0. There exists an affinoid subset E of K of diameter I > diam(J-), which belongs to J7, such that ||/(a;)| — diam^T). □ Theorem 13.10: Let D be a closed bounded set and ip? £ Mult(R(D), || . \\D)- There exists a base of neighborhoods of ip? in Mult(R(D), || . Ho), with respect to the topology of simple convergence, con sisting of the family of sets of the form Mult(R(E n D), || . Heno), where E is a J-'-affinoid. Proof: Let fi,...,fq € R(D) and consider a neighborhood W of ipjr: we will show that it contains a neighborhood of the form Mult{R(E n D), || . \\EDD), where E is a ^-affinoid. Indeed, by Lemma 13.9 there exist affinoid sets Ej e f , (1 < j < q) such that | \fj{x)\— f^(fj)\oo < e Vx € Ej (1 < j < q). Then f]j=i Ej i s a n infraconnected affinoid set which belongs to T'. We can put E = D?=i Ej- So, we have an affinoid set F such that | \fj(x)\ - ¥^(/i)|oo < £, Vx 6 Ej (l<j<
and therefore
I \Hfj)\ - vAfj)\oo < e, Vx e £,- (l < i < 9), W> € Mult(R(E
0 £>), || . lUnc).
Ultrametric Banach
Now, by Lemma 10.2 F contains a ^"-affinoid E. Then Mult(R(E), || . || E ) is a neighborhood of ip?- in Mult(K(x)) and Mult(R(E n D), |j . WEC^D) is a neighborhood of
is locally compact and locally sequentially
Proof: Let ipj? £ Mult(K[x]) and let E be an affinoid set such that Mult(R(E),\\ . \\E) is a neighborhood of ipjr in Mult(K[x}). Then Mult(R(E), || . \\E) is a compact neighborhood of ip?. Moreover, it is a sequentially compact neighborhood. □ Notation: Given a set D C K, we will denote by £(-D) the set of ip? g Mult{K[x\) such that T is D-bordering, and by So(-D) the set of ip? e Mult(K[x}) such that T is strictly D-bordering.
Chapter 14
Topologies on
In Chapter 11 we defined a metric S on $(K) and we showed in Chapter 12 that $(K) is complete with respect to this metric. In Chapter 14 we saw that $(K) is in bijection with Mult{K[x\) which is provided with the topol ogy of simple convergence. Henceforth, thanks to this one to one correspon dence, we will consider that both $(K) and Mult{K[x\) are provided with both topologies. Theorem 14.1: Let D be closed and bounded. Then the boundary of Mult(R(D), || . \\D) inside Mult(K[x]), with respect to the topology of sim ple convergence, is equal to S(D). Proof: Let T be £>-bordering. Let W be a neighborhood of (pr in Mult(K[x]). By Theorem 13.10 there exists an affinoid set E e T such that Mult(R(E), || . \\E)CW. Since En(K\D) ^ ) c Mult{K[x\)
\ Mult(R(D),
||. | | D ) .
Conversely, let ip? € Mult(R(D),\\. \\D) belong to the closure of Mult(K[x])\Mult(R{D), ||. \\D) in Mult{K[x}). Let E e T be an affinoid set. Then Mult(R(E), || . \\E) is a neighborhood of
||. \\D)) ^ 0.
Moreover, W n {Mult(K[x]) \ Mult(R(D),
\\. \\D))
is open in Mult(K[x]) because so are W and Mult(K[x]) \ Mult(R(D), ||. \\D). Since Multa(K[x\) is dense inside Mult(K[x\), there exists ya e {Multa(K[x})
\ Mult(R(D),
||. || D )) n Mult(R(E),
\\ . \\E).
Consequently, a lies in E, which proves that JF is secant with K\D. There fore the boundary of Mult(R(D), \\ . \\D) inside Mult(K[x}) is included in E(.D), and finally these two sets are equal. □ R e m a r k : Since the topology of simple convergence is weaker than the 5-topology, the boundary of Mult(R(D),\\ . \\D) inside Mult(K[x]), with respect to the (5-topology is obviously included in the boundary of Mult(R(D), || . \\o) inside Mult(K[x]), with respect to the topology of simple convergence. The equality does not hold in the general case. Theorem 14.2: Let D be closed, bounded and infraconnected. Then Eo(r > ) is included in the boundary of Mult(R(D),\\ . ||o) inside Mult(K[x}), with respect to the 5-topology. Moreover, the boundary of Mult(R(D), || . \\p) inside Mult(K[x]), with respect to the 5-topology, is equal to E(D) if and only if for every tpg £ T,(D)\T.Q(D) , there exists either a monotonous distances holes sequence or an equal distances holes sequence which is thinner than Q, whose superior gauge is equal to its diameter. Proof: Let D = d{a,r), with a £ D. Let (fg G £(£>). Suppose first that Q is the peripheral of D, hence r} f° r both topologies, hence it lies in the closure of Mult(K[x])\Mult(R(D), || . ||£>) for both topologies. In the same way, ipg lies in the closure of {(pa<s \ 0 < s < r} for both topologies. But since D is infraconnected, for every s G [0,r], by Proposition 10.4 the circular filter of center a and diameter s is secant with D, and then, by Corollary 13.8, ipaiS belongs to Mult(R(D), || . \\D). Con sequently, (fig lies in the closure of Mult(R(D), || . ||XJ) for both topologies. This shows that tpg belongs to the boundary of Mult(R(D), \\ . \\D) inside Mult(K[x}) with respect to the 5-topology. Similarly, suppose now that Q is the peripheral of a hole T = d(b,l~) of D. Then (fg lies in the closure of {
Topologies on Mult(K[x])
topologies. But since D is infraconnected, for every s € [I, r], by Proposition 10.4 the circular filter of center b and diameter s is secant with D, and then, by Corollary 13.8, ipb,s belongs to Mult(R(D), \\ . \\D). Consequently, ipg lies in the closure of Mult(R(D), \\ . \\D) for both topologies and therefore belongs to the boundary of Mult(R(D), || . \\D) inside Mult(K[x\) with respect to the 5-topology. Now, let ipg e E(Z)) \ So(-D)- Let r = diam(Q). Suppose first that there exists a monotonous holes sequence, or an equal distances holes sequence, thinner than Q, whose superior gauge is equal to its diame ter. Let (Dn)ne^ be a base of Q consisting of afiinoid sets. Then of course limn-.oo diam(Dn) = r. Thus, there exists a monotonous distances holes sequence or an equal distances holes sequence, (Tn)n&^ such that limn^oo diam(Tn) = r, and Tn c Dn Vn 6 N. For each n € N, let Tn = d(bn, r~), let sn = diam(Dn) and A„ = S(ifg, „, we have d?am(sup(^ r „, Q)) < sn. Consequently, by definition of the distance <5, we can check that Xn < max(s n — rn, sn—r), and finally lim^-Hx, A„ = 0. Hence Q is a point of adherence of the sequence (Fn) with respect to the 5-topology, and therefore belongs to the closure of Mult(K[x}) \ Mult(R(D), || . \\D) inside Mult(K[x\). Since it belongs to Mult(R(D), || . \\D), it belongs the boundary of Mult(R(D), \\ . \\D) inside Mult(K[x]) with respect to the (^-topology. Assume now that the sequence (Tn) is an increasing holes sequence, or an equal distances holes sequence. Then each filter Tn is surrounded by Q. Consequently, An = r — rn, and therefore the conclusion is immediate. Finally, suppose now that there exist neither any monotonous holes sequence nor any equal distances holes sequence whose superior gauge is equal to its diameter. Then, we can find A < r and an affinoid set B € Q such that every hole of D included in B has a diameter p < A. Let B = d(a,s0) \Uqj=1d(aj,sJ) and let mino<j r — A. Thus we have proven that for every (pT e Mult(K[x}) \ Mult(R(D),
\\ . \\D),
we have S(G,T) > min
min \r - s,|oo, \r - A|oo 1.
This finishes proving that tpg does not belong to the boundary of Mult(R(D), || . ||D) inside Mult(K[x\) with respect to the 5-topology. □ T h e o r e m 1 4 . 3 : Let D be a closed bounded set. The topology of simple convergence is weaker than the 5-topology on Mult(R(D), || . \\£>). If at least one large circular filter on K is secant with D, then Mult(R(D), || . H^) is not compact for the 5-topology. However, on a totally ordered subset of Mult(R(D), || . \\D) the two topologies are equal. Proof: Let r £ Mult(R(D), || . \\D). First we will show that every neighborhood of ip^, with respect to the simple convergence topology, which is of the form Mult{R{EC\D), || . HEI-ID), where E is an affinoid set, contains a neighborhood of ,>.F) < e}. Let r = diam{T). If T = inf(S), we denote by E the unique disk in K of diameter r + e, such that T is secant with E, and we put s = r - e. Else, since there exists T§ € S such that To -< T, we put r§ = diam{T§) and consider a disk d(b, s)
Topologies on Mult(K[xJ) 85
of diameter s e]max(r 0 ,r — e),r[ such that T§ is secant with d(b,s) and we denote by E the annulus T(b,s,r + e). Now, in all cases, consider tps e S D (Mult(R(E n Z>), || . WEHD))- Thus, £ is secant with d(b,r + e), hence diam{Q) < r + e. If T -< Q then r < diam(G) < r + e, hence of course Q lies in B. Now suppose G < T, hence T§ < Q -< T, hence s < diam(G) < r, and therefore Q lies in B again. This proves that (Mult(R(E n D), || . HBOD)) n •? is included in JB, which obviously shows that the two topologies are equal on S. □ Corollary 14.4: The topology of simple convergence is weaker than the S-topology on Mult{K[x\). However, on a totally ordered subset of Mult(K[x\) the two topologies are equal. Later, we will need this Proposition: Proposition 14.5: Let ( N, Then, by Lemma 10.14 each Qn is secant with B for all n > N. Thus, given any J^-amnoid B, there exists a rank N € N such that all ipgn belong to Mult(H(B), |l . || B ) whenever n>N. D Definition: A Hausdorff space E is said to be arcwise connected if for every a,b £ E, there exists a continuous mapping h from [0,1] to E such that h(Q) = a, h{l) = b. Theorem 14.6 ([9]): Let S be a locally compact subset of Mult{K\x\) with respect to the simple convergence topology and let T be the set of cir cular filters H. such that
Ultrametric Banach
(v) There exists no annulus E together with filters T, Q G T such that Jbe secant with 1(H), Q be secant with £(E), and none of circular filters H € T be secant with E. Proof: First, (iv) trivially implies (Hi) and (ii) trivially implies (i). Next, by Corollary 14.4 it is obviously seen that (iv) implies (ii) and that (m) implies (i). Consequently, (iv) implies (i). We can also easily check that (i) implies (v). Indeed, suppose that (v) is not true. Thus there exists an annulus E = T(a, r, s) together with F, Q e T such that T is secant with 1(E), Q is secant with £ (E), but none of the circular filters TL are secant with H whenever TL G T. Let E be the set of (pn, TL £ T such that TL is secant with d(a,r), and let F be the set of ip-j-c, TL € T such that TL is secant with K \ d(a,s~). Then E, F are two subsets of S closed in Mult(K\x\) for the topology of simple convergence, and make a partition of S, therefore S is not connected with respect to the topology of simple convergence. Consequently, (i) implies (v). Thus, it only remains us to prove that (v) implies (iv). The map ping diam defined on $(K) is strictly increasing by Corollary 11.2. Let T, Q G T be such Q surrounds T, let r = diam^), s = diam(Q). Let I € [r,s\. Let H be the unique circular filter of diameter I surrounding T. By Theorem 13.11, every neighborhood of
Let D be a closed bounded set. The following statements
(i) Mult(R(D), || . \\D) is connected with respect to the topology of simple convergence, (ii) Mult(R(D), || . \\D) is arcwise connected with respect to the topology of simple convergence, (Hi) Mult(R(D), || . \\D) is connected with respect to the S-topology, (iv) Mult(R(D), || . \\D) is arcwise connected with respect to the S-topology, (v) D is infraconnected.
Chapter 15
Spectral Properties and Gelfand Transforms
The chapter is first devoted to present several semi-multiplicative seminorms and compare them to the spectral semi-norm. We introduce prop erties (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) which will keep the same meaning throught the book. Most of results in domain chapter were stated in [23]. Next, we consider two kinds of Gelfand transform in an ultrametric if-algebra: one is similar to the definition in complex analysis, but does not show strong properties. The other is more sophisticated and shows certain specify prop erties linked to circular filters. Notation: Henceforth, K will denote an algebraically closed field com plete for a non trivial ultrametric absolute value. Throughout the chapter, (A, || . ||) will be a commutative normed if-algebra with unity. We can define several usual semi-multiplicative semi-norms: \\x\\.a =sup{
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
Remark: r is not a semi-norm. Indeed, as we will see later, there might exist x e %{A) \ X(A, K) and x,y € A such that \ix) = 1 + 1 , x(u) = —t, with t ^ K, and max(r(x),T(y)) < 1. However we have x{x + y) = 1, hence r ( x + y) > 1. Notation: (o) (p) (q) (r)
In ^4 we will denote by (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) these properties:
||x|| sa = T(X) Vx e A, \\x\\sa = ||x|| si Vx e A, T(X) = \\x\\si Vx £ A, ||x|| sa = ||x|| 5m Vx e A,
(s) \\x\\Sm = \\x\\si Vx € A.
Thus, by definition, Property (p) implies Properties (o), (q), (r), and (s), and (r) implies (o). Proposition 15.2: Assume that A satisfies Property (p). Then A is semisimple if and only if \\ . ||Sj is a norm. Theorem 15.3: Let A be complete, let \\ . ||^ be its spectral semi-norm and let B be a commutative normed K-algebra with unity whose spectral semi-norm \\ . ||^ satisfies Property (q). Then every K-algebra homomorphism <j> from A to B satisfies W(x)\\fi<\\x\\?iVxzA. Proof: Suppose that for certain x € A we have ||>(x)||^ > ||x||^ and let y = (x). Then there exists A € SPB{4>{X)) such that |A| > ||x||^. Then by Theorem 6.13 A —x is invertible in A, hence <j)(\ — x) is invertible in B. But >(A — x) = A — y, a contradiction to the hypothesis A G SPB((J>{X)). □ Corollary 15.4: Assume A is complete, let B be a uniform commutative normed K-algebra with unity satisfying Property (q) and let <j> be a Kalgebra homomorphism from A to B. Then
Spectral Properties and Gelfand Transforms
in complex analysis, consisting of associating to each element / of A the mapping / f r o m X{A,K) to K denned as f(x) = x(f), (x € X(A,K)). The second, denoted by GM^ consists of associating to each element / of A the mapping /* from Mult(A, || . ||) to Mult{K[x\) defined as f*{(f>){P) = 4>(Pof). As in complex analysis, Propositions 15.6, 15.7 and 15.8 are immediate: Proposition 15.6: G^ is injective if and only if the intersection of all maximal ideals of codimension 1 is null. Proposition 15.7: X(A,K) being provided with the topology of simple convergence, for every f £ A, f belongs to C(X((A, K), K). Proposition 15.8: C(X((A, K), K) being provided with the norm of uni form convergence, GA satisfies \\f\\ = \\f\\Sa for every f £ A. Theorem 15.9: Assume that A satisfies Property (p). IfC(X(A,K),K) being provided with the norm of uniform convergence, then GA is an isometry if and only if \\x2\\ = \\x\\2, Va: £ A. Proof:
Suppose ||x 2 || = ||:r||2 is true for all x £ A, let x £ A and let p =
■UgiP Then we check that ]-^Jf = p(2") hence ||x|| ai = plim„-oo I M I " , and therefore p = 1. So, G^ is an isometry. The converse is trivial. □ Theorem 15.10: Assume that A satisfies Property (p). The following two properties are equivalent on A: (i) A is semi-simple and GA(A) is closed in (ii) A is uniform.
Proof: First, suppose that A is uniform. Let x belong to the Jacobson radical of A. In particular, x belongs to the intersection of maximal ideals of codimension 1 of A. So, we have \\x\\sa = 0, so, by Property (p), \\x\\Si = 0, and therefore x = 0, hence A is semi-simple. Let h belong to the closure of GA(A) in C(X(A,K),K). Since C{X{A,K),K) is provided with the norm of uniform convergence, we just have to consider a sequence /„ of G^ converging to h. Thus, \\h-Jn\\ = sup{|x(/n)-ft(x)l Ix £ X{A,K)}. The sequence (fn)nen is a Cauchy sequence in A, with respect to ||a;||s» = 0, and therefore with respect to the norm of A because A is uniform. Let / = lim n _ 0 0 fn. Then we can check that / = limn^oo fn in C(X(A, K), K) and therefore h = f. Conversely, suppose that A is semi-simple and that G^(A) is closed in C(X(A, K),K). Since A is semi-simple and satisfies Property p), j| . || sa
Ultrametric Banach
is a norm equal to ||x|| S j- Consider a Cauchy sequence (/„) with respect to the norm || . | | S j . Then the sequence (/„) is a Cauchy sequence in C(X(A,K),K), and has a limit h which actually lies in GA(A) because GA{A) is closed in C(X(A,K),K). Hence, there exists / e A such that f = h. Consequently, / is the limit of the sequence (fn) with respect to the norm || . || si . Thus, A is a K-algebra complete for both || . \\si and || . ||. And since ||x||Sj < ||a:|| Vx £ A, by Banach's Theorem the two norms are equivalent. □ Now we will examine the mapping GM^. Theorem 15.11: Given f € A, the mapping f* from Mult(A, |] . ||) to Mult(K\x\) is continuous with respect to the topology of simple convergence. Proof: Let Q = f*{<j>). By Theorem 14.10 the family of sets Mult(H(E), || . \\E), where E is an infraconnected affinoid subset of K lying in Q, makes a base of neighborhoods of ipg. So, we take an arbitrary £/-affmoid B and will show that there exists a neighborhood W of <j> inside Mult(A, || . ||) whose image by / * is included in Mult{H{B), || . \\B). If Q has center b and diameter r > 0, we can take an arbitrary ^-affinoid B of the form d(b,r + t) \ (Uq,=1d(bj, (r — e - ) ) , and if Q has no center and but has diameter r, or is a Cauchy filter, we can take an arbitrary 5-affinoid B of the form d(b,r + e). Putting b = bo, we consider now the neighborhood of <£ W = {^ € Mult(A, || . ||) | Mf - bj) - 4>{f - bj)\ < e, (0 < j < q)}. Then we can check that f*(W) claim.
C Mult(H(B),
\\ . \\B), which proves the □
Lemma 15.12 is immediate: Lemma 15.12:
Let x e X{A,K)
and let f e A. Then f*(\x\)
Proof: Let T be the circular filter such that ipyr = /*(|xl)- Then (fyr clearly belongs to Multm(K[x]) and T is the Cauchy filter of neighborhoods of xU) b e c a u s e Vr(P) = I^(X(/))I VP € K[x]. O Theorem 15.13: Assume that is uniform and that the intersection of maximal ideals of codimension 1 is null. Then GM^ is infective. Proof: Suppose / * = g* and / ^ g. let r = \\f — g\\. Since the inter section of maximal ideals of codimension 1, there exists (x € X(A,K) such that x(9 — / ) ¥" 0- By Lemma 15.12 we have /*(|xl) = fx(f) an<^
Spectral Properties and G elfand Transforms
5*(lxl) = ¥>x(g)- B u t s i n c e / * = 9*, we have /*(|xl) = 5*(lxD- Let T be the circular filter such that ipjr = /*(|x|) = 5*0x1)- Then a contradiction to the hypothesis. □ T h e o r e m 15.14: Let A be uniform. Let ) ^ g*(4>). Let pr = f*{<j>), ). Then diam(sup(J r , Q)) = (f>(f — g). Proof: Suppose that f*{4>) ^ g*{)- Let r = diam(T), s = diam(Q). Suppose first that T -< Q, hence r < s. Let us take I e]r, s[. By Theorem 10.11 there exists a unique disk d(a,l) which belongs to T Then a is a center of Q. Thus, we have 4>{f — a) < I, (j>(g — a) = s, hence, by Lemma 5.3 4>{g — f) — s = diam(sup(:F, Q)). Now, suppose that T and Q are uncomparable. Let <S = sup(J r , Q). By Proposition 12.9, we can find disks F = d(a, r') € T, G = d(b, s') € Q such that 5(F,G) = \{!F,G) = \a - b\ = diam(sup(Jr, Q)). Of course we have \b — a\ > r' and \b — a\ > s'. Then, <j>{g — a) = \b — a\ and <j>(f -a) < \b-a\, hence ), tpg=g*(<j>). Then5(f*(4>),g*'($))< >(/-g) <
f,geA. \\f-g\\.
Notation: Given (f> € Mult(A, || . ||), we will denote by Z^ the mapping from A into Mult(K[x\) defined as Z^(f) = f*{<j)). Corollary 15.16: Let A be uniform. The family of functions Z^, <j> € Mult(A, || . ||) is uniformly equicontinuous with respect to the 5-topology on Mult(K[x}). Corollary 15.17: Let A be uniform. Each function Z$, > € Mult (A, || . ||) is continuous with respect to the topology of simple con vergence on Mult(K[x\). Remark: Theorem 15.13 and its Corollaries apply to reduced affinoid if-algebras, as it is shown in Chapter 35.
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Chapter 16
Analytic Elements
Let us briefly recall that analytic elements where introduced by Marc Krasner in order to define a general notion of holomorphic functions in sets which are not just disks: indeed, when two disks have a non empty intersection, this which has the biggest radius contains the other. As a con sequence, it is hopeless to cover a set (which is not a disk) with a chained family of disks. But, according to Runge's Theorem, complex holomor phic functions may be viewed as uniform limits of rational functions. Marc Krasner adopted this point of view to defining holomorphic functions in a set D.
Definition and notation: In this chapter D is an infinite subset of K. We denote by H(D) the completion of R(D) for the topology UD of uniform convergence on D. The elements of H(D) are called the analytic elements on D [30,36]. By definition, the set H(D) is then provided with the topology of uni form convergence on D for which it is complete, and every / 6 H(D) defines a function on D which is the uniform limit (on D) of a sequence (^n)nGN in R(D). Thus, given another set D' containing D, the restriction to D of elements of H(D') enables us to consider that H(D') is included in H(D). Here, we will only consider bounded analytic elements, and we will denote by Hb(D) the set of the elements / e H(D) bounded on D. Then Hb{D) is clearly a K-veciox subspace of H(D) and is closed in H(D). Moreover, || . |£> is a /if-algebra norm on Rb(D), hence its continuation to Hb(D) is a /^-algebra norm that makes Hb{D) a Banach Af-algebra. If D 93
Ultrametric Banach
is unbounded, we will denote by HQ(D) the set of the / G H(D) such that Hm\x\-*+oo,x€Df(x)
= 0.
According to Theorem 6.8 and Corollary 13.8, it is obviously seen that each element ip? of Mult(R(D), || . ||£>) has a unique continuation to Mult(H(D), || . \\D) and will be denoted by ipjr again. Particularly, when T is the circular filter of center a and diameter r, we will also denote by (pa,r the continuation of <par to Mult(H(D), || . \\D)- Thus we identify Mult(H(D),\\ . \\D) to Mult(R(D),\\ . ||D), and therefore all properties already proven in Mult(R(D), || . \\D) also hold in Mult(H(D), || . \\D)Theorem 16.1 is well known [30, Chapter 10]: Theorem 16.1: Let D be an infinite closed subset of K. Then Hb(D) is a Banach K-subalgebra of KD. The following three conditions are equivalent (i) (ii) (Hi) (iv)
Hb(D) = H{D) H(D) is topological K-vector space, (H(D), || . ||o) is a K-Banach algebra D is closed and bounded.
If these conditions are satisfied, then \\ . \\p is a semi-multiplicative
The following two lemmas are classical and easy. L e m m a 16.2:
R(D) is a full K-subalgebra of H(D).
L e m m a 16.3: Let f e H(D) be such that inf l 6 D|/(x)| > 0. Then / _ 1 belongs to H(D). Moreover if D is closed and bounded, an element g € h(D) belongs to H(D) if and only ifmix^r)\g{x)\ > 0. Let g, h G H(D) satisfy \g(x)\ = 1 for allx S D and \\h—l\\o > \\g—l\\DThen we have \\hg — l\\D = \\h — 1\\D Lemma 16.4: Let a e K\D and let f € R(D) be such that \f(a)\ > \\f\\oThen —^ belongs to the closure of K[f,x] in H{D). Proof: Let A be the closure of K[f,x] in H{D). Since A is a Banach i^-algebra, by Theorem 16.3 f(a) — f is invertible in A, hence of course in H(D). But by Lemma 16.2 its inverse g actually belongs to R(D). Now, since a is clearly a zero of f(a) — f, it is a pole of g. Consequently, by Lemma 1.8 —^— belongs to K{g,x\ which is included in A. □ Lemma 16.5: Let a G D\D and let f G H(D) be such that there exists n € N such that (x — ot)nf G H(D U {a}). There exists a unique q € N such that (x — a)q f G H(D U {a}) and such that the value of (x — a)qf at a is not zero.
Analytic Elements
Definitions and notation: In the hypothesis of Lemma 16.5, / is said to be meromorphic at a and to admit a as a pole of order q. Let D C K be infraconnected closed and bounded, and let T be a hole of D. Let / € H{D). Then / will be said to be meromorphic in T ii there exist finitely many points (aj)(i and we have | | / | | e = m a x | a n | r - " - ^ ( / ) = ||/||c(0ir). For every a € d(0,r~), S^°=0 f x - a l "
H(B) is also equal to the set of the series f(x) = lim
= 0.
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
By Theorem 14.1 and 14.4 in [30] and by Theorem 16.7 we have Theorem 16.8 T h e o r e m 16.8: Let a G D and r G R^ be such that d(a,r) C D. Let f G H(D). In d(a, r), f{x) is equal to a power series of the form ]CnLo a™ ( x — a)n such that linin-^oo |a«|'*n = 0. If f(a) = 0 and if f(x) is not identically zero in d(a,r), then there exists a unique integer q 6 N* such that an = 0 for every n < q and aq ^ 0, and a is an isolated zero of f in d(a,r). Moreover, there exists g £ H(D) such that f(x) = (x — a)qg{x). As a consequence of Theorems 16.7 and 16.8, we deduce Theorem 16.9: T h e o r e m 16.9: The characteristic of K is supposed different from 0. Let f G H(d(0,r~) and for every j = 0, ...,n let aj = * ./ '. Then f is equal to the power series Y^=Qan^n, and ||/||d(o,r—) = s u P n eNl a n|Moreover, for every q € N, / is of the form X)?=o aix^ + xU9> w^ 9 e H(M) and ||/|| d ( 0 ,r-) = max(|o 0 |, | a i | , . . . lon-ilr"" 1 , ||a;n5||d(o,r-))We must also recall Theorem 13.12 in [30]: T h e o r e m 16.10: If K has characteristic 0, then an element f G H(d(0, r)) has a derivative identically equal to 0 if and only if it is equal to a constant. If K has a characteristic p ^ 0, then an element f € H(d(0,r)) has a derivative identically equal to 0 if and only if there exists g £ H(d(0, r)) such that f(x) = (g(x))p. o
Definitions a n d notation: Let / € H(D), let a &D, let r > 0 be such that d(a,r) C D, and let f(x) = J2^=qbn(x ~ a)n whenever x G d(a,r), with bg(a) ^ 0, and q > 0. Then a is called a zero of multiplicity order q, or more simply, a zero of order q. In the same way, q will be named the multiplicity order of a. An element / G H(D) is said to be quasi-invertible if it factorizes in the o
form Pg with P G K\x] all zeros of which lie D, and g G H(D) invertible in H(D). T h e o r e m 16.11: Let D be closed and bounded and let f G H(D) be quasi-invertible. There exists h G R{D) such that \f{x)\ = \h{x)\, Vx G D. Proof: Since / is quasi-invertible, there exists a polynomial P whose zeros lie in D, and an invertible element g in H(D) such that / = Pg. Let m = infxg£> \g(x)|. Since g is invertible, we have m = ..±.. , hence m > 0, and then we can find / € R(D) such that \\g — 1\\D < m. Consequently, we
Analytic Elements
have |<7(a:)| = \l(x)\, Mx e D and we obtain h by putting h = PL Moreover, if r € \K\, then (po,r(h) € \K\. Conversely, if s ^ t and if <potT(h) € \K\, t h e n r € \K\. The following Theorem 16.12 is Theorem 15.1 in [30]. Theorem 16.12 and infraconnected holes (Tn)ra£N* °f /o 6 H(D) (resp. and
(M.Krasner): Let D be bounded (resp. unbounded) and let f £ Hb(D). There exists a unique sequence of D and a unique sequence (fn)nen in H(D) such that f0 e K), fn S H0(K \ Tn) (n > 0), lim^oo \\fn\\D = 0
/ = £/„an
||/ n || D .
Moreover for every hole Tn — d(an, r~), we have («)
l l / » L = \\fn\\KXTn
= fan,r,Xfn)
< Van,rn{f)
< ll/L-
If D is bounded and if D = d(a, r) we have (Hi)
H A L = | | / 0 | | 5 = VaAfo)
< <Pa,r(f) <
If D is not bounded then |/ 0 | = lini|a;|_oo,a:€C \f( )\ < l l / L Let D' = D\ (U£°=1Tn). Then f belongs to H(D') (resp. Hb(D')) and its decomposition in H(D') is given again by (i) and then f satisfies
ll/IL = ll/LCorollary 16.13: Let D be closed and infraconnected. Let [Ti)iej be the family of holes of D. Let J be a subset of D and let L = I\J. Let E = DU (Ui€jTi) and let F = DU(Ui£LTi). Then we have H(D) = H0(E)@H(F), and for each g £ HQ(E), h e H(F), we have \\g + h\\D = m ax(||g||£;, | | / I | | F ) . T h e o r e m 16.14: Let D be closed and infraconnected. Then Eo(-D) is a minimal boundary for (H(D), \\ . \\D)Proof: By Theorem 16.12 it is a boundary for (H(D), \\ . ||D). Conversely, let B be a boundary included in Eo(D). Let D = d(a,r). Considering (x — a) we can see that >a,r must belong to B because if € T>o{D) \ {tpa,r} we have <j>(x — a) < r = \\x — a\\o- In the same way, let T = d(a, p~) and let h = —^-. Then we can see that for every (j> £ I^o(D) \ {<pa,p} w e n a v e <j)(h) < ~ — \\h\\o- Consequently, So(£>) = B and therefore is a minimal boundary for {H(D), || . | | D ) . D Lemma 16.15: Let D be infraconnected and suppose that H(D) contains a dense Luroth K-algebra K[h,x\. Then each hole of D contains at least one pole of h.
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
Proof: Let B be the closure of K[h,x] in H(D) and let T\,...,Tq be the holes of D containing at least one hole of D and let D' = D\ Uj =1 T,-. Clearly K[h, x] is included in H(D'). But since each hole of D' is a hole of D, and since D' = D, by Corollary 16.14 H(D') is a closed if-subalgebra of H(D). Consequently D = D'. □ The Mittag-Leffler Theorem suggests some new definitions. Definitions and notation: Let / € Hb(D). We consider the series J2™=ofn obtained in Theorem 16.12, whose sum is equal to / in H(D), with /o € H(D), fn e H(K\Tn)\{0} whereas the Tn are holes of D. Each Tn will be called a f-hole and /„ will be called the Mittag-Leffler term, of f associated to Tn, whereas /o will be called the principal term of / . For each /-hole T of. D, the Mittag-Leffler term of / associated to T will be denoted by fr whereas the principal term of / will be denoted by /o- The series Y^=ofn will D e called the Mittag-Leffler series of f on the infraconnected set D. More generally, let E be an infraconnected set and / e H(E). According to Theorem 9.5 [30], / is of the form g + h with g € R(K \(E\ E)), and h £ Hb(E), and such a decomposition is unique, with respect to an additive constant. For every hole T of E, we will denote by fT the Mittag-Leffler term of h associated to T, and fT will still be named the Mittag-Leffler term of f associated to T. Corollary 16.16: Let D be infraconnected. Let f € Hb{D) let (T„)nSK* be the sequence of the f-holes, with Tn = d(an,p~), let /o = f0, and fn = / T „ for ever~y n e N*. Let D = d(a, s) (resp. D = K). There exists q 6 N such that \\f\\D = \\fq\\D. Ifq>\ then \\f\\D = y>„„ r ,(/) = ¥>«„,-,(/,)■ If q = 0 and if D is bounded (resp. is not bounded) then \\f\\D = <pa,s(f) = faAfo) [resp. \\f\\D = |/o|). Further, given a hole T of D, if f belongs to E~b(D), and if g belongs to H0(K\T) and satisfies f -g € H(DuT), then fT is equal to g. Corollary 16.17: Let D be infraconnected. Let f € Hb{D). There exists a large circular filter T with center a S D secant with D such that if-pif) — Ij/ll D . If D is bounded, there exists a D-bordering filter T such that <pr(f) = \\f\\D.
Analytic Elements
Corollary 16.18: Let f £ H(d(Q,l )) and let (d(am,l family of the f-holes. Then f is of the form
))mgN* be the
oo \ ~ *
/ ■ \
m,n€N- ^
wii/i linin-too an = 0, linin-xx, |a„, m | = 0 whenever m € N* anrf lim ( sup |a„ j m |) = 0. Moreover f satisfies ll/IU(o,i-) =
|a„, m |.
Conversely, every function of the form (iv), with the am satisfying \am\ = \dj — am\ = 1 whenever m ^ j , belongs to H(d(0,l~)). The norm || . ||d(o,i-) *s multiplicative and equal to tfio,iTheorem 16.19 is proven in Chapter 15 of [30]: Theorem 16.19: Let r i , r 2 G R+ satisfy 0 < ri < r 2 . T/ien i?(A(0, r\,r2)) is equal to the set of Laurent series X^-^0™2-™ with lim-n-^-oo | a n | r " = linin-^oo la^lrj = 0 and we have -t-oo
y]anxn — oo
= max (sup|a„|r™, sup|a„|r2 ). A(0,n,r 2 )
About maximal ideals of codimension 1, we must also recall Theorem 16.2 in [30]: Notations: Let D 6 A. For every a € D we will denote by y{a) the ideal of the / e H(D) such that f(a) = 0. T h e o r e m 16.20: Let D be closed hounded infraconnected. The mapping 4> from D into the set of ideals of H(D) defined by 0(a) = y(a) is a bijection from D onto Maxa(H(D)). Finally, we can notice that analytic elements define uniformly continu ous functions, in a closed bounded set: T h e o r e m 16.21: Let D be closed and bounded and let f € H(D). f is uniformly continuous on D.
Ultra-metric Banach Algebra
Proof: Let h € R(D). Since h has finitely many poles, we can find r 0 > 0 such that for all a £ D, d(a,ro) contains no poles of h. Let M = \\h\\DThus, by Corollary 16.18, for all a € D, we have sup fc>i
hW(a) k\
< SUp fc>0
hW{a) k\
r g < |WU(a,ro) <
Consequently, for every r €]0,ro], we have sup k>l
h,W(a) Jfe!
< sup fc>i
hW(a) k k r o(-) ) k\
Thus, we can see that h(d(a,r)) C d(h(a),M^-), which proves that h is uniformly continuous on D. Then, so is every element oiH(D), as a uniform limit of uniformly continuous functions on D. □
Chapter 17
Holomorphic Properties on Infraconnected Sets
Throughout the chapter, D is a subset of K. Here we shall go back to the basic properties of analytic elements which are transmitted by rational functions. Proposition 17.1 is classical and given in [30] as Proposition 20.3: Proposition 17.1: Let a G D, let r G [S(a,D),diam(D)\, and let f € H(D). If
have t zeros in C(0,r).
Let q =
Theorem 17.4: Let f = ^2n^>_00anxn € H(C(Q,r)) have no zero in C(0,r). Let t = J V + ( / , - l o g r ) . Then we have N+ (/, - logr) = N~(f, — logr) and v(f(x)) = v(f, — \ogr) = v(at) — tlogr whenever
ieC(0,r). Corollary 17.5: Let f £ H(T(0,r,s)) have no zero in F(0,r,s) and be equal to a Laurent series X^n^-cxs anXn ^x € r ( 0 , r , s ) . Assume that there 101
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
exists an integer m e Z* such that \am\pm > \an\pn Vn ^ m, V/J e]r, s[. / / m > 0, we /lave /(F(0, r,s)) = T(0, \am\rm, \am\sm), and ifm < 0, we have f(F(0,r,s)) =r(0,\am\sm,\am\rm). Theorem 17.6 will be useful when considering restricted power series: Theorem 17.6: Let f(x) = X^Lo a " x ™ € H{U)- Then f is invertible in H(U) if and only if |a.01 > su P«>o \an\- And f is irreducible in H{U) if and only if\a0\ < |oi|, |aj| > s u p n > 1 \an\. Proof: If |ao| > s u p n > 0 | a „ | , by Theorem 6.13 / is obviously invertible in H(U). Else, by Theorem 23.5 in [30], / admits at least one zero, and therefore is not invertible. Precisely, let q be the unique integer such that \aq\ = sup r a € N \an\. If q = 1, then by Theorems 23.5 and 23.6 in [30], / has exactly one zero a, and since it is quasi-invertible, it is of the form {x — a)g, with g invertible, hence / is irreducible. If q > 1, since / admits q zeros, / factorizes in the form n ^ i l 3 - ~~ aj)9ix)> whereas g e H(U) has no zeros, and therefore is invertible, and therefore is not irreducible. □ Definition: D will be said to be calibrated if every hole has a diameter that belongs to | K | and if diam(D) either belongs to | K \ or is infinite. Theorem 17.7 is proven in Chapter 30 of [30], (as Theorem 30.6): Theorem 17.7: Let D be closed and bounded. Then D is calibrated and strongly infraconnected if and only if for every f e H{D) there exists a € D such that | / ( a ) | = ||/|| D . As far as closed bounded sets are concerned, the composition of analytic elements is an analytic element (Corollary 11.2 in [30]): Proposition 17.8: Let D, D' be closed bounded subsets of K, and let f € H{D) be such that f(D) C D'. Let g € H(D'). Then go f belongs to H(D). Homomorphisms between A'-algebras H(D) are characterized in [30], (Proposition 11.6 and Theorem 11.7). Here, for convenience, we will restrict the statement to the case of closed bounded sets: Proposition 17.9: Let D, D', D" be closed bounded subsets of K and let 7 € H(D') satisfy j(D') C D. Let 0 7 be the mapping from H(D) into H(D') defined as 0 7 ( / ) = / ° 7- Then ^ 7 is a K-algebra homomorphism from H{D) into H(D') continuous with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on D for H(D) and on D' for H(D'). 1 / 7 6 H(D') and C € H(D") satisfy -y(D') = D and £(D") = D', then (o<j>^ = 0 7 o C .
Properties on Infraconnected
If 7 is a bijection from D' onto D and if ^~l € H(D) then -y) = >7-iBy Propositions 17.9 we can easily deduce Corollary 17.10: Corollary 17.10: Let 4>y be an isomorphism from H(D) onto H(D'), with 7 G H(D'). Then 7 is a bijection from D' onto D such that 7 - 1 G H(D). Definition: Let D be open. An element / of H(D) is said to be strictly injective if it is injective and such that / ' has no zero in D. According to Theorems 27.1 and 27.2 in [30], we have these statements: Theorem 17.11: Let K have characteristic zero. Let f G H(D) be injec tive in D. Then f is strictly injective. Theorem 17.12: Let a G K, r G K+, let f(x) = Y^=Qan(x - a)n G H(d(a,r)), and let s = s u p n > 1 |a„|r n be > 0. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) \ai\ >\an\rn~1 whenever n > 1 (ii) \f(x) — f(y)\ = \x — y\\a\\ whenever x, y G d(a, r) {Hi) f is strictly injective in d(a,r). Moreover when conditions (i), (ii), (Hi) are satisfied, then we have s = \a\\r and \f'(x)\ = \a,\\ whenever x G d(a,r). Theorem 17.13 is proven in [30] in Theorem 26.1 and Corollary 26.2: Theorem 17.13: Let f(x) = J2^=oan(x — a)n G H(d(a,r)) and let s — sup„> 1 \an\rn. Then f(d(a,r)) = d(aQ,s), f(d(a,r~)) = d(a0,s~), and va(f - a 0 , - l o g r ) = - l o g s . Theorem 17.14 is proven in Chapter 27 of [30], (as Corollary 27.6): Theorem 17.14: Let f G H(d(a,r)) be strictly injective and let d(b,s) = f(d(a,r)). Then f'1 belongs to H(d(b,s)). Theorem 17.15 is proven in Chapter 10 of [30], (as Proposition 10.14): Theorem 17.15: Let D have an empty annulus A. Let W\,W2 be the functions defined on D by w±(x) = l,W2(x) = 0 if x G T(A) and wi(x) = 0,w2(x) = 1 if x € S(A). Then w\ and w-i belong to H(D).
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
As an immediate consequence, we have Corollary 17.16. Corollary 17.16: If D has infinitely many infraconnected components then H(D) is not noetherian. Henceforth, we will also use Theorem 17.17 which was proved in [30] as Theorem 21.12: Theorem 17.17:
Let f € H(D).
Then f(D) is infraconnected.
Chapter 18
T-Filters and T-Sequences
The behaviour of analytic elements is linked to the existence of certain pierced filters, called T-filters [20,30]. This has a strong implication on ultrametric spectral theory. Notation: In all of this chapter D denotes an infraconnected closed set of diameter S e ! + . Let a e D, let r e]S(a, D), S] n \K\ and let (Ti)ieI be the set of the holes of D included in C(a, r). We will denote by T(D, a, r) the set Ujg/Tj. For every q € N we will denote by S(D, a, r, q) the set of the monic polynomials P of degree q whose zeros lie in T(D, a, r). Let a e D. Let r e [6(a, D), diam(D)} n \K\ and let q € N. We put 1D(a,T,q)=i"
inf P&S(D,a,r,q)
Lemma 18.1: Let D = d(a,r
) \ d(a,p
), with 0 < p < r.
7 D (°» »",«) = ( = ) • Proof: Indeed, for each monic polynomial P of degree q, having all its zeros in d(a, p ) we have
In [30] we have shown this proposition, as Corollary 34.3. Proposition 18.2: Let a e D, let r e [5(a,D),diam(D)] n \K\ and let q € N. Let (Ti)iei be the set of the holes of D included in C(a, r) with 105
Ultrametric Banach
Ti = d(ai,ri
) . Then we have
7 D ( a > r >) r«
sup <
3 ni
0>m ~
■ ■,i()€le,
^ t j
Definitions: Let T be an increasing filter on D of center a € D and diameter 5. The filter !F will be called an increasing T- filter if there exists a sequence of circles (£ m )meN with E m = C{a,dm) (m € N) such that linim^oo dm = S and d m < d m + i together with a sequence of natural integers (? m ) m e N satisfying lim -yD(a,dm,qm) m —> o n
TT ■*- -■•
A decreasing filter .F will be called o decreasing T-filter if it admits a base (An)meN with D m = d(am, dm) nD\ ( n m e N d ( o m , rm)) together with a sequence of natural integers (qm)meN such that, putting S m = C(am, dm), the sequences ( a m ) m S N , (d m ) m 6 N, (gm)m€N satisfy m _—11
lim 7 D ( a , d m , ? m ) TT ( - ^ I
In particular, this definition holds when T is a decreasing filter of center a and diameter S, and then we can take am = a for every m G N. Another way to define T-filters consists of introducing T-sequences. We will call a weighted sequence a sequence (T mi i,g m) j)i<j< s ( TO ) )me N with (Trnti)i
T-Filters and T-Sequences
be called, respectively, the diameter, the monotony, the piercing of the weighted sequence {Tm,i,qm,i)i
lim m—KX>
d„ sup
l< i 7<s(m)
m —1
\ (18.3)
= 0 /
sup l<7<s(m)
*m,j |
)• Given a T-sequence (Tm^, qm,i)i t is a T-sequence again. The proofs of statements 18.3 to 18.8 are given in Chapter 36 of [30]. Lemma 18.3 Let (T mi i,g mj j) 1 <j< s ( m ) ]m6 N be an increasing (resp. decreasing) weighted sequence, let qm = Y^i=i Qm,i and ^ (C(am, dm))m&^ be a sequence of circles that runs the weighted sequence. The weighted sequence is a T-sequence if and only if there exists a sequence of monic polynomials (Qm)m€N such that for each (w,«)i
Ultrametric Banach
a zero of order qm>i in Tm^ and has no other zero in K, satisfying further
J5.((<^.<«JII£IU_,U»») n ( £ r ) (reap. ^ ( ^ ( O J I I ^ l c ^ „ , „ , , „ „ )
II ( £ ) * " ) = °)'
Lemma 18.4: Let J- be a monotonous filter on D. Then T is a T-filter if and only if there exists a T-sequence associated to T. Proposition 18.5: Let T be an increasing (resp. decreasing) T-filter of center a and diameter r. Let h(x) = j ^ , let D' = h(D) and T' = h(T). If \a — a\ < r, T' is a decreasing (resp increasing) T-filter of center a and diameter £. If \a — a\ > r, T' is an increasing (resp. decreasing) T-filter of center h(a) and diameter r ' " , 2 . Proposition 18.6: Let D admit a T-sequence (T,m)j,gTOii)i<joo Y^iT=o U°S^m ~ log^jloo = +oo if and only if E j l o I l o S r ~ log dj |oo = +oo. Theorem 18.8 is an immediate application of Lemma 18.8 Theorem 18.8: Let (Tm)m^ be a well pierced monotonous distances holes sequence of monotony (dm)m^ of diameter r. There exists an idempotent T-sequence (Tm, wn)meN if and only ifYlTLo I l ° S r — l°g^j|oo = +oo. Lemma 18.9 is elementary: Lemma 18.9: Let E be a set which is not countable and let f be a function from D into R+. There exists a sequence (a;m)m£N in E and A > 0 such that f(xm) > A for all m e N .
T-Filters and T-Sequences
As an improvement of Theorem 36.10 in [30], we can state: Theorem 18.10: Let K be strongly valued. Let a e D be such that 5{a,D) < diam(D). We assume that for every r e]5(a,D), diam(D)[n\K\, each class of C(a,r), but maybe finitely many ones, contains at least one hole of D. Then for each r £}5(a,D),diam(D)] there exists on D an increasing idempotent T-sequence and a decreasing idempotent T'-sequence of center a and diameter r. Proof: The proof is the same as that of Theorem 36.10 in [30]. Let r € ]5(a,D),diam(D)}. Let J =]5(a, D),diarn(D)[n\K\, and let (rn)ne^, r ( 'n)n€N be sequences of J satisfying rn < r'n < rn+i, l i m ^ o o rn = r. By hypothesis, either the residue class field K of K is not countable, or \K\ is not. First we suppose that \K\ is not countable. Let n be fixed. By Lemma 18.9 there exists pn > 0 together with an infinite family of circles C(a,r), with rn
n+ l
Thus, we have defined the sequences (pn)n£N, (<7n)n€N- Now, for each n £ N, we put tn = Y^h=i Qh- From above, we can clearly find qn circles C(a,dm)tT,<.Tn pn. Thus by (18.5) the weighted sequence (T m ,l) is satisfies m
—— < — whenever tn < m < tn+\. n. ^-^ drf„ n m
This shows that m-^oo diam{lm)
and therefore the weighted sequence (Tm, 1) is an idempotent T-sequence. Now we suppose that the residue class field K. is not countable. By Lemma 18.9, for each n € N, there exist pn > 0 together with an infinite family of classes of C(a,rn), such that each contains at least one hole of
diameter bigger than pn. In the same way as the previous case, for each n G N, we take qn £ N satisfying (18.5) again and then, we have defined sequences (p„)„ 6 N, (qn)nen- For each n e N, we put tn = YJh=\ 4fc- Then in C(a,rn), we can clearly find qn different classes such that each contains at least one hole of diameter bigger than pn. Let (Tm)tn<m
By (18.6) it is easily checked that 7 D ( G , r n , q n ) < —.
(18.6) Therefore the
weighted sequence (Tm, l)meN is an idempotent T-sequence because by (18.5) we have
Symmetrically, we can prove the existence of a decreasing idempotent Tsequence of center a and diameter r: in the proof, we just have to replace (18.5) by
/r^y-rvH \rnJ
1 n + 1' D
T-filters are used to describe the ability of certain analytic elements to vanish in a non trivial way. We have to recall this. Definition: Let T be a monotonous filter of diameter S, on an infraconnected set D C K, and let / € H(D). First, / is said to be vanishing along T if lim^r fix) = 0. When T is decreasing (resp. increasing) of center a, then / is said to be strictly vanishing along T if it is vanishing along J7 and if there exists S' > S (resp. 5 ' < S) such that for every r e]S,S'] (resp. r 6 [S',S[) we have (fa,r(I) T^O. When T is decreasing with no center in K, admitting a canonical base (Z?n)n6N with Dn — d(an,rn) n D, then / is said to be strictly vanishing along T if it is vanishing along J- and if there exists S' > S such that V3a„+i,r(/) 7^ 0 whenever r 6 [rn, S'}, whenever n G N. In Chapter 37 of [30] it is shown that given a monotonous filter T on an infraconnected set D, there exist elements H{D) strictly vanishing along T
T-Filters and T-Sequences
if and only if T is a T-filter. Moreover, by Theorem 37.2 in [30], we have this theorem: Theorem 18.11: Let T be aT-filter on D, let (T mj j, m g> i)i<j< s ( m ) iTne N be a T-sequence associated to T, and (<7m)m£N be the sequence of circles carrying this T-sequence. Let D' = ^ \ ( U i < j < s ( m ) j m g ^ r m i i ) , and for every (m,i), let amii G TTOjj. Let T' be the T-filter on D' associated to the Tsequence (Tm^,qm^). Let a G C(F'). There exists g € H(D') satisfying these properties: (i) g is meromorphic in Tm^, admits am 0, of center a and diameter r. Let D' = K\ (Uit{x) — 1| < e whenever x G D n d(a,r(l d(a,(^)-)),
— e)) ( resp. x G D \
(«) Ue\\D, < ( p 3 + r 3 e , (Hi) bmii is a pole of (fic of order um>j < qmti and (j>e has no pole different from
This page is intentionally left blank
Chapter 19
Applications of T-Filters and T- Sequences
T-filters help us characterize quasi-invertible analytic elements and solve various other problems (Theorem 38.4 in [30]). In particular, they provide a characterization of quasi-invertible elements and overall they let certain analytic elements be different from zero in an area, and identically zero in another area. Notation: Throughout this chapter D denotes an infraconnected set of diameter S s M+. Theorem 19.1: Let D be open closed and bounded and let f € H(D). Then f is quasi-invertible if and only if it is not vanishing along a T-filter. Prom Theorem 19.1 here, and from Theorems 16.2, 38.9, and 42.5 in [30] we must recall the characterization of principal if-algebras H(D). Theorem 19.2: Let D be infraconnected, open closed and bounded. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) (ii) (Hi) (iv) (v)
D has no T-filter; H(D) is noetherian; H(D) is a principal ideal ring; every ideal of H(D) is generated by a polynomial whose zeros lie in D; Every element of H(D) is quasi-invertible.
Moreover, when the conditions above are satisfied, every maximal ideal M. of H(D) has codimension 1, and is associated to a point a € D such that M = {f £ H(D) | f(a) = 0} and for every f e H(D), we have sp(f) = f{D). 113
Proof: According to Theorem 19.1 here and to Theorems 16.2, 38.9, and 42.5 in [30], the only new statement here is that for every / e H(D), we have sp(f) = f(D), and this comes from the fact that every maximal ideal M of H{D) has codimension 1, and is associated to a point a € D such that M = {/ € H{D) | / ( a ) = 0}. □ Notation: Let T be a circular filter or a monotonous filter on D. Hence forth, we will denote by y(T) the set of the / € H(D) such that lira.? f(x) = 0. Hence y(T) is equal to Kerfa^), and therefore is a closed prime ideal of H(D). If T is a monotonous filter on D, we will denote by yo(T) the closed ideal of the / € H(D) such that f(x) = 0 whenever x e V(T). L e m m a 19.3: Let admitting a partition T-filter, and assume circular filter. Then
D be a closed bounded infraconnected set of diameter s of the form (C(Ti))iei where each T is an increasing that D has no other T-filter. Let Q be the D-peripheral y{T) = y{Q), Vi € / .
Proof: Let i £ I be fixed, let a, be a center of T, and let r, = diam(Ti). Let / 6 y{Ti), so we have ?a;,r;(/) = 0. Suppose there exists r > r» such that <Pa,i,r(f) > 0- Let u = inf{r ) <pai,r(f) > 0}. Then / is strictly vanishing along the decreasing filter of center a, and diameter u, so this filter is a T-filter, a contradiction to the hypothesis. Consequently, we have Va.Af) = 0> and therefore y{Ti) C y(G). Now, let / € y(G), so we have <pai,r(f) = 0. Suppose that <pai,ri(f) > 0. Since <pai,r{f) = 0, we can consider u = inf{r | <pai,r(f) = 0}. Then / is strictly vanishing along the increasing filter of center a; and diameter u, so this filter is a T-filter, a contradiction to the hypothesis. Consequently, we have ipaitn(f) = 0, and therefore y{Ti) = y{Q). □ Corollary 19.4: Let D be a closed bounded infraconnected, let a £ D and r > 0 such that D n d(a, r~) admit a partition of the form (C(Jri))jg/ where each Ti is an increasing T-filter, and assume that every other T-filter on Dnd(a,r~) surrounds all the Ti- Then, y{Ti) = y{Tj), Vi,j G i\ Definition: A partition (Ai)iei of an infraconnected set E is said to be T-optimal if for each i € I, there exists an increasing T-filter Ti of D which is not surrounded by any increasing T-filter different from Ti, such that C(Ti) = Ai.
of T-Filters and T-Sequences
If D admits a T-optimal partition (C(J-"i))jg/, this partition will be said to be T-specific if for every decreasing T-filter Q on D there exists h & I such that Q is secant with C(.7-/j). Recall Lemma 41.3 in [30]: Lemma 19.5:
If D admits a T-optimal partition, it is unique.
Definition: A circular filter T on D is said to be distinguished if D\Q(Jr) either is empty, or is of the form C{Q), with Q a decreasing T-filter, and if Q{F) either is empty or admits a T-specific partition. A distinguished circular filter is said to be regular if either Q(J-) = 0 or all elements of the T-specific partition of Q{F) have a diameter equal to diam(J-). Else, it will be said to be irregular. In the same way, a T-specific partition (Ai)i&r of an infraconnected set E will be said to be regular if diam(Ai) = diam(E) Vi € I. Else, it will be said to be irregular. According to the proof of Theorem 41.7 in [30] we can state Proposition 19.6: Proposition 19.6: If K is strongly valued, all T-specific partition of infraconnected subsets of K are regular. If K is weakly valued, there exists a bounded open closed infraconnected set E such that E = d(0,1), admitting d(Q, (5)") as a hole, with an irregular T-specific partition whose elements are the sets C(0,r) n d(a,r~), whenever \a\ = r, \ < r < 1. By Proposition 42.4, Corollaries 42.7, 42.8 and Theorems 42.9, 42.10 in [30], we have the following statements: Proposition 19.7: Let J- be a distinguished circular filter such that Q{J-, D) ^ 0. For every increasing T-filter Ti of the T-specific partition of Q{T, D) we have y{^) = y{F). Corollary 19.8: The restriction of the mapping y to the set of distin guished circular filters is a bijection from this set onto MaXoo(H(D)). By Theorem 16.20, we can state Corollary 19.9: Corollary 19.9: Let D be a closed bounded infraconnected set with no T-filter. Then the mapping
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a kernel of the form y(a), hence ip(x) = \a\ < ||X||,D. This shows that there exists no tp e Multm(H(D), || . \\D) such that ip(x) = \\X\\DAs a consequence of Proposition 19.6, we have Theorem 19.10 which is proven in [30] as Theorem 42.10. Theorem 19.10: Let K be strongly valued and let D be closed and bounded. The mapping 0 from Multm(H(D), \\ . ||) into Max(H(D)) defined as G(ip) = Ker(ip) is a bisection. Theorem 19.11: If K is weakly valued there exists a closed bounded infraconnected set E in K such that H(E) admits multiplicative seminorms ipi,ip2 £ Multm(H(E), || . \\E), with ipi ^ tp2 such that Ker(ipi) — Ker(ip2)The following Theorem 19.12 is a consequence of Theorem 38.10 in [30]: Theorem 19.12: Let D be closed and bounded and have finitely many infraconnected components Di,...,Dq. Then H(D) is isomorphic to the direct product H(D\) x . . . x H(Dq). In [7] (and [30]) we characterized continuous multiplicative semi-norms in a K-algebra H(D) which are absolute values: Theorem 19.13: Let T be a large circular filter on D. Then ip? is not an absolute value if and only if it satisfies one of these conditions: (i) There exists a T-filter Q on D such that T is secant with P(Q), (ii) T is T-filter. Corollary 19.14: All non punctual continuous multiplicative of H(D) are absolute values if and only if D has no T-filter.
Definitions and notations: Let D be closed and bounded. Let incT(D) (resp. decT(D)) be the set of the increasing (resp. decreasing) T-filters on D. We will denote by < the relation defined on incT(D) (resp. decT(D)) by T\ < Ti \lC{Ti) C C(T{) and C{T?) ^ C{T\). In other words, denoting by T the circular filter less thin than a monotonous filter T, if T\ and JF2 are decreasing T-filters, then T\ < Ti is equivalent to say that T\ < .7-2, and if T\ and Ti are increasing T-filters, then T\ < T^ is equivalent to say that T
of T-Filters and T-Sequences
We will call an ascending chain of increasing (resp. decreasing) Tfilters a sequence of increasing (resp. decreasing ) T-filters (^rra)„gN such that Tn < Jrn+1 whenever n e N . Let (^"n)n6N be an ascending chain of increasing T-filters. For each n G N let rn = diam(Tn). Since the sequence (rn)n^ is decreasing, we put r = lim n ^oo r n , and then r will be named the diameter of the chain. We put A = n nSN C(.F„) and for each n e N, Dn = C(.F„) \ A. The sequence (A,)n€N is then a base of a filter T on D of diameter r. If r = 0, since D is closed, A is a point a of D, hence T is the filter of the neighbourhoods of a in D. If r > 0, T is a decreasing filter on T> of diameter r. In both cases .F will be called the returning filter of the ascending chain (FnJneNNow let (-F„)ngN be an ascending chain of decreasing T-filters and let a G V{Tn) for some n G N. The sequence (rn)ne^ is an increasing sequence of limit r G]0, +OO], and r will be named the diameter of the chain. Since D bounded, we notice that r < +oo, and then we will call the returning filter of the ascending chain (J-'n)n€N the increasing filter T of center a and diameter r ( it is seen that T is not depending on the point a G V(Tn), whenever n G N). Now, we can recall the characterisation of K-algebras H(D) without non zero divisors of zero which admit no continuous absolute value [7]. Theorem 19.15: Let H(D) be a K-Banach algebra without non zero divisors of zero. Then Mult(H(D), \\ . \\o) contains no norm if and only if D admits an ascending chain of T-filters (,Fn)n£N whose returning filter is either a T-filter or a Cauchy filter. Remark: By Theorem 19.15 we notice that if a X-Banach algebra H(D) has no non zero divisors of zero and has no continuous absolute value, then Max{H{D)) admits a partition of the form {F, G}, where F is a non empty closed subset for Jacobson's topology, and G is of the form U^=1Fn, where each Fn is a non empty closed subset for Jacobson's topology, such that Fn c Fn+i, Fn T^ Fn+i. Indeed, each set V{Fn) is a closed subset of Max(H(D)) which is identified with D.
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Chapter 20
Analytic Elements on Classic Partitions
Classic partitions let us generalize the notion of holes for a subset D of K, relatively to a disk containing D. So, we can generalize algebras of analytic elements, a notion introduced in [23]. Definitions: Given a set closed set S C K, we call a classic partition of S a partition of S of the form (d(bj, rj)) . The disks d(bj, rj) are called the holes of the partition. Let 0 be a classic partition of d(a,r). A closed infraconnected set E included in d(a, r), will be said to be a sub-O-set if every hole of E is a hole of 0 . Moreover, a sub-O-set E will be called a 0-set if E = d(a,r). A weighted sequence (Trnti,qrnii)i 0, let 5 be a closed subset of d(a,r), and let 0 = (d(bj,r~)) be a classic partition of d(a,r) \ S. An annulus T(b,r',r") included in d(a, r)\S will be said to be O-minorated if there exists A > 0 such that rj > A for every j & I such that d(bj,rj) C T(b,r',r"). Remark: Given a set D c K, the set D \ D admits a unique classic partition (d(bj,rj)) , such that rj = 5(bj,D) Vj e J, and then the disks d(bj,rj) (j e J) are just the holes of D. This partition will be called the natural partition of D\D. 119
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
Theorem 20.1 (N. Mainetti [29,37]): Let O = (d(aj:rj))jeJ be a classic partition of the annulus T(a,r',r"). There exists h £ J and a Ominorated annulus of the form T(ah,rfl,p) included in r(a,r',r"). Proof: Suppose the claim is false. Without loss of generality we can assume a = 0. For every i € J, we put Tj = d(ai,r~). Since our claim is false, for every e > 0, we can find an index i G J such that r, < e. Let us fix e > 0, and let h G J be such that r^ < min(e,r') and Let Sh £ ]rh> rh + e[- Then T(a^, r^, s^) is included in T(a, r', r") and is not included in any hole Tj. Consequently, T{ah,rh,Sh) admits a classic partition of the form Oh = (Tj)j e j h , with J^ C J. Since our claim is false, we can find another index k e Jh such that r\. < | . In this way, by induction we can construct a sequence (in)nN of J such that Tin+1 C T(oi rl , rin, r iti + -^) and r,Ti < -^ Vn 6 N. The sequence (a„) is a Cauchy sequence whose limit a obviously lies in T(0,r',r"). Hence a belongs to a certain hole T;. Therefore, when n is big enough then a iri lies in T/, a contradiction to the definition of O. □ Proposition 20.2: Let S C d(a, r) and let O be a classic of d(a,r) \ S admitting a O-minorated annulus T(b,r'r"). For }r',r"[, there exists an increasing idempotent T-sequence of O of and diameter p, together with a decreasing idempotent T-sequence same center and diameter.
partition all p € center b of O of
Theorem 18.10 applied to classic partitions enables us to state Proposition 20.3. Proposition 20.3: Let K be strongly valued. Let S be a bounded set included in a disk d(a,r), and let O be a classic partition of d(a:r) \ S. We assume that for every r e]8(a,S), diam(S){C\\K\, each class ofC(a,r), except maybe finitely many ones, contains at least one hole of O. Then for each r e}5(a,S),diam(S)] there exists in O an increasing idempo tent T-sequence and a decreasing idempotent T-sequence of center a and diameter r. Corollary 20.4: Let K be strongly valued. Let O = (d(bj,r~))j£j be a classic partition of the annulus T(a,r',r") and let s €]r',r"[. Then O admits an increasing idempotent T-sequence and a decreasing idempotent T-sequence of center a and diameter s. Corollary 20.5: Let K be strongly valued. Let S be a countable set, included in a disk d(a, r) and let O be a classic partition of d(a, r) \ S.
Analytic Elements
on Classic Partitions
For every I G]0,r[, O admits an increasing and a decreasing idempotent T-sequence of center a and diameter I. N o t a t i o n : Let V be a compact subset of Mult(K[x)) and let D = {a 6 K | ifa € T>}. The if-algebra i?(D) is provided with the semi-multiplicative norm || . ||p denned as ||/i||z> = sup{ip(h) \ ip € 2?}. Then we check that \\h\\v > \\h\\D Vh e R(D). Let £ b e a closed subset of the disk d(a, r) and let D be a closed subset of E. Let O = (d(bi,r~)i£j) be a classic partition of d(a,r) \ E. We will denote by $(£>, O) the set of circular filters T on K such that all elements B € T contain points of D or holes of O. In particular, if D = 0, we just put $ ( 0 ) = $ ( 0 , 0 ) . Lemma 20.6 is an obvious corollary of Theorem 13.10: L e m m a 20.6: * ( $ ( D , 0 ) ) is the closure of Mult(R(D),\\ {ipT \Te O) inMult{K{x\).
. \\D) n
N o t a t i o n : Let £ be a closed subset of the disk d(a,r) and let D be a closed subset of E. Let O = (d(bi,r~)iej) be a classic partition of d(a, r)\E. Let V = #($(£>,)). Then on #(£>) we put || . | | 0 ) o = II • ||z>We will denote by H(D, O) the completion of K(x) for the norm || . \\D,O- I n particular, if D = 0, we denote by H(0) the completion of K(x) for the norm || . ||e>. If£> = 0, we just put \\h\\0 = sup{(h) \ e $(0)}. If O is the partition of holes of an infraconnected bounded set D, then by definition we have | | / l k o = | | / l b V/ € « ( D ) . And if £ = D, then E 0 (O) C E(O) C *(!>, O) Each ^ £ Mult(R(D), || . ||D,O) has continuation to H(D,0) and will be denoted by ip again. By Lemma 5.4 we have Lemma 20.7: L e m m a 20.7: Let V = d(a,r), let E be a closed subset ofV, let D be a closed subset of E and let O be a classic partition ofV\E. Then j| . \\D,O is a semi-multiplicative norm of K-algebra on R(D). Remark:
Any i
L e m m a 20.8: Let D be a bounded closed infraconnected subset of K and let (Ti)iej be the family of holes of D. Let O = {Ti)i&j. Then \\ . \\D,O = II • I I D . Proof: Let 1* = d(bi,r~), (i £ J) be a hole of O, hence a hole of D. Since D is infraconnected, by Corollary 10.6 the circular filter Ti of center
Ultrametric Banach
bi and diameter r^ is secant with D, therefore ^p^{f) < so the claim is obvious.
V/ £ R(D), □
Lemma 20.9: Let O be a classic partition of a disk d(a,r), and let D be a sub-O-set. Then we have ||/I||D < ll^llo for every h £ R(D). Moreover, if D is a O-set, then \\h\\r> = \\h\\o for every h € R(D). Proof: Let h G R(D). By Theorem 16.14 there exists a Z)-bordering filter T such that ||/I||D = (,jP(/i), where d{b,p~~) is a hole of D. But since D is sub-P-set, in all cases, ip? belongs to Mult(R(0), || . \\0). Consequently, we have \\h\\D < \\h\\0. Now, suppose that D is a O-set. Given a hole d(b, p~) of O, this hole is a hole of D because D is a O-set. And since D is infraconnected, this hole defines a circular filter secant with D. Therefore, we have ?(,iP(/i) < ||/I||ZJ, and consequently \\h\\o < ||/I||D□ Corollary 20.10: Let O be a classic partition of a disk d(a,r), and let E be a O-set. Then H{E) is isometrically isomorphic to a K-subalgebra of H(0). Henceforth, given a classic partition O of a disk d(a, r), and a sub-O-set E, we will consider H{E) as a K-subalgebra of H(O).
Chapter 21
Holomorphic Properties on Partitions
Throughout this chapter D is a closed bounded subset of the disk d(a,r). Given a classic partition, we have a Mittag-Leffler Theorem which gen eralizes the well known Theorem 16.12 for analytic elements on an infraconnected set [29,37]. Next, properties of T-filters also apply to analytic elements on partitions. T h e o r e m 21.1: Let O be a classic partition of d(a,r) \ D. Let f € H(D,0). There exists a unique sequence of holes (T n ) ne j,j- of O and a unique sequence (fn)nen in H(D, O) such that /o G H(d(a, r)),fn € Ho(K\ Tn) (n > 0), lim^oo /„ = 0 satisfying oo
f = Y1 / "
= SUp
Moreover for every hole Tn = d(an,r~),
we have
(«) ("0
||/n||D,0 = ll/n|| KNT „ = Va n ,r„(/n) < Vo„,r„(/) < II/IID.O| | / o l k o = | | / o l l 5 = P « , r ( / o ) < VaAf) < UWD.O-
Let D' = d(a,r)\(U^L1Tn). Then f e H(D') and its decomposition in H(D') is given again by (i) and satisfies | | / | k = ||/lke>Proof: Suppose first that / lies in R(D). Without loss of generality, we may denote by T\,..., Tq the holes of O that contain poles of / . Let E = d(a,r) \ U' = 1 Tj. Then E is a C-set. Since E is infraconnected, we can apply Theorem 16.12 that gives all statements above. Now, consider / € H(D, O) and let (hm)m€ji be a sequence in R(D) converging to / in H(D, O). The set of holes of O containing at least one pole of one term hm of this sequence is obviously countable and may be defined as a sequence 123
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(Tn)neN*- Thus, each hm has a unique decomposition h = X]^Lo^m>™> with hmio € H(d(0,r)), and /i m ,„ € H0(K\Tn) Vn G N*. So, similarly to the classical proof of the Mittag-LefHer Theorem for infraconnected sets, for any m, q G N, we have \\hm - hq\\Dto = supnm(\\hm>n - /I«,,„||D,O) and then, for each fixed n G N*, (resp. n = 0) the sequence (/im,n)meN converges in Ho(K\Tn) (resp. in H(d(a,r))) to a limit fn. We check that the series XmLo ^n converges to / in H(D, O), and satisfies all statements above. □ Corollary 21.2: Let {Ti)iei be the family of holes of D. Let J be a subset of I and let L = I\J. Let E = Du (UieJTi) and let F = K \ U ieL 7V Then we have H{D) = H{E) © H0(F), and for each g € H0{E), h e H{F), we have \\g + h\\D = max(||2|| B , \\h\\F). Definitions and notation: Let / G H(D,0). We consider the series Y^Lofn obtained in Theorem 21.1, whose sum is equal to / in H(D,0), with / 0 € H(D),fn e H{K \ Tn) \ {0} and with Tn holes of O. Each Tn will be called a f-hole and /„ will be called the Mittag-Leffler term of f associated to Tn, whereas /o will be called the principal term of / . For each /-hole T of O, the Mittag-Leffler term of / associated to T will be denoted by fr whereas the principal term of / will be denoted by To. The series E^=o/™ ( w i t h fn = ~h\t Vn € N*) will be called the Mittag-Leffler series of f on (D, O). Similarly to what was done with sets Mult(H(D), || . ||o), here we have a Garandel-Guennebaud's Theorem for algebras H(D,0). Theorem 21.3: Let E be a closed set such that D C E C d(a,r), and let O be a classic partition of d(a,r) \ E. For every T G $(D,0), the multi plicative semi-norm ip?- defined on R(D) extends by continuity to an ele ment D,O(D,0) into Mult(H(D,0), || . \\D,O), defined as ^(T) = t),o^>T, is a bijection. Notation: Let E be a closed set such that D c E C d(a,r), and let O be classic partition of d(a,r) \ E. As we did in Mult(H(D), || . \\D), in order to avoiding a too heavy notation, the extension D,O,C>)Let O = (d(bi,r~))iej be a classic partition of d(a,r)\D. We will denote by R'(D,0,(bi)i€J) (resp. R"(D,0,(bi)ieJ)) the /f-subvector space of
Holomorphic Properties on Partitions
R(D) consisting of the h € R(D) of the form ^2i€l 5 3 ^ , w**n Ia finite sub set of J (resp. Y,i£L ^ b j + (x-'btf)- T h e completion of R'(D,0, (bi)i€J) (resp. R"(D,0,(bi)i£j)) is a Banach i^-subvector space of H(D,G) that we will denote by H'(D, O, (bi)ieJ) (resp. H"(D, O, (bi)i€J)). By Theorem 21.1, Proposition 21.4 is immediate: Proposition 21.4: Let O = (d(bi,r~)iej) be a classic partition of d(a,r) \D. Then H'(D,0,(bi)i&J) (resp. H"(D,0,(bi)i€J)) is equal to the set off e H(D, O) of the form £ i € / ^ , [resp. £ i 6 / ^ - + j ^ ) with I a countable subset of J, and lim^ -~ = 0, whereas H is the filter of complements of finite subsets of I. Proposition 21.5 will be useful in the following chapters. Proposition. 21.5: Let O = (d(bi,r~)i€j) be a classic partition of d(a, r) \ D, and suppose that O admits an increasing (resp. a decreasing) idempotent T-sequence (Tn) of center b and diameter I. Let s €]0, l[ (resp. s e]l, r[) and let e e]0,1[. There exists f € H'(D, O, (bi)i^j) satisfying (i) | 0 ( / - l)|oo < e W> e Mult(H(D, 0),\\ . || D ,o) such that ip(x -b)<s and ip(f) = 0 VV> € Mult(H(D,0), || . ||D,e>) such that ip(x -b)>l, (ii) 0 ( / ) + 0 VV e Mult(H(D, O), || . ||D,O) \ Multa(H(D, O), \\ . \\D,o) such that s < 4>(f) < I. (resp. (i) VK/ - 1) < e V^ e Mult(H(D,0), \\ . || D ,o) such that 4>(x - b) > s and tp(f) = 0 Vip e Mult(H(D, O), || . \\D<0) such that ip(x - b) < I (ii) iP(f) / O V ^ e Mult(H(D, O), || . \\'D,o) \ Multa(H(D, O), \\ . \\D,o) such that I < tp(f) < s.) Proof: We set E = K \ (U%LQTn). Since the sequence (T n ,l) n £ N is an idempotent T-sequence of E, of center b and diameter I, by Theorem 18.11, there exists / € H(E), strictly vanishing along the increasing (resp. decreasing) T-filter of center b and diameter I, meromorphic on each hole Tn and admitting each bn as a pole of order at most one, and having no other pole, satisfying further | / ( x ) | = 1 for alia; € DDd(b,s), f(x) ^ O f o r a l l x e D\d(b,l~) (resp. | / ( x ) - l | < e for all x € D\d(b,s~), f(x) = 0 for all x € D n d(b, I)), and for every circular filter Q of diameter u
Ultrametric Banach
Corollary 21.6: Let O be a classic partition ofd(a, r) \ D, and suppose that O admits a O-minorated annulus T(b,r',r"). Let I, p',p" £]r',r"[ satisfy p' < I < p". There exist f,gG H{D, O) satisfying (i) ,/,(/) = 1 W e Mult(H(D,0), || . || D i 0 ) such that tp(x - b) < p' and tP(f) = 0 VV> € Mult(H(D, O), \\ . H^o) such that i>(x - & ) > / , (u) ^(g) = l Vz/» e Mult(H(D,0), || . || D i 0 ) such that ip{x -b)> p" and ip(g) = 0 V ^ £ Mult(H(D, O), \\ . \\D,o) such that xp(x - b) < I. Lemma 21.7: Let K he strongly valued, let O be a classic partition of d(a,r) and let f,Qe $ ( 0 ) , T ^ Q. There exists f G H{0) such that
Proof: Suppose first that T and Q are not comparable with respect to <. Then, by Proposition 11.9 we can find disks d(b, I) G J- and d(c,m) € Q such that d(b, I) n d(c,m) = 0. Let t = \b ~ c\. Then by Proposition 11.9 again, we have t > max(/,m), hence, denoting by O' the set of holes of O included in T(b, l,t), this annulus admits O' as a classic partition. Suppose now that T and Q are comparable with respect to <. So, we can suppose that Q surrounds T. Let p = diam(J-), t = diam(g) and let I €}p,t[. By Lemma 10.11, there exists a unique disk d(b,l) which belongs to T', and then denoting by O' the set of holes of O included in T(b,l,t), this annulus admits O' as a classic partition. Now, in both situations, we take s &]l,t[. By Corollary 20.4. O admits an increasing idempotent T-sequence and a decreasing idempotent T-sequence, both of center b and diameter s. Therefore, the conclusion comes from Proposition 21.5. □ Theorem 21.8: Let K be strongly valued and let O be a classic partition ofd(a,r). ThenMultm(H(0),\\ . ||o) = Mult(H(0),\\ . ||0). Proof: L e t ^ e Mult(H(0,\\ . \\a) and let M be a maximal ideal of H{0) containing Ker(tp). Then ip is of the form tpj:, with T € <&(£)). On the other hand, by Theorem 6.15 there exists G Multm(H(0), || . ||e>) such that Ker((j>) = M, and is of the form
Chapter 22
Shilov Boundary for Algebras H(D, O)
In Chapter 6 we proved that, given a commutative ultrametric Banach /C-algebra with unity A, a Shilov boundary does exist for (A, ]| . || s i ). How ever, this existence is abstract and doesn't let us determine its nature. When we consider a Banach K-algebra H(D), we are able to describe very precisely its Shilov boundary by using the characterization of multiplicative semi-norms by circular filters. Definitions and notation: In all this chapter D is a closed and bounded subset of the disk d(a,r) and O = (d(bitr~).iej) is a classic par tition of d(a, r) \ D. A circular filter T will be said to be strictly O-bordering if it is the peripheral of a hole of O or of d(a,r). A circular filter O will be said to be O-bordering if either it is strictly O-bordering or all elements B G T contain holes of O. We will denote by E(O) the set of
Ultrametric Banach
of T it is secant with a disk d(c, s) c d(b, p~) with s < p, and of course it has elements B of diameter I &]s, p[ that contain no hole of O, a contradiction. So, T is not secant with any hole of O. Now, let hi,..., hn € R{D, O), let e > 0. Since T admits a base of affinoids sets, we can find an affinoid set E £ T such that | \hj(x)\ - iprihj)^
Then there exists a hole T of O included in E. Consequently, \fT(hj) -frih^loo
< e Vj = l , . . . , n .
This shows that E0(O) is dense in £(£>).
T h e o r e m 22.2: Let O be a classic partition ofd(a,r) \ D. Then S(C) is equal to the boundary of Mult(H(D, || . \\D,O) inside Mult(K[x\). Proof: The proof roughly will follow the same way as this of Theorem 14.1. Let O = (d(bi,r^)iej). Since S 0 (O) is dense inside T,(0), and since the boundary of Mult{H(D, || . ||o,) inside Mult(K[x}) is obviously closed, it is sufficient to show that So() is included in this boundary. Let fj: e So()If T is the peripheral of d(a, r), it is obvious that ipyr belongs to the closure of the subset of Mult(K[x\) \ Mult{H(D, O), \\ . \\D,O) consisting of all (pg such that Q is secant with K \ d(a, s) for some s > r. Consequently, we are led to assume that T is the peripheral of certain hole d(bj,rj) of O, and then symmetrically, it is also obvious that
O), ||. \\Dt0)) ^ 0.
Moreover, W n (Mult(K[x\) \ Mult(H(D,0),\\. \\D,o)) is open in Mult{K[x\) because so are W and Mult{K{x\) \ Mult(H(D,0), ||. \\D,O)Since Multa{K[x\) is dense inside Mult{K[x\), there exists <pa € (Multa(K[x\)
\ Mult(H(D,
O), ||. \\D,a)) n Mult(H(E),
|| . \\E).
Consequently, a lies in E \ D. But since E c d(a,r), a must belong to Y, which proves that T is secant with Y. Therefore the boundary of
Shilov Boundary for Algebras H(D, O)
Mult(H(D, O), ||. || D i o) inside Mult(K[x\) these two sets are equal.
is included in £(£>), and finally □
Theorem 22.3: Let O = (d(bi, r~)i€j) be a classic partition ofd(a, Then £(£>) is the Shilov boundary for (H(D,0), \\ . | | D j 0 ) .
Proof: First, we notice that S(C) is closed inside Mult(K[x}) because it is the boundary of Mult(H(D,0), \\ . ||o,e>)- By Theorem 21.1 it is easily seen that E 0 (O) is a Shilov set for H(D, O). Now, we will show that S(C) is the smallest closed Shilov set. Suppose it is not the smallest. Then, there exists another closed Shilov set S which does not contain E(O). Since S is closed, and since So(^) is dense in E(C) there exists i> e S 0 (C) \ S. Let Q be the strictly 0-bordering filter such that ip = (fig. Thus ip is of the form
(K. Boussaf):
T,(D) is the Shilov boundary for
Proof: By Theorem 14.1 E(D) is the boundary of Mult(H[D), \\ . \\D) inside Mult(K[x\), hence it is closed inside Mult(K[x]). Suppose first that D is infraconnected. By considering the natural par tition O of D \ D, we have S(C) = £(£>), so we can apply Theorem 22.3 showing that £(£>) is the Shilov boundary of H{D). Now, we shall consider the general case.
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
First, we check that £(£>) is a Shilov set. Let h G R(D). If there exists an infraconnected component E of D such that ||/i||r> = | | ^ | | B , then as we have seen, there exists ipjr G E(I?) such that „ > ||/i||r> — ^- Consequently, for each n G N, we can take a point a„ G Dn such that |/i(a n )| > ||/I||D — ^- By Theorem 9.1, from the sequence (o„) we can extract a subsequence which is either a monotonous distances sequence, or an equal distances sequence, or a Cauchy sequence. Here, as D is closed, if we could extract a Cauchy sequence, there would exist a G D such that \h(a)\ = ||/I||D> which is excluded. Hence, we can extract a subsequence which is either a monotonous distances sequence, or an equal distances sequence. So, without loss of generality, we can assume that the sequence (an) is either a monotonous distances sequence, or an equal distances sequence, and therefore by Proposition 10.7 there exists a large circular filter Q less thin than the sequence (an). Then Q is obviously secant with D and satisfies II^IIB- Consequently, Q is secant with K\D, and therefore belongs to S(D). This shows that T,(D) is a Shilov set. Let Si(D) be the set of ). Let ). Suppose now that £(£>) is not the smallest Shilov set. So, there exists a Shilov set S which does not contain £(£>)• More precisely, since S is closed there exists ipn G Si (D)\S. Then H has center b G B and diameter s. Since 5 is closed there exists an affinoid set E of the form d(b, s") \ Llq,=1d(cj: s'), with s' < s < s", \ci — Cj\ = \ci — b\ = s Vi ^ j and such that for every tpj- G 5, JF is not secant with E.
Shilov Boundary for Algebras H(D, O)
Suppose first that H is the peripheral of an infraconnected component B of D. There exists an annulus T(b, z', z") included in K \ D such that s < z' < z" < tfsi~s". Let c G T(6, z', z"), let I = \c\ and
h(x) =
C)« +
(X -
Then we have ip-n(h) = ^ x - Now, let ipjr e S be such that T is secant with d(b, s). Since T is not secant with E, we check that s'q And now, let
Thus if H is the peripheral of an infraconnected component B of D, we are led to a contradiction, and this shows that H is just the peripheral of a hole T = d(b,s~) of an infraconnected component B of D. Since B is an infraconnected component of D, there exists an annulus T(c, z', z") included in K \ D such that s' < z' < z" < s with c € d(b,s~). So, T = d(c,s~). Let a e T(c,z',z"), let I = \a - c\ and let
Then we have tpnih) = j . Now, let y2;r e 5. If J-" is secant with since J 7 is not secant with E, we check that
s' <pr(h) <-» <
And if T is secant with K \ d(c, s), it must be secant with K \ and then we check that fAh)<
^77 < ~
Finally, suppose that T is secant with d(c,s~). Then one of the Cj lies in d(c, s) and we can assume c = C\. Therefore T must be secant with
Ultra-metric Banach
), and we check that
) is a Shilov boundary for H(D). □ Remark: A boundary is not necessarily closed. Let {an)n<=N" be sequence of K such that \an+\ < \an\ < 1, linin-^oo \an\ = r > 0, and let D = {x e K | |x| < 1, \x - an\ > \an\ Vn e N*}. For every n G N*, let Tn be the circular filter of center an and diameter \an\, let >„ = y?^-„, let Q be the circular filter of center 0 and diameter 1, and let Q' be the circular filter of center 0 and diameter r, let tp = ) = {(/>„ | n € N*} U {ip}, and then by Theorem 16.14 this is a boundary for (H(D), \\ . \\D)- On the other hand by Theorem 22.4 the Shilov boundary for (H(D), || . || D ) is E(D) = {„) inside Mult(H(D), || . ||D), with respect to the topology of simple convergence. One can ask whether E0(£>) is equal to Min(H(D), || . ||£>). By Theorems 14.1, 14.2 and 22.4, we can state Corollary 22.5: Corollary 22.5: Let D be closed bounded and have finitely many infraconnected components. The 4 following sets are equal: (i) E(£>), (ii) The boundary of Mult(H(D),\\ . \\D) inside Mult{K[x\) to the topology of simple convergence, (Hi) The Shilov boundary for (H(D), \\ . | | D ) .
with respect
Proof: Theorem 22.6 is just a corollary of Corollary 22.5 when D is infraconnected. Now, suppose that D has finitely many infraconnected compo nents £>i, ...,£>,. Since by Theorem 19.12 H(D) = H(DX) x . . . x H(Dq), and the theorem holds for each algebra H(Dj), so we can easily see that the Shilov boundary of H(D) is equal to the union of Shilov boundaries of all algebras H(Dj), 1 < j < q, hence the conclusion follows. □
Shilov Boundary for Algebras H(D, O)
More precisely, we can state Corollary 22.6: Corollary 22.6: Let D be closed bounded having finitely many Dbordering filters. The following four sets are equal:
(0 £(#), (ii) The boundary of Mult(H(D), || . \\JJ) inside Mult(K[x\) with respect to the topology of simple convergence, (Hi) The boundary of Mult(H(D),\\ . \\D) inside Mult(K[x\) with respect to the metric topology, (iv) The Shilov boundary for (H(D), || . \\D)Proof: If D has finitely many D-bordering filters, then it has finitely many infraconnected components. □ R e m a r k : In particular, Theorem 22.6 applies to H(D) when D is an affinoid set.
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Chapter 23
Holomorphic Functional Calculus
Holomorphic functional calculus is well known and helpful in complex Banach algebra. We can also define it, from the spectrum of an element x, by considering first the rational functions without poles in sp(x). Now, con sidering an ultrametric Banach K-algebra A, thanks to specific ultrametric properties given in Lemma 23.1 bellow, this calculus has continuation from a Banach algebra of the form H(sp(x),0) to A, where O is a natural partition defined by the norm of A. This calculus will let us solve sev eral problems in spectral theory and about idempotents. The holomorphic functional calculus was first defined in [23]. Notation: In this chapter, A is a commutative Banach if-algebra with unity whose norm || . || is ultrametric. Recall that given <j> € Mult(K[x}), such that is ^~1(
the unique circular filter Q on K
Lemma 23.1: Let x £ A be invertible and let b € K be such that \b\ < M—=T]f- Then x — b is invertible and satisfies \\(x — 6) _ 1 || = | | x - 1 | | . Proof:
By hypothesis, we have |b| < ,, \«
, hence
lim IKfaT1)! =0. n—»oo
Consequently, the series X^Lo(z)™ *s converging in A. Then we check that
0 - b ) Er=o( 6 " a: " n_1 ) = L N o w s i n c e \\hx~l\\ < i . w e Hx-1!! > \\bnx-n-l\\ Vn e N*.
But since || . || is ultrametric, we have || X^o^™ 1 "™ - 1 !! ~ ll 2 - -1 !!' therefore ||(x - 6) _ 1 || = ||x _ 1 ||. 135
^ D
Ultrametric Banach
Corollary 23.2: Let x G A and for each b € K \ sp{x), let p(b) = iks-M-'ll" Then p(a) = p(b) whenever a, b G K \ sp(x) such that \a — b\ < )i/j;_M-i[|- Letr > ||a:||Sj. Thend(0,r)\sp(x) admits a classic par _ with tition of the form (d(6,/?(6) ))6ed(o,r)W(x); d{b,p{b)~) = d(a,p(a)~) whenever a, b G K \ sp{x) such that \a — b\ < IKS-M-III ■ Definitions and notation: Let x £ A, let a £ K and let r G [||x — a\\si, \\x\\], with r > \\x — a\\Si if A is not uniform. We will call x-normal partition of center a and diameter r a classic partition O = (d(bi:r~)i£j) of d(a, r) \ sp(x) satisfying n ^ ^ - i n = n Vi G J. In the same way, we will call x-spectral partition of center a and diam eter r a classic partition O = (d(bi,r~)iej) of d(a,r) \ sp(x) satisfying 1 = r» Vi e J. A x-normal (resp. x-spectral) partition will be said to be centered if it has center a e sp(x). A x-spectral partition of center a will be said to be wide if it has a diameter r > \\x — a|| S j. We will call strict x-spectral partition the unique centered x-spectral partition of diameter ||x|| s j. Then, if A is uniform, the strict x-spectral partition is a x-normal partition too. Let r = ||x — a\\ and let O = (d(bi,r~)i£j) be a centered x-normal partition of d(a,r)\sp(x). Then x G A will be said to have bounded normal ratio if the family { iil^lfe.wil | « € J } is bounded. The if-algebra A will be said to have bounded normal ratio if every element of A has bounded normal ratio. T h e o r e m 23.3: Let t e A. There exists a unique homomorphism Qt from R(sp(t)) into A such that &t(P) = P{t) for all P € K[X]. Moreover, Qt is injective if and only if t has a null minimal polynomial. For every h € R(sp(t)), we have sp(h(t)) = h(sp(t)) and sa{h(t) = h{sa(t)). Proof: Let D = sp(t). We may obviously define 0 { from K[x] to A as 6 t ( P ) = P(t). Now let Q € K[X\ have its zeros in K \ D. Then Q(t) is invertible in A, so we may extend to R(D) the definition of Qt, as 9 t ( g ) = P(t) Q(t)-\ for all rational function g e R(D) (with (P, Q) = 1). The uniqueness to Qt is then obvious. Next, Ker(Qt) is an ideal of R{D) which is obviously generated by a polynomial G. Then G = 0 if and only if t has a null minimal polynomial. Now, let h = £ € R{sp(t)) (with (P,Q) = 1). Let A e sp{t)), and let x € X(A) be such that x(M*)) = A- T h e n x(M*)) = hW, h e n c e h(sp(t)) C sp(h(t)). Conversely, let ^ G sp(h(t)), let x € «V(i4) be such
Holomorphic Functional
that x(/i(i)) = M, and let a = \(t). Then, we have x(P(t)) - Wt(Q(*)) = 0, hence a is a zero of the polynomial P{X) — fj,Q(X). Therefore a lies in K because K is algebraically closed. But then, as t — a belongs to the kernel of x, at lies in sp(t). Hence we have sp(h(t)) = h(sp(t)). Finally, sa(h(t)) = ix(h(t)) | X € X(A, K)} = {h(X(t)) | X € X(A, K)} = h(sa(t)). D Remark: When the homomorphism Qt defined in Theorem 23.3 is injective, the K-subalgebra B = Qt{R(sp(t))) is isomorphic to R(sp(t)), and in fact is the full subalgebra generated by t in A. So, in such a case, we will consider R(sp(t)) as a Af-subalgebra of A. Definition and notation: Let t G A. In this chapter and in the sequel we will denote by © t the canonical homomorphism from R(sp(t)) into A denned in Theorem 23.3, and we will call it the canonical homomorphism associated to t. Meanwhile, when it is injective, we will currently confound a rational function h G R(sp(t)) with its image 0t(/i). Given ip G Mult(A, \\ . ||) we will put ipt = ip ° ©t- Thus, we have
Vt(P)=VW))VPetf[z]. We will put (7/i(t) = {t I 4> € Mult(A, || . ||), and when there is no risk of confusion on the algebra A, we will put a(t) instead of crA(t)Lemma 23.4: Let t € A. Then (JA{t) is a compact in Mult(K[x\). Let a € sp(t), let s = \\t — a\\Si, let b € d(a,s) \ sp(t) and let r = n * n . Let -0 G Mult(A, || . ||) and let T be the circular filter such that ipt = G Mult(A, \\ . ||) its image <j>t G Mult{K[x\) is clearly continuous, hence <7/i(i) is compact. By definition of tpt, it is obvious that T is secant with d(a, s). Next, it is clear that ipt(t — b) >r, hence T is secant with d(a, s) \ d(b, r ~ ) . □ Theorem 23.5: Let t G A and let O be a t-spectral partition. Qt satisfies \\&t(f)\\si = \\Qt(f)Ut) < \\f\\sP(t),o for all f G R(sp(t),0). Proof: The equality ||6t(/)|| S i = ||@t(/)|| w u ^ n /o 6 K[x] and fj G Ro(K\d(bj,rJ)), and we have ||^||Sj,(t),o = max 0 <j<„ ||/IJ||D,O-
Ultrametric Banach
For each j = 1 , . . . , n, since by Lemma 23.4 T is secant with K \ d(bj,r~), we have (fjr(hj) < <£b-,r{hj). Similarly, as T is secant with d(a,ro), we have
\ t — a D,o/
Now, let h e R(D), let T1:..., Tq be the /i-holes of O and let YH=o 9n be the Mittag-Lefner series of h on (D, O), with gn = HT„ Vj = 1 , . . . , q. Then we have ||©t(^,j)|j < ||/I||D,O for each j = 1 , . . . q. Finally, we check that there exists a constant L > 1 such that p n | | < n Lr . Indeed, if A is uniform, we just take L = 1. And if A is not uniform, then we have r > \\t\\Si, hence linin-xx, -LJi = 0. Thus we have shown the existence of L in all cases. Consequently, in H(D,0), we check that ||©t(5j')ll < -k||<7jlli>,c? for each j = 0,...,q. But by Theorem 21.1, we have ||/I||D,O = maxo<j
Corollary 23.7: Let t € A, let O be a t-normal partition, and let ip G Mult{A,\\ . ||). Thenipt belongs to Mult(R(sp(t),0),\\ . \\D,o)Definitions a n d notation: Let x € A, let a € sp(x), let 5 = ||x — a||5;. An annulus T(a,r',r") C d(b,s) will be said to be x-clear if there exist
tp', V" e Mult(A, || . ||) such that ip'{x - a) = r', tp"{x - a) = r", and V>(x - a) £}r',r"[ Vip £ Mult(A, || . ||). Remark: If r ( a , r ' , r " ) is a x-clear annulus, in particular we have T(a, r', r") n SJJ(X) = 0. But the converse is not true. Theorem 23.8: Let t £ A. If there exists a t-clear annulus, then both Mult(A, || . ||) and a(t) are not connected. Moreover, there exists a t-clear annulus if and only if a(t) is not connected. Proof: Suppose first that there exists a t-clear annulus T(a, r, s). Let F = {4> £ Mult(A, || . ||) | 4>{x-a) < r} and let G = {> £ Mult(A, || . ||) | s}. Then, F and g are two closed subsets making a partition of Mult(A, || . ||), hence Mult (A, || . ||) is not connected. Moreover, the sets Ft = {4>t \ 4> £ F} and Gt = {<j>t \ £ G} are two closed subsets of cr(t) making a partition of cr(t), hence a(t) is not connected. Conversely, suppose now that a(t) is not connected. By Theorem 14.6 there exists an annulus S = T(a, ro, so) together with filters T, Q € T such that T 6 * _ 1 (cr(i)) secant with J(H), ^ * - 1 ( f f ( * ) ) secant with £(E), such that none of circular filters H £ ii~1(a(t)) is secant with H. Now, let r = sup{<j)(t -a), \ > £ Mult (A, || . ||) (t - a) < r0} and s = m{{<j)(t -a), 4> £ Mult(A, || . ||) <j>(t - a) > s 0 } . Then, T(a,r,s) is a t-clear annulus. D Lemma 23.9 is obvious: Lemma 23.9: Let x € A, let a £ sp(x), let T(a, r', r") be a x-clear annu lus. For all s',s" £}r',r"[ such that s' < s", for every tp £ Mult(A, || . ||), \E,_1('i/>x) is not secant with T(a,s',s"). Theorem 23.10: Letx £ A, let a £ sp(x), lets = \\x—a\\Si, let D = sp(x) and let O be the strict x-spectral partition. The equality \\h(x)\\Si = \\h\\o,o holds for every h £ R(sp(x)) if and only if there exists no x-clear annulus. Proof: Suppose first that there exists a x-clear annulus T(a,r',r") and let r(a, s',s") C r ( a , r ' , r " ) be such that ^~1(((>x) is not secant with T(a,s',s"), whenever <j> £ Mult(A,\\ . ||), while there exists >',>" € Mult(A, || . ||) such that *" 1 ( < / ) x) i s secant with K\d(a,r"~), and * _ 1 « ) is secant with d(a,r'). L e t r £]s',s"[n\K\,letb £ C(a, r) and f(x) = jfEttWe can easily check that
||/|U<max(^,— J < - .
Ultrametric Banach
Now, by definition of O, it is clear that d(b,r~) belongs to O, therefore : II/IID.O > V6,r(/) = ^ this shows that the two norms are not equal when there exists a rr-clear annulus. Conversely, we now suppose that there exists no x-clear annulus. Let h G R(D). By Theorem 23.5 we have HM*)IU < \\h\\D,o-
Let T = d(b,r~) be a hole of O containing a pole of h and let T be the circular filter of center b and diameter r. We will show that there exists ip G Mult(A, || . ||) such that ipx = r and limn-xx, Cn(:c — b) =r. If there exists a sequence ((n)«eN such that (n(x — b)>r and lim„_oo (n{x ~ b) = r, then the sequence (Cn)neN admits a point of adherence tp in Mult(A, || . ||) such that ip(x — b) = r and then, since C,n{x — b) > r Vn G N, we can see that ipx = ma,xo<j
holes of O. The restriction of Qt to (R'(sp(t),(bi)iej), \\ . \\sp(t),o) *5 a continuous K-linear mapping and has continuation to H'(s(t), (bi)i^j), O). Proof: Let D = sp{t). Let / € (R'(sp(t), O, (bi)i€J). Let / 0 + £ ~ = 1 JTn be the Mittag-Leffler series of / on O. For each n e N*, let bn G TnThen fr is of the form \ . Since t has bounded normal ratio, there exists a constant M such that | | / T J | D , O < M\\Qt(fTn)\\ Vn G N*. Finally, let /o = E L o 8 " 1 " 1 - B y hypothesis, we have lim™-^ \am\rm = 0. If ||t|| 8i = ||*||, then r = ||i||, hence ||0 t (7o)|| < \\7O\\D,ONow, if ||t||Sj < ||£||, then r > ||i|| S i, hence there exists a constant TV such that ||t m || < Nrm Vm G N, and therefore, | | e t ( / 0 ) | | < N\\J0\\DtoThus, putting Q = max(M,7V), we have | | 9 t ( / ) | | < Q\\f\\D,o V / ' G (i2'(sp(x),(6i) i € j). D By Lemma 10.11, we have Lemma 23.12. Lemma 23.12: Let t £ A have a null minimal polynomial. Let a G K, let 4> £ Mult(A,\\ . ||), let <j>t be the restriction of <j> to R{sp(t)), and let r = 4>(t — a). Then ^~1(4>t) is (a,r)-approaching. Proposition 23.13: Let t G A be such that the mapping Qt is injective. Letae K\sp(t), and let r = l l f t - a ) - 1 ! ! " 1 . There exists 9 G Mult(A,\\ . ||) whose restriction to R(sp(t)) has a circular filter (a, r)-approaching. Proof: We consider R(sp(t)) as a if-subalgebra of A. Let <j> G Mult(A, || . ||). If ^ _ 1 ( ^ t ) is secant with a disk d(a,p) for some p G]0,r[, then clearly we have (t — a) < p hence <j>{{t — a)~l) > - and therefore ||(* — a) _ 1 || S j > £ which contradicts the hypothesis. So ^ _ 1 ( 0 t ) is secant with K \d(a,r~). Suppose that there exists p > r such that, for every G Mult(A, || . ||), \& _1 (0) is not secant with d(a,p). Clearly we have <j>(t — a) > p for all <j> € Mult(A, || . ||) and therefore \\(t — a) _ 1 || S j < -, a contradiction. Con sequently, for each n G N* we can find <j>n G Mult(A,\\ . ||) such that < &~1((4>n)t) is secant with d(a,r + i ) . And since it is also secant with K \ d(a,r~), finally, it is secant with T(a,r,r + ^ ) . Since Mult (A, || . ||) is compact, we can take a point of adherence 6 of the filter associated to the sequence ((f>m)m€N- So, for every m G N, there exists qm G N such that \(f>qm(t) - 0(i)|oo < ^ - Since this is true for all m G N, and since limn_>oo>n(< - a) = r, we have 6{t — a) = r, thereby * _ 1 ( ^ t ) is (a,r)approaching. □
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Chapter 24
Uniform K-Banach Algebras and Properties (s) and (q)
Notation: Throughout this chapter, A is a commutative ultrametric Banach if-algebra with unity, whose norm is || . j | . Given t € A we will denote by O t the canonical morphism associated to t. The question whether semi-norms || . ||Sj and || . || s m are equal is an old one. Actually, when K is weakly valued, there exist commutative ultramet ric Banach K-algebras with unity where the semi-norm || . || si is strictly superior to the semi-norm || . \\sm for certain elements. But if we assume that |[ . || si is a norm and that A is complete for this norm, then we can prove the equality [29, 37]. In Corollary 24.13 we find again a Theorem due to B. Guennebaud [34], stating that the completion of a field, with respect to a semi-multiplicative norm, admitting at least two continuous absolute values, has non zero divisors of zero. In particular, this shows why Corollary 4.3.4 in [2] is not true. L e m m a 24.1: Let t e A have bounded normal ratio and let O = (d(ai,r^)iej) be a wide t-spectral partition. The restrictions of Qt to R'(sp(t),0,(a,i)i£j) and R"(sp(t),0,(a,i)i£j) are continuous. Proof: The restriction of Qt to R'(sp(t), O, (a;) i e j) is obviously contin uous. Next, we check that the family of ~C TTTar^-fc> -)—211 ■ I * € J } is bounded because on one hand ||(x — bj)~2\\si = (||(x — bj)~l\\Si)2, and on the other handlKz-^ni^lK*-^)-1!!)2. □ Lemma 24.2: Let t e A. Assume that Ker{Qt) ^ {0}. Then \\t\\si = Pllsm- Moreover, if A^K, then A has non zero divisors of zero. 143
Ultra-metric Banach
Proof: Let D = sp(t) and let B = Qt(R(D)). Then Ker(Bt) is an ideal of R(D) generated by a monic polynomial G(x) = r i i = i ( x ~~ a *)- Since G(t) = 0, for every ip £ Mult(A, ||. ||) we have ip(G(t)) = 0, hence there exists an integer l{ip) £ {l,...,q} such that ip{t — a\^) = 0, hence tp(t) = |fli(V>)|- Then t — a;(^,) lies in Ker(ip) and therefore belongs to a maximal ideal M. of A. But by Theorem 6.15, there exists 9$ £ Multm(A, || . ||) such that Ker{9^) = M.. Hence we have 0^(t) = |aj(^,)| = ip(t). Thus we have shown that ip(t) < ||t|| sm . But this is true for all ip £ Mult(A, \\ . ||). Consequently, by Theorem 6.19 we have \\t\\Si = ||i|| s m , which proves the first statement. Next, we notice that Ker(Ot) admits a generator G(x) £ K[x) whose zeros lie in D. If deg(G) = 1, then t lies in K (considered as a if-subalgebra of A), and obviously we have t/j(t) = \t\ Vip £ Mult(A, \\ . ||), and therefore, sup{|A| | A e D} = \\t\\3i. And if deg(G) > 1, then Ker(Qt) is not prime, hence A contains non zero divisors of zero, so the second statement is trivial. □ Theorem 24.3 ([29, 37]): \\t\\ai = \\t\\sm.
Let t £ A have bounded normal ratio. Then
Proof: Let D = sp(t). We put r = ||i|| S j, r' = \\t\\sm and we suppose r' < r. If ||t|| = ||t||Sj we put u = r, and if ||£|| > \\t\\si we take u e]r, ||£||[. Let B = Qt(R(D)). By Lemma 24.1 we can assume that Ker(Qt) = {0}. Hence B is isomorphic to R(D). Let O be a wide i-spectral partition of diameter u, and for convenience, we put || . ||t = || . \\D,O- Let (d(aj,rj)), (i £ J) be the family of holes of O and let B = Qt(R'(D, O, (a,)ieJ)). By Theorem 23.6 the restriction Q't of Q t to R'(D, (aj)j 6 j)) is contin uous once R'(D,0,(ai)i£j)) is provided with the norm || . || t . Therefore, Q't has continuation to a continuous K-vector space homomorphism from H'(D, O, (a,i)i£j) into the closure B of B in A. We will still denote it by Q't. Let s' £}r', r[. The annulus T(0, s', r), admits a partition by a subfamily S of holes of O. Hence by Theorem 20.1, T(0, s', r), contains a O-minorated annulus T(b,p,v). Of course, we may choose v as close to p as we want. Particularly, if \b\ > p, we take v £]p, \b\\. Next, we take A £}p, v[. Clearly b does not lie in D. Let r^ = \UX_^)-\H . ■ By Lemma 23.12 there exists 6 £ Mult (A, || . ||) such that ,i~1(6) is (6, r^-approaching. In fact, by definition, we have r^ < p, hence C(b, r{,) is included in d(b, p), hence ^~1(6) is secant with d(b,p). On the other hand, there certainly exists (f> £ Mult (A, || . ||) such that ^ , _ 1 (0) is (6, r)-approaching. Then by Propositions 21.5 there
Uniform K-Banach
exist / , g G H'(D, O, (a,i)iej)
Algebras and Properties (s) and (q)
(i) V(/) = 1 for all V € Mult(H(D, (ii) V(/) = 0 for all i/> G Mult(H{D, (iii) V(ff) = 1 for all ip G Mult{H(D,
O), || . || D j 0 ) such that V(< -b)>v, 0),\\ . | | D ' 0 ) such that V(* - &) < A, O), \\ . \\D,o) such that ip(t -b) < p,
and (iv) i)(g) = 0 for all V G Mult(H(D,
0),\\ . || D ,o) such that V(* - &) > A.
We put F = ©{(/), and G = ©((gr). Though 0 t is not supposed to be continuous on all H(D,0,{a,i)i£j), it is continuous on H'(D,0,(ai)i&j). Given 0 e Mult(A, || . ||), we will denote by >t the K-vector space seminorm denned on R{D) + H'(D, O), \\ . \\D,oSuppose first |6| < p. It is seen that for every ip € Multm(A, \\ . ||), we have ip(t) < r', hence ipt(x) < r''■ Consequently, ipt(g) = 1, and therefore ip(G) = 1, hence G is invertible in A. On the other hand, ^~l({<j))t) is (0, r ) approaching, hence (4>)t(g) — 0, and therefore (>)(G) = 0, a contradiction to the conclusion G is invertible in A. Finally, suppose |6| > p. in the same way we have d(0, r') C K \ d(b, A), and therefore, ip(F) = 1 for all ip G Multm(A, \\ . ||), and ip(F) = 0 for all tp such that ^~l{%pt) is secant with d(b,X). So, F is invertible. But ^~1(6t) is secant with d(b,X) and therefore, 6(F) = 0, a contradiction to the property "F invertible". □ Corollary 24.4: Property (s).
If A has bounded normal ratio, then A
Corollary 24.5:
If A is uniform, then A satisfies Property (s).
Corollary 24.6: If A has bounded normal ratio and has no maximal ideals of infinite codimension, then A satisfies Property (p). Corollary 24.7: / / A is uniform and has no maximal ideals of infinite codimension, then A satisfies Property (p). Corollary 24.8:
If A is uniform then its Jacobson radical is null.
P r o p o s i t i o n 24.9: Let t G A have bounded normal ratio and assume that there exist ip', ip" G Mult(A, || . ||) and r,r', r" such that ip'(t)
Ultrametric Banach
a subfamily <S of holes of O. Hence by Theorem 20.1, 17(0, r , r ' ) contains a 0-minorated annulus V(b, p, v). Moreover, we notice that there exists at least one element <j> of Mult(A, \\ . ||) such that ^ _ 1 ( ^ t ) is secant with d(b, p). Indeed, if t — b is not invertible, this is obvious. Now, suppose that t — b is invertible. Since F(b, p, v) admits a partition by holes of the i-spectral partition, according to Corollary 23.2 we have ||(* - &) _ 1 || - 1 < P a n d °y a n d Lemma 23.12 there exists <j> € Mult(A, || . ||) such that ^ _ 1 ( 0 t ) is secant with d(b,p). Then by Corollary 21.6 there exist / , g e H'(D,0,(ai)ieJ) satisfying fg = 0 and ip't(f) = >t(g) = l. By Theorem 23.6 we know that Qt is continuous on R"(D, O, {ai)iej). And by Proposition 21.4 fg belongs to H"(0,(ai)i^j). Consequently, e t (/)e t () = 0. But V ' ( e t ( / ) ) = 0 ( 0 t ( / ) ) = 1 hence 9 t ( / ) , &t(g) are non zero divisors of zero in A. □ Theorem 24.10: Let A be an integral domain and lett € A have bounded normal ratio and be such that sp(t) ^ 0. Then r{i) = ||t|| S i. Proof: Suppose r(t) < ||t||«. Since sp(t) ^ 0, by Corollary 6.3 there obviously exist V'l S Mult(A, \\ . ||) such that V'i(i) = T{t) and by Corollary 6.10 there exists ip2 e Mult(A, \\ . ||) such that ip2(t) = \\t\\Si- Putting r i = i>i(t) and r2 = ip2(t), we have T(0,ri,r2) n sp(t) = 0. Hence by Proposition 24.8 A has non zero divisors of zero, a contradiction. □ Corollary 24.11: Let A be uniform and have no non zero divisors of zero, and be such that sp(t) =fc 0 Vi e A. Then A satisfies Property (q). Corollary 24.12: Let B be a commutative uniform ultrametric Banach K-algebra without non zero divisors of zero, with unity, such that sps{t) ^ 0 Vt € B and let <j> be a K-algebra homomorphism from A to B. Let || . ||^ (resp. || . Wft) be the spectral norm of A (resp. B). Then > satisfies
Mxnf^Mxn^vxeA. Thanks to Proposition 24.9, Guennebaud's Theorem [34] on the comple tion of a field which is a normed /iT-algebra having more than one continuous absolute value, appears as a simple corollary: Theorem 24.13: Let F be a field extension of K provided with a semimultiplicative norm and admitting two different continuous absolute values. Then the completion of F has non zero divisors of zero. Proof: Let A be the completion of F, with respect to its norm. It is a uniform Banach K-algebra such that Mult'(A, || . ||) contains at least
Uniform K-Banach Algebras and Properties (s) and (q)
the expansions tpi, ip2 of two different continuous absolute values defined on F. Let t £ F be such that ipi(t) < ip2{t)- As an element of F, the spectrum of t is empty, hence it is also empty as an element of A. Putting n = ipi(t), r e Mult(A, || . ||) such that * _1 (^>t) is secant with d(a, s'). Let r &]s',s"[. Suppose first T(a,s',s") admits 0 as a center. Since r(0, s',s") is a O- minorated annulus, we can find an increasing distances holes sequence (T^)„eN of O of center 0 and diameter r such that the weighted sequence (Tn, l) n gN makes a T-sequence. The T-filter of center 0 and diameter r will be denoted by T. Let D = d(Q,r") \ [jneNTn. Since D is clearly a C-set, H(D) is a .ftf-subalgebra of H(sp(t),0,(ai)i€j). Now, we denote by D' the set
Ultra-metric Banach Algebra
D U (K \ d(0,r). Hence Hb{D') is a Banach if-subalgebra of H{D). Let R'(D') = Rb(D') n R'{{sp(t),0,(ai)ieJ) and ff'(D') = Hb(D') n H'((sp(t), O, (aj)jgj). Particularly, by Theorem 23.11 the canonical homomorphism Qt is denned and continuous on H'(D'). Then, by Theorem 18.12, there exists / e H(D), meromorphic in each hole Tn, admit ting in Tn an as unique pole, an having order at most 1, such that |/(c)| = 1 Vc € d(0,s'), /(c) = O V c e f l \ d(O.r-). Thus, we see that / belongs to H'(D'). Let F = 0 t ( / ) . Since r" > r, there exists V € Mult (A, || . ||) such that ip(t) > r, hence tp(Qt{f)) = 0, hence F belongs to a maximal ideal containing Ker(ip), and therefore 0 belongs to sp(F). On the other hand for every c 6 sp(x), we have |/(c) | = 1, hence sp(F)nC(0,1) ^ 0. Actually, we will show that sp(F) C C(0, l)u{0}, i.e. F — I is invertible for alH G K such that 0 < |Z| < 1. Let I £ if be such that 0 < |/| < 1 and suppose that F — I is not invertible in A. Let C, € X(A) be such that {(F-l) = 0. Let M = Ker(C,), and let Q, = -fa. Let ^ G Mult(A, || . ||) be such that Ker(>) = M. Then > defines an element <j>t of Mult (R(D)) which of course is of the form tpg, with Q a circular filter on K. Moreover, in Rb(D'), the norm || . \\D' obviously satisfies ||/I||D' > l|ft||sp(t),0) hence the restriction of and has extension to H'(D'). So, in particular, we have >t(/ — I) = 0, hence limg /(a:) — I = 0, and therefore Q is not secant with d(0, s') U(K\ d(0, r)). In particular, Q ^ T. But since T is the only T-filter on D', this implies that Q is a Cauchy filter on D', of limit a, hence we have f(£) = a, a contradiction to the hypothesis sp(t) C d(0, r'). Consequently, F — I is invertible in A for alH € K such that 0 < \l\ < 1, and therefore sp{F) is not infraconnected. We have a symmetric proof when 0 is not a center of T(a, s', s"). Then T(a, s',s") is included in a class of C(0, \a\), therefore s" < \a\. Indeed, consider u = j ^ . We can check that sp(u) c C(0, A ) , and since there exists ip € Mult(A,\\ . ||) such that ^ r_1 (^) ( ) is secant with d(a,r'), we have i/>(t — a) < s", hence ip(u) > jr; > A-. Consequently, we check that T{U) < T^T, and ||u|| > ^77, so we are led to the same situation with u instead of t. O
Chapter 25
Properties (o) and (q) in Uniform Banach K-Algebras
We shall show that in a uniform Banach Af-algebra, Property (o) implies Property (q). Conversely, we shall see that Property (q) doesn't imply Property (o). Notation: Throughout this chapter, A is a commutative ultrametric Banach _ft"-algebra with unity. Several results come from [23]. Lemma 25.1: Let x £ A be such that T(X) < \\x\\. There exists <j> G Mult{A, || . ||), a number v > 0 an affinoid set F which belongs to the filter T = * _ 1 ( 0 X ) , such that diaru^'1^)) > v, for all ip e Mult(A, || . ||) such that *""1(V'i) e $ ( F ) . Proof: We assume Lemma is not true. Let r = T(X) and let 5 = ||x||, let m e]r, s[, let O be the strict x-spectral partition, and let (fro e Mult(A, || . ||) be such that ik~1({(j>o)x) is secant with T(0,m,s). Let To = <S>~1(((fro)x) and let So = diam(To). Suppose we have already constructed a finite sequence (n)x)) < ^ and <J(*-1((0n),),*-1Wn+l)I))<^I. Let Tn = "k~l((4>n)x)- Since the Lemma is supposed to be exists no affinoid F G Tn such that Tn is the only circular filter $~l(ipx), -0 € Mult(A, || . ||), which is secant with F . Suppose that we can't find 0 n +i £ Mult(A, || . ||) the filter .F n +i = ^~1(((frn+i)x)) satisfies diam(Tn+i) < 149
false, there of the form such that ^ g , and
Ultrametric Banach
5(J r n + i,^ r „) < ^ p j . This means that for every ip € Mult(A, || . ||) such
that 5{^'l{tpx),Fn)
< ^pj, we have diam^'1^))
> ^ .
Let F be
the unique disk of diameter ^pj such that Tn € $ ( F ) . Then for all Q £ $ ( F ) we have 5{T,G) < ^ p \ , hence diam(tf -1 (V' :B )) > ^ for all V> £ Mult(A, || . ||) such that S P - 1 ^ ) € $ ( F ) , which proves the conclusion of the Lemma. Thus, since we have supposed that the conclusion is false, we can find
s < — — , and 5{Tn+1,Tn) n+2
Is < ——. n+1
And this is true for all n £ N, hence the sequence ((^ n )i)n€N i s a Cauchy sequence with respect to the ^-topology. Consequently, its limit in Mult{K[x\) is of the form <pa, with a £ F(0, r,s). On the other hand, since Mult(A, || . ||) is compact for the topology of simple convergence, the sequence ((pn)nen admits a point of adherence 8 with respect to the topology of simple convergence. Consequently, 0X is a point of adherence of the sequence ((ipn)x)neN- Next, since Mult(K[x}) is sequentially com pact, we can extract from the sequence (ipn)x a subsequence converging to 8X with respect to the topology of simple convergence. Thus, without loss of generality, we can assume that the sequence (ipn)x converges to 9X with respect to the topology of simple convergence in Mult(K[x}). But since the sequence (ipn)x converges to tpa for the (5-topology, so much the more does it converge to <pa for the topology of simple convergence, hence ipa = 9X. Thus, 9a is punctual, a contradiction to the fact that a £ sp(x). Consequently, our hypothesis the conclusion is false is wrong. □ T h e o r e m 25.2: infective.
If A does not satisfy Property (q), then GMyi is not
Proof: Suppose that A does not satisfy Property (q) and let x £ A be such that T(X) < ||x||. Consider now the strict x-spectral partition O of d(Q, s)(x). Let r = T{X) and let s = ||x||. By Lemma 25.1 there exists £ Mult(A, || . ||), a number v > 0 and an affinoid set F which belongs to the filter T = ^~l{x), such that diam{ty~x(ipx)) > v, for all ip £ Mult(A, || . ||) such that # _ 1 ( ^ r ) € $ ( F ) . Whether or not T has a center, we are going to construct an element G £ A such that, given ip £ Mult(A, || . ||), either cp{G) = 0, or diam{^~x(ipx)) > v. Suppose first that T has no center. By Lemma 10.11 there exists disks d(a,t) £ T, d(a,l) £ T included in F, with I < t. By Proposition 21.5
Properties (o) and (q) in Uniform Banach K-Algebras
there exists g G H(sp(x),0)
such that >fg(g) = 1 V£ € <&(d(a, 1)) and
and if m < s, by Proposition 21.5 there exists go € H(sp(x), O) such that ^pg(g) = 1 V£ secant with d(a,m) and <^g(<7) = 0 V£ secant with d(0, s) \ d(a, (m + e ) - ) . Then we put g = rij=o 9iIn both cases, we now put G = Qx(g) and we can check that given tp e Mult(A, || . ||), either 0(G) = 0, or diam{y-x(ipx)) > v. Let f € if satisfy ||£G|| < w and let y = x + £G. Then ||t/ — rzr|[ < v. Consider ip G Mult(A, || . ||), let ipn = x*(t/>), VT = 2/*(V0- If V>() = 0, then ^(y - x) = 0, hence by Theorem 15.14 we have :r*(i/i) = y*(i/>). And now, if V'(G) 7^ 0, then we can see that tp(y—x)
(o) and
Proof: Suppose A does not satisfy Property (p) hence it does not satisfy Property (q). Let t € A be such that r(t) < \\t\\. Since Maxa(A) =£ 0 we have sp(t) ^ 0. Taking a € sp(t), we notice that r(t — a) = r(t), and \\t — a\\ = \\t\\. So, without loss of generality, we can assume 0 6 sp(t). Let s = ||i||, let r = r(£), and let O be the strict t-spectral partition. There exists a 0-minorated annulus T(b,r',r") included in r ( 0 , r , s ) . Suppose 0 is (resp. is not) a center of F(b,r',r"). We can find in T(0,r',r") (resp. in T(6,r',r")) an increasing (resp. a decreasing) idempotent T-sequence (T„)raefsj of center 0 (resp. of center b) and diameter p £]r',r"{ whose holes are holes of O. Consider the O-set D admit ting each Tn as a hole, and no other holes. We notice that D admits a unique T-filter F run by the T-sequence (Tn)„epj- By Theorem 18.11 there
Ultrametric Banach
exists / € H(D) such that p we can find i/> £ Mult(A, || . ||) such that ipt has a filter secant with d(0,s) \ d(0:p~) (resp. since T(b,rr,r") is not included in any hole of O, we can find ip S Mult (A, || . ||) such that tpt has a filter secant with d(0, r')). Consequently, we have V>(@t(/)) = 0. Let F = ©*(/): we see that F is not invertible in A. Now, let x £ <¥(J4,.K"). Since A is uniform, ^ o 0 ( defines a character Xt € X(H(D),K) which by hypothesis satisfies Xt{x) < r , hence sa(Qt(f)) is included in C(0,1). Let a € K be such that < |a| < 1. Since D has no T-filter except T, we notice that / — a is not vanishing along any T-filter of D and therefore by Theorem 19.1 / — a is quasi-invertible, hence it is of the form P(x)h, with P a polynomial and h an invertible element of H(D). Let g = P/i and let G = &t{g)- Suppose that G is not invertible in A and let 9 e X(A) be such that 9(G) = 0. Then 9(P(t)) = 0, hence 9(t) is one of the zeros of P, and therefore lies in sp(t). Consequently, we have 9(t) < r, hence |#t(/)| = 1, hence |0(F)| = 1 and therefore we check that |#(G)| = 1 a contradiction. Thus, we see that G is invertible in A. Then, sa(G) C C^O, 1), but a belongs to sp(G) because F is not invertible in A. And since G is invertible in A, sa(^) is also included in C(0,1), but ^ belongs to sp(^). Thus, we have ||^|| S a = 1, but r ( ^ ) > | ^ | > 1, a contradiction to Property (o). D On the other hand we will prove that there exist uniform Banach ultrametric commutative if-algebras with unity satisfying Property (q), but not property (o). According to Corollary 15.5 and Theorem 25.4 we have Corollary 25.5:
Corollary 25.5: Let B be a uniform normed commutative K-algebra with unity satisfying Property (o) and let <j> be a K-algebra hornornorphism from A to B. Let || . ||^ be the norm of B and let || . ||A be the spectral semi-norm of A. Then <$> is continuous and satisfies ||0(x)||^ < ||z||^ Vx € A.
Properties (o) and (q) in Uniform Banach K-Algebras
Definitions and notation: Let E be a commutative ultrametric normed K-algebra with unity. Let n & N and let || . ||o be the norm of E. The .E-algebra of polynomials in n variables E[X\,... ,Xn] is provided with the Gauss norm j|| . ||| defined as = ii^in
By Proposition 6.18 the norm is a if-algebra norm and if the norm of E is multiplicative, this norm ] | . 111 is known to be a multiplicative norm of .ftf-algebra. Further, by Proposition 6.18, if E is complete, the completion of E[Xi,... ,Xn] with respect to this norm, denoted by E{X\,... ,Xn), con sists of the set of power series in n variables J ^ i a,ilt...,%nX\l ... X^ such that limj1+...+jTi_MX) ailt...tin = 0. The elements of such an algebra are called the restricted power series in n variables. Henceforth, in this chapter we will denote by M the disk d(0,1-) and by A the K-algebra H(M){Y}. We will denote by x the identical mapping on M, we fix r e]0,1[, we put t = 1 — xY and by S the multiplicative subset generated in A by the t — a, a G d(0,r~), and B will be the if-algebra Finally, we will denote by T(r) the set of ifi € Mult(A, || . ||) such that ip(X) > r. Lemma 25.6:
Let P € E[Y] and let Q{Y) = P ( l - Y).
Then \\\P\\\ =
IIIQIIIProof: Let P(Y) = Y^=oaiYJ a n d l e t Q(Y) = E " = o 6 j y 7 " ■ T h e n e a c h bj is of the form (-1)-7' Yl2=j ) a k - Hence |6j| < |||P||| and thereby |||Q||| < |||P|||. But on the other hand P(Y) = Q(l - Y), hence |||P||| < |||<3||1, consequently the equality holds. □ Lemma 25.7:
Let ip e T(r) and let h = £- e B, with f e A, g & S.
Then 0 ^ ip(S). The mapping ip defined in B by ip(-) = ^ W belongs to Mult(B). Further, the mapping <j> from B to [0,+co] defined as 4>{h) = su Pver(r) V'CO belongs to SM(B). Proof: First, we will show that cj>{h) < +oo. We can write g in the form n " = i ( i - « j ) 9 i , Oj € d(0,r~), q, € N*. Weset q = £ " = 1 qj. Sinceip{t) > r,
Ultrametric Banach
clearly ip(t — a,j) = ij)(t), and hence we have ip(g) > rq. Consequently,
^(L)<m<mt \9J~
and therefore {h) < ^ . Thus, <j> e SM(B). On the other hand, since the norm || . \\M of H(M) is an absolute value, we can find in T(r) a multiplicative norm which obviously lies in T(r). Consequently 4> is a norm. □ Notation: Henceforth, || . || r will denote the norm defined on B in Lemma 25.7 and B will denote the completion of B with respect to this norm. Then by definition, B is a commutative uniform ultrametric Banach if-algebra with unity. Given a normed /('-algebra E, we will denote by E{{Y}}r the set of Laurent series with coefficients in E such that lim ra -^ +00 an = 0, and lim n __ 0 O \\an\\rn = 0. In K[Y] (resp. in K{Y}) we will denote by K[Y}0 (resp. K{Y}Q) the ideal of polynomials (resp. of series) / such that /(0) = 0. And we put W = H(M) + K{Y}0. Lemmas 25.8 and 25.9 are immediate: Lemma 25.8: W is the direct sum of the K-vector spaces H(M) and K{Y}o, and is provided with the product norm || . || defined as \\g + h\\ = max(||5|| M , \\h\\), with g £ H(M) and h e K{Y}0. Lemma 25.9:
B C H(M){t}{\}r
C B.
Lemma 25.10: For every a € C(0,1), (a — xY)A is a maximal ideal of infinite codimension of A. Moreover, we have sa(xY) = M, sp{xY) = U. Proof: Let N = sa(xY) and let D = sp(xY). Since |||xy||| = 1, sp(xY) is obviously included in U. On the other hand D is clearly included in M because given a € M, the homorphism Xa,i from A to K defined as
YLfoY3 3=0
) /
Xa,i(xY) = a.
Consequently, we have M CN
Properties (o) and (q) in Uniform Banach K-Algebras
Let a G U \ M and consider the ideal / generated by a — xY. Clearly / n H{M) = {0}. Consequently the canonical surjection 0 from A onto the algebra A' = j induces an injection from H{M) to A'. We will show that j is just the completion of the field of fractions F of H{M). Since the norm of A is multiplicative, / is obviously closed in A, hence A' is provided with the quotient norm, which makes it a Banach A"-algebra. Let a € M. In A', we have
1. Consequently, the 'GO igi \)^+i converges in K for every a G M, which proves that
and similarly ||#(a;)|| < 1, hence \\9(x) series
2^,oo , j=0
9(b — x) is invertible in A' and admits for inverse Y^jLo rg(x))"+1 • T n u s ! A! contains a field isomorphic to F and we will confound it with F, due to the fact that the restriction of 9 to H(M) may be considered as the identity. In the field F, it is clearly seen that the relation \\(6(x — 6)) _ 1 || = = ||(0(x - b))|| _ 1 holds for all 6 ^ M because x - b is invertible in H(M), and that III . Ill is an absolute value. Consider now b e M. Indeed,
= ^T j=0
(9{x)Y+ i
which proves that \\{9{b - x)~l)\\ <\. So, actually, ||(0(6 - x)- x )|| = 1, and of course \\9(b — x)|| = 1 because |||6 — x\\\ = 1. Thus the norm of A' induces on F the continuation of the absolute value of H(M). Since 9(H(M)[Y}) C F, then F is dense in A', hence A' is the completion of F with respect to its absolute value. Therefore, / is a maximal ideal of infinite codimension. Thus, given a e U \ M, then a belongs to D\N, hence U \M = D\N, and consequently, by (25.1), L = M, and D = U. □ Theorem 25.11 ([37]): B is a commutative ultrametric uniform Banach K-algebra without non zero divisors of zero, satisfying Property (q) but not Property (o). Moreover, it is equal to the set of Laurent series X^-^ anYn, with an 6 W, l i m n ^ + 0 0 an = 0, lim„ l&nll7"™ = 0, and we have +00
J>« yn
max ( sup||a n ||,sup||a n ||r ^n>0
Ultra-metric Banach Algebra
Proof: First, we will show that B does not satisfy Property o). Let t = 1 - xY. By Lemma 25.10 we have SPA{XY) = U, SO,A{XY) = M. Consequently, we can see that sa^(i) = d(l, 1~). Let x 6 X(A,K). For all g € S, we notice that x{9) ¥" 0- Thus, x has continuation to a K-algebra, homomorphism x fr°m B to K defined as x ( f ) = f?{y> ^ / G ^> 9 & S. Since |x| clearly lies in T(r), x is continuous with respect to the norm || . || of B, therefore x has continuation to a JiT-algebra homomorphism x from B to K. Consequently, SCLA(XY) C sag(xY). But of course, the inverse inequality is true because A C B, so we have sag(xY) = M, thereby 1 -
\X(t)\ > r
Now, let x S - ^ ( ^ satisfy
and let A = x(A) be provided with an absolute value extending this of K. By (25.3) we have x() / 0 Vj e S. Thus, x has continuation to a Kalgebra homomorphism x from B to A such that |x| G 1~(r). Then x is continuous with respect to the norm || . || of B, and therefore it has continuation to a K-algebra homomorphism from B to A. Thus, we have proven that spg(t) D A(0,r, 1). But since B is a K-subalgebra of B, we have the inverse inclusion, and consequently, the equality holds. Hence spgfy = A(0,1, i ) and thereby
sup jo, |A| A G SPB (jj } =-• Thus, by (25.2) we can see that B does not satisfy Property (o). Now, we will show that B has no non zero divisors of zero, and first we will prove that B is the if-vector space of the power series / of the form E^Lo a« w i t h an € W, lim„^ + 0 0 an = 0, ||/|| = sup„> 0 ||a n ||. Let h e H(M) and let j & N*. Considering the power series of h at 0, by Theorem 16.8 we can write h = X^?=o aix^ + xn5> w ^ h g 6 H(M), and then we have ||/I||M = (|«o|, - • • l^n-il, I M I M ) - Consequently, k-\ fc
fe-l a xJYk
/i(x)y = Y, 3 j=0
xY h
+ ( ) 9 = Yl(aNxYY(Yk~J">+ j=0
Properties (o) and (q) in Uniform Banach K-Algebras 157
So, we can write fc-i
hYk = ^ Oj(l - t)jYk-j i=o
+ (1 - tfg.
Now consider the polynomial P(Z) = Yl^Zo a.iYk~iZi £ K[Y]0[Z\ and let Q{Z) = P{\ - Z). By Lemma 25.6 we have |||Q||| = |||P||| sa^<j
Consequently, we obtain fc-i
J2aj(i-tyY -i
= 1110111 = 111^111=
And finally, ||Q(y)||=max(|a0|,...,|a*-i|). j
On the other hand we have \\\g{\ - Z) \\\ || 1 — t\\ = 1, in A we obtain \\9(l-ty\\
= \\\gYi\\\ = \\g\\. But since
= \\gl
By (25.4) we deduce hY* = Q(t) + (1 -t)*g, g e H(M), And by (25.5), (25.6), (25.7) we obtain ||/i||=max(||Q(t)||,||(l-i)^||).
(25.7) Q(Z) e tf[yio[Z].
G A Now, consider / = Y^ZfjYJ - F o r e a c h 3 e N> h y i i s o f t h e form Qj(t) +gjSj{t), with Q3\Z) e #[*1o[.Z], <& € H ( M ) , 5j(Z) € ff[Z], satisfying further
\\\Qj\\\ < ll/ill
llldilll < ll/ill-
Consequently, we have
Ultrametric Banach
By (25.9), the series Y^jLoQj(Z) is clearly converging in K{Y}o{Z} to a limit Y^T=o^iO'r)Z:i'■ ^ n t n e s a m e way, by (25.10) the series Y^jLo9j^j{^) converges in H{M){Z] to a limit Y^jLoV-i^■ Moreover, by (25.9) and (25.10), we can see that sup j € N ||Aj|| < ||/|| and sup j e N H^H < ||/||. On the other hand we have ||/|| < max(sup^ >0 HAjl^sup^x) ||//j||), thereby H/ll =max(sup||A ; ,-||,sup||/ij||). j>0
Putting a,j = Xj + fij, we have ||aj|| = max(||Aj||, ||//j||). This shows A to be the set of series G — Yo°° a«^™ w'ith coefficients a,j G A, satisfying lim n _ + O Q an = 0, \\G\\ = supjjo n ||. n>0
Now, we will show that B is the set Q. of series G = ]C-oo a "^"' w i t n coefficients a,j G W, satisfying limn_>+00 a n = 0, limn^-oo ||a n ||r n = 0, -, it is seen that Q C B.
and ||G|| = s u p n > 0 ||o n ||. Since
a G d(0,r ), we notice that j ^ = Yn^o t^rr belongs to Q. So, by Lemma 25.9 B is included in fi, and therefore Q is dense in B. Since the norm of H(M) is an absolute value, on H(M)[Z] consider the two absolute values V'o, ^l defined by
we can
( " \ sup ||oj||, ipi j y^cijZi I = sup j|a.j11r-' 0<j
^ ) = ^ ^ = ^ ( i - 0 = Ki = o,i). Then given £ j L 0 b*Yk
( )W]>
we have
< sup ||6fc|| (i = 0,1). J
Consequently, tp'(f) < \\f\\ V/ G H(M)[Y], hence each ip'{ has contin uation to an absolute value ip'/ defined on A, and actually belongs to
Properties (o) and (q) in Uniform Banach K-Algebras
Mult(A, || . ||) (i = 0,1). On the other hand, we notice that each ip" belongs to T(r), and therefore has extension tjj'/' to B and B (i = 0, 1). In particular we have $ " ( / ) < | | G | | V G e B ( i = 0,l). a tn
Now, let I = Y^£> n ||G|| > MG)
€ fi
y (25.12), we can check that
= sup \\an\\ and ||G|| > >i(G) = sup ||o n ||r n . n>0
n>0 n
Thus we have ||G|| = max(sup n > 0 ||a n ||,sup n < 0 ||a n ||r ). Consequently, fi is complete for the norm || . || and therefore is equal to B. Let F be the field of fractions of H{M) and let F be its comple tion with respect to the absolute value || . ||M of H(M) extended to F. Then, F is provided with an absolute value that we still denote by II • || M- We can consider F + K{Y}o as a JiT-vector space provided with the norm || . || defined as it follows: given g £ F, h € i f j l ^ o , we set |<7 + h\\ = max(||gf||M) \\h\\). Let V be the iC-vector space consisting of all series ]C-c» a n * n an € F + K{Y}o){{t}}r. It is provided with the norm defined by +oo
Va„t" 11
= max(sup||a fc ||,sup||a fc ||r fc ). fc>0
Thus, B is a X-subvector space of V which actually is included in because so is K{Y}, due to the fact that Y = - ^ and -
= 1 . Since both
the multiplication of B and its norm are induced by those of F{{t}}r, B is a K-subalgebra of .F{{t}} r , and therefore B is an integral domain. But the norm of B is semi-multiplicative, and therefore B is uniform, hence by Corollary 24.11 B satisfies Property (q). □
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Chapter 26
Properties (o) and (q) and Strongly Valued Fields
In Chapter 25 we saw that in a commutative uniform Banach .ftT-algebra, Property (o) implies Property (q). Here we examine whether this remains true when the algebra is not supposed to be uniform. Actually, this is depending on the ground field [23]: if it is strongly valued, then the property is always true. If it is weakly valued, counter-examples show that the property sometimes doesn't hold. N o t a t i o n : In the Chapter, A is a commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebra with unity. Theorem 26.1: K is supposed weakly valued. There exist a non semisimple commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebra without non zero divi sors of zero, with unity, all maximal ideals of which have codimension 1, such that || . ||Sj is a norm. Proof: For convenience, we put I — | . For each r £ [0,1], we denote by Tr the circular filter of center 0 and diameter r. By Proposition 19.6 we can construct an open closed bounded infraconnected set E C d(0, l~)\d(0, l~) such that E — d(0,1), admitting an irregular T-specific partition whose elements are the sets d(a,r~~) n E, whenever |a| = r, I < r <1. Now, let (rra)„£M be a strictly increasing sequence of [/, l[n|AT| such that limn^ooT-n = 1 and | X^=o logr„|oo = +oo, and for each n G N, let an e C(0,r n ) and let Tn = d{an,r~). Let E' = E \ (U n e N T n ) and D = r(0,1,2) U E'. Let T = y(Fi). By Theorem 18.8 the weighted sequence (Tn, l)n€N is an idempotent T-sequence of center 0 and diameter 1. And the subset E' of D admits a partition of the form {CE'(Gi,r)> i & I,r €\l,l\f\\K\) 161
Ultrametric Banach
where the (Gi,r)i£i are T-friters of diameter r secant with C(0,r), and where the only T-filter on E' which is not one of the Gi,r, is the increasing filter of center 0 and diameter 1. Hence for every increasing filter Q of D secant with any circle C(0,r), by Corollary 19.4 we have y(G) = y{Tr). In particular, since for all r,r' £]l, 1[, Tr T'T are secant with VD(G), we check that y{Tr) = y{Tr'). So, we will just denote by J this closed prime ideal y(Tr) which actually does not depend on r £]l, 1[. Since D has no decreasing T-filter, as we just saw, each element / of J satisfies f(a) = 0 Vo £ T(0,1,2), and therefore J C T. Moreover, since D has no decreasing T-filter, T\ n D is not a distinguished circular filter, therefore D actually has no distinguished circular filter. Consequently every maximal ideal of H{D) has codimension 1. For every a £ D, let Ma be the maximal ideal of H(D) consisting of the / £ H(D) such that f(a) = 0 and let Xa G X(H(D), K) be defined as Xa(f) = /(«)• Then each maximal ideal of H{D) is of the form Ma. Let A = L ' and let 0 be the canonical surjection from H{D) onto A. For each a £ T(0,1,2), 9{Ma) is a maximal ideal of codimension 1, because Ma D J. But for each a € d(0,1) C\D, J is not included in Ma, hence 6(Ma) is not a maximal ideal of A. Consequently, by Lemma 1.13 all maximal ideals of A have codimension 1 and are of the form 9(Ma) with a e T(0,1, 2). But since D admits an increasing T-sequence of center 0 and diameter 1, there exists in H(D) an element / € T satisfying g(a) = 0 Va £ F(0,1,2), and y>o,r(ff) > 0 Vr e]l, 1[. Let h = 6(g). Then /i ^ 0, but since ^(a) = 0 Va € T(0,1, 2), we see that || . ||). Therefore we have ||/i|| s m = 0 < ||/i|| si . 1(h) = 0 V 7 G Multm(A, By construction, A has no non zero divisors of zero. Now, suppose that an element y of A is such that \\y\\Si = 0. Let / £ H(D) be such that $(/) = V- By definition, for each r e]i, 1[, <^o,r is of the form ^ r o ^, with ipr £ Mult(A, || . ||), therefore y>o,r(/) = 0, hence / belongs to ^7, thereby y = 0, hence || . ||Sj is a norm. □ Corollary 26.2: If K is weakly valued, there exist commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebra with unity, without non zero divisors of zero, all maximal ideals of which have codimension 1, satisfying property (o) but neither Property (q) nor Property (s). Theorem 26.3:
Let K be strongly valued. Then A satisfies Property (s).
Proof: Suppose Property (s) is not satisfied. So, there exists t £ A such that \\t\\si > j|t|| s m , and therefore, there exists ipa £ Mult(A, || . ||) such that ipo(t) > \\t\\sm- Let r = ||£|| sm and u = ipo(t). Thus, sp(t) is included in d(0,r). Let O be a i-normal partition. By Corollary 20.5 there exists
Properties (o) and (q) and Strongly Valued Fields
an increasing idempotent T-sequence (T n )„ 6 N of center 0 and diameter u with all Tn included in the annulus r(0, r, u). Therefore, by Proposition 21.5 there exists / e H(D, O) such that i/>(f) = 1 \/tp e Mult{H{D, e Mult{H(D, O), \\ . \\Dto) such that ip(t) > u. Let M be a maximal ideal of A containing Ker(tpo), and let e Mult(A, || . ||) such that Ker({F) = 0. But since € Multm(A,
|| . ||), we have = o Qt.
Thus, <j>
is of the form ipp and .T is secant with d(0,r), so we have >(/) = 1, and therefore >(F) = 1, a contradiction. D Proposition 26.4: Assume K is strongly valued. Suppose there exists t G A, Vi, ^2 € Mult(A, || . ||) SMC/I thati>i{t) < tp2(t) andr(0,tpi(t),i/j2(t))n sp(t) = 0. 77ien /I admits non zero divisors of zero and A contains elements whose spectrum is not infraconnected. Moreover, if ipi(t) = r(t), then A does not satisfy Property (o) and the intersection of all maximal ideals of codimension 1 is not null. Proof: Let D = spA{t). We put r% = 4>i{t), r2 = ip2(t)- Let s € lIKIIsii \\t\\[- Let O be a t-normal partition of diameter s. Let r £\r\,r2\. By Corollary 20.5 there exist an increasing T-sequence and a decreasing T-sequence of center 0 and diameter r, and therefore by Proposition 21.5 there exist f,g& H(D, O) such that: ip(f) = 1 VV> € Mult(H(D,0), ^ t ( / ) = 0 V^ e Mult(H(D, ^ t ( / ) ± 0^
|| .
such that ipt(t) < ru
O), || . || D ) 0 ) such that VtW > r,
e Afuii(A || . ||) \ MuZt0(i4, || . ||) such that n < i/>t(f) < r, (26.2)
i/,t(g) = 1 W e Mult(H(D,0), ^ t ( 5 ) = 0 V ^ e Mult(H(D,
|| .
such that V(i) > J"2, and
O), || . Ho.o) such that ip(t) < r.
Thus fg = 0. Since O is i-normal partition, by Theorem 23.6 we have the canonical continuous morphism Qt from H(D, O) into A. Now, Qt is defined on H{D, O). Let F = Qt(f), G = &t(g)- Let Tj be the circular filter of (tpj)t (j = 1,2). Then T\ is secant with d(0, n ) , hence (ipi)t(f) = 1, and therefore tpi(F) = 1. In the same way, .7-2 is secant with d(0, s) \ d(0,r~), hence (^2)4(5) = 1. a n d therefore ip2(G) = 1. Thus, both F, G are different from 0 though FG — 0 and therefore A contains non zero divisors of 0.
Ultrametric Banach
Now, we will show that SPA(F) is not infraconnected. Consider I S d ( 0 , l - ) \ {0}, and suppose that F - I is not invertible in A. Let C € X{A) be such that ({F-l) = 0. Let M = Ker((). Let (/> € Mult(A, || . ||) be such that Ker{4>) = .M. Then <> / defines an element ) which of course is of the form !, K). Then \x{t)\ < r(t) = Si, hence x(G) = 0, therefore G belongs to the intersection of all maximal ideals of codimension 1. So, this intersection is not null. Since (ip2)t(f) = 0, F is not invertible in A, hence 0 £ SPA(F). Consider / e d(0,1") \ {0}, and let y = ^ . Thus, we have spA(F - I) C C(0,1) U {—1} and SPA(V) C C(0,1) U {37}- More precisely, since F is not invertible in A, —I does belong to SPA(F — /), and consequently, -^ does belong to S PA(V)Hence we have r(y) = jh. However, for every \ £ X(A,K), x{t) lies in D, hence x(x) belongs to d(0,si), and therefore W-F1)! = |/(x(*))l = 1, thereby \x(y)\ — 1- Consequently, we have \\y\\Sa = lj which proves that Property (o) is not satisfied. □ Corollary 26.5: Assume K is strongly valued. Suppose there exists t £ A such that sp(t) is not infraconnected. Then A admits non zero divisors of zero. Proof: Let r ( a , r 1 ; r 2 ) be an empty annulus of sp^(i). By Lemma 8.15 there exists tpi, ^ € Mult(A, \\ . ||) such that n = ipi{t),ri = ip2(t). So, we can apply Theorem 26.4. □ Theorem 26.6: Assume K is strongly valued. There exists t G A, ipi, i>2 eMult(A,\\ . ||) such thatipi{t) < ip2{t) andT(0,ipi(t),i>2(t))r\ sp(t) = 0 if and only if A contains elements whose spectrum is not infraconnected. Proof: Suppose that there exists t € A, ip\, ip2 € Mult(A, \\ . ||) such that <M*) < fait) and T(0,ip1(t),ip2{t)) n sp(t) = 0. Then by Proposition 26.4 A admits an element u such that sp(u) is not infraconnected. Conversely, if A admits an element u such that sp(u) is not infraconnected, sp(u) admits
Properties (o) and (q) and Strongly Valued Fields
an empty annulus T(a, r\, r2) and then by Lemma 8.15 there exist ipi, ip2 G Mult(A, || . ||) such that ipx(t) = rx, ip2(t) = r2. D Theorem 24.7: Assume K is strongly valued and let A be such that MaXa(A) ^ 0. If A satisfies one of the following conditions bellow, then A satisfies Property (q): (i) (ii) (Hi) (iv)
Property (o), A has no non zero divisors of zero, sp(x) is infraconnected for every x £ A, the intersection of all maximal ideals of codimension 1 is null.
Proof: We assume that A does not satisfies Property q), and will show that A does not satisfy the three properties at the bottom of Theorem 26.7. Let t e A be such that r(t) < \\t\\si. Let si = r(t), let s2 = \\t\\SiBoth si, s2 lie in the closure of { € Mult(A, || . ||) }, hence by Corollary 6.3 there exists xjj\ e Mult(A,\\ . ||) such that t/Ji(t) = s\, and by Theorem 6.19 there exists ip2 £ Mult(A, || . ||) such that t/j2{t) = s2. By hypothesis we have F(0,s\,s 2 ) f) sp(t) — 0 hence by Proposition 26.4, A has non zero divisors of zero, the intersection of all maximal ideals of codimension 1 is not null, syu(t) is not infraconnected, and Property (o) is not satisfied. □
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Chapter 27
Multbijective Banach if-Algebras
In Theorem 6.15 we saw that the mapping from Multm(A,\\. ||) into Max(A) associating to each 0 e Multm(A,\\. ||) its kernel, is surjective. The natural question coming next, is whether the mapping is also injective. The answer was given in [23]. Definition and notation: In all this chapter, A is a commutative ultrametric Banach X-algebra with unity. A is said to be multbijective if for every maximal ideal A4 there exists only one ip e Multm{A, ||. ||) such that Ker(tp) = M. R e m a r k : As recalled in Chapter 5, in C it is well known that every maximal ideal of a C-Banach algebra is the kernel of one and only one multiplicative semi-norm, and that every multiplicative semi-norm has a kernel which is a maximal ideal. A partial answer to the question above was first given in [21] and is recalled in Theorem 42.10 in [30]: Theorem 27.1: If K is weakly valued there exists a closed bounded infraconnected set E in K such that H(E) admits multiplicative semi-norms ip\,ip2 € Multm(H(E), || . | | E ) , with ipi ± ip2 such that Ker(ipi) = Ker(i>2). Proof: The proof is based upon the same construction as in Theorem 26.1. Here we just take again the set E constructed at the beginning of the proof of Theorem 26.1. Let I = \. For each r G [0,1], we denote by TT the circular filter of center 0 and diameter r. By Proposition 19.6 we can construct an 167
Ultra-metric Banach
open closed bounded infraconnected set E C d(0,1~) \ d(0, l~) such that E = d(0,1), admitting an irregular T-specific partition (C{Qitr),i € I,r £ }l,l[C\\K\) and we denote by T the circular filter of center 0 and diameter 1. By Lemma 19.3 we have
y(Qi,r) = y{9j,a) = y{T), Vi,j e 7,Vr,s e]Z, i[n\K\. Let M be this ideal y(T) which actually does not depend on i € 7, and r e]Z, l[n|AT|. By Corollary 19.8 At is a maximal ideal of 77(D) of infinite codimension. And for every r e]Z, l[n|7C|, we have Ker(ip0
When K is strongly valued, we have a different answer: Theorem 27.2: Let K be strongly valued, and let F be a field extension of K which is an ultrametric normed K-algebra admitting two different continuous absolute values. Then the completion of F admits non zero divisors of zero. Proof: Let F be the completion of F. Let ip\, ip2 be two different contin uous absolute values have continuation to F. We can find x € F such that tpi(x) < -02(x). We put r\ = ij)i{x), r 2 = i>2{x)- Since x does not belong to K, we have sp(x) = 0. Consequently, by Theorem 26.4 F has non zero divisors of zero. □ Remark: In Theorem 24.12 we saw that a commutative Banach Tf-algebra with unity which is the completion of a field extension F of K provided with a semi-multiplicative norm, has non zero divisors of zero. We then made no additional hypothesis on the ground field. Here we sup pose K strongly valued, but we no longer assume that the norm is the spectral norm of F. As a Corollary, we obtain Theorem 27.3: Theorem 27.3:
If K is strongly valued, then A is multbijective.
Proof: Suppose K is strongly valued. Let M b e a maximal ideal of A, and suppose there exist ipi, i>% € Multm(A,\\ . ||) such that Ker(ipi) = Ker(ip2) = M. Let F = -j^. Thus, the field F admits two different absolute values | . \j quotients of ipj respectively, (j = 1,2) which by construction, are continuous for the norm of F quotient of the norm of A. Since F is a
Banach K-Algebras
iiT-Banach algebra for its quotient norm, by Theorem 27.2 we are led to a contradiction. □ Corollary 27.4: There exist non multbijective commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebras with unity if and only if K is weakly valued. Theorem 27.5: Let K be strongly valued, let ip € Mult(A, \\ . ||) and sup pose that the set of maximal ideals containing Ker(ip) is countable. Then i> belongs to Multm(A,\\ . ||). Proof: Let J = Ker{t^) and let B = ^ and let 9 be the canonical surjection from A onto B. Then Max(B) = 9(Max(A)) is countable. Suppose that J ^ Max(A). Let M. be a maximal ideal of A containing J and let M! = 9(M). Then B admits an absolute value ip' such that ip = ip'od. Moreover, there exists (a unique) cj> € Multm(A, || . ||) such that Ker(' e Multm(B, \\ . ||') be such that Ker{
'(t) = 0, ip'(t) ^ 0. Let D = sp(t), and let I = ^'(t) and let 5 be a ^-normal partition. Since Max(B) is countable, so is D. We notice that 0 lies in D and that none of the classes of the circles C(0,r), with 0 < r < ||t|| meet D, except at most a countable subfamily. Consequently, by Theorem 18.10, <S admits an increasing idempotent T-sequence of center 0 and diameter I. Therefore, by Proposition 21.5 there exists / € H(D,S) such that /(0) = 1 and
/. Since O is ^-normal partition, by Theorem 23.6 we have a canonical continuous morphism Qt from H(D,S) into A. Let F = ©t(/), let L = -£^ and let Q, be the canonical surjection from B onto L. Then fi is continuous with respect to quotient topologies of B and L. And since t G M', we have ft(et(x)) = 0 and therefore, ft(Gt(/)) = / ( ° ) = 1- Consequently, F ^ 0. Next, as V'M = ^ ^ ' defines on H(sp(t),S) an element V't such that ip't(x) = I, hence 4>'t(f) = 0 and therefore ip'(F) = 0, a contradiction to the fact that i/>' is an absolute value on B. □ Remark: In Chapter 25 as in Chapter 24, several times, we have obtained results when the field K is strongly valued, (making no hypothesis on the norm of A), which look like results obtained in Chapters 22 and 23 when A is uniform, making no particular hypothesis on the field K. However, this comparison does not involve the multbijectivity. On the other hand, counter-examples of non multbijective Banach Kalgebras are very hard to construct, and seem to be a very strange case. It would be interesting to obtain sufficient conditions to prevent this kind
Ultrametric Banach
of problem. We notice that our counter-example is an algebra of analytic elements H{D). Hence in particular, Multm(H(D),\\ . \\D) is dense in Mult(H(D), || . \\D). Consequently, density does not imply multbijectivity. However, we are not able to construct a noetherian non multbijective ultrametric Banach if-algebra. So, we can ask whether noetherian ultrametric Banach X-algebras are multbijective, no mater what the field.
Chapter 28
Pseudo-Density of Multm{A,
|| . ||)
Thanks to Property (s), we can ask whether in a commutative uni form Banach JsT-algebra with unity A, Multm(A, \\ . ||) is dense inside Mult(A, || . ||). Actually, we can only show a weaker property: pseudodensity. Notation: Throughout the chapter A is a commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebra with unity. Definition: A subset S of Mult(A, || . ||) will be said to be pseudo-dense in Mult(A, || . ||) if for every ip € Mult (A, \\ . ||) and if for every e > 0, there exists a neighborhood of the form V(ip, / , e) / € A, such that V{ip, / , e) n 5 ^ 0 [29,37]. Theorem 28.1 ([29]): Multm(A, \\ . ||) is pseudo-dense in Mult (A, || . ||) if and only if A satisfies Property (s). Proof: Suppose first that Multm(A, \\ . ||) is pseudo-dense in Mult(A,\\ . ||). Let x £ A and let r = \\x\\sl. Take e > 0. By The orem 6.19 there exists ip e Mult (A, || . ||) such that ip(x) = r. But since Multm(A,\\ . ||) is pseudo-dense in Mult(A,\\ . ||), we can find <j> £ Multm(A, || . ||) such that <j>{x) > ip(x) - e, hence finally (x) > r - e, so Property s) is clearly satisfied. Now, suppose that Property (s) is satisfied, and that Multm(A, || . ||) is not pseudo-dense in Mult(A, || . ||). Then, there exist x € A, ip £ Mult(A, || . ||) and A > 0 such that V(ip,x,\)nMultm{A, \\ . ||) = 0. Let us recall that, as a consequence of Corollary 6.16 we have |sp(x)| C {(x) | 4> € Multm{A,\\ . ||)}. 171
Ultrametric Banach
Let r = ip(x). If r = 0, then d(0, A) n sp(x) = 0, hence x is invertible, a contradiction to the hypothesis ip(x) = 0. So, we can assume r > 0. Then sp(x) n T(0,r ~ X,r + A) = 0. Let v e]0, ^[, a,!> e if such that r-i^<|a|(x — ^) = l^l- Thus, we have V>(«) = —•
Suppose first that 0(x) > r + X. Then 6{x — a) = 9{x — b)= 9{x), hence 9(u) = 1. Consequently,
^ ( l t )-o( u )
M - i > r + Ar - y - i r
^zil. r
But since ;/ < | , we obtain iP(u) - 9(u) > ^ .
Suppose now that 9{x) < r — X. Then 9{x — a) = \a\ and 9(x — b) = \b\, hence 9{u) = ^ j £ l . By (28.1) we obtain
But since v < j , we have
(, + A-,)(l- 7 ^A_)>^ + A - f A - 2 ^ > ^ ^ > A . Vr
[r — uyj
2r (28.3) Thus, in both cases, by (28.1), (28.2) and (28.3) we have proven that "^{u)9{u) > ^ . Consequently, we see that 9(u)<\\u\\si-~,
V0 e Multm(A,\\
. ||),
a contradiction to the hypothesis on Property (s). Corollary 28.2: Let A have bounded normal Multm(A, || . ||) is pseudo-dense in Mult(A, || . ||).
□ ratio.
Proof: Indeed, since A has bounded normal ratio, by Theorem 24.3 A satisfies Property (s). O
of MulUn(A,
\\ . ||)
Corollary 28.3: Let K be strongly valued. Then Multm(A, pseudo-dense in Mult(A, \\ . ||).
\\ . ||) is
Proof: Indeed, since K is strongly valued, by Theorem 26.3 A satisfies Property (s). D Lemma 28.4: Let 0, and let h\,...,hq £ A be such that \\fj — hj\\ < | Vj = l,...,q. Then V(,hi,... ,hq, | ) is included in V(4>,fi,... ,fq,t)Proof:
Let ip e V((j>, hi,...,
hq, | ) and let k € { 1 , . . . , q}. We have
l0(A)-tf(A)loo < |^(//c)-^fc)|oo + | ^ / = ) - V ' ( ^ ) | o o + |V'(^)-^(/fc)loo.
But \4>(fk) - (hk)\oo < Hfk - hk) < ||/fc - hfcH < | , and in the same way, W A ) " 1>{hk)U < i>{fk ~ hk) < HA - hk\\ < | . Since by hypothesis \{hk) — ^(h^loo
^ f> the conclusion is clear.
Theorem 28.5: Let A have bounded normal ratio and contain a dense Luroth K-subalgebra B. Then Multm(A, \\ . ||) is dense in Mult(A, \\ . ||). Proof: By definition, B is of the form K[h,x], with h € K(x). Let ip e Mult{A,\\ . ||), let fi,...,fq € A and let e be > 0. We can find hi,..., hq € B such that \\fj — hj\\ < | Vj = 1 , . . . ,q, and then by Lemma 28.3 we have
V (V,hi,...,h q , | ) C V(ip,h,...,
For every <j> e Mult(A, \\ . ||), we denote by c/)x its restriction to B. Let T be the circular filter of ipx. By Theorem 13.9 there exists V € T such that | \hj(a)\ - 0(fy)|oo < | Va e y Vj = 1 , . . . q. Now, by Corollary 28.2 Multm(A, \\ . ||) is pseudo-dense in Mult (A, \\ . ||), hence there exists 6 £ Multm(A, || . ||) such that the circular filter Q of 9X
Ultrametric Banach
is secant with V. Then, since 9(hj) = lim^-0 \hj(a)\, it is clear that | ^ ) - V ( ^ ) | o c < ^ Vj = Consequently, 9 belongs to V(^, hi,..., V(iP,fi,...,fq,e).
hq, | ) and therefore it belongs to □
Chapter 29
Polnorm on Algebras and Algebraic Extensions
This chapter is designed to help us prove that a reduced affinoid algebra is complete for its spectral norm. In particular, this will be useful in charac teristic p ^ 0. We will roughly follow the same way as in [3]. Definition and notation: A field E is said to be perfect if every algebraic extension of E is separable. Given a field E of characteristic p / 0, we denote by E* the extension of E containing all pth-xoots of elements of E. Let L be a subfield of K. B is a commutative L-algebras with unity, without non zero divisors of zero and A is a L-subalgebra of B containing the unity of B, provided with a L-algebra semi-multiplicative semi-norm ipLet P(X) = J29j=0 aixi € A\x\ b e m o n i c - W e P u t S(P,ip) = max
When there is no risk of confusion on the L-algebra semi-multiplicative semi-norm ijj of A, we will only write S(P) instead of S(P,ip). In particu lar, when the monic polynomial P belongs to L[X\, then S(P) will denote max0<j
Ultrametric Banach
Lemma 29.2: Let B be provided with a L-algebra semi-multiplicative semi-norm tp. Let P(X) £ A[X] and let b e B satisfy P(b) = 0. Then S(P,tP)>tP(b). Proof: Let P(X) =■ Y,]=o ajxi a n d suppose ip(b) >S(P). Thus, we have ip(aj) < *p(b)q-j, hence tp{ajV) < tp{aj)tp(by < tp(b)jtp(by-^ = ip(b)i whenever j = 0,...,q — 1. Consequently, S(]T^~Q a.jXi) < tp(bg). But by Lemma 5.3 ip is ultrametric. And since P(b) = 0 we have i K £ £ o *i&) = ip(bq), a contradiction. D Lemma 29.3 is almost classical and comes from the behaviour of poly nomials in an algebraically closed complete ultrametric field recalled in Lemmas 13.6 and 13.7. Lemma 29.3: Let P(X) = J2'j=oaJX'' e K[x] be its zeros in K. Then maxi<j< g \ctj\ = S(P).
be iconic, let c*i,
Proof: Let {|ai|,..., \aq\) = {n,...,rh}, with rj < rj+i (1 < j < h). For each j = l,...,h, let m,j be the number of zeros of P inside C(0,rj), let tj = N+(P,-log(rj)), and Sj = N~(P, - l o g fa)). On one hand, by Corollary 17.3 we have rrij = tj — Sj (1 < j < h) and logfa) = jpi-(log(|a S j | - log(|ot3.)). In particular logfa) = —-log(|a s J) = max log(|Qj|). mix
But since N-(P, - logfa)) = sfc and JV+(P, - logfa)) = q, by definition we have rqh =
hence — - log(|aj|) < l o g ( K J ) < rh = — — log(|a s J) Vj = 0 , . . . , q - 1. Consequently max log(|aj|) = 1<J<9
log(K,|) > - Sft.
therefore S(P) = max 0 <j< g \atj\.
:log(KI) \/j = 0 , . . . ,q - 1, q-j
Polnorm on Algebras and Algebraic Extensions
Proposition 29.4: Let A be integrally closed such that B is finite over A. Let T be a set of L-algebra homomorphisms from A into K such that, for each t € A, there exists ^t^T satisfying |£t(t)l = sup{|x(i)| | X € T } . Let W be the set of L-algebra homomorphisms from B to K whose restrictions to A belong to T . On B we put \\x\\ = sup{|x(aO| I X e W } . Lety € B and let P = irr(y,A). Then S(P, || . ||) = ||y||. Moreover there exists ( € W such that \C(y)\ = \\y\\. Proof: By Lemma 5.4, the function || . || denned on B is a .L-algebra semi-multiplicative semi-norm. Therefore, by Lemma 29.1 we have s(P,||.||)>||y||. We will prove the opposite inequality. Let P(X) = Y^j=o aj^ € ^ [ ^ 1 and ft e { 0 , . . . , g-1} be such that S(P, || . ||£) = , "v / ||a / l || j 4 . By hypothesis e there exists £ € T such that \£{ah)\ = \\ah\\. Let f(X) = Y?j=ot(ai)xi L\X\. Then, of course, S(/, | . |) = S(P, || . ||) because |£( a j )| < \\aj\\ Vj = 0 , . . . ,q. Let a\,... ,aq be the zeros of / in K. By Lemma 29.3 we have maxj^xg |OJ| = S(/, | . |). Let (3 be a zero of / in K such that |/3| = S(/, | . |). Let be the homomorphism from A[X] into K defined as
and let 6 be the canonical surjection from A[X] onto A[y}. Since P ( X ) J 4 [ X ] C Ker(cp), factorizes in the form f o 6, and then ^ is a Lalgebra homomorphism from A[y] into K such that ^(y) = (3. Then by Lemma 1.18 £ has continuation to a L-algebra homomorphism £ from B to K. Thus, £ satisfies S(P, || . j|) = \£,{y)\, and of course |£(j/)| < ||j/||, hence S(P, || . ||) = |£(y)|, which finishes proving our claim. D Corollary 29.5: Let B be finite over A and let A be integrally closed and provided with a semi-multiplicative norm || . || such that for each t € A there exists a L-algebra homomorphism x from A into K satisfying \\t\\ = |x(^)lThen the A-polnorm of B is a semi-multiplicative norm. Theorem 29.6: Let F be an algebraic extension of L. The L-polnorm of F is a L-algebra semi-multiplicative norm. Proof: Let L be the completion of L with respect to its absolute value and let 0 be an algebraic closure of L. By Theorem 3.8, fl is provided with the unique absolute value that extends this of L. Then by Theorem 3.9 the completion of fi with respect to its absolute value is algebraically
Ultra-metric Banach
closed. Now let x € F, let P = irr(x, L) and let ati,..., aq be the zeros of P in fl. By Lemma 29.3 we have maxi<., from E into L defined by (x) = Tr(xb). We have 4>(a) ^ 0, hence by Corollary 4.2, fl is L-productal. □ Proposition 29.8: Let E be an algebraic extension of L and let F be an algebraic extension of E. If the L-polnorm on F is multiplicative, E being normed with this absolute value, then the L-polnorm and the E-polnorm coincide on F. Proof: Let || . \\^ol (resp. || . \\pol) be the L-polnorm (resp. .E-polnorm) on F. Since || . \\pol is obviously a semi-multiplicative L-algebra norm, by Lemma 29.2 we have ||x||£oi > ||x||^o( Vx e F. Next, || . ||£oi induces on E the L-polnorm of E because given x € E, its minimal polynomial over L is the same, whether we consider x as an element of E or as an element of F. Consider now the L-polnorm of F: since it is a L-algebra norm, it satisfies \\xy\\poi ^ IW&illyllpoj. VA e L, x e F , hence || . ||£oi is a mapping ^ from F to E + satisfying xjj{x + y) < max(t/>(x),i/>(y)), 4>{xy) < ip(x)ijj{y) and ip(xn) = tp(x)n Vn e N*, Vx,y € F. Consequently, by Lemma 29.2, we have ||x||£, > ||x||£ o/ . □ Proposition 29.9: Let L have characteristic p > 0. For every n e N, the L-polnorm of L^ is an absolute value extending this of L. Proof: Since the L-polnorm is a L-algebra norm, we just have to check that it is multiplicative. On the other hand, by induction, it is sufficient to show the claim when n = 1. Let x, y € L P . By hypothesis, irr(x,L) is of the form Xp — a, irr{y, L) is of the form Xp — b, with a, b € L \ L^. Thus we have \\x\\^ol = $/jo[, \\y\\%ol = tf\b\. Now, (xy)p = ab, hence irr(xy,L) divides Xp — ab, and is of the form Xp — c. Hence c = ab, and thereby, \\xy\\LPoi = Wb\ = \\x\\Lpol\\y\\Lpol. U
Polnorm on Algebras and Algebraic Extensions
Theorem 29.10: Let L have characteristic p > 0. If LP is L-productal with respect to the L-polnorm, then so is the algebraic closure of L. Proof: Let L°° = \J^=1 L'p*, and let Q, be an algebraic closure of L con taining L°°. Then by Theorem 29.1 L°° is perfect, and by Proposition 29.9 the L-polnorm is an absolute value that continues this of L. By The orem 29.7, since L°° is perfect, fi is L°°- productal with respect to the L°°-polnorm. But by Proposition 29.8 the L°°-polnorm is equal to the L-polnorm on f2. Consequently Q, is L°°-productal with respect to the Lpolnorm which is an absolute value on L°°. Hence by Lemma 4.4, Cl is L-productal with respect to the L-polnorm. D
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Chapter 30
Definition of Affinoid Algebras
Affinoid algebras were introduced by John Tate in [49] who called them algebras topologically of finite type. As this last name suggests, such an algebra is the completion of an algebra of finite type for a certain norm. Definitions and notation: In this chapter, L is a complete ultrametric field, A, B are commutative ultrametric Banach L-algebras with unity. Recall that UL = d(0,1), ML = d(0,1~) and the residue class field of L is C. Here we put V = {x € A | ||x|| < 1}. Let (E, || . ||) be a normed L-vector space which also is a ^-module. The norm of E will be called a A-quasi-algebra-norm if it satisfies ||a/|| < llall 11/11 ^ a e A Vf e E- If E i s provided with such a A-quasi-algebranorm, (E, || . ||) will be called a A-quasi-algebra-normed A-module. A {//,-submodule E\ of A will be said to define the topology of E if it is a bounded neighborhood of zero i.e. if there exist r, s e]0, +oo[ with r < s such that {x € E\ \\x\\ < r } c £ , c { i e E\ \\x\\ < s}. We will denote by Eo the C^-submodule of the x £ E (resp. x & A) such that ||x|| < 1. We will recall definitions given in [49] about algebras topologically of finite type, now mainly called affinoid algebras. Proposition 30.1: Let E be a normed L-vector space which also is a Amodule. Let t 6 ML- Let E\ be a Ao-submodule defining the topology of E. Assume that there exists e\,..., eq € E\ such that E\ = 2 ? = i ^o e i + ^ i • Let be the mapping from A9 into E defined as (p(t\,... ,tq) = Yll=i ^ e i Then
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
Proof: Let y € E\. We can write y in the form S£H=\ /i,»e» + tyii with /i,i € AQ and y\ € Ei, and in the same way, we can write j/i = ]£i=i /2,ie» + tj/2, with /2,j € ^0; and 1/2 € £1. By induction, it clearly appears that for every m € N*, we obtain y = Yli=i(I2'jLi fm,itm~1)el + tmym. And since all terms fj^ lie in A$, and all yj lie in £ 1 , each series X]?li/m.i*" 1 - 1 converges in the Banach algebra A to an element / j . Then, since each set tmEi is closed, y - Y^Li fiei l i e s i n tmEi f o r a11 m 6 N*- Therefore, y = Y11=ifiei- Consequently is surjective on E. Moreover, E is finite over A. □ Proposition 30.2: Let F be a A-quasi-algebra-normed A-module whose completion is finite over A. Then F is complete. Proof: Let E be the completion of F, and let ei,...,eq € F be such that E = Yll=i Aei. Let <j> D e the canonical surjection from Aq onto E : 4>{ai,..., aq) = Ylt=i aiei- On ^ w e c a n define the product norm of Aq: | | | ( a i , . . . , a „ ) | | | = max ||aj||. l
Putting then c = maxi
Thus 4> is continuous, hence Ker{4>) is closed and therefore E is provided with the quotient norm || . ||' of ||| . |||. Then, E is complete for the norm || . ||'. On the other hand, given / 6 Aq, we have \\Hf)\\'=
inf xGner(tp)
Ml/+ slH > c
||0(/ + x)||.
But since >(/ + x) = <£(/), we check that \\>(f)\\' > c\\<j>(f)\\. Thus E is complete for both norms || . |j and || . ||' and therefore by Banach's Theorem (Theorem 3.4), the two norms are equivalent. By definition, <j> is open with respect to the norm || . ||' on E. Consequently Y21=i ^e% i-s a ^4o-submodule E\ that defines the topology of E. Since F is dense in E, each e* is of the form fi + thi, with hi £ E\. Therefore E\ is included in ^ ? = i A)/i + tE\, and then by Proposition 30.1, we have E = Ylt=i Aofi C F. D Corollary 30.3: Let A be noetherian and let F be a complete A-quasialgebra-normed finite A-module. Then every A-submodule of F is closed. Proof: Indeed, since A is Noetherian, and since F is finite, F is Noethe rian, hence any ^4-submodule E has a finite closure in F, hence by Propo sition 30.2 is closed. Corollary 30.4:
Let A be noetherian. Every ideal of A is closed.
of Affinoid A Igebras
Proof: Indeed, the closure of an ideal I is of finite type, and therefore, / is closed. □ Definitions and notation: Let us recall the notation given in Chapter 8: Let E be a commutative ultrametric normed L-algebra with identity. Let n G M and let || . ||o be the norm of E. The U-algebra of polynomials in n variables E[Xi,... ,Xn] is provided with the Gauss norm |] . || defined as IIEi 1 „i„ a ii,-,»n^'i 1 ••■ x n"ll =sup i l i ... i i n ||a n ,..., I J|o- By Proposition 6.18 this norm is a L-algebra norm. In particular, if the norm of E is multi plicative, so is the norm || . ||. We denote by E{X\,... ,Xn) the set of power series in n variables E n „ i „ o.ili...!inX\1 . ..X%> such that lim il+ ... + j„_ >00 a^,...,^ = 0. The ele ments of such an algebra are called the restricted power series in n vari ables, with coefficients in E. Hence by definition E[Xi,..., Xn] is dense in E{X\,..., Xn). By Proposition 6.18, if E is complete, E{X\,..., Xn) is just the completion of E[X\,..., Xn}. More generally, consider a subring F of E, and elements tj (1 < j < q) of E{Yu...,Yn) such that ||ij|| < 1 Vj = l,...,q. Consider the canonical mapping is clearly continuous and has continuation to F{Yi,... ,Yq): to each restricted power series in Y\,... ,Yq we can associ ated a converging power series in ti,..., tq. The image of F{Yi,..., Yq} by m and the Gauss norm of Tm is induced by this of Tn. Such a Gauss norm on Tn will be just denoted by || . ||. Let B be a commutative Banach A-algebra with unity. B is said to be a A-affinoid algebra if it is isomorphic to a quotient of any algebra of the form A{Xi,..., Xn) by one of its ideals. Let ti,...,tn G B such that \\tj\\ < 1 and let <j> be the I/-algebra homomorphism from A{Xi,..., Xn) into B defined as (F(Xi,..., Xn)) = F(ti,... ,tn). We will denote by A{ti,... ,tn) its image i.e. the set of sums of series in t\,..., tn whose coefficients tend to 0 along the filter of complementals of finite subsets of N n . l 1 R e m a r k s : (1) By definition, given / = £ \ ... Xlnn £ i ailt...
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(2) Let f(X) = EZoaixi G UL{X} = (Ti) 0 andJ e t q = iV+(/,0). Consider the residue class £-algebra A = M^ /j,0-, . In ^4 we denote by / the residue class of f(X). Then / is the polynomial YH=oUiXl(3) Since the Gauss norm on Tn is multiplicative, it is obviously equal to the associated semi-norm || . \\Si. Lemma 30.5: Let L = K, let / i , . . . , fm e T±. There exists a 6 UK such tkat\fj{a)\ = \\fj\\Vj = l,...,m. Proof: Indeed, for each j — 1 , . . . , m the equality |/j(a;)| = | | / j | | holds in all classes of UK except in finitely many ones. Consequently, all equalities \fj{x)\ = | | / j | | hold in all classes of Ui except in finitely many. □ Proposition 30.6: Let A, B be L-affinoid algebras such that B is Aaffinoid. Suppose that MBQB is finite over MAA . Then B is finite over A. Proof: By hypothesis, A is the quotient of certain L-algebra A{T\,... ,Tr}, and therefore is of the form A{t\,... ,tr}. Let A € ML, A ^ 0. For each t S B0, here we denote by i the residue class of t in ^ - . Thus, we have B0
_ A0 .-
Now, by hypothesis for each i = 1 , . . . , r, there exists a polynomial Pi(T) = T" -hU-iT^-1 + ... + / 0 , with ^ e A0, and P^U) e MLB0. Let PZ(U) = Xigi, with Xi € Mi, and gi € B0- Now, we can choose k £ N such that £■* € XAo, and thus Pi(ti)li lies in AS 0 , hence Pi{U)li = 0. Therefore, ^ is finite over JJ~, and finally, by Proposition 30.1, B is finite over A. D Lemma 30.7: Let A be a L-affinoid algebra which is a quotient of a topologically pure extension L{X\,... ,Xn} of L by an ideal. Let 9 be the canonical surjection, and for each i = 1 , . . . ,n, we put U = (F) = / . Hence / = F(ti, ...,£„) lies in Ur,{ti,... ,tn}, and therefore £/L{£I, . . . ,tn} is a neighborhood of 0 in B. □ Theorem 30.8: Suppose the topology of A is defined by a U^-algebra A\. Let yi,-■ ■ ,ys & A\ be such that their residue classes in M lA be algebraically independent over C. Then the canonical homomorphism
of Affinoid Algebras
from L{Y\,... ,YS} into a A defined as 4>{Yj) = yj, (1 < j < s) is an isomorphism from L{Yi,... ,YS} onto a closed subalgebra of A. Proof: Let F(Yi, ...,YS) € L{YX,..., Ys} be such that F(yx, ...,ys) € Ai. Suppose that F(Yi,...,Ys) $ U{Yi,...,Ys}. Since ||F|| lies in \L\, there exists X £ ML such that ||AF|| = 1. Let P = XF. Then the residue class P of P in £\Xi,...,Xs] is different from 0, but satisfies P(y~i, ■ ■ ■ ,ys) = 0 in ^ A , a contradiction. Consequently, F(Yi,...,Ys) belongs to UL{Y\, ..., Ys}, and therefore <j> is open. Hence, <j> is a bicontinuous isomorphism from L{Yi,..., Ys} onto a closed L-subalgebra of A □ Proposition 30.9: A is a L-affinoid algebra if and only if it is a finite extension of a topologically pure extension of L. Particularly, if A is of the form L{X1,...,Xn}[yi,...,yq] withyx,...yq integral over L{Xi,... ,Xn} and maxi<j< 9 \\yj\\ < I, then A is isomorphic to a quotient of L{X\,...
■ ,Yq}.
Proof: First suppose that A is a finite extension of a topologically pure extension of L, say A = L{X\,... ,Xn}[yi, ...,yg]. Without loss of general ity, we may clearly assume that max(|j/i|,..., \yq\) < 1. Then the canonical homomorphism <j> from L[X\,..., Xn, Yi,...,Yq] into A defined by (Xi) = Xt \/i = l , . . . , n , and (Yj) = yj Vj = l,...,q, is clearly continuous with respect to the Gauss norm on L\Xi,... ,Xn,Yi,... ,Yq] and extends by continuity to a homomorphism from L{Xi,... ,Xn,Yi,... ,Yq} into A. Then <> / is surjective by construction, so A is a quotient of L{X\,... ,Xn, Y i , . . . , Yq}. Conversely, we now assume that A is a L-affinoid algebra, and suppose that A is a quotient of a topologically pure extension L{Xi,... ,Xn} of L. Let 9 be the canonical surjection, and for each i = l , . . . , n , let t, = (f>(Xi). Then by Lemma 30.7 the {/^-algebra Bx = Ui{ti,... ,tn} defines the topology of B. Now, consider the residue algebra MBlB , and for each i = l , . . . , n , let Ti be the residue class of U in jf^g-- Then J^XB = ^ [ r i , • • ■ ,TVi]- By Theorem 1.16, we can choose ^ , . . .£ 5 e MBlB such that be finite over C{^\,..., ^ s ]. For each i = 1 , . . . , s, we can choose y, e M B B\ whose residue class is &. Let E = L{y%,... ,ys}- By Proposition 30.8 E is a topologically pure extension of L. Now, putting E$ = U{y\,... ,ys}, we can see that MBlB is finite over M E ^ , and therefore, by Proposition 30.6 B is finite over E. D
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Chapter 31
Algebraic P r o p e r t i e s of Affinoid Algebras
We shall recall the proofs of many classical algebraic properties of ii'-affinoid algebras such as noetherianness, finite codimension of maximal ideals and other easy spectral properties [49]. Notation: As usual, K is an algebraically closed complete ultrametric field whose valuation is not trivial. We denote by U the disk d(0,1) and by Un the unit ball Kn : {(xi,...xn) | maxi<j<„ \Xj\ < 1}. We denote by M the disk d(0,1~), and by K. the residue class field of K. Throughout the chapter, A will be a K-affmoid algebra. Theorem 31.1: A is Noetherian, every ideal is closed, and each maximal ideal of A has codimension 1. Proof: We will prove by induction that topologically pure extensions are noetherian. This is trivial for K. Suppose this has been proven for K{X\,... yXs} whenever s < r, and consider B = K{X\,... ,Xr}. Let f e B, / ^ 0 and let B' = -fg. In B the Gauss norm satisfies ||/|| e \K\, so we can find A e K such that ||A/|| = 1 and therefore, without loss of generality, we can assume ||/|| = 1. Since the Gauss norm is multiplicative, now the mapping (y) = fy is an isometry from B onto fB. Therefore, jB is complete, and closed in B. Consequently, B', provided with its quotient norm, is a Banach K-algebra, and therefore is a K-affinoid algebra. Let 9 be the canonical surjection from B onto B', and for each i = 1 , . . . , r, let Xj = 9(Xi). Then, B' = K{x\,..., xr}. Moreover in B' we have f(x\,... ,xr) = 0. Now, for every x e B', we denote by x the residue class of x. Let / € /C[Yi,... Yr] be the residue class of / . 187
Ultrametric Banach
Since ||/|| = 1, we have / ^ 0. However, we notice that f(x\,... ,xr) = 0. Consequently, { x i , . . . ,xr} is not algebraically free over K. Hence, by The orem 1.16 we can find T i , . . . , T S in -^r , with s < r, such that TI,...,TS are algebraically free over K, and such that ^ p - is finite over K.[T\, ... ,TS]. Therefore, taking t\,... ,ts in B' such that £$ = T» (1 < i < s), by Propo sition 30.6 K{t\,... ,ts} is a topologically pure extension of K and B' is finite over K{t\,...,is}. But by induction hypothesis K{t\,..., ts} is noetherian, and so is B' which is finite over K{t\,..., ts}. This is true for every / G B: and therefore by Proposition 1.5 B also is noetherian. Consequently, by Corollary 30.3 every ideal is closed. Finally, consider a maximal ideal M of B. Then, -^ is a field F and a AT-affinoid algebra. Thus, F is finite over a topologically pure extension K{Xi,... ,Xq}, and then by Proposition 1.4 K{Xi,..., Xq} is a field. But such a ring is never a field except when q = 0. Hence, F is a finite field extension of K, and then, since K is algebraically closed, we have F = K. O Corollary 31.2: The quotient of a topologically pure extension by an ideal is a K-affinoid algebra. Corollary 31.3: Let A be a K-affinoid algebra and let B be a A-affinoid algebra. Then B is a K-affinoid algebra. Corollary 31.4: Let B = Tn \y\,..., yg] be finite over a topologically pure extension Tn. Then B is isomorphic to a K-affinoid algebra of the form T„{y^...,y,} where j is an ideal 0fTn{Yi,...,Yg} such that TnDl = {0}. Corollary 31.5:
In A there are finitely many minimal prime ideals.
Corollary 31.6: Let A admit an idempotent u. Then uA is a K-affinoid algebra admitting u for unity. Theorem 31.7: For all a € Un and f € Tn, we put Xa(f) = / ( a ) . The mapping § from Un into X{Tn) defined as
Algebraic Properties of Affinoid Algebras
Proposition 31.9:
The following three properties are equivalent:
(i) ix(/)|
(Hi) ll/IU < 1. Proof: Let us show that (i) implies (ii). By Corollary 31.3 ^4{y} is a KafRnoid algebra. Next, by definition, we have ||V|| = 1. Let x £ X(A{Y}). Then \x(fY)\ < 1, hence x(l - fY) / 0. Consequently, by Theorem 31.1 1 — fY does not belong to any maximal ideal of ^4{^}, which proves (ii). Let us show that (ii) implies (Hi). Since 1—fY is invertible, its inverse is a series Y^^Lo 9nYn, with gn € A and lim n ^oo gn = 0. Since (1 - fY)g = 1, we check that g0 = 1, and gn+\ = fgn, V n g N . Consequently, gn = fn, and limn^oo fn = 0, hence by Theorem 6.9, ||/|| S j < 1. Finally, we check that (iii) implies (i): by Theorem 6.19 we have | x ( / ) | <
WfhiTheorem 31.10:
D Every K-affinoid algebra owns Property (p).
Proof: Suppose a A'-affinoid algebra A does not own Property p), and let f € A be such that ||/|| s o < \\f\\si. Taking X e K such that ||/|| s a < 1^1 < ll/llsi w e have \\j\\sa < 1 < ||f ||si, hence Condition (i) is satisfied but Condition (iii) is not, a contradiction. □ Lemma 31.11: Let I be an ideal of Tn, and let A = ^f. Let 8 be the canonical surfection from Tn onto A. Let ip £ Mult(Tn,\\ . ||). There exists (j) e Mult(A, || . ||) such that ip = <j> o 6 if and only ifZ C Ker(ip). Proof: Let || . || be the Gauss norm on Tn, and let || . ||9 be the quotient X-algebra norm of A. Let / € Tn. Suppose that I C Ker(tp). For every t € I we have i/j(f) = ip(f + t) = \\f + t\\, and therefore, ip(f) < Il^(/)ll9- Consequently, <j> o 8 belongs to Mult(A,\\ . ||). Conversely, if ip is of the form o 9, with <j> € Mult(A, \\ . ||), then Ker(i>) obviously contains X. □ Theorem 31.12: \x(x)\ = \\x\\si.
For all x G Tn there exists x S X(Tn)
such that
Proof: Since the Gauss norm on Tn satisfies || • || = || ■ \\Si, we are reduced to show that for every / G Tn there exists x € X(Tn) such that lx(/)l = 11/11- We will proceed by induction. When n = 1, by Theorem 17.7, there exists a e U such that \f(a)\ = \\f\\. Consequently, the mapping
Ultrametric Banach
X* e X{Ti) defined as Xa(g) = 9(a) (g G T{) satisfies \xM)\ = ll/IUNow, suppose we have already proven the following property: (Qn): For every rc < , given any / 1 ( . . . , / m G T n , there exists x 6 ^(2"„) such that |x(/,)| = II/JH Vj = 1 , . . . , m. Consider / i , . - . , / m G Tq+\. We can write each fh in the form Sfclo3fcA^9+i' w ^ h 9k,h e -^V There obviously exists N G N such that HflX./ill < ||/h|| whenever k > N, whenever h = l , . . . , m . Now by the induction hypothesis we can find x £ ^(^g) such that
9k h
II 0
> •
And since both x> II • || are multiplicative, and obviously satisfy |x(h(X) = YlT=oX(9k>h)Xk which obviously lies in T\. Since the prop erty holds for n = , there exists x £ ^C^i) such that x(4'h) — \\
Let f
Then sp(f)
is the disk
ll/-/((o))ll). Proof: Without loss of generality, we can assume that /((0)) = 0. Let r = \\f\\. Of course sp(f) C d(0,r). Then / is of the form E ( j ) e N „ bU)X^>\ and there exists (A;) G N" such that ||b(fc)|| = ||/||- Since /((0)) = 0, at least one of the coordinates of (fc) is not 0. For convenience we can assume that (k) is of the form (fci,..., kn), with kn > 0. Now, we can write Tn in the form T n _ 1 { y } , and put / = ~Y^=oanYn■ Let I = kn. So, we have ll/H = || ai ||. Let a G d(0,r). Since l > 0, we have ||/ - a\\ = \\f\\ = ||a{||. By Theorem 31.12 there exists x £ X(Tn-{) such that |x(a;)l = llaHI-
Algebraic Properties of Affinoid Algebras
Let P(Y) = j:ZoX(an)Yn-a € K{Y}. Clearly ||P|| = | x ( a , ) | = r, hence by Theorem 17.2 P has its zeros in d(0,r). Now, by Corollary 31.8 there exists x € X(Tn) such that x(/i) = x(h) V/i G T n _i, and x ( ^ ) = a. Then X(f) = a. D Theorem 31.14:
Let f £ Tn.
Then f is invertible in Tn if and only if
l/((o))l>ll/-/((o))||. Proof: If |/((0))| > ||/ - /((0))||, / is invertible by Theorem 6.13. Now suppose |/((0))| < ||/ - /((0))||. Since sp(f) = d(/(0), ||/ - /(0)||), it is seen that 0 belongs to sp(f), hence / is not invertible. □
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Chapter 32
Jacobson Radical of Affinoid Algebras
Throughout the Chapter, A is a K-affmoid algebra.
In A we will show that Multm(A, || . ||) is dense in Mult(A, ]| . ||). It will help us show that the nilradical of A is equal to the Jacobson radical, and more generally that A is a Jacobson ring. P r o p o s i t i o n 32.1: Let A = Tn[x\,... xq] be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divisors of zero. Let <j> € Mult'(Tn, \\ . ||). There exists <j> € Mult'(A, || . ||) whose restriction to Tn is <j>. Proof: Let F be the completion of the field of fractions of Tn with respect to (f>. Then x\,..., Xq are algebraic over F. Let A' = F[xi,... ,Xq 1. Then A is isomorphic to a subring of A' through an isomorphism which induces the identity on T„. By Theorem 3.8 there exists a unique absolute value (j) extending that of F to A' and then, considering A as included in A', 4> defines on A an absolute value cf> extending <$>. Let m = maxj<j< 9 4>(xi), let A G K be such that |A| < ^ , and let y, = Ax; (1 < i < q). Let 9 be the canonical surjection from Tn{X\,..., Xq} onto A inducing the identity on Tn and such that 9{Xi) = y% (\ < i < q). Since 4>(yi) < 1, and since > belongs to Mult(Tn, || . ||), o9 clearly satisfies £ ° 9{Y) < \\Y}\ VF e Tn{Xu ..., Xg}.
Now, let t € A. By definition ||i|| = inf{||y|| | 6{Y) =J}. So, given Y e Tn{X1,..., Xq} such that 9{Y) = t, we have 0(t) = o 9(Y), which obviously does not depend on the Y such that 9{Y) = t. So, by (32.1), 193
Ultra-metric Banach Algebra
considering such a Y we obtain 4>{t) < inf{||y|| | 6(Y) = t} = \\t\\, and therefore is continuous and belongs to Mult(A, || . ||). □ Remark: Such a continuous absolute value extending to A is not unique, due to the fact that elements which are conjugate over the field of fractions E of A are not always conjugate over F. For example suppose that A = Tn[x, y] and that x and y are conjugate over E but not over F. Thus, we can have several isomorphism from A onto subrings of A', so we can have (f>(x) ^ 4>{y) and then 4> may admit 2 different expansions to A: 4>i, 4>2, satisfying fofe) = i(y)- Such a situation will be illustrated later by an example of Krasner-Tate algebra. Corollary 32.2: A K-affinoid algebra without non zero divisors of zero, admits continuous absolute values. Corollary 32.3: Every prime ideal of A is the kernel of at least one continuous multiplicative semi-norm of A. Remark: As recalled in Theorem 19.15 there exist Krasner algebras H(D) without non zero divisors of zero, admitting no continuous abso lute values, and therefore in certain Banach ultrametric commutative ■ftT-algebras with unity, certain closed prime ideals are not the kernel of any continuous multiplicative semi-norm. Nevertheless, as long as Krasner algebras H(D) are concerned, it is uneasy to construct a counter-example of an algebra H(D) without non zero divisors of zero admitting no contin uous absolute value. Here, we see that such counter-examples don't exist among affinoid K-algebras. Theorem 32.4 (B. Guennebaud): Multm(A,\\ . ||) is dense inside Mult(A,\\ . ||). Let B be a K-algebra of finite type. Then Mult(B) is locally compact and Multm(B) is dense inside Mult(B). Proof: Let t/j € Mult(B) and let F = {x\,...xn} be a finite generat ing subset of B over K such that ip(xj) < 1 Vj = l , . . . , n . Let 9 be the canonical surjection from K[X\,... ,Xn] onto B such that 8(Xj) = x ji (1 5: j < n)- Then 6 has continuation to a continuous morphism 8 from K{X\,..., Xn} onto a i^affinoid algebra B quotient of K{Xi,..., Xn}, and B is a Banach i^-algebra with respect to the quotient norm that we denote by || . ||f. Let T(rp) be the set of finite subsets of generators F of B such that ip(x) < 1 Vx 6 F. Until the end of the proof, given a subset S of Mult(B, || . ||p), S will denote the closure of S in Mult(B,\\ . \\p). We shortly check that the
Jacobson Radical of Affinoid A Igebras
family of compact subsets {Multm(B, \\ . \\F), F £ T(ip)} is a base of a filter because given F, G £ T(tp), (Multm(B, \\ . \\F))n(Multm(B, || . || G )) contains Multm(B,\\ . | | F u G ) . Let Y = ClFeT^) Multm(B, || . | | F ) . Then Y is not empty. For every x £ J3, we put i/(x) = sup{y>(x)| <^ £ Y}. Then we have v(x) < inf{||x|| F | F £ T(0)} Vx £ 5 . But inf{||x|| F | F e T(ip)} = tp{x) Vx £ B. Consequently, we have u(x) < ip(x) \/x £ B.
Now, we fix x £ B such that v(x) < 1. Since Y" is compact, we can easily construct in Mult(B) an open neighborhood W of Y such that ip(x) < 1 V? 6 W. Suppose that for every F € T(i/»), Multm(B, \\ . || F ) is not included in W. Then the family of compact sets Multm(B, || . || F ) \ W is a base of a filter because (Multm(B, || . || F )\W / )n(Mwtt m (B, || . | | G ) \ W ) contains Multm(B, \\ . \\FUG) \ W. But since W is open, each set Multm(B,\\ . \\F) (F € T(ip)) is a compact and therefore the intersec tion 5 is not empty. And since W is open, we have S n W = | , a contra diction. Hence, there exists ./ G T(ip) such that Multm(B,\\ . \\j) C W. Consequently, ||x||j < 1, and therefore, 4>{x) < 1. Thus v{x) < 1 implies i/>(x) < 1. Consequently, since, by Lemma 6.1, ip and v are two semimultiplicative semi-norms, we can conclude that ip(x) < v{x). So, by (32.2) the two semi-norms are equal. As a consequence, ip lies in Y. Then, for every F £ T(ip), ip lies in Multm(B, \\ . \\F). Since Multm(B, \\ . \\F) is a subset of Multm(B), this finishes proving that Multm(B) is dense in Mult(B). Now, since A is a quotient of a topologically pure extension Tn = K{Xi,..., Xn} by an ideal J, we have a canonical homomorphism 6 from T n onto A. Putting Xj = 0(Xj), 1 < j < n, the ii'-subalgebra of finite type B =K\ dense in A. Putting F = {xi,... xn}, the norm of A is equivalent to || . || F . We now take G Mult(A, || . ||). As we just saw above, since <j> is an element of Mult(B, \\ . \\F), it lies in Multm(B, || . | | F ) . But by Theorem 6.8 Mult(B, || . \\F) and Mult(A, \\ . ]\F) are homeomorphic. Therefore, since every maximal ideal of B and A has codimension one, Multm(B, || . || F ) and Multm(A, \\ . \\F) also are homeomorphic. Thus, all elements of Multm(B, || . \\F) have continuation to elements of Multm(A, || . ||F), and finally 4> lies in Multm(A, \\ . ||). D Theorem 32.5:
The nilradical of A is equal to the Jacobson radical.
Proof: Let 1Z be the Jacobson radical and let x £ 1Z. Let J be a prime ideal of A, let B = £ and let 9 be the canonical surjection from A onto B.
Banach Algebra
Since B has no non zero divisors of zero different from 0, by Corollary 32.2 it admits a continuous absolute value cj>, hence o 6 lies in Mult(A, || . ||). Let if) = <j> o 6. Since Multm(A, \\ . ||) is dense in Mult(A, || . ||), for all € > 0 we can find (c e Multm(A,\\ . ||) such that \(e(x) - V'WIoo < <=• But since x belongs to 1Z, by hypothesis we have Q(x) = 0. Consequently tf)(x) = 0. But since 0 is an absolute value of B, Ker(ip) is equal to J. Thus, x belongs to J, and therefore 71 is equal to the nilradical of A. □ Corollary 32.6: reduced. Theorem 32.7:
The semi-norm || . || si is a norm if and only if A is A is a Jacobson ring.
Proof: Let J be a prime ideal of A and let 9 be the canonical homomorphism from A onto the quotient algebra 5 = 4 . Since B has no non zero divisors of zero, its radical is {0}, and since it is a fC-affinoid algebra, the intersection of all its maximal ideals also equals {0}. But the maximal ideals of B are the images by 6 of the maximal ideals of A containing J. Consequently, we have 1
J = e-
(o) = 9-1l
f| ri
n\ J
= n («)H£Max(B)
Thus J is equal to the intersection of the maximal ideals that contain it.
Chapter 33
Salmon's Theorems
The chapter is designed to show that topologically pure extensions are factorial, a theorem due to Paolo Salmon [45]. Definitions a n d notation: Recall that U = d(0,1), M = d(0,1") and the residue class field of K is K.. Here, Tn denotes the topologically pure extension L{Xi,..., Xn} and we put Vn = {x € Tn \ \\x\\ < 1}. Let f(Xi,... ,Xn) € Tn. We denote by / the residue class of / in jjfe-Then / is said to be k-regular if it is of the form eg with c € K and g G Vn such that g is monic as a polynomial in X^. Lemma 33.1: other inTn{Y}.
Let P, Q e Vn[Y] be monic polynomials associated to each Then P = Q.
Proof: By hypothesis there exists u invertible in Tn{Y} such that Q = uP. By Theorem 31.14 u is of the form I + h with I e K, he Tn{Y} and \\h\\ < \l\. Since the Gauss norm is multiplicative, and since both P, Q axe monic, we have ||P|| = \\Q\\ = 1 and then ||u|| = |/| = 1. Suppose P ^ Q. Since both P, Q are monic and associated in jjj^t-Xn], they have same degree, and therefore we check that I = 1 = u. Consequently, u is of the form 1 + / , with / e Tn{Y} and ||/|| < 1. Therefore Pf = Q - P. Let A € K be such that ||A(P - Q)\\ = 1. Then the degree in Y of X(P - Q) is at most q — 1. But since P is monic, and since ||A/P|| = 1, the degree in Y of XPf is at least q, a contradiction. Hence P = Q. □ L e m m a 33.2: Let f € Tn be n-regular. There exists one and only one monic polynomial P e V^_i[X„] associated to f inTn. 197
Banach Algebra
Proof: Since / is n-regular of order q, it is of the form YITLo aj-^n' w ^ n Oj € V„_ 1 and aq invertible in Vn~i- Hence by Corollary 7.11 / is associ ated in Tn to a monic polynomial in Xn. Suppose we can find two monic polynomials P and Q associated to / in Tn. In particular, Q is associated to P in Tn. Without loss of generality we can clearly assume that both P, Q belong to Vn. Then by Lemma 33.1 they are equal. □ Definition: Let / € Tn be fc-regular. The unique monic polynomial P e UK{Xi,...,Xk-i,Xk+i,---,Xn}[Xk], associated to / in Tn will be called the k-canonical associate to f ■ Let / € Tn be fc-regular and let f = eg with g the /c-canonical associate to / . By definition, the degree q of g in Xk is such that |ao,...,o,g,o,...,o — 1 | < !. laji,..,jfc-i,WM-i,..,j'J < * V ( i i , . . . , j „ - i ) ^ ( 0 , . . . , 0 ) , and \aju...jj < 1 whenever j n > q. The integer q will be called the k-order of f. Theorem 33.3: Let f e Tn be k-regular of k-order q. There exists a unique monic polynomial P(Xk) & K{Xi,... ,Xk-\,Xk+i,. ■ ■ ,Xn}[Xk] which is associated to f inTn. Moreover, the degree of P in Xk is q. Proof: Without loss of generality, we can obviously assume that k = n, what we do for convenience. We put T n _i = E and Y = Xn. Without loss of generality, we can also assume that the coefficient ao,...,o,<j of V in / is 1. Let q be the n-order of / . In E{Y} f is of the form ^f=0}jY^ with I i m ^ o o / j = 0, H/j-ll < 1 Vj e N, / , = 1 and \\fj\\ < 1 Vj > q. Then / is a monic polynomial LI of degree q, hence by Corollary 7.11 there exists Q e E[Y] such that Q = J and h e £ { F } such that 7i = 1 and / = Q/i. Since Q = / , the coefficient Z of Y 9 in Q is of the form 1 + e with ||e|| < 1, therefore by Theorem 6.13 Q is invertible in the Banach K-algebra Tn. In the same way, since h = 1, h is invertible in Tn. Consequently, the ^-degree monic polynomial P — l_1Q is associated to / in Tn. Now, we will show such a factorization is unique. Let wS be another factorization of / , with w invertible in Tn and S a monic polynomial in E[Y]. Thus in E[Y] P and S are two monic polynomials associated to each other. Consequently, by Lemma 33.1 they are equal and this shows the uniqueness of the polynomial P. □ Theorem 33.4: Let / € T n be k-regular of k-order q and factorize in Tn in the form /1/2. Then, each fj is k-regular of order qj (j = 1, 2), such that q = qi + q2. Proof: Without loss of generality, we can assume that / , f\, fi lie in Vn and that / is monic of degree q. Then / = fxf2Putting
qj = deg(fj(Xk)), (j = 1,2), we have q = qi + <72- Since / is monic, each / has a coefficient of degree qj in Xk which is constant, hence each fj is fc-regular, of/c-order qj. □ Theorem 33.5: Let f E Vn-i[Xn] be monic and irreducible in Then it is irreducible in Tn^i{X}.
Proof: Suppose / is not irreducible in Tn. By Theorem 33.4, there exists ?i-regular elements / i , ^ e T n such that / = /1/2, and therefore by Theo rem 33.3 there exists a unique monic polynomial g\(Xn) e Tn-\[Xn] asso ciated to /1 in T„ and a unique monic polynomial g2(Xn) G r„_![X n ] associated to f2 in Tn. Then g\g2 is a monic polynomial in Xn and is associated to / hence it is equal to / , a contradiction to the hypothesis: / irreducible in T n _i[X„]. □ Notation: In N™ we will denote by On the order relation defined as it fol lows: given (ii,...,in), (ji,---,3n) £ N n , weput (h,...,in) < (ji,---,jn) if for certain t < n we have it-\ < jt-i and im = j m \/m — t,...,n, and we put (ii,...,in) < ( j i . . . . , jn) if either (iu...,in) < ( j i , . . . , jn) or (ii,... ,in) = (ji,..., j n ) . Then this relation is a total order relation in Nn. Proposition 33.6: Let h € Vn be such that in h, the coefficient of maxi mal index, with respect to On is equal to 1. There exists a K-automorphism ifi ofTn preserving Vn, such that ip(h) is a nxonic polynomial in Xn. Proof: Let (fci,..., fcn) be the maximum index (with respect to On) whose coefficient in h is not 0. We can clearly find t2, ■ ■. ,tn € N such that h (Xi, X2 + X\2,..., Xn 4- X[") is a monic polynomial in X\ of degree k\ + &2<2 + .. • 4- kntn. Let is a K-algebra automorphism of K[Xi,.. .Xn}- More over, it also induces on IC[Xi,... ,Xn] a /C-algebra automorphism, so it satisfies ||0(/)|| = ||/||. Therefore 0 has continuation to Tn and pre serves Vn. Now, let ui be the /^-algebra automorphism of Tn defined as w(f(Xi,..., Xn)) = f{Xn, X2,..., X n _ i , Xi). Then w o {h) is a monic polynomial in Xnd Theorem 33.7 (P. Salmon [45]): Tn is factorial for every n € N. Proof: We assume the theorem true for every n < m, and will prove it when n = m. For convenience we put E = T„_i. Let g be an irreducible element of Tn. We will prove that gTn is a prime ideal of Tn. Without
Ultrametric Banach
loss of generality we can obviously assume that g belongs to Vn and that in 5 the coefficient of maximal index, with respect to On, is equal to 1. Consequently, by Proposition 33.6 there exists a K-algebra automorphism ip of Tn preserving Vn, such that tl>(g) is a monic polynomial in Xn. Thus, without loss of generality, we can also assume that g~ is a monic polynomial in Xn. Then, by Theorem 33.2, g is associated to a monic polynomial P(Xn) e Vn-i[Xn]. Let q = deg(P). Suppose that P admits a factorization in V n - i ^ n ] in the form Q1Q2, with Qi{Xn) = Y,%oaj,ixl (* = 1>2)Then qi+q2 = Q and aqiaq2 = 1. Since g is irreducible in T„, so is P, hence one of the Qi is invertible in Tn. Both polynomials — are monic and Ql®2 aqi
divides P in Tn. Now, we consider Tn as E{Xn}. By Theorem 33.3 there exists only one monic polynomial in Xn associated to a n-regular series such as P. Hence one of the polynomials — is equal to 1, and therefore P is irreducible in £[X„]. Now, suppose that P divides a product fife in E{Xn} with fe, fe € E{Xn}. And according to Theorem 7.5, let i?, be the rest of the Euclidean division of /* by P (i = 1,2) in E{Xn}. Then P divides RiR2 in B. But by Theorem 7.5 the Euclidean division in J5[Xn] is induced by the one in E{Xn). Consequently, P divides .R1.R2 in jB[Xn]. And since, by induction hypothesis, E is factorial, so is -E[X„]. Consequently P must divide one of the Ri, say # 1 , in £LY„]. But since deg(i?i) < q, of course Ri = 0, hence P divides / 1 , and therefore generates a prime ideal in £[X„] and so does g in E{Xn}. Thus every irreducible element of Tn generates a prime ideal, and consequently, by Lemma 1.2 we know that E{Xn} is factorial, hence the theorem holds when m = n. □
Chapter 34
Separable Fields
When the field K is separable (in the topological meaning) we can prove that, given a if-affinoid algebra A, the topology of simple convergence on Mult(A, || . ||) is metrizable, and we construct an equivalent metric, a study first made by N. Mainetti [39]. Of course, such a metric defines a topology weaker than this defined by 6 in the case of one variable, as it was seen in Chapter 13. N o t a t i o n : In this chapter, the field K is supposed to be separable, i.e. to have a dense countable subset that we will denote by S, and we will denote by S[Zi,... Zq] the set of polynomials in q variables with coefficients in K. A will be a iiT-affinoid algebra. As in previous chapters, we will denote by || . || the Gauss norm on an algebra of polynomials K[Yi,..., Yq] and on K{Y\,... ,Yg}. In order to avoiding any confusion, || . ||0 will denote the norm of if-affinoid algebra of A. We will denote by K[x\,..., xq\ a .ftT-algebra of finite type which is not necessarily a K-algebra of polynomials, i.e. the Xj are not supposed to be algebraically independent. R e m a r k : A field which is separable is weakly valued. But a weakly valued field is not necessarily separable. For instance, it is known that the spherical completion of a C p is not separable, but is weakly valued as C p . Lemma 34.1 and 34.2 are immediate: L e m m a 3 4 . 1 : Let f e K[xi,...,xq\. The mapping v defined on (Mult(K[xx,...,xq]))2 by v{4>,ip) = min(|>(/) - V(/)|oo,l) is a semidistance. 201
Ultrametric Banach
Lemma 34.2: There exists a sequence (Pn)neN' in S[Z\,..., Zq\ satisfy ing Pn = Zn Vn < q, such that, given Q 6 K[x\,... ,xq] and e > 0, there exists m 6 N such that \\Q - Pm\\ < e and degh(Q) = degh(Pm) V/i = l,...,q. Lemma 34.3: A admits a dense countable S[xi,...,xq], with \\xj\\a < 1 V j = l,...,q.
of the
Proof: Since A is a K-afRnoid algebra, it is of the form T m [j/i,..., yt] with Tm = K{Yi,...,Ym}. Consequently, the K-algebra of finite type K[Y\,... ,Ym,yi,.. .yt] is dense in A, and of course S[Xi,...,Xm,yi,...,yt] is dense in K[Yi,... ,Ym,yi,... ,yt], hence in A. By hypothesis the Yj satisfy ||Yj|| 0 = 1 V j = 1 , . . . , m and of course we can take the yj such that \\yj\\a = 1 V j = l , . . . , l D Definitions and notation: In K[Zi,... ,Zq], we consider a sequence (Pn(Zi,.. .,Zq))neN. in S[Zi,...,Zq] satisfying Pn = Zn Vn < q, such that, given Q e K[Zi,..., Z?] and e > 0, there exists m £ N such that [|Q(Z1,...,Z,)-Pm(Zi,...,Z,)||<e (with respect to the Gauss norm in K[Z\,...,
Zq\) and
d e g h ( Q ( Z i , . . . , Zq)) = d e g h ( P m ( Z 1 ) . . . , Zq)) Vh =
Such a sequence will be called a a S-appropriate sequence of K[Z\,..., Zq\. On Mult(K[xi,... ,xq\), for <j>,xp 6 Mult(K[xi,... ,xq\) we put oo
2 > ( ^ ) = V -2 min(|0(P n ) - V(^n)|oo, !)■ n=l
Then £> will be called the metric associated to the sequence (Pn)nen- on Mult(K(xi,...,xq}). In the same way, in A, we consider a dense if-subalgebra of finite type of the form K[xi,...,xq] and an appropriate sequence of K[Zi,... ,Zq\. Then by Theorem 6.8 there is a natural injective map ping from Mult(A, || . || a ) into Mult(K[xi,... ,xq}) which lets us consider Mult(A, j| . |j a ) as a subset of Mult(K[xi, ■.. ,xq}). Consequently the metric on Mult(K[xi,... ,xq]) associated to the S-appropriate sequence (-Pn)neN* is defined on Mult(A, || . || a ), and then, as a semi-distance defined on Mult(A, \\ . \\a), it will be called the metric associated to the S-appropriate sequence (Pn)nen- on Mult (A, || . || a ).
Separable Fields
In Mult(K[x\,... ,xq)) and in Mult(A, || . || a ) an open ball of center (f> and diameter r will be denoted by B(,r). Theorem 34.4: Let K[x\,... ,xq\ be a dense K-subalgebra of A. Let (Pn)n€N- be a S-appropriate sequence of K[Z\,..., Zq\. Let T> be the metric associated to the S-appropriate sequence (Pn)neN' on Mult(K[xi,... ,xq\) (resp. on Mult(A, || . || 0 )). Then V is a distance on Mult(K{x\,... ,xq]) (resp. on Mult(A, \\ . \\a)) which defines the topology of simple convergence. Proof: Let € Mult[Zi,..., Zg], (resp. let (Pn) - i>(Pn)U n*
1) =c E ^ I W n ) ~ ^ —' n
- ^ <
2 And OO
£ ^min(|^(Fn)-^(Pn)U,l)< E n=s+l
Consequently, V(4>,tp) < e therefore V(>, P i , . . . , Ps, n) is included in 5 ( 0 , e). Thus, a ball of center <j>, with respect to T>, is a neighborhood of (j) with respect to the topology of simple convergence, and therefore is an open set with respect to the topology of simple convergence, so the topol ogy defined by the semi-distance V is weaker (in the large sense) than the topology of simple convergence (we notice that the reasoning holds in the same way in K[x\,... ,xq) and in ^4). Conversely, we now consider a neighborhood V{<j>,Qi,... ,Qt,e), with Qj £ K[x\, ...,xt] (resp. Qj e A)) and e €]0, l[ and we will look for a ball B(4>,rj) included in V(<j>,Qi,..-,Qt,e)We first consider the case of Mult(K[xi,... ,xq}). For each j = 1 , . . . ,t, let Uj be the total degree of Qj and let p > 1 + maxi<^<, 4>(xh)- On the ff-algebra of polynomials K\Z\,..., Zq], we can consider the Gauss norm j| . ||, and then, with respect to this norm, for each j — 1 , . . . , t there exists
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
rij € N* such that \\Pnj(Z1,...,Zq)-Qj(Z1,...,Zq)\\pui<e-
and degh(Qj) = deg A (P n .) V/i = 1 , . . . ,g.
Let Z = m a x ( n i , . . . ,nt,q) and let n = gfj (hence Z2n < 1). Let ip e B((/>,n). Then we have ' x 5 ] - 5 min(|^(P n ) - i>(Pn)\oo, 1) < n. n=l
In particular for each n = 1 , . . . , Z we obtain ^ min(|^(P„) - ^(P„)|oo, 1) < »7
and therefore min(|>(P„) - V(-Pn)|<x>,l) < n2rf = ^ < 1 Vn = 1 , . . . ,Z. Consequently, min(|>(Pn) - V(Pn)|oo,l) = |(-Pn)|oo . hence by (34.3) we have 2
|0(P n ) - V(Pn)U < n 2 n = | ^ < | Vn = 1 , . . . , Z. Thus, we have proven \<j,(Pn) - V(Pn)|oo < | Vn = 1 , . . . , Z.
Now, consider the obvious inequality | V ( Q i ) - (Qj)\oo < | V ( Q i ) - i W n J I o o + IVK-Pn,) ~ ^ ( P J l o o
+ |^(Pn,)-0(Qj)|oo. On one hand, since p > 4>{xh) V/i = 1 , . . . , £, by (34.2) we check that tf(P„,(Zi, ...,Zq)-
Qj(Zu ...,Zq))<
\\Pnj - QjWp"',
and therefore by (34.1) we obtain <j)(Pnj — Qj) < f, hence \(Pnj) - 0(Q;)|oo < 0(Pn, - Q,-) < | -
On the other hand, since x/i = P/i V7i = 1 , . . . , q, and since ip £ B(4>, TJ), we have 1 eh2 -jp\^{xh) - {xh)\oo < V, hence \ip{xh) - >(z/0loo < -^
< 1.
Separable Fields
Consequently, since p > 4>(xh) + 1 , we check that ip(xh) < p. Consequently, similarly to (34.5), we obtain |V(P»i)-^(Qj)loo < |-
Then, by (34.4), (34.5), (34.6) we can conclude that \ip(Qj)-<j>(Qj)\oo < e, hence ip G V(>, Q i , . . . ,Qt,e), and therefore B((f>,r]) is included in ^ ( 0 ! <3i> • ■ • i Qt, e)- This finishes proving that the two topologies are equiv alent on Mult(K[xi,... ,xq]). We now consider Mult(A, \\ . \\a) and therefore assume that Qj € A. By hypothesis, the sequence (Pn(Zi,..., ZQ))n^f^ is dense in K\Z\,..., Z g ], with respect to the Gauss norm, hence the sequence Pn(xi,... ,xq)n^n is dense K[xi,..., xq] and in A with respect to the norm || . ||0 of A. Conse quently, for each j = 1 , . . . , t there exists rij e N* such that \}Pn3 ~ Qj\\a <
The beginning of this proof is almost similar to that in the case pre viously studied of Mult{K[x\,... ,xq]). Let I = m a x ( n i , . . . ,nt) and let n = g|2, (hence Z2n < 1). Let \p € B(<j),r]). Then we have E l = i n* min (l^ > (- p n) "~ V'(-Pn)|oo, 1) < V- In particular for each n = 1 , . . . , I we obtain ^ min(|<^(Pn) — ip(Pn)\oo> 1) < ?7, and therefore 2
min(\4>(Pn) - ^(Pn)loo, 1) < n2r, = ^ J < 1 Vn = 1 , . . . , I.
Consequently, min(|0(P n ) - ^(P„)|oo,l) = \4>{Pn) - ip(Pn)\oo , hence by (34.8) o
\4>(Pn) - ^(Pn)|oo < n2r? = — < - Vn = 1 , . . . ,1. Thus, we have proven |0(P„) - V(P 1 )U < | Vn = 1 , . . . , /.
Then, thanks to (34.7) and (34.9), by Lemma 34.2 we know that \ip(Qj) — (Qj)\oo < £i and therefore B{4>,rf) is included in V((/>, Qi, • - •, Qt, e). Thus the two topologies are equal on Mult(A, || . || 0 ).
Ultrametric Banach
Moreover, in both cases, since the topology of simple convergence is separated, this shows that T> is a distance. □ Corollary 34.5:
Mult (A, || . || 0 ) is sequentially compact.
Corollary 34.6: compact.
In Mult(K[xi,...
,xq]), every compact is sequentially
Corollary 34.7: Let D be a closed bounded subset of K. The topology of simple convergence on Mult(H(D),\\ . \\p) is metrizable. N o t a t i o n : By Lemma 34.2 we can assume that \\XJ \\a < 1 V j = 1 , . . . , q. Then, in Mult(A, || . || 0 ) we can also define another distance by con sidering a sequence (Rn)neN of ( S f l U)[Z\,... ,Zq] which is dense in U[Zi,...,Zq] and then we put V{,1>) = £ ~ = 1 ^\(Rn) - V W l o o Indeed, since ||xj|| a < 1 V j = 1,... ,q, for each n e N we have (j>(Rn) < \\Rn(xu...,xq)\\a < \\Rn\\ < 1, xPiRn) < \\Rn(x1,...,xq)\\a < \\Rn\\ < 1, hence the series is convergent. We will denote by B'{, r) the open ball for this metric. Theorem 34.8: V defines the same topology as this of simple conver gence on Mult(A, || . || a ). Proof: On one hand it is easily seen that T>'(,ip) > J2™=i j? min(\(Rn) - ^(-Rn)loo, 1)- But since Rn E l 7 [ ^ i , . . . , Z , ] , w e h a v e | ^ ( B n ) | < ||i?„|| < 1, \ip(Rn)\ < \\Rn\\ < 1, hence
and therefore T>(<j),ip) > — ^ ^ , which shows that the topology defined by V, and therefore the topology of simple convergence is stronger than this defined by V. On the other hand, we will show that the topology defined by V is stronger than this of simple convergence, in a similar way as in Theorem 34.5. Let Qi,...,Qt e A, let N = 1 + max 0 <j,n). For each j = ! , . . . , £ , there exists Rn. e S[Zi,..., Zq] such
Separable Fields
that \\Rnj {x\, ■ ■ ., xg) — fijQj \\a < rj, so we have
- fijQj) < V- (34.10)
Now, since tp G B(
y"^i^(i?„)-^(JR„)|00<7?. In particular for each n = 1 , . . . , Z we obtain ;^-|>(-R„) — 4>(Rn)\oo < Vi therefore \(Rn)\oo < n2V = ^ ^
< 1 < — Vn = 1 , . . . , I.
Consequently, by (34.10) and (34.11) we obtain \ip(fijQj) - <j>{njQj)\oo < Ne, therefore \ip(Qj) — >(Qj)|oo < e an<^ finally B'(,T)) is included in V{4>, Qi,..., Qt, e). This finishes proving that the two topologies are equal on Mult{A, || . |U). □
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C h a p t e r 35
Spectral N o r m of AfRnoid Algebras
In Chapter 31 we saw that if A is reduced, its spectral semi-norm is a norm. Then it is a natural question to ask whether A is uniform. The answer is quite easy and was soon given in [49] when the characteristic p of K is 0. It is much more difficult when p ^ 0 (such a study was also made in [3]). Notation: Throughout the chapter and in the next one we denote by p the characteristic of K. Next, considering Z" as a Z-module, for all (*) = (*ii • • • ,i ra ) S Z, and q € Z we put q(i) = (qit,... ,qin)- Let f(Yu...,Yn)
= aiu...,i7Yi1
■ ■ ■ Yt
G Tn.
We put (Y) = (Xi,-.-,Yn), ( F ) « = (Y*\...,Yi*) and f(Yu...,Yn) = £ ( W e a(0(y)W. For each n & W we denote by Ln the field of fractions of Tn and A is a i^-affinoid algebra. By Corollary 31.5 A has finitely many minimal prime ideals S\,... ,Si. For each j = 1,... ,1, we denote by Aj the if-affinoid algebra ^-, by 6j the canonical surjection from A onto A,, and by || . \\Sjtj the spectral norm of Aj. Theorem 35.1: Let A be reduced. For every f € A, we have
||/IU=max(||0 j (/)|U J ).
Ultrametric Banack
By Theorem 31.10 we have ||/|| S j = s u p A e s j M ^ |A|, and l|0j-(/)lki=
\\\, (j =
But by Lemma 1.15 spA(f) — Dlj=1spAj(0j(f)).
So, our claim is obvious.
□ x
T h e o r e m 35.2: For all x € A there exists x € X(A) such that \x( )\ = ||x|| sl . Moreover, if A is an integral domain finite over Tn, then for all f eA, we have S{irr(f,Tn)) = \\f\\si . Proof: Let f € A. First, we will show that there exists \ G X{A) such that \x(x)\ = ||a;||si- When A is a topologically pure extension, the state ment is proven in Theorem 31.12. Here we first consider a iC-affinoid algebra A without non zero divisors of zero. There exists a topologically pure extension Tn such that A is a finite over Tn. By Lemma 1.18 every x € X(Tn) admits at least one extension to an element of X(A). By Theorem 31.10 the spectral norm || . || si of A satisfies ||/|| S j = sup{|x(/)| | X € X(A)}. On the other hand, by Proposition 29.4 we have sup{|x(/)| | X € X(A)} = S(irr(f,Tn)) and there exists x e X(A) such that | x ( / ) | = sup{|x(/)| | X £ X(A)}. Consequently, there exists x G X(A) such that | x ( / ) | = ll/IUi- Thus, our claim is now proven when A is an integral domain. We now consider the case when A is just reduced. By Theorem 35.1 we have maxi<j be the canonical surjection of A onto B. Then, we have sup{|x(/)| |x £ X(A)} = sup{|x ° 4>U)\ \x G X(B)}. Since B is reduced, the property holds for B, and therefore also holds for A. □ Theorem 35.3
The algebraic closure of Ln is Ln-productal with respect
to II • IfeProof: If p = 0, the claim comes from Theorems 29.1 and 29.7. So, we suppose p / 0 . By Theorem 29.10, it is sufficient to prove that L% is Lnproductal. For each k = 1 , . . . , n, we put Y^ = tfXk and Y = ( Y i , . . . , Yn).
Spectral Norm of Affinoid Algebras
So, we have Y^u) = X, and more generally T^'P-W = X^u\ Let 5 e L*. with a Then 5 is of the form Y%=1 rYi'M> J ' 6 i € T„ Vj = 1 , . . . , n. And
~h w ~h ^)p '
Let b = rij=o fy and for each j = 0 , . . . ,p - 1 we set Cj = £■, which belongs t o T n . Then p-i
Now, for each j = 0, . . . , p — 1, CLJCJ is of the form Yl,u)enn \i),3Xl, with A(j)i:/- e # , hence (a.jCj)p = X)(i)eN» ^W.j-^'* anc * thereby 6P#P = EWeN-,0<J
^ m a x ^ m a x f l A ^ . | (i) e N"}) =
||a,'cJ| p
hence \\gp\\ = max 0 <j< p _i ( imfp ) • Since || . || is an absolute value on Tn, finally we have
\\g"\\ =o<j
«*=o^1(l£l)Thus, Ln is L n -productal with respect to || . || ";.
Theorem 35.4 Let A be reduced. Then the norm of Banach K-algebra of A is equivalent to the norm || . | | S j . Proof: First we suppose that A is an integral domain. Let Tn be a topologically pure extension of K such that A is finite over Tn. As a finite
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
T„-module, A admits a basis { e i , . . . , eq}. Putting M = ma,xi<j
max ||o,-||.
Let Ln be the field of fractions of Tn. Of course { e i , . . . , eq} is also a basis of Ln[xi,..., x9] as a L n -vector space. By Theorem 35.3 the algebraic closure of Ln is L n -productal with respect to || . || "t. So we have a constant V > 0 such that
ll/II^S > ^ max |KI|.
Thus, by (35.1), (35.2) and by Theorems 35.2 we obtain y max | K | | < \\f\\fe = H/ll = U/IU < M max |K||. Thereby, || . ||s$ is clearly equivalent to || . || on A. We now consider the general case, when A is reduced but not neces sarily an integral domain. Let B = rij=i ~§r- Let 0 be the A"-algebra homomorphism from A into B defined as is injective and consequently, B is provided with a structure of finite ^4-module whose external law is defined as fol lows: given g e A, ( / i , . . . , / m ) € B, then g(fi,...,fm) is defined as (#i()/i, ■ ■ ■, Om{g)fm)- Then, as a ^4-submodule, A itself is isomorphic to the yl-submodule of B consisting of the g(fi, ■ ■ ■ , / m ) where fj = l Vj = 1 , . . . , m. Each iif-algebra Aj is a /sT-affinoid algebra without non zero divi sors of zero, hence is complete for its own spectral norm || . \\Si,j, and of course, B is obviously complete for the product A"-algebra norm defined as IK/, ■■■,fm)\\B = m a x 1 < j < m
On the other hand, the norm || . || B , B is provided with, is a .A-quasialgebra-norm because for each j = 1 , . . . , m, we have
(s)/;lk; < PMlUMlUj
< \\g\\si\\fi\\»i,i < llsllll/.lki-
Consequently, since B is finite over A, by Corollary 30.3 every yl-submodule of B is closed with respect to its norm || . || B . In particular, as a Asubmodule, A is closed in B with respect to || . || B . Now, given / € A, we have ||/|| s i > maxi<j< m \\0j{f)\\s,,j- The inequal ity actually is an equality. Indeed, according to Theorem 35.2, we can find x £ X{A) such that | x ( / ) | = H/IU, and there does exist an index
Spectral Norm, of Affinoid Algebras
h such that Sh C Ker(x),
so x factorizes in the form \h ° &h> hence si,7-
Finally, it is easily seen that the spectral norm || . ||^ of B is just the product norm B has been provided with, because X{B) = Yl^jLi XiAj)Thus, we have maxi<j< m \\&j(f)\\si,j = ||(0i(/),••• ,0m(/))llf»> a n d there fore, the spectral norm || . ||s$ of A is induced by that of B. Consequently, A is complete for both norm || . \\Si and || . ||, and therefore, by Theorem 3.4 the two norms are equivalent. □ By Theorems 15.14, 32.4 and 35.4 we can state Corollary 35.5: Corollary 35.5: Let A be reduced and let f, g (E A. Then for every (j) £ Mult(A, || . ||), we have S(f*(cp),g*((/))) < \\f - g\\. Moreover, if ip? = f*{4>), ?s = 9*(<j>), and if (f - g) < diam(sup(.P, £)) then /*(>) = g*(<j>). Theorem 35.6: Let A be reduced and let f G A be such that sp(f) = U. Then the closure of K[f] in A is equal to K{f}. Let g € A be such that 11/ - 9hi < 1- Then sp(g) = U. Moreover, if g € K{f}, then K{f) = K{g}. Proof: Suppose first that A is reduced, and therefore admits || . ||Sj as its norm. The restriction of the norm to K[f] is the Gauss norm. Indeed, let P{X) e K[X], let || . || be the Gauss norm on K[X\ and let T be the circular filter of center 0 and diameter 1. Then by Lemma 12.1 we have ||P|| = limjr|P(x)|. On the other hand | | P ( / ) | | s i = s u p A e s p ( / ) |A|. But since s
P{f) = U, T is secant with sp(f), therefore linvr |P(x)| = supX€sp^^ |A|, thereby we get the equality. Consequently, the closure of K[f] in A is equal to K{f}. Now, consider g G A such that ||/ — g\\Si < 1. Then sp(g) is included in U, as sp(f). And since diam(sp(f)) = 1, we have diam(sp(g)) = 1, hence of course sp(g) = U. Now, suppose g £ K{f}, hence g is of the form Y^=o^m.fm, with |&o — 1| < 1, |6mj < 1 Vm € N. Without loss of generality, we can clearly assume that b0 = 1. Thus, g is of the form / + h(f), with h(Y) G K{Y}, and \\h\\ < 1. Let 1{Y) = Y + h(Y). Since K{Y} is identical to H(U), and since \\h\\ < 1, it clearly satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 17.12, hence l(Y) is a strictly injective analytic element in U, making a bijection from U onto U. Consequently we can apply Theorem 17.14 showing that, if we put Z = l(Y), then Y is a strictly injective function in Z, hence of the form Z + t(Z), with t G K{Z} and ||i|| < 1. Consequently, applying this to / , we see that / belongs to K{g}. □
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Chapter 36
S p e c t r u m of an Element of an Affinoid Algebra
In [40] Y. Morita proved that the spectrum sp(x) of an element x of an affinoid algebra is an affinoid subset of K. However, the proof involved considerations on Tate's acyclicity Theorem [49], and spherical completion of the field K. Here we give a more simple explanation to show that such a spectrum is an affinoid set. Notation: Keeping notation introduced in Chapter 32, here we put ||(n,---,«n)||oo = m a x ( | i i | 0 0 , . . . , | i n | 0 0 ) . In Kn, (0) denotes (0, . . . , 0 ) . Proposition 36.1: Let F(X) = Y11=o fi-%-1 £ r„[X] be monic and irre ducible in Tn\X}. The set of A e K such that F{\) is not invertible is an affinoid subset of K. Proof: For each i = 0 , . . . ,q, we put /, = X ^ e N " a(i)>iT<"J) ■ So> F(X) is of the form J2(j)eN™ fyjjC-X')^^, whereas each 6^) lies in K[X] and sat isfies deg(by)) < q V(j) ^ (0), and deg(6(0)) = q because F is monic. Moreover, since F is irreducible, we notice that there exist no a € K such that 6(j)(a) = 0 V(j) e N". Further, since lim||(.,)||o__+00a(j)>i = 0 Mi = 0, . . . , g , we have lim||Q-)||=io_>_|_00 ||4>(j)|| = 0 . For every A € if we put B(X) = sup(j) eN „ \b(j)(\)\. By Theorem 31.14 F(A) is not invertible in Tn if and only if |6 (0) (A)| < sup 0 - )7 , (0) \b{j}\. Let D = {A e K | |6(0)(A) < su P(j)^(o) l^(i)(^)]} an-d s = suPfj)^(o) 11^0)11- We first notice that D is bounded. Indeed, let d(0,p) be a disk containing all zeros of 6(0), and let r = max(p, s, 1). Let A € if be such that |A| > r. Since all zeros of 6(o) lie in d(0,r) and since 6(0) is monic, by Corollary 12.8 we have l^(o)(^)l — \M9- On the other hand, for each (j) ^ (0), if t = degfr^, 215
Ultrametric Banach
we have the basic inequality |6Q)(A)| < ||6(j)||-|A|* < ||fr(j)||-|A|9 1 because |A| > 1. Consequently, \b{j)(X)\ < s]^'1 < |A|«, hence A $ D. This shows that D C d(0,r). Now, we will show that there exists a finite subset S of N" \ (0) such that su P(j)^(o) \b(j)W\ = suP{j)es lfyj)MI V A e L>. Indeed, suppose this is not true. There exist injective sequences (A77l)TneN in D and (km)me^ in N" such that sup(j)^(0) \b(j)(Xm)\ = |^(fc)m(Am)| V T H E N . Since D is bounded, by Proposition 10.7 we can extract from the sequence (Am) a subsequence thinner than a circular filter T. Thus, without loss of generality, we can directly assume for convenience that the sequence (Am) itself is thinner than T. Since the sequence ((k)m) is injective, by definition of Tn we have limm_>O0 ||6(fc)m|| = 0, therefore (O)) = 0, hence ipjr is not an absolute value on if [A-]. Consequently, by Theorem 13.1 J7 is the filter of neighborhoods of a point a € D, hence 6(o)(a) = 0. But as we noticed above there exists (h) e N n such that b^){a) ^ 0, hence the inequality \b(h)(x)\ > \b(o)0*01 holds in a neighborhood of a, a contradiction to the hypothesis: sup(j-)yS(0) \b(j)(Xm)\ = |&(/t)m(Am)| V m e N. Thus we have proven this existence of 5. Now, for each (j) € S, we set D{j) = {A € K | |6 (0) (A)| < |b(j)(A)|}. Then D = U{j)eSDU). Since deg(6(0)) > deg(6 (j) ) V(j) ^ (0), by Theorem 12.10 each set D^ is affinoid and therefore by Lemma 8.14 so is D. □ Theorem 36.2:
For all x £ A sp(x) is an affinoid subset of if.
Proof: Assume that A is finite over Tn and let x £ A. First suppose that A is an integral domain and set F(X) = YH=o fiX% = irr(x,Tn). For each i = 0 , . . . , q, we put fi=
E (j)£N"
aw)iirW,P(A-) = ^o(o),iX
Now let A e K and G A P O = irr{x-A, T n ). One checks that GA(0) = F(A), so by Lemma 1.7 x — A is invertible in A if and only if F(A) is invertible in Tn. Thus, sp(x) is equal to the set of A e if such that F(X) is not invertible, and then by Proposition 36.1 this set is affinoid. We now suppose that A is not necessarily an integral domain. By Corol lary 31.5 A admits finitely many minimal prime ideals, V\,..., 7 \ . For each j = 1 , . . . , k, let A3-, — ■£: and let 8j be the canonical surjection from A to Aj. Each algebra Aj is a if-affinoid algebra without non zero divisors of zero, hence sp{9j{x)) is an affinoid set. Then by Theorem 1.15 we have
Spectrum of an Element of an Affinoid Algebra
sp(x) — Uj=1sp(8j(x)), and therefore by Lemma 8.14 sp(x) is an affinoid set. So our claim is proven in the general case. □ Theorem 36.3: Let A be a reduced K-affinoid algebra without non trivial idernpotents, whose spectral norm is denoted by \\ . ||, let y e A, let a e S PA(V), letr e \K\C\]0, \\y - a\\] and let S = {y - b \ b <= d(a,r~)}. Let c e C(0,r), and let B = /c_rv^a.)z)Aiz} ■ Then A is canonically identified with a K-subalgebra of the K-affinoid algebra B, S~XA is dense in B, d(a,r~) is a hole of sp^iy) and for every x € X{A) satisfying \x{y)\ > r, X has a unique extension to an element of X{B). Moreover, if r < \\y — a\\, then for every (f> £ Mult{A, || . ||) satisfying (y) > r,
hence sup X€X(A)
and therefore d(0,r ) is a hole of spA{y)- Consequently, we can just take A = B. Now, suppose that D n d(0,r~) ^ 0. Let || . || B be the norm of B, let jj . || fi be the spectral semi-norm of B and let 0 be the canonical surjection from A{Z} to B. Then B is a if-affinoid algebra and the restriction of 8 to A is an injection. Since y is clearly invertible in B we have O(-) = 8(Z), hence in B we have
hence B = A{Z} = A{^}. For each b e d(0,r ), we see that the series X^^Lo ^ + r converges to —^. So S~1A is included in B, and consequently d(0,r~) n sps{y) — 0- On the other hand, since B M^}: S-*A is
Ultrametric Banach
obviously dense in B and more precisely, if we denote by So the set of yn, n e N, then SQ1A is dense in B. Consequently, if an element <j> of Mult(A: || . ||) has continuation to an element of Mult(B, \\ . \\B), such a continuation is unique, so we can consider Mult(B, || . || B ) as a subset of Mult(A, \\ . \\B). In the same way, since all characters are continuous, if an element x of X(A) has continuation to an element \ of %{B) & is unique, so we can consider X(B) as a subset of X(A). Let x £ X(A) satisfy |x(j/)| > r a n d let a = x(v)- Since |a| > r, we can define in A{Z}, an extension x of x defined as X.(Y^jLo aj^^) ~ 1L/7LO aj ~^J • Clearly Ker(8) is included in Ker(x), hence x factorizes in the form x°8Consequently, x is a n extension of x to B. Since A has no idempotents, D is an infraconnected affinoid set, hence since r G \K\, all classes of C(0,r), except maybe finitely many, are included in D, and therefore, are included in speiy)- Since we have seen that d(0,r~) ^spsiy) = 0, d(0,r~) is a hole of spB(y)Now, assume that r < \\y\\. Let 0 € Mu£t(-A, || . |j) satisfy >(y) > r. Let / € S^A and let us show that <j)(f) < \\f\\B with respect to the norm || . || B . By definition, / is of the form ^ q e N. Let e e]0,mm((h) - ip(h)\oo < e, hence
But it is easily checked that \!>{h) + e 0(/Q + 2e V(/») " #&) - e ' so we obtain
4>(y)t ~ ip(y)i\r-e)
On the other hand, since e < {y) — r, it is clear that tp{y) > r, hence ip is of the form \x\, with x 6 ^ ( ^ l ) a n d then, as we just saw, x has continuation to an element x of <^(-B)- Putting xp = \x\, xp is an element of Mult(B, \\ . \\B)
Spectrum of an Element
of an Affvnoid Algebra
which extends ip to B. Therefore, in B we have
= 1>(f) < hence by (36.1) we obtain (h)
4>{y)q ~
Y4>{h) + 2e
( \r-eJ ^ )
4>(h)-e '
This last relation is true for all e G]0, min((h))[, and actually shows 4npyi < ll/ll B - Therefore, since S^A is dense in B, <j> has continuation to an element of Mult(B, || . || B ). Now, let <j> € Mult(A,\\ . ||) satisfy >(y) = r. Since r < \\y\\, every neighborhoods of ^> in Mult(A, || . ||) contains elements ip such that ip(y) > r, therefore such a tp has extension to Mult(B, \\ . \\B). Considering Mult(B, |j . || B ) as a subset of Mult(A, || . ||), we can see that the filter of neighborhoods of <j> is secant with Mult(B, || . || B ), and therefore has a point of adherence ' in Mult(B, || . | | B ) . But since the filter converges in Mult(A, || . ||), the restriction of >' to A is equal to <j>, hence ' is an element of Mult(B, || . || B ) which is the continuation of to B. D Remark: The hypothesis r < \\y—a\\ assumed to proving assertions about continuation of elements of Mult(A, || . ||) to elements of Mult(B, \\ . \\B) does not seem really necessary. The problem just comes from the fact that in the proof of Theorem 36.3, Theorem 32.4 provides us with a ip e Multm(A,\\ . ||) satisfying \<j>(y) - V(2/)|oo < e, 4>{h) < ip{h) + e, but if r = \\y — a\\ we can no longer assure that V(y) ^ (y))-
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Chapter 37
Krasner-Tate Algebras
In this chapter we consider a Banach if-algebra which is isomorphic to both a K-algebra, of analytic elements H(D), and a JsT-affinoid algebra. Such a Banach K-algebra called a Krasner-Tate algebra [18]. The issue is to characterize Krasner-Tate algebras among algebras H(D) on one hand, and among affinoid algebras on the other hand. Notation: Henceforth, for each ideal J of T n , we denote by A(J7") the set of maximal ideals of Tn containing J, and similarly, for every h € T„, we put A(/i) = A(hTn). Theorem 37.1: Let P, Q e K[X) be relatively prime polynomials. Then the ideal (P(X) - YQ(X))K{Y,X} of K{Y,X) is equal to its radical. Proof: By Theorem 33.7 K{Y,X} is factorial. Suppose its factorization into irreducible factors contains a factor g with a power q > 1. Then g divides gy — = ~~ Q(X)- Consequently, g divides both P and Q in K{Y, X}. Let M. be a maximal ideal of -ftT{Y, X } such that g € M and let x € X{K{Y,X}) be such that J^er(x) = M. Let x P O = a. Then we have x(P(X)) = P(a) = 0, x ( Q ( ^ ) ) = <3(a) = 0, a contradiction to the hypothesis " P and Q relatively prime". This shows that P(X) - YQ(X) has no multiple irreducible factors in its decomposition. But since K{Y, X} is factorial, then by Lemma 1.3 the ideal (P(X) - YQ{X))K{Y,X) of K{Y,X} is equal to its radical. □ Theorem 37.2: Let D be affinoid. Let P, Q € K[X] be relatively prime polynomials such that deg(P) > deg(Q), 5 € R(D), r;(D) = U, 221
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
( 5 ) (^) algebra
Then the K-algebra H(D) is isomorphic to the K-affinoid K{Y,X} (P(X)-YQ(X))K{Y,X}
which is also isomorphic to K{h}[x], with h = QT^TProof: Since deg(P) > deg(Q), in H(D) x is integral over K[h] and satisfies P(x) — hQ(x) = 0. Now, since spn(D)(h) = h(D) = U, the norm || . \\D induces the Gauss norm on K\h\. So, by Theorem 35.6 the closure of K\h] in H(D) is isometrically isomorphic to T\ that we can denote here by K{h}. Without loss of generality we can obviously assume that ||X||D < 1. Thus in H(D), x is integral over K{h} and satisfies P(x) — hQ(x) = 0. Let B = K{h}[x\. By Corollary 31.4, B is a K-affinoid algebra isomorphic to a quotient of K{Y, X} by an ideal J that contains P(X) — YQ(X) and the canonical surjection 9 from K{Y,X} onto B satisfies 6(Y) = h, 6{X) = x. On the other hand, by definition B is a if-subalgebra of H(D). For every a € K \D since \h(a)\ > \\h\\o, by Theorem 6.13 h(a) — h is invertible in B, hence R(D) C B c H{D). In particular sps(x) = spH(D)(x) = D. We notice that H(D) is reduced, hence so is B. Consequently, I is equal to its radical and therefore, by Theorem 35.4, B is complete for its spectral norm. But since sps(x) = spn{D){x) w e c a n easily deduce that the spectral norm of B is induced by the norm || . \\D- Indeed, given \ £ X(B), since x(x) € D, x has continuation by continuity to H(D), and therefore belongs to X(H(D)), hence for all / G JB, the spectral norm || . ||^ of B satisfies H/llf. = ll/H D . Therefore, since R(D) C B, we have B = H(D). Since P(x) - YQ(X) e X, of course A(J) c A(P(X) - YQ{X)). Now, consider a maximal ideal M. which contains T and let \ e <;'::'(-^{^>^}) be such that Ker(x) = M. Let X P O = a ! X(^) = /3- Since a; - a is invertible whenever a ^ D, we see that a lies in D, and then x(Y) = ft(a), thereby P(a) - h(a)Q(a) = 0, hence P(X) - YQ(X) belongs to M. Consequently, we have A(J) = A(P(X - YQ(X)). Therefore, the ideals (P{X) - YQ(X))K{Y,X} and I have the same radical. Thus, on one hand, by Proposition 37.1 (P(X) -YQ(X))K{Y,X} is equal to its radical, on the other hand, since H{D) is reduced, I also is equal to its radical, hence (P{X) - YQ(X))K{Y, X}=X. D T h e o r e m 37.3: if D is affinoid.
A K-algebra H(D) is a Krasner-Tate algebra if and only
Proof: Indeed, if H(D) is a Krasner-Tate algebra, then by Theorem 36.2 sp(x), i.e. D, is affinoid. Conversely, suppose that D is affinoid. By Theorem 12.11 there exists h G R(D) such that h(D) = U, D = h~l(U), with h = £, P, Q relatively prime and such that deg(P) > deg(Q). Con sequently, Theorem 37.2 shows that H(D) is a Krasner-Tate algebra isomorphic to
Corollary 37.4: Let D be affinoid and let / 6 H(D). to sp(f) and is affinoid.
Then f(D) is equal
Proof: Indeed by Theorem 37.3 H(D) is a K-affinoid algebra, hence by Theorem 36.2 sp(f) is an affinoid subset of K, but since if-affinoid algebras are noetherian, by Theorem 19.2 we have sp(f) = f(D). □ Another way to describe Krasner-Tate algebras H(D) when the set D is not infraconnected consists of focusing on the infraconnected components of D, in order to show a product of Krasner-Tate algebras. Theorem 37.5: Let D be affinoid and let D\,... ,Dq be its infraconnected components. For every j = 1,... ,q, let Pj, Qj € K\X] be relatively prime and satisfy:
geH(D,),g(^) = ^(|(Di))"V)=^. Letl=W)=l{Pi-YQj)K{Y,X). Then H(D) is isomorphic to —^—'-. Proof: Without loss of generality we can obviously assume that ||O;||D < 1. For each j = 1 , . . . , q, we denote by Ij the ideal (Pj — YQj)K{Y, X} of K{Y, X}. By Theorem 19.12 H(D) is isomorphic to the K-algebra H(D{)x . . . x H(Dq). Each set Dj is an infraconnected set, hence by Theorem 37.2 H(Dj) is isomorphic to the Krasner-Tate algebra without non zero divisors of zero —ij;—i. On the other hand, since D^ flfl; = 0 Vfc ^ I, we have A(/fe + Ifi = 0, therefore Ik + Ii = K{Y,X} Vfc ^ I. Consequently, by Lemma 1.1 the direct product K{Y,X} (P1-YQ1)K{Y,X}
K{Y,X} {Pq-YQq)K{Y,X}
is isomorphic to —^y—L, which completes the proof.
R e m a r k : Given a Krasner-Tate algebra (P_YO)'K
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
jFsf-affinoid algebra A =
K{Y,Z} (Z 3 + AZ2Y + 5ZY2 + 2Y2 + Z + 1)K{Y, Z}'
Now, let X = Z + Y. Then A becomes K{Y,X} [(X 3 + X + 1- Y(-X2
+ 1)]K{Y, X}'
Thus, 3A appears as a Krasner-Tate algebra H{D) where D = /i _1 (C/) with u _ x +x+i 1 -
-xi+1 ■
Now, consider the afhnoid algebra B = (z^-YZ)KiY z) • Apparently, it looks like a Krasner-Tate algebra, except that the polynomials P — Z2 and Q = Z are not relatively prime. Of course, B has non zero divisors of zero. Putting X = Y — Z, we obtain B = IXY)K\Y x\' s o w e c a n c n e c k that such a /^-algebra has no idempotent different from 0 and 1. Suppose B is a Krasner-Tate algebra H(D). Since B has n non trivial idempotent, D is infraconnected, hence by Theorem 19.2 we know that B not noetherian. Consequently, it can't be a Krasner-Tate algebra. Lemma 37.6: Let A = —*- 1'["' " ; be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divisors of zero such that the field of fractions of A is a pure degree one transcendental extension K(t) of K. Let 6 be the canonical surjection from K{Yi,..., Y„} onto A. For each j = 1 , . . . , n, let yj = 9(Yj) = hj(t), with hj(t) G K(t). Ift belongs to A, then sp(t) contains no poles of hj and no points a such that /i'(a) = 0 Vj = 1 , . . . , n . Proof: Suppose that t € A and let D = sp(t). Suppose that for some k £ { l , . . . , n } , /ifc admits a pole b in D. Let h^ = Q W , with P, Q relatively prime and let \ e X{A) be such that x(i) = b. Then x(P(t)) = x(vk)x{Q(t)) = x(Vk)Q(b) = 0, a contradiction to the hypothesis: P, Q relatively prime. Consequently no poles of the hj lie in sp(t), whenever j = 1 , . . . , n. On the other hand let F(Yi,..., Yn) € K{Y\,..., Yn} be such that t — F(yi,..., yn). Consider the mapping G from sp(t) into Kn defined as G(a) = F(hi(a),..., hn(a)). Then G is the identical mapping on sp{t). If there exists a e sp(t) such that h'j(a) = 0 \/j = 1 , . . . , n, then we have G'(a) = 0, a contradiction since G is the identical mapping on sp(t). □ Theorem 37.7: The K-affinoid algebra A = gral domain but is not integrally closed.
*5 an inte
Proof: Let 6 be the canonical surjection from K{X, Y} onto A, let x = 0(X), y = 0(y). Suppose that A is has non zero divisors of zero. Since by Theorem 33.7 K{X,Y} is factorial, there exist non invertible elements h, f2 € K{X}[Y] such that fif2 = Y2 ~ X3. Then, by Theorem 33.3 each fj is associated in K{X,Y} to a monic polynomial in Y, Pj{Y). Since both Pj are not invertible in K{X,Y}, each Pj is of the form Y + Sj(X), with Sj(X) € K{X}. Consequently, we have Y2-X3 =Y2+Y(S1(X) + S2(X))+S1(X)S2(X), hence by identification, 2 3 3 52 = — Si, and S = X . But X is not a square in K{X} because it has a zero of order 3 at 0. Consequently we are led to a contradiction proving that Y2 — X3 is irreducible in K{X,Y}, and therefore A is an integral domain. Suppose now that A is integrally closed. Let B = K[x,y\. The field of fractions of B is clearly the field K{u) with u = j . And since u is integral over B, it belongs to A. On the other hand, both x, y are not invertible in A, hence neither is u. But putting x = g(u), y = h(u) we have g'(u) = h'{u) = 0, a contradiction with regards to Lemma 37.6. □ Corollary 37.8: The K-affinoid algebra A = (yi-x'^kix Krasner-Tate algebra.
Y\ *S
Proof: Indeed, a Krasner-Tate algebra without non zero divisors of zero is a principal ideal ring. □ Proposition 37.9 will be useful in further consideration in chapter 39: P r o p o s i t i o n 37.9: Let r e]0,l[n\K\, let E = d(0,r), F = d(l,r) and let D = E U F. Let u be the characteristic function of E in H(D), and A = uxiHiD\ ■ Then A is a non reduced K-affinoid algebra containing a dense Luroth K-algebra. Proof: Since D is an affinoid subset of K, H(D) is a X-affinoid algebra, hence so is A. Let 8 be the canonical surjection of H(D) onto A. Then, 9(ux) is a nilpotent element of A, hence A is not reduced. But since H(D) is a Krasner-Tate algebra, it is of the form if{/i}[x], with h £ K(x),deg(h) > 0, and h{D) = U, D = h~l(U), so K[h,x] is a dense X-subalgebra of H(D). Let T = 0(h), £ = 9{x). Then Ker{6) n K{h} is equal to {0}, and so is Ker(6) n K[h,x]. Consequently, K[T,£] is a Luroth if-subalgebra of A isomorphic to K[h,x], and is dense in A. □
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Chapter 38
Universal Generators in Tate Algebras
It is possible to find another way of characterizing Krasner-Tate algebras among isf-affinoid algebras, by using universal generators, a study made in [22]. Proposition 38.1: Let A be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divi sors of zero, of the form K{Y}[x\, with x integral over K{Y}, let n
F(Y,X) = J2MY)V j=o
n-l n
= X
+ ] T ( f l i + hY + Y2Ci(Y))Xl i=0
= irr(x, K{Y}) e
and suppose that \\F\\ = 1. Let P(X) = Xn + YZZo || E ^ j ^ 0 0 1 1 / (iv) for every X e sp(x), \Q(X)\ > || E ^ ^ O O I I and \QW\ > \PW\Further, if the above conditions are satisfied, then sp(x) = {XeK\ 227
\P(X)\ < \Q(X)\).
Ultrametric Banach
Proof: For each A € if, we denote by GX(X) = Xn + J2"Zo 9\j(Y)XJ the minimal polynomial of x — A over K{Y}. We can easily check B that gx,o = F(Y,X) = E " = o / j ( y ) A J Y Theorem 19.2 K{Y} is principal, so the equivalence between (i) and (ii) are immediate. Now, by Theorem 17.6 F(Y,X) is invertible in K{Y} if and only if |P(A)| > max(|Q(A)|,sup 0 < i < n _ 1 (||e j (r,A)||). In the same way, F(Y,\) is irreducible in K{Y} if and only if |P(A)| < |Q(A)| and |Q(A)| > sup 0 < •<„_!(||CJ(Y", A)ID). Thus, Condition (Hi) is equivalent to "for every A G sp(x), we have |P(A)| < |Q(A)| and |Q(A)| > s u p o ^ ^ G M Y , A)|Q", which shows that Condition (Hi) is equivalent to Conditions (ii) and (iv). Now, suppose the four conditions satisfied. Since every maximal ideal of A has codimension 1, given A G K, it lies in sp(x) if and only if there exists x £ X(A) such that x(x) = A, i.e. there exists fx G U such that F(fi,X) = 0. Let ft = A(F), let ft' = A(P(X) - YQ(X)), and let n be the canonical projection from U x U to U denned as 7r(/i, A) = A. Then ?r(ft) = sp(x), and Tr(ft') = {A | |P(A)| < |Q(A)|}. On the other hand, given A G K, x — X is not invertible if and only if (by (Hi)) if |Q(A)| > |-P(A)|, i.e. 7r(ft') = sp(x) and this shows the last statement. □ Remark: Proposition 38.1 gives a piece of answer to this general problem: given the quotient of K{Y,X} by two different principal ideals, are these quotients be isomorphic when the generators are very close? Lemma 38.2: Let A be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divi sors of zero, of the form K{Y}[x\, with x integral over K{Y} and let F(Y,X) = irr(x, K{Y}) e K{Y}[X\. Let 1 be an ideal of K{Y,X} con taining F(Y, X) and included in infinitely many maximal ideals of A. Then 1 = F(Y, X)K{Y, X}. Proof: Without loss of generality, we can assume that ||x|| is small enough to assure that ||F(y,X)|| < 1. Since A is an integral domain, it is isomor phic to -W(Y\X)K{Y\[X\ > a n d F(Y>X) i s irreducible in K{Y}[X}. But then, by Theorem 33.5 it is irreducible in K{Y,X}, hence F(Y,X)K{Y,X} is a prime ideal of K{Y,X}. Since by Theorem 32.7 K{Y,X} is a Jacobson A n d since K Y x ring, then F(Y,X)K{Y,X} is equal to C\M€A(F)Mi>} is noetherian, the family of infinite sets A(J) contained in A(I) obvi ously admits minimal elements. Let N be such a minimal element, and let S = C\fi4eN^Then S contains I. Suppose that two elements / , g G K{Y, X) satisfy fg G S,f $. S,g £ S. Then the ideal generated by / and S strictly contains V, hence A(/) does not contain L, therefore
Universal Generators in Tate Algebras
A(f)nN is finite. Similarly, A(g)(~)N is finite, and so is A(g)t~)N. But this is a contradiction to the hypothesis fg € S. Consequently, <S is a prime ideal of K{Y, X} which contains X. Let S' = S n K{Y}. Suppose first S' ^ {0}. Since S' is a prime ideal of K{Y} and since K{Y} is isomorphic to H(U), by Theorem 19.2 S' is of the form (V — a)K{Y}, with a G U. For every Ai € N, the unique x £ ^ ( / ^ { y , X}) such that Xer(x) = A4 must satisfy F(a, x(x)) = 0, an equa tion that only has finitely many solutions, and therefore L is finite, a contra diction. Consequently, we have <S' = {0}. Since X C <S, there exists a canon ical homomorphism 6 from A onto —^—*-. But since SnK{Y} = {0}, #(:r) is integral over K { F } and then irr(0(x), K{Y}) divides F in K{Y}[X\. But since F is irreducible in K{Y}[X], irr(9(x),K{Y}) is just F(Y,X), hence 5 = F(Y, X)K{Y, X}, and therefore X = S = F(Y,X)K{Y,X}.
a T h e o r e m 38.3: K is supposed to have characteristic 0. Let A be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divisors of zero of the form K{Y}[x\ where x is a universal generator of A. Let n-l
F(Y, X)=Xn
+ ^(ai
+ biY +
= irr(x,K{Y})
and suppose that \\F\\ = 1. Let P(X) = Xn+ Y™~o o^X1 let Q(X) = - YTCo hiXi, and let D = sp(x). Then A is isomorphic to both H(D) and (p/x)-YQ('x))KiYx\ ■ Proof: Since A is an integral domain, by Theorem 35.4 we can consider that the norm of A is its spectral norm |j . | | S j . By Condition (iv) in Proposition 38.1 Q has no zero in D, so § belongs to R(D). Then Q{x) doesn't lie in any maximal ideal of A because if there existed x £ %{A) such that x{Q(x)) — 0> then we would have simultaneously Q(x(x)) = 0 and x(x) € D. Consequently, Q(x) is invertible in A. Let Z = Q S - For each a € D, we put
ua{Y) = E7:^fY)
6 K{Y).
By Relation (iv) in Proposition 38.1 we have
E:=O^(Y) Q(a)
< 1 Va € D.
Ultrametric Banach
t(y) Let f(Y) = E " = £f'f - Consider Q(x)
e # ( 4 ) and let x(ar) = a. Then
£r=~o^(x(y)) Q(«)
< -
ESL^f(y) Q(a)
< 1.
Consequently | x ( / ) | < 1 Vx e ^(-A)- Therefore by Proposition 31.9 we have ||/Q0||ai < 1. On the other hand, we have Z — Y — f(Y) hence by Theorem 35.6 K{Z} is a topologically pure extension of K and of course its residue class ring is equal to this of K{Y}. Consequently by Proposition 30.6 A is finite over K{Z}. Let B = K{Z~\\x\. Since P, Q are relatively prime, by Theorem 37.2 B is Krasner-Tate algebra, and since it has no non zero divisors of zero, it is a principal ring, hence in particular, it is integrally closed. Of course, A is finite over B so, by Theorem 1.19 x is a spectrally injective element of B. As a Krasner-Tate algebra B is semisimple. Consequently, by Theorem 1.19 we have A — B. Now, by Theorem 37.2 X{^}[x] is the Krasner-Tate algebra H(D'), with D' = Z~X(IJ). And by Proposition 38.1 we have D' = D. □ Proposition 38.4: Let A be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divi sors of zero of the form K{Y}[x] where x is a spectrally injective element and let F(Y,X) = irr(x,K{Y}) e Jsr{Y'}[.X']. If x is not a universal gen erator of A, then we have p ^ 0, | y = 0, and further, there exists t € N such that K{YP }[x] is a Krasner-Tate algebra admitting x as a universal generator. Proof:
Let F(Y, X) = £™ =0 fjXj.
For all A e K we put OO
F(y,A) = ]Ta A , m y m . m=0
Suppose x is not a universal generator. By Proposition 38.1 there exists v G K such that F(Y,v) is neither invertible nor irreducible in K{Y}, therefore, by Theorem 17.2 there exists q > 1 such that K , | > K,i\ Vj < q
Let r e]0, i^imax^^di^iDt- N o w > for e v e r y 3 < Q, and for all A e d(v,r), it easily seen that \a\,q\ = \
Universal Generators in Tate Algebras
Vg e K{Y}, and x ( s ) = A, and similarly, x"{g) = X"(g) V G K{Y} and x(x) — A. Thus, x — A lies in Ker(x') D Ker(x"), a contradiction to the hypothesis "as spectrally injective". Consequently, for each A G d(i/, r ) , F ( F , A) admits a unique zero a(A). But then, by (38.1), a(X) is a zero of order > q for every A e d{v,r). Consequently, we have 53^ = 0 A*/j(a(A)) = 0 VA G d(u,r). Therefore, the set of maximal ideals of K{Y, X} which contain both F and | £ is infinite. But since A is an integral domain, by Lemma 38.2 the ideal generated by J £ and F in K{Y,X} is just equal to F{Y,X)K{Y,X}. Consequently, F must divide f f in K{Y,X}. Hence, by Corollary 7.6 F must divide ^ in if{Y}[X], which obviously implies ^y = 0 because | y is a polynomial of degree q — 1. Hence, we have / / = 0 Vi = 0 , . . . , n, and therefore each fi is of the form gf, with g G if{Y}. Now, putting Yx = Y?, and F i ( y i , X ) = F(Y,X), by Theorem 1.19 x is a spectrally injective element of l
Ultrametric Banach
Proof of Theorem 38.6: Let D = spA(x) and let B = H(D). Since A is an integral domain, and since A is complete for its spectral norm, B is clearly the completion of the if-subalgebra R(D) of A. Suppose B ^ A and let g € A \ B. By Theorem 1.19 the characteristic p of K is different from 0, and g is of the form rt/f, with / e A and t e N*. Now, let a e D . Since x is a universal generator, and since g — g(a) vanishes at a, clearly / admits a as a zero of order pl. Consequently, / ' is identically zero, hence by Theorem 16.10 $Tf belongs to B. Putting / i = /, we have g = p t " v / 7i, and for the same reason, we can see that every point a S D is a zero of order p ' _ 1 o f / i , hence ^//i a l s o belongs to £?. Thus, by induction, we can see that g belongs to B. □ Theorem 38.5 lets us find a sufficient condition to assure that the inverse mapping of an injective analytic element is an analytic element, an old and general problem which usually has no solution as shows the classic example of the injective function (1 +x)q defined in d(0,1~), with values in the same disk, whereas the inverse mapping of which does not belong to H(d(0, l~)). Theorem 38.7: K is supposed to have characteristic 0. Let D be an infraconnected affinoid subset of K and let f € H(D) be injective in D. Then f(D) is affinoid and / _ 1 belongs to H(f(D)). Proof: Since H(D) is Krasner-Tate algebra, /(£>) is affinoid by Theorem 36.2. Since / is an injective function, it is a spectrally injective element of the Krasner-Tate algebra H(D). Then, since K has characteristic 0, by Theorem 38.4 / is a universal generator of H(D). On the other hand, as a Krasner-Tate algebra, H(D) is of the form K{y}[:c], where K{Y} is a topologically pure extension of K and x is the identical mapping on D. Now, since all maximal ideals of H(D) have codimension 1, by Theorem 19.2 we know that sp(f) = f(D), so by Theorem 38.5 we have H(D) = K{Y}[f], so H(D) is isomorphic to H(f(D)) because sp(f) = f{D). Then, the homomorphism cf> from H(f(D)) to H(D) defined as (j>{h) = ft o / is an isomorphism. Consequently, by Corollary 17.10 we know that f^1 belongs
to H(f(D)).
Chapter 39
Mappings from H{D) to the Tree Mult{K[x})
We show that every element / e H(D) has continuation to a mapping / * from Mult(H(D), || . \\D) to Mult(K[x]). Given a circular filter T e <j>{D) the mapping that associates to each / G H{D) the multiplicative seminorm f*{T) is uniformly continuous with respect to the norm of H{D) and the metric 5 on Mult(K[x\). Lemma 39.1: Let h £ K(x) and let T be a circular filter of center a and diameter r such that d(a,r~) contains no pole of h. Then h{T) is a base of the circular filter of center h{a) and diameter r such that h has neither any zero nor any poles in T(a,r',r) U V(a,r,r"). Suppose first that r £ \K\. Then, h has neither any poles nor any zeros inside T(a,r',r"), and therefore by Corollary 17.5 h(T(a,r',r") is an annulus T(b,s',s"), with s' < s < s". So, B belongs to H. Now, suppose that r e \K\. Then in each annulus T(a,r',r) and r ( o , r, r"), h{x) — b is equal to a Laurent series whose constant coefficient is 0. Then by Corollary 17.5 h(T(a, r', r)) is an annulus of the form r(6, s', s) with s' < s, hence B contains T(b,s',s). We will show that in each class d(c,s~) of d(b,s) there exists a € B. Since r e \K\, by Lemma 12.1 we know that s & \K\, and therefore without loss of generality we can assume that r = s = 1, and of course a = b = 0. Suppose that a class d(c, 1~) of U is such that d(c, 1~) D B = 0 . Since a = b = 0 and r = s = 1, h is of 233
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the form | | f | with (P,Q) = 1 and ||P|| = ||Q|| = 1. Let K be the residue class field of K and for all X €U, let A be the class of A in K. Similarly, for every P e K[x], we denote by P the residue class of P in }C[x}. Then the equation P(x) = ~cQ(x) has no solutions, a contradiction to the fact that K. is algebraically closed. Consequently, B n d(c,s~) is not empty whenever c € d(b,s). In the same way, through a change of variable of the form u = —r- we can show that Bn(K\ d(b, s)) ^ 0. Consequently, by Lemma 10.2 B lies in H, and therefore T' = H. D Proposition 39.2: Let T be a large circular filter on K and let h € K(x). Then h(J-) is a base of a circular filter denoted by /i*(.F), such that
Proof: Let r = diam(T). Suppose first that T has a center a. With out loss of generality we can assume that h has no poles in d(a,r~) because there does exist center b such that d(b,r~) contains no poles of h. Then by Lemma 39.1 h(!F) is a base of the circular filter Q of cen ter h(a) and diameter |an|p™ Vn ^ m, Vp e]r, s[. LetT (resp. Q) be the circular filter of center a and diameter r (resp. s). Then, h*(T) (resp. ht(Q)) is the circular filter of center 0 and diameter \am\rm (resp. \am\sm). Proof: By Lemma 39.1 h(T) is a base of a circular filter P'. Let (an)neN be a sequence of F(a,r,s) such that \an — a\ > \an+\ — a\ Vn £ N and limn-.+oo \an\ = r. Then the sequence h(an)ne^ is thinner than T'. But since h(x) is equal to the Laurent series 2 - T O ° « ( X ~~ a)n ^x e ^iairis) and since there exists an integer m € Z* such that | a m | / j m > |an|p n Vn ^ m, V/o e]r, s[, we can see that the sequence \h(an)\nen is strictly decreasing and tends to a limit r' = | a m | / m - Consequently, T' is the circular filter of center 0 and diameter r'. Similarly, h(Q) is a base of a circular filter Q'. By
Mappings from H(D) to the Tree Mult(K[x])
considering a sequence (bn)n€^ of T(a, r, s) such that \bn — a\ < \bn+i — a\ and limn_»oo |6 n | = s, we can show that Q' is the circular filter of center 0 and diameter s' = linin^oo IM&n)| = l a m|s m . □ Corollary 39.4: Let h G K(x) have no poles in an annulus T(a, r, s) and be equal to a Laurent series ^2J^o,n(x — a)n Vx G F(a,r,s). Assume that \am\pm > Wn\pn Vn ^ 0, m, V/9 €]r, s[. Let T (resp. Q) be the circular filter of center a and diameter r (resp. s). Then, h*(.F) (resp. h*(Q)) is the circular filter of center a^ and diameter \am\rm (resp. \am\sm). Lemma 39.5: LetJ-, Q be two circular filters having a center a, such that T -< Q, let S be the class of Q(Q), T is secant with. Let h G K(x) have no zeros and no poles in E \ Q(!F) and be such that \h(x)\ is not constant in E \ Q(F)- Let w be the absolute degree of h. Then diam(h*(<3)) | I diam(h*(J-)) loo — I
/diam(Q)\w Kdiam^)/
Moreover /i*(.F) and h*(G) are comparable for the order X. Proof: Let r = diam(T) and let s — diam(Q). In T(a,r, s), h(x) is equal to a Laurent series £Z-oo ctn(x — a)n- Since h has no zeros and no poles in T(a, r, s), by Lemma 17.4 there exists a unique integer m G Z such that | a m | p m > \an\pn Vn ^ m, Vp e]r, s[, and since \h(x)\ is not constant in E \ Q(T), by Lemma 12.7 we have m ^ 0. Consequently, by Corollary 39.4, h*(J-) is the circular filter of center a 0 and diameter |a TO |r m , and h*(Q) is the circular filter of center a^ and diameter | a m | s m . Particularly, h*(T) and h*(Q) are comparable. Next, we have /diam(Q)\m Kdiam^);
diam(ht:(Q)) diam(h*(T))
Now, given a number t > 1, we notice that |1 — t\oo > \1 — ||oo, and consequently, we have 1-
diam(K(g)) diamfo^J7))
/diam(Q)\m \diam(T)
On the other hand, by Corollary 12.8 m is the difference between the num ber of zeros and the number of poles of h inside Q(JF). Hence |m|oo < w,
Ultrametric Banach
and therefore by (39.1) we obtain 1-
diam(h*(Q)) diam(h*{!F))
/diam(G)y \ diam{T I
n Lemma 39.6: Let T be a circular filter of center a and diameter r. Let h G K (x) and let w be the absolute degree of h. Then there exists s < r such that every circular filter Q of center a and diameter p £ [s,r[ satisfies 1
diam(h*(Q)) diam{h*(T))
< 1
/ diam(G) y V diam{T) J
Moreover T and Q are comparable for the order ^ . Proof: We can find v G]0, r[ such that h has no poles in T(a, v, r). Hence, inside T(a,v,r), f(x) is equal to a Laurent series 5 Z - r o a « ( x ~ a)™- Let f(x) = h(x) — ao and let f(x) = X]-ro a ri( x — a ) " - There exists s €]v,r[ such that / has no zeros inside T(a, s,r). Since a'0 = 0, |/(x)| is not constant inside T(a,s,r), hence we can apply Lemma 39.5 to / and then for every circular filter G of center a and diameter p G [s, r[, we have 1
diam(h*(G)) diam{h*{T))
< 1
/ diam(Q) \ ' \diam(T))
and T and G are comparable for the order -<. On the other hand, since f*{T) and /*((?) have center 0, then by Corol lary 39.4 /i*(.F) and h*(G) have center aoO Theorem 39.7 ([11]): Let D be a closed bounded subset of K and let f G H(D). Let T G ®(D). There exists a unique circular filter /*(•?-") less thin than the filter admitting for base f[T n D) and satisfying
G Mult(H(D'),\\
and for all g G H(D'), it satisfies
Proof: For every P G K[x], we put ip{P) =
Mappings from H(D) to the Tree Mult(K[x])
of / * and /». Let T& be the intersection of T with D. Let J-' be the filter on K admitting for base f(JrD)- Suppose first that T' is not less thin than Q. Then we can find a sequence thinner than T' which is either a monotonous distances sequence, or an equal distances sequence or a cauchy sequence, and then this sequence is thinner than another circular filters H. Consequently, T' is secant with another circular filters H. Hence we have V>(P) = tpg(P) =(pnyp e K[x], hence by Theorem 13.1 H = G, therefore T' is thinner than Q. Let D' be a closed bounded set containing f{D). By Proposition 17.8, for all g G H{D'), g o f belongs to H(D), and we check that ). Given f,g 6 H(D) such that f*{T) =£ g*{f), diam(suv{f*{F),g*{T)) = ||/-S||D-
Let then
Corollary 39.9: Let D be a closed bounded subset of K. Let T G &(D). Given f,g e H{D), then 5(gt(F),f,(r)) < \\f - g\\D. Further, if \\f g\\D < diam{s\xp(ft(J:),gt,{J::)), then ft(F) = g*{T). R e m a r k : In [3] it is shown that when two elements / and g of H{D) are such that ||/ — g\\o is small enough, then f*{T) = g*{F)N o t a t i o n : For every tp G Mult(H(D), || . \\D), we denote by Z^ the mapping from H(D) to Mult(K[x\) defined as Z^(f) = f*(ip). Corollary 39.10: Let D be a closed bounded subset of K. Then Z^ is continuous with respect to the norm on H{D) and to both topolo gies on Mult(K[x]) and it is uniformly continuous with respect to the metric S on Mult(K[x]). Moreover, the family of mappings Z^, (> G Mult(H(D), || . ||o)) is uniformly equicontinuous with respect to the metric 5 on Mult{K[x\). Corollary 39.11: Let D be a closed bounded subset of K and for every ip G Mult(H(D), || . ||jr>), Then Z^ is continuous with respect to the norm on H(D) and to the topologies of simple convergence on Mult(K[x}).
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Chapter 40
Continuous Mappings on
Every analytic element on a closed bounded set D has expansion to a function from Mult(H(D), || . ||JD) to Mult{K[x\) which is continuous with respect to both topologies on Mult(K[x\). The family of functions Zyr defined by circular filters secant with D as Z^(f) = f*{!F) is a uni formly equicontinuous family with respect to the <5-topology on Mult(K[x\). Results apply to meromorphic functions in K which define open continuous function with respect to the topology of simple convergence. Such a map ping is increasing with respect to the order of the tree Mult(K[x]) if and only if it is an entire function. Now, let D = h~l{U). We have a natural mapping from H(U) into H(D), and another from Mult(H(D), || . \\D) into Mult(H(U), || . ||[/). We show that the Gauss norm || . \\u on H{U) has a number of continuations to the Krasner-Tate algebra H(D) which is equal to the cardinal of E(-D). Theorem 40.1 ([11]): Let D be a closed bounded subset of K and let f € H{D). Let T € $(£>). The mapping f* from Mult(H(D), || . \\D) to Mult{K[x\) defined as f*(9*(&)) — 11/ ~~ 9\\D w e c a n clearly reduce us to the case when / € R(D) without loss of generality, what we will assume. Let r = | | / | | D Since R(D) is dense inside H(D), we can assume that / e R(D) without 239
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
loss of generality. Let w be the absolute degree of / . Let e be > 0. Since / is uniformly continuous in D, we can find v e]0, r[ such that \x — y\ < 2v implies \f(x) - f(y)\ < f. Now, let r\ e]0, \\ satisfy T
V,, _
+ v(l + | l - (
V —2r/y
rioo)(u-(^?ric >)) < e. v — Ar\ /v
(40.1) Consider now f , ^ e $(D) such that <5(^, 5) < 77 and let 5 = sup(^", Q). Suppose first that diam{T) < v, diam(G) < v. Then diam(S) < v + T) < 2v. Therefore, Q(S) is a disk d(a, p) with p < 2v. such that both T, Q are secant with d(a,p). We notice that given a G D, every set A included in d(a,u) is such that A C d(f(a), §). Therefore, we have S(f(a),f(T)) < \ and finally 5 ( / , ( ^ ) , / . ( a ) ) < 5(/,(.F), /(a)) + «5(/(a), /*(£)) < e. Now, suppose that diam{T) > v. Consider the ball Bs of center a n d by Lemma 39.6 we check that <
r + 2r)
therefore r + 2r] r — 2rj
Similarly, we obtain 5{S': Q') = \diam(S') - cZiam(£')loo = ?\1 - (^] Now by the hypothesis on s' and t' we check that 1 -
< 1CO
(t'\ b V / s
< 00
t + 2T] t-2r)
r + 4r) r — Ar)
therefore we obtain
r + 4rj r — 4T]
But by (40.2) we have \t' - r'\ < r'\l
rr+2r] 2V>
we obtain S(S',G') < r ' ( l + |1 - ( £ ^ ) sequently, by (40.2) again, we have 5(F',g')
», therefore by (40.3) ( £ g r i o o ) , and con-
r + 2r,y r-2ri)
\ W
1 +
Mappings on Mult(K[xJ)
(r + 2r \r-2r )
Ar\ r — Arj
But by hypothesis, r' < T and f < r, hence
1 +
v ~2r\
i/ + A-q v — Ar)
Consequently, by (40.1), we obtain 5'(^F',Q') < e, and so much the more £(■?-"',§') < e. Thus we have proven in every cases that &{T,Q) < T\ implies 5(F',G')<*-
Theorem 40.2: Assume K is separable, let D be a closed bounded sub set of K and let f e H(D). The mapping f* from Mult(H{D),\\ . \\D) to Mult(K[x]) defined as f*(
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to the complexity to define distances such as V. And yet, the answer might depend on the distance we consider defining the topology of simple conver gence. Anyway, we can state Theorem 40.3. Theorem 40.3 Assume K is separable and let D be a closed bounded subset of K. The family of functions Z^,, <j> € Mult(H(D), || . ||D) is uniformly equicontinuous on every ball of H(D) with respect to any metric defining the topology of simple convergence on Mult(H(D), || . \\D). Proof: Let d be a distance defining the topology of simple conver gence on Mult(H(D),\\ . \\D). Suppose that the family {Z,p \ (j> e Mult(H(D), || . | | D ) } is not uniformly equicontinuous on certain ball {/ e H(D) | II/HD < TO}- There exists a sequence (v^„) n eN of Mult(H(D), || . ||D), t > 0 and asequence (fn,gn)ne(<s of pairs of elements of H(D) such that l i m ^ ^ ||#„-/„||z> = 0 and d(fZ(iprn),gZ(iprJ) >, Hffnllo) < m Vn G N and since Mult{K[x\) is locally compact, we can extract an increasing sequence of integers (q(n)n&^) such that the sequence (tpjn )„ e w con verges in MultK([x}) to a limit ipr with respect to the topology of simple convergence. But then, by Proposition 14.5 the sequence (ipg> )neN also converges to tpr, with respect to the topology of simple convergence, a contradiction to the hypothesis d(tpjr^,tpgi) >t. □ N o t a t i o n : We shall denote by A(K) the if-algebra of entire functions in K i.e. the power series with coefficients in K whose convergence radius is infinite. And we denote by M.{K) the field of meromorphic functions in K, i.e. the field of fractions of A(K). Given / e M(K), we will denote by 7r(/) the set of poles of / . Now, we will apply Theorem 40.1 to meromorphic functions. Lemma 40.4 is immediate: Lemma 40.4: Let f e M.{K) and let A be an affinoid such that ir(f) D ,4 = 0. ThenfeH(A). Proof: We can write / in the form %, where g, h € A{K) and h(x) ^ 0 Vx € A, hence h is invertible in H(A). □ Lemma 40.5: Let A be an affinoid set, let f € H{A), let B = Thenf„{$(A))=$(B).
Mappings on Mult(K[x])
Proof: Let Q € $(B). Let (6 n ) n6 pj be a sequence of B thinner than Q and let (a„)„SN be a sequence of A such that f(an) = bn Vn G N. Since the sequence (an)neN is bounded, by Corollary 10.8 we can extract a subsequence which is thinner than a circular filter T. Then T G $(A). And then by Theorem 39.7 the sequence (6„)„gN is thinner than f*{J-), hence /»(.F) = 5□ T h e o r e m 40.6: Let f G .M(K') and let T be a circular filter on K which is not the filter of neighborhoods of a pole of f. Then f(J-) is a base of a cir cular filter f*^) such that Af - 9) and if
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let A be a jF-affinoid containing no poles of / . Let B — f(A) and let Q = /,(?). Then B lies in g. Let us put W = Mult(H(A), || . \\A) and Z = Mult{H(B), || . | | B ) . Thus, Z is a neighborhood of
Proof: Let / e A(K). Let T, g € Mult{K[x\) be such that T < g. Let s = diam(g) and let r = diam(T). We can find a center a of g such that 5(a,J-) < s. Let p — 5{a,!F). Without loss of generality we can assume a = 0. Let f{x) = Y^=oanxnThen we know that fj^(f) < sup„ e N \an\pn < sup„ e N |a„|s n = Vs(/)> which proves that /* is not increasing. □ Remarks: Let us restrict to rational functions and to circular filters with center. As we saw in Chapter 13, a circular filter J- of center a and diameter r > 0 defines a generic disk which is a transcendental element r over K [15]. Let h e K(x) and let g = h*{T). Let | . | be the absolute value on K{T) defined by T as |/(-r)| = pT{f) V/ € K(x). Thus for every / e K(x) we have | / ( r ) | = ) =
Continuous Mappings on Mult(K[x])
Proof: If T is not secant with D, then /*(J-) is not secant with E because D = f~1(E). Now, suppose that T is secant with D. Then f*(T) is obviously secant with E because so is the filter admitting for base f(J-). First we suppose T to be D-bordering. Suppose that f*{T) is not Ebordering. Then, f*(T) is not secant with K\E There exists A G f*(J-) such that A C E. But since D = f~l(E) of course we have f~l(A) C D, -1 but / (^4) G T, a contradiction to the hypothesis F «s D-bordering. Now, suppose that F is not D-bordering. Then it admits an element A c D. Hence f{A) C E therefore f*(F) is not D-bordering. Consequently S(JB) = /*(£(!>)) and E(D) = ( D " 1 ^ ) ) D Corollary 40.9: Let Q be a circular filter of center a and diameter r G \K\, let h G K{x) and let D = h,-l{d{a,r)). Then {h*)-l{{Q}) = £(£>). R e m a r k s : In [41] E. Motzkin claims that the tree of a quasi-connected set is conserved through a conformal mapping. According to our definitions, this suggests that given a bounded closed infraconnected set D and an injective element of H(D) might (under certain hypothesis) define a strictly monotonous continuous mapping from &(D) onto $(/(£>)). And under more restrictive hypothesis, / _ 1 should belong to H(f(D)). Theorem 40.10 [11]: Let H(D) be a Krasner-Tate algebra of the form K{h}[x], with h e K{x), deg(h) > 0, and D = h'1^). Let S be the set of D-bordering filters. Then S is finite and the restriction of § to S is a bisection from S onto the set of ip G Mult(H(D), || . \\D) expanding the Gauss norm on K{h} to K{h}[x]. Proof: Let Q be the {/-bordering circular filter. Then the Gauss norm on K{h} is ipg. Let 7 be the homomorphism from H(U) into H{D) defined as 7(/) = foh, / G H(U). By Corollary 40.9 7 -1 ({Vff}) i s t h e s e t o f ¥>^ where T is a D-bordering filter. On the other hand, h~^{U) is an affinoid set, hence by Lemma 10.10 the set of D-bordering filters is finite. Hence, when considering H(D) as a finite extension of K{h}, the extensions of the Gauss norm on K{h} to H(D) are the p? when T is a D-bordering filter.
□ Remark: Let D be an infraconnected affinoid set and let H(D) = K{h}[x], with h G K{x), dega(h) > 0, and D = h~l{U). Since D has finitely many holes, so much the more it has finitely many envelopes of holes d{a,j,rj), (1 < j < q). Let D = d(a0,r0). The D-bordering fil ters, and therefore the Shilov boundary of i
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
with j = 0 , . . . ,q. Then in the Krasner-Tate algebra H(D) = K{h}[x], the Gauss norm on K{h} admits q + l different extensions to K{/i}[x] which are the ipy?.. In particular the Gauss norm admits only one extension if and only if every holes of D have the same diameter as D itself. On the other hand, it is well known that an absolute value denned on a complete field X admits a unique expansion to any algebraic extension. Here, we don't consider a complete field, but a complete ring K{h}, and a finite extension AT{/i}[x]. The Gauss norm on K{h} can admit several distinct expansions to jF£f{/i}[:r] because the field of fractions F of if{/i}[:r] is not complete, so an element of Jlf{/i}[a;] can admit a conjugate over F which actually lies in the completion of F. Example: Let h{x) = x + j , with a € K, such that \a\ < 1, let r = \a\, and let D = {x | r < \x\ < 1}. Then we check that D = /i _ 1 (f/), and there are two /^-bordering circular filters: the circular filter T' of center 0 and diameter r, and the circular filter T" of center 0 and diameter 1. Then, the Krasner-Tate algebra H{D) is obviously equal to A"{/i}[x], and the Gauss norm on K{h) admits two extensions to K{h}[x\: ipjn and ipr». Now, if we take \a\ = 1, then T' = T": the Gauss norm on K{h} has a unique extension to H(D).
Chapter 41
Examples and Counterexamples
In this chapter, several typical examples let us answer natural questions. Consider a commutative uniform Banach K-algebva. with unity A contain ing a dense iiT-algebra of finite type: A is not necessarily a K-affinoid algebra. It is also a natural question to ask whether a noetherian Banach K-algebra H(D) such that ||/||o S \K\ V/ € H(D), containing a dense Luroth A'-subalgebra, is a K-affinoid algebra. The answer is no in the general case, again. Other examples will be useful to Chapter 43. Theorem 41.1: Let A be a noetherian commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebra with unity satisfying Property (p). Let x e A be such that P(x) ^ 0 VP 6 K[x\. Then sa{x) is infinite. Proof: Suppose sa(x) is finite and equal to {ai,...,aq}. Let g = n ' = i ( x ~ aj)- T h u s w e h a v e IMIsa = 0. hence by Property p), \\g\\si = 0. Let I be the ideal of the / € A such that fgn = 0 for some n € N, let B = y and let 9 be the canonical surjection from A onto B. Let t = 9{g). Clearly t ^ 0 because by hypothesis g is not nilpotent. We will show that t is regular in B. Let z € B be such that tz = 0 and let w € A be such that 9(w) = z. Thus wg £ I, so there exists n € N such that (gw)gn = 0, thereby w e I and z = 0, so t is regular. Since 7 is a closed ideal of A, B is a Banach K-algebra with respect to the quotient norm j[ . \\q. Now, since \\g\\Si = 0 and since ||0(/)Hg < ||/|| V/ £ A, in B we have lim„_ (X) ^/|]t"|| g = 0. Consequently, there exists an increasing sequence of integers un such that lim™-^ iit„ .. 247
= 0 because otherwise
there would exist a > 0 such that | | i n + 1 | | g > fl||tn||g Vn € N which would lead t o linin^oo \ / | | i " | | g > a. Since t is regular, the mapping ip defined in B as tp(z) = tz is a con tinuous K-vector space isomorphism from B onto tB. But since a quotient of a noetherian ring B is noetherian, by Corollary 30.4 tB is closed in B with respect t o || . || g . Consequently, tB is complete for || . ||g, therefore by Banach's Theorem, ip is bicontinuous. Now, let (Zn)n€N be a sequence in K such that 1 < ||i n * u " II? < 2. Clearly, lim„_oo ||*u**+1||g = 0? s o the sequence (yn) defined as yn = lntUn satisfies Ill/nil? > 1> a n d li m rwoo llV'd/n)!!? = 0, a contradiction to the bicontinuity ofV»□ We shall establish Proposition 41.2, already stated in [18] as proposition IV.8. Proposition 41.2: Let («„)ngN be a sequence in K such that \an\ < |a„+i| , |«n| £ \K\, Vn € N and lim„_,oo |a n | = r e \K\. For each n e N, let dn = \an\, let rn e \K\ be such that 0 < rn < dn, let Dn = {£ € K | |f - o„| < r n } andte£D = C(0,r) U (u£° =0 .D n ). Then H(D) is a non noetherian Banach K-algebra such that \\f\\o € \K\ V/ € H(D), and its K-subalgebra K[x, j ] is dense in H(D). Proof: Since D has infinitely many infraconnected components, by Corol lary 16.13 we know that H(D) is not noetherian. We will show that II/HD € \K\ V / € i/(£>). Let / e H{D) ( / ^ 0) and let h e R(D) be
such that ||/ — h\\o < | | / | | D : of course | | / | | D = ||/I||D, SO we just have to show that \\h\\o € \K\. We can find s €]0,r[ such that h has neither any zeros, nor any poles inside 17(0, s,r). Let T = T(0, s,r). Let q e N be such that rq > s and D' = (XL,j + i Dn and D" = D \ D'. Suppose first that \\h\\D = \\h\\D»- Each set C(0, r ) , Z?„ (n e N) is calibrated and strongly infraconnected. Hence, by Theorem 16.6 we check that there exists a 6 D" such that ||/I||D" = \h(a)\, so ||/i||z>" € \K\. We now suppose that ||/I||ZJ > ||/i||£>", hence ||/i|| D = ||/i||i?'. Since /i has neither any zeros nor any poles inside T , by Corollary 12.4 we know that \h(£)\ = ip0^\(h) V£ e T. Next, we notice that D' C T , and more precisely, D' C U^_g_)_iC'(0,(iri). Consequently, (||/I||D' — su P£eTn£>' l^(£)l = su Pn>? = 0 = v(h,log(rq+1)), hence by Theorem 12.9, ||/I||D' € \K\ because rq+i € \K\. Now, suppose i > 0. Then -log(||/i||rr) = lim n _ > 0 0 u(/i,-logr n ) = ^ ( / i , - l o g r ) . But
Examples and Counterexamples
of course, by Corollary 12.4 v{h{£)) = v(h, — logr) is true in all classes of C(0, r ) , except at most in finitely many ones, which contradicts our hypoth esis \\h\\D > \\h\\D„. This finishes showing that \\f\\D e \K\ V/ e H(D). Now, we will show that the K-algebra B = K[x, A] is dense in H(D), which is not easy. Let A be the closure of B in H(D). Actually it is sufficient to show that for every a £ K \ D, -^^ belongs to A. So, we fix a € K \ D. By Lemma 16.4, we just have to show that there exists ha € R{D) fl A such that |/i 0 (a)| > ll^allo- When \a\ > r, we just take ha = x. And since C(0,r) C D, it only remains us to consider the case when |o| < r. Let q be the biggest of the integers n such that \a\ > dn. Then we can check that either \an — ai\ > dn Vn € N or \aq — ai\ < dq. We first suppose that \an — dn Vn € N. Let A e K be such that |A| = dq+i, and let u = - . We will construct /o, ■ ■ ■ ,fq € H(.D) satisfying 1/^)1 = l V£ e K such that |£ - a,j\ > dj
(41.1) (41.2)
<1V£€DJ. k=j
In order to constructing such fo,-..,fq, to, • • • tq satisfying
we first define positive integers
< 1.
Indeed, since Tj < dj Vj, we can easily define such integers tj by a downing induction on j beginning at tq. Now we put fj = [^~-J ' (0 < j < g). Clearly / 0 ,..-/<, satisfy (41.1). We will check they satisfy (41.2). Indeed, let £ e -D,. We have l/*(OI = ( j ) ^ V * = j + l , . . . « , and | / , ( 0 | < ( ^ ' , Consequently we obtain
"(on/*® k=j
and | u ( 0 | = %■
Thus we have constructed / 0 , . . . , / , satisfying (41.1) and (41.2).
Ultrametric Banach
Now, let ha = uYl1=0fk- We will check that ha satisfies ||ft0||z> < 1 < \ha(a)\. Indeed, let £ G C(0,r). We have |u(f)| = ^ < 1 and |/,-(£)| = 1 Vj = 0 , . . . ,q thanks to (41.1). Consequently, when £ G C(0,r) we have |/i0(£)l < 1- Now, if £ G Dm with m > q, we have |u(£)l = ^ < 1 a n d |/j(£)| = 1. And finally, when £ G D m with m < q, then by (41.1) we have I/; (01 = 1 Vj = 0 , . . . , g - 1, hence |A o (0l = K O I I L , - A ( 0 I < L which finishes proving that ||/ia||D < 1- O n * n e other hand, since by hypothesis dq < \a\ < dq+1, we have |u(£)l = |^| > 1, so by (41.1) we check that l/7'(C)l = 1 Vj = 0 , . . . , 9 , which shows that |ft 0 ( a )| > 1We now suppose \aq a\ < dq. First, let us choose w G N such that
(dq y ^ rq \da+\)
Let v G K be such that (41.6)
M = (dq+ly and let y = -^. We will define g\,...
,gq G R(D) satisfying (41.1) and
'(HySglliV 1 ) < \y(a)gg(a)\
and q-1
v(Z)l[9i(t) < 1 V£ G U A-
In order to constructing go,...,gq, So,...,sq such that sq = 1, and
±_ ^ "^
n ( ^ r ( i=n+l
we first choose positive integers
^ ) - < l V n = 0,.
. It is easily seen that go,...,
satisfy (41.1). We will show that they satisfy (41.7) and (41.8). Let n <
Examples and Counterexamples
q — 1. Given £ € D, we have 1*01 = ^
l*(OI = ( £ ) " v i = n + l , . . . , * and l*.(fll = ( g ) '
Thus, by (41.9) Relation (41.8) is satisfied. Finally by (41.5) we obtain
\u\ \ f\a-an\\
r„ \
On the other hand we have
V d, *q
> \y(Ogg(0\ V£ e Dq,
which shows that gq satisfies (41.8). Consequently, we have constructed g0,---,gq satisfying (41.7) and (41.8). We can now conclude. Let ha(x) = yYln=o9n- Clearly ha satisfies \ha(a)\ = \y(a)gq(a)\ and \ha(0\ = |j/(Off«(0l v £ € D« h e n c e b y ( 41 - 7 ) w e have \ha{a)\ > max(||/i a ||0 , !)■ On the other hand we have
1^(01=^)11^) I
< 1 V£ € Dn Vn ^ q-
Consequently, \ha(a)\ > \\ha\\D.
a Theorem 41.3: Let A be a commutative ultrametric Banach K-algebra with unity, satisfying Property (q), containing a dense Luroth K-subalgebra. Then A satisfies Property (p). Proof: Let B = K[h,x] be a dense Luroth .ftT-subalgebra of A, with h e K{x). We will first show that sa{x) = sp(x). let D = sp(x), let a & D, and let \ be defined on B by x(f) = f(a)- Suppose there exists / s B such that ll/H > |/(a)|. Then by Theorem 6.13 / ( a ) - / is invertible in A. Let g = (/(a) - / ) - 1 . Then, by Lemma 1.8 x — a belongs to K[g,x\, hence to A, a contradiction. Consequently, we have | x ( / ) | < ||/|| V/ € B, which shows that \ is continuous, and therefore has continuation to A. So, sa(x) = sp(x). This is immediately generalized to every / e B because given / e B, by Theorem 23.4 we know that sp(f) = f(sp(x)) and sa(f) = f(sa(x)). Thus, we have ||/|| s a = T ( / ) V/ e B. But since A satisfies
Ultrametric Banach
V / e B , and since B is dense
Property (q), actually we have ||/|| s a = in ^4, finally the equality holds in all A. Theorem 41.4: norm
Let K[x] be provided with the ultrametric K-vector space
sup|a n | n
1 n+l
This norm is a K-algebra norm and the completion A of K\x] for this norm is a Banach K-algebra satisfying Property (p), such that P{x) ^ 0 VP € K[x] and such that sp(x) = {0}. Moreover, A is not noetherian. Proof: By definition, the elements of A are power series X ) ^ l o Q " 1 " such that linin-xx, | a n | ( ^ - j - ) n = 0. Consequently, given such a series X^n=o anXn, there exists q € N such that oo
= \a„
1 9+1
We first have to check that the norm is a if-algebra norm. Let S^Lo briXn and fg = X^=o cnxn- Let g e N be such that||£r=o^"l! = | C 9 | ( ^ Y ) 9 . By noticing that the inequality i W J + lJ \q-i
+ 1,
is true for every i < q we obtain II/5II < sup (| a i ||6,
-i + \/ <
1 i+ \q- 1
■ 1911
Now, it easily seen that for all b e K we have linin^^ ||(frr)™|| = 0. In — 0. Consequently the particular, for every o S K* then, limn_> series 5^L 0 (f)™ is the inverse of 1 — ^ which proves that x — a is invertible in A for all a £ K*. Therefore, sp(x) = {0} and A is a local ring whose maximal ideal is xA and has codimension 1. More precisely, we can check that ||5]| si = 0 Vg € xA. Indeed let / 6 A, let A € K and let v e K be such that v > \\f\\. Then ||(Ax/)"|| < ||(Ai/a;)n||, hence as we just saw, limn^oo ||(Aj/:r)n|| = 0. Since this is true for all A € K, by Theorem 6.9 we have ||x/|| 5 j = 0. Consequently, given any / = Y^=o anxTl £ A we have
Examples and Counterexamples
HI2£LifflnZn||si = 0, therefore || X^Loa™x™IU = |«o|- Now, consider the (unique) homomorphism x from A onto K denned as x(IZnLo anXn) = a®: it shows that ||/|| s a = ||/IUi, so A satisfies property (p). By Theorem 41.1, we notice that A is not noetherian. □ Notation: We will denote by (d) the following property, in a normed commutative if-algebra: (d) for all f £ A such that \\f\\ < 1, the sequence \\fn\\ is bounded. According to Theorem VII.7 in [18] we have Theorem 41.5: Theorem 41.5: Let \\ . \\ be the ultrametric K-vector space norm on K[x] defined by ||^n=o a n x "ll = su Po
+ 1) < loiKt + l)|6,|(j + 1) < \ak\(k + l)\bi\{l + 1) = ||/||.|| 5 ||,
therefore \ct\(t + 1) < ||/||.|| 5 || and finally ||/ 5 || < ||/||.|| ff ||. The identical mapping from (if[x], || . ||) into (if [a;], || . \\u) being obvi ously continuous, the completion A of (if[a;],|| . ||) is a if-subalgebra of H(U). For every a £ K \ U, it is seen that the series Yl'jLoia)" converges in A, so x — a is invertible in A, and consequently R(U) is included in A. Since ||/|| > || . || y , of course we have ||/|| s i > || . || y , (just because || . \\u is semi-multiplicative). On the other hand, we have ||x||Si = 1, hence < sup \aj 3=0
UiXJ j=o
and finally the equality holds for all / £ A. For every a £ U, we have a if-algebra homomorphism Xa G X(A,K) defined as Xa(f) = f(a), and this shows that ||/|| s o > \\f\\u, hence ||/|| s o > | | / | U : thus A sat isfies Property (p). Of course, A does not satisfy Property (d) because l i m ^ o o liar" II = +oo.
Ultrametric Banach
Let / € A be invertible in H{U). By Theorem 17.6 / is of the form E ° l o a n x n > w i t h \a0\ > sup„ > 0 (|a r a |). Since || . || si is induced by || . \\u, then we check that |ao| > II X^"Li anXn\\si, and therefore, by Theorem 6.13 / is also invertible in A. Consequently A is a full .KT-subalgebra of H(U). Now, we will show that each ideal of A is generated by a polynomial. First, we notice that for every a € U, g e A we have \\xg\\ > \\g\\, and therefore ||(x-a)fl||>|M|.
Let / G A satisfy / ( a ) = 0 and let / „ be a sequence in K[x] such that limn^oo ||/ - / n | | = 0. Then we have | / „ ( o ) | = \f(a) - fn(a)\
= \Xa(f ~fn)\<
11/ - / „ | | , i < 11/ " /nil-
Consequently, the sequence (fn—/(a))n<=N converges to / in A and obviously satisfies fn — f(a) = (x — a)gn, with gn £ K[x]. Hence, by (41.10) we have ||3n|| < ||/n — /n(o)||) and therefore the sequence (gn) converges in A. Let g be its limit. Thus, we have / = (x — a)g. Consider now an element / of A. As an element of H(U), it has a decomposition of the form P(x)h(x), with P a polynomial whose zeros lie in U and h an invertible element of H(U). By an immediate induction, we can see that h belongs to A, so this decomposition holds in A. And since A is a full if-subalgebra of H(U), then h is invertible in A. Now, according to a classical process, we can easily deduce that every ideal of A is generated by a polynomial whose zeros lie in U. Let / be an ideal of A, let P be the g.c.d. of polynomials which belong to / and let / € I. As we have seen, / factorizes in the form Q{x)h{x) with Q a polynomial whose zeros belong to U and h an invertible element of A. Thus Q also belongs to A, and therefore P divides Q. Hence P divides / in A, which proves that / = PA. □
Chapter 42
Associated Idempotents
Throughout the chapter, A is a commutative ultrametric Banach /^-algebra with unity. We will show that given t € A, if there exists a £-clear annulus, then A admits idempotents corresponding to the two subsets of Mult(A, || . ||) defined by the annulus. Lemma 42.1: Let x € A, and let r > \\x — a\\si with r £ \K\, let sp(x) admit an x-clear annulus T = r(a,r',r"). Let s',s" e]r',r"[ with s' < s". The restriction of Qx to R(d(a,r) \T(a,s',s"),\\ . ||) is continuous and expands to H(d(a, r) \ F(a, s', s")). Proof: Let A 6 C(0, ±), let D = d(a,r)\T(a,s',s"), let be if such that \b\2 = s's" and let c € K such that |c| 2 = s"r. Let t(x) = A ( x ~ff~ c ) 2 . It is easily seen that t{D) = U, D = t~l(U). By Theorem 37.2 H(D) is a Krasner-Tate algebra of the form iiT{i}[x]. Now, let s = \\x\\Si and let D' = d(a, r ' ) u A ( a , r", s). By hypothesis, for every ip {u) = 1, \/<j) e Mult(A, || . ||) such that <j>{t) < r' 255
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
and 4>(u) = 0, V<£ € Mult{A, || . ||) such that tj>{x) < r". Moreover, u is unique satisfying there properties. Proof: Let T = T{a, r', r"). Let r > | | x - a | | s i , let s', s" e]r', r"[n|K| with s' < s" and let D = d(a, r) \ T(a, s', s"). By Lemma 42.1 the restriction of Qx to R(D) is continuous and expands to H{D). Now, by Theorem 17.15 H(D) contains idempotents h and I such that h(z) = 1 Vz 6 d(a,s'),h(z) = 0 Vz £ d(a,r) \d(a,s"~), and l(z) = 0 Vz e d(a,s'),2(.z) = l V z £ d(a,r) \ d ( a , s " ~ ) . Therefore its image i4' = QX{H{D)) contains an idempotent u = Qx(h). Let <j> £ Mult(A, || . ||). Either ^ x is secant with d(a,s'), and then >(u) = 0 x (/i) = 1, or (/^ is secant with d(a,r) \ d(a,s"~), and then 4>{u) = x(h) = 0. Finally u is unique satisfying these relations by Theorem 6.17. □ Corollary 42.3: Let t € A, let a £ sp(t), let s — \\t — a\\Si and let T be a circular filter of center a and diameter r < s. If there exists no 4> e Mult(A, || . ||) such that pj? = t then there exists a unique idempotent u € A such that ip(u) = 1 Vip e Mult(A, || . ||) such that ip{t) < r and tp(u) = 0 \/ip e Mult(A, || . ||) such that tp(t) > r. Proof: Let E = { e Mult(A,\\ . ||) | cf>{t) < r } , and F = {4>t e Mult(A,\\ . ||) | t{t) > r}. Then {E,F} makes a partition of {<j>t | <j> e Mult(A, || . ||)} by two open closed subsets, hence Theorem 42.2 shows the existence and the uniqueness of u. □ Corollary 42.4: Suppose A has no non trivial idempotents, let t € A, let a G sp(t), let s = \\t — a\\si, let D = sp(t) and let O be the strict t-spectral partition. For every h € R(sp(t)) we have \\h(t)\\Si = ||/I||D,OProof: Since A has no non trivial idempotents, there exists no t-clear annulus, therefore by Theorem 23.10 we have ||/i(£)||Sj = ||/i||z),e> Vh G R(sp(t)). a Proposition 42.5: Let A have no non trivial idempotents. Let t € A, let 4> £ Mult(A, || . ||), let (f>t = ipj? and assume that T is not secant with sp(t). Let h € K{t) n A. Then K[h,t\ is not dense in A. Proof: Let D = sp(t). Suppose first that T is not secant with D. Let a 6 D. Then ^ i s (a, s)-approaching, with s > r(t — a). Let r e]r(£ — a), s]n|.fiT|. Let Q be the circular filter of center a and diameter r. Since A has no non trivial idempotents, by Theorem 42.2 there exists no t-clear annulus, hence there exists £ e Mult(A, || . ||) such that £t = ipg. Let d(c,r~) be a class
Associated Idempotents
of C(a,r) which contains no poles of h and let / G K[h,t]. Let O be the partition of d(a,r) consisting of the family of classes of d(a,r). The Mittag-Leffler decomposition of / in H{0) is of the form J3?=O/J> w ^ /o e R(d(a,r)), and fj e # o ( # \ < % , ? - ) ) (1 < j < ?)■ Then by Theorem 21.1 we know that 1
+ f
x—co x—c But on the other hand, for all g{x) € R(sp(t)), we have |||e> = limg \g(x)\ = 4>t{g) = (g(t)) < HPCOIISI- Consequently, we obtain
+ /(*)
x—c which proves that K[h,t] is not dense in A. Suppose now that T is secant with D. Let / = diam^). Then T must be secant with a hole T = d(b,p~) of D such that I < p. Hence J- is (6,s)approaching with I < s < p. Let r €]s,/3[n|/f| and let Q be the circular filter of center b and diameter r. Since there exists no £-clear annulus, we can find £ e Mult(A, || . ||) such that Ct = fg- We can now go on similarly to the previous case. Let d(c,r~) be a class of C(b,r) which contains no poles of h and let O be the partition of d(b, r) consisting of the family of classes of d{b,r). Let / e K[h,t]. By Theorem 21.1 we know that 1
+/ x—c
1 o
But on the other hand,
+ f(t)
which proves that K[h,t] is not dense in A again.
Theorem 42.6: Let A satisfy Property (q), let x e A and suppose that sp(x) admits an empty annulus T(a,r, s). There exists a unique idempotent u such that x(u) = 1 for all x £ %{A) such that \(x — a) < r, and xiu) = 0 for all x £ ^(-<4) such that x(x — a) > s. Proof: Indeed, since A satisfies Property (q), by Proposition 28.1 we know that Multm(A,\\ . ||) is pseudo-dense in Mult(A,\\ . ||). Let <j> e Mult(A, || . ||). Since T(a, r, s) n sp(x) - 0, the circular filter T = * _ 1 ( ^ x ) of the restriction to K[x] must be secant either with d(a,r), or with K \ d(a, s~). Consequently, either <j>(x) < r, or 4>{x) > s. Thenr(a, r, s), sp(x) admits a partition by two open closed subsets sp(x) n X(T) and
Ultrametric Banach
sp(x) n£(T). Then the existence of u and the uniqueness come from Theorem 42.2. D Corollary 42.7: Let A satisfy Property (q) and have no idempotents dif ferences from 0 and 1. Then for every x £ A sp(x) is infraconnected. By Theorem 8.13 we obtain this Corollary: Corollary 42.8: Let A satisfy Property (q), let x G A and suppose that sp(x) has finitely many infraconnected components Di,...,Dq. For each u j = 1 , . . . ,q, there exists a unique idempotent Uj such that x( j) — X for all x £ <^(-<4) such that x(u) £ Dj and x(uj) = 0 for °^ X S X{A) such that x(u) £ Dj. And by Theorem 25.2 we have these last Corollaries: Corollary 42.9: Let A be uniform, and have no maximal ideals of infinite codimension, let x G A and suppose that sp(x) has finitely many infracon nected components D\,..., Dq. For each j — 1 , . . . , q, there exists a unique idempotent Uj such that x(uj) = 1 for a^ X e X(A) such that x(u) S Dj and x(uj) = 0 for all x £ X{A) such that x(u) $■ Dj. Proof: Indeed, since A has no maximal ideals of infinite codimension, it obviously satisfy Property (o), and therefore, by Theorem 25.4 it satisfy Property (p). □ Corollary 42.10: Let A be uniform and have no maximal ideals of infi nite codimension, let x G A and suppose that sp(x) has finitely many infraconnected components D\,... ,Dq. For each j = l,...,q, there exists a unique idempotent Uj such that x(uj) — 1 for a^ X S X{A) such that x(u) G Dj and x(uj) = 0 for M X £ X{A) such that x{u) <£ Dj. Corollary 42.11: Let A be uniform and have no maximal ideals of infi nite codimension and have no idempotents different from 0 and 1. Then sp(x) is infraconnected. Theorem 42.12: Let A have bounded normal ratio, have no maximal ideals of infinite codimension and have no idempotents different from 0 and 1. Then, for every x G A, sp(x) is infraconnected. Proof: Indeed, since A has bounded normal ratio, by Theorem 24.3 it satisfies Property (s). But then, since no maximal ideal has infinite codi mension, then A satisfies Property (p), hence Property (q), and then by Corollary 42.7, since A has no non trivial idempotents, sp(x) is infracon nected for all x G A. □
Chapter 43
K r a s n e r - T a t e Algebras a m o n g Banach iT-Algebras
Throughout the chapter, A is a commutative ultrametric Banach K-&\gebr& with unity. Here we mean to characterize Krasner-Tate algebras among ultrametric K-Banacb. algebras through algebraic and topological proper ties denoted by (a), (6), (c), (d), (e) [18]. In a final remark, we will show that these properties are logically independent, and therefore none of them is redundant. Lemma 43.1: Let A contain a dense Luroth K-subalgebra K[t,h] with h G K(t) n A and be such that the strict t-spectral partition coincides with the canonical partition of d(0, \\t\\Si) \ sp(t). Then A satisfies Property (q). Proof: Let E = {x e X(A) | x{t) £ &}■ Let O be the strict t-spectral partition, and let / G K[h,t], with h(x) £ K(x). Since the strict i-spectral partition coincides with the canonical parti tion of d(0, \\t\\Si) \ sp(t), by Chapter 18, in R(sp(t)), we have \\f(z)\\sp(t),o = \\f(x)\\sp(t) = sup{|/(A)| | A G sp(t)} = sup{| X (/)| \xeE}=
r(f) < \\f\\si. (43.1)
On the other hand by Theorem 23.5 we have ||/|| S i < ||/|| S p(t),o, hence by (43.1) the equality ||/|| s i = T ( / ) holds for all / € K[h,i\. Then, since K[h, t] is dense in A, we can generalize the equality to all A. Indeed, let / G A, and let (fn)neN D e a sequence in K[h,t] such that limn-^oo ||/ n —/|| = 0. Let e e]0, \\f\\si[ and let N G N be such that ||/ n - / | | < e Vra > N. We notice that ||/„ - / | | s i < t Vn > N, and therefore ||/„|U = ||/|| s i Vn > N. Since the equality holds in K[h, t], we can find \ G E such that |x(/n)| > 259
Ultrametric Banach
ll/n||s» — e- Thus, the sequence ||/n|U» is constant and equal to |j/||s» for all n > N and we have |x(/n)l = lx(/)l o n the other hand, the sequence x(fn) is a Cauchy sequence and therefore converges in K to x(/)- Hence x(f) belongs to K and we have | x ( / ) | > H/IU — e, which proves that \\f\\si = T ( / ) in the general case. D Theorem 43.2: If A contains a dense Luroth K-subalgebra and has no non trivial idempotents, then A satisfies Property (q). Proof: Suppose that A does not satisfy Property (q), and let K[h,t] be a dense Luroth if-subalgebra, with h G K(t) n A. By Lemma 43.1 the strict t-spectral partition does not coincide with the canonical partition of sp(t). Let T = d(b, p~) be a hole of the strict t-spectral partition which is not a hole of sp(t). There exists ip G Mult(A, || . ||) such that the circular filter T — <& -1 (^ t ) is (b, r)-approaching, and therefore is not secant with sp(t). Then by Proposition 42.5 we have a contradiction with the hypothesis K[h,t] is a dense Luroth K-subalgebra. □ We are now able to characterize Krasner-Tate algebras among ultramet ric Banach X-algebras through the following two theorems: Theorem 43.3 ([18]): A is a Krasner-Tate algebra if and only if it sat isfies the following five properties: (a) (6) (c) (d) (e)
A is noetherian, A is reduced, ||/|U € \K\ V/ G A, for every f G A such that \\f\\Si = 1, the sequence \\fn\\ is bounded, A contains a dense Luroth K-subalgebra.
Theorem 43.4: Let A have no non trivial idempotents and admit infinitely many maximal ideals of codimension 1. Then A is a KrasnerTate algebra if and only if it satisfies the following four properties: (b) (c) (d) (e)
A is reduced, ||/|U G \K\ V/ € A, For every f € A such that \\f\\Si = 1, the sequence \\fn\\ is bounded, A contains a dense Luroth K-subalgebra.
Proof of Theorems 43.3 and 43.4: A Krasner-Tate algebra obviously satisfies Properties (a), (6),(c), (d), (e). So, we just have to consider a if-Banach algebra satisfying these five properties, and prove that it is a
Algebras among Banach K-Algebras
Krasner-Tate algebra. Let B = K[h,x) be a dense Luroth if-subalgebra, with h e K(x) and let D = sp(x). First, we assume that A has no non trivial idempotents. By Theorem 43.2 A satisfies Property (q). Hence, by Theorem 41.3 A satisfies Property (p) in both Theorems 43.3 and 43.4. Consequently, by Theorem 41.1 D is infinite in the hypotheses of Theorems 43.3. Now, assuming the hypotheses of Theorem 43.4, suppose that D is finite: let D = {a\,... ,as}. For each j = 1 , . . . , s, there exists Xj € X{A) such that Xj(x) = aj a n d then Xj(h) = h(cij). Given any £ G X{A), its restriction to B is equal to the restriction of one of the \j saY Xk- Then, since B is dense in A, we have £ = Xk- Consequently, A only has s maximal ideals of codimension 1, a contradiction. Thus we have proven that D is infinite in both Theorems 43.3 and 43.4. Next, B is isomorphic to a A'-subalgebra of R(D), so we will consider that B C R(D) C A. We can check that for every / € R(D), we have S PA(J) = f(D). Indeed, since R(D) C A, we have sp^(f) C f(D) because f(D) = spR(D)(f). But given A e /(£>), and a <= D such that f(a) = A, there exists x € X{A) such that x(x) = a> hence x(f) = f(a) — ^~ Therefore A £ SPA(J) and finally SPA(J) = f(D). Consequently, we have TAU) = WIWD, and therefore by property q) we have ||/|| D = ||/|| s i V/ e R(D). Consequently, A and H(D) are the completions of R(D) for the norms || . || and || . || jr>, respectively. On the other hand, since A has no non trivial idempotents, by Theorem 43.2 it satisfies Property (q). Then by Corollary 42.7 SPA{J), hence D, is infraconnected. Let d(a,r) = D, with r G \K\. Since B is dense in H(D), by Lemma 16.15, D has finitely many holes: d(a,j,r~) (1 < j < q). Since \\x — a\\si = ||x — a||u = r, by Property c) we notice that r lies in \K\. Similarly, since j 1 la: — aj
1 si
\X — dj
we have rj € \K\. Hence by Theorem 37.2 H(D) is a Krasner-Tate algebra K{h}[x] where h € R(D) satisfies deg(/i) > 0, U = h{D), D = h^iU). Then, by Property (d) the canonical mapping ip from K[h,x] into A defined as tp(F(h,x)) = F((h(x),x) is continuous. Consequently, it has continua tion to a continuous homomorphism ip from H(D) to A, and this homo morphism is obviously bicontinuous because | | / | | D = ||V;(/)IUi < IIVK/)!!Thus, H(D) is a if-subalgebra of A, containing J5, hence is dense in A
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
and such that both norms || . |£> and || . || are equivalent on H(D). Con sequently, A = H(D). This finishes proving that A is the Krasner-Tate algebra H{D) when A has no non trivial idempotents. In particular, this finishes the proof of Theorem 43.4. We now consider the general case in the proofs of Theorems 43.3. Clearly A has finitely many idempotents because A is noetherian. So, we can find a family of idempotents u\,...,Uk satisfying UiUj = 0 Vi ^ j , and S j = i ui = 1- For each i = 1 , . . . , k, we put Ai = UiA and Di = sp(ttjx). Then A is isomorphic to the direct product Ai x . . . x Ak. Then we can check that each K-algebra Ai (1 < i < k) also satisfies Properties (b), (c), (d), (e). Let us fix k < q, and suppose first that Dk is infinite. Then UiB is a Luroth .ftT-algebra again because UkX is transcendental over K. Consequently, UkA satisfies Property (e) and we can make the same reasoning as we did when D is infraconnected and we conclude that H(Dk) is a Krasner-Tate algebra. Suppose now that Dk is finite. Since it is infraconnected, it is a singleton {a}. Consequently, UkA is of the form (Y-a\»K\Y} • ^ u ^ s m c e -A is reduced, we have s = 1, hence UkB is isomorphic to K and so is UkA. Finally, if we denote by Di,..., Dm the infinite infraconnected components of D and by Dm+i,..., Dq those which are singletons, we can see that A is isomorphic to A i x . . . x Am x K'1 m which itself is a Krasner-Tate algebra isomorphic to Hiyi^Dj). D By Theorem 43.3 we obtain Corollary 43.5: Corollary 43.5: If A is uniform, it is a Krasner-Tate algebra if and only if it satisfies the following four properties: (a) A is noetherian, (b) A is reduced,
(c) u/iu e \K\ v/
(e) A contains a dense Luroth K-subalgebra. Corollary 43.6: A reduced K-affinoid algebra is a Krasner-Tate algebra if and only if it contains a dense Luroth K-algebra. Theorem 43.7: Let A be a K-affinoid algebra without non zero divisors of zero, containing a K-subalgebra of finite type B, dense in A, whose field of fractions is a pure degree one transcendence extension of K. Then A is a Krasner-Tate algebra if and only if A is integrally closed. Proof: We just have to assume that A is integrally closed and show that A is a Krasner-Tate algebra. Let K(x) be the field of fractions of B and let
Algebras among Banach K-Algebras
B = K[yx,..., yq\. For each j = 1 , . . . , q, we put y$ = fj(x) (fj e K[x)). There obviously exists a linear fractional function h such that deg(/i oh) > 0. So, we put z = h~1{x) and gj = fjohVj = I,... ,q. So, z is obviously integral over B, and therefore belongs to A. Let B' = B[z). Then B' is a Luroth /^-algebra hence by Corollary 43.5 A is a Krasner-Tate algebra.
□ Remark: By Proposition 41.2 there exist Banach K-algebras H(D) sat isfying Properties (6), (c), (d), (e) but not satisfying Property (a). By Proposition 37.9, there exist K-affmoid algebras satisfying (a), (c), (d), (e) but not satisfying Property (b). If \K\ ^ R, any Banach AT-algebras H(d(0,r)), with r <£ \K\ satisfies Properties (a), (6), (d), (e) but does not satisfy Property (c). Theorem 41.5 shows the existence of commutative ultrametric Banach .K"-algebras with unity satisfying Properties (o), (fo), (c), (e), but not satis fying Property (d). There obviously exist commutative ultrametric Banach Jsf-algebras with unity satisfying Properties (a), (b), (c), (d) but not satisfying Property (e): we can just consider Tn for n > 1. Thus, none of the five Properties (a), (6), (c), (d), (e) is a consequence of the four others in the category of commutative ultrametric Banach Kalgebras with unity. However, if K is such that \K\ = [0, +oo[, Condition (c) is obviously trivial and must be cut. Remark: We don't know examples of noetherian uniform Banach Kalgebras without non zero divisors of zero, satisfying Property (c) and containing a dense i^-subalgebra of finite type, which are not iiT-affinoid algebras.
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Definitions Index
(a, r)-approaching circular filter 60 v4-affinoid algebra 183 >4-polnorm of B 175 ^4-quasi-algebra norm 181 ^4-quasi-algebra normed A-module 181 affinoid set 49 analytic element 93 analytic element meromorphic at a 95 analytic element admitting a as a pole of order q 95 analytic element meromorphic in a hole 95 analytic element strictly vanishing along T 110 analytic element vanishing along T 110 arcwise connected topological space 85 ascending chain 117
calibrated set 102 canonical base of a monotonous filter 52 canonical homomorphism associated to an element t of a /
base of a filter 51 beach of T 52 boundary for (B, 0) 25 bounded normal ratio (for an element) 136 bounded normal ratio (for a /("-algebra) 136
Z?-bordering circular filter 60 ^-peripheral circular filter 60 269
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
decreasing distances sequence 51 decreasing distances holes sequence 54 decreasing distances holes sequence that runs a monotonous filter 54 decreasing filter of center a and diameter R 52 decreasing filter with no center, of canonical base (Dn)neN 52 decreasing T-filter 106 degree of a rational function 2 dense valuation 14 diameter of an ascending chain 117 diameter of a monotonous distances holes sequence 54 diameter of a weighted sequence 106 discrete valuation 14 distinguished circular filter 115 empty annulus 47 equal distances sequence 51 ^-affinoid 57 /-hole 98 /-hole (for an analytic element on a classic partition) 124 filter secant with D 51 filter thinner than a filter Q 51 Gauss norm 37 hole of a set 46 idempotent weighted sequence of O 119 idempotent weighted sequence 106 increasing distances sequence 51 increasing distances holes sequence 54 increasing distances holes sequence that runs a monotonous filter 54 increasing filter of center a and diameter R 52 increasing T-filter 106 infraconnected set 46 infraconnected component 47 intersection of a filter with D 51
irregular distinguished circular filter 115 Jacobson radical 1 Jacobson ring 1 fc-regular power series 197 fc-canonical associate to / 198 fc-order of / 198 L-productal vector space 17 large circular filter 57 Luroth F-algebra 2 metric associated to the sequence (Fn)n€N- on Mult(K(xi,...,xq}) 202 metric topology associated to / 11 Mittag-Leffler series of an analytic element 98 Mittag-Leffler term of / associated to a hole on (D, O) 124 Mittag-Leffler series of / on (D, O) 124 monotonous distances sequence 51 monotonous filter 52 monotony of a monotonous distances holes sequence 54 monotony of a weighted sequence 106 multbijective commutative ultrametric Banach /("-algebra 167 multiplicative function 22 multiplicity order of a zero of an analytic element 96 nilradical 1 O- bordering circular filter 127 O-minorated annulus 120 O-set 120 perfect field 175 pierced filter 53 piercing of a monotonous distances holes sequence 54 piercing of a weighted sequence 106
Definitions Index principal term of / (for an analytic element on a classic partition) 124 polynomial of the poles of / in a hole 95 principal term of an analytic element 98 pseudo-dense subset of Mult(A, || . ||) 171 punctual multiplicative semi-norm 75 quasi-invertible analytic element 96 radical of an ideal 1 reduced ring 1 regular distinguished circular filter 115 residue class field 14 residue characteristic of L 14 restricted power series 37 returning filter of an ascending chain 117 5-appropriate sequence of K[Z-L,...,Zq) 202 S-multiplicative function 22 semi-group 22 semi-multiplicative function 22 semi-simple ring 1 sequence («n)ngN thinner than a filter G 51 Shilov boundary for (B, 9) 25 simple monotonous distances holes sequence 54 spectrally injective element 4 spherically complete field 52 strictly /^-bordering circular filter 60 strictly O-bordering circular filter 127 strictly injective analytic element 103 strict x-spectral partition 136 strongly infraconnected set 46
strongly valued field 15 submultiplicative function 22 superior gauge of a monotonous distances holes sequence 54 i-clear annulus 138 T-optimal partition of an infraconnected set 114 T-specific partition of an infraconnected set 115 T-sequence 107 T-sequence of O 120 topologically pure extension of L of dimension n 183 tree 9 [/-submodule defining the topology of E 181 uniform Banach L-algebra 34 universal generator 5 valuation associated to an absolute value 13 valuation group 14 valuation ideal of B 14 valuation ring 14 valuation ring of L 14 weakly valued field 15 weighted sequence 106 weighted sequence of a classic partition 120 well pierced monotonous distances holes sequence 54 whole distance associated to / 11 wide a>spectral partition 136 x-normal partition of center a and diameter r 136 x-spectral partition of center a and diameter r 136
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Notation Index
C h a p t e r 1: Maxa(A) 1 Max{A) 1 X{A,E) 1 X{A) 1 SPA (x) 1 SOA (X) 1 sp(x) 2 sa(x) 2 irr(x, B') 3
Mult'(A,T) 23 MM/t m (A,T) 23 Multa(A,T) 23 /us(a;) 25 C h a p t e r 6: 4>* 31 <£ 3 2
II • II,< 3 3 C h a p t e r 7: E{Xi,...,Xn} 37 Z(gi,...,gg) 39 £(ff,A) 40
C h a p t e r 3:
M 13 u(a;) 13 | . |oc 13
C h a p t e r 8: d(o,r), d(o,r~) 45 C(a, r) = {a; £ I | |a; - o| = r} 45 T(a,ri,r2) 45 A.(o,ri,r 2 ) 45 D 46 D 46 diam(D) 46 5 46 <5(a,£>) 46 72-D 47 O(D) 47 J D ( r ( a , r 1 ) r 2 ) ) 47 £D(r(a,n,r2)) 47
C h a p t e r 5: V ( v , a i , . . . , o n , e ) 22 B(D,g) 22 Af m ( A 0 ) 2(5,5) Ker(
Ultrametric Banach Algebra
J ( r ( a , n , r 2 ) ) 47 £(r ( a , r i , r a ) ) 47 Chapter 9: TV\D 51 VD(T) 52 C{T) 52 P(.F) 52 CD{T) 52 diam(T) 52 Chapter 10: G(.F) 57 $(£>) 58 $ ' ( £ ) 58 Chapter 11: <, < 65 A(jF,g) 68
6(F,g), 8'(F,g) 68 Chapter 12: II • \\D 71 fl(D) 71 Rb(D) 71 1/5
72 73
Chapter 13: * 75
Chapter 16: 93 H(D), Hb(D), H0(D)
Chapter 18: T(D,a,r) 105 S(D,a,r,q) 105 7D(a.r.9)
Chapter 19: W 114
;y0 (JO ii4 incT(D) 116 decT(.D) 116 Chapter 20: $(£>,£>) 121 $(C?) 121 II • || D O 121 H(D,0) 121 Chapter 21: R'(D,0,(bi)iej) «"(£>, e>,(k) i€ .7) H'(DtO,{bi)i€j) #"(£>, 0 , ( b i ) i e j ) Chapter 22: E(O) 127 Eo(C) 127
E(L>), E 0 (D) !SO Chapter 15: ||z||«. 87 \\x\Um 87 r(.) 87 Properties (o), (p), (), (r), (s) 88 G^ 88 GMA 89 /* 89 Z^, 89
Chapter 23: 0t 137 ipt 137 Chapter 25: T(r) 153 II ■ Ik 154 Chapter 29: S(P,V) 175 S(P) 175
124 125 125 125
Notation Index Chapter 30: Tn 183 / 184 Chapter 31: (i) 190 X^ 190 Chapter 33: Vn 197 £>„ 199 Chapter 35: q(i) 209
Chapter 36:
1K0IU 215 Chapter 37: A(J-) 221 A(ft) 221 Chapter 39: / . 234 Chapter 40: M(K) 242 A(K) 242