Twent yBoySummer Sar ahOckl er
ForAl ex,mybestmonst erandnumber onef avor i t eper soni nt hewhol ewi dewor l d.
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Twent yBoySummer Sar ahOckl er
ForAl ex,mybestmonst erandnumber onef avor i t eper soni nt hewhol ewi dewor l d.
one Fr anki ePer i noandIwer el uckyt hatday.Luckyt obeal i ve-t hat ' swhatever yonesai d. Igotaf r act ur edwr i standabangedupknee,andmybestf r i endFr anki egotaf atl i t t l e scaraboveherl ef teye,br eaki nghereyebr owi nt ot wor ef l ect i vehal ves.Uponesi de, downt heot her .Happy,sad.Shock,awe.Bef or e,af t er . Bef or e,al lofuswer el ucky. Af t er ,onl ymeandFr anki e. That ' swhatever yonesai d.
t wo I twasj ustoverayearago. Twel vemont hs,ni nedays,andsi xhour sago,act ual l y. Butt hi r t eenmont hsago,ever yt hi ngwas. . .per f ect . Icl osedmyeyes,l eanedovermycandl es,andpr ayedt ot hecakef ai r yort heGodof Bi r t hdaysorwhoeverwasi nchar get hatMat tPer i no-Fr anki e' sbr ot herandmybest f r i endt hat ' saboy-woul df i nal l yki ssme.I twast hesamesecr etwi shI ' dmadeever y yearsi nceFr anki eandIwer et enandMat twast wel veandIacci dent al l yf el li nl ovewi t h hi m. Fr anki e,Mat t ,andt hei rpar ent s-Uncl eRedandAuntJayne,event houghwe' r enot r el at ed-cel ebr at edmyf i f t eent hbi r t hdayi nourbackyar dwi t hMom andDad,j ustl i ke al ways.Whenal lt hesi ngi ngandc l appi ngandcandl ebl owi ngst opped,Iopenedmy eyes.Mat twasr i ghtnextt ome,besi deme,shar i ngt hesameai r .Mi schi evous.The backofmyneckwenthotandpr i ckl ywhenIsmel l edhi sappl eshampoo-t heki ndf r om t hegr eenbot t l ehest ol ef r om Fr anki e' sbat hr oom becausehel i kedhowi tmadehi shai r l ook-andf oronechar gedupsecondIt houghtmybi r t hdaywi shmi ghtf i nal l ycome
t r ue,r i ghtt her ei nf r ontofever yone.Idi dn' tevenhavet i met ot hi nkabouthow embar r assi ngt hatmi ghtbewhenMat t ' shand,f ul lofbi r t hdaycake,ar chedf r om behi nd hi sbackonanot sosl owmot i ont r aj ect or yr i ghti nt omyf ace. Whi l ecakei nt hef acewascl ear l ypr ogr essf r om t hepr evi ousyear ' sSuperBowlcoachst yl eshookupsodaovert hehead,somet hi ngi nt hewi sht r ansl at i onwasst i l lget t i ng l ostasi tbl ewacr ossmycandl esi nt ot hesky.Imadeament alnot et ocl ar i f ymy demandsnextyeari nbul l etpoi nt swi t hi r r ef ut abl eexampl esf r om Hol l ywoodcl ass i cs andscr eamed,shovi ngbot hhandsi nt ot hemangl edconf ect i onont hepi cni ct abl e. Iscoopedoutt wogi antcor ner sover l oadedwi t hf r ost i ngf l ower s.Then,Ichar ged. Il unged. Ir an. IchasedMat tar oundt heyar di nl apsunt i lhedr oppedt ot hegr oundandwr est l edt he ext r api ecesf r om me,r ubbi ngt hem i nt omyf acel i keamudmask.Wewentati tf ort en mi nut es,l aughi ngandr ol l i ngar oundi nt hegr ass,Fr anki eandourpar ent scheer i ngand howl i ngandt hr owi ngmor ecakei nt ot her i ng,candl esandal l .Whenwef i nal l ycameup f orai r ,t her ewasn' tmuchcakel ef t ,andt het woofuswer ecoat edheadt ot oei nbl ue r ai nbowchi pf r ost i ng. West oodupsl owl y,l aughi ngwi t hourmout hswi deopenaswehal f hear t edl ycal l eda t r uce.Dadsnappedapi ct ur e-Mat t ' sar m ar oundmyshoul der s,bi t sofcakeand col or edchi psandgr asscl i ngi ngt oourcl ot hesandhai r ,ever yt hi ngwar m andpi nki n t hegl owoft heset t i ngsun,t hewhol esummerst r et chedoutbef or eus.I tdi dn' teven mat t ert hatMat twasgoi ngt ocol l egei nt hef al l .He' dbeatCor nel lst udyi ngAmer i can l i t er at ur e,j ustoveranhouraway,andhe' dal r eadyst ar t edt al ki ngaboutmyand Fr anki e' sweekendvi si t s. Whent henovel t yoft hebi r t hdaycakewr est l i ngmat chf i nal l yf aded,Mat tandIwent i nsi det ocl eanup.Beyondt hesl i di ngdeckdoor ,shi el dedi nt hecooldar koft hehouse f r om ever yoneoutback,west oodi nf r ontoft heki t chensi nknotsayi nganyt hi ng.I st ar edathi mi nasi dewayski ndofwayt hatIhopeddi dn' texposet hesecr ett hought si n myhead-t hought st hat ,despi t emybestef f or t st ocont ai nt hem,wentf ur t hert hanI ' d everl ett hem gobef or e. Hi smessybl ackhai randbr i ghtbl ueeyescastaspel lonme,muf f l i ngt hechat t er out si deasi fwe' dbeendunkedunderwat er .Ihel doutast i ckyhandandt hr eat enedhi m wi t hanot hergoboff r ost i ngi nanat t emptt obr eakt hesi l ence,af r ai dhe' dhearmyhear t poundi ngundermyTshi r t .Thumpt hump.Thumpt hump.Thumpt humpt humpt hump. Mat tscoopedsomef r ost i ngf r om myout st r et chedhandandmovedt ocl oset hespace t hatsepar at edus,changi ngabsol ut el yever yt hi ngt hateverwasorwasn' tbet weenus wi t hasi ngl er ai sedeyebr ow. " Anna, "hesai d,dr aggi nghi sf r ost edf i nger st hr oughmyhai r ." Don' tyouknowwhati t meanswhenaboypul l syourhai ratyourbi r t hdaypar t y?"
No.Justt hen,Idi dn' tknowwhatanyt hi ngmeant .Icoul dn' tr ememberhowwe' dar r i ved i nt heki t chen,whywewer ecover edi ncake,whymybest f r i endt hat ' saboywas l ooki ngatmesodi f f er ent l y,orevenwhatmynamewas.Ibi tmyl owerl i pt opr eventmy mout hf r om sayi ngsomet hi ngl amewi t houtmybr ai n' sper mi ssi on,l i ke" Oh,Mat t ,al lmy wi sheshavecomet r ue! "If el tt hest upi di t yr i si ngi nmyt hr oatandbi tdownhar der , st ar i ngathi scol l ar boneandt hesmal lpi eceofbl ueseagl asshewor eonal eat hercor d ar oundhi sneck,r i si ngandf al l i ng. Ri si ng. Fal l i ng. Seconds?Hour s?Idi dn' tknow.He' dmadet heneckl acet heyearbef or ef r om a t r i angul arpi eceofgl asshe' df ounddur i ngt hei rf ami l yvacat i ont oZanzi barBay,r i ght behi ndt heCal i f or ni abeachhouset heyr ent edf ort hr eeweeksever ysummer . Accor di ngt oMat t ,r edgl asswast her ar est ,f ol l owedbypur pl e,t hendar kbl ue.Todat e he' df oundonl yoner edpi ece,whi chhe' dmadei nt oabr acel etf orFr anki eaf ewmont hs ear l i er .Shenevert ooki tof f . Il ovedal lt hecol or s-dar kgr eens,babybl ues,aquas,andwhi t es.Fr anki eandMat t br oughtt hem backf ormei nmasonj ar sever ysummer .Theyl i vedsi l ent l yonmy bookshel f ,l i kef r ozenpi ecesoft heoceanIhadneverseen. " Comeher e, "hewhi sper ed,hi shandst i l lst ucki nmywi l dcur l s,bl ondhai rwi ndi ng ar oundhi sf i nger s. " Ist i l lcan' tbel i eveyoumadet hat , "Isai d,notf ort hef i r stt i me." I t ' sso-cool . " Mat tl ookeddownatt hegl ass,hi shai rf al l i ngi nf r ontofhi seyes. " MaybeI ' l lgi vei tt oyou, "hesai d." I fyou' r el ucky. " Ismi l ed,mygazef i xedont hebl uet r i angl e.Iwasaf r ai dt ol ookathi m,becausei fIl et myeyesl ockonhi s,hemi ghtt r yt o-andt henever yt hi ngwoul dbe-andImi ghtj ust" Happybi r t hday, "hewhi sper ed,hi sbr eat hl andi ngwar m andsuddenl ycl oset omyl i ps, maki ngmyi nsi desf l i p.Andj ustasqui ckl yashe' dsur pr i sedmewi t ht hecake,heki ssed me,onef r ost i ngcover edhandmovi ngf r om myhai rt ot hebackofmyneck,t heot her sol i dandwar mi nt hesmal lofmyback,pr essi ngust oget her ,mychestagai nsthi sr i bs, myhi pbonesj ustbel owhi s,t het opsofourbar esummerl egshotandt ouchi ng.I st oppedbr eat hi ng.Myeyeswer ecl osedandhi smout ht ast edl i kemar zi panf l ower sand cl oveci gar et t es,andi nt ensecondst hewhol eofmyl i f ewaswr appedupi nt hatone ki ss,t hatonewi sh,t hatonesecr ett hatwoul df or everdi vi demyl i f ei nt ot wopar t s. Up,down.Happy,sad.Shock,awe.Bef or e,af t er . I nt hatsi ngl emoment ,Mat t ,f or mer l yknownasf r i end,becamesomet hi ngel seent i r el y. Iki ssedhi m back.If or gott i me.If or gotmyf eet .If or gott hepeopl eout si de,wai t i ngf or
ust or ej oi nt hepar t y.If or gotwhathappenswhenf r i endscr ossi nt ot hi sspace.Andi f myl ungsdi dn' tf i l landmyhear tdi dn' tbeatandmybl ooddi dn' tpumpwi t houtmy i nt er vent i on,Iwoul dhavef or got t enaboutt hem,t oo. Icoul dhavest ayedl i ket hatal lni ght ,st andi ngi nf r ontoft hesi nk,Mat t ' sbl ackappl ehai r br ushi ngmycheeks,hear tt humpi ng,l uckyandf or get f ul . . . . " What ' st aki ngsol ong?"Fr anki easked,r unni ngupt hedeckst ai r sout si de." Comeon, Anna.Pr esent s. " Ipul l edawayf r om Mat tj ustbef or eshepr essedherf aceagai nstt hescr eent opeek i nsi de. " Yeah,bi r t hdaygi r l , "Mat tmocked." What ' st aki ngsol ong?" " Ber i ghtout ,Fr ank. "Igavehi m myDon' tYouDar ef ace." Ij ustneedt ochange. " " CanIcome?"Mat twhi sper edagai nstmyneck,causi ngashi ver .Oranear t hquake. Isuddenl yr emember edal lt hebat hswe' dt akent oget herasl i t t l eki ds,bef or ewegotol d enoughf ori tt obedanger ous.Thememor i esseemeddi f f er entnow.Mor evul ner abl e. Raw.Myf acewenthot ,andIhadt ol ookaway. " So?"Mat tpi nchedmyar m asFr anki eheadedbackt ot hepi cni ct abl e. " Soyou' r el uckyFr anki edi dn' tseet hat , "Isai d,notsur eImeanti t ." Andyouhavet ogo changeyourownshi r t .I nyourownr oom.Imean,over" " Mmmhmm. "Mat tgr abbedmyhandandpul l edmei nt i ghtf oranot herki ss,hi sot her handonmycheek,qui ckandi nt ense.Hepr essedhi sbodyagai nstmi nei nt hesame conf i gur at i onofhi pbones,st omachs,andr i bsast hef i r stt i me.Ipr essedback,want i ng t owr apmysel far oundhi m,anchormysel ft ohi m.I twasal lt hatkeptmef r om f l oat i ng awayl i keat i ny,i r i descentbubbl e. " Doyout hi nkshesawus?"Iaskedwhenwef i nal l yst opped." Nah. "Hel aughed,st i l l hol di ngmyhand." Don' twor r y.I t ' soursecr et . " Al onei nmybedr oom,Ishovedmyf r ost i ngshi r ti nt oapl ast i cbagt odealwi t hl at er .I r i nsedmyf aceandhai rwi t hcoolwat er ,butmyl egswoul dn' tst opshaki ngandIcoul dn' t cat chmybr eat h.Thebr ai nt hatwasconspi cuousl yabsentf ort heki t chensi nk r endezvouswassuddenl yhyper awar e,model i ngscenar i osandi mpossi bl equest i ons t hatwer eaboutt wel veandahal fmi nut est ool at e: Whatnow? Wi l lt hi ski l lourf r i endshi p? Whataboutourpar ent s? Doeshel i keme,orwashej ustmessi ngar ound?
Wi l li thappenagai n? Howdowet el lFr anki e? Whydi dhesayi t ' soursecr et ? Madeupanswer sr acedt hr oughmymi nd,andIhadt ocl osemyeyesandcountt of i f t y t ocal m down.Fi f t eenmi nut esaf t erever yt hi ngchangedwast oosoont ost ar tobsessi ng aboutt hewhat i f soft hef ut ur e. Backout si de,war m andgi ddyi nf r ontofDad' sbonf i r e,Ispentt her estoft heni ghtnot t ouchi ngMat t ,notl aughi ngt oohar dathi sj okes,notl ooki ngathi m,af r ai dt hatsomeone woul dr eadt het hought swr i t t enonmyf ace.Af t ert hef i r ehadf adedt oasof tgl owand I ' dopenedal lt hegi f t s,i twast i mef ort hePer i nost oheadbackt ot hei rhousenextdoor . Isai dmygoodbyesandt hankyoust oFr anki e,Uncl eRed,andAuntJayneandl ooked atmyf eetwheni twasMat t ' st ur n. " Thanksf ort hecake, "Isai d." Andt hej our nal . "HeknewhowmuchIl ovedmydi ar i esasmuchashel ovedhi sbooks.I twast hebestpr esentever .Wel l ,secondbest . " Happybi r t hday,Anna, "hesai d,pi cki ngmeupandspi nni ngmear oundi nagi anthug, t el l i ngmewi t hawi nkt hathe' dseemet omor r ow,j ustl i kehe' ddoneonat housand ot herni ght s." Wr i t esomet hi ngf ormet oni ght . " Toever yoneel sehewasr egul arMat t ,t hebi gbr ot herpar toft hei nsepar abl eAnnaFr anki eMat tt r i angl e,t heboywhousedt obur yourBar bi esi nt hebackyar dandr eadus advent ur est or i eswhenwecoul dn' tsl eep.Butt ome,he' dbecomesomet hi ngel seas soonashepul l edmyhai ratt hek i t chensi nk.Somet hi ngot her .Somet hi ngt hatwoul d neverbet hewayi twasbef or e. Youawake?Mat t ' st extmessagel i tupt hephoneonmyni ghtt abl el at ert hatni ght . Ya. Ofcour seIwasawake.I nt hehour ssi ncet hepar t y,myhear thadn' tsl owedi t sf ur i ous beat .Sl eepwasoutoft hequest i on. Meetmeoutback,k? K.5mi n. Ipul l edonasweat shi r t ,br ushedmyt eet h,andputmyhai ri nal ooseponyt ai l .Ist ar t ed t odi gf ormyeyel i nerbutdeci dedi twoul dl ookal i t t l est r ange( andobvi ous)i fIshowed upbehi ndt hebackdeckatonei nt hemor ni ngi nf ul lmakeup.I nst ead,Iopt edf orhai r downwi t hal i t t l emangof l avor edl i pgl oss-casualbutcut e. I twasn' tsneaki ngout ,exact l y.Imean,i twasmyownbackyar d,andi fIsawanyoft he upst ai r sl i ght sgoon,Icoul dduckbacki nt ot heki t chenandpr et endIwassnaggi ngt he l astpi eceofcakesal vagedf r om t hebi r t hdaybat t l e.
Mat twaswai t i ngbyt hest ai r swhenIt i pt oedoutt hebackdoor .Mybar ef eethadn' t event ouchedt hedewygr asswhenhepul l edmeagai nstt hesi deoft hehouse. " Ican' tst opt hi nki ngaboutyou, "hesai d,ki ssi ngmeagai n,t hi st i mewi t hapur poseand i nt ensi t yI ' dneverseenf r om hi mi nt hel onghi st or yofourf r i endshi p.Iki ssedhi m back, wr appi ngmyar msar oundhi snec kashi smout hpr essedagai nstmi ne.Imusthave beenshaki ng,becauseaf t erami nut ehest oppedandaskedi fIwascol d. " Just-sur pr i sed, "Isai d." Andhappy.Andscar ed. "I twasbar el yawhi sper ,butIhoped i tcommuni cat edever yt hi ngIwast hi nki ng.Scar edofget t i ngwhatIwi shedf or .Scar ed ofhur t i ngFr anki e.Scar edofl osi ngmyt wobestf r i ends.Scar edofundoi ngever yt hi ng t het hr eeofushadknownandl ovedsi ncewewer eki ds. " Me,t oo, "hewhi sper ed,br eat hi nghar d." Anna,di dyouever" Bef or ehecoul df i ni sh,asquar eofl i ghtf el lont hegr assf r om Mom andDad' sbat hr oom wi ndowupst ai r s. " Ihavet ogo, "Isai d." Tomor r ow?" Hegr abbedmyar m andpul l edmecl oset ohi m,awhi sperbr ushi ngagai nstmycheek. " Tomor r ow. " Thenhek i ssedmyneck,hi sl i psal i ght i ngont heski nbel owmyearl i keaspar kf r om t he bonf i r et hatbur nedl ongaf t erIcr eptbackt omybed. Hecal l edt henextday. " Hi . " " Hi . "Iwasst i l ldazedf r om t hel at eni ghtbackyar dencount erandki ssi nducedi nsomni a. " Fr anki eandIar egoi ngf ori cecr eam.Comeover ?" Fr anki e. " Sur e, "Isai d." ButMat t ,shoul dwe-Imean,di dyousayanyt hi ngt oher ?" " Not-exact l y. " Doest hatmeanhedoesn' tt hi nki t ' sabi gdeal ?Thatwecanj ustgof ori cecr eam l i ke anyot herday,l i kei tdi dn' thappen?Li kei twon' thappenagai n? " Iwantt o,Anna, "hesai d,r eadi ngmymi nd." I t ' sj ust-she' smyl i t t l esi st er .Andyou' r e ourbestf r i end.Andnowyou' r emy-Imean-weneedt ol ookoutf orher ,youknow?" AndnowI ' m yourwhat ?" Iknow, "Isai d." Don' twor r y,Anna.I ' l lt el lher ,okay?Justl et met hi nkaboutt hebestwayt odoi t . " " Okay. "
" Pr omi seme?Pr omi seyouwon' tsayanyt hi ng?" " Don' twor r y. "Il aughed." I t ' soursecr et ,r i ght ?" Ispentanhourget t i ngr eady,obsessi ngoverhai randcl ot hesandt hi ngst hatnever usedt omat t ersomuch.Icoul dn' tcal mt hebut t er f l i esi nmyst omachaboutseei ngMat t agai n,aboutf eel i nghi sl i psonme,aboutt el l i ngFr anki e,aboutt her estoft hesummer , aboutt her estofal ways. WhenIf i r stgott ot hei rhouse,Icl i mbedi nt hebackseatofMat t ' scarandavoi dedeye cont actwi t hhi m,wor r i edei t hert hathe' dal r eadyt ol dFr anki e,ort hathehadn' t .Wer ode t hewhol ewaynotl ooki ngateachot her ,Fr anki echat t er i ngi nt hef r ontseataboutt hei r upcomi ngCal i f or ni at r i p,seemi ngl yobl i vi oust ot hef actt hatt hewhol ewor l dhad changedt heni ghtbef or e.I twasn' tunt i lwegoti nsi deCust ar d' sLastSt andandFr anki e f or gotherpur sei nt hecart hatwef i nal l yl ockedeyes. " Hey,you, "Mat tsai dgent l y,smi l i ngatme.Iopenedmymout ht osaysomet hi ng i mpor t ant ,somet hi ngwi t t yandchar mi ng,buti nt henewdawnofourr el at i onshi p,wher e ever yt hi ngsuddenl ymat t er ed,Iwast onguet i ed. " Hey, "Isai dl amel y. Mat tj angl edhi skeysandki ckedatt hef l oorwi t hhi sf oot ." Whatar eyout hi nki ng about ?"heasked,t r aci ngal i neacr ossmyf or ehead. Bef or eIcoul di nventsomet hi ngbet t ert han" Lastni ghtatt hepar t yandbehi ndt he houseandIwi shyouwoul dj ustshutupandki ssmeagai n, "Fr anki ewasbackwi t hher pur se,pr essi ngust omaket hedi f f i cul tdeci si onbet weent hebananaspl i tandt hef udge br owni esundae. Spar i ngFr anki eanyf ur t heragonyovert hei cecr eam sel ect i ons,Mat tor der edoneof each,al ongwi t hacar amelsundaef orme,andweshar edever yt hi ng,f i f t yf i f t yf i f t y,j ust l i keal ways. AsFr anki eshovedaspoonf ulofbr owni ei nt oherbr ot her ' smout h,l aughi nghersof t Fr anki el augh,af l ashofgui l tsqueezedmyst omach.Unt i lt heni ghtbef or e,t her ewer e nosecr et sbet weent het hr eeofusbutt heonesIkeptf ormysel f-mysi l ent ,f or mer l y unr equi t edf eel i ngsf orMat t .Icoul dhar dl yl ookathi m wi t houtmyi nsi dest yi ngup. Pl ease,pl easel et ' st el lher . " Li st en, "Mat tsai d.Wewer eoutbackundert hest ar sagai n,sneaki ngoutaf t er ever yoneel sehadgonet osl eep." Youknowsheneedst oheari tf r om me.It hi nkt he bestt i mef ormet ot el lheri swhenwe' r ei nCal i f or ni a.I t ' sonl yaf ewweeksaway,and t henI ' l lhavesomet i meal onewi t hhert ot el lheraboutever yt hi ng.I t ' l lgi veherac hance t ol eti tsi nki n. " Thet houghtofkeepi ngsomet hi ngsoi mpor t ant ,soi nt ense,sounbel i evabl ef r om my bestf r i endf orevenonemor edayal mostki l l edme.Neverbef or ei nourshar edhi st or y di dIhi desomuchasapassi ngcr ush-sheknewever yt hi ng.She' dbeent her ef or
ever yt r agedy,ever ycel ebr at i on,ever yembar assi ngmoment .She' dbeenwi t hme whenIgotmyneongr eenbr acesi nf our t hgr ade.Wi t hmei nsevent hgr adewhenI wal kedoutoft heschoolbat hr oom pastt heent i r el unchl i newi t hmyski r tt uckedi nt omy t i ght s.Wi t hmewhenJi mmyCr ossandIki sseddur i ngt heei ght hgr adeassembl yand gothaul edof ft ot hepr i nci pal ' sof f i ce.Bi r t hdays,dr eams,f ear s,l aughs,obsessi onsever yt hi ng.I nsi deherhead,Fr anki ehadt hemapt omyent i r el i f e,andIt oher s.Ihat ed t hatmyf eel i ngsf orMat twer eunc har t edandunmappedl i keasecr etbur i edt r easur e. ButhewasFr anki e' sbr ot her .It r ust edhi m.Andwhenhet ookmyf acei nhi shandsand br eat hedmynameacr ossmyl i ps ,Iknewt hatIwoul dkeepmypr omi sef or ever . Dayspassedqui ckl yi nt oweeks,Mat tandIper pet uat i ngour" j ustf r i ends"char adeas bestwecoul di nf r ontofFr anki eandourf ami l i es.Somanyt i mesdur i ngf ami l ydi nner s orcasualvi si t si nouradj oi ni ngbackyar ds,Iwant edt oendt hechar ade,t ot hr owmy ar msar oundhi mi nf r ontofever yoneandj ustmakei tknown.Icensor edever yl ookI gavehi m,ever ywor d,ever yt ouch,cer t ai nt hatI ' dmessupandsomeonewoul df i nd out . Butnoonedi d. Toourpar ent sandFr anki e,wewer et hesamebestf r i endsasal ways,i nnocentand i nsepar abl e.Wheneverwecoul dst ealaf ewmi nut esal one,t hat ' swhenwebecamet he " ot her , "t hechar gedupt hi ngt hatkeptmeupatni ght ,af r ai doff al l i ngsof ast ,af r ai dof l osi ng,af r ai di twoul dn' tl astonceFr anki ef oundout .West ol et ooshor tki ssesi nt he f r onthal l way,shar edknowi nganddevi ousl ooksacr osst hedi nnert abl ewhenwe wer en' tbei ngwat ched.Wesnuckoutever yni ghtbehi ndt hehouset owat chf or shoot i ngst ar sandwhi speraboutl i f e,aboutourf avor i t ebooks,aboutt hemeani ngof songsandol dmemor i esandwhatwoul dhappenaf t erFr anki eknew.I twasn' tt het opi cs t hemsel vest hatchanged-we' dt al kedaboutal loft hoset hi ngsbef or e.Butnow,t her e wasanewi nt ensi t y.Anur gencyt oknowasmuchaswecoul d,t of i tasmuchas possi bl ei nt oourf i nalni ght sbef or eMat tr eveal edt hesecr et . Ont hei rl astdaybef or et het r i p,af t ert hey' df i ni shedpacki ng,t het hr eeofuswentback t oCust ar d' sf orani cecr eam sendof f .Ior der edt hemi ntchocol at echi pbr owni e sundae,Fr anki egotadi ppedcone,andMat tgotast r awber r yshake.Mat tandFr anki e wer ebuoyant ,f l oat i ngont heant i ci pat i onoft hei rupcomi ngt r i p,car r yi ngmeal ongi nt he cur r entoft hei rexci t ement .Icoul dn' twai tf ort hem t ogett oZanzi bar ,t ot hei rsummer house,downt ot hebeachwher eMat twoul dt el lFr anki eaboutusandshe' dsmi l eand l aughandhughi m andever yt hi ngwoul dbeper f ectagai n. " I twi l lbef i ne,Anna.You' l lsee, "hewhi sper edt omewhenFr anki ewentupt ot he count erf ormor enapki ns." Iknowwe' r edr aggi ngi tout ,butshe' smyl i t t l esi st er-Ican' t hel pi t .Wej usthavet ol ookoutf orher . " Ismi l ed,envi si oni ngourf i nalki ssbef or et omor r ow' sdepar t ur e,l at ert oni ghtatourusual meet i ngpl acebehi ndt hehouse. Wespl i touri cecr eamst hr eewaysagai n,savi ngj ustenoughf ort her i debackhome.I n t hecar ,Mat tt ur nedupt hevol umeonhi sf avor i t eGr at ef ulDeadCD.Fr anki eandIsang
t hemel odywhi l ehef i l l edi nt hehar mony,hi sf acet i ghtandser i ousasheconcent r at ed ont hewor ds.Hedr ovewi t honehandont hewheel ,t heot hert appi ngt hedashboar d, t henhi st hi gh,t henbackt ot hedashboar d-awi l di magi nar ydr um sol o.Ist opped si ngi ngl ongenought oshovei nanot herspoonf ulofmymi ntchocol at echi psundae,a pot hol ecausi ngmet omi ss,t hei cecr eam t oppl i ngdownmyshi r tt omyl ap.Iwasi nt he f r ontseat ,r i ghtnextt ohi m,andIdi dn' tcar e.I nj ustt hr eeweeks,mybestf r i endswoul d bebackhome,hel pi ngMat tgetr eadyf orcol l ege,enj oyi ngt hesunset sofsummer ,and l ooki ngf or war dt ot her estofourdays-t her estofourf or ever . Thechor usst ar t edagai nt hr ought hespeaker sandIsangl ouder ," CaseyJonesy ou bet t er . . .wat chyourspeed. . . "Fr anki el aughi ngf r om t hebackseat ,Mat tsmi l i ngatme si deways,f i nger ssecr et l ybr ushi ngmyknee,t henoonsunl ai doutandhappyont he dust yr oadahead. Toget her .Happy.Whol e. Thet hr eeofhear t s. Thepossi bi l i t i esendl ess. Andt hen. . .mysundaef l yi ngoutofmyhandsi nt ot hedashboar d. Veer i ng. Scr eami ng. Sl ammi ng. Br okengl ass. Awheelspi nni ng. CaseyJonesski ppi ng,overandover ." Wat chyour-wat chyour-wat chyour speeeeeed. " Someonesqueezi ngmyhand,hushi ng,aski ngf ormypar ent s' namesandphone number .Hel enandCar lRei l ey.Butdon' tt el lt hem,It hi nk. Anambul ance.Par amedi cs.St r et cher s." I ' vegothi m, "someoneshout s." Gett hegi r l s out ! " " Canyouhearme?Canyoumoveyourl egs?" " Jesus,yougi r l sar el uckyt obeal i ve. " I nt hehospi t all obby,Icur l edmysel fagai nstDad' schest ,l et t i nghi m st r okemyhai rand hum Beat l essongsl i kehedi dwhenIwasl i t t l et ochaseawayt hemonst er s.Myhead hur t ,mykneewasbandagedup,andmywr i stwasi mmobi l i zedandwr appedi nwhi t e t ape.Fr anki e,si t t i ngacr ossf r om mewi t hherkneespul l edt oherchest ,hadaf atl i pand ei ghtst i t chesst i cki ngoutl i keangr ybl ackspi derl egst hr oughherl ef teyebr ow.Shewas
st i l l-al lbutherf i nger sr ubbi ngt her edgl assofherMat t br acel et .Icl osedmyeyes undert hef l uor escentl i ght sandt r i edt omakeanot herbi r t hdaywi sh,aonet i medoover , ar ebat e,at r adei nont heki t chensi nkki sst hatst ar t edever yt hi ng,of f er edupf orj ust onel astmi r acl e. It houghtaboutMat t ' scl oveandmar zi panf r ost i ngmout handhi sf avor i t ebooksst acked uponever yf l atsur f aceofhi sbedr oom ast hedoct ort ol duswhathappened.Mat t wasn' tacar el essdr i ver ;hej usthadahol ebet weent hechamber sofhi shear t ,at i ny i mper f ect i ont hathadl ai ndor mantf orsevent eenyear sunt i lt hatmomentont heway homef r om Cust ar d' swheni tdeci dedt omakei t sel fknown.Theyusedamor emedi cal l y appr opr i at et er m whent heyexpl ai nedi tt oRed,handi nghi m apl ast i cbagf ul lofMat t ' s t hi ngs.Wat ch.Wal l et .TheSyr acuseOr angemenTshi r the' dwor nt hatday.ButIknew whati tmeant .IknewassoonasRedst ar t edshout i ng,assoonasAuntJayne col l apsedi nMom' sar ms,assoonast hehospi t alchapl ai nar r i vedwi t hhi sdownt ur ned mout handcompassi onat el yt r ai nedeyes. Mat t-RedandJayne' sMat t ,Fr anki e' sMat t ,myMat t-di edofabr okenhear t . Andever yt hi ngel set hatevermat t er edi nmyent i r eexi st encej ust . . .st opped.Iwas under wat eragai n,seei ngt hi ngsi nasl owmot i onf uzzwi t houtsoundorcont ext ,wi t hout f eel i ng,wi t houtcar e.Thewor l dcoul dhaveendedandIwoul dn' thavenot i ced. I naway,i tdi dend. Theymusthavel etRedandJayneandFr anki esaygoodbyet ohi m,butIdon' t r emember . Mom andDadmusthavecal l edr el at i vesandf r i endsandf uner aldi r ect or s,butIdon' t r emember . Ther ewer epr obabl ynur sesandapol ogi esandor gandonorpaper sandSt yr of oam cupsofcol dcof f ee,butIdon' tr ememberanyofi t .Noti nawayt hatmakessense. Idon' tevenr ememberhowIgothome.Onemi nut eIwasunder wat eri nt hehar dpl ast i c hospi t alchai r ,andt henIwasbacki nmyownbedwi t ht hedoorcl osedagai nstmy par ent s' muf f l edconver sat i onsdownst ai r sandt heendl essl yr i ngi ngphone. Imusthavef al l enasl eep,becauseIdr eamedabouthi m.I nt hedr eam,hegavemehi s bl uegl assneckl aceandFr anki e' sr edbr acel et . " Weneedt ol ookoutf orher ,youknow?"hesai d." Ihavet obet heonet ot el lher .I t ' s t heonl yway. " Iknow. Andwhenhesmi l edatme,Ipr omi sed.Ipr omi sedhi m Iwoul dpr ot ecther . Ipr omi sedhi m oursecr etwoul ds t ayl ockedupf oral let er ni t y.Andi twi l l .
t hr ee St r et chedoutonmyst omachacr ossFr anki e' snewpur pl ecomf or t eri naTshi r tand yogapant s,Ir eadRol l i ngSt one' sHel i copt erPi l oti nt er vi ewt hr eet i mes. " Br andywi ne. "Fr anki ecapsherl i pst i ckandadmi r esherpoutbef or et heapt l ynamed vani t ymi r r or ." I tmi ghtbet oodar kf oryou, "shesays,handi ngmet het ube," butt r yi ti f youwant . " Idon' tneedt ot r yi t .I twi l lbet oodar k.Myski n' ssowhi t ei t ' sal mostbl ue,savef or ni net eenf r eckl est hatIhat e,compl et el yi mmunet opeel of fpor est r i psandexf ol i at i ng ci t r usscr ubs. " Fr ank,pl ease. "If l i pbackt ot hebegi nni ngoft hei nt er vi ew.We' r esupposedt obe maki ngourpacki ngl i st sandmappi ngoutal loft heexci t i ngt hi ngswe' l ldoi nCal i f or ni a nextmont h,butI ' vespentt hel asthourwat chi ngFr anki epr i mp,pr een,andf l uf f ." I r ef uset ogetgl ammedupf ort hi s. " " Who' sget t i nggl ammedup?"Fr anki easks." I ' mj ust-oh,shutup,Anna! " Fr anki eget sgl ammedupf orever yt hi ng-t r i ppl anni ng,movi eni ght ,gr ocer yshoppi ng, t her ar eeventoft aki ngoutt het r ash.Theear t hcoul dgetknockedoutofor bi tbyabend i nt hespacet i mecont i nuum,andasNor t hAmer i cacar eenst owar dEur opeathal ft he speedofl i ght ,wi t hhousesandpi nkpl ast i cl awnf l ami ngosandpeopl e' sdogswhi zzi ng by-ar oooooooof !-Fr anki ewoul dbel i ke," Hol don,Anna.DoIhaveanyt hi ngi nmy t eet h?" Fr anki e' sal waysbeent hecut eone,evenwhenourmomsdr essedusi nt hesame past elsundr essesorel ast i cwai stdi aperj eans.Butsheusedt obeshyandsweetanda l i t t l eawkwar dabouti t ,even. Lastyear ,whent heshockofMat t ' sdeat hwor eof fandshest oppedcal l i ngf orhi m out si dehi sbedr oom,Fr anki ewi t hdr ewi nt oacocoonl i keababycat er pi l l ar ,l onel yand uncer t ai n.Shewoul dn' tt al kt oanyone-herpar ent s,mypar ent s,notevent ome.Noti n awayt hatmat t er ed.Somet i mesIwonder edi fIwasgoi ngt ol osebot hofmybest f r i endsf r om t hesamebr okenhear t .Butbyt het i meschoolst ar t edagai nl astf al l ,s he emer ged,met amor phosi scompl et e,abr andnewbut t er f l ywhost oppedcr yi ng,l oved boys,wor espar kl ymakeup,ands mokedMar l bor oLi ght si nsecr etoutherbedr oom wi ndow. Now,wher everwego,Fr anki eent er st her oom l i keadazzl i ngbl ackhol eand,i n accor dancewi t hmyFi f t hTheor em onQuant um Physi csandBeaut i f ulGi r l s,sucksup al lt heat t ent i onar oundher . " Anna,doyouwanti tornot ?"sheasks." Ornot .I t ' st oodar kf orme. " " Sui tyour sel f ,Casper . "Shepr essesherl i pst oget her ,bl ot t i ngt hem wi t hat i ssueand dust i ngal ayeroft r ansl ucentpowderont op.
TheFr anki er emi x.Per f ect l yappl i edgl i t t ereyeshadow,Fr enchmani cur es,t r endy br ownbl ackhai rwi t hr edhi ghl i ght sf l i ppi ngoutar oundherchi nandshi mmer i ng." Anna" and" shi mmer "don' tbel ongi nt hesamesent ence.Myhai ri scur l y,al lovert hepl ace, andl ooksanawf ull otl i kewi l dhayi fIdon' tappl yenoughgel .Ot hert hant hebasi csof moi st ur i zi ngandpr operhygi ene,t hel astt i meIspentmor et hant went ymi nut esget t i ng i nt ouchwi t hmyi nnerdi vawasf ort het i meIspentwi t hMat t .Now,mymakeupsi t si n t hebot t om bat hr oom dr awerunderanever t hi ckeni ngl ayerofspar kl ypi nkdust . " Youusedt ol ovet hi sst uf f , "shesays,r ummagi ngf oral i ght ershade." Her e,t r yt hi sone -Moonl i ghtMadness.I t ' sgotgr oundupcr yst al sorsomet hi ng. " Ishr ugandf ocusont hepi ct ur esofHel i copt erPi l ot ' ssel f appoi nt edmascot ,t heAi r Gui t ar i st ,unt i lsheget sdi st r act edmi xi ngeyeshadowshadesont hebackofherhand wi t haQt i p.Ican' tf aul therf ort r yi ng.Shedoesn' tknowaboutMat t ,t heghostt hatf l oat s i nandoutofmyhear t ,haunt i ngandunr esol ved. Don' twor r y.I t ' soursecr et . " Doyoul i ket hi scol or ?"Shebat shereyesatmeandl aughs.Somet hi ngabouther smi l er emi ndsmeofhi m,andIhavet ol ookawayt obl ockt hef l oodofmemor y.I t ' s of f i ci al l ymor et hanayearnow.IknowIshoul dl etgo,buti tneverr eal l yl eavesme. Ever ymor ni ng,Iwakeupandf or getj ustf orasecondt hati thappened. Butoncemyeyesopen,i tbur i esmel i keal andsl i deofshar p,sadr ocks. Oncemyeyesopen,I ' m heavy,l i ket her e' st oomuchgr avi t ypr essi ngonmyhear t . Inevert al kt oFr anki eabouti t .Mat t ' sherbr ot herf orr eal ,notherbest f r i endt hat ' saboyi nt hebi gbr ot herway.Ineversayanyt hi ngabouthi m. Ij ustswal l owhar d. Nodandsmi l e. Onef ooti nf r ontoft heot her . I ' mf i ne,t hanksf ornotaski ng. " Thatcol or ' sgr eatonyou,Fr ank, "Isay. " Haveyouseenmybi gpowderbr ush?"sheasks." Ican' tf i ndanyt hi ngsi nceMom t ur nedmyr oom i nt ot heHot elSahar a. " " Checkt hoset r easur eboxt hi ngsonyourdesk. "Inodt owar dasetofgol dcol or ed boxesl i nedupsmal l estt ol ar gest . Fr anki el ocat est hebr ushi nt hemi ddl ebox." Ihavet oputal ockont hedoororI ' l lnever f i ndanyt hi ngagai n. " Fort hepastsi xmont hs,AuntJayne' sbeenonsomeki ndofdecor at i ngki ck.Ever yt i me
Iwal ki nt oFr anki e' shouse,somet hi ngi sdi f f er ent-newt hr owpi l l owsormoved f ur ni t ur e,mor epl ant sorf ewer ,spl ashesofcol orormi ni mal i stneut r al s,awhi r l wi ndof t hr ows,shams,swags,andswat c hes.Lastweek,shet r ansf or medFr anki e' s1920s f l apperbedr oom i nt oaMor occanoasi s,dr apedi ndeeppur pl esandr edsandwooden beadsf orcur t ai ns. " I t ' sl i keanewadvent ur eever yday, "Fr anki esai dl astmont hwhenherdr agonf l y bat hr oom becamesexycowgi r lcent r alal mostover ni ght ,compl et ewi t hr ealr opel asso t owelhol der s.Iguessi t ' sgoodt hatAuntJaynei sexci t edaboutsomet hi ngagai nr unni ngoutt ot hef abr i cshoport hehomeandgar denst or ewheneveri nspi r at i on st r i kes,whi chi sbasi cal l ywheneveroneoft hosel eavet ownandl et t ot al st r anger sr edecor at eyour housei nf or t yei ght hour sshowscomeson.I nt hepastmont hal one, she' sf i l l edhal ft hegar agewi t hboxesofmagazi nes,pi l l owcover s,pai ntswat ches, ant i ques,swi t chpl at es,andf auxf ur .Ther e' sonl yoner oom shedoesn' tt ouch-t heone att heendoft hehal l .Theonewi t ht heper pet ual l ycl oseddoort hatmi ghtaswel lnot exi stanymor e. " Fr anki e,ar eyoudoneyet ?"Iknowal lt her ei st oknowaboutHel i copt erPi l ot ,i ncl udi ng t hef actt hatt her ockst ardr ummerScot t yOhadal i vert r anspl antwhenhewasf our , andI ' mt i r edofwat chi ngFr anki e' sheadbobar oundi nahai r t easi ngf r enzy." Ir eadt hi s ar t i cl esomanyt i mesIf eell i keI ' mi nHP. " " Yeah, "shesays," exceptt hatt hey' r et hebestbandi nt heuni ver se,andyoucan' teven si ng' HappyBi r t hday' i nt une. " " Maybenot .ButIpassedmyEngl i shf i nal ,whi chi smor et hanIcansayf orsomepeopl e i nt hi sr oom. " " Hey!Si xt yseveni sst i l lpassi ng.Andf oryouri nf or mat i on,smar t y,Ij ustsi gnedupf or t hewor dadayemai l st oexpandmyvocabul ar y. " " Oh,r eal l y ?"Iask. " Today' swor di sj udi ci al .Asi n,j ustbecauseAnna' sanĂ¼ber ner ddoesn' tmeanshehas t obesoj udi ci alagai nstpeopl ewhoar en' t . " " Judgment al .Youmeanj udgment al .AndI ' m not . " " Judge-shi t . "Shegr absaspi r alnot ebookandpenf r om herdeskandscr i bbl esi ni t . " Judgment al .Judgment al .You, "shesays,cl i cki ngherpencl osedanddr oppi ngt he not ebookbackont hedesk," l ovebei ngr i ght ,don' tyou?" It osst hemagazi neont hef l oor ." I t ' spai nf ul ,butsomeone' sgott obet hesmar tonei n t hi soper at i on. " Fr anki eshr ugs,t aki ngherpowderbr ushonaf i nalt r i pacr osshernose." IguessI ' l l havet or el yonmyl ooks.Ther e-I ' m done. "Sher i sesf r om t hevani t ychai randsmi l es, handsf r ozenonherhi psl i keshe' swai t i ngf orsomeki ndofst agedi r ect i on.Mybut t er f l y. Justl i keherbr ot her .Whenshesmi l es,herbl ueeyesl i ghtupandputavoodoomagi c
l ovespel lonever yonear ound. " Per f ect , "Isay,t wi st i ngmyhai rupwi t hapenci l ." Now,canwepl easest ar tpl anni ng t hi st r i p,pr ef er abl ysomet i mebef or ei tends?" Fr anki et ossesmeapur pl egelpenandl i nedpaperf r om herdesk.AsIwor konour packi ngl i st s,shepacest her oom shout i ngoutpot ent i ali t ems,sweepi ngbackandf or t h wi t hherv i deocamer a.Oneofheraunt sgavei tt oheraf t erMat tdi edt o" t akehermi nd of ft hi ngs, "andshehasn' tputi tdownsi nce.It hi nkshe' saf r ai dofmi ssi ngsomet hi ng i mpor t ant-ornotbei ngabl et or ememberi tl at er ,wheni tmat t er s. I nl esst hananhour ,wecovercl ot hi ng( casualday,dr essyday,casualeveni ng,dr essy eveni ng,sl eepwear ,andnonwat erbeachat t i r e) ,swi mwear( f orwhi chwest i l lneedt o shop) ,t oi l et r i esandmakeup( f orFr anki e) ,games,musi c,andbooks( f orme) .Weal so pi ckt heof f i ci alnamef orourupcomi ngadvent ur e-t heAbsol ut eBestSummerEv er ( A. B. S. E. )-becauset hat ' sexact l ywhati twi l lbe,accor di ngt omynewl yappoi nt edt our gui de. " Youokay,Anna?Youdon' tseem t ooexci t edal lofasudden. "Fr anki esi t sdowni n f r ontofmeandt i l t sherhead,f r owni ng.Mat tusedt odot hatsamet hi ngwi t hhi shead wheneverhewaswor r i edaboutoneofusandneededacl oserl ookatt hesi t uat i on. " No,I ' m good, "Isay." Iguessi tdoesn' tseem r ealyet .Youknowhowwei r dDadwas aboutt hewhol et hi ng.Idon' twantt ogett ooexci t edt i l lwe' r eact ual l yont hepl ane. " Dadal r eadyt hi nksIspendt oomucht i meoverher e." RedandJayneneedt ogetmor e i nvol vedwi t hFr anki e' sgr i ef , "he' ssai donmor et hanoneoccasi on,l at el yf ol l owi ngup wi t hsomet hi ngl i ke," especi al l ysi ncet hi swi l lbet hei rf i r stt r i pwi t houtMat t . "Butwhat doesDadknow?Hi si deaofgr i efsuppor ti sbr i ngi ngoverasi xpackf orUncl eRedand notsayi ngMat t ' sname. Fr anki eshakesherheadandf l i psof ft hecamer a." Don' twor r y.Heal r eadysai dyoucan go.Youj ustneedt odosome-oh,what ' st hatt hi ngcal l ed-envi si onat i on,It hi nk . " " Envi si onat i on?"Iask. " Youknow,wher eyout hi nkaboutt het hi ngyouwantandj ustpi ct ur eyour sel fget t i ng i t ?" " Vi sual i zat i on,Fr anki e,andi t ' snotgonnawor k. " " Vi sual i zat i on.Yeah,t hat .Justt r yi t ,okay?"Shecl oseshereyesandpr essesher f i nger st ohert empl es,swi t chi ngi nt omonot one." Annai sar r i vi ngi nCal i f or ni a.Sheand Fr anki ear emagi calandbeaut i f ul ,l i kemer mai dsi nt hewat er .Theyar ewal ki ngont he beachandl ot sofboysar ewavi nganddr ool i ngbecauset hey' r esoi r r esi st i bl e. " Sheopenshereyes." Canyouseei t ?" " Notr eal l y, "Isay." ButIam get t i ngver ysl eepy. "
" Beser i ous,Anna.Youar en' tt r yi nghar denough.Cl oseyoureyes. " Idoassheasksandt r yt opi ct ur et hesceneshe' spai nt ed.Shet al ksaboutl yi ngi nt he sun,t hesmel lofcoconut s,wr i t i ngpost car dst omypar ent s,andsoonI ' mt hi nki ngabout t hepost car dsMat tusedt osendmewi t hpi ct ur esofseal i onswear i ngsungl assesor sever el yover wei ghtwomeni nneont hongs.Isavedever yone,t uckedsaf el yi nt oabox undermybed. I fhe' dki s sedmeayearear l i er ,woul dIhavegot t enl ovel et t er s,i nst ead? " See?"Fr anki et apsmyl eg,pul l i ngmebackt ot hepr esent . " Wewi l ls ee. "Ishakeof faf adi ngi mageofMat t ' sscr i bbl edbl ueXOs. " Anna,t hi si sgoi ngt obesogr eat ! "Fr anki et acksourpacki ngl i stt ot hebul l et i nboar d ont hewal laboveherdeskandpr ocur esaci gar et t ef r om t hest ashi nhert opdr awer . Sheonl ysmokesi nherr oom,outt hewi ndow.Neveri npubl i c.Neveratschool .Never out si de.Shedeni esi twheneverIbr i ngi tup,butsomet i mesIt hi nkshedoesn' tevenl i ke i t ;shej ustwant sherpar ent st ocat chheranddo-Idon' tknow.Somet hi ng. Lastmont h,whenUncl eRedandAuntJaynef i r stsuggest edt her et ur nt r i pt ot hei r f avor i t esummerspotwi t hmei nt ow,Fr anki ef r eakedout .Shewentcompl et el ysi l entf or al ongt i me,andnoneofusknewwhatwoul dcomenext .I twasl i keatschoolorf ami l y t hi ngsr i ghtaf t ert heacci dentwhenpeopl ewoul dment i onMat t .Hermi ndwoul dshutof f andgoaway.Orshe' dgetsoangr yshe' dshake.Ot hert i mes,ear l yon,she' dj ustr un awayandweep.Weepi ngi sdi f f er entf r om cr yi ng.I tt akesyourwhol ebodyt oweep,and wheni t ' sover ,youf eell i keyoudon' thaveanybonesl ef tt ohol dyouup. Shedi dn' tweept heni ghtt heyt al kedaboutt het r i p,t hough.Shej ustgotmadand st or medof ft oherr oom,l eavi ngRedandJaynet of umbl et hr ought hei rusualapol ogi es t ome.Icoul dseei twashar df ort hem,butIwasn' tsur ewhatt heyexpect ed.Ast he Cal i f or ni aannouncementt ookanawkwar ddi veoutofRed' smout handf l oppedont ot he t abl ewai t i ngf orar esponse,al lIcoul dt hi nkwas,Ayearl at eri sst i l lwayt oosoon. Butt henextmor ni ng,Fr anki est ar t edt owar m upt ot hei dea,andbyweek' send,i twas ast houghshewasi nont heZanz i barBaypl anal lal ong,doodl i ngpi ct ur esofpal mt r ees andsunshi nygoodt i mesi nherhead. Fr anki ekneel si nf r ontoft hewi ndow,pushi ngasi det hewoodenbeadsandl eani ng agai nstt hesi l lt ol i ghtt heci gar et t e.Mat t ' sr edgl assbr acel etsl i desdownherwr i st , spar kl i ngt hr ought hesunl i thazeofsmoke.Thebot t omsofherf eetar egr aywi t ht he bar ef ootdustofsummer ,andasshet ur nst obl oweachpuf fofsmokeatt hesky,Ican' t shaket hef eel i ngt hati tr eal l yi st oosoon. " Fr anki e,doyout hi nkCal i f or ni ai shappeni ngt oof ast ?Imean,t oosoon?"Myvoi cei s l ow.I ' m notexact l ysur ei tcameoutr i ght . " Notr eal l y, "shesays,dr oppi ngt hehal f smokedbut ti nt oanol dDi etCokeandr ej oi ni ng meont hef l oor ." West i l lhaveone,t wo. . .f ourweeksbef or et heA. B. S. E.of f i ci al l y
begi ns.Thatmeanst hatourhai rshoul dgr owabouthal fani nch. "Shehol dsherhand bel owherchi n,i ndi cat i ngt heant i ci pat edl engt h." Al so,we' r egoi ngonUl t r aQui ckSki nny. " " Thosef akemi l kshakes?"Iask.Swal l owi ngmyownt onguesoundsmor eappeal i ng t hanashakef orbr eakf ast ,l unch,anddi nner ." You' r eki ddi ng. " " Anna,wehavet o.Wecanl ose,l i ke,t enpoundsbyt hen.Thi nkbeaches.Thi nkbi ki ni s. " Shel i f t shershi r tandpi nchest henonexi st entf atonherst omach." And, "shesays , sl appi ngherbel l yt wi ce," don' tf or getaboutt heA. A. " A. A.-Anna' sAl bat r oss.Fr om t heLat i nAnna,meani ngme,andAl bat r oss,meani ng " somet hi ngt hathi nder sorhandi c aps;e. g. ,' i twasanal bat r ossar oundherneck. ' "I t ' s t hecodenamewegavemyvi r gi ni t ywhenFr anki el osther st ot heGer manexchange st udentaf t ert heSpr i ngSendof fdancet womont hsagoandbecamet heexper ton sucht hi ngs. " ButFr ancesca, "Isayi nmybr eat hyr omancenovelvoi ce," Iwanti tt obe. . .speci al ! " Whi chi satl eastf i f t yper centt r ue.Wel l ,maybesi xt y.Okay,si xt yei ght ,butnomor e. Thet r ut hi s,Ial waysi magi nedi twoul dbewi t hMat t .Iwasi nl ovewi t hhi m bef or eIeven knewwhatt ocal li t ,andwhenwef i nal l ygott oget herl astsummer ,i twasadonedeali n mymi nd.Isawt hewhol eofmyf ut ur ei nt hatf i r stki ss,al lt hewayupt ot hepar twher eI woul dhel phi m packonhi sl astni ghtbef or eschool ,andonet hi ngwoul dl eadt o anot her ,andhewoul dpassi onat el yki ssmegoodbye,f al l i ngont ohi sbed,andt henwe woul df i nal l y. . . Butwhenhedi ed,t hatdr eam di ed,t oo.Guys?Get t i ngcl ose?Thatcl ose?I thur t st oo mucht ot hi nkabout .I fIki sssomeoneel se,t hespel lwi l lbebr oken,andmymemor i es ofMat tandever yt hi ngIwr appedupi nt hem wi l lbeer ased.No,t hankyou. " Speci al ?Yeah,r i ght ! "Fr anki et hr owsapi l l owembr oi der edwi t hgol del ephant satme. " It ol dyou,i t ' sr eal l ynott hatgoodt hef i r stt i me.I t ' smor el i kear ehear salf ort her eal t hi ng-anundr essr ehear sal .Ipi ckedJohanbecausehewasl eavi ngaweekl at erandI knewI ' dneverhavet oseehi m agai n. " Pi ckedJohan.I fIl ookuppi ckedi nt hedi ct i onar y,Iwon' tseeanyr ef er encet oFr anki e andJohan.I ' l lhavet of l i paheadt oSf orst al ked.Al lyear ,Fr anki ei nt i mi dat edJohan' s gi r l f r i end,Mar i a,wi t hdi r t yl ooksi ngym cl ass,l ef tdai l ynot esi nhi sl ocker ,andmadeout wi t hhi sf r i endsi nt hepar ki ngl otsot hati twoul dgetbackt ohi m.Johanwast heonl y guyunwi l l i ngt oendhi scur r entr el at i onshi pf orashotatFr anki e,andt hatper pl exed andf r ust r at edher .SowhenMar i adumpedhi m aweekbef or et heSpr i ngSendof f , Fr anki epr et endedshedi dn' tknowabouti tunt i lt heni ghtoft hedance,whenshe appr oachedhi m wi t hherI ' m Tot al l yHer ef orYouf ace.Hal fanhourl at er ,t heywer eout ont hedar ksoccerf i el ddoi ngt hei rownl i t t l edance,l eavi ngmet of endf ormysel fi na gym f ul lofgyr at i ng,happyt eenager s. I t ' sbeent womont hs.Johani sbacki nGer manyandhasn' tr et ur nedanyofFr anki e' semai l s.
Thatdoes n' tst opherf r om pl ot t i ngt hedownf al lofmyi nnocenceonourupcomi ngt r i p. I nhermi nd,we' l lbei gnor i ngadi r ectmi ssi vef r om t heGodofSummerVacat i onsi fI don' tdi t cht hebi gVonceandf oral lsomewher eal ongt hePaci f i ccoast . " Howcoul dIf or gett heAl bat r oss?"Iask." Youbr i ngi tupever yf i vemi nut es. " " Justt r yi ngt okeepi tf r esh. "Sher i sesf r om t hef l oorandhol dsoutherhand." Anyway, yourvi r gi ni t yi st hel eastofourpr et r i ppr obl ems.Comeon-yourhouse. "
f our Upst ai r si nmyr oom,Fr anki epansmycl osetwi t hhervi deocamer a,doi ngherbest movi eannouncer guyvoi ce: " I nawor l dwher esummerdr eamsr eal l ydocomet r ue,AnnaandFr anki epl ant he vacat i onoft hei rl i ves.Ther ewi l lbebeaches.Ther ewi l lbebat hi ngsui t s.Andt her ewi l l beboys.Butsomet hi ngl ur k sj ustbel owt hesur f ace,t hr eat eni ngt or ui nt heA. B. S. E.i f t hesecl ever ,beaut i f ulgal pal sdon' tt ur nt hei rat t ent i ont oi t si mmedi at er esol ut i on: Anna' swar dr obei sat ot alni ght mar e! " Owi ngt oFr anki e' st i r el essquestf ort hesmal l estr at i ooff abr i ct of l eshl egal l yal l owed, hersummerat t i r e-andevenmostofherwi nt erset-i sal waysbeachr eady,f eat ur i ng cut ehal t er s,shor tski r t s,andst r appybl acksandal s. Owi ngt omymot her ' st i r el essquestf ort heul t i mat edeal ,combi nedwi t hherst andar di ssuef ashi oni mmuni t y,mywar dr obe-t akenasacol l ect i on-shoul dbet r i ed, convi ct ed,andhung.Devoi dofanyt hi ngcut e,shor t ,orst r appy,mycl osethousesan ant hol ogyofhal f pr i ce,of f seasonsal ei t emst ypi cal l yexcavat edf r om t hebasement sof over cr owdeddepar t mentst or eswher eIel bowedmywaypastmobsofmi ddl eaged womenbar gai nhunt i ngi nt hel ooseunder wearbi ns. " Whatdoyousuggest ?"Iask,f i nger i ngt heshi r t st hathangi nf r ontofus. " Idon' tev enknowwher et ost ar t . "Shet ur nst hecamer aonher sel fandmakesan exagger at edshr ugi nf r ontoft hel ens." Justt akei tal loutandt hr owi tont hebed. " I ' m noti nt hemoodt odi smant l emyent i r ecl oset ,butIdoassheasks.I tmakesher smi l e,j ustal i t t l ebi t ,soIdon' tf i ghther .Somet i meswhenshel ookshappyl i ket hi s,I wat chherf r om t hecor nerofmyeyeandwonderi fmybestf r i endi sst i l li nt her e somewher e,t heonewhousedt ost ageel abor at eweddi ngsf orourdol l sanddealme anext r at housanddol l ar si nMonopol ysowecoul dconspi r eagai nstMat t .I nt he post deat hmur kofourr el at i onshi p,Idon' tknowi fI ' l leverseet hatFr anki eagai n.We' r e suchdi f f er entpeopl enow;i fImetheront hest r eett oday,j ustl i ket hi s,wewoul dnever bef r i ends.Butoncei nawhi l e,hersmi l ecomesback-howeverf l eet i ng-andIs ee her ,r eal l yseeher ,andknowI ' l ldoanyt hi ngt okeepherher eal i t t l el onger ,t okeepher f r om sl i ppi ngbacki nt ot hecomaofsi l encet hatnear l yover t ookherl astyear . Eveni fi tmeanst al ki ngaboutcl ot hesandboysandmi l kshakedi et si nst eadoft hi ngs
t hatmat t er . " AnnaRei l ey' swar dr obemal f unct i on,t akeone. "Fr anki ef i l mswhi l eIt ossheapsof unwear abl ecl ot hi ngont hebedbyt hear mf ul .Ihaveaf ewpassabl ef avor i t es, suppl ement edbyf r equentr ai dsonFr anki e' scl oset ,butIf or cemostoft he embar r assi ngensembl esi nt ohi di ng,wher et heywai ti nvai nf ort hedaywhent hey ,l i ke t hei rmor est yl i shbr et hr en,mi ghtbecal l edi nt of ashi onser vi ce. " God,Anna.Whatar et hese?"Fr anki eset sdownt hecamer at ogr abapai rofol dj eans wi t hherf i ngerandhert humbast houghpant scant r ansf eracont agi ousvi r us. " They' r emyol df avor i t ej eansf r om mi ddl eschool .Theyhavegoodmemor i es. " " Anna,ankl ezi pper sar enevergoodmemor i es.Andwhatt hehel li st hi st hi ng?I t ' s compl et el yr ui ned. " Mymout hgoesdr yasFr anki epul l sawhi t et ankt opf r om t hepl ast i cbagI ' vekepti ti n f ort hepastyear ,st uf f edbehi ndal lt heshoesont hecl osetf l oor .I thasspl ot chesof pur pl e,cr ust yandf adi ngf r om i t sor i gi nalbi r t hdaybl ue.Atf i r stIdi dn' twantt owashi t becausei tr emi ndedmeoft hatni ghtandever yt hi ngi twassupposedt ot ur ni nt o.Af t er hedi ed,Idi dn' twantt owashi t ,getr i dofi t ,ordoanyt hi ngt oi t . Ever . " Gar bagepi l e, "Fr anki esays,r eadyt ocasti tasi de. " Don' t ! "Idi vet owar dherandsnat cht heshi r toutofherhandswi t hmor ef or cet hanI i nt end.I t ' st heonl ysur vi vi ngwi t nesst ot heni ghtMat tandIchangedoverf r om f r i ends t owhat ev eri twaswebecame,andi t ' snear l yi mpossi bl ef ormenott ocr y. " What ' swi t hyou,Anna?I t ' sj ustawhi t et ank.Youcangetanewonef orl i kef i ve bucks. " Don' twor r y.I t ' soursecr et . " Sor r y. "I ' m sur pr i sedandgl adshedoesn' tr ecogni zei t .Ir unmyt humbbackandf or t h overacr ust ybi tont heshoul derst r apasaf i vesecondver si onoft hecakef i ghtf l ashes behi ndmyeyesl i keamovi est uckonqui cksear ch.Don' tcr yoverspi l tf r ost i ng,Anna." I j ust-Il i ket hi sone. " " Whatf or ?"sheasks. Justt el lher . " I t ' sf r om t he-i t ' sj ustt he"Ibi t emyl owerl i p. Tel lher . " Anna?What ' swr ong?"
Oh,i t ' snot hi ng,r eal l y.Justt hati t ' sf r om t hef i r stt i meyourbr ot herki ssedmeandmade mepr omi senott ot el lyou.AndIwasi nl ovewi t hhi mf or ever ,andhewassupposedt o t el lyouabouti ti nCal i f or ni a,andwewer eal lgoi ngt ol i vehappi l yeveraf t er .Ist i l lwr i t e hi ml et t er si nt hej our nalhegaveme,whi chhedoesn' tanswer ,si ncehe' sdeadandal l . Butot hert hant hat ?Honest l y,i t ' snot hi ng. " Anna?"Shewat chesmewi t hhersi dewaysf aceagai n." Huh?Oh,sor r y.Not hi ng.I ' m f i ne.I-I ' l lgetr i dofi tl at er .Anyway,l ookatt hese. "Iswal l owt hel umpi nmyt hr oat , shovet het ankbehi ndsomeshoeboxesi nt hecl oset ,andpul loutapai roft i nySnoopy f l i pf l ops." Rememberwhenwehadmat chi ngf l i pf l opsi nt hi r dgr ade?" " Anna,wehadmat chi ngever yt hi ngbackt hen.Thi s, "shesweepsherhandovert he cl ot hes," i saf ashi on-af ashi onHei del ber g,asyouwoul dsay.Idon' tknowwhenwe gotsof arof ft r ack. " Iknow.Ir emembert heexactmomentRedst ar t eddr oppi ngusof fatt hemal lwi t hhi s cr edi tcar d,t el l i ngFr anki et ogetwhat eversheneededandt hathe' dbebackf orusi na f ewhour s." Not hi ngl i keal i t t l ef ami l yt r aumat oki ckst ar tadecentwar dr obe, "she' dsay, pr et endi ngnott ocr ywhi l et r yi ngonpi l esofexpensi vecl ot hesf r om al lofourf avor i t e st or es. " I t ' sHi ndenbur g,Fr ank.Andi fyou' r ef eel i ngnost al gi cf ormat chi ngout f i t s,you' r e wel comet oj oi nmeandMom onournextt r i pt oShay' sHouseofBar gai ns. " " Ther emustbesomet hi ngsavageabl ei nher e. " " Sal vageabl e.Andt her ei sn' t . " " Yeah,t hat ' swhatIsai d.Sal vageabl e.Asi n,abl et obesal vaged.Besi des,al lwer eal l y needar ebi ki ni s,j eanshor t s,andsandal s.Andmaybeadr essort wof orgoi ngoutat ni ght .Comet ot hi nkofi t ,maybeweshoul dgeta" " Bi ki ni s?I npubl i c?! " Mywor l di scr ashi ngdownar oundme!Fr anki e-l ongandl ean,ol i veski n,f ati nj ustt he r i ghtpl acesandnowher eel se-wi l lbest unni ngont hebeach.Butme?Ipi ct ur emy bl uewhi t eski nandunt oned,f r eck l edar mshangi ngunat t r act i vel youtofat wopi ece.No onewant st oseet hatunpr epar ed.Il ookFr anki eupanddownandchewonmy t humbnai l .Per hapsabeachvacat i onwi t hmyst unni ngbestf r i endi sn' tsuchagr eat i dea." Idon' tt hi nkso,Fr ank. " " Anna,noonewi l lnot i ceusi fwe' r ewander i ngar oundi nol dl adycl ot hes.They' l lt hi nk we' r epr egnantorsomet hi ng. " " Rat hert hanwant i ngt ogetuspr egnant ?" " Exact l y. " " Idon' tknow,Fr anki e.Idon' tt hi nk"
" Anna,you' r egor geous,andyouk nowi t .Youj usthavet ost opbei ngsoshyabouti t andst ar twor ki ngi t .Dabonal i t t l el i pst i ck,wal kst r ai ght ,t hr owyourshoul der sback, suckyourst omachi n,st i ckyourboobsout-andwor ki t ! " I nmyment almovi eof" wor ki ngi t , "Idookaywi t ht hel i pst i ckbutconcent r at esohar don st r ai ght eni ng,t hr owi ng,sucki ng,andst i ckout i ngt hatIdon' tnot i ceasur f boar dor dr i f t woodorasmal lchi l dunder f ootandIt r i p,sai l i ngoversai dunseenobst acl eand f acepl ant i ngi nt hehotsand. " Notgonnawor k, "Isay. Fr anki ecl i mbsont ot hebedandgr absmyshoul der s." I ti sgonnawor k.Bel i eveme. You' r eper f ect ! " " Your eal l yt hi nkso?" KABOOM! Fr anki eandIbot hl etoutasquealatt heunexpect edt hunder .Tome,t hesudden changei nweat heri sacl earsi gnt hatt heuni ver sedoesnotwantmet owearabi ki ni . Ast heskydar kensandt hedownpourst ar t s,Icat chFr anki egazi ngoutt hebi gbay wi ndowbehi ndus,wat chi ngneedl esofr ai ncomest r ai ghtatt hegl ass.Shest ar esati t f oral ongt i me,t r aci ngast r eakofwat erdownt hewi ndow,di st ant .Shedoest hat somet i mes-l i kehermi ndspl i t sandonesi dest aysher ewi t hmewhi l et heot heri sof f l i vi nganent i r el ydi f f er entl i f ei nt hedi st ancewi t hpeopl eIcan' tseeorhear . " Hel ovedt hest or msatni ght ,r emember ?"shewhi sper s,mor et oherr ef l ect i oni nt he wi ndowt hant ome.Inodandr estmyheadonhershoul der .I t ' st hemostshe' ssai d abouthi mi nal ongt i me.
f i ve Thenextmor ni ng,ent i r el yagai nstmywi l l ,Fr anki easksAuntJaynet odr opusof fatt he mal landl eadst hechar get oherf avor i t est or e-Bl i ng.Ever yt hi ngi nsi de-i ncl udi ngt he st af f-i sei t herseet hr ough,r ubber ,gl i t t er ed,orsomecombi nat i ont her eof . Leani ngagai nstt hef l oor t ocei l i ngspeakersyst em behi ndt hecount er ,abl ondeonl ya f ewyear sol dert hanusf l i pst hr ought hepagesoft hi smont h' sCel ebSt yl eandbobsher head,dangl i ngsi l verhear t sdanci ngabovehershoul der st ot het echnobassbehi nd her . Neverdet er r edbyawomani nabl ackr ubberhal t er t op,Fr anki et apsont hecount er . " Hi , "sheshout sovert hemusi c." Di dyougett henewswi msui t si nyet ?" Rubber gi r l ,whoser i ppeddeni m shor t sl ookl i keunder wearwi t hpocket s,r ai sesan eyebr owatFr anki eandj er ksherheadt owar dt hef arcor neroft hest or e. " Thanks, "Fr anki esays.
" What ever . "Rubber gi r lt ur nst hepageandr el easesal ong,myl i f ei ssohar dsi gh. Thankf ul l yMom i sn' ther et owi t nesst heexchange,orwe' dbewai t i ngar oundf orBl i ng managementsoMom coul dshar eal ongandpai nf ulcomment ar yonhowRubber gi r l ' s l ackofcust omerf ocusr ef l ect spoor l yont heent i r ecl ot hi ngi ndust r y. " She' snew, "Fr anki eassur esme,dr aggi ngmet ot hecor nerwher et hegi r lhadso obl i gi ngl ydi r ect edus. Af t erhandi ngmehercamer awi t hexpl i ci ti nst r uct i onst okeepf i l mi ng,Fr anki et akesa deepbr eat handget st owor k.Sheweavesherwayt hr oughr acksofswi msui t s,f or agi ng l i keamot herant el opef orherst ar vi ngbabi es,passi ngovercol or sorst yl est hatar e " sooool astyear "or" t oobl ahbl ahbl ahf ort hebeach. "Whenshef i ndssomet hi ngwi t h pot ent i al ,shet ugsont hef abr i ct osi mul at eahar ddayi nt hesur fandhol dsi tt ot hel i ght t oensur ei thast her i ghtamountofseet hr oughabi l i t y. Af t erf i f t eenmi nut esofhunt i ngandgat her i ng,Fr anki eemer gesf r om t her ackswi t ht wo ar ml oadsoft r yons.Abr okenf i nger nai landasl i ghtbr eat hl essnessar eheronl ybat t l e scar s. " Yout aket hi shal f ,andt henwe' l lswi t ch. "Shepassesmeapi l eofshi ny,spar kl i ng spandexaswemovei nt ot hef i t t i ngr oom andhol eupi nadj oi ni ngst al l s. " It hi nkweshoul dst i ckwi t hbl ack, "Isayt oFr anki easIcr ackopent hedr essi ngr oom doort oshowherapar t i cul ar l yhi deousor anget hi ngst r et chedacr ossmybacksi det het hi r dat r oci oussui tI ' vet r i edon." I t ' ssupposedt obesl i mmi ng. " " Ever yonewear sbl ack, "Fr anki es ays." Andwedon' tneedsl i mmi ng.Weneed somet hi ngf un.Somet hi ng-ew!Nott hatf un! "Sheshovesmebacki nt ot hest al lbef or e anypassi ngshopper scanassoci at eherwi t ht heor angemonst r osi t yi nf i t t i ngr oom A. " Keept r yi ng,Anna.You' l lf i ndt heone. " Fi vemor et r yons,f i vemor er ej ect s.Okay,maybel astyear ' syel l owonepi ecewi t ht he dai syneckl i nehaspot ent i al . " Fr ank,t hi si shopel ess.Can' tIj ustwearmy" " No, "shesays,st eppi ngoutofherst al l ." Youar enotal l owedt oment i ont hatyel l owsui t agai n.It hi nkIf oundoneIl i ke.Comesee. " Icr ackopenmydoor .Fr anki ei savi si oni nasheerwhi t ewr apbel owt hear t i f i ci algl ow oft hef i t t i ngr oom. Sheopenst hewr apt or evealababybl uehal t er st yl esui tt hatt i esatt heneckandhi ps andcover sj ustenoughofFr anki et okeepever yonewonder i ng.I twasmadef orher ; evi dencedbyt hemot her sanddaught er sgat her i ngar oundherl i kel ostsheepseek i ng hergui dancet hr ought het angl edpast ur esofBl i ng' sswi msui tcol l ect i on.
" OhmyGod,t hat ' si t ! "Iemer gef r om myst al landhugherast houghshe' st r yi ngon weddi nggowns." Youl ookamazi ng! " " Doesi tmakemel ookt oof at ?"Shet ugsatt hebot t om andt ur nsbackandf or t ht ol ook atherbut tandst omachi nt het hr eewaymi r r or ." Whataboutmyhuger i bs?Ihavemanr i bs. " Oneoft hemot her sl aughs. " Honey, "t hewomansays," i fIhadt hatbody,I ' dgot ot hebeachnaked. " Fr anki esmi l es.Theot hermomsagr ee.Al i t t l egi r lst ar es.Cel ebSt yl e,her eshecomes. " Fr ank,i t ' sawesome.Youhavet ogett hatsui t . " " Yout hi nk?Ar eyousur e?" " Yes, "t hel ostsheepandIsay." Okay,asl ongasyou' r ebei nghonest . " " OhmyGod,i fyoudon' tgett hats ui tI ' m notgoi ngt oCal i f or ni a. " " Okay,okay!I ' l lgeti t .I nt hemeant i me,her e. "Sher eachesi nt oherdr essi ngr oom and pul l soutahangerf ul lofol i vegr eensomet hi ng." It hi nkIf oundonef oryou,t oo.Iknow you' r eal i t t l emor econser vat i veaboutt heset hi ngs. " Lockedi nmyst al l ,Ist r i pdownagai nandpr epar ef oranot herpai nf ulbutpr edi ct abl e r ej ect i on.I ft hi sonedoesn' twor kout ,I ' m goi ngt oAl askai nst ead.Noswi msui tr equi r ed. Ipul landst r et chandt i et hevar i ouspar t si nt oposi t i onwi t houtl ooki ngi nt hemi r r or .AsI st ar eatt hechi ppedCot t onCandynai lpol i shonmyt oes,Ii magi newal ki ngdownt he beachi nmychi l di shyel l owsui twi t hFr anki e,QueenofSummer ,i nsof tbabybl ue.I ' l lbe t hesi deki ck.Thesecondst r i ng.Thesecondhel pi ng.Thesecondchoi ce. Myheadhur t s." Wel l ?"Fr anki eknocksont hedoor ." Doyouhavei ton?" Iunl at cht hedoorandpushi topen,st i l laf r ai dt ol ooki nt hemi r r or . " Wow.Wow.Anna,ohmyGod.Wow! " " Bad?"Iwhi sper . " Um,comeher e. "Bef or eIcansayanot herwor d,Fr anki egr absmywr i standpul l sme i nt ot hemai nf i t t i ngr oom i nf r ontoft het hr eewaymi r r or .Thankf ul l y,t hesheephave di sbanded. " Look. "Shenudgesmecl oser .Ist ar eatmyr ef l ect i on.Thegi r li nt hemi r r orst ar esback. Idon' tr ec ogni zeher . " Anna,you' r eget t i ngt hi ssui t . "
" I t ' sei ght ydol l ar s. " " Anna,you' r eget t i ngt hi ssui t . " " ButI" " Anna,you' r eget t i ngt hi ssui t .That ' si t . " It wi standt ur nandcont or tal lofmyappendagesi nsear chofsomef at alf l awt hatwi l l f or cemet oabandont hesui t ,butIcan' tf i ndone.Noti nt hel i ght l ypaddedhal t ert op t hatt i esatt heneckl i keFr anki e' s.Noti nt heboyshor t sbot t om t hatmakesmyst omach l ookf l atandsl i desovermyhi psl i keasecondski n. " See,It ol dyouyou' r egor geous, "Fr anki esays. " What ever . "I ' m st i l lget t i ngusedt ot hei deaofshowi nganyonemybel l ybut t onon pur pose. " OhmyGod, "Fr anki esqueal s." Anna,Ij ustt houghtoft hebesti deaever . " " Gr eat .I ' l laskMom t osetasi desomebai lmoney. " " No,l i st en. "Sheput sherar m ar oundmeandl ower shervoi ce." I t ' saboutt he Al bat r oss. "Herbr okeneyebr owseemst obedanci ngasshewi ggl esi tsuggest i vel y. " Oh,r i ght .Yourl i t t l epetpr oj ect . "Iam si mul t aneousl yi nt r i guedandaf r ai d-a combi nat i onI ' vegr ownusedt oovert hepastyearwi t hFr anki e. " I t ' sper f ect .We' r ei nCal i f or ni af ort went yt hr eedays,r i ght ?"Shedoessomequi ck cal cul at i onsonherf i nger s,l ooki ngupatt hecei l i ngt oconcent r at e." I fweal l owt hr ee daysf orar r i val ,expl or at i on,andst r at egy,t hatl eavesusei ght een,ni net een,t went y. Twent ydays,gi veort ake. " " Twent ydaysf orwhat ?" " Twent yboys. " It hi nkshe' sj oki ng,buthereyesar eset .Imustst opt hi smadnessbef or eshehasus buyi ngt hef ami l ypackofcondomsatt hephar macy. " Fr anki e,I ' m notsl eepi ngwi t ht went yguys,andnei t herar eyou! "Shel aughs." Come on,Anna.Ij ustmeantt hati fwecoul dmeetaboyaday,andmaybedoal i t t l et est dr i ve,cer t ai nl yyoucoul ddi t cht heA. A.atsomepoi nt ,r i ght ?Wecanevenmakei ta cont est .Whoeverget st hemostpr ospect s-wi ns. " Whi l et heyel l owdai syswi msui tAnnawoul dneverhaveagr eedt osuchascandal ous cont est ,t hecr azygi r li nt hemi r r orwear i ngt heol i vebi ki nican' tcr ushFr anki e' ssi ncer e smi l e.I t ' seart oear ,al mostal lt hewayt oherbr i ghtbl ueeyes,andbef or eIcaneven t hi nkaboutwhatabadi deai ti s,ourmi ssi oni si nmot i on.
" Twent ydays, "Isay,over j oyedatherl ast i ngent husi asm." Twent yboys.I ' mi n. " Fr anki ewi ggl eshereyebr owandt akesonemor el ookatourbi ki nir ef l ect i ons,noddi ng herappr oval . Ismi l eandnodback,chal l engeac cept ed. Cuet hemovi eannouncerguy. Somewher eal ongt heCal i f or ni aseashor e,ast r angewi ndbl owsovert heocean,and t went yobl i vi ousboyssi mul t aneousl yl ookupf r om t hei rsur f boar ds.
si x Ast hedayst ur ni nt ot hef i nalhour sbef or et het r i p,wheneverIt hi nkaboutFr anki e' s t went yboycont est ,Ican' ti gnor et hepr i ckl yf eel i ngi nmyst omacht hataccompani es Mat t ' sf ace,f adi nganddi sappoi nt ed. Ineversawyoui nabi ki ni ,Ii magi nehi m sayi ng. Youdi dn' tl i vel ongenough,It hi nk . Butt went y,Anna?Doesi thavet obet went y?Whataboutf i ve?Ort hr ee?Orone? Whatdoyoucar e?You' r edead,r emember ? Ishakemyheadandpackt hel as tf ewi t emsonmyl i st .Unl essDadhasal ast mi nut e changeofhear t ,wel eavet omor r owmor ni ng. " Deadboysdon' tt al k,Anna, "Isayoutl oud." Remember ?" " What ?"Mom doeshersi gnat ur eknockwhi l eal r eadyopeni ngmoveonmybedr oom door ." Di dyousaysomet hi ng,hon?" " Um,no,j ustr evi ewi ngmypacki ngl i st . "IseeDadbehi ndherandhopet heyhaven' t beenst andi ngt her el ong.ThenIs eet heser i ousl ookont hei rf acesandswal l owhar d, hopi ngt hey' r ej usther et or emi ndmeaboutsunscr eenandl i f eguar dsandgener al l y bei nganal l ar oundwel l behavedgi r lf orUncl eRedandAuntJayne. " Canwet al kf orami nut e?"Dadasks,maki nghi msel fcomf or t abl eonmydeskchai r . " Um,okay. "Ir emoveandr ef ol daf ewt hi ngsf r om mybagt ocr eat et hei l l usi ont hatI ' m busy. " So,Fr anki e' ssmoki ngagai n, "hesays. Ican' tt el li fi t ' saquest i onorast at ement ,soIpl aydumb." Whatdoyoumean?" " Icamehomebet weenopenhousest odayandsawher , "hesays.Dad' si nr ealest at e,
sohi sschedul ecanbeunpr edi ct abl e.Fr anki eshoul dknow-herwi ndowf acesour house.I t ' sbeenaf ewmont hssi nc et hel astt i mehebust edher ,whenhegr i l l edme aboutmynonexi st entsmoki nghabi t sandmademepr omi seI ' dgethert oqui t . " Shej ust-shef ound-i t ' sj ustt hat-Idon' tknow,Dad. "Igi veup.Theonl yexcuseI cant hi nkofi st het r ut h-she' sbr oken.Unt i lsomeonecanf i gur eouthowt of i xher , whatel secanshedo? Dadsi ghs." Anna,doyout hi nkmaybet het r i pi ssomet hi ngt hePer i nosneedt odo t oget her ,asaf ami l y?" " Theyar egoi ngasaf ami l y, "Ir emi ndhi m.Hi sl i neofquest i oni ngmakesmener vous. Whent hePer i nosf i r sti nvi t edme,i tt ooksomeconvi nci ngt osecur eDad' sper mi ss i on. Bef or eMat tdi ed,Dadal r eadyst r uggl edwi t hsuch" l i vi ngont heedge"act i vi t i esasme goi ngout si dewi t hwethai ri nt hewi nt er ,t aki ngof fmysneaker swi t houtunt yi ngt hem, andgoi ngt obedwi t houtf l ossi ng.I tonl ygotwor seaf t ert hecaracci dent ,andIr eal l y t houghtDadwoul dsaynot oasummervacat i onacr osst hecount r y-especi al l ywi t h hi scomment saboutmespendi ngt oomucht i mewi t hFr anki e.Butaf t erpr esent i nga convi nci ngar gument ,ci t i ngmyhonorr ol lf i nalgr ades,andcommi t t i ngt oaddi t i onal housewor kwi t houtbei ngasked,Iwonhi m over .Af t ert hat ,wheneversomeone ment i onedCal i f or ni a,Ichangedt hesubj ect .Li keIt ol dFr anki e-hecanst i l lr evoke per mi ssi onunt i lwe' r eont hepl ane. " Iknowt hey' r egoi ngasaf ami l y, "Dadsays." Imeant-wi t houtt henei ghborki dget t i ng under f oot . " Hesays" t henei ghborki d"l i keI ' m somebar nacl et hateveni ndust r i al st r engt h chemi cal scan' tr emovef r om t hehul loft hei rf ami l yt r agedy. " Dad,sheki ndofneedsmet her e,youknow?"If or cemysel ft okeepmyvoi cest eady, t hi nki ngaboutFr anki e' s" posi t i veenvi si onat i on. "Iam ont hebeach.Ther ear edr ool i ng boysandpost car dsandsomet hi ngaboutbeaut i f ulmer mai ds. . . . " Iunder st andt hat ,Anna.I t ' sj ustt hat . . .doyouevert hi nkt hatpar toft her easonFr anki e i sn' tmovi ngoni s-i st hatyouar en' tl et t i ngher ?" Il ookt oMom f orsuppor t ,buthereyesar eonmeexpect ant l y,asi fatanymi nut eI ' l lsee t hei ri r r ef ut abl el ogi candunpackmybags.IknowMom andDadcar eaboutFr anki e, butt heywer en' tt heoneshi di ngupst ai r swi t hheri nt heweeksaf t erMat t ' sdeat hwhi l e wel l meani ngr el at i vesandf r i endsst oppedby,bear i nganendl esssuppl yofcar dsand f oodi ndi sposabl ef oi lpansandsayi ngal lt hewr ongt hi ngs." He' si nabet t erpl ace now. "" Godmusthaveapl anf orhi m. "" Atl easthedi dn' tsuf f er . "" You' r est i l lyoung, Jayne.Maybeyoucanhaveanot herchi l d. "" You' dst opt hi nki ngabouthi mi fyout ook downhi spi ct ur es. "Theydi dn' thol dFr anki easshesobbedf orhour satat i mewi t hout t al ki ng.Theydi dn' tmakesur esheat eevenwhenshewasn' thungr y.Theydi dn' tdoher homewor kwhenshecoul dn' tconcent r at e,orexpl ai nt oourt eacher swhyshewasl at e f orever ycl ass. " HowdoyouknowFr anki ei sn' tmovi ngon?"Iask.
" Anna, "Dadsaysgent l y," al lI ' m sayi ngi st hatasl ongasyou' r ear ound,RedandJayne don' tr eal l yhavet owor r yaboutFr anki e-you' r edoi ngi tf ort hem.Andt wot housand mi l esawayonat r i pt hatwi l lbeext r emel ydi f f i cul tf ort hem -t hatcompl i cat est hi ngs. Wej ustwantt omakesur eyou' r er eadyt odealwi t ht hi s. " Deal wi t ht hi s?Notonl ydoesher educemybestf r i end' semot i onalst at et osomet hi ng aki nt oanannoyi ngr ash,heal sopl ant sanewseedi nmyal r eadyover cr owdedbr ai n. Coul dIbet her easonFr anki ei sn' tmovi ngon? Si nceMat t ' sdeat h,t heear t hhasmademor et hanonef ul lt r i par oundt hesun-pl ent y oft i met obeOverI t ,accor di ngt ot heof f i ci albooksandt her api st sandschool counsel or st hatt r i edt ot al kt omeaboutmy" car et aker "r ol ei nFr anki e' sl i f e. ButFr anki ei sn' toveri t . I ' m notoveri t . AndIdon' twantt ot al kabouti t ,becauseonedayhi snamewi l lbr ushagai nstmyl i psi n herpr esence,andt hr oughani nvol unt ar ybl ushi ngoft hecheeks,ami st i ngoft heeyes, abr eat hdr awnt oot i ght l y,orasi ngl et ear ,t hesecr etI ' m supposedt okeepl ockedup f or everwi l lber eveal ed. " Sweet hear t , "Mom says.Shel ooksatmesof t l ywi t hherYouCanTal kt oMef ace, whi chi sonl ysl i ght l ymor et ol er abl et hani t scl osecousi n,t heIWasYoungOnce,Too, f ace.Unl i ket heI WYOTf ace,whi c husual l ymeanst hatsheknowsI ' m upt osomet hi ng andI ' dbet t ernotl i eabouti t ,t heYCTTM f acei sequalpar t sgui l tandempat hywi t ha dashof" ar ewest i l lf r i ends?"and" yourf at heri sn' tabadguy"st i r r edi n. " DadandIar ej ustconcer nedaboutFr anki e.Weknowshe' sunderal otofpr essur e, andyou' vebeenmanagi ngsomer eal l yt oughemot i onst hatmaybeRedandJayne shoul dbemor ei nvol vedwi t h. " It hi nkaboutAuntJayne' sconst antwhi r l wi ndofi nt er i ordecor at i ngandshoppi ngspr ees wi t hUncl eRed' scr edi tcar ds. " Wel l ,t heyar en' ti nvol ved. " " Weknow,Anna, "Dadsays." That ' swhyMom andIar econcer ned.Cal i f or ni awi l lbe especi al l yhar dont hem,andwhoknowshowt hatwi l laf f ectFr anki e.Youmayhav et o bet hest r ongoneoutt her e,okay?" Ist i f l eal augh,r emember i ngsomet hi ngMat tsai dt omei nhi sf i naldays.Fr anki ewas babysi t t i ngdownt hest r eet ,andMat tandIwer ehangi ngouti nhi sr oom sor t i nghi s booksandmusi ci nt o" st ayi nghome"and" goi ngt ocol l ege"pi l es. " IknowI ' m notgoi ngf ar , "hesai d,shuf f l i ngt hr ought hest ayi nghomeCDs." ButI ' m wor r i edaboutFr anki e.Idon' twanthert of eell i kewedon' twantherar ound,orl i ke she' sal one.It hi nki t ' sgoi ngt obehar donheroncesheknowsaboutus.You' l lhavet o
bet hest r ongone,Anna. " " Excuseme?"Ipr et endedt obeputof fbyhi si nf er encet hatusgi r l swoul dj ustf al lapar t i nhi sover pr ot ect i veabsence." I t ' snotl i keyou' r egoi ngof ft owar .It hi nkwecanhandl e i t . " " Idi dn' tmeani tl i ket hat , "hesai d,comi ngcl osert omeont heedgeoft hebedand t aki ngmyf acei nt ohi shands. Il ookedupathi m wi t hmockhur t .ThenIt ackl edhi m,pi nni nghi mt ot hebedwi t h anot herki ss. " Who' st hest r ongonenow?"Iask edhi m." Okay,youwi n.Youwi n. "Hel aughed.I st ayedont opofhi m,r est i ngmyheadonhi schestwhi l ehepl ayedwi t hmyhai runt i l Fr anki egothome. " Anna?"Dadasks." Youokay?" Inod,bl i nki ngawayt hememor y." Iam t hest r ongone,Dad. " " Iknow,Anna.But" " Har dpar t sasi de, "Mom i nt er r upt s," Idot hi nkt het r i pwi l lbegoodf oryou,t oo.I tmi ght hel pyou-Idon' tknow-vi si twi t hMat tagai n.Doest hatmakesense?"Shel ooksat mewi t hsuchcompassi ont hatf oronesecondIf or getshe' smymot herandt hi nkshe mi ghtact ual l yknow,l i keIwearmyf eel i ngsi nbi gwor dsacr ossmyf aceandal lshehas t odoi sbr ushasi demyhai rt or eadt hem. " Yes, "Isay,hopi ngt heydon' tseemycheeksgohot ." Al lr i ght . "Dadr i sesf r om t hedesk chai r ." Fi ni shupandgett obed.You' vegotanear l ymor ni ngt omor r ow. " Fi nal l y. Pr et r i pf ear sal l ayedonceagai n,Ihugt hem bot hgoodni ghtandr echeckmybags agai nstmyl i st .Ever yt hi ngseemst obei nor der .Ther e' sj ustonepr obl em. Ican' tgethi m outofmymi nd. It ur nof ft heover headl i ghtandf l i ponmyr eadi ngl i ght .Cur l edi nmybed,Iwat cha f r eshdownpourst r eam al ongt hewi ndowandmakeever yt hi ngout si desof tandbl ur r y.I t hi nkaboutt heoceanagai nandl ookacr ossmyr oom att hemasonj ar sf ul lofcol or ed gl assf r om Fr anki eandMat t . Mat tcoul dhavedi edanyofahundr edways,butwheneverIl ookatt hegl ass,Iwal k t hr ought hehi st or yofourf r i endshi psear chi ngf ort hi ngsIcoul dhavedonedi f f er ent l yor sai dsoonert obr eakt hechai nofevent sl eadi ngupt ot hatdayi nt hecar ,t hedayhi s hear tst oppedwor ki ng.Hi ,Mat t ,I ' mi nl ovewi t hyou.Let ' snotgof ori cecr eam t oday. Let ' sj ustf i ndapl acet ohi de. Backwhenwewer est i l l" j ustf r i ends, "Iusedt owr i t eabouthi mi nmyol ddi ar y,whi chI
car r i edar oundever ywher e.I ' dwr i t eabouthangi ngoutwi t hhi m andFr anki eont he weekend,orhi m st oppi ngbymyl ockerbet weencl assesatschool ,ort hebookshe gavemet or eadsowecoul dt al kaboutt hem l at er .Onl ysomet i mesdi dIadmi tmyr eal f eel i ngsf orhi m onpaper-Iwasal waysaf r ai dt hatsomeonewoul df i ndmydi ar yand showhi m al lofmysecr et s. Iwr ot emyf i r str eall et t ert ohi mi nt hej our nalhegaveme-t houghIst i l ldi dn' twanthi m t oact ual l yr eadi t .I twasaf t erweki ssedout si demyhouse,whenIwasal onei nmy r oom wi t hever ycel li nmybodybuzzi ng,st i l lf eel i nghi m onmyl i ps.Ipr i nt edof ft he pi ct ur eDadhadt akenaf t ert hecakef i ght ,t apedi ti nsi det hej our nal ' spur pl ecover underhi s" HappyBi r t hday"i nscr i pt i on,andwr ot e. Thenextf ewweekswer eabl urofhappi ness,secr etmi dni ghtmeet ups,t al ki ngabout t her estoft hesummer ,howhe' dwr i t eever ydayf r om Cal i f or ni a,howFr anki eandI woul ddr i vewi t ht hei rpar ent st ot akehi mt oCor nel l .Ever ysecondt hatIwasawak e,I want edt obewi t hhi m.Toseeandknowhi mi nt heent i r el ynewl i ghtofourunf ol di ng r el at i onshi p-what everi twasmeantt obecome-i nawaydi f f er entf r om al louryear s aschi l dhoodbestf r i ends. Idi dn' thavet i met ot hi nkaboutwhatwashappeni ng,l etal onewr i t el et t er st hathe' d neverr ead. Af ewmont hsaf t erhedi ed,Ist ar t edwr i t i ngt ohi m agai n-j ustoncei nawhi l e.Noti na communi ngwi t ht hedeadki ndofway,buti tdi dhel pmef eelcl oset ohi m,especi al l y af t erahar dni ghtwi t hFr anki eoronni ght swhenIcoul dn' tst opt hi nki ngabouthi m. Li ket oni ght ,ont heeveofourdepar t ur e-t het oosoonf ami l yvacat i ont hat ' sonl y mi ssi ngonet hi ng. DearMat t , I nl esst hanaday,I ' l lbest andi ngont hesamesandyoust oodonsomanyt i mes bef or e.Wel l ,nott hesamesand,wi t ht het i desandwi ndsander osi onandal loft hat ,but t hesamesymbol i csand.I ' m soexci t edandscar edt hatIcan' tsl eep-event houghI havet owakeupi nf i vehour s! Youknow,Isavedever yoneofyourpost car ds.They' r eher ei naboxundermybedal lt hel i t t l est or i esyousent ,l i kel i t t l epi ecesofCal i f or ni a.Li ket hebeachgl assyouguys al waysbr oughtme.Somet i mesIdumpi toutonmydeskandpr essmyeart ot he pi eces,t r yi ngt oheart heocean.Tr yi ngt ohearyou. Butyoudon' tsayanyt hi ng. Rememberhowyou' dcomebackf r om yourvacat i onont hebeachandt el lmewhati t r eal l yf el tl i ke?Whatt heoceansoundedl i keatdawnwhent hebeachwasdeser t ed? Whatyourhai randski nt ast edl i keaf t erswi mmi ngi nsal t wat eral lday?Howt hesand coul dbur nyourf eetasyouwal kedoni t ,buti fyoust uckyourt oesi n,i twascol dand wetunder neat h?Howyouspentt hr eehour ssi t t i ngonOceanBeachj ustt owat cht he sunsi nki nt ot hewat erami l l i onmi l esaway?I fIcl osedmyeyesasyouwer et al ki ng,i t
wasl i keIwast her e,l i keyourst or i eswer emyst or i es.I nmanyways,If eelasi fIhave memor i esofyout her e,t oo.Doyout hi nkt hat ' scr azy? Mat t ,pl easedon' tt hi nkbadl yaboutFr anki e' scont est .I t ' sj ustasi l l ygame.I t ' sso Fr anki e,youknow? No,Iguessyouwoul dn' t .You' dki l lheri fyoudi d! Shej ustmi ssesyou.Weal ldo.I ' l ll ookoutf orher ,t hough.Ipr omi se. Pl easewat choverust omor r ow,andf ort henextf ewweekswhi l ewe' r eaway.You' l lbe i nmyt hought st hewhol et i me,l i keal ways. I ' m goi ngt of i ndsomer edseagl assf oryou. Imi ssyoumor et hanyoucoul deverknow. Love, Anna It r acemyf i nger soverhi snameont hel et t erandcl osemyeyes,i magi ni ngt hatwhen wegett oCal i f or ni a,he' st her ewai t i ngf orus,smi l i ngwi t hhi sappl ehai randbl uebeach gl assneckl ace.
seven " Seeyoui naf ewweeks. "Mom hugsmegoodbyei nt hePer i nos' dr i veway." Cal lus ever yf ewdaysanddon' tf or gett osendpost car ds. " " Iwi l l .AndIwon' t . " " RememberwhatIsai daboutsunbl ockandal waysswi mmi ngwher et hel i f eguar dcan seeandhearyou, "Dadsays." Theoceancanbedanger ous,especi al l ydur i ngvac at i on seasonwhent hebeachesar ecr owded. " " Dad,wecover edt hi sal r eady.Besi des,youhat evacat i ons, "It ease." Howdoyouknow whatt hebeachesar el i ke?" " Wedon' that evacat i ons, "hesays." I nf act ,Mom andIwer ej ustt al ki ngaboutpl anni ng ourownf ami l yvacat i onf ornextsummer . " I nmysi xt eenyearhi st or yasanOf f i ci alMemberofThi sFami l y,we' venevert akena r ealvacat i on.I naper f ectst or m ofst upi dai l ment s,Dad' saf r ai doff l yi ng,Mom can' t st omachl ongcarr i des,andbot hoft hem havei ssueswi t hnonchl or i nat edwat er .Sur e, we' vecover edt hel ocalci r cui t-Ami shcount r y,t hezoo,OakRi dgeSt at ePar kanyt hi ngl i st edi nt heNewYor kSt at egui debookandl esst hant wohour s' dr i ve.Butno exci t i ng,l i f eal t er i ngexper i encest owr i t eabouti nt hoseschoolessaysi nt hef al l .No
exot i cdest i nat i onf r om whi chIcoul dsendpost car ds. DearFr anki eandMat t , Her ewear eat . . .t hezoo! Wedi dn' tevenhavet ost andi n"l i on. "Themonkeysmi ssyou. Love,yourwor l dt r avel i ngnei ghbor ,Anna " Sur e,Dad, "Isay,smi l i ng." Soundsf un. "Igi vehi m andMom onemor er oundofhugs bef or eset t l i ngi nnextt oFr anki ei nt hebackseat .Af t eraf ewmor ewor dst oRedand Jayneaboutt aki ngcar eoft hePer i nos' pl ant s,house,andmai lwhi l ewe' r eaway,Mom andDadf i nal l yl etusl eave. Iwat choutt hebackwi ndowasmypar ent swavef r om t heyar dandgetsmal l erand smal l eraswezoom upt hest r eet .I nl esst hanhal faday,I ' l lbeget t i ngof fapl anet wo t housandmi l esf ar t hert hanei t heroft hem wi l levergo.Iconsi dert hei rst r ange ant i t r avel i ngaf f l i ct i onsf orj ustami nut ebef or er eal i zi ngt hatI ' veneverbeenonan ai r pl aneandcoul dver ywel lbecur sedwi t ht hesamef earoff l yi ngt hatkeepsDad' sf eet pl ant edont hegr ound. " Don' tevenwor r y, "Fr anki esayswhenIconf essmyconcer ns.She' si nf ul lmakeup, per f ecthai r ,cut edr awst r i ngt r avel i ngpant s,andapl ai npi nkTshi r t ." I t ' ssaf ert han dr i vi ng. " Il ookathereyebr owandf eelat wi ngeofpai ni nmywr i st-t hephant omsofol d i nj ur i es.Shedoesn' tnot i ce. Thesuni sj ustpeeki ngabovet hehor i zonasRedpul l sont ot hehi ghway.Heal t er nat es bet weenscanni ngt hemor ni ngt al kr adi of ornewsandweat herandt r yi ngt oengage Jaynei nconver sat i on.She' sbeenki ndoff arawayal lmor ni ng-noddi ngandsmi l i ng, pol i t ebutpr eoccupi ed.If ol l owFr anki e' sl eadandcont i nueourconver sat i onast hough we' r eanyot hernor malf ami l yt aki nganyot hernor malvacat i on. Fr anki et el l smeaboutt hei t i ner ar y:howl ongt hef l i ghtt oSanFr anci scot akes,whatwe dowhenwel and,t hedr i vet oZanzi bar ,wher eweeatl unch,whatt i meweshoul dgett o t hehouse. I t ' sbar el ysi xi nt hemor ni ngandIal r eadyf eell i kewe' vebeent r avel i ngal lday. Att heai r por t ,wechecki n,dr opof fourl uggage,andf ol l owt hesi gnst ot hesecur i t y checkpoi nt . " Ican' tbel i eveI ' m si xt eenyear sol dandI ' veneverbeenpastsecur i t yatt heai r por t , "I sayasIt akeof fmyshoesandsett hem ont heconveyorbel tnextt oFr anki e' s." I ' m so shel t er ed. " " Fi r stt i met hr ought heXr aymachi ne,f i r stt i meonapl ane,f i r stt i mei nCal i f or ni a. . .I ' m
sensi ngat hemeher e,Anna.Youknow,f i r stt i mes ?"Fr anki ewi ggl eshereyebr owsand st epst hr ought hemachi ne.I fRedandJaynewer en' tal r eadyt hr ought hecheckpoi nt wai t i ngf orusont heot hersi de,I ' dgr abmyshoef r om t heconveyorbel tandmai m her wi t hi tr i ghther e. Thesecur i t yscr eenert akesaf ewext r ami nut est oscanFr anki ewi t ht hehandhel d wandbef or ewavi ngmet hr ough. " Toobad, "Isay,gr abbi ngmyshoesandbagof ft hebel t ." It hi nkIpackedt hewr ong bat hi ngsui t .Youknow,t heyel l owone.Wi t ht hef l ower s. " " Youbet t ernotbeser i ous. "Shel ooksaghast . " Iguesswe' l lf i ndoutwhenwegett ot hebeach. " " Fi ndoutwhat ?"Redasksaswer euni t e." Not hi ng, "Fr anki esays." Wher e' sMom?" " Rest r oom. "Rednodst owar dt hebl ueandwhi t esi gndownt hehal l . " Agai n?"Fr anki easks.I t ' sJayne' sf our t ht r i pt ot hebat hr oom si ncewecheckedi n." I s sheokay?" " She' sf i ne,gi r l s.Justaf ewner vesbef or et het r i p,t hat ' sal l . "Uncl eRedst i ckshi shands i nhi spocket sandl ooksbackt owar dt hebat hr ooms." Justaf ewner ves. " Fr anki esl i ngsherbackpackoveroneshoul der ." CanmeandAnnagoaheadt ot he f oodcour t ?I t ' sr i ghtupt her e. " " Sur e,hon.We' l lcat chupi nami nut e. " Fr anki eandIf i ndaJack' sJavaandor derf r ozengr eent easmoot hi esandnonf at bl ueber r ymuf f i ns,t hel eastwecandot omai nt ai nourcombi nedt woandahal f pound l ossont heal l but abandonedUl t r aQui ckSki nnydi et . " Ican' tbel i evet heai r por thasadr ycl eaner sandaJack' sJava, "Isay,sl ur pi ngmy smoot hi e.ThoughI ' vet r avel edt ot heai r por twi t hMom andDadt opi ckupanddr opof f r el at i ves,I ' veneverbeent hi sf ari nsi de.Abovet hesoundoft heover head announcement sandf i nalboar di ngcal l st oexot i cdest i nat i ons,par ent sscol dt hei rki ds, peopl eshouti nt ocel lphones,andf r i endsr emi ni sceaboutt hei rvacat i onsbef or e boar di ngt hepl anest hatwi l lcar r yt hem home.I t ' sl i keasecr etunder gr oundwor l d-a const antf l uxofar r i val sanddepar t ur es,r euni onsandbr eakups,hel l osandgoodbyes, bef or esandaf t er s. " Theyhav eever yt hi ngher e-evenaspa, "Fr anki et el l sme." Youcoul dt ot al l yl i vei nt he ai r por t . " " Di dn' tt heymakeamovi eaboutt hat ?" " I ft heydi dn' t ,t heyshoul d.Comet ot hi nkofi t ,weshoul d. "Fr anki edi gshercamer aout ofherbagandget si nt oheri nt er v i ewervoi ce.
" A. B. S. E. ,dayone.Depar t ur e.AnnaRei l ey,f i r st t i mevi si t ort ot heai r por t ,si psher smoot hi ewhi l eawai t i ngherf l i ghtt oCal i f or ni a.Theai ri schar gedwi t hexci t ementas Rei l eysnar f sdownt hel astf ewcr umbsofhernonf atmuf f i n.Tel lus,Mi ssRei l ey,how doesi tf eelt of i nal l yseet hei nnerwor ki ngsoft heai r por t ?" " Wel l ,Fr ancesca,Iam admi t t edl yf ul loft r epi dat i on,neverhavi ngbeeni nt heai r por t bef or e,asyouknow.YetI ' dber emi ssi fIdi dn' tt el lt hevi ewer showexci t edIam t o t r avelwi t ht her enownedFr ancescaPer i noandherador i ngpar ent s.Ij ustcan' tt hank t hem enough.Andt hankyou,Fr ancesca.AndI ' dl i ket ot hankmyownpar ent sf or agr eei ngt osendmet ot heai r por t ,andt heAcademyf orbel i evi ngt hatI ' dmakei tt ot he ai r por twhennooneel sedi d.Thankyou.Thankyoual l .Pl ease,nomor equest i ons. " " No,t hankyou,Mi ssRei l ey. "Fr anki et ur nst hecamer aonher sel f ." Thi si sFr anki eP, l i vef r om t heai r por t ,si gni ngof f . " " You' r eaf r eak. " " I ' dbeal lf ul loft r epi l at i onandr emi ni scei fIdi dn' tagr ee. " " Tr epi dat i onandr emi ss. " " Yeah,t hem,t oo. " RedandJaynecol l ectusi nf r ontofJack' s,or dert wol ar gehousebl endst ogo,andl ead usdownt ot hegat e.Af t eraf ewsi psoft hest r ongcof f ee,Jayneseemsal i t t l ebet t er . Sheevenl aughswhenFr anki eandIshowherourmocki nt er vi ew. West i l lhaveanhourbef or eboar di ng,soFr anki eandIpasst het i mebywr i t i ngst or i es i nt hebackofmyj our nalaboutt heot herwai t i ngar eapassenger s.Wegett hr ough DuaneDur st ei n-per vy,wi f echeat i ngi nsur ancesal esman;Gl or i aMast er sonoft he Bost onMast er sons( ol dmoney) ,whol ongagosnubbedherf ami l ywhent heyr ef usedt o acceptherl oveofshowpoodl es;andMi ckey,asi xyear ol dwi t hgi gant i cf l oppyear s whor ef usest ol i st ent ohi sf r azzl edmot her .Act ual l y,t hatpar ti sn' tmadeup-t heboy' s mot hercal l shi m Mi ckey,t oo.Bef or ewecanmoveont ot hewomani nt hecr ochet ed Amer i canf l agsweat er ,t hecount erat t endantcal l sourr ow. " That ' sus , "saysRed." Yougi r l sr eady?" Ismi l e.Iam sor eady. Bef or eIknowi t ,I ' m buckl edt i ghtnextt oFr anki ei nr owf our t een,wi ndowseat ,l i st eni ng at t ent i vel yt ocr ewmemberi nst r uct i onsandf ol l owi ngal ongwi t ht hepassengersaf et y i nf or mat i oncar dconveni ent l yl ocat edi nmyseat backpocket .Ever yt hi ngi snewt omebat hr oomsatt hi r t yt housandf eet ,f r eesnacks,mal ef l i ghtat t endant s.I ' m anut t erchi l d wi t hwi deeyesandmat chi ngdopeygr i n,j ustr el easedf r om t hej ungl ebyt hewol ves t hatr ai sedme. Ir eachi nt omybagf ormyj our nalsoIcanwr i t eaboutever yt hi ngIseeont hepl aneand r eal i zewi t hasuddenpani ct hatmybagi sn' tascr owdedasi tshoul dbe.
" Oh,no! "Mypul sest ar t spoundi ngi nmyvei ns. " Anna,what ' swr ong?"Fr anki easks." Ner vous?" " Il ef tmyj our nalont hecount erwhenIhandedt hem myt i cket ! " " Ar eyousur e?"Fr anki epokesar oundmybagt oconf i r m. " Yes!Ir ememberset t i ngi tdownt opul lt het i cketoutofmypur se! "I ' m pr act i cal l yi n t ear s. " Don' twor r y,we' r est i l latt hegat e. "Fr anki epr essest hecal lbut t on." Theycanpr obabl y geti tf oryou. " " Fr anki e,Ican' tl osei t ! "Passenger si nnei ghbor i ngr owsl ookonwi t hmi l di nt er estasI st ar tt ohyper vent i l at e.I ' m cr awl i ngoutofmyski n!Howcanever yonebesocal m about t hi s? " Ever yt hi ngokay?"Aper kyf l i ghtat t endanti nanavybl uesui t-Dar cy,accor di ngt oher namet ag-appear satt heendofourr ow. " Di danyonet ur ni napur pl enot ebook?"Fr anki easks." Shel ef ti tont hecount erwhen weboar ded. " " Letmecheckont hatf oryou, "Dar cysays,smi l ef i r ml yi npl ace. " I t ' sokay,Anna.Br eat he. "Fr anki epat smyhand. Af t erwhatf eel sl i ket hr eedays,per kyDar cyr et ur nst oourr ow,not ebooki nhand. " I st hi si t ?"sheasks." Oneoft hepassenger sgavei tt oMegupf r ont . " " Yes! "Ir eachoverFr anki eandt henamel esspassengeri nt heai sl eseat ,pr act i cal l y snat chi ngt hej our nalf r om Dar cy' smani cur edhands." Thankyousomuch, "Isay, f l i ppi ngt hr ought hepagest omakesur enot hi nghasbeent or n,eat en,spi l l edupon,or ot her wi sedamageddur i ngourbr i efbutpai nf ulsepar at i on. " Bet t ernow?"Fr anki easks." Yes.Youhavenoi dea. " " Ido.I ' df r eakoutl i ket hati fIl ostmymovi es. "Shesmi l esandpl ugsher sel fi nt oher i Podf ort heHel i copt erPi l otdoubl el i vewedownl oadedl astni ght . It ur nt ot hewi ndow,keepi ngt hej our nalonmyl ap.Ther e' snowayI ' ml et t i ngi toutof mysi ghtnow. Mi dwayt hr ought hef l i ght ,Ipeelmyf acef r om t hewi ndowpaneandr eal i zeIhaven' tf el t anyoft hef ear of f l i ghtsympt omsDadwar nedmeabout-nausea,cl ammyhandsand f eet ,r aci nghear t ,whi t eknuckl es,gener al l ymaki nganassofonesel f( ot hert hanwhenI l ostmyj our nal ,whi chwasaf r eakacci dentandt hankf ul l yoverqui ckl y) .Iwat cht he whol ecount r ygoby-r i ver s,l akes,mount ai nst hatl ookl i ker i ppl esi nt hegr ound,and
t heyel l owandgr eenpat chwor kqui l t sofMi ddl eAmer i ca. " Look,Anna,t her e' st heGol denGat eBr i dge. "Fr anki el eansovermyl apt opoi ntouta hugeor angebr i dgest r et chi ngonf or ever .Beyondt hati st hePaci f i cOcean,dot t edwi t h st r i psoff oamywhi t ecapsandt hesof t ,col or edt r i angl esofsai l boat s. Il ovet hef l yi ngandt hesi ght ssomucht hati fwehadt ot ur nar oundandgohomer i ght now,i twoul dst i l lf eell i keacompl et evacat i on. I t ' sal mos tonewhenwef i nal l ygetof ft hepl ane,t houghi t ' sonl yt eni nCal i f or ni a.Af t er wef i ndourbags,wepi ckupourr ent alcarandheaddownt hePaci f i cCoast alHi ghway. I nl esst hant wohour s,we' l lbei nZanzi barBay-gat ewayt ot heA. B. S. E. Justl i keont hepl ane,Fr anki el et smehavet heseatwi t ht hebestvi ew.Iopent he wi ndowandwat cht heocean-anever endi ngst r eakofbr i ghtbl ueandgr een.The moodi nt hecari saj uxt aposi t i onofexci t ementandsadness,al t er nat i ngi nwavesof smi l esandl aught erasFr anki e' sf ami l ypoi nt soutvar i oussi t esandj okesatmy bewi l der mentatt hef or ei gnnessofi tal l ,f ol l owedbysi l ence-t heunspokenmel anchol y pushi ngi nt ot hespacesMat tl ef tbehi nd. ThoughI ' dsatwi t ht hem t hr oughsessi onswi t ht heschoolcounsel or ,t hr oughFr anki e f r eakout si nt hel i vi ngr oom,t hr oughawkwar df ami l ymeal sandhol i dayswher enoone t al kedandal lIcoul dhearwast hecl i nki ngoff or ksagai nstpl at es,r i di ngi nt hecarwi t h t hePer i nosasscenessai lal ongt hehi ghwayt r i gger i ngmemor yaf t ermemor yaf t er i nvi si bl e,unsai dmemor yi st hehar destt hi ngI ' vedonesi nceMat t ' sf uner al . You' l lhavet obet hest r ongone,Anna." Youguyswannapul loverandgetabet t er l ook?"Redasksaf t eranhouront her oad,changi ngl anest oexi tatanover l ookpoi nt . Our si st heonl ycart her e-ar ockypat chofsandwi t hasmal lpar ki ngar eaandpi cni c t abl e. Fr anki eandIwal kt ot heedgeoft hecl i f fwhi l eJaynepul l sanassor t mentofai r por t donut sandj ui ceboxesf r om anyl oncool erandset st hem upont hepi cni ct abl e.We l eanovert hewoodenguar dr ai l sanddr opr ocksovert heedge,eachoneshat t er i ng agai nstt heboul der sbel owi nt ot i nyshar dsanddustt hatswi r landswooshbef or e di ssol vi ngi nt ot heocean.I fnotf ort hedol omi t eboul der s,accor di ngt ot hei nf or mat i onal si gnpostbehi ndus,t hebaseoft hecl i f fwoul dhaveer odedi nt heocean' st umul t t housandsofyear sago,andFr anki eandIwoul dnotbesuspendedsoper f ect l yaswe ar eabovet hewat er . Iwr apmyhandsar oundt her ai landl ookdown.Thevi scouschur ni ngbel owmakesme sodi zzyt hatIhavet ocl osemyeyesandcountbackwar df r om t ent or ecompose.I i nhal edeepl y,smel l i ngandt ast i ngt heocean' ssal tonmyski nandr emember i nghow Mat thaddescr i bedt hi ssamef eel i ngi nsomanyofhi spost car ds. Anna,whenyoumeett heocean,youf eeli tmor et hanyouseei t .I fyou' r el ucky,t hat wonder mentneverf ades,andyouf eeli tagai never yt i meyougetbackher e.You' l lf eel i tsomeday.
" Gi r l s, "Jaynecal l sf r om t hepi cni ct abl e." Notsocl oset ot heedge!Comebackand havesomet hi ngt odr i nk.Wehavet hr eemor eweekst oenj oyt hevi ew! " Iopenmyeyesandt uggent l yonFr anki e' sar m. " Let ' sgo, "Isay. " Wai t ,Anna,doyouheari t ?Li st en. " " Whati si t ?"I tsoundsl i kebar ki ng. " Look-seal s. "Shepoi nt saboutt hi r t yf eetdownt heshor ewher eadozenorsobr own l umpswr i ggl eandpl ayi nt hesand,bar ki ngl i kesomeki ndofwat erdogs. " Wow, "Ibr eat he. " I ' m changi ngmyanswer . " Anna,what ' st henumberonecool estt hi ngyou' veeverseeni nyourl i f e? Heaskedmeoneni ght ,aboutaweekaf t ermybi r t hday,whenwesawt hr eeshoot i ng st ar si nar owbehi ndhi shouse.I twasaf t ermi dni ght ,andever yonewasasl eepbutt he cr i cket s.Ir emembert el l i nghi m aboutt hi scr azyl i ght ni ngst or m IsawwhenIwast en.I t wasf arawaybutIcoul dseet her ai nbi l l owi ngouti nsai l sandsheet s,al lt hedar kbl uegr ayskyl i tupi nf l ashaf t erf l ashaf t erf l ash. What ' syour s? I t ' sal waysbeent heocean.ButI ' mt hi nki ngaboutchangi ngmyanswer . Hedi dn' tsayanyt hi ngaf t ert hat .Hej ustl ookedatmyeyesf oral ong,l ongt i me, mi ssi ngal lt hest ar saboveusunt i li twast ool i ghtt oseet hem anyway. " Whatanswer ?"Fr anki easks. " Seal s.Theseal sar eof f i ci al l yt henumberonecool estt hi ngI ' veeverseeni nmyl i f e. " Shesmi l es,noddi ng." Agr eed. " Af t eri nhal i ngaf ewpowder eddonut s,weposeal ongt her ai lwi t hJayneasRedset sup hi scamer aandt r i podf orourf i r stof f i ci alt r i pphot o.Thought hey' l lpr obabl yappeari n t hepi ct ur easi ndi scer ni bl ebr ownbl obsont hedi st antshor e,t heseal sseem t ol i neup i nt hei rbestgr ouppose,j ustf orus.Sat i sf i edwi t ht heangl e,Redset st het i merandr uns t oj oi nusi nf r ontoft heocean,l aughi ngwi t ht heseal saswewai tf ort hecl i ck. " That ' sgoi ngt obeagr eatone,Twi nki es, "Redsays.Thoughwel ongagoshedt he yel l owwar dr obeassoci at edwi t hbabi eswhosepar ent sdi dn' tknowwhatsexwe' dbe, Fr anki eandIar est i l li nsepar abl e.Ourchi l dhoodni cknamest i cks. " Youokay,Anna?"Fr anki ewhi sper si nf r ontoft heseal sasRedandJaynegeti nt ot he
car . " It hi nkso, "Isay." Justt aki ngi tal li n. "Iki ckatt hegr oundwi t hmyt oes,sendi ngapi l e ofdet r i t uscascadi ngdownt her ockf ace.Anewbr eezesucksmoi stai rovert hecl i f fand coat sourar mswi t hasi l vermi st . " He' sher e, "shewhi sper sacr osst heocean.It akeherhandandcl osemyeyesagai n, st eadyi ngmysel fwi t hmyot herhandont her ai l ,f l oat i ng. Anot herf or t ymi nut esofdr i vet i megoesbyqui ckl y.Af t ert hepi tst op,bot hRedand Jayneshowr enewedener gyandexci t ement ,t el l i ngst or i esf r om t hei rf i r stf ewt r i pst o t hebeach,whent heki dswer el i t t l e.Reddr i vesmostoft het i mewi t honehandon Jayne' sknee,andoncei nawhi l e,sheput sherhandont opofhi sandsmi l es. JustasIst ar tt of eelnost al gi cf orl unch,Fr anki epoi nt soutaweat her edbl uesi gnal ong t heshoul der : Wel comet oZanzi barBay Par adi sel ost . . .andf oundagai n! Pop:945949 " Br eeze!Br eeze!Br eeze! "Fr anki eshout s,pumpi ngherf i stupanddown.Shet ol dme aboutt hei rf avor i t er est aur antt r adi t i ononourwayt ot heai r por tt hi smor ni ng. Af t erwel eavet hemai nhi ghway,Redcr awl sandput t er st hr oughMoonl i ghtBoul evar d, Pi er7,accor di ngt ot hesi gnwel comi ngust ot hemai nst r i p.Jammedwi t ht our i st s,hot dogs,andneonbat hi ngsui t s,t hepi eri sanassaul tonever yoneoft hef i vesensespossi bl yt hesi xt haswel l . I ti sn' tt het owni t sel f ,butt hepeopl e.Us.Summerseemst oar r i vewi t hus,ast hough t heent i r epl acehasbeenasl eepsi ncel astSept ember ,awakeni ngonl yast axi sand r ent alcar sl i neupt odeposi tusal ongt hebeach-f ami l i eswi t ht oddl er s,col l egeki dson br eak,r et i r eesseeki ngt owar mt hemsel vesundert heCal i f or ni asun,andourown mot l eycr ew.Toget herwebr eakupont hepi erl i keat i dalwaveassher ubsherwi nt er sl eepyeyes,st r et ches,andt ur nsont hecof f eef orus. Af t erf i ndi ngapar ki ngspaceonourf i f t ht ourdownt hest r i p,weputournamei nf ora t abl eatBr eeze,whi chhasat went ymi nut ewai t ,andwandert ot heedgeoft hepi ert o wat cht heboat si nt hePaci f i c.Thesmel lofcoconutoi lwaf t supf r om t hesun wor shi pper sdownbel ow,butt hesoundoft hewavescamouf l agesmostoft hei r l aught erandmusi c. " Don' twor r y,Anna. "Redshakeshi sheadatt heundul at i ngt angl eofpeopl ebel ow. " Thebeachneart hehousedoesn' tgetnear l yascr owdedast hi s.Ther ent alcommuni t y hasapr i vat el ease,soonl yt hef ol ksusi ngt hehousescanbeont hebeach. " " Yeah,t heol df ol ks, "Fr anki ewhi s per s.
" Sowhatdoyout hi nk?"Redasksme." Pr et t yamazi ng,huh?" " Mor et hanIi magi ned, "Isay. " Pr esentl ocat i onasi de,Il i ket opr et endt hatwe' r emost l ycutof ff r om t her estoft he wor l dher e.I t ' spr et t yqui et ,ot hert hant hesur f er s.Andt het our i st s.Andt hevendor s. Andal lt hescr eami ngki ds. "Uncl eRedsi ghs." Rememberwhent hi spl acewasst i l lki nd ofasecr et ,Jayne?" " Thatwasal i f et i meago. "Jaynest ar esoutovert hewat erasRedput shi sar m ar ound herandki ssesherhead.I tmakeshersmi l e,j ustal i t t l ebi t .It ur naway,f eel i ngl i kean i nt r uder . " Let ' sgoseei fourt abl ei sr eady, "Fr anki esays." Anna,t heyhavet hebestpi ñacol adas her e.Wai tt i l lyout r yt hem. " " Nonal cohol i c,ofcour se, "Jaynesays,pul l i ngawayf r om Red.Fr anki esmi l es." Vi r gi ns. Ofcour se. " Af t erl unch,i ncl udi ngt wooft hebestpi ñacol adas,Fr anki eandIgeti nl i nef ori cecr eam atSweetCar ol i ne' sCr eamer yst andnextdoor ,Ul t r aQui ckSki nnybedamned.Jayne seemst obef eel i ngbet t er ,butIl ear nedsoonaf t erMat tdi edt hatevensomet hi ngas si mpl easor der i nggr i l l edcheesef r om adi nermenucanunl eashaf l oodofmemor i es i mpossi bl et ocor r al . AsFr anki eandIwai ti nl i ne,compl et el ycancel i ngoutourcal or i esavi ngnonf atmuf f i ns andcombi nedwei ghtl ossi nj ustaf ewhour s,wecountt hi r t ysevensaggi ng,sunbur ned ol dwomenwhodon' tknowt hatt hey' veout l i vedt hest at ut eofl i mi t at i onsonwear i ng bi ki nit ops.Fr anki eandImakeavowt oneverl ett heot herouti npubl i cl i ket hataf t er t hi r t y,nomat t erhowgoodwet hi nkwel ook.Theshockofl i meandt anger i nespandex agai nstt hebackdr opofst or ef r ont swhosedeephueshavebeensuckedgr ayandpal e byyear sofwar m oceansal tr emi ndsmet hatwe' r eani nconveni ence,apassi ngf adt he t ownendur eseachsummerasshewel comes,sel l s,f eeds,andexi st ssol el yf orour ent er t ai nment .Ipi ct ur eal lt heshopsboar di ngupt hei rwi ndowsi nt hef al l-t hesi gns unpl ugged,t hesal t wat ert af f yspi nner scl eanedandst owedaway-awhol et own f ol di ngupi nt oat entandpackedont het r ai nwi t ht heel ephant sandf i r eeat er s. I cecr eam conesi nhand,wewal kar oundt hebackoft hest andal ongt hepi erwher ewe wai t edf orourt abl eatBr eeze.AsIl i ckar unawayl i neofmel t edcher r ychocol at er i ppl e f r om myhand,Ibecomehyper awar eofoursur r oundi ngs.Thebackandf or t hanci ent l ul loft het i de.Thecr yofseagul l spassi ngover head.Thesmel lofsal tandf i shcar r i ed ont hewar m br eeze.Wi t heachst epal ongt heol dwoodenpl anksoft hepi er ,t i nygr ai ns ofsandt hathi t chhi kedf r om t hebeachbel owar epul ver i zedunderourheel s.Sandt hat t r avel edmi l l i onsofmi l esoverbi l l i onsofyear sacr ossshi f t i ngcont i nent sandchur ni ng oceans,s ur vi vi ngpl at et ect oni cs,er osi on,andsedi ment ar ydeposi t i oni scr ushedbyour newsandal s. Thecosmoscanbesocr uel .
" Fr anki e,l ookatt hi ssand.I sn' ti tamazi ngt hat" " Shh-Anna,checki tout .No,notnow.Don' tl ookyet . " " Don' tl ookatwhat ?"It ur nmyheadt osee. " Guys.I nt hebasebal lhat s.Overt her e.Isai ddon' tl ook!Theyar et ot al l ychecki ngus out .Ar emyt eet hokay?"Shef l ashesaqui ckgr i nsoIcanconf i r mt hatal levi denceof l unchandi cecr eam i sgone. Inodandchanceacasualgl anceatt heboysi nquest i on,wai t i ngf ormyhear tt oski por mypal mst osweatormyt onguet obecomehopel essl yt i ed.Butal lbodi l yf unct i ons r emai ni nt act .Theyl ookj ustl i keal lt heboysathome,onl yt anner . " What ' st hebi gdeal ?"Iask,t hi nki ngt hati ft hi si sasgoodasi tget s,I ' l lbel uggi ng ar oundt heol dal bat r ossf orqui t eawhi l e. " Thebi gdeal ,Anna,i st hatt hey' r et ot al l yst ar i ngatus.Andwear en' tevendoneupor anyt hi ng. " Il ookathereyel ashesandt hef r eshcoatofgl i t t ermascar asheappl i edi nt her est r oom atBr eeze." Mmmhmm. " " I ' mj ustsayi ng.We' vebeenher eanhourandal r eadyt her ear epr ospect s.We' l lgett o t went yeasi l y.Maybeweshoul dupi tt ot hi r t y. " " Maybeweshoul di nt r oduceyournewboyf r i endst oyourpar ent s, "Isay," becauseher e t heycome. "
ei ght Fr anki ei mmedi at el yswi t chesbackt ot heGoodDaught er ,st owi ngt heSeduct r essf ora mor eappr opr i at e,i . e. ,par ent f r ee,t i me.Theboysacr osst hepi ermusthavesensedher per sonal i t ychange-ort hedangerofanappr oachi ngf at her-ast hey' r enowher et obe f oundwhenRedandJayner eachus. " Fi ndsomet hi ngyoul i ke?"Redas ks. " Huh?"Fr anki eal mostchokesonheri cecr eam. " Mom andIgotcooki es' n' cr eam, "hesays,hol di nguphi scone. " Oh-r i ght .Wegotcher r ychocol at esomet hi ng. " " Sowhenar eweheadi ngt ot hehouse?"Ij umpi nt opr eventanawkwar dsi t uat i onf r om get t i ngmuchwor se.BecauseRedandJaynehavebecomer el at i vel yl axi nt hei r di sci pl i neofFr anki e,she' sl esscar ef ulwi t hhersecr et st hant hel awsofpar ent chi l d r el at i onsdi ct at e.Idon' tt hi nkshe' dsaysomet hi ngr eal l yawf ul ,l i ke," Ij ustl ostmy
vi r gi ni t ywi t ht hef or ei gnexchangest udent ,pl easepasst hesal t . "ButIdon' twantt o t akeanychanceswi t hourcont estandr i skget t i ngsenthomeont hef i r stday.How embar r assi ng.Whatwoul dRedandJaynet hi nki ft heyknewt hei rdaught erandher bestf r i endst agedamanhunt-r at her ,at went ymanhunt-ont hef ami l yvacat i on? " Wehavet opi ckupaf ewbasi csf ordi nnert oni ghtandbr eakf astt omor r ow, "Redsays. " Thenwe' l lgo.Housei saboutf i vemi l esupt hehi l lf r om her e. " Fr om t hemai nr oadoutoft ownpastt hegr ocer yst or e,wecanonl yseet het opoft he house,t her oofr i si ngl i ket het i pofawoodeni ceber g.I tsi t sonal ongr i dgeover l ooki ng t heocean,nott oocl oset ot heot herhousesnear by. Uncl eRedandAuntJaynear esi l entaswemakeourwayal ongt hedi r tsi der oadt ot he t op.Aswewi ndar oundagr oveofpal mt r eesandcr estt hehi l l ,t hehouseappear sal lat onceast houghi thadbeenwai t i ngbehi ndt het r eest oj umpoutatus. " Wow, "Iwhi sper .Ther ei snot hi ngel seIcansay.Thesi ghtofi t ,l i veandupcl ose, hushesme.I ti sn' tgi gant i corul t r amoder noranyt hi ng,buti t ' sbr eat ht aki ngt ome-a f ai r yt al et hatl i vedi nhundr edsofphot ogr aphsandst or i esf i nal l ycomi ngt ol i f e.I t ' sal l woodandwi ndowst opt obot t om.I nt hebr i ghtor angesoft hesun,i tl ooksl i kei t ' son f i r e,agi antgl asst r i angl ebur ni ngagai nstt hebl uesky. Fr om t hedi r tr oad,wet ur ni nt ot hedr i vewayont henor t hsi deoft hehouse,t he backyar df aci ngwestovert hebeachandt heoceanandt hewi deopenskybeyond. " Wow, "Isayagai n." Ican' tbel i eveI ' m her e. " " Wel comet ooursecondf avor i t espoti nt hewor l d. "Uncl eRedcut st heengi neand squeezesAuntJayne' shand. Weal lsi ti nt hecarf oraf ewmi nut es,notsayi nganyt hi ng. " I ' m gonnacheckoutt hevi ewf r om t hebackyar d, "Isay,ext r act i ngmysel ff r om t hecar andt hesi l ence. " We' l l ber i ghtbehi ndyou, "AuntJaynesays. Iheadupt hegr adualhi l lt ot hebackyar d,l ooki ngdownatt hesi l verpodoft hecarf r om t het op.Thet hr eeoft hem ar ef r ozen,af r ai dt omove.Ican' tt el li ft hey' r et al ki ng,but Fr anki ei sl eani ngbet weent het wof r ontseat s. Forabr i efmoment ,Imi ssmypar ent s.Dadi nhi sPar ksi deReal t yspor tcoat .Mom wi t h hercoupons.Cal m.Pr edi ct abl e.Nor mal .Iwonderi ft heymi ssme,t oo,t housandsof mi l esawayi nt hei rqui etnor malhousewher eseal sdon' tbar kandf ami l i esdon' tcr yi n t hecar . Thebacky ar di saboutt hesi zeofourschoolswi mmi ngpoolandhassi xwoodenst eps ont hef aredgel eadi ngdownt ot hebeach.Iknowt her ear esi xoft hem becauseMat t usedt ot el lmeabouthowhe' dr unoutt hebackdoor ,of ft hedeck,acr osst hel awn,and
j umpdownt ot hesand,sai l i ngr i ghtovert hest epsasAuntJayneyel l edaf t erhi m about br eaki nghi sneck. Iki ckof fmyf l i pf l opsandwal kacr osst hewetgr asst ot hest eps,si t t i ngont hebot t om oneanddi ggi ngal i t t l et unneli nt hesandwi t hmyf eet .I t ' swetandcol dundert hehot sur f ace,j ustl i keMat tsai d. Ast hewavesshushagai nstt heshor e,Il ookoutovert heoceanandwat chaf ew f ami l i esscat t er edal ongt hebeach.I nf r ontofme,amot herst andskneedeepi nt he wat er ,wavi ngandcal l i ngf ort wol i t t l eboyst ocomei nf orl unch. Whensomeoneyoul ovedi es,peopl easkyouhowyou' r edoi ng,butt heydon' tr eal l y wantt oknow.Theyseekaf f i r mat i ont hatyou' r eokay,t hatyouappr eci at et hei rconcer n, t hatl i f egoesonandsocant hey.Secr et l yt heywonderwhent hest at ut eofl i mi t at i ons onaski ngexpi r es( i t ' st hr eemont hs,byt heway.Wr i t t enorunwr i t t en,t hat ' saboutal lt he t i mei tt akesf orpeopl et of or gett heonet hi ngt hatyouneverwi l l ) . Theydon' twantt oknowt hatyou' l lneveragai neatbi r t hdaycakebecauseyoudon' t wantt oer aset hemagi calt ast eoft hef r ost i ngonhi sl i ps.Thatyouwakeupever yday wonder i ngwhyyougott ol i veandhedi dn' t .Thatont hef i r staf t er noonofyourf i r str eal vacat i on,yousi ti nf r ontoft heocean,f acehotundert hegi antsun,wi l l i nghi mt ogi ve youasi gnt hathe' sokay. " Ther eyouar e! " Ij ump.I t ' sFr anki e,comi ngdownt hest ai r s." Youokay?" " Yeah. "Imoveovert omaker oom f orheronmyst ai randputmyheadonhershoul der . " Iwasj ustt hi nki ngabouthi m. " " Me,t oo. "Hereyesar er edandgl assy,butshe' ssmi l i ng." It hi nkt hehar dpar t ' sov er . We' r eof f i ci al l youtoft hecar . " Il augh,pul l i ngmyf eetoutoft hei rsandcaves. I nt hedi st ance,t i nyt r i angl es-somewhi t e,somer ed,somer ai nbow-navi gat eal ong t her i seandf al lofat housandsal t wat erpeaks. " I sn' ti tamazi ng,Anna?"Shel ooksoutacr osst hewat er ." I tmakesyouf eelki ndof smal l ,huh?" " Yeah. "Idon' twantt osayt oomuch;t obr eakt het hi ngl assbubbl espel l ,myhead r est i ngonhershoul der ,myol destf r i endr ef l ect i veandser i ousandst i l lcapabl eofbei ng amazed. " Youknowwhatt hebestpar taboutCal i f or ni ai s?"Sheput sherar m ar oundme,her Mat t br acel etcoolagai nstmyshoul der ." Nooneknowsmeher e.Nooneknowst hat t hey' r esupposedt of eelsor r yf orme. "
It hi nkaboutt hef acesatschoolaswepassedt hr ought hehal l s-eyesl ooki ngaway, mout hswhi sper i ng.Ther egoesMat t ' ssi st er .Hey,i sn' tt hatt hebestf r i end? " Exceptf oryou, "shesays." You' r et heonl yonewhoknowst hebi gbl acksecr et .And you' r eal ockedvaul twheni tcomest okeepi ngsecr et s. "Shel aughs,ki cki ngatt hesand wi t hhert oes. Wedustof ff r om t hesandyst epsandwal koutt ot heshor e.Upcl ose,t hewat erchur ns andr ol l s,shi f t i ngbet weenhazybl uesandgr ays.Aseachnewwavesl i desupt oour bar ef eet ,t het i depul l si tback,l i f t i ngt hewat erl i keabl owi ngski r tt ogi veusapeekat t hecol or edst onesbeneat h. Thewat eri scool ert hanIexpect .I tbi t esatmyt oesunt i lI ' m usedt ot het emper at ur e andcannol ongert el lt hedi f f er enc ebet weenai randwat eronmyski n.Ikneeland scoopupahandf ulofsi l tandr ocks,st ar i ngi nt omycuppedpal m asdar k,wetsand l i ght ensi nt heai r . " Wher edoyout hi nki tcamef r om?"Iask,dr oppi ngmyhandsi nt ot hewat ert ol ett he waveswashovert hem. Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh. " Lot sofpl aces,Iguess, "Fr anki esays,cr ouchi ngt opi ckupasmoot h,pl umsi zedr ock. " Theoceanhasanever endi ngsuppl yofcoolst uf f .I nt hemor ni ng,youf i ndshel l sand gl ass,t oo.Checkt hi sout . "Shehol dst her ocki nf r ontofme." Youcanseebandsof col orf r om ot herr ocksandsandt hatwer epr essedt oget herovermi l l i onsof-whatar e youst ar i ngat ?" Ismi l e." Youknow,Mi ssPer i no,f orsomeonewhoal mostf ai l edear t hsci ence,yousur e knowal otaboutt heoceani cecosyst em. " " That ' snotsci ence,Anna.I t ' snat ur e.Bi gdi f f er ence. " Iopenmymout ht oar gue,butshe' ski ndofr i ght .Sci ence:aconst r uctcr eat edbyman t oexpl ai nawayal lofl i f e' smyst er i es.Nat ur e:i t sowncr eat i on,i t sownmyst er y,exi st i ng l ongbef or ewet ookourf i r stbr eat hsandl ongaf t erwet akeourl ast . Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh. " Fr anki e,t hanksf orbr i ngi ngmeher e. " Shel ooksatmeandsmi l essof t l y.Herbodyi sher ewi t hme,herf eetl eavi ngwet i mpr i nt si nt hesand,buthereyesar eami l l i onyear saway,swi mmi ngwi t hsome pr ehi st or i ccr eat ur esassandandst onesandt i nybonespr esst oget herandgr i ndapar t , nat ur emovi ngsl owl yonwar d,unaf f ect edbyt hei nsi gni f i cantcomi ngsandgoi ngsof humanl i f e.Isuddenl yf eelver ysmal l ,smal l erandl essi mpor t antt hant hegr ai nsof sandunderourf eet ,andI ' m si mul t aneousl ycomf or t edandhumbl ed. " Her e,keepi t . "Fr anki esmi l esagai n,pr essi ngherst r i pedst onei nt omyhand." I t ' st he
f i r stof f i ci alsouveni rf r om t heA. B. S. E. " Wewal kupanddownt heshor ef oranot herhal fhour ,st oppi ngever yf ewf eett oscoop upanempt yshel lorasquar eofgr eengl ass.Myf i nger sandt oespuckerandmyhai r bl owsi nt omyeyesandmout h,butIwantt ospendt hewhol et r i pouther e,wi t ht he oceanr epl eni shi nghert r easur esl i keanol dshopkeeperasIsl eepal ongsi deheri nt he sand. Fr anki ei sst i l lqui et ,di ggi ngi nt hesandf orherownt r easur es.Thel astt i meshewason t hi sbeach,shewashel pi ngMat tunear t hgl assf orhi sj ewel r ycr eat i ons.Theywer e t hr owi ngeachot heri nt hewat er .Maki ngdi nnerpl ans.Tal ki ngabouthowyoucoul dr i de awaveal lt hewayt oshor ewi t hj ustyourbodyi fyoucaughti tr i ght . Somet i mesIt hi nki fsheknewaboutMat tandme,i twoul dbr i nguscl oser .I fIcoul dj ust makeherunder st andhowmuchIcar edabouthi m,she' dl etmei nt ot heexcl usi vecl ub wher eal lt hemember shavear i ghtt obei r r evocabl ysad.I nst ead,I ' m ani nt r uder .Il ook i nt ot hewi ndowsandseet hem cr yi ng,butI ' m ont heout si dei nt hedar k,andt heycan' t seeme. " Fr anki e,canIaskyousomet hi ng?" " What ?" " Doyour emembermybi r t hdaypar t yl astyear ?WhenIt ur nedf i f t een?"Ii gnor et he soundofMat t ' svoi cewhi sper i ngovert hewaves.Shhh.I t ' soursecr et ,Anna.You pr omi sed. " Sur e,Iguess. "Sher i nsesherhandsandwi pest hem onherhi ps." Hey,your eadyt o headbackup?Wecanunpackandsetupourr oom.Hopef ul l yMom andDadar edone unl oadi ngt hecar . " " Okay. "It hr owahandf ulofst onesi nt ot hewat erandwat cht hem f al ll i ker ai n. " Sowhatwer eyougonnasayaboutyourbi r t hday?"Shesmi l es,andIdon' twanthert o st op. " Oh,nevermi nd. "Igr abherhand." If or get . " Idon' tsayanyt hi ngabouthi m. Ij ustswal l owhar d. Nodandsmi l e. Onef ooti nf r ontoft heot her . I ' mf i ne,t hanksf ornotaski ng. AsIcr ossi nt ot hehousef r om t hedeck,sandgr i ndsbeneat hmybar ef eet ,maki nga sof t ,scr at chi ngsoundagai nstt hef l oor .It r ynott ot r acki ti nsi de,butFr anki eassur es
met hatsandont hef l oori sj ustpar toft heZanzi barexper i ence. " I t ' sl i keamovi ngdecor at i veaccent , "Jaynesays." Youknow,br i ngal i t t l eout si dei n. " " Hon,you' r enotal l owedt or edecor at eonvacat i on, "Redsays." Wedi dn' tpackyour f abr i cswat chesandpai ntchi ps. " " Don' tyouwor r y. "Shel aughs." I ' l lf i ndaway,i ft hemoodst r i kes. " Ther ei snosi gnofemot i onalt umul t-nomascar ast ai nedcheeks,nosl ammeddoor s, nol ongsi ghsorf ar awayf aces.They' veal r eadyputal lofourbagsi nt hei rappr opr i at e r ooms,unpackedt hei rownl uggage,openedal lt hewi ndows,andconf i r medt hatwe haveenought owel s,di shes,andot heressent i al s.What everghost sofmemor yt r i edt o hi tt hem ast heywal kedt hr ought hef r ontdoorr ushedr i ghtonout si de,downt hest r eet , andoutofsi ght ,f orRedandJaynear et heper f ectei ght byt engl ossyofnor mal . Ial l owmy sel fat i nysl i verofhopet hatmaybet hi svacat i oni sexact l ywhatt hef ami l y needs.Then,anot herr ayofpossi bi l i t ysneaksi nt omyt hought s.I ft heCal i f or ni a sunshi necanf i xt hem,maybe,j ustmaybe,i tcanf i xmeandFr anki e,t oo. Ihol dmybr eat hasAuntJayneset st het abl ef ordi nner ,knowi ngt hati ft hesl i ght est f eat herf al l sont hi st hi nmi stofpeace,ever yt hi ngwi l lshat t er .Somet i mesIt hi nkweal l f eelgui l t yf orbei nghappy,andassoonaswecat chour sel vesact i ngl i keever yt hi ngi s okay,someoner emember si t ' snot . Toni ght ,whenFr anki esi t satt het abl eandi nnocent l yknocksoverhergl assofDi et Coke,AuntJaynest ar t st ocr y,andt het r ansl ucentvei lofgener alokaynessevapor at es t or evealt hehonest ,ugl ypar t sunder neat h.
ni ne " I t ' sokay,Mom, "Fr anki esays,j umpi ngupt ogr abasponge." Igoti t . " " Wehaven' tevenbeeni nt hi shouseoneni ghtandal r eadyyou' r emaki ngamess! "She gr abst hespongef r om Fr anki e' shandandkneel sbel owt het abl e,bl ot t i ngspi l l edsoda wi t honehandandhert ear swi t ht heot her . " I ' l lgett hat ,Jayne. "Redj umpst ohi sf eet ,eagert opr eventacompl et emel t down. AuntJaynewaveshi shandaway." Can' twej usthaveonenor maldi nnert oget herasa f ami l y,pl ease?" She' sst i l lunpr edi ct abl e.Somedaysshecl i ngst ot hewor dnor mall i kei t ' st hebi g or angel i f er af tt hatwi l lsavet hef ami l yf r om despai r ." Nor mal "peopl egoonsummer vacat i ons." Nor mal "peopl eeatdi nnert oget her ." Nor mal "peopl edonotspi l lsodaont he f l oororhavedeadchi l dr en. Ot herdays,i t ' sl i kenow.Li keMat tj ustdi edal loveragai n.Jaynet ooki thar dert han
anyone,andr i ghtaf t ert hef uner al ,shebasi cal l yl ockedher sel fi nherr oom f orweeks, bar el yeat i ng,nott al ki ng.Mom andIwer eovert her eal lt het i mel astsummerwai t i ngf or t hedayshe' df i nal l ycomeoutofherr oom.Af t erawhi l e,shedi d.Shewentasf aras Mat t ' sr oom,wher eshesatonhi sbedandsmel l edt hecl ot heshe' dl ef tt her eonhi sl ast day,neverwashi ngt hem orchangi nganyt hi ngi nt her e.Af ewmont hsl at er ,wewer eal l havi ngdi nnerwhenUncl eRedsuggest edt heydonat esomeofMat t ' sbooksand cl ot hes.It r i edt oi magi newhati twoul dbel i ket oseesomeoneel sei nhi scl ot hes,l i ke we' dbest andi ngi nl i neatt hegr ocer yst or eandsuddenl y,Hey,i sn' tt hatMat t ?No,i t ' s j ustt henei ghborwhoboughtMat t ' sshi r t ,buyi ngappl esauceandEngl i shmuf f i nsf orhi s mot her .Icoul dn' tbeari t .Appar ent l y,nei t hercoul dAuntJayne.Wi t houtanswer i ng,she gotupf r om t het abl eandr et r eat edt oherr oom.Shedi dn' tspeakagai nf ordays,not event omymom,herbestf r i end.I twasl i keMat t ' sdeat hwasaboutt oswal l owt hem al l upl i keabi g,sadwhal e,l eavi ngbehi ndahousef ul lofsympat hyf l ower s,chi cken casser ol es,andghost s. " Sor r y,Mom, "Fr anki esays.Hervoi cei sawhi sper ." I twasanacci dent . " Jaynesi ghs,moppi ngupaspi l lt hat ' snol ongert her e." I t ' sf i ne,Fr anki e.Justt r yt obe car ef ul .Thi st r i pi shar denoughwi t hout" " Har denough?"Fr anki esuddenl yf i ndshervoi ce,shout i ngathermot herbel owt he t abl e." I ' m nott heonewhopl annedt hi s-t hi s-pr epot t emousvacat i on! " Pr epost er ous,Fr anki e.Pr epost er ous. Jaynei ss t unnedassher i sesf r om t hef l oor ,butshepr esseson,t ear si nhereyesas wel l ashervoi ce." I ' m sor r y,Fr ank ,butyou' r enott heonl yonehur t i ngher e. " Uncl eRedseemsf r ozenatt heendoft het abl e,power l esst ost opt hemot her daught er br eakdownhappeni ngbef or eus.I ' m af r ai dt ol ookanywher ebutmyempt ypl at e. Fr anki esl amsherchai ragai nstt het abl eandst ompsoutoft heki t chen.Neverl eavi ng t hel astwor dt ochance,shet ossesacasual" Bi t ch! "overhershoul deranddi sappear s upst ai r s. " Thatwentwel l . "AuntJaynewi pesherhandsonadi sht owelandt akest hesamer out e asFr anki e,sl ammi ngherbedr oom door . Af t eraf ewmoment sofsi l ence,mest i l ll ooki ngatmypl at e,Uncl eRedmovest ocl ear t het abl eandapol ogi zes. " Thi st r i p,wej ustt hought-ah,f or geti t .Idon' tknowwhatt osay,Anna.I ' m sor r y. "He cr i nkl eshi seyebr owst okeephi sownt ear sback.I t ' sr eal l ybadwhendadscr y.My whol el i f eI ' veonl yseenmydadcr yt wi ce-oncei nt hehospi t alandt henatMat t ' s f uner al .Nomat t erwhatMat tandmydadsai d-dadsar esupposedt obet hest r ong ones.That ' spr obabl ywhyRedhassomanyl i nesonhi sf or ehead.Al lt hehur tgoesup t her et ohi de. Heapol ogi zesagai nandexcuseshi msel fupst ai r s,l eavi ngmeal onei nt heki t chenwi t h
t hebi g,sadwhal e. Whatar eyoucr yi n' about ?t hewhal easks.Hewasn' tyourbr ot her . Iwai tunt i lt her e' snosoundcomi ngf r om upst ai r sbef or eheadi ngupwi t hmybest f r i end f acet of i ndFr anki e.WhenIdon' tseeheri nt heyel l owr oom wi t ht het wi nbeds-t he r oom sheal wayshadasaki dandwoul dbeshar i ngwi t hmeont hi st r i p-Iknowt her e' s onl yonepl aceshecanbe.Iwal kt ot heendoft hehal lf ar t hestf r om RedandJayne' s r oom andopent heol doakdoort hatJayneaskedusnott odi st ur b,headi ngupt he nar r owst ai r st ot heat t i cr oom. Fr anki ei sf acedownont hedoubl ebed,cr yi ngqui et l yi nt ot hesof twhi t epi l l owswher e herbr ot hersl eptever ysummerbutt hel ast .Hour sear l i er ,shewasatBr eeze,l ar ger t hanl i f ewi t hhervi r gi npi ñacol adaandf r eshl yappl i edmascar a.Now,hi di ngi nt he bl uegr ayr oom wi t hi t sdust yoceanvi ew,she' sapal e,br okenf l owert hatmakesmy hear thur t . Iwi shmor et hananyt hi ngt hatMat twasher e,t hathewasl aughi ngwi t husi nhi sol d at t i cr oom,t hati twasal lsomebi gmi xupatt hehospi t all i kewhent heygi vepeopl et he wr ongbabi es. " Hi ,Mr .andMr s.Per i no?Thi si sPegoveratMer cyGener al .Iwasshr eddi ngsomeol d f i l esandf oundsomedi scr epanci es.Yes,youknowhowt heset hi ngshappen.I nany case,aboutayearago,duet oapaper wor ksnaf u,wei nadver t ent l ygaveyousomeone el se' sbadnews.Tur nsoutPhi l l i pwast heonewhodi ed,notMat t .Mat t ' sbeenl i vi ng wi t haf ami l yi nTol edo.Yes,I ' vecal l edt hem,t oo.Theyar ef l yi ngMat thomet omor r ow. Nohar df eel i ngs,r i ght ?Youknowhowt heset hi ngshappen.Buhbye. " IputmyhandonFr anki e' sbackunt i lt hesobsgoqui etandherbr eat hi ngbecomesl ong andeven. Anhourl at er ,wehearRedandJayneheaddownst ai r sandoutt hef r ontdoor ,cl osi ng t hemsel vesi nt hecarandset t i ngoutdownt hel ongdr i veway.Cer t ai nt hehousei s empt y,Fr anki eandIscr ounget heki t chenf orsomet hi ngt oeat . " Ican' tbel i eveshej ustf r eakedoutl i ket hat , "Fr anki esays,pul l i ngaf r eshDi etCok e f r om t hef r i dge." AndDaddi dn' tevensayanyt hi ng! " " Idon' tt hi nkheknewwhatt osay,Fr ank. " " It hi nkt hey' r egonnaspl i t . " " Whatdoyoumean?"Iask." Li ke,t oni ght ?" " No.Imeanspl i tup.Di vor ce. " " Whatar eyout al ki ngabout ?Yourpar ent sar ef i ne.They' r ej ustadj ust i ngt ot hef i r st ni ghtbacksi nce-wel l ,i t ' sj usthar df ort hem. "Andyou.
" Pl ease, "shesaysabovet heshhhhhpofhersodacanopeni ng." Athome,t heydon' t evensl eepi nt hesamer oom anymor e. " " ButI ' veseent hem. " Fr anki eshakesherhead." Theysaygoodni ghtandcl oset hedoor ,butDadsneaks downt ot hedenwhenhet hi nkswe' r easl eep.Asi fIcan' tseewhat ' sgoi ngon. " Fearandsadnesssqueezemyi nsi desasIr epl aymyr ecentover ni ght swi t ht hePer i nos l i keamovi e,scr ut i ni zi ngever yf r amei nsl owmot i onf orahol ei nt hepl ot .Redputhi s handonJayne' skneet heni ghtt heyt ol dusaboutgoi ngbackt oCal i f or ni a.Di dshe wi nce?I ' veseent hem cl oset hebedr oom doorast heywi shedusgoodni ght .NowI i magi net hem get t i ngi nt ot hei rf akebedt oget her .Lyi ngnextt oeachot her ,backs t ur ned,car ef ulnott ol etapi nkyt oet oucht heot her ' sl eg,wai t i ngf orust of al lasl eepso t heycanst opt heshow. Ishaket hei magef r om mymi nd,f eel i ngl i keI ' vebar gedi nt oar oom ofadul t sengaged i nSer i ousConver sat i onNotMeantf orYoungEar s. Ther ewasat i mewhenIt houghtRedandJaynewoul dn' tmakei t-r i ghtaf t erMat t di ed.They' dbeenmar r i edf ort went yyear s,buti nj ustt wodayst heyf or gotwhy.They bar el yspoket oeachot her-evenwhenmypar ent sandIwer ear ound.Anal l outf i ght woul dhavebeenbet t ert hant hesi l encet hatengul f edt hem,buti tdi dn' tcome-not t hen.Qui ett ensi onset t l edi nt ot hePer i nohousel i kedr yi ngcement . Amont hpassed,andt heyst ayedt oget her .Thr eemont hs.Thensi x.Hi sbi r t hday. Chr i st mas.Mot her ' sDay.Fat her ' sDay.Thef i r stanni ver sar y,j ustacoupl eofmont hs ago.Tal ki ng.Eat i ngt oget her .Laughi ngsomet i mes.Ever ysmi l eorj okest ar t i ngat i ny cr acki nt heconcr et eencasi ngt hem. " Butyourpar ent sar edi f f er ent ,Fr anki e.It houghtt hey-Imean,howcomeyounever "Ican' tf i ndt hewor dst ocompl et emysent ence.Fr anki esi ghsandt r acest hel i pof hersodacan,br okeneyebr owhunker edpr ot ect i vel yoverherl ef teye,hol di ngbackt he t ear s. " Thel astt i mewewer eal li nZanz i bar , "shesays," Idi dn' tgeti t . "Hervoi cei sf araway andt hi n,l i keaghosthowl i ngf r om anot herdi mensi on.I tdoesn' tmat t ert hatI ' mr i ght nextt oher-Icoul dwal kawayandshe' dkeept al ki ng. " Hewasol der , "shesays,pl ayi ngwi t hherbr acel et ." Idi dn' tseet het hi ngshesaw.I di dn' tl ovet het hi ngshel oved.Ij ustdi dn' tgeti t ,Anna.It houghtI ' dhavemor et i me.I t houghthe' d" Fr anki ehasherr easonsf ornott al ki ngaboutMat t ,andf or get t i ngaboutt hem -even moment ar i l y-i st oomuch.Shef ol dsherar msar oundher sel fandsobs.Imovecl oser , putmyar msar oundher ,andl etgo.Toget herweweepl i kewedi di nt heweeks f ol l owi ngt heacci dent-bi g,shudder i ngsobst hatcl awt hei rwayoutf r om t hepl aces i nsi dewher et hel i ghtwentoutoverayearago.
Idon' tknowhowmucht i mepasses,meandFr anki esi t t i ngwi t houtwor ds,heads pr essedt oget her ,shor tandsynchr oni zedbr eat hs,butwhenwecomeoutofoursadt r ance,t hesodai swar m. Fr anki el i f t sherheadsl owl yandwi peshereyes.Ipushhermat t edhai rf r om herf ace. " Hi . "Sheexhal es.Herf acei spal e,eyespuf f y,butt hatvoodoomagi csmi l ei swaki ng upar oundt hecor ner sofhermout h. " HowISpentMySummerVacat i on, "Isay. Fr anki el aughs." Eat i ngandcr yi ng.What ' snott ol ove?" " Exact l y. "Isqueezeherhand. Out si de,headl i ght sr ol lacr osst hel awn,announci ngRedandJayne' sascentupt he l ongdr i veway.Fr anki eandIdr opoursodacansi nt ot hesi nkandheadupst ai r sbef or e herpar ent sgeti nsi de,anxi oust oputt hi seveni ngbehi ndus.Wechangequi ckl y,cr awl i nt oourmat chi ngt wi nbeds,t ur nof ft hebedsi del amps,andpul lt hesheet supt oour chi ns. OnceFr anki e' sasl eep,mybest f r i endsuper st r engt hdi sappear s.Mybr eat hi ngshat t er s, t ear sbl urt hest ar si nt heover headskyl i ght ,andal lt heol dghost sIt r i edt ol eavehome f l oatl i kedandel i onseedwi shesi nt oourr oom.
t en Fr anki esnor esl i ght l ybeneat hheryel l owqui l t ,andIam consumedwi t ht hought sof Mat t .Oft hef i r stki ss.Theshoot i ngst ar s.Thest ol enl ooksovert hef ami l ydi nnert abl e. Text i ngmequot esf r om hi sf avor i t ebooksi nt hemi ddl eoft heni ght .Hi shandbr ushi ng mycheekwhennoonewaswat chi ng.Thesmel lofhi sski nashel eanedi nf r ontofme t opayf orouri cecr eam t hatl astdayatCust ar d' s. I fI ' dknownhewasgoi ngt odi e,myl astwor dst ohi m woul dhavemeantsomet hi ng. Theycer t ai nl ywoul dn' thavebeenmyout of t uneat t emptatsi ngi ngt hatol dGr at ef ul Deadsonghel ovedsomuch.No,Iwoul dhavet ol dhi m howIf el tabouthi m,st r ai ght out .Nomor ef l i r t i ng,wi l deyedwhi sper si nt hegr assout si de.Iwoul dhavel ookedat hi m har dert oensur ehi si magewasper manent l ysear edi nmymi nd.I ' dhaveaskedhi m ami l l i onmor et hi ngssoIcoul dr ememberwhatmat t er edbef or eIgoti nt hecaront he wayhomef r om Cust ar d' s.Becaus eaf t er ,not hi ngmat t er ed. Wedi dn' tevenhaveachancet ol abeli t .What everi twaswe' dbecomei nt hel ast mont hbef or ehi sdeat hwi l lr emai namyst er y.Icoul dneveraskoutl oud.Iwonder ed al onei nmybedatni ghtwhatwoul dhappeni fhemetsomeoneel seatCor nel l ,ori f Fr anki ef r eakedoutaboutusandhedeci dedi twasn' twor t hi t .Butwhenyou' r ei nt he mi ddl eofbei ngi nl ovewi t hsomeone,youj ustdon' tst opt oask," Mat t ,l i st en,i fyoudi e bef or eyout el lyoursi st eraboutus ,shoul dIt el lher ?Andbyt heway,i st her eevenan ' us' t ot el labout ?"
Wheni thappens,you' r et ot al l yunpr epar ed,f r agment edandl ost ,l ooki ngf ort hehi dden meani ngi never yl i t t l et hi ng.I ' ver epl ayedt heevent soft hatdayahundr edt housand t i mes,l ooki ngf orcl ues.Anal t er nat eendi ng.Thebut t er f l yef f ect . I fFr anki eandIhadn' twant edi cecr eam t hatst upi dday,he' dst i l lbeal i ve. I fIhadn' tgot t enhi shear tal lwor kedupki ssi nghi m ever yni ghtsi ncemybi r t hday,he' d st i l lbeal i ve. I fI ' dneverbeenbor n,he' dst i l lbeal i ve. I fIcoul df i ndt hebut t er f l yt hatf l appedi t swi ngsbef or ewegoti nt ot hecart hatday,I woul dcr ushi t . " Can' tsl eep?" AuntJaynest ar t l esmef r om t hedar kcor neroft hedeckwher eI ' vewander edabsent l y wi t hmyghost s. " Idi dn' tt hi nkanyoneel sewasawake, "Isay,cat chi ngmybr eat h." Sor r y,Idi dn' tmean t o-I ' l lj ust" " Anna,don' tgo. "Jayneshakesherhead." I t ' sokay.Iwasj ust-r emember i ng. " " Me,t oo. "Ii mmedi at el ywantt ot akei tback,r uni nt ot hehouse,anddi veundermybed. " Imean,youknow,t hest or i esandever yt hi ng. " AuntJaynenods,t hepal el i ghtoft hemoonf al l i ngar oundherhai rl i keahal o,cast i ng heri naf ai ntbl uegl ow. " Si twi t hme. "Shepushesoutachai rwi t hherf oot .I tr emi ndsmeoft heol dJayne,t he onewhot r eat edmemor el i keaf r i endt hanal i t t l eki d.Bef or eever yt hi nghappened,she usedt ol i ei nt hesunwi t hus,t r adi ngi cedt eaf orabi tofgi r lt i me.Ofcour se,t hegossi p wasn' tasgoodbackt hen.Fr anki ewasst i l lavi r gi n.Bl uef r ost i ngdi dn' tmakemecr y.I wasn' tkeepi ngsecr et saboutonebestf r i endf r om t heot her . Wesi tf oraf ewmi nut es,l i st eni ngt ot hegent l er hyt hm oft hewavesagai nstt heshor e. Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh.Theyseem sl oweri nt hedar k,butl ouder . " Fr anki eandMat tusedt owal kupanddownt hi sbeachl ooki ngf orseagl ass, "shet el l s me." I twasacont estt heyhad. " " Theyusedt obr i ngsomebackf orme.Ist i l lhavei t ,act ual l y. " " Ri ght ,Ir emembert hej ar s.Mat tusedt omaket hi ngsoutofi t ,t oo.Fr anki e' sr edgl ass br acel et .Andt hebl ueoneheusedt owearar oundhi sneck-doyour emember ?" Ri si ng.Fal l i ng. Ibl i nkbackt ear sandnod." Idon' tknowwhathappenedt oi t , "Jaynesays." I ' vet r i edt o
f i ndi tsomanyt i mes-I ' m convi ncedhej ustt ooki twi t hhi m. " Ir eachupandt oucht hespotabovemycol l ar bonewher eIsomet i mesf eelt hewei ghtof t hemi ssi ngneckl ace,ast houghMat thadgi veni tt omel i kehej okedabout .Nope,st i l l nott her e.I twaspr obabl ydr aggedof fi nt hewr eckageoft hecarwi t ht hel ooseCDs,t he onesneaker ,someover duel i br ar ybooks,andouri cecr eam spoons-al lt hel i t t l ebi t s andpi ecesl ef tatt heendofawhol eent i r el i f e. " Anna. "Jaynebr eakst hespel loft heeveni ngt i de." CanIaskyousomet hi ngi n conf i dence?" " Okay. "I ' m notent i r el ysur ewher et hi si sgoi ng." IknowIwasn' tmysel ft oni ght ,andI ' m sor r y.Somet i mesIj ustcan' tpr edi ctwhat ' sgoi ngt osetmeof f .I ' m wor ki ngoni t ,t r ul y. Buti sFr anki e-howi sshe?Real l y ?" Il ooki nt oJayne' sear nestf aceandt hi nkaboutJohan.It hi nkaboutal lt hegl i t t ereye shadow,i nr oom ci gar et t es,f ai l i nggr ades,andsl ammi ngdoor s,andwonderhowJayne canr eal l yask.Maybeshewant st ohearayes-per mi ssi ont ogoonnotnot i ci ng anyt hi ng.Butt hesever i t yofherf ace,t hel i nesacr ossherf or eheadandar oundher mout h,herknuckl eswhi t eoverhermug-she' sabl i ndwomanseeki ngsi ght . Somewher ei nt hebackofmyhead,IhearDad,f arawayandsad. Asl ongasyou' r ear ound,RedandJaynedon' tr eal l yhavet owor r yaboutFr anki eyou' r edoi ngi tf ort hem. " I ' m sor r y,sweet hear t , "Jaynesays." IhopeI ' m notpushi ng.Ij ustwor r yaboutyouguys. Fr anki edoesn' tt al kt omel i kesheusedt o.Myowndaught eri sast r angert ome. " " Me,t oo. "Mymout hi sof fdoi ngi t sownt hi ngagai nwhi l emybr ai ni shal fasl eep.St upi d mout h." Imean" " Tel lme. "Jayne' shandi ssuddenl yf i r m onmyar m." I t ' sokay. "Shel ooksi nt omyeyes andgi vesmet hatmoment ,t hatonechancet ot el lherexact l yhowi ti s,howdi f f er ent Fr anki e' sbecome,herf ar awaymi ndt r i ps,Johan,t het went yboys,A. A. ,t hef r ost i ngcover edf i r stki ss,t hepr omi se,howIcan' tst opt hi nki ngaboutMat t-ever yt hi ng.Iwant sobadl yt ot el lher-t hebr okenmot herwhoaf t eral lt hi st i memi ghtf i nal l ybeabl et of i x al lofus. " Fr anki e' s-she' smanagi ngokay, "Isay,want i ngt oki ckmysel f .Al lt het hi ngsIcoul d haveshar ed,andt hat ' swhatcomesout .Managi ngokay,l i keI ' m eval uat i ngher per f or manceatt heof f i ce. " No, "Jaynesays,pul l i ngherhandback." Shei sn' t .Noneofusi s.Levelwi t hme,Anna. " Acombopunchofwei r demot i onsr ushest hr oughme-af i er ceandl oyalneedt o pr ot ectFr anki e,gui l tovermyi nabi l i t yt ot el lJaynet het r ut h,andal i nger i ngangert hat nooneseemst oknoworcar eaboutwhatIl ost . " AuntJayne,l i st en. "I ' m al mostf l i ppant ,ast houghspoonf eedi ngt heseobser vat i onst o
mybestf r i end' smom i st oomuchef f or t ." Fr anki e' sst i l lher e.She' snotsui ci daloron dr ugs.Shecanst i l ll aughatt hi ngsmostoft het i me.Butshe' snott hesame. " " Anna,Idi dn' tmeant o" " Comeon,you' veseenher .Al lmakeupandat t i t ude.Andshe' snotexact l yanhonorr ol l st udentt hesedays.Andl ookatwhathappenedatdi nnerwi t hyouguys!Fr anki eknows he' sgone,AuntJayne.He' sj ustgone,t hat ' si t ,andnot hi ngwi l lbr i nghi m back. " I ' m shaki ng.Myhandf l i esupt ocovermymout hal mostassoonast hewor dsescapei t ; t hewei ghtofwhatIsai dsuddenl ypr essi ngi nonme.Mean,hur t f ult hi ngsInever shoul dhavesai d.Iam of f i ci al l yt henumberonewor stper soni nt heuni ver se,and Jayne' sf r ozen,conf usedf acei sal lt hepuni shmentIcanbear . Butt hen-adeepsni f f l e. Asmi l e. Al ook. Anopenmout hedgr i n. Ri ghther eont hebackdecki nZanzi barBay,i nt hemi ddl eoft hebl ackni ght ,t heocean ouronl ywi t ness,Ivomi t edoutt heugl yt r ut handAuntJayne. . .l aughed. " Anna, "shesays,wi pi ngt ear sf r om hereyeswi t ht hebackofhersl eeve," t hati st he f i r stt i meanyonehasbeencompl et el yhonestwi t hmesi ncemysondi ed. " " OhmyGod,AuntJayne,I ' m sosor r y.Idon' tknowwher et hatcamef r om. "Igetupt o hugher ,hopi ngt oshi el dmyscar l etf acef r om hereyes. " Mmmhmm. "Shehugsmeback." AndIdi dn' tevenshat t er ! " Ipul lawayf r om heranddr opi nt omyseat ,st i l lshaki ngi nsi def r om myout bur standher unexpect edr eact i on.Shewat chesmeandsi pshert ea,al i f et i meofsadnessbehi ndher eyes-Mat t ' sl i f et i me.Butshe' sst i l lsmi l i ng. " Anna,youmi sshi m. " " Al lt het i me.Ist i l lcan' tbel i evehe' sgone. "Thewor dscomeouti nawhoosh,t ast i ng f unnyi nmymout h.Nomat t erhowmanyt i mesIsayt hem,t heyst i l lf eell i keagar bl ed, i mpossi bl el anguage.Mychesthur t s,andIhavet ohol dmybr eat ht okeepf r om i nhal i ng adeepsob. " Hewasmor et hanyourbestf r i end. " Inodabsent l y,f or get t i ngmysel ff oramoment ,f or get t i ngt hatI ' mt al ki ngt oJayneand notmyj our nal . " I-Imean,hewasl i keabr ot hert ome.Youknow,l i keFr anki e.Wel l ,she' st hesi st er .I
mean" Jayner eachesf ormyhandsacr os st het abl e,shaki ngherheadsof t l y." Sweet hear t , whenyousayMat t ' sname,youhavet hesamel ooki nyoureyest hathe' dgetwhenever he' dsayyour s. "Hervoi cebr eaksupatt heend,butherhandsar ewar m andf i r m. Whatl ook ?Iwantt oask,butt hebut t er f l i esar eback,mi xedwi t hasadnesst hatseems t ost i ckandsl owt hei rwi ngsast heycl i mbi nt omyt hr oat .Beyondourcor neront he deck,t heoceansi ghs,wai t i ngf ormyr esponse. Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh. " Fr anki edoesn' tknow, "Isay,t houghI ' m notsur ewhatIwanthert odowi t ht hi s i nf or mat i on.Tel lFr anki e?Keepmysecr et ?Myheadandhear tar eent angl ed.Ihaven' t r eal l ysai danyt hi ng,yetJayneandIhavej ustshar edmor eaboutMat tt hanI ' veshar ed wi t hanyone-myownmot heri nc l uded. " Iknowshedoesn' t , "Jaynesays." Shewoul dn' tbeabl et okeepasecr etl i ket hatf r om me. "It hi nkaboutJohan,butdi smi ssi t .Thi si smysecr et ,notFr anki e' s. " AuntJayne,I" " Ican' tsl eep,ei t her . "Fr anki est ar t l esusi nherf r ogpaj amas,pul l i ngt hesl i di ngdoor shutbehi ndher ." Whatar eyouguyst al ki ngabout ?" Anar r owoff earshoot sst r ai ghtupmyspi ne,pushi ngmet omyf eet . " I t ' s,um,i t ' snot hi ng,Fr ank.Icoul dn' tsl eep.Idi dn' twantt owakeyou. "Ist udyherf ace f orani ndi cat i ont hatsheover hear dsomet hi ng,butIseeonl ysl eepyeyesandsi deways bedhai rst i cki ngt ot hepi nksheetl i nesacr osshercheek. " Wel l ,I ' m awakenow, "shesays,pul l i ngupachai rnextt ohermom.Jaynedownst he r estofhert eaandwi peshermout hwi t hherhand,l et t i ngoutal ongsi ghl i ket heocean. " Doover ?"sheasksFr anki e,poi nt bl ank. Fr anki enodsandr est sherheadonJayne' sshoul der ." Al lmor ni ngIwaswai t i ngf ora br eakdown, "Jaynesays." Butbyt het i mewegother e,andIwasunpacki ngandget t i ng t hehouser eady,Ir eal l yt houghtI ' dbeokay. " " Me,t oo, "Fr anki esays. " WhenIwentupt omyr oom af t eryoust or medupt ot heat t i c,If i gur edwe' dal lbe packi ngupandheadi nghomet omor r owmor ni ng. " " Andnow?"Fr anki easks. AuntJayner eachesi nt ot hef r ontpocketofhercar di gan." It hi nkyourbr ot herwant sus t ost ay.If oundt hi si nt hebackoft hel i nencl osetwhi l edi ggi ngar oundf oraboxof t i ssues. "
Shehol dsoutherpal m,di spl ayi ngaf adedmet alcart hesi zeofapeanutshel l .Her eyeswel lupassher ubst her edpai ntwi t hhert humb,butt henshesmi l es. " Hewasal waysl osi ngt heset hi ngs, "shesays,r unni ngi tal ongt heedgeoft het abl e. " Hal ft het i meDadwoul dsl i pont hem andnear l ybr eakhi sneck.Remember ?" Fr anki esmi l es." Buthowdoyouknowi t ' shi s?Ot herpeopl er entt hi spl ace. " " Look. "Jaynet ur nst hecarwheel sup,r eveal i ngt hepl ai nmet alunder car r i ageandt wo t i nyl et t er si nbl ackmar ker :M. P. Fr anki egasps,r eachi ngf ort het oy. " See?"Jaynesays,st r oki ngFr anki e' scheekwi t hherknuckl es." Hewant sust ost ay. " I tsoundscr azy,butt hi ngsl i ket hi shappenal lt het i me.Forme,i t ' st hepenni es. Wheneverwe' dpassapennyont hesi dewal k,Mat twoul dn' tt ouchi t ." Letsomeoneel se haveal uckyday, "he' dsay.Iusedt ot easehi m andt el lhi mt hatsomedaywhenhegot t ot hegr eatbeyond,t her e' dbear oom st uf f edf ul lofal lt hepenni eshe' dl ef tf orot her peopl e. NowIf i ndpenni esever ywher e.Notj ustont hesi dewal k-whi chIl eaveal one,ashe woul dhavewant ed-buti nt hest r angestpl aces.Onei nt heshower .Af ewmor ei nmy shoes-t hatseemst obeaf avor i t espot .Justyest er day,onedr oppedoutofabookI br ought .Iputt hem i nmypocket sanddr opt hem ont hesi dewal kt henextchanceIget . Letsomeoneel sehaveal uckyday,Isay. Jaynet ak est hecarf r om Fr anki eandsl i desi tbacki nt oherpocket ,smi l i ng.I sAunt Jaynemaki ngherwaybackt ousf r om t hesecl udedi sl andshe' dbeenmar oonedonby Mat t ' sdeat h?Icanneverbecer t ai n.Justl i keatdi nner ,asmi l ecant ur ni nt oacodef i ve f r eakoutasqui ckl yasast or m canbr eakoverashi p. Butf ornow,sheseemsokay. Thet hr eeofussi tatt hedar kt abl e,r et r eat i ngi nt oourownsi l entmemor i esunt i lour br eat hi nguni t esuswi t ht hewavesagai nstt heshor e.Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh.Shhh, ahhh.Manymi nut espasst hi sway,andasIl ookf r om Fr anki et oJayneandbackoutt o t hewat er ,Idon' twanti tt oend. Whent hesi l encef i nal l ybr eaks,i t ' sJayne,j umpi ngupf r om t hechai randgr abbi ngour hands. " Comeon,gi r l s, "shesays." Fol l owme. " Fr anki eandIf ol l owherdownt ot hebeach,squeal i ngast hei cywat erhi t sourt oes. Jaynej umpsbackandl i esdowni nt hesand,j ustcl earoft het i de. West andaboveher ,unsur ewhet herweshoul dj oi ni norcal lf orUncl eRed.Suddenl y she' sf l appi ngherar msl i keaf l i ppedoverbut t er f l yst ucki nt hesand,andal lwecando
i sl augh. " Sandangel s, "shesays,ast houghi t ' sper f ect l ynor malf oragr ownwomant or undown t ot hebeachatt hr eei nt hemor ni ngt omaket hem." Comeon. " Wel i eonei t hersi deofherandf l apourar msandl egsashar daswecan,t ear s st r eaki ngourcheeks,t houghf r om l aughi ngorcr yi ngwecannol ongert el l . " Doyout hi nkheseest hem?"Jayner ol l soverandasksaf t erwe' vemadet hr eeangel s abovet het i de. " I fhedoes, "Fr anki esays," he' spr obabl ywonder i ngwhyt hewomeni nt hi sf ami l yar e socer t i f i abl ynut s. " Thewomeni nt hi sf ami l y.Fornow,I ' m oneoft hem.Nott henei ghborki d.Nota bar nacl e.Butawomani nt hi sf ami l y,r unni ngbackt ot hehousei naf i tofsl umberpar t y gi ggl es,f r eezi ngcol dwi t hsandi nmyhai r .
el even " Whatwer eyouguyst al ki ngaboutl astni ght ,anyway?" Mysl eepst i ckyeyesbl i nkopenoneatat i mel i keabr okendol l ' s,unabl et opi ece t oget hert hei magesi nf r ontofme.Fr anki e,si t t i ngont heedgeofabedt hati sn' tmi ne. Ast r anger oom.Sher betsunl i ghtf al l i ngonmyf aceatal lt hewr ongangl es.Isi tup qui ckl y,mymemor yki cki ngi nl at et or emi ndmet hatwe' r ei nZanzi bar . I t ' st hemor ni ngofourf i r stf ul lday. AndAuntJayneknows.Notever yt hi ng,butmor et hananyoneel se. " Huh?Oh,not hi ng.Justal i t t l ebi taboutMat t . "Myhear tbeat sf ast er . " That ' swhatIt hought . "Fr anki esl i desof ft hebed." Doyour eal l yt hi nkshe' sokaynow?" " Yeah,It hi nkshe' sgood.Lastni ghtwasf un,wasn' ti t ?"Ir unmyhandst hr oughmy t angl edhai r ,shaki ngmor esandoutont hewoodf l oor ." Imean,t hebeachpar t . " Fr anki esc r at chesherhead." Yeah,t el lmeabouti t .Ihavesandi nmyear s. " Icheckt hewhi t epl ast i ccl ockonourshar edni ghtt abl e-ei ghta. m.Wedi dn' tsl eep mor et hanf ourhour sl astni ght ,butexci t ementf ort hedayaheadover shadowsany l i nger i ngs l eepi ness. " Anna,t hanksf orst ayi ngwi t hmel astni ghtwhenIf r eaked.I ' m sor r yaboutal lt hat wei r dnessandyel l i ngatdi nner . " Shel ooksatmeandhal fsmi l es,andIt hi nkoft het her api stguyFr anki e' spar ent ssent hert oaf ewt i mesl astyear .Iwentwi t hheronce.I fhewasher e,he' dpr obabl ysay
somet hi ngl i ke," I t ' sokay,youneededt oexpl or et hememor i est r i gger edbyyourf i r st vacat i onwi t houtyourbr ot her . "Butal lt hatcomesoutofmei s," Don' twor r y,i t ' scool . " Isl i deof ft hebedandst r et ch,t r yi ngt or ubt hesl eepf r om myeyes. " Hungr y?"Iask." Wecoul dmakechocol at echi ppancakes. "I t ' snotpsychot her apy,but chocol at echi ppancakeswor kf oral otoft hi ngs. Shenods." Anna,canIaskyousomet hi ng?" " Iknowwhatyou' r egoi ngt osay.Yes,wecanusest r awber r i es,t oo. " Anot hers mi l e-ahi ntofal augh." No, "shesays." Nott hat .I t ' s. . .Whyar emypar ent s suchf r eaks?" " Becauset hey' r epar ent s.I t ' si nt hej obdescr i pt i on.Mustdr i vemi ni vans.Mustbe i mmunet of ashi on.Mustbef r eaks. " " I ' m ser i ous,Anna, "shesays,peel i ngabr okenf i nger nai l ." Mom i s,l i ke,yel l i ngand cr yi ngonemi nut e,t henshef i ndsanol dt oycarandshe' sr unni ngdownt omakesand angel sont hebeach.Whydi dt heywantt ocomeher e?" Iconsi derherquest i on,oneIaskedmysel fat housandt i mesi nt heweeksaf t ert hei r i ni t i ali nvi t at i on." It hi nkt heyj ustwantt omaket hi ngsbet t er ,Fr ank.Maybet heyt hought i twoul dgett hi ngsbackt onor mal . " " Buti twon' t , "shesays." Theydon' tgeti t . " Iopenmymout ht osaysomet hi ngi nt hei rdef ense,butFr anki eshakesherhead." I t ' s okay,Anna.I ' mj ustal i t t l eoutofi t .Imean,l astni ghtwasf un,buti t ' sst i l lki ndofwei r d af t erMom f r eaki ngoutovermyst upi dspi l l eddr i nkl i ket hat .Let ' sgodownst ai r s-I t hi nkt hey ' r eal r eadycooki ngsomet hi ng. " West r et chandheadf ort hest ai r s,sl owl ymovi ngt owar dt hebr eakf astsmel l sf l oat i ng upf r om t heki t chen.Ipi ckoutAuntJayne' sFr encht oastf r om t hevani l l aandci nnamon i nt he" sec r et "r eci peshel ear nedf r om acooki ngshow,al ongwi t ht heusualcof f eeand baconst apl es. " Mor ni ng,myangel s. "AuntJayneki ssesFr anki e' scheekandgi vesmeawi nkt hat ' s qui ckandsubt l el i keasecr ethandshake. " Hi ,Twi nk i es, "Uncl eRedsays,af r yi ngpanf ul lofbaconi nhand." Hopeyou' r ehungr y. " " I ' m st ar vi ng. "Fr anki esi t satt het abl eandr eachesf ort heor angej ui ce." Andst i l l wonder i ngwhathappenedatdi nnerl astni ght .I fanyonecar es.Whi chI ' m sur et hey don' t . " " Sweet hear t ,l et ' snott al kaboutl astni ght , "Jaynesays,pat t i ngFr anki e' shand." We cal l edadoover ,r i ght ?"
" Mom,t hat ' snott hepoi nt . " " Okay,ki ds. "Uncl eRedj oi nst het abl ewi t hadi sht owelonhi sshoul derandapl at t erof Fr encht oastatt her eady.He' spr epar edt opr eventanot herst ompi ng,door sl ammi ng i nci dentatal lcost s." Eggsar eget t i ngcol d. " Fr anki eput sdownhergl assandt akesadeepbr eat h." Dad,Iwasj ustsur pr i sed,okay?" Redst andswi t ht hef r yi ngpanawkwar dl ybal ancedovert hepl at es,wai t i ngt odi shup br eakf astl i kehe' st hehi r edcookr at hert hanamanembr oi l edi naconver sat i onabout hi sdeadson. Fr anki econt i nues." Youguysar et heonest hatwant edt hi st r i pi nt hef i r stpl ace.You di dn' tr eal l yaskme.Wel l ,I ' m scar ed,t oo,youknow?Al lt het hi ngsIr ememberabout Cal i f or ni a-Ij ustdon' twant-I ' m scar edI ' l lr emembernewst uf f ,andever yt hi ngel se wi l lbe-er ased. " Jaynest andsupf r om t het abl eandmovest ot hesl i di ngdoor ,herbackt ous.Her shoul der sshakel i ght l y,butshedoesn' tmakeanysound.Af t erami nut e,shewi pesher eyesandj oi nsusagai natt het abl e.I ' veseent hi smovi eahundr edt i mes,buti tnever get sanyeasi er .Iwantt ocr awlundert het abl eanddi sappear . Uncl eRedgi vesupont heeggsandsi t swi t hus.Myf acei shotasIf ocusont he i nt er l ocki ngci r cl epat t er nal ongt heedgeofmybl uepl at e.Ican' tst opt hi nki ngaboutt he backdoor ,andhowgoodi twoul df eelt or unst r ai ghtt hr oughi tanddownt ot heshor e. " Fr anki e. "Jayner eachesagai nf orFr anki e' shand." Wear en' tt r yi ngt oer asememor i es orpr et endt hatever yt hi ngi sokay. " " Iknowt hat ,Mom.I t ' sj ust" " Mygi r l s, "Uncl eRedsays,voi cesoot hi ng,eyebr owscr i nkl ed," l et ' sj ustgett hr ough br eakf ast ,okay?Wehavet ot akei tasi tcomes. "Heput shi shandonJayne' scheek andsmoot hesi twi t hhi st humb. Jaynenodsandpat sFr anki e' shand. Fr anki esi ghsandt ouchesherf oott omi neundert het abl e." Sor r y, "shemout hs. " Yougi r l swer eupl at el astni ght , "Redsays,r esumi nghi sposi t i onasheadchefand dr oppi ngaheal t hyscoopofhomef r i esonhi spl at e." Causi ngt r oubl e?" " Justal i t t l egi r lt al k. "AuntJaynes mi l esatmeasshepassest hemapl esyr up.Myeyes l ockonher sf oramoment ,andIwonderwhet hershecanr eadmyt hought s:t hatIwant t ot el lhermor eaboutMat tandme.ThatIdon' tknowwhatt odoaboutFr anki e.ThatI ' m notsur ehowIcancompet ei nt heTwent yBoySummercont estwhent her e' sonl yone boyIevert hi nkabout . Anewwaveofgui l tl apsatmyt oes,t hr eat eni ngt ocr eepupi nt omyhear twi t ht her est
ofmyr egr et s.AuntJaynewasagr eatl i st enerl astni ght ,andI ' m gl adIsai dwhatIdi d aboutFr anki e,butmaybeIshoul dn' thavel etherbel i evet hatIcar edaboutMat tas mor et hanaf r i end.I fsheseesust al ki ngt oot herguysont hebeach,wi l lshet hi nkI ' m cheat i ngonherdeadson? " Ri ght ,Anna?"Fr anki eki cksmeundert het abl e,shaki ngmef r om myt hought s. " Ri ght .Sor r y,whatwast hat ?" " Ourpl anst oday.We' r ej ustgoi ngt ol i ear oundt hebeachneart hehouse,r i ght ?" IknowFr anki ehasnoi nt ent i onofst ayi nganywher eneart hehouseori t spr i vat e, secl udedbeachanddesi gnat edmi ddl eagedl i f eguar d,butInod." Igowher eyougo, Fr ank. " " DadandIar egoi nggr ocer yshoppi ngaf t er , "Jaynesays." Wehavet ogetst uf ff ort he r estoft het r i p.Don' tyouwantt ocome?" " Let ' ssee, "Fr anki esays,hol di ngherhandsoutt ohersi desl i keLadyJust i ce." Wal k ar oundi nagr ocer yst or ef ort wohour swhi l eDadeval uat est hequal i t yoft hepr oduce, orhangoutont hebeachwher ewecanswi m,getat an,andmeet-Imean,swi m and getat an.Toughchoi ce,Mom,butwe' r egonnahavet opass. " " Thoughtso, "AuntJaynesays." Justmakeal i stofanyt hi ngyouwant .Andmakesur e youwearsunscr een,andr eappl yaf t ergoi ngi nt hewat er .Andi fyou' vebeenoutt her e mor et hant wohour s,r eappl yagai n.Act ual l y,youshoul dn' tbeoutt her ebet weent wel ve andt wo,so" " Goti tcover ed. "Fr anki er ol l shereyes." Youguysactl i keI ' veneverbeeni nt hesun bef or e. " " No, "Redsays,pat t i nghershoul der ," weactl i keyougetbur nedever yt i mewecome outher e. " " Dad,t hat ' snotbur ni ng.That ' sget t i ngabaset an. " Uncl eRedshakeshi sheadandsmi l es." Al lr i ght ,yougi r l scanwanderdownt ot he concessi onsar eai fyou' dl i ke,butIdon' twantyougoi ngneart heal cove.Ther ear en' t anyl i f eguar ds.Okay?" " Okay,Dad, "Fr anki esays. " Good. "Uncl eRed.Sol ovi ng.Sot r ust i ng.Sonai ve." Havef un,myl ovel i es. "Af t er secondsandaf ewt hi r ds,hepusheshi scl ear edpl at eaway." Mom andIar eheadi ng outsoon.Cal lt hecel li fyouneedanyt hi ng.Ot her wi se,bebackbef or edi nner .Mom want st ocookChi nese. " Suchanor malf ami l ybr eakf astonsuchanor malf ami l ymor ni ng.I ft heyhadadog,hi s namewoul dbeSpot ,andhe' dst ar tbar ki ngout si deunt i loneofust ossedhi ma
Fr i sbee. Af t erbr eakf ast ,we( andbywe,ImeanFr anki e)spendoveranhourget t i ngr eadyt o swi mi nt heocean.Sheswi t chesbet weensandal saf ewt i mesandagoni zesoverwhi ch ear r i ngst owear .Hai randmakeupar eanot herdi scussi on-hai rcasualandmessyl i ke al ways,orsweptbackwi t hacl assyheadband?Wat er pr oofmascar a,orj ustat ouchof l i pgl oss?Ser i ousorpl ayf ul ? " Li st en, "Isay,st andi ngr eadyi nmybi ki ni-whi chI ' m st i l lnotusedt o-andsar ong. " Noonei sgoi ngt onot i cewhatyou' r ewear i ng.They' r egoi ngt onot i ceyou.Ever yt hi ng el sei sj ustbackgr oundnoi se. "It wi stmyuncombedhai ri nt oal oosebunont opofmy head. " Anna,f oryouri nf or mat i on,not hi ngyouputonyourf ace,hai r ,orbodyi sj ust backgr oundnoi se.Speaki ngofwhi ch,whyar en' tyouf i l mi ng?Weneedt odocument t heset hi ngs. "Shepul l shercamer af r om herbackpackandhandsi tt ome. Ial mostl augh,butshei sn' tj oki ng.Li ket heboycont est ,t hi si sapr oj ectf orher , car ef ul l ypl annedandexecut ed,r ecor dedst ar tt of i ni shf orpost er i t y.Notevenhert oe r i ngswi l lbel ef tt ochance. Ikeept hecamer aonherasl ongasIcan,di scr eet l yt ur ni ngi tonandof ft ospar ef ut ur e audi encesf r om t het edi um ofFr anki eappl yi ngl i pl i ner ,Fr anki ebl owi nghernai lpol i sh, Fr anki et weezi nghereyebr ows.I ' m aboutt ol eavewi t houtherwhenshef i nal l y announcesshe' sr eady. " ThankGod, "Isay,cl osi ngt hecamer aandsweepi ngmyj our nalandt wopaper backs i nt omybag." Canwepl easegetdownt ot hewat ernow?" " Wai t ! "Fr anki eshr i ekswi t hsuchi mmedi acyt hatIal mostt hi nkt her e' sascor pi onor t ar ant ul aonmyhead." West i l lhavet odoyou. " " Fr ank,I ' vebeenr eadyf oranhour . " Shel aughs.Sheact ual l yl aughs." Anna,youcan' tgooutl i ket hat .Lookatyourhai r ! " " Pl ease,Fr anki e.We' r egoi ngswi mmi ng.I nt hewat er .Remember ?" " Don' tbel azyaboutyourl ooks, "shesays,comi ngt owar dmewi t hacombandaf ew bobbypi nsi nhermout h.She' sonecr eepyst epawayf r om spi t t i ngonat i ssueand wi pi ngmyf acewi t hi t ." I twon' tt ak et hatl ong. " Best r ong,Anna.Best r ong.
t wel ve Byt het i mewegett ot hewat er ,i t ' scl oset oel evenandt hewat er pr oofmascar aFr anki e combedovermyl ashesf eel sheavyandgoopy.Iwor r yt hatal lt hegoodspot sont he
beachar egone,butFr anki eassur esmet hatt her ewi l lbepl ent yofspot swhenweget downneart heal coveandawayf r om al lt he" ol dpeopl e. " Theot herendoft hebeachi sact ual l yawhol edi f f er entbeach-anent i r el ysepar at e st r et chofsandwi t hnowat erbuoys,hotdogvendor s,l i f eguar ds,orpeopl e. I tdoeshaveonet hi ngconspi cuousl yabsentonourbeach-aNoSwi mmi ngsi gn. " See?"Fr anki easks." Tot al l ypr i vat e.Noscr eami ngki dsorannoyi ngf ami l i es. " " Orwi t nesses. " " Don' tbeababy,Anna. " " Fr anki e,i tsaysNoSwi mmi ngf orar eason.Shar pr ocks?Shar ks?Under cur r ent ?" " I tsaysNoSwi mmi ngbecausei t ' snotapubl i cbeach,sot heydon' thaveal i f eguar d, " shesays,cr ouchi ngt ounf ol dt hebeachbl anket ." I t ' st hesamewat er ,Anna.I ft her ear e shar ksher e,t her ear eshar ksatourbeach,t oo.I t ' snotl i ket heyr eadsi gns. " " Howdoyouevenknowaboutt hi spl ace?"Iask,dr oppi ngmybagandwi t hi t ,t heshar k debat e. " Mybr ot her , "shesays." Heusedt ocomet ot heal covesomet i mes. " Thebeachi sal wayscr owded,het ol dmel astyear ,af ewni ght sbef or et hei rt r i p.We wer eal onei nt hel i vi ngr oom,pr et endi ngt owat chamovi ewhi l eFr anki edozedont he chai rnextt ous.Butt her e' st hi sonespotIl i kef ar t herdown.Somet i mesIj ustgot her e t or eadandt hi nk.Theoceani sgoodf orcl ear i ngyourhead. Andf orl ooki ngatgi r l s,Is ai d. Wel l ,sur e.Hel aughed.Butnott hatpar t .Noonegoest her eexceptf oroccasi onal sur f er s.Ther e' snol i f eguar d.Justt hewat erandt her ocks.Onet i meIsatt her ef ort hr ee hour s,j ustl i st eni ngt ot hewat erandwonder i ngwhatwasunder neat h. Il ookoutovert hewat erandwondert hesamet hi ng,t r yi nghar dnott ot hi nkaboutt he f actt hatImi ghtbest andi ngi nt heexactsamespotMat tst ood,l ooki ngoutatt hesame bl uesea,wonder i ngt hesameendl ess,unanswer abl equest i ons. Whatwoul dweseei ft heydr ai nedi tl i keagi antbat ht ub? Icur lmyt oesi nt ot hesand,wai t i ngf orFr anki et osaysomet hi ngel se. " Her e,hel pmewi t ht hebl anket . "Shehandsmeacor nerandl i esdownont heot her si de. " Okay,bl anketi ssecur e, "Isay,st i l lf i ght i ngt hei mageofMat tont hecoucht hatni ght , t el l i ngmehi sf avor i t et hi ngsaboutCal i f or ni a." Nowwhat ?Justl i eher eal ldayunt i l somet hi ngexci t i nghappenst ous?"
Fr anki ei nchesandwr i ggl esunt i lshei sst r at egi cal l yposi t i onedi nhermostf l at t er i ng pose-st omachf l at ,par t edl i psgl i st eni ng,l egsbentsl i ght l y,bosom heavi ng." You' l l see. " " You' r er eal l yj ustgoi ngt ol i et her e?" " That ' swhyt heyi nvent edt hebeach,Anna. " " Whataboutt hewat er ?" " Ar eyouki ddi ng?Wej ustdi dourhai r ! " Sheusedt ol oveswi mmi ng.SheandMat twoul dt el lmeabouti ti nt hei rpost car ds-al l t hehour st hey' dspendi nt hewat er ,ski npr unedandeyesbur ni ngf r om t hesal t , swi mmi ngandr i di ngwavesandpl ayi ngFr i sbeewi t hsummerf r i ends,orsomet i mesj ust f l oat i ngoutt her eont hei rbacks. " Fr ank,l et ' sj ustgoi nt hewa" " OhmyGod,Anna.Hot t i es,t eno' cl ock. " " What ?"It ur nmyheadt oseewhatshe' sl ooki ngat ,whi chi smor ei nt hedi r ect i onof t woo' cl ock,butwho' scount i ng? " Don' tl ook! "Sheswat smyt hi gh." Justactnat ur al .Her et heycome. " Il i ebesi deher ,t r yi ngt oguesswhat" actnat ur al "means.Ideci deonmi mi cki ngher posi t i on,onl yIkeepmysar ongsecur el yf ast enedandmyar msf ol dedovermychest . Tot heaver ageonl ooker ,i fanyoneot hert hant her api dl yappr oachi ngboysi sl ooki ng on,Ipr obabl yl ookcol d.Orext r emel ypi ssedof f . " Oh,Anna, "Fr anki esaysi nanexagger at edvoi cewhent heguysar ewi t hi near shot . " I ' mr eal l yhot .Passmeawat er ?" I ssheki ddi ng? Shel ooksatmeexpect ant l y,eyesbul gi ng,bor der i ngonannoyed. She' snotki ddi ng. Isi tupandf i shabot t l edwat erf r om mybag.Theboysar eaboutt went yf eetaway, st ar i ngatuswi t hopenmout hsasFr anki esucksont hewat erbot t l ei nanent i r el y i nappr opr i at emanner . " Hey, "oneoft heguyssayswi t haswi f tmannod." What ' sup?"Fr anki eshr ugsand waves,i nvi t i ngt hem overt oourpr evi ousl yundi st ur bedpat chofsand. Theyexchangegl ancesl i kehungr yl i onst hathavej ustbeeni nvi t edi nt ot hezebr aden f ordi nnerandj ogovert oourbl anket ,i nt r oduci ngt hemsel vesasWar r enandTodd( ori s i tRod?I ' vef or got t enal r eady) .Af t ert hi r t ysecondsofconver sat i on,Icansummar i z e
t hei rent i r er ai sonsd' Ăªt r e. Dr i nkbeer .Meetchi cks.Gett an. Lat her ,r i nse,r epeat . AtFr anki e' si nsi st ence,t heyshakeoutt hei rbl anketandcampnextt ous,t hankf ul l yon hersi de.RodorToddorwhat everi st hel oudone,unabl et obeser i ous,unabl et of ocus ononesubj ectf ormor et hanami nut e.He' saf r eshmanatBer kel ey,st udyi ngmar i ne bi ol ogy,andwhathi soncampusgi r l f r i enddoesn' tknowwon' thur ther ,wi nkwi nk. Doguysr eal l yt hi nkt hi scr apwor ksongi r l s? Fr anki egi ggl es.Iguessi twor ksonsomegi r l s. War r eni s n' texact l yt hequi etone,butt hef actt hatI ' m pr et endi ngt obeasl eepwhi l e Fr anki eandRodToddl aughateachot her ' sbant erandt r adecel lphonenumber s doesn' tl eavehi m anent r y. " Dude, "War r ensaysaf t eraboutf i f t eenmi nut esofst ar i ngatt heocean." Igot t aj et .See youl at er . "Iopenmyeyeswhenhest ands,hi sshadowf al l i ngonmyf ace.Fr anki ei s doi ngsomesor tofhal f ki sst hi ngwi t hRodTodd-mor et hanf r i ends,butnotqui t eaf ul l onl i pl ock.Iexpectt hi ssor tofgr at ui t ousbehavi orwi t hf or ei gnexchangest udent s,but t ot alst r anger s?Annoyi ngst r anger s,att hat ?Thewhol escenei smor et hanIcan st omach. " Fr ank,It hi nkIseeyourpar ent s. " " That ' smycue, "RodToddsays." Cal lmel at er ,sexy. " Cal l mel at er ,sexy?I ' m goi ngt obei l l .Fr anki e,ont heot herhand,i spr act i cal l yr eadyt o movei nwi t hhi m. Theboyst akeof fdownt hebeachandFr anki escanst heopposi t eshor el i nef orRedand Jayne. " Wher ear et hey?"sheasks." Idon' tseet hem,Anna. " " IguessIwaswr ong.Canwegoi nt hewat ernow?"I ' m hot ,bor ed,andqui ckl yget t i ng cr anky. " Anna,t hatwast wooutoft went yal r eadyscr at chedof ft hel i st .Whydi dn' tyout al kt o War r en?" " Hehasbackne,Fr ank.Nott oment i onhe' saboutasi nt er est i ngaswetseakel p. " Fr anki el aughs." Al lr i ght .ButI ' m st i l lcount i ngt hem ast wo.Wi t ht hem andt heboys checki ngusoutatCar ol i ne' syest er day,t hatmakesf our . " " Yest er daydoesn' tcount , "Isay.
" Wel l ,i twoul dhave,i fmypar ent shadn' tshownup. "Shedi gshercamer af r om herbag andzoomsi nonmyf ace." So,Mi ssRei l ey,wi l lyouorwi l lyounotadmi tspeci mensA andBf r om Car ol i ne' si nt ot heof f i ci alcountoft hesummeroft went yboys,pert he or i gi nalcont r actt er msoft heAbsol ut eBestSummerEver ?" Icr i nkl emyf or eheadt oappearser i ous." Af t ercar ef ulconsi der at i on,t hecour ther eby consent st oacompr omi se.Weshal lcountyest er day' spl at oni candl ackl ust eri cecr eam duoasas i ngl eboy. " Sheagr ees,hol di ngupt hr eef i nger si nf r ontoft hecamer abef or et ur ni ngi tonher s el f . " Thr eedown.Sevent eent ogo.Notbadf orourf i r stt went yf ourhour s. " Ir ol lmyeyesandunt i emysar ong,r eadyt ogeti nt ot hewat er .I fr eachi ngourt went yboygoalt akespr ecedenceovert hehi ghst andar dsofgoodhygi ene,i nt er est i ng per sonal i t y,andami ni mum si xt hgr adeI Q,I ' m dr oppi ngoutr i ghtnow. " Canwepl easegoswi mmi ng?"Iask. " Oh,al lr i ght . "Fr anki est ashest hecamer ai nherbagandf ol l owsmei nt ot hewat er , spl ashi ngandgi ggl i ngi nt heshar kl esswavesneart heshor e. Wegoi nupt oourshoul der s,wai t i ngt ocat cht hest r ongerwavesandr i det hem upt o t heshor e.Thewat erandai rabovei tt ast eequal l ysal t y,st i ngi ngmyeyesandcoat i ng myski n,j ustl i keMat tsai di nhi spost car ds. Whenyout ast et hewat eronyourl i ps,i tf eel sl i keyou' vebeeneat i ngpot at ochi ps.But t her e' snot hi ngel sel i kei t ,Anna. " Readyf orl unch?"Fr anki easksaf t ert wohour sofwavej umpi ng." I ' m st ar vi ng. " Wegat herupourbl anketandbagsf r om t hebeachandheadbackt owar dt he concessi onst andsneart hehousef orhotdogsandcur l yf r i es.Af t erwat chi nguseat ,a l eat her yguywhol ooksol denought obeourf at hersi t sdownnextt omeatt hepi cni c t abl e. " CanIgetyougi r l sami l kshake?Ormor ef r i es?" Hi sbr eat hsmel l sl i kesourmi l kasi tf al l sonmyshoul der . " Sur e, "Fr anki esays." I ' l lhaveachocol at eshake. " Hesmi l es." Whataboutyou,honey?" " I ' mf i ne, "Isay,ki cki ngFr anki eundert het abl e.I ' mt ot al l ycr eepedoutt hatshe' s encour agi ngt hi sger i at r i cpedophi l et ospendanymor et i mewi t hust hanheal r eady has. " Fi ne?Yousur ear e.I ' l lgetyouacher r yshake,how' st hat ?"Fr anki eanswer sf orme. " Shel ovescher r i es. "
Hewi nksatusandheadsupt ot hest andt oor derourshakes. " Fr anki e,gr abyourst uf f , "Isay." Let ' sgo. " " Noway.Thi si st hemostf unI ' vehadal lyear . " " He' sanol dman! " " We' r eget t i ngf r eeshakes,r i ght ?" Herl ogi cast oundsme." Atwhatcost ?"Iask. " Cal m down,Mom. " Leat herManr et ur nsbef or eIcanconvi nceFr anki et ol eave.Shebr ushesherf i nger s agai nsthi swhenshet akeshershake,andhi seyesl i ngeronherboobsf oraver yl ong t i mebef or eher et ur nst omysi deoft het abl e. JustwhenIcan' tt akeanot hershotofhi sal coholbr eat honmyski n,we' r esavedbyan equal l yl eat her ywomani nabr i ghtpi nkt ankdr ess. " Har ol d,whatt hehel lar eyoudoi ng?"Shest ompsahal f spentci gar et t ei nt ot hesand wi t hherf l i pf l op.Hervoi cei scoar seandt hel oose,br ownski nonherar msj i ggl es. " Mar ci a' swai t i ngi nt hecar . " " Comi ng,mydar l i ng. "Her ol l shi seyesf orourbenef i tanddi sl odgesf r om t hepi cni c t abl e-qui t eat askwhenyou' r edr unk." Enj oyt heshakes,cher r i es-Imean,l adi es. " Mr s.Har ol dgr abshi sar m andl eadshi mt ot hecar ,naggi nghi m al lt heway. " We' r enotdr i nki ngt hese. "It akeFr anki e' sshakebef or eshecangetasi panddr op t hem bot hi nt het r ashcan.Fr anki el aughs. " Okay,bi gbr ot her , "shesays.Ial mostl augh,i magi ni ngwhatherr ealbi gbr ot herwoul d doi fhe' dwi t nessedt hi sdi st ur bi ngexchange. " SoOl dManDat eRapewasnumberwhat ?"sheasks." Fourorf i ve?" " We' r enotcount i nghi m, "Isay." Thi si st heTwent yBoySummer ,nott heTwent yDi r t y Ol dManSummer . " " Soundsl i keweal r eadyhaveanamef ornextyear ' st r i p, "Fr anki esays,wi ggl i ngher oneandahal feyebr ows.Shewi nksatmeandheadsupt ot hecount ert oor dert wo newshakes,hol dt her oof i es. Noneoft hi smakesi ti nt ot hef i nalr epor twepr esentt oRedandJaynedur i ngdi nner whent heyaskaboutourf i r stdayont hebeach. " Wehadt hebestday, "Fr anki esays,showi ngherpar ent ssomecar ef ul l ypr esel ect ed f oot ageofourf uni nt hesun.Af t erl unch,weshotabunchofst ockvi deooft hecr owded
par toft hebeachf orj ustt hi spur pose." Thebeachwaspacked,butwest i l lhadf uni n t hewat er . " Redpassesoutpl at esoft heChi nesef oodJaynecookedf orourf i r stof f i ci aldi nneri n t hehouseaf t erl astni ght ' sf r eakout ,cl uel essandhappyt hathi sdaught erandherbest f r i endhadsuchawonder f ulf i r stdayonZanzi barBeach. " I ' m gl adwedeci dedt ost ay, "hesays,beami ng.
t hi r t een Thenextmor ni nghasal lt hemaki ngsofourf i r stdayi nCal i f or ni a,butt hi st i meI ' m pr epar ed.Whi l eFr anki et akeshershower ,Igetdr essedandt hr owonj ustenough spar kl eandbl i ngt oshutherupbef or eourgr uel i ngdeat hmar cht ot hedeser t edot her si deoft hebeach. " I fyouwantt omeetguys, "Iaskasweshakeoutourbl anketf ordayt wo," whyar ewe outher el i keacoupl eofwander i ngnomads?"I fyest er daywasanyi ndi cat i onoft he cal i berofboysavai l abl e,Idon' twantt omeetmor eoft hem.Ij ustf eelsaf eri nacr owdespeci al l yaf t erourencount erwi t hHar ol dt heMi l kShakeMan. " Anna, "shesays,r econf i gur i ngher sel font hebl anketl i keyest er day," onl yt het our i st s hangouti nt hecr owdedpar t .Thi si swher et hel ocal scome. " " Sui tyour sel f , "Isay." ButI ' m swi mmi ng,notsunni ng. " Iunwr apmypal ebodyf r om t hesar ong,st i l lnotusedt oshowi ngsomuchski ni npubl i c. Iappl yanot herl ayerofsunscr eenj ustt obesaf eandhopenoonei swat chi ngasIpl od downt ot hewat er . I tdoesn' tf eelaswar m asyest er day,butmyf eetadj ustqui ckl y,al l owi ngmet oi nchi n upt omywai st .I nt hedi st ance,vacat i oni ngf ami l i esmoveupanddownt heshor ef r om t hewat ert ot hebeachandbackagai n,t hei rl aught erweavi ngsof t l yt hr ought hemoi st ai r . Il ookovermyshoul dert ocheckonFr anki e.Shesmi l esandwaves,r eposi t i oni ng her sel font hebl anketsoshecanr eacht het r ai lmi xwi t houtsi t t i ngup." St aywher eIcan seeyou, "sheshout s." Ineedt ogetsomeshot soft hi s. " Theal covei squi ett oday.Ast hewat ermovesbackandf or t hovermyt hi ghs,mymi nd dr i f t st omyconver sat i onwi t hAuntJaynet heni ghtwemadesandangel s.Howmuch doessheact ual l yknow?Di dheevert el lheraboutus?Di dsheseeuski ssi ngovera si nkf ul lofdi sheswhenwet houghtnoonewaswat chi ng?Di dshej ustf i gur ei tout ?And whatdi dshemeanwhenshesai dhegott hesamel ooki nhi seyeswhenhet al ked aboutme?Mat tandIspentsomucht i met al ki ngaboutwhenandhowandwhathewas goi ngt ot el lFr anki e-wenevergott ot hepar taboutt el l i nganyoneel se. Anewwaveofbut t er f l i esf l ut t er si nmychestasIconsi dert hi s,andIhavet ocl osemy
eyest obeatt hem down.Mat t ' sgone,r emember ?Thosebut t er f l i eshavenowher et ogo butdar kness,beat i ngandt angl i ngt hei rt i nywi ngsunt i lt heybr eak. " Hey,vi r gi n! " Theappel l at i oni ssoshar pandunexpect edt hati tt akesmesever alsecondst or eal i ze i t ' sai medatme.Iwhi par oundt of i ndFr anki egi ggl i ngonherbl anketi nt heshadowof t wot annedguyswi t hst ubbyl ooki ngsur f boar ds-t heper f ectCal i f or ni acl i ché. " Vi r gi n,r i ght ?"t hevoi ceasksagai n.I tcomesf r om t het al lonewi t hwhi t ebl ondhai r f al l i ngi nt ohi seyes.Fr anki ei sst i l l gi ggl i ng,andmyent i r ebodygoeshotandr ed, despi t et hechi l li nt hewat er .I fFr anki et hi nksshe' sj ustgoi ngt oauct i onmeof f ,wel l . . .I don' tknow.I t ' ski ndofhar dt obewi t t ywhenyou' r et r yi ngt ocal lf or t hagi antseasqui d t oswal l owyouupanddr agyoudownt ot hedept hsoft heoceanf l oor ,nevert obeseen, hear df r om,ormockedagai n. Idr opdownsot hewat ercover smychest ." Excuseme?" " Um,youguyshaveneverboar dedbef or e?"Bl ondi esor tofaskssays,hol di ngouthi s ar msl i kehe' sexpect i ngappl ausef orhi scl ever ness. " Comeback,Anna! "Fr anki ewavesmei n." Meetournewf r i ends. " Il ookbehi ndmet oconf i r mt hatt heaf or ement i onedgi antseasqui dhasi gnor edmy t el epat hi cpl ea,t henr ef ocus,wi l l i ngmysar ongt of l oati t sel fovert ot heshor eanddr ape ar oundmybodyasIemer gef r om t hesur f .Whent hatdoesn' twor k,It hi nkaboutf aki ng acr ampandqui ckl ydeci deagai nsti t ,r easoni ngt hati fIl ookl i keI ' m dr owni ng,oneof t hem mi ghtj umpi nandputhi shandsonme.Pr obabl ynotBl ondi e,t hough.He' st oo busycat al ogi ngFr anki e' smeasur ement swi t hhi seyes. It r udgeupt ot heshor e,whi chl ooksr eal l ysexyot hert hant hatwhol emi ddl epar twhen you' vecl ear edyourupperbodyandhavet opi ckupandpl unkdownyourl egsl i ke pi st onst ocutt hr ought hewat er .Thegi antsqui dmaynotbei nt er est edi nme,butI ' l l makesur eFr anki el ooksni ceandj ui cywhenIdr agheroutofbedt oni ghtandsacr i f i ce hert ot heseagods. " Hey, "Isay,t r yi ngt osoundcasualasIyankmyt owelf r om beneat hFr anki e' sf i r m and pur posel ypl acedel bows." I ' m Anna. "Towelsecur edt i ght l yar oundmywai st ,Ihol dmy handoutt oBl ondi e,whosenamei sJake. " Why,AnnaAbi gai l ,you' r esopr oper , "Fr anki et easeswi t hasl i ght l yof f keysout her n accent .Iam st i l langr yatherf orgoi ngal ongwi t ht hewhol evi r gi nj oke,andwonder br i ef l yi famor eappr opr i at e,l esspr opergr eet i ngwoul dbef ormet owhi pof fmybi ki ni t opandt wi r li tar oundmyheadl i keal asso.Bef or eIcanr espond,Fr anki e' sonherf eet , dust i ngsandof fherbut ti nsl owmot i on.Jakest ar es.Theot herone-Sam,Il ear nshakeshi sheadandsmi l esatme. " For gi vemymanner l esscousi n, "hesays,andhi ssmi l emakesmemoment ar i l yf or get howannoyedIam.
" So,wher ear eyouf r om?"Jakeasks. " NewYor k, "Fr anki eannounces,notbot her i ngt ocl ar i f yt hati t ' st hel ame,upst at epar t . " Ser i ousl y?"Jakeasks." That ' ssocool . " " I t ' sal lr i ght , "shesays,exami ni nghernai l sandwear i ngt hatNewYor kt hi ngl i kea badgesheneverear ned. " What ' si tl i kei nt hesummer ?"Jakeasks. " Oh,youknow, "Fr anki esays." Neveradul lmoment .That ' swhywecamet oCal i-t o r el ax. "Shet akesasi pofwat erandl i cksherl i ps,l ooki ngoutovert heocean.Jakel ooks i naweathi snewf oundwomanofmyst er yandi nt r i gue:Fr anki e,NewYor khei r ess, di ni ngwi t ht hest ar s,hobnobbi ngwi t ht her i chandf amous,r i ski ngherl i f eever ydayon t hehar denedst r eet s.I nr eal i t y,bef or ecomi ngt oCal i f or ni at wodaysago,oursummer act i vi t i esi ncl udedsuchexci t i ngadvent ur esasl yi ngouti nt hesundoi ngCosmo qui zzes,maki ngmocki nt er vi ewswi t hFr anki e' scamer a,exper i ment i ngwi t hf aci al s madeofoat mealandmayonnai se,andgoi ngwi t hMom andDadt oaf oodf est i val wher ewemadef i vedol l arbet st r yi ngt oguesswhi chofourcr azynei ghbor sdr essedas t heket chupandmust ar dcombo. " Whataboutyouguys?"sheasks. " Wel i veher e, "Jakesays." Not ,l i ke,ont hebeach,buti nt own.Not hi ngl i keNewYor k. That ' sawesome. "It hi nkaboutournei ghbor szi ppi ngt hemsel vesi nt ot hei rgi ant condi mentcost umes.Awesome.Tot al l y. Readyt omoveonf r om ourget t i ngt oknowyouconver sat i on,Jaket ur nst ot hewat er andannouncesl oudl yi nFr anki e' sdi r ect i ont hati t ' s" t i met ogetwet . "Shel et soutan " Oh,yeah! "t hat ' sover bl own,evenf orher ,andr eposi t i onst het r i angl eofherbi ki ni bot t om,l et t i nggowi t hasexysnapbef or ef ol l owi ngJakei nt ot hewat er . Sam t ur nst omeandsmi l es.Foraf ewsecondswedot hatawkwar dconver sat i onal t angowher ewe' r ebot ht r yi ngt ot al katt hesamet i meandj ustendupl aughi ngandnot sayi nganyt hi ngatal l .Fr anki esqueal sf r om t hewat er ,andSam shr ugs,l ooki ngatme. Despi t emychi l l ydemeanoront hesubj ectoft went yboysyest er day,somet hi ngabout Sam get sme.Wi t hmessy,di r t ybl ondhai rst r eakedf r om t hesunandgr eeneyes,he' s def i ni t el ygoodl ooki ng.Backnef r ee.Nocr eepyol dmanvi bes.Seemssmar t . I not herwor ds,t ot al l ywr ongf orme. " Al lr i ght ,AnnaAbbyf r om NewYawk, "hesays,noddi ngathi sboar d." Youwannat r y?" Imusthavesai dyes,becauseIdr opmyt owelandf ol l owhi m outt ot hewat er ,pay i ng absol ut el ynoat t ent i onwhat soevert ot hewayhi swel l def i nedmuscl esmovedownhi s back,t hej aggedwhi t escaront hel ef tsi deabovehi shi p,ort hewei r df eel i ngIhavei n myst omachwhenhel ooksoverhi sshoul derandsmi l esatme.
Absol ut el ynoat t ent i on.What .So.Ever . I nt hewat er ,Fr anki e' sl yi ngf acedownonJake' sboar d,paddl i ngwi t hherar msashe expl ai nst hebasi cs. " Thi sal covei sgr eatf orl ear ni ngbecauset hewat er ' spr et t ycal m, "Jakesays,hi shand r est i ngi nt hesmal lofherbackast houghi t ' st heonl yt hi ngkeepi ngherat t achedt ot he boar d." Onceyougeti nt ot hepubl i cbeachpar t ,i tget scr owdedandchoppy. " Now,t hef i r stt hi ngyouwantt odoi sgetaf eelf ort hewei ghtoft heboar d,andhowi t r eact st oyourbody. "Hi st eachi ngski l l sseem soexper tt hatIwonderi ft het wooft hem wal kt hel engt hoft hebeachever yday,bodyboar dsi nt owf orj ustsuchagi r l i mpr essi ngoccasi on. " Het eaches, "Sam t el l sme.Oh,no!Di dIsayt hatoutl oud?" He' sact ual l yagr eat t eacher ,despi t et heego. " " Sam, "Jakesays,r ai si nghi seyebr ows," l et ' snotconf useegowi t hconf i dencei none' s abi l i t i es. " " Pl ease,cont i nue, "Sam sayswi t hanexagger at edwave. " AsIwassayi ng.Youwannageti nt oat i ghtcr awl ,kneesagai nstt heboar dwi t hyour bodyasc l oset oi taspossi bl e,l i keyou' r egonnaki ssi t . "Hegui desFr anki ei nt o posi t i on,movi nghi shandsal ongherbodyl i keascul pt or . Jakecont i nueshi sl essonwhi l eSam st eadi eshi sboar df orme.WhenImovear oundt o cl i mbon,myl egbr usheshi si nt hewat er ,bar eski nont hewetf abr i cofhi sboar d shor t s,andIf eelaj ol tf r om myheaddown. I tj ustsur pr i sedme,t hat ' sal l .Iwasn' texpect i nghi sl egt obet her e.It houghti twasa shar k.Orsomet hi ng. " Youokay?"heasksasInavi gat et hewobbl yboar d. " I ' m good. "Thepar tofmyl egt hatt ouchedhi m st i l lt i ngl es.Sam i snotasver sedi n t eachi ngasJake,andhi shandski ndofhoveroverme,wai t i ngf ormyper mi ssi ont o pr oceedt hr ougheachst ep.WhenIal mostt oppl et heboar d,hegent l ygr absmyar mt o bal anceme,andIhavet ol ookaway,pr et endi nghe' smyover wei ght ,mi ddl eaged, f emal egym t eachergi vi ngmeaswi mmi ngl esson. Wespendanhourwi t ht hem i nt hewat er ,l ear ni ngbodyboar dbasi cs,wat chi ngJake showof f ,t al ki ngabouthi ghschool ' si nher entl ameness.They' r eayearol dert hanus andget t i ngr eadyf ort hei rseni oryear .Theypassmostoft hei rf r eet i meont hebeach. Jaket eac hesswi mmi ngandsur f i ngt osummerr ent er s,andSam wor ksatSmoot hi e Shack,t hei rol dercousi n' spl aceont henextt our i stbeach,anot herhal fmi l epastt he al cove. " Sodoyouguysj ustcar r yt heseboar dsar oundl ooki ngf orgi r l s?"Fr anki easksasi fshe
doesn' tcar e. " Youf oundusout ! "Jakepushesherof fhi sboar d. " Act ual l y,Jakewasgoi ngt oshowmesomenewt r i cks, "Sam says." Peopl edon' t usual l yhangouti nt heal cove.Whatwer eyouguysdoi ngher e,anyway?I tsaysNo Swi mmi ng. " " Pl ease, "Fr anki esays." I ' vebeencomi ngher emywhol el i f e.I ' vebeenal lovert hi s beach,andIswi m wher eIwantt oswi m. " " Howcomewe' veneverseenyoubef or e?"Jakeasks. " Youwer en' tpayi ngat t ent i on. "Sheshr ugs,l eavi ngoutt hepar tabouthowshepr obabl y wasn' twear i ngabi ki nianddi dn' thaveanyt hi ngt ohol di tup,anyway." OrIwasbusy t al ki ngt osomeoneel se. " Appar ent l y,apat hyi st oday' smodusoper andi .Actcut eandf l i r t at i ousatf i r st ,t henwhen t hey' r ehooked,t ur ndownt het emper at ur eabi t ,f ei gni ngi ndi f f er ence.Voodoomagi c.I t wor ksever yt i me. " Youwoul dn' tbet al ki ngt osomeoneel sei fIwast her e, "Jakesays." Whocanr esi stt hi s hai r ,t hi sbody?"Fr anki espl asheshi m.Het el l shershe' shot .It hi nkshe' si nl ove. Agai n. Meanwhi l e,backont hepl aneofr eal i t y,Sam hast ogot owor k." St opbyl at eri fyou want , "hesays." I fyoul i kesmoot hi es,I ' m yourhookup. " " Whataboutourl esson?"Fr anki easks." Wedi dn' tgett odoanyt hi ng. " " Thatwasoneohone, "Jakesays." Twoohonest ar t st omor r ow,samepl ace,same t i me. " " Wemi ghthaveot herpl ans, "shesays,butwedon' t .Notonl ywi l lwebeher ef i f t een mi nut espr i ort ot heappoi nt edt i me,butwe' l lspendt wohour sbef or ehandpi cki ngout Fr anki e' swar dr obeandr ehear si ngherl i nes. " Let ' sgo,dude, "Sam sayst oJak e." I ' m gonnabel at e. " Wet r udget hr ought hewat erbackt oourbl anket .Fr anki ehugsJake,butSam j ust smi l esatmewi t habar el yper cept i bl er ai seoft heeyebr ows-hopef ul ?Cur i ous? Cl uel ess? " Seeyoul at er ,AnnaAbbyf r om NewYawk, "hesays,t ur ni nganddi sappear i ngdown t hebeachwi t hJake. " Oh.My.God, "Fr anki esays,f l oppi ngont hebl anket ." Theyar esohot ! " " Fr ank,i t ' sonl ydayt woandahal f .We' r enotgoi ngt ogett ot went yi fyour unof fand getmar r i edt omor r ow. "Idr apemyt owelovermyheadl i keavei l ." Doyou?Ido!Do
you?Ido!Oh,Jake!Youmustt el l mewhodoesyourhi ghl i ght s! " Fr anki el aughsandsnapshert owelatme." Oh,okay,Mi ss' Sam,hol dt heboar df orme! Sam,howdoyoudot hat ?Sam,Iwantt oseeyounaked. ' " " Oh,God,st op, "Isay,l aughi ngwi t hFr anki e." WhataboutpoorRodTodd?Ar en' tyou goi ngt ocal lhi m?" " Ar eyouki ddi ngme?Thatguywasgr oss. " " Whydi dyouki sshi m?" " Thatwasn' tki ssi ng! " " Um,r i ght .Sowhydi dyougi vehi m yournumber ?" " Anna,Iswear ,somet i mesyoucanbeso-sochar t r euse. " " Di dyougi vehi m af ake-wai t ,whatdi dyoucal lme?" " Char t r euse.Youknow,dense.What ?" " Fr anki e,youj ustcal l edmeashadeofgr een.It hi nkyoumeanobt use. " " Wel l ,youar el ooki ngal i t t l epal e. " Ishakemyheadandl augh." I t ' scal l edsunscr een.Tr ysome. " " No,t hank s.Atl eastwemetsomedecentguyst oday, "shesays,f l i ppi ngoveronher st omachandunt yi nghert op." Andwebot hwantsepar at eones. " Iputonmysungl assesandr estmyhandonmyl eg-t hepar tt hatt ouchedSam' si nt he wat er .Thepar tt hat ' sst i l lt i ngl i ng." Idon' twantanyone. " " What ' swr ongwi t hyou?"sheasks,ast houghshe' sadoct orwhocan' tdi agnosemy wei r dcombi nat i onofunl i kel ysympt oms." Sam wast ot al l ychecki ngyouout .Andi t l ookedl i keyouwer ehavi ngf un. " Ishr ug,suddenl yi nt entondi ggi ngt hr oughmybagf orabook.Ther ear epr obabl ya mi l l i ondi f f er entt hi ngsIcansayt ohert ogethert oshutup.He' snotcut eenough.I don' tl i kehi shai r .Isawsomeoneel secl osert ot hehouseIwantt ocheckout .Butnone oft heset hi ngsi st r ue.Thet r ut hi st heonet hi ngIcan' tsay-t hati fIcanbei nt er est ed i nSam,I ' mf or get t i ngaboutMat t .
f our t een AsFr anki edr i f t si nandoutofanaf t er noonsunnapont hebl anketbesi deme,Ir eadt he samepar agr aphi nmybookaboutahundr edt i mes,absor bi ngnot hi ng.Iwi l lmysel ft o t hi nkaboutsomet hi ngel se.Mybookhast hr eehundr edandonepages.Wher ewi l lwe
gof ordi nner ?Wow,sandi sspar k l y!ButSam i nvadesmyt hought s-t hought st hat havebecomedanger ousandneedl i t t l eencour agementt owar dmi sbehavi or . Hi ssmi l e.St opi t ,Anna! Hi sgr eeneyes.Focus,f ocus! Thewayhesays," AnnaAbbyf r om NewYawk. " Dot heyhavest r awber r ybananasmoot hi esatt hesmoot hi eshop?Ibethe' sgott hatt an al lyear .Doeshehaveagi r l f r i end?Maybe.Maybeonef r om ever yst at e.Acol l ect i onof vi r gi nt our i st sj ustwai t i ngf ori tt obespeci al . It hi nkaboutt hegi r li nt hemi r r orf r om whenFr anki eandIwentbat hi ngsui tshoppi ng. WhenIagr eedt ot hecont est ,Iwashal fj oki ng,al lf orFr anki e' sbenef i t .Besi des,Ican' t geti nvol vedwi t hanyoneouther e.At t ached.Al lt hosewor dsandf eel i ngsandi nt ent i ons t angl i ngi nt osomet hi ngmor ewi l dandconf usedt hanmywi ndbl ownhai r-no,t hank you.Thel astboywhogotmet angl edupt hatwaydi ed. Thet houghtofMat tsqueezesmyi nsi desagai n.Ir ubmyeyesandst ar eatt hewat eri n f r ontofoursecl uded,of f l i mi t sbeachwher eshar ks,under cur r ent s,andboysmayor maynotbewai t i ngt odr agusoutt osea. Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh. Iconcent r at e.Icl earmyhead.Iam t hemast erofmyt hought s.Myheadi sempt y.Iam f l oat i ng.Iam amast er f ul ,empt yheaded,f l oat i ngf eat heront hewi nd. Shhh,ahhh. Di dSam s ayweshoul dcomebyf orsmoot hi est oni ght ,ort omor r ow? Igi veup. Ineedt ogetof ft hi sbeach,backt ot hequi etcooloft hehouse.Ishovemybookback i nt ot hebagandwakeupFr anki e. " Let ' sgoback.I ' m hungr y. "Ir ubhershoul dergent l y,f eel i ngheatr i sef astf r om herpi nk ski n." Fr ank,wakeup.You' r er eal l yhot . " Shest i r sandr eachesupt ot i ehert op." Iknow, "shesays." It hi nkt hi ssui twast hebest i deaIhadal lyear . " " No,Imean,you' r er eal l yhot .Yoursk i ni sbur ni ngup. " Whenshesi t sup,herbackl ooksspr aypai nt edhotpi nk. " Di dn' tyouputonsunbl ockbef or ewel ef tt hehouse?"Iask. " Mom mademedoi tyest er day.Butwhywoul dIwantt obl ockoutt hesunt woday si na
r ow?"Shet wi st sbackandf or t hl i keaf i shont heshor et ogetal ookatherback." Ineed t ogetabasegoi ngsoIdon' tbur nl at eri nt heweek. " " You' r eal r eadybur ned, "Isay." Ican' tbel i eveyou' r enoti npai n. " " I ' mf i ne. "Shest andst oshaket hesandf r om ourbl anket ." Qui tbei ngsopar anoi d.You coul duseal i t t l ecol oryour sel f ,Casper . " Wewal kt hebeachbackt ot hehouse,t aki ngaf ewvi deosoft hesi ght sandvendor s cl osert ot hepr oper t yi ncaseRedandJaynewantt oseemor e. They' r er eadi ngont hebackpor chwhenwegetback." Toughday?"Redasksaswe dr opourst uf font hef l oorandki ckof fourf l i pf l ops." Idi dn' texpectyouguysbackunt i lFr anki e,whatdi dyoudot oyour sel f ?" " If el lasl eep, "shesays,shr uggi ng." ButI ' mt ot al l yf i ne.Justt i r ed. "Shef l opsont he couchandcl oseshereyesbef or eJaynecanf ul l yi nspectt hedamageandr egur gi t at e anot hersunsaf et yl ect ur e. " I t ' st hesamet hi ngever yyear , "Jaynesays,shaki ngherhead." Anna,I ' m put t i ngt hi s l i docai negeli nt hef r i dge.Shewon' taskme,butyoucangi vei tt oherl at erwhenshe can' tevengeti nt oherpaj amas. "Jaynehol dsupaf ami l ysi zebot t l eofbl uegoo. " Shoul dwecancelourr eser vat i onsandeatathomet oni ght ?"Redasks.ButJayne saysFr anki ewoul dn' tpassupl obst erf oranyt hi ng,sowespendanhourpl ayi ngcar ds i nt heki t chenbef or ewaki ngherupf ordi nner . Fr anki e' scl ear l ysuf f er i ngbut ,asJaynepr edi ct ed,unwi l l i ngt omi ssoutonl obst er .She canbar el ywal kbutsomehowmanagesacol dshowerandanhourofmakeupandhai r . Shecan' tshowanyonehowmuchi thur t s,f ear i ngRedandJaynewi l lf or bi dherf r om l eavi ngt hehousewi t houtl ongsl eevesandpant sf ort her estoft het r i p.I fIwer ea bet t erf r i end,I ' dpr obabl ysympat hi zeandof f ert ocar r yherpur seorsomet hi ng,but wat chi ngt hedr amaqueent r yt ohi deever ywi ncei sj ustt ooamusi ng. Shedoesokaywi t ht hephysi calf aker y,butshe' scr ankyandshor t t emper edt heent i r e eveni ng,whi ni ngaboutnonsensi calt hi ngsi npl aceoft her eali ssueoft ent hdegr ee bur nsal loverherbackandl egs. " Howl ongdowehavet owai tf orat abl e,Dad?Thi si st aki ngf or ever . "And. . . " Howcanapl acebeoutofgi ngeral e?Howcanyour unar est aur antandnothave enoughgi ngeral e?"And. . . " Ourwai t erseemsl i kehe' si nt r ai ni ng.Whodoesn' tknowhowt odescr i bet hemahi mahi sauce?"And. . . " I t ' ssohoti nher e.Whatki ndofpl acedoesn' thavet heai rcondi t i oneroni nt hemi ddl e ofsummer ?"And. . .
" Isai dIdon' twantanywat er ,t hankyou. "Att hi s,shehol dsupherhandt ot hebusboy pour i ngi cewat erf r om hi spl ast i cpi t cher .Whet heri t ' sFr anki e' sl ooks,hersunbur n,or herat t i t ude,somet hi ngdi st r act shi m.Hedr opst heent i r epi t cheri nherl ap,f umbl i ngi n sl owmot i ont ost opt hef or ceofgr avi t yf r om t aki ngt hatwat ert oi t sf i naldest i nat i on downhershi r tandi nt oherl ap. Fr anki esqueal sandshoot supf r om t het abl e,soakedf r om t hemi ddl edown.Thepoor busboyj umpsi nt oawkwar dact i on,gr abbi ngatcl ot hnapki nsf r om t heunseat edt abl e behi ndusandat t empt i ngt obl otatt heai ri nf r ontofherwi t houtact ual l yt ouchi ngher body,l esthecauseanymor eofascene.Red,Jayne,andIar est unned,eachofus hol di ngbackaf l oodofwel l deser vedl aught er .Onewr ongmoveandwe' l ll osei t ,Iknow wewi l l .Thebusboy,pr obabl yf ear i ngf orhi sl i f e,excuseshi msel ft of i ndt hemanager . " I ' m sosor r y,si r , "t hemanagersays." Yourf ami l y' sdi nnerwi l lbeont hehouset oni ght . Desser t ,t oo. " " Don' twor r yabouti t , "Redsays,bl ot t i ngathi sf acewi t hhi snapki nt ohi deasmi l e." She wasj ustsayi nghowhotshewas.Per f ectt i mi ng. " Wi t ht hat ,JayneandIcannol ongercont ai nour sel ves.Ourl aught erconf usest he manager ,whopr et endst ohaveasuddencul i nar yemer gencyandi mpl or esust ocal lon hi mi ft her e' sanyt hi ngel sehecandot oenhanceourdi ni ngexper i ence. Fr anki epushesawayf r om t het abl eandst or mst owar dt hel adi es' r oom l i keanangr y t or nado. I ' dmuchr at herst ayatt het abl ewi t hRedandJayneandenj oyt hewhi ppedcr eamt oppedst r awber r ydai qui r i s( nonal cohol i c,ofcour se)t hewai t erbr ought( ont hehouse, ofcour se) ,butaf t ert enmi nut es,I ' m compel l edt ocheckonourangr ydi va. I nt hel adi es' r oom,she' sst andi ngatt hesi nk,bl ot t i ngherf acewi t hawetpapert owel . " Comeon,Fr anki e, "Isay." Comebackt ot het abl e-t heybr oughtusst r awber r y dai qui r i s. " Shei gnor esmeandt ossesoutt hepapert owel . " Youhavet oadmi ti twaski ndaf unny, "Isay. " Gr eat .I ' l laskt hebusboyt ocomebyanddr opagal l onofi cewat eronyou,t henwe' l l seei fi t ' sst i l lf unny. " " Fr anki e,youwer ecompl ai ni ngaboutt heheat .I t ' ski ndofl i keananswerf r om t he uni ver se. " Shet r i est oactof f ended,butIcanseeasmi l ecr eepi ngont oherf ace. " Youl ookgr eat ,anyway, "Isay,appeal i ngt ohermostsuscept i bl esi de." That ' s pr obabl ywhyhedr oppedt hewat er .Hewasst unnedi nt ocl umsi nessbyyourr avi shi ng
beaut y.Techni cal l y,youshoul dt akei tasacompl i ment . " " Tr ue. "Sheshr ugshershoul der sandwi pessomest r ayeyel i nerf r om herl owerl i ds. " Let ' sgoback, "Isay." Yourdador der edt hel obst er s. " Shepushesopent hedoor ." Per f ect .Mor ej okesatmyexpense. "Backatt het abl e,Red andJayneapol ogi zef orl aughi ngatFr anki eandof f ert ot akeusmi ni at ur egol f i ngaf t er di nner . Af t ergor gi ngour sel vesonseaf oodanddecadentdesser t s,nott oment i ont hose dai qui r i s,wewaddl edownt oMoonl i ghtBoul evar di nsear choft hebestmi nigol f ,whi ch t ur nsoutt obeat hemedpl acecal l edPi r at e' sCove.Thecour sei spackedwi t hol d peopl ewhomovet oosl owl yandact ual l ykeepscor e,ki dswhoabandont hei rcl ubsand st uf ft hebal l si nt ot hehol eswi t ht hei rst i ckyl i t t l ehands,andpeopl el i keFr anki eandme, whowoul dmuchr at herbeatSam' ssmoot hi eshopt hanspendi ngqual i t yt i mewi t h par ent s. Fr anki ei spr act i cal l yl i mpi ngf r om hersunbur n,butRedandJaynear esoexci t edt hati t woul dbecr uelt obai lear l yont hem.Besi des,i t ' sni cet oseet hem l aughi ngsomuch. " Hol ei none! "Redpumpshi scl ubi nt heai raf t erput t i nghi sbal lsuccessf ul l yof ft he pl anki nt ot hemout hofapl ast i ccr ocodi l e." Wr i t et hatdownont hecar d,honey.One shot .I t ' st hescor et obeat ! " RedandJaynemoveont ot hesunkent r easur echestasFr anki et eesupf ort he cr ocodi l e.Asshe' sl i ni nguphershot ,Ispott heboysf r om ourf i r stdayont hepi er payi ngf oragameupf r ont . " Fr anki e,l ook. "Inodi nt hei rdi r ect i on." Yourboyf r i endsf r om Car ol i ne' s. " Shet ur nst ol ook,t henducksbehi ndme." It houghtyouwer eki ddi ng.Hi de! " " Theot herdayyouwer epr act i cal l yposi ngf ort hem. " " Anna,Idon' twantanyonet oseemel i ket hi s. " " Soyou' r eact ual l yadmi t t i ngt hatyoul ookl i keaf r i edl obst er ?"Ihobbl eaheadofher , i mi t at i nghersl owmot i onsunbur nl i mp. " Fort hel astt i me,t hi si sj ustabase!I ' mt al ki ngaboutbei ngseenwi t ht hem. "Shenods t owar dRedandJayne,hi ghf i vi ngeachot herunderabl ackskul l andcr ossbonesf l ag t wohol esahead. " Comeon,yehscal awags! "Redshout satus,el i ci t i ngsympat het i cl ooksf r om t he pat r onsathol esf i vet hr oughseven." Cat chup,ori t ' sof ft hepl ankwi t hyeh. " Okay,Fr anki ehasapoi nt .Igr abherhandandl eadust ot hesecondt ol asthol e,f ar awayf r om t hepi r at epar ent swear r i vedwi t hand,mor ei mpor t ant l y,t heguysf r om Car ol i ne' s.Uponf ur t herexami nat i on,t hey' r enotsobad.St i l l .Sam i swaybet t er .
Anna!Youwer eonar ol l .Al mostt enwhol emi nut eswi t houtt hi nki ngabouthi m! Wef i ni shoutt hel astt wohol eswi t hl i t t l eef f or tandr et ur nourequi pment ,wai t i ngatt he snackbarf orRedandJaynet ocompl et et hecour sei nt hei rownpi r at er evel r y. " Whatar ewedoi ngaf t er ?"Iask. Fr anki ehover soverani r onbench,t r yi ngt ol owerher sel fwi t houtcausi ngaddi t i onal pai nt oherbur nedbacksi de." Pr obabl ynot hi ng, "shesays." YouknowMom andDad ar eear l ypeopl e.Why?" " I ' m ki ndofcr avi ngasmoot hi e. " *** " Idon' tgetyou, "Isay,backatt hehouse." You' r et heonet r yi ngt ogetmet odr opt he A. A. ,andyoudon' tevenwantt omeett hem t oni ght ?Theyt ot al l yi nvi t edus! " I t ' saf t ert en,RedandJaynehavel ongsi ncegonet obed,andI ' mt r yi ngt oconvi nce Fr anki et osneakout .Me.Tr yi ngt oconvi nceher .I nj ustt hr eedays,Ibar el yr ecogni ze mysel f . " God,Anna.You' dt hi nkyouneverhookedupwi t haboybef or e.Oh,t hat ' sr i ght ,you haven' t ! "Fr anki et hr owsapi l l owi nmygener aldi r ect i on. " Oh,shutup. "I t ' sl ame,butIcan' texact l ycor r ecther ." Goi fyouwant , "shesays." But I ' m st ayi ngr i ghther e. "Shewi ncesasshecr awl sbet weent hecoolofhersheet s. " Admi ti t . "Isi tont heedgeofherbed." Admi tt hatyou' r eembar r assedaboutt hi sst upi d sunbur n,andt hat ' st heonl yr easonyouwon' tgo. " " Anna,Ij ustdon' tf eell i kebr eaki ngt her ul es,okay?"Shel ooksatmewi t hf ei gned sever i t y,st ar t i ngachai nr eact i onofhyst er i call aught er .Il eanoverher ,pal ms out st r et ched,andt hr eat enagoodsl apt ot het enderski nont hebackofherar msi fshe doesn' tr el ent . " Okay,youwi n! "shesays,st i l ll aughi ng." I tbur ns!I tbur ns! " " And?"Isay,l oomi ngcl oserwi t hmyst i ngi nghand." AndIl ookl i keat our i st ! " Sat i sf i edwi t hFr anki e' snewf oundhumi l i t y,If et cht hegi antbl uebot t l eofl i docai nef r om t hef r i dge,gr ant i nghert empor ar yr el i eff r om herownst upi di t y. Lat er ,af t erwe' veset t l edi nt obedandaccept edourf at easwhol esome,r ul eabi di ng beachcommuni t yci t i zensf oratl eastonemor eni ght ,Fr anki eadvi sesmet opl ayi tcool wi t hSam. " Sam andJakear eonl yf ourandf i veont hel i st .Wedon' twantt hem t ot hi nkwe' r e act ual l yi nt er est ed,Anna, "shesays,pr obabl yscanni nghermemor yf oranot herJohan r ef er encewi t hwhi cht odemonst r at ehersexualexper t i se.
" Ri ght , "Isay." BecauseI ' m not .I nt er est ed,Imean.I ' mj ustsayi ng,i sal l . "
f i f t een Thankst oFr anki e' sul t r avi ol etover si ght ,we' r ef or cedt ohol eupi nsi det hehouse pl ayi ngcar dgamesandeat i ngi cecr eam outoft hecar t ont heent i r enextday.Even Uncl eRedandAuntJaynear ehavi ngmor ef unt hanus,r unni ngi nt hemor ni ng, swi mmi ngi nt heaf t er noon,si t t i ngoutbackandr eadi ngi nt hel asthour sofsunl i ght .I ' m goi ngal i t t l est i r cr azy. Idon' twantt oment i oni tt oFr anki eagai n,l estsheaccusemeofbei ngover eager ,butI can' tst opt hi nki ngaboutSam ( whobynowhaspr obabl yf oundsomeot hert our i st gi r l f r i endwhodoesn' tbl owof fhi si nvi t at i onsf orsur fl essonsandsmoot hi es.Ment al not e:i fFr anki esur vi vest ent hdegr eesunbur n,ki l lher ) . Fr anki ef i nal l yannounceshert r i umphantr et ur nt oci vi l i zat i onatei ghtt hef ol l owi ng mor ni ng,waki ngmeupt obegi nt hel ongandpai nf ulpr ocessofpr i mpi ngf oradi pi nt he ocean. Maybei t ' st hesunshi ne,ort hesal t yoceanai r ,ort hel ai dbacknessofCal i f or ni a,or t hought sofwi nni ngSam backf r om t hebeaut i f ulnewbeachpr i ncesshepr obabl yf ound i nmyabs enceyest er day,butt hi st i me,I ' m al lFr anki e' s.Icheckmyr egul arsel fatt he doorandl etherwor khervoodoomagi c.Ipayat t ent i on.Iwat chandl i st enandask quest i onsonherhai r bl owi ngandmakeupmi xi ngt echni quesast houghmyent i r e f ut ur edependsoni t .Il ethergelmeandt easemeandcol ormeupunt i lIl ookatl east t enyear sol der .Wepai ntournai l s,sel ectoursandal scar ef ul l y,andevencoor di nat e ourbeachbagswi t hourbl anket .Nomor t alboycanr esi stcoor di nat i onandcut eness l i ket hi s! Wepr act i ceourst r utupanddownt hebackdeckunt i lRedandJaynel eavef oradayof r ealgol f ,pr omi si ngt omeetbackatt hehousef oral at el uncht oget her . " Remember ,Anna, "Fr anki esaysaswecr osst heyar dt ot hest ai r sandt hebeach bel ow." Shoul der sback,st omachi n,boobsout . "Idoasshei nst r uct s,sucki ngand pul l i ngandcont or t i ngt her i ghtpar t satt her i ghtt i mesasIf ol l owherdownt ot heal cove andpr ayt ot heGodofMostEmbar r assi ngMoment st hatIdon' tt r i p. Asweappr oacht hecur vei nt heshor et hatcur l sar oundt oourspot ,I ' m moment ar i l y r el i evedt oseet woguysgoof i ngar oundi nt hewat er .Butaswegetcl oser ,Ir eal i zeour spoti nt heal covehasbeencompl et el yover r unwi t hot hert our i st s,Sam andJakenot amongt hem. " Iknewi t , "Isay,dr oppi ngmybagbef or ewegetcl ose." Theygaveuponus. " Fr anki epi cksupmybagandhandsi tbackt ome." Comeon,Anna.I twasoneguy.Get overyour sel f . " Butevenshecan' thi deherdi sappoi nt mentasshescanst hewat erandshor ef orher
bel ovedCal i f or ni abl ond. " Shoul dwegoback?"Iask,t r yi nghar dnott osoundt oodef l at ed.Iknowweonl yj ust mett hem,butst i l l . " Iguess. " " Wai t ! "Ipr act i cal l yshout ." Maybet hey' r eatt hesmoot hi epl ace?Sam sai di t ' snotf ar f r om her e.Wecoul d" " Youandyoursmoot hi es! "Fr anki el aughs." It houghtyouwer en' ti nt er est ed. " " I ' m not .Ij ust-Imean-don' tyouwantt ol ear nhowt osur f ?" Shel ookshar datme,t r yi ngt ogauget hel amenessofmyt hi nl ydi sgui sedar gument . Then,l aughi ng,shegr absupt her estofherbeachst uf fandl eadsusonwar d,pas tt he al cove,f ar t hert hanwe' vevent ur edbef or e. " Oper at i onSmoot hi ei nf ul lf or ce, "sheannounces,di ggi ngouthercamer a." Lett hel ost al bat r osscount downbegi n. " Wewal ksi debysi de,weavi ngourwayt hr oughi ncr easi ngl ydensecr owdsofoi l edup t our i st s,keepi ngar unni ngcomment ar yf ort hevi deo.JustwhenI ' veseenal lt hepast y ol dmeni nSpeedosIcanhandl e,Fr anki espot st hesi gnf orSmoot hi eShack. Wechar geupt hesand,ener gyandhopesr enewedbyt hef adi ngwoodensi gnwi t hi t s chi ppedgr eenandyel l owl et t er i ng.Sam i sst andi ngbehi ndt hecount erandhesmi l es whenheseesus,maki ngt heent i r ehi ket ot al l ywor t hi t . " I ' m donei nt en, "heshout sacr osst hecount er ." Hangout ,okay?" Fr anki est ashest hecamer ai nherbagandwef i ndaboot hneart hecount er .Af t ert he l ongwal kt hr oughal lt hepast ypeopl eandsoggydi aper edl i t t l eki ds,we' l lcampout her eal lni ghti fwehavet o. Tenmi nut esl at er ,Sam j oi nsuswi t ht hr eebananacoconutsomet hi ngor ot her s-hi s f avor i t e.Heset sdownt hedr i nksandsl i desi nt ot heboot hnextt ome. " Hey.Whatdi dyoudot oyour-Imean,youl ookdi f f er ent . "Mycheeksgoi mmedi at el y hot .Nott hatyouraver ageonl ookercant el l ,gi venal lt hemakeupI ' m wear i ng." Fr anki e andIwer ej ustmessi ngar oundt hi smor ni ng. " " Oh, "hesays,t yi ngt hepaperf r om hi sst r awi nt ol i t t l eknot s." I tl ooksni ce,Imean.Ij ust can' tseeyou,t hat ' sal l . " Imakeament alnot et odi t cht hemakeupt omor r ow. ThenIgetmadatmysel ff orl et t i ngsomeboyt hatIj ustmetdi ct at ewhatIdowi t hmy ownf ace.
ThenIgetmadatmysel ff orget t i ngmadatmysel fandr emembert hatI ,t oo,pr ef ert he nat ur all ook. See?Thi si sexact l ywhyIdon' twantt ogeti nvol vedwi t hanyone. " Wher e' sJake?"Fr anki easks,t r yi ngt osoundasi fshedoesn' tcar e.Imakeaki ss y f aceacr os st het abl ewhenSam i sn' tl ooki ng.Shet ot al l ycar es. " He' st eachi ngt oday.We' r esupposedt omeetupi nanhour .Comewi t hme. "Henods ast houghi t ' sal r eadyset t l ed." Wet houghtyoudi t chedus. " Iwantt osett her ecor dst r ai ght ." Fr anki ehada" " Anna, "Fr anki ecut si n,shoot i ngasever est ar emyway." Youdon' thavet or epor tour wher eabout st ohi m. " " Letmeguess, "Sam says." Sunbur n?"Hel aughs,t hankf ul l yi mper vi oust oherat t i t ude. Ii magi nehe' sseenhi sshar eofgi r l sl i keFr anki e.Mostguysdi smi sst hel essappeal i ng par t sofherext er nalper sonal i t yi nf avoroft hemuchmor eappeal i ngpar t sofherbody, butever yoncei nawhi l et her e' saguyl i keSam.ToFr anki e,i t ' st r ul yvexi ng. " I t ' sabase, "sheannounces." Anyway,wehadot herpl ans. " " Ri ght ,Pi nki e, "Sam says." Iwasn' tr eal l yaski ng.Justpoi nt i ngoutt hatyoudi t chedus. " Fr anki eopenshermout ht or ebut ,butSam' st ooqui ck.Het el l susaboutt hest r et c hof beachwher ewe' r emeet i ngJake,andhowt hewat er ' sal i t t l er oughert her et hanatt he al cove,buti t ' scl oseenought ot hepubl i cpar toft hebeacht hatt hel i f eguar dscanst i l l gett oyoui nanemer gency. " Don' twor r y, "hesays." Ihaveaf eel i ngyout wocanhandl ei t . " Backi nFr anki e' sgoodgr aces,Sam cl ear sourt abl eanddr opshi sapr onbehi ndt he count er ." Let ' sgo, "hesays,hol di ngt hedoorf orus. Out si de,hegr abshi sbodyboar df r om wher ehest ashedi tbehi ndt her est aur antand l eadsusaboutt enmi nut esf ar t herdownt hebeach. Thespotwher ewemeetJakei sont heout eredgeoft het our i st ypar t .I t ' smor eopen t hant heal cove,sot her ear eaf ewot hersur f er si nt hewat er ,butwehavepl ent yof r oom t ospr eadout . Jakei sneart hewat er ,waxi nghi sboar d.Whenheseesuscomi ng,her unsupt o Fr anki eandpi cksherupi nj ustt hesor tofat t ent i ondol i nghugFr anki eexpect s. " Damn,gi r l ! "hesaysasheset sherdown." Di dyouf al lasl eepi nt hesun?" " I t ' sa-youknowwhat ?Yes, "Fr anki esays." If el lasl eepi nt hesun.Canwemoveon now?"
It ossFr anki eabot t l eofsunbl ockaswegetr eadyf orSur f i ng,Par tDeux.Thi st i mewe kneelont heboar dsandr i deaf ewwavest ot heshor ewi t hSam andJakecl osebehi nd. Thewat eri smuchchoppi ert hant heal cove-most l ybecauseoft hespeedboat sr aci ng t hr oughj ustaf ewhundr edyar dsaway.Ihal fexpectFr anki et of akeanunder t ow i nci dent ,j ustsoshecanbegal l ant l yr escued,butshe' ssof ocusedonJakeandsur f i ng andl aughi ngwi t hhermout hopenandheadt hr ownbackt hatsheal lbutf or get smostof herst andar dFr anki et r i cks.Ievencat chaf ewgl i mpsesoft heol dFr anki e.Sur e,she st i l lexudest heconf i denceofagi r lwhocoul dat t r actaswar m ofl i f eguar dsandmedi cal per sonnelwi t habr okennai l ,buts he' snotdoi ngi tonpur pose. Unf or t unat el yf orme,byt heendofourl esson,Sam hasgot t ennei t herl essat t r act i ve norl essat t ent i ve.Agai nstmybet t erj udgment ,whi chseemst obeconspi cuousl yabsent t hesedays,Iacceptt hehar dr eal i t yt hatImaybemi ghtpossi bl ybej ustt hesl i ght est t i ni estl i t t l estbi tki ndasor t ai nt er est edi nhi m. Whi chmeansofcour set hathe' sher ebyof ft hel i stofcont ender sf orLastBoyt oSee MyVi r gi ni t yAl i ve.Icer t ai nl ycan' tendur et heki ndofi mpossi bl eembar r assment r equi r eddur i ngt hedi t chi ngofone' sal bat r osswi t hsomeoneImi ghtact ual l yl i ke. Wehavet omeetupwi t hRedandJaynef orl unchbutagr eet of i ndSam andJakeagai n t omor r ow. Tomor r owqui ckl yt ur nsi nt ot henextday,whi cht ur nsi nt ot henextone,andt henext oneaf t ert hat .Soon,Fr anki eandIar er unni ngbackandf or t hever ydaybet ween mor ni ngandaf t er noonsur fsessi onsf orl ongl uncheswi t hUncl eRedandAuntJay ne.I t hi nkFr anki e' spar ent sappr eci at et het i meal one,buti t ' sal soi mpor t antt hatwedon' t gi vet hem anyr easonnott ot r ustourdai l yr epor t saboutt henonexi st ent ,r eal l yf r i endl y l ocal gi r l st hatwesupposedl yhangoutwi t hal lday,j ustdownt hebeach. Byt heendoft hef i r stweek,weset t l ei nt oar out i ne.Meal sandot herr andom act i vi t i es wi t hRedandJayne,asr equi r edoft hegooddaught erandherangel i cbestf r i end,and mor ni ngsandl at eaf t er noonswi t hSam andJake.I nourshor tt i met oget her ,t hef ourof usbecomet heki ndofi mpossi bl ycl oset hatonl yhappenswi t hpeopl eyoubar el yknow -peopl ewhol i vehundr edsofmi l esandent i r est at esawayf r om you. Peopl ewhodon' tknowyoursecr et s. Fr anki eandJakear eal lovereachot heri nasi ckeni ngsor tofwayt hatmakesol d mar r i edpeopl evi si bl yuncomf or t abl e.Theonl yt hi ngkeepi ngt hem f r om vent ur i ngi nt o t hef i nalf r ont i er-Johansoccer f i el dst yl e-i sl ackofoppor t uni t y.Evenwi t hFr anki e' s penchantf orpubl i cspaces,dayl i ghthour sont hebeachar ej ustt oocr owded. Sam want st oki ssme,Icanf eeli t .I t ' st hatl ookhegi vesmesomet i mes-al ookI ' ve seenbef or e,andoneI ' m notsur eI ' mr eadyt oseeagai n-notwhol l y.Mybodyi s composedofvar i ouspar t sandner veendi ngst hatwoul dl ovet oseei tagai n.But t hankf ul l y,myl ogi calsi dekeepswi nni ngout ,r emi ndi ngmehowgoodi deascanqui ckl y t ur nbad,hel pi ngmechanget hesubj ectort ur nawaywhenevert hatl ookst ar t st ocr eep i nt oSam' seyes.
Fr anki et hi nksI ' m cr azy. " Idon' tgetyou,Anna.Ir eal l ydon' t , "shesaysatt heendofourf i r stweekwi t hSam and Jake.Wewat cht hem dot r i cksi nt hewat eraswel i eonourbl anketi nt hehotsand. " Don' tyoul i kehi m?" " Yeah,but . . . " " Butwhat ?Don' tyouwantt odi t cht heA. A. ?"Shel ooksconcer ned,ast houghmy r esponsemi ghti mpactt heout comeofherent i r el i f e. " Iguess,but . . . " " Yougues s?" " Fr anki e,Ir eal l ydol i keSam. "Ikeepmyvoi cel owsohecan' thear ." I t ' sj ustnot somet hi ngyoucanf or ce. " Shest ar esatme." ThenIcan' thel pyou,Anna.You' r egoi ngt ohavet ol oseyour vi r gi ni t yal lbyyour sel f . " Il ookatherandl augh." I fonl yi twer et hatsi mpl e. " Sam andJakej oi nusont hebl anket ,dr i ppi ngcol dwat eronourl egs.Bef or eSam can aski fIwantasodaf r om hi scool er ,Fr anki eandJakear el ockedatt hemout h. " Pr i soner sofl ust , "Sam says,handi ngmeaCoke. Pr i soner s-oh,no! " Fr anki e,shi t !Al cat r az! "Wet ot al l yf or gott hatwepr omi sedUncl eRedwe' dt aket he af t er noont our .Accor di ngt oSam' swat ch,we' r eal r eadyt went ymi nut esl at e. " Shi t ! "Fr anki eunst i cksher sel ff r om Jakeandt i esuphersar ong. Wesayqui ckgoodbyes,shoveal lofourst uf fi nt oourbags,andt akeof fdownt he beach,r unni ngt hr ought hesweat y ,undul at i ngmoboft our i st sont hest r et chbet ween Smoot hi eShackandourr ent alhouse. Weshowupf ort heAl cat r azout i ngf or t ymi nut esaf t ert hepr evi ousl yagr eedupon meet i ngt i me,apol oget i candoutofbr eat h.RedandJaynear esi t t i ngatt heki t chen t abl e,key si nhand,camer abagpacked,wai t i ng.Fr anki emakesupsomest or yabout havi ngl unchwi t h" Jacki e"and" Samant ha"atJacki e' sbeachhouseandt ot al l yl osi ng t r ackoft i me,whi chwaseasyt odoconsi der i ngbot hourcel lphonessati dl yont he bedsi det abl eal lmor ni ng.Myf acebur nsassheexper t l yweavesourt al e.If ocusonmy pi nkt oenai lpol i sh,wai t i ngf orRedandJaynet ot el lushowwor r i edt hey' vebeenand howdi sappoi nt edt heyar et hatwe' vet akenadvant ageoft hei rl eni encyont hi st r i p. Theydon' t ,t hough.Theyj ustki ndofshr ug,t el luswecanst i l lmakei t ,andaskusnext t i met ot r yt ost i ckt ot hepl ans.Iwoul dhavepr ef er r edt hest andar dpar entl ect ur eabout
l ear ni ngt obeyoungadul t sandpr ovi ngourcapaci t yf orr esponsi bi l i t yandwhydowe payf orcel lphonesi fyou' r enotgoi ngt ocar r yt hem?-t heonemypar ent swr ot emany year sagoandhaver el i edont hr oughoutt hedi f f i cul tt eenageyear s.ButRedandJayne seem genui nel yokaywi t hi t . " Don' twor r yabouti t ,gi r l s, "AuntJaynesays." We' r egl adyou' r emaki ngf r i endsont hi s t r i p. " Becausesomehowt hatmeansever yt hi ngi sgoi ngt obeokay." ButIwoul dn' tmi nd spendi ngsomegi r lt i meal onewi t hyout wot omor r ow,i ft hat ' sokay, "Jaynesays." That i s,i fyoudon' tmi ndbei ngseenont hebeachwi t hanol df ossi l ! " " Sur e, "wesay,smi l i ngl i ket hel i t t l echer ubswear e,maki ngasi mul t aneousment al not et onot i f yJacki eandSamant hat hatt heydon' texi st ,t hatwedon' texi st ,and,shoul d t heydi scoverusl oungi ngar oundwi t haf or ement i onedol df ossi lont hebeacht omor r ow, t heyshoul dj ustkeeponwal ki ngast houghwe' venevermet . Weapol ogi zeagai n,changei nt oshor t s,pi l ei nt ot hecarf orAl cat r az,andpr omi seRed t hatnextt i me,we' l lst i ckt ot hepl ans. Ofcour se,Uncl eRed' spl ansdon' ti ncl udet hepar tabouthi st wol i t t l eTwi nki esmaki ng abr eakf ori tassoonasheandJaynear easl eep,butcomeel eveno' cl ockt oni ght , t hat ' st heonl ypl anonouragenda.
si xt een " I t ' st i me. "Fr anki et i pt oesi nt oourr oom f r om herr econmi ssi ondownt hehal l ." They' r e t ot al l yout . " Ast hel ongt i meandonl yvoi ceofr easoni nt hi soper at i on,I ' m compel l edt or esi st ." Ar e yousur eweshoul ddot hi s?"Iask ." Whati fwegetcaught ?Whati fwegetal lt heway outt her eandt hey' r enotevent her e?" " Anna,t heyt ol dust heyhangoutt her eever yni ght .Besi des,we' r enotgonnaget caught .Mom andDadsl eepl i ker ocks,especi al l yaf t erbei ngouti nt hesunal lday . " " Theymi ghtwakeupf orwat erorsomet hi ng. " " Don' tber i di cul ous.Eveni ft heydo,t heywon' tcomei nher e.JustdowhatIdo. " Fr anki epul l st heext r api l l owsandbl anket sf r om t hecl oseti nourr oom andst uf f shal fof t hem underherbl anket s,mot i oni ngf ormet odot hesame. " Eveni ft heyopent hedoor ,t hey' l lt hi nkwe' r esoundasl eep. " Voi ceofReasont r i est ochi r pupagai n,butwhenIt hi nkofSam hangi ngoutont he beachatni ghti nf r ontofacampf i r e,Voi ceofReason,al ongwi t hhi scl osecousi n,Voi ce ofLogi c,gohoar se.
" Okay, "Isay." Let ' sdoi t . " Fr anki edoesonemor er econandgi vest het humbsupf r om out si deRedandJayne' s door .Wet i pt oedownt hest ai r s,avoi di ngt het hi r donet hatal wayscr eaks,andgo, l eavi ngt hedoorunl ockedf orourr et ur n. Meetmeoutbackagai nl at er ,okay?Mat tpul l edmei nt ot hehal lcl osetbef or eanyone el secoul dseeus. Whati fmypar ent shear ? Anna,we' vebeendoi ngt hi sever yni ghtf orweeks.They' r enotgoi ngt ohear .Besi des,I can' twai tanot hert wel vehour st oseeyou. Hi smout hwashotonmi ne,seal i ngourpr omi sebef or eIcoul dt hi nkofanymor e excuses. Okay,I ' l lbet her e.Bet t erbe. " Anna,youwi t hme?" Thememor yofmyl astsneakoutat t emptwi t hMat tf adesi nt ot hesal t yseaai r . " Huh?"Il ookatFr anki e,t r yi ngt or eadherexpr essi oni nt hedar k.Wecan' tt ur nt he f l ashl i ghtonunt i lwe' r edownt hest ai r s,saf el youtofvi sualr angef r om RedandJayne' s bedr oom. " Isai d,wat choutf orr ocksi nt hegr ass.You' r et ot al l yspaci ngout . " " No,I ' m wi t hyou.Comeon. "Igr abherhandandl eadusdownt hest ai r s,wat chi ngour st epscar ef ul l y.Oncewe' r eont hebeach,i t ' seasyt onavi gat eourwaydownt heshor e. Thesoundofwat erst ayssol i donourl ef t ,andt hebeachi sgl owi ngwi t ht hel i ght sof r oar i ngcampf i r es.Wecanst i l lf ai nt l ysmel lt hehotdogsandcocoabut t erf r om t he af t er noonsunbat her s,butnowi t ' smi xedwi t hci gar et t esandbeerandt hegent l e mel odi esofr andom acoust i cgui t ar s-underagebasecamp.Ever yot hergangwhi st l es andyel l saswepass,i nvi t i ngust osi tbyt hef i r eandst ayf oradr i nk.Fr anki el ovest he at t ent i on,wavi ngandsmi l i ngatever yone,t aki ngr andom vi deoshot s,butwe' r eona Sam andJakemi ssi on,nott obedi ssuadedf r om ourcour se. Theboysar ehangi ngouti nf r ontoft heShack,j ustl i ket heysai dt hey' dbewhenwe r ushedt hr oughourgoodbyesear l i ert hi saf t er noon.Li ket heot hergr oups,Jakeand Sam haveaf i r egoi ngandasmal lcool erofbeer .Myst omachgoesal i t t l ef i zzywhen Sam smi l esatme." Mi ssedyou, "hesays,handi ngmeabot t l e." Wedi dn' tknowi fyou' d act ual l yr i ski t . " " Ihadt oconvi nceher , "Fr anki esays." Annacanbesor tofababysomet i mes. " It r yt ochokehert odeat hwi t hmyeyes,butshet hr owsherar m ar oundmeandl aughs. " Wel oveheranyway, "shesays.
Thef ourofusst andar oundsi ppi ngt hebeer sanddi ggi nghol esi nt hesandwi t hour t oes.Wet el lt hem aboutourt r i pt oAl cat r azwi t hRedandJayne. " That ' sac t ual l yapr et t ycoolt our , "Jakesays." It ookmyl i t t l esi st ert her el astyear . " " Youhaveasi st er ?"Iask,suddenl yr eal i zi ngt hati nal lofourl engt hydi scussi onson bestandwor stschoolsubj ect s,pot ent i alcar eer s,f avor i t ef oods,andmusi c,wehaven' t t al kedmuchaboutf ami l y. " Thr ee,act ual l y, "hesays." Kat i ei st hi r t een.AndIhavet wi nol dersi st er s,Mar i saand Car r i e.They' r ei nNor t hCar ol i naf orcol l ege.You?" It el lt hem I ' m anonl ychi l dandr eal i zewi t hashar pt i ngl ei nmyst omacht hatI ' vej ust setupaper f ect l yawkwar dandagoni zi ngmoment .Il ookatFr anki eandmakeaqui ck scr unchedupf acet hathopef ul l yconveyshowst upi dIf eelf orget t i ngusi nt ot hi s t er r i t or y. " Me,t oo, "Fr anki esays,set t i ngdownherempt ybot t l ei nt hecool er ." Jake,l et ' sgoi n t hewat er . "Shewi pest hebackofherhandacr osshermout handt ur nst owar dt he ocean. " Ar eyoucr azy?"heasks." Wecan' tseeanyt hi ng. " " Exact l y. "Fr anki et akesof fhershi r tt or evealherbi ki niandt hr owsi ti nt hesandbyt he cool er ,set t l i ngt he" t oswi m ornott oswi m"debat eonceandf oral l . " I nt hewat erwego! "Jakehandshi sbeert oSam andt osseshi sTshi r tont opof Fr anki e' s,chasi ngheral ongt hes hor e. Thespaceofourconver sat i ongoesqui eti nt hei rabsence,butnotempt y.Thef i r ei s war m andsoi st heai rar oundus. " Fr anki ei s,um,af ungi r l . "Sam shakesar edandwhi t est r i pedbl anketoutandspr eads i tont hesand. " Sheusedt ober eal l yshy,bel i evei tornot . "Ij oi nhi m ont hebl anket ,gl adt ohave somet hi ngt odobesi despr et endt ol i kebeer . " Why,wasshef atorsomet hi ng?" Il aughatt hei dea." Fat ?God,no.She-wel l ,her-youknow,l et ' snott al kabout Fr anki enow. "Ther e' snor easonf ormet oi nvi t eMat ther et oni ght .Fr anki esai dshe di dn' twantt obr i ngt hatpi eceofherl i f et ot hebeacht hi ssummer ,andsof ar ,despi t e mycl osecal lwi t ht hesi bl i ngconver sat i on,shehasn' t .I t ' shert r agedy,andwhat ever t hought st or mentmyhead,Ihavenor i ghtt oconj ur ehi m upatmywhi m. " That ' scool . "Sam sl i psof fhi ssandal sandl eansbackont hebl anketwi t hhi shands behi ndhi shead." Li eback, "hesays." Tr ustme. " Iki ckof fmyf l i pf l opsandl i eonmybackl i keSam,keepi ngagoodf ootandahal f
bet weenus,l estast r ayt oet ouchast r ayl egandspont aneousl ycombust .Unf or t unat el y ( orf or t unat el y,I ' m notsur e) ,het ur nst of aceme.Ikeepmyf acepoi nt edup,f ocusedon t hest ar s.I ' m nott hi nki ngabouthi m.I ' m notmeasur i ngt hesuper char gedpar t i cl esof ai rbet weenus,wi l l i ngt hem t obecomesmal l erandcl oser .Ican' tsmel lt heboysoap andseasal tonhi sski n.Ican' thearhi ssof t ,measur edbr eat hs,ort hebeat i ngofhi s hear t ,opposi t emi ne. " Whatdoyousee?"heasks. It el lhi m aboutt heshapesIf i ndi nt hest ar s,t heal l encompassi ngbl acknessoft hesky. Agr ay,smokywi spofcl oudsbackl i tbyt hehal ooft hemoon. " Mmm, "hesayssof t l y." Nowcl oseyoureyes. "Hi spal mi sovermyf ace,f i nger scl osi ng myeyel i ds.Heatf al l si nwavesof fhi shandandont omyski n,si mul t aneousl yf r i ght eni ng andexhi l ar at i ng. " Okay. "Her esumeshi sposi t i ononhi sback,l eavi ngcol di nt hespaceswher ehe t ouchedme." Focusonal lt het hi ngsyoucan' tseewi t hyoureyes. " It akeadeepbr eat handt r yt oconcent r at eont het askathand.Idon' twantt o di sappoi nthi m.Idon' twanthi mt omi st akemychi l di shner vesf orshal l owness. " Nowt el lmewhatyousee, "hewhi sper s. " Wel l ,t her e' saf asci nat i ngvi ewofmyeyel i ds. " " That ' snotwhatImean,AnnaAbby, "hesays,hi sbr eat hcr ossi ngt hespacebet ween ust or eachmyear ." Tel lmeagai n. " It akeandhol danot herdeepbr eat h. I nt hedar kness,Iseet hewayt hebr eezef l oat sovermyski n.Iseeever ygr ai nofsand pr essi ngi nt omybackbeneat ht hebl anket .Thecr ackl i ngspar ksoft hef i r es,sput t er i ng andf adi ngar oundus.Themusi cdr i f t i ngi nt omyear sandi nt omyhear tf r om acl ust erof peopl ef ar t herdownt hebeach,pl ayi nggui t ar sandsi ngi ngandl aughi ng.AndIseet he ocean,t hesoundsoft hewavesr ushi ngupagai nstt heshor e,onl yt of al lbackdown agai n-anever endi ngr ace. Myhear ti sf ul l ,butI ' m shi ver i ng.Iopenmyeyesandl ookt owar dSam.He' sst ar i ngat mewi t hsuchi nt ensi t yt hatmywhol ebodyr eact st oi tl i keamagnett oi r on,nochoi ce butt henat ur alor deroft hi ngs,movi ngcl oser ,sur pr i si ngme.I ' m af r ai d.Af r ai dsomet hi ng wi l lbr eakhi sst ar e.Af r ai dsomet hi ngwon' t . Fr anki eandJakehavedi sappear eddownt heshor e,t hef ai ntl i neofFr anki e' sl aught er t r ai l i ngbehi ndt hem l i kebr eadcr umbsi nt heai r .Ihearherf araway,buti tdoesn' tf ul l y r egi st er .Not hi ngr egi st er s.Iwantt osaysomet hi ng,butmyl i pscan' tseem t or emember howt omakewor ds. " Anna,you' r eshi ver i ng, "Sam says,br eaki ngt het r ance." Her e. "Hesi t suppar t wayt o
pul l of fhi shoodedr edsweat shi r tandhandsi tt ome. Isi tupandpul li tovermyhead,gr at ef ulf ort hesof tf abr i cagai nstt hebar eski nofmy ar ms.AsIpul li ton,I ' mi nst ant l yanduncont r ol l abl yover whel med.I t ' sl i keSam has wr appedhi msel far oundme,cl oseandwar m andsaf e.I t ' shi m,t hesmel lofhi sski nand somet hi ngcl eanandt hesmokycampf i r e,hotandf ami l i ari nsi deast houghhe' si nher e wi t hme. Ever yt hi ngst opsmat t er i ng.Thec ol di sgone.Ti mei sgone.Theoceanst ops whi sper i ng.It ur nmyf acet ohi s,hi seyesunmovi ng,andever yt hi ngar oundmest ops, suspended.Sam gr abshol doft hef r ontofhi ssweat shi r twi t hmei nsi deandpul l si tt o hi m.Myar msmovear oundhi m,hi sar oundme,andheki ssesme,sohotandsever e t hatIf eeli tal lt hewayi nmyt oes.Wef al lbackt ot hebl anketandI ' m out si deofmysel f , t wi st i ngmyl egswi t hhi st ogetcl oser ,cl oser ,cl oser .Hemovesont opofme,t hewei ght ofhi sbodypr essi ngmei nt ot hes and,ki ssi ngmyl i ps,myneck,hi shandst angl edi nmy hai r ,t henr eachi ngundermyshi r t ,andI ' mf l oat i ng,al lt heol d,t i r edhear t si ckness evapor at i ng.Mywhol eent i r ehear tevapor at i ng. " AnnaAbbyf r om NewYawk, "hewhi sper s.He' sshaki ng,st i l lont opofme.Imovet o unzi pt hesweat shi r tandl ethi mi n,wr appi ngusbot hup,pushi nghi m overanddr api ng anar m andl egoverhi ml azi l y.Myheadr est st i ghti nt hegr oovebet weenhi schi nand shoul der .Ibr eat hei nhi sski nandhol dhi mt her e,r i ghti nmyl ungs,wher enot hi ngcan gett ohi m. Mywhol el i f ecanendr i ghtnowandnot hi ngel sewi l levermat t er ,notnowandnot agai n. Moment sl at er ,Fr anki eandJakewal kupt heshor eandSam andIunt angl e.That ' s whenIf eeli t .Li ket r yi ngt ohol dwat er ;t hatol dsl i ppi ngaway.Thecol dai ronmys ki n wher ehepr essedagai nstmej ustmoment sago.Thesmel lofhi shai rf adi ngf r om my br eat h.Thegent l enessofhi shands,gone.Sadnessr ol l sovermel i keawave,butSam i sst i l lnextt ome,smi l i ng.Hi seyesar econt ent .Hi shandr eachest obr ushagai nst mi ne.Fr anki eandJaker unupf r om t hewat er ,br eat hl essandl aughi ng.Sam movesa st r aycur loutofmyeyesandki ssesmyeyebr ow. Ican' tst opt hi nki ngaboutwhathef el tl i keagai nstmybody,agai nstmyl i ps.Ican' t r ememberanyt hi ngel se,anyt hi ngbef or et hat .AndIr eal i zei nt hi smomentt hatI ' ve f i nal l ydonei t .Thathor r i bl e,awf ul t hi ngIswor eIwoul dneverdo. Thef r ost i ng.Theci gar et t es.Thebl uegl asst r i angl e.Theshoot i ngst ar s.Thet ast eofhi s mout honmi nei nt hehal lcl oset . Gone. Al lIcant hi nkabouti sSam.Mat ti s-er ased.Mywhol ebodyi swar m andbuzzi ng. Sam i ssmi l i ngnextt ome,becauseofme. AndI ' veneverf el tsol onel yi nal lmyl i f e.
sevent een DearMat t , Whati st hest at ut eofl i mi t at i onsonf eel i nggui l t yf orcheat i ngonaghost ? Thewor dsar ebl ackandmessyl i keant si nmyj our nalandl ookaboutasr i di cul ousas t heysound.I t ' sbeenal mostt went yf ourhour s,andIcan' tshaket hehot ,pr i ckl yf eel i ng t hat ' sset t l edi nmyst omach.I t ' snotsomucht hatIki ssedhi m-r omant i cni ghtont he beach,st ar s,campf i r e,beer-t heset hi ngshappen,accor di ngt oFr anki e. I t ' st hatIwanti tt ohappenagai n. Wedi dn' tseet hem t oday.Wepr omi sedt ospendt hemor ni ngwi t hJayneont hebeach, whi chqui ckl yt ur nedi nt ol unch,t hendi nner ,t hengameni ghtwi t hUncl eRed.Byt heni t wast ool at et ogobackt ot hebeach-t hesunwasdown,andsomehowwe' dmanaged t ospendt hewhol edaywi t hFr anki e' spar ent sdoi ngwhol esomef ami l yvacat i ont hi ngs i nvol vi ngnei t herboysnorgui l tnort hi ngst hatshi veri nt heni ght . Par tofmedoesn' twantt ogo.Mat tandIwer ewal ki ngt hr ought henei ghbor hood, whi sper i ngi nt hemi ddl eoft hest r eetatt woi nt hemor ni ng.Theywer esett ol eavef or Cal i f or ni ai nt wodays,andaf t ert hat ,we' dhaveaboutamont hbef or eMat tmovedt o Cor nel l .It r i ednott ot hi nkabouti t ;t r i ednott ocountt hedaysunt i lhel ef tort hedays unt i lwe' dvi si thi m ort hedaysunt i lhewashomef orbr eak.Anhourwasn' tt hatf ar away,butwe' dal lhaveschoolandi t ' snotl i kewecoul dj ustgoupt her ewheneverwe want ed.Nomor et extmessagest osneakouti nt hemi ddl eoft heni ght .Nomor e dumpi ngoutal lt hesugarj ustt ohaveanexcuset or unnextdoorf orsomet hi ngaf t er di nner . You' vebeent al ki ngaboutcol l egesi ncewewer eki ds,Mat t . Iknow,butyouwon' tbet her e.Ev er yt hi ngwi l lbedi f f er ent . Nother e.We' l lbet hesame. Whati fIcomebackandI ' m di f f er ent ,Anna?Somet i mesyougot oapl acewher e ever yt hi ngi sdi f f er ent ,andever yt hi ngyoueverknowchanges,andnooneeverl ooksat yout hesame. Noway.I t ' sal lIcoul dsay.Andt henIki ssedhi m. Idi dn' tknowwhathemeantbackt hen.It houghthewasbei ngsent i ment al ,j ustwor r i ed aboutl eavi nghomef ort hef i r stt i me.ToFr anki e,Red,andJayne,hewasconf i dentand r eady,bor nf orcol l ege,bor nf orr eadi ngandwr i t i ngandachi evi nggr eatt hi ngs.ButI knewhewasscar ed.I twassuchachangef orhi m-bei ngawayf r om meandFr anki e, awayf r om ouri nsepar abl et r i une,awayf r om hi sf ami l y.Tr ut hf ul l y,Iwasj ustasscar ed t oseehi m goashewast ol eave,buti nt hosevul ner abl emoment swhenheconf essed hi si nsecur i t i esundert hest ar s,Ic oul dn' tagr eewi t hhi m.Icoul dn' tdoanyt hi ngbutst ar e
athi m andhol dhi shandandhopet hatheknewwhatIwast hi nki ng-t hatIcoul d never ,everl ookathi m di f f er ent l y,orf eelanyt hi ngot hert hanwhatIf el ti nt hoseshar ed andf l eet i ngmoment s. Now,cur l edupundermysheet sandwr i t i ngt oaghosti nmyj our nal ,Iknowwhathe meant .I ' vebeeni nCal i f or ni af orj ustoveraweek,andI ' m al r eadydi f f er ent .Ever yt hi ng aboutmef eel sdi f f er ent .I thur t st or ememberMat t ,t or el i vehi spost car ds,t ot r yt o si mul t aneousl yr ememberandf or gethi svoi ce.I ' mf i ght i ngi tever yday. Ican' tst opt hi nki ngaboutSam. AndFr ank i ehasabsol ut el ynocl ueaboutanyofi t . I t ' st ent hi r t y,andRedandJaynear ef i nal l yasl eep.Thesneakoutwi t chi nghour appr oaches.Fr anki ei sanxi oust ogetbackt oJake,butI ' m notr eadyt oseeSam t oni ght . " What ' sup?"Fr anki easks,sur pr i si ngl ygent l e." Youwer eal loverhi ml astni ght .You don' twantt ogo?" Icl osemyj our nalandshr ug,notqui t esur ehowt oexpl ai ni t .Shesi t sonherf eetatt he endofmybed." Anna,di dsomet hi nghappen?" Iconsi derherquest i on.Yes,somet hi ngdi dhappen.Sam ki ssedme,andi twascr azy andi nt ense,andevenmor eamazi ngt hani twaswi t hMat t ,andnowIwanti tt ohappen agai n.Ther e,Isai di t .Onl yIdi dn' tr eal l ysayi t . " No,notl i ket hat .Idon' twantt of r eakt hem out ,t hat ' sal l . "Iconveni ent l yomi tt her est . " I fwekeepshowi ngupever ysi ngl edayandni ght ,r i ghtonschedul e,t hey' r egoi ngt o t hi nkwe' r edesper at e. " " Ar en' tyou?"shet eases,br okeneyebr owar chi nghopef ul l yt owar dt hesky. " Sur e. "Ismi l e." Justnott oni ght . " Fr anki enods,pl ayi ngwi t ht her edgl assbr acel etonherwr i st .Thi sbuysmet heni ght , butanot herdaywoul dn' thur t ,ei t her . " Fr ank,wehaven' tr eal l yspentanyt i meal onet oget heront hi st r i p.Whydon' twegetup ear l yt omor r owandgosomewher ewi t houtt heguys?SanFr anci sco,maybe?" " Wow,your eal l ydon' twantt oseem desper at e. " " Ij ustt houghti twoul dbeni cet ogetof ft hebeachf oronce.West i l lhavet womor e weekst ohangoutwi t hJakeandSam. "Hi snamecat chesi nmyt hr oat ,andIhopet hat Fr anki edoesn' tnot i cemyski nf l us h. Sheconsi der smyi deaandnods. " Ther e' sabusdownt hest r eett hatgoesi nt ot heci t y, "shesays." Butmypar ent swoul d
neverl etusgoal one,andIdon' tr eal l yf eell i kespendi ngt hewhol edaywi t ht hem.Ihad enoughf ami l ybondi ngt odayt ol astt her estoft het r i p. " " So.Theydon' tl etussneakoutatni ght ,ei t her ,butwedot hat . " " Excel l entpoi nt , "Fr anki esays." I s n' ti tt i meJacki ei nvi t esusoutonherboatf ort he day?Wi t hherpar ent s,ofcour se. " I t ' spr obabl yt heoneandonl yt i meFr anki ewi l levercal lmebr i l l i ant ,butshedoes,and aswet ur nof fourmat chi ngl i ght sandpul lupourmat chi ngbl anket s,t hewheel sof Oper at i onSanFr anci scoar ei nmot i on. Thenextmor ni ng,IwakeupatsevenasRedandJaynel eavef ort hei rmor ni ngwal k.I gr abmyj our nalandt i pt oedownt ot heki t chen,hopi ngt of i ni shwr i t i ngaboutt hepast f ewni ght sandwor koutt her emai ni ngbi t sofgui l tst i l lj ol t i ngmyst omachbef or eFr anki e wakesup. Imakemysel facupofgr eent eaasqui et l yaspossi bl e,di gar oundf oragr anol abar , andheadoutt ot hedecki nmybar ef eet ,car ef ul l ysl i di ngt hedoorcl osedbehi ndme. Themor ni ngi sper f ect .I t ' sear l yenought hatonl yt her unner sar eout ,af f or di ngmea r el at i vel yunspoi l edvi ewoft heoc ean.Ipeelopenmygr anol abarandpr opmyf eetup ont headj acentchai r ,maki ngament alnot et ogetoutofbedear l ymor eof t en. Theear t hysmel loft het ear emi ndsmeofMom andDadi nt hei rgar den,qui et l ywor ki ng si debysi deonst eadf astsoi li nvader s,nott al ki ngyetst i l lsomehowcommuni cat i ngki ndofl i keseei ngwi t hmyeyescl osedl astni ghtwi t hSam.Ican' tpi ct ur eMom andDad i nt hesamet houghtwi t hmeandSam,soIdi smi ssi tent i r el y,wonder i ngi nst eadwhat t hey' r edoi ngt wot housandmi l eseastandt hr eehour si nt ot hef ut ur e.Isentt hem a post car df r om Al cat r azandt al kedt ot hem af ewdaysagoont hephone.Thei rvoi ces wer el i ghtandf ar awayast heyt ol dmeaboutDad' sl at estsal eandongoi ngpr ogr essi n t hegar den,r ealest at edeal scl osi ngandweedsgr owi ngandl i f emovi ngonwi t houtme. Icl osemyeyesandsi pt het ea,al l owi ngSam t ocr eepbacki nt omyt hought s.Thesun f al l swar m onmyf acei nor angeandl emonr ays,r emi ndi ngmeofhi shandsashe cl osedmyeyel i dsandt aughtmet oseei nawhol enewway.I t ' ssi mul t aneousl ypai nf ul andexhi l ar at i ng,butImakemysel fgobackt her ei nmyhead,r epl ayi ngever yi nst ant , ever yt ouc h,ever ybr eat h.Icanal mostf eelhi sl i psonmymout hagai n,when" Ther eyouar e! "Fr anki est ar t l esme,st ompi ngal lovermyqui etr ever i el i kean i mpossi bl eel ephant ." Whydi dn' tyouwakemeup?" " It houghtyouhear dmegetoutofbed, "Il i e,hopi ngIdon' tsoundt ooi r r i t at ed. " Anna, "shesays,pul l i nghai r sof fhershi r tandl et t i ngt hem dr opt ot hef l oor ." Youhave t oshakeme,ot her wi seI ' m deadt ot hewor l dandl ookwhathappens.Youhavet o spendyourmor ni ngal one. " " Ri ght . "Icl oset heunf i ni shedst or yi nmyj our nal ." Tr agi c. "
" Whatar eyouwear i ngt oday?" " Forwhat ?" " Anna! "Shesi ghs." Your eal l yexacer bat emesomet i mes! " " Youmeanexasper at e. " " Huh?" " Iex asper at eyou. " " That ' swhatIsai d!Anyway,SanFr anci sco,r emember ?" Oh,t hat .Whi l eIwasof fonmypr eFr anki emor ni ngmi ndt r i p,Iki ndoff or gotaboutmy i dea.MySanFr anci scoSam di ver si on. " I ' m sur eyou' l lpi ckoutsomet hi ngcoolf orme, "Isayassheheadsbacki nt ot hek i t chen t ol ookf orbr eakf ast . Iwat chhert hr ought heopensl i di ngdoor .Beneat ht hecl angofherhandssear chi ngt he si l ver war edr awer ,t hecl i nkofaspoont ossedi nt oacer ealbowl ,t hebangoft he cupboar ddoorr espondi ngt ohercar el esshand,Fr anki esof t l yhumsasongf r om our shar edchi l dhood.Shepul l saboxofCheer i osf r om t hepant r y,acar t onofmi l kanda canofDi etCokef r om t hef r i dge,andsi ngsqui et l y,unawar eofheraudi ence. " I fyoucoul d,woul dyouaskf ormoonbeamsi nahear tofgl ass? Forsunr aysont hesi l versea? Orwoul dyouaskf orme?" Ihaven' tt houghtoft hatsongi nf or ever .Whenwewer ei nf our t hgr adeandMat twasi n si xt h,weal lwentt oseehi m per f or mi nt heschoolshow,Musi cMovesMe.Mypar ent s andIsatwi t hFr anki eandJaynewhi l eRedst oodi nt hebackr owwi t hal lt heot herdads vi deoi ngt hemusi calf orf ut ur ehour soff ami l yt or t ur e. NowIr ememberi tasi fwe' dj ustl ef tt heaudi t or i um.Mat thadasol of or" Askf orMe. " Hewor eat uxedowi t hasi l ver sequi nedcummer bund.Ki dsf r om t heyoungercl ass dr essedasmer mai dsandf i sh.Mat tsangt hechor usandl edt heki dscent erst aget o si ngt hei rownver ses.Mostoft hem f or gott hei rl i nes,soMat tj ustkeptonsi ngi ngasi fi t wer escr i pt edt hatway. Somet i mesl ooki ngatFr anki ei sl i keseei ngMat tt hr oughagl assofwat er-adi st or t ed composi t i onofhi m wi t hal lt her i ghtpar t s,butmi xedupandi nt hewr ongor der .AsI wat chhersi nghi sol dsong,Ican' tshaket hef eel i ngt hathej ustst oppedbyt osayhel l o. Fr anki esc oopsupt hedi shesandf oodandcont i nueshummi ng.Whenshef i nal l y cat chesmespyi ng,shest opsandgi ggl es,andf oramomentIseeher-nott he di st or t edMat tcomposi t i onbutt her ealFr anki e,t heonewhousedt obakecooki esf or
mewhenIwassad,t heonewhopi ckeddandel i onsf orhermot heront hewayhome f r om school ,t heonewho' sembar r assedt ogetcaughtsi ngi ng. " Don' tl i st ent ome, "shesayssof t l y,l et t i ngoutaf akecough." Iwasn' t , "Il i e." Ij usthear d youcomi ngout . " Sheset sherbr eakf astst apl esont het abl eandbegi nst hemealbyr eachi ngi nt ot he boxf orahandf ulofl i t t l ebei geOs .Sat i sf i edwi t ht hemagni t udeoft hei rcr unch,she pour sabowlf ul landdr ownst hem i nmi l k. Ihat emi l ksl ur pi ngmor et hanal lot herbr eakf asti di osyncr asi escombi ned,butFr anki e i sunabl et oenj oyherbr eakf astanyot herway. " I ' m pr et t ysur et heSanFr anbusl eavesever yt wohour sonSundays. "Mi l kpool si nt he cor ner sofhermout hasherspoondi vesf oranot herl otofOsl i keaher onf orf i sh." I t ' s, l i ke,at woandahal f hourr i de.Wecancat cht het enandspendt hewhol edayt her e. " Overt hecour seofourvacat i onI ' dbecomequi t ecomf or t abl ewi t hl yi ngt oRedand Jaynei nt wo-ort hr eehouri ncr ement ssot hatwecoul dspendmor et i meonSam and Jake' ssi deoft hebeach.I twasn' tr eal l yl yi ng,anyway.Wewer est i l lont hesame beach,j ustaf ewhundr edf eetf r om wher et heyt hought . TheSanFr anci scot r i pwasmyi dea,butl yi ngt oRedandJaynef ort heent i r eday seemsmuchwor set hanourpr evi oust al es,especi al l ysi ncewe' l lbesi xt yorsevent y mi l esf r om wher ewe' r esupposedt obe. " Whydon' twecomebackbef or edi nner ?"Iask." Thenyourpar ent swon' tbeso suspi ci ous. " Fr anki eal mostdr opsherspoonatmysuggest i on. " God,Anna.You' r esopr ovoki al s omet i mes! " " Par ochi al-andno,I ' m not .Ij ustdon' tt hi nkweshoul d" " Look,t el l i ngt hem aboutJacki e' sboatwasyouri dea.I fwecomebackf ordi nneri twi l l l ookf ake.Boat i ngi sanal l dayt hi ng,pl usI ' m sur eJacki e' spar ent swi l li nvi t eust ost ay f ordi nner . " " Iguess. " " Comeon,Anna.Youwer er i ght .Weneedsomegi r lt i me.Nowf i ni shupher eandgo getr eady-we' vegott ol ookgoodt oday. " Ipi ckupmyj our nal ,mug,andgr anol abarwr apper ,l ookupt ot hesky,andcur set he GodofSummerVacat i onsf orget t i ngmei nt ot hi swhol eal bat r ossdi t chi ng,Samavoi di ng,ai di ngandabet t i ngmessi nt hef i r stpl ace.
ei ght een
Si ncet hePer i nosar eundert hei l l usi ont hatwe' vepr ovenourcapaci t yf orr esponsi bi l i t y bycomi nghomebef or ecur f ew,av oi di ngal coholandboys,andbei ngal l ar oundni ce gi r l s,i t ' snotdi f f i cul tf orust osecur eanal l dayf r eedom passwhent heyr et ur nf r om t hei r r un.Fr anki et el l st hem aboutnonexi st entJacki e' snonexi st entpar ent si nvi t i ngusouton t hei rnonexi st entboat ,t hr owsi nawel l pl aced" Il oveyou, "andwe' r egoodunt i l bedt i me. Get t i ngr eadyf oradayatseai sr at herdi f f er entf r om get t i ngr eadyf oranunsuper vi sed j auntt ot heci t y,sowequi ckl yshower ,t hr owoncasualshor t sandTshi r t s,andst uf f ever yt hi ngel sei nt obackpackssowecangetr eadyf orr eali nt hel ockerr oom att he communi t ypooldownt hest r eet . Uncomf or t abl ycoi f f ed,dr essed,accessor i zed,andst uf f edi nt ost r appybl acksandal s t hatwer en' tmadef orwal ki ng,wel ockour" boatcl ot hes"i nal ockerf orl at erandwal k downt ot hebusst op,camer ar ol l i ng.Menandwomeni nkhakishor t sandappl i quéd gol fshi r t sst ar easweappr oach. " I st hi st hebust oSanFr anci sco?"Fr anki easksoneoft hewomen." We' r emaki nga document ar y. " " Yes, "t hewomansaysf i r ml y,t r yi ngt osmi l ef ort hecamer abutunabl et ost ophereyes f r om t hei rnat ur alpat ht ot hesl i ti nFr anki e' sdeni m ski r t .Il ovewat chi ngol derwomen r eactt oFr anki e.Theyei t herst ar edi sappr ovi ngl yasi ft oquest i onwhatki ndofmot her woul dl etherdaught eroutoft hehousel i ket hat ,ort heyl ookatherl ongi ngl yf r om t hei r l i t t l ewhi t eKeds,r eal i zi ngt hatt hei rhusbands-consumedwi t ht hought sofcar i nsur anceandpr ost at emoni t or i ng-wi l lneveragai nsneaki nt hr ought hei runl ocked wi ndowsorki sst hem ont hemout hi nt hemi ddl eoft hedayf ornor eason. Men,ofcour se,al waysl ookathert hesame. Hungr ydogs,whi mper i ngf orascr apoff oodf r om t het abl e. Ther i det ot heci t yt akesf or ever ,t hebusst oppi ngever yf ewbl ockst odr opof fandpi ck uppassenger s.Li keFr anki eandme,t het our i st ssi tst i l lt heent i r er i de,ourwor l ds composedsol el yoft her esor tt ownanddownt own.Tous,t hel i t t l egr ayvi l l agesi nt he mi ddl ear el ar gel yi nvi si bl e.Haggar dpeopl eboar danddi sembar ki nbet ween,a const antexchangeofst r anger scar r yi nggr ocer i esorchi l dr enorhear t br eakorsome ot herunknownwei ghtwi t hever yst ep. Fr anki eandIdon' tt al kmuchont het r i p,t aki ngt ur nswat chi ngandai mi ngt hecamer a outt hewi ndowasbui l di ngsandcar sandpat chesofanot herwor l dsai lby.I t ' sl i kewe r eal l yar eonJacki e' sboat ,headi ngt owar dt hehor i zonataconst antspeedwhi l e ever yoneel sesi t sbobbi ngandl i st l essont hewat er . Whent hedi eselengi nef i nal l ycut soutatt hedownt ownst at i on,I ' m st ar t l edf r om my daydr eami ngbyt hedr i ver ' sf i nalannouncement . " Lastst op-SanFr anci sco.Al lpassenger smustexi t . "
Wehopof ft hebusandheadt owar dadi neronMar ketSt r eet .Car sr ushpastast hough we' r enotevent her e,spl ashi ngheatandexhaustovermybar el egsandar ms.I ' m sur r oundedbypeopl eandcol or sandsoundsandsmel l sunl i keanyI ' veeverseen. I ft hebusmademef eell i keIwasi naspeedboat ,t heci t yst r eet sar et heocean,f ul lof t hef l ot sam andj et sam ofever yr aceandcul t ur ei nt henat ur alwor l d,bobbi ngand weavi ngal ongt hesi dewal kst owar danunknownend. EvenFr anki ei sunner ved,andIr eal i zet hatshehasn' tbeenher ei nt woyear s,and neverwi t houtRedandJayneandherbr ot her . " Let ' sj ustgetl unch, "shesays,pul l i ngmei nt ot hedi neroncewe' r eacr osst hest r eet . " We' l l f i gur eoutwhatwewantt oseeaf t er . " Fr om t hesaf et yofaspar kl yr edpl eat herboot h,weor derveggi ebur ger s,f r i es, st r awber r yshakes,andanext r apaperpl acemat ,not i ci ngamappr i nt edont heback. Typi caloft our i stat t r act i onsl i st edonapl acemat ,not hi ngsoundsi nt er est i ng,andwe swi t cht opl anB,whi chi nvol vesf i ni shi ngl unchandwander i ngup,down,andsi deways t hr ought heci t yst r eet sunt i lsomet hi ngj umpsoutatus. Wef i ndpl ent yoff r eshveget abl est andsandhi ppi est or eswi t hl ot sofhandmade j ewel r yandbl anket sandsweat er swecan' taf f or d,evenwhenFr anki eof f er st oputt he hi ppi esi nourmovi ei nexchangef oradi scount .Wef i l mi nChi nat own,Fr anki ef l i r t i ng wi t ht hemenwr appi ngsal monasal lt hel ef t overf i shheadsf al li nt ot hegut t erandsl i de downt hest r eet .Nextt ot hef i shmar ket ,anol dwomansel l spost car dsandmagnet s andl i t t l egr eenst at uesi nt heshapeofBuddha. " Icoul dl i veher ef or ever , "Isay,enamor edbyt hebr i ghtbl ueskyandt heocean sl eepi ngi nt hedi st ance. " Notme, "Fr anki esaysaswewandert owar dournextunknowndest i nat i on." Too cr owded.Tooexpensi ve.Andnott oment i on,t oosmel l y. " Fr anki el aughs,andsuddenl y,r i ghtbehi ndher ,t her ei ti s-Ci t yLi ght s.I ' veseent heol d bookst or esomanyt i mesi nMat t ' spi ct ur es,I ' dr ecogni zei tanywher e.Hel ovedt ocome her eondayt r i pswi t hRed,Jayne,andFr anki e-butshedoesn' tseem t onot i cei t . " Fr anki e,l ook-Ci t yLi ght s!Comeon! "Igr abherhandanddr aghert owar dt he door way. " What ' st hebi gdeal ,Anna?I t ' sj ustanol dbookst or e.I tdoesn' tevenhaveacof f ee pl ace.Let ' sgosomewher eel se. " " Fr anki e,notal lofusequat egr eatl i t er at ur ewi t hnonf atcar amell at t es.Don' tyouknow t hi spl ace?I t ' swher eMat tusedt o" " Iknowwhati ti s,Anna.Goahead, "shesni ps." I ' m goi ngnextdoorf oradr i nk.Meetme overt her ewhenyou' r edone. "Shedi sappear sacr osst hest r eeti nt oapl acecal l ed Vesuvi o.I tl ooksl i keabar ,butwhenshedoesn' tcomebackoutt hedoor ,Iassume
t heygaveherat abl e. Fi vemi nut es.I ' l lj ustt akef i vemi nut es. Ipul lopent hegl assdoorandwal kt ot hemi ddl eoft hest or e,l et t i ngt hesmel lofol d bookssoaki nt omyl ungs.I t ' sdi f f er entt hanIexpect ;i tf eel smor el i keal i br ar yt hana st or e,andIcant ot al l ypi ct ur eMat thangi ngouther e.Hel ovedt or ead.Hel ovedwor ds, t hewayt heyst r i ngt oget heri nt osent encesandst or i es.Hewant edt ost udyt hem,t o knowandcr eat et hem,t oshar et hem wi t ht hewor l d.Of t en,Fr anki eandIwoul dsi ton hi sbedwhi l eher eadpassagesf r om hi sf avor i t ebooks,paci ngf r ant i cal l yashet ur ned t hepagesf ort hebestpar t sofast or y.Her eadwi t hi nt ensi t yandwaspassi onat el yi n l ovewi t hever ychar act er ,ever yt ur nofpl otort wi stofl anguage.Hemadet he char act er scomeal i vef orus,l i kehewasn' tr eadi ngawor koff i ct i onbutt el l i ngst or i es abouthi sownf r i ends. Fr anki el i kedhear i nghi sst or i es,butshewasnevermuchf orr eadi ng.I ' veal ways enj oyedbooks,andMat twoul dpassal onghi sf avor i t es,i ncl udi ngt hosehe' dpi ckedup her e-JackKer ouac' sOnt heRoad,abookt hatspar kedar est l essnessi nmet hatwas unr equi t edunt i lt hi st r i p.HowlbyAl l enGi nsber g.Dhar maBums-anot herKer ouac bookt hatl ef tmeequal l yl ongi ngt ot r avel ,t odi scover ,t of eel . Af t ermybi r t hdayl astsummer ,i nourshor tweekst oget her ,Mat twoul dwhi sper passagest omeasIl aysi dewaysacr osshi sbedwi t hmyf eetup,wai t i ngf orFr ank i et o changeorshowerorwhat everi twast hatgavemeandMat taf ewmoment sal one. I t ' smymi ssi oni nl i f et omakeyoucar eaboutt hesewor ds,Anna.Aboutt hesepeopl e andever yt hi ngt heysayandever yt hi ngt heywer e.Het r acedt hel i nesofmyf acewi t h hi sf i nger sashespoke.Ever yst or yi spar tofawhol e,ent i r el i f e,youknow?Happyand sadandt r agi candwhat ever ,butanent i r el i f e.Andbooksl etyouknowt hem. Thesunwoul df al lonhi sf aceasher ead,l i ght i ngupt hewhol er oom.That ' showmuch hel ovedwor ds. Fr anki epr i vat el ycol l ect shermemor i esofMat t ,butt hi sonei sal lmi ne-aconnec t i on shecan' tshar e,amemor yshecan' thol di nherhandsorputi nt het i ght l ycl osedj arwi t h t heot her s .Loveofr eadi ngwassomet hi ngIshar edwi t hhi m al one,becauseofhi m al one.I twasever yt hi ngt ohi m. Iwal kupanddownt heai sl esandr unmyhandsal ongt hespi nesofbooks,ol dand new.Anundi st ur bedl ayerofdustononepar t i cul arshel fmakesmet hi nkt hatMat tmay havet ouchedt hesamebookst hel astt i mehewasher e.Icr ouchdownt or eadsomeof t het i t l esont hef adedspi nes,r emember i ngadescr i pt i onoft hi sexactscenef r om oneof Mat t ' spos t car ds. Booksl i net heshel vesi nnopar t i cul aror der ,wai t i ngt obedi scover ed.I t ' sl i ket hes pi r i t s ofKer ouac,Gi nsber g,andFer l i nghet t ihauntt heai sl es,cal l i ngmet opi ckt hem.Tor ead t hei rst or i es.Tol ett hem behear d.Youwoul dl ovei t ,Anna. Hewasr i ght .Il ovei t .AndsoonIcannol ongert el lt hedi f f er encebet weenmyownr eal
exper i encesher ei nMat t ' sf avor i t ebookst or eandt heghostst or i est hathavei mpr i nt ed t hemsel vesi nmymi ndf r om year sofpost car ds. Ibuyabookofpoet r yaboutt heoceanbyl ocalwr i t er sf r om t hesevent i es,t hankt he cashi er ,andt akeonef i nall ookar oundbef or ecr ossi ngt hest r eett of i ndFr anki e. I nsi deVesuvi o,Imovet hr ought het abl esandbarar eal ooki ngf orFr anki e' saubur n hai r ,butshe' snother e. " Haveyouseenagi r lmyage?"Iaskt hebar t ender ." Shecamei n,l i ke,ahal fhourago? Shor tski r t ?" " Nah, "hesays." Ij ustst ar t edmyshi f t .Sor r y. " Myhear tpoundsi nmychest .Ican' tbel i eveIl osther .Idi gi nmybagf ormycel lphone, hopi ngshe' snott oomadatmet oanswer . " Tr yt hesecondf l oor , "t hebar t endersays. Upst ai r s,t her eshei s.Si t t i ngatat wot opwi t hsomeguy,st i r r i ngherdr i nkwi t hast r aw, l aughi ngwi t hherheadbackatsomet hi nghernewf oundcompani onsays. " Fr ank?" " Oh,t her eyouar e. "She' swear i nghergr ownupvoi ce." I ' dl i keyout omeetJer emy. " " I t ' sJar r ed, "hesays,st andi ngt oof f ermehi schai r .Hel ooksaboutouragebutact s muchol der ." Fr anki ehast ol dmemuchaboutyou,Anna. " " Jar r edl ef thi ghschoolt opur suehi smusi ci nt heci t y. " " Whatki ndofmusi c?"Iask,wonder i ngi fJar r edhaswhati tt akest obr eakt heJak e spel l . " Ipl aydr umsf oraf ewbands, "hesays." MadRabbi tandHex?" " Cool . "Inodl i keI ' vebeenl i st eni ngt ohi sbandsmywhol el i f e. " Speaki ngofwhi ch, "hesays," Ihaver ehear salnow.Ishoul dgo. " Fr anki esmi l esoverhersoda." Thanksf ort hedr i nk, "shesays." Don' tment i oni t .So, seeyouatt heshowl at er ?" " Def i ni t el y. " " Sweet . "Jar r edsmi l esandheadst or ehear sal ,pr act i ci ngt owi nt hehear tofhi sdr eam gi r latt oni ght ' sshow-t heonewe' r eappar ent l yat t endi ng. " Whatshow?"Iask." Orwasi tj us tt ogetaf r eedr i nk?"
Shesmi l es,nol ongermadatme." You' r el ear ni ngf ast . " " Al lr i ght , "Isay." We' r eupt osi x. "I ' m gl adshe' st heonegr owi ngandgr oomi ngt hel i st . Thel astt hi ngIneedi smor eboyconf usi on. " Getanyt hi ng?" " Apoet r ybook. "Isi tdownacr ossf r om her ." Most l yIj ustwant edt ochecki tout . " Fr anki enods,si ghs,si pshersoda,si ghsagai n,andt hen,asi fpossessed,apol ogi zes. " Sor r y,Anna.Idi dn' tmeant odi t chyou.Igothi twi t ht hi sMat t waveorsomet hi ng. " " No, "Isay." I t ' sme.Ishoul dhavebeenmor esensi t i ve.Ij ustgotr eal l yexci t edwhenI sawt hebookst or e. " " I t ' sokay. "Shegi vesmeasi pofherdr i nk." Iwasj ustt hi nki ngabouthowheusedt o r eadt ous , "shesays." Remember ?He' dgetsoi nt oi t ,i twasl i kehewasact i ngoutt he pl ayorsomet hi ng. " Ismi l eandwat chhercl osel y,wai t i ngf orhert ogett hatf ar awayl ookagai n.Butshe st aysr i ghther ewi t hmeont hesecondf l oorofVesuvi o,wear i nghershor tj eanski r twi t h t hesl i tupt het hi gh,dr i nki ngDi etCokewi t hl emononourbi gsneakyt r i pi nt ot heci t y. " It ooksomeofhi sbooks, "shet el l sme." Bef or eMom st ar t edf r eaki ngoutandnot l et t i nganyonei nhi sr oom.Idon' tknowwhy-I ' m notar eader . " Inod,t r yi ngt or ememberwhathi sr oom l ooksl i ke.Ihaven' tbeeni nt her esi ncet heday bef or ehedi ed,whenhepl ayedFr anki eandmet hi sHPr ehear salboot l eghef ound onl i ne.Jaynekeepst hedoorshutnow,l i ket heat t i cr oom att hebeachhouse,conf i dent i noursi l entunder st andi ngt hatnoonewi l lent er . " Youshoul dt aket hem, "shesays,andf oramomentIf or getwhatshe' st al ki ngabout . " What ?" " Youal waysl i kedt or eadhi sbook s.I fhewer eher e,he' dhavegi vent hem t oyou al r eady. " " Fr anki e,Ican' t .Imean,I" " Hewoul dwantyout ohavet hem. " Ir eachacr osst het abl eandsqueezeherhandandshecl oseshereyesagai nstasi ngl e t ear .I nt ypi calr i di cul ousAnnaf ashi on,Ist i l lcan' tf i ndt hewor dst obr eakmypr omi se andt el lFr anki eaboutever yt hi ngt hathappened,butt hel i donhermemor yj arhas l oosened,andf ort hemoment ,I ' m gr at ef ul . I t ' saf t ert hr eewhenwel eaveVes uvi o.Si ncet heCar t oonMuseum i scl osedf or r enovat i onandnei t herofuscant hi nkofanyt hi ngel sewe' dl i ket oseei nt heci t y,we
deci det ot akeabust ot heGol denGat eBr i dgeandwal kpar t wayacr oss,st oppi ng ever yf ewf eett of i l mt hesai l boat sbel ow. I t ' swi ndyont hebr i dge.Byt het i mewecr ossbackandcat cht hebusdownt own,f og andr ai nhaver ol l edi n,st ampi ngoutt hesunandchi l l i ngt heai rar oundus. Nei t herofusf eel spar t i cul ar l yent er pr i si ng,soweheadbackt ot hesameMar ketSt r eet di nert oshar eanor deroff r i esbef or ewegohome.Ourser veri swear i ngaBl adeSur f ShopTshi r tt hatr emi ndsmeofSam,andasheset sdownt wowat er sandt akesour or der ,Ir eal i zet hatIhaven' tr eal l yt houghtaboutSam al lday.Now,whenIl ethi m back i nt omyt hought s,t hepr i ckl yf eel i ngt hatoccupi edmyst omachf ort hepastt wodaysi s gone,af ewwander i ngbut t er f l i esbumpi ngar oundi ni t spl ace. Ther ai npi cksupaswel eavet hedi ner-col d,wetsheet st hatcomehar dandf ast .We wr apourar msar oundeachot herandr unt owar dt hebusshel t er ,f r eezi ngandl aughi ng andbr eat hi nghar d.Al ongt her oad,car sspeedpast ,dr enchi ngourf eet .Byt het i mewe r eacht hePl exi gl asshel t er ,we' r eshi ver i ngandver yawar eoft hewei ghtofourwet cl ot hesandbackpacksast heel ect r i cgl owoft heci t yf adesbehi ndus. Thi smor ni ng,Fr anki esai dwe' dcat cht heseveno' cl ockbust obebackbef or et en, per f ectt i mi ngf ort heendofal ongboatr i deandl at edi nnerwi t hJacki eandSamant ha. Butassher epeat edl yr unsherf i nger sal ongt heschedul epost edi nt heshel t er ,If eela t i ngeofconcer n. " Wedi dn' tmi sst heseven,r i ght ?"Iask." I t ' sonl yt ent i l l . " " No,i t ' swor se. " " What ?" " I t ' sSunday. " " So?" " Thebusesbackt oZanzi barst opr unni ngatf i veonSundays. "
ni net een Pani cst ar t satmyt oesi nl i t t l epi npr i ckst hatqui ckl ymoveacr ossmyf eetandi nt omy kneessot hatIhavet osi tont hewetmet albenchi nt heshel t er .Bef or et hef earr eaches myal r eadyover wor kedst omach,It akeadeepbr eat h,pul loutmycel lphone,anddi al i nf or mat i on. " Smoot hi eShack, "Isay." I nZanz i barBay. " Fr anki eandIducki nt oacof f eeshopbehi ndt hebusst opt owai t .Twohour sl at er ,acar sl owsi nf r ontofusandpul l sover ,hazar dsf l ashi ng.Sam openst hepassengerdoor andr unst owar dus,hol di ngonehandabovehi sf acet oshi el dhi msel ff r om t her ai n
t hat ' snowf al l i ngki ndofsi deways.Hi sgr eenSmoot hi eShackapr onst i cksoutt he bot t om oft hatr edsweat shi r t ,andIf eelal i t t l ej ol twhenIt hi nkaboutunzi ppi ngi tand cl i mbi ngi nt her ewi t hhi m.Hi shai rcur l supi nt her ai n,l i kei tdoeswhenhe' si nt he ocean,andwhenhegr absmei nt oawethug,Ican' tr ememberwhyIwasavoi di nghi m. Sam usher susi nt ot hecar ,gi vi ngupt hef r ontseatf orFr anki eandcl i mbi ngi nt heback wi t hme. " Wewer ewonder i ngaboutyout wo, "Jakesaysashepul l sont ot hest r eet . Bef or eFr anki esaysanyt hi ngt oembar r assme,It el lt hem wewer ej ustbusydoi ng f ami l yst uf fandwant edt omeett hem outt oni ght ,butsi ncewegotst ucki nSan Fr anci scol at ert hanwe' dpl annedwemi ghtnotbeabl et or i sksneaki ngout . Theyl aughaswer ecountourday,mockwi t nessst yl ef orFr anki e' scamer a,st ar t i ng wi t ht hepr est ochangeoacti nt hel ockerr oom andendi ngwi t hourbusschedul e over si ghtandf r ant i cphonecal lt ot heShack.Thankf ul l y,Sam' sf r i endcoul dcoverhi s shi f t . " Youshoul dst i l lcomeoutt oni ght , "Jakesays." Eveni ft her ai ndoesn' tst op.We' l lj ust hangoutont hedeckatt heShack-noonewi l lbear ound. " " Wepr obabl ywi l l , "Fr anki esays.AsSam' sl egbr ushesagai nstmi nei nt hebackseat ,I agr ee.Shecoul dpr omi set hem we' l lhel pki l lsomeoneandhi det hebody-asl ongas Sam keepsmewar m,I ' l lgoal ongwi t hanyt hi ng. Af t eral mostt wohour sont her oad,wer eacht heWel comet oZanzi barsi gn.Jakepul l s upi nf r ontoft hecommuni t ypoolsowecanchangebacki nt oourboat i ngensembl es. Unf or t unat el y,t hef i ckl eol duni ver sewant st ot eachusanot herI mpor t antLessonAbout Secr et sandLi es,andt hecommuni t ypool-al ongwi t hi t sl ockerr oom -i scl osed. Locked.Li ght sout ,t hankyou,pl easecomebackt omor r ow. " Youcoul dt el lt hem t hatyouhi tabi gwaveandsoakedal lyourcl ot hes,soyouhadt o changei nt oyourf r i ends' cl ot hes, "Jakesays. " Evenbet t er , "Sam says." Tel lt hem someonewentover boar d,andyouhadt oj umpi n t osavet hem. " " Ort hatt heboatt i pped,andyouhadt ouseyourbackpacksasf l ot at i ondevi cesunt i l t hecoastguar dshowedup. " " Or"" Or , "Fr anki ehol dsupherhandt oshutt hem upbef or et heyst ar tt al ki ngabout bombsordr ugenf or cementagent soranyot herJamesBondboyf ant asi es," we' l lj ust t el lt hem wecamebackear l ybecauseoft her ai n,changedatJacki e' shouset ohang outf orabar becue,andl ef tourcl ot hest her eacci dent al l y. " Wer ehear set hest or yagai nbef or eJakeandSam dr opusof faf ewhousesf r om our s. Ot her wi se,RedandJaynemi ghts potusget t i ngoutofacarf ul lofst r angeboysand
wantt oi nvi t et hem i nf ort eaandl emoncooki es.We' dhavet opr et endt hatt heywer e Jacki eandSamant ha' sol der ,superr esponsi bl e,supergaybr ot her swhodi sl i kegi r l s andcoi nci dent al l yhaveal mostt hesameexactnamesast hei rsi st er s.Thosecr azy par ent s! Theguyspul loverandgetoutoft hecart osaygoodbye.Wemaket ent at i vepl anst o meetupatmi dni ghtatt heShack,assumi ngwecangetawaywi t houti nci dent .Thi s t i me,af t erSam ki ssesmeandweunhook,t hewar mt hofhi sbodyl i nger sagai nstme, bl ocki ngoutt hecol dl i keabl anketonasnowySat ur daymor ni ngbackEast . Iwi l lseehi mt oni ght ,nomat t erwhat . Thecarpul l sawayandwewat cht hebr akel i ght sbr i ght enatt hest opsi gnbef or e t ur ni ngt hecor ner .Fr anki eandIwal kt hel astf i f t yf eetorsot ot hehouse,r ehear si ng ourst or yonel astt i mef orconsi st ency.Ther e' snowayRedandJaynear eal r eadyi n bed-t hey' dneverf al lasl eepunt i lFr anki eandIgothomesaf e.Buti ft oni ght ' sagood t el evi si onni ght ,t her e' sachancewecansneaki nunnot i ced,makeourwayupst ai r s, andhi deouti nt hebat hr oom t aki ngshower sandchangi ngi nt oourpaj amaswi t hout RedandJayneaski ngt oomanyquest i ons.Ibl owawi shupt ot heGodofBr oadcast i ng andopent hedoort ot heki t chen. Ishoul dhaveknownbet t ert hant oi nvoket heuni ver sewheni t ' ssocl ear l yi nt hemood t odol eoutl essons.Toni ghtt ur nsoutt obeahor r i bl et el evi si onni ghti nt heBayar ea,f or RedandJaynear ewai t i ngf orusi nt heki t chen,dr i nki ngt ea,pl ayi ngcar ds,andeager t ohearaboutourwi l dpi r at egi r ladvent ur esatsea. " Wow,di dyouf al li n?"Redasks.Bat hedi nt hef l uor escentl i ghtoft heki t chen,wel ook l i ket woseacr eat ur esdr aggedt oshor ebyaf i shnet .Theonl yt hi ngsmi ssi ngar e r enegadest ar f i sh,ol dseaweed,andaf ewwel l pl acedbar nacl es. " Wewal kedbackf r om Jacki e' s, "Fr anki esays." Wewant edt obei nt her ai n. " " Di dyouguysst i l lgooutont hewat ert oday?Evenwi t ht heweat her ?"Jayneasks. Fr anki eshr ugsi nhervoodoocool way." Par t l y.Wedi dn' tst ayoutasl ongaswe want ed.Butherdadi nvi t edusbackt ot hehousef orani ndoorbar becue,soi twasst i l l f un. " " Wher ear eyourcl ot hesf r om t hi smor ni ng?"Jayneasks,eyei ngussuspi ci ousl y. Whydomot her sal waysnot i cet hi ngs?Uncl eRed' sj ustsi t t i ngt her ewi t hhi st ea,hol di ng hi scar ds,pat i ent l ywai t i ngf orAuntJaynet ogetherheadbacki nt hegame.ButJayne' s ont ous.Anymi nut enow,she' l lcl uckhert ongue,l etoutal ongsi gh,andpi ckupt he phonet ocal lmymot herandr emi ndherwhatahor r i bl edaught ersher ai sed. Fr anki est ayscoolunderpr essur eandr epeat st hewhol est or y,j ustl i kewepr act i cedi t . Boatr i depr emat ur el yi nt er r upt edbyt heweat her .Backt ot hehousef ordi nner . Changedoutofboatcl ot hest hatgotwetwhent her ai ncamei n.Jacki e' spar ent s of f er edt odr i veusback( becauset hey' r er eal l yr eal l yr eal l ygr eat ,concer ned,r esponsi bl e
peopl e) ,butwer ef used,i nsi st i ngt hatwewant edt owal ki nt her ai nsi ncei t ' sst i l lso war m out .Wehadsuchaf undaywi t hJacki e,Samant ha,andt hei rf ami l i est hatwe t ot al l yf or gotourcl ot hes-butwe' l lgett hem t omor r owmor ni ng.Andbyt heway,i f t hosear ei ndeedl emoncooki esont hatpl at ei nf r ontofDad,canwehavesome? Jayner eachesacr osst het abl et opasst hecooki esandexpr essessympat hyt hatour boatt r i pwaspr eempt edbyast or m." Soundsl i keyoust i l lhadaf unday,t hough. " Weassur et hem t hatwedi d,gr abaf ewmor ecooki esf ort her oad,andmakehast ef or t hebedr oom,wher ewecl oset hedoorandexpl odei nl aught er . " Par ent s, "Fr anki esays,mout hf ul lofl emondust ." Theybel i evej ustaboutanyt hi ng. " " Maybeyour sdo. "Ipul lof fmywetcl ot hesandgeti nt oshor t sandasweat shi r t ,chasi ng awayt hel astoft hesoggychi l lf r om t her ai n." YouknowHel enandCar lwoul dnever l eaveusal onei nt hef i r stpl ace.Andaboatr i dewi t hst r angegi r l s?They' ddemandt hei r phonenumbersot heycoul dcal li nadvanceandsecur et hef act sofourst or ywi t ha r esponsi bl eadul t ,getanaccur at ecountoft heavai l abl el i f ej acket sandf l ot at i on devi cesonboar d,t hencal lt hecoastguar dt omakesur esomeonewoul dbewat chi ng us. " " Don' tr emi ndme, "Fr anki eshr ugs." So,howl ongt i l lwebr eakout ?" " Maybet wohour s, "Isay." Weneedt ogodownst ai r sandappearext r emel yt i r edunt i l yourpar ent sgot obed.Youknow,bei ngoutonaboatmostoft hedaycanbever y dr ai ni ng. " " Anna,you' r et ur ni ngi nt oar at hernaught ygi r l . " " Oh,t hat ' snotr egul arAnna, "Iass ur eher ." I t ' sCr azyAnnaf r om t hedr essi ngr oom mi r r or .Tot al l yyourf aul t . " Fr anki el aughs.It hi nkwebot hl i keCr azyAnnaal i t t l emor et hanr egul arAnna.I t ' sl i ke magi c-whi l eIwast r yi ngont hebat hi ngsui tl astmont h,i tr ubbedagai nstmybut tand unl eashedt heA. B. S. E.Bi ki niGeni e,gr ant i ngal lmywi shes. " Thatr emi ndsme, "Fr anki esays,changi ngoutofhercl ot hes." It hi nkweshoul dal t er t hecont es tr ul es.Ourvacat i oni sal mosthal foverandwehaven' tgot t enver yf ar . " " Wedi dn' tpl anonSam andJake. "Isi tont heendofherbedasshet ouchesupher makeupf orourbi gdat eont hecouchdownst ai r s. " No.Imean,Icoul dst i l lf i ndmyownt en,butIdon' twantt ogetaheadofyou.Your eal l y l i keSam,don' tyou?Icant el lt heset hi ngs. "Shedabsathersmudgedeyel i nerwi t ha Qt i p. " Maybe. "Ishr ug." Butsowhat ?Your eal l yl i keJake. " " He' sokay,Iguess.It hi nkwe' r egonna-youknow.Toni ght . "Shet osseshermascar a
ont hedr esserandf l i psherheadovert oshakeoutherhai rast houghmaki ngt hi s deci si oni snomor et axi ngori mpor t antt hanchoosi ngbet weent hepowder edsugarand t hegl azedf r om t hemor ni ngdonutbox. " Fr anki e,ar eyouser i ous?" " Maybe. "Shehal fgr i ns,t hedevi l t hatsi t sonshoul der si nal lt heol dcar t oons.Theone t hat ' swaymor ecut et hanscar yandt her ef or ecausesi nf i ni t el ymor edest r uct i onand chaos. Ist ar eatherwi t hmymout hopen,butaddi t i onaldet ai l sar en' tf or t hcomi ng.I nst ead,she doesaf i nalf acechecki nt hedr essermi r r or ,bl ot sherl i pswi t hat i ssue,andl eadsus downst ai r sf orActTwo,i nwhi chdot i ngdaught erandf r i endgi veanOscar wor t hy per f or manceast het wosl eepi estgi r l sont hepl anet ,put t i ngal lf ear sofi l l i ci tbehavi ort o r est . Butt wohour sl at er ,aswet i pt oeof ft hedeckandi nt ot hebackyar dwi t ht hecamer a, beachbl anket s,andt het r ust yt ur nedof ff l ashl i ght ,weuncoverapr evi ousl yunr esol ved andpot ent i al l ydanger oushol ei nt hepl ot . " Can' tsl eep,gi r l s?"AuntJaynecal l sf r om t hedar kandl onel yshadowsoft hesea, wr appi ngacr ochet edshawlar oundhershoul der sagai nstt hebr eeze.
t went y Fr anki ecr ashesi nt omeatt hesoundofhermot her ' svoi ceandIyel p,t houghf r om t he shockofFr anki est eppi ngonmeorAuntJaynewander i ngupt heshor et omeetus ,I can' tdeci de. " Goi ngsomewher e?"Jayneasks,sur veyi ngourgear . I ' vebecomequi t eadeptatl yi ngont hi svacat i onbutst i l lhaven' tmast er edt heski l lof i nst ant aneousf abr i cat i onunderext r emepr essur e.That ' smor eFr anki e' sspeci al t y. Unf or t unat el y,t hequeenoff ar f et chedf ai r yt al esi scocoonedi nast at eofshockbehi nd me,unmovi ngandsi l ent . " Wewer ej ust ,um,wewer egoi ngt o-wewant edt o"Ihopemyst ammer i ngsnaps Fr anki ebackt or eal i t y,si nceJaynei st oocl osef ormet ogi veFr anki et heswi f tmul eki cki nt heshi nshedeser ves. I twor ks.Fr anki edr opsherbl anketandheadsdownt hest ai r swi t hpur poset omeether mot her . " AnnaandIwant edt ocomeoutt ot hewat ert ogetsomeni ghtshot s, "shesays." You know,f ort het r i pdocument ar y. " AuntJayneeyeshercl osel y." I nf ul lmakeup?"
" Mom,wedon' twantt ol ookal lhi deousoncamer a. " " It houghtyout wower eexhaust ed?" " Wewer e, "Fr anki esays,t wi st i ngherbr acel etar oundherwr i st ." Butnowwe' r e r ej udevat ed. " " Rej uvenat ed, "Isay,t r ansl at i ngf orJayne." Ri ght .Andyouneedbl anket sbecause. . . " " Becausewemi ghtwantt ol i edownandl ookatt hest ar s. "Fr anki ehasananswerf or ever yt hi ng. AuntJaynel ooksf r om herdaught ert ome,t ot hebl anket satmyf eet ,andbackt o Fr anki ebef or el et t i ngoutal ongsi ghandshaki ngherhead." Fr anki e,I" " Mom,whyar eyououther eal one,anyway?" I fyoucan' taf f or danat t or ney,Fr anki e" Tef l on"Per i nowi l lbeappoi nt edt oyoubya cour tofl aw. AuntJayneopenshermout h,butFr anki ecount er sagai nbef or eanysoundcomesout . " Doyouwantt obei nourmovi e?" Jaynel aughsasFr anki eheadsbackt ot hest ai r st opul lhercamer aoutofi t sbag, addi ngcr edi bi l i t yt oourt hr eadbar et apest r yofl i es. " Al lr i ght ,al lr i ght . "AuntJaynet hr owsupherhandsandusher susbackacr osst he l awn." Butl et ' sdoi tont hedeck.I t ' sf r eezi ngouther et oni ght . " Toni ght ?Asopposedt oot herni ght syou' vebeenhi di ngouti nt heshadowsasyour dot i ngdaught erandIsl i ppedawayi nt ot hedar kness?Myhear ti st humpi ngi t swayup myesophagusandi nt omyt hr oat .Iswal l owi tbackdownandshootFr anki easi deways l ookt hatt r ansl at est o," Di dyourmom seeussneakoutt heot herni ght ,andi fso,why hasn' tshesai danyt hi ng?" Fr anki er espondswi t hal i f tofhereyebr ow." Doubti t , "t hebr okenl i t t l ewi ngst el lme. Ont hedeck,wei nt er vi ewJayne,aski ngherhowshe' dr edecor at et hebeachhouse,t he l awn,andt heent i r eshor el i nei fgi vent heoppor t uni t y.Thi samusesher ,andasshe pl aysal ongwi t hoursi l l yquest i ons,Ir el ax,convi nci ngmysel ft hatshedoesn' tknow aboutourpr evi ousboyf i l l edescapadesand,bysomei nexpl i cabl ebr eaki nt oni ght ' s chai nofhor r i f i cevent s,accept sourdocument ar ycover upst or y. " That ' sawr ap, "Fr anki esays." Wehavet odosomeedi t i ngbef or ewecanshowi tt o you,t hough.Wewanti tt obeasur pr i sewhenwegetbackf r om t het r i p. " Byedi t i ngshemeanst r ansf er r i ngal lt hepar t swi t hSam,Jake,andoursecr etl i f ei nt he shadowr eal mt oasepar at eDVDandsl i ci ngi nt hel oopofr andom shot ssheandIt ook ofusspl ashi ng,swi mmi ng,r eadi ng,andgener al l ybehavi ngour sel vesont hebeac h, sansboys.Wef i l medi tal li naboutt went ymi nut est hef i r stday,butt hat ' st hebeaut yof
swi msui t s.Nooneexpect sachangeofcl ot hest oi ndi cat et hepassageoft i me. Af t erAuntJaynegoest obed( atl east ,af t ershet el l susshe' sgoi ngt obed) ,It ur nt o Fr anki e." Okay,Iknowyou' r egood.I ' veseenyousnowt eacher sandsecur i t yguar ds andmypar ent sandal lmannerofr esponsi bl eadul t s,butyourmom i sn' tt hatst upi d. Ther e' snowayshebel i evesus. " Fr anki eshr ugs." What ever . " " For gi veme,ogr eatone.Ishoul dnothavedoubt edyou. "Ibowi nadmi r at i on. Fr anki ei sunaf f ect ed,hereyesf arawayandgl assy." Fr ank,what ' swr ong?"Iask." Do yout hi nkwe' r ebust edandshe' sj ustwai t i ngt ot el lyourdad?" Not hi ng." Fr anki e?"I ' m get t i ngconcer ned.Thel astt hi ngIwanti sf ort het r i pt obecut shor tbecauseofourst upi di t y. " I tdoesn' tmat t er ,Anna, "shef i nal l ysays." Sheseeswhatshewant st osee. " " Whatar eyout al ki ngabout ?" " Iknowyout hi nkshe' ssocoolandever yt hi ng,butsomet i mesIwi shshe' dj ust-Idon' t know,getmad.Yel l .Cal lmeoutonmyl i es.Bedi sappoi nt ed.Shedoesn' tevencar e. " Ipi ct ur eAuntJayneont hedeckt hatf i r stni ght ,r edeyedandsever e,pr essi ngmef or t het r ut haboutheronl ydaught er .Heronl yl i vi ngchi l d. " Yes,shedoes,Fr ank.Youcan' ts ayt hat . " " What ever .I ' m notherpr eci ousdeadson.I ' l lal waysbesecond. " " Idon' tt hi nki t ' sl i ket hat ,Fr ank. " " Youhavenoi deawhati t ' sl i ke. " Il ookatmyf eetanddon' tt al kf orwhatf eel sl i keal ongt i me.Fr anki esi ghs,br eaki ngt he si l ence." Sor r y-i t ' snotyou.Idon' tknowwhatmydeali st oni ght .We' r enotbust ed. That ' st hemai nt hi ng.Let ' sgo. " Somei nvi si bl ef or ce-t heFor ceofSam -want st opul lmebackt oSmoot hi eShack, butIr esi st .Wecan' tr i skget t i ngcaughtagai n,andi t ' swayt ool at e. " No,Fr ank.We' r e,l i ke,t wohour sl at e.Theywon' tevenbet her e. " " Fi ne.Tomor r ow,t hen. " " Tomor r ow. " Iwat chherf acef oranot heropeni ng,anot herchancet oconvi ncehert hathermom r eal l ydoescar e,buthereyesar esetagai nstt hechi l lcomi ngi nof ft heocean.
Endofdi s cussi on. Tomor r owcomesqui ckl y,t hesunf al l i ngt hr ought hewi ndowandwar mi ngmyf eetl i kea hotbat h.Fr anki e' sawakeandsmi l i ngatmef r om herbedacr osst her oom,t he sour nessofl astni ghtevapor at i ngi nt henewl i ght .Weshoweranddr essasf astas Fr anki e' sgl amourr out i neal l ows,i nhal esomecer ealandj ui cef orbr eakf ast ,andr un out si debef or eRedandJaynei nvi t eusonanot herf ami l yt our i stt r i p.Af t eraqui ckst op att hecommuni t ypoolf orourf akeboatcl ot hes,weheaddownt hebeach. Wedon' tneedt ogoal lt hewayt ot heShack-wef i ndSam andJakei nt heal cove, l aughi ngi tupwi t hahi deous,f r i ght eni ng,evi l ,super cut egi r l .Myhear tsi nksi nt omy st omach,andi nani nst antIt ur ni nt oabadf r i end,secr et l yhopi ngt hatt hecut i ebel ongs t oJakeandnott oSam.I t ' sal lwecandonott ot ur nbackbef or et heynot i ceus. " Hey!Overher e! "Jakeseesusandwavesusoutt ot hewat er .Shemustbewi t hSam. ForamomentIdon' tt hi nkmyl egswi l lwor k,butFr anki enudgesmet osetourst uf f downanddr opourbeachcover ups.If ol l owheroutofnumbobl i gat i on,angr yt hathe' s al r eadywi t hsomeoneel se,andangr yt hatIl etmysel fcar e. Wegeti nt ot hewat er ,andSam r unsupt ohugme.Myf i r str esponsei sent i r el y physi cal ,act i ngbef or emymi ndcanpr ocesst hesi t uat i onandpr epar eamor e appr opr i at e-t hati s,bi t chy-r eact i on.Hi sbar el egsandchestar ewar m agai nstmei n t hewat er ,andIknowi fIst ayl i ket hi si twon' tmat t erhowmanyot hergi r l shehas. Ipul lawayj ustasJakei nt r oducest hegi r l .Nowt hatIseeherbody-r at her ,l ackof body-It hi nkI ' m al mostol denought obehermot her .Atl eastherol dersi st er . " Thi si sKat i e, "Jakesays." Myki dsi st er-t heoneIt ol dyouabout . " " What ever , "shesays." I ' m notaki d. " Kat i e.It ot al l yf or getabouthi ssi st er .I ' m sor el i evedandembar r assedt hatIal most l aughoutl oud.She' sonl yt hr eeyear syoungert hanme,buti tf eel sl i ket her e' sal i f et i me bet weenus.WhenIl ookathereasysmi l eandhappyeyes,Ican' tr emembert hel ast t i meIf el tt hatway-pr obabl ybac kwhenFr anki est i l lhadt wowhol eeyebr ows. Wespendt hemor ni ngwi t ht hesur f i ngt r i ount i lj ustbef or el unch,whenagr oupofgi r l s cl adi npi nkbeckonsKat i et oj oi nt hem f ori cecr eam.Bef or eshedi t chesus,Kat i ehugs meandFr anki egoodbyei nt heBFFwayofki dsi st er s.She' ssweet ,andIf eelbadf or wi shi ngevi lt hi ngsonherwhenwef i r star r i ved. Whet herIl i keSam i snol ongeraquest i on-atl eastnotonet hatIcanl i eabout .I t ' sal lI candonott ocountdownt her emai ni ngt wel vedaysoft hevacat i on,af t erwhi chIwon' t seehi m agai n. ButIcan' tt hi nkaboutt hatr i ghtnow. OnceKat i e' sgone,Fr anki eandJakebecomeanundul at i ng,ki ssi ng,i ndi st i ngui shabl e massoff l eshandhi ghl i ght sst i cki ngoutoft hewat er .I ft hi ngspr ogr essanyf ur t her ,I ' m
goi ngt ohavet oupgr adet her at i ngont hi spubl i cspect acl ef r om PG13t oR. Thankf ul l y,Sam i snot hi ngl i keJake.Justhi sf ootbr ushi ngagai nstmi neunderour secr etl ay erofoceani senought odr i vemecr azy,andwi t hi nf i vemi nut esIknowI ' l l meethi m outher et oni ght ,eveni fIhavet ol eavear ansom not et of akemyown ki dnappi ng. Sever alhour sl at er ,Fr anki eandIcaut i ousl yt estournewescaper out e,hopi ngt oavoi d t her ansom not epl an.Thi st i me,wewai tunt i lAuntJaynei sdef i ni t el yi nherr oom and def i ni t el ynotmaki nganysounds.Thenwest uf ft hebeds,t i pt oedownst ai r s,exi tt hr ough t hef r ontdoor ,andcutbackt ot hebeacht hr oughanei ghbor ' syar dsever alhouses down.I taddsf i veext r ami nut est oourar duousj our ney,buti t ' sbet t ert hanr unni ngi nt o ar enegadepar entoutf orami dni ghtst r ol li nt hesand. Thenextweekpassesqui ckl y,ourdaysf i l l edwi t hswi mmi ngandsunni ngandcat chi ng uponsl eepi nt hesand,oureveni ngsspenthi ki ngt hel engt hoft hebeacht ot heShack. Eachni ghtI ' m wi t hSam,t hi ngsgetmor ei nt ense,cl oserandcl osert ot heul t i mat eend. Somet i meswhenI ' m wi t hhi m,somet hi ngwi l lr emi ndmeofMat t .Ashoot i ngst ar ,t he smel lofsomeone' sshampoo,al ongl augh,at ur nofphr asef r om someonepassi ngby al ongt heshor e.Wheni thappens,Icl osemyeyes,countt ot en,andwi l lhi mt ogo away.Tol eaveme.Togi vemebackmymemor i essot hatsomet hi ngassi mpl easa songf l oat i ngoutf r om behi ndabonf i r edoesn' tbr i ngmeal lt hewaybackt ohi m ev er y t i me. I tneverwor ks.
t went yone " So,di dyouordi dn' tyou?"Ont hewaybackf r om ourni nt hsuccessf ulmoonl i ght mi ssi on,Il aughandgr abFr anki e' sshoul der s.Shest ar t edt el l i ngt hest or yt enmi nut es ago,andshe' sonl yt ot hepar twher et heywentski nnydi ppi ng.She' swayt oost ar r yeyed,andf r ankl y,t hi sunchar act er i st i cal l yr omant i cver si onofmybestf r i endi sf r eaki ng meout . " Fr anki e,yesorno?You' vebeendebat i ngi tal lweek.Comeon! "Shel ooksatme si deways,l et t i ngherdanci ngbr okeneyebr owdoal lt het al ki ng. " Youdi r t ygi r l ! "It ease." So?" " Iwast r yi ngt ot el lyoubef or e,butyouj ustwant edt hepunchl i ne. " " Comeon! " " Sor r y,Iguessyou' l lj usthavet of i ndoutwhati t ' sl i kef oryour sel f . " Il ookatherhar d,f or ci ngmysmi l ei nt ohi di ng." HowdoyouknowIhaven' t ?"
Thewei ghtoft hepot ent i al l ydevast at i ngnewst hatIact ual l yhadsexwi t houtt el l i ngher hi t sherl i keawr ecki ngbal l .Shesi mul t aneousl ydr opsherbagandherj aw,cocki ngher headsi dewayst obegi nt hescol di ng.Sher eal l yknowshowt omaket or t ur ef un. Iwor kupmybestdevi l i shsmi l eandwal kpastheront heshor e." Let ' sgo,Sl oppy Seconds, "Isay." Aaaannaaaa! "Shewhi nesbehi ndme,ki cki ngatt hesandand r ef usi ngt omoveunt i lIacknowl edgeherdi scomf or t ,sympat hi zef ort heappr opr i at e l engt hoft i me( i tvar i esbyof f ense) ,apol ogi zef orsai dof f ense( eveni fi ti sn' tmi ne) ,and spi l l ever ydet ai l . " Al lr i ght ! "I ' vebui l tupar el at i vel yhi ghFPT( Fr anki ePoutTol er ance) ,butt hi si sget t i ng outofhand." Wedi dn' tdoanyt hi ngyet .Notl i ket hat .Iwoul dhavet ol dyou. " " Iguess. "Shepi cksupherbackpack,onl ypar t i al l yconvi nced." Comeon,Fr anki e.You knowIt el lyouever yt hi ng. " Shesmi l es,andIwonderi ft her ewi l leverbeat i mewhent hosewor dsdon' tbur non t hei rwayout . " Toobad, "shesays,QueenofEver yt hi ng,herl i t t l eAnnast i l lbumbl i ngdownt hebeach wi t ht hebi gf atal bat r oss." Iguessyou' l lhavet owai tt i l lt hepar t yt omor r owni ghtt oj oi n t hebi ggi r l s' cl ub.Di dhet el lyouabouti t ?" OneofJake' ssur fst udent shast hi shugehousenearMoonl i ghtBay.Hi sr i chpar ent s ar esupposedl yupnor t hal lweekendwi t ht hei rr i chf r i endsdoi ngr i chpeopl et hi ngsl i ke pol oorsomet hi ng,andhe' dpr obabl yneverbeabl et of acehi sf r i endsagai n( what r espect abl eyoungmanwoul d?)i fhedi dn' tt akef ul ladvant ageoft heoppor t uni t yby t hr owi ngagi antbeachpar t y,compl et ewi t hhal f nakedgi r l si nahott ubandpl ent yof under agedr i nki ng.Icanpi ct ur ei tnow-j ustl i ket hepar t i esonTVwher et oomany peopl eshowup,somet hi ngexpensi veget sbr oken,andt hepoorl i t t l ehotgi r lcr i es abouthowhar dl i f ei s,get sdr unk,andt hr owsuponher sel f . Fr anki eandIhaveneverbeent ot hosepar t i es.Hi st or i cal l y,ourpar t i eshavebeenmor e l i kesmal lgat her i ngs-Fr anki e,me,andoneort woot hergi r l st r yi ngt oconcoct somet hi ngoutoft hecooki ngsher r yandor angej ui ce.Si nceMat tdi ed,ourpar t ycr owd i sevensmal l er-meandFr anki esneaki ngdr opsofr um i nt oourDi etCokesf r om t he sampl esi zedbot t l est ashedi nhersockdr awer . " Yeah, "Isay." Wewon' tbeabl et ost ayl ongordr i nkt oomuch,t hough. "Si nceourr uni nwi t hAuntJayne,Ladyoft heNi ght ,we' vebeenext r acaut i ous.Ext r aqui et .Nevert oo l at e,j usti ncaseJaynei swander i ngar oundout si deagai n.Maki ngupast or yabout f i l mi ngamoonl i tdocument ar yi sonet hi ng.St umbl i ngdr unkanddef l ower edt hr ought he f r ontdoori squi t eanot her . " Ri ght , "Fr anki esi ghs." Iwi sht her ewassomewaywecoul dj ustcomebacki nt he mor ni ng.I ' m si ckofsneaki ngar oundi nt hedar k. " " Noki ddi ng.Mor ei mpor t ant l y,Ibel i eveyouwer eaboutt ot el lmet her estoft heJake st or y?"
Fr anki el aughs,l oudert hant heocean." Okay,okay.Li st enandl ear n,myf r i end.Li st en andl ear n. " Byt het i meshef i ni shesherst or y,whi chi spat chyandr omant i ci zedi npar t sbutseems atl eastf i f t yper centt r ue,we' r eatt hef r ontdoor ,peer i ngi nt ot hewi ndowsf orsi gnsof l i f e.Seei ngnone,wesl owl yt ur nt heknobandt i pt oebackt oourr oom,mi ssi on accompl i shed. Lyi ngi nmyt wi nbedwat chi ngt hemoont hr ought heskyl i ght ,Il i st ent oFr anki ebr eat he, deepandhappy.Theai rar oundheri schar gedandhopef ulandr emi ndsmeof summer spast ,whensheandMat twoul dcomehomecar ef r ee,exhaust ed,andsunf i l l edf r om t hei rannualt r i pt oZanz i barBay. Cal i f or ni ai sgoodf orher .EvenUncl eRedandAuntJayneseem happy,despi t eJayne' s l at eni ghtwander i ngs.They' vespentmostoft het r i pt oget her ,l aughi ngwi t husatdi nner i nt hei rol d,uncompl i cat edway.Maybewe' vegonebacki nt i me.Fr anki eandIar e f our t eenagai n.Mat ti sasl eepi nhi sbl uegr ayat t i cr oom.AndFr anki ehasn' tal r eady beenwi t ht wodi f f er entguys-r eal l ybeenwi t ht hem. . . . Butno-we' r esi xt een. Mat t ' snoti nt heat t i c.Fr anki ecr ossedi nt ot her eal m of" exper i enced"mont hsago,and I ' m st i l lal i t t l ef r eakedoutaboutSam' shandsonme,t hebi gscar l etl et t erVf or ever embl azonedonmyf or ehead.WhenI ' m wi t hhi m,Ii magi nei tbl i nki ngandsput t er i ngl i ke aneonsi gn,j ustbef or ei tspar ksi nt oi t sf i nalbr i ghtsi zzl eandt hen-bl ack.Al lIhavet o doi ssl eepwi t hhi m,andt heembar r assi nggl owoft hebi gVwi l lbeext i ngui shed. Thewhol ei deaofl osi ngone' svi r gi ni t yi ski ndofr i di cul ous.Tol osesomet hi ngi mpl i es car el essness.Ami st aket hatyoucanf i xsi mpl ybyr ecover i ngt hel ostobj ect ,l i keyour cel lphoneoryourgl asses.Vi r gi ni t yi smor el i kesheddi ngsomet hi ngt hanl osi ngi t .As i n," Don' twor r y,Mom.Youcancal lof ft hehel i copt er sandpol i cedogs.Tur nsout-get t hi s-Idi dn' tact ual l yl osemyvi r gi ni t y.Ij ustcasti tof fsomewher ebet weenher eand Mont er ey.Canyoubel i evei t ?I tcoul dbeanywher ebynow,whatwi t hal lt hatwi nd. " Ii magi nesomeki dshappeni ngupont hecast of fvi r gi ni t yont heshor e.They' dhavet o cl osedownt hebeachandputupasi gn.Danger !Wi l dvi r gi ni t yf oundher e!Swi m atyour ownr i sk! Whydoesi thavet obesospeci al ?Fr anki esayst hef i r stt i mei sn' tspeci al .I t ' sami nor i nconveni ence,anactnomor esi gni f i cantt hangoi ngt ot hedent i st .Youschedul et he appoi nt mentatamut ual l yconveni entt i meandl i easmot i onl essaspossi bl et oexpedi t e t hepr ocess.Thenextt i me-andal lsubsequentnextt i mes-canbespeci al ,butnot t hef i r st . Theonl ypr obl em i st hatwi t hSam,Iwanti tt obespeci al .Imean,i fi thappenswi t h Sam.Nott hatI ' m pl anni ngi toranyt hi ng.Ot hert hanshavi ngmyl egs.Justi ncase. I t ' sal mos tf i vei nt hemor ni ng,accor di ngt ot hegl owi ngnumber sonmybedsi decl ock.I r ol loveronmyst omachandshov emyhandsundermypi l l ow,soaki ngi nt hecool cl ean
oft hesheet . I t ' sgr eatt hatwecanvot eandgot ocol l egeandwearpant sandal lt hat ,buti fanyone r eal l ywant st omakeadi f f er encei nt hel i vesofwomen,t heyshoul di nventamagi cpi l l youswal l owwi t hagl assofwat erbef or ebed,andwhenyouwakeup-pr est o!No l ongeravi r gi n!Noagoni zi ngoverexpensi veyet uncomf or t abl eunder gar ment s!No wor r yi ngabouthowyourboobsdi sappearwhenyoul i eonyourbackt omakeyour st omachl ookf l at !Andcer t ai nl ynol yi ngawakeal lni ghtt r yi ngt of i gur eoutawayt o sl eepoveratsomest upi dpar t yt omor r owj ustsoIcanf i nal l yhavesexwi t haguyI ' ve knownj ustacoupl eofweeks-aguyImayneverseeagai n. ButwhenIt hi nkabouthi mt ouchi ngme,mywhol ebodyf eel sel ect r i f i edandIknowt hat t her e' sonl yonet hi ngl ef tt odo.Got ot hepar t yandsl eepwi t h-Wai t-sl eep! Sl eepover !That ' si t ! Theysayt r uegeni usof t enst r i kesi nt hepal emoment sbet weenawakeandasl eep. Thi si soneoft hosemoment s.Whet heri t ' st heneonVort hought sofSam' shandson mybody,t her i ghtcombi nat i onofcar bonandoxygencomest oget heri nasi ngl e, br i l l i antspar k,af i r ecr ackeront hehor i zonofhopel essness. I t ' smymosti ngeni ousi deasof art hi svacat i on-possi bl yever ." Fr anki e?Fr ank?"Ical l hernameunt i lsheshakesoutofherpeacef ulsl umber .Sheyawnsandsi t supi nbed, st unnedandconf usedbesi det hebl i ndi ngl i ghtofsuchat r uemast er mi nd. " Jacki eandSamant hacal l ed, "Isay." Jacki e' smom sai dshecanhaveasl umberpar t y t omor r owni ght . " Ther oom i ssuddenl ybat hedi nl i ght ,t houghf r om t hesput t er i ngneonV,mycr eat i ve geni us,t hemoont hr ought heskyl i ght ,orFr anki e' sbeami ngsmi l e,Icannotdi scer n.
t went yt wo Wespendt henextdaywi t hRedandJayne,wal ki ngar oundMoonl i ghtBoul evar d pr et endi ngt obef asci nat edwi t hbeacht hemedpai nt i ngs,handmadewi ndchi mes,and myr i adot herar t syt r i nket swi t houtwhi chnof ami l yvacat i oni scompl et e. Somewher edur i ngt hepost l unchkeyl i mepi ecour seatBr eeze,Fr anki ement i ons Jacki e' sal l gi r l s,par ent super vi sed,ul t r achast eni ghtoff un,whi chst ar t saf t erdi nner( of cour sewewantt oeatdi nnerwi t hyou,Mom!Thepar t y' snott i l ll at er ! ) .Shehasno t r oubl esecur i ngper mi ssi on.RedandJaynedon' tevenaskt omeett hef i ct i t i ousJacki e andt hef abl edSamant ha.Theyj ustnodandsmi l e,t hr i l l edt hatFr anki ei ssonor maland wel l adj ust ed. Wi t ht hepi erpackedandJayne' st r i nket quot asat i sf i ed,weheadbackt ot hehousef or acut t hr oatgameofFr i sbeeont hebeachwi t hRed.Thef ami l yf uncont i nuest hr ough di nner ,andsoonenough,i t ' st i met ost ar tpr eppi ngf ort hepar t y. Fr anki eandIspendanhourt r yi ngoncl ot hest hatwi l lf i tsmoot hl yoverourbi ki ni sand
conveyj ustt her i ghtki ndofmi xedmessages:casualbutnotsl oppy.Hotbutnott r ashy. Funbutnoteasy( wel l ,nott hateasy,anyway) .Hai randmakeupt akeanot herhour-a del i cat edanceofvar i ouschemi cal sappl i edwi t hj ustt her i ghtamountofpr essur ef or shadi ng,hi ghl i ght i ng,andcont our i ngwi t houtcaki ng,f l aki ng,orsmudgi ng.Sam pr ef er s t henat ur all ook,butFr anki e' sr i ght-l ooki ngnat ur alt akesal otofsci ence. Wepackourbackpacksf orour" gi r l s' ni ght "( cut eboxershor t s,mat chi ngpi nkTshi r t s, sweat shi r t s,camer a,makeup,nai lpol i sh,f uzzysocks,acopyofCel ebSt yl ef eat ur i nga t wopagespr eadofHel i copt erPi l ot ' shot ,bl ueeyedsi ngerJoeDonohueandApol l o,hi s dachshund,andt hej our nalIneverl eavehomewi t hout ) ,ki ssRedandJaynegoodbye, andmakeourwaydownt hebeach,ar r i vi ngatt heShackpr eci sel yt enmi nut esl at er t hanwe' dpr omi sed,soasnott oappearover eager . Sam andJakear ewai t i ngont hedecki ncar goshor t sandTshi r t sundoubt edl yyanked f r om pi l esofl aundr yont hei rbedr oom f l oor s.Sam' shai ri sungel l ed.Hi scheekbonesunbl ushed.Hi seyebr owsar enott weezed,andIdon' tt hi nkhespentanyt i mecur l i ng hi sl ashes. Despi t ehi si gnor anceofhaut ecout ur e,hemakesmywhol ebodybuzz. " Wow,you-wow. "Hepul l smec l oset ohi m andsmel l smyneck,hi shandsf i ndi ng t hei rwayi nt omyhai r ." Maybeweshoul dn' tgot oapar t y.Imean,t her ewi l lbeot her peopl et her e.Ot herguys.Looki ngatyou. " Iwai tf orasmar t asscommentf r om Fr anki eorJake,butt heyappeart obevapor l ocked att hemout h,unabl et ocommuni cat e. " Okay,t hen, "Sam saysl oudl y." We' l lj ustst ar theadi ngovert ot hepar t y.Youguyscan cat chupl at er . " If ol l owhi m downt ot hebeach.Theskyi sdar k,butt her ear est i l lst r eaksofor angeand pi nk,f adi ngl ef t over sf r om t hesunset . " Thekeyt oagr eatpar t yi st hemusi c, "Sam says,scr ol l i ngt hr oughhi si Podaswe t r ampt hr ought hesand.Eddi e-t heguyhavi ngt hepar t y-putSam i nchar geoft he pl ayl i st ." I fi t ' st ooi nt ense,noonewi l lbeabl et ohangoutandt al k.Buti fi t ' st oomel l ow, i twi l lt ur ni nt oasnoozef est .Youal sohavet oconsi dert i mi ng.Ther e' sapar t i cul arki nd ofmusi cappr opr i at ef oreachst ageoft hepar t y-i nt r o,war mup,f ul lswi ng,wi nddown, andout r o. " Idi dn' tknowt her ewasawhol esci encebehi ndpar t ymusi c,butwhenSam t al ks,Iwant t oknow.I nt hesemoment sal ongt heshor e,Idon' tcar eaboutanyt hi ngasmuchasI car eaboutt hemel odi cst r i ngofwor dsandbr eat hpassi ngf r om hi sl i pst omyear s,and whenInodandaskquest i onsandl augh,hi seyesl i ghtupashel ooksatmeandIt hi nk Icoul dqui t epossi bl yl ovehi mf or ever . Imean,nott hatIdol ovehi m. Justt hatIcoul dpossi bl y.
Lovehi m. For ever . " Out r o?"Iask. Hesmi l es." Theopposi t eofi nt r o. " " Ri ght .Sohowdoyouknowwhent oswi t ch?" " Youj ustgot t af eeli t .I ' l lshowyoul at er .We' l lst ar twi t hsomeambi entt echnoandsee whent heener gyoft hecr owdcal l sf orsomet hi ngel se.Her e-checki tout . " WhenIt akehi si Podt oscr ol lt hr oughhi ssongs,Sam put shi sar m ar oundme,st r ong andpr ot ect i veandt anandal i t t l ebangedup.Theheatf r om hi sski nseepsi nt omy shoul der s,andIam sosuddenl yal i vet hati fIdon' tki sshi mr i ghtt hi ssecond,wewi l l bot hbur sti nt of l amesanddi e.It ur nar oundbeneat ht hewei ghtofhi sar m andpul lhi m i nt oadesper at eki ss,pr essi ngasmuchofmysel fagai nsthi m asIcan. Wegett oEddi e' sar oundni net hi r t y,JakeandFr anki ear r i vi ngj ustaf t erus.Theskyi s i ndi goandt hemoonl i ght supt hebackyar dl i keaspot l i ght ,er asi ngt her emnant sof sunset .Cr owdsofpeopl ear r i vebehi ndus,chat t er i ngandwhoopi ngandbear i ng var i ousgi f t sofanal cohol i cnat ur e.Basedont henumberoft i mesEddi esays," Cool , ni cet omeetya, "Iguesseachper sonhei nvi t edbr oughtaboutt hr eeorf ourext r as, cool er sandpi zzai nt ow.Thehousef i l l supf astwi t hnoi se,bodi es,andcl anki nggl ass bot t l es.Att i mesIf eeli nt i mi dat ed,af r ai dt hatt hi ngswi l lgetoutofcont r ol ,andI ' m car ef ult ost aycl oset oSam andFr anki e.ButsoonFr anki ehandsmeaf r ui t ydr i nkwi t h apaperumbr el l a,andever yt hi ngseemsal i t t l el essi nt ense. Sam i sr i ghtaboutt hemusi c.Byel even,hi sambi entt echnovi bebl endsgr acef ul l yand seaml essl yi nt oanal l outr eggaedancecl ub,packedwal lt owal lwi t hmor epeopl et han t heent i r eof f seasonpopul at i onofZanzi barBay,gyr at i ngandbounci ngt oJamai can ket t l edr ums. Thehousecant akei t .I t ' sl i keadancehal li nandofi t sel f .Hugef l oor t ocei l i ngwi ndows l ooki ngoutovert heocean.Gi gant i c,i ngr oundswi mmi ngpool .Poolt abl esi nmor et han oner oom.St ai nl essst eelki t chenappl i ances.Thepl acepr obabl yhast enbedr ooms, t oo.I t ' sl i kei twasbui l tf orent er t ai ni ng-l i keoneoft hosecel ebr i t yhouseswher ea bunchoff amouspeopl esi tar oundanddocokeal lday,whi ni ngaboutt hei rl i ves.Ihal f expectt hem t owal ki nanymi nut ewi t ht hei rdr ugsandt hei rf ant asyl andpr obl ems,and Eddi ewi l lj ustshr ugandsmi l eandsayi t ' scool ,ni cet omeetya. Sam goest ocheckont hemusi cs i t uat i on,andi nal lt hecommot i onandspace,Il ose Fr anki e.Iwandert hr ought hecr owds,getl ostdownvar i ouscor r i dor s,andf i nal l yf i nd heri nt heki t chen,camer ai nhand,f i l mi ngJakeashet akest hedoort ot hesi de ent r anceof fi t shi nges. " Fr anki e,whatar eyouguysdoi ng?"
" Weneedabeerpongt abl e, "shesayswi t houtf ur t herexpl anat i on,zoomi ngi nonmy f aceasi fi t ' sper f ect l ynor malt odeconst r uctahousef orsuchanobl epur pose. " Remi ndmeagai nhowyoupl aybeerpong?" " Oh,your emember , "shesaysasi fwe' r er egul arpongchamps.Shesl i ngst hecamer a st r apoverhershoul der ,st i l lf i l mi ng,andr ummagest hr ought hest acksofopencool er s ont hecount erf orapackofr edpl ast i ccups." Yousetupsi xcupsoneachsi del i ke bowl i ngpi nsandf i l lt hem wi t hbeer .Thenyouhavet ot r yt obouncet hePi ngPongbal l i nt ot heot hert eam' scupst omaket hem dr i nk.I fyoumi ss,youdr i nk. " " See,Anna, "Jakesaysoveragat her i ngf anbasel i ni ngeachsi deoft her oom," t he t hi ngaboutbeerpongi st hatevenwhenyoul ose,youwi n! "Hepul l sapai rofyel l ow Pi ngPongbal l sf r om hi spockett hatheappar ent l ycar r i esar oundf orj ustsuchan occasi on." Youi n?" Inod." Onl yi fwecandot eams. " Fr anki egr absme." She' smi ne.Gi r l sagai nstguys. " Jakecal l sf orEddi et oj oi nhi m att hehel m oft hesi dedoor ,whi chi snowf l atand hor i zont alat opt wobar st ool s,si xr edcupsar r angedi nt r i angl esateachend. " Gi r l sr ul e! "Sher ai sesherhandupf orahi ghf i ve. Isl apherpal m andt akeachugofbeer ." Yout woar eaboutt ogethoused, "Jakesays, butnotbef or ecomi ngbackt ooursi deoft hedoort oki ssFr anki eonel astt i mebef or e t hebi ggame,el i ci t i ngacacophonyofcat cal l sf r om t hef ansont hesi del i nes. Jaker et ur nst ohomef i el dandbouncesabal li nFr anki e' sdi r ect i on,mi ssi ngcompl et el y, f i ni shi ngouthi st ur nwi t hanover dr awnpout . Fr anki er et ur ns,sur pr i si ngmeasshesi nksherf i r stshoti nt hel eadcupr i ghti nf r ontof Eddi e.Hedi pshi sf i nger si nt or emovet hebal landdownst hebeer . It ur nt oherandst ar e,unabl et ohi demyshock." Pr act i ce,ormagi c?"Iask. " I ' vepl ayedaf ewt i mes,Anna.Remembert hepar t i es?" " Notexac t l y. "Imusthavebeeni nt hebat hr oom dur i ngt hatpar toft henonexi st ent par t i es,hi di ngoutf r om t hevomi t i nghotgi r lwhi l eFr anki ecompl et edherbeerpong appr ent i ceshi p. Thegamel ast saboutt enmi nut es.Thankst oast r angecombi nat i onofFr anki e' sdeadonski l latsi nki ngPi ngPongbal l si nt ocupsofbeerandJake' sdi st r act i onoverFr anki e' s boobsbubbl i ngoutt het opofhercami sol e,wewi n. Unf or t unat el y,t hecel ebr at i oni sshor t l i ved.Ourchampi onshi pt i t l ei syankedr ut hl essl y f r om beneat hourover conf i dentf eetdur i ngr oundt wo.JakeandEddi esi nkever ybal l , f or ci ngust ochugi nr ecor dt i me.
" Sam' sgi r ldr i nks! "Eddi eshout sashesi nkst hef i nalbal li nf r ontofme,spl ashi ngmy shi r t . Sam' sgi r l .Thesoundofi thi t smehar dandf ast ,spi nni ngmyheadar ound.Suddenl y,I can' tf eelmyf eet .I ' mf l oat i ng.I ' m cont ent . " Sam' sgi r l !Sam' sgi r l !Sam' sgi r l ! "t heent i r eki t chenchant s,andIr eal i zei nt hat momenthowmanypeopl ear aucousgameofbeerpongcanat t r act .It aket hebal lout oft hecupandchugi tdown,l et t i ngoutal oudhi ccupt hatI ' dpr obabl yr egr eti fIwas sober ,whi chf ort her ecor dI ' m not . " Don' twor r y,gi r l s, "Eddi esays,put t i nghi sar m ar oundme." Thegoodt hi ngaboutbeer pongi s,evenwhenyoul ose,youwi n. " Jakepeel sEddi e' sar mf r om myshoul der s." Anna, "hesays," wher e' st hatboyf r i endof your s,any way?" " He' snotmy" " Her e. "Sam sneaksupandwr apshi sar msar oundmef r om behi nd.Myhai ri supand he' sbr eat hi ngont hebackofmyneck,moani ngsof t l ysonooneel secanhear .I fIwas cont entbef or e,nowI ' m ef f er vescent .I ' m anempt yheadedf l oat i ngf eat heragai n,a f eat herwhoi sal soef f er vescent .Hi ccup.Someonecoul ddousemewi t hbeerandI woul dn' tevenknowi t . It ur nandki sshi m,el i ci t i nganot herr oundofcat cal l s." Iseeyou' vebeenl osi ngatbeer pong, "hesays,smi l i ngi nf r ontoft hecupsscat t er edal lovert hest i ckyt abl e. " Yeah, "Isay." Butt het hi ngaboutbeerpongi st hatevenwhenyouwi n,youwi n.I mean,evenwhenyouwi n,you-oh,nevermi nd.Wet ot al l yl ost . "Iwr i ggl el ooset ogr ab anot herbeer ,whi chhassomehowbecomesuddenl ynotsodi sgust i ng. Fr anki eandJakegr abt hecupsof ft het abl eandr est ackt hem f ort henextmat ch. " Anna,you' r eup, "Fr anki esays. " Sor r y,guys. "Sam t akest hebeerf r om myhandandset si tont het abl e." I ' m ki dnappi ngyourMVP.Sheneedsat i meout . " Ismi l eandwavet oFr anki easshedi sappear si nt oanot hermat ch.Sam navi gat esus t hr ought hemobi nt hehouse,whi chhasbecomeevenmor et angl edi nt hel asthour . Lot sofpeopl ear est i l ldanci ng,whi l eot her sar est r ewnacr ossvar i ouscouchesand f l oorspace,somel aughi ng,ot her smaki ngout ,awebofar msandl egsandpedi cur ed t oeswi t ht i nysi l verr i ngs. Wemakeourwayout si de,pastt hepool ,andacr osst hel awn.Thebackyar di spacked butnotasnoi sy.Sur pr i si ngl y,noonei sont hest epst hatl eaddownt ot hebeach,and nooneseemst obeont hebeach,ei t her .
Wesi tont hebot t om st epl i st eni ngt ot heocean,myl egsout st r et chedanddr apedover Sam' s.I nt hedar k,r ef l ect edonl ybyt henear f ul lmoonover head,t hewat eri sbl ackand f r ot hyl i kel i cor i cesoup.Aswesi ti nsi l ence,t hepar t ynoi sef adesbehi ndusandIst ar t t or egai nsomeoft hebr ai ncel l sIsacr i f i ceddur i ngbeerpong. " I t ' swei r d, "Sam f i nal l ysays,onehandr ubbi ngmybar e( andt hankf ul l yshaved)l eg. " I ' vel i vedher emywhol el i f e,butIneverst opbei ngamazedathowdi f f er entt hewat er l ooksatni ght . " Isqui ntandt r yt oseebeyondt hei mmedi at eshor el i ne,pastwher et hewavescr estand f oam andcr ashagai nstt hesand.Ever yt hi ngi sbl ack.I fIt r yt owal ki nt hewat erbeyond t hemoon' ssheenont hesur f ace,I ' l ldr opr i ghtof ft heear t hi nt oout erspace. " Iknowwhatyoumean, "Isay." I ' veonl ybeenher eacoupl eweeksandal r eadyIcan' t i magi nenotwaki ngupt ot hi s. " I t ' st hef i r stt i meI ' veal l owedmysel ft ogobeyondt hehappybubbl eofourvacat i on, beyondourl azydaysont hebeachandsecr etni ght satt heShack.Beyondt heocean andt hesandandt hePer i nosbei nghappyand,mosti mpor t ant l y,Sam.It hi nkbr i ef l y aboutmyl i f ebackhome.Anna,daught erofr ealest at edeal cl oser .Anna,sadyet suppor t i venei ghborki d.Anna,haunt edbysecr et s. Ir estmyheadagai nstSam' schestandknowashi shear tpoundssof t l yi nmyeart hat Zanzi bari smyt i mecapsul e.Iwantt osealmysel fi nt hi spl ace,l ockedi nt hi smoment wi t hSam ont her i cket yseawashedst ai r si nf r ontoft heocean,nott obeopened, exami ned,orot her wi sedi st ur bedf orahundr edmi l l i onyear s. " Canwegosomewher e?"Iask.Idon' twantt ot hi nkaheadoft hi sni ghtandam suddenl yover comewi t ht heur gentneedt ocr am asmuchaspossi bl ei nt oi t . " Sur e, "hesays,shi f t i ngmyl egss ohecangetup." Wantt owal koutt ot heVi st a?" Ar t i st s' Vi st ai sanar r owcur veofs hor el i net hatj ut soutont heot hersi deoft hepi er beyondMoonl i ghtBoul evar d.Fr anki eshowedi tt omeourf i r stdayher ewhenwewer e wai t i ngf orRedandJaynet ogeti cecr eam,butwehaven' tgoneoutt her eonour mi dni ghtmi ssi ons.Ii magi neatt hi st i meofni ght ,t her e' sonl yoner easont ogoout t her e. " Yes. "Iansweri mmedi at el y,st andi ngt obr usht hesandf r om myshor t s." Letmegot el l Fr anki esoshedoesn' tf r eakoutl at er . " " Goodi dea, "hesays." Andputyoursweat shi r ton.I ' m goi ngt ogr ababl anket ,t oo. " I ' vel ostt r ackoft i me,buti tmustbecl oset ot woi nt hemor ni ng.I ' m nott i r ed,and j udgi ngf r om t hesoundbounci ngoutoft hehouseasIappr oach,nei t herar et he beaut i f ulpar t ypeopl e. Fr anki e' swher eIl ef theri nt heki t chen,exceptt hatnowshe' ssi t t i ngonabar st ooli n f r ontoft hebeerpongt abl ewi t hherar m ar oundanot hergi r l ,bot hi nbi ki nit opsand
shor t s,i nt er vi ewi nghercompani onf ort hecamer aaboutt hel ossofhercl ot hi ng. " Heyyyyyy , "shesayswhensheseesme,st umbl i ngf r om herper chi nf r ontoft hedoor sl asht abl e." Lookwho' sback! " " Fr anki e,wher e' syourshi r t ?"Iask." Il osti ti nst r i pbeerpong. "Shespeakssl owl y, maki nganexagger at edf r own. " Soundsl i ket hi sgamewentdownhi l lf ast , "Sam says,comi ngi nbehi ndme. " Hey,l ookwhoshowedup! "Jakecomesi nf r om oneoft hemyst er i ouscor r i dor soft he housewi t habot t l eofJäger mei st er ." Whowant st odoabel l yshot ?" " Of fyourhai r ygut ?"Sam asks." Not hanks. " " No,si l l y! "Fr anki ehopsof ft hest oolandnear l ydr agsdownt heot herbeerpongshi r t l oseri nt hepr ocess." MeandLi sa-ImeanLeah-ar et heshotgl asses. " " Ri ght , "Sam says." Anyway,not hanks. " " Mor ef orus! "Jakepul l sFr anki ebackt oherspotont het abl enextt oLi sa/Leah,who st i l lhasn' tsai dmor et hant wowor dsbutr el easesadopeygi ggl ewheneverFr anki e speaksormovesand,f ort her ecor d,l ooksl i keshe' saboutKat i e' sage-nott hati t mat t er st oJake. Idon' tknowhowl ongi twi l lt akeust ogett ot heVi st aorhowl ongwe' l lhangout ,soI t el lFr anki enott owai tup.Af t erconf i r mi ngt hatJakei spl anni ngt ost ayt heni ghtwi t h her ,Ihughergoodbyeandaskhernott odr i nkanymor eunl essshewant st ospendt he whol enextdayt hr owi ngup. " Don' twor r y,Mom, "shesays,l eani ngherwhol ebodyagai nstmi nef r om herposi t i oni n f r ontoft hedoor sl asht abl e." Iwon' t .Andal so,Il oveyou,Anna.Youar emybestf r i end i nt hewor l d.I ' m notj ustsayi ngt hatbecauseI ' m dr unk,ei t her .Imean,Iam dr unk,butI st i l ll oveyouevenwhenI ' m not . " " Il oveyou,t oo,Fr anki e, "Isay." Nowpl easegetof fofme. " Shel aughsandl eansbackont hest ool ,herl ong,t annedl egsdangl i ngovert heedge nextt ol aughi ngLeah,t hepongt ur nedFr anki ef ancl ubawai t i nghernextmove. Igr abmybackpackf r om anout of t hewaycl osetEddi et uckedi ti near l i eranddi gout mysweat shi r t ,l eavi ngmyf akesl umberpar t ygear ,j our nal ,andt oot hbr ushi nt hebag anddr oppi ngi tnextt oFr anki e' sont hecl osetf l oor . Il ocat eabat hr oom al ongt hehal l waybackt ot heki t chenandducki nsi det oputonmy sweat shi r tanddoaqui ckhai randf acecheck.Asi fbymagi c,Ievenf i ndsomel ot i onf or myl egsandabowlofmi nt sont hesi nk. But t er f l i esar ebat t i ngt hei rwi ngsagai nstmyr i bcageasIt akeaf i nall ooki nt hemi r r or .
Thenextt i meIseeyou,Cr azyAnna,youwon' tr ecogni zeme.
t went yt hr ee I tdoesn' tt akel ongt or eacht heVi st a,andwhenwear r i veIr ecogni zet hevi ew i mmedi at el y.Al lofCal i f or ni a' sbeacht ownsl i ghtupt hecoastl i kef i r ewor ks,j ustasI ' d seeni nMat t ' spi ct ur eper f ectpost car dsat housandt i mes. " Weusedt ocomeher eal otf orpi cni cswhenIwasaki d, "Sam says,shaki ngouta bl anketf orusont hesand." Ihaven' tbeenher ei nawhi l e. " Isi tont hebl anketnextt ohi m." Tel lmeast or y, "Isay." Ij ustwantt ol i st en. " " Sur e.Comeher e. "Hel i esdownandpul l smeagai nsthi schest ,st r oki ngmyhai r .He t el l smeaboutgr owi ngupi nCal i f or ni a,andhowi t ' ssohar dt omakef r i endsbecause ever yoneyoumeetl eavesatt heendoft hesummer .Hi svoi cei sl owandsof t ,muf f l ed t hr oughhi schestagai nstmyear . " Themostt r agi ct hi ngaboutCal i f or ni ai st hatnot hi ngi sper manentorr ealher e, "he says." I tget st oyou,youknow?" " No.Iwi shIcoul dst ayher ef or ev er . " " Butyoucan' t ,Anna.That ' st hepoi nt . "Hel i f t smychi nandl ooksatmyf ace." You' r e l i ket hi sbeaut i f ul ,cr azyghost ,andwhenIwakeup,you' l lbegone,andI ' l lwonderi fany oft hi sr eal l yhappened. " " Iknowwhatyoumean, "Isay,wi shi ngIdi dn' t . Sam asksmeaboutNewYor k,r ubbi ngmybackl i ght l yasIt al k.It el lhi m aboutour chi l dhood,car ef ul l yski r t i ngt het r agedyt hatsodef i nesme.Butal lmyr ealchi l dhood st or i es-t hei mpor t antones-r eacht hesamei nevi t abl eend. Bef or e-t oget her . Af t er-apar t . Bef or e-happy. Af t er-sad. Bei ngwi t hSam ont hi st r i phasbeenl i keavacat i onf r om sor r ow,butnowIcan' tt al k aboutgr owi ngupwi t houtt hi nki ngaboutMat t .Theef f or tofpushi nghi mf r om my t hought sandwor dsdr ai nsme.Fi nal l y,hi smemor ywi nsout ,cr eepi ngi nt omymi ndand maki ngmegoqui etagai nstt hesoundoft heoceanandSam' sbr eat hi ng. Ri ghtaf t erMat tdi ed,Iwasaf r ai dt odobasi cal l yever yt hi ng.Icoul dn' tevenbi t emynai l s orsni f fmyshi r tt oseei fIneededdeodor antwi t houtf eel i ngl i kehewaswat chi ngme.I
wi l l edandpr ayedandbeggedhi mt ogi vemeasi gnt hathewaswat chi ng,t hathewas wi t hme,soIwoul dknow. Butheneverdi d.Ti memovedon.AndIst oppedbei ngaf r ai d.Unt i lr i ghtnow,vul ner abl e andi nsecur eandal i t t l ebi tdr unk.Lyi ngi nt hesandandf al l i ngi ncr azyl ovewi t h someoneIj ustmet .Mat ti swat chi ngme.Obser vi ng.Possi bl yj udgi ng.Andt hewor st par tofi ti s,Idon' twantt owakeupunderhi sl andsl i deofsadr ocksanymor e.Idon' t wantt ot ast et hemar zi panf r ost i ngandt hecl oveci gar et t es.Idon' twantt ot hi nkabout t hebl uegl assneckl aceort hebooksher eadt omeonhi sbedort hepi l esofcol l ege st uf forsomer andom boyi nt hegr ocer yst or ewear i nghi sdonat edcl ot hes. Idon' twantt obet hedeadboy' sbest f r i endt ur nedsomet hi ngel se. Ort her eal l ysuppor t i venei ghborf r i end. Ort hel i f el ongkeeperofbr okenhear t edsecr et s. Ij ustwantt obef l oat i ng,suspendedher ei nmyCal i f or ni at i mecapsul ewi t hnei t her yest er day' sdusknort omor r ow' sdawnanywher eont hehor i zon. Er ased. What ' syourear l i estmemor y?IaskedMat t .Wewer ewashi nghi scarwhi l eFr anki e madesandwi chesi nt heki t chen. Mostoft hem ar ei nCal i f or ni a.Theocean.Idon' tr eal l yr emembert hef i r stt i meIsawi t , j usthowIf el t . How? I mpossi bl ysmal l .I mpossi bl yi nsi gni f i cant .Andcompl et el ysaf e.Soundscr azy,r i ght ? No. What ' syour s? Iwant edt ot el lhi mi twasmyf i f t eent hbi r t hdaypar t yt woweeksear l i er ,because ever yt hi ngt hatcamebef or et hatni ghtwasapal emoonbehi ndt hesunshi neoft hat ki ss.I nst ead,It ol dhi m aboutsi t t i ngi nt hegar denwi t hmydadwhi l eMat tcaught cat er pi l l ar sandt r i edt of eedt hem oakl eavesf r om t het r eei nourbackyar d.Imusthave beenaboutt hr ee. Iwant edt omakeacat er pi l l arf ar m.Ican' tbel i eveyour emembert hat ,Anna.Mat t smi l ed,r i nsi ngt hecarsoapf r om hi shands. Notascoolasseei ngt heoceanf ort hef i r stt i me,buti tst i l lmakesmesmi l e. Ipr omi seI ' l lt akeyout her esomeday.Iwantt oseei twi t hyou.Iwantt oseeever yt hi ng wi t hyou.
Sam l ooksatmehar dandser i ous,l i kehe' st r yi ngt or eadmymi nd.Ican' tf i ndt he wor dsf ort hi sconver sat i onandeveni fIcoul d,I ' dpr obabl yj ustcr y.SoIdot henext bestt hi ngandki sshi m. Er ased. Heki ssesmeback,deeperandmor ei nt ense,andmovesont opofme,pul l i ngof fmy sweat shi r t ,hi shi pspr essi ngagai nstmi ne,har derandcl osert haneverbef or e.If eel t hi ngst hatI ' veneverf el t ,i npl acesIdi dn' tknowexi st ed,l i keahundr edhungr yl i t t l e f l ower swaki ngupandbl oomi ngi nt hesunaf t eral ong,har shwi nt er . Somewher ebeneat hmynewl yt annedski nIknowt hatIshoul dwai t ,t hati tshoul dbe speci al ,t hati tshoul dbewi t hsomeoneIcanwakeupwi t hi nt hemor ni ng,t omor r owand al ways. Whati fhet hi nksI ' m at our i stgi r ll ooki ngf orsomer omant i cl ongdi st ancel oveaf f ai rj ust soshecanshar ehi sgushi ng,beachst ai nedpost car dswi t hherf r i ends? No-af t ert hi svacat i on,t hat ' si t .Sam andIwi l lnol ongerexi sti nt hecont extofSam andI .Iwi l ll osehi m,j ustl i keMat t .Whet herbydeat hort hei mpossi bl edi st ance bet weenNewYor kandCal i f or ni a,soonIwi l lwakeup,andSam wi l lbegone. Sam,whoseseal ocksf al li nsof twavesonmycheeksasheki ssesme. Sam,whosewi l dgr eeneyesar eonmel i kehi shands,sear chi ngandf i ndi ng,hotand i nt ense. Sam,whoseski nt ast esl i kesal tandsummer . Sam,whosel astnamei s-at ot almyst er y. " Wai t ! "Ipul lawayf r om hi m ashef umbl eswi t ht het i esonmybi ki nit op." Ij ustr eal i zed t hatwedon' tknoweachot her ' sl astnames.Mi ne' sRei l ey. "Il ookathi m wi t hasenseof ur gency,ast hought hi snewpi eceofi nf or mat i onwi l lswayt hef or war dmoment um of t hi scr azyni ght . Hel aughs." Maci nt osh. " " Li ket heappl e?"Iask. " Li ket hec omput er . " " Samet hi ng,r i ght ?" " Um,Anna?" " Yeah?" " Nomor et al ki ng. "Hesmi l es.
" Okay, "Iwhi sper ,r unni ngmyf i nger sal onghi sl owerl i p.Mymi ndi sr aci ngf ast ert han myhear t ,butI ' m notsur ehowt ost opi t .Idon' twantt ost opi t .Iwantt odevour ever yt hi ngabouthi m.Iwantt ot as t ehi smout handsmel lhi sshampooandt hendi ewi t h t hi smemor y,i mmedi at eandswi f t ,bef or eanyt hi ngcant akei taway. Hemovescl oset oki ssmeagai n,butIpushmyhandagai nsthi schest ." Sam,Imean, i t ' sok ay.Doyouhavesomet hi ng?"Iwai tf ort hegl i mmerofr ecogni t i ont or i seonhi s f ace. " Yeah, "hesays,noddi ngandr eachi ngf orhi ssweat shi r tbesi deme.Iheart hecr i nkl i ng ofpaperashet ear sopent hecondom. " Ar eyousur e?"heasks. " Yes. " Sam ki ssesmehar d,br eat hi ngt hr oughhi snoseasheunzi ps,unt i es,unbut t ons,and pul l sourcl ot hesdown,ki ssi ngmyst omachashegoes.Hi smout hmovessl owl yback t omyl i ps,mur mur i ngsof t l yasIwr apmyl egsar oundhi m andpul lhi mi nsi de. I tdoesn' thur texact l y-i t ' sj ustki ndof-st r ange.Atf i r stIhol dmybr eat h,myshor t s andbi ki nibot t omscl i ngi ngl i mpl yar oundoneofmyankl esl i ket heydi dn' tr unof fi nt i me andnowhavet osi tt hr ought hewhol eactwi t houtmaki nganynoi se,l estt heybe di scover ed. Sam t angl eshi shandsupi nmyhai r ,pushi ngbackandf or t hagai nstmybodyl i ket he wavesi nf r ontofus.Isensehi sr hyt hm andr el axasmyshoul der sandhi psdi gt r enches i nt hesandbeneat hourbl anket .Thr ought hesi l kofhi shai r ,Iwat cht hel ow,or ange moon,t ast i ngt hesal tofhi sski nonmymout h,br eat hi nghar d,wai t i ngf ort hest ar st o f al ldownar oundus. Butt heydon' tf al l . Theyj ustf ade,l ooki ngoni nsi l enc e,l i nger i ngovert her ushi ngwavesunt i lSam di sent angl esf r om mybodyandIsi tup,pul l i ngmycl ot hesbackon. Thespar k l eoft heni ghtskypal eswi t ht her ecedi ngt i de,evapor at i ngi nt hepi nkdawn al ongwi t ht heal bat r ossI ' veatl ongl astabandoned. Somehow,Idon' tf eelanydi f f er entt hanIf el ti nf r ontoft hemi r r orbackatt hepar t y.I ' m notol der .I ' m notsmar t er .Not hi ngi nt hemur kywat er sofmyl i f ehasbeensuddenl y cl ar i f i edordemyst i f i ednowt hatI ' m amemberoft hesecr etcl ub. Sam l i eswi t hhi seyescl osed,ar mscr ossedoverhi schest ." St aywi t hme,Anna Rei l ey, "hewhi sper ssl eepi l y,smi l i ng.Ir eachdownandt ouchhi sst omachwi t hl i ght f i nger s. " I ' mj ustgoi ngt or i nsemyf eetof f .I ' l lber i ghtback. "Ihookmyf l i pf l opst hr oughone f i ngerandwal kbar ef oott ot heedgeoft hewat er ,myunbut t onedj eanshor t ssl ung
l ooseovermybi ki nibot t oms.Cl umpedwi t hsand,t hef r i ngecl i ngst omyt hi ghsl i kewet spi der webs. Il ett hewat erl i ckmyf eetandwai tf orasi gnt hatI ' l lbeokay,t hatwhatIdi di sokay,t hat ever yt hi ngi sokay.Il ookoutovert hel i cor i cesoupoceanandwai t . Thewaveswhi speragai nstt heshor east heyhaveal lni ght ,knowi ngandanci entand unchanged. Thesandandt hevani shi ngmoonandt hehot elbeachumbr el l ascl osedl i kef l ower sat dusksi tst i l l ,unal t er ed,unaf f ect ed. Theseasur gesf or war dovermyt oes,onl yt or ecede,heropal escentsl i ckont hesand evapor at i ngi nst ant l y.It ookt hemagi cpi l l ,andnowi t ' sdone. Ir i nsemyhandsi nt hewat erandt ur nbackt owar dSam.I tmustbeaf t erf i ve.He' s si t t i ngupnow,wat chi ngmewi t hhi shazygr eeneyes,shi ver i ngandsmi l i ng. " What ?"Iask,di ggi ngi nt hesandwi t hmyt oe,hi di ngmyownsmi l e. " Don' tmove,AnnaRei l ey, "hesays." Ri ghtnow,ever yt hi ngi sper f ect . "
t went yf our Wewal kal ongt heshor eatdawn,ar msl ocked,headsdown,scanni ngt hedampsand asi tpassesbel owourf eet .Mypocket sgr owheavi erwi t heachpi eceofseagl assI col l ect-gr eens,bl ues,whi t es,amber s.Af t ert hr eeweeksont hebeach,I ' m st i l l amazedt hatpi ecesoft hi ngst hatwer eoncewhol e,oncepar tofsomet hi ngel se,can br eakandf al li nt ot heocean,t r avel i ngt housandsofmi l esandyear sonl yt oendup her e,passenger si nt hepocket sofmywhi t esweat shi r t . Ther estoft hebeachcomest ol i f e,pr epar i ngf ort hemor ni ngt our i st s.Hot elst af fscut t l e al ongt hest r i pl i ket i nyant si nkhakishor t sandpast elpol oshi r t s,cl eani ng, st r ai ght eni ng,ant i ci pat i ng.Ast heumbr el l asyawnandst r et chandopent hei rwhi t eandyel l owpet al sagai nstt hesun,Sam smi l esatme. " Youokay,Anna?"heasks. Ist i ckmyhandsi nmypocket s,f eel i ngt hecol d,smoot hgl assbet weenmyf i nger s, r emember i ngsomet hi ngI ' dr eadi noneoft het r i nketst or esonMoonl i ghtBoul evar dwi t h Fr anki eandJayne. " Pi ecesofseagl assar esupposedl yt het ear sofal ovesi ckmer mai d, "It el lSam." She wasbani shedt ot hebot t om oft heoceanf oral let er ni t ybyKi ngNept unebecauseshe f el li nl ovewi t hashi p' scapt ai nandsavedhi mf r om ast or m. " Sam nods." Yeah,I ' vehear dt hatbef or e.Ther ear eal lki ndsofsayi ngsl i ket hatar ound her e.Butsomet i mesyougot t aj ustt aket hi ngsf orwhatt heyar eandappr eci at et hem,
nott r yt ol abeli torexpl ai ni t .Expl anat i onst aket hemyst er youtofi t ,youknow?" " Iguess. "Icr ouchdownt oscoopupasquar eoft ur quoi segl assIspotbeneat hmy t oes,andt hat ' swhenIseei t ,dar kanddeep,poki ngoutoft hewetsand." OhmyGod, l ook! " Ist andandhol doutmyhandf orSam t oi nspect . " Wow, "hesays,t aki ngt hegl assandhol di ngi tupt ot hesun." Redi s,l i ke,t her ar est col ort her ei s.You' r et ot al l yl uckyyouevensawi t . " It aket hedeepr ed,hal f dol l ar si zedpi ecef r om hi m andsmi l e,l ooki ngoutacr osst he ocean.It ol dMat ti nmyl et t erbef or ewel ef tt hatI ' df i ndapi ecej ustf orhi m,butnowt hat i t ' sact ual l yher e,spar kl i ngi nmyhand,Iknowhe' dwantmet odosomet hi ngel sewi t h i t . Ir ai sei tabovemyheadandt hr owi tashar dandasf arasIcani nt ot hesea. Letsomeoneel sehaveal uckyday,Anna. Sam l aughs." Hey,cr azy,what ' dyoudot hatf or ?You' l lpr obabl yneverseesomet hi ng l i ket hatagai ni nyourent i r el i f e. " " Ri ght .ButIdi dseei t .Andnowsomeoneel secan,t oo. " " Idon' tgeti t . " Ishr ugandsmi l e." Expl anat i onst aket hemyst er youtoft hi ngs,r i ght ?" " Um,r i ght . "Sam l aughsandwr apsmeupi nawar m hug. Wewal kt her estoft hewayt oEddi e' shousewi t hourar msar oundeachot her ,ahappy exhaust i ont hr eat eni ngt oover t akeus.Myski nhasgoosebumpsf r om t hemor ni ngchi l l , butI ' m war m andbuoyantont hei nsi de,gi ddyf r om l ackofsl eep,t hewayIf eelnextt o Sam,andt her edseagl ass-si gnf r om t heuni ver seornot . Asweappr oacht hehouse,ashockofshi mmer i ngaubur nhai rshi nesf r om t hest ai r s l eadi ngupt ot hebackyar d.WhenIseet hel i ghtbl uecami sol e,Iknow. " I t ' sFr anki e.Shemusthavewai t edupf ormeorsomet hi ng.Iwonderwher eJakei s?" " Hehasanear l ycl ass-hepr obabl yhadt ol eave.Speaki ngofwhi ch,Ihavet obeat wor ki nt hr eehour smysel f .I ' m onadoubl et oni ght . " " Youcanbar el yst andup! "Ishovehi ml i ght l y,knocki nghi m of fbal ancet opr ovemy poi nt . " Nah.Ij ustneedl i keanhour ' ssl eep,t henI ' l lhavesomecof f ee.I ' l lbef i ne. " " Okay. "Iwavet oFr anki e.She' ssi t t i ngont hest ai r swat chi ngus,wai t i ngf ormet opay
at t ent i ont oher . " Wi l lwes eeyouguysl at er ?"Sam asks. " Maybewe' l lcomef orsmoot hi es.Ot her wi se,def i ni t el yt oni ght . "Hesmi l esandhugsme cl ose,ki ss i ngmeont hel i psandf or eheadbef or ej oggi ngdownt hebeach,andIcat ch mysel fsmi l i ng. Justt hatIcoul dpossi bl y. Lovehi m. For ever . Judgi ngbyt hest at eofpol l ut i onatt hebot t om oft hest ai r s,t hepar t ymi gr at edf r om t he backyar dt ot hebeachaf t erwel ef t .Ipi ckmywayt hr oughadebr i sf i el dofbot t l esand paperpl at est or eachFr anki e.Herheadr est sagai nstherhandont her ai l i ngands he l ooksl i keshegotaboutasmuchs l eepasIdi d. " Hey, "Isay,wai t i ngf orhert onot i cesomet hi ngdi f f er entaboutme." Whatar eyou" " You. "Shedoesn' tmovewhenshespeaks,andt her ei snot hi ngwar m orhappyi nher t one." Youneedt ost ayf arawayf r om me. " " Fr anki e,whatar eyout al ki ngabout ?"It r yt or ememberanyt hi ngImi ghthavedoneor sai dl astni ghtt oupsether ,butnot hi ngcomes.Shewasf i newhenIl ef twi t hSam.And get t i ngmet odi t cht heA. A.washermi ssi on,anyway." What ' sgoi ngonwi t hyou?" Shest andst of aceme.Herexpr essi on,l i kehervoi ce,i sempt yandf l at .Bl ack,dr i ed mascar as t r eakst heski nbel owhereyes.I mmedi at el y,myhear tsei zes. " Fr anki e,whathappened?I si tJak e?Di dsomet hi nghappenwi t hhi m?Di dhehur t you?" Shest ar eshar d,unbl i nki ng,herbr eat hi ngevenandcal m.Hereyesar ebeyondangr y. Beyondhur t .Beyondcar i ng. I ' veonl yseenherl i ket hi soneot hert i me-i nt hehospi t all obbywhent hedoct orcame outwi t ht hechapl ai nt ot el lust heycoul dn' tsaveMat t .Jaynej ustf ai nt ed,andRed, hol di ngapl ast i cbagf ul lofMat t ' st hi ngs,scr eamed," No!No!No! "overandover . Fr anki ej ustst ar edatherpar ent s,t hesameghost l yf ace,nosound,t ear sspi l l i ngout overherc heeks. " Fr anki e,t al kt ome.Di dsomet hi nghappenatt hepar t y?What ' sgoi ngon?Shoul dwe cal lsomeone?"Myvoi cei sshaky,movi ngf ast .I fIt ouchher ,shecoul dshat t er .Iwi sh Sam wasst i l lher e." Pl easet al kt ome. " It akeachanceandputmyhandonhershoul der ,t r i gger i ngani nvi si bl eswi t ch.She f l i nches,comi ngbacki nt oherbodyf r om wher evershewasvi si t i ng.Hereyesgowi l d, r agi ng.Herf acet ur nsr edandhershoul der sshakevi ol ent l y,bar el ycont ai ni ngt hef i ght
i nher . " Tal kt oyou?Tal kt oyou?"sheasks." Okay,I ' l lt al kt oyou,AnnaRei l ey.So,wher e wer eyoul astni ght ?"Hervoi cei shi ghandf or ced,mocki ng. " Fr anki e,Iwaswi t hSam att heVi st a.It ol dyout hatbef or eIl ef t .Remember ?" " Wi t hhi m?Asi n,wi t hhi m,wi t hhi m?" I ' m suddenl yembar r assedandas hamed.Idi dnotexpectmybestf r i endt or eactl i ke t hi swhenIt ol dheraboutl astni ght ." Iwast r yi ngt ot el lyou" " Oh,pl eas e.Savei t .Youwer en' tgonnat el lmeshi t . " " Fr anki e,youknowIwoul dn' tkeepsomet hi ngl i ket hi sf r om you. " " I st hatso, "shesays,r at hert hanasks." Justl i keyout ol dmeaboutt hi s?"Sher eaches backt ot hest epsbehi ndherandpul l ssomet hi ngupt omyf ace,herhandwhi t eknuckl edandshaki ng.WhenIseet hepur pl er ect angl e,i tt akesami nut ef ormet o r eal i zewhati ti s,t oputt hepi ecest oget her .I t ' sl i kewhenAuntJayner ear r anged Fr anki e' sr oom l astt i me.Al lherst uf fwasst i l lt her e,buti twasn' twher ei twassupposed t obe.Wekeptwaki ngupandf or get t i ngwher ewewer e. Thei mageofFr anki e' st anf i nger swr appedar oundmyj our nali ssomet hi ngoutofa sci encef i ct i onmovi e.Thosear eherr ealf i nger s.Thati smyr ealj our nal .Butt he j uxt aposi t i onoft wof or mer l yunconnect edobj ect sdoesn' tbel ongi nt hi sdi mensi on. " That ' smy-my"Ican' tspeak.Mykneesgowobbl y.Thatol dhot ,pr i ckl yf eel i ngr uns upmybac kandneck.Thesoundoft hewavesont heshor ei sampl i f i ed.Icanf eel t he bl oodr unni ngf r om myhear tt hr oughmyvei nsandbackagai n.Iam hyper awar e.Sl ow mot i on.Gui l t yandmad. Il ungeather ,r eachi ngf ort hej our nal ,butshe' squi ckonherf eet ,backi ngawayt owar d t hewat er . " Her e' sagoodone, "sher eadsf r om ar andom ent r y." ' DearMat t ,Ther ei ssomuchI wantt osayt oyou.Ever ydaysomet hi nghappensatschoolt hatIwantt ocomehome andt el lyouabout ,butIcan' t . ' Orhowaboutt hi sone.' DearMat t ,Somet i mesIwonderi f i t ' severgoi ngt ost ophur t i ng. ' " Fr anki e' sf l i ppi ngt hr ought hepages,shout i ngmyf ear sanddr eamsandmemor i es acr osst hevastocean,r el easi ngt hem f r om t hei rf l atpaperpr i sonsandbr eaki ngmei nt o l i t t l ebi t s. " Fr anki e,pl easest op! "I t ' sbar el yawhi sper . ' DearMat t ,Yoursi st eri soutofcont r ol .Iwi shyouwer eher e-Idon' tknowhowt ohel p her .Lastni ghtshewentoutwi t ht hi sguyf r om schoolt ot hesoccerf i el dand. . . ' " " St opi t ! "It r yt oshout ,buti tst i l lcomesoutasawhi sper ." Yout hi nkyouknow
ever yt hi ng?"sheyel l s." Foryouri nf or mat i on,Idi dn' tevensl eepwi t hJohan!Wegotal l t hewayoutt her e,andhedi dn' tevenwantt obewi t hme! " " What ?" " I tdi dn' thappen!Idi dn' tsl eepwi t hhi m!Andwhi l ewe' r eont hesubj ectoft r ut h,Idi dn' t sl eepwi t hJake,ei t her .Happynow?Youwannaputt hati nyourl i t t l ebookr epor t ?" Ican' tbel i evewhatI ' m hear i ng.Iopenmymout ht osaysomet hi ngcol dandangr y ,but nosoundcomesout .Al lIcandoi scl awatt heai rf ormyj our nal ,mywr i t t ent hought s l i ket hel ostchi l dr enofmysoul . Fr anki et akesanot herst epback,st i l lt humbi ngt hr oughpages. "' DearMat t ,Wef i nal l ymadei tt oCal i f or ni a,andi t ' sj ustl i keyout ol dme.If eelyouher e wi t hus-It hi nkFr anki edoes,t oo. ' Howdar eyouwr i t eaboutmei nher e!Howdar eyou wr i t et omybr ot her !Yout hi nkj ustbecauseyouf ool edar oundaf ewt i meshecar ed aboutyou?Yout hi nkhewoul dn' thavedi t chedyout hesecondhef oundsomenewgi r l atCor nel l ?Getoveryour sel f ! " Tear sar ehotonmycheeks.Myt hr oathascl osedup.Myhear ti sbr oken,andIam ut t er l ypar al yzed. Fr anki eyanksont hecoverandt r i est ot eari tf r om i t smet alspi r al s,succeedi ngonl y par t i al l y.Thecoverf l opssi dewaysi nt hebr eezel i keabr okenwi ng,r eveal i ngt he pi ct ur eI ' vel ookedatever yni ghtsi ncehedi ed.Mat t ' sar m ar oundmyshoul der s,bi t sof cakeandcol or edchi psandgr asscl i ngi ngt oourcl ot hesandhai r ,ever yt hi ngwar m and pi nki nt hegl owoft heset t i ngsun,t hewhol esummerst r et chedoutbef or eus. Af t erhedi ed,Ispenthour sst ar i ngatt hatpi ct ur e,r epl ayi ngt hepar t yi nmymi nd,wi l l i ng t het wodi mensi onali magest ocomebackt ol i f e,t obr i ngusbackt her e.Wecoul dt el l Fr anki er i ghtaway.Wecoul dbet oget her .Wecoul dski pCust ar d' sandgost r ai ghtt o t hehospi t alandt el lt hem t of i xMat tbef or eanyt hi ngbadeverhappened. Icl earmyt hr oatandf i ndmyvoi ceagai n,st r ongert hi st i me." Gi vei tback,Fr anki e.You hadnor i ghtt or eadi t ,andyouhavenor i ghtt or i pi tapar t .Gi vei tt ome. " Shel ooksatmewi t hcr azed,l osteyes." No,Idon' tt hi nkso. "I ' m desper at e." Fr anki e, pl easegi vei tbackt ome.Pl ease.I ' m sor r yIdi dn' tt el lyou,buti t ' sal lIhavel ef tof" " Anna,hewasmybr ot her .Mi ne.Youhavenor i ghtt ohaveanyt hi ngl ef tofhi m! "Ast he decl ar at i onl eaveshermout h,shet ur nsherbackt omeandr unst ot heshor el i ne, ar chi ngherar m behi ndher ,t her ar est r edmer mai dt earspar kl i ngi nherbr acel etl i ke t hest oneIgavebackt ot heoceanonl yhear t beat sago. " Fr anki e,don' t ! "Ir unt owar dher ,butmyl egsf eelwei ght ed,l i keI ' m st ucki nahor r i bl e ni ght mar e.Icat chherandsnagt hebot t om ofhercami sol e,knocki ngherdownt ot he sand.
Butt hej our nali snol ongerat t achedt oherf i nger s. I t ' ssai l i ngt hr ought heai rover head,l andi ngf l atont hewat erwi t hanuni nspi r i ngpl op. I tf l oat sf oramoment ,l ol l i ngbackandf or t hi nt hecur r ent ,gi vi ngmeonel astchancet o r et r i evei t .Iscr ambl et omyf eetandr uni nt ot hewat eraf t eri t ,pul l i ngt hr ought het i de wi t hheavyar msandheavyl egs,wi l l i ngmysel ft oswi m andst r et chandr eachi t . " Anna!Leavei t !Leti tgo! "Fr anki eshout sf r om t heshor e,upt oherkneesi nwat er . Ikeepswi mmi ngt owar di t ,butt hecur r enti st oost r ong,pul l i ngonmyl egsandar ms andbur ni ngmyl ungsunt i lIcannol ongerkeepmyheadabovei twi t houtf i ght i ng.AsI ki ckandy ankmysel fbackt owar dshal l owerwat er ,t het i demovest hej our nal compl et el youtofr each,enci r cl i ngi t ,gi vi ngmeonel astl ookatt hewar pedpages bef or ei tpul l st hem downt ot hedept hsoft heocean. Myhear tpoundsi nat housandshat t er edgl asspi eces,eachbeat i ngsepar at el y, pai nf ul l y. I ' vel osthi m al loveragai n. WhenIgetoutoft hewat er ,Isi tdownhar dont heshor e,putmyheadi nmyhands,and weepunt i lIdon' thaveanybones.Idon' tcar ewhatFr anki et hi nks.Idon' tcar ei ft he par t yguest sort hehot elst af fseemeouther e.Idon' tevencar ei fSam comesbackand f i ndsmeher e,eyespuf f yandnoser unni ngandhear tbr oken. Mybestf r i endi scr umpl edi nt hesandnextt omel i keawetpaperdol l . Myvi r gi ni t yi sgone. Theoceanhasswal l owedupmyj our nal . Andi tt akesal lt hest r engt hIhavel ef tnott odi vebacki nandf ol l owi tdown,down,deep t ot hebot t om oft hesea,l ostf oral let er ni t yl i ket hebr oken,bani shedmer mai d.
t went yf i ve Thegui l tofnott el l i ngFr anki eaboutMat tandmei sover whel mi ng,buti t ' sapal e secondt ot hevi ol at i onIf eelt hatsher eadmymostpr i vat e,r awt hought sanddest r oyed t hem.Shebr okei nt omycar ef ul l yguar dedhear t ,st ol et heonl yr emai ni ngconnect i onI hadt oMat t ,andt ur nedi ti nt oamonst r osi t y.Tomaket hi ngswor se,dur i ngal lt het i me shespenteducat i ngmeonf i r stt i mesandundr essr ehear sal sl i ket heQueenofLove, shewasc ar r yi nganequal l yheavyandawkwar dal bat r oss;shewasnomor e exper i encedt hanI . Ican' tevenl ookather . ForFr anki e' spar t ,shecan' tl ookatme,ei t her .Af t erwespi l lal lofoursi l entt ear sont he
beach,sheheadsbacki nt oEddi e' shouseal one. Wet ol dRedandJaynewe' dbebackj ustbef or el unch.I fweshowupbef or ebr eak f ast soaki ngwetandpuf f yeyed,t hey' l lknowsomet hi ng' swr ong.Wehavet owai ti tout her e. Icl i mbt hest ai r supt ot hebackyar d,l egsandhear tpr essedwi t hsadnessandf at i gue.A f ewpeopl ear ecampedoutont hedeckchai r st hatl i net hepool ,passedoutcol d, unaf f ect edbymyandFr anki e' sear l i erbat t l ecr i es.Thr ought hebackent r ance,Ist ep overt hecr umpl ed,sl eepi ngpi l eofaguywhosecl ot hesIr ecogni zef r om t hebeerpong f ancl ubl astni ght .It akeaf ewmor est epsi nt ot heki t chenbef or eI ' m st oppedcol dbya wal l off unkandf i l t h.Thesmel lofsomeone' spukeannouncesi t sel fpr oudl y,r eachi ng upandt r y i ngt ochokeme.Openpi zzaboxesandl oosecr ust sl i t t ert heent i r eki t chen, t hedoor t ur nedt abl ehasbeenknockedof fi t sbar st ool s,andal ayerofsandmi xedwi t h ast i ckyf i l m ofspi l l edbeercoat sever yf l atsur f acei nsi ght . I ' veneversmel l edadecomposi ngcor pse,butIi magi net hi shousecomespr et t ycl ose. Thepl acei ssi l ent ,savef ort hedi ssonanceofacol l ect i vesnor eandt hesof thum of st er eospeaker sal loutofmusi c.Ar agt agbunchofl astni ght ' sBeaut i f ulPeopl ear e cur l edupi nvar i ousst at esofdi sar r ayont hel i vi ngr oom f l oor ,st i nkyandhungoverand smudgedwi t hmakeupandbeer . If i ndmywaybackt ot hehal l way,openi ngt hr eedoor sbef or ef i ndi ngt hecl osetwher eI l ef tmybackpacknextt oFr anki e' s.Her si sgone,butmi nei st her e.Iunzi pi tsl owl y , hopi ngbeyondhopet hatt hel astf ewhour swer ej ustani l l usi oni nducedbyaeuphor i c Samhaze. Thef r ontpouchi sempt y.Themi ddl epar thol dsever yt hi ngIpackedi ni tl astni ght ,save f ort heonet hi ngIact ual l ycar eabout . Wi t hmybag,Il ockmysel fi nt hebat hr oom Idi scover edl astni ght .For t unat el y,noonei s passedouti nt het ub,soIt akeaqui ck,sear i nghotshower ,hel pi ngmysel ft ot he l uxur i ousbat handbodypr oduct sl i ni ngt heshowerwal l . Af t ert heshower ,Ipul lont heboxer sandpi nkTshi r tIbr oughtt osl eepi n,shovi ngmy soakedcl ot hesi nt hemi ddl epock et .AsIwi pet hest eam of ft hemi r r or ,myf acecomes i nt of ocusandl ooks,mucht omysur pr i seanddi sappoi nt ment ,exact l yasIr ememberi t . Ot hert hant henewl yacqui r edemot i onalhangover ,compl et ewi t hpuf f ybl oodshoteyes andt i r edf r own,i t ' st her egul arol dAnnaf ace,sameasl astni ght-not hi ngnewor i mpr ovedabouti t . Backi nt hemai npar toft hehouse,Iscant heper i met ert odet er mi net hatFr anki ei sn' t i nt hevi ci ni t yandf i ndaspotoff l oorspaceneart hedenof ft hemai nl i vi ngr oom.Acr oss t her oom,Eddi ei spassedoutonal eat hercouch,wear i ngabl ackl acebr ast uf f edwi t h napki nsoverhi sgr eenTshi r t . Il i st ent ot heoceanandt hesof tr at t l i ngsnor esar oundme.Icl osemyeyesandsl ow mybr eat hi ng,butsl eepel udesme.Twohour sago,Ii magi nedt hi smomentver y
di f f er ent l y-l yi ngont hef l oornextt oFr anki e,gi ggl i ngsof t l yasIr ecount edmyeveni ng f orher ,pl anni ngouract i vi t i esf ort hef i naldaysoft heA. B. S. E. I nst ead,t hought sofFr anki et i ght enmychestandpi er cemewi t hangr ybl ackar r ows. Mymi nddr i f t sbet weenpeacef ulmemor i esofSam' sl i psagai nstmi neandt he i nt ol er abl esadnessofbei ngbet r ayedbysomeoneI ' vel ovedandt r ust edmyent i r el i f e. It hi nkIhearsomeonecal l i ngf r om t hef r ontdoorandwonderbr i ef l ywher eFr anki e endedup.Bef or eIcanshakei tof fasmyi magi nat i on,Iheari tasecondandt hi r dt i me. " Housekeepi ng!Housekeepi ng! " Theannouncementpr ecedesaf ewswi f tknocksandt heunmi st akabl ej angl eofkeysi n t hel ock. " Mr .andMr s.Donovan?Anyonehome?"Thedooropens,usher i ngi nr aysofsunl i ght t hatf al lhar shonEddi e' sf ace,buthe' sundi st ur bed.Iscootf ar t heri nt ot hedensoIcan saf el ywat chsomeoneel se' sdr amaunf ol dwi t houtget t i ngsuckedi nt oi t . " Whatt he-goodGod,boy!Di ds omeonedi ei nher e?"Thehousekeeperpr opsopen t hef r ontdoorwi t hheri ndust r i al st r engt hvacuum cl eanerandmovest ot hesof awher e Eddi ef i nal l yst i r s. " Hi , "heyawns,al onesur vi vori nt heaf t er mat hoft hepar t yst or m,st r andedi nt he mi ddl eofawarzonest r ewnwi t hbodi es,bot t l es,ci gar et t ebut t s,r andom ar t i cl esof cl ot hi ng,pi zzacr ust s,pl ast i ccups,shar dsoft heobl i gat or yexpensi vebr okenscul pt ur e, andsand. " Edwar d,wher ear eyourpar ent s?"sheasks,f ol di ngherpuf f yar msacr ossherchest . Eddi esi t supsl owl yandsur veyst hedamage." Don' twor r y,Maggi e, "het el l sheri nhi s gr oggyvoi ce." Youdon' thavet oc l eant hi sup.I ' l lt akecar eofi t . " " Mmmhmm.Whendot heygetback?" " Tomor r ow,It hi nk. " " Musthavebeensomeki ndapar t y, "shesays,gr abbi ngherchestwi t hbot hhandsand noddi ngatEddi e' sl i nger i e. " Whatt he. . . ?"Eddi er eachesupt of eelt hel aceagai nsthi sbodyandshakeshi shead, cl ear l ynotr emember i nghowi tgott her e. " Okayt hen.Youj ustcal lusi fyouneedanyt hi ng,Edwar d. "Sheki cksabot t l eoutoft he door way,dr agsawayt hevacuum,andl et st hedoorsl am shut .Thebot t l er ol l sacr oss t hef l oorandcomest or estagai nstapi zzaboxnearEddi e' sf eet . " Shi t . "Hel eansf or war dont hecouchwi t hhi sheadi nhi shands,notmaki nganyef f or t t or emovet hebr a.
" Bust ed?"Iask,cr awl i ngoutf r om mynestont hesi deoft her oom. " Nah,j ustaheadache. " " Won' tt hehousekeepert el lyourpar ent s?" " Pr obabl y.Buti tdoesn' tmat t er ,asl ongasIcl eanever yt hi ngup.Samet hi ngever y summer .Theydon' thavet i met oc ar e. " It ur nt ot el lFr anki e.See?Ther e' sawhol ewor l dofpar ent swhodon' tcar e.Butt henI r emembert hatFr anki ei sn' tnextt omeand,byt heway,Ihat eher . Iof f ert ohel pEddi est ar tt hecl eanupef f or t ,buthedecl i nes. " Maggi ewi l lcomeback, "hesays." I t ' st hi sl i t t l egamewepl ay.Shepr et endst obeal l sur pr i sedandconcer ned,t henshel eaves.Iwakeupandki ckever yoneout .Thenshe comesbackandhel psmeputi tal lbackt onor mal . " " Shemus tl i keyou. " " Notr eal l y.Shel i kest hehundr edbucksI ' l lt i pherl at er . "Eddi eput sonsomecof f eeand st ar t st het askofwaki ngt hedeadwhoar el ai dupar oundt hehouse,pooldeck,and yar d.Iaskhi mi fhesawFr anki ecomei near l i er . " Yeah,she' supst ai r s.Yout womust adr ankl astni ght .Youbot hl ookl i keshi t ! " If or ceasmi l e." I ' vebeencal l edwor se. "Justaf ewhour sago,act ual l y. Ihel pmysel ft oacupofbl ackcof f eei nt heki t chenandwai tf orPr i ncessPer i no.Ican pr obabl ynameagoodsevent housandpeopl eI ' dr at herwal kdownt hebeachwi t ht hi s mor ni ng,butwecan' tr i skshowi ngupatt hehousesepar at el y.Asf arasUncl eRedand AuntJayneknow,wehadasuper f unt i meatJacki eandSamant ha' ssuper gr eat sl eepover ,st ayi ngupsol at egi ggl i ngandpi l l owf i ght i ngandCosmoqui zzi ngt hatwe needaf ewhour si nourownbedst ocat chuponsl eep. Anhourl at er ,Fr anki est ompsdownt hest ai r s,f ul lmakeupcover i ngupanyevi denceof t ur moi l .Formybenef i t ,shemakesabi gshowofhuggi ngEddi egoodbyeandt hanki ng hi mf ort he" r ocki n' "par t y.Then,wi t houtt ur ni ngherheadevenr emot el yi nmydi r ect i on, shehef t sherbackpackoverhershoul derandheadsoutt hebackdooranddownt ot he beach,chi nup,st omachi n,shoul der sback,chestout-af er oci ousaubur nhai r ed phoeni xr i si ngf r om t heashesofherbest f r i endbr eakup.
t went ysi x Ikeeppac easaf edi st ancebehi ndher ,myt wi st edupf eel i ngswaver i ngbet weensor r y andangr y,spendi ngmor et i mei nt hel at t ercamp.Fr anki edoesn' tl ookoverher shoul deronce,conf i dentt hatIwon' tl ethergett oof arahead.Sheknowsaswel lasIdo t hati fwedon' tshowupt oget heract i ngnat ur al ,we' r egoi ngt ohaveal otmor e
expl ai ni ngt odo. Ispr i ntt hel astt hi r t yf eett oensur ewewal kupt hest ai r st ot hebackyar dt oget her , smi l i ng,pi ct ur eper f ectr aysofsunshi necomi nghomef r om ourgi r l s' ni ght .Redand Jaynear ei nt heki t chenchoppi ngupsomet hi ngf orl unch,r i ghtoncue. " Hey,gi r l s! "AuntJaynesays,dr yi ngherhandsonhershor t s." Howwast hesl umber par t y?" " Good. "Webot hansweri ndeadmonot one. " Doesn' tl ookl i keyougotmuchsl eep, "Uncl eRedsaysf r om behi ndhi snewspaper . " Dad,youdon' tact ual l ysl eepatasl eepover . " " For gi vemyi gnor ance, "hesays,f ol di ngupt hepaperanddr oppi ngi tont het abl e. " Whatdoyoudo?" " Tonsofs t uf f .Ri ght ,Anna?"Fr anki e' svoi cei shi ghandcont empt uous. " Oh,youknow, "Isay,gr abbi nganappl ef r om t hecount erandt aki ngahuge, exagger at edbi t e." Booze.Boys.Theusual . " Fr anki e' seyesbul ge,butRedandJaynej ustl augh.I twoul dneveroccurt ot hem t hat I ' mt el l i ngt het r ut h. " I nt hatcase,I ' m comi ngwi t hyounextt i me. "AuntJaynewi nksandset sout sandwi chesandt or t i l l achi psont het abl e,l ooki ngatmeasecondt ool ong.Af t ert hat f i r stni ghtont hepor ch,wedi dn' tt al kaboutMat tandFr anki eagai n.Iwonderi fshecan seet hedi st ancebet weenherdaught erandmenow,bl owi ngi nl i kedi zzyseagul l saf t er anot heral l ni ghtbender-anot herf ai l edat t emptatf or get t i ng. Wedr opourbagsi nt hel i vi ngr oom andt akeourpl acesar oundt het abl e,st r i ki ngt he mostnat ur alposeswecanmanage.I ' m sot i r edt hatImayst ar thal l uci nat i ng.Myhear t f eel sl i kei t ' spumpi ngmol assesi nmyvei ns,andmynecki shotasIwai tf orFr ank i e' s nextbi t i ngcomment . I tdoesn' tcome,t hough.Sheshoot smeaf ewnast yl ookswhenRedandJaynear en' t payi ngat t ent i on,whi chIwhol ehear t edl yr et ur n,buthermout hi sshut .If or cemysel ft o eatmostofmysandwi chandaf ewchi psbef or eexcusi ngmysel ft oourbedr oom f ora muchneedednap. " Al lr i ght , "Uncl eRedsays." We' l l wakeyouupl at erf ordi nner .Yout wodeci dewher e we' r egoi ng-anywher eyouwant . " " Thanks,Uncl eRed. "Iputmydi shesi nt hesi nkandheadupst ai r s.Comi ngdownwi t h asuddendeadl yi l l nesst oavoi df aki ngmywayt hr oughaneveni ngwi t hFr anki ei s pr obabl youtoft hequest i on,soIr esi gnmysel ft oi t ,f or cei toutofmymi nd,andcr awl bet weent hecoolwhi t esheet sofmybed,t empor ar i l yer asi ngt hel astf ewhour sf r om
exi st ence.Poof ! Af ewhour sl at er ,Fr anki ewakesmeupbyki cki ngt hesi deofmybed. " What ?"Isnap. " Getup.We' r egoi ngt odi nneri nf i f t eenmi nut es. " " Oh,t hanksf ort headvancenot i ce. " " What ever . " Af t ert hel ovef est ,Fr anki eandIgetr eadyf ordi nneri nsi l ence,wor ki ngar oundeac h ot herast hought henextper sont ospeakormakedi r ecteyecont actwi l lt ur nt ost one. Ever yf ewmi nut esshel ooksi nmydi r ect i on,andIi nher s,wai t i ngf oranopeni ng,a smi l e,asympat het i ct i l toft hehead-anyi ndi cat i ont hatwewi l leverspeakagai n. Butnonecome. Notf r om Fr anki e,whowoul dpr obabl yf or gi vet heevent soft heuni ver sef ort aki ngMat t bef or eshe' dconsi derf or gi vi ngmef ornott el l i ngheraboutwhathappenedbet weenus. Andcer t ai nl ynotf r om me.Asmuchf unasI ' vehadwi t hFr anki e,asmuchasIl ovedher andwant edt ospendal lt hesummer soft omor r owwi t hher ,asmuchasIwant edt ot ake car eofherf orMat t-Iknowi twi l l neverbet hatwayagai n. Af t ersever aluncomf or t abl emi nut es,Fr anki ef i nal l ybr eakst hesi l ence,t ear swel l i ngup wi t hscr at chywhi sper s. " Ij ustdon' tseehowyoucoul dnott el lmeaboutt hat ! " " Oh,r eal l y ?"Ishout whi sperback ,yanki ngacombt hr oughmyhai r ." Ishoul dhavet ol d youaboutMat t ,buti t ' sokayf oryout ol i eaboutJohanandJake?" " That ' st ot al l ydi f f er entandyouknowi t ! " " Qui tt r yi ngt oj ust i f yyourbul l shi t ,Fr anki e!I ' m si ckofi t ! " " Gi r l s,l et ' sgo! "Redcal l sf r om downst ai r s." We' r egoi ngt odi nner ,nott ot hepr om! " " Fi vemi nut es,Dad! "Fr anki eyel l s,t ur ni ngbackt ome." Oh,soIsupposeI ' mj usta hor r i bl emonst erofaf r i end,huh?Imadeyoucomeont hi st r i pandImadeyoul ose yourst upi dvi r gi ni t yandImadeyoul i eaboutMat t ?" Igr abherwr i standmeethereyes,al mostnoset onose." Youknowsomet hi ng, Fr anki e?I ' m done. "It hr owherar m awayandqui ckl ycheckmyf acei nt hemi r r or . " Don' tbot her , "shesayst omyr ef l ect i on." Noonewi l lnot i ce. " Al lni ght ,Fr anki ei sapi ct ur eofgoodt i mesandsunshi ne,t el l i ngRedandJayneabout
gi r l swhodon' texi st ,gamesweneverpl ayed,andmovi eswedi dn' twat ch,occasi onal l y l ooki ngt omet oaddasuppor t i ngdet ai loran" Oh,Ir emembert hat !Thatwassof unny! " RedandJaynel ookonamused,aper f ectsnapshotofanor malsummervacat i onwi t h t hei rnor maldaught erandhernor malbestf r i end.Whatcoul dbebet t er ? " I ' m sogl adwet ookt hi st r i pt oget her , "AuntJaynesays,r eachi ngf orFr anki e' shand acr osst het abl eatShel l y' sSeasi deBi st r o." Wemi ghtj usthavet ocomebackagai n nextyear . " " MaybewecanevengetHel enandCar lt ocome, "Uncl eRedsays. " Thatsoundsgr eat ,Mom! "Fr anki eshoot smeanot hernast yst ar e." Toobadwecan' t st ayanot herf ewweeks,huh,Anna?" It hi nkaboutSam andsmi l e." Yeah,i ti st oobad. " Af t erdi nner ,t hePer i nost akeusdownt ot hepi er .I tmustbeever yone' sl astweekend ont hebeach-t hepl acei spacked. " Cr owdedt oni ght . "Redsi dest epst oavoi dcol l i di ngwi t hababyst r ol l er ." Whydon' twe cr ossovert ot heot hersi deoft hebeach.Wehaven' tbeendownt hatwayyet . " Wel l ,maybeyouhav en' t .Butyourdaught erandIar epr act i cal l ynat i vesbynow. Wewal kupt heboul evar dsl owl y,Fr anki eandIaf ewst epsbehi ndwi t hcl enchedf i st s, ourf or cedsmi l esbet r ayi ngnoneofourpr i vat edr ama. AuntJayneasksi fwe' dl i ket ost opsomewher ef ordesser t ,andsi ncenoddi ngand smi l i ngi seasi ert hanshaki ngourheadsandi nvent i ngar easonf ornotwant i ngdesser t , weokayi twi t houtt hi nki ng. Andsi ncet heuni ver sehaswor kedi ni t sownmyst er i ouswayal lvacat i on,t oni ght shoul dn' tbeanydi f f er ent ,whi chi swhynei t herofusi spar t i cul ar l ysur pr i sedt odi s cover t hatJaynei scr avi ngasmoot hi e.
t went yseven Aj ol tofsi mul t aneouspani candexci t ementshoot st hr oughmybody.Att hemoment , myheadandmyhear tar eduki ngi tout ,t r yi ngt odeci dewhet herIshoul dbehappyt o seeSam orsever el yf r eakedoutt hati fwedon' texecut esomesor tofr api df i r epl anni ng i nt henextf i f t eenseconds,ourent i r eJacki esl ashSamant hacoverwi l lbebl own. Fr anki et ur nst omei nut t erf r i ght ,t hef i r stherexpr essi onhaschangedal lni ght ,andI cur semysel ff ornott hi nki ngt ol ayt hegr oundr ul eswi t hJakeandSam i nadvance. Goodeveni ng,l adi esandgent l emen!Wel comet oAnnaandFr anki e' sHourofLyi ng Li ar s!Wehopeyou' veenj oyedourshowt husf ar .I nt heunl i kel yeventt hatweshoul d happenuponyouatyourpl aceofempl oywi t hRedandJaynePer i noi nt ow,si mpl y pr et endt hatyoudonotknowus,ort hatyouar et hegayol derbr ot her sofournewbest
f r i ends,Jacki eandSamant ha.Thankyou,andgoodni ght ! Fr anki e' sbabybi r deyebr owi sal lt wi st edupandaf r ai d,andal lIcandoi sshr ug. Ther e' sal ongl i net ogetat abl eatt heShackt oni ghtbutt hatdoesn' tdet erJayne. Thi nki ngf ast ,Iannouncet hatIneedt ouset hebat hr oom andpushmywayt ot hef r ont oft hel i neami danangr yser i esof" Thel i nest ar t sbackt her e! "and" Nocut t i ng! " Sam i satt hecount er ,t ur ni ngoutsmoot hi esi nr ecor dt i me.I tt akesaf ewmi nut esf or hi mt onot i ceme,andIkeepl ooki ngovermyshoul dert omakesur eRedandJayne can' tseemef r om t hei rspotatt hebackoft hel i ne. " Anna! "Hef i nal l yseesmeashes et st wogi gant i cSt r awber r yShor t Shakesonat r ay f orani mpat i entwai t r esswi t hapl at i num bl ondponyt ai landwayt oomucheyel i ner . " How' dyougetoutsoear l y?" Hewi peshi shandsonhi sgr eenShackapr onandcomesar oundt hecount ert owr ap mei nahug.If eelt hatsamef r i ght enedyet t hr i l l edel ect r i ci t yagai nandf or cemybr ai n t oqui eti t semot i onalcount er par tl ongenoughf ormet obr eakf r eeofSam' sembr ace andt el lhi mt hef i vesecondver si onofwhyhecan' tknowIexi st . " Goti t , "hesays,l aughi ng." Buti t ' sgonnacostyou.Youbet t ercomebackt oni ght . "I pr omi sehi mt hatIwi l landheadbackt hr ought hel i net of i ndt hePer i nos,hopi ngt he col ori nmycheeksr et ur nst onor malbef or et heynot i ce. Af t ert el l i ngt went ymi nut esofmadeupst or i esaboutourchast eadvent ur esont he beach,we' r esi t t i ngi nacozyl i t t l eboot h,car ef ul l yexami ni ngt het wopagesmoot hi eand shakemenu. Fr anki ecat chesmest ar i ngatSam andr ol l shereyesatmeabovet hemenu. I ' mt hi nki ngaboutki l l i ngher . Thei mpat i entpl at i num bl ondIsawear l i ert akesouror derwi t houtoncel ooki ngupf r om herpad.Af ewmi nut esl at er ,Sam st andsatt heedgeofourt abl e,wi nki ngatmeashe passesoutourdr i nks. Fr anki eki cksmeundert het abl ebutIi gnor eher ,r eachi ngupt ot akemyVaVaVi neappl esmoot hi e( vani l l ai cecr eam,f r eshpi neappl e,andgi ngeral e) .Sam' sf i nger s br ushagai nstmi ne,sendi ngashockt hr oughmyhandt hatIf eelal lt hewayupmyar m. Uncl eRedt hanksSam,andseei ngt hem br eat hi ngt hesameai randr espondi ngt o eachot her ' spol i t esmal lt al ki sl i keseei ngFr anki e' sf i nger sonmyj our nalagai n-t wo ver ydi f f er entandi nt ent i onal l ysepar at ewor l dscol l i di ng.Iwantt ocr awldownmy smoot hi est r awanddi sappeari nt heseaofi cecr eam andgi ngeral e. OnceSam r et ur nst ohi spostbehi ndt hecount er ,Fr anki est opski cki ngmeandwesl ur p downourdr i nksi naboutt womi nut es,anxi oust ogetoutofher ebef or eanyone r ecogni zesus.Uncl eRedandAuntJayne,ont heot herhand,actl i ket hi si st hel ast
smoot hi eshopt hey' l leversee,l i kesmoot hi esar eanendanger edspeci est obe appr eci at edandsavor edanddr awnoutasl ongaspossi bl e.Wi t heachpassi ngmi nut e, Fr anki eandIsi nkl oweri nourchai r s,pr ayi ngt ot heGodofAnnoyi ngCoi nci dencest hat Jakedoesn' tshowupandbl owourcover . Af t erwhatf eel sl i ket hr eehour s,Redpayst hebi l landwe' r eonourwaybackoutt ot he anonymi t yoft hecr owdedbeach.Iknowi t ' sr i sky,butIcan' tr esi stsneaki ngi nonel ast goodbye.Isuddenl yr emembert hatIhavet ouset hebat hr oom agai nandwi ndmyway backt hr ought heundul at i ngsmoot hi el i net ogetupt ot hecount er .Af t erconf i r mi ngt hat Ihaven' tbeenf ol l owed,Ikneelonanempt ycount erst oolandcal lSam' sname. " So,mi dni ght ?"Iask. " Howaboutel even?" " El event hi r t y, "Isay." Andt hat ' sf i nal . " " Deal . "Hel eansi nandqui ckl yki ssesmeont hel i ps,bar el yt ouchi ngt hem bef or et he f r ant i cwai t r essshout soutanot heror derf orSam. " Seeyout oni ght . "Hesmi l esandt ur nsbackt ot hepast elbucket sofi cecr eam behi nd t hecount er . Fr anki e' swai t i ngf ormeal oneout si de." Tookyoul ongenough, "shesnaps." Mypar ent s ar eget t i ngpost car ds. "Shenodst owar danewsst and. " Ever yt hi ngokay?"Jayneaskswhenwecat chup. " Yeah, "Isay." Justal i t t l est uf f edf r om t heshakes.Fr anki e' swor r i edt hati fshet r i est o geti nt hecart oof ast ,herski r twi l lexpl ode. " " Act ual l y,Mom, "Fr anki esays," Annawashangi ngbackt r yi ngt ogetSmoot hi eBoy' s cel lnumber ,buthedi ssedher . " " Hedi dn' tl i ket hel ooksofmyugl yst epsi st er , "Isay." That ,andAnnadoesn' thaveany boobs. " " Gi r l s! "Jaynel aughs." Whati swi t hyout wot oni ght ?I st her eaf ul lmoonorsomet hi ng?" " Idon' tknow,i sAnnahowl i ngati t ?" " Okay,Twi nki es. "Uncl eRedhandshi spost car dst oJayneanddi gsouthi skeys." Let ' s headout .West i l lhavet omor r ow-Ihavesomet hi ngf unpl annedf orourl astni ght . " Inod.Fr om behi ndRedandJayne' st r ust i ngbacks,Fr anki ePer i no,j our nal ki l l erand t wot i mevi r gi nl i ar-goesmi ddl eschoolonmeandst i cksouthert ongue. Thet i mef ort hi nki ngi sover . Iam goi ngt oki l lher .
Backatt hehouse,Fr anki espendsoveranhouri nt hebat hr oom get t i ngr eadyf orbed.I uset heoppor t uni t yt osett hevi br at i ngal ar m onmycel lphone.Idon' twantt oal er ther whenI ' mt r yi ngt osneakout-t hel astt hi ngIneedi sanot herst upi dar gumentt hat coul dpot ent i al l ywakeupRedandJayne.Al ar m set ,Ist uf fmyphoneundert hepi l l ow, t ur noutt hebedsi del i ght ,andpul l t hesheetovermyheadsoIdon' thavet ol ookather t oni ght . Idon' tr ememberhear i nghercomebackf r om t hebat hr oom,butsuddenl ymyphonei s buzzi ngagai nstmycheek,shaki ngmef r om al i ghtsl eep.Iuset hedi spl ayl i ghtont he scr eent ol ocat et hef l i pf l opsandsweat shi r tIst ashedundert hebedear l i erandnot i ce t hatFr anki e' sbedi sst i l lmade. Thatmeansei t hershe' sasl eepont hecouchdownst ai r sorshej ustcan' tst andt hef act t hatIhadsexbef or eshedi dandshe' soutgi vi ngi tupt oJaker i ghtt hi si nst ant , det er mi nedt ot akebackt hecent erst age. Downst ai r s,t heempt ycouchandunl ockedf r ontdoorconf i r mi t .Ient er t ai nt hei deaof l ocki ngheroutandsneaki ngoutt hewi ndowovert hedeck,butIcani magi nehowt hat scenewoul dpl ayout .She' dcomebackandr eal i zewhathappened,bangwi l dl yont he doort owakeherpar ent s,andconvi ncet hem t hatIt hr eat enedt osneakoutt omeett he Smoot hi eBoyandshewasonl yt r yi ngt ogoaf t ermeandpr eventmef r om doi ng somet hi ngst upi d( sni f f l e) ,j ustasabestf r i endoughtt o( sni f f l e) ,whensheacci dent al l y l ockedt hedoorbehi ndher sel f( sni f f l esni f f l esi gh) . If ol l owt hepat hwe' vet akensomanyt i mest hi ssummer-acr osst hef r ont ,downt he st r eet ,cutbackt hr oughanei ghbor ' syar d,downt hest ai r st ot hebeach,pastt hepi er , t hr ought hecampf i r el abyr i nt h,upt ot hedeckoft heShack,andst r ai ghti nt oSam' s ar ms. Wi t houtspeaki ng,heki ssesmehar dont hemout handIki sshi m back,sobbi ngand cr umpl i ngi nt ohi schestl i keabr okenpuppet .
t went yei ght " Anna,what ' swr ong?Whathappened?" " Fr anki e.And.I .Ar en' t .Speaki ng! "I tcomesouti nast r i ngofhi ccups. " Di dyouhaveaf i ght ?" Inod,openi ngmymout ht ot el lhi m abouti t ,butmybr ai ni nt er cept swi t hanur gent t el egr am:Hey,dummy.St op.Sam doesn' tknowaboutMat t .St op.Coverbl own.St op. " Ther e' ssomuchIhaven' tt ol dyou,Sam.Idon' tevenknowwher et ost ar t . " Ipul lawayandl eanagai nstt hedeckr ai l i ngt ot akeadeepbr eat h,wat chi ngt hemoon overt heocean.Iwant edever yt hi ngt obedi f f er enther e.Iwant edt obesomeoneel se. Anna,cr osscont i nent alt r avel er ,womanofpassi onandadvent ur e!NotAnna,pat het i c
f r i endwhobr eakspr omi sesandwr i t esl et t er st odeadboys. " Let ' swal k, "hesays,hi shandwar m andr eassur i ngonmyshoul der ." Andwhenyou f eelokay,youcant el lmewhat everyouwantt ot el lme. " " Okay. " Wewal kal lt hewayupt oEddi e' shousebef or eI ' vewor kedi toutenoughi nmyheadt o st ar tt al ki ng. " I t ' sal ongandcr azyst or y,Sam. " " I t ' scool ,AnnaAbby.I ' m her e. " " Okay.Soj ustoverayearago,t her ewast hi sguy.Ir eal l yl i kedhi m.Imeanr eal l ysi nceIwasaki d. " " Di dFr anki eknowhi m?" " Thet hr eeofuswer ebestf r i ends.Webasi cal l ygr ewupt oget her . " " Compl i cat ed. " " Ver y.Soanyway,l astyearonmybi r t hday,hef i nal l yki ssedme. "Sam st aysqui et , f ocusedonhi sf eett aki ngof fandl andi ngagai nstt hesand.I tf eel sst r anget ot el lhi m aboutt hi sf orsomanyr easons,butt hewor dsar ecomi ngt oof astf ormet ost op,eveni f Iwantt o. " West ar t edhangi ngoutal lt het i me-evenmor et hanbef or e.Ever yni ght .Onl ywe di dn' tknowhowt ot el lFr anki e,becausewedi dn' twanthert of r eakorf eell ef toutor what ever . " " Makessense, "Sam says. " Het houghti twoul dbebet t eri fhet ol dherhi msel f ,soIpr omi sedhi mt hatIwoul dn' t sayanyt hi ng.Butbef or ehecoul dt al kt oherabouti t ,he"Ial mostchokeont hewor d, hol di ngmyhandagai nstSam' sar mt ost opourf or war dmot i onal ongt heshor e. " Whatdi dhedo?"Sam asks. " Hej ust-he-I ' m sor r y.Wai t . "Thewor dsoft hi sst or yhavepassedat housandt i mes f r om myhandt ot hepagesofmyj our nal ,butneverf r om myl i pst ot heear sofanot her l i vi ngsoul .It akeaf ewdeepbr eat hsbef or eI ' m abl et omeetSam' seyesandsayi t ." He di ed,Sam.Hedi edf r om ahear tdef ectt hatnooneknewabout . " It el lhi m aboutt hecaracci dentandwai tf ort heaut omat i capol ogy,t heawkwar d bumbl i ng,t hesi l ence,t hef ar ewel l I can' t deal wi t ht hi s.ButSam j ustwi pesmycheeks wi t hhi st humbsandhugsme. " Ikeptmypr omi set ohi m.Inevert ol dFr anki eaboutus.Butwhenwewer eatt heVi st a
l astni ght ,sher eadmyj our nalandf oundout . " Sam pul l sawayf r om me." Wai t ,she' smadatyouaboutt hat ?Butwhatabout" " Ther e' smor e,Sam. "Ishakemyhead." Fr anki ewasi nt hecar ,t oo.That ' showshegot t hescaronhereyebr ow.Thet hr eeofuswer et ot al l yi nsepar abl e.Mat ti s-Mat twashe' sFr anki e' sbr ot her . " Sam st ar esatme,eyesandmout hwi deopen." Hol ysh-Imean,whoa. " " Hewasgoi ngt ot el lheront hei rv acat i onher e,whent hey' dhavesomet i meal one.He wassowor r i edabouthowshe' df eel-hewant edt omakesur eshewasokaywi t hi t . Theywer esupposedt ol eave,l i ke,amont haf t erwegott oget her .Ihat edsneaki ng ar oundbehi ndherback,butIpr omi sed.Amont hdi dn' tseem l i ket hatl ongt okeepa secr et . " Whenhedi ed,t hatwasi t .Anyt hi ngIf el tst oppedmat t er i ng-Fr anki el ostherbr ot her , andIwast hei rbestf r i end.I twassi mpl e.Iwoul dkeept hatsecr etf or ever . "It akeadeep br eat h,f ocusi ngonSam' ssof teyes. " Anna,Ican' tbel i evet hi s, "hesaysgent l y." Idon' tknowwhatt osay.Ihadnoi dea. " " Fr anki eandIdi dn' twantt ot el lyouguys.I twasgonnabe-Idon' tknow,di f f er ent her e. " " Whatdoyoumean?" " I t ' shar dt oexpl ai n.Iguesspeopl egetf r eakedoutaboutt hewhol edeat ht hi ng,and oncet heyknowabouti t ,i t ' s,l i ke,t heonl yt hi ngt heyassoci at ewi t hyou,andal lt heycan doi sf eel sor r yf oryou.Yourwhol eexi st encei sr educedt ot hatoneevent . " Anewwaveofsadnesspl owsi nt omewhenIt hi nkaboutal lt hoseni ght si nFr anki e' s r oom,nott al ki ngordoi nganyt hi ng.Somet i mesaf t erschoolwe' dl i t er al l yj ustsi tont he f l oorwi t hourbackpacksst i l lon,st ar i ngatt hewal landcr yi ng. Thef i r stf ewmont hsatschoolwer et hewor st-peopl ewhi sper i ngandmaki ng compassi onat ef acesaswepassedt hr ought hehal l s.Teacher sandgi r l sl eavi ng f l ower sandnot esi nf r ontofMat t ' sl ockerandl ooki ngt heot herwaywhenweski pped cl ass.Mostpeopl ei nourgr ade-i ncl udi ngoursocal l edf r i ends-avoi dedusas t houghdeat handsadnesswer econt agi ous.Mostoft hem di dn' tknowabouthi shear t , andnoonecoul ddeci dewhatwaswor se-l osi ngabr ot herandf r i end,orsur vi vi ngt he carcr asht hatsupposedl yki l l edhi m.Nooneknewt her ul es-whatt osay,whet heri t wasokayt ol aughorcompl ai naboutt hi ngsl i kepar ent sandgr adesandnewshoes whenFr anki eandIhad" ser i ous"pr obl ems.Butbyt hemi ddl eoft heyear ,Fr anki ewas i nf ul lboyl ustmode,t hi ngsgotbackt onor malf orever yoneel se,andt hememor yof Mat t ' sdeat hf adedl i ket hedr i edf l ower sst ucki nt hevent sofhi sl ocker . " God,Anna, "Sam says,eyesst i l lwi de.
Inod." Wel ostal otoff r i endsaf t eri thappened.Fort hepastyeari t ' sbasi cal l ybeenj ust meandher .Andnow,whoknows?" " She' spr obabl yj ustshocked.Maybeyoushoul dt r yt ot al ki tout . " " Sam,shest ol eandr eadmyj our nal .Thenshechuckedi ti nt ot hewat er .Andt hen,I f oundoutshel i edt omeabout-wel l ,abunchofst uf fsheshoul dn' thavel i edabout .I don' tt hi nkwecanwor ki tout .It hi nkwe' r e-br eaki ngup. "Myvoi ceshakes,waver i ng bet weent heduel i ngr eal msofangerandsadness. " Comeher e. "Sam put shi sar msar oundme,wr appi ngmeupi nt hesmel lofhi m.We st andi nf r ontoft heoceanf oral ongt i me,hi shandmaki ngci r cl esonmybackasIl i st en t ohi shear tbeat-st r ongandwhol e,l i ket hewaves. " Thanks, "Isay,pul l i ngawayt owi pemyeyesandl etoutaboutf our t eenmont hsofhel di nbr eat hs." You' r et heonl yper sonI ' veact ual l yt ol daboutMat t .I r oni c,huh?" Sam smi l es." Def i ni t el ynott he' WhatIDi donSummerVacat i on' st uf fI ' m usedt o. " West andsi l ent l y,wat chi ngt hewavesf orawhi l e,hol di nghands.Hi st humbt r acesmy pal m gent l y,l ul l i ngmel i ket her oc ki ngoft hewat erbef or eus. Ont hewal kback,Sam t el l smet hatIshoul dgi veFr anki eanot herchance. " I ' m notmaki ngexcusesf orher ,butt hi nkabouti t .You' r ebestf r i ends,Anna. " " Idon' tknowi fIcan.Shel i edt omeaboutpr et t ymaj orst uf f .Andshet ot al l yvi ol at ed anddest r oyedmypr i vat et hought s. " " Al lI ' m sayi ngi st hatyoubot hhur teachot her .Andyoubot hl ostsomeoneyoul oved. Don' tl oseeachot her ,t oo. " " Sur e.It hi nkIsawt hatAf t er SchoolSpeci al . " Hesmi l es." Justt hi nkabouti t ,okay?" Wemakepl anst omeetupt omor r owni ghtf orourf i nalgoodbye.Upont hest r eetnear t hehouse,Sam ki ssesmeandwai t sunt i lI ' m saf el yatt hedoorbef or ewavi ngand t ur ni ngbackt owar dhi sendoft hebeach. Thedoori sst i l lunl ocked,andIas sumeFr anki ei sn' tbackyet ,t houghI ' m sur pr i sedwe di dn' tr uni nt oherandJakeonourwal kback.ButwhenIgetupst ai r s,Fr anki e' sas l eep i nherbedast houghshe' dbeent her eal lal ong,herbodyr i si ngandf al l i ngundert he t hi nwhi t esheet .Themoonf r om t heskyl i ghtt hr owshersi l houet t eagai nstt hewal l and r emi ndsmeofwhenwewer eki ds,howwe' dl i eonherbedandmakeshadowpuppet s ont hecei l i ngwi t hourhandsandaf l ashl i ght ,chat t er i ngandgi ggl i ngunt i lMat tknocked ont hewal lf r om hi sr oom nextdoorandt ol dust ogot osl eep.
t went yni ne
" Wakeup,myl ovel i es. "Redst andsi nourdoor way,cal l i nggent l yunt i loureyesopen. Fr anki eandIsi tupsl owl y,unt angl i ngour sel vesf r om t wi st sofsheet sandTshi r t s.The f i r stmoment sofbei ngawakear eneut r al ,ast heyal waysar e,wai t i ngf orust oassi gn memor yandmeani ngf r om t hedaybef or e.I nt hi sbl ankzoneIal mostf or gett hatI ' m madatFr anki e.Buti tal lcomesback,andIst opt hepr ogr essi onoft heaut omat i cs mi l e acr ossmycheeksj usti nt i me. " Goodmor ni ng,Twi nki es, "Redsays." Mom' smaki ngabi gbr eakf ast ,soIhopeyou' r e hungr y. "Hecl osest hedoor ,si l encebl owi ngi nar oundt hespacehel eavesbehi nd. Fr anki eandIgetoutofourbedsandpul lonoursweat shi r t s.Ther e' snoneofl ast ni ght ' sunpl easant ness-wesi mpl ydon' tspeak.Iwantt oaskherwher eshewasl ast ni ght ,whet hershesl eptwi t hJake,andwhati sgoi ngonwi t hhi m.ButI ' m notaboutt o br eakt hecar di nalr ul eofnotspeaki ngt oeachot herj ustt ogl oati nt hegl or yofmy super i orknowl edgeofandexper i encewi t ht hebi gI t ,whi ch,t hankst omynearner vous br eakdownatt heShackl astni ght ,Icompl et el yf or gott odoasecondt i me. Downst ai r s,wegor geour sel vesonwhati spr obabl yt hebest ,mostext r avagant br eakf astAuntJaynehasevermade.Thet abl ei scover edwi t hf r eshf r ui t ,Jayne' s magi cvani l l aFr encht oast ,eggs,pot at oes,bacon,t oast ,muf f i ns-ever yt hi ngwecan' t packorl eavebehi nd.Dur i ngt hemeal ,weal ll augheasi l y,f atandhappy,t al ki ngabout howmuchf unwe' vehadont het r i p.Ever yonei st annedandr el axed,andent i r e mi nut esgobydur i ngwhi chFr anki eandIf or gett obemadateachot her .I tst ar t swi t h " Canyoupasst hebut t er ?"andgoesasf arasl aughi ngt oget heraboutt hatf i r stni ghton t hebeach,maki ngsandangel swi t hAuntJayne. Ther ear et i nyf r act ur esoft i mei nwhi chIwantt ohugher ,t el lherI ' m sor r y,t el lher aboutmypr omi se,putt hewhol et hi ngbehi ndme.Butt henIseeaf l ash-herr eadi ng myj our nali nt hatmocki ngvoi ce,herchucki ngi ti nt ot heoceanl i keaf l atski ppi ngst one -andt hemadandhur tcomer i ghtbackagai n.Fort hesakeofRed,Jayne,andourl ast dayont hebeach,I ' m wi l l i ngt oputmyf eel i ngsonhol d. ButIcan' tmaket hem di sappear . Af t erbr eakf ast ,we' r esuckedi nt ot heswi r l i ngt i desoft or t ur eot her wi seknownasUncl e Red' sDayofFun. Fi r stup:har dcor epaddl ebal l .MeandRedver susFr anki eandJayne. " Comeon,Dad, "Fr anki ewhi nesasRedpassesoutt hef l atwoodenpaddl es." I sn' tt hi s al i t t l echi l di sh?" " Sur e, "hesays,smi l i ng." Butl astt i meIchecked,you' r est i l lmychi l d. " " ButDaaad! "Fr anki ecr i nkl eshereyebr owsandt r i est owor ksomesympat hymagi con Uncl eRed,buthe' si mmunet oday. " Humoryourol ddad,Fr ancesca, "hesays,l obbi ngt her ubberbal li nherdi r ect i on.
Af t erhal fanhouroff or cedf ami l yf un,i nwhi chIscor ef i f t ypoi nt sandt akeoutatl east sevent yf i veper centofmyangert r yi ngt obl astFr anki ewi t ht hebal l ,ourgamei scut shor t .Pr i ncessget sst ungont het opofherf ootbyat eenyt i nynewbor nbabyofaj el l yf i shandc ar r i esonl i kesomeshar kj ustswam awaywi t hhert or so.Foronebr i ef momentIwonderi fi t ' st heghostofmyj our nal ,r ei ncar nat edaf t eri t swat er ydeat ht o cl ai m vengeancebyst abbi ngherwi t hi t st hi nmet alspi r al .Thet houghtmakesmesmi l e ont hei nsi de,j ustal i t t l ebi t . Ther e' ssomuchwhi ni ngandl i mpi ngt hatevenIst ar tt of eelbadf orher .Ihel pRedget herbackupt ot hehousewher eshecanbeappr opr i at el yf edanddot edupon. Myr ei gnofpaddl ebal lt er r orwayl ai dbyt het r agi cj el l yf i shi nci dent ,wespendt her estof t heaf t er noonpl ayi ngMonopol y,f arawayf r om t hedanger ousdeni zensoft hedeep. Fr anki edoesn' tdealmeanext r agr andt hi st i me.Shekeepsherl egpr oppedonpi l l ows i nachai racr ossf r om her ,i ci ngt hedi mesi zedi nj ur yonherf ootwi t hmuchf anf ar eand t aki ngf ul ladvant ageofmyt empor ar ysympat hybyaski ngmewi t hasugar sweetsmi l e t or ef i l lherl emonade,adj ustherpi l l ow,orf i ndherChapSt i ck. " Youal wayst akesuchgoodcar eofher ,Anna. "AuntJaynepat smeont hekneeasshe br i ngsusbowl sofchocol at ei cecr eam." Fr anki e,you' r el uckysheput supwi t hyou. " " Yeah,l ucky, "Fr anki esays." Um,Anna?" Il ookupf r om myi cecr eam bowl ,hear tsl i ght l yt hawed,consi der i ngwhet hert oaccept t heover dueapol ogyt hat ' scer t ai nt oemanat ef r om hermout hanymi nut e. " Anna?" Anymi nut enow. " Yeah,Fr ank?" Her ei tcomes. " Ihavehot el sonBr oadwayandPar k. "Shehol dsoutherhandandf l ut t er shereyes. " Youowemet wel vehundr edbuc ks. " " How' st hepat i ent ?"Uncl eRedaskswhenwet i r eofMonopol y. Fr anki emakesashowofr eadj ust i ngherf ootpi l l owandshaki ngt hei cei nhergl asst o si gnalal emonader ef i l lr equest . " I ' m okay,Iguess, "shesays." I tst i l lr eal l yst i ngs,t hough. " " Doyout hi nkyoucanwal k?"heasks. " Idon' tknow,Dad.Ipr obabl yshoul dn' tr i ski t .Idon' twanti tt ogetwor se. " Must .Resi st .Ur ge.Todumpl emonadeonherpr et t yl i t t l ehead.
" That ' sashame, "Redsayswi t hashr ug." Iguesswe' l lhavet ocancelourpl ans t oni ght . " " Iguessso, "Fr anki esays,snat chi ngherl emonadef r om myhandandsi ghi ngl i keshe' s car r yi ngt hewei ghtoft hewor l donhert annedl i t t l eshoul der s. " That ' st oobad, "AuntJaynesays." Whatar ewegoi ngt odowi t ht hosef i f t hr owt i cket s, hon?" " Whatt i cket s?"Fr anki eandIasksi mul t aneousl y. " Oh,j ustsomel i t t l eshowatt heFi l l mor ei nSanFr anci sco.Ai r pl anePi l ot s?"Redpul l s f ourt i cket sf r om anenvel opeont heki t chencount er ." Oh,Hel i copt erPi l ot ,t hat ' si t . Pr obabl yal ocalgr oup.I ' m sur eyouguyshaven' thear doft hem. " " What ?! "Fr anki eandIt empor ar i l ysuspendourmut ualhat r edl ongenought oexchange apai rofbeami ngsmi l es. " HPi sonl y,l i ke,ournumberonef avor i t ebandi nt heuni ver se! "Fr anki esays." They' r e notevenont ournow.Howdi dyougett i cket s?" " I t ' sabenef i tconcer t , "hesays." Mom f oundoutabouti tl astmont handt houghtyou' d l i ket ogo.I t ' sj ustunf or t unat eyou' r ei mmobi l e.I ' l lhavet ocal lt heboxof f i ceandseei f wecangetar ef und. " " No! "Fr anki eandIpr act i cal l yt r i povereachot hert ot ackl eRedbef or eheget st ot he phone. " But ,mydar l i ngdaught er ,you' r es ever el yi nj ur ed. "Redpoi nt st ot het i nypi nkmoundon herf oot ." Youcer t ai nl ycan' tgot oaconcer ti nyourcondi t i on,l etal onegetal ldr essed upf ordi nneratFl eurdeLys.Ever yonewi l lseeyournear l yamput at edl i mb. " " Dad! "Fr anki epr ot est s." I t ' snotamput at ed!AndI-wai t"Shewal ksgi nger l yacr oss t hel i vi ngr oom andback,herl i mpf adi ngwi t heachst epunt i li t ' st ot al l ygone." Yes,I ' m f eel i ngmuchbet t ernow.I twaspr obabl yt hei ceandever yt hi ng.I ' m compl et el y conval exed. " " Conval esced, "Isay. " Comeon,Dad! "Fr anki esays,i gnor i ngme. " Pl ease,Uncl eRed?"Loyal t ybedamned-I ' mf ul l ypr epar edt ol eaveFr anki ehomei f t hat ' swhati tt akest ogetaf ancyFr enchmealandaconcer ti nSanFr anci scowi t hmy numberonef avor i t ebandi nt heuni ver se.Seei ngl eadgui t ar i stBr andonBar r y' scr azy cur l ybl ackhai rf r om t hef i f t hr owt akespr i or i t yoverf akej el l yf i shi nj ur i es. Uncl eRedf anshi msel fwi t ht het i c ket sandt akesadeepbr eat h." Yout wobet t erget movi ng.Wel eavei nanhourandahal f . " " Yeah! "Ij umpupanddownl i keal i t t l egi r l .Fr anki ef ol l owssui t ,butst opsher sel f
mi dway,suddenl yr emember i ngherpai nf uli nj ur y. " Imean,cool !Thanks,Dad. "Sheki ssesUncl eRedont hecheekandf ol l owsme upst ai r st obegi nt hear duousbeaut i f i cat i onpr ocessaf ancydi nnerandf avor i t eband concer tr equi r e. Wemanaget owor kar oundeachot herf orshower s,hai r ,andmakeup,butevenamad Fr anki ecan' tl eavewar dr obet ochance. " Anna,Iknowt hi ngsar en' tgr eatr i ghtnow, "shesays." Butweneedt oconf eronout f i t s. Wehavet ocoor di nat ei nt oneandst yl e.Andal so,Ineedt obor r owyoursi l verdangl e ear r i ngs. " " What everyousay. "I ' mr esi gnedt oFr anki e' sFashi onHour .Atl eastIcant akecomf or t i nt hef actt hatshewon' tr i skmaki ngmel ookbad-t hatcoul dmakeherl ookbad,j ust byassoci at i on. Wedeci deonal lbl ackwi t hpi nkandsi l veraccessor i es.Act ual l y,shedeci desonal l bl ackwi t hpi nkandsi l veraccessor i es.Ij ustnodandsmi l e.Nod.Smi l e.Soonwe' l l bei n t hef i f t hr owatt heHPconcer tandnoneoft hi swi l lmat t er . Fr anki eput sonasl i pdr esswi t hal i ght l ybeadedneckl i ne,api nkheadbandscar f ,and mysi l verdangl eear r i ngs.Ofcour seshel ooksst unni ng. Shedr essesmei nabl ackmi niandcami sol ewi t hapi nkscar ft i edar oundmyhi ps,a si l verneckl acewi t hasmal lhear tdr oppi ngf r om t hecent er ,andmat chi nghear t ear r i ngs. " Youshoul dwearyourhai rup, "shesays,eyei ngmeupanddown." Youhaver eal l y ni ceshoul der s.Yougot t ashowt hem of f . " It wi stmyhai rupwi t hbl ackhai rst i cksandpul laf ewt endr i l sdowni nf r ont . " Per f ect , "shesays,act ual l ysmi l i ngatme." Whataboutme?I st hi sokay?"She smoot hesherhandsoverherst omachi nt hemi r r or ,andf orasi ngl esecondIseea f l ashofol dFr anki evul ner abi l i t y.I thi t smel i keaf i st ,andIhavet ol ookawayt okeep mysel ff r om huggi ngheri nt hegushi ngapol ogyt hatsheowesme. " Youl ookgr eat ,Fr ank, "Isay,f ocusi ngonhershoes." Real l y. " " Thanks,Anna.Youdo,t oo.Hey,wecan' tt aket hecamer at ot heconcer t ,butmaybe weshoul dgetaf ewshot si nher e?Imean,wel ookr eal l ygood. " " Sur e,Fr ank.Her e. "It aket hecamer af r om herbagandgetsomef oot ageofher ensembl ef r om af ewdi f f er entangl es.Shedoest hesamet ome,nar r at i ngt hepl anf or t her estoft heeveni ngbef or eshut t i ngof ft hecamer aandst owi ngi tbacki nt hecase. " Okay,t hatshoul ddoi t , "shesays ." Ready?" SanFr anc i scol ookst ot al l ydi f f er entatni ght ,especi al l ywheni t ' snotr ai ni ng-al ll i tup
andmagi c.Uncl eRedandAuntJaynepoi ntoutsi t est hatFr anki eandIsawonourbus t r i p,butIsmi l eandaskenoughquest i onst ol ookl i keanovi ce. " Yout wol ookbeaut i f ul , "Jaynesays." Thi si sgoi ngt obeagr eatni ght . " *** Di nneratFl eurdeLysi saj umbl eofcr eamy,decadentf oodst hatIcan' tpr onouncebut havenot r oubl ei nhal i ng.I ' veneverseent hi st ypeoff oodonmenusbackhomepr obabl ybecausepeopl el i keourket chupnmust ar d,f est i val l ovi ngnei ghbor swoul d st ageapr ot est .Br i ngbackourbeef !Downwi t hescar got s! Fr anki eandImanaget oputal lnast i nessasi def ort heeveni ng,sol el yf ort hesakeof Red,Jayne,andt hebeaut i f ulboysofHP.Wear en' texact l yf r i endl y,butwear en' t pl ot t i ngwayst opoi soneachot her ' sdi nner ,ei t her . " Yougi r l sar eawf ulqui et , "Redsaysaf t ert hedesser t sar r i ve." It houghtyou' dbemor e chat t yont hewayt oseeyourf avor i t ebandi nt heuni ver se. " " Justeat i ng, "Fr anki ecover s,f or ci ngasmi l eatmeasshescoopsupaspoonf ulof cr èmebr ul ée. TheFi l l mor ei spacked,andUncl eRedhast oescor taf ewpar t ycr asher sf r om our pr i mef i f t hr owseat s.Wegetset t l edi nj usti nt i met oeyeupt hest agebef or et hel i ght s di m. " Ladi esandgent l emen, "avoi ceboomsf r om ever ywher e," l et ' sheari tf ort oni ght ' s opener s,Pl azma! " Al lar oundust heaudi t or i um r oar st ol i f e,pumpi ngi t scol l ect i vef i statPl azma.Theyget t hecr owdr ocki ngandpr i medf orHPwi t hl ot sofl onggui t arr i f f sandcooll i ght i ng ef f ect s.Fr anki eandIst ayseat edt hr oughmostoft hehour l ongset ,savi ngourener gy f ort hemai nevent .Af ewt i mesIf eelherl ooki ngatme,butwhenIt ur nt omeether eyes,shel ooksaway. Af t erPl azma' sf i nalset ,t hehousel i ght scomeupwhi l et hecr ewset supf orHP.It hi nk br i ef l yaboutdr aggi ngFr anki et ot hebat hr oom andf i nal l yset t l i ngt hi st hi ngbutchange mymi ndwhenIseeherchat t i nghappi l ywi t hherpar ent s,t el l i ngt hem ever yt hi ngt hey needt oknowaboutourf avor i t eband. Mat t ' st heonewhoi nt r oducedust oHPaf ewyear sago.Theywer en' tevenpopul aryet , buthe' dbeenaf ani nt heear l yyear sbef or et heywer eagr oup,backwhenJoedi d most l ysol ost uf foutofl ocalbar si nBuf f al o.He' dcal lusi nt ohi sr oom andpl ayt hese r andom t r ackshef oundonl i ne,bl ast i ngnot esandbeat sf r om hi sspeaker s.I fi twasl at e atni ght ,he' dpassar oundhi sheadphones,bobbi nghi sheadunt i lwecaughtonand f ol l owedsui t .Fr anki eandIl i kedt hem i mmedi at el y,t houghInol ongerr emember whet heri twasbecausewer eal l ygott hei rmusi corbecausewej ustbel i evedMat t , pul l edi nt ohi scont agi oussunshi neent husi asm wi t houtquest i on.Ei t herway,i tdi dn' t t akel ongf orHPt obecomeourf avor i t egr oup.Byt het i met heyr el easedt hei rf i r st
mai nst r eam al bum,wewer eol df ans,t hankst oMat t . Byt het i met heyr el easedt hei rsecondal bum,Mat tandIhadal r eadyki ssed. Hesur pr i sedmewi t hacopyofi tt henextday,al lt hel yr i cspr i nt edoutandst apl ed t oget her .Readt hem,Anna.Real l yr eadt hem. Byt het i met heyr el easedt hei rt hi r dal bum,Mat twasgone.Henevergott oseet hem i n concer t . " Al lr i ght ,y' al l , "Pl azma' sl eadsi ngercomesbackonst age,near l yhoar seaf t ert hei r i nt enseset ." Putyourhandst oget herf ort hosebadassEastCoastr ocker swe' r eal lher e t osee-Joe,Br andon,Jay,andScot t yO!Hel i copt erPi l ot !Makesomenoi se! " Fr anki eandIar eupf r om ourseat swi t ht her estoft heaudi t or i um,cheer i ngand scr eami ngandshout i ngourunr equi t edl ove.EvenRedandJaynear ecl appi ngal ong, bumpi nghi psandl aughi ngi nt hatawkwar ddancet hatpar ent sdowhent hey' r et r y i ngt o becool ,butI ' m happyt obeher ewi t ht hem. Fort hr eehour s,Fr anki eandIsi nganddanceandl aughunt i lourbr eat hr unsout ,our hai rf al l s,andourmakeupf ades.Not hi ngel semat t er s-notmydr ownedj our nalorMat t orJohanorJakeoranyoft hesecr et sandl i esbet weenus.I t ' sj ustusandt hemus i c, t heuni ver sall anguageofl oveandhopeandl ossandever yt hi ngel se. Af t ert wost andi ngovat i onsandt woencor es,Hel i copt erPi l otf i ni sheswi t ht hei rcl assi c f i r stsi ngl e," Hear tShadow. "WhenMat tdi ed,Fr anki eandIl i st enedt oi toverandover i nherr oom,dr owni ngoutt hedi nofmur mur i ngsympat hi esdownst ai r s.Ihaven' tbeen abl et ol i st ent oi tsi ncet hosel ong,dar kdays,andt hef i r stwor dsyankmer i ghtback t her e,r i ghtbackt oherr oom,r i ghtbackt ous,t wobr okendol l sf al l i ngont hef l oor agai nstt hebed. Bl ackhear tshadow, Setmymi ndonf i r e,suf f ocat edbyt heashes. Bl ackhear tshadow, Spi nar oundl aughi ngast hespaceyouf i l lcol l apses, Spi nni ngi nci r cl esast hespaceyoul ef tcol l apses. WhenIt hi nkbackt ol astyear ,t hoset i mesi nFr anki e' sr oom whenwej ustwant edt he wor l dt oend,Ican' tbel i evehowmuchshe' schanged.MaybeDadwasr i ghtt osayt hat RedandJaynear en' tdeal i ngwi t hher .ButmaybeFr anki ePer i nodoesn' tneedher par ent st odealwi t hher . Iwat chasshecl oseshereyesandswaysi nt i mewi t ht hemostpai nf ulsongi nour shar edhi st or y,dr i f t i ngt ot hatf ar awaypl acewher eIcan' tf ol l ow. Iwat chherwavi ngar msandt hebor r owedear r i ngst hatdangl ei nheraubur nhai r .
Iwat chherandt hi nk,maybeFr anki ePer i nodoesn' tneedme,ei t her . " Meetusoutf r ontassoonasyou' r edone, "Uncl eRedsaysasheheadst ot hepar ki ng l otaf t ert heshow.Fr anki eandIl i neupatt hesouveni rboot hst ogetHPTshi r t s, st andi ngi nsi l enceaswei nchf or war d,st i l lbuzzi ngandal i vef r om t heshow.Ther e' snot muchangerl ef tbet weenus,j ustagr eatdi vi de-l i kebestf r i endsi nhi ghschoolwhogo t odi f f er entcol l eges,l oset ouch,andmoveoni npar al l ell i vest hatnevercr ossunt i l year sl at er ,i nar andom barorgr ocer yst or e,andaf t erabr i efhugandf i vemi nut esof smal lt al k,t heybot hr eal i zet hatt het hr eadst hatconnect edt hem sol ongagohave f r ayedandbl ownaway,l eavi ngnot hi ngt odi scuss. Sot heynodandsmi l e. Andbi doneanot herf ar ewel l . Wander i ngt hr oughmyownt hought s,Il oseFr anki ewhent hel i nespl i t si nt osever al cl ust er sdownal ongt abl eofsweat shi r t s,Tshi r t s,CDs,andbumperst i cker s.Ibuya bl ackHPshi r tandwal kt ot heot herendoft hecr owdedt abl ei nsear chofFr anki e. Beyondagr oupofmi ddl eschoolgi r l st r yi ngonever ysi ngl ebabydol lshi r ti nt hepi l e,I spott hebackofFr anki e' sheadt i l t edi nt heundeni abl eposi t i onofaki ss.At at t ooedar m pr essesi nt oherback,hi sot herhandf i r ml yonherbut t . I ' veseent hi sdi sappear i ngbef or e-t heni ghtoft heSpr i ngSendof fwhenshedi t ched mef orJohanf ort wohour s.If eell i keIshoul dhi dei nt heshadowsoft hepunchbowl t abl eunt i lshe' sdone.Fr om t hel ooksofi t ,she' sget t i ngf ar t herwi t hTat t ooBoyneart he Tshi r tt abl et hanshedi dwi t hJohanont hesoccerf i el d. Igi vehert womor emi nut esbef or ei ssui ngawar ni ngshoti nt hef or m ofacough.She unhooksherl i psf r om hernewf r i endl ongenoughf ora" What ?" " Ourr i dei sher e, "Isay. Shet ur nsbackt ot heguy." Thel i modr i verdoesn' tl i ket owai t , "shet el l shi m. Heshr ugsandl et shergo,onehandst i l lhover i ngnearherass." Thi si sRat , "shet el l s me." He' st hePl azmabasspl ayer .Youknow,t heopener s?He' s,l i ke,t ot al l ycl osewi t h JayGar r ai nHP.Hewasgoi ngt oi nt r oduceus,bef or eyoui nt er r upt ed. " " Um,okay.Cool . "Idon' tbot hert el l i nghert hatt hePl azmabasspl ayerdoesn' thave t at t oos-somet hi ngInot i cedeasi l yf r om ourf i f t hr owvant agepoi nt . " Gar r a' sgotawaywi t ht hel adi es, "t hePl azmawannabeannounceswi t hawi nk." Sodo I-i t ' sabasspl ayert hi ng.What ' syourname?" " Mynamei sLeavi ng.Leavi ngNow. "Igr abFr anki e' shandandpul lhert owar dar owof car sl i nedupi nf r ontoft heexi tasshebl owsaki sst oRat . " Thatmakes,what ,sevenf ormeand-howmanyf oryou?Justone,r i ght ?"Sheyanks herhandawayandt hr owsasat i sf i edsmi r ki nmydi r ect i on.
" That ' sr i ght ,Fr ank.Onef orme.Justone. "Ismi l eandheadt ot hecarwi t hmyHPshi r t t uckedsecur el yundermyar m,t hebeat sf r om Scot t yO' si nt ensedr um sol osst i l l poundi ngi nsi demychest .
t hi r t y I t ' sbedt i meont heeveofourdepar t ur e.Ichangei nt omynewshi r tandapai rofj ean shor t sandsl i pbet weent hesheet s,butI ' venoi nt ent i onofspendi ngmyl astf ewhour s i nZanzi barBaysl eepi ngnearFr anki e.Bef or et ur ni ngof ft hel i ght ,Iagai nsetmyphone al ar m onvi br at eandt ucki tcar ef ul l yundermypi l l ow,Tmi nusonehourandf or t yf i ve mi nut es. I ' mt ot al l yawakewheni tbuzzesagai nstmycheek.Thi st i me,Fr anki e' si nbedwher e shebel ongs,mummi f i edi nt hesheet sandsoundasl eep. Al r eadydr essed,Igr abmyf l i pf l opsandsneakoutoft her oom.Idoaqui ckhai rand br eat hchecki nt hedownst ai r sbat hr oom andwi ndmywayovert hef ami l i arpat ht ot he Shack-t oSam -onel astt i me. Sam andIwal kbackoutt ot heVi s t aandspr eadoutabl anketi nt hesand,hopi ngf or t hesamesecl usi onwef oundt heot herni ght .It el lhi m aboutdi nnerandt heHel i copt er Pi l otshow,f r om whi chI ' m st i l lr adi at i ng. " Doest hi smeanyouandFr anki ear espeaki ngagai n?"Hepl ayswi t hal oopofmyhai r , wr appi ngandunwr appi ngi tar oundhi sf i nger . " Sor tof , "Isay." Wel l ,no-notr eal l y.I twaski ndofat empor ar yst ayofexecut i on. " " I ' m sur eyou' l lwor ki toutevent ual l y. " Isi gh." Let ' snott al kaboutFr anki er i ghtnow. " Sam nodsandpul l smecl oser .Wecur lupt oget heront hebl anket ,wat chi ngt hest ar s andnott al ki ng.I ' ml osti nt heni ghtsky,f l oat i ngover headandseei ngusf r om above, f ol l owi ngi nt hedustofashoot i ngst ar . " I t ' sgoi ngt obewei r dwhenyougo, "Sam says,squeezi ngmyf i nger sandpul l i ngme backt oear t h. " Don' tt hi nkabouti tyet .West i l lhaveaf ewhour s. " Hesmi l esandki ssesme,sl owl ymovi ngusi nt ot hesameposi t i onast heot herni ght . Thi st i me,Idon' tf or get .Thi st i me,ashel i esont opofme,pr essi nghi sbar est omach agai nstmi ne,pr essi ngmeagai nstt hebl anketandt hebl anketagai nstt hesand,I r eal i zei t ' snol ongersomet hi ngImustendur e;nol ongeramyst er i ouspassagef r om poi ntAt opoi ntBt hatwi l lal l owmet omovef or war di nanot her wi sest al l edl i f e. Theai ri swar m,t hewavesbl owi ngki ssesatourf eet .Outont hehor i zon,t hesunst ar t s
hi nt i ngast hemoonst i l lgl ows,t hei rl i ghtmoment ar i l yoccupyi ngt hesamespace,each onemaki ngt heot hermor eenchant i ng.Ast hest ar ssl owl yf adet omaker oom f ort he pi nkofmor ni ng,Iknowt hatt hi si spr obabl yt hel astt i meI ' l lseehi m,andt hatnomat t er whatmyl i f ebr i ngs,i twi l lneveragai nbemor especi alt hani ti si nt hi smoment ,dayand ni ghtsi mul t aneousl yl i ght i ngupt hebl ackoceanj ustf orus. Ipul lSam' ssweat shi r tonovermybar eski nandl i enextt ohi m ont hebl anket ,st ar i ng att hesky. " I t ' sst r ange, "Isay,r ubbi ngmyf eetagai nsthi s." If eell i keIshoul dbesad,butI ' m not . I t ' snott hatIwon' tmi ssyou,buti tj ustf eel sl i ke" " Li keever yt hi ngi sokayanyway, "hesays,f i ni shi ngmyt hought . Ismi l e." Sam,t hanksf orl i st eni ngt omeyest er day.Youknow,aboutFr anki eandMat t andal lt hatst uf ft hathappened. " " Don' tt hankme, "Sam says." Youknowshegotst ungbyaj el l yf i sh?"Il augh,t hi nki ng backont het heat r i cs. " Thei nvi nci bl eFr anki ewast akendownbyaj el l yf i sh?" " Ababyone.ButwhenRedt ol dusaboutt heconcer t ,shewasmagi cal l ycur ed.I twas qui t eami r acl e,r eal l y. " Sam l aughs,l ocki ngeyeswi t hmebef or epul l i ngmeont opofhi mf oronel astt i me. Af t er ,t hel i ghtskyt el l smei t ' st i met oheadback.Ist i l lhavet opack,andRedand Jaynewi l lwakeupsoont ost ar tl oadi ngt hecarf orourr et ur nt r i p. Isl i pbacki nt omyowncl ot hesandr et ur nSam' ssweat shi r t ." Keepi t , "hesays. " Somet hi ngt or emembermeby. " " Idon' tneedasweat shi r tf ort hat , "Isay,al r eadyput t i ngi tbackon. " Thenkeepi tbecausei t ' scool . " " Deal . " Sam pack suphi sbl anketandt ur nsi nt hedi r ect i onofourbeachhouse,r eachi ngf ormy hand. " I ' m gonnawal kbackal onet hi st i me, "Isay." Iwantt osaygoodbyet ot hebeach. Besi des,t hey' r egoi ngt obeupsoon. " Sam nods,sl i ppi nghi shandsbehi ndmyneckandpul l i ngmei nt oadeepki ss. " Seeyouar ound,AnnaAbbyf r om NewYawk, "hewhi sper s. It ouchmyf i nger st ohi sl i ps,l ooki nt ohi seyesf ort hel astt i me,andwal kawayal ong
t heshor e.It ur nbackonl yonce,wat chi nghi m movedownt hebeachunt i lhef adesi nt o at hi nbei gel i ne,abl ackdotwher ehi sTshi r toughtt obe. Ir eal l ydon' tevenknowyou,andyet ,i nmyl i f e,youar ef or everent angl ed;t omy hi st or y,i next r i cabl ybound. Backhome,ever yonei sst i l lasl eep.Mybodyi sexhaust ed,buti nt hi smomentIf eelt oo al i vet osl eep.I nst ead,Iwal ki nt hr ought hef r ont ,cr osst hemai nf l oor ,andopent he sl i di ngdeckdoort oheadbackout si de. Thesuni s n' tf ul l yupyetandt heai ri sst i l lcol d,i nf usedwi t ht i nydr opsofoceanmi st .I wal kbar ef ootacr osst hewetgr assl i keIdi donourf i r stdayandsi t uat emysel font he bot t om st ep,l et t i ngmysel fbecomehypnot i zedbyt hel ul loft hewaves.Al oneseagul l pacest heshor el i nei nf r ontofmel i kehe' swai t i ngf ornews,butal lot herl and,ai r ,and sear esi dent sar ei nhi di ng,l eavi ngmeal onewi t ht hegul lt ot hi nkaboutal lt het i mesI coul dhavet ol dFr anki eabouthowIacci dent al l yf el li nl ovewi t hherbr ot her . Theni ghtofmybi r t hdaypar t y,bef or et hepr omi se,Icoul dhavepul l edherbacki nt ot he houseundert hegui seofaf emal ecr i si sandt ol dheraboutmywi shandhowi tcame t r ue. Al lt hoset i mesatt hehouse,st eal i ngl ooksatMat toverdi nner .Bor r owi nghi sbooks. Hangi ngouti nhi sr oom,wai t i ngf orhert oi nt er r upt .Wecoul dhavesatherdownand t ol dher . Icoul dhavet ol dheraf t ert hef uner al ,aswel ockedour sel vesi nherbedr oom and l i st enedt oHel i copt erPi l otCDs. Orwhenshet ol dmet hatmadeupst or yaboutJohan. Al lt hoset i mes,Icoul dn' tpr ot ecther ;notf r om t heonet hi ngt hatr eal l ymat t er edl osi ngMat t . Icoul donl ypr ot ectherf r om t hesecr et .Icoul donl yshi el dherf r om t heknowi ng;f r om t hei magi ni ng;f r om t hei nevi t abl esuf f er i ngat t achedt ot hoseendl esswhat i f s. Whati fhedi dn' tdi e? Whati fi tdi dn' tmeananyt hi ng? Whati fi tmeantever yt hi ng? Oneni ght ,Mat tki ssedme.Thenextf ewweeksshott hr oughmei nabl ur ,abul l et speedi ngatt heskywi t hnoendi nsi ght .Whenhepul l edmecl oset ohi m behi ndt he houset hatf i r stni ght ,Isawourwhol el i f et oget heri nt hef l ashofhi sl i psonmi ne;l i vi ng nextdoort oFr anki eandherf ut ur ehusbandsot hatourki dscoul dgr owupbestf r i ends andTwi nki esl i keal lofus. Butwhenhedi ed,Isaw-not hi ng.Ther ewasnot hi ngl ef tt osee.I thappenedandi t
wasi mpossi bl eandbeaut i f ulandt heni tendedbef or ei tevenr eal l ybegan,l eavi ng not hi ngbehi ndbutsecr et sandbr okenhear t s. Andi nt hi smomentofpal edawni nt hehour sbef or ewel eaveCal i f or ni a,If i nal l yr eal i ze whathasbeent hehar destt hi ngf ormeaboutMat t ' sdeat h.I ti sn' tt hatIl ostabr ot her , l i keFr anki e,orason,l i keAuntJayneandUncl eRed.Thehar destt hi ngi st hatI ' l l never knowexact l ywhatIl ost ,howmuc hi tshoul dhur t ,howl ongIshoul dkeept hi nki ngabout hi m.Het ookt hatmyst er ywi t hhi m whenhedi ed,andahundr edt housandonesi ded l et t er si nmyj our nalwoul dn' thavebr oughtmeanycl osert ot het r ut ht hanIwast he ni ghtIpr essedmyf i nger st ot heseagl asshewor ear oundhi sneckandki ssedhi m back. Foroverayear ,t hel et t er swer emyonl yconnect i ont ohi m;t heonl yevi dencet hatI di dn' ti magi neourbr i eft i measot her .WhenIf i r stsawmyj our nalhel pl essl yf l oat i ngon t hewaves,If el tal osssoi mmedi at eandover whel mi ngi twasl i kebei ngbacki nt he hospi t all obbywhent hedoct ort ol dust heycoul dn' tf i xhi m.Onemi nut e,t hej our nalwas i nmyhands,sof tandf ami l i arandr eal ;t henextmi nut e,i twasgone. Justl i keMat t . Andj ustl i keMat t ,Ineedt ol eti tgo.
t hi r t yone Thesunpeeksoutf r om t hemor ni nghazebehi ndme,t ur ni ngt heskyl i ghtor ange.I t ' s st i l lcol d,andIpul lt hesl eevesofSam' ssweat shi r tovermyhandst owar m upmy f i nger s.Whenasi l entshadowf al l sovert hest ai r sandspi l l sont ot hesandnextt ome,I j ump. " Fr anki e?Whendi dyougether e?" " Justnow, "shesays,herbar ear mscr ossedoverhert hi ncot t onTshi r t ,eyesr ed." I wokeupl astni ghtandyouwer egone.Whenyoudi dn' tcomebackf i r stt hi ngt hi s mor ni ng,Igotscar ed. " Ipatt hest ep,mot i oni ngf orhert osi tnextt ome.Shei nhal esdeepl y,t r i gger i ngachai n r eact i onofsobs. " I ' m sor r y,Anna.I ' m sosor r y.Icameouther et heot herni ghtt oseei fyourj our nal washedupont heshor e,butnol uck.Inevermeantf ori tt ohappenl i ket hat . " I tst i ngs,andIwantt owal kaway.Tol eti tal lgo.Tof or get . ButFr anki eandIar eessent i al l yonequalf oot i ng.Ioweherj ustasmuchanexpl anat i on assheowesme. " Whydi dyour eadi t ,Fr anki e?Whydi dyout akei ti nt hef i r stpl ace?"
Shet el l smet hatwhensheputhercamer aawayatt hepar t y,shesawt hej our nal st i cki ngoutofmybackpack.Shewasdr unkandwant edt oseei fI ' dwr i t t enanyt hi ng aboutSam. " Ineverexpect edt of i ndst uf fabout-wel l ,whatIf ound. " " Fr anki e,IknowIshoul dhavet ol dyouaboutMat t .Buthewant edt ot el lyouhi msel f , andIpr omi sedIwoul dn' tsayanyt hi ng.Hewant edt obesur eyouwer eokaywi t hi t .He t houghti twoul dbebestt owai tunt i lyouhadsomet i meal onewi t hhi mi nCal i f or ni a. That ' st heonl yr easonIdi dn' tt el lyousooner . " Then,t heni ghtbef or eyoul ef tf orCal i f or ni a,ever yt hi nghappenedsof ast-Idi dn' t wantt odi sappoi nthi m.Idi dn' twantt obr eakmypr omi se.Idi dn' twantyout ohur t anymor e.Iwant edt obet her eand" " I tdoesn' tmat t er ,Anna, "shesays." Mat twasmybr ot her .AndI ' m supposedt obeyour bestf r i end.I thur t smet hatyoukeptasecr etl i ket hat .Youshoul d' vet ol dme. " Il ookdownt heshor east hesunst r et chesoverus.Ther unner sar eoutnow,f ol l owi ng t hei rf ami l i arcour sesal ongt hehar dpackedsandcl oset ot hewat er .Twowomenpass ussi debysi de,ser i ousandi nt entandbr eat hl ess. IknowIshoul d' vet ol dFr anki e.Iwant edt ot el lher .AndI-Mat t-we-woul dhavet ol d her ,butt hen. . .WhenIpr omi sedMat tIwoul dn' tsayanyt hi ng,Idi dn' tknowi twoul dbe f oral let er ni t y.I fIt houghthewasgoi ngt odi ebef or econf essi ngt ohi sl i t t l esi st er ,I woul d' veaddedsomef i nepr i ntt oouragr eement . " I ' m sor r y,Fr ank.Ishoul dhavet ol dyou.But" " Awhol emont h, "Fr anki econt i nues." Andnotj ustt hat ,butal lt het i mebef or e,al lt he t i meyoul ovedhi m.Younevert ol dmeaboutyourf eel i ngsf orhi m.I t ' sl i keal lt het i mes wehungout ,hewasn' tyourf r i end.I twasal wayssomet hi ngmor ef oryou.I twasal ways al i e. " Al i e?I thi t smel i k easl edgehammer ,r el easi ngal lt hehur tandsadnessandconf usi on I ' vehel di nsi def ort hel astf our t eenmont hs.Ij umpupwi t houtspeaki ngandbol tt ot he shor e,unabl et ohol di ti nanyl onger . " Howcoul dyoul eaveusl i ket hi s?"Ibawlatt hesky,t ear sspi l l i ngi nt omymout h, i gnor i ngt hebl ur r edr unner swhopassbehi ndmewi t houtsl owi ng.Justanot herdr unk l i t t l egi r l ,t heymustt hi nk." Tel lher ! "Ishout ." Tel lheryoumademepr omi se!Tel lheri t ' s yourf aul t !Tel lheri twasal i ef ory ou,t oo!Tel lheryoul ovedme! " Tel l meyoul ovedme. Il ookoutovert heocean,al lt hewayt oJapan,wai t i ngf orananswer . Shhh,ahhh.Shhh,ahhh.
Not hi ng. " Anna,I ' m sor r y,al lr i ght ?"Fr anki est andsatt heedgeoft het i dei nt ear s,pul l i ngt he sl eeveofSam' ssweat shi r tagai nstmywr i st .Hereyesar eheavy,ol d,t hebr okenbr ow saggi ngandl i st l ess. " Pl ease,Anna.Don' t , "shesays,wi pi nghereyeswi t hherf r eehand.Andj ustasqui ckl y asi tar ose,t hef i ghti nmei sgone. " Howcanyousayi twasal lal i e?"Iask,j ustaboveawhi sper ." Mat twasmybestf r i end. Il ovedhi mt hatwayal ways.' Wehavet ol ookoutf orher . ' Thatwast hel astt hi nghe sai dt omeal one.Andt henhedi ed.WhatwasIsupposedt odo,Fr ank?Tel lme?" Shecr oss esherar msoverherchestandl ooksdownt heshor e.Thewaveshave r eachedourf eet ,i cyandbl ue.I thur t smyt oes,buti t ' sr ealandher eandnowandI needt of eeli t . " Youdon' tneedt opr ot ectme,Anna.I ' mf i ne. "Shest epsbackt ocl earhert oesf r om t he waves,shi ver i ngi nherpi nkandwhi t eHPTshi r t ,herkneest ouchi ngt obl ockt hecol d, hermessyhai rbl owi ngi nt oherey es. " Whatar eyout al ki ngabout ?"Iask." Yourl i f ei st ot al l youtofcont r ol ,Fr anki e.You haven' tt ol dt het r ut haboutasi ngl et hi ngsi nceMat tdi ed. " Fr anki enodssl owl y,r ef usi ngt ol ookatme.Shef ol dsher sel fi nt ot hesand,wr appi ng herar msar oundherkneesandr ubbi ngherbr acel etl i keshedi di nt hehospi t alwhen Mat tdi ed. Isi tnextt oheranddi gmyf eeti nt ot hesand,bl owi ngi nt omyhandst owar m my f i nger s. " Tr ut h, "Fr anki esays,noddi ng. " Tr ut h. " " WhenJohanandIgotoutt ot hef i el d,het ol dmeal laboutMar i aandhowhear t br oken hewas.Att heendofi t ,It r i edt oki sshi m.It houghtt hat ' swhathewant ed,buthej ust pushedmeaway.Hesai dhewassor r y,buthewasst i l li nl ovewi t hher .Iwasso embar r assedt hatIdi dn' tevenwantt ogobackt ot hedance.Whenwegoti nsi de, ever yonewasmaki ngcomment sandj okesandj ustassumedt hatwedi di t-evenyou. I twaseasi ert ogoal ongwi t hi tt hant ot el lt het r ut h-t hatIwasn' tgoodenoughf orhi m. Iwasgoi ngt ot el lyou,butt hest or i esj ustwentonandonandIcoul dn' tdealwi t hi t . " Wi t hJake,wemessedar oundal otatf i r st ,ont heni ght swesnuckout .Weal mostsl ept t oget heraf ewt i mes,andIf i gur edwewoul dsoonerorl at eranyway.Sot hatoneni ght whenyouaskedmeabouti t ,i twaski ndofeasi erf ormet osayyes.I ' m supposedt obe t heexper i encedone,r i ght ?" Ishr ug,di ggi ngsandt unnel swi t hmyt oes." Iguess. "
" Then,hewant edt odoi tatt hepar t y,butIwasdr unk,andIdi dn' twantt o.It ol dhi m we coul dt henextni ght .ButwhenIgotoutt her e,Ist i l ldi dn' twantt o.Idon' tknowwhy,I mean,wewer eal oneont hebeac handhe' sr eal l yhotandever yt hi ng.Ij ustsomet hi ngst oppedme.Maybei t ' sl i keyousai d-t hi ngswer eget t i ngoutofcont r ol ,you andIwer ef i ght i ng,andIcoul dn' tr eal l yt hi nkaboutanyt hi ngel se.Butt hatwasbasi cal l y i t .Hedi dn' twantt oseemeaf t ert hat . " She' scr yi ngagai n,andmyhear tbr eaksf orher .Ever yt hi ngi ssoscr ewedup-Idon' t knowhowt omaket hi ngsbet t eranymor e. " Fr anki e,I ' mt r ul ysor r y.Inevermeantt ohur tyou.Mat tandIj ust" " No,Anna.Youdon' thavet osayanyt hi ng. "Sheshakesherhead." Ir eadt hej our nal . Youdon' thavet ot el lme.I tdoesn' tmat t eranymor e.Mat t ' sj ust-he' sdead. " " Ther ei sn' tasecondt hatgoesbyt hatIdon' tknowt hat .I ' mj ustt r yi ngt ot el lyout hatI " " Ican' t , "shewhi sper s,squeezi ngmyhand." Pl ease,Anna.Don' t . " Idon' twantt okeephur t i ngher ,soIdowhatIdobest . Ij ustswal l owhar d. Nodandsmi l e. Onef ooti nf r ontoft heot her . I ' mf i ne,t hanksf ornotaski ng. West andupanddustt hedampsandof fourl egs,t enuousl yagr eei ngt ot r y.Toaccept . Tomoveon.Tonott al kabouti t . " Weshoul dgoi n, "shesays." They' r egoi ngt owakeup,andwehaven' tevenst ar t ed packi ng. " Inod,f ol l owi ngherbackt ot hest ai r sandi nt ot hehouse. Af t erpacki ngourbags,cl eani ngourr oom,andeat i ngal i ghtbr eakf astwi t hUncl eRed andAuntJayne,It akeaf i nalwal koutt ot heocean-mysadbl uesecr etkeeper .She' s wi t nessedever yt hi ngont hi st r i p-al bat r osscastof f ,secr et sunl eashed,hi st or y dest r oyed,l oveandf r i endshi psf oundandbr oken-yetsher emai nst hesame. Reassur i ng.Undyi ng. Shhhhhhhhh." Goodbye, "Iwhi spert omanyt hi ngsatonce.Thewat erki ssesmyt oes ast heghost sofourmemor i esf adef r om t hehousel i kewetf oot pr i nt s,t hecur t ai nsof Mat t ' sat t i cr oom abovet hebeachcl osedt i ghtagai nstt hesun.
t hi r t yt wo
Thet r i pbackhomei sl i kewat chi ngahi ghl i ght sr eelofourar r i vali nqui ckr ever se.Fr om t hecar ,wet ur nt owat cht hef i er yor angewi ndowsoft hehousevani shbehi ndt hepal m t r eesunt i l onl yt het i poft hewoodeni ceber gr oofr emai ns.Ther oadwi ndsf ar t herdown andt hehousei sal lbuter ased,backt ot hephot ogr aphsandf ai r yt al esf r om whi chi t spr ang. Wedon' tst oponMoonl i ghtBoul evar dt osaygoodbyet oBr eezeorSweetCar ol i ne' sor t hepost car dst andort het our i st si nt hei rl i megr eenspandex,butRedsl owsdownf or Jaynet osnapapi ct ur eoft hesi gnpost edont hef arendoft own. YouAr eLeavi ngZanzi barBay Thanksf orst oppi ngby! Al ongt hehi ghway,Redpul l soveratt hel ookoutwher ewef i r stsawt hehar borseal son ourar r i val ,i nsi st i ngt hatwet akeanot herof f i ci alf ami l yvacat i onphot of orcompar i s on' s sake. Theseal sar er i ghtwher ewel ef tt hem,bar ki ngandpl ayi ngont heshor e. Theguar dr ai landt hei nf or mat i onalsi gnandt hewor npi cni ct abl ear er i ghtwher e t hey' veal waysbeen. Thedol omi t eboul der sst i l lpr ot ectt hecl i f ff r om col l apsi ngi nt ot heseal i ket hey' vedone f ort ensoft housandsofyear s. Myent i r el i f ehaschangedi nt hespanoft hr eeweeks,butast heseal showlagai nstt he Paci f i c,ever yt hi ngar oundmer emai nsexact l yt hesame. " Youguysokay?"Uncl eRedasksuswhenwe' r ebuckl edbacki nt ot hecar ." I ' m sur pr i sedyou' r enotdocument i ngt hi s. " " Justt i r ed, "Fr anki esays,i gnor i ngt hecamer ai nherbackpack." Idon' twantt ol eave, ei t her , "AuntJaynesays." ButIbetwe' l lt akeanot hert r i pnextyear . " Wenodl i ker obot sandl ookoutoursepar at ewi ndowsf r om t hebackseat . Att heai r por t ,wer et ur nt her ent alcar ,checki n,andr usht hr oughsecur i t yami dt he samef l uxofr euni onsandbr eakupswewi t nessedont hewayher e.Samepeopl e. Samehel l osandgoodbyes.Samebegi nni ngsandendi ngs.Samebef or esandaf t er s. Wegett ot hegat ewi t ht i mef oraJack' sJavar un,butFr anki eandIor dersepar at el y. Wedon' tdoanymocki nt er vi ews.Wedon' tmakeupst or i esaboutt heot herwai t i ng passenger s.Wedr i nkourexpensi vecof f eemi l kshakesandt r yt ost ayawakel ong enought oboar dt hepl anewi t houtf al l i ngdowndead. Soonwe' r ei nourseat s,l i st eni ngt ocr ewmemberi nst r uct i onsandf ol l owi ngal ongwi t h t hepassengersaf et yi nf or mat i onc ar dconveni ent l yl ocat edi nourseat backpocket s. Fr anki el et smehavet hewi ndowseatagai nandpr ompt l ypassesoutagai nstmy
shoul der ,l i st eni ngt ot henewHPpl ayl i stshemadeonheri Podaf t ert heconcer t .AsI wat cht hewhi t edot sofsai l boat sdi sappeari nt ot hevastbl ueocean,t heGol denGat e br i dgebecomesaser i esofsuspendedr edmat chst i cks,andIt hi nkaboutMom and Dad,wonder i ngwhet hert hey' l lnot i cehowmuchI ' veagedi nt heset hr eeshor tweeks. Wi l lIl ookort al korwal kdi f f er ent ?Wi l lt heyknow? Yes,Annawassuchasweetgi r l ,butt hatwasbef or et hei nci dent .We' dr at hernott al k abouti t . Wegethomeaf t ermi dni ghtEastCoastt i meandi tt akesal lmyr emai ni ngener gyt osay goodbyet ot hePer i nos,hugMom andDadhel l o,anddr agmysel fupt omyr oom.Save f orasetofcl eansheet sont hebed,myr oom i sexact l yasIl ef ti t-f ami l i ar , comf or t abl e,andexpect ed.Iknowwhi chboar dsi nt hef l oorwi l lcr eakundermyst eps.I knowwhi chdr awerhol dsmysocks.Iknowwhi chmonst er sl i vei nt hecl osetandwhi ch undert hebed,andwhenIcr awlbet weenmysheet sandl aymyheadagai nstmyol d, l umpypi l l ow,Ipul lmysheet supt omychi n,cl osemyeyes,andal l owmysel ft ot hi nk t hatmaybeIneverl ef tt hi ssaf e,bor i ngpl acewi t hi t sol dpr edi ct abl eghost s.
t hi r t yt hr ee Mor ni ngcomest oosoon,Mom buzzi ngar oundmyr oom t owakemeoutofadeep sl eepsowecanhavebr eakf astt oget herandt al kaboutt het r i p.Isi tupandt akei nt he f ami l i arwal l s,r emember i ngt hatI ' m nol ongert wot housandmi l esacr osst hecount r yi n abeachr ent alhouse. Thecl ocksaysel evena. m.Tenhour si sn' tnear l yenought or epayt hesl eepdef i ci tI ' ve bui l tupt hesepastf ewweeks,butMom i st ooexci t edaboutmaki ngupf orl ostqual i t y t i me. Downst ai r s,Dad' satt het abl ewi t ht henewspaper ,sur r oundedbycover eddi shes.I n honorofs uchat r i umphantr et ur nf r om suchawhol esomef ami l yvacat i oni nwhi chIdi d notexper i mentwi t hal cohol ,boys,cur f ewbr eaki ng,orwal ki ngout si dewi t houtampl e appl i cat i onsofsunscr een,Mom pr epar edabr eakf astf i tf orki ngsandangeldaught er s al i ke. Ipul lupmyusualchai r ,l oadupapl at e,andt el lt hem al laboutt het r i p.Rat her ,t hePG ver si on,f ocusi ngonact i vi t i escoor di nat edbyRedandJayneandaf ewst r at egi cal l y pl acedment i onsofJacki eandSamant ha( whosepar ent swer eofcour sever yst r i ct ) .I t al kaboutt heseaf oodweat eandt hatni ghtwhent hewai t erdumpedt hepi t cherof wat eronFr anki e' ssunbur n.Ievent el lt hem aboutt hesandangel swemadewi t hAunt Jayne.Idescr i bet heoceanandt hehouseandMoonl i ghtBoul evar dwi t hi t secl ect i cmi x oft our i st sandl ocal s,f i ndi ngi text r emel ychal l engi ngt or emi ni scewi t houtment i oni ng Sam andt heVaVaVi neappl esmoot hi eIpl ant or ecr eat ei nt hebl enderl at er . " I tsoundsbeaut i f ul ,Anna, "Mom s ays,pour i ngher sel fmor ecof f ee. " So,anyt hi ngnewar oundher e?"Iask,hopi ngIdon' tacci dent al l yment i onSam.
" Dadhassomenews. "Mom smi l esatDadacr osst het abl e." Rememberr i ghtbef or e youl ef tIwont heHooverHousel i st i ng-t hatol dmansi onoutonRout eFi ve?"Dad asks." Wel l ,Isol di t .Oneweekf l at ,andwehadahugebi ddi ngwar ,j ustl i keI pr edi ct ed. " " Dad,t hat ' sgr eat !Congr at ul at i ons . " " I ' mt aki ngusal loutt ocel ebr at et oni ght .ThePer i nos,t oo.Soundf un?" Icat chmysel fshr uggi ngandqui ckl yt ur ni ti nt oahappynod." Wher ei sFr anki e, anyway?"Dadasks." I t ' sal mostnoon.I ' m sur pr i sedyout wocanst andt hesepar at i on. " It akeadeepbr eat handgul pdownsomeor angej ui ce. Wel l ,Dad,f i r stFr anki el i edt omeaboutl osi nghervi r gi ni t yt ot hef or ei gnexchange st udentont hesoccerf i el d,andhowyourf i r stt i mecan' tbespeci alandal lt hat .Thenwe deci dedt ohavet hi st went yboycont estbutweonl ymet ,l i ke,hal f ,andshel i edagai n aboutsl eepi ngwi t honeoft hem whenr eal l yt heyj ustki ndoff ool edar oundnakedand br okeup.Meanwhi l e,whenIwascast i ngof fmyvi r gi ni t ywi t hboynumberf i ve( orwas hesi x?) ,Fr anki er eadmyj our nalandf oundoutt hatIwasi nl ovewi t hMat tf orami l l i on year sandbyt heway,r i ghtaf t eryout ookt hatpi ct ur eofuswi t hal lt hecakeand f r ost i ng,heki ssedmeandst ar t edt hi swhol el ongt hi ngt hatwewer en' tal l owedt ot el l herabout .Fr anki ewassomadt hatshet hr ewmyj our nali nt ot hebot t om oft heocean, wher ei ti sbani shedf oral let er ni t ywi t hal ovesi ckmer mai dwhocr i esoutpi ecesofsea gl ass.Ar eyougoi ngt oeatt hatbacon? Dadpr epar eshi st oast ,car ef ulnott ogetcr umbsi nt hebut t er ,pol i t el yawai t i ngmy r esponse. " I ' l lpr obabl yseeherl at er , "Isay." Good.Weal r eadyt ol dRedandJayneaboutdi nner . Youknow,Anna,youl ookdi f f er ent . "Hewat chesmeamomentl ongert hanusual . " Whatdoyoumean?"Ihopemyvoi cedoesn' tbet r ayanygui l taboutt he af or ement i oned" i nci dent , "whi chwi l lcompl et el yevadehi sDadsensor s,butMom wi l l beal loveri t . " Hmm.Tan.Andr el axed. " Mom nods." Weshoul dhavesentyouawayal ongt i meago. " " Haha. "Somet i mesIt hi nkI ' m anal i ent hatacci dent al l yf el lof ft hemot hershi p, dest i nedt owanderamongcl uel essear t hl i ngpar ent sf oral let er ni t y. Af t ert hebr eakf astpl aybypl ay,i t ' st i mef ort hedaunt i ngt askofunpacki ngt hr eeweeks' wor t hofdi r t ysecr et s.Imeancl ot hes.Di r t ycl ot hes. Ist ar tbydumpi ngt heent i r econt ent sofmysui t case-i ncl udi ngaboutf i vegal l onsof sand-onmybed.
Isepar at eoutal loft henoncl ot hes-ar andom assor t mentofbeachgl ass,shel l s,and sanddol l ar s;t hest r i pedbeachst oneFr anki egavemeonourf i r stday;i Pod;cel lphone; post car dsInevermai l ed;aSanFr anci scomagnetf ormyl ockernextyear ;t hebookof oceanpoemsf r om Ci t yLi ght s;andt het akeoutmenuf r om Smoot hi eShackwi t hSam' s emai laddr essscr i bbl edi nt hebot t om cor ner . Ist ar tanewj arf ormybeachgl as sandst i ckt hemenui nt hebot t om oft hesockdr awer wher eMom won' tseei t .Ever yt hi ngel sef i ndsapl acei nmyr oom asi fi thadbeenher e al lal ong-evenSam' ssweat shi r tf ol dsef f or t l essl yi nt omydr aweramongt heot her sl i ke t heyar eol df r i endsr euni t i ngaf t eral ongsepar at i on. I tst i l lsmel l sl i kehi m.Il eavei tneart het opsoIcanweari tt oni ghtaf t erMom andDad ar esaf el yt uckedawayi nt hei rbl i ssf ul l ycl uel essbedr oom. Iopenmywi ndowandsl i deupt hescr een,hopi ngIcanshaket hesandoutofsomeof mycl ot heswi t houtt hebr eezebl owi ngi tbacki nt omyf ace.IspotFr anki el yi ngouti n herbackyar d,per pet uat i nghergor geoust an.Shef l i pst hr oughani ssueofCel ebSt yl e anddr opsi tont hest acki nt headj acentl oungechai rf or mer l yknownasmi ne. Themagazi necausesanaval anche,sl i di ngof ft hechai randi nt ot hegr ass,t aki ngt hr ee orf ourot her swi t hi t .Shel eansovert ogr abt hem butcan' tr eachwi t houtget t i ngoutof herchai r ,opt i ngi nst eadt oknockt her estoft hepi l ei nt ot hegr assandr ol loveronher si de. Ther ei snoexper t l yposedf l atst omach,gl i st eni ngpar t edl i ps,sl i ght l ybentl egs,or heavi ngbosom. Ther ei snospar kl i ngsand. Nor oar i ngocean. Nodr ool i ng,whi st l i ngboys. JustFr anki eandmyempt yl oungechai r . I thur t st owat ch,andIf eelgui l t yf orl i nger i ngi nt heshadowsofmyr oom l i keast al ker . " Fr ank! "Iyel ldownt oher ." I ' m comi ngover . " Fr anki emeet smei nherki t chen,gr abbi ngt woDi etCokesonourwayupst ai r s. I tseemsl i keyear ssi nceI ' vebeenher e,andt hemar oonsandpur pl esofherMor occan r oom ar eacomf or t abl ehomecomi ng. Isi tont hebed,pul l i ngmyl egsunderme.Hervi deocamer ai sconnect edt ot he comput eronherdesk,t r ansf er r i ngt heevi denceofourAbsol ut eBestSummerEvert o herhar ddr i ve. " Wecanwat chi tl at eri fyouwant , "shesays,noddi ngatt hecamer aasshepul l sapai r ofboxer soverherswi msui tandsi t si nf r ontoft hevani t y.Lastt i meIwasher e,I
wat chedhergetgl ammedupf ort r i ppl anni ngni ghti nf r ontoft hebi gmi r r orbehi ndher . Ishr ug.Wel ookateachot her ,t henaway.Ateachot her .Thenaway.WeopenourDi et Cokesandt akeaf ewsi ps.Nei t herspeaks.Thenbot hatt hesamet i me. " Fr anki e,I "and" Anna,I , "awkwar dandst r ai ned.We' veneverbeeni nt hi spl acebef or e. Wedon' tknowhowt onavi gat e. I t ' sherr oom,soIl ethergof i r st ." I ' m gl adyoucameover ,Anna.Iknowweal r eady t al kedaboutt hi ssome,buti tst i l lf eel swei r d.Ther e' smor eIhavet osay. " " Yeah,me,t oo. " " Okay,so. . . "Shet akesadeepbr eat h,l et t i ngi toutsl owl y,af ai nt" Mat t "waf t i ngof ft he endofhersi ghl i kest eam. " Iunder st andwhyhedi dn' twantt ot el lmer i ghtaway, "shesays." Hewasal ways wor r yi ngaboutme-evenwhenwewer eki ds.I fIscr apedmykneeorf el lof fmybi ke, hewast hef i r stonet ohel pmeupandmakesur eMom gotaBandAi d. " " Ir emember . "Ismi l e." Hewast hequi nt essent i albi gbr ot her . " " Hewas.Butt hat ' sj usti t-he' snother et opr ot ectmeanymor e,Anna.Andyoudon' t havet obe,ei t her .IknowIl etst uf fgetcr azy.Idi dn' tmeant obel i ket hat-i tj ustki ndof happened.Youcoul dn' thavechangedt hat .I-i twassomet hi ngIhadt ogot hr ough mysel f . " Myt hr oatt i ght ens." If el tl i keIl ethi m down, "Isay." Al lt hatst uf fwi t hsmoki ngand JohanandJake-Idi dn' tt akecar eofyou.Icoul dn' tevenkeept hatonesi mpl e pr omi se. " " Anna,mybr ot herdi ed.Ther e' snowayyoucoul dpr ot ectmef r om t hat .I t ' supt ome, now.Il ethi m down.Il etmedown. " Sher eachesi nt ohert opdeskdr awerf ort hest al epackofci gar et t es. " IknowIcandobet t er , "shesays,cr ushi ngt hem i nherhandanddr oppi ngt hem i nt o t het r ashcan.Ihaven' tseenhersoconvi ncedaboutanyt hi ngsi nceshepi ckedoutour bi ki ni satBl i ngandi nvent edt hesummeroft went yboys. " Fr anki e" " Ther e' smor e,Anna.Whenwef i r stgott oCal i f or ni a, "shesays," youaskedmei fI r emember edyourbi r t hdaypar t y. " Inod,pi cki ngatat hr eadonhercomf or t er ." Idi dr emember .Mat twasact i ngl i kesucha spacecadett hatni ghtaf t erwegothome-l i kehewasf l oat i ng.Ican' tbel i eveIdi dn' t f i gur ei tout ,butofal lt het hi ngst hathecoul dhavebeent hi nki ngabout ,youwer et he l ast-Imean,mymi ndj ustdi dn' tevengot her e.Youwer el i keoursi st er . "
" ButI" " Wai t-l etmegett hi sout . "Shel ooksatmehar d,herbr okenwi ngeyebr owt r embl i ng t okeept het ear sback." Af t erIbr ushedmyt eet h,Iwal kedi nt ohi sr oom.Hewassi t t i ng onhi sbed,pl ayi ngwi t ht hatbl uegl assneckl aceheal wayswor e,abi gsmi l eonhi s f ace.Remembert heneckl ace?" Theneckl ace." Ofcour se. " " Iaskedhi m whatwassof unny.Hej umpedal i t t l e,notknowi ngI ' dbeenwat chi nghi m smi l et her el i keagoof yl i t t l eki d.Hesai di twasnot hi ng-j ustt hathehadf unatt he par t y.AndIbel i evedhi m,al lt hewayupunt i lt hedayIr eadyourj our nal .That ' swheni t al lmadesense.Al lt het i meshe' daskmeaboutwhoyoul i kedatschool ,orwhowant ed t ot akeyout owhat everdance. " She' squi etasIdi gestherst or y,put t i ngt hepi ecest oget hert of or m acompl et ewhol e f r om t hemi ssi nghal ft hat ' shaunt edmesi ncet hatni ght-howdi dher eal l yf eelabout me?Wasi tj ustonest upi dmoment ,per pet uat edal i t t l et ool ong,onl yt obef or got t enas qui ckl yasi tcame?Assoonashewentawayt oschool ? " Iwasi nl ovewi t hhi mf or ever-s i nceIwas,l i ke,t en, "Iconf ess. " Yeah, "shesays." Youbot hwer ei nl ove.Iknowt hatnow.Wewer eal lsocl ose,you know?Ij ustdi dn' tseei tcomi ngunt i lIr eadyour-I ' m sor r y,Anna. " Icl osemyeyes,f i ght i ngbackt hei mageofherhandonmyj our nal ." I t ' sokay. " " Theni ghtwegotbackf r om t hehospi t al , "shesays," whenMom andDadwer e downst ai r swi t hyourpar ent saf t ert heyt ookyouhome,Iwenti nt ohi sr oom.Ist i l ldon' t knowwhy-i tf el tl i kehewascal l i ngmeorsomet hi ng. " I nsi de,ev er yt hi ngwasexact l yashe' dl ef ti tt hatmor ni ng.Hi sbedunmade.Di r t y cl ot hesont hef l oor .Thef r ost i ngs hi r tf r om yourcakef i ghtweeksear l i er-j ustl i ket he oneyouhavei nyourcl oset .I twashangi ngi nsi dehi scl osetdoor ,bl ueandcr ust y.I t ' s pr obabl yst i l li nt her e. " Ismi l e,pi ct ur i ngMat thangi nghi sf r ost edshi r tbehi ndt hedoort hatni ghtatt hesame t i meIwasst uf f i ngmi nei nt oi t spl ast i cbagi nmyr oom nextdoor ,t ot al l yf r eakedout aboutwhathadj usthappened. " Idi dn' tt hi nkyour ecogni zedi t , "Isay." Thatdaywewentt hr oughmycl osetbef or et he t r i p.Youwant edmet ot hr owi tout . " " Idi dn' tr ecogni zei tt hatday.ButonceIsawt hepi ct ur ei nyourj our nal ,i tst ar t edt o comet oget her . " Anyway, "shecont i nues," t hatni ghtaf t ert heacci dent ,hi sr oom st i l lsmel l edl i kehi m, youknow?I twasl i keIcoul dl ockmysel fi nt her ef or everandj ustkeepbr eat hi ngand t el l i ngmysel ft hathewoul dcomeback.
" Isatont heendofhi sbedandl ookedt hr ought hest uf fonhi sni ght st and.Al ar m cl ock. Hal f empt ygl assofwat er .Loosechange.Somebookshewasi nt hemi ddl eofr eadi ng. Andt heneckl ace. " " Ar eyouser i ous?"Iask." Ial wayst houghti twasl osti nt hehospi t alori nt hecr ash. " " No,hemusthavef or got t ent oputi tont hatmor ni ng.Andt heni ghtoft heacci dent , somet hi ngt ol dmet ot akei t ,soIdi d.Icl osedi tupi nmyf i standcr i edmysel ft osl eepi n hi sbed.Thenextmor ni ng,Iwokeupi nmyownbedwi t ht heneckl acewr appedar ound myhand.Icoul dn' tevenr ememberwhyIt ooki t ,orhowIgotf r om hi sr oom t omi ne. " Af ewdaysl at er ,Mom waswander i ngar oundt hehousei nat r ance,mumbl i ngabout t hebl ueneckl ace-shewant edt hem t oputi tonhi m.Idi dn' tt el lherIhadi t .Ihi di ti n t hepocketofanol dcoatwher eIknewshewoul dn' tl ook,evenonadecor at i ng r ampage.Thesamet hi ngt hatt ol dmet ot akei t ,t ol dmet okeepi tsecr et .If el tt er r i bl e t hatMom t houghti twasl ost ,butIknewt her ewassomer easonIwasn' tsupposedt o bur yi twi t hmybr ot her .Ij ustdi dn' tknowwhy-unt i lnow. " " Whatdoyoumean?"Iask,st i l lshockedt hatshe' dhadt heneckl aceal lt hi st i me;t hat al lal ong,sheknewsomuchaboutt hesecr et . Sheset sdownhersodaandpul l ssomet hi ngf r om t hedeskdr awerwher esheusedt o keept hec i gar et t es. " Imean,i t ' syour s,Anna.I t ' sal waysbeenyour s. "Shepr essesherf i nger st omypal m. Myeyesmovesl owl yf r om herf acet ot hef l at ,coolobj ecti nmyhand.Ther ei ti s,smal l andunassumi ng,t wol eat hercor dshol di ngat r i angl eofbl uegl ass.Hi st or ypl aysi t sel f t hr oughmyheadl i keamovi e-t hecake,t heki t chensi nk,t heneckl ace,t heki ss,t he t extmessages,t hebackoft hehouse,t hesecondki ss,t henextandt henextandt he next ,t hest ar s,t hebooks,t hehal lcl oset ,t hei cecr eam,t hecar ,t hehospi t al .Myc heeks bur n.Iwai tf ort hesadnesst odr ownme,t het ear st ost ar t . Iwai t . Iwai t . Iwai t . But . . .not hi ng. I ' m-okay.It hi nkaboutMat tandt hebl uet r i angl eal waysonhi scol l ar boneandf eela t i ght nessi nmychest ,butnot ear s.Nocr ushi ngsenseofl oss.Nol andsl i deofsad r ocks. I ' m okay. Icl osemyhandar oundt heneckl aceandf eelanover whel mi ngsur geof-cal m,I guess.Andl ove.Andf or gi veness.Andcl osur e.Abegi nni ng,anendi ng,andanew
begi nni ng. " Thankyou, "Iwhi sper ,st r et chi ngt oputmyar msar oundherf oral ongover duehug. " SoIguesswedi dn' tgett ot went y,huh?"Fr anki esmi l es,wi pi nghereyes. " Notexac t l y,no. " " Oh,wel l .Yougetatl eastf i veext r apoi nt sf orSam. " Sam.Thesoundofhi snamer emi ndsmeoft hesmel lofhi sski n,andt hehai ronmy neckst andsup. " Youdor eal i zeI ' m goi ngt oneedal lt hedet ai l soft hi sl i t t l er endezvous,r i ght ?"Fr anki e asks. " Fr ancesc a,I ' m shocked! " " Oh,comeon.YouknewI ' dmakeyouspi l lever yt hi ngevent ual l y! " " No-I ' m shockedt hatyouusedawor dl i ke' r endezvous' cor r ect l y!Andyoueven pr onounced" " Andyou' r et r yi ngt ochanget hesubj ect . "Shel aughs,er asi ngal ef t overt earwi t hher f i nger t i p.I t ' sdi f f er entt hi st i me-herl augh.Sadandal i t t l ebi tser i ous,butr awand hopef ulandhonest ,t oo.Ast her edgl assofherbr acel etspar kl esagai nsthert anski n,I f i nal l yunder st andi t .Ther ewasneveranol dFr anki eoranewFr anki e.Ever yt hi ngt hat everhappenedi sj ustpar tofwhoshei s;ofwhoIam;oft hebestf r i endshi pt hatI ' v e al waysl oved. Ipr esst hebl uegl asst r i angl et omyl i psandsmi l ef orMat t ,mybest f r i endt hat ' saboy, myl astgoodbyet ot hebr okenhear t edpr omi seIcar r i edl i kemyj our nalf orsol ong. Somewher ebel owt hebl ackf r ot hyocean,abani shedmer mai dr eadsmyl et t er sand weepsendl essl yf oral oveshe' l lneverknow-notf orasi ngl emoment . Bef or et het r i p,Fr anki eandIsetoutt ohavet heAbsol ut eBestSummerEver ,t he summeroft went yboys.We' l lneveragr eeont hef i nalcount-whet hert heboysf r om Car ol i ne' sshoul dbei ncl udedi nt het al l y,whet hert hemi l kshakemanwast oool dt obe consi der eda" boy, "whet herhert at t ooedr ockst ari nt er l udewasanyt hi ngot hert hana r ebound.Buti nt heend,t her ewer eonl yt woboyswhor eal l ymat t er ed. Mat tandSam. WhenIcl osemyeyes,IseeSam l yi ngnextt omeont hebl ankett hatf i r stni ghtwe wat chedt hest ar s-t heni ghthemademel ookatever yt hi ngi nadi f f er entway;t he br eezeonmyski nandt hemusi candt heoceanatni ght .ButIal soseeMat t ;hi s mar zi panf r ost i ngki ss.Al lt hebooksher eadt ome.Hi spost car df ai r yt al esofCal i f or ni a, f i nal l ycomi ngt ol i f ei nZanzi barBay. WhenIki ssedSam,Iwassoscar edofer asi ngMat t .ButnowIknowt hatIcoul dnever
er asehi m.He' l lal waysbepar tofme-j usti nadi f f er entway.Li keSam,maki ng smoot hi esont hebeacht wot housandmi l esaway.Li keFr anki e,myvoodoomagi c but t er f l yf i ndi ngherwaybackhomei nt hedar k.Li ket hest ar s,f adi ngwi t ht hehal oof t hevani shi ngmoon.Li ket heocean,f al l i ngandwhi sper i ngagai nstt heshor e.Not hi ng everr eal l ygoesaway-i tj ustchangesi nt osomet hi ngel se.Somet hi ngbeaut i f ul . *** Fr anki esmi l es,ar chi ngherbr okenwi ngeyebr owexpect ant l y.I nt hi smoment ,si t t i ngon herpur pl ecomf or t erwi t ht hesunshi ni ngonust hr ought hewi ndow,Ir eal i zet hatwear e l ucky-l uckyt obeal i ve,j ustl i keever yonesai d. Isl i pt heneckl acei nt omypocketandt akeadeepbr eat h. Don' tmove,AnnaRei l ey.Ri ghtnow,ever yt hi ngi sper f ect .
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Myhear t f el tgr at i t udet oal lwhohavegi venmet hei nspi r at i on,t heencour agement ,and t heoppor t uni t yt owr i t eTwent yBoySummerandachi evet hi sunbel i evabl edr eam. Tomyedi t or ,Jenni f erHunt ,whobel i evedi nmeenought oputupaf i ghtandwhose i ncr edi bl et al entf orst or yt el l i ngbr oughtAnnaRei l ey' sj our neyt ol i f e.Thanksal sot oT. S.Fer gusonandever yoneatLi t t l e,Br ownwhohel pedmakeTwent yBoySummera r eal ,l i vebook. ToTedMal awer ,myagent ,whof l awl essl ynavi gat edmyst al ker esqueemai l sand wor kedl onghour st ogi vemet hebestbi r t hdaynewsever . ToLi ght houseWr i t er sWor kshop,especi al l yJennyVacchi anoI t el l ,f oryouri nval uabl e gui dance;Andr eaDupr ee,myst eadf astcheer l eader ;andMi keHenr y,whoasked, " Haveyoueverconsi der edwr i t i ngf oryoungadul t s?"Thanksal sot oBi l lHender son, JayBar r y,RachelMi l l er ,Mer edi t hSal e,GI S! ,andal lofmywr i t i ngf r i endsf ort he cr i t i ques,t heencour agement ,andt hel i t er ar yshenani gans. ToMom andDad,whoper suadedmet owr i t emyownst uf faf t ert heE. T.i nci dentof 1982;mybr ot her s,St eveOckl erandScot t" I ' m notashamedt or eadgi r l yYAbook s" Ockl er ;myf ami l yi nl aw,f ort heMi l l i onDol l arBi ms;AmyHai ns,whoneverdoubt ed; andal lwhoasked," WhencanIr eadi t ?"Um,now?Now' sgood! Andt omyhusband,Al ex,whosai d," Bi ms,you' r eawr i t er ! "Thanksf orr emi ndi ngme whenIal mostf or got .Her e' st ot hosedoubl er ai nbows,myl ove. Fi nal l y,Iam f or evergr at ef ult omydearf r i endsJohnandMar gar etMoyer ,andt oal l donorf ami l i es.Youhavei nspi r edt hi sst or y.Thankyouf orsayi ngyes.