74(2x), 101(3x) 74, 101 75, 101 (+strophe) 75, 101 57, 101 57, 101 57,101,256,265 74, 80, 101(2x), 160 101(2x), 160 57,101 57, 74(3x), 101(4x) 57,101 57, 101 46, 85, 101,220 75 190(2x), 191n. 175n. 46,220 57, 65, 101(2x) 65,101 75,101 (+ 2 strophes) 75 75(2x), 101(2x), 129, 161, 180,252 5n., 26n., 30, 31, 32(2x), 32n., 35( 4x), 35n., 40, 40n.(2x), 48, 49n., 67, 73, 79, 106, 109, 112, 136n., 140(4x), 154(2x), 156n., 159, 170, 174, 175, 179, 180(4x),185,186, 187(4x), 188(2x), 191n., 192, 194, 206n., 215n., 254 190 190 69, 75, 101(2x), 130, 154 69, 70, 102(2x) 70, 102 35,252 70, 102 61, 102 190 190 (,)' 102 72, 104.
"' '~
119:16 119:17 119:18 119:20 119:22 119:24 119:27 119:32 119:37-92 119:37-58 119:37-49 119:36 119:37 119:40 119:40 119:41 119:42 119:43 119:44 119:45 119:45 119:47 119:48 119:49 119:56 119:59-81 119:59-73 119:59 119:60 119:64 119:68 119:70 119:71 119:72 119:75 119:77 119:78 119:80 119:81 119:82-104 119:82-96 119:82 119:83 119:85 119:87 119:88 119:92 119:92 119:99 I 19: I00 119:105-127
70(2x), 102(2x) 61 (2x), 70(3x), 102(5x) 61, 70, 102(2x) 69, 61, 70, 102(3x) 70, 102 71,103 70, 102 52, 102 35,252 190 190 72, 105 61(3x), 70(3x), 71(2x), 102(6x), 104(2x) 72, 105 61, 70, 102(2x) 61 (2x), 70, I 02, 103(2x) 61(2x), 70(2x), 103(4x) 61 (2x), 70, 103(3x) 61, 70, 103(2x) 61, 70, 103(2x) 61, 70, 103(2x) 72, 104 70, 103 70,103,235 61, 70, 103(2x) 190 190 71, 103 233 71, 103 71, 103, 234 71, 103 71,103,232 71, 103 71, 103 71,103 52, 103 252 61, 71, 103(2x) 190 190 61, 71, 103(2x) 61, 71(2x), 103(3x) 71, 103 71, 104 71 (2x), 104(2x) 71, un 61, 71, 104(2x) 253 (,), 70, I03(2x) 190
119:105-120 119:105 119:106 119:107 119:108 119:109 119:110 119:111 119:113 119:114 119:115 119:116 119:117 119:119 119:128-149 119:128-142 119:128 119:129 119:130 119:131 119:133 119:136 119:137 119:140 119:142 119:143 119:150-170 119:150-164 119:152 119:153 119:154 119:155 119:156 119:159 119:160 119:161 119:162 119:163-165 119:163 119:171-176 119:171 119:172 119:173 119:174 119:174 119:174 119:175 119:176
190 71(3x), 104(3x) 71(2x), 104(2x) 71(2x), 104(2x) 71(2x), 104(2x), 233 71,104 104(2x) 111,104 72,104 72,104 72,104 72, 104 72(3x), I 04(3x) 72(3x), I 04(3x) 190 190 72, 105 72, 105 72, 105 72(2x), I 05(2x) 72, 105 72, 105 72,105,235 72, 105 72(2x), 105(2x), 253 71,103 190 190 72(2x), 105(2x) 72105 72, 73(2x), I 05(3x) 72,105 73(2x), 105(2x) 73(3x), I 05(3x) 73(2x), I 05(2x) 73(2x), I 05(2x) 73, 105 42 73, 105 190(2x) 73, 105 73, 105 73, 105 71, 103 72, 105 73, 105 73(2x), 106(2x) 73, 106
P.valm 120 PN 120
41, 13!1n., 140(2x), 141, I 59, 174, 17Sn .. 187(4x), 11)1(2x), 1'12. 254
'I ;
. i
120:1-7 120:1 120:6
Psalm 121 Ps 121
121:1-8 121:1 121:2 121:3 121:5 121:8 Psalm 122 Ps 122
122:1-9 122:1 122:2 122:3 122:4 122:5 122:6 122:7 122:8 122:9
Psalm 123 Ps 123
123:1-4 123:1-2 123:1
Psalm 124 Ps 124 124:1-7 124:1 124:7-8 124:7
Psalm 125 Ps 125
125:1-5 125:1
190 67, 106, 130, !54 59, 106
125:3 125:4 125:5
4ln., 64, 106, 138n., 140(2x), 159, 174, 187(4x), 192,254 190(2x) 67, 68, 106(2x), 130 67, 106 67, 106 67(2x), 106(2x) 67, 106
Psalm 126 Ps 126
126:1-6 126:1 126:2 126:4 126:6 126:6a 126:6b
5n.(2x), 27, 29, 38, 38n., 39, 64(4x), 140(3x), !56, 159,167,174, !87(4x), 192, 254(2x) 38, 38n., 190(2x), 253 64, 67, 106(2x), 130 67, 106 67(2x), 68, 106(2x), 107 68(3x), I 06(3x) 64, 68, 106(2x), 193n. 68, 106 64, 68(2x), 106(2x), 106 68, 106 64, 68, 78, 80, 106(2x), 109(2x), 160
Psalm 128 Ps 128
140(2x), 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 195, 205n., 254 190 190 67, 68(4x), 106(4x), 107, 130
128:1-3 128:1 128:3-6 128:3 128:5 128:6
136n., 140(2x), 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 206n., 254 190 130 190(2x) 68, 107 136n., 140(2x), 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 206n., 254(2x) 190(2xl 6!!, 107, 110 59, 67, 6K(2x), 106, 107(.lx)
Psalm 127 Ps 127
127:1 127:1-5 127:2-3(?) 127:5 127:3b
Psalm 129 Ps 129 129:1-8 129:1 129:2 129:3 129:4 129:7-H 129:H
1'.1'11/m /30 l's 1.10 I Hl:I-H
59, 107 59, 68, 107(2x), 161n., 233 59 (4x), 68(4x), 78, 80, !07(8x), 109(2x), 160, !61, 162, 164(4x)
'I:J' :·<
31, 140(2x), !58, 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 254(2x) 190(2x) 59(2x), 68, 107(3x), 130, 164(2x), 164n. 59, 107, 161, !64 68, 107 53,68, 107(4x),232,252 53,69, 107,108 69, 107
Psalm 131 Ps 131
55, 59, 69, 92, 108(2x), 131, 164 69(4x), 108(4x) 69(2x), 108(2x), 235 59, 69, 108(2x) 69, 108 69, 108 140(2x), 141, 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 254 190 190
Psalm 132 Ps 132
40n.,69, 77,80,101, 108, 109, 140(3x), 154(2x), 159, 160, 174, 180(2x), 187(4x), 192, 193,212,254 132:1-8 190 131 132:1 132:1, 10, II, 17 193n. 190(2x) 132:8-18 69, 108 132:10 69(2x), 108(2x) 132:11 69(3x), 108(3x) 132:12 69, 108 132:14 69, 108 132:16 Psalm 133
31, 140(2x), 158, 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 254(2x) 190 130 190(2x) 53, 108,252 69, 108 78, 80, 109(2x), 160
Ps 133
133:1-3 133:1
140(2x), 159, 174, 1K7(4x), 11J2, 254(2x) 190(2x)
130:2 130:5, 5fin 130:6 130:7 130:8
131:1-3 131:1
31, 140(2x), !58, 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 194, 254(2x) 130, 190 190 46,220 220 220
140(2x), 159, 174, 187(4x), 192, 254(2x) 190(2x) 131 69, 108 69,108,234 69, 108 46,220 69(3x), 1!4, 10H(4x)
133:2 133:3 133:3fin 133:13-21 133:21
78, 79, 80, 109, 112(2x), 136n., 140(4x), 142, 154(2x), 159(2x), 160, 174, 175n., 180, 187(2x), 192, 193(3x), 193n., 195, 195(3x), 206n., 21 5n., 254(2x) 190(2x) 77, 80, 108(2x), 131, 154, 160 77, 80, 108(2x), 160 78(4x), 80, 108(5x) 78, 80, 108(2x), 160 131 131
Psalm 134 Ps 134
134:1-3 J:\4: 1 J:\4:2 114::1
73, 80, 109, 140(3x), 154(2x), 159, 174, 175n., 181,187,192, 193(3x), 215, 215n., 254 190(2x) 79, 10H, 111, 154, 190 79(2x), I0!!{2x) 74, 110
Psalm 135 Ps 135
36, 62, 95, 140(3x), 14ln., 154, 159, 166, 166n., 174,175, 178, 179, 180(2x), 187(3x), 188(3x), 192, 195,225, 254(2x) 135:1-6, X, 7-21 166 190 135:1-17 135:1-9 190 73(2x), I 08(2x), 131, I 54 135:1 175 135:2 73(2x), 108(2x) 135:2 73(3x), 108(3x) 135:3 73(3x), 108(3x) 135:4 73, 109 !35:4a 73(3x), I 08(2x) 135:5 36, 156, 166 135:6-16 62, 74(3x), 108(2x), 109, 135:6 II 0, 175n., 253 62,110 135:7 62, 110 135:10 36, 166 135:11-12 62,110 135:11 62(2x), 110(2x), 131, 135:12 140,154,156,254 62, 110 135:12a 135:13-21 131 62, 110, !56 135:13 62, 110, 233 135:15 135:16 253 190(2x) 135:17-21 74, 110 135:17 74, 110 135:18 175 135:21 74, 110,235 135:21 Psalm 136 36, 40n., 48n., 66, 74(2x), Ps 136 77,98, 101,110,116, 140(2x), !54(2x), 159, 166n., 174(2x), 175, 176n., 178, 179, 180(2x), 181, 183, 187(3x), 188(3x), 188n., 191(2x), 192,195,209,225,243, 254 136:1-26 190 190 136:1-16 136:1-7, X, 8-26 166 131, 161, 191n. 136:1 74, 110 136:3 74, 110, 235 136:4 74, 110 116:7
136:7fin 136:8 136:8init 136:9 136:9init 136:12 136:15 136:21 136:22-23 136:22 136:23 136:26
74,110 74(2x), II 0(2x) 74, 110 74(2x), II 0(2x) 74, 110 74, 110 74, 110,235 62, 110, 154, 156 36, 166 62, 110, 131, 140, 154, 156,254 253 132, 190(2x), 19ln.
Psalm 140 Ps 140
140:1-5 140:1-14 140:1 140:2 140:3 140:4
137:1-9 137:1 137:7-9 137:9
140(3x), 159, 174, 187, 188n., 192, 197, 198(2x), 254 190 77(3x), 110(5x), 132, 154,190 198 190(2x)
Psalm 138 Ps 138
138:1-8 138:1 138:4 138:7 138:8
76, Ill, 140(2x), 154, 159,174, 187,192, 194(3x), 254 190(2x) 77(2x), 110(2x), 132,234 77,110 77(2x), 110(2x) 61,70
Psalm 139 Ps 139
139:1-8 139:1 139:8-24 139:10 139:11 139:12 139:14 139:15 139:16 139:17 139:18 139:19-24 IW:IlJ
I. :23
77, 79, 110, Ill, 140(3x), 154(2x), 159, 174, 187, 188n., 192, 197, 198(2x), 215n., 254 190 76, Ill, 132, 154 190(2x) 76, Ill 76(2x), Ill (2x) 76, Ill 76(2x), Ill (2x) 76, Ill 76(4x), 111(4x) 76(2x), Ill (2x) 76, Ill 198 76(2x), 111(2x), 2.l.l 7t,, Ill 77(2x), 111(2xl
77, 79, 112, 109, 140(3x), 154(2x), 159, 174, 181, 187, 192, 193,215, 215n., 224n., 254 190 190 79, Ill, 132 79(2x), 111(2x) 79(2x), 111(2x), 233 79, Ill
Psalm 141 Ps 141
Psalm 137 Ps 137
141:1-5 141:1 141:5-10 141:5 141:6 141:7 141:9 141:9b 141:10
77, 78,80, 108,109,112, 140(3x), 154(2x), 155, 159(2x), 160, 165, 174, 186n., 187(2x), 192, 193, 193n., 195, 254(2x) 190 77, 112, 132, 154 190(2x) 77, 112 77, 112 77, 112 77(2x), 112(2x) 68, 107 77, 80, 112(2x)
Psalm 142 Ps 142
142:1-4 142:1 142:4-8 142:5 142:8
140(2x), 159, 174, 187(2x), 192, 193, !93n., 195,254 190 78, 112, 132, 154 190(2x) 78,112 78, 112
Psalm 143 Ps 143
143:1-8 143:1-12 143:1 143:3-4, 6-8 143:3 143:4 143:5 1416-1! 14:1:6
78, 79, 80, 112(2x), 115, 140(2x), 154(2x), 155, 159, 160, 174, 187(2x), 192, 193, 193n., 195, 254 190 190 132 36, 156n., 253 78(2x), 112(2x) 78(2x), 112(2x) 78(2x), 79, 112(3x), 233 l!i6n. 79(2x), 112(2x)
/',1'11/m 144 I'M 144
11.1, l.lfln., 140(.lx), 142, 1~4, ~~~. 1~'1(2x),
144:1-7 144:1-14 144:1 144:2 144:3 144:4 144:5 144:15
174, 187, 192, 193(2x), 193n., 195, 195, 195n., 206n., 215n., 254(2x) 190 190 78(2x), 80(3x), 112(6x), 113, 132, 154, 160(3x) 78(2x), 113(2x), 253 78(2x), 113(2x) 78, 113 78(3x), 113(3x) 78,113,181, 190(2x)
146:9-10 146:9+ 146:10
145:1-12 145:1-7 145:1 145:Jfin 145:2 145:3 145:4 145:5 145:6 145:5 145:10-12 145:13-21 145:13fin 145:15 145:16 145:17 145:18 145:20 145:21 145:21 145:21 fin
59, 67, 114(2x), 140, 154(2x), 159, 166n., 174, 175(2x), 181, 183, 184, 187(3x), 188(3x), 191(2x), 19ln., 192, 195, 206n., 209(2x), 215(2x), 215n., 254 190 190 75(3x), 113(3x), 132, 154 75, 113 75(2x), 113(2x) 75(2x), 113(2x) 75, 113 75(3x), 113, (3x) 75(2x), 113(2x) 79, 112 67, 114 190(2x), 256 (missing nun line) 75, 113(2x),214,234,235 75(2x), 113(2x) 75, 113 75, 113 75(3x), 114(3x) 76,114 76(2x), 114(2x), 133 (postscript) 133 76(2x), 114(2x)
Psalm 146 Ps 146
146(?) 146:1-9 14fl:I-IO
57, 59, 66, 67, 114(4x), 139, 140(2x), 141, 154(3x), 155, 159, 160, 161(4x), 174, 176, 178, 179, 187(4x), 192, 195, 215n., 225, 226, 254 34, 254(2x) 190 163
59, 67, 79, 83, 114(2x), 115(2x), 133, !54(2x), 252 190(2x) 67, 114 133, 165n.
Psalm 147 Ps 147
Psalm 145 Ps 145
147:1-20 147:1-17 147:1-16 147:1-2 147:1
147:12 147:14 147:16-20 147:18-20 147:18-19 147:18 147:20
3n., 34, 34n.(3x), 58, 59(2x), 65, 66, 67, 96(3x), 98, 99, 114, 138n., 139(4x), 140(5x), 142, 153, 154(4x), 155, 155n., 156, 159, 160(2x), 161(4x), !65(5x), !65n., 174, 176, 178, 179, 180(2x), 187(4x), 192, 195, 215n., 225, 226, 254, 254(4x) 256 190 162 190 57(2x), 59, 66(2x), 79, 83, 114(5x), 115(2x), 133, 154(2x) 133(2x) 57,114,233 163 190(2x) 45 253 58, 66(2x), 114(3x), 133, 252
Psalm 148 Ps 148
148:1-14 148:1-12 148:1 148:4 148:5 148:14
67, 79, 106, 115, 138n., 138n., 140(3x), 141(3x), 154(2x), 159, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 187(4x), 191, 192, 195, 215n., 225, 226, 254(2x) 163, 190 190 67(3x), 114(2x), 115, 132,154 67,115 67, 115 79, 115, 133
Psalm 149 Ps 149
138n., 140, 141(3x), 159, 174, 176, 176n.(2x), 179, 187(4x), 188, 192, 194(2x), 195, 195n., 214, 215(2x), 226, 254(2x) 190
149:7-9 149:1 149:9
190(2x) 79, 115, 134, 154 79, 115, 134
Psalm /50 Ps 150
15, 40, 45, 45n., 48, 80(2x), 115(2x), 137, 137n., 138n., 141(3x), 154, 155, 157n.(2x), 159, 174, 176, 176n.(2x), 179, 187(4x), 188, 192, 194(2x), 195, 195n., 214,
215(5x), 226, 234, 254(2x) (designated 149 in BJ9A) Ps ISO 15, !Sn. 150:1-6 45, 190(2x) 150:1 79, 83, 115(2x), 134,235 150:3 79, 83, 115(2x) 150:6 79, 83, 115(2x), 134, 253, 253 150:6fin 79, 83, 115(2x), !54
154:3-20 154:17 154:18
Unidentified Psalm(s) or composition(s) Apocryphal Psalms Apocryphal Psalms (4QPsf) Additional Apocryphal Psalm[?] (4QPs ~ Apocryphal Psalms (4Q522) Apocryphal Psalms (II QPs a) Apocryphal Psalms (I I QPsApa)
Apocr. Psalms, Syriac (cf. 151, 154, !55)
62, 14ln., 154(2x), 154, 156, 254 17, 143, 148, 177, 207n., 208n., 2lln., 238, 252 5n.(2x), 30, 35(2x), 35n.(4x), 61(2x), 14ln.(2x), !56, 165n., 254 35n., 165n. 5, Sn.( 4x), 38(2x), 38n., 64, 140, 156, 254 17n.,48, 106,115,172,181,203, 205n.(3x), 213, 214,215 4, 29(2x), 42, 43, 48, 81, 94, 115, 139, 141, 154, 155(2x), 156,172,176,246,246-47,247-48, 248(2x), 254 172
Ps !55 (= Syriac Ps III) 155:1-19 155:1-21
151:1 Ps !SlAB Ps ISlA
151B:l lSIB:I-2 151 B:l-end
Psalm /54 Ps 154 (= Syriac Ps II) 154:1-19 15~-.l
14,17n., 45n., 48, 79, 83, 115(2x), 117, 134(2x), 154, 157, 173(3x), 176n.(2x), 184n., 192(2x), 193n., 203,208,210,214,223, 235(2x), 241 134 80(4x), 115(4x), 154, 234 40n., 48, 115, 134, 140, 154, 155, 159, 174, 176n., 184, 187, 190(2x), 192(2x), 192n., 193, 194, 194n., 204n., 205n.(2x), 211(2x), 212, 224n., 243(2x), 254 192n., 211 192n. 155,244 40, 40n., 48, 80, 115, 134, 137n., 141, 154, 155, 159, 174, 176n., 184, 187, 189n., 192(2x), 192n., 193, 194, 194n., 204n., 205n., 211 (2x), 212, 224n., 243(2x), 254 155, 192n., 211 190,244 190 40n., 4!1, 76, 114, l.l7n., 159, 172, 174, 176n., I KI, I K7(2x), I KK, 191(2x). l91n., I'J2, 197, 19K(2x), I')Kn., 2
40n.,48, 78,112,140,154,159,174, 176n., 181, 187(2x), 192, 193(2x), 193n., 195, 204n., 210,223,241,243,254 78, 115(2x), !55(2x), 190, 246 190
Apostrophe to Judah
35n.(2x), 48, 116(2x), 137n., 155(2x), !56, 166, 166n., 243, 249, 254
Apostrophe to Zion
35n., 40n., 42, 42n., 48, 60, 61(3x), 77(4x), 80(2x), 95, 100, 115, 116(9x), 137n.(2x), 139(2x), 141, 154(2x), 155(x), 156, 165, 166, 166n., 174, 176n., 186n., 187(2x), 190(2x), 192 194(2x), 204n., 223, 249, 254(3x)
40n.(2x), 42, 48, 48n., 57(2x), 74(11x), 75(2x), 80(3x), 101(14x), 113, 116(2x), 140, 154(2x), 155(3x), 174(2x), 175, 178, 178n., 179, 181, 183, 187(3x), 188(3x), 188n., 190(2x), 191(2x), 19ln., 192, 195, 225, 225n., 243, 250, 254(2x)
David's Compositions
8, 26n., 40n., 43, 48, 79(3x), Ill, 116(2x), 137n., 140, 154, 155(2x), 166, 167., 172, 174,176, 176n., 177(3x), 177n., 179(2x), 182, 184(2x), 184n., 185, 187(3x), 190(2x), 192(2x), 193(2x), 194, 195n., 198, !99(2x), 204n., 207(4x), 207n., 208, 209, 214, 224, 224n.(2x), 240, 243, 250, 254
DavComp, lines 4-5 DavComp, line I 0 DavComp, line I I
David's Last Words
Psalm /51 Ps 151
190 198 198
Psalm 155
3. "Apocryphal" Psalms and Other Compositions in the Psalms Scrolls General Groupings
224 208n. 208,218,224 [cf 2 Sam 23:1-7] 40n., 48, 79(6x), 115(4x), 137n.(2x), 155(2x), 176n., 174, 176n., 177, 179(2x), 181, 184(2x), 184n., 187(3x), 190(2x), 192(2x), 193, 194(2x), 195(2x), 205n., 208, 224n., 243(2x), 244,254
Eschatological Hymn
35n., 48, 116(2x), 155(2x), 156, 166, 166n., 243, 250, 254
Hymn to the Creator
40n., 48, 79(2x), 116(2x), 137, 137n.(3x), 141, 155(2x), 174, 176, 176n.(4x), 181, 187(3x), 188, 192, 194(2x), 195, 204n., 214, 214n., 215(2x), 223, 224(2x), 250-51, 254
Hymn:l-9 Hymn:l-10
Plea for Deliverance
Plea:l-3, 4-11 Plea:2 Plea: IS
190 190 40n., 42, 48, 76(5x), 80(2x), 111, 116(4x), 137n., 140, 141, 154, I55(2x), 174, 176n., 187, 188n., 190(3x), 192,193, 197, 198(3x), !98n., 204n., 223,251, 254(2x) 198 198 198
Sirach [Entries repeated in Index 7] Ben Sira scrolls Sirach 51 51:1-23 (= 13-10) 51:1-11 <= 51:n-I<J> 51:21 (= 51:10)
25n. 77, 137n., 140, 155(2x), 159, 192, 193, 194(3x), 254 40n., 48, 61, 77(2x), 116(2x), 154, 155, 174, 187, 190, 204n., 243, 245 190 77(2x). 190(2x)
1:1 (Heb 1:1)
Psalm 2 (Heb 2) 2:1 (Heb 2:1)
118 118 23n., 118 118 118 118 118
Psalm 9:1-21 (Heb 9) 9:1 (Heb9:1)
Psalm 9:2-39 (Heb 10) 9:22 (Heb 10: I)
Psalm 10 (Heb 11) 10: I (Heb II :I)
119 119 119
Psalm 13 (Heb 14) 13:1 (Heb 14:1)
Psalm 15 (Heb 16) 15:1 (Heb 16:1) 15:8 (Heb 16:8)
119 236
Psalm 16 (Heb 17) 16:1 (Heb 17:1) 16:9 (Heb 17:9) 16:14(Heb 17:14)
119 80,87 233
20: I)
41:1 (Heb42:1)
26:1 (Heb 27:1)
Ps 42 (Heb 43) 42:1 (Heb43:1)
43:1 (Heb44:1) 120
28:1 (Heb 29:1)
44:1 (Heb45:1) 120
45:1 (Heb 46:1) 46:1 (Heb 47:1) 47:1 (Heb48:1) 48: I (Heb 49: I) 48:13 (Heb49:13)
Ps 32 (Heb 33) 32:1 (Heb 33:1) 32: I (Heb 33: I) 32:8 (Heb 33:8) 32:15 (Heb 33: 15)
49:1 (Heb 50:1)
51:1-2 (Heb 52:1-2) 52:1 (Heb 53:1)
Psalm 34 (Heb 34: I) 34: I (Heb 35: I) 34:16 (Heb 35: 16) 35: I (Hcb 36: I)
119 120
.ltd ( Hcb 37: I) .16:20 (lleb 37:20) .16:.16 (llch 37J6)
Psalm 65 (Heb 66)
Psalm 66 (Heb 67)
Psalm 67 (Heb 68)
67:1 (Heb 68:1) 67:36 (Heb 68:36)
64:1 (Heb 65:1) 65:1 (Heb 66:1) 66:1 (Heb 67:1)
53:1-2 (Heb 54:1-2)
68:1 (Heb 69:1) 68:3 (Heb 69:3) 68:18 (Heb 69:18)
Psalm 69 (Heb 70) Ps 69 (Heb 70)
54:1 (Heb55:1)
122 122 122 122
121 2.H 233
123 123 123 123 123 123 123
69:1 (Heb 70:1)
124 236 235,236 54, 92, 147, 154 124
Ps 70 (Heb 71) 70:2 (Heb 71:2)
147 233,234
Psalm 71 (Heb 72) 71 :I (Heb 72:1) 71:11 (Heb 72:11) 71:18-19 (72:18-19) 71:20 (Heb 72:20)
124 61,90 124 124
72: I (Heb 73: I)
Psalm 73 (Heb 74)
Psalm 56 ( Heh 57) 56: I (Heb 57: I)
Psalm 72 (Heb 73)
Psalm 55 (Heb 56) 55: I (Heb 56: I)
Psalm 70 (Heb 71)
Psalm 54 (Heb 55)
Psalm 68 (Heb 69) 122 234
Psalm 53 (Heb 54)
121 232
62:1 (Heb 63:1) 63:1 (Heb 64:1)
Psalm 52 (Heb 53)
61 :I (Heb 62:1)
Psalm 64 (Heb 65)
Psalm 51 (Heb 52)
Psalm 33 (Heb 34)
60:1 (Heb61:1)
Psalm 50 (Heb 51) 50:1-2 (Heb 51:1-2)
Psalm 60 (Heb 61)
Psalm 63 (Heb 64)
Psalm 49 (Heb 50) 147 120 234 63 236
58:1 (Heb 59:1)
Psalm 59 (Heb 60)
147 121
Psalm 48 (Heb 49)
63, 88(2x), 147, 154 53, 120
Psalm 62 (Heb 63)
Psalm 47 (Heb 48)
Psalm 31 (Heb 32)
31: I (Heb 33)
Psalm 46 (Heb 47)
Psalm 30 (Heb 31)
57:1 (Heb 58:1)
Psalm 61 (Heb 62)
Psalm 45 (Heb 46)
Psalm 29 (Heb 30) 29:1 (Heb 30:1)
121 121
Psalm 44 (Heb 45)
Psalm 28 (Heb 29)
Psalm 57 (Heb 58)
59:1-2 (Heb 60:1-2)
Psalm 43 (Heb 44)
Psalm 27 (Heb 28) 27:1 (Heb 28:1)
121 236
Psalm 42 (Heb 42) 120
56:7 (Heb 57:7)
61, 70, 102(2x) 55,91
Psalm 58 (Heb 59)
Psalm 41
Psalm 36 (Heb 37)
Psalm 19(Ht•h20) 19~lleh
40:1 (Heb41:1) 40:14 (Heb 41 :14)
Psalm 35 (Heh 36) 119
Psalm 18 (Heh 19) 18:1 (Hcb 19:1)
25: I (Heb 26: I)
33:1 (Heb 34:1)
Psalm 17 (Heh 18) 17:1-2 (Heb 18:1·2)
24:1 (Heb 25:1)
23n., 121
· Psalm 40 (Heb 41)
Psalm 32 (Heb 33) 119
Psalm 14 (Heb 15) 14:1 (Heb 15:1)
23:1 (Heb 24:1)
Ps 31 (Heb 32)
Psalm 12 (Heb 13) 12:1 (Heb 13:1)
22:1 (Heb 23:1)
30: I (Heb 31: I)
Psalm 11 (Heb 12) 11:1 (Heb 12:1)
39:1 (Heb 40:1) 39:3 (Heb 40:3)
Psalm 26 (Heb 27)
Psalm 8 (Heb 8) 8:1 (Heb8:1)
Psalm 39 (Heb 40)
Psalm 25 (Heb 26)
Psalm 7 (Heb 7) 7:1 (Heb 7:1)
Psalm 24 (Heb 25)
Psalm 6 (Heb 6) 6:1 (Heb6:1)
38: I (Heb 39: I)
Psalm 23 (Heb 24)
Psalm 5 (Heb 5) 5:1 (Heb 5:1)
21:1 (Heb 22:1)
121 233
Psalm 38 (Heb 39)
Psalm 22 (Heb 23)
Psalm 4 (Heb 4) 4:1 (Heb4:1)
20:1 (Heb 21:1)
Psalm 21 (Heb 22)
Psalm 3 (Heb 3) 3:1 (Heb 3:1)
37:1 (Heb 38:1) 37:21 (Heb 38:21)
Psalm 20 (Heb 21)
Psalm 1 (Heb 1)
56:3 (Heb 57:3)
Psalm 37 (Heb 38)
4. Psalms Index D: Psalms in the Septuagint
73: I (Hcb 74: I)
Psalm 94 (Reb 95)
Psalm 74 (Reb 75) 74:1 (Heb 75:1) Psalm 75 (Heb 76) 75:1 (Heb 76:1)
124 124
96:1 (Heb 97:1)
Psalm 97 (Reb 98) Ps 97 (Heb 98) 97:1 (Heb 98:1)
Psalm 79 (Reb 80) 125
80:1 (Heb 81 :I) Psalm 81 (Reb 82) 81:1 (Heb 82:1)
125 125
86:1 (Heb 87:1) Psalm 87 (Reb 88)
87:1 (Heb88:1) 87:16 (Heb 88: 16)
125 234
Psalm 88 (Reb 89)
Ps 90 (Heb 91) 90:1 (Heb 91: I) 90:]6+ (Heb 91:]6+)
125 125 154 126 154 126 126
62,95,154 126
Psalm 102 (Reb 103) Ps 102 (Heb 103)
Psalm 103 (Reb 104) Ps 103 (Heb 104) 103:1 (Heb 104:1) 103:1 (Heb 104:1) 103:10 (Heb 104:10) I03:22 (Heb I 04:22) 103:3 (Heb 104:3) 103:35 (Heb 104:35) 103:5 (Heb 104:5)
Psalm 104 (Reb 105) Ps 104 (Heb 105) I04: I (Heb 105: I) 104:45 (Heb 105:45)
111:1 (Heb 112:1)
105:1 (Hch 106:1) 105:48 (Heb 106:48)
12(1 12()
1'.1'11/m /07 (llt•h /OH) 107: I (llch IOK: I J
Psalm 121 (Reb 122)
60, 100, 154 128
Psalm 122 (Heb 123) Ps 122 (Heb 123)
112:1 (Heb 113:1) 112:9 (Heb 113:9)
57, 100, 154 128
113:1 (Heb 114:1) 113:25 (Heb 115:17) 113:26(Heb 115:18) 113:9 (Heb 115:1) Psalm 114 (Reb 115)
127 234 58, 59, 65, 96(3x), 154(2x) 127
114:1 (Heb 116:1)
59, 66, 98, 99, 154, 195 127 234 233 233 235,236 127 233
Ps 116 (Heb 117) 116:1 (Heb 117:1) 116:2 (Heb 117:2)
Psalm 117(Heb 118) Ps 117 (Heb 118) 117:1 (Heb 118:1) 117:7 (Heb 118:7) 117:14 (Heb 118:14) 117:21 (Heb 118:21) 117:29 (Heb 118:29)
66,98 127 127 I
127 127(2x)
I 128 23:'1, 236(3X) 23:1 23:'1, 236 12K
Psalm 118 (Reb 119) Ps 118 (Heb 119) 118:1 (Heb 119:1) 118:108 (Heb 119:108) 118:117(Heb 119:117) 118:137 (Heb 119:137) 118:160 (Heb 119:160) 118:49 (Heb 119:49) 118:68 (Heb 119:68) 118:71 (Heb 119:71)
124:1 (Heb II: I) 124:4 (Heb 125:4)
128 128
Psalm 125 (Reb 126)
130 195 130 130
125:1 (Heb 126:1)
130 233 130
Psalm 126 (Reb 127) 128 235,236 128 128 129 129 129 154 129 129 69, 101, 154 129 74, 101 74, 80, 101(2x), 160 75, 101 129
125:6 (Heb 126:6) 12~1 (Heb 127:1) Psalm 127 (Reb 128) 127:1 (Heb 128:1)
232 130 130
Psalm 128 (Reb 129) 128:1 (Heb 129:1) 128:3 (Heb 129:3) Psalm 129 (Reb 130)
131 234
129:1 (Heb 130:1) 129:5 (Heb 130:5)
131 235
Psalm 130(Heb 131) 130:1 (Heb 131:1)
Psalm 131 (Heb 132) Ps 131 (Heb 132) 131:1 (Heb 132:1)
Psalm 132 (Reb 133) Ps 132 (Heb 133) 132:1 (Heb 133:1) Psalm 133 (Heb 134)
Ps 133 (Heb 134) 67, 106, 154 75, 101, 130 233 72 235, 236(2x) 233 235,236 234 232
Psalm 119 (lleh 120) 119:1 (lleh 120:1)
123:1 (Heb 124:1)
Psalm 115 (Reb 116) 115:1 (Heb 116:10) 115:10(Heb 116:19) Psalm 116 (Reb 117)
122:1 (Heb 123:1) Psalm 123 (Reb 124)
64, 106, 130
Psalm 124 (Heb 125)
Psalm 113(Heb 114)
120:1 (Heb 121:1) 121:1 (Heb 122:1)
Psalm 112 (Heb 113)
Pmlm 105 (Heh /06)
106:1 (llcb 107:1) 106:36 (llch 107:36) 106:41 (Heh 107:41) I06:41 (lleh 107:41)
77,95 126
110:1 (Heb 111:1)
Psalm 120 (Reb 121) 128 233
Psalm Ill (Reb 112)
Psalm /06 (Ht•h 107)
Psalm 9/ (Heh 92) Ps 91 (Heh 92) 91:1 (HcblJ2:1) Psalm 92 (Heh 93) 92:1 (Hch9:l:l) Psalm 93 (Ht'/1 94) 96(lleh 94: I)
101:1 (Heb 102:1) 101:24-25 (102:24-25)
102:1 (Heb 103:1)
85:1 (Heb 86:1) Psalm 86 (Reb 87)
Psalm 110 (Reb Ill) Ps IIO(Heb Ill)
Psalm 101 (Reb 102)
Psalm 85 (Reb 86)
Psalm 100 (Reb 101) 100: I (Heb I 01: I)
Psalm 83 (Reb 84)
88:1 (Heb 89:1) 88:53 (Heb 89:53) Psalm 89 (Reb 90) Ps 89 (Heb 90) 89: I (Heb 90: I) Psalm 90 (Reb 91)
Psalm 99 (Reb 100) 99:1 (Heb 100:1)
Psalm 82 (Reb 83)
83:1 (Heb 84:1) Psalm 84 (Reb 85) 84:1 (Heb 85:1)
108:1 (Heb 109:1) 108:31 (Heb 109:31) Psalm 109 (Reb 110) Ps 109 (Heb 110) 109:1 (Heb 110:1)
Psalm 98 (Reb 99) 98:1 (Heb 99:1)
79: I (Heb 80: I) Psalm 80 (Reb 81)
82:1 (Heb 83:1)
95:1 (Heb 96:1)
Psalm 78 (Reb 79) 78: I (Heb 79: I)
Psalm 108 (Reb 109) 126
Psalm 96 (Heb 97)
Psalm 77 (Reb 78) 77:1 (Heb 78:1)
94:1 (Heb 95:1)
Psalm 95 (Reb 96)
Psalm 76 (Reb 77) 76:1 (Heb 77:1)
133:1 (Heb 134:1)
77, 80, 108, 109, 154, 160 131 79, 109, 154 131 73, 109, 154 73, 131
Psalm 134 (Reb 135) 134:1 (Heb 135:1) 134:12 (Heb 135:12) 134:15 (Heb 135:15) 134:21 (Heb 135:21)
Psalm 135 (Heb 136) Ps 135 (Heb 136) 135:1 (Heb 136:1) 135:15 (Heb 136:15) 135:21 (Heb 136:21)
131 62, 110 233 131' 235, 236 77, llO, 154 131
235,236 !54
135:26 (Heb 136:26) 135:4 (Heb 136:4)
132 235
Psalm I 36 (Heb 137) 136:1 (Heb 137:1)
Psalm I37(Heb I38) Ps 137 (Heb 138) 137:1 (Heb 138:1) 137:8 (Heb 138:8)
76, I I I, 154 132,234 61, 70, 102(2x) 79, I I I, 154 132
Ps 140 (Heb 141) 140:1 (Heb 141:1)
142:1 (Heb 143:1) 142:5 (Heb 143:5)
147:1 (Heb 147:12) 147:3 (Heb 147:14) 147:9 (Heb 147:20)
143:1 (Heb 144:1)
78, 80, I 12(2x), 154, 160 132 233 75, I 13, 154, 195 132
Psalm 144 (Heb 145) Ps 144 (Heb 145)
144:1 (Heb 145:1)
13:1-10,11-16 15:8
Pss 146-147 (Heb 147)
Book of Leviticus Lev23 Book of Numbers Num 28-29 Book of Deuteronomy
133 233 133
5:1-{):] 5: 1-{):3 5:1-{):9 6:4-9 8:5-10
59, 67, 114(2x), 154(2x) 132
!54 133 133
10 62,9~
74, 110 ~6. 1).~
10:12-11:21 I 1:13-21 18:18 26:15 32:1-9 32:1-43 32:32
134 134
Psalm 150(Heb 150) Ps I 50 (Heb I 50) 150:1 (Heb 150:1) 150:1 (Heb 150:1) 150:6 (Heb 150:6)
154 134,236 235 134
151:1 (IIQPs• 151A:l) 151:6 (IIQPs• I SIB: I)
19:11-34 (esp. 11, 22, 26, 27, 34)
154,234, 235(2x) 134 134
5:6 15:13 16:11 I
71, 10:1 212 212 H4,H9
59, 68, 107(2x), 164 65, 101 65, 101
Samuel I and 2 Samuel Samuel (different forms)
168, 177 217
I Samuel 8:18 16:12(2x) 17-18 17::16-:17 17::16
17:37 2 Samuel 2Sam 7 7:4 7:10 12:12 12:12-13 12:13 14:10 16:13 18:12 19:7 2 Sam22 22:2 22:4 22:12 22:6-13 22:48 (//Ps18:48) 23:1-7
211 204, 22In.(2x) 212n. 64,93 210n., 212n. 211 210,212 56, 82, 94(2x) 212n. 76, 71, 103, Ill 76, I 11 45 81,87 81(3x), 87(3x) 81(2x), 87(2x) 33n. 78, 113 40n., 48, 79, 115, 155, 174, 176n., 177n., 179, 190, 205n., 224n., 243, 244 79(3x), I 15, 176n., 190(2x)
I Kings 5:12 6:27 20:6
208n., 224n. 56, 82, 94(2x) 82,94
I 20:16 .\~:22 .17, 19 ~0 42: Jl), .1.1
216, 217n.(2x), 218,221 I 67n., 218n. 167n., 218n. I 67n., 217n. I 67n., 2 I 7n. 167n.(2x), 218n.(2x) 167n., 217n., 218n. I 67n., 217n. 219n. 56,96 167n., 218n. I 67n., 218n. 60, 100
Psalm 151 (not in MT) Ps !51 (II QPs• Ps !51 )
30, 44n. 222
Deuteronomy 67, I 14, !54
Psalm 149 (Heb 149) 149:1 (Heb 149:1) 149:9 (Heb 149:9)
216 222
Psalm I47 ( I47: I2-20)
Ps 148 (Heb 148) 148:1 (Heb 148:1) 148:14(Heb 148:14)
168,216,217, 217n.(2x) 21,217 62,95 167n.(2x), 217n., 218n. 167n., 217n. 63,88
79, 83, I 15(2x), 133, 235
A. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
Exodus (different forms) 4:9 12:43-13:16
57, 59, 66, 114(3x), 154(2x) 79, 83, 115(2x), 133, 235 133
5. Scripture Index (excluding the Psalms)
Gent'.l'i.l' Book of Genesis I :9f. 1:16
Book of Exodus
Psalm I48 (Heb 148) 132
Psalm 143 (Heb 144) Ps 143 (Heb 144)
Psalm 146 ( I47:I-I 1)
78, I 12, !54 132
Psalm 142 (Heb 143) Ps 142 (Heb 143)
145:10(Heb 146:10)
Psalms 146-147 (147)
Psalm 141 (Heb 142) 141:1 (Heb 142:1)
145:1 (Heb 146:1)
77, I 12, !54 132 233 233
Psalm 140 (Heb I41)
75, I 13, 215n., 234, 235 133
Psalm I45 (Heb I46)
146:1 (Heb 147:1)
Psalm 139 (Heb 140) Ps 139 (Heb 140) 139:1 (Heb 140:1) 139:19 (Heb 139:19) 139:3 (Heb 140:3)
144:21 (Heb 145:21) Ps 145 (Heb 146)
I38(Hebl39) Psalm 138 (Heb I 39) 138:1 (Heb 139:1)
144:13b (not in MT)
83,91 211 152n . 211 212n.
The Prophets (Books)
47, 221n.
Isaiah Book oflsaiah Isa I to 66 1:5 1:17 3:15 7:23 8:11 17:6 24:19 28:16 30:23
15, 47, 50, 216,221,255 15n. 76, Ill 52,92 78, 112 71,103 148 53, 108 63,93,234 222 84,89
34:8 35:7 38:16 41:18 45:2 49:10 59:5 59:19 64:10
82,94 60, 100 68, 107 60, 100 60,99 60, 100 79, Ill 56,96 82,94
Jeremiah Book of Jeremiah Jeremiah (different forms) 6:2 21:13 32:21 50:27 51:9
168 21(3x), 217 56,95 65,98 84,89 84,89 56, 82, 94(2x)
Ezekiel Book of Ezekiel 2:1-2 3:25 21:30,34 37:23(?)
25n., 219n. 219n. 65, 101 84,89 148
Minor Prophets Minor Prophets
44n. 82,94
Micah 7:3 7:4 7:7
Proverbs 12:21
Job 8:14 19:6 19:13-14 31:22 31:24 37:18
79, Ill 52, 103 54,90 84,89 81,94 65,98 71, 103
Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) Book of Qoheleth 12:6
221 60, 100
4QpaleoExodm (4Q22) 4QNumb (4Q27) 5/6l:lev-Sel Num Xl:lev/Se I [see above] 5/6l:lev-Se2 Num Xl:lev/Se 2 [see above] 4QDeute (4Q32) 4QDeuth (4Q35) 4QDeuti (4Q37)
Nehemiah 8:6 8:8
82,95,183 25
1 and 2 Chronicles Book of Chronicles
23n., 50, 221, 255
1 Chronicles 5:1 16:8-36 16:10 16:10b 16:36
212 213 66,99 66,99 170n., 214
4QDeutk (4Q38) 4QDeut 1 (4Q39) 4QDeut" (4Q41) 4QDeutq (4Q44)
2 Chronicles 25:20
B. NewTestament
5/6l:lev-Se3 Deut Xl:lev/Se 3 [see above]
12:26 13:14 Book of Luke 4:17 20:42 24:44
IQlsaa (Isaiah Scroll) 2QJer (4Q13) 4QJe~ (4Q70) 4QJerb (4Q71) 4QJerc (4Q72) 8l:lev VII gr (8l:lev I)
2In. 218n.
25n .. 16H, 21H
219 21n. 219n. 219n. 219n. 21n. 22n. 218n. 219n. 148n., 186n.
Romans 1:2
4QQoha (4Q 109) 4QQohb (4Q110) 4QEzra (4Q117) 4QChron (4Q118)
Galatians 3:10 6:16
2ln. 20, 20n.
2 Timothy 4:13
25 21n.
221 221 221 23n., 219, 221
IQS (IQ28) col. I lines 1-3 col. V line 17 col. VII line 2 col. VIII line 7 col. VIII line 14 4QpapS 3 (4Q255) frg. I line I
col. col. col. col. col. col. col. col. col.
III lines 7-8 V line 2 VI lines 13-14 VI lines 14, I K, 20 VII line 7 X line; 9--10 XII line 6 XVI line 2 XX lint' J<J
Thanksgiving Hymns Hodayot
xvi, 17n., 205(2x), 22In.(3x) 205, 221n. 220,222 220
IQH3 col. II line 30 col. III line 14
Genesis Apocryphon xvi, 25
PESHARIM Pesher, Pesharim
xix, 46(1 Ox), 47n., 148, 167(3x), 217(2x), 218n., 221n., 222(2x), 223, 223n.
IQpHab cols. VI-VII col. VII lines 4-5
219n. 218
Psalms Pesharim IQpPs (IQ16)
Damascus Document Damascus Document (CD)
xvi 218 25 25 222n. 25
25n. 32n.
Community Rule
I QapGen ar (I Q20) 15n. 168n., 217n. 168n., 217n. 168n., 217n. 168n., 217n. xvi, 30
B. Non-Biblical Scrolls
2 Corinthians
col. XX line 29 4QDe (4Q270)
Acts 1:10 1:20 2:20 2:30 3:22 13:33
xvi, 168,217 32n.(4x) xvi(2x), 44 xvi xvi(2x), 44 xvi 202 202 167n., 202(2x), 217, 217n., 218n. 202 202 167n., 218n. 49, 167n., 218n. xvi(2x), 44 xvi
_,: 15
Daniel Book of Dunicl
Book of Ezra
10:13, 15, 16
Song of Songs 8:11
A. Hebrew Bible
Luke 82,94 20n. 55,91
Malachi 1:10
6. Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Manuscripts
217 218n.(2x) 25
Hosea 9:7
Daniel (different forms) Daniel (as Prophet) 9:2
xvi, 5n., 29, 32n., 221 n., 222,241 220 25n. 222n. 219n. 219n. 222 219n. 21H 25n.
frg. I line I frg. 2 lines 1-2 frgs. 3-7 lines 2-3 frg. 8 lines 1-2 frgs. 9-10 lines I-3
2, 46, 52, 83(3x), 219n., 222 220,264 220,264 220,264 220,264 220,264
4QpP.\'a 4QpPs" (4Q 171)
colN.I IV col. l,linl'N
17 IH
2, 46, 52, H3(:h), H4(26x), 219n., 222.223 22.,n. 220, 264
220 220,264 220,264 220,264 220,264
col. I, line 14 col. II, lines 1-26 col. III, lines 2-18 col. IV, lines 1-20, 23-27 frg. 13 lines 3-4
frg. frg. frg. frg. frg.
1 lines 2-3, 7 2line I 3 lines I, 3 4 lines 1-2 5 lines 2-4
46, 52, 83(2x), 85, 219n., 222 220,264 220,264 220,264 220,264 220,264
4QMidrEschata (= 4Q174) frg. col. col. col.
I lines 2, 12, 15, 16 I, line 14 I, lines 18-19 II, line 3
4QpGena (4Q254)
col. I, lines 3-4
4QMidrEschatb (= 4Q177) frgs. 5-6 lines 7-8 frgs. 5-6 line II frgs. 5-6 line 12 frg. 7line 3 frgs. 10-11 line 1 frgs. 10-11 line 5 frgs. 10-11 lines H-9, II frgs. 12-13 i line 2 frgs. 12-13 i lines 2-·J, ~ frg.l41ine2
IIQTemplea (IIQ19) cols. XI-XXIX col. XVII line 10 col. XXV line 3 II QTemple b (II Q20)
frg. 2line 3
4QDibHama (4Q504) frgs. 1-2 recto vi, line 14
INVOLVING PLACE NAMES Work with Place Names (4Q522)
Work with Place Names (5Q9)
xvi(2x), 28, 46(2x), 47n., 52, 85, 148(2x), 204,221, 221n.(2x), 241 xvi(2x), 30, 203 25 220,264 220,264 218n.
similar to 4Q522 frg. I line 16
xvi, 46(2x), 47n., 52, 85, 256 220,264
xvi, 183
OTHER DOCUMENTS Non-Can. Psalms A (4Q380) 241 Non-Can. Psalms B (4Q381 241
4QMMT (Miq$at Ma'aie Ha-Torah) 4QMMT
4Q397, frgs. 14-21 C 9-10
xvi, 14, 23, 24,199, 203, 219, 219n.(2x) 23n., 219n.
4Q491, frg. 17line 4
11 QMelchizedek IIQMelch (IIQ13)
xviii, 231 xix, 228, 231n.
Gallican Psalter Syrohexaplaric Psalter
Three Manuscripts
[also see SIGLA] xvii, 32n. Codex Sinaiticus (~or S) xvii, 23 Codex Alexandrinus (A) xviii, 231 Coislin 44 [also see SIGLA] Rahlfs Numbers Ra2011 Ra2046 P. Bodmer XXIV (Ra 2110)
Ra I 098 (Hexaplaric frgs.) Various (Ra 2007 to 2151)
col. col. col. col. col.
II lines 9-10 II line 10 II line II II lines 10-11 (cf. 14) II line 19
4Qil8 4QI!!7(DJI>VI) 4QI!!K 4QI86 (l>JI> V)
2o:\(2x) 2112
Upper Egyptian Group 230(2x) 230
Description U 2013 Sa 1221
Western Group 230(2x), 236(2X) 230
Description R LaR LaG
230(2x) 230
Lucianic Group 230(4x), 236(4x) 230 230
Description Z TThtSy I 00 other MSS
Mixed Group 230,236 230
Description Al21955
D. NT and Early Church Western Texts 148n., 186n.
Acts 13:33 (0 1175 gig)
Codex Alexandrinus (A) 218n.
Mark 13:14A
Early Church 2ln.
Muratorian Fragment 230(2x)
7. Other Ancient Writings A. Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha I Maccabees
Judith 20n.
Sirach [Entries repaeted in Index 3] Ben Sira scrolls Sirach 51 51:13-30(=51:1-23)
xviii, 231n. xviii, 231n. xviii, 228(2x), 230n., 231n.(2x) xvii, 231 xviii, 231
Lower Egyptian Group
13:6 xvi, 29, 47(3x), 52, 85(4x), 86, 241 47 220,264 220,264 220,264
230 xvii, 230
Description 2005 I 098 Gallic an Psalter
War Scroll or War Rule 17n., 22, 23n., 183, 219 23, 23n., 25n., 219n.
B S Bo 2008 B, (i.e. B + S)
Hexaplaric Group
Non-Canonical Psalms
War Scroll xvi, 46, 46n., 47, 47n., 52, 85(6x), 86(2x),87(3x), 221, 22ln., 222,223,241 xvi, 30, 203 220,264 25 220,264 25 25,220,264 220,264 220,264 222n. 220,264 220,264
38n. 25n.
New Jerusalem Scroll ( 11 QI8) IIQNJ (11Q18)
40, 199, 199n. 222 222 25n. 25n. 220
C. Greek and Latin OT xvi, 25n.
= "La Pierre de Sion" 38 = "Ouvrage avec toponymes" 39
4QCatenaA 4QCatena A (4Q 177)
Temple Scroll
Sapiential Work (4Q474)
Tanl?umim 4QTanl:t (4Q176)
xvi, 218n.
SAPIENTIAL WRITINGS frg. 2lines 15-16
5n., 29
The Temple Scroll
"Commentary on Genesis"
Sapiential Work A c (4Q417)
4QpPsb 4QpPsb (4Q173)
frg. 14line 4
51:13-19 (=51: 1-11) 51:30(=51:23)
25n. 140, 155, 159, 192, 193, 194(3x), 254 40n., 48, 61, 77(2x), I 16(2x), 154, 155, 174, 187, 190, 204n., 243, 245
I<)() 77, 190(2x)
4 Maccabees 7:21
Jubilees Book of Jubilees
2:2-3 23: II
5n., 29, 199, 199n., 203, 223, 223n., 224(2x), 240 223 222
Hnoch I Enoch 72 K2
199,240 199n.
75:1 82:11
185n. 185n.
De Vita Mosis i 57 ii 2-7
219n. 219n.
Carpi an Athanasius Augustine
E. Rabbinic Sources
xviii, 19
Leaders and Authorities
xviii, 19 xviii, 19
Blau, L.
32n., 279
4(2x), 13(5x), 18(2x), 18n., 19(2x), 19n.(3x), 30, 32n.(2x), 39n., 151, 172(2x), 202(3x), 204, 205n., 212n.(2x), 213n., 273, 274, 278(2x), 279(4x), 280(2x), 284(2x)
Dahood, M.
202, 213n., 280
Hillel TheMishna Yadayim4:6 The Talmud
Palestinian Talmud y. 'Erubin 10.26c
y. Sabbat 6.8b
Jrenaeus Against Heresies
28, 36, 37n.(2x), 273
Brooke, G. J.
28, 46, 46n., 4"/n., 135, 150, 172, 178n., 179n., 202(3x), 216, 216n., 218n., 22ln.(2x), 222n., 225n., 228(2x), 279(5x), 280
Broshi, M. Brown, R. E.
20n. 20n. 20n.
to Psalm 91
28(2x), 172(2x), 176n., 191 n., 204, 212n., 277, 278(2x), 284
Amitai, J.
Attridge, H.
Avi-Yonah, M.
30, 27K(2x)
Aejmelaeus, A.
228, 78
Baillct, M.
3, 31' 27:1, 275, 277
Aharoni, Y.
2K, 43, 43n., 273
Burdtkc, II.
xiv, l.l, 50, 117, 273
Burr, J.
1.1, 21n., 228, 2.14n., 27H, 27 1)
13, 20n., 22n.,
Deist, F. E.
4n., 5n., 14, 29, 30(2x), 50, 135, 150,173,203,255, 275, 276(2x), 279, 280,283
Delling, D.
13, 23n., 26n., 279
de Rossi [see Rossi.] Dimant, D.
4n., 28(3x), 29(2x), 274(2x), 275(2x), 280
Brownlee, Wm H.
172, 176n., 177, 177n., 279
Dos Santos, E. C.
Brunner, H.
32n., 279
Duncan, J. A.
Burchard, C.
255, 273, 276(7x)
150, 167n., 202(2x), 217n., 218n., 273(2x), 280
49n., 284
Caquot, A.
4n., 29, 30, 275(2x), 276,279
Eissfeldt, 0.
4, 4n., 28, 42, 42n., 273
d 2, 28(3x), 46n., 47, 202, 218n., 221 n., 273(3x)
32n., 282
de Jonge [see Jonge.] de Vaux [see Vaux.]
Midrash Midras Tehillim
Allegro, J. M.
Briend, J.
32, 185
ln., 13, 23n., 243(2x), 248(2x), 278(3x)
Ackroyd, P. R.
7n., 8n., 30, 202(2x), 277, 279, 280(2x)
xviii, 84, 89 25
8. Index of Modern Authors Abegg, M. Jr.
172, 283
B rettler, M.
xix, 166n. xix, 166n.
7n., 14, 135, 150,172,203,283
Braulik, G.
Horace Odes 1.7.32 218n. Alexander Polyhistor (cited)
1.9.4-5 3.2.1 3.11.1
Cross, F. M.
13, 20n., 279
D. Classical and Patristic Sources
by Eusebius (q. v.)
4n., 29,275
Beyer, H. W.
2ln. 2ln(2x). 2ln.
xviii, 19
Beek,M. A.
Other Authorities
xviii, 219n.
151,285 XX
C. Revisers of the Greek Text
The Hexapla
Crenshaw, J. L. Crim,K.
13(2x), 25n., 135, 142n.(3x), 279(3x)
Eusebian apparatus
228, 232n., 279 228, 229, 279(2x), 282,285
32n., 273
Textual Aspects
Cook, J. Cox, C.
Beckwith, R. T.
9.24(citing Polyhistor) 25
2, 28, 31 (2x), 273, 279(4x)
243(2x), 248(2x), 278(2x)
Baumgarten, J.
Preparatio Evangelica
De Mutatione Nominum 125
2ln. 2ln.
Cook, E.
3.25 6.25
218n. 218n.
Philo Philo
Barthelemy, D.
Eusebius Ecclesiastical History
172, 195n., 281
Barrera. [see Trebolle Barrera.]
20n. 25
7:2 53:1
Josephus 10.11.4§249 10.11.7 §266-67
I Clement 77,112
B. Josephus and Philo Antiquities
Barre, M. L.
Clement of Alexandria
Psalms of Solomon
Childs, B.S.
20n., 279
150(2x), 165n., 172(2x), 182(5x), 182n., 183(5x), 183n.(2x), 184(7x), 184n., 185(7x), 185n., 186(5x), 187, 188(3x), 189(2x), 191. 192, 279(2x)
Collins, R.l'.
13, 20n., 22n., 279
Elliger, K.
13, 50, 117, 273(2x)
Eshel, E.
28, 37, 37n., 273(2x)
Evans, C. F.
204, 212n., 277, 284
Eybers, I. H.
202, 221 n.(3x), 280
Farrell, S. E.
Field, F.
Fishhanc, M.
7n., Hn., 14, 30, 151, 17:1, 202(5x), 204,
219n., 221n., 222n.(2x), 277, 279, 280(2x), 281(3x), 285(2x) Fitzmyer, J. A.
Flusser, D. Fraenkel, D.
xv, 13, 15n., 28(2x), 46(2x), 50, Sin., 255, 274(2x) 5n.(3x), 6n., 13, 17n., 28(3x), 30(3x), 31 (4x), 32(3x), 33, 33n., 34(3x), 34n., 35(6x), 35n., 36(6x), 36n., 37(4x), 37n.(2x), 38(3x), 39, 41, 42(3x), 43, 44, 45, 46(4x), 47(2x), 50(3x), 51, 117, 135(4x), 142n.(2x), 143n., 147n., 150(3x), 160n., 172, 179n., 202(3x), 228(2x), 229n., 230n.(2x), 232n.(3x), 234n., 235n., 236n., 243, 255, 274(5x), 277(2x), 278, 280(6x)
Friedrich, G.
Garcia Martinez, F.
4(2x), 4n.(2x), 23n., 28(5x), 30, 39, 39n., 41(2x), 41n., 42(6x), 42n.(3x), 43, 166n., 167n., 243(2x), 246, 247, 248, 255(2x), 274(7x), 277(3x), 278(2x)
Gerstenberger, E. S.
13, 14n., 135, 148n., 281
GleBmer, U.
29(2x), 37, 37n., 38, 274(2x) 13, 17n., 281
279(2x), 280(2x), 282, 284(2x)
Kittel, B.
Kittel, G.
Kittel, R.
xix, 13, 50, 117, 221n., 275
Munnich, 0.
Nasuti, H. P.
241, 282 6, 6n., 29, 34n., 44, 275(2x)
32n., 281
Nebe,G. W.
Knight, J. C.
13, 14(2x), 172, 281,283
Newsom, C. A.
172, 199n., 275,282
Kooij, A. van der
Nickelsburg, G. W. E.
Kraft, R. A.
Nir-EI, Y.
32n., 282
Kraus, H.-J.
13, 22n., 23n., 117n., 135, 148n., 281(2x)
Norton, G. J.
Greenspoon, L.
228,280 172,283
Halpern, B.
Haran, M.
XV, 8, 202(2X), 209, 281(2x)
Hatch, E.
6, 6n.(2x), 29, 43, 43n., 44n.(2x), 51, 135, ISO, 274, 281, 283
Gross, W.
13, 23n., 274
Oepke, A.
13, 22n., 282
Olofsson, S.
228, 232n., 282(2x)
Hedley, P. L.
228,229, 236n., 281
Kselman, J. S.
172, 195n., 281
Hiebert, R. J. V.
Kuhn, H.-W.
4n., 29, ISO, 172, 275
Ottley, R. R.
Ouellette, J.
Lange, A.
28, 37, 37n., 273
Parry, D.
Larson, E.
32n., 275, 276
Sn., 28, 50, 151, 173,204,274,285
Leiman, S. Z.
13, 21n., 135, 150, 202, 203, 280(2x), 281 (2x), 282, 284(2x)
32n., 281
Hoffman, T. A.
13, 20n., 281
Holm-Nielsen, S.
202, 221n., 281
Holmes, R. & J. Parsons Horgan, M. P.
xvii(6x), xviii(2x), 230,274 29, 46(3x), 274
Hossfeld, F. L.
172, 173, 196n., 281, 285
Hurwitz, A.
135, 136(2x), 136n., 202, 203, 206(2x), 206n., 281(2x)
Lemke, W. E.
Lightstone, J. N.
Limburg, J.
172, 195n., 282
Pestman, P.W.
Pfann, S. J.
30, 45n., 277
Pfeiffer, C. F.
Phelps, M. J.
Pietersma, A.
228(8x), 230, 231, 231 n.(2x), 275(2x), 279(2x), 282(7x)
32n.(3x), 274(2x)
Lindars, B.
228(2x), 279(2x)
Jellicoe, S.
228, 230n., 281 (2x)
Lucas, A.
32n., 282
Jeremias, G.
4n., 29, ISO, 172, 275
Luhrmann, D.
172, 176n., 203, 205n., 282
Pisano, S.
Lundberg, M. J.
Ploeg, J. P. M. van der.
Jonge, M. de. Kahle, P.
4(3x), 29(8x), 38(2x), 38n.(3x), 39, 41, 41n., 42(3x), 42n.(3x), 43, 43n.(2x), 49n., 50, 81(2x), 87, 94, 150(3x), 159, 166n.(3x), 172, 185n., 225n., 255(2x), 275(8x), 278
Polzin, R.
172, 176n., 203, 205n., 283
Posener, G.
32n., 282
Goshen-Gottstein, M. H. 8(2x), 8n., 13, 6(2x), 16n., 17, 50, 172, 175, 198, 198n., 200, 202, 206, 206n., 207(4x),
Greenfield, J. C.
Jastram, N.
xix, 135, 150, 172, 281' 282, 283
Gooding, D. W.
207n., 208, 209(3x), 210,216,281
Freedman, D. N.
Kampen, J.
Martinez. [see Garcia Martinez.]
13, 278
Kapera, Z. J.
4n., 29, 203, 274, 275
Kennicott, B.
xviii, 50, 53, 61 (7x), 65, 68(5x), 69(8x), 70(10x), 71(7x), 72(4x), 73(6x), 74(4x), 75, 76(6x), 77(5x), 78(1 Ox), 79(6X), 80(2x), 83, 84(3x), 89, 95, 96, 102( 12x), 103(5x), 104(7x), 105(4x), 106(4x), 107(5x), I OR(7x), I 09(6x), 110(7x), 111(7x), 112(6x), 113(3x), 114(2x), 11:'1(:\x), 27:'1
s. c.
Mays, J. L.
McCarter, P. K.
228, 232n., 282
McDonald, J. K.
6n., 29, 44, 275
McEvenue, S.
172, 283
Metzger, B.
13, 20n.(2x), 282
Milik,J. T.
2, 3, 5(2x), Sn., 6, 28(2x), 29(3x), 31 (3x), 36, 37n., 38(2x), 38n.(4x), 47, 49n., 151, 167n.(2x), 217n., 203(2x), 273(2x), 275(6x), 277(2x)
Miller, P. D.
Propp, W. H.
Montuncr. [see Vegas Mnntuner.[ Mowinckel, S.
203,21:\, 2H2(2x)
Mulder, M. J.
U(1x), 202, 20.1,
(Jimrnn, 1\.
172,282 4, 4n.(2x), 5, 28, 29(5x), 3!!, 38n.(3x), .Wn., 42, 42n., 46, 203, 221 n .. 274, 276(4x), 283 14, 2.1n., 201(4x),
219n.(2x), 276(3x), 284 Quast, U.
Rahlfs, A.
xv, xviii(2x), xix, II, !ln., 50, 117, 118, 170n., 228, 229(4x), 230(6x), 231 (5x), 231 n.(2x), 235(2x), 236(3x), 240,276
Rappaport, U.
4n., 28(2x), 29,274, 275,280
Redpath, H. A.
13, 23n., 274
Reed, S. A.
29, 39n., 45n., 50, 276(2x)
Reeves, J.
206(3x), 206n., 207, 208, 208n., 211n.(2x), 213, 213n., 216(2x), 216n., 222, 224, 227, 232n., 238, 239(2x), 240(2x), 243(2x), 244(3x), 245(2x), 246, 249, 250(2x), 251 (2x), 255(6x), 276(5x), 283(5x) XV,
Scanlin, H.
xxiii, 283
Schiffman, L. H.
ln., 32n., 40n., 172, 200n., 275, 276, 283(2x)
Ricks, S.
!51, 173,204,285
Schrenk, G.
14, 2ln., 283
Roberts, B. J.
Schubart, W.
32n., 283
Rornheld, K. F. D.
28, 37, 37n., 273
Schuller, E. M.
Rossi, J. B. de.
xvii, 50, 61 (3x), 70(5x), 71, 72(2x), 74, 76(3x), 77(2x), 78(2x), 102(6x), 103, I 04(2x), I 05(2x), II 0(3x), 111(3x), 112, 113, 273,276
Segal, M. Z. Sinclair, L. A.
13, 14(2x), 17n., 172(2x), 281, 283(2x)
Skehan, P. W.
xv, 4(3x), 5(2x), 5n.(2x), 6n., 7n., 8.(2x), 8n., 9, 14(3x), 17(4x), 17n.(3x), 28, 30(7x), 33n., 34(3x), 34n.(2x), 35(6x), 35n., 36(7x), 37(4x), 37n.(4x), 38(5x), 38n.(4x), 39, 40n., 41(4x), 4ln.(4x), 45(2x), 50(2x), 135(2x), 136n.(2x), 147n., 150, 157, 159, 165n.(2x), 173(4x), 175(4x), 175n.(3x), 176(2x), 176n.(2x), 177(2x), 181, 181 n., 186(2x), 187, 188(7x), 189(3x), 200, 203(5x), 206, 206n., 207(3x), 20K(3x), 208n.(2x), 209(3x), 213(4x), 2Dn., 214(~x), 214n.(2x), 21~(~x), 216, 22.1, 22.ln., 225n.(2x),
Rowley, H. H.
Rudolph, W.
13, 50, 117, 273(2x)
Sailhammer, J.
229, 234n., 283
Sanders, E. P.
Sanders, J. A.
3(4x), 7(5x), 8, 9, 11, 14(3x), 16(3x), 16n., 17(2x), !7n., 24, 24n., 29(2x), 30, 32n., 39(3x), 39n.(3x), 40n., 41 n., 79, 115, 135(5x), 135n., !36(5x), 136n., 141, 143, 149, 150(5x), 151 (2x), !51 n.(2x), 159, 166n., !68n., 169n.,l70n.,l71, 172(4x), 174n., 175, 176, 177(2x), 191n., 19K(3x), 19Kn., 200(2x), 203(5x), 205(4x), 205n.(4x),
19n.(4x), 30(4x), 39n.(2x), 44n., 45n., 49n., 151, 173(3x), 199, 199n., 200(2x), 200n., 202(2x), 204, 241, 277(5x), 280(2x), 281, 284(8x), 285
243, 249, 250, 255(2x), 274(3x), 276(7x), 277(5x), 278, 283(7x) Smalley, W. A.
14, 135, 150, 172, 203,283
173, 176n., 283
Starcky, J.
5(2x), 30, 35, 35n., !51, 165n.(2x), 277
Stegemann, H.
1n.( 4x), 4n., 29, 30, 40n., 41n.(2x), 47n., !50, 157, 172,255, 275, 277(3x), 283(2x)
276(2X), 277
Sanderson, J. E.
Rosso Ubigli, L.
Stem, E.
30, 278(2x)
Steudel, A.
30, 46n., 47, 47n.(2x), 203, 221n., 223n., 277, 284
203, 221n., 276
Stone,M. E.
203, 212n., 283
Strugnell, J.
14, 23n., 30, 46(5x), 47, 203(3x), 219n.(2x), 22ln., 276(3x), 277(2x), 284(2x)
Stuhlmueller, C.
173, 195n., 284
Sundberg, A.
Swete,H. B.
!51, 170n., 229, 235n., 284
Talmon, S.
7, 8(2x), 8n., 13(3x), 14, 16(2x), 16n.(2x), 17, 30(3x), 44n., 45(5x), 45n., 172, 173(2x), 176, !76n., 177, 202(2x), 203(2x), 204(6x), 206, 206n., 207(4x), 208n., 210(3x), 210n., 211(2x), 212(5x), 212n.(2x), 213(2x), 213n.(2x), 216(3x), 2!6n., 277(5x), 279(2x), 280, 283, 284(9x)
Tigchelaar, E. J. C.
Tov, E.
4(2x), 4n., 28, 30, 39, 39n., 41, 41 n., 42(3x), 42n.(3x), 43, 50, l66n., 167n., 274(2x), 277(2x), 27K(2x) 1:1, 14(2x), IK, I Kn.(5x), IIJ,
Trebolle Barrera, J.
6n., 29, 150(2x), 151(2x), 173,274, 280, 284, 285(2x)
Ubigli. [see Rosso Ubigli.] Ulrich, E.
xv, ln., 5(2x), 5n.(3x), 14, 18n.(2x), 19n., 20n.(2x), 21n.(2x), 28, 30(3x), 32n., 35(2x), 37n.(2x), 50(2x), 135(2x), 147n., 151(5x), !52(2x), 152n., 157, 167n., 168n.(6x), 173(3x), 200, 200n.(2x), 201n., 202(2x), 204(4x), 216n., 217n.(3x), 218n.(2x), 222n., 232n., 243(2x), 255, 274(2x), 276, 277(6x), 278(3x), 284, 285(7x)
van de Walle. [see Walle.] van der Kooij. [see Kooij.] van der Ploeg. [see Ploeg.] van der Woude. [see Woude.] VanderKam, J. C.
ln., 32n., 151, !69n., 173, 199n.(4x), 204, 224n.(2x), 275(2x), 278, 285(2x)
Vaux, R. de
3, 28, 31,151, !67n., 203, 273(2x), 275, 278(2x)
Montaner, L, Vegas.
6n., 29, !50, !51 (2x), 173, 274, 280,284,285
Vermes, G.
30, 44n., 151, l69n., 204, 221 n., 243, 278(2x), 2!15
Vo111, E. Voiti111, A.
10, 46, 27K(2x) 229(2x), 2.14n.(:h), 2H5(2x)
Wacholder, B. Z.
Wagner, S. Walle, B. van de
8, 8n., 173, 179(4x), 179n.(2x), 180(6x), 180n.(2x), 181(7x),186, 187, 188(6x), 285 4n., 28, 273
50, 150, 243(2x), 248(2x), 278(2x), 280
Woude, A. S. van der
4, 29, 30(2x), 47(2x), 50, 274(2x), 277, 278(3x), 284
32n., 285
14, 20n., 22n.(3x), 23n.(3x), 26n., 278(2x) 135,202,280
Weiser, A. Wevers, J. Wm. Williams, T.
135, 148n., 285 228,282,285 150n., 160n.
Wilson, G. H.
9(5x), 9n.(2x), 12n., 14(2x), 16, 17(2x), 17n.(2x), 24, 24n., 135, 136(3x), 137, 137n.(2x), 142, 142n.(3x), 143(2x), 144(2x), 145, 145n., 147n., 173(5x), 173n., 178(6x), 178n.(3x), 179(3x), 179n., 186(2x), 187, 188(7x), 188n., 193n., 195, 198n., 200, 204(3x), 205n., 206(2x), 206n., 207,
Webster, N.
207n., 209n., 212n., 214n.(3x), 215n.(4x), 225(4x), 225n.(5x), 226(3x), 285(5x)
Wiirthwein, E.
Yadin, Y.
3(2x), 3n., 4n., 6(4x), 6n., 7n., 30(8x), 38, 39(2x), 40n.(2x), 43(2x), 43n.(2x), 44(2x), 44n.(3x), 45(4x), 67, 99,204, 22ln., 256, 277(2x), 278(8x)
Yardeni, A.
Zeitlin, S.
Zenger, E.
ln., 172, 173, 196(5x), 196n.(2x), 197(5x), 197n., 198, 281, 285(2x)
Zuckerman, B.
4QPs 3 : The oldest of the Psalms Scrolls, mid 2nd century B.C.E. (PAM 43.027) PLATE 1: 4QPsa frgs. 6 (Ps 38:2- 12) and 7 (Pss 38: 16-23 + 71 : 1- 14)
4QPsb: from the Herodian period (PAM 42.026) PLATE II: 4QPsb cols. XXIII to XXVII (parts ofPss 103: 4-113:1)
4QPsc: mid 1st century C.E. (PAM 43.156) PLATE III: 4QPsc cols. I (Ps 49:1-17) and II (Pss 50:15-51:5)
2 . I
4QPse: mid 1st century C.E. (PAM 43.028) PLATE IV: 4QPse frg. 26 i (Pss 125:2-126:5) and ii (Pss 129:8- 130:6)
4QPsr: ca. 50 B.C.E. (PAM 43.603) PLATE V: 4QPsf cols. VII-X (Ps 109: 25-27 and "Apocryphal" Psalms)
11QPsa: 30- 50 C.E. (PAM 43.791) PLATE VI: 11QPsa col. XXVII (2 Sam 23:7; David's Compositions; Ps 140:1-5)
llQPsa: 30-50 C.E. (PAM 43.792) PLATE VII: llQPsa col. XXVIII (Ps 134:1- 3 and 151AB. End ofthis Psalter)
Nal).al Bever (XI:Iev/Se 4): 2nd half of 1st century C.E. (PAM 42.189) PLATE VIII: XI:Iev/Se 4 frgs. 6-7 (Ps 18:17-36, 38-43)
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c e
Biblical scrolls with the Divine Name in palaeo-Hebrew (courtesy IAA and E. Ulrich) PLATE IX: (a) llQPsa (b) 2QExodb (c) 4QExodj (d) 4QLevg (e) 4QDeutk2
c Biblical scrolls with the Divine Name (courtesy IAA and E. Ulrich) PLATE X: (a) 4Qisac [palaeo-Hebrew] (b) 4QSamc [dots] (c) lQisaa [dots]