Associate Professor of Mathematics University of Maryland
New York. St. louis. San Francisco Toronto • london • Sydney
Copyright @ 1966 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 65-24891 23659
234567 89-MP-9 876
In recent years important progress has been made in the study of linear operators by extending to closed operators many fundamental theorems which were known for bounded operators. The applications of the theory permit unification of a series of diverse questions in differential equations, which leads to significant results with substantial simplification. The aim of this book is to present a systematic treatment of the theory of unbounded linear operators in normed linear (not necessarily Hilbert) spaces with applications to differential equations. Except for the last chapter, the material is quite self-contained. The reader is assumed to be familiar with metric spaces and real variable theory. The book could be introduced in a course in functional analysis, particularly when linear operators are studied. By considering differential or integro-differential equations from the point of view of operator theory, the material may also be useful to those concerned with the more applied aspects of analysis. Chapter I gives the elementary theory of normed linear spaces and, in particular, Hilbert space, which is used throughout the book. In Chapters II and IV, the basic theory of unbounded linear operators is developed with the normed linear spaces assumed complete and the operators assumed closed only when needed. The surprising thing is that the proofs are as uncomplicated as the proofs for bounded operators. Thus, the reader who is meeting the theory of linear operators for the first time is not distracted by any of the additional complications which one expects when the operator is not required to be bounded. Chapter III introduces the class of strictly singular operators which includes the class of compact operators. The main reason for considering such a class is to generalize the Riesz-Schauder theory for compact operators. In Chapter V some of the main theorems concerning perturbations of unbounded operators are given and are later applied to ordinary differential operators. In Chapter VI a number of the powerful theorems proved in the earlier chapters are used to examine existence and uniqueness of solutions of certain differential equations. The reader is not required to have any previous knowledge of differential equations. Chapter VII sketches the interplay between functional analysis and ((hard" classical analysis in the Atudy of elliptic partial differential equation:;;. For thoRO unncllllltinLcd with the Rubjcet matter, examples and motivu.t.ion~ for <:crLuin deliniLiollH lind proofH n.ro mentioned in ordor to give
some feeling for what is going on. Simple notation is used so that it is not necessary to refer continually to a collection of symbols in the rear of the book. In the spring of 1964 I had the great privilege of visiting a number of mathematicians in various parts of the Soviet Union in order to discuss the contents of this book. To Professors 1. M. Gelfand and O. Ladyzenskaya goes my gratitude for inviting me to speak about my work at their respective seminars at Moscow State University and the University of Leningrad. I wish to thank Professors M. S. Birman, 1. C. Gokhberg, M. G. Krein, A. S. Markus, and M. A. Naimark for their valuable suggestions and comments. I am especially indebted to Professors Gokhberg and Markus for their advice during the three days we spent together in Kishinev. My gratitude goes to Professors G. Stampacchia and H. G. Tillman for arranging my stay at the Universities of Pisa and Mainz, respectively, where I benefited from their knowledge and experience. Most of the manuscript was written while I was on leave at the University of Pisa. I wish to express my profound thanks to Professor T. Kato, who was kind enough to show me portions of his manuscript concerned with perturbation theory. Our conversation at Berkeley and our correspondence have been of great help to me. My appreciation is extended to Professors T. W. Gamelin, G. C. Rota, and R. J. Whitley, who read portions of the manuscript and gave suggestions. Professor Rota was a constant source of encouragement to me in the preparation of this manuscript. I am especially indebted to Professor R. S. Freeman and my class of 1964-1965 for going through the entire manuscript. Professor Freeman was also kind enough to discuss partial differential equations with me these many months and to offer valuable suggestions. By writing this book, I have come to realize fully why authors express their gratitude to their typists. It was indeed my good fortune to have Mrs. Ouida Taylor type the manuscript for me. Her accuracy, speed, and artistic layout of each page saved me many months of tedious work. Finally, my appreciation and thanks go to the Mathematics Division of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for supporting the major portion of this book under grant number AF OSR 495-64. Seymour Goldberg
Preface Preliminaries
1. Examples of normed linear spaces 2. Complete normed linear spaces 3. Bounded linear operators 4-. Finite-dimensional normed linear spaces 5. Hahn-Banach extension theorem 6. Conjugate spaces 7. Hilbert spaces
46 13 16 2431
1. 2. 3. 4.
Closed linear operators Conjugate of a linear operator States of linear operators States of closed linear operators 5. Examples of states 6. Characterizations of states of operators 7. Adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space
49 58 62 66 72 74
1. 2. 3. 4·
76 83 88 92
Compact operators Relationship between strictly singular and compact operators Examples of noncompact, strictly singular operators Conjugates of strictly singular operators
1. M ini'fntLm
B. I nd(~x
oj an operator oj a linear operator
94 101
1. Perturbation by bounded operators 2. Perturbation by strictly singular operators 3. Perturbation by unbounded operators
117 121
1. Conjugates and preconjugates of differential operators 2. Minimal and maximal operators 3. Maximal operators corresponding to compact intervals 4. Extension theorems 5. Boundary value functionals 6. Some a priori estimates 7. The constant coefficient and the Euler differential operators 8. Perturbations of the bounded coefficient and the Euler operators
126 135
148 153 157 162 166
1. The Sobolev space Wm,p(n) 2. A priori estimates and differential operators
179 184
In a number of sections in this book the standard theorems listed below are used. The proofs of the theorems appear in Dunford and Schwartz [1], t Theorems 1.6.9, 1.6.15, and IV.6.7 and Lemmas II1.3.2,. XIV.2.1, XIV.2.2, and XIV.3.3. 0.1 Haire category theorem. If a complete metric space is the union of a countable number of closed sets, then at least one of the closed sets contains a nonempty open set. 0.2 Definition. A set 8 in a metric space is totally bounded if for every c > 0 there exists a finite number of spheres, each with center in 8 and radius c, which cover 8. 0.3 Theorem. A set in a complete metric space is totally bounded if and only if its closure is compact. 0.4 Definition. Let 8 be a compact topological space and let C(8) be the metric space of continuous complex-valued functions on S with the metric d given by d(f, g)
= sup
If(x) - g(x)1
t Thll numb".' in hrlL(\kotH followinp; thll.t Il~mu.
roforcnco rofors to
IIihlioKrtlphy antry \Iullur
chapter I
1.1.1 Definition. Let X be a vector space over the field of real or complex numbers. A norm on X, denoted by I II, is a real-valued function on X with the following properties: ~.
Ilxll ~ 0 for all x EX x ~ 0 implies Ilxll ~ 0
m. Ilaxll iv.
+ yll :::; Ilxll + Ilyll
(triangular inequality)
The vector space X, together with a norm on X, is called a normed linear space. When the scalars over X are the reals, X 1:s called a real normed linear space.
Unless otherwise stated, normed linear spaces are to be considered different from the zero normed linear space. 1.1.2 Definition. Let X be a normed linear space. If X 1 is a subspace, in the vector space sense, of X and the norm on Xl is taken to be the restriction of the norm on X, then X I is called a subspace of X. For A a subset of X, the span of A, written sp (A), is the subspace of X consisting of the linear combinations of elements in A. The closure in a topological space of the span of A is denoted bllsp (A), Tho
followi 111( oXltmpll1H of 1I0rllllll! Ii 111\ ItI' HplWOH 111'0 1'1'0«1101\ t.ly I'Ol'ol'l'l1d 'fIlii VOIII.OI' HPI\.(I(' OJlIH'Il,l.ioIlH Itl'O tho IlHIlItI OI\OH
j,o I.hl'OlIl(holit. I.hl1 t.oxl..
of pointwise addition and scalar multiplication for functions and component addition and scalar multiplication for n-tuples. 1.1.3 Example. Euclidean n-space, denoted by En, is the normed linear space of n-tuples of real numbers over the reals with norm n
II(al, a2,
. . . , an) I =
lai I )! 2
Unitary n-space, denoted by Un, is the normed linear space of n-tuples of complex numbers over the complex numbers with the above norm.
1.1.4 Example. For S an arbitrary set, B(S) is the normed linear space of bounded complex-valued functions over the complex numbers with norm Ilfll = sup If(s)1 ..8
1.1.5 Example. For S a compact topological space, C(S) is the subspace of B(S) consisting of the continuous functions. 1.1.6 Example. Let 1 ~ P < 00 and let JL be a measure defined on a u-ring ~ of subsets of a set S. Define £pO(S, ~, JL) to be the class of all those JL-measurable complex-valued functions f for which Ifl p is integrable. Functions f and g in £pO(S, ~, JL) are said to be equivalent if f = g almost everywhere. £p(8,~, JL) will denote the normed linear space of equivalence classes [f] of f E £pO(8, ~, JL) with norm given by
Addition and scalar multiplication are defined by a[f] +,6[g
+ .Bg]
As is customary, we shall use f instead of [j] as an element in £p(8, ~, JL). The proof of the triangular inequality, called Minkowski's inequality, appears in Dunford and Schwartz [1], Lemma II.3.3. For p = 00, define £00 0(8,~, JL) to be the class of all those JL-measurable complex-valued functions f which are essentially bounded on 8; that is, there exists a set Z C 8 such that JL(Z) = 0 and f is bounded on 8,......, Z, the complement of Z in 8. As above, £00(8, ~, JL) will denote the normed linear space of equivalence classes [f] with norm given by
Illfllloo = whero Z
inf sup If(8)/ x
ovcw l;il('" Allbl-\(1(,1-\ of .-: of JL-mn/1,AUrO zero.
When p. is Lebesgue measure and}; is the class of Lebesgue-measurable sets, we write £p(S) instead of £p(S, };, p.). 1.1.7 Example. In Example 1.1.6, let S be the set of positive integers and let}; be the class of all subsets of S. Define p.(E) as the number of elements of E and let lp denote £p(S, };, p.), 1 :::; P :::; 00. Thus for 1 :::; P < 00, lp is the normed linear space of those sequences x = (Xl, X2, • • •), ~
L IXil
The norm is defined by
i=l 00, ,,,,
is the normed linear space of bounded sequences
l:,>i IXil
For additional examples of normed linear spaces, we refer the reader to Dunford and Schwartz [1], pages 238-243. 1.2
1.2.1 Definition. L.et X be a normed linear space. The metric d induced by the norm is defined by d(x, y) = Ilx - yll. For X E X and M a subset of X, d(x, M) will denote the distance from X to M; that is,
d(x, M)
Ilx - mil
inf m.M
If X is a complete metric space with respect to d, X is called a complete normed linear space or a Banach space. The metric topology on X determined by d is the topology used throughout the book. 1.2.2 Example. B(S) is complete. To see this, suppose lin} is a Cauchy sequence in B(S). Given c > 0, there exists an integer N such that for all s E S,
m, n 2:: N
Hence for each s E S, lin(s)} is a Cauchy sequence of scalars and therefore converges. Define f on S by f(s) = lim fn(s). It is now shown that f is n--+
in B(S) and that fn ~ f in B(S). Since lin} converges pointwise to f, it follows from (1), after fixing n 2:: N and letting m ~ 00, that for all s E S Ifn(s) - f(s) I :::; c
Since fN is bounded, (2) implies that I is in B(S) and that IIIn -
Thill'! fll .-• .r in flU~).
= sup Ifn(a) - f(a) 1~ e .IN
1.2.3 Example. To prove that C(S) is complete, it suffices to prove that C(S) is closed in B(S), since C(S) is a subspace of Banach space B(S). Supposefn ~ fin B(S), where lin} is a sequence in C(S). We need only show that f is continuous on S. Given S > 0, there exists an integer N such that If(s) - fN(S)! ~
Ilf - iNll
Since fN is continuous on S, there exists, for each s E S, an open set O. contaiI).ing s such that (2)
Thus for tEO., (1) and (2) imply If(s) - f(t)1 ~ If(s) - fN(s) I
+ IfN(s)
- fN(t) I
+ IfN(t)
- J(t)1
sse < - -3 + -3 +-3 Hence f is in C(S). The proof of the completeness of £p(S, Schwartz [I]. 1.2.4
p,) appears in Dunford and
As in the definition of the sum of an infinite series
of numbers, we say that an infinite series
of elements
in normed
;=1 n
linear space X converges in X if there exists an
X such that
Sn =
converges to x.
We write
The series converges absolutely if
L'" Ilxill
1.2.5 Theorem. A normed linear space X is complete if and only if every series in X which converges absolutely also converges in X. Proof.
Suppose X is complete and
L'" Ilxill
Thus I sn I is a Cauchy sequence and therefore converges in Banach space X. Conversely, assume absolute convergence implies convergence. Let IYnl be a Cauchy sequence in X. There exists a subsequence {x n } of IYn I such that 1 ::;
Now 2 ::; k
L Ilxi+l -
xiii ::;
L 2-
= 1
Thus, by hypothesis, the sequence of partial sums Xk - Xl converges in X, or equivalently, the sequence lxd converges to some X E X. Since {xd is a subsequence of the Cauchy sequence IYk I, it is easy to see that IYk I also converges to x. Hence X is complete. In linear algebra one encounters the concept of a quotient space X 1M, where M is a subspace of vector space X. When X is a normed linear space and M is a closed subspace of X, a norm is put on XI M so that certain topological properties of operators defined on X are shared by corresponding operators on XI M. Quotient spaces which are complete playa useful role, particularly in Chaps. II, IV, and V.
Definition. Let M be a closed subspace of normed linear space X. Define an equivalence relation R on X by xRy if X - y is in M. Let X 1M denote the corresponding set of equivalence classes and let [x], called a coset, denote the set of elements equivalent to x. Thus 1.2.6
= Ix
+ m I mE Ml = x + M
Vector addition and scalar multiplication on X 1M are defined by
+ [y]
= [x
+ y]
a[x] = [ax] Define a norm on X 1111 by
II [x] I
d(x, M)
where d(x, M) is the distance from x to M. It is left to the reader to verify that XI M is a normed linear space. M is required to be closed in order that I [xlii = 0 implies [x] = [0].
UCOlllo\,ril:nlly, if X iM tho pl/\Ile ttnd M is It lilln throl1~h the origin, X I U ito! \,1111 Mflll.l'lI wlloto!(\ 1I111l1l1l1lt,to! /I,rn M l,oj(nl.hfll' wit.h t,ho !illml
parallel to M. The norm of [x] is the distance between the line containing x and the line M. 1.2.7
Remarks t.
Since any Y E [x] is of the form x - m, II[x]11 = inf Ilyll· y.[z]
I [x]
If [x] and [z] are such that such that Ilx - vii < z.
- [z] II
M, it follows that
< z, there exists a
v E [z]
1.2.8 Theorem. If X is a Banach space and M is a closed subspace of X, then XI M is a Banach space.
Thinking of cosets as being lines, the proof proceeds by considering a given Cauchy sequence of parallel lines (lines "crowded" together) and choosing points, one on each line, which are crowded together in the sense of being a Cauchy sequence. The Cauchy sequence of points converges to a point x, and the sequence of lines containing the points converges to a line containing x. Proof. Let {[ xnll be a Cauchy sequence in X / M. subsequence {[Yn]} of {[xnll such that
II[Yn+l] -
[Yn] II
2- n
There exists a
By Remark (ii) of 1.2.7, we may choose V n E [Yn] so that
The sequence {Vn} is a Cauchy sequence, since
L 00
2- n -
= 2- n + 1 ~ 0
as n
The completeness of X assures the existence of a v E X such that By Remark (i) of 1.2.7,
[V] I =
v]11 ::; Ilv
Vn ~
Thus [Vn] converges to [v] in XI M. Since {[v n]} = {[Yn]} is a subsequence of the Cauchy sequence {[xnll, {[xnll also converges to [v]. Hence XIM is complete. A simpler proof makes use of Theorem 1.2.5. We Hhall show in Theorem 1.6.16 that every normed linear space is a r~
dOl\l:m MuhMpILl'.(' of II. Bltlliwh i'lPII.{~(I.
1.3.1 Definition. Let X and Y be vector spaces over the same space of scalars. An operator T with domain X and range in Y is called linear if for all x and z in X and all scala s a and (3, T(ax
+ {3z)
+ {3Tz
For the remainder of the book the following notations are used. :neT)
denotes the domain of T. denotes the range of T. denotes the subspace Ix I Tx manifold or kernel of T.
= O}.
m(T) is called the null
T is called 1-1 if distinct elements in :neT) are mapped into distinct elements in
1.3.2 Theorem. Let X and Y be normed linear spaces and let T be a linear operator with domain X and range in Y. The following statements are equivalent. i.
n. 'tn.
T is continuous at a point. T is uniformly continuous on X. T is bounded; i.e., there exists a number M such that for all x E X
IITxl1 Proof.
(i) implies (ii).
e > 0, there exists a (1)
Suppose T is continuous at xo. such that
a = a(e)
IIx - xoll < a
IITx - Txoll < e
Let u be any point in X. the additivity of T that
Then for
IITv - Tull =
Hence (ii) i; proved. (ii) implies (iii). a a > 0 such that
IITxo -
Ilu - vii < ait follows from T(xo
- v)!1
(1) and
The continuity of T at 0 implies the existence of
lI'rzll' 11'1':
'1'011 <
~ 6
Thus, for x ~ 0 in X, 0 = 1
-> II
find therefore
(~) Ilxli II = ~ II xII
Hence II Txll ~ o-lllxli for all x E X. (iii) implies (i). The inequality II Tx - Tzil ~
Mllx -
zll implies (i).
1.3.3 Definition. Let X and Y be normed linear spaces. Define the norm on the vector space of bounded linear operators which map X into Y by
II Txll
= sup .,;0<0
IITxl1 -II-II x
It is easy to verify that this is indeed a norm.
[X, Y] will denote the normed linear space of bounded linear operators with the above norm. For X = Y, 'X] will be used instead of [X, X].
1.3.4 Example. Take X = Y = C(I), where I is a compact interval on the line. Let k be a real-valued function which is continuous on the rectangle I X I and let K be the linear map from X into Y defined by
JI k(s, Ox(s) ds
(Kx)(O =
From the continuity of k it follows that m(K) C Y. IIKII. Now I(Kx)(t)\ ~ IIxli Ik(s, t)1 ds Thus
We shall determine
max ( Ik(s, tEl
Since y(t) =
01 ds
Ik(s, t)\ ds
is continuous on I, y attains its maximum at some point to E I.
J k(s, to)
x(s) =
1~k(S, to)\
when k(s, to)
otherwise Then x is integrable on I since it is bounded and measurable. It follows from ThpOl'l'nl O.ll I,hltt th<'r(' nxifo1t,K"~ fo1l'flllmH~1' Ix" I in CU) HUrlh thnt
1 and {x n } converges to x in £1(1).
!r k(s, to)x(s) ds
k(s, to)x(s) ds =
to)1 ds
Ik(s, t)1 ds
Thus, by (1) and (2),
max 1.1
Ik(s, t) I ds
1.3.5 Theorem. If X is a normed linear space and Y is a Banach space, then [X, Y] is a Banach space. Proof. The proof is essentially the same as the proof in 1.2.2, which shows that B(S) is complete. The converse to the theorem is proved in Corollary 1..5.8. 1.3.6 Definition. Let T be a 1-1 linear operator with 'neT) C X and (R(T) C Y, X and Y normed linear spaces. The inverse of T, written T-l, is the map from subspace (R(T) into X given by T-l(Tx) = x. It is clear that T-l is linear. For a function f which is not necessarily 1-1, f-l(B) will be used to denote the set Ix I f(x) E B}. 1.3.7 Theorem. Let T be a linear map from normed linear space X into normed linear space Y. T-l exists and is continuous ~f and only if there exists an m > 0 such that "Txll ~
x EX
Proof. Suppose IITxl1 ~ mllxll for all x EX. O. Hence T is 1-1. Since
Then x
0 implies
II T-lTxll = Ilxll ::; m-lll Txll T-l is bounded and therefore continuous. continuous, then
Ilxll .. IIT-1Txll Tho thoorom follow/04 npon
On the other hand, if T-l is
IIT- 11111Txll
1/11 'I'
xf X
1.4.1 Definition. A linear operator mapping a normed linear space into a normed linear space is called an isomorphism if it is continuous and has a continuous inverse. N ormed linear spaces X and Yare said to be isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism mapping X onto Y. 1.4.2 Theorem. Every n-dimensional normed linear space with complex (real) scalars is isomorphic to unitary (Euclidean) n-space. Proof. Assume, for definiteness, that X is an n-dimensional normed linear space over the complex numbers. Let Xl, X2, . . . ,Xn be a basis for X. Define the linear map T from Un onto X by n
T(al, a2, . . . ,an) =
L aiXi ;=1
It is easily seen that T is bounded and therefore continuous. It remains to prove that T has a bounded inverse. Define a real-valued functionf on Un by f(a) = IITall. The continuity of both T and the norm imply the continuity of f. Since the sphere S = {a I a E Un, lIall = 1} is compact, fassumes a minimum at some point-y E S. Moreover, f(-y) > 0, otherwise
T-y =
L -YiXi ;=1
which is impossible since -y ;;e 0 and the set of Xi is linearly independent. For a ;;e 0 in Un, a/llall is in Sand IIT(alliaiDII 2:: IIT-yll. Thus, for all a E Un,
II Tall 2::
which implies that T has a bounded inverse. Since isomorphisms take closed bounded sets onto closed bounded sets and since a set in Un or En is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded, the following corollary is obtained. Corollary. A closed bounded set in a finite-dimensional normed linear space is compact.
1.4.4 D~finition. For X a normed linear space and r a positive number, the r-ball oj X is the set Ix! Ilx!1 ~ r, xl: XI. 'fhe r-"I,"ertl of X is tlw set Ix I Ilxll ... 7', .£ E X I.
From Corollary 1.4.3 we know that the I-sphere of a finite-dimensional normed linear space is compact. Theorem 1.4.6, which is due to F. Riesz, shows that this property of the I-sphere characterizes the finitedimensional normed linear spaces. 1.4.5
Lemma. If N is a finite-dimensional proper subspace of normed linear space X, there exists an element in the I-sphere of X whose distance from N is 1. Proof. Choose z to be a point in X but not in N. There exists a sequence Inkl in N such that liz - nkll ~ d(z, N). Since N is finitedimensional and {nkl is bounded, Corollary 1.4.3 implies the existence of a subsequence {vkl of {nkl which converges to some n E N. Hence
liz - nil =
lim liz - vkll = d(z, N) = d(z - n, N)
Since z - n ;;e 0, it follows that 1 =
liz - nil = liz - nil
d(z - n, N)
liz - nil
= d( z - n ,
liz - nil
1.4.6 Theorem. If X is a normed linear space whose I-sphere is totally bounded, then X is finite-dimensional. Proof. By hypothesis, there exist points Xl, X2, . . • , I-sphere S of X such that given XES, there is an Xi such that
Ilx -
in the
Assert that the finite-dimensional space N spanned by Xl, X2, , Xk is X. Suppose the assertion is false. Then Lemma 1.4.5 assures the existence of an XES whose distance from N is 1. But this contradicts (1). Lemma 1.4.5 need not hold for infinite-dimensional N. See, for example, Taylor [1], page 97. However, we prove the following result. 1.4.7
Riesz's lemma.
which is not dense in X. such that d(x n, M) ~ 1.
Let M be a subspace of normed linear space X There exists a sequence {xnl in the I-sphere of X
The proof is motivated by the following geometric consideration. Let X be the plane and let M be the horizontal axis. Take x to be any vector not in M and dmw Romo vcetorR X - m, rn t M. Upollllormalizing tho voetorR X - m 1'10 \.lilt!, \'!lny \io Oil \,!lo IIllit, d"do, it, iH 1'1(1(111 t.hat for (\orl.llill m tho diHl.lIlWO from (x - rn)/II;r. -- mil \'0 M OX(~(\(\(ll'l I - !, I > O.
Proof. Let S be the I-sphere of X. Since 0 is in M, the distance from any element in S to M does not exceed 1. Thus, to prove the lemma, it suffices to prove that for 1 > e > 0, there exists an element in S whose distance from M is not less than 1 - e. By hypothesis, there exists an x E X such that d(x, M) > O. We show the existence of an m E M which satisfies d
m ) IixX -_ mil' M
thereby proving the lemma. d( x - m
Ilx - mil'
;::: 1 -
Since for any m E M,
M) -_d(xIlx- - m,milM)
d(x, M)
/Ix - mil
the problem reduces to finding an m so that d(x, M) > IIx - mll-
1 _
or, equivalently, (1)
Since d(x, M)!(I - e) > d(x, M), it follows from the definition of d(x, M) that there exists an m E M for which (1) holds. Riesz's lemma, in place of Lemma 1.4.5, is usually used to prove Theorem 1.4.6. 1.4.8 Lemma. If normed linear space Y is isomorphic to a Banach space, then Y is also a Banach space.
Proof. Let T be an isomorphism from Banach space X onto Y. Suppose {Yn} is a Cauchy sequence in Y. Since T-l is bounded,
Hence {T-ly,,} is also a Cauchy sequence and therefore converges to some E X. By the continuity of T, y" = TT-l y" ~ Tx. Therefore Y is complete. x
1.4.9 Corollary. complete.
Bvery Jinite-dimcnB'ional normcd linear
Lemma 1.4.8 and Theorem 1.4.2.
Since a subspace which is complete is also closed, the next corollary is an immediate consequence of Corollary 1.4.9. 1.4.10 Corollary. space is closed.
A finite-dimensional subspace of a normed linear
Definition. For A and B both subsets of a vector space the sum of A and B, denoted by A B, is the set {a b I a E A, b E B} . So as not to confuse A B with the union of A and B, A V B will always be used to denote the union of the sets.
1.4.12 Theorem. The sum of two closed subspaces of a normed linear space is closed whenever one of the subspaces is finite-dimensional. Proof. Let M and N be a closed subspace and a finite-dimensional subspace, respectively, of normed linear space X. Define the natural linear map A from X onto XjMbyAx = [x]. SincellAxl1 = II[x]11 ~ Ilxll, A is continuous. Moreover, the linearity of A and the finite-dimensionality of N imply the finite-dimensionality of AN. Hence, by Corollary 1.4.10, AN is closed and therefore A-IAN = M + N is closed. (Note that A-I is used in the set theoretic sense.)
The following example shows that the sum of two closed subspaces of a Banach space need not be closed. In fact, it shows that the sum of two closed subspaces can be a proper dense subspace. 1.4.13 Example. Let Z = l2 X l2 with norm II(x, y)1I = IIxll + Ilyll and let M be the closed subspace l2 X to} of Z. Choose T to be any bounded, 1-1 linear map from l2 onto a proper dense subspace of l2; for example, T({akD = {aklk} d 2 • LetN = {(x, Tx) Ixd 2 }. Clearly, N is a closed subspace of Z. Since Tis 1-1 and CR(T) ~ l2, M (\ N = (0, 0) and M + N ~ Z. However, M + N is dense in Z; for given (x, y) E Z, there exists a sequence {Tx n } which converges to y, and therefore (x - x n , 0)
+ (x
Tx n )
(x, y).
Definition. A functional on a vector space V is a map from V to the scalars. The conjugate X' of a normed linear space X is the Banach space of bounded linmr functionals on X; that is, X' = [X, V], where Y i8 the Banach HP/LCI~ oJ Hralul'H with al/Holn/,Il l1I1JW! tn/wn /LH norrIL. N lite that X' iH CII/I/7JII!te li1l 'J'hl'IItI'11I 1.:\'0.
We now come to one of the most fundamental theorems in functional analysis. 1.5.2 Hahn-Banach extension theorem. Suppose X is a vector space over the real or complex numbers. Let M be a subspace of X and let p be a real-valued function on X with the following properties. i. ii.
p(x y) ~ p(x) p(ax) = lalp(x)
+ p(y)
If f is a linear functional on M such that If(m) I ~ p(m)
then there exists a linear functional F which is an extension of f to all of X such that x EX IF(x)\ ~ p(x)
Proof. Let
V :neg) qE:1
= g(x)
for any
E:3 with x E:neg)
Since:3 is totally ordered, it follows that H is in
+ m)
= aG(x)
+ F(m)
mE:D = :n(F)
with G(x) chosen so that (2)
m)1 ~ p(ax
+ m)
Tho proof of the theorem is now reduced to showing that a number, which we call G(x), existH tmdl t.hat. (2) holdH.
We first suppose that X is a real vector space. equivalent to (3)
Note that (2) is
+ m) :s; p(ax + m)
for if (3), then -G(ax
+ m) =
G( -aX - m)
+ m)
p( -aX - m) = p(ax
As particular cases of (3), we want G(x) to be defined so that (4)
+ z) :s;
+ z)
and (5)
+ y)
= G( -x -
p( -x - y)
It turns out, as will be shown presently, that the validity of (4) and (5) is enough to guarantee (3). From (1) we see that (4) and (5) are equiva~ lent to (6)
+ z)
- F(z)
and (7)
-pC -x - y) - F(y)
respectively. Now, the right side of (6) dominates the right side of (7) for all z and y E:D, since p(x
+ z)
- F(z)
+ p( -x -
+ F(y) {p(x + z) y)
p(z - y) - F(z - y)
Hence, defining G(x) = inf F(z) I z E:D}, (6) and (7) and therefore (4) and (5) hold. To show that (4) together with (5) implies (3), three cases are considered. i.
ii. (}(ax
For a
+ m)
0, (4) implies
= aG(x
For a
+ :):s; ap(x + :) =
+ m)
0, (5) implies
m) -, --'Iva ( -x -
~) ~
-up ( -x -
S) . .
+ m) me:O
For a = 0 G(m) = F(m) ::; p(m)
Thus the theorem for real vector spaces is proved. Suppose X has complex scalars. The following proof is due to Bohnenblust and Sobczyk. The idea of the proof is to reduce the complex case to the real case and apply the above result. Write f(m) = Re f(m)
+ i 1m f(m)
where Re f(m) and 1m f(m) denote the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of f(m). Since f(im) = if(m), we see that Ref(im)
+ i Imf(im) =
+ i Ref(m)
Thus 1m f(m) = - Re f(im) and (8)
f(m) = Re f(m) - iRe f(im)
Let X r be X considered as a vector space over the reals. As sets, X = X r • Now Re f is a linear functional on M considered as a subspace of X r and
IRe f(m) I ::; If(m) I ::; p(m)
Hence, by what has already been proved, there exists a linear extension G of Re f to all of X r such that
IG(x)1 ::; p(x)
e Xr
In view of Eq. (8), define F on X by F(x) = G(x) - iG(ix)
x eX
A simple calculation shows that F is a linear extension of f to all of X. Given x e X, write F(x) in polar form F(x) = IF(x)le i8 • Then IF(x) I
= F(e- i8 x) = Re F(e- i8 x) = G(e-i8 x) ::; p(e-i8 x) = p(x)
ThuR t.he t.heorem is proved. 1.5.3 Uf~mark. In the proof of the- above theorem, the following rOHult. hlLloi booll showlI.
Suppose X is a vector space over the reals. Let M be a subspace of X and let p be a real-valued function on X with the following properties. p(x
+ y) :s; p(x) + p(y)
If f is a linear functional on M such that f(m)
then there exists a linear functional F which is an extension of f to all of X such that F(x) :s; p(x) X E X 1.5.4 Corollary. Let m' be a continuous linear functional on a subspace M of normed linear space X. There exists an x' E X' such that x' = m' on M and IIx'll = IIm'lI. Proof. Define p on X by p(x) = Ilm'lIllxll. Since p satisfies C't) and (ii) of Theorem 1.5.2 and Im'ml :s; IIm'lIl1mll = p(m), mE M, there exists a linear functional x' on X such that x' = m' on M and
Ix'xl :s; Thus x' is in X' and
IIx'll :s; Ilm'lI.
p(x) =
On the other hand,
~ sup 11"'11=1
1.5.5 Corollary. Let M be a subspace of normed linear space X. x E X with d = d(x, M) > 0, there exists an x' E X' such that
Ilx'll = M.
x'M = 0
x'x = d(x, M)
Proof. Let M 1 be the subspace spanned by x and the elements of Define linear functional v' on M 1 by v'(ax
Then v'M = 0 and v'x For a ,..s 0 and m eM,
+ m)
= ad
We assert t.hat. v' is in M~ with
Illlx + mil - lalll x + ~ II
~ lal d
Ilv'll =
Thus for all a,
+ m)\ = lal d ::;
Hence v' E M~ and IIv'lI ::; 1. Ilx - mkll-4 d. Since
+ mil
There exists a sequence {mk} in M such that
v'(x - mit) ::; llv'lIl1x - mkll-4 Ilv'lI d
it follows that Ilv'll ~ 1. Thus Ilv'll = 1. The corollary follows upon taking x' E X' to be an extension of v' so that Ilx'lI = Ilv'll = 1. 1.5.6
Ilxli. yll =
Given x E X, there exists an x' E X' such that IIx'll = 1 In particular, if x ~ y, there exists an x' E X' such that x'x - x'y.
and x'x = o ~ IIx -
Take M = (0) in Corollary 1.5.5.
For any x in normed linear space X,
Ilxll Proof. (1)
sup Ix'xl """11=1 X/EX'
For x' in the I-sphere of X'
Ix'xl ::; Ilx'll Ilxli ::; Ilxll
By Corollary 1.5.6, there exists a z' in the I-sphere of X' such that (2)
z'x =
The corollary follows from (1) and (2). As a simple application of Corollary 1.5.6, we prove the converse to Theorem 1.3.4. 1.5.8 Corollary. Let X and Y be normed linear spaces. complete, then Y is complete.
If [X, Yj is
Proof. Let {Yn} be a Cauchy sequence in Y. Choose Xo E X such that Ilxoli = 1. (Recall that X ~ (0) unless stated otherwise.) There exists an x' E X' such that x'xo = IIxoll = 1. Define Tn E [X, Yj by
T,.z • x'(x)y" Now
Hence liT.. - T mil ::; II x' I II y" - Ymll which implies that {T.. } is a Cauchy sequence in [X, Y]o Thus, by hypothesis, {T,,} converges in [X, Yj to some T. Since
Ily" -
= IIT"xo - Txoll ::; liT" - Tlllixoll
{Y.. } converges to Txo and therefore Y is complete.
The next theorem is very useful and is needed in the proof of Theorem II.4.3. 1.5.9 Definition. A subset K of a vector space over the real or complex numbers is called convex if for every x and Y in K, the set {ax
+ (1
- a)y
10 ::; a
::; I}
is contained in K. 1.5.10 Theorem. Let K be a closed convex subset of normed linear space Xo Given x E X but not in K, there exists an f ~ 0 E X' such that Ref(x)
The conclusion in the above theorem has the following geometric interpretation when X is the plane. Consider :n(f) as a line through the origin. Choosexosothatf(xo) = 1. Now, x lies on thelinef(x)xo + :n(f) and each k E K lies on the line f(k)xo + :n(f). Since f(x)
it follows that K lies on one side of the line f(x)xo + :n(f) containing x. The proof of the theorem depends on the following lemma. 1.5.11 Definition. Let 0 be an interior point of a convex subset K of normed linear space X For each x E X let 0
A(x) = {a I a> 0, x where aK "'" {ak IkE K}.
Define the functional p on X by
p(x),= inf A (x) We shall call p the M inlcowBlci functional of K. 1(, A (x) r,I t/l and 0 'S p(:r:) < 00
Since 0 is an interior point
Let K and p be as in the above definition.
Then for
x and y in X,
i. ii. iii.
p(ax) = ap(x) , a ~ 0 p(x + y) ~ p(x) + p(y) p(z) ~ 1 for all Z f K
Proof of (i). It is clear that p(O) a E A(ax), x is in a-1aK and therefore ~
inf a- 1a
= O. Suppose
a- 1p(ax)
Thus ap(x)
p(ax), a
This result implies a>O
or ap(x)
Hence p(ax) = ap(x), a
Proof of (ii). We first observe that if a and b are nonnegative real numbers, then (a + b)K = aK + bK. Indeed, if x and yare in K, then the convexity of K implies a b a+bx+a+b YEK
Thus ax bK C (a
+ by
+ b)K.
+ b)K. Since x and yare arbitrary in K, aK + Obviously, (a + b)K C aK + bK. Hence (a
+ b)K =
+ bK
To conclude the proof of (ii) , we suppose a E A (x) and bE A(y). Then x + y E aK + bK = (a + b)K. Hence p(x + y) ~ a + b. Since a and b are arbitrary in A (x) and A(y), respectively, it follows that p(x + y) ~ p(x) + p(y). Proof of (iii). Suppose Z f K but p(z) < 1. Then there exists an r, such that Z E rK. Since 0 E K and K is convex, it follows that rk = rk + (1 - r)O E K, k E K. Thus Z E rK C K, which is a contradiction.
o ~ r < 1,
Proof of theorem 1.5.10. .Since x , K and K is closed, there exist!;! an r-ball 8, r> 0, such that x + 8 and K are disjoint. Thus k o E K implies x - k o ' -ko K - 8 = K 1• Furthermore, 8 = -8 C K 1, showing that 0 is an interior point of K 1. Since K and 8 are convex, it follows thl1t [(1 is also convex. Hence tj)e Minkowski functional p of K 1 if! do{inn!l. W (I first provo tho thcore~ for tho cl1se when X is 11 real
normed linear space. On the one-dimensional space sp {xo I, where Xo = x - k o, define linear functional f by
Now, f(axo) ::; p(axo); for if a ~ 0, then f(axo) = p(axo) by Lemma 1.5.12. If a < 0, then f(axo) = ap(xo) ::; 0 ::; p(axo). Hence, by Remark 1.5.3 and Lemma 1.5.12, there exists a linear functional F which is an extension of f to all of X such that F(y) ::; p(y), Y E X. Moreover, F is bounded; for if Ilyll = 1, then ±ry ESC K 1• Hence ±F(y) = F(±y) ::; p(±y) ::; r
Since Xo = x - k o ¢ K 1 and -k o + k E -k o + K - S = K 1 for all k E K, it follows from (iii) of Lemma 1.5.12 and the definition of p that for each kEK, F(x) - F(k o) = f(xo) = p(xo)
1 ;:::: p( -k o
+ k)
;:::: -F(k o)
+ F(k)
Thus F;eO
F(x) ;:::: F(k),
proving the theorem for real normed linear spaces. If X is complex, then as in the proof of the Hahn-Banach extension theorem, let X T be X considered as a real normed linear space. Then by what has just been shown, there exists an fT ;e 0 in such that fT(X) ;:::: fT(k), k E K. Define f on X by
f(x) = fr(x) - ifT(ix) It is easy to verify that f satisfies the demands of the theorem.
For a treatment of separation theorems for convex sets the reader is referred to Dunford and Schwartz [1], pages 409-418.
1.6.1 Definition. Normed linear spaces X and Yare called equivalent if there exists a linear isometry from X onto Y.
A particular caee of the next theorem ie eSl!lential for the etudy of <.liffcrontinl operators in Chnpe. VI nnd VII. The proof may be found in Dunforclnnd Sohwnrt,z Ill, pnlt0R 28ll-200.
We say that p' is conjugate to real number p if lip understanding that p' = 00 when p = 1.
+ lip'
= 1, with the
1.6.2 Theorem. Let (8, 2:, p,) be a positive measure space. If 1 < P < 00, then £~(8, 2:, p,) is equivalent to £p,(8, 2:, p,), p' conjugate to p, in which x' E £~(8, 2:, p,) is related to the corresponding g E £p,(8, 2:, p,) by x'f =
Is gf dp,
If, in addition, 8 is the union of a countable number of sets of finite p,-measure, that is, 8 is u-finite, then the theorem holds for p = 1. For convenience we write x' = g.
As noted in Example 1.1.7, lp = £p(8, 2:, p,), where (8,2:, p,) is a u-finite positive measure space. Thus we have the following result. If 1 ~ p < 00, then l~ is equivalent to lp" p' conjugate to p; y' E l~ is related to the corresponding y = (Yl, Y2, ' ..) E lp' by y'(a) =
L"" a,Yi
For convenience we write y'
(ai, a2, . . .).
1.6.3 Definition. A set K in normed linear space X is called orthogonal to a set F C X' if x'k = 0 for all k E K and x' E F.
The reason for the terminology orthogonal will be made clear in Sec. 1.7. The orthogonal complement in X' of K, denoted by K 1., is the set of elements in X' which is orthogonal to K. Even if K is not a subspace, K1. is a closed subspace of X'. 1.6.4
i. ii.
Let M be a subspace of normed linear space X.
X'I M 1. is equivalent to M' under the map U defined by U[x ' ] = x~ where [x'] is in X'I M 1. and x~ is the restriction of x' to M. If M is closed (so that X 1M is a normed linear space), then (XI M) I is equivalent to M 1. under the map V defined by (Vz')x
= z'[x]
Proof of (i). Note that U is unambiguously defined, since [y'] = [x'] implios 0 = y'm - x'm, mE M. Cloarly, U is linear with range in M'. Givon m' , M', I.hol'O OXiH[,H, hy 0orollltry T,JiA, an x' e X' which iR nn
extension of m'. Hence U[x'] = x~ = m' which shows that
IIU[x'lll ::; inf
= M'.
II[x'l II
On the other hand, there exists a v' E X' which is an extension of x~ such that Ilv'll = Ilx~lI. Therefore v' is in [x'] and
II U[x'] II
By (1) and (2),
Proof of (ii).
For z' E (X/ M)',
I(Vz')xl =
Iz'[xll ::;
liz' II
II [xlII ::; IIz'lllIxll
(V z')m = z'[m] = z'[O] = 0
Thus V z' is in M 1. with (3)
IIVz'\\ ::;
\(Vz')y\ ::;
y E [x]
it follows that
Iz'[xl \ ::; II Vz' II II [x] II Thus
Ilz'll ::; IIVz'll which, together with (3), proves that V is an isometry. Given x' E MJ., let z' be the linear functional on X/M defined by z'[xl = x'x. Since
\x'y\ ::;
y E [xl
it follows that Iz'[xl\ ::; Ilx'lIl1[xlll. Hence z' is in (X/M)'. Vz' = x', proving that
1.6.5 Definition. A set A in a normed linear space is called separable if there exists a countable subset of A which is dense in A. 1.6.6 Example. l", 1 ::; p < co, is Rl1Jlnrahlo. A count.ahlo Bubsot whic-,h ifl I1nlll'l" ill l" iF! tho !'l(,t, of 1~11 "'''11111'1\('111'\ of tl1l\ form (al, 0'1, . . • ,
ak, 0, 0, . . .), where the ak are rational (a complex number is rational if
its real and imaginary parts are rational). ,,,, is not separable. For suppose {Xk I is a sequence of elements in loo' We show that there exists an x E ,,,, such that IIx - xkll ;::: 1. Let Xl X2
= =
(Xl!, X21, • • •) (XI 2, X2 2, • • • )
(aI, a2, . . .) by if IXkkl ;::: 1 if IXkkl < 1
Then x is in ,,,, and IIx - xjll ;::: laj - x/I;::: 1. It is shown in Zaanen [1], page 75, that £p(S, :3, p,), 1 ~ p < 00, is separable, where p, is a separable measure. In particular, £p(Q), 1 ~ p < 00 , is separable, where Q is a Lebesgue-measurable subset of En. Taylor [1], page 91, shows that £",(1) is not separable, where I is any interval on the line. 1.6.7 Theorem. If the conjugate of normed linear space X is separable, then X is also separable.
Proof. Let {x~l be dense in X'. Choose sequence {xd in X such that Ilxkll = 1 and IX~Xkl ;::: Ilx /II/2. We claim that the space Xl spanned by the Xk is dense in X. Suppose this is not the case. Then, by Corollary 1.5.5, there exists an x' :;z£ 0 in X' such that x' X 1 = O. Since {x~ I is dense in X', there exists a subsequence {x~.l which converges to x'. Since
Il xk1' . -
x'II> I(xkt' . - x/)x k~.1 -
Ix'.x .1 kt k t
> Ilx~,11 2 -
{x~, I converges to O. But this is impossible since x~, ~ x' :;z£ o. Thus Xl is dense in X. Since the set A, consisting of elements of the form n
L aiXi,
ai rational, is countable and dense in Xl, it follows that A IS
dense in X.
Hence X is separable.
Since loo = l~ is not separable but II is, the converse to the above theorem does not hold. 1.6.8 Df!finition. The natural map., denoted by J x, of normed linear Ilpnce X info nil Rrrond ron.i1loatr Rpnrr X" (the Banach flpace of bounded
linear functionals on X') is defined by (J xx)x'
x' EX'
If the range of J x is all of X", then X is called reflexive.
The natural map J from X into X" is a linear isometry. The linearity of J is clear, while from Corollary 1.5.7 we have
IIJxl1 = 'l,'l,.
I(Jx)x'\ =
Ilx'l\ =
I\x'~= 1
Ix'xl = Ilxli
Every reflexive space is complete, since a conjugate space is complete and isomorphisms preserve completeness. £p(S,~, p.), 1 < P < 00, is reflexive, as may easily be seen from the definition of the natural map and the representation of £~(S, ~, p.) given in Theorem 1.6.2.
A word of caution. Sometimes the argument given to show, for example, that £p = £p(S, ~, p.), 1 < P < 00, is reflexive is the following. £~ is equivalent to £~" which in turn is equivalent to £pu = £p. Hence £p is reflexive. The flaw in the argument is that the equivalence of a normed linear space with its second conjugate does not guarantee the reflexivity of the space. James [1] gave an ingenious construction of a Banach space X which is equivalent to X", yet the dimension of X"/ J xX is 1. 1.6.10 Theorem. separable.
The conjugate space of a separable reflexive space is
Proof. Suppose X is reflexive and separable. Then X" = J xX is separable. Hence X' is separable by :Theorem 1.6.7.
Since l~ = l", and II is separable but l", is not, i.t follows from the above theorem that II is not reflexive. 1.6.11 Theorem. is reflexive.
A Banach space is reflexive if and only ~f its conjugate
Proof. Let J be the natural map from X into X". Suppose X is reflexive. We must show that given x'" EX"', there exists an x' EX' such that
x"'Jx = (Jx)x'
(1) J)Clfinl1
x' -
x' e X' "'1Ir1 (1) iM
Assume X' is reflexive but X is not reflexive. There exists an x" E X" such that x" ~ JX. Since X is complete and J is a linear isometry, we know from Lemma 1.4.8 that J X is also complete and therefore is closed in X". Thus there exists an x'" E X'" such that x"'x" =;t. 0 and x'" J X = O. Since X' is reflexive, there exists an x' E X' such that
o =;t. x"'x"
x'''Jx = (Jx)x' = x'x
Equation (2) shows that x' =;t. 0, while Eq. (3) shows that x' = 0, which is absurd. Hence X is reflexive.
A closed subspace of a reflexive space is reflexive.
Proof. Let M be a closed subspace of reflexive space X. m" EM", define x" E X" by
x"x' = m"x~ where x~ is the restriction of x' E X' to M. Let m = J X-IX". It will be shown that m is in M and J Mm = m", proving that M is reflexive. Suppose m ~ M. Then there exists an x' E X' such that x'm =;t. 0 while x'M = O. Thus x~ = 0 and
o =;t. x'm
= x'J X-IX" = x"x' =
= m"O = 0
which is impossible. Hence m is in M. For each m' EM', let m: be an element in X', which is an extension of m'. Then
Thus J Mm = m", completing the proof of the theorem. The next theorem is useful in proving convergence in norm of certain sequences in oCp(Q), 1 < P < 00.
1.6.13 D~finition. A sequence {x n } in normed linear space X is said to converge weakly to x EX if for every x' EX', X'X n -+ x'x. This is written 1.6.14
w X n -+ X.
Banach [1],
(IOIlVOJ'jl;llIWIl ill 1101'111 iH ,,}all HUIlIO
nH wonk
has 8hown that
1.6.15 Theorem. Every bounded sequence in a reflexive space contains a weakly convergent subsequence. Proof. Let {Xk} be a bounded sequence in reflexive space X and let Xl = sp {Xk}. Then X I is separable, since each x E X I is the limit of n
elements of the form
L aiXi,
Thus X~ is separable by
Theorems 1.6.12 and 1.6.10. Let {x~} be dense in X~. Since {X~Xk} is a bounded sequence, there exists a subsequence {X~Xlk} which converges. Since IX~X1k I is bounded, there exists a subsequence {X~X2k} which converges. Thus {X~X2k} and IX~X2d converge. By induction, one obtains sequences {Xjk} such that (1) (2)
1< _3.
IXu+I)kl is a subsequence of IXjk} {X;Xjk} converges
Setting Vk = Xkk, it is easy to see from (1) and (2) that {x;vd converges for eachj. Since Ix;} is dense in X~, it follows that {x'vd converges for each x' E X~. Define x" on X~ by X"X' = lim X'VIc /c-> ..
Clearly, x" is linear. Since Ix'vkl ~ Ilx'lllIvkll and {vd is a subsequence of bounded sequence Ixd, it follows that x" is bounded; that is, x" E X~'. Therefore the reflexivity of X I implies the existence of an x E Xl such that (3)
X'X = XliX' = lim X'Vk /c-> ..
x' E X~
Given z' E X', let z~ be the restrictio~ of z' to Xl.
By (3),
z'X = z~x = lim Z'Vk /c->
Hence {Vic} converges weakly to x, which proves the theorem. Convergence in norm is not the same as weak convergence in an infinite-dimensional reflexive space X. Otherwise, by the above theorenl, every sequence in the I-sphere of X contains a convergent (in norm) subsequence. Thus the I-sphere is compact, and therefore X is finitedimensional. The propcrl,ills of the nlttuml mo.p from X into X" lon.d to (Jl'Oof of tho followillK tllllorolll.
1.6.16 Theorem. Banach space.
Every normed linear space is a dense subspace of a
Proof. Given normed linear space X, let X consist of the elements of X and the elements of the Banach space Z = J xX C X" which are not in J xX. Define addition and scalar multiplication in X by the corresponding operations in Z. The norm of an element in X is the norm of the corresponding element in Z.
We shall call
X the completion of X.
In this section some of the basic theorems concerning Hilbert spaces are proved. The study of these spaces has been the subject of several books. The reader is referred to Akhieser and Glazman [1], Berberian [1], Halmos [1], and Stone [1]. 1.7.1 Definition. Let X be a vector space over the real or complex numbers. An inner product on X is a scalar-valued function ( , ) defined on the Cartesian product X X X with the following properties. t.
n. m. iv.
(ax, y) = a(x, y) (x, y) = (y, x)j that is, (x, y) is the complex conjugate of (y, x) (x + y, z) = (x, z) + (y, z) (x, x) > 0 whenever x ¢ 0
X, together with an inner product, is called an inner-product space. It follows from the above axioms that (x, ay)
(x, y
+ z)
a(x, y)
= (x, y)
(0, x) = 0
(x, y) =
+ (x, z) X E
For unitary n-space an inner product is given by
L" x,y.
x = (Xl, . . . ,x,,),
(yt, . . . ,y,,)
An inner product on
is given by
In Examples 1.7.2 and 1.7.3, (x, x)i gives the norm of x. We shall show that for any inner-product space, Ilxll = (x, x)t is indeed a norm.
Let X be an inner-product space.
1.7.4 Schwarz's inequality. for all x and y E X
\(x, y)1 ~ Ilxllllyll Equality holds if and only
Ilxll = (x, x)i
x and yare linearly dependent.
Two proofs are given. The first one is the usual short proof, while the second, though longer, is geometrically motivated. Proof. (1)
For any scalar X,
= IIxl1 2 - X(x, y) - X(y, x)
0 ~ (x - Xy, x - Xy)
+ \X12 IIyl12
For (y, x) = 0, the inequality is trivial and equality holds if and only if at least x or y is zero. Suppose (y, x) ~ O. Substituting X = IlxI1 2/(y, x) in (1) yields (2)
IIxl1 lIyll2 \(x, y)12
whence (3)
Equality holds in (3) if and only if equality holds in (1), in which case x = (1IxI1 2/(y, x»y. In the plane, Schwarz's inequality follows from the fact that (x, y) = IIxllllyll cos 0, where 0 is th~ angle between x and y, 0 ~ 0 ~ 7r. The first step of the proof is to give meaning to cos 0 for an arbitrary inner-product space. To avoid trivialities, it is assumed in the sequel that x ~ 0 and y ~ O.Choose X so that x - Xy is perpendicular to y; that is, 0 = (x - Xy, y), or equivalently,
Thus we may think of a right triangle with hypotenuse x and sides Xyand x - Xy. Define cos 0 (1)
. lUll
1\r~11 Ilx - AyJ]
0 -
(Envision 8 as being the acute angle between x and y.) putation shows that
I(x, y)1 = IIxll IJyl1
IIxl1 2=
(x -
AY + AY, x
A simple com-
cos 8
Ay + AY)
and the fact that A was chosen so that (x - AY, Y) = 0, it follows that the "Pythagorean theorem" holds; Le., (3)
Thus (1) and (3) imply (4)
cos 2 8
Hence 0
+ sin
=:; cos 8 =:; 1 which, together with (2), implies
lex, y)1 =:; IIxlillYIl Suppose
I(x, y)I
o= or x =
1.7.5 Theorem. norm on X. Proof.
Then (2) and (4) show that
Ayll I[xll
sin 8 = [[x -
Given inner-product space X,
= (x,
defines a
For x and y E X, Schwarz's inequality implies
IIx + Yll2 = (x + y,'x + y) = IIxl1 2+ (x, y) + (x, y) + IIYl12 =:; l[xl[2 + 21(x, y)1 + IIyI12 =:; IIxl1 2+ 211xlillYII + l[y112 = (11xll + Ilyll)2
Hence Ilx yll =:; Ilxll Ilyll· The other properties required of II II in order that it be a norm follow immediately from the definition of an inner product. An inner-product space will always be considered as a normed linear space with the norm Ilxll = (x, x)l. 1.7.6 Theorem. Suppose x" -+ x and 1/" -+ y in inner-product space X. Tlwn (x", 1/..) -+ (x, 1/). In other wortls, the inner product i.~ continuo'u8 O'TI. tht, mdr'lc Hl)(Lt~(' X X X.
We write
(x n, Yn) - (x, y) = (X n, Yn) - (x, Yn) (x, Yn) - (x, y) = (X n - x, Yn) + (x, Yn - y)
By Schwarz's inequality I(xn, Yn) - (x, y)1 ~
Ilxn- xllllYnll + IlxllllYn
- yll
Since IIYnl1 ~ IIYII, Ilxn - xii ~ 0 and llYn - yll ~ 0, it follows that (x n , Yn) - (x, y) ~ o. 1.7.7 Definition. A Hilbert space is an inner-product space which is also a Banach space with norm Ilxll = (x, x)l. Thus £2(S, ~,JL) is a Hilbert space, but any nonclosed subspace of £2(S, ~, JL) is an inner-product space which is not a Hilbert space.
In the course of solving the following problem, the theorems which we desire to include in this section make their appearance. 1.7.8 Problem. Suppose M is a closed subspace of Hilbert space Given x E X, does there exist an element Px E M such that
Ilx -
PxlJ = d(x, M)
In other words, does there exist a best approximation to x among all the elements in M-best in the sense that Ilx - Pxll :::; Ilx - zll for all z E M? M must be closed, for if x E if but x II M, then for all mE M, d(x, M) = 0
< Ilx - mil
If M is a line through the origin and X is the plane, then Px is the foot of the perpendicular from x to M or, what is the same thing, x - Px is perpendicular to M. The next lemma is motivated by this observation.
1.7.9 Definition. Elements x and Y in an inner-product space are called perpendicular or orthogonal, written x ..L Y, when (x, y) = O. Element x is perpendicular to a set M, written x ..L M, if (x, m) = 0 for all m E M 1.7.10 Lemma. Let X be an inner-product space (not necessarily complete) and let M be a subspace of x. Suppose that given x E X, there exists a Px EM such that x - Px ..L M. Then Px is the unique element in M for which d(x, M) = Ilx - Pxll. More specifically, the "Pythagorean theorem" holds; that is,
IIx - mill - 11;( - Pxll' + II/'x - m,1I 1
It is clear that the Pythagorean theorem implies that
Ilx - mil> Ilx -
= d(x, M)
Given m EM,
Ilx - ml1 2 =
(x - m, x - m)
= «x - Px)
Ilx -
Pxl/ 2
+ (Px - m), (x - Px) + (Px - m» + (x - Px, Px - m) + (Px - m, x - Px) + I/Px -
Since x - Px .1 M and Px - mE M, it follows from (1) that
Ilx Px.
mll 2 =
Ilx -
Pxl1 2
+ I/Px
- ml/ 2
Problem 1. 7.8 is now reduced to finding the "foot of the perpendicular" We start out by finding Px for certain M.
A set in an inner-product space is called orthogonal
i] distinct elements in the set are orthogonal. An orthogonal set is called orthonormal if each element in the set has norm 1.
In l2 the set of unit vectors Uk
(0, 0, . . . , 1, 0, . . .) is orthok
normal. For the £2([0, 211"]) space of complex-valued functions, {(l/V211")eint l, n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . ,is an orthonormal set. In order to motivate how to determine Px in the next lemma, take (1,0,0) and (0, 1,0). For x = (Xl, X2, xs) the foot of the perpendicular is
= ES with M the plane spanned by the vectors
Also, the length of Px is dominated by the length of x (Bessel's inequality). 1.7.12 Lemma. Let {UI, U2, . . . } be an orthonormal set in Hilbert space X and let M = sp ({Uk}). Then for each x E X there exists a Px in M such that x - Px ..L M. The formula for Px is given by Px =
L'" (x, Ui)U; ;=1
The serieB converges to Px independent of rearrangement.
L I(x, 14.)1 I-I
I/Pxl/ 2 ~
(BeBsel' B inequality)
Proof. The convergence of the series will be established first. Since {Ul, 11,2, . • .} is orthonormal, it follows that
o ~ (x
L (x, Ui)Ui, X - L (X,Ui)Ui) =
IIxll 2 -
L l(x,ui)12 i=l
Hence .,
L I(x, ui)12 ~ IIxll
i=1 n
Thus for Sn =
L (X,Ui)Ui i=1
IISn+k -
= (
L (X,Ui)Ui, i=n+l L (X,Ui)Ui) i=n+l n+k
I(x, u;)I2.-~ 0
as n
Therefore {Sn} converges to an element Px in :fe. Note that the argument also shows that the series converges independent of any rearrangement. Since Sn is in M and M is closed, Px is also in M. Now, by Theorem 1.7.6, n
(x - Px, Uj) = lim (x -
L (x, Ui)Ui, Uj) = (x, Uj) -
(x, Uj) = 0
Hence x - Px ..L sp (lUi}) and therefore, by the continuity of the inner product, x - Px ..L M. By (1), n
IIPxl1 2 = lim n-+oo
L (X,Ui)Ui) = L I(x, ui)12 ~
IIxl1 2
Suppose that
L (x, Vi)Vi, where
is a rearrangement of
Then by the above argument,
Ilx -
x -
Pxll = d(x, M) =
Ilx -
..L M.
P 1xll
Hence, by Lemma 1.7.10, and
Problem 1.7.8 is therefore solved for M = sp IUk}. The next step is to solve the prohloffi for M = Ap 11/,,.}, whol'O l?t" I is 110(, llo(Jossll.rily (~O\lll t,lLblll.
1.7.13 Lemma. Let M = sp {u,,}, where {u,,} is an orthonormal set in Hilbert space X. Thenfor each x e X, (x, u,,) ~ ofor at most a countable number of U", and Px = (x, u")u,,
T he series converges to Px e M independent of rearrangement. x - Px 1.. M.
Proof. Once it is shown that (x, u a ) ~ 0 for at most a countable number of u a , the rest of the lemma follows from Lemma 1.7.12. For each sequence of elements {u",} in {u a }, we have, by Bessel's inequality, that '" I(x, U a )12 :::; Ilx11 2 • Consequently, there exist, for each positive integer
n, at most n of the (x, u a) such that
En =
I(x, ua)1 2:: IlxI1 2/n.
{ua I I(x, ua )12
II(x, 1I a )1 > o} = n~1 En
is countable, since each En is finite. The class of those M for which there exists a solution to Problem 1.7.8 has now been enlarged to those M = sp {u,,}, where {u a } is an arbitrary orthonormal set. Thus, to solve the problem for general closed subspaces M, it remains to show that M is the closure of the span of some orthonormal set. 1.7.14 Lemma. Given any closed supspace M ~ 0 of Hilbert space X, there exists an orthonormal set {u a } such that M = sp {u,,}, Proof. The proof utilizes Zorn's lemma in order to prove the existence of a maximal orthonorm~l set 0 contained in M, maximal in the sense that 0 is not a proper subset of any orthonormal set contained in M. Let (p be the class of all orthonormal subsets of M. (p is not empty since it contains the I-point set {m}, where m eM and Ilmil = 1. Partially order (p by set inclusion. Let 3 be a totally ordered subclass of (p. Since V S is an upper bound in (p for 3, Zorn's lemma asserts that
tains a maximal element, say the orthonormal set {u a }. We claim that M = sp {u a }. Assume the contrary. Then there exists an x ~ 0 in M but not in M 1 = sp {u,,}, By Lemma 1.7.13, there exists a Px e M 1 such that x - Px 1.. MI. Thus the set consisting of (x - Px)/llx - Pxll and the 11" is all OIthollorma} set r,ontaininp; {u a } properly. But this is impolil,Hiblo, HiIlC'C' [11,,1 iH TlIl\.xinml. Hrmc'o /If = Flp rn"l.
From the preceding lemmas we have the following theorem. 1.7.15 Theorem. Let M be a closed subspace of Hilbert space X.' Given x EX, there exists a unique element Px E M such that x - Px ..L M. Furthermore, Ilx - Pxll = d(x, M) < Ilx - mil, mE M, m ;;e Px. 1.7.16 Definition. Subspaces M 1 and M 2 of vector space V are called linearly independent if M 1 ( \ M 2 = (0) or, equivalently, each x E M 1 + M 2 has a unique representation x = Xl + X2, Xl E M 1, X2 E M 2. The symbol M 1 EI1 M 2, called the direct sum of M 1 and M 2, is used only if M 1 and M 2 are linearly independent and denotes the set M 1 + M 2. 1.7.17
If M is a closed subspace of Hilbert space X, then
EI1 M1.
where M 1. is the closed subspace of elements perpendicular to M.
Proof. If y EM (\ M 1., then 0 = (y, y) and therefore y = O. Given x E X, there exists, by Theorem 1.7.15, a Px E M such that x Px ..L M. Since x = Px
+ (x -
Px) EM
+ Ml.
the corollary is proved. For a fixed x in Hilbert space X the functional x' defined by The question arises whether all elements in X' are determined in this manner. The answer is in the affirmative, as is now shown. x'(z) = (z, x) is in X'.
1.7.18 Riesz representation theorem. Let X be a Hilbert space. Given x' E X', there exists a unique x E X such that x'(z) = (z, x) Moreover,
Ilxll = Ilx'll·
Proof. If x' = 0, choose x = O. exist as in the theorem, then (1)
= (x, z)
Assume x' ;;e O.
If x were to
Z E m(x')
The first step then is to find an element v ~ 0 orthop;onnl to m(x'). Since m(x') is closed and is 1I0t all of :le, Rueh U I' CJxiHt.s by 'I'hoorolll 1.7,15, For
any scalar a, x = av is also orthogonal to m(x'). We need another condition to determine which a to choose. This condition is given by (2)
x'(x) = (x, x)
or ax'(v)
= (av, av) = aallvl1 2
Hence, choose a = x'(v)/llvI1 2 • We assert that x = av = (x'(v)/lIvI1 2 )v is the desired x. Since the map [u] ---t x'u is a 1-1 linear map from x/m(x') onto the scalars, x/m(x') is one-dimensional and therefore [x] ,t. [0] is a basis. Hence X = sp {x} EEl m(x'). Given z E X, z has the representation z = aX + w, for some w E m(x'). By the choice of x, (1) and (2) are satisfied. Thus x'(z) = ax'(x) = a(x, x) = (ax
+ W, x)
= (z, x)
Suppose x'(z) = (z, y) for all z E X. Then 0 = (z, x - y), Z E X, and, in particular,O = (x - y, x - y). Hence x = y. It remains to prove that Ilxll = Ilx'll· Since
Ix'(z)1 =
I(z, x)1 ~
Ilx'll Ilxll it follows that
~ x'x
= (x, x) = IIxl1 2
1.7.19 Definition. For X a Hilbert space, let Ex be the map from X onto X' defined by Exx = x', where x'z = (z, x), Z E X.
It is clear that Ex is additive and that Ex(ax) = aExx. By the Riesz representation theorem, we know that Ex is an isometry with CR(E x ) = X'. Thus if X is a real Hilbert space, then JC is equivalent to X'. 1.7.20 Definition. A Banach space X with norm II 111 is called a Hilbert space if there exists an inner product on X such that (x, x)! = Ilxlll' 1.7.21 Theorem. X is reflexive. Proof.
Let E
If X is a Hilbert space, then so is X'.
= E 3C
be the map from X onto X', as in Definition
Define an inner product ( , )1 o_n X' by (:r', 11') I
(Ji]- 111', F:- IX')
where ( , > is the inner product on X. From the properties of E, it is easy to verify that ( , >1 is indeed an inner product. Since E-l is an isometry,
Thus x' is a Hilbert space. Let E 1 = Ex' be the map from x' onto X", as in Definition 1.7.19. Suppose x" e X". For each x' EX',
Thus X is reflexive. We conclude this section with the proof that all separable Hilbert spaces are equivalent to l2. 1.7.22 Lem,m,a. Let 0 be an orthonormal set in Hilbert Space X. following statements are equivalent. 'to
n. iii.
0 is a maximal orthonormal set in X sp (0) = X x = Px = ~ (x, u)u u.0
!lxll = IIPxl1
(Parseval's equality)
Proof. (i) implies (ii). If sp (0) ~ X, then it follows from Theorem 1.7.15 that there exists ayE X such that Ilyll = 1, y ..L sp (0). Thus 0 is a proper subset of the orthonormal set y V 0, which contradicts (i). (ii) implies (iii). By Lemma 1.7.13, x - Pz ..L sp (0). Since sp (0) = ac, x - Px ..L x - Px, whence x = Px. (iii) implies (iv) trivially. (iv) implies (i). Let 0 be a subset of orthonormal set 01. Assume there exists an x E 0 1 but not in 0.' Then (x, u> = 0 for each u E O. Hence, by (iv), 1 = IIxl1 2 = IIPxl1 2 = I(x, u)12 = O. Therefore 0 1 = O.
Since 01 was an arbitrary orthonormal set containing 0, 0 is a maximal orthonormal set. In the literature, a maximal orthonormal set in X is called complete. In the £2([0, 211"]) space of real-valued functions, the orthonormal set {1/V211", cos nt/v;, sin nt/V;, n = 1,2, . . . } is a maximal orthonormal set. This statement is proved in McShane and Botts [1], pages
230-233. 1.7.23 Lem,ma. set 1:11 rnuntaNr..
In a separable Hilbert space, every orthonormal
Let e be an orthonormal set.
Ilu -
v!l 2
= (u - v, U
For U and VEe
= Ilu!l 2+ IIvl1 2 =
Thus e is countable, since a set of isolated points in a separable metric space is countable. 1.7.24
A separable Hilbert space is equivalent to l2.
Proof. Given a separable I-Iilbert space X, there exists, by Lemmas 1.7.14 and 1.7.23, a maximal orthonormal set Uh U2, • . . in X. By
L (x, Ui)Ui. 00
Lemma 1.7.22, each x E X has the representation x
i=l 00
IIx!l2 =
L I(x, ui)I2 i= 1
the sequence {(x, Ui)} is in l2. Let T be the linear map from X into l2 defined by Tx = {(x, Ui)} By (1), T is an isometry.
It remains to prove that m(T) = l2. n
l2 be given.
Defining s"
L aiUi, it follows that (s,,} is a Cauchy i=l
sequence and therefore converges to some
= {(
L a"Uk, Ui)}
chapter II
There are essentially two methods of dealing with differential operators in the usual function space setting. The first is to define a new topology on the space so that the differential operators are continuous and then to develop and apply a general theory of continuous operators on a nonnormable topological linear space. This is known as L. Schwartz's theory of distributions (cf. Schwartz [1], Hormander [1], and Friedman [1]). The second method is to retain the Banach space structure while developing and applying a general theory of unbounded linear operators (cf. Browder [3.1 and Visik [1]). We use the second method for the following two reasons: 1,.
The linear differential operators usually encountered are closed or at least have closed linear extensions. Many of the important theorems which hold for continuous linear operators on a Banach space also hold for closed linear operators.
In this chapter, as well as in Chaps. IV and V, the second assertion is substantiated.
Throughout thi8 chapler, X and Yare normed linear 8paces over the 8ame 8calar8, and T 1:11 a lirl(~al' 0lJeralOT luwina domain a 8ubspace of X
and range a subspace of Y. X and Yare assumed complete only when specifically stated. For any set M C X, TM denotes the set I Tm I mE M (\ 5J(T)}. CLOSED LINEAR OPERATORS
II.I.I Definition. X X Y is defined as the normed linear space of all ordered pairs (x, y), x E X, Y E Y, with the usual definitions of addition and scalar multiplication and with norm given by II (x, y)" = max Illxll, IlyII}. II.I.2 Definition. The graph G(T) of T is the set {(x, Tx) I x E D(T) }. Since T is linear, G(T) is a subspace of X X Y. If the graph of T is closed in X X Y, then T is said to be closed in X. When there is no ambiguity concerning the space X, we say that T is closed.
Remarks 1,.
ii. m. w. v.
T is closed if and only if Ix n } in D(T), Xn ~ x, TX n ~ y, imply x E D(T) and Tx = y. If Tis 1-1 and closed, then T-l is closed. The null manifold of a closed operator is closed. If :D(T) is closed and T is continuous, then T is closed. The continuity of T does not necessarily imply that T is closed. Conversely, T closed does not necessarily imply that T is continuous. This statement can be verified by the following examples.
Let 5J(T) be any proper dense subspace of X = Y and let T be the identity map. T is obviously continuous but not closed. II.I.4 Example. Let X = Y = C([O, 1]) and let C'([O, 1)] be the subspace of X consisting of the functions with continuous first derivatives. Define the linear differential operator T mapping C'([O, 1]) into Y by (Tx)(t) = x'(t), t E [0, 1]. T is clo13ed; for if Xn ~ x and TX n ~ y, then I x n } converges uniformly to x and I x~} converges uniformly to y on [0, 1]. It follows from taking antiderivatives of x~ and y that x is in C'([O, 1]) and that Tx = x' = yon [0, 1]. Thus T is closed. However, T is unbounded, since the sequence Ixn(t)} = It n } has the properties IITxnl1 = nand Ilxnll = 1.
It is shown in Chaps. VI and VII that large classes of differential operators are closed.
The closed-graph theorem, which is another fundamental theorem in functional I1l\alysis, shows when a closed linear operator is continuous. WhilA thiR thllorom is valid in mom p;OnC1rl1] topololl:i(~nl Iinrnr ArnOOA (cf.
Robertson and Robertson [1]), we present the proof for Banach spaces as an application of basic lemma II.1.7. The lemma is also applied later to prove the important Theorem II.4.3. II.I.5 define
For Z a normed linear space and r a positive number,
Sz(r) = {z I z E Z,
Ilzll ::;
SZO(r) = {z I z E Z,
Ilzll < r}
The following lemma is a simple consequence of the properties of a norm. II.I.6
Lemma ~.
ii. nt.
Given x E X, the translation map fx from X onto X defined by fx(z) = x + z is a homeomorphism. For any nonzero scalar a, the map ga from X onto X, defined by ga(X) = ax, is a homeomorphism. For any open set V C X and any x E X, fx(V) = x + V is open. Therefore A + V = U x + V is open, where A is an arbitrary x.A
set in X. Given a set K C X, aK = ga(K)
= ga(K) = aKfor any scalar a.
II.I.7 Basic Lemma. Let X be complete and let T be closed. SyO(r) C TS x (l), then SyO(r) C TS x (l).
Proof. To prove the lemma, it suffices to prove that SyO(r) C TS x (l/l - a) whenever 0 < a < 1; for if this is the case, then given y E SyO(r), there exists an a, 0 < a < 1, such that y/1 - a is also in SyO(r). Hence there exists an x E Sx(1/1 - a) such that Tx = y/1 - a or T((l- a)x) = y. Sincell(l- a)xll::; 1,yisinTS x (1). LetO < a < 1 and let y E SyO(r) be given. By hypothesis and (iv) of Lemma II.1.6, it follows that for each nonnegative integer n, SyO(ra n ) C TSx(a n ). Taking n = 0, there exists an Xo E Sx(l) such that Ily - Txoll < ra j that is, y - Txo E SyO(ra). Hence, taking n = 1, there exists an Xl E Sx(a) such that Ily - Txo - TXIII < ra 2 ; that is, y - Txo - TXI E SyO(ra 2). Proceeding in this manner, a sequence {x n } is obtained with the properties that n
Ily -
< ran+!
L Ilx.. 1/1 ,,-0 " defined by z" ... L Xi is Cl\.uehy ,-0 Consequently,
L Tx;1I
11 :::;
e and therefore the sequence {ZII}
in Bl1nn,oh apfl.co X.
ther;e exists an x E X such that [[xii::; 1/1 - e and Zn ~ x. From (1) it is clear that TZ n ~ y. Since T is closed, x must be in :n(T) (\ Sx(l/l - e) and Tx = y, whence y E TS x (l/l - e). II.l.B Open-mapping theorem. Let X be complete and let Y be of the second category. If T is closed and 0, the set Tx TSx(e) contains an open set Tx + SyO(r) for some r > O. By the basic lemma II.1.7, it suffices to show the existence of some r > 0 such that SyO(r) C TSx(e). Since
Y = \.J nTS x (l) and Y is of the second category, there exists a positive n=l
integer p such that p TS x (l) = pTSx (l) contains a nonempty open set. It follows from (ii) of Lemma 11.1.6 that TS x (e/2) must also contain a nonempty open set V. Thus
oE V
- V C TSx
(~) -
C TSx(e)
Since V - V is an open set about 0, there exists an r > 0 such that SyO(r) C V - V C TSx(e). Thus the proof of the theorem is complete. For an example of an incomplete normed linear space of the second category, the reader is referred to Bourbaki [1], Exercise 6, page 3. II.l.9 Closed-graph theorem. A closed linear operator mapping a Banach space into a Banach space is continuous. Proof. Suppose the domain of T is all of X with X and Y complete. The graph G(T) may be considered as a Banach space, since it is a closed subspace of Banach space X X Y. Define linear maps PI and P 2 from G(T) into X and Y, respectively, by PI(x, Tx) = x and P 2 (x, Tx) = Tx. Clearly, PI is 1-1 and satisfies the hypotheses of tbe open-mapping theorem. Consequently, PI has a continuous inverse. Since P 2 is continuous, T = P 2P I - I is also continuous.
In the closed-graph theorem it is essential that both X and Y be complete, as may be seen in the following two examples. The first-order differential operator in Example 11.1.4 is closed but not continuous. The domain of the operator is C'([O, 1]), which is not complete, while the range of the ope~ator is Y = C([O, 1]), which is complete.
11.1.10 IUl(.l Int,
II ho
Lot X ho any illfii~ite-dimom;ional Banach space X. IT is usually roforred (;0 I1S 11
Hot, of lmHitl dnmCJIlI,H for
Hamel basis. It may be assumed that the elements in H are of norm 1. Define Xl as the vector space X with norm II III given by hiEH
Ilxlll ~ Ilxll. Xl is not complete.
Let Y1, Y2, . . . be any infinite
countable subset of H and let Sn
k- 2Yk.
It is easy to verify that
{Sn} is a Cauchy sequence in Xl which does not converge in Xl. Let T be the identity map from X onto Xl. Then T is closed and has a continuous inverse. However, T is not continuous; otherwise T would be an isomorphism, which would imply that Xl is complete.
As an application of the closed-graph theorem, the following fundamental theorem is obtained. It is also referred to in the literature as the Banach-Steinhaus theorem. II.I.ll Uniform-boundedness principle. Let X be a Banach space and let F be a set of continuous linear operators mapping X into Y such that for each x E X, sup II Txll < 00. Then sup II Til < 00 j that is, the operators TEF
in F, when restricted to a bounded set in X, are uniformly bounded.
Before proving the theorem, we indicate (at the expense of being somewhat verbose) how one might motivate the proof. It is required to find some constant M so that for all x E X, sup IITxl1 ~ Mllxll. A technique TEF
which is often used is to fix x and thereby induce a vector-valued function Ax: F ---+ Y defined by (Ax)T = Tx. In this context, we seek a constant M so that (1)
sup I (Ax) Til ~ TEF
By hypothesis, sup T,F
Mllxll 00,
for each x E X.
Thus, Ax is a
member of B(F, Y), the normed linear space of bounded functions from F into Y with norm defined by Ilhll = sup Ilh(T)II. Hence, by (1), an TEF
M is required so that IIAxl1 ~ Mllxll for all x E X. This, in turn, suggests defining the operator A: X ---+ B(F, Y), with the hope that A is bounded. The proof of the theorem consists of showing that A is continuous by applying the closed-graph theorem. Since B(F, Y) is not necessarily complete, B(F, ?) is considered instead, where :P' is the completion of Y.
Proof. Lot A bo t.ho linoo,r lllltp from X in (,0 llCF, 1') dn!illOd hy (Ax)'l' - 'l'x, 1'. /t', His oUHy to verify Lhat A it! dOIlOU, WhOlWO, lJy Ulll
closed-graph theorem, A is continuous. sup II Txll = T.F
Consequently sup T.F
In the above theorem it is essential that X be complete.
Let X be
the subspace of l2 consisting of all elements of the form
a,u" where
U1 = (1,0,0, . . .), U2 = (0, 1,0,0, . . .), etc. For each positive integer n, let Tn: X ~ l2 be the linear operator defined by setting
if i ~ n ifi = n Then II Tnll
= n while for each x E X, Tnx ~ 0.
By taking Y to be the space of scalars in Theorem 11.1.11, we obtain the result that if X is complete and F is a subset of X' such that sup Ix'xl < 00, X E X, then F is bounded in X'. The following theorem x'di'
is what one might call the dual result. II.I.12
Suppose K is a subset of X such that
sup !x'kl k,K
x' EX'
Then K is bounded. Proof.
Let J be the natural map from X into X". sup I(Jk)x'j = sup k,K
Ix'kl <
By hypothesis,
x' EX'
Since X' is complete and J is a linear isometry, the uniform-boundedness principle assures us that sup Ilkll = sup IIJk!1 < 00. k,K
II.I.13 Definition. Let M be a subspace of X. An operator P is called a projection from X onto M if P is a bounded linear map from X onto M such that p2 = P.
As fi further I1pplication of the closoet-graph theorem we show that thero ill a 1-1 cOrrCElpOIIUUIICO betweon tho sct of projections onto M and cortltill e!oHou IlU!JSPlW(l!! of X.
II.I.I4 Theorem. Let M be a closed subspace of Banach space X. There exists a projection from X onto M if and only if there exists a closed subspace N of X such that X = M E9 N (M (\ N = (0) and X = M + N). In this case, there exists a c > 0 such that
11m + nil;::: cllmll
Proof. Suppose P is a projection from X onto M. Let N = m-(P). Since P is continuous, N is closed. Furthermore, N (\ M = (0), since v e N (\ M implies v = Pv = O. Since any x e X may be written x = Px + (x - Px) and x - Px is in N, X = M + N. Conversely, suppose N satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. Then each x e X has a unique representation of the form x
= m+n
Define the operator P from X onto M by P(m + n) = m. Clearly, Pis linear and p2 = P. Moreover, P is closed. Indeed, suppose
Since M is closed, y is in M. Therefore y = Py and nk --t x - y. N is also closed, x - y is in N. Hence 0 = P(x - y) = Px - y. P is closed. By the closed-graph theorem, P is continuous and
IIPII 11m + nil ;:::
+ n) I
= Ilmil
Since Thus
meM, neN
The above proof shows that the 1-1 correspondence between projections Ponto M and the closed subspaces N such tha t X = M E9 N is given by P --t m-(P). II.I.I5 Theorem. There is always a projection from a Hilbert space onto anyone of its closed subspaces. Proof.
Corollary I.7.17 and Theorem II.1.14.
The above theorem is instrumental in obtaining a number of important results in Hilbert space. There are examples which show that the theorem does not hold in general if the Banach space is not required to be a Hilbert space. For a discussion of projections and corresponding references, the reader is referred to Dunford nnd Schwartz [11, pnges .1.13 and .'i!i4, ltlld to I'o!c:zyllski [J I. For lilliLo-diHlOIIHiollltlllllbllprwoH Wll lmvo tho rollow illjl; I'lll'IUlt.
II.l.l6 Theorem. There is always a projection from a normed linear space onto anyone of its finite-dimensional subspaces.
Suppose M is a finite-dimensional subspace of X with basis Xl, X2, • . • , Xn . Let x~, x~, . . . , x~ be elements in X' such that X~Xj = 5i;, where 5ij is the Kronecker delta. The may be constructed as follows. Let M i = sp I Xl, X2, • . • ,Xi-I, Xi+l, . • • ,xn }. Since M i is finite-dimensional and therefore closed, there exists a E X' such that V;Xi ~ 0 and Choose = V;/V;Xi. It is easy to verify that i = O. Proof.
r n
the operator P defined by Px
is a projection from X onto M.
II.l.l7 Remarks. If X is an n-dimensional normed linear space, then so is X'. To see this, let Xl, . . . ,Xn and x~, . . . ,x~ be as in the proof of the above theorem, where now X = M. It is easy to verify that the set Ix~, . . . ,x~} is linearly independent and that each x' E X' has the
r n
representation x'
X' (Xi)X;.
Thus every finite-dimensional normed
i= 1
linear space is reflexive, since JxX, X, X', and X" have the same dimension and therefore J xX = X". 11.2
As we shall see in subsequent chapters, the concept of the conjugate of a linear operator is very useful in obtaining information about the range and inverse of T. In the remaining sections of this chapter, theorems are presented which show how certain properties of an operator and its conjugate are related. When T is bounded on all of X, the conjugate of T is the map T' which takes each y' E Y' to y'T E X'. For example, suppose X = Y is an n-dimensional normed linear space over the complex numbers with basis Xl, X2, • . . ,Xn • Let M = «(Xij) be an n X n matrix whose elements are complex numbers. Then M, together with the basis Ix;}, determines T
r n
by setting
Let x~, x;, . . . ,x~ be elements in X' such
that X;Xj = 5i;, the Kronecker delta. Then T' is the operator determined by the adjoint matrix M*, together with I x~}, defined by setting n
~ T "Xi = i.I
Now if T is no longer continuous, then y'T need not be in X'. To define in a similar manner the conjugate of such an operator, the natural proeodure is to single out those 1/' E Y' f,9J' which y'T is continuous. Lett.illlJ: thiR RllhRPIW(1 of V' bo 1,ho
especially in cases when T is a differential operator whose domain, considered as a subspace of £2(12), consists of certain smooth functions. In most applications, ~(T) ,t. X but ~(T) = X, where X is complete. Before defining T' formally, we prove the following theorem. 1l.2.1 Theorem. Let M be a subspace dense in X and let Y be complete. If A is a bounded linear map from Minto Y, then there exists a unique continuouslinear extension A of A to all of X and IIAII = IIAII. The conjugate space M' is equivalent to X'. Proof. Given x EX, there exists a sequence {Xk} in M which converges to x. Since IIAxk - AXil1 :s:; IIAllllxk - xiii, {Axd is a Cauchy sequence which therefore converges to some y in Banach space Y. Let Ax = y. In order to show that A is unambiguously defined, suppose that {zd is a sequence in M which also converges to x. Then by what has just been shown, the sequence Ax!, Az 1, AX2' Az 2, . . . converges to some WE Y. Thus subsequences {Axd and {Az k } both converge to w. Since AXk ~ y, Y = w = lim Azk. Clearly, A is a linear extension of A to all k.... .,
of X.
Now IIAxl1
= n.... lim IIAxnl1 :s:; IIAIIlim Ilxnll = IIAllllxll ., n.... .,
Hence IIAII :s:; IIAII. Since A is an extension of A, IIAII ~ IIAII. Thus IIAII = IIAII. If Y is taken to be the scalars, then the map from M' onto X' which takes A in M' to A E X' is a linear isometry. 1l.2.2 Definition. Let the domain of T be dense in X. The conjugate T' of T is defined as follows. ~(T') = {y' I y' E V', y'T continuous on ~(T)}. For y' E ~(T'), let T' be the operator which takes y' E ~(T') to iTT, where iTT is the unique continuous linear extension of y'T to all of X. ~(T') is a subspace of V', and T' 2S linear. T'y' is taken to be y'T rather than y'T in order that CR(T') be contained in X'.
The requirement that the domain of the operator be dense in X is not as restrictive as might appear at first glance. Suppose ~(T) is not dense in X. Then one can define Xl as the closure of the domain of T and obtain the conjugate T' as a mapping from a subspace of Y' into X~. By inspecting the theorems which require that ~(T) = X, one can usually remove this restriction by considering Xl in place of X. This is done, for example, in the proofs of Theorems V.l.6 and V.l.8. The following simple examples are presented in detail in order to give somo "fr.clilll/;" for I,ho dofinition of It eOlljul/;ItLc opomj,or. Tho conjugl\toF! of (~ort.ltill diITorollt.iul opornl,orfl Itrll ddlll'lllillllll ill Chup. VI.
Example. U1
Let X = Y =
= (1,0,0, . . .),
be the unit vectors in
~ p
and let
= (0, 1, 0, . . .), etc.
Define T by
T(X1, X2, . . . ,xn , 0, 0, . . .) =
(I jxj, X2, Xa, . . . ,x"' 0, 0, . . . ) j=1
Suppose y' = (a1' a2, . . .) E :D(T').
Then for k
Since Ilukll = 1 and y'T is bounded on :D(T), a1 = 0. Also, any element (0, b1, b2, . . .) E [p' = [~ is in :D(T'). Hence the domain of T' consists of all the elements in [p' which have zero as their first term. Suppose T'y' = (C1, C2, . . .), where y' = (0, a2, aa,. .) E :D(T'). Then k~2
= O. Thus T'y' = y'.
Il.2.4 Example. Let X = Y = £2([0, 1]) and let :D(T) be the subspace of X consisting of those f such that (1)
f is absolutely continuous on [0, 1] with f' f(O) = f(l) =
= :
E £2([0,
Define T by Tf = f'. Strictly speaking, :D(T) is the subspace of cosets [f] E X, where f satisfies (1) and (2) and Tf is the coset [1']. Recall that an absolutely continuous function is differentiable almost everywhere. Since C;(I) is contained in :D(T), :D(T) is dense in X by Theorem 0.9. Suppose y E :D(T') C Y' = £2([0, 1]) and T'y = x. Then for f E :D(T), (3)
f y(t)f'(t) dt
= yTf
= (T'y)f
101 x(t)f(t) dt
Since f satisfies (1) and (2) and x is in £2([0, 1]) C £1 ([0, 1]), we may inte!/;rate by parts and get (4)
x(t)f(t) dt -
+ C)I'(t) dt
where C is an arbitrary constant and H(t) = and (4),
o = 10
+ H(t) + C)f'(t) dt
xes) ds.
Thus, by (3)
Letfo(t) = fot (y(s) + H(s) + Co) ds, where Co is chosen so thatfo(l) = Thenfo is in 5)(T), and from (5) it follows that
o = 10
+ H(t) + Col2 dt
Hence, as elements in X, y = -H - Co (considered as functions, y = -H - Co a.e.). It follows from the definition of H that y satisfies (1) and y' = -x = - T'y. On the other hand, if y satisfies (1), then considering y as an element of Y', Holder's inequality and integration by parts give lyTfl =
y(t)f'(t) dt I =
y'(t)f(t) dt
Thus y is in 5)(T'), since IlyT11 ::; lIy'll. We have shown that 5)(T') is the subspace of £2([0, 1]) consisting of those elements y which satisfy (1) and for which T'y = -y'. Hence T' is a proper extension of - T. Il.2.5 Example. Let X = £p(I), Y = £q{I), 1 ::; p, q < 00, where I is a compact interval. Let k be a bounded measurable function on I X I. Define the linear map K from X into Y by (Kf)(t) =
j; k(s, t)f(s) ds
It follows from Holder's inequality that K is in [X, Y]. y E Y' = £q,(I) and K'y = x EX' = £p,(I). Then for f EX,
£x(s)f(s) ds = (K'y)f = yKf = £yet) [£ k(s, t)f(s) dsJ dt Hence, by Fubini's theorem, ;; x(s)f(s) ds =
£f(s) [!r k(s, t)y(t) dt] ds
f EX
Thus, we may infer from Theorem 1.6.2 that (1('1/)(11) - X(II) - [/c(II, t)1I(l) (ll
Unless otherwise specified, we shall assume throughout the remainder of this chapter that the domain of T is dense in X.
II. 2. 6
T' is a closed linear operator in V'.
Proof. Suppose~ y: - t y' and T'y: - t x'. Then for each x E 'J)(T), y:Tx - t y'Tx and y:Tx = T'y:x - t x'x. Thus y'T = x' on 'J)(T). Hence, by the definition of T', y' E 'J)(T') and T'y' = x'. Therefore T'is
closed. The above theorem is used in Chap. VI to prove that certain differential operators are closed. For instance, the operator T l defined by
= {f I f absolutely continuous on TJ = f'
'J)(T 1)
[0, 1], f' E£ 2([0, I])}
is closed in £2([0,1]), since it was shown that - T l is the conjugate of the operator T defined in Example II.2.4. Next, some topological properties as well as the "size" of 'J)(T') are investigated. Even though 'J)(T) may be all of X, it is still possible for 'J)(T') to consist solely of the zero vector. The following example which demonstrates this is due to Berberian.
II. 2. 7 Example. Take X = Y = l2 and take 'J)(T) to be the span of the unit vectors Uk = (0, 0, . . . , 1, 0, 0, ..) E l2. Let k
{Uk; I k,j
be any double indexing of {Uk}. TUk = Uk,
1,2, . . . }
For each k, define j = 1,2, . . .
and extend T linearly to X. Suppose y' = (aI, a2, . . .) E 'J)(T'). for each k, T'y'Uk; = y'Uk = ak, j = 1,2, . . .. Now .,
L IT'y'Uk;12 ~
Th(1r(\forp 1/' - O.
o ...
lim T,'y'Ukl ""' at j-+-a
For an example of a differential operator T with 'neT') = (0), the reader is referred to Stone [1], Theorem 10.10, page 447. II.2.8 Theorem. 'neT') = Y' if and only if T is continuous. is the case, then T' is also continuous and IIT'II = IITII.
If that
Proof. Clearly, if T is continuous, then y'T is continuous for each y'eY'. Thus'n(T') = Y'. Suppose'n(T') = Y'. LetSbethel-sphere of 'neT). For each y' e V', sup ly'Txl ::; IIT'y'll. Hence, by Theorem 11.1.12, IITII
sup II Txll XES
:XES 00.
Now, for each xeS, IT'y'xl ::; Ily'IIIIT11.
Thus IIT'y'll ::; IITIIIIY'II, and therefore IIT'II 5: IITII. IITxl1
sup ly'Txl
lIy'li =
sup IT'y'xl ::; IIT'lIllxll
I!y'li =
By Corollary 1.5.7, X
e 'neT)
Hence IITII ::; IIT'II and the theorem follows. The linear operators which one usually encounters have the property that they are restrictions of closed operators. Theorem II.2.11 characterizes such operators. II.2.9 Definition. A set F of linear functionals on a vector space V is said to be total if given any v ;:e 0 in V, there exists an f eF such that f(v) ;:e o.
In Examples II.2.3 and 11.2.7, the domain of T' is not total. lary 1.5.6 shows that a conjugate space is total.
II.2.1O Definition. T is called closable if there exists a linear extension of T which is closed in X. The domain of T is not required to be dense in X. II.2.11 Theorem. Statements (i),. (ii) and (iii) are equivalent. is not required to be dense in X.)
T is closable. T has a minimal closed linear extension; i.e., there exists a closed linear extension '1' of T such that any closed linear extension of T is a closed linear extension ofT. m. For any y ;:e 0 in Y, (0, y) is not in the closure of the graph of T. If 'neT) = X, then the statement that 'neT') is total is equivalent to the above three statements. In this case, T' = ('1')', where '1' is the minimal closed extension of T. 2.
Proof. (i) implies (ii~). Let l' be a closed linear extension of T. If 11 e Yand 11 ¢ 0, then (0, y) ~ G(1') :::> G(T). Hence (0, y) _ (J['l'), since (J(t) iA (~loR()(l in X X Y.
Suppose (0, y) ~ G(T) for any y r5- 0 in Y.
(iii) implies (ii).
'1' as the operator whose graph is G(T); that is, :D('1') = {x I (x, z)
G(T) for some
'1'x = z
Then '1' is unambiguously defined and is a closed linear extension of T. Furthermore, '1' is the minimal closed linear extension of T; for if T 1 is a closed linear extension of T, then G(T 1) ~ G(T) = G('1'). (ii) implies (i) trivially. Suppose that :D(T) = X. We proceed to show that :D(T') is total if and only if statement (iii) is valid. Let :D(T') be total and let (0, y) be in G(T). Then there exists a sequence {x n } in :D(T) such that Xn ~ 0 and TX n ~ y. Thus, for each y' E :D(T'), y'Tx n ~ 0 and y'Tx n ~ y'y. Since :D(T') is total, it follows that y = O. Assume (iii). Let y r5- 0 be an element in Y. Then (0, y) ~ G(T) and therefore there exists a z' E (X X V)' such thatz'(O, y) r5- 0 and z'G(T) = O. Defining x' E X' and y' E Y' by x'x = z'(x, 0) and y'y = z'(O, y), we obtain
z'(x, Tx) = x'x
o r5- z'(O, y)
+ y'Tx
X E :D(T)
= y'y
From these two equations, we have y' E :D(T') and y'y r5- O. Thus :D(T') is total. Suppose y' E :D«'1')'). Then y''1' is continuous on :D('1') and, in particular, continuous on :D(T). Thus y' E :D(T'). Suppose y' E :D(T') and x E :D('1'). Since (x, '1'x) E G('1') = G(T), there exists a sequence {x n } in :D(T) such that Xn ~ x and TX n ~ '1'x. Hence
ly''1'xl =
lim ly'Txnl ~ IIT'y'll lim
Ilxnll = IIT'y'lIllxll
Therefore y''1' is bounded, which means y' E :D«'1')').
:D(T') = :D«'1')')
Since T'y'
('1')'y' on the dense subspace :D(T), it follows that T' =
The theorem just proved shows that the operator in Example II.2.3 is not closable.
11.2.12 Corollary.
A linear-operator which maps a Banach space into a Banach space is continuous if and only if the domain of its conjugate operator 1:H total.
Proof. Let X and Y be complete and let XJ(T) = X. Suppose XJ(T') is total. Then by Theorem II.2.11, '1' is closable. Since XJ(T) = X, '1' must be its own closed extension. Hence '1' is continuous by the closed-graph theorem. If '1' is continuous, then XJ(T') = V', which is total. II.2.13 Lemma. If X is reflexive and F is a subspace of X', then F is total if and only if F is dense in X'.
Proof. If F is total but not dense in X', there exists an x" ~ 0 in X" such that x"F = O. By the reflexivity of X, there exists an x ~ 0 such that 0 = x"x' = x'x for all x' E F. But this is impossible since F is total. If F is dense in X', then F is total, since any set dense in a total set is also total. II.2.I4 Theorem. Suppose Y is reflexive. Then '1' is closable if and only if XJ( '1") is dense in Y'. In that case, the minimal closed extension of '1' is J y-lT"Jx, where J x and J yare the natural maps from X into X" and Y onto Y", respectively.
Proof. The first assertion of the theorem is a consequence of Lemma 11.2.13 and Theorem 11.2.11. Thus the conjugate '1''' ofT' is defined, and by Theorem 11.2.6, '1''' is closed. Since J y and J x are isomorphisms, it follows that E = J y-IT" J x is also closed. Given x E XJ(T"J x ) and y' E XJ(T'), (1)
y'(Jy-lT".Jxx) = (T"Jxx)y' = (Jxx)T'y' = T'y'x
Now XJ(T) C XJ(T"J x ); for if x
XJ(T), then
[(Jxx)T'y'l = IT'y'xl :::;
Thus II (Jxx) '1"11 :::; IITxll, and therefore, by the definition of XJ(T'), J xX E XJ(T"). Consequently, we obtain from (1) y'(Ex) = T'y'x = y'Tx
X E XJ(T), y'
Since XJ(T') is total, Ex = Tx for all .r E XJ(T). Thus E is a closed linear extension of T. To prove that E is the minimal closed linear extension of '1', it suffices to prove that G(E) C G(T) = G(T). Suppose (u, v) E G(E) but (u, v) ¢ G(T). Then there exists a z' E (X X V)' such that
z'(u, v)
,'(x, 7'x) - 0
Let x' E X' and y'
Y' be defined by x'x
= z'(x, 0)
= z'(O, y)
Then (2)
+ y'v = z'(u, v)
+ y'Tx
= z'(x, Tx) = 0
Equation (3) implies y' E 5)(T') and T'y' = -x'.
a substitution of u for x in (1) gives y'v = T'y'u = -x'u
which contradicts (2).
Hence G(E) C G(T).
1" is continuous if and only if 5)(T') is closed in Y'.
Proof. Suppose T' is continuous and y: -----+ y', y: E 5)(T'). Since T' and {y~} are bounded, there exists some constant M such that IIT'y~11 ~ M. Therefore ly'Txl
= lim ly~Txl = lim IT'y~xl ~ Mllxll n-HO
As a result, y' E 5)(T') whence 5)(T') is closed. Conversely, if 5)(T') is closed, then T' is a closed linear map from Banach space 5)(T') into Banach space X'. By the closed-graph theorem, T' is continuous. Under the assumptions that X and Yare complete and that T is closed, it is shown in Corollary 11.4.8 that the statements "T continuous," "T' continuous," and "5)(T') closed" are all equivalent.
Il.2.16 Theorem. Every operator in [Y', X'] is a conjugate of an operator in [X, Y] if and only if Y is reflexive. Proof. Suppose Y is reflexive and A E [Y', X']. Define T E [X, Y] by T = Jy-lA'J x . Then T' = A, since for all y' E Y' and x E X, T'y'x
(A'Jxx)y' = (Jxx)Ay' = Ay'x
Suppose every operator in [Y', X'] is a conjugate operator. Let x~ E X' and Xo e X be chosen so tha t x~x~ = 1. Given y" E Y", define A E [Y', X'l (-~
by A 1/
Y" (Y')x~
By hypothesis, there exists aTE [X, Y] such that A y'Txo = T'y'xo = Ay'xo = y"(Y')x~xo = y"y'
Hence, E
Therefore Y is reflexive. 11.3
We shall first explain the notion of a state diagram. The diagram is a bookkeeping device for keeping track of some theorems concerning the range and inverse of T as well as T'. Motivated by the known theorems relating T and T', we classify various possibilities of meT) and T-l by
I: meT) II: III: 1: 2: 3:
m(T);;e Y but meT) m(T);;e Y
= Y
T-l exists and is continuous. T-l exists but is not continuous. T has no inverse.
= Y, we say that T is in state I or that T is surjective, written TEL Similarly, we say that T is in state 3, written T E3, if T has no inverse. If TEll and TEl, we write T EIll. The same notation is used for T'. If T E111 1 and T' Ela, we write (T, T') E (111 1 , la). Thus, (T, T') has 81 classifications, which are described in the "checkerboard" 11.3.14, which is referred to as a state diagram.
If meT)
In this section, theorems are proved which show the impossibility of certain states for (T, T'). These eliminated states are shown by shading the corresponding squares. Some of the squares can be eliminated if additional assumptions are put on X and Y, for example, X reflexive or Y complete. In these instances the letters X-R or Yare put in the corresponding squares. The state diagrams 11.3.14 and 11.4.11 were obtained by Goldberg [1]. II.3.1
If T' has a bounded inverse, then meT') is closed.
Proof. Suppose T'y: ----t x' E X'. there exists an m > 0 such that
Since T' has a bounded inverse,
Thus {y:J. is a Cauchy sequence which converges to Bome y' in Banach space Y'. Rinn(~ 7" iA (']OAP
The theorem shows that state III is impossible for T'. we write T' ¢ lIt.
For brevity,
II.3.2 Definition. If C is a subset of X', then the orthogonal complement of C in X is the set .LC = {x I x E X, x'x = 0 for all x' E C}. II.3.3 Remarks. K.L and .LC are closed subspaces of X' and X, respectively. AlsoK.L = K.L and.LC = .LC.
The proofs of Theorems 11.3.4 to 11.3.8 are left to the reader. II.3.4
If M is a subspace of X, then .L(M.L) =
II.3.5 Theorem. If N is a subspace of X', then (.LN).L :J N. is reflexive, then (.LN).L = N. II.3.6 Remarks. Dieudonne [1] has shown that subspace of X', then (.LN).L = N. Since we later (.LN).L = N, for N finite-dimensional, we shall prove Dieudonne's theorem. Since N C (.LN).t, it follows from Theorem 1.6.4 (1)
(.L~)' =
If X
if N is a reflexive use the fact that this special case of that
dim (.LN).L ;::: dim N
If x~ ,x~, ., x: is a basis for N, then the map A from Xj.LN into Un defined by A[x] =- (x;x, x~x, . . . ,x:x) is 1-1 and linear. Thus (2)
.L~ ~
n = dim N
It follows from (1) and (2) that N = (.LN).L.
II.3.7 t.
Theorem (R(T).L = (R(T).L = ;neT') (R(T) = .L;n(T')
In particular, T has a dense range if and only if T' is 1-1.
By interchanging the roles of T and T' in the above theorem, we do not quite obtain the dual type theorems. 11.3.8
. i. ii.
Theorem J.(R(T') ~ ;neT) If ~(T') is total, then ;neT) = .L(R(T') (', :nCT) ~ C ;n(T).L
In pn.rI1'I'lIlnr,
1'R lolnl, Own 'I' 1'S 1-1.
If l' and 1" each has an inverse, then (1'-1)' = (1")-1.
Proof. By Theorem II.3.7, :£)(1'-1) =
x'1'-1(1'x) = 1"y'x = y'1'x
Thus (1'-1)'x' = y' on
Ilzn/l =
1 and
if 1'z~ ~ 0 if 1'Zn = 0 II.3.lI
Proof. Suppose «(1") I) X' if fllld ollly if ('I"l 0'
and II.3.1l,
The next theorem shows that additional states for (1', 1") fail to exist when Y is complete. 11.3.13 Theorem. bounded inverse.
Let Y be complete.
If meT) = Y, then 1" has a
Proof. The argument is analogous to the one in Theorem II.3.11, with use being made of Theorem 11.1.11.
As a summary of the preceding theorems, the following state diagram is obtained. For example, we see from an inspection of the diagram that T has a bounded inverse if and only if the range of 1" is all of X'. In regard to the squares which remain open, we shall present in Sec. II.5 examples which exhibit the existence of the corresponding states when both X and Yare reflexive. 1l.3.14
State diagram for linear operators
Y: Cannot occur If Y II compl.t•.
This section is devoted to the construction of a state diagram for closed operators. Actually, the only "deep" theorem is 11.4.3, which plays a very important role in later sections. The theorem was first proved for bounded, instead of closed, operators by Banach [1], Theorem 1, page 146. For the generalization to closed operators, see Kato [1], Lemmas 324, 335, Goldberg [1], Theorem 5.1, and Rota [1], Theorem 1.1. Browder [2], Theorem 1.2, gave similar results for closed linear operators in Frechet spaces. 1l.4.1
and S SyO(r)
If T' has a bounded inverse (T not necessarily closed) the I-ball in X, then TS ~ SyO(r), where r = 1/11(T')-111 and {y Illyll < rl·
is =
Proof. Suppose y E SyO(r) but y tI TS. Since TS is closed and convex, there exists, by Theorem 1.5.10, a nonzero y' E Y' such that Re y' (y) ~ Re y'(TS). Assert that Re y'(y) ~ ly'Txl for all XES n :D(T) = SI. Indeed, if x E SI and y'Tx is written in polar form ly'Txle i9 , then e- i9 x E SI. Hence Re y'(y) ~ Re y'T(e-i9 x) = ly'Txl
Consequently, y' E :D(T') and
~ ly'YI ~ sup ly'Txl =
~ rlly'll
Thus 1l.4.2
> O.
r, which contradicts the supposition that y E SyO(r).
Suppose TS ~ SyO(r) , where S is the I-ball in X and If T-l exists, then it is continuous with II T- 1 11 ~ 1/r.
Proof. If T-l exists, then for x ,e 0 and 0 < c < 1, (1 - c)rTxlllTxll is in SyO(r). By hypothesis, there "exists some Z E S n :D(T) such that Tz = (1 - c)rTx/IITxll. Since T is 1-1, z = (1 - c)rx/IITxll. Hence IITxl1 ~ (1 - c)rllxll, which implies that T-l is continuous with liT-III ~ 1/r. Theorem. Suppose X is complete. If T is closed and T' has a bounded inverse, then TS ~ SyO(r), where r = 1/11(T')-111 and S is the I-ball of X. Thus ffi(T) = Y and T is an open map. If T-l exists, it is continuous and SyO(1/1IT- 111) is the largest open a-ball which is contained in TS. II.4.3
All but the last statement of the theorem are immediate
conscqllenncs of LCmmltH ll.4.l, 11.1.7, alld TJ .4.2. RIIJlpmlO T--I ()xists ILlld SyO(a) C '/'S. Tlwll fl'OllI LOIllIl\ll. 11.1.~ ltlill TlwOI'OIllH 11.:1.11 ILIIlI
11.2.8, it follows that =r As a summary of Theorems II.3.1l, II.3.13, and 11.4.3, we have the following dual results. Note that neither X nor Y need be complete, nor do we require that T be closed in (i). II. 4.4 't.
Theorem m(T') = X' if and only if T has a bounded inverse. Suppose that X and Yare complete and that T is closed. m(T) = Y if and only if T' has a bounded inverse.
Il.4.5 Corollary (Banach-Mazur). If Y is a separable Banach space, then there exists a continuous linear operator mapping II onto Y. 1\£oreover, the conjugate of Y is equivalent to a subspace of l",. Proof.
Let {yd be a sequence of elements of norm 1 which is 00
dense in the unit sphere of Y.
Define T e [ll' Yj by T({ ad) =
L akYk.
= (1, 0, 0, . . .),
IIT'y'll =
= (0, 1, 0, 0, . . .), etc. Then for y' e Y'
sup IT'y'(Uk) I = sup ly'Ykl = sup k
lIull =
IY'YI = Ily'll
Hence T' is an isometry and the range of T is Y by Theorem 11.4.4. 1I.4.6 Definition. The 1-1 operator '1' induced by T is the operator from 'J)(T) j'Jt(T) into Y defined by
'1'[xj = Tx Note that 1'is 1-1 and linear with the same range as T. The importance of considering'!' is that certain results which hold for 1-1 linear operators may be applied to '1' in order to obtain information about T. The proof of Corollary 11.4.8 is a case in point. The next lemma shows that l' has some of the essential properties of T. 11.4.7 Lemma. Suppose 'Jt(T) is closed and '1' is the 1-1 operator induced by T. Then i. £?:.
T is closed if and Only if l' is closed. 7' 1:S continuou,q if an,d only if _1' is continuous, in which case
IITII - II til,
:1)«1')') ""
:1)('1") and
11(1')' /1'11 "" 11'I"y'll
Proof of (i). Let T be closed. Suppose [xnl ---+ [x], [xnl E'D(T)/m(T), ---+ y. Then there exists a sequence Vn E m( T) such that X n Vn ---+ x. Since T(x n - v n) = T[xnl ---+ y and T is closed, x is in 'D(T) and Tx = y. Thus [xl E'D(T) and T[xl = Y, which proves that l' is closed. Conversely, let l' be closed. Suppose X n ---+ x and TX n ---+ y. Then [xnl ---+ [xl and T[xnl = TX n ---+ y. Hence [xl E'D(T) and l'[xl = y, or, equivalently, x E 'D(T) and Tx = y. Therefore T is closed. Proof of (iz). Suppose T is continuous. Then
and T[xnl
IIT[xlll = IITzl1
z E [x]
Hence IIT[x]1I ~
On the other hand, if Tis continuous, then
IITxl1 =
Therefore IITII ~ IITII· Combining these results, we obtain IITII = 111'11. The proof of (iii) follows easily upon replacing T by y'T and l' by y'T in the proof of (ii). Il.4.8 Corollary. Let Y be complete and let T be closed. If T' is continuous, then 'D(T) = X. If both X and Yare complete and T is closed, then the following three statements are equivalent.
i. '/,'/,. t'/,'/,.
T' is continuous. T is continuous on all of X. 'D(T') is closed.
Proof. Suppose T' is continuous. Assume, first, that T is 1-1. Let Y 1 = CR(T) and let T 1 be the operator T mapping 'D(T) into Y 1 • Then, by Theorems II.3.7 and II.3.9, (T1-I)' has an inverse and (1)
Since T' is continuous, it follows that T~ is also continuous. Thus (1) shows that (T1-I)' has a bounded inverse. Since T is closed, it follows that T1-I is also closed. Thus we may apply Theorem IIA.3 to T1-I and obtain X = CR(T1-I) = 'D(T). If T is not 1-1, then the 1-1 operator l' induced by T is closed and its conjugate is bounded by Lemma II.4.7. Thus, by what has just been shown, X/meT) = 'D(f') = <J)(T)/m(T). Hence X = 'D(T). If, in addition, X is complete, then T is continuous by the dosedgraph theorem. Hence 'D(T') = Y'. This shows that (i) implies (ii) and (i1:) implies (i#). Assuming (iii), (i) is n. consequence of the dosedgraph theorom aJlpliod
(,0 '/".
li.4.9 Corollary. Suppose X is reflexive. If there exists a bounded linear operator which maps X onto Banach space Y, then Y is reflexive. If M is a closed subspace of X, then XjM is reflexive.
Proof. Assume that T is an isomorphism from X onto Y. It follows from Theorem II.4.4 that Til is also an isomorphism. (One can also easily prove directly that Til is an isomorphism.) Since TilJ x = J yT and both J x and Til are surjective, it follows that
Y" = rst(T"J x) = rst(J yT) C rst(J t) Thus Y is reflexive. Let us only assume that rst(T) = Y. Then by Theorem 11.3.13, T'Y' is isomorphic to Y'. Since Y' is complete, T'Y' is also complete and therefore a closed subspace of reflexive space X'. Hence T'Y' is reflexive by Theorem 1.6.12. Thus, by what was just proved, Y' is reflexive and therefore so is Y. The last statement of the theorem now follows, since the map from X onto X/M defined by x ~ [x] is bounded and linear. One of the most important consequences of Theorem 11.4.4 is Theorem IV.1.2, which is proved when closed operators with closed range are discussed. We come to the final theorem which is needed to complete the state diagram for closed operators. Il.4.10 Theorem. Suppose X is reflexive. then rst(T') is dense in X'. Proof.
If T is closed and 1-1,
Let T 1 be the operator T cbnsidered as a map onto
It is easy to see that rst(T') = rst(T~). By Theorems 11.3.7 and 11.3.9, T~ has an inverse and (T~)-l = (T1-l)'. Since T is closed, it is clear that T 1 is closed and therefore so is T1-l. Applying Theorem II.2.14 to T1-r, we have that ~«TI-l)') is dense in X'. Since
the theorem follows. At times it will be convenient for us, throughout the remainder of the book, to refer to the two state diap;rums rather than to the various theorems ill SO(:s. II.a n.nd IIA. For examplo, (iii inspection of Diagram 11.3.14 shows t.hal. 7' fIJI I if alld only if' '/" fIn. If T is dosed, X reflexive, and Y
complete, then an inspection of II.4.l1 shows that T E II s if and only if T' E III 2• 1I.4.11
State diagram for closed linear operators
i T_ Y: Cannot occur if Y is complete.
X-c: Cannot occur if X is complete and T is closed. X - R-c: Cannot occur if X is reflexive and T is closed.
In this section examples are given which exhibit those states of (T, T') which can occur even when both X and Yare reflexive. Examples are also given which show that the states of (T,T') corresponding to the squares with entries can occur when the corresponding hypotheses on X or Y arc removed. Silwo somp of Lbo ILrgUlnUllts dopolld Oil propt'rtioM of (lOlIIpU(Jt OpOl'lL-
tors, it is suggested that the reader who is unfamiliar with the theory of compact operators return to this section after Chap. III. Where possible, compact linear operators are constructed. T continuous on X
(11, 11): Let T be the identity operator on X. (la, III l ): Let T be the left-shift operator defined by T( {Xk}) Obviously, TEla and by II.3.14, T' EIII l . (1111, la): Let T be the right-shift operator defined by
T({xd) = {xk-d
where Xo = O. T E 111 1 and by 11.4.11, T' E Ia. It is easy to see that the left-shift and right-shift operators are conjugates of each other.
T compact on X (11 2 , 11 2): Let T be defined by T( {Xk}) = {xk/k}. T is compact since Tn ---t T, n = 1, 2, . . . ,where Tn is the compact operator from X into Y defined by Tn({xd) = (yd, Yk = xk/k, 1 ~ k ~ n, and Yk = 0, k > n. Tn is compact since it is bounded and its range is finite-dimensional. Clearly, m(T) is dense in Y, and T has an unbounded inverse. Since a compact operator cannot have an infinite-dimensional range which is complete, T E 11 2• From 11.4.11, T' E 11 2 • (II a, 111 2): Let L be the left-shift operator on l2' and let A be the compact operator in example (11 2, 11 2). Define T = AL. Then T is compact and in lI a. From II.4.11, T' E 111 2•
(111 2 , II a): Let T be the conjugate of the operator in example (lI a, 111 2). Since the conjugate of a compact operator is compact, T is compact and from 11.4.11, T E111 2 and T' Ella. (IlIa, lila): Let T be the zero operator. Less trivially, let T l be the compact operator in example (11 2, 11 2) and let Land R be the left-shift and right-shift operators, respectively. Then T = T1RL is a compact operator in IlIa. By 11.4.11, T' E IlIa. Y not complete
The next eXflmplo dcp~nds on the following; observation, I\, e'_()Inpll'(~j, lillPIU' op~mj,ol' from mflexive space X into Le.1. '/'I Ill' UIf' O)H·"/l.l.or' '/' ('ollFlidl'l'l'd /l.A II. 1l1llJl f!'Om X Ollt,O VI = (!l(7'),
SUP!'OHO 7' iA
Tcompact on X
Then T 1 is also compact. To see this, suppose Ix n } is a bounded sequence in X. Since T is compact, there exists a subsequence Iv n } of Ix n } such that TV n ----+ y E Y. By Theorem 1.6.15, there exists a subsequence IZn} of Iv n } which converges weakly to some x E X. The continuity of T implies U'
that TZ n ----+ Tx. Since TZ n ----+ y, it is clear that TZ n ----+ y. Hence y = Tx, since y'y = y'Tx for all y' E Y'. Thus Tlv n -> Tx E Y I , showing that T 1 is compact.
(1 2 , 1I 2) : Let To be the compact operator in example (11 2 , 11 2) and let T be the operator To considered as a map from X onto R(T o). Then T is a compact operator in 12 , and by 11.4.11, T' E Ih (1 3 , 111 2): Let L be the left-shift operator on l2. Choose K as the operator in the preceding example (1 2 , 11 2), Defining T = KL, T is a compact operator in h Hence T' is also compact. Since a compact operator on an infinite-dimensional normed linear space cannot have a bounded inverse, T' ¢ 1. Thus T E 111 2 , by 11.4.11. X not complete
T continuous on X
(1 2 , III I ): Let X be the normed linear space obtained by renorming l2 as in Example II. 1.10. Define T as the identity map from X onto l2. Then T ¢ 1; otherwise the incomplete space X would be isomorphic to Banach space Y. Thus T E 12 and T' E I1I I by I1.4.11. (III, 11): Choose X as any proper subspace dense in Y = l2 with T as the identity map on X. (I1 2 , III 1) : Let A be the operator in example (1 2 , 111 1). Setting Xl as the domain of A and Y 1 as any proper subspace dense in l2' define T:X I X Y I ----+ l2 X l2 by T(x, y) = (Ax, y). Take the norm on l2 X l2 to be given by II(x, y)11 = (11x11 2 + IlyI12)~. With respect to the inner product «x, y), (u, v» = (x, u) + (y, v) l2 X l2 is a separable Hilbert space which, by Theorem 1.7.24, is equivalent to l2. T is easily seen to be in 11 2• Given z' E (l2 X l2), define x' and y' E l~ by x'(x) = z'(x, 0) and y'(y) = z'(O, y). Then
Iz'(x, y)1 ::; Hence
Ilx'llllxll + Ily'llllyll ::; (11x'll + IIY'II)II(x,
Ilz'll ::; Ilx'll + Ily'll· IIT'z'll
Ilxll =
~ IT'z'(x, 0)1
= jCA'x')xl
Thus (1)
IIA 'x'il ~. te:'1L 11 7"1,'11 > c.. Ir(A')-'TI
/T'z'(O, y)1
lIyl/ =
Thus (2)
Hence, by (1) and (2), there exists some m
IIT'z'lI This shows 1"
m(llx'l/ + Ily'lI)
0 such that
It follows from II.4.11 that 1"
II1 1 •
(II a, III 1): Let A, Xl, and Y 1 be as above. Define 1': X 1 X Y 1 ~ 72 X l2 by T(x, y) = (Ax, Ly), where L is the left-shift operator on l2. T is easily seen to be in II a. Arguing as in the above example, we obtain
IIL'y'll = lIy'll
Recall that L' is the right-shift operator and, in particular, is an isometry. Thus 1" E 111 1, by II.4.11. l' compact on X
X complete but not reflexive
(II 2 , III 2 ) : If 0 and
:::; q:::; oco, then x
Indeed, if q
(Xl, X2, . . • )
then Ilxll~ =
lp implies:r E lq
L /xklplxkl q- p <
since {XkJ is bounded. Now Ilxll q ~ !xkl, 1 :::; k. Thus IIxll~ :::; IIxll~-Pllxll; whence Ilxll q :::; Ilxll p • If q = oco, then clearly Ilxll oo :::; Ilxli p • Let A be the identity map from II into l2. Then by what was just proved, A is continuous. Define T:l 1 ~ l2 by l' = KA, where K is the compact operator in example (11 2 , 11 2). Since 1" is compact, it is not in 1 and its range is separable. However, loo is not separable. Thus 1" E 111 2 by 11.4.11. (111 2 , Ilia): Let 1'1 be the compact operator l' in the preceding example and let R be the right-shift operator on ll. Define 1': II ~ l2 as the operator T 1R. Then l' is clearly in III 2• Since compact operator 1" has a separable range, 1" is in III. Thus 1" E IlIa, by 11.4.11. The next example is for the only square in 11.4.11 which has not been accounted for.
X complete but not reflexive
Y not complete
l' compact on X
Then by the argument given in example (11 2,11 2),1'1 is a compact operator with an unbounded inverse. Define l' to be the operator 1'1 considered as a map from li onto Y = oo M
L IkYkl :::; L IkYk k=I k=I
L IVknl
:::; k=I L IkYk -
+ 1 ----} 1
as n ----}
L IkYkl
:::; 1 for all M, and therefore x
(kYk I is an element in li'
Hence TV n ----} Y = Tx, which shows that l' is compact. Since 1" is compact, its range is a separable subspace of inseparable space loo. Thus 1" E III. It follows from II.4.l1 that 1" is in 111 2 • Since the operators in the above examples are all continuous on X, we have also shown that the state diagram for closed linear operators is the same as the state diagram for continuous linear operators defined on all of X. In order to gain some insight into the reason for this, we mention the following theorem which was proved by Goldberg in (2). Roughly speaking, it is shown that by letting E be 'neT') with norm defined by Ily'll + IIT'Y'II, E becomes a conjugate space. Moreover, T~, which is the bounded operator 1" with respect to E, becomes the conjugate of a bounded operator 1'1. Finally, 1'1 and T~ have the same states as l' and 1", respectively. Thus the state diagram for (1', 1") is the same as the state diagram for (1'1, T~).
II.5.1 Theorem. Suppose l' is closed. Let E denote the space 'neT') with norm Ily'IIr = Ily'll + IIT'y'll and let T~ be the operator 1" mapping E into X'. Define J:Y----}E' by (Jy)y' = y'y and A:E----} (JY)' by (Ay')Jy = (Jy)y'. Then 1,.
n. m. iv.
E is linearly isometric to (JY)' under the map A. JT is a continuous linear map from 'neT) into JY. T~ = (JT)' A. l' and T' are in the same states as bounded operators JT and (JT)', respectively.
Suppose that X is reflexive and Y is com.plete. Let Z be the closure of J Y in R' and let .J '1': X --) 7. 111: t/if' ('(jilt i'll1/li71.~ Uncar l:;rJ(m.~ion of .J l' to a.1l IIf X. '/'hI'11 '/' (lnd '/" (1'/'1' in thl' HII/III' ,~/IlII'H (/.q I'l' lInd (,rr)', 1'1"~Jlf'I·lilll't!l.
A state diagram for linear operators in a topological linear space setting was constructed by Krishnamurthy [1]. Six examples which demonstrate the possibility of states corresponding to the blank squares still unaccounted for in Diagram 11.3.14 may be found in Goldberg [1]. II. 5.2 Definition. A scalar A belongs to 'to n.
Let X = Y and let I be the identity operator on X.
p(T), called the resolvent of 1', if l' - AI has a dense range and a bounded inverse. u(T), called the spectrum of 1', if A , p(T).
The set u(T) is decomposed into the following disjoint sets by letting A belong to n't. Pu(T), called the point spectrum of 1', if l' - AI E 3. iv. Ru(T) , called the residual spectrum of 1', if l' - AI E III but not in 3. v. Cu(T) , called the continuous spectrum of 1', if l' - AI E 2 but not in III. Since 1" - AI = (1' - AI)' and l' - AI is closed when l' is closed, an appeal to the state diagrams for (1' - AI, (1' - AI)') verifies the following relations. Il.5.3
'to n. m. w.
v. v't. vii. viii.
u(T) = u(T') Pu(T) C Ru(T') U Pu(T') C Ru(T) U Cu(T) C Ru(T') U Cu(T') C Cu(T) Ru(T) C Pu(T') Ru(T') C Cu(T) U If l' is closed and Ru(T') C Pu(T)
Pu(T') Pu(,-T) Cu(T')
Pu(T) X is reflexive, then Cu(T)
= CI1(T') and
11.5.4 Remark. The same argument used to prove the above corollary can be used to prove the following generalization. Let B be a continuous linear operator with X ::) X)(B) ::) x)(T) and range in Y. (Y not necessarily X.) Then (1' - AB)' = 1" - AB'. Define pn(T) as in (i) of Definition 11.5.2, with B replacing I. Similarly, define un(T), etc. Then (i) through (vii) of Corollary II.5.3 hold, where t.he Hylnbol UII'('1") ,'opllt(1(1A u('l") wherever it appears; for example, (ii) now rUlLdl'l I'ul/('I') C UUII'('1") U l'ulJ'('1").
Motivated by certain important concepts in the study of Banach algebras, we show that the states of closed linear operators can be characterized in terms of these concepts. II.6.1
Definition ~.
T is called left (right) regular provided there exists an operator A E [V, X] such that AT = I, (TA = I), where I is the identity map on ~(T) (Y). The set of all left (n'ght) regular elements will be denoted by R z (R r ). T is called a left (right) divisor oj zero if there exists an A ~ 0 in [V, X] such that TA = 0 (AT = 0) on Y (~(T». The set of all left (right) divisors of zero is denoted by D z (Dr). T is called a leJt (right) topological divisor oj zero if there exists a sequence (An} in [V, X] such that IIAnl1 = 1 and TAn -+ 0 (AnT -+ 0) in [V] ([~(T), Xl). The set of all left (right) topological d1~visors of zero is denoted by Zz (Zr).
For convenience, we shall use notations such as III = Dr to mean that T is in state III if and only if T E Dr and 1 = ezz to mean that TEl if and only if T is in the complement of the set Zzj that is, if T is not a left topological divisor of zero. II. 6.2
i. ii. ~n.
III = Dr 1 = ~.zz 3 = Dz 2
= Zz (\ eD z
Proof of (i). If T E III, there exists soine y' E Y' such that y' ~ 0 and y'CR(T) = O. Define A E [V, X] by Ay = y'(y)xo, where Xo ~ 0 is fixed in ~(T). Then A ~ 0 and ATx = 0 for all x E ~(T). Thus T E Dr. Conversely, suppose T E Dr. Let A ~ 0 be in [V, X] and let AT = O. Then CR(T) C ;n(A) ~ Y, whence T E III. Proof oj (ii). Suppose TEl and suppose there exists a sequence (An} in [V, X] such that An ~ 0 and TAn -+ 0 in [V]. Now there exists an m > 0 such that for each y in the l-sphere of Y,
Hence An -+ 0 in [V, Xl and therefore T ~ Zz. On the other hand, suppose ']' ~ 1. Then there oxists I1soquencc I x" I in ~(']') BliCh thnt Ilxnll = 1 and 'l'x n -+ O. Fix 1/ e Y' with Ilu'll - 1. 1+'01' OIwh n,
by AnY = y'(y)xn. Then IIAnl1 = 1 and IITA nll ~ II Txnll ~ O. Hence T EZ!. Proof of (iii). Suppose there exists and x r5- 0 such that Tx = O. Define A E [V, X] by Ay = y'(y)x, where y' is some nonzero element in V'. Then A r5- 0 but T A = O. Hence TED!. If TED!, there exists an A r5- 0 E [V, X] such that T A = O. Consequently, (0) r5- CR(A) C m:(T). (iv) is a trivial consequence of (ii) and (iii). II. 6.3 Theorem. Then I = eZr • Proof. {An} in [V,
Suppose X and Yare complete and T is closed.
Suppose TEl and also in Zr. {Ynl E Y such that
Then there exist sequences
Xl and
IIAnl1 = 1
1 IIAnYnll ~ 1 - n
IIYnl1 = 1
Let T be the 1-1 operator induced by T. The proof that IIA nT/I = /IAn Til is the same as the proof that /IT/I = /lTII in Lemma IIA.7. Moreover, T is closed. Since TEl, there exists a sequence {x n} such that TX n = Yn. The sequence ([xnJl in ~(T)/;n(T) is unbounded since /lAnTII ~ 0 and
Thus, for Zn = [x nJ/II[xn] II,
II Tznll =
=\II[;n]1I ~ 0
This implies that l' does not have a bounded inverse, which contradicts Theorem II.1.9. Hence TEl implies T E eZr • Conversely, suppose T ¢ Zr. To show TEl, it suffices to show that T' E 1 by 11.4.11. Assume T' does not have a bounded inverse. Then there exists a sequence {y:1 E ~(T') such that Ily:/I = 1 and T'y~ -+ O. Let Xo be an element of norm 1 in ~(T). Define An E [V, Xl by
Then IIAnl1 = 1, and for all x in the I-sphere of ~(T),
IIA" 7'/1 --. 0,
tho Iluppositioll 7' ¢ Zr.
II. 6.4 Theorem. If X and Yare complete and T is closed, then the following statements are equivalent.
TEll T ¢ZIV Zr
n. iii.
T E Rl
Proof. (i) is equivalent to (ii) by Theorems 11.6.2 and 11.6.3. We show that (i) is equivalent to (iii). If TEll, then T-1 E [Y, X], TT-1 = I on Y, and T-1T = I on XJ(T). Thus, by definition, T E R l ( \ R r. If T E R l ( \ Rr, then clearly T is 1-1 and CR(T) = Y. Hence from 11.4.11, TEll.
Combining Theorems 11.6.2 to 11.6.4 we obtain the following result. II.6.5 Theorem. Suppose X and Yare complete. Then the states for a closed linear operator with domain dense in X and range contained in Y are characterized by 't.
n. n't.
iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.
11 = R l (\ R r = e(Zr V Zl) 12 cannot exist I a = D z ( \ eZ r 111 cannot exist 11 2 = Zr (\ Zz (\ e(D r V D l )
lI a = Zr (\ D! (\ eDr 111 1 = Dr (\ eZI 111 2 = Dr (\ Zz (\ eD! IlIa = Dr (\ D z
The Riesz representation theorem -shows how a Hilbert space can be identified with its conjugate. Consequently, if X and Y are Hilbert spaces, then T' can be identified with an operator mapping a subspace of Y into X as follows. II.7.1 Definition. Let X and Y be Hilbert spaces. Let Ex and E y be the isometries from X onto X' and Y onto Y', respectively, as in Definition 1.7.19. The adjoint of T, written T*, is defined by T* = E X -1T'E y . II.7.2
Remarks The usual definition of T*, which is equivalent to the one above, is: ~(T*) iF! the subspace of Y consist,illll; of thoso 11 for which fv(:1:) = ('l';r, 7/) iH (;ollt.inIlO\lR Oil :0('1'). For' Hllnh 7/lni. '1'*11 = z, whorl' .l'u(:r) - (x, z) for' nil :1' ~ :1)('1'). '1'1\(11'1'1'01'(\ \.I1lI o(lOl'lLl.or
T* is characterized by the equation (Tx, y) = (x, z) = (x, T*y) ii.
From the definitions of Ex and E y , it is clear that T* is T' when the spaces are identified with their conjugates. In particular, the state diagrams for (T, T') and (T, T*) are the same. If X = Y and T = T*, then T is called self-adfoint. Thus, a self-adjoint operator is closed, and Diagram II.4.11 shows that II, II 2 and 1II 3 are its only possible states. For a treatment of self-adjoint ordinary differential operators, the reader is referred to Neumark [ll and Dunford and Schwartz [1], part II.
chapter III
The concept of a strictly singular operator was introduced by Kato [1] in his treatment of perturbation theory. It was shown that certain properties of T are shared by operators of the form T + B, where B is strictly singular. In this chapter, properties of strictly singular operators and, in particular, compact operators are obtained, the results of which are used in Chap. V. Throughout this chapter, X and Y denote normed linear spaces. Completeness is assumed only when specifically stated. III.1
111.1.1 Definition. Let B be a bounded linear operator with domain in X and range in Y. B is called strictly singular if it does not have a bounded inverse on any infinite-dimensional subspace contained in its domain. If B is defined on all of X, it suffices to consider only closed infinitedimensional subspaces. The most important examples of strictly singular operators are the compact operators. These playa major role in the study of differential and integral oquations. In eases whoro the normod lineal' SpfWOS ILro not Ilssuml'd (~omJlhl\'l', it. is oonvuniollt. t.o (\oIlHidOl' ,LlHO pr'Il!:OlllplL<:L OpOI'Il,(,orH.
IIl.l.2 Definition. Let K be a linear operator with domain in X and range in Y. If KS is totally bounded in Y, where S is the I-ball in X, then K is called precompact. If KS is compact in Y, then K is called compact. IlI.l.3
Every precompact operator is strictly singular.
Proof. Let B be a precompact operator with domain in X and range in Y. B is bounded since a totally bounded set is bounded. Suppose B has a bounded inverse on a subspace M C 5)(B). Then BS M is totally bounded, where SM is the I-ball in M. Since B has a bounded inverse on M, it follows that SM is totally bounded in M. Hence M is finite-dimensional by Theorem 1.4.6.
Examples of strictly singular operators which are not compact are given in Sec. II1.3. IlI.l.4
Every bounded linear operator with finite-dimensional range is compact. For if K: X ~ Y is such an operator, then letting S be the I-ball of X, KS is a bounded set in the finite-dimensional subspace CR(K) of Y. The compactness of KS is therefore a consequence of Corollary 1.4.3. An operator is compact if and only if it takes every bounded sequence into a sequence which has a convergent subsequence. An operator is precompact if and only if it takes every bounded sequence into a sequence which has a Cauchy subsequence. If K is precompact as a mapping from X into Y and 9" is the completion of Y, then K, when considered as a map into 9", is compact by Theorem 0.3. Thus K ~ [X, Yj is compact if and only if it is precompact, provided Y is complete.
III.l.S Lemma. Suppose /K N } is a sequence of precompact operators in [X, Yj. If K N ~ K in [X, V], then K is precompact. Proof. Let e N such that
> 0 be given.
By hypothesis, there exists an integer
Since K N is precompact, there exist elements Xl, X2, .'1:; for which
S of X such that given X ~ S, t.hcrn is nn
., Xm
in the I-ball
Hence, from: (1) and (2), IIKx - KXil1 ::; IIKx - KNxl1
+ IIKNx -
KXil1 < "3 + "3 + "3
which implies that K is precompact. As an application of the lemma, the following example of a compact operator is given. 1I1.1.6 Example. Let I = [0, 1] and let 1 < p, q < 00, with p' and q' conjugate to p and q, respectively. Suppose k(s, t) is in £r(l X I), where r is the larger of p' and q. Then the linear operator K defined by (Kx)(t) =
k(s, t)x(s) ds
is compact as a map from £,,(1) into £q(1). Proof. To show, first of all, that K maps £,,(1) into £q(I), suppose x is in £,,(I). Since r' ::; p, we have, hy Holder's inequality, that x is in £r,(I), Ilxll r ' ::; /Ixll", and (1)
IIKxll qq = fa1 dt I fa1 k(s, t)x(s) dslq ::; fa1 dt [( fa1 Ik(s, t)lr ds )q1rllxllr,q] ::; /Ixll"q fa1dt (fa1 I(k, t)/r ds)q1r
Since 0
q/r ::; 1, Holder's inequality implies that for any g E£1(I),
Taking get) = fa1 Ik(s, t)i' ds, we obtain from (1) and (2) that (3)
Thus K is continuous as a map from £,,(I) into £q(I). The operator K will next be shown to be compact under the additional assumption that k is continuous on I X I. Let Ix,,} be a bounded sequence in £,,(1). Then for y.. = Kx.., we have from the inequality I/x"lh ::; Ilx"l/" that 17I"(t) I
1":(8, t)X.(H)I dR ~ 1l~~~~1 IIc(R, t)lllx"l/p
Hence {Yn} is uniformly bounded on I. Since k is uniformly continuous on I X I, there exists for each c > 0 a fJ = fJ(c) > 0 such that for all SE
For such t 1 and t 2 ,
Since {x n } is bounded in "cp(I) , (4) shows that {Yn} is equicontinuous on I. Hence, by the Ascoli-Arzela theorem, {Yn} contains a subsequence converging in C([O, 1]) which in turn implies convergence in"cp([O, 1]). Thus K is compact. Removing the restriction that k be continuous, we nevertheless know by Theorem 0.9 that there exists a sequence {k n } of functions continuous on [0, 1] X [O,l]whichconvergesin"c,(I X l)tok. LetKnd"cp(I),,,cq(I)] be defined by
Then by what was just proved, K n is compact. k in (3) gives, for each x E "cp(I) ,
II(Kn - K)xllq ::; I[xll p (
10[l 10(l [kn(s, t)
Thus K n ~ K in ["cp(I) , "cq(I)]. III. 1.5.
Substituting k n
k(s, t)I'dsdt
k for
as n -
Consequently, K is compact by Lemma
In general, if Y is not complete, the limit in [X, Y] of compact operators need not be compact. This may be seen in the following example. IIl.I.7 Example. Let Co be the subspace of l", consisting of the sequences which converge to O. Let To be the operator mapping Co into l2 defined by
T o( (
1 ::; k
Define Tto be the operator To considered as amapfromcoonto Y =
Ilxkll = 1 in Co, but TXk ~ Y in l2, where y = {I, ,!, j-, . . . j. Now, y is not in Y, Rince 1'x = 11 implies x = /1,),1, . . . j, which is not in Co. TTol1c'o 1'l':I'k! hilt:! 110 Huhscquol1no whi<:h(r,onvcrg;cs in Y; that is, T is not c'omplll'l, lIoWI'VnI', Ull' !'4l1C!II11I1(\(! or oplll'/l,I,orR 'I'n :rll _.. ~ Y, ddinod hy
Tn ({ak\) = {lSd,wherelSk = ak/kfor1 ~ k ~ n and ISk = O,k > n,converges in [co, Y] to T. Moreover, (R ( Tn) is finite-dimensional and therefore Tn is compact. Corollary III.1.l0 shows how compact operators may arise from closed operators which do not have a closed range. The following theorem, excluding the assertion that the operator is precompact, is due to Kato [1]. III.I.B Definition. A subspace M of a vector space V is said to have finite deficiency in V if the dimension of V / M is finite. This is written . V d1m M
Even though M is not contained in 'J)(T), a restriction of T to M will mean a restriction of T to M (\ 'J) (T) . III.I.9 Theorem. Let T be a linear map from a subspace of X into Y. Suppose that T does not have a bounded inverse when restricted to any closed subspace having finite deficiency in X. Then given e > 0, there exists an infinite-dimensional subspace M(e) contained in 'J)(T) such that T restricted to M(e) is precompact and has norm not exceeding e. Proof. The hypothesis implies the existence of an Xl E X such that 1 and IITxll1 < 3- le. There is an x~ E X' such that Ilx~11 = 1 and X~Xl = Ilxlll = 1. Since ;n(x~) has deficiency 1 in X, there exists an X2 E ;n(x~) such that IIx211 = 1 and IITx211 < 3- 2 e. There exists an x; E X' such that Ilx;11 = 1 and X;X2 = IIx211 = 1. Since ;n(x~) (\ ;n(x;) has finite deficiency in X, there exists an Xa E ;n(x~) (\ ;n(x;) such that Ilxall = 1 and IITxal1 < 3- ae. Inductively, sequences {xd and {x~} are constructed in X and X', respectively, with the following properties.
(1) k-l
Xk E ( \
or, equivalently, X~Xk = 0
~ i
It is easy to verify that the set of Xk is linearly independent, whence M = sp IXl, X2, • • • } is an infinite-dimensional subspace of 'J)(T). It will now be shown that the restriction T M of T to M has norm not exceedm
ing e.
Then from (1) and (2),
In fact,
< m. Then from
For suppose (3) is true for k ::::; j
(1) and (2),
X;+l X =
L aiX:+1 (Xi) + ai+1 ,=1
Hence, by (4) and the induction hypothesis, i
L lad IX:+lxil
la;+ll ::::; Ix:+ 1xl +
IIxll +
L 2i-lll xll
2i /lxlI
Thus (3) follows by induction and m
IITxl1 ::::;
L 10:;1 II Txil1
3-i Ellxll
Hence IIT M II ::::; E. To prove that T M is precompact, it suffices to show that T M is the limit in [M, Y] of a sequence of precompact operators. For each positive integern, define TnM:M - ? Y to be Ton sp (Xl, X2, . . . , xn } and 0 on sp (X n+l, Xn+2, • • .}. Clearly TnM is linear and has finiten+k dimensional range. Moreover, TnM is bounded on M; for if X = a,Xi,
then by (1) and (3), n
II TnMx11
L \a,IIITxill ,=1
Thus TnM is precompact by III.1.4.
L 2i- 13-iEllxll ,=1
IITMx - TnMxll::::;
10:;1 II TXili
i=n+1 00
::::; Ellxll
as n
it follows that TnM converges to T M in [M, Y], completing the proof of the theorem. Ill.l.LO Corollary. Let X and Y be complete. If T is closed but 0 there exists an infinite-dimensional closed Rubspaw M(e) contained in 5)(1') such lI{al T restricted to M(e) is compact with norm not ('xrr"',f1'n(l e.
Proof. Let W be a closed subspace having finite deficiency in X. Assume T has a bounded inverse on W. Then TW is closed; for if TX n ~ y, Xn E W, then (xnl is a Cauchy sequence and therefore converges to some x in Banach space W. Since T is closed, x is in ~(T) and Tx = y. By hypothesis, there exists a finite-dimensional subspace N of X such that X = W + N. Hence TX = TW + TN. Since TW is closed and TN is finite-dimensional, TX is also closed by Theorem 1.4.12. But this contradicts the hypothesis that
It is shown in Example IIL3.7 that the conjugate of a strictly singular operator is not necessarily strictly singular and conversely, a bounded operator which has a strictly singular conjugate need not be strictly singular. This lack of duality, fortunately, does not carryover to precompact operators, as the next theorem shows. III.I.II Theorem. A bounded linear operator is precompact if and only if its conjugate is compact. Proof. Let K be a precompact linear operator which maps X into Y. We shall prove that K' is precompact and therefore compact since X' is complete. Given e > 0, there exist Xl. X2, • • • , X n in the I-ball Sx of X such that for each x E Sx there is an Xi for which (1)
IIKx - KXil1
< "3
Let A be the map from Y' to unitary n-space given by Ay'
(y' KXI' . . . ,y'Kx n)
Since A is clearly bounded and linear, we know by Remark (i) of IILIA that A is compact. Hence there exist y~, . . . , y~ in the I-ball Sy, of Y' such that for each y' E SY', there is a y; for which IIAy' - Ayjll
In particular, 1 ~
i $
From (1) and (2),
- yjKx;! + lyiKx; - YiKxl z ::;; IIKx - Kx;11 + 3 + I/Kx; - Kxll < z
IK'y'x - K'yjxl ::;; ly'Kx - y'Kx;1
+ ly'Kx;
Thus I/K'y' - K'y;11 ~ e whence K' is precompact. Conversely, suppose K' is compact. Then by what has just been shown, K" is compact. Now, K"J x = JyK, where J x and Jy are the natural maps from X into X" and Y into ylI, respectively. Since J x is bounded, it is clear that K"J x is compact and, in particular, J yK is precompact. Since J y has a bounded inverse, it is easy to see that K is precompact. If the conjugate of a bounded linear operator is compact, it does not necessarily follow that the operator is compact. Indeed, in Example III. 1.7, Tn -> T in [co, Y]. Thus T~ -> T' in [Y', c~]. Since Tn is compact, so is T~. Hence T' is precompact and therefore compact, since Y' is complete. However, T is not compact.
111.1.12 Corollary. If the range of a precompact operator is complete, then the range is finite-dimensional. Proof. Suppose B E [X, Y] is precompact and its range Y l is complete. Then the operator B l , considered as the map B from X onto Y l , is precompact. Furthermore, B~ has a bounded inverse by Theorem II.3.I3. Since B~ is compact, Theorem III.1.3 asserts that Y~ is finitedimensional. Thus Y l is finite-dimensional. 111.1.13 Remark. Suppose B is a precompact operator in [X, Y]. Since a totally bounded set in a metric space is separable, BS and therefore ., Cll(B) = U nBS is separable, where S is the I-ball in X. Thus, in light n=l
of Corollary III.l.I2, CR(B) is no larger than a proper subspace dense in Y, provided Y is an infinite-dimensional separable Banach space and X is infinite-dimensional. Goldberg and Kruse [3] show that for such X and Y, there always exists a compact operator in [X, Y] whose range is dense in Y. We have also seen in Theorem III.1.3 that B cannot have a bounded inverse on X whenever X is infinite-dimensional. However, in the paper just cited, it is shown that there exists a 1-1 compact operator in [X, Y] if and only if X' contains a countable total subset. 111.2
Thoro iA It cloAo connection hotwrM t,ho Cfn,AS of strictly singular operators lind "Ito I'IIIHH or PI'l'('"I11Plld npomf,ori'l. FoJ' l'xlI.mplo, Kn,t,o [n, pn.Jl:o 2RIl,
has shown that these two classes coincide in the space of bounded operators mapping a Hilbert space into a Hilbert space. Feldman, Gokhberg, and Marcus [1] prove that the only nontrivial closed two-sided ideal in [Xl, where X = lp, 1 :::; p < 00, or X = Co, is the space xlX] of compact operators. Since it will be shown that the strictly singular operators S[X] constitute a closed two-sided ideal in [Xl, it follows that S[X] = x[X]. The following two theorems give insight into the connection between the two classes of operators. III.2.1 Theorem. are equivalent. '/,. ii.
Suppose B
[X, Y].
The following three statements
B is strictly singular. For every infinite-dimensional subspace M C X, there exists an infinite-dimensional subspace N C M such that B is precompact onN. Given e > 0 and given M an '/,'nfinite-dimensional subspace of X, there exists an infinite-dimensional subspace N C M such that B restricted to N has norm not exceeding e.
Proof. (i) implies (ii). Suppose B is strictly singular and M is an infinite-dimensional subspace of X. Then B M , the restriction of B to M, is strictly singular. Hence the existence of an N, with the properties asserted in (ii), is a consequence of Theorem III.1.9 applied to B M • (ii) implies (iii). If M is an infinite-dimensional subspace of X, then B does not have a bounded inverse on any subspace having finite deficiency in M; otherwise, B would be precompact and have a bounded inverse on an infinite-dimensional subspace. But this contradicts Theorem III.1.3. Hence (iii) follows by applying Theorem III.1.9 to B M . (i) follows easily from (iii).
The next theorem, due to Lacey [1], implies that if one adds to the above theorem that N has finite deficiency in M, then a characterization of the precompact operators is obtained. lII.2.2 Lemma. If S is a bounded set in X and x~, x~, , x: are in X', then for any e > 0, there exist Xl, X2, . . . ,Xm in S such that given XES, one can find an Xk such that
The map A from X to unitnry n-Apo.co definod by A:I' -
(.r;;r, :r~,r, ' , , ,.r;,:r)
is bounded and linear. Hence A is compact. Thus there exist , Xm in S such that given XES, there is an Xk such that
lII.2.3 Theorem. Suppose B E [X, Y]. Then B is precompac~ if and only if for every e > 0 there exists a subspace N having finite deficiency in X such that B restricted to N has norm not exceeding e. Proof. Let B be precompact and let e > 0 be given. There exist X2, . . . ,Xn in the i-ball S of X such that given XES, there is an Xk such that Xl,
Let y~,
, y: be in the i-sphere of Y' such that y:BXi = flBxill.
N = (\ ;n(y:B) has finite deficiency in X.
Suppose X E N (\ Sand Xk
Since X is in ;n(y~B),
is such that (1) holds.
Thus, from (1) and (2), (3)
Since X was arbitrary in N (\ S, (3) implies that B restricted to N has norm not exceeding e. Conversely, let e > 0 be given. By hypothesis, there exists an N of finite deficiency in X such that B N , the restriction of B to N, has norm not exceeding e. Since IIBNII = IIBNII, we may assume that N is closed. Hence, there exist VI, V2, . • • ,Vn in X such that
= N
E9 sp
lVI, . . .
From the construction of the projection in Theorem II.1.16, it follows that there exist x~, x~, ... ,x: in X' such that every x E X has a unique representation of the form n
= 'II -I-
L X;(X)li; ,-I
€, we have IIBxl1
€llu\l +
Ilxll +
L Ix:(x)IIIBvi\l
By (4),
L Ix:(x) I Ilv,ll
Combining (5) and (6) and choosing K = max it follows that
€llxll + €K
{IIBv,ll, \lv,ll; 1
~ i ~
L Ix:(x)! + K .=1 L Ix~(x)1 .=1
Given 17 > 0, there exist, by Lemma III.2.2, elements Xl, S such that given v e S, there is an Xk such that
,xm in
L Ix~v -
x:xkl < 17
Thus, substituting obtain
0 and 17
in (7) and noting that
IIv -
Xkl! ~
2, we
0 are arbitrary, it follows that BS is totally bounded.
III.2.4 Theorem. The set SIX, Y] of strictly singular operators and the set of precompaet operators (PX[X,. Y] in [X, Y] are closed subspaces. The set of compact operators xIX, Y] is a subspace (not necessarily closed). Proof. It is obvious that the sets are closed under scalar multi~ plication. Suppose K and L are in xIX, V]. Let {x n } be a bounded sequence in X. Since K is compact, there exists a subsequence {Yn} of {x n } such that {KYn} converges. Since L is compact, there exists a subsequence {Zn} of {Yn} such that {Lz n } converges. Hence {(K + L)z,,} converges, which shows that K + L is compact. Suppose K and L are in (pxlX, Y]. Then K and L are in xIX, f], where f is the completion of Y. Hence, by the above result, K + L is in xlX, f], or, equivalently, K + L is in (pxIX, Y]. Rupposc K find L are in SIX, Y]. Let. M ho ILIl illfinito-climollHionnl !:luhelllWe of X. Them, hy Th(1orom III.2.1, t,horo OXiHI,H nil infiniLo-dilll(\ll~
sional subspace N 1 C M such that K is precompact on N 1 and there exists an infinite-dimensional subspace N C N 1 such that L is precompact on N. Since K is also precompact on N, K + L is precompact on N by what we have just shown. Hence K + L is strictly singular by Theorem 111.2.1. (PX[X, Y) was shown to be closed in Lemma 111.1.5. Let K n ~ K in [X, Y), where each K n is strictly singular. Suppose K has a bounded inverse on subspace M C X. Then there exists a c > 0 such that for all meM,
IIKml1 :2 cllmll
Choose p so that (2)
Then from (1) and (2),
Thus K p has a bounded inverse on M. Since K p is strictly singular, M is finite-dimensional, whence K is strictly singular. If Y is complete, then the space of precompact operators coincides with the space of compact operators and therefore X[X, Y) is closed. Example 111.1.7 showed that if Y is not required to be complete, then X[X, Y) need not be closed. lII.2.5 Theorem. Let Z be a normed linear space. If K is in X[X, YJ, (PX[X, Y), or S[X, Y), then for A e [Z, X), KA is in X[Z, Y), (PX[Z, Yj, or S[Z, Y), respectively. Similarly, if B is in [V, Z), then BK is in X[X, Z], (PX[X, Z), or S[X, Z), respectively. Pro~f. We shall only prove the theorem for K e S[X, Y). The proofs for K in X[X, Y) or (PX[X, Y) are also easy. Suppose KA has a bounded inverse on a subspace M of Z. Then there exists a c > 0 such that for all x e M
:2 clJxll :2 II~ II IIAxll
Thus K has 11 bounded inverso on AM,jl.nd therefore AM is finite-dimenBut A iH 1-1 liIirwo [(A is 1-( Honce ll! is finite-dimensional. COlll:loqllontly, K A is strictly sinll:ullLl'.
Suppose BK has a bounded inverse on a subspace N of X. there exists a c > 0 such that for all x E N, IIBllllKxll ~
Thus K has a bounded inverse on N, whence N is finite-dimensional. Therefore BK is strictly singular. III.3
For the purpose of exhibiting some strictly singular operators, we prove Theorem IlL3.4 and Corollary IlL3,6, which are due to Whitley [1]. Ill.3.1 Definition. A linear operator which takes bounded sequences onto sequences which have a weakly convergent subsequence is called weakly compact.
III.3.2 Remark. Every weakly compact operator is bounded. For suppose B is a weakly compact operator which is unbounded. Then there exists a sequence Ix n } such that I Bx n } converges weakly and II BXn II ---t 00. But this contradicts Theorem Il.1.12. III. 3.3 Theorem. If at least X or Y is reflexive, then every operator in [X, Y] is weakly compact. Proof. The proof follows easily from Theorem 1.6.15 and the continuity of the operator. III.3.4 Theorem. A weakly compact operator on a Banach space which maps weakly convergent sequences onto norm convergent sequencies is strictly singular. Proof. Let BE [X, Y] satisfy the hypotheses of the theorem. Suppose B has a bounded inverse on a closed subspace M eX. Let lmd be a sequence in the I-ball of M. Then there exists a subsequence IVk} of lmd such that lBvd converges weakly to some y E Y. Since BM is closed, y is in BM; otherwise there exists a y' E Y' such that y'y = 1 and y'(BM) = 0, implying that lBvk} does not converge weakly to y. From the assumption that B has a bounded inverse on M, it follows that IVk} converges weakly to BM-ly. From the hypothesis, lBvd converges in norm to y and therefore lvd converges in norm to BM-ly. Hence the I-ball of M is compact and M is finite-dimensional. Therefore B is strictly singular.
The proof of the next theorem requiroR quite fl, bit of intep;mtion theory and will 1I0t ho ilwludod 111'1'0, Thl' rlmdor iH l'efer'l'OlI to J)ulll'Ol'd
and Schwartz [1], Theorem VI.8.12, the remark preceding the theorem on page 508, the remark following Theorem V1.8.14 on pages 510-511, and the representation of the conjugate spaces in tables on pages 374-379. We cite only a few spaces X for which the following theorem holds. 111.3.5 Theorem. Every weakly compact map from X or X' into a Banach space takes weakly convergent sequences onto norm convergent sequences whenever X is anyone of the following Banach spaces. t.
ii. tn.
£1(8,~, fJ.)
and £00(8, ~, fJ.), where (8, ~, fJ.) is a positive measure space. C(S), where 8 is a compact Hausdorff space. B(S), where 8 is an arbitrary set.
Thus every weakly compact operator from X or X' into a Banach space is strictly singular.
Pelczynski [2] proved that the strictly singular operators and the weakly compact operators are the same in the following spaces: t.
[C(8), Y], Y an arbitrary Banach space and 8 a compact Hausdorff space. [£1(8,~, fJ.1), £1(8, ~, fJ.2)], 8 a topological space, ~ the field of all Borel subsets of 8, and fJ.1 and fJ.2 nontrivial measures (for details of these spaces, see Dunford and Schwartz [1], Chap. IV).
111.3.6 Corollary. Let X be anyone of the spaces in the above theorem. Then every bounded linear map from X or x' into a reflexive space is strictly singular. Proof.
Theorems III.3.3 and III.3.5.
The rest of this section gives examples of strictly singular operators which are not compact. 111.3.7 Example. Let X = l1 and let Y be any infinite-dimensional separable reflexive Banach space. By Corollary 11.4.5, there exists a bounded linear operator B which maps X onto Y. Hence B is strictly singular but not compact by Corollaries II1.3.6 and III.1.12. Without referring to Corollary III.3.6, B can be shown to be strictly singular based on the fact that weak convergence is the same as norm convergence in l1, as remarked in 1.6.14. B' is not strictly singular, since it has a bounded inverse by Theorem IIAA. Now B" maps X" into reflexive space Y", and X" may be identified with the conjugate of loo. Thus, by Corollary III.3.fi, B" is strictly singular. This example shows, in particular, that t,he eonjup;nte of 11 strictly singular operator need not be strictly singular lLll
The following theorem, which we do not prove, is needed for the next two examples of integral operators which are strictly singular but not compact. The proof of the theorem appears in Dunford and Schwartz [1], Corollary IV.8.U, and in Zaanen [1], pages 324-325. III. 3. 8 JL(8) <
Theorem. Let (8,~, JL) be a positive measure space with A sequence {Yn} in £1(8, ~,JL) has a weakly convergent sub-
sequence if and only if it is bounded in £1(8, zero uniformly for all Yn as JL(E) ~ 0.
~, JL) and JE Yn dJL converges to
III. 3.9 Corollary. Let k be bounded and measurable on [0, 1] X [0, 1]. Define K as a map from £1([0, 1]) into £p([O, 1]), 1 ~ P < 00, by
(Kf) (0 =
k(s, Of(s) ds
Then K is weakly compact. For f E £1([0, 1]) and E a measurable subset of [0, 1],
[.I:: I(Kf)(O Ip dtr
~ (JL(E»1Ip sup Ik(s, 0110 If(s)1 ds 1
Taking E = [0, 1] and 1 < P < 00, (1) shows that K is bounded and therefore weakly compact by Theorem III.3.3. For p = 1, let {in} be a bounded sequence in £1([0, 1]). Then, by (1), {Kfn} is bounded in
IE I(Kfn)(OI dt
converges to zero uniformly for all fn as It follows from Theorem III.3.8 that K is weakly compact.
£1([0, 1]) and
The next two examples exhibit integral operators which are strictly singular but not compact. III.3.10 Example. [0,1] by
k(s, t)
(s, t)
(8 t) ,
For n = 1, 2, . . . , let k be defined on [0, 1] X
1 1 ( 2n' 2n- 1
J X (22n'j 2j--zn+ 1 J' j
(1_, _1_ J X (~j -t}, = °or t = ° 2 n 2 n-
Cloarly k iH houndounnullloltHllflthlo.
= 0, 1, . . .
,2 n-
1 -
2j + 2n j = 0, 1, . . . ,2 n -
Defillo tho oorrospolldinp; intogral
operator K:£1([0, 1])
~ £p([O,
1]), 1
(Kf)(t) =
~ P
k(s, Of(s) ds
Then K is strictly singular by Corollary III.3.9 and Theorem III.3.5, However, K is not compact. To see this, define sequence Un} by
(in' 2:-
1 ].
n = 1,2,
otherwise Then IIfnl11 = 1 and a simple calculation shows that
where I lip is the norm on £p(I). sequence in £p(I).
Hence (Kfn} has no convergent sub-
III.3.11 Remarks. It is shown in Dunford and Schwartz [1], Theorem VI.4.8, that the conjugate of a weakly compact operator is weakly compact. Hence, taking the operator K in the above example as a map from £1([0, 1]) to £1([0, 1]), K' is also strictly singular by Theorem III.3.5. III.3.12 Example. Let k be' bounded and measurable on [0,1] X [0, 1J and let rp be in £1([ -1, 1]). It follows from Theorem 0.11 that the operator K defined by
(Kf)(t) =
101 k(s, Orp(t -
8)f(s) ds
is bounded as a map from £1(1) into £1(1), I = [0, 1]. To show that K is strictly singular, it suffices, by Theorem III.3.5, to show that K is weakly compact. Let E be a measurable subset of I. Then for f E £1(1) and M = sup Ik(s, t)l, Fubini's theorem gives 0:;;',1:;;1
k I(Kf)(OI dt ~ M k dt £Irp(t -
s)llf(s)1 =M
£(h_.!rp(O! dt) If(s)1 ds
Since rp is integrable on [-1, IJ, there exists a 8 tluch that whenever E has me.aure less than 8,
f/C " 1.p(l)1 elt < I
> 0, depending on e > I
For such E, (1) implies that
k I(Kf) (t)1 dt ::; Me
Ilfll ::;
Hence K is weakly compact by Theorem III.3.8. As a particular case of this example we see that for g bounded and measurable on [0, 1] X [0, 1], the operator K 1 defined by (Kd)(t)
= [l g(s, t) f(s) ds
Jo It - sl"
is strictly singular as a map from £1([0,1]) to £1([0,1]).
g(s, t) = k(s, t) It - sl"
Upon choosing
where k is given in Example 111.3.10, K 1 = K, which is not compact. Feldman, Gokhberg, and Marcus [1] show that the compact operators and the strictly singular operators on £'11([0, 1]), 1 ::; P < 00, P r£ 2, are not the same. For additional examples of noncompact, strictly singular operators, the reader is referred to Goldberg and Thorp ll] and Lacey and Whitley [1].
In this section we consider when the conjugate of a strictly singular operator is strictly singular and, conversely, when the strict singularity of the conjugate implies the strict singularity of the operator. The results given here are due to Whitley [1].
III.4.1 Definition. A normed linear space Y is called subprojective if for every closed infinite-dimensional subspace Wof Y, there exists a closed infinite-dimensional subspace W 1 of W and a projection from Y onto W 1. A Hilbert space is subprojective. The proof of the next theorem may be found in Pelczynski [1].
III.4.2 Theorem. The spaces lp, 1 ::; P and Co are subprojective.
£'11([0, 1]), 2 ::; p
lII.4.3 Theorem. Let X and Y be cmn]Jlele and lei Y be 8uuprojective. If the conJuaate of 7' t lX, YI?:II IIlr'idly lIinrrnla'l', fhe//. '/' ill IItrict.lll win(/ular
Proof. Assume T is not strictly singular. Then there exists an infinite-dimensional closed subspace M of X such that the restriction T M of T to M has a bounded inverse. Since TM is a closed infinite-dimensional subspace of Y, the subprojectivity of Y implies the existence of an infinite-dimensional closed subspace Vof TM and a projection P from Y onto V = TN, where N = TM-IV eM. Since P is surjective, P' has a bounded inverse on the conjugate space (TN)' by Theorem II.3.13. We show that the strictly singular operator T' has a bounded inverse on the infinite-dimensional subspace P'«TN)') , which is a contradiction resulting from the assumption that T is not strictly singular. Suppose v'e(TN)' and x is in the I-sphere of N. Then (1)
II T'(P'v') II
~ IT'(P'v')xl
= Iv'PTxl = Iv'Txl
Since T M has a bounded inverse and N is contained in M, it follows that for Ilxll = 1 and x eN, (2)
As a consequence of (1) and (2), we get
v' e (TN)' Thus T' has a bounded inverse on P'«TN)'). lIlA. 4 Corollary. Suppose that X is reflexive and that X' is subprojective. If T e [X, Y] is strictly singular, then T' is also strictly singular. Proof. Since Til = J yTJ x-I, where J x and J yare the natural maps from X into X" and Y into yII, respectively, Til is strictly singular by Theorem III.2.5. Since T' is in [Y', X'] and X' is subprojective, T' is strictly singular. lIlA. 5 Corollary. Let T be in [X, Y]. If X is a Hilbert space and T is strictly singular, then so is T'. If Y is a Hilbert space and T' is strictly singular, then so is T. Proof. By Theorem 1.7.21, the conjugate of a Hilbert space is a Hilbert space. Since a Hilbert space is subprojective, the corollary follows from Corollary II1.4.4 and Theorem III.4.3.
chapter IV
Theorem IV.1.2 provides the motivation for the study of closed operators with closed range. There are many important applications of the theorem. For example, given a differential operator T defined on some subspace of £p(!J), one is interested in determining the family of functions y E £q(!J) for which Tf = y has a solution. If it is known that T is closed and has a closed range (examples of such differential operators are given in Chaps. VI and VII), then the space of such y is the orthogonal complement of the solutions to the homogeneous equation T' g = O. This information is very useful since oftentimes 'Jt(T') is finite-dimensional. We shall also see the vital role that closed operators with closed range play in perturbation theory. As before, T is a linear operator with domain in normed linear space X (not necessarily dense in X) and range in normed linear space Y. The spaces are assumed complete and the operators are assumed closed only when specifically stated.
lV.l.l Lemma. Let X and Y be complete and let T be closed. Then T haR n, II01Jndr,r! h,."r,TRr. 7} and onl1/ 'Ii 'I' iR 1-1 nnd haR (J cloRrr! rarl(/(~.
Proof. Suppose l' has a bounded inverse. in the proof of Theorem 11.3.1 shows that CR(T) is suppose l' is 1-1 and CR(T) is closed. Then 1'-1 is a Banach space CR(T) into Banach space X. Hence the closed-graph theorem. IV.l.2
Theorem. domain dense in X.
i. ii. iii.
Replacing 1" by l' closed. Conversely, closed operator from 1'-1 is continuous by
Let X and Y be complete. Suppose l' is closed with Then the following statements are equivalent.
CR(T) is closed. CR(T')is closed. CR(T') is the orthogonal complement of ;neT); that is, CR(T') = ;n(T).1
CR(T) is the orthogonal complement of ;n(T'); that is, CR(T) = .1;n(T')
Proof. Theorem II.3.7 implies that (i) is equivalent to (iv). (i) implies (iii). Let T be the 1-1 operator induced by T. Then T has a bounded inverse by Lemma IV.I.l and therefore CR«T)') = (Xj;n(T»' by Theorem II.4.4. Now, by (ii) of Theorem 1.6.4, (Xj;n(T»' is equivalent to ;n(T).1 under the map V given by (Vz')x = z'[x]. Thus (1)
= ;n(T).1
Since '.D(T') = '.D«T)') by Lemma II.4.7 and since (T)'y'[x] y' E '.D(T'), it follows from (1) and the definition of V that
CR(T') = V(CR(T)') = ;n(T).1 (ii) is an immediate consequence of (iii). (ii) implies (i). Let Y 1 = CR(T) and let 1'1 be the operator l' considered as a map into Banach space Y 1. Obviously, 1'1 is closed. To prove (i), it need only be shown that CR(T 1) = Y 1 • By Theorem II.4.4, it sufficies to prove that T~ has a bounded inverse. Since CR(T 1) = Y 1, T~ has an inverse by Theorem II.3.7. Furthermore, CR(T~) is easily seen to be CR(T'). Hence, T~ has a bounded inverse by Lemma IV. I. I.
To each linear operator l' having a closed kernel we associate a number 'Y(T), which plays a vital role in subsequent sections. The
rnunher arises from the following conRiderations. SUppOAO T iA dOAod nnel X nnd Y f~ro-complcte. Let T be the 1-1 operntor illdlll'('(l hy '1'. Them, by Lommn TV.1.t, meT) = m(l') iA <'loAnel
if and only if l' has a bounded inverse or, equivalently,
o < .mf {II1'[X]111 lTIXTIr [x] ~ ~(1n; ), x ~ meT) }
. { d(x,IITxl1 = mf meT)) x ~ ~(T), x ~ meT) IV.1.3 Definition. Let meT) be closed. written 'Y(T), is defined by 'Y(T)
where %
is defined to be
The minimum modulus of T,
II Txll d(x, meT))
11'.1.4, Example. Let X = £p(I) and Y = £q(I), where I compact and 1 :::; p, q :::; 00. Define T as follows. ~(T)
= {f I j
Tf = j
(Recall that an absolutely continuous function is differentiable almost everywhere.) meT) is the space of polynomials of degree at most n - 1. Successive integration by parts shows that givenf ~ ~(T), there exists a z ~ meT) such that (1)
Thus, for 1
< q :::;
IJ(t) - z(t)\:::; IIj
Holder's inequality gives
1) ![(n - 1)q'
+ 1]W
where II Ilq is the norm on £q(I) and q' is conjugate to q. (1) implies that (3)
For q = 1,
IJ(t) - z(t)\ < IIf
If WI1 1\lI;rl'l' 1.0 writ.l' 1/00 - 0,
00 0 ...
(n - 1)1
I, ILllci
00 /00
I, t.holl it, fol1owil
from (2) and (3) that for 1 (4)
Ilf - zllv ~
p, q
Ilf(n) Ilq(b - a)n-I+l/q'+l/p (n - l)![(n - l)q' + l]W[(n - l)p + p/q'
+ 1j1'P
Since z is in ;neT), we may conclude from (4) that 'Y(T) ~
(n -
l)![(n -
+ l]1lq'[(n
(b _ a)n
+ 1 + p/q'j1/V
where 1 ~ p, q ~ 00,1/ 00 == 0, 00 0 == 1, and 00/00 == 1. In particular, if p = q = 2, then (T) 'Y
> -
(n - 1) !(2n - l)!(2n)! (b _ a)n
An estimate for 'Y(T) is given in Chap. VI for a rather large class of ordinary differential operators T. IV.I.S Example. Take X = Y = lv, 1 ~ P ~ 00. Let ! Ad be a bounded sequence of numbers and let T be defined on all of X by
For each scalar A we compute 'Y(T),.) , where '1\ = AI - T and I is the identity operator. Define E),. to be the set of integers k for which A ¥ Ak. Then 'Jt(T),.) is the set of elements of the form ((31, (32, . . .) E lv, where (3j is arbitrary if j ¢ E),. and (3k = 0 if k E E),.. For simplicity we compute 'Y(T),.) when X = ll. The computation for 1 < P ~ 00 is essentially the same. Let x = !17d be in X. Then for y = !(3d E ;n(T),.) ,
Since (3k can be chosen to be 17k for k ¢ E),., it follows that
II [x] I =
d(x, ;n(T),.»
L 117kl hE),.
which implies that "(T)..) ~ inf
IA - Akl
= m
On the other hand, given e > 0, there exists some i E Ex such that IA - Ail < m e. Let Ui be the element in II all of whose terms are zero except the ith term which is 1. Then from (1) and (2),
Since e
0 was arbitrary,
IA - Akl =
"((AI - T)
The next theorem was proved in the discussion preceding Definition IV.1.3.
IV.l.6 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let T be closed. T has a closed range if and only if "(T) > O.
Theorem IV.1.6, together with the next theorem, shows that if X and Yare complete, then any two of the following three statements imply the other. T closed CR(T) closed
If "(T)
and CR(T) is closed, then T is closed.
Proof. LetT be the 1-1 operator induced by T. Then ('1')-1 is continuous with domain a closed subspace of Y. Thus ('1')-1 is closed, and therefore '1' is also closed. Hence T is closed by Lemma 11.4.7. IV.l.8 Theorem. Let 'JL(T) be closed and let 'J)(T) be dense in X. "(T) > 0, then "(T) = "(T') and T' has a closed range.
Proof. Let Y 1 = CR(T) and let T 1 be the operator T considered as a map onto Y 1• The 1-1 operator '1'1 is surjective and has a bounded inverse, since "(T 1) = "(T) > O. Hence, by the State diagram 11.3.14, ('1'1)' is also in 11' Before evaluating "(T'), we need the following observations.
By Theorems 11.3.7 and 1.6.4, Y' /'JL(T') = Y' /CR(T)J. and Y' /ffi(T)J. is equivalent 1.0 Y: under the map [V'] - y~, whore 11;/ ifil thC1 TI1Al.ridion of 11'10 VI. III plI.l'lil'1I111r, 11111'111 ... 111I~IIl.
ii. iii.
It is clear that II(T)'y'll = II(T1)'y~ll. Thus, for y' E D(T'), 11<'1\)'y~11 = IIT'y'll by Lemma 11.4.7. By Theorems 11.3.9 and 11.2.8, 11«1'1)')-111 = I (Te 1),11 = II Te 1/1.
From (i), (ii), and (iii) it follows that 1
II «1'1)')-111
Thus T' has a closed range since "{(T')
and T' is closed.
The above theorem does not hold if "{(T) is not required to be positive. Indeed, Diagram 11.3.14 shows that state (1 2 , 111 1 ) can exist. However, if T is assumed to be closed, then the following corollary due to Kato [1] is obtained. IV.l.9
If X and Yare complete and T is closed, then
"{(T) = "{(T').
Proof. By Theorems IV.1.6 and IV.1.2, the statements "{(T) = 0, CR(T) is not closed, CR(T') is not closed, and "{(T') = are all equivalent. If "{(T) > 0, then by the theorem just proved, "{(T) = "{(T').
The remaining portion of the section gives some conditions under which a closed operator has a closed range. IV.l.10 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let T be closed. A sufficient condition that T have a closed range is that T maps bounded closed sets onto closed sets. If ;n(T) is finite-dimensional, then the condition is also necessary. Proof. Suppose T maps bounded closed sets onto closed sets. If CR(T) were not closed, then "{(T) = 0, which implies the existence of a sequence {[xnll in XJ(T) j;n(T) such that (1)
We show that the existence of such a sequence leads to a contradiction. Consequently, CR(T) has to be closed. Let {znl be a sequence such that Zn E [x n] and Ilznll ~ 2. Then TZ n = TX n -... O. If IZnl has no convergent subsequence, it is a closed bounded set. Thus, by hypothesis, I TZ n I is a closed set, whence TZ N = 0 for !:lome N. nut tlwn III;I'NIII = II[ZN]/I--= 0, which contradicts (1). If .:,,' -. t for !'IOm(1 HII1IHII(\I\(1I1I'1' Iz", I, 1.111'11 'I'z ~ 0, HiIH'1' 'I'z", ) 0 al1d '/' iii
which again contradicts (1). Suppose ;)"[(1') is finite-dimensional and (1') and '1', the 1-1 operator induced by 1', has a bounded inverse. Thus
Consequently, there exists a sequence {Zn} in ;)"[(1') such that Xn + Zn ~ x. Since {x n } is a sequence in the bounded set S, {Zn} is also bounded. The finite dimensionality of ;)"[(1') assures the existence of a subsequence {Zn'} which converges to an element Z E ;)"[(1'). Hence X n ' ~ x - z. Since S is closed and Tis a closed operator, it follows that x - Z is in 1>(1') n 8 and y = Tx = T(x - z) E 1'8. Thus TS is closed. IV.l.ll Lemma. Let Y be complete. Suppose that M and N are linearly independent closed subspaces of Y such that Y = M EEl N (cf. Definition 1.7.16). Then Y' = M1. EEl N1.. Proof. Clearly, M1. n N1. = (0). By Theorem I1.1.14, there exists a projection P from Y onto M with ;)"[(P) = N. Giveny' E Y', let y~ = y'P and let y; = y'(I - P). Then y' = y~ + y;, y~ E N1. and y~ E M 1.. IV.l.12 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let l' be closed. Suppose N is a closed subspace of Y such that (1') is dense in X, then T'Y' = T'N1.. Proof.
Define To by
1>(1'0) = 1>(1') X N C X X y
To(x, n)
The linear operator To is closed. Suppose (Xlr, nk) ~ (x, y) E X X Yand To(xk, nk) ----> z. Then Xk ~ x, nk ~ y and TXk + nk ~ z. Hence yEN and TXk ----> Z - y. Since Tis closed, x is in 1>(1') and Tx = Z - y. Thus (x, y) E 1>(1') X N = 1>(1'0) and To(x, y) = Tx + y = z. By hypothesis, O. To prove that O. Since (1'),
IITxll = II 1'o(x, 0)11
~ ')'(1'0)
d(x, 0), ~R(To»
= ')'(1'0) d(x, ;)"[(1'»
Suppose :D(T) is dense in X and y' E :D(T') is given.
Y 1 = CR(T) E9 N
Then, by Lemma IV.1.11 ,
where CR(T)O and N° are the orthogonal complements in Y~ of CR(T) and N, respectively. Thus, if y~ is y' restricted to Y 1, there exist y~ E CR(T)O and y~ E N° such that y~ = y~ y~. Let v' be a continuous linear extension of y~ to all of Y. Then v' is in CR(T).L, and therefore v' is in :n(T') by Theorem IV.1.2. Hence T'y' = T'(y' - v'). Moreover, y' - v' is in Nl., since y' - v' is y~ on N.
IV.l.13 Corollary. Let X and Y be complete and let T be closed. CR(T) has finite deficiency in Y, then CR(T) is closed. Proof. space of Y.
Y = CR(T) E9 N, where N is some finite-dimensional sub-
IV.l.14 Remarks. The above corollary need not hold if T is not closed. To show this, we first make the following observations.
Every linear operator defined on a finite-dimensional normed linear space V is continuous. This can be shown by first taking V to be unitary n-space Un and then using the fact that Un is isomorphic to V. Every linear functionalf on X with closed kernel is continuous. This follows from the fact that the 1-1 operator J induced by f maps the one-dimensional space X/:n(f) (assumingf ~ 0) onto the scalars. Hence jis continuous and therefore f is continuous by Lemma 11.4.7. There exists an unbounded linear functional on X, provided X is infinite-dimensional. Take {VI, V2, . . .} to be an infinite subset of a Hamel basis {xa } of X, where Ilxall = 1. Let f be the linear functional on X defined by f(x a ) = 0 when Xa ~ Vk, 1 =:; k, and f(Vk) = k. Then f is clearly unbounded.
By the above results, :n(f) is not closed and X = :n(f) + sp {x}, x ¢ :n(f). The linear operator T defined on X by T(u + ax) = u, U E :n(f), has range :n(f). IV.2
Tho not.ion of t.ho indox of It linOlir opcfn1;or plltyS lUI ovor-incrcusinp; role ill tho At.udy of
to Gokhberg and Krein (1] for a discussion of the development oftheorems relating to an index. Recently, Atiyah and Singer [1] gave a general formula for the index of an elliptic operator on any compact oriented differentiable manifold. IV.2.1 Definition. The dimension of ;neT), written aCT), will be called the kernel index of T and the deficiency of
In Example IV.1.4, aCT) = nand (3(T) = O. In Example IV.L5, aCT) is the number of Ak which are O. (3(T) = 0 if {1/Ak I is a bounded sequence. (3(T) = 00 if infinitely many of the Ak are O. IV.2.2 Definition. If aCT) and (3(T) are not both infinite, we say that T has an index. The index K(T) is defined by K(T)
= aCT) - (3(T)
with the understanding, as in the extended real number system, that for any real number r,
The indices of certain differential operators are determined in Chap.
VI. IV.2.3 i.
Proof of (i).
Proof of (ii). (~)
aCT') is the deficiency of
Let the domain of T be dense in X.
By Theorems 1.6.4 and 11.3.7,
dim (
Y )'
= dim
By Theorems IV.1.2 and 1.6.4, ",'Y'/
(:J(1) "'" dllll (\1('1") = dim
m('/') \'"
dilll ~ll('l')' •• dim ~1l('1') .'"-" a('/')
Hence (1) and (2) give K(1')
a(1') - (3(1') = (3(1") - a(1") = - K(1")
IV.2.4 Definition. normally solvable.
A closed linear operator with closed range is called
A bounded linear operator which has a finite index and which is defined on a Banach space is oftentimes referred to in the literature as a Fredholm operator. Fredholm [1] studied certain integral equations which gave rise to such operators. In view of the development of the theory of unbounded operators, the following definition is frequently used. IV.2.5 Definition. A closed linear operator which has a finite index is called a Fredholm operator. IV.2.6 Remark. Corollary IV.1.13 shows that, in a Banach space, a Fredholm operator is normally solvable.
Examples of differential operators which are Fredholm operators are given in Chap. VI. The following theorem was proved by Gokhberg and Krein [1] for l' and B Fredholm operators. IV.2.7 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let l' be normally solvable with finite kernel index; that is, a(1') < 00. Suppose B is a linear operator with domain a subspace of a normed linear space Z and range in X. ~.
n. nt.
If B is closed, then l'B is closed. If B is normally solvable, then l' B is normally solvable. Let the domain of l' be dense in X and let Z be complete. If l' and B are Fredholm operators, then 1'B is a Fredholm operator and K(1'B)
+ K(B)
Let Z be complete and let the domains of l' and B be dense in X and Z, respectively. If B is closed with finite deficiency index, that is, (3(B) < 00, then 'J)(1'B) is dense in Z.
We first prove the following lemmas. IV.2.8 Lemma. X. Then
Let M be a closed subspace having finite deficiency in
For any subspace V of X there exists a finite-dimensional subspace N contained in V Buch that
If V is dense in X, then V (\ M is dense in M.
Proof of (i). The dimension of V IV (\ M does not exceed the dimension of the finite-dimensional space X 1M, since the linear map 'II from V /V (\ M to XI M defined by 'II(x + V (\ M) = x + M is 1-1. Hence there exists a finite-dimensional subspace W of V such that
By Theorem II.1.14, there exists a projection P from V onto W with = O. Since PV is finite-dimensional and P is continuous, it follows that P(V (\ M)
,Wn be a basis for W. Then, by (2), there exist elements in V such that PVi = Wi, 1 ~ i ~ n. Since the set (wd is linearly independent, the space N = sp (VI, V2, • • • ,vn } is an n-dimensional subspace of V and (0) = N (\ (M (\ V). By (1),
Let WI, W2,
VI, V2,
• • • ,V n
dim Hence it follows that
V _=
dim W
dim N
V = M (\ V E9 N.
Proof of (ii). Suppose V = X. Then from (i), X = M E9 N, where N is a finite-dimensional subspace of V. Therefore V = M (\ V E9 N. It follows from Theorem II.1.14 that M is isomorphic to XIN under the map'll, where 'II(m) = m N. For clarity we write
M ~! N
:::) !
= (M (\ V) E9 N :: M (\ V
Since V is dense in X, V IN is dense in X/No
Noting that
'II(M (\ V) = N
it follows from (3) and the continuity of
is dense in M.
Lemma. Let X and Y be complete and let T be normally 80lvable If M is a sub8pace (not nece88ar£ly cl08ed) of X 8uch that M + meT) i8 closcd, then 'l'M 1:,~ closcd. In parl'iI:'IIlar, 'if M is closed and meT) is jinitcd'im,I'nx£onal, Ihen 'I'M 'ix rll/xI:d.
Proof. Let T 1 be the operator T restricted to '.D(T) 1\ (M + ;neT»~. Then T 1 is closed and ;n(T 1) = ;neT). Hence 'Y(T I ) ~ 'Y(T) > O. Therefore T 1 has a closed range; that is, TM = T1(M + ;neT»~ is closed. Proof of Theorem lV.2.7
Proof of (i). Suppose Zn ---+ Z and TBz n ---+ y. Since 'Y(T) is positive, it follows that the sequence {[Bz n]} in '.D(T)j;n(T) is a Cauchy sequence. Thus there exists and [x] E Xj;n(T) such that [Bz n] ---+ [x]. This implies the existence of a sequence {xnl in ;neT) such that BZn + Xn ---+ x. We first show that {x n I is bounded. Suppose {x n I is unbounded. Then there exists a subsequence IX n ' I of {x n I such that Bzn ,
+ Xn'
11- ---+ 0
----;-;-11x-n ---';-,
Since Ix n,jllxn,1I1 is a bounded sequence in the finite-dimensional space ;neT), there exists a subsequence Ixn"l of IXn'l and a v E;neT) such that xn"jllxn"l1---+ v. It follows that and Since B is closed, v = B(O) = 0, which cannot be, since Ilvll = 1. Therefore (xnl is a bounded sequence in ;neT). Consequently, there exists a subsequence I Xn' I of {X nI and aWE ;neT) such that Xn' ---+ w. Hence Bzn, ---+ x - w. Since Zn' ---+ Z and B is closed, Z is in '.D(B) and
Bz = x -
= lim
n'....... ce
Since T is closed and TBz n, ---+ y, Bz is in '.D(T) and T Bz = y, showing that T B is closed.
Proof of (ii). IV.2.9.
= TBZis closed by Lemma
If BZis closed, then (R(TB)
Proof of (iii). The linear map 1] from ;n(TB)j;n(B) to (R(B) 1\ ;neT), defined by 1][x] = Bx, is 1-1 and surjective. Hence, for N 1 = (R(B) 1\ ;neT) (1)
a(TB = a(B)
+ nl
= dim N l
Let N 2 be a subspace of ;neT) such that ;neT) (2)
= N I El1
N 2•
= dim N 2
ThcsuhspuCCB meR) /Llld N 2nro lincn:rly inaopendcnt, since Bx EN 2 C impJioHl/;reN,I\N v '" (0).
Since (j(B) and dim N 2 are finite, CR(B) and CR(B) EB N 2 are closed by Corollary IV.1.13 and Theorem 1.4.12. By hypothesis, 5)(T) is dense in X. Thus, by Lemma IV.2.8, (3)
where N s is some finite-dimensional subspace of 5)(T). (4)
Now 'JL(T) = N 1 EB N 2 C CR(B) EB N 2• that Tis I-Ion all of N s and
dim N s
This, together with (3), implies
(In general, if X = U EB V, where 'JL(T) C U and V is a subspace of 5)(T), then Tis I-Ion V and TX = TU EB TV.) It follows from (5) and the fact that T is I-Ion all of N s that (6)
= (jeT)
+ dim TN s = (jeT) + ns
From (1), (2), (4), and (6) we obtain K(TB)
= a(B)
+ nl -
(jeT) - ns
+ aCT)
- (j(B) - (jeT) = K(T)
+ aCT)
- n2 - (jeT) - ns
+ K(B)
Proof of (iv). By Corollaries IV.1.13 and IV.1.6, the 1-1 operator f) induced by B has a bounded inverse on the closed subspace CR(B). Since 5)(T) is dense in X, 5)(T) (\ CR(B) is dense in CR(B) by Lemma IV.2.8. Thus, by the continuity of f)-I, it follows that (7)
5)(B) = f)-tCR(B) = f)-l5)(T) 'JL(B)
CR(B) C f)-l5)(T)
n =
CR(B) :D(TB)/'JL(B)
Since 5)(B) is dense in Z, (7) implies that :D(TB) is dense in Z. Multiplying a Fredholm operator on the left by a normally solvable operator does not guarantee that the product is even a closed operator. This is shown in the following example.
IV. 2. 10 Example. Let T be the derivative operator in Example ILIA. Let B: X ---+ X = C([O, 1]) ho dofined ItR tho linenr opomtol' whic:h tukoR (\Iwh x e X into t.ho c:onl:lt.ltIIt. flllll:l.ion :r(O). H iA ohviollAly 1\ pro-
jection. However, BT is not closed. Let xn(t) = e-nt/n. Then X n ~ 0 and BTx n is the constant function -1, but lim BT:c n = -1 ~ BTO = O. n-HO
Suppose X = Y.
Given a polynomial
define peT)
aSk, where TO is the identity operator I defined on all of
The domain of peT) is the domain of Tn.
IV.2.12 Corollary. Let X = Y and let X be complete. If there exists a scalar Ao such that AoI - Tis normally solvable and has finite kernel index, then for any polynomial p, the operator peT) is closed. Proof. Let the degree of p be n. The proof is by induction. For n = 0 the corollary is trivial. Assume the corollary to be valid for n = k and let v be a polynomial of degree k + 1. We write
(Ao - A)q(A)
where q is a polynomial of degree k and c is a constant. veT) = (AoI - T)q(T)
+ cI
It suffices to prove that (AoI - T)q(T) is closed. By the induction hypothesis, q(T) is closed. Hence, by (i) of Theorem IV.2.7, (AoI - T)q(T) is closed. IV.2.13 Definition. Let X = Y. The set of scalars A for which AI - l' is a Fredholm operator is called the Fredholm resolvent of 1', denoted by F p(T). The set of A for which A ¢ F peT) is called the Fredholm spectrum of 1', denoted by Fu(T).
The next theorem was proved by Rota [1], Theorem 3.2, for differential operators and later generalized by Balslev and Gamelin [1] to Fredholm operators. The proof makes use of Theorem IV.2.7. IV.2.14 Theorem. Let X = Y be a Banach space over the complex numbers and let ']' be closed. For any polynomial p, /. '/1.
p(Fu('l')) C Pu(p('/')). lCqual7'iiJ holds if ~(1') is dense in X. 8U.1JPflH/· :JJ('J') iH d/'I/HI' i'f/ X. Tf f,hrrr r:tiHfH (l. Il ~ p(Fp('!')), tJum
peT) is closed and has domain dense in X.
K(IJ.I - peT»~ =
2: K(AJ -
where AI, A2, . . . , An are the zeros of the polynomial counted according to their multiplicity. Proof of (i). (1)
Given scalar v, let AI, A2' ..
v - peA)
(AI - A)(A2 - A) ..
IJ. -
, An be such that
(An - A)
Then (2)
vI - peT)
= (Ad -
T)(Ad - T) . . . (AnI - T)
Suppose v is in p(Fu(T». Then, by (1), one of the Ai is in Fu(T), say Ak. Since AkI - T commutes with AJ - T, 1 ~i ~ n, it is obvious from (2) that (3)
'.R(Ad - T) C '.R(vI - p(T»
ffi(vI -
C ffi(Ad - T)
Since a(AkI - T) = 00 or (3(Ad - T) = 00, it follows from (3) that vI - peT) is not a Fredholm operator; that is, v E Fu(p(T»). Suppose 'J)(T) is dense in X. Then for 1 ~ i ~ n, AJ - T has domain dense in X. If each AJ - T is a Fredholm operator, then it follows from (2) and Theorem IV.2.7 that vI - peT) is a Fredholm operator. Hence, if v is in Fu(p(T», then some Ad - T is not a Fredholm operator. Thus, Fu(p(T» C p(Fu(T» which, when combined with what was shown, proves Fu(p(T» = p(Fu(T».
Proof of (ii). Suppose we hav.e the representations given in (1) and (2) with IJ. in place of v. It was shown in the proof of (i) that IJ.I - peT) is a Fredholm operator if and only if each AJ - T is a Fredholm operator. Thus (ii) follows from Theorem IV.2.7.
chapter V
One of the prime motivations for the study of perturbation theory can, perhaps, be best described by the following situation. An operator A is given about which certain properties are to be determined; e.g., find K(A). If A is "complicated," one tries to express A in the form A = T + B, where T is a "simple" operator and B is so related to T that knowledge about properties of T is enough to gain information about the corresponding properties of A. .For example, if A n
is a differential operator
L akDk, T might be chosen to be anDn, with B k=O
as the remaining lower-order terms. A theory which tells us under what conditions B can be disregarded in the determination of K(A), for example, is very useful. Some of the numerous applications of perturbation theory appear in Chap. VI. Most of the material presented in this chapter is based on portions of the deep results obtained by Gokhberg and Krein [1) and Kato [1). The first paper also contains an extensive bibliography which is supplemented by Bartle in the American Mathematical Society Translations, ser. 2, vol. 13. Thro'Uoh01lt this rhapler, B is a linear operator with domain a subspace X and mno(! a I/uill/pac() of norm(!d Unear I/paCI' Y. A 1/
(~f nnrml'd lin(!(1.r I/pa.('('
in the previous chapters, T is a linear operator with domain in X and range in Y. The spaces are assumed complete and T is assumed closed only when specifically stated. ;neT) is not required to be dense in X. V.1
The following lemma, which is due to Krein, Krasnoselskii, and Milman [1], is needed throughout this chapter. The proof depends on Borsuk's antipodal-mapping theorem [1] and will be omitted. We refer the reader to Gokhberg and Krein [1], Theorem 1.1, and to Day [1]. 17.1.1
Let M and N be subspaces of X with dim M > dim N Then there exists an m ;;e 0 in M such that
(thus dim N
d(m, N)
The lemma need not hold if dim M = dim N < 00, as may be seen by taking X to be the plane, with M and N nonperpendicular lines through the origin. When X is a Hilbert space, the lemma has the following easy proof. We first note that M n Nol ;;e (0); otherwise ' N = d'1m (N Nol E9 N d1m
ol) = d'1m Nol X
which contradicts the hypothesis.
> EEl Nol = d'1m M _ d'1m·M Nol
Take x ;;e 0 in M
Ilx - nl1 2 = IIxl1 2 + IInl1 2 ~ IIxl1 2 Thus d(x, N) =
n EN
i. ii.
n Nol. Then
Suppose 'Y(T) then
Let B be bounded with ;nCB)
IIBII < 'Y(T),
aCT + B) :::; aCT) dim Y j
Proof of (i).
For x ;;e 0 in 'Jt(T
+ B) and IIBII
< 'Y = 'Y(T),
'Y1I[x]1I :::; IITxl1 = I[Bxl[ :::; IIBlll1x11 < 'Yllxll where [x] E Xj'Jt(T). Thus Ilzll > Lemma V.1.1, aCT + B) :::; aCT).
II[x]l\ = d(x,
meT)), and therefore, by
Proof oj (ii). Let XI = ~!)('1') Itncl let B I bo B reHtl'ictou to ~D(T). ConRidclI'ili1/: '/' Illid HI /1.101 OpPI'/I(,OI'H with dOT1millfol c\PIHI(1 in XI. t,hn 0011-
jugates T' and B~ exist with domains in Y' and ranges in X~. Theorem IV.1.8. -yeT')
Hence, it follows from (i) applied to T' and B~ and from Theorem IV.2.3, that dim ----:::=TiiFy=;=~ = dim
--=:=~~y~~ =
+ BD ~
aCT') y
= dim-==c-
V.l.3 Corollary. Suppose T has a bounded inverse. If B is bounded with IIBII < -y = 111fT-III, then T -I- B has a bounded inverse. If, in addition, ~(B) :J ~(T), then
_J__ = dim -=;::;;:;=Y==i~
For x
-I- B) choose a positive integer N so that
m < -y N N ow for 0 S k
I (T -I- B
~ B) x 112': IITxll
(1 - ;)
(-y -
Thus T -I- B has a bounded inverse and (1)
Since 11(lIN)BII < -y - IIBII, Theorem V.1.2, together with that for 0 ~ k ~ Nand !J(T) = dim Y /
(1' -I-
B - Ie
1 B)
= tJ ( T +
B -_; B /-
I 12
It follows from (2) and Theorem V.1.2 that ~(T)
:::; (3(T
+ B)
:::; ~(T)
which proves the corollary. As a consequence of the corollary we obtain the following result. V.l.4 Corollary. Let B be bounded with ~(B) :> ~(T). Then the B-resolvent of T = {X I T - XB has a dense range and a bounded inverse} is an open set. V.l.S 00
>n i. ii. iii.
Lemma. Suppose that T 1 is a linear extension of T such that = dim ~(Tl)/~(T).
If T is closed, then T 1 is closed. If T has a closed range, then T 1 has a closed range. If T has an index, then K(T 1) = K(T) + n.
Proof of (i). By hypothesis, ~(Tl) = ~(T) ED N, where N is a finitedimensional subspace. Hence, G(T 1) = G(T) + Z, where G(T) and G(T 1) are the graphs of T and T 1 , respectively, and Z = {(n, TIn) In EN}. Thus, if G(T) is closed, then G(T 1) is closed, since Z is finite-dimensional. Proof of (ii).
If (R(T) is closed, then (R(T 1) is closed, since
and TIN is finite-dimensional.
Proof of (iii). It is easy to see that it suffices to prove (iii) for the case when n = 1. Suppose that. ~(Tl) = ~(T) ED sp {x}, for some xE~(Tl)' ThenT 1X = TX ED V, where V = sp {T 1xl when T 1x¢(R(T) or V = (0) when T 1x E (R(T). If T 1x ¢ (R(T), then it is easy to verify that (jeT) = (j(T 1) + 1 and that '.R(T) = '.R(T 1). Therefore, K(T 1 ) = K(T) + 1. If T 1x E (R(T), then (R(T 1) = (R(T) and there exists a z E ~(T) such that Tz = T 1x. Hence, '.R(T 1 ) = '.R(T) ED sp Ix - d. Thus a(T 1) = aCT) + 1 and K(T 1) = K(T) + 1. The following theorem is due to Kato. give a simplified proof of (iii).
Using Corollary V.1.3, we
V.l.6 'fheorem. Let X and Y be complete and let ~J)(T) C ~l)(n), SUppORt! that 7' I'll nor'J'llallll HIIINI,!I/(, nnd l/.nll an -ind,':/', If II HII <' "((7'), then
n. m.
l' B is normally solvable. aCT B) ~ a(T); ~(T B) ~ ~(T) K(T + B) = K(T)
Proofs of (i) and (ii). By Theorem V.L2, aCT + B) ~ aCT). It is easy to verify that l' + B is closed. Suppose aCT) < 00. If m(T + B) is not closed, there exists, by Corollary III.L1O, a closed infinite-dimensional subspace M C X)(T + B) such that for 'Y = 'Y(T) and all x EM,
11(1' + B)xll <
('Y -
Hence, for each x -;e 0 in M 'Yd(x, :neT»~ ~ IITxl1 ~
IIBxl1 + 11(1' + B)xll < (IIBII + 'Y
IIBI!) Ilxll
Therefore d(x, :n(T» < Ilxll, 0 -;e x EM"whence dim M ~ aCT) < 00 by Lemma V.LL But this contradicts dim M = 00. Hence l' + B is normally solvable. Suppose ~(T) < 00. Let Xl and B 1 be defined as in the proof of (ii) of Theorem V.L2, where it was shown that IIBIII < 'Y(T'). Since aCT') = ~(T) < 00 by Theorem IV.2.3, we may apply the result just proved to 1" and B~ to conclude that 1" + B~ is normally solvable and
+ B~) Since 1" + B~ is normally solvable and 1" + B~ = (1' + B Theorems IV.L2 and IV.2.3 show that
1 )',
Thus (J(T)
aCT' ~ ~(1'
+ B~)
+ B) by (1)
= ~(T
+ B)
and (2).
Proof of (iii). Let I denote the closed interval [0, 1) and let Z be the set of integers together with the "ideal" elements 00 and - 00 • Define 'P:I ~ Z by 'P(A) = K(T + AB). Let I have the usual topology and let Z have the discrete topology; Le., points are open sets. To prove (iii), it suffices to show that 'P is continuous. Indeed, if 'P is continuous, then 'P(l) is a connected set which therefore consists of only one point. In particular, K(T) = 'P(O) = 'P(1) = K(T + B). In order to prove the continuity of 'P, we first show that K(1'
+ B)
for IIBII sufficiently small. Suppose aCT) < closed subspace M of X sueh t,hat
M ED ~n('J')
Then there exists a
Let T M be the restriction of T to M (\ ~(T). Then T M has a bounded inverse since it is closed, 1.1, and al(T M ) =
(J(T M
IIBII < "'(T M ). ~(T
K(T) = K(T M )
= (leT)
+ B) = ~(T) = ~(T) (\ M
Hence (1) and Lemma V.1.5 imply that for (2)
+ B)
+ aCT)
= K(T M
EB meT)
IIBII < "'(T M ),
+ B) + aCT)
= K(T
+ B)
Suppose (J(T) < 00. Then, as in the proof of (ii), we apply (2) to T' and B~, and thereby obtain (3)
+ B)
= K(T
+ B t)
= -K(T'
+ B~)
= -K(T') = K(T)
liB II sufficiently small.
Given AO E [0, 1], T + AoB is normally solvable and has an index by (i) and (ii). Thus, by the results obtained above, it follows that cp(A)
+ AoB + (A -
for A sufficiently close to AO' the proof of (iii).
Ao)B) = K(T
+ AoB) = cp(AO)
Hence cp is continuous.
This completes
V.I.7 Corollary. Let X, Y, T, and B satisfy the hypotheses in Theorem V.1.6. There exists a number p > 0 such that aCT + AB) and (3(T + AB) are constant in the annulus 0 < [AI < p. Proof. The proof of the corollary is a modification of Lemma 8.1 in Gokhberg and Krein [1], where B was taken to be the identity operator. We first assume aCT) < 00. For x E m(T + AB) and A ~ 0,
Tx = -ABx
whence Bx E
Thus /LlId
It follows that (1)
+ AE)
D Ic
where Rl
and It is easy to see that and We show by induction that R n and D n are closed subspaces of Y and X, respectively. R l is closed by hypothesis, and D I is closed since B is continuous. Suppose Ric and D Ic are closed. By Lemma IV.2.9, Rk+l = TD k is closed and therefore Dk+l = B-lRk+l is closed since B is continuous. Hence D n and B n are closed by induction. Define Xl =
n D 10=1
Yl =
It follows from the definition of DIc and Ric that TX I C Y l and BX I C Y I . Let T l and B I be the operators T and B, respectively, restricted to i)(T) n Xl with ranges in Y I . Since T is a closed operator and Xl is closed, T l is also closed. We show that (R(T l ) = Y l . Let y be an element in Y I =
TD n •
Then for each n
1 there exists an
Xn E
D n such
that TX n = y. Since ;neT) is finite-dimensional and D n :J D n +l , there exists an integer k o such that for k
~ ko
From the way the sequence {Xk I was chosen, together with the fact that Dk C D k ., k ~ k o, it follows that k
Hence Xk o E n D k = Xl and TXko = y, which shows that T I is surjective. k':?:.ko Thus there exists, by Theorem V.1.6, a number p > 0 such that for
IAI < p, (2)
+ AB)
= K(T)
a(T I
+ AB
... K(T I ) "" a('l'I)
Now, (1) implies that ;neT particular,
+ XB)
= ;n(Tl
+ XB 1)
for X ~ O.
It is clear from (2), (3) and (4) that OI(T + XB) and (j(T + XB) are constant in the annulus 0 < 171.1 < p under the assumpt'on OI(T) < 00. If OI(T) = 00, then (j(T) < 00 by hypothesis. As in the proof of Theorem V.1.5, we apply the result just proved to the appropriate conjugate operators in order to prove the corollary when OI(T) = 00. V.I.B Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let B be continuous with S:>(T) C S:>(B). Define U to be the set of X for which T + XB is normally solvable and has an index. Then i. ii.
U is an open set. If C is a component of U, that is, a largest connected subset of U, then on C, with the possible exception of isolated points, OI(T + XB) and (j(T + XB) have constant values nl and n2, respectively. At the isolated points,
and Proof of (i). of T.
For X E U, apply Theorem V.1.5 to T
+ XB
in place
Proof of (ii). The component C is open, since any component of an open set in the space of scalars is open. Let 01(71. 0) = nl be the smallest integer which is attained by 01(71.) = OI(T + XB) on C. Suppose 01(71.') ~ nl. Owing to the connectivity of C, there exists an arc r lying in C with endpoints 71. 0 and X'. It follows from Corollary V.1.7 and the fact that C is open, that about each IL E r there exists an open ball S(IL) contained in C such that 01(71.) is constant on the set S(IL) with the point IL deleted. Since r is compact and connected; three exist points
on r such that
, S(X n ) cover rand SeX,)
S(X;+I) ~ cJ> O:::;i:::;n-1
We assert that 01(71.) = 01(71. 0) on all of S(X o). Indeed, it follows from Theorem V.1.5 that 01(71.) :::; 01(71. 0) for Xsufficiently close to 71.0. Therefore, since 01(71. 0) is the minimum of 01(71.) on C, 01(71.) = 01(71. 0) for X sufficiently close to 71. 0• Since 01(71.) is constant for all X ~ 71.0 in 8(71.0), thiA COIIHtl1nt must be OI(XO). Now OI(X) is I:OIIH(,ILII t on tho Aot 8 (X,) wi (,h tho poi 11 I, X,
deleted, 1 ~ i ~ n. Hence, it follows from (1) and the observation a(X) = a(X o) for all X E S(X o), that a(X) = a(X o) for all X ~ X' in S(X') and a(X') > nl. The result just obtained can be applied to T' + XB~, as in Theorem V.1.6, in order to prove the analogous results for (j(T
+ XB) = a(T' + XB~)
V.l.9 Remarks. The following examples show that Theorem V.1.6 does not hold in general even though IIBII = 'Y(T). If we take T to be the identity operator mapping an infinite-dimensional Banach space onto itself, then 'Y(T)
a(T) = (j(T) = 0
However, T perturbed by - T is the zero operator which has 00 as its kernel index and deficiency index. Less trivially, in Example IV.1.5, choose Xl, X2, • • • to be a strictly decreasing sequence of numbers converging to a positive number r. Then a(T) = (j(T) = 0, 'Y(T) = r, but 'Y(T - rI) = O. Hence, T - rI does not have a closed range, and therefore (j(T - rI) = 00 by Corollary IV. 1.6. V.2
If B is strictly singular with no restriction on its norm, we obtain the following important stability theorem due to Kato. V.2.1 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let T be normally solvable with a(T) < 00. If B is strictly singular and 5)(T) C 5)(B), then i. ii. m.
T + B is normally solvable. K(T B) = K(T) a(T XB) and (j(T XB) have constant values nl and n2, respectively, except perhaps for isolated points. At the isolated points,
+ +
+ XB) >
+ XB) > n2
Proof of (i). Since a(T) < 00, there exists a closed subspace M of X such that X = M EEl 'J'L(T). Let T M be the operator T restricted to M n 5)(T). Then T M is closed with m(T M ) = m(T). Suppose that T + B does not have a closed range. Then it follows from Lemma V.1.5 that the e1mlP.d oprmtor T M dool(not have a closed l'fLnge. Hence thC1TO l"XiRtR, hy Corollary TTT.l.lO, n. dORnel infinit.n-dimoTlRinnfLI BuhApnr.O
M 0 contained in :n(TM )
= :n(TM
+ B) such that
II(T M + B)xll < 'Y(;M)
xfiM o
Thus, since T M is 1-1, it follows that for all x in M o,
which shows that B has a bounded inverse on the infinite-dimensional space Mo. This, however, contradicts the hypothesis that B is strictly singular. We now prove a(T + B) < 00. There exists a closed subspace N I such that
+ B)
= ;n(T
+ B) (\ ;neT)
E9 N I
Let T I be the operator Trestricted toNI. By Lemma IV.2.9, CR(T I ) = TN! is closed. Moreover, T I is 1-1. Hence its inverse is bounded. Since B = - T I on N I and B is strictly singular, N I must be finite-dimensional. Therefore (1) implies that ;n(T + B) is finite-dimensional.
Proof of (i,t). We have shown above that for all X, T + XB is normally solvable and a(T + XB) < 00. Thus, applying Theorem V.1.6 to T + XB in place of T, it follows that cp(X) = K(T + XB) is continuous from [0,1) into Z, where [0,1) has the usual topology and Z is the topological space consisting of the integers and - 00 with the discrete topology. Hence cp is a constant function. In particular, K(T) = cp(O) = cp(l) = K(T
+ B)
Proof of (iii). Since T + XB is normally solvable for all X, (iii) is an immediate consequence of Theore~ V.1.8. V.2.2 Corollary. Let X and Y be complete with :neT) dense in X. Let T be normally solvable and have an index. Suppose :neT) C :nCB) and both Band B' are strictly singular; for example, B is compact. Then ~.
n. m.
T + B is normally solvable. K(T + B) = K(T) a(T + XB) and (J(T + XB) have constant values nl and n2, respectively, except perhaps for isolated points. At the isolated points, and
Apply Theorolll V.2.1 {,o 7"
(J(T R,lld
+ XB) > n2
V.2.3 Corollary. Let X = Y be complete. 8uppose there exists a scalar Xo such that (XoI - T)-1 is strictly singular on all of Y. Then for all X, AI - T is a Fredholm operator with zero index.
We write
AI - T = (I
+ (X
- Xo)(XoI - T)-l)(X oI - T)
Since (XoI - T)-1 is assumed to be strictly singular on X, we have from Theorem V.2.1 that K(I
(X - Xo) (X 01 - T)-l) = K(I) = 0
Furthermore K(X o1 - T) = 0
Thus (1), (2), (3), and Theorem IV.2.7 imply K(Al - T) = O. V.2.4 Corollary. LetX = Y be any of the spaces £1(8, ~, !J.), £.,(8, ~, !J.), C(8), B(S), or their conjugates. Suppose there exists a scalar Xo such that (XoI - T)-l is weakly compact on all of X. Then for all X, AI - T is a Fredholm operator with index zero. Proof.
Theorem 111.3.5 and Corollary V.2.3.
Goldman [1] proved that to any normally solvable operator T which does not have an index, it is always possible to add a compact operator B E [X, Y] such that for all X 7'" 0, T + XB does not have a closed range. To show this, we present a similar proof given by Whitley, which does not depend on a theorem of Mackey's used by Goldman. V.2.5 Lemma. The conjugate space of a separable normed linear space contains a countable total subset. ProQ,f. Let {Xk I be a countable set dense in normed linear space X. For each k there exists an x~ E X' such that IIx~1I = 1 and X~Xk = I!xkll. We show that {x~l is total. Assume there exists an x 7'" 0 in X such that x~x = 0 for each k. Since {Xk I is dense in X, there is an XN such that Ilx - xN11 < Ilxll/2. Hence
IIxNl1 ~ !lxl! - IIx - xNII > II~II But
which iH n cOIlf;rndict.io!1.
TllIlA {x; I iR t.ot.al.
V.2.6 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let T be normally solvable with no index. Then there exists a compact operator BE [X, Y] such that T + XB does not have a closed range for all X ~ O. If'St(T) is separable, then T + XB is I-I. Proof. Since dim
in (\ 'St(y;) = .L sp I y~, . . . ,y~} but not in 'St(Y~+I)' The existence of i=l
Yk+l is assured by Remark II.3.6 and the linear independence of Iy;}. Thus y;
L X~(X)Yi
Bx =
The completeness of Y, together with the absolute convergence of the series, implies that Bx exists, B E [X, Y], and B is the limit in [X, Y] of the operators B n defined by n
L X~(X)Yi
Since B n is bounded with finite-dimensional range, B n and, in turn, Bare compact. Now
= 0
Continuing in this manner, we see that 0 = x~x, 1 ~ i, and consequently Bx = O. In particular, B is I-Ion Xl = sp IXi} C 'St(T), for Bx = 0 E
\1('1' + AR)xll
~ 'Y d(x, m('l'
+ XB))
'Y - 'Y(T
+ AB) > 0
'St(T + "AB) = 'St(B) (\ 'St(T), since (T + "AB)x = 0 implies CR(T) (\ CR(B) = (0) and Tx = O. Hence, defining B 1 to be the restriction of B to 'St(T), 'St(B 1) = 'St(T) (\ 'St(B) = 'St(T + "AB). Thus, for x E 'St(T) , we know from (3) that
Now Bx
liB 1x l
1 TXlII (T + "AB l)xll
TXl7 d(x, 'St(B 1))
Hence B l has a closed range which must be finite-dimensional, since B 1 is compact. But this is impossible, since dim Xl = co and B is I-Ion Xl C'St(T). Hence CR.(T + "AB) is not closed. If 'St(T) is separable, then {Xi} may be chosen so that Xl = 'St(T), in which case 'St(T + "AB) = 'St(B) (\ XI = (0). V.3
Sz.-Nagy [1] observed that certain perturbation theorems remain valid if the perturbing operator B is not necessarily bounded but satisfies some less restrictive conditions. The conditions are that B be bounded or compact on ~(T) under certain renormings of ~(T). V.3.l
Let the T-norm
II liT be defined on ~(T) by
IIxli + IITxl1
B is called T-bounded if ~(T) C ~(B) and B is bounded on ~(T) with respect to the T-norm; i.e., there exists a number M such thatfor all x E ~(T),
M(llxll + IITxlD
B is called T-strictly singular (T-compact) if ~(T) C ~(B) and B is strictly singular (compact) on ~(T) with respect to the T-norm.
Obviously, if B is bounded and ~(T) C ~(B), then B is T-bounded. Similarly, B strictly singular (compact) implies that B is T-strictly singular (T-compact). V.3.2 Remark. It is very easy to see that if X and Yare Banach spaces and T is closed, then ~(T) with the T-norm is a Banach space. V.3.3 Theorem. Let X and Y be complete and let T be closed. :oCT) C :D(B) and B is closable, then B is T-bounded.
Proof. Let D T be :D(T) with the T-norm and let fJ be a closed linear extension of B. Then lJ is closed- and therefore continuous on Bnnnl'h AP/WO l)7" TlOlwo n iA ILIRO continuouR on D7••
V.3.4 Corollary. Let X and Y be complete. Suppose there exists a scalar Ao such that AoI - T is normally solvable and has finite kernel index. Then for any polynomial p of degree n, Tk is p(T)-bounded for 0 :::; k :::; n. Proof.
Corollary IV.2.12 and Theorem V.3.3.
The method of generalizing Theorem V.1.6 stems from the following result due to Sz.-Nagy [1].
Suppose '.D(T) C
V.3.5 Lemma. Let Y be complete and let T be closed. '.D(B). If there exist numbers a and b such that b
for all x E '.D(T) , then T Proof.
IIBxl1 :::;
allxll + bllTxl1
+ B is closed.
It follows from the hypotheses that for all x E'.D(T) ,
+ B)xll + B)xll
:::; ~
IITxl1 +
IIBx\1 :::;
IITxl1 - IIBxl1
allx\l + (1 + b)IITxll -allxll + (1
- b)IITxll
or (2)
IITxl1 :::; (1 -
b)-l(allxll + II(T + B)xID
Suppose Xn ~ x and ('1' + B)x n ~ y. Then (2) shows that {Tx n I is a Cauchy sequence. Hence there exists aYE Y such that TX n ~ y. Since T is closed, x E'.D(T) = '.D(T + B) and TX n ~ Tx. Thus, by (1),
+ B)(x
Hence (T
+ B)x
n -
n -t
Theorem. by
x)11 :::; (T
allxn -
xII + (1 + b)IITxn
Txll ~ 0
+ B)x, anli the lemma is proved.
Theorem V.1.6 holds if we replace the requirement
IIBxl1 :::;
allxll + bllTxl1
X E '.D(T)
where a and b are nonnegative numbers such that a
+ h(T) < 'Y(T).
Proof. By Lemma V.3.5, T + B is closed. We first assume that Let T 1 and B 1 be the operators T and B, respectively, considered as mappings from Banach space D 1 into Y, where D 1 is '.D(T) with norm II III defined by
> O.
Ilxlll "'" /1,II.r.11 + bllTxl1
The idea of the proof is to apply Theorem V.1.6 to T 1 and B I in order to obtain the assertions about T + B. We therefore want to know how 'Y(T 1) compares with 'Y(T). This can easily be obtained in the following manner for a > 0 and b > O. Given x in D I , d(x, ;n(TI)) where
Ilx - nlll = a
[xl E <J)(T)/;n(T).
Thus = inf XED.
Ilx - nil + bllTxll = all[xlll + bllTxl1
IITxl1 all[xlll + bllTxl1
= inf XED.
+ bIITxll/ll[xlll
+ b'Y(T) >
Since IIBIII ~ 1 < 'Y(T I) and T I is bounded on the Banach space D I, it follows that the conclusions of Theorem V.1.6 hold for T I and B I in place of T and B, respectively. However, m(T I + B I) = m(T + B), and ;n(T I + B I) = ;neT + B). Thus Theorem V.1.6 holds for T and B, where a> O. If a = 0, choose E > 0 so that E + b"{(T) < 'Y(T). Then IIBx!1 ~ Ellxll + bllTxll, and the theorem is proved by what was just shown. V.3.7
Theorem V.2.1 holds if B is T-strictly singular.
Proof. Let D I , T 1, and B I be as in the proof of the preceding theorem with a = b = 1, and apply Theorem V.2.1. To see that T + B is closed, let E be the identity map from <J)(T) onto D I. Then E is closed and T + B = (T 1 + BI)E. Thus T + B is closed by Theorem IV.2.7. V.3.B
Suppose T and B are closed and B is T-compact.
Then t.
Given E > 0, there exists a constant K f E <J)(T) ,
IIBfl1 n. m.
~ Kllfll
= K(s) such that for all
+ Ell Tfll
If Y is complete, then T + B is closed. If X and Yare complete, then T is normally solvable with finite kernel index if and only if T + B is normally solvable with finite kernel index. In this case, K(T) = K(T + B).
Proof of (i). Assume (i) is false. Then for some positive illtol/;cr n, thoro 0xiRtA '!til i . E ~D(T) su(~h thltt ~-
II/U.. II > /I. II!.. I + ell'I:t'"II
0 and each
Let gn = fn/llfnIlT, where
liT is the T-norm.
Then from (1),
Now, IlgnllT = 1 and B is T-compact. Hence there exists a subsequence {v n } of {gn} such that {Bvn} converges in Y. Since Ilvnll < IIBvnll/n and {IIBvnll} is bounded, Vn ~ 0 in X. From the assumption that B is closed it follows that BV n ~ O. Thus TUn ~ 0 by (2). But this is impossible, since 1 = IlvnllT = Ilvnll + IITvnl1 ~ O. Proof of (ii).
+ B is closed by (i) and Lemma V.3.5. Any set which is T + B-bounded is T-bounded, since
Proof of (iii). (i) implies the existence of a constant K such that for all
f IITfl1 S II(T
E '.D(T)
+ B)fll + IIBfl1 s
+ B) + B)fll + Kllfll + ill Tfll
whence IlfilT S 2(K
+ 1)llfllr+B
Therefore the T-compactness of B implies the T + B-compactness of B. Thus if T + B is normally solvable with OI(T + B) < 00, then T = (T + B) - B is also normally solvable and K(T + B) = K(T) by Theorem V.3.7. In particular, OI(T) < 00. The converse statement is a particular case of Theorem V.3.7. The next corollary generalizes a result due to Beals [2]. V.3.9 Corollary. Let X and Y be complete and let T be a Fredholm operator with domain dense in X. If B is T-strictly singular and B' is T'-strictly singular, then (T + B)' = T' + B'. Proof. We first note that if iJ and V are linear operators with equal, finite indices and V is an extension of U, then U = V. This follows from the relations OI( U) S OI(V)
which imply OI(U) = OI(V) and (3(U) = (3(V). Now, (T + B)' is clearly an extension of T' follows from Theorems V.3.7 and IV.2.3 that K«T
Thus ('I'
+ B)')
+ B)'
= 7"
+ R'.
+ B) =
K(U) = K(V)
+ B'. =
Moreover, it
+ B')
chapter VI
In this chapter we shall consider properties of certain linear operators which arise from ordinary differential expressions of the form
where D = d/dt and the coefficients ak are complex-valued functions of a real variable, subject to certain conditions on an interval I. A differential expression T may give rise to many operators T which have their domains in ,cp(l) and ranges in ,cq(l), where 1 ~ p, q ~ 00 For example, T may be defined as follows:
Tf = Tf =
L akDkf k-O
Thus the operators determined by T are distinguished by means of their dOlHl1ins. The ones which we. present are those which are of recognized importlUwo und to whioh the gCIl{)rn.1 theory developed in the preceding (\hnptors npplioH.
When there is no possibility of confusion, a function in £1' °(1) and the element in £1'(1) which it determines are used interchangeably. Unles8 mention is made regarding the nature of I, the interval is arbitrary.
The main results, with somewhat different proofs, in Sees. VI.I to VI.5, are due to Rota [1] for 1 ::; p = q ::; 00.
In order to determine some properties of a differential operator l' with domain a subspace of, say, £",(I) and range in £q(1), 1 < q ::; OCJ, we introduce what we shall call the preconjugate of T. Since the domains of the operators l' which we consider are not dense in £",(1), the preconjugate '1' of l' is introduced to compensate for the nonexistence of 1". The idea is to consider l' as a map from a subspace of the conjugate space £",(1) = £~(I) into the conjugate space £q(I) = £;,(1) and to define '1' in such a way that, in certain cases, Tis the conjugate of '1'. VI.I.I Definition. Let X and Y be normed linear spaces and let l' be a linear operator with domain a total subspace of Y' and range in X'. The preconjugate '1' of Tis defined as follows. '£)('T) is the set of those x E X for which there exists ayE Y such that Ty'x = y'y for all y' in '£)(1'). Let 'Tx = y. Since '£)(1') is total, '1' is unambiguously defined. It follows that '1' is a linear map from a subspace of X into Y and Ty'x = y'('Tx)
X E '£)('1'),
y' E '£)(1')
VI.I.2 Lemma. Let l' be a linear operator with domain a total subspace of Y' and range in X'. Then the preconjugate of l' is closed. Proof. Suppose X n -----+ x and ''Fx n -----+ y. Then for each y' E '£)(1'), Ty'x n -----+ Ty'x and Ty'x n = y'('Tx n ) -----+ y'y. Thus Ty'x = y'y, y' E '£)(1'), which means that x E '£)('1') and 'Tx = y. VI.I.3 Lemma. Let l' be a linear operator with domain a total subspace of Y' and range in X'. Suppose '£)('1') is dense in X. Then ('1')' is an extension of 1', and therefore l' is closable. If, in addition, X and Yare reflexive, then '1' = ('1')', where '1' is the minimal closed linear extension of T. Proof. If y' E '£)(1') and x E '£)('1'), then y'('Tx) = Ty'x. Thus y' E '£)«'1')') and ('T)'y' = Ty', y' E '£)(1'). Since the conjugate operator ('1')' is closed, Tis closable. Let X and Y be reflexive. Suppose '1' ¢ ('1')'. Then therp. exists some (v', ('T)'v') j! G(T) = (J('J'). Thus there exists !1 z" E (Y' X X')'
such that z"(v', ('T)'v') r!' 0, and z"(y', Ty') = 0, y' E ~(T). Define y" E Y" and x" E X" by y"y' = z"(y', 0) and x"x' = z"(O, x'). Then (1)
+ x"Ty'
= z"(y', Ty') = 0
+ x"('T)'v'
r!' 0
Thus, since X and Yare reflexive, there exist x E X and y (3)
+ Ty'x v'y
= 0
+ ('T)'v'x
y' ¢'
Y such that
Now, (3) shows that x is in ~('T) and 'Tx = -v. But then (4) implies that v'y + v'('Tx) = v'y - v'y r!' 0, which is absurd. Hence 'i' = ('T)'. VI.l.4 Lemma. Let A be a closable linear operator with domain dense in X and range in Y. Then A = '(A').
Proof. Since A is closable, ~(A') is total by Theorem II.2.11. Hence the preconjugate of A' is defined. Now, '(A') is an extension of A; for if x E ~(A), then A'y'x = y'Ax, y' E ~(A'). Thus, by the definition of '(A'), x is in ~('(A')) and '(A')x = Ax. Since '(A') is closed by Lemma VI.1.2, it remains to prove that G('(A')) C G(A) = G(A). By an argument analogous to the one given in Lemma VI.1.3, it follows that G('(A'))
C G(A).
VI.l.S Lemma. T = ('T)'.
If T is the conjugate of a closable operator, then
Proof. Suppose T = A', where A is closable. VI. 1.4, A = '(A') = 'T. Hence
Then, by Lemma
T = A' = (A)' = ('T)' by Theorem II.2.11. VI.l.6
Let T be a differential expression of the form
where each ak is a complex-valued function on I. For each positive integer n, define A,.(l) to be the 8et of' complex-valued functions f on I for which !<,.-I) ... nil-I! existfl and i8 absol:utrlll continu01t8 on c11Cry compact 8ubinterllnl o! I. I,,!, A u(l) .... r!(l).
The maximal operator T.,p,q, 1 ::; p, q ::; and I, is defined as follows.
corresponding to T, p, q
T. ,p,qf = Tf =
The operator T~p,q is defined to be the restriction of T.,p,q to those CJ)(T.,p,q) which have compact support in the interior of I.
Since an absolutely continuous function is differentiable a.e., it follows that Tf is defined a.e. on I for f E An(I). Before proving Theorem VI. 1.9, we make the following observations which indicate what one might expect (T~p,q)' and '(T~p,q) to be.
r n
Suppose T =
ak Dk , ak E Ck(I), 0 ::; k ::; n.
Since Co""(I) is con-
tained in 5)(T~p,q), we know, by Theorem 0.9, that 5)(T~p,q) is dense in .£p(I) when 1 ::; p < 00 and is total in £""(I). Thus T:'p,q has a conjugate (T:'p,q)', defined with domain a subspace of £~(I) = £q,(I) and range in £;(I) = £p,(I), where 1 ::; p, q < 00, p' and q' conjugate to p and q, respectively. For 1 < p, q ::; 00, T~p,q may be considered as a map with domain a total subspace of the conjugate space £p(l) = £~,(I) and range in the conjugate space £q(I) = £~,(I). Hence the preconjugate 'T:'p,q of T~p,q is defined as a map from a subspace of £q,(I) to £p,(I). To simplify the discussion, we assume that I = [a, b] is compact. Writing Tn = T~p,q, let g be in 5)(T~) (g E CJ)('T R )) and let
Then for f E 5)(TR ) , f(g*))
Thus, regardless of whether g is in CJ)(T~) or in CJ)('T R ), (1)
In order to obtain an expression for g*, equation (1) suggests suc(akg)J
Since ak is in Ck(I), 1 =:; k =:; n, (akg)(k-l) is absolutely continuous. integration by parts gives for 1 =:; k =:; n,
J: - t
(akg)JCkl = (akg)JCk-ll
= (akg)JCk-ll - (akg)'JC k-2l k-l
J: + t
(-l)i(a kg)(JlJCk-l-ilJ:
(akg)C2l JC k-2l
+ lab (-l)k(akg)(klf
i=O b
where v Ja denotes v(b) - v(a) for any functIOn v defined at a and b. (1) and (2),
Since f
gTf =
l l
(-l)i(akg)(JlJCk-l- il
k=l i=O E 'JJ(T B )
J: + t l
(-l)k(akg)( klf
has compact support in the interior of I,
Hence, from (1) and (3),
t g*f = t
where T*g is the function defined a.e. by
r n
T*g =
Since 'JJ(T B ) is densein£p(I),1 =:; p equation (4) implies g* = T*g a.e. on I.
= £JI),
Thus T* appears to determine the conjugate and preconjugate of T B in a manner similar to that in which T determines T B •
r n
akD\ ak E Ck(I), 0 =:; k k=O Lagrange, or formal, adjoint T* of T is the expression defined by VI.l.7
Let T
"'·0 -
=:; n.
L (-l)k(akg)(k)(t) exists for almost
If g(n) exists a.e., then (r*g)(t)
all t. The following lemma was proved in the above discussion. n
Let r =
L akDk, ak
Ck(I) , 0 ::; k ::; n.
If f and g
are in An(l), where I
= [a, b] is compact, then n
f grf = l l
J: + f
(-l)l(akg)(j) j
k= 1 j=O
The next theorem was proved by Halperin [1] for p = q = 2 and by Rota [1] for 1 ::; p = q ::; 00 n
Let r be the differential expression r
L akDk,
where ak E Ck(!), 0 ::; k ::; n, and an(t) ¢ 0, t E I.
p, q ::;
1 ::; p, q R 'TT,p,q =. TT*.q',p'
Proof. Write T R = T~p,q and T* = TT*,q',P" Suppose g E 5)(T*) and f E 5)(TR). Then f vanishes outside of some compact interval [a, b] contained in the interior of I. Therefore we have, by Lemma VI.1.8,
£grf = t grf = t
If 1 ::; p, q
(r*g)f =
then (1) shows th~t
Hence g E 5)(T~) and T~g = T*g. If 1 < p, q ::; 00, then considering T R as an operatorfrom £~. = £p(l) into £~. = £q(I) and f as a functional in £~" it follows from (1) that
Hence g E 5)('T n ) and 'TRg = T*g. show 5)(T~) C 5)(T*), 1 ::; p, q
To prove the theorem, it remains to 00, and 5)('T R ) C :D(T*), 1 < p,
Suppose g E :D(T~) (g f :D('T R)) and T~g = g* ('TRg = g*). for every f E :D(T R ),
£(Tf)g !r fg*
To show that g is in :D(T*), it suffices to show that for every compact interval 1 0 = [a, b] C I, g, considered as a function, is equal a.e. to a function in An(Io) and T*g = g* a.e. on 1 0 • The remark follows from the observations that any interval is the union of an ascending sequence of compact subintervals and that continuous functions which are equal a.e. are identical. Let Do = {f If E :D(T R ), f has support in 1 0 1. Since elements in :D(TR ) have support in the interior of I, it follows that, given f E Do, j
(at (t - S)n-k-l j(n)(S) ds (n - k - I)!
Now, f vanishes outside of Io.
Hence (2) and (3) imply
n-l (4)
lab an(s)g(S)j
L t dt l
(b dt (t g*(t) (t - S)n-l j
(n - I)!
All the integrands in (4) which involve both sand t are in £1(1 0 X 1 0 ), since ak is continuous on 1 0 , g E £q,(Io) C £1(/ 0), and j
n-I \'
(t (n
s)n-k-l k _ I)! ak(t)g(t) dt
(t - s)n-l * ] (n _ I)! g (t) dt ds
for all f e Do. Lot F(s) be the expression ineide the square brackets in (5). We now show thnt F is equivalent on lo·to a polynomial of degree at most n - 1. OiVPIl Q E £q{T II ) Aunh l,hnt q iA Ol'fJlOP;OIlI1J to the subspace
h defined by
h(t) =
(t (t - S)"-l
h(t) = 0
t ¢ 10
is easily seen to be in Do with hCn)(t) hCn) in place of jCn), whence
tE1 0
(n _ I)! Q(s) ds
Q(t) a.e. on Io.
Thus (5) holds for
Q(s)F(s) ds
for all Q E £q(l o) orthogonal to @ C £q,(Io); that is, (6) holds for all Q E @ol when 1 < q ::; 00 or for all Q E ol@ when;q = 1. Hence, Theorem II.3.4, Remark 11.3.6, and the finite dimensionality of @ imply FE ol(@ol) =
q= 1
Thus F is equivalent on 1 0 to a polynomial v of degree at most n - 1. Therefore, except for a set of Lebesgue measure zero, ,,-1
= v(s)
(b (t (n
L. I,
s)n-k-1 k _ I)! ak(t)g(t) dt
(b (t - S)"-l g*(t) dt
(n - I)!
Now the right hand side of (7) and l/a" are absolutely continuous on 1 0 • Thus we can redefine g on a set of measure zero to be absolutely continuous on 1 0 so that (7) holds on all of 1 0 • Differentiating both sides of (7), we obtain for almost all s E 1 0 (8)
= v'(s)
+ g(s)a~(s)
+ an-1(s)g(S) +
L 1 (t -
(n - k - 2)! ak(t)g(t) dt
(b (t - s)n-2 g*(t) dt (n - 2)!
Since g, a~ and l/an are absolutely continuous, it follows from (8) g' is equivalent to an absolutely continuous function. But then absolutely continuous on 1 0 ; for if the derivative g' of an absolutely tinuous funct.ion g is r-f)uivnlr-nt t.o n (~ontilluoIIS fundion h, thon
that g' is cong' is
identically h.
This follows from g(x) - g(a) =
lax g'(t) dt = lax h(t) dt
Repeated differentiation of both sides of the equalities in (8), together with a repetition of the argument just used to prove g' is absolutely continuous, shows that g(n-l) is absolutely continuous and T*g = g* a.e. on 1 0 • (Recall that v is a polynomial of degree at most n - 1.) Thus the proof of the theorem is concluded. Before proving the next corollary, we take a closer look at T*. n
L akDk,
Let T =
ak E Ck(I) , 0 :::;; k :::;; n.
Then for
k=O n
L bkg(k) a.e.
T*g =
For 0 :::;; k :::;; n, bk is in Ck(I). Proof.
Let t be such that g(n) (t) exists.
L (-I)k(akg)(k)(t)
By Leibnitz's rule, (ajg) (j)(t)
Setting i = k and j (1), that
k, k
+ 1,
. . . , n in (2) implies, together with
Hilwa DkaP-k)
iH ill
e (!), 0 k
= ap) :::;; k :::;;
IUlO aj is ill CiE/) , 0 ~ Ie :::;; fl.
.i :::;;
n, it follows that b k
If T* is identified with
bkD/c as given in the
preceding lemma, then the Lagrange adjoint T** of T* is defined.
the same way, T** can be identified with
L c/cD/c, where k=O
b/ J- k )
VI.I.12 Lemma. Let C/c be as in Remark VI. 1.11. ak on I for 0 ~ k ~ n. Thus T** = T. of I.
is identically
Proof. Let II = [a, b] be any compact subinterval of the interior Suppose g is in C""(11) and! is in C;(11). Upon replacing T by n
T* =
L bkDk
k=O ~ k ~
in Lemma VI.1.8 and noting that 0 = f
n - 1, it follows that
Since C; (11) is dense in £1(11) and both Tg and T**g are continuous on 1 1, it follows that Tg = T**g. By taking g to be the functions g/t) = t}
we obtain a/c = C/c on II, 0 :::; k :::; n. Since 1 1 was an arbitrary compact subinterval of the interior of I, the lemma follows. The lemma could also have been proved by computing the derivatives of c} in terms of the ai. VI.I.13
TT,P.q = 'T';.,
1 ~ p, q 1
p, q:::;
TT.P.q is closed when 1 :::; p, q
or 1
p, q :::;
Proof. Since T** = T, p" = p, and q" = q, the corollary follows from Theorem VI.1.9 and the fact that conjugate and preconjugate operators are closed.
VI.I.H Corollary. The conjugate of TT.P,O is the minimal closed extenS1:on of 'p;i,o'.p' when 1 < p, q < 00,
By Corollary VI.1.13 and Lemma VI.1.3, T''T,P.t1.
= ('TIl, ,q,, I,)'' . = TIl,.,. ,Cl,,I', T
Throughout this section,
akDk, where
an(t) ;= 0, tEl
VI.2.1 Definition. The minimal operator corresponding to (T, p, q) denoted by TO,T,P,q, is defined to be the minimal closed extension of T~p,q when 1 ::; ,p, q < 00 When 1 < p, q ~ 00, the minimal operator is defined to be TT',q',p" VI.2.2 t.
There is no ambiguity in the definition of the minimal operator since it follows from Corollary VI.1.14 that R T'. T ,q,,p, = T T.P,q
< p, q <
The reason for the seemingly unnatural definition of the minimal operator for the case when p and q are not both finite will be made clear in subsequent theorems. The maximal operator is an extension of the minimal operator; for when 1 ::; p, q < 00, then TO,T,P,q = T~p,q C TT,P,q, since TT,p,q is closed. When 1 < p, q ::; 00, it follows from Theorem VI. 1.9 that
Now TT,P,q = (T~,q"p')' by Corollary V1.1.13. Hence we can conclude from Lemma VI.1.5 that ('TT,P,q)' = TT,P,q. Thus TO,T,P,q C TT,P,q by (1). From the definition of the minimal operator, Theorem VI.1.9, and Corollary VI.1.13, the following relationships are obtained. JlI.2.3
For 1 ::; p, q
For 1
< P, q $
iv. VI.2.4
T O,T,P,tl = T'.T ,11,.1'. T'O,T•• , ,)' ,12.p, = (TR" T ,q ,p
T T, p''Il n
Suppose y is in A n(!), ry
or some a E I.
0 a.e., and
yea) = y'(a) = ... = y(n-ll(a)
Then y
0 on I.
Proof. Suppose y(XI) r!' 0 for some Xl E I. On la, Xl] define
For definiteness, assume
> a.
sex) =
Iy(k) (X) I
and Xo =
sup {x Is(x)
Since s is continuous, s(xo)
0, or equivalently,
O:S;k:S;n-l Thus (1)
y(kl(X) - y(k)(xo)
and n-l
(k) ( )
y(n-l)(x) = (X y(n)(t) dt = _ (x \' ak t y t dt lxo lxo ~ an(t) k=O
Letting M(x)
sup s(t), (1) and (2) imply xo:S;t:S;x
Ix: :~: (I ~~~~~ I+ 1) dt
> Xo
But this cannot be, since the integral in (3) is less than 1 when X is sufficiently close to xo. Thus y = 0 on I. The proof for Xl < a is similar. Vl.2.5
dim ff'{,(TT,P,q)
:s; n,
P, q $
Proof. Suppose IYI, Y2, .. , ,Yn} is a linearly independent subset of ff'{,(7'T,'P,a)' For a E I, tho clot.orminallt of tho lIluLrix (l// k ) (a)), 0 $
k :$ n - 1, is not zero; otherwise there exists a set of numbers
C1, C2,
. . . , en, not all zero, such that n
°= L CiYi(k)(a)
= 0, 1, . . . ,n - 1
i=l n
Hence Y
L ciYisatisfies the hypotheses of Lemma VI.2.4 and is therefore ;= 1
°on 1.
This contradicts the assumption that {Yl, Y2, . . . , Yn I is linearly independent. Thus, given g E 'Jt(TT,P,q), we know from Cramer's rule that the system of equations
L n
g(k)(a) =
k = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1
has a solution Xi = bi , i = 1, 2,
. , n.
Therefore g -
L biYi satisfies ;= 1
the hypotheses of Lemma VI.2.4.
Hence g =
L biYi, which proves that 1=1
dim 'Jt(TT,p,q) cannot exceed n. Note that the proofs of Lemma VI.2.4 and Theorem VI.2.5 also hold even when ak is locally integrable, ~ k ~ n - I, and l/a n is locally in
p, q
Definition. A pair of numbers (p, q) is called admissible if < 00 or 1 < p, q :$ 00.
VI.2.7 Theorem. Let (p, q) be admissible. If anyone of the minimal or maximal operators corresponding to (T, p, q) or to (T*, q', p') has a closed range, then all four of the operators are Fredholm operators and
dim 'J)(TT,p,q) = K(T
) (T ) T,P,q - K O,T,p,q
For convenience we write T
= T.o,q'.'P'
If either '1' or '1'* has a closed range, it follows from Theorems VI.2.3 and IV.1.2 that either '1'*0 or To has a closed range. Thus we need only consider the cases when To or '1'*0 have closed range. Suppose To has a closed range. If 1 ::; p, q < 00, then by Theorems IV.2.3, VI.2.3, and VI.2.5,l
Thus '1' and To are Fredholm operators.
Similarly, by Theorem VI.2.3,
Hence we have shown that To, '1', '1'*0, and '1'* are Fredholm operators when To has a closed range and 1 ::; p, q < 00. If 1 < p, q ::; 00, then from Theorem VI.2.3 it follows that
Thus To, '1', '1'*0, and '1'* are Fredholm operators when CR(To) is closed and (p, q) is admissible. If CR(T*o) is closed, then the above results applied to '1'*0 in place of To and '1'* in place of '1' prove that '1'*0, '1'*, To, and '1' are Fredholm operators when (p, q) is admissible. Finally, we note that (1)
· 'J)(T) < d' Y d1m 'J)(To) ;rt(T) - 1m CR(To)
('1' ) 0
since the linear mapping v:'J)(T)j('J)(To) + ;rt(T» -----+ Y jCR(To), defined by v[x] = [TxJ, is 1-1. Since 01.('1') < OCJ, (1) implies dim 'J)(T)j'J)(To) < OCJ and therefore, by Lemma V.1.5,
VI.2.8 Lelnlnu. Given compact interval [a, b] and numbers Co, CI, . . . , Cn-l, there exists a function g which is infinitely differentiable on the line such that g(k)(a)
g(x) ""' 0
= 0,
1, . . . ,n - 1
Let P be any polynomial such that p(kl(a) = Ck, k =0, 1, n-l
. , n -
1; for example, P(x) =
(x - a)k.
By Theorem 0.8
there exists a rp which is infinitely differentiable on the line, has support in [a - 1, b), and is identically 1 on an interval containing a as an interior point. Define g(x) = p(x)rp(x). Then by Leibnitz's rule, k = 0, 1, . . . ,n - 1
from which the lemma follows.
VI.2.9 Lemma. If I contains one of its endpoints a, then every f in the domain of the minimal operator corresponding to (T, p, q), (p, q) admissible, satisfies the conditions
. . . = j
f(a) = f'(a)
Proof. For convenience we write To = To,T,p,q, T R = T~p,q, '1\ = TT',q',p" Since T; = T* for 1 ~ p, q < 00 and To = T~ for 1 < p, q ~ 00, it follows that for f E XJ(To), g E XJ(T",)
Let [a, b] be a compact subinterval of I. For any g in XJ(T*) such that g(x) = 0 for all x 2':: b in I, we have from (1) and Lemma VI, 1.8 that n
l l
k= 1 j=O
Since, by Lemma VI,2.8, g(kl(a) may be chosen to have any prescribed values and g(kl (b) = 0, it is easy to show that
o= VI.2.1O Theorem. admissible. Then ~.
k = 0, 1, . . . ,n - 1
Let I contain one of its endpoints and let (p, q) be
The minimal operator co'rresponding to (T, p, q) is 1-1. The maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q) has range dense in £q(l), 1 ~ p, q < 00,.
"roo!. ThuH
is 1-].
= 0, t,h6n
..fa by Lommafol VI.2.0 and VI.2.4.
Since T;,p,q = To,T.,q',p" 1 ~ p, q < 00, it follows from what was just proved and Theorem 11.3.7 that TT,p,q has range dense in £q(I). VI.2.11 Theorem. Suppose I contains one of its endpoints and (p, q) is admissible. If anyone of the minimal or maximal operators corresponding to (T, p, q) or (T*, q', p') has a closed range, then TT,P,q is surjective and TO,T,P,q has a bounded inverse. Proof. The theorem follows from Theorems V1.2.1O and V1.2.7 and Lemma IV. 1. 1.
VI.3.1 Theorem. Let I = [a, b] be compact and let T be the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q), 1 ~ p, q ~ 00, where T is the differential expression
Then 2.
T is surjective and has kernel index n. Iff E £q(I), 1 ~ q ~ 00, then Ty = f, where yet)
= It ia
G(s, t) fees)) ds an s
and G is the continuous function on I X 1 expressed as the following quotient of determinants.
G(s, t) =
Yl(S) yi(s)
Y2(S) yHs)
Yl(n-2)(s) Yl(t) Yl(S) y£(s)
Y2(n-2) (s) Y2(t) Y2(S)
Yn(n-2)(s) Yn(t) Yn(S)
with Yl, Y2, .. , ,y,. any basis for meT).
~(T) ~ II ;,.
II:l!![ l.t
IO(B, t)lq' ds
rqt l
"{(T) ;:::
111-11II an
IG(s, t) 111;1
q = 1
where "{(T) is the minimum modulus of T, £p(I), and q' is conjugate to q.
II lip is
the norm on
Proof of (i). From the condition put on an, we may assume, without loss of generality, that an = 1. We first prove that not only is T surjective, but that given f E£1(1) and constants co, C1, . . . , Cn-1, there exists ayE :D(T) such that Ty
(1) O::;k~n-1
This is equivalent to finding y such that the following system of equations is satisfied. y(t) =
y'(t) =
+l +
y'(s) ds y(2)(S) ds
yCn-1)(t) = Cn _1
yCn)(s) ds = Cn -1
l L -ak(s)yCk)(s) k=O
+ f(s)
Letting Y, C and F be the 1 X n matrices,
Y(t) = [
:,~t~ J
C = [
yCn-1) (t)
~: J
F(t) = [.
~ .J
and letting A(t) be the n X n matrix (defined for almost every tEl),
we may write (2) in the form. (3)
Y(t) - C
A(s) Y(s)
+ 11'(8) d8
with the understanding that an integral of a matrix B is the matrix of integrals of the entries of B. The problem now is to solve (3). To do this, the method of successive approximations is used. Define Yo(t) =
Y k+1(t) = C
+ fal A(s) Yk(s) + F(s) ds
k = 0,1, . . .
Let n
IIYk(t)11 =
L max IYik(S) I
i=1 a::;.:,>t
where the y/'(s) are the entries in Yk(s). IA(s)1 =
L /bii(s)l i,i
where the bii(S) are the entries in A(s), it follows easily from (4) that k = 1,2, .. The integral in (5) exists, since IA(s)1 is integrable and 1\ Yk(s) - Yk-1(S) II is continuous as a consequence of the continuity of the entries of Yk(s) Yk-1(S). It will now be shown, by induction, that for all tEl, O:::;k
where J(t) = lIA(s)1 ds and M = IIY1(b) - Yo(b)ll. When k = 0, (6) is trivial. Suppose (6) holds for k = j - 1. Since J'(s) = IA(s)1 a.e. and J(a) = 0, (5) and the induction hypothesis imply IIYi +1(t) - Yi(t) II
:::; fat
IA(s)IIIYi(s) ~ Yi - 1(S) II ds :::; (j
~ I)! fat J' (s)Ji- 1(S) ds
=-.-,J. Thus (6) holds by induction. Now, IIYmet) - Yk(t) II converges uniformly to zero as m, k ~ 00; for if m > k, then (6) implies
P\b) , the assertion follows.
Hence each entry y/.(t) of
Yk(t) converges uniformly on I as k ---+ 00 to a continuous function Yi(t). Letting Yet) be the column matrix with entries Yi(t), it follows from letting k ---+ 00 in (4) that Y satisfies (3). Consequently a solution to (1) exists. By what was just proved, there exist Yo, Yl, . . . ,Yn-l in ;neT) such that
o ~ i, k
n - 1,
the Kronecker delta n-l
The set {Yo, . . . ,Yn-d is linearly independent; for if 0
then 0 = y(k)(a) = ak, 0 ~ k ~ n - 1. Thus aCT) by the remark preceding Definition VI.2.6.
= n, since aCT)
Proof of (ii). The proof uses the method of variation of constants. Suppose f E£q(I) C £1(1) is given. We seek aYE :neT) so that Ty = f. Let Yl, Y2, . . . , Yn be a basis for ;neT). Express Y in the form n
L Ck(t)Yk(t) , where the Ck(t) are to be determined. k=l
The conditions
which are initially put on the Ck are that they behave like constants when we differentiate Y successively. That is to say, we want n
y'(t) =
L Ck(t)y~(t) k=l n
y(2)(t) =
L Ck(t)Yk(2)(t) k=l
y(n-l)(t) =
L Ck(t)Yk(n-l)(t) k=l
The system of Eqs. (7) holds, provided that when we differentiate Y successively, we obtain
+ C~(t)Y2(t) +
+ C:(t)Yn(t) = 0
c~ (t)y~ (t)
+ c~(t)y~(t) +
+ c:(t)y:(t)
= 0
= 0, 1 ::=; j ::=; n, it follows
Assuming that (7) holds and recalling that rYi in a straightforward manner, that n
(ry)(t) = an(t)
CU t )Yk(n- ll (t)
Thus if the Clc can be determined so that the system of Eqs. (8), together with the equation
holds, then Ty = f. An inspection of the proof of Theorem VI.2.5 verifies that the determinant Yn(t) y~ (t)
Yl(t) y~ (t)
is not zero for any t € I. Thus, for almost every t € I, the system of Eqs. (8) and (9) can be solved for c~(t) by Cramer's rule. Choosing Ck(t)
= ia Ck(S) ds, we obtam
where G is given in (ii). Proof of (iii).
It follows from (10) and Holder's inequality that
and (12)
ly(t)1 ::=;
I~ II an
max IG(s,
q = 1
Since dey, meT)) ::=; IIYllp, the proof of (iii) follows from (11) and (12). Note that since G is continuous, max IG(s, t)/ is continuous as EL function as.:5t ~
of f nnrl, in pnrtir,uln,r, ill in £,,( 1), 1
P ::=;
Let I be an arbitrary interval and let
be the differ-
ential expression ak locally integrable on I,
~ Ii; ~ n -
llocally in £",,(1) an Then the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q), 1 closed.
Proof. Suppose
p, q
Let T be the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q).
(1) Tfn~
g E£q(I)
For J a compact subinterval of I, define T J to be the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q, J). Considering fn and f as elements of £p(J) and g as an element of £q(J), it is clear from (1) that
Now, by Theorem VI.3.1, T J is surjective and 'Y(T J) > O. Hence T J is closed by Theorem IV.1.7. Therefore we may conclude from (2) that f E 'J)(T J) and T Jf = g. Since J was an arbitrary compact subinterval of I andfis in £p(I), it follows thatf E 'J)(T) and Tf = g. Thus T is closed. VI.3.3 Corollary. Let I = [a, b] be compact and let T be as in Theorem VI.3.1. Suppose T is a 1-1 closed operator which is a restdction of the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q), 1 ~ p ~ 00, 1 < q ~ 00. Then T-1 is compact. Proof. Suppose {fk} is a bounded sequence in CR(T) C £q(I). By Theorem VI.3.1, there exists a G, continuous on I X I, and a sequence {Zk} in ~(T 1), where T 1 is the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q), such that (1)
Now H6lder's inequality implies
(t G(s, t) fk(S) ds
where M =
sup IG(s, t)1.
Hence {yd is uniformly bounded
on I and, in particular~ isbounded in £p(I). Moreover, (zd is bounded in £p(I). If this is not the case, then there exists a subsequence {zk'\ such that for Xk' = T-l!k' and
Since ;n,(T l ) is finite-dimensional, there exists a subsequence {Zk"} of {Zk'} such that zk"/lIzk,,lI---+ v E ;n,(T l ). Thus, by (2) and Hence v E ~(T) and Tv = 0, which is impossible since T is 1-1 and Ilvll = 1. Therefore (zd is bounded. Consequently (zd has a convergent subsequence. Hence in order to prove that T-l is compact, it suffices to prove that {Yk'} has a convergent subsequence, where (Yk'} is any subsequence of (Yk}. For convenience, take (Yk'} to be {Yk} . We show that {Yk} is equicontinuous. Let e > 0 be given. Since G is uniformly continuous on I X I, there exists a 0 = O(E) > 0 such that for all s E I, (3)
Thus (3) and Holder's inequality intply
IYk(t 2)
Yk(t l )!
q Mlt l - t 2 I l/ 'llfkllq
+ e II~JL (b
- a)1/Q'llfkllq
Since (11!kIIQ} is bounded, it follows that (yd is equicontinuous. Therefore, by the Ascoli-Arzela theorem, (Yk} has a subsequence converging in C(I) which, in turn, must converge in £p(I). Hence T-l is compact. The following example exhibits very simple maximal operators which do not have closed range.
VI.3.4 Example. Let I = [0, 00) and let n = D - ~e-u, where>. is a SCalftf. We show thnt fOf 7\ = 'r'A,P,f/' (p, q) admiRRihlo, nnd nil >., 'fA
does not have a closed range, or equivalently, by Theorem VI.2.11, T), is not surjective. Givenflocally integrable on I, the general solution in A1(I) for which TAy(t) = y'(t) - Ae-ity(t) = f(t) a.e. is given by y(t) = ee-
+ e-
fat e
where cp(t) -£Ae-it and e is an arbitrary constant. Since Icp(t) I = IAI, (2)
Let f(8) = e-
Hence Iy(t) I 2: Ie + tle-'A' , which is not in £p(I) , 1 ~ p ~ Thus f is not in CR(T A) when 1 ~ p ~ 00 and q = 00. 1 < q < 00. Define f on I by
k - 1
< k,
k = 1,2, 00
Then f is in £q(I), since le-
elAI and
L l/kq <
y be as in (1). Given a positive integer N, it follows from (2) and the definition of f that for N + 1 2: t ~ N,
Iy(t) I = ee-
+ e-
I ~ e- 1e + let ~ 1- 1 1Aj
L 11k =
y is not in £p(I), 1 ~ p ~
Hence f is
not in CR(T'A,P,q) when 1 :::;; p ~ 00 and 1 < q < 00. To summarize, it has been shown that for all A (3)
T'A,P,q is not surjective when 1 ~ p ~
and 1
q ~
The last case to consider for (p, q) admissible is
1 ~ p < 00, Si nee q' = co, 1 < p' ~ co, and (TA)· ... - T --A, it fol1owHfroffi (c:l) that T('A). ,V',l" is not surjectivCl ""Id 1,1 II 11'0 fOl'(1 , hy ThoOl'(lIn VU!.ll, 7"A,IJ'Q iR 1101; H\II'jO(~tivo. q - 1,
The above example also shows that the essential resolvent: {x I Xl - T v,p,p has closed range}
is empty when v = eitD and 1 S p SOC>. observation that Tv,p,p - XI = eitTTA,P,P' VIA
This is a consequence of the
It is seen from Theorems VI.3.1 and VI.2.11 that minimal operators determined by certain differential expressions on a compact interval have a bounded inverse, while the maximal operators are surjective. This section treats the following problem. Let T 1 be a linear operator mapping a subspace of a Banach space onto a Banach space and let To be a restriction of T I such that To has a bounded inverse. Under what conditions does there exist a linear operator T which is a restriction of T I and an extension of To, written To C T C Tr, such that T is surjective and has a bounded inverse? The problem was considered by Visik [1) in his investigation of partial differential operators in a Hilbert space setting and by Browder [2) for more general spaces. VI.4.1 Definition. Let T I be a linear operator from one normed linear space into another and let To be a restriction of T I . The pair (To, T I ) is called potentially solvable if T I is surjective and To has a bounded inverse. The pair of operators (To, T I ) is called solvable (f there exists a linear operator T such that To eTC T I , T is surjective, and T has a bounded inverse. We shall also say that T solves (To, T I ). VI.4.2 Theorem. Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Suppose that (To, T I ) is potentially solvable with 5:>(T I ) C X and m(T I ) = Y. A sufficient condition that (To, T 1) be solvable is that T 1 be closed and there exist projections from X onto :n(T I ) and Y onto m(T o). An operator T which solves (To, T I ) may be constructed as follows. Suppose x = X o E9 :n(T I ) Y = Yo E9 m(T o) where X 0 and Yo are closed subspaces.
Define T by
+ v) = Tou + T1v In a very natural way, an operator T which solvos (To, T 1)
will be determinod aftnr (1onFlidonnp; Borne proportios T must have,
Y =
where Yo is the closed subspace which is the kernel of a projection onto
('1'1-1 is used in the set theoretic sense.)
We note that
for if z is in ~(To) and Tlz is in Yo, then Toz = Tlz €
and on
= (0).
+ v) = Tou + Tlv
If ~(T) is chosen to be ~(To) ED Tl-lY O, then '1' might not be 1-1; for if v ~ 0 is in ;)[('1'1), then v is in Tl-lY O. Thus Tv = Tlv = O. To avoid this situation, we make use of the hypothesis that (2) where X 0 is a closed subspace of X by defining 'P by (3) (4)
From the way '1' was determined it is clear that To eTC '1'1 and that '1' is 1-1. We now show that '1' is surjective. Suppose y € Y. By (1), there exist u € ~(To) and w € Yo such that y = Tou + w. Since '1' 1 is surjective, there exists a v € ~(Tl) such that TID = w. Thus v is in '1'1-1 Yo. By (2), thereexistsavo€;)[(Tl) C TClYosuchthatv - voisinX o. Hencev - Vo is in X o n TI-lY a, and u + (v - vo) is in ~(T). Furthermore, 7'(u
+ (11 -
= J'-fJU + W
To prove that T-l is continuous, it suffices, by the theorem, to prove that T is closed. Suppose
Since 1'1 is a closed extension of 1', y = T 1x. The existence of a projection P from Yonto
Since 1'0- 1 is continuous, (7)
Hence from (5), (6), and (7),
T 1vn ..--+ y - w = T 1x -
But Vn is in X on T I-IY o, and both X oand Yo are closed. by (8), X - To-1w is in X o and T1x - w is in Yo. Since
we have
Hence X is in ~(To) EB X o n T I-IY o = l' is closed and the theorem is proved.
and Tx = T 1x = y.
VI.4.3 Corollary. Suppose X and Yare Hilbert spaces. If (1'0,1'1) is potentially solvable and 1'1 is closed, then (1'0,1'1) is solvable.
Proof. Since To has a bounded inverse, the minimal closed extension To also has a bounded inverse. Hence
L akD\ ak
Ck(I), 0 ~ k ~ n, an(t) ,;e 0,
t E I, and let (p, q) be admissible. then the pair is solvable.
If (7'O,T,V.q, TT.v.q) is potentially solvable,
ThoorOlllH VI.2.7, II. I. HI
15 1
For the remainder of this chapter, r is the differential expression
and (p, q) is admissible. VI.4.5 Corollary. If I is compact, then (To,..,p,q, T..,p,q) is solvable. If 1 < p =::;; <Xl and 1 < q ::; <Xl, any linear operator which solves (To,..,p,q, T..,p,q) has a compact inverse.
Theorems VI.3.1 and VI.2,l1 and Corollaries VI.4.4 and
Proof. VI.3.3.
The construction of T in Theorem VI.4.2 leads to the following characterization of all the differential operators which solve a pair of minimal and maximal operators. VI.4.6 Theorem. Suppose (To, T l) is solvable, where To = To,..,p,q and T l = T..,p,q. Then an operator T which solves the pair can be constructed as follows. i,
Letvl,v2, . . . ,vmbeabasisfor'J[(T..*,q',p.)andletYl,Y2, . . . ,Ym be in .£q(I) such that i,j
1,2, . . . ,m;
Oij the Kronecker delta
. ,Xm be elements in ::O(T l ) such that TlXi = Yi
If {Zl' Z2, . . . ,Zm} is a set of elements in 'J[(T I) (the elements need not be distinct), define T as follows. ::OCT) T(u
+ v)
= Tou
::OCTo) E9 sp {Xi
+ Tlv
U f
+ z;}
::0 (To) , v f sp {Xi
+ z;\
Then T solves (To, T 1). Conversely, any T which solves (To, T 1 ) is of the form given by (ii) , where {111, lh, . . . , 1/", I is l'inearly independent and
Y - 01('1'11)
(j) Hp
1111, Ih, . . . ,Ym}
Proof. Condition (i) is used to obtain a Yo as in Theorem VI.4.2, while (ii) is used for the purpose of exhibiting X o n TI-IY O• Writing T* = Tr*,q',p" we note that CR(T*) is closed by Theorem VI.2.7. Hence Theorems IV.1.2 and VI.2.3 show that
Thus if lVI,
~ p, q
p, q ~
, vm} and fYI, . . . ,Ym} are as in (i), then Yo = sp fYI, . . . ,Ym}
and CR(To) are linearly independent.
p, q ~
it follows that Y = CR(T o) E9 Yo. Let both {Xl, X2, . . . , x m} and IZl, ... , Zm} be as in (ii). Then sp {Xi + z;} is a subspace of TI-IY O• We obtain next an X o with the properties required in Theorem VI.4.2. Let TV be a closed subspace of X such that (1)
= m(T t )
E9 sp IXi
+ z;}
The existence of TV is assured since ;R(T I) + sp {Xi sional. Define X 0 = sp {Xi + z;} E9 TV. Since
+ z;}
is finite-dimen-
it follows from (1) that
Hence the operator T solves (To, T I) by Theorem VI.4.2. Conversely, suppose T solves (To, T I), and Y = CR(T o) E9 Yo, Yo = sp IYI, Y2, . . . , Yml, dim Yo = m. Then :neT) C :n(T o) E9 TI-IY O, as was shown in the proof of Theorem VI.4.2. Since T is surjective, we are assured of element8 Ut, U2, . . . , Um in :neT) such that TUi = Tlxi = Yi, 1 ~ i ~ m. Thus there exist Zl, Z2, . . . ,Zm in ;R(T) slwh that Ui = Xi + z,.
Tl-IY o, we have that v is in '.D(T) and Tv =
L a,Yi = L a;Tui = T L a;(xi + Zi) m
Since Tis 1-1, v =
L a;(xi + Zi).
Thus T has the form given in (ii).
VI.5.1 Definition. A closed linear operator which is an extension of the minimal operator and a restriction of the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, q) is called a differential operator corresponding to (T, p, q).
Writing T 1 = TT,p,q and To = TO,T,p,q, we let D I be the space :,o(T l ) with the T I-norm II III defined by
Since T 1 is closed, D l is a Banach space. Suppose T is a differential operator corresponding to (T, p, q). If Do = '.D(T o) and Dr = '.D(T) are equipped with the Tl-norm, then Do and Dr are closed subspaces of D I with Do C Dr C D l . On the other hand, given a closed subspace M of D l such that Do C M, the operator T M which is defined to be T l restricted to M is a differential operator. Thus there is a 1-1 correspondence between the differential operators and the closed subspaces M of D I which contain Do, the correspondence being M - t T M • Suppose M is a closed subspace of D I and contains Do. Then by Theorem 11.3.4, M = .l(M.l), where M.l C D~, the conjugate space of D l . Since Do is contained in M, it is obvious that M.l C Do.l. Thus M is the intersection of the null manifolds of a set of linear functionals which are continuous on D l and which annihilate Do, the set of functionals being M.l.
Conversely, given any set {B",l of linear functionals which are continuous on D l and which annihilate Do, the space M = (\ ;n(B",) is a a
closed subspace of D 1 which contains Do. The discussion leads to the following definition and theorem.
VI.5.2 D(1inition. Let D 1' and Do be as in the above discussion. A junctional U whir.h iR r.ontinwmR on D1"and whid! annihilat{~iI /)0, that iR, IJ e 1>11.1 C 1>;, iii rall(l!l a Immultrry vtrl"" juuf·tIOlWI.
'VI. 5.3 Theorem. There is a 1-1 correspondence between the differential operators corresponding to (r, p, q) and the set of subspaces of the form
where {Bal is a set of boundary value functionals. The differential operators are obtained by restricting T 1 to sets of the form (1) ; i.e., differential operator T is the restriction of T 1 to those y E ~(T1) which satisfy the equations BaY = 0
VI.5.4 Definition. If T is the restriction of the maximal operator to (\ :n(Ba), where {Bal is a set of boundary value functionals, T is said to a
be determined by {Bal.
VI.5.5 Example. The notation used in this example will be that given in the discussion preceding Definition VI.5.2. Suppose that I contains one of its endpoints a. Let functionals B k be defined on D 1 by n-1
Bk(y) =
L bk;,y(j)(a)
k = 1,2, . . . ,n
where the bk ;, are constants. Then each B k is a boundary value functional. To see this, let 1 0 be any compact subinterval of I which contains a- as an endpoint. Define D 2 to be the space ~(T1) with norm defined by
IIyl12 = IIyll1 +
L max ly(j)(t)1
It is not difficult to verify that D 2 is a Banach space. Since lIyl11 ::; IIyll2 for all y E D 1, we have that D 1and D 2 are isomorphic by the open-mapping principle. Each B k is clearly bounded on D 2 and therefore bounded on D 1. By Lemma VI.2.9, y E ~(To) implies y(j)(a) = 0, 0 ::; j ::; n - 1. Hence BkD o = 0, 1 ::; k ::; n. Thus {Bd is a set of boundary value functionals, and the restriction of the maximal operator to those y E~(T 1) which satisfy the "boundary conditions" Bky
L bkjy(jl(a) =
= 1,2, . . . ,n
is a differential operator. If the determinant of the matrix (b ki ) is not zero, it follows from Lemmn VI,2.4 ihut tho differel\t.iLti opemtor is 1-1.
Assuming that the minimal operator has a closed range, the next theorem characterizes, in terms of boundary value functionals, the differential operators. VI.5.6 Theorem. Let TO.T,p,q have a closed range and let T be a differential operator corresponding to (T, p, q). If IBa} is a set of boundary value functionals which determine T, then
dim sp IBa} = K(T I) - K(T) = dim
~~~~ <
Thus T is the restriction of the maximal operator to those y satisfy the conditions
where m = K(T I) - K(1') and IB I, B 2 , pendent subset of I B a }.
... ,
E ~(TI)
B m } is any linearly inde-
Proof. By Theorem VI.2.7, To = TO,T,p,q and T I = TT,p,q are Fredholm operators. Since-sp IBa} = DTl. C D~, where DT and D I are ~(T) and ~(TI), respectively, with the TI-norm, Theorem VI.2.7 implies
dim sp IB a } = dim DTl. = dim
(Z;)' = dim Z; ~ dim ~f~
Thus dim sp IBa} = K(T I) - K(T) by Lemma V.1.5. VI.5.7 Corollary. Suppose the minimal operator TO,T,p,q has a closed range. If I B a } is a set of boundary value functionals which determines TO,T,p,q and I V~} is a set of boundary value functionals which determines TO,T*,q',p', then
dim sp IBa} = dim sp
I V~} =
K(TT,p,q) - K(To,T,P,q)
Proof. We write T 1 = TT,p,q, T* = TT*,q',p" To = TO,T,p,q, and T*o = TO,T*,q',p" Let CB = sp IBa} and'l) = sp IV~}. If 1 ~ p, q < 00, then T~ = T*o and T~ = T*. Hence it follows from Theorems IV.2.3 and VI.5.6 that 00
dim CB = K(T I) - K(To) = -K(T~)
+ K(T~)
= K(T*) - K(T*o)
If 1 00
p, q ~
then T~.
dim ClI '"" ,,('I'.) - K('1'o)
= T 1 and
T~ = To.
K{7'~.) C K('I'~) = K('I'.) - K(T..) 0=
di III 'l)
The differential operators which solve the pair consisting of the minimal and maximal operators are characterized in terms of boundary value functionals as follows. Theorem. Suppose (To.•.p.q, T.,p,q) is solvable. Let {B a } be a set of boundary value functionals which determines the differential operator T. Then T solves (To,.,p,q, T•.Q,q) if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied.
The dimension of the space CB spanned by the set {B a I is dim 'Jt(T.,p,q). If Y1, Y2, . . . ,Ym is a basis for 'Jt(T•. p,q) and B 1, B 2, . . . ,Bm is a basis for CB, then the determinant of the matrix (B;Yi) is not zero.
'/,. n.
Proof. Suppose T solves (To, T 1), where To = To,.,p,q and T 1 = T.,p,q. Then by Theorem VI.5.6
To prove (ii), assume the determinant II (BiYi) I is zero. exist scalars C1, C2, . . . ,cm, not all zero, such that
+ cmB 1Ym
L C,Yi.
Let Y =
Then there
= 0
ThenO ~ Y E 'Jt(T 1) and Bky = 0,1 ::; k ::; m.
by definition, Y is in :n(T) and 0 = T 1y = Ty, which is impossible, since T is 1-1. Conversely, assume (i) and (ii). Suppose 0 = Ty = T 1y. Then m
Y =
L b;Yi for some b1, b2,
.. , bm. Since Y is in :n(T) and {Bd deter-
mines T, (1)
Bky =
L biBkYi
k = 1,2, . . . ,m
The assumption that 1\ (BiYi) II ~ 0, together with (1), implies b; = 0, 1 ::; i ::; m. Thus Y = 0, whence Tis 1-1. Now, by (ii) and Theorem VI.5.6, (2)
Since T 1 is surjective and Tis 1-1, it follows from (2) that 0 = (3(T); that is, T is surjective. Furthermore, the closed-graph theorem applied to T-l proves that T-l is continuous. Hence T solves (To, T 1). For further properties of boundary value functionals, the reader is referred to Rota [1], Lemmas 5.3 to 5.5. Kemp [1) considers the effect on the minimal and maximal operators corresponding to (T, p, p), 1 ~ P ~ 00, when the leading coefficient an of T vanishes in the interior of I. The conjugates of the operators are determined, and the domains of differential operators are described in terms of boundary value functionals.
In this section, some inequalities, called a priori estimates, which are used to determine properties of certain differential operators, are derived. As we shall see in the next chapter, these estimates have their counterparts in the theory of partial differential operators.
Lemma. For n a positive integer and 1 be the linear manifold defined by
let Wn,p(I)
If f is in Wnp (1), then all the derivatives f(k), 0 ~ k ~ n, are in £p(1). For each S > 0, there exists a constant K depending only on s, p, and the length of I (l may be unbounded), such thatforallf E Wn,p(l),
~ Kllfl!""l
+ sllJ
n - 1, 1
n - 1, p =
where II l!p,l denotes the norm on £p(I). Considered as a function of the length of I, K may be chosen to be nonincreasing.
Proof. It suffices to assume that g is real-valued. The lemma will first be proved for n = 2. For n = 1, the lemma is trivial. Suppose f is in W2,p(I), 1 ~ p ~ 00. Let I I j } be a sequence of nonoverlapping bounded intervals of equal length L whose union is I. Let J be any It. Subdivide J into throe Bubintm'vals of equal length and choose J 1 and J 2 to ho t.he two RubintorvnlR which nro 'soparnted hy the middle third Mil hi II !.prvnl.
For x E J 1 and Y E J 2 there exists, by the mean-value theorem, a ~Z.II in J such that f(x) - fey) = f'W
Since Ix - yl ~ L/3, it follows from (1) and the absolute continuity of I' that for each t € J, (2)
If'(OI =
Thus, for p =
If'W + l 00
!"(s) ds
I ~ 3L-l(lf(x) I + If(Y)!)
+ I£f"(s) ds I
and t E J, II'(t) I ~ 6L- 111fIl00.1
+ LIIf"1100.1
Since J was an arbitrary 1;, I' is in £00(1) and
111'1100.1 ::; 6L- 1 1IfII00.1 + LIIf"1I00.1
Suppose 1 ~ p < 00. Integrating both sides of (2), first with respect to x on J 1 and then with respect to Y on J 2, gives 3- 2L
+ £, If(y)1 dy + 3::; [ If(s)1 ds + 3- 2L2 £ If"(s) I ds
11'(01 ::; [,
If(x) I dx
f"(s) ds I
Thus, from Holder's inequality, II'(t) I ::; 3 2L-2£1, p'llfllp,J
+ £1, p'IIf"llp.J ::; L1/p'2(32pL-2pllfll~.J + 11f"1\~.J)1/p
Since J was an arbitrary 1;, we obtain
111'11~.1 = (6)
p p L 1\1'1I~.1j ::; 18 L-p L \\fll~.1j + 2 Lp L 11f"11~.1; i i i 18PL-pllfll~.1
+ 2pLpllf"\I~.1
Let E > 0 be given. Suppose p = 00. If the length of I, written leI), does not exceed E, then taking L = leI) in (3) gives
11f'11...1 ~ l(~) Ilfll".1 + 5111"11.. ,J
00 > leI) > e, then I is the union of nonoverlapping intervals II and I 2, where l(11) = ke/2 for some positive integer k and e ~ l(1 2) ~ e/2. Applying (3) to f on the interval II with L = e/2 yields
Similarly, taking L
l(12) in (3) gives
1I!'11"'.1, ~
I; Ilfll"'.1, + ellf"II"'.1.
Thus, from (8) and (9), (10)
For e >
Ilf'II",.1 ~
I; Ilfll"'.1 + ell!"I1",.1
°fixed, define 12 K(l(1»
leI) 12
leI) ~ l(1)
Then K is a nonincreasing function of the length of I, and for (11)
Kllfll",.1 + ell!"II",.1
by (7) and (10). If leI) = 00, then (11) still holds upon choosing L = e in (3). Hence the lemma is proved for n = 2 and p = 00. By making use of (6), a similar argument proves the lemma for n = 2 and 1 ~ p < 00. Assume the lemma to be true for n = j. Suppose f is in W i +l. p (1), 1 ~ p < 00. Then for any compact subinterval J of I, f(j-ll is in W(2.V) (1). Now, the lemma holds for n = 2. Hence, given 1/ > 0, there exists a K o depending only on 1/, p, and the length of J such that f(jl is in £p(J) and (12)
Given 1/1 > 0, there exists, by the induction hypothesis, a K 1 depending only on 1/1, p and the length of J such that (13) Thus, from (12) and (13),
Choosing '71 so'that 1 - K 0'71
i, it follows from (14) that
Since '7 and '71 are arbitrarily small and K o and K 1 can be chosen to be nonincreasing functions of the length of J, the lemma for 11. = j + 1 follows from (13) and (15). By induction, the lemma is proved. The proof when p = 00 is the same, with I II", replacing II II~. VI.6.2
Let r be the differential expression r =
L" cl
where 1/cn and ~.
0 :::; k :::;
11. -
1, are in £",(1).
If f is in 'J)(T"p,p) = (g I g f A n (1) n £p(I), rg f £p(I) I, 1 :::; p:::; 00, then jCk), 0:::; k:::; 11., is in£p(I). There exists a K, depending only on p, 11., the length of I, and the largest of the numbers 111/cn ll",,r and Ilckll""r, 0 :::; k :::; 11. - 1, such that for all f f 'J)(T"p,p) ,
o :::; k o :::; iii.
1 :::; p
k :::;
p =
Suppose 1/c n and Ck, 0 :::; k :::; 11. - 1, are bounded on the line. Then K, considered as a function of the length of I, can be chosen to be nonincreasing.
Proof. We shall prove the theorem for 1 :::; p ment for p = 00 is the same, with II II", replacing II arbitrary compact subinterval of I. Since
< 00. The arguII:. Let J be an
rf (1)
and jCk), 0 :::; k :::; is in £p(J) and
11. -
k=O Cn
1, is continuous on J, it follows from (1) that .. - I
L IIf(k)II",J) :::; CTr(11. + 1) (1Irfll:,J + Cr" L Ilrlll:,J )1/"]
IIf(")II",J :::; Cr (II rfll",J + Cr
where CI is the largest of
Ill/cnll oo ,I and Ilck\loo,I,
0 ::; k ::;
71. -
K o (1ITfll~,J
where K o depends on CI , p, and n. Given e > 0, there exists, by Lemma VI.6.1, a constant K r depending only on e, p, and the length of J such that (3)
Thus, from (2) and (3), (4)
(1 -
Kone) IIJ
In particular, for e chosen so that 1 -
+ KoKrnllfll:,J + KoKrnllfll~,I
Kone ;;::: i,
Now I may be expressed as the union of compact subintervals J r, J 2 , . . . , where J r C J 2 C . . .. Furthermore, we know by Lemma VI.6.1 that K r may be chosen to be a nonincreasing function of the length of J. Hence, letting J = J r in (5), it follows that i = 1,2, . . .
is in £p(I) and
where K depends only on p, 71., C I, and the length of I. Finally, there exists, by Lemma VI.6.1, an M depending only on p and the length of I such that (7)
Since K rand M, considered as functions of the length of I, can be chosen to be nonincreasing, the theorem follows from (6) and (7).
Let r =
L" akD\
where each ak is a constant.
Then for the differential expression D, T',1J,l' "" P(TD,tI,JI) , where P is the n
L a~z~ and t M-II
~ p :$
Proof. For convenience we write TT,P,P as TT' and TD,p,p as T D. Supposej E 'J)(P(T D)) = 'J)(Ti). Thenj E An(I) n £p(I) , and j
o ::; k
::; n.
Thus Tj =
L ak!(k) is in £p(I); that is,! e 'J)(TT)'
Furtherk=O more, (P(TD»j = T<J. Since Theorem VI.6.2 implies 'J)(TT) C 'J)(T'lJ) , we may conclude that TT = P(T D).
VI.6.4 i.
As seen in Lemma VI.6.1, Wn,p(I), 1 ::; p ::; 00, concides with {g I g E An(I), g(i) e £p(I), 0 ::; i ::; n}. If we define a norm II \\n,p,l on Wn,p(I) by Iljlln,p,l =
where II IIp,l is the norm on £p(I), then Wn,p(I) is a Banach space. To see this, suppose (jj I is a Cauchy sequence in Wn,p(I). Then obviously (f/k)} is a Cauchy sequence in £p(I) for 0 ::; k ::; n. Hence (fP)} converges in £p(I) to some hk • By Theorem VI.3.2, Tk,p = TDk,p,p is closed. Since eachJi is in 'J)(Tk,p), o ::; k ::; n, and Tk,pjj = f/k) ~ hk, it follows that h o = lim Ji is in 'J)(Tk,p) and hO(k) = Tk,ph o = lim Tk,pjj = lim jP) i~
j-+ 00
Thus {fj} converges in Wn,p(I) to h o, proving that Wn,p(I) is complete. If X n+ 1 is the Banach space £p(I) X £p(I) X . . . X £p(I)
with norm
II (go,
gl, . . . , gn) II = •
L Ilgillp,l,
then Wn,p(I) is
equivalent to the subspace M n+l of Xn+l consisting of those elements (i, 1', . . . ,j(n» where j is in Wn,p(I). Since Wn,p(I) is complete, M n+l is also complete and hence a closed subspace of Xn+l' Thus if 1 < P < 00, then X n +1 is reflexive, implying that Wn,p(I) is reflexive. If 1 ::; p < 00, then Xn+l is separable and therefore Wn,p(I) is separable.
VI.7.1 Definition. Let T be a linear operator with domain and range conta1:ned in normed linear space X. 7'he (JRRential Rpectrl/.m of T,
written 0-.( T), is defined by ue(T) = {X I
L akDk, where each ak is a constant, and = L akz The maximal operator TT,P cor-
let P be the polynomial P(z)
responding to (T, p, p) and the interval [0, i.
ii. iii.
has the following properties.
= {P(z) I Re z = OJ
For X e Ue(TT,p),
is the number of zeros of X - P(z), counted according to their multiplicity, which lie in the half plane Re z < O. Proof. Since XI - TT,p = T"-T,p, Theorem VI.2.11 implies X e Pe(TT,p) if and only if A! - TT,P is surjective, 1 ~ P ~ 00. Suppose 1 ~ P < 00. Now, by Theorems VI.2.7 and IV.2.14 and Corollary VI.6.3,
Thus the problem reduces to finding Fu(TD,p). the equation (AI - D)y = j has a solution yet)
= -
lot eMt -
Forje£p(J),J = [0, 00),
f(s) ds
in AI(J O) for every compact subinterval J o of J. SUppORO R{l X < O. Thon?J 18 in J;p(J) by theorem 0.11. ThUB fJ(X! _. '1'11",) - O. Now, (i"l ill ill m(>.! - TII,Il), 1\IIl)lv(XT - TII,I') ~ 1.
Hence a("l>.I - TD,p) = 1 and Re"l>. < 0
Suppose Re "l>. > O. By Theorem V1.2.11, H - TD,p = TX-D,v is surjective if and only if THD,pl is surjective. Given g E £p,(J)
is a solution in AI(J) (\ £p,(J) to the equation "l>.y + y' = g by Theorem 0.11. Thus TX+D,pl is surjective and consequently (3(H - TD,p) = O. Since eXt is a solution to "l>.y - y' = 0 on every bounded subinterval of J and eXt is not in £p(J), it follows that a(H - TD,p) = O. Thus (3)
Suppose Re"l>. = O. Then"l>. is not in Pe(TD,p) = Fp(TD,p); otherwise it would follow from Theorem V.1.6 that K(p,[ - Tv,p) = K(H - Tv,p) for all p, sufficiently close to"l>.. But this contradicts the fact that both (2) and (3) hold. If p = 00, then by Theorem V1.2.7, (T.(TT,«» = (Te(T,-,l), which was just shown to be the set (p*(z) IRe z = OJ, where p* is the polyn
1 (-I)kakzk
1 (-I)k akDk.
corresponding to T* =
P*(z) = P( -z) for all complex numbers z, it follows that U.(TT,«» = (P(z) IRe z = O}
Since (H - TT'P)' = TO,X-T-,P" 1 ~ p < 00, Theorem 11.3.7 implies that CR(H - TT,P)iS dense in £p([O, 00», 1 ~ p < 00. Thus (i) is proved. The rest of the theorem follows from (2), (3), and Theorem 1V.2.14. The classical method of solving the Euler differential equation n
1 bktkDkf = g, where each bk is a constant, is to introduce a change of k=O
variable, thereby transforming the given equation into one of the form vft = gl, where v is a differential expression with constant coefficients. A similar procedure is used in the proof of the next theorem. n
Theorem. Let T =
1 bktkDk, where each bk is a constant, and k-O
let P be the polynomial
with lip = 0 when p => 00. The maximal operator TT,p corresponding to (T, p, p) and the interval [1, 00) has the following properties. i,
U-.(TT'P) = (P(z) IRe z = O} For A E U.(TT,p), CR(Al - TT'P) is a proper dense subspace of £p([I, 00».
ii. iii.
For A E P.(TT,P)' AI - TT,P is surjective, 1 If 1 ~ p < 00 and A is in P.(TT,P)' then
is the number of zeros of A - P(z), counted according to their multiplicity, which lie in the half plane Re z < O.
Proof. Let J 0 = [0, 00) and J 1 = [1, 00). Then £p(J 1) is equivalent to £p(J 0) under the map 7J: £p(J 1) - 7 £p(J 0) defined by O~s<
with the understanding that e'/ p = 1 when p = 00. The statement follows from the well-known theorem concerning integration by substitution (cf. McShane [1], 38.4, page 214). The inverse map '17- 1 is given by (2)
f(t) = ('I7- 1g)(t) = t- 1 / Pg(log t)
Since e' and log t are monotone increasing and infinitely differentiable on the line and J o, respectively, it follows from (1) and (2) that (3)
Suppose that f is in A n (J 1).
(cf. McShane [1], 9.3, page 51). 'l7f = g is in An(Jo), and by (2),
t- 1-
1/ p
t- 1-
1 p /
g'(s) ].=log t
[(~ . ds
It follows by induction that for 1
1 1 1p t- - / g(s)].=log t p
!)p g(S)] k ~ n,
Let v be the differential expression
and let T ',p,P be the maximal operator corresponding to (v, p, p) with respect to the interval J o. Then from (4) and the definition of 1/ (5)
Thus, by (3) and (5), T.,p,p
1/-1T.,p,p 1/, or equivalently, for any
Since 1/ is a linear isometry, T.,p,p and T.,p,p have the same essential spectrum and K(Al - T.,p,p) = K(Al - T ',P,p) for ~ E p.(T.,p,p). The theorem now follows from Theorem VI.7.2. The results in the remaining sections of this chapter generalize those due to Balslev and Gamelin [1] for the constant coefficient and the Euler differential operators.
VI.B.l Theorem. Let J be the interval [a, 00) and let T be the maximal operator corresponding to (7, p, p), 1 < P < 00, where 1 an
O=::;k=::;n Let B be the maximal operator corresponding to (v, p, p), 1 each bk measurable on J
Then i.
B is T-bounded if and only if each bk is locally in £p(J) and 0=::;k=::;n-1
In this case, given s > 0, there exists a K, depending only on and p, such that for all f E 'J:J(T), IIBfllp,J =::; Kllfllp,J
+ sllTfllp,J
Furthermore, T r +. = T + B, where T r +. is the maximal operator corresponding to (7 + V, p, p). B is T-compact if and only if each bk is locally in £p(J) and lim ..... .,
j 8+
Ibk(t) Ip dt
In this case, T and T r +. have the same essential spectrum. X E p.(T), K(Xl - T) = K(XI - T r +.).
Before proving the theorem, we need the following lemma.
VI.8.2 Lemma. Given interval I with length greater than 1 and E > 0, there exists a K, depending only on S, the length of I, and p, 1 < P < 00, such that for all b locally in £p(I) and all f in the domain of the maximal operator T corresponding to (D, p, p),
Ilbfll~.r =::; (sllf'II:.r
+ Kllfll:,r) 18,8+1] sup j8+1 Ib (t)I P dt CI 8
K may be chosen to be nonincreasing as a function of the length of I. Proof. Let II and I 2 be nonoverlapping subintervals of I such that I = II U h with II "to the left" of h For 7J > 0 such that t 7J and t - 7J are in I for all t E II and I 2 , respectively, choose cp E C' ([0, 7JJ) so that 0 =::; cp(t) =::; 1 on [0, 7Jl, cp(O) = 1, and cp(7J) = O. For f E 'J:J(T) and t E II,
f(t) - -
d (cp(s)f(t
jll (s l
+ H»
dB ... - jo,r.~ cp(s)f'(t
+ s) ds
- Iu~ cp' (8)f(t + 8) dB
Letting M = max 1~'(8)1, we obtain from Holder's inequality o:::;.:::;~
IJ(t)!:::; fo~ If'(t
+ s)1 ds + M fo~ IJ(t + s)1 ds :::; 7/1/P' [( fo~ If'(t + s)!p ds t + M (fo~ IJ(t + s)lp ds t :::; 27/I/p' (fo~ If' (t + s) Ip ds + Mp fo~ If(t + s) Ip ds t P
P ]
Taking 7/ sufficiently small, it follows that there exists a K I depending only on e, p, and the length of I such that If(t)lp :::; ~ fo~ !f'(t
+ s)lp ds + K
e {t+~ = 2 }t 1f'(s)lp ds
fo~ IJ(t
+ s)lp ds
If(s)lp ds
From the conditions put on 7/ we see that as the length of I increases, 7/ can be kept fixed so that (1) still holds. Thus K 1 can be chosen to be nonincreasing as a function of the length of I. Letting a be the left endpoint of I I, Fubini's theorem and (2) imply that for tEl I and 7/ sufficiently small, (3)
h, Ib(t)f(t)!p dt :::; h, f+~ Ib(t)lp G[f'(s)[p + KtIf(s)[p) ds dt :::;
;;~ 1f'(s)lp + Kt\f(s)lpds J~aX(8-~,a) Ib(t)lpdt
: :; (-2e 11f'11~.I + KII\f!I~'I)
(8+1 Ib(t)lp dt
For t E h J(t)
= -
}o ds (~(s)J(t - s)) ds
Thus, by the argument used to establish (2),
As in (3), (4)
h. Ib(t)J(t)lp dt :::; £~ IJ'(s)lp + KIIJ(s)lp ds t+~ Ib(t)lp dt : :; (-2e 1\f'II~,I + Kl[lfl[~'I) [•.•sup /."+1 Ib(t)lp dt +IICI
The lemma now follows from (3) nod (4).
Suppose bk is locally in £p(J) and
Proof of the theorem.
Let J 1 be any subinterval of J of length greater than 1. Since any nonnegative numbers e and d satisfy (e P + d p )1lp .::s; e + d, it follows from Lemmas VI.8.2 and VI.6.1 and Theorem VI.6.2 that given J.l > 0 and 1/ > 0, there exist constants K o and K 1, depending only on p and J.l and p and 1/, respectively, such that for all f E 'neT),
Using equations (1) and (2), a simple computation shows the existence of a K 2, depending only on p and e, such that for all f E 'neT), (3)
It follows from Theorem VI.6.2 that there exists a constant C, depending only on p, such that for all f E 'neT), (4)
We may derive from (3) and (4) an inequality of the form n-l
lllbk!(kl l\p.J ~ 1
+ ellTfllp,J,
where K depends only on p and e. It is clear from (5) that 'neT) is contained in 'n(B) and that B is T-bounded. To prove TT+. = T + B, it suffices to show that 'n(TT+.) = 'neT). If f E 'neT), Tf and IIf are in £p(J) by (5), which implies f E 'n(TT+.)' On the other hand, if f is in 'n(TT+.), then (T + lI)f is in £p(J). Now, f(j), 0 .::s; j .::s; n - 1, is continuous on each compact subinterval J 1 of J. Hence IIf and Tf = (T + lI)f - IIf are in £p(J 1). By considering only those J 1 of length greater than 1 we have from (5) and the triangular inequality that
whence (0)
Since (6) holds for all subintervals J 1 of length greater than 1, it follows that vf is in £p(J). Consequently, rf = (r + v)f - viis in £p(J), implying that f is in :oCT). Thus T + B = TT+' and (5) implies
f E :OCT) where K depends only on p and c. Suppose B is T-bounded. Let 'P be a function in C; (El) such that 'P = 1 on [0, 1]. For each 8 ;::: 0, define 'Ps to be the function 'P translated so as to be 1 on [8,8 + 1]; that is, 'Ps(t) = 'P(t - 8). Now n-l
L bk'Ps(k) = bo
B'Ps =
+ 1]
Hence (7)
(1'+1 Ibol Y'P ~ IIB'Psllp,J ~ IIBIITII'PsIIT =
II liT is the
00 -00
T-norm on :oCT).
dk 'Ps(t) dt = dtk
+ IIT'P.llp,J)
k d 'P(t - 8) dt = dt k
'P(k)(t) dt
it follows from (7) that (/.'+1 Ibo(t)IPdtY'P
1'P(t)\PdtY'P n
+ lilakilco (!-ooool'P(k)(t)IPdtr'P] k=O
Thus sup ass
Ibo(t)lp dt
Suppose (8)
sup ass
IMt) Ip dt
We show that (8) holds for ~ i ~ k. Define h to be in C; (El) so that h(k) is 1 on [0, 1]. This can be done, for example, by defining h to be 'Pg, where g = tk/k!. Let hs(t) = h(t - 8). Then h.(k)(t) = 1 on [8,8+ 1], and on [s,
+ 1]
Hence (9)
(/.'+1 Ibk(Olp dtYIP ::; \lBIITllh.IIT + M
(/.'+1 \b.(t)lp dt)l/P
where M
Ih(i) (t) I, 0
::; i ::; n - 1.
-"'<1<'" n
Ilh.IIT::; (/_"'",
jh(t)lp dt)l/P
+ Illa;ll", (j_"'", Ih(i'(Olp dtYIP i=O
equation (9), together with (8), implies O::;i::;k Thus (8) holds for 0 ::; i ::; n by induction.
Proof of (ii).
Hence (i) is proved.
Suppose bk is locally in £p(J) and
For each positive integer N
> a define B N on :oCT) by on [a, N] on (N, 00)
We show that B N converges to B in the space of bounded operators on :oCT) with the T-norm. It follows from Lemma VI.8.2 and Theorem VI.6.2 that there exist constants K and C depending only on p such that for all f E :OCT), .. -1
L (tv'" Ibk(t)j
IIBf - BNfl1 ::;
+ Kllj
(sup /.8+1\bk(t)!Pdt)l/P N5,8<'" 8
Considering :.D(T) to he the Bnrlach HPILcc~ith t.he T-norm, it is clear from (10), (11), (Lilt! (12) Llmt UN - t JJ ill [:'0(7'), £,,(.I)J. To prove 1,111Lj, JJ iH 'l'-eolll\lILd, it, HllrJi('('H j,o Hhow t.Il1LL IllLdl llN iH 'J'-eomplLld.. HUPPOHI\ 1)'11
is T-bounded. Then UP) \, 0 ~ k ~ n - 1, is uniformly bounded on J, since equation (2) in the proof of lemma VI.8.2 implies the existence of a constant K depending only on p such that
which, together with (12), shows that UP)} is uniformly bounded on J. Furthermore, UP)} is equicontinuous on la, N], 0 ~ k ~ n - 1, since, again by (12), IfP)(t) - fP)(s) I =
d~ ~
It - S\1 Ip 'IIf/k+1)llp,J
~ Cit - S\1IP'(llhllp,J
Hence, by the Ascoli-Arzelli theorem, {h} has a subsequence {hot which converges uniformly on la, N], and U;,o} has a subsequence U;,d which converges uniformly on la, N]. Thus {hI! and U;,d converge uniformly on la, N]. Continuing in this manner, a subsequence {gj} of {h} is obtained such that for 0 ~ k ~ n - 1, {gP)} converges uniformly on la, N]. Thus "-1
l ~ l
I!BNg; - BNgjllp,J ~
(faN Ibk(t)lp\g;Ck)(t) - gP)(t)\P )11P
n-1 k=O
(sup Ig;Ck)(t) - gP)(t)I) (faN Ibk(t)!p dt)1 lP a$!$N
implying that {BNgj} converges in £p(J) as j ~ 00. Hence B N is T-compact and therefore B is T-compact. Clearly, any set which is AI - Tbounded is T-bounded. Moreover, it follows from (i) that any set which is AI - T - B-bounded is also T-bounded. Hence B is both AI - Tand AI - T - B-compact. Thus it .follows from Theorem V.3.7 that p.(T) = p.(T + B) = Pe(T,+v) and A E p.(T) implies
Conversely, suppose B is T-compact. Assume there exists some {sd of positive numbers converging to 00 such that
> 0 and a sequence
Let {!Ps} be the functions defined in the proof of (i). (13)
which means that {CP'k I is T-bounded. Thus, by passing to a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that (Bcp'kl converges in £p(J) to some y. Given a finite interval Joe J, CP'k = 0 on J 0 for all Sk sufficiently large, since cP has compact support. For such Sk, as
Since J 0 was an arbitrary finite subinterval of I, y must be the zero element in £p(J); that is, Bcp'k ~ O. This, however, contradicts (13). Hence lim
......... /.'
Ibo(t)lp = O.
The proof that
proceeds by induction as in the proof of (i). the theorem.
This concludes the proof of
For results related to Theorem VI.8.1, the reader Birman [1].
referred to
VI.8.3 Corollary. Given J = [a, 00) and 1 < p < 00, let T and L be the maximal operators corresponding to (T, p, p) and (l, p, p), respectively, where
bn and (an
~ bn) in £ ... (J)
bk locally in £p(J) ~ Ibkl p Ell 0, 0
. f+l Then :neT) - :D(l,) , O',(T) = 0'.(1,), and>.
p,(T) implies
Proof. In view of Theorem VI.8.1, it suffices to prove the corollary for l = T + bJ)n. Theorem VI.6.2 implies that :oCT) = :0 (L). For any 13calar X, n-l
l =
= (1
+ b (X - + n
bn) +a (X
- T)
L akDk -
+ n~ ~
ak -
Dk - bn -
Let AA be the maximal operator corresponding to (1 + bn/an)(X - T). It follows from (1) and Theorem VI.8.1 that
(Tf)(t) = ~ aktkjCk)(t)
each ak constant, an
(If)(t) = (Tf)(t)
~ bk(t)tkf(k)(t) k=O
the coefficients bk being subject to the following conditions: i. ii.
bn and l/(an + bn) are in £",(J). bk is locally in £p(J) with lim· s-t
,:.+1 -t1 Ibk(t)lp =
o ~ k ~ n.
Then :OCT) = :O(L), u.(T) = u.(L), and lor X E p.(T), K(X! - T) = K(X! - L)
Proof. As in the proof of Theorem VI.7.3, we let 1] be the linear isometry from£p([I, 00)) onto £p([O, 00)) defined by (1]1)(8) = eo/pl(e') , o ::;; s < 00. Then, as was shown, for I E :oCT) and g = 1]f, k-l
{n,-0. (i!-ds - (!P + f))
} 0_10Kl
and (Tf)(t) = t-llp
tao +
I ak kfl (~ - (~ + j))
} .-logt
Furthermore, (1) implies that
As in the proof of Theorem VI.7.3, it follows that (2)
and (3)
where M and V are the maximal operators with domains contained in corresponding to the differential expressions
Noting that for x
the theorem follows from (2) to (5) and Corollary VI.8.3. As an application of the above theorem, the following result, due to Rota [2], is obtained..
VI.S ..') I~Xff,m",1(l. For.! 00) arull < p < 00, letL be the maximal opornj,or eorrllMpollclilllC 1.0 (l, p, p), whoro l if! t,hn Riemann diffClfollt.ia,1
expression (If)(t)
+ I)j<2)(t) + (at + b)f'(t) + ct 2t(t++dt 1)+ e j(t)
with a, b, c, d and e constants.
We write (1) in the form
(If) (t) = t 2f(2) (t)
+ at.f' (t) + cf(t) + (II f) (t)
where (3)
with b2(t) = lit, b1(t) = bit and bo(t) = (d - c)/(t + 1) + elt(t + 1). Clearly, bo, b1 and b2 satisfy the conditions of Corollary VI.8A. Hence ue(L) = ue(T), where T is the maximal operator corresponding to t2j(2)(t) + atf'(t) + cf(t) = (Tf) (t). Furthermore, if i\ is in Pe(T), then K(i\I - T) = K(i\I - L). Thus, by Theorem VI.7.3, (4)
{-r 2 + -l p2
+ (1
- a) P
+ c + ir (a
- 1-
~) P -oo
For i\ f PeeL), K(i\I - L) is the number of zeros of the polynomial (5)
i\ -
c -
a(z - ~) - (z - ~) (z - 1 -
counted according to their multiplicity, which lie in the halfplane Re z < O. In particular, if a = c = 0, then (4) a.nd (5) imply that 0 is in PeeL) and K(L) = 0, since the zeros of the polynomial in (5) with i\ = 0 are lip and 1 + lip.
VI.8.6 Theorem. Let J be compact and let T be the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, p), 1 < P < 00, where
b" and :" in .£.,(J)
Suppose B: £p(J) - t £p(J) is a bounded linear operator with XJ(B) ::) :D(A), where A is the maximal operator corresponding to (Dn, p, p) and J. Then T B is a Fredholm operator with index n whenever
(n -
l)![(n -
l)P'Z; 1jI/p'(np)1/pllbn ll""
where l is the length of J and p' is conjugate to p.
Let K be the maximal operator corresponding to (v, p, p),
where v
L (bkjbn)Dk.
An argument similar to that given in the proof
of Theorem VI.8.1 shows that K is A-compact and that T = bn(A + K). Since B is bounded, it follows that K is A + (ljb n)B-compact. Hence
+ B)
= K
(A + K + :n B) = (A + :n B) K
whenever the indices exist.
Now, for
+ :n B)
II :n B II <
= K(A) = n
The theorem now follows from (1), (2) and Example IV.1.4. As another application of perturbation theory, the following result, stated somewhat classically, is obtained. VI.B.7 Theorem. Given J a compact interval, let k be a bounded measurable function on J X J, aj € £l(J), 0 ~ j S n - 1, and 1jan € £,.,(J). Then, except perhaps for isolated scalars A, the equation n
aj(t)x(j) (t)
+ A £k(s, t)x(s) ds
= yet)
Y € £l(J)
has precisely n linearly independent solutions in An(J).
Define T to be the maximal operator corresponding to
(L k-O
ajDi, 1, 1) and J.
Define K on £l(J) by
Then, by Theorems VI.3.1 and VI.3.2 and Example III.3.12, T is normally solvable, aCT) = n, (J(T) = 0, and K is strictly singular. Hence, except perhaps for isolated A, (J(T
+ AK)
by Theorem V.2.1.
+ AK)
= K(T
+ AK)
K(T) = n
chapter VII
In this chapter, a very small portion of the theory of partial differential operators is presented. A Dirichlet boundary value problem in a Banach space setting is considered, and the vital role played by a fundamental inequality is discussed. Few proofs are given, since the arguments are very involved and rely on some deep theorems in classical analysis. For further study and additional references, we refer the reader to Agmoll, Douglis and Nirenberg [1], Bers and Schechter [1], Browder [3], [4], Hormander [1], Friedman [1], and Sobolev [2].
This section is concerned with the definition and properties of the space Wm,p(Q), which is referred to as a Sobolev space. The definition and discovery of its basic properties are due to Sobolev [1] and [2]. See also Friedrichs [1]. Throughout this chapter, Q is an open subset of En, n ~ 1. The points of En are denoted by x =' (Xl, X2, • • • ,xn), and integration is with respect to Lebesgue measure. For D, = a/ax, and a = (aI, a2, . , an), ILlI n-tup\o of nOilIlCll;lltivo integers, we set D" .;, D l",D 2". . . . D~a •. Thn ordm' of f)" iH
L i-I
So as to motivate the definition of Wm,p(Q) , let us consider the onedimensional case where Q is an open interval I. It was shown in Theorem VI.6.2 that for 1 ~ p ~ 00, Wm,p(I)
If I j
e £p(l),
pm-I) absolutely continuous I
is the domain of the maximal operator corresponding to (T, p, p) and I, m
L akDk with Ija
and ak e £",(1), 0 ~ k ~ m.
Now for f e Wm,p(I), successive integration by parts shows that for C0"'(I),
ep e
In fact, Wm·p(I) has the following characterization. VII.I.I Theorem. A necessary and sufficient condition that f e £p(I) be in Wm,p(I), 1 ~ p ~ co, is that for each integer k, 1 ~ k ~ m, there exists a gk e £p(I) such that ep e Co"'(I)
We first prove the following lemma. VII.I.2 Lemma. Let g be locally integrable on I. integer k,
If for some positive
= 0
then g is, almost everywhere, a polynom2al of degree at most k - 1. Proof. Let V be the vector space Co"'(I) and let V* be the vector space of linear functionals on V. Define D to be the ordinary derivative operator mapping V into V and define the transpose D* from V* into V* by (D*F)ep = FDep, Fe V*, ep e V. Let Fg e V* be defined by
Fgep Then, by hypothesis,
ep e V
that is, F g is in ~«D*)k). Assert that F the representation
implies that F has
where P is a polynomial of degree at most k - 1. Define FIe V* by
~(FI) =
Indeed, suppose cp
Assume k = 1.
Dif> for some if> e V.
where if> has support in compact interval [a, b] C I. Thus DV C ~(FI). On the other hand, if cp is in ~(FI) and has support in compact interval [a, b], define if> on I by
if>(x) =
cp(t) dt
Then if> is infinitely differentiable on I, and since cp = 0, if> has support in [a, b]. Hence ~(FI) C DV, and therefore ~(FI) = DV. Given F e ~(D*),O = (D*F)cp = FDcpforallcp e V. Thus~(FI) = DV C ~(F). Since dim V /~(FI) = 1, F = cF 1 for some constant c. Indeed,
where CPo is chosen so that FIcpo
This means that for all cp e V, =
Thus the assertion about F e ~«D*)k) is proved for k = 1. Assume the assertion holds for k = J, and 0 = (D*)j+lF = (D*)i(D*F). Thep. there exists a polynomial Pi-l of degree at most J - 1 such that (1)
Choose Pi to bo defined by
(D*F)cp Ii,
that DPi = -Pi-I.
Then for Pi e V*
integration by parts shows that for all '" E V, (2)
(D*Pi)", =
£Pi"" £Pi-I'" =
Thus by (1) and (2), D*(Pi - F) = O. Hence, by what has been shown, there exists a constant c such that Pi - F = cF 1, or equivalently, F", =
£(Pi -
Since Pi - c is a polynomial of degree at most j, the assertion about FE ;n«D*)k) follows by induction. In particular, since F g is in ;n«D*)k), there exists a polynomial P of degree at most k - 1 such that for all '" E V,
o= F
g", -
£P'" = £(g -
Hence g = P a.e., which proves the lemma. Proof of the theorem. The necessity was proved in the discussion preceding the theorem. Assume the existence of the gk as in the theorem. Successive integration by parts implies the existence of a Gk such that G.(k-I) is absolutely continuous, Gk(k) = gk a.e., and '" E
Co'" (I)
Hence for all '" E Co'" (I),
Thus f - Gk is a polynomial, almost everywhere, of degree at most k - 1 by Lemma VII.1.2. In particular, there exists a constant c such that fCm-I) is Gm(m-I) + c a.e. and is absolutely continuous, and fCk) = Gk(k) = gk aselementsof£p(1),1 ::; k::; m. Hencefisin Wm,p(1). Based on Theorem VII.1.I, we obtain the following characterization of Wm,p(1) for 1 < P ::; 00. Let D be the ordinary derivative considered as a map from Co'" (I) C £p,(1) into £p,(1), where p' is conjugate to P and 1 < P ::; 00. Let f and gk be as in Theorem VII.1.I considered as elements of the conjugate space £p(1) = £~,(1). Then '" E
Thus f is in Wm,p(I) if ILnd only if f iH in :D«J)k)') ILnd (Dk)'f "'" (_l)k g!.
In light of the above discussion, the Sobolev space is defined as follows.
VII.l.3 Definition. Let n be an open subset of En. Given a nonnegative integer m, define Wm,p(n), 1 ~ p ~ 00, as the linear space of those f E .cp(n) having the property that for lal ~ m, there exists a ga E £p(n) such that
The norm on Wm,p(n) is given by
The generalized a-derivative of f is defined to be ga which is unique by Theorem 0.10. We write Daf = gao
VII.l.4 '/,.
Remarks For f E Cm(n) (\ Wm,p(n), integration by parts shows that the generalized a-derivative of f, lal ~ m, coincides with the a-derivative of f in the classical sense. For 1 < p :::; 00, the definition of the space Wm,p(n) is equivalent to the following definition. Consider Da as a linear map from Co" (n) C £p,(n) into .cp.(n), p' conjugate to p. Then
where (Det)' is the conjugate of Da. (-l)lal(Da)'f
where ga is the generalized a-derivative of f. Thus the generalized a-derivative is a conjugate operator. Meyers and Berrin [1] proved that for 1 ~ p < 00 and n any open set in En, Coo(n) (\ Wm,p(n) is dense in Wm,p(n) with respect to the Wm,p(Q) norm.
For the remainder of the chapter, we assulIle 1
W m ,7'(n) is reflexive.
Proof. Using tho fact tho.t Da is closed (since it is a conjugate 01)(lm1m'), tho proof if:! Mirnilnl' 1.0 tho proof of Romark VI.6,4 that W"',P(I) iM ,'(.f!c'x i VII,
The Sobolev spaces for certain bounded n have the very important property that the identity map from Wj,p(n) into Wk,p(n), 0 ~ k < j, is compact. To be precise, we state the following result. For more general n, the reader is referred to Browder [3], Lemma 5. One of the original versions of the theorem appears in Sobolev [2], Theorem 2, page 84. VII.l.6 Definition. The boundary an of n is called smooth 1,J for each x ~ an there exists an open set e", about x and a mapping cp", of e", onto an open ball about the origin in En such that
i. ii.
cp", is 1-1 and both cp", and cp",-l are infinitely differentiable. cp",(0", (\ = cp",(0",) (\ {x x ~ En, Xl = 0\
VII.l.7 Theorem. If n is bounded with smooth boundary, no point of which is interior to the closure of n, then the identity map from Wj,p(n) into TP,p(n), 0 ~ k < j, is compact.
We have seen in Sees. VI.6 to VI.8 the vital role played by the a priori estimate given in VI.6.2, namely, the estimate which shows that the norm on Wm,p(I) is dominated by the T-norm for certain differential operators T. A similar estimate holds for certain partial differential operators T defined on a subspace of Wm,p(n). However, the estimate is very difficult to establish. See, for example, the papers of Browder [3] and Agmon, Douglis, and Nirenberg [1]. A number of references pertaining to the estimate are also contained in these papers. The following result shows how the a priori estimate, sometimes referred to as a coerciveness inequality, is related to certain properties of the operator. The theorem is motivated by the fact that Wm,p(n) is complete, the identity map from Wm,p(n) into Wo,p(n) = £p(n) is compact (for n as in Theorem VII.1.7), and IIfilm ,P 2:: IID"fllp for all f ~ Wm,p(n), lal ~ m. VII.2.1 Theorem. Let T be a linear operator with domain :D in Banach space X and range in Banach space Y. Let:D 1 be :D with norm II III such that :D 1 is complete and the identity map from :D 1 onto :D with the T-norm is bounded. Then 1.
T is closed if and only if there exists a number K such that for all
K(llfll + IITfl!)
If (1) holds and the identity map from :D1 into X is compact, then ']' is normally solvable and has jin1'te kcrnd hull'.!'.
Proof of (i). Let 5)T be 5) with the T-norm and let I be the identity map from 5)1 onto 5)T. It is easy to see that T is closed if and only if 5)T is complete. Since 5)1 is complete and I is bounded, we know from the open-mapping theorem that the completeness of 5)T implies that I has a bounded inverse or, equivalently, (1) holds. Conversely, if (1) holds, then I is an isomorphism and therefore 5)T is complete. Thus (i) is proved. Proof of (ii). Let S be the I-ball of ;neT) considered as a subspace of and let II be the identity map from 5)1 into X. By hypothesis, II is compact, and therefore S is totally bounded in X. Since each f e S satisfies Ilflll :::; K(llfll + IITfll) = Kllfll, the total boundedness of S in X implies the total boundedness of S in 5)1. Hence ;neT) is finite-dimensional. Consequently, X = ;neT) EB M where M is a closed subspace of X. Let T Mbe the restriction of T to M (\ 5). Then T Mis 1-1 and closed and (R(T M) = (R(T). Assume (R(T) is not closed. Then by Lemma IV.I.l, T M does not have a bounded inverse. Thus there exists a sequence (mk\ in M such that Ilmkll = 1 and Tmk ---+ O. Hence (mk\ is bounded in 5)1 by (1). Since II is compact and M is closed in X, there exists a subsequence {mk'} of {mk} which converges in X to some me M. Now T M is closed and TMmk' ---+ O. Thus m is in 5)(T M), and T M1n = O. But this is impossible, since Ilmil = 1 and T M is 1-1. Hence meT) is closed. In view of the above theorem, we shall study certain important partial differential operators for which the a priori estimate holds. In this way additional examples of normally solvable and even Fredholm operators are obtained. 5)1
Let T be the partial differential expression
where the aa are complex-valued functions defined on a set SeEn . call T elliptic on S if for every xeS and every ~ =;C 0 in En, Tm(X,
~) =
aa(x) ~a =;c 0
is called the characteristic form of T and m is the order of T.
The LaplacianT = D I 2 + D 22 + ... D n 2 is elliptic and of order 2 on since T2(X, ~) = h 2 + ~22 + : .. + ~n2. The Cauchy-Riemann expression--x = D) + iD 2 is elliptic and of order one 011 /C2, since TJ('r., ~) = ~) ib Any ordilllU'y diffel'nnLilL1 C1Xpl'08sion with l'.omplex-valued eoetlieientA dnfilH'd Oil lUI iIlINVII.I I IIlld wiLh 1I0IlVU.lliHhillP; IOl1uinp; (:ooHieient. iH ldlipLi<: Oil I. En
Remark. Lopatinski [1] proved that if T is elliptic on n C En, n > 2, then the order of T is even. A detailed proof appears in Lions [I], page 65. The expression T = Dr + iD 2 shows that this is not true for n = 2. Vl1.2.3
The next two theorems, which show how closely the ellipticity of T and the a priori estimate are related, are due to Garding [1] and Schechter [1], respectively. VIl.2.4 Theorem. Let n be any open set and let T be an mth-order partial differential expression with constant coefficients. A necessary and sufficient condition that there exist a constant K such that
for all f
Co (n)
is tkat T be elliptic. Theorem. Let n be bounded in En, n > 2, with smooth boundary be an mth-order partial differential expression with continuous complex-valued coefficients on Q. Then there exists a constant K such that VIl.2.5
an and let T
for all f E {u 1u E C~(Q), Df3u = 0 on on ii and m ~ 2r.
r} if and only if T is elliptic
The operator we consider next is one which is determined by T and by the boundary conditions Df3u = 0 on an, 1,61 < m, where T is of order 2m. There are two reasons for considering precisely m boundary conditions. ThE first is that the a priori estimate does not hold if there are less than m boundary conditions, as seen in Theoretn VII.2.5. The second reason is tha~ the operator and its conjugate are nicely related if there are m boundary conditions. This is seen in Theorem VII.2.13. For simplicity, the following assumptions are made for the remainder of tke chapter. 'to
n is bounded with smooth boundary an, no point of which is interior to the closure of n. = aaDa is elliptic on the closure Q of n (by Remark
VII.2.3, T is of even order for n > 2). Each aa is in C~(n); that is, aa is a restriction to Q of some function in C~(e), where (') is an open set in R" which eonittills n.
Vll.2.6 Definition. Let Wo"""(U) be the closure in W"',"(U) of Cooo(U) and let Tp be the linear map from a subspace of £p(U) into £p(U) defined by
T p is called a Dirichlet operator. VIl.2.7
i. ii.
Remarks m(Tp) is indeed a subspace of £p(U), since aa is continuous on nand Dau is in £p(U), lal ~ 2m, u € W2m,p(u). If u is in C'Xl(En) ',D(Tp), then Df3u = 0 on au, 113/ < m, in the classical sense; that is, (ai-1/api-1)u = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , m, where a/ap is the normal derivative. For a characterization of ',D(Tp), see Browder [3J, Lemma 9.
The next theorem is a special case of a result due to Agmon, Douglis, and Nirenberg [IJ, and Browder [3]. VIl.2.8 Theorem. all u € ',D(Tp),
For n
> 2,
For n
there exists a constant K p such that for
2, T p is a Fredholm operator.
The proof that (3(T p ) < 00 is quite involved. See, for example, Browder [3], Theorem 6. The idea is to construct a linear operator S which maps £p(U) into Wm,p(u) such that TpS = I + K, where K is compact. Since m(TpS) C m(Tp), one obtains
We shall only prove that T p is normally solvable and has finite kernel index.
Proof. Let ',Dp be ',D(Tp) with norm(" 112m,p. Since Wom,p(u) W2m,p(u) is a closed subspace of Banach space W2m,p(u), ',Dp is complete.
and tho idontity map from :Op onto '.D(T 1') with the T p-norm is continuous. H
When n = 2, an additional condition on T is required in order for the above theorem and its corollary to hold. This condition is the following. VII.2.10 Condition on Tm. At each x E aQ, with v a normal to aQ at x and t any unit tangent vector to aQ at x, the polynomial
Tm(X, t
+ AV)
+ Av)a
in the complex variable A has exactly m zeros with positive imaginary parts. (The remaining m zeros must have negative imaginary parts, since ellipticity implies there m'e no real zeros.) Lopatinski [1] showed that the condition holds for n > 2. general n, the condition holds if each aa, lal = 2m, is real-valued.
VII.2.11 Definition. Let T p'.* be the linear operator defined from a subspace of £p,(Q) into £p,(Q), p' conjugate to p, by
CJJ(Tp '.*) = {v I v E W 2m ,p '(Q), Df3v = 0 on aQ, 1111 Tp'.*v =
< m}
lal5:Zm Note that aav is in W2m,p'(Q),
lal ::; 2m, since
that is, aavDa is continuous on C; (Q) C £p(Q). VII.2.12 Remark. and a = aa. Then
In the above definition, take a = (1, 0, . . . ,0)
If we agree to let (bg)cp = g(bcp), where g is any linear functional on C; (Q) and b is in Coo(Q), then (1) shows that
It follows by differentiating successively that Tp'.'v = T*V
where T* is elliptic on rl and the a: are in Coo(rl). The next two theorems are special cases of Theorems 5 and 9, respectively, in Browder [3].
For p
2, T~
= T 2 .*.
For p ~ 2, the following additional hypotheses are used by Browder to determine T~.
Theorem. Suppose that T and T* have the following local properties. Given a connected open set G C En, every v and w in C2m(G) which satisfy TV = 0 and T*W = 0 and which vanish on an open subset of G must vanish identically on G. Under these conditions, T~ = T p'.*. Vll.2.15 Remark. While we did not prove in Corollary VII.2.9 that (3(T p ) is finite, we did show that T p is normally solvable and has finite kernel index. Now, with Theorem VII.2.I4 we have
since T* is of the same form as T. We describe briefly the operator determined by general boundary conditions. For a more complete description, the reader is referred to Agmon, Douglis, and Nirenberg II];Browder [I];and Schechter [2] and [3].
Definition. Let B j =
b"jD", j
1, 2, . . . , m, be a
differential expression of order mj < 2m with coefficients in C2m(aQ); that is, b"j is the restriction of some function in C2m( ('), where (') is an open set in En containing aQ. Define T p as a map from a su~space of £p(Q) into £p(Q) by: ~(Tp) is the closure in W2m,p(Q) of those u E C2m(rl) for which Bju = 0 on aQ, 1 ~ j ~ m.
Definition. Let the characteristic form T2m of T satisfy condi-
tion VII.2.8.
We say that the set
{B I , B 2, . . . ,Bn } satisfies the
com."l(lnumt.lng condition for T if at each point x ~ ao, the polynomials ~ b,,J(:r.)(f -I- Xv)" in I!I" C/ln/.1Jlr.X variable X are UnearllJ indr.pendent 1"1-"',
modulo (A - AI) (A - A2) (A - Am) for each t ~ 0 tangent to an at x and each II ~ 0 normal to an at x, where AI, A2, . . . , Am are the zeros of T2m(X, t + All) with positive imaginary parts. VIl.2.18 Theorem. Let the characteristic form of T satisfy condition VII.2.1O. Then T p is closed, or equivalently, there exists a constant K such that for allf E 5)(Tp ),
if and only if {B 1, B 2 , • • • ,Bm } satisfies the complementing condition for In this case, T p is a Fredholm operator.
The proof that T p is normally solvable with finite kernel index is the same as in Corollary VII.2.9. Using perturbation theory, more general boundary operators were considered by Beals [1] and Freeman [1].
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A priori estimates, 157-162, 186-190 Absolute convergence, 7 Adjoint, formal, 129 Lagrange, 129 of operator, 74, 75 Admissible pair, 137 Ascoli-Arzela theorem, 2
Baire category theorem, 1 Ball in normed linear space, 13 Banach space, 6 Banach-Steinhaus theorem, 46 Basic lemma, 44 Bessel's inequality, 35 Boundary, smooth, 184 Boundary value functionals, 153-157 definition of, 153 Bounded coefficient operator, perturbation of, 166, 167, 173 Bounded linear operator, definition of, 10 norm of, 11 "peLOO of, 11 flollllc1od wil,h rllllpoot to 0(101'01.01-, I~I
Characteristic form, 185 Closable operators, 54-57 definition of, 54 Closed-graph theorem, 45 Closed linear extension, minimal, 54 Closed operator, definition of, 43 state diagram for, 66 Closed range, operators with, 95-108 Compact operator, 77-92 characterization of, 85 conjugate of, 82 definition of, 77 examples of, 67-70, 78, 79 Compact with respect to operator, 121 Complementing condition, 189 Complete normed linear space, 6 examples of, 6, 7 Complete orthonormal set, 40 Completion of normed linear space, 31 Conjugate numbers, 25 Conjugate operator, 50-75 definition of, 50 oxnmplol'l of, 51-53, 130, 189 ConjuKILl.o HpeLOO, 211-:n ~ l!oflnition of, 10
Constant coefficient operator, essential spectrum of, 163 index of, 163 Continuous linear operator, 10-11 Continuous spectrum, 71 Convex set, 22 Convolution of functions, 3 Coset, 8
Deficiency index, 102 Deficiency of subspace, 80 Differential operator, 125-178 conjugate of, 130, 189 definition of, 153 determined by boundary value functionals, 154 extensions of, 148-157 maximal, 128 for compact intervals, 140-146 minimal, 135 preconjugate of, 130 Direct sum, 38 Dirichlet operator, 187 Divisor of zero, 72
Ellipticity, 185 Equicontinuity, 2 Equivalence of normed linear spaces, 24 Essential resolvent, 163 Essential spectrum, of constant coefficient operator, 163 definition of, 162, 163 of Euler operator, 164, 165 Euclidean space, 5 Euler operator, essential spectrum of, 164, 165 index of, 164, 165 perturbation of, 174 Extension, of differential operators, 151-157 of functionals, 17-20
Hahn-Banach extension theorem, 17 corollaries of, 20, 21 Hamel basis, 46 Hilbert space, 34-41 definition of, 34 Holder's inequality, 2
Index, of constant coefficient operator, 163 of Euler operator, 165 of operator, 102 Induced 1-1 operator, definition of, 63 Inner product, 31 Inner-product space, 31 Integrable, locally, 2 Inverse of operator, 12 Isomorphism, 13
Kernel index, 102 Kernel of operator, 10
Lagrange adjoint, 129 Linear operator, conjugate of, 50 deficiency index of, 102 definition of, 10 graph of, 43 index of, 102 inverse of, 12 kernel of, 10 kernel index of, 102 null manifold of, 10 1-1, 10 induced by operator, 63 preconjugate of, 126 ,state of, 58 state diagram for, 61 Linearly independent sets, 38
Finite-dimensional normed linear spaces, 13-16 Fredholm operator, 103 Fredholm resolvent, 107 Fredholm spectrum, 107
Maximal differential operator, for compact intervals, 140-146 definition of, 128 Minimal differential operator, 135 Minimal modulus, 96-99 definition of, 96 estimates of, 96, 97, 140, 141 Minkowski functional, 22
Generalized derivutive, 183 Graph of operator, 43
Natural map into second oonjup;ate IlpUC(l, 'J.7, 28
Norm, of bounded operator, 11 on inner-product space, 33 with respect to operator, 121 of vector, 4 on Wm,p(o), 183 Normally solvable, 103 Normed linear space, completion of, 31 definition of, 4 examples of, 5, 6, 8 subspace of, 4 Null manifold, 10
Open-mapping theorem, 45 Orthogonal complement, 25, 59 Orthogonality, in inner-product space, 34, 35 in normed linear space, 25, 59 Orthonormal set, complete, 40 definition of, 35 maximal, 37, 40
Parseval's equality, 40 Perpendicularity, 34 Perturbation, of bounded coefficient operator, 166, 167 by bounded operators, 110-117 of Euler operator, 174 by strictly singular operators, 117-121 by unbounded operators, 121-124 Point spectrum, 71 Potentially solvable pair of operators, 148 Precompact operator, 77 Preconjugate of operator, 126 Projection, definition of, 47 existence of, 48, 49
Quotient space, conjugate of, 25 definition of, 8
Reflexivity, 28-30 definition of, 28 Regularity, 72 Residuul spectrulll, 71 Hesolvent, 71
Riemann differential expression, 175, 176 Riesz, F., representation theorem, 38 Riesz's lemma, 14
Schwarz's inequality, 32 Self-adjoint operator, 75 Separable space, 26, 27 Shift operator, 67 Smooth boundary, 184 Sobolev space, 183 Solvable pair of operators, 148 Solvability of pairs of operators, 148-153 Span of set, 4 Spectrum, 71 Sphere in normed linear space, 13 State diagram, for closed linear operators, 66 for linear operators, 61 States of operator, 58 characterizations of, 72-74 examples of, 67-70 Strictly singular operator, 76-93 characterization of, 84 conjugate of, 92, 93 definition of, 76 examples of, 88-92 Strictly singular with respect to operator, 121 Subprojective space, 92 Subspace of normed linear space, 4 Sum of sets, 16 Support, compact, 2 Surjective, 58
Topological divisor of zero, 72 Total set, 54 Totally bounded set, 1 Triangular inequality, 4
Uniform-boundedness principle, 46 Unitary space, 5
Weak convergence, 29 Weakly compact operatol', 88-92 definition of, 88 examples of, 9U, In