Union River Ironclad 1861-65
ANGUS KONSTAM I. sn e.perienced O.pre, sulhor witt! over 20 books 'n print. Formerly the Curs lor 01 Wespon. In the Ro,s' Annaurie. st the Tower 01 London, he slso se",ed s. the Chie' CUllltor of fhe Mel Fi.her Mamim. Mu.....m In Key West, Floricis. Hi. ""'m..... tlUe. 'or Osprey include N,w V,.., rd 45: UtIIon Mon/'ot' 186' sncl New V,..,... rd 49:
• Bad.ground • j.lIlil" B. E,llh alHllh(' creation 01 a Riwr Irolld,lll FIOlill,l • Pook', Tllnl(',: Building Ihl' Cil\ Cb" • thl' 11£111011 .md b~rx • tltl' 'l'culld g"l'IIl'l",IUOli or [,HI,,' irollcbd~ • JU'l'ph I~ru\\ JI':oo :'>l:cund gl:lIt'r;lliOll irond,l(h • thl' 1';w,lpurt ,lIId o-..llI11
OPERATIONS • • • • •
llliuiuJppI RiYer Gu~'. of ,he Amerlc8n CMI W.,.
'861-65. Angu. Iwes In London, wher' he combine. s
freel.snce mu.eum eon.ult_, busHle" with ....r..r •• e hi.tori;on and writ'r.
• • • • • •
Roll' irolld,ld" in aClion Fon IIl'IH\ and Fon DOI1("I.;;oo (Fehrllar'. HIli:!) hl,lIl(l :'\u. 10 (~Iarch-.\pril lH6:!) Fort I~illo\\ (PlulII Puillllkncl) ,llld lilt.' ItHlll' ofM('lIlphi, (~I"\-:flllle IH6:!) the White RiH.'r Expt:ditioll (l1Il1t' llolli:!) the '1'.1100 Rher ,md \·ick.burg Ullh-,\lIglht IH6:!) thl-' ~iegl' 01 \'iLk.burg (.\pril-Juh lH63) the Red Ri\er CUIlI)aigll (\I.lrch-~I.l\ IHf.1) :-:.I~ll\ilk (Dn~lIIbc_..- IR6·1) \lobill-' (,\pril-\I.I\ IStij)
• l'SS b\f''(
TONY BRYAN I" lre.I,ne, IIlustralor of man, yee... exper'enc:e. He Inltl,U, qualilled In EngineerinG ,nd woriled lor' number of ,.,... In Mlllt,.., Re.e,rch and Qevelopment, and ha., k. .n intere.t in mlliblry h,rdw,reannor, .msU 'lfcreft 'nd ships. Ton, h.. produced man, iIIustraflon. lor PlIrtwortls, magazine. and books, Includl~ , number of tiUe. In the New Vanguard serie•.
• • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Cairo Carom/old
1..olllJl'ille ,\101/1/(1 Cil, Pill~bl/l"Kh SI. to/in
UrI/loll ChiUirolhe
f(/5/porl hulial/o/a
Choctaw I"(I/(I)'el/('
• USS Tuscumbia • USS Nro~ho • USS Olage
cr..l llll
• J\1
ltIkec class iena class
_ - ---
New Vanguard· 56
Union River Ironclad 1861-65
Angus Konstam . Illustrated by Tony Bryan
fr.n putM<SI>ed '" G<'eal IlIlUWl '" 2002
Artist's Note
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Picture credits
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hard-prt,,,,'d 10 ~lIPP()1'1 the ad\;tllCe of Unioll armies il110 Ihe COlllt'd"r,l!t' ht',UII"1If1, in Ihl' \\'t'~ltTIl Thealer, AIXlH-' ,III. Ihe U1liol1 thel irul1cl,ld, which ,all anilt' ,('n'ict' ill Iht' illi,si"ippi clIllpaig'll prO\l'd '1lpt'rior In th(' arrm of forts, Iw"" Mtill(·I'\. ~llnhoat' .l11d IOIlX'do(.', (mint") \Ihieh Ihe COllfedt'ralt's I'd it'd UpOl1 It I 111(1(J." .1111 l'tlioll ,lIh,\1I(' dO\\11 cht' 'tl"'IIL'g'icalh \'ilal ant'l'\ (If th(' \lississippi RlH'r, \lthou/{h Ih('\ bel-('d IIl(' chiel annm found on ((1I1tt'lllp(lI"an \1( I',III-goillj{ l· Ilioll tllllilitur, ur t'\ en 'Ill IIIU~I Conft'd"l at,· irollclatk tht'\ 11t'I(' \It'll 'Ill led co cheir t'lI\'irOlllllt.'llt. ;lnd Iht'il fl"'lg"ilit\ I,';l, mOH' 1Il,Ill cOlllpt·n";l.Icd for h\ thdr Sht'(T \"(·'......t1lil\. \ho\'(' all. Ih('\ plo\('d III hI.' hij{hh l'll('Cll\" slralt'j.{ic louk.1 crucial dt'lllt'nt in Ih(' e\llKened ,111M J." h\ l.lIld ,llld rh t'r \1 hich ..pIli tJw GJIlf('(it'ran in I",) ,lIleI d('cidl'd the' OutcOlll(' of the Witl.
DESIGN Background
Ill(' slr;lIeg:ic need for ,I l'lllon f1\'CI on the ~Ii ...s i,sippi RiH'1 ,llld ils "ihlll,U;t" h.I' .llrt',llh Ix,t'n clt'alt wilh in lhi~ .'>(.'rit'~ (O,PI('\ :'\t'\, \'ang:ll.ml Serie, 19: ,\linnu/Jpl NIl'" GllllOOa/i of Ih, AIlln1rtlll c",// 1\1'lr 1861-/)';). <,() II) ,I\oid ff'llt'Iition wc \\ill onh pro\ide
A Union ...m.n . .rving In the W. .tem Gunboat Flotilla during the Ii,.t ye.,. of the war. Although rarer on In. Mini•• ippl The.ter th.n on In. Atlantic: co•• t, • number of black sallOl"$ ••rved In the US Navy during the War. (Author. collecllon)
t\lIlel;ca \'~IS a burgeoning indu~tr;al g;;llll ill IHlil, and 1l111~1 ollhi~ industrial capadt)' \\1>ippi Ri\cr and ;L~ lribll1~tl;es. and il WOltld lead 10 Illl' crt';uion of ,11\IW CII ,hip\\I,ich \\ ..... c"dLt~i\t~h suited to Ihe ri\'crinc l'm;nmtlll'tli (11 the \\e,u'rn rl\er>;.
at. loul. bu.I,.....",.n .nd -nlpy.rd owner "'...... B. Ead.
~uad.cl t~
goMm.... nl
10 eom",I$.lon hi",
to build. fk>liII. 0' Ironclad gunOoalS tor . .rvk:. on
MinI..lppl RI..er. He w•• duly appointed to I~ rank 0' c.pu.ln. and bec.8m. t~ chl.f ......1 con.lructor for the W••lern ,..,.,..,. (Author. eoUec:tlonl
James B. Eads and the creation of a River Ironclad Flotilla On.\pril29. 1861.jusl as the ~Crc.·I.Il' 01 the X,I\'\ (;idt"oll Welks \\,1..' M cOll'ickring: how be~l 10 ""1 abOll1 cr(,OIling ,I MhIHW!l\\,Her n,I\'\ UII the uppcr ~Iississippi R.i\~r. 01 klll:r .lrri\t·e1 (Ill hi.. (k..llrolll Janll''i I\. Lid... a .. lIip\;.. ,l" he ";L" h,IHIprel>...t"d to lind ~hips and lllell to put 11\1' ui,l~I
".\II.Jllllt" H, LI(k ot St. l,ollk h,L' plOI)(l't'd ,I' ;I 111,';111, ot dd"ll'" ,HId ot .lni,,· (lp"I~tliolh ,If (.;lilO .llld tIl(' ri"'l'" ,ldjMTlll. lIU' , L'lllplu\tlt"ll\ of lh,' h'Mh O\llll'd h\ Iht' Ilrt'd..itlg" ---~-~ COtllIMll\ 01 \Ihilh ht' I' ;l lIIL'ml.M.:r. ,1tId h,I' ,1(lIi ....·d lh.1I ',lid h'Ml' ht' lill..,'1I h\ Ih,' (.O\t·llllllt'1l1 ,Ind plllp"1 II ,1111,,'<1 ,1I111 C''1l1iPlx'(' I' IIndt'r tht.' direction .1Ild n'g-Il1.lIlt1l1 .t C.rondol.t." Sketch and 01 Iht.· \nlll, ,md IOILI mO\l'm..llt, \\ill Iherdure bt.· J.{tI\t.·rtlt.'d III ,I ).\""',11 .ngraving drawn from I c1q{n',' h\ (;.,t1t·I~11 \11 ndl.III ... I it' \Iill g:i,t.· ,Udl ord..r.. ,llld rt.·<jui..itilltl.. cont.mpor.ry phologl4lph. R.produced from Battles and .1' Ih,' (,L'I' 10 him ..ll
• • • • •
...... ..
TM buildi"'ll of a City o::Ia.. Ironclad at Carontlolet, MI.-OUr!, four .....seI. can be seen, on two levele, feeing bow to bow, All . . .m 10 be In a roughly similar atilge of con.llVC:lIon.
One. finished, the lroncl.d' would be launched .Ideweys down the "marine w'y." or runner, leading to the MI,.i•• lppl River, Ju.t 10 the lett 01 the cameraman, {USNHCI
.lhout lhl' COlhlnu lion of .m ironclad l1nlill.1. rhl" p.lll I\t:rc joilwel 11\ '~"~II Cun.,lruetur ~.ll1l11l'l ~I. Pou\.., ,\hom Ihe '..:an Dl'jMlllllt"lll h.leI 'l'lIt \\"l'''t 11'11111 \\"(',1, Pool.. wor\..l'c1 \\ilh Ea{h all(l I{udgl'r., It) CDIIlt' up with plan .. 101 ;11l irunclad 1\,lr,llip Idlich w01lld 11'>1' til(' ~1~1ll(I.ttd lUlltiguralilJlI ot Ihnt' i\li"i,~ippi ri\I'lbuaL' .1' \\1'11 .1' tlll'il p~lddll,\\ltl't:1 proplll,iull ""II'lll', hUI wltil Ii Wl'r\' dl'"iglled tn (~II r\' a powl'rliti .tll-round arlll;tlllt'nt. prutt"(tl'd 1)\ ,III iron t"it'l'lll;tU'. I'ool.. dl'cll'd to il'oid HIIl1I'I~lhll' ,jdell!wl·j." ,Bid ill~tl';111 tu PIOII'II ;. Cl,tlll~l1h loc;lIed p.lddll'"Ill'1'1 h\ an .Inllorl'd cl... ing-, .mll hi tlw \\.If,hip\ hull. h R(J{lgt·..... 111'011' uf Iht" dl"lgn: -II I\dl h.mdlt-d. Ihl'~{' bu.I" 1,,11 bl' 11I0<;1 !ormicl.lhll' .ldH·r,arit".R nil' Anm .Ippruled lhl' dl'.,i~lh, .11I<1 thl' lir'l PlllPO'l'-blllll ilonclad" ("on"lrucll'c1 III thl' AIIH'ri{ a, Wl'rl' officialh '.IlI{ lion{:'d a:. .1 \\e.lpoll Ihal wuuld 'I)(',uhrad Ihl' Lllioll', drill' dUIlIllhe \Ii"i .."ippi RiH'r.
Pook's Turtles: Building the City Class Oil ,\u/{u,t :-1, I Sli I, Qll.lnl'ntl.l~I('r-(;l·rl{'I~ll \ 10111~omen i\lt:i/{, inviled ri\'l'I",idl' "hip\,ml 0\\1l1'['\ 011 tht" tlppl'r ~li"i"ippi Ri\l'r to hid l(lr {"()Ill I ,II I ' III COlI" Illi I '('\ ('II \11~lllo\l'.o(II~II, i1'OIIC1.1Ib ba~('d 'l\ I tIll' 1)1~11l\ dl;\\\11 tip b\ S;UllIll'l I'ouk. J hl'~" cllit'd tol' lhl' prodllrtil!ll ol I'l',,~d, \\hich 1\1'1\' I i5 fl,t·t 101l/{, It'ld ,I 1Il.1"i\!:' ;11·Iuot hl';UIl, ~Illd drew 110 Illon' lhall Ii k"t 01 \l'a1l'r, rill' H"~I'I, would CUI"\ .111 ,Inn.unent III .n k~l,t I:l gllll'>: IIII t'(' ill Llw I)(IW, leHII till ('aeh hrtMd"idl'. 'lIlCll\\"11 mort' in till' 'll'rn. nU' ('";111 lo!' hid.. I\a~ lilllt, mOIl' lhan .. :.1101\, .1:' 11\0 dal' I.llcr IIU' \\";Ir Dt:p.lflllll'!U .lw'lnkd 11ll' cOlltr:!et 10 jame, I~ Lid... It h.i:. Ix.'o:n :.uggl'''le:"d Ih.1\ Ihe:" Ironda{h d("I~IU'd h\ Poo\.. l\l'f(' h.bl:'d on (:onfl'dl'r.tte dl'.. i~rh ,Ill h .1:\ tilt" (~ ""1-'11//(/ (l",-L'~ \tn-mno'). Lid, lir~t :'lIbmiUl'd pl.lIl.. for.lI1 ironclad ~llllho.lI d.I" .Ihl" Fon ~lIl1l'l'r. ... leI ill 1.lll' JUIII' Pouk h.1:'l'd hi, p1.uh on a PI"('-II.LI' ell',igll pro{lu('c\ hi Chid N." .. I COII'lnlCtor .101m LI'mh.lll, .1:' well ;\~ 011 dt:ll1Clll' 01 \·.. ll\'" pl.lII. rhi, hl'CllIIl' the ba~i, tor thl' Cit\ c1.I~s (/I',il-\""' It ".l~ iIllIM"iblt' Ih.1I eithel' I'oo\.. or Ea{h l..ItI'11 ~Ibolll llie CSS \'''KIIIIII, htll Pool.. ;lIlci I.l'lllh.1l1 Wl'!"t' al least aware ofdw ha"ic "no;l1illg: ~11111()rl'd battt:I"\" dnigll llwd hI'
lIlt' Fn'lIcli ill the Crillll',lIl \\';lr. Tlli" \\i1~ lhc rt"al ill...pit:llioJl Ill'hind 1I1l' lihl IiH:r irOlHlack "1'001...·' lllrl It,," (;1' t Ill' ~hip' w('n' 11 icknall1~d) had Ii\(' :!"-IOOI-loll~ Illuhi-lhll'd buitt'T.... each :\ ItTI ill .ct'mlcd Ill' through tht' gUilder],. ,llId "p.lI dt'lJ.... I he (l'IIU,llh 1ll011IHCd p.tcldle\\hcd iht'll \I.t' ~o fCl'l in diameter. and Il,h IllO\llllCcI in .1 n'lllr.11 ren'" ill tilt' hull [o\\,ln" lIlt.' ,It"rll 01 Ilw \t""'I;:"I. prolc-xlcd h\.1 !JulH" ill Iht" ('I~"l.Itt'. co\t'red ill hoiler pl.tll'. rhl' hull il't'H 1\.1' \\Otl(:!eu. \\·jth.1II imwl' ,}"ill of I~ or .~}-inch plan}." (men'd h\ .1 ,}.,111 01 '1II,llkr ;!-lIIch lilllhc-·I~. I he bilg"1;:" (lul\t'1 hull) ~idt'.. Pll~c-'(Ied Irolllllw bulhllll ufllw \e~lltI tilt" w;tlerline.lI;t I.~Klqp('t' 'lIlgle. ,lIId hOIll 1111"1'(' Iht'\ ~Inp('d I),(c}., at Ihe ~"lTllt' angle lip ,md ill\\,lrcl... I;,illg" I;! kel to Ihl' top 01 thl;:" GL"f·Ill;I\I;:". I he GL't'll1.tll' i~c-'ll IOlllll;:"d .1 rc-'t..l.lllgle. \,'ilh .111 lour ,idl'" ..loping inward... II \1,\, ('()\l'n'c! \\ilh :\-ill('curt'd 10 , t',,,1t 1:\ illche" "id(' ,lIld II 1('1." long. rJww \I,'n' w wr:lhhill,d (dmt·t,lIll'dl ,It the c-'dgn tu t"ll~tlre Ilw c10:K·.. 1 po,,,iblt:' lit. TIlt' ilollltlllllllut.'d 10 Ihe }.,llIIt }.,II', \\hich droppl'd Ix'IO\\ Ihe w:ttt'r1ine 1"\1'11 lite \l,~,('r~ glln~ \\l're 1II')JIllled, \\'ltell Ihe \(":-el \\,1' lull\ .Inlled and "qllippt·d. lilt, j{llltporb rod" .1 loot .Ibu\e Ill(' I\.llerlille. Inlern.11 bulldll;:";ld.. belml tltt· \\.IIl'flilll· illlprmed IItt, 1\:ucrtig:lt, iUlI'gTil\ of ,IIc-' 10\\("1' hull , ,lI1d tilt" \l'''el.. would Ix' bunched. lhcl\ towed 10 Cliru. Itlinoi,. for lillin/{ out. KCIll.lr}."lhh. t'\t'Tl while [ads "".IS bus\ producing the..t.' '>('\(.'11 re\Olllliol1,u,,\ I\.II-ship'" he also agreed 10 COI1\('n hi.. (ump.lm \ ,nag-boa, inlo tht' irollcl;ld /1l>1/fOll. I'ruduflioll \\.1.. 10 h.l\l· bel'li ~llp(:'nised In ('.ommandcr Rexlgel . btll 1;\.lln hel\IC-Tll Ihe IM\':II officer and Fremont led 10 Rexlgel · re:L"igIlIlWlll. On ~'pI('mlx'r I. Fremolll himself wa~ replaced b\
An unu_l stem ¥le.. of a City clan lronc:l~. The "nsel na" beflI tentatively Identitled as In. USS Carondolet. Note tn. a..nlng" risIged o"e. the IJPOI.
deck lor ...tra protection lrom the elements, and the ameli dKkhocxKe mounted ..Iem of the centerline Pfildlewheel. (USHHCI
".... rem.mbl.
.how. the con.tnoc:t1on Of
of the lour City d ... Irono.:htd. built .t St. Loul., Mi.__ n. n.. two ......1. w.... built bow to bow. n.. live boll............. In th40 loreground, whihl th40 wooden
.lopIng C8Hm.t. I~~. . . . shown ri.lng up on .lth40r .Id., The ,".in gundeek. 01 both .....el. a....king .n.pe, whll.
on the furth.r ......1. work h•• • ~rted on the tlmlHt... which would ....ntu.lly .upport th. II)llr deck. The C.rondoIer, Louls..III., Pittsburgh, .nd 51. Louis we....n built ., the J.rd. The pl>olograph w•• probllbty laken In ..nJ OCtolHtr 18&1,
nrig.ulier-Gener'll UI)'s.\CS S, Gram, and llll' fOlluII'i11g d;l\, C'f-llaill AndrcI\ II. Foole arri\'cd 10 aSSIIT1lI.: rC~pOll'iihi1il\ tor lhe !-:"llllhuals and ironclads. As the three opcr.nioll;l] /o{llllboal\ Ilel'e \lill uncleI' ,\nm COlilrol, and construction and olllfiltiul{ of Ihe inlllcl,ld, \\;IS virtual!\ a full-lime job, Footc spcm hi~ tir"l month.. on Ill(' <;hoft" Ead\ hired o\er 4,000 mC11 ill \C\ ell ~I idl\I:~1 ,t"ll" I() {"Ul ulIll)t'I, work metal and 10 machinc part'" TIlt.' hOllum of Ihc~I, 1,011;1 ";1\ ],Iid on &plcmbcr 27, and the resl !l.lllo\\t'd wilhin d,l\ '. Tht' ,\1. 1.00m. PIIIWurg/l. Cmrmdokt, and Louist',H~ \\l'Il' built ,It Ihl' (~IlIJlldulel Y.\fd. ('libconlraetcd bv [ads to Il.lIlIhll·tOll, Collin & COlllP,III\). \1 hilt: Ihe G,iro, .HOI/lul Cih. and Ci,lrilltlflll I\l'f(' built 111 \Imllld Cil\, h\ Lid, in a \pile Ihi.,. \\orl... Plo~ll'''l'd ,111\\1\, ,I~ [Old,' .lll"eMh \lell-paid <;hipwrighL<; Ihn'all'Ill'd In qril...e fur nUIII' mone\. lit' had .lhll(l~1 '1X'1ll all of hi, mUlll". ,IIU\ tht' \\,Ir Ikp,lrlllll'llI had qill TlOi pn,.,l·lllt·d him with ,1lI\ fumb, l'rohlt'lI\' \\ilh Iht, ,upph ul I'II~ine\, KUII can;ag('<;, ,Illd irull piau' ;111 compoullded Lui,' I\un;e,. Dl"piu' allllll''>t' dt'l.t\" Poul..." IlInk., \\o:rc rl'.uh nTl 01' do,t· to lilt' f1HllIl'l I~. IX61 Ihl' \I. I.JJIUI ,md Cmmulo/i·! \\1:'1"(" launched. followed mer the lIl"\,IIIIlI"(' \11'1'1..." I" Ihl' r("1 of the flmill.t . III Ihe elllhll\i,L,nl. it \I't'lII, ,\\ il blI:'I al Ihn't' S-indl n,lhlWCll ,mtlolhl)(ln', ill Ihl' Ihr('(' blJ" g-llllpon~, lIlt) ~\y. plHll1dt'1 lurllt:rtl:'d riflt;"~ 11.llol\t·d In 11\') 4~-pnllndn UHl\t:lll'd rilles in t'arh of Ilw IWO brtlacbidt:~, lhell 11\') :\:!-polrlHll'r~ ill Ihe I\\'O sll'rn-Llt'il1g gllnpon.... ,\11110~1 alllht' ,hip, had lhi, OHll1,IIICt· 1;1 ,dll'rl'd. a~ li~Il'(1 in Iht' CIl,dog. The Benton and
E•• ex t\1thoIlKh Ihe &"(011 and J.II'.\ ,"pel tidalh l'eselllhii'd Ihe Cit\ <1.L~\ 01 I;\er inlllfl,I(h, Iht'\ \\{'r(' unique \I,u",hilh ill Iheir o\\'n rig-ht.
Theil de,i/-(rl ,d,u hi/-(hli/-(llI' (I'n,lill pril1fipll" hI Ilhie h 1'001.. ,1I1d I, ,Id, protlllfNI IlIt'ir fUlllt'pl 01 Iht' idt',d ri\t'l irollclad, I ht, Ufl/IIIII \\,1' ,I '";\g"IX),Il (}I ',Ih,lg"t' hoal. orig"in,llh ol\lwd h\ Iht' l .., (.U\I'llllllt'lI!. hm bought ,honh Ix'(orl' ill(' \\,Ir hI Llcl-' comp,Im. E.lcl, ..ulci 1ll"I to Iht:" W,lr Dt'IMnllll"lll 111 t·....h :'\mt'llIht'I' I~lll 101 '5~,ti()(), ,11I11 ill ll'IUlll, hI' 11,1" ,m,lldt-dlllt· (Ollll,ltl 10 com en Il(')' illll, ,Ill Inlllc!.ld .11 hi.. (~llt)(l(ltllt'l ..hll}\,lld, .lltllttllg"l, tilt' d,l\-II)-(I.I\ \\011.. \\;l~ ~tlhrolllr.IClI'd to .\101'>4.' &: n,lJ.:I'1l 01 the loui .. I)nllo(1.. (;omp.lll\. \nl.l/1l1Kh, Ihl' ..hip \1,1" laundll'd a lIItTI' 1\1ol1lh ,Iftl'!' \\orl.. IX·}folll. on Dt'u'lIIbc:r i, 1861. Ck,lrh l,ttl., 1l,ld rt'lailll-'t! IIUht of Ill:'> .,l..ilkd \Iorl..lorcl' lun'd 10 hlliJd till' (:it\ cia:'>., irollclalb, ll"t'd tile:" 1\10 C.lI.lI11;ll~llh ;l, .1 pair 01 hl~lIt'r-... ,lIooml IIllicil he 'In'tched the.' ftl! ~()"Iool \11dl' ,Url,I(t' 01 tht· Im\(" hllil ,lIld the J.;"undecl... Ihi, H""I·1 \\,1:'> ,II",) llIud1 t.u){er th,lIl the.' l',lllic.-, illllld,llk 1t,1\ 1Il){ .11I O\l'rall It'llgth uf ~02 le('1 ,llld all illtTt'dihlt' 72-1001 hl \l1ll. \ hO\I ami ,tern \I'''fe added, ,mel the ){Ilndt'cl.. pil't {l·d III bOll..e ,ltI illltnt'll"'" ..1('rllII hed CI1>illg, 11(,1' (;~Clll.ltl· \'~I~ \.dl ,Inlltlle.'d, ,HId 10l1l,lillrd ;1 "t'lontl lit'f luI' otl(Ollll1HX!t:lolt' ,lit' \\,1" (tllllltli"i"lll'd 011 Ft,llIll,11'\ 24, IH62, C0111111;t11def \\'il1ial11 D. POllet uf tilt' lISS I'.. n)ll1l11l'lll('d lu L"l.. and Caplain Foole thaI Ihl' ironclad \";1' 1110 ,lo\\,. Each prornplh replied, "Ye.., htll plcl1\Y fOlSllO light wilh." Lid.. 11,1" ri~II1, ,I lid ,Ill' plo\l"d ,I "llcLt">sfIl1 alld \er1>iltilc desig-Il. Tht' 1-:',,1':-' \\ ~i inches Ihick in places, in IWO or
The c ........t. lronc:htd uss
Benton, pletured off Vlc:ksburg. T.nn._••lter lhe S40Irrender of the city In .July 1M3. Phot~.. phed from Nrge. ,"_red .10"9sk1e the city wh• .".... this waterline ..iew Ilhows the unusual be.m of the. . lroncl.d ......1•• (USNHCI
lhree 1,t\eT'i, but else\\hen.· it was reduced 10 a lllen.~ I illeh. h.l( k(.'d h\ d laver or mbbcr. TIle iron <;hecling supplied b\ till' nlL'OdWl' \duni~ \\,,n,,., oJ St. L.Duis was lxu-ch .M:k-qu;lte. 'l~ at FOl1 llelln Conll"lkl:ltl' ..hoI... pit-reed her casemate and callSt:d '>Cl"ioll'> dam.tge 10 IWI" boiler<;. \dditional armor was slIh'wqllt'nth .telded, reducing tltt' "pl't-d 01 lhe \l"i~1 but 1I1:tL..ing hel' a mUle leliable dl'<;ih'lt in anion. '-limil.trh the IlIhbcr backing pr01;ed \innalh ll~k~. alld W.b felllowd. The second generation of Eads' Ironclads
The casemate Ironclad USS
E....., pnotograpn.d at Bilton R~,
Louisiana, In Decembe. 18&2, One of the most ugly lind
boll·like of the .iye. ironclads. she can be dlstlnlilulshed by he. centerline pitddlewheel boll and her hllilh, anlilula. casemate. (CHCI
In addition [0 I.he nine e;I.'i(·IlMtl· ironclad.. de..Clibed .Ibml', J,une' 1\. l,ICb. \\i1S ,llso rcspon~ibl(' for building the ironcl.lcI (,L'>l'lll.lle 1~lln" CllfKfllw,md I.lifll)"lll' ,lItd Ihl' 1\\0 rhrr lIlonilUr" of Ill(' '\l'o,ho cia..... (Sffifllo and Omgr). ,L~ wdl .L~ tllrn' or Ille lOll I' ~Iihl,lllket' ll,I.... llU)IlilOr". nll:..e 1.1.,1 \·e....eb. art: ck,rrilwcllll :-.1('\1 \'anh'llard St.-rit" I~): ('moil ,\Ioll/I/)" /8fi/-65. Tilis llleallt 111,11 (II lll\.· IH iIIJllt:J.\d~ tk,criht'd in flli~ l)t)()k. E,J{b huill 1:\ ullhl'lIl. Thi~ l·thllll'd hi, "LlTI, rl'tllained hm\ 1I11uughmll lhl' \\,11'. \Vh,lI Ihe..e ..hip_ had ill ClHlltllOll wa~ lh:ll fhn illlorpul,L1I-d illlpro\t·tllelll", ..ugge..led 10 Ead, .llld Ihe N,I\'\ Ikparlllll'1l1 o!1iciah 1)\ llll" IlH'll who loLLg-hl inlbl' t',L1li\'1 rin'l irollcbd,. AhhotLgh lhl"w \l',~d, \\1.'1(' IHll ,llw'I\' (·0111pll·t('1\ ..lln 1·"lul. lhl'\" 1nar"('d a ,Ilitl ill (h'~igll lhal \\il' lIothing- ,hort 01 ll'\olulion,lr\. I ht' lil"l halch of ri\l'" ironclad.. had 1"'l'lIli,llh htTIl rompch{'c! 01 ,lnnOll"cI \el...iull' 01 lilt.' (-"'lillg li\l'r ~ll',unt'I~ Ihill plied lilt' \li"I"lppi KI\cr. TIll'<,e nl'\\ \1"'1'1, "!:le like;llolhing lhat had beell ,el'fl hdoll·. l.ikt, Ihe /W1IIOII and /'.1\('\. 11tt' ChfKtlIll'i1nd hl:"1 IIl',U"I'll'l /,lI/lIVIII' \ll'Il' lUll\e;-nt'd IIont l"I'lmg CI\lh,Ht ri\('rbtl.lb (\'rbrfllJw ,tttd ,\Iffk volII. Originalh huill in 't·" .\lb,1I1\. Indi,IIl,I. III IK~lti. lilt' (Jw('(aU' lullO\\t'd il d(·<;ign 1)\ Clpl,lIll Willi'lIll n. Poru:r. lilt' "Itlt,t hllllhl:"r ul .\dlllil~11 lJ,l\"id POrler. "JIlt' \\,... MlJllin'd for tin' \\,11' I)qMrtlltt'nt in ~q)tt'lIJht'l" IHti2. and hridh 'l'f'l'd ,t~ lhl:" ~llppurl ,hip\/'br(lIlw. Thl' t 0111 I~lct lor her conH'I',iolt \\;1' wn'lI 10 Ead~. \\!tu 1l1ldl'I!\)(,k the \lork ,II hi, (~Iroltdukl \.Inl. I'mlt'r', dt',if.\"11 c,llIed ror ,I lilrf.\"(' "0\\ (lilhe ChfK(lIll'. lultu\\ed h\ .1 10\\ C,l~l'lllale 10 PlOlt'(1 hcr I:lt.'nh
n..infnrdng beallh 10 pru\;dt· extr.l ~IIPlx'rt for tIl(" caSCIll,ut'.•md a lx·tU'1" ~"tt'lll of illtt'nul bul\..heads 10 support Ihe main dec\... rht· tlljt/\f'Ut' I\.b .Ulutlll:r :"\0:1\ Alb.tll\ I;\t~rbuat \\hith Il.Id 1x'en pUl"ch,l'I('d h\ tilt' ,\1"111\ \ Qllarlerm.t'ler Dep'11"1Il1('1ll for 1I'C as a slIpph \t"N'1 (calkd lilt' /'0,., IIf'11'"I). \1-:'1111. Portel" was lhe chid d(·~iKlll..·I·. I hi~ lillw he .lloided llit' hugo: \'t'ight ulthl..·!xJ\I Gbt;'IlJ.llt".•1IId ill~te,ld uplt'd for.1 \tand.lrd GI:>t.'II\.Itt· (hilt wilh .1 ~'lI1i;pheriral front bce). k'ading 10 Ihe .Irmored p,tddldx)\, {k~lgn he had built to prutect Ihe (JUXIllll'\ p.lddk\\heel,. I he de,ign I"Co .lllolher failure. hall{)\\-(lraught irulllbd, .1 lighu:'r ler"ioll of the Citl d.Co1>. Following" Ihe Balik of HamplOll Road~ and tlw "pread 01 ~monitor fever~ TIlt' ;'Ilan ~p('cilied Ibal tht' nt·w cmlt 1l111~1 1)(:, .L lllonilor, nul .1 GI~t'l11'l\t· ironclad. t::ad, re\'i~cd hi~ pl:1I1'. producing" a dt',ig-II Ill! a l11onilor lh.lt dn'w 011 I}" 3 •, feet of "',lIer (bul 011 bllildin,l:\" tht'11l Iht')' drt'w an exlr,l fOOl). yet II.'>un dc"igll (as llM'd 011 lilt' USS MOl/i/or). TIlt' conlmCl for 1110 such \'esM.:I~ \l'as~igIH.:d on,\lav Ix, IKti~. alld \I'ork bl.·~ln on Ihelll :lllhe Carondulct Yard. LId,' de,iKll im:urpur:ul.·d :1 ..lunk-b:I,\.... to the hull. gcml) sloping" out frum a centr:LI spint'. r\ largt' tapt't"t'd ntinder protecled the ~tCt"ll paddle\l·hcd. ,\hik· Iht' pilolhoLL't' \\'a~ lllla1"1norl..·d to rt'duce weight. The USS Nf'Q.llw \I ,Ls t Olllll1i"iollt'd ill .\I.L\ ll'l{j~-S, alld ht'r si~lcr 1>hip 1he USS O~{/gr cllIcrcd 'I'n;ce llltl 11l11l1111" lall'l, Tlu"t' 'It'nlwhcd monilors pro,cd sILcce,~fILl. but unli\..,· lIlt' .\lihl built bl' E.'ld~ at C-.:u'undulcl Ihc loJlU\lillj.; IC,II, thel l\el"C 1I11~lIited lor UM: outside the \\'csLCrn rivers. Joseph Brown's second generation ironclads
In Ihe ,prill!:; 01 IH6~ tilt: \\'<11 Department commissioned a trio of relolll!ionan C:hl.'lll
Stal•• Iron Ct.d
Ram 'Lafay.tt•.• Mi...... ppi
Sq..-lron.- Coklred lithog1llpn after an origl_1 artwork by Wlmam
c.l864. The
wa. a .ingillarty
IInallCC. . .ful design. 6eapite he. formldabl. aP98a1llnc•. COIlrt••y of the US Navy Art Col)action, W..hlngton, DC. (USNHCI
production was awarded to j.UII~S Bruwll, a ri\~r ship\;ud own~r and from Cincinnati, Ohio, Tllt'ir dni).\"ll iHcurpurat~d improvements to the Cil\' class dc..iJ.{lI 01 Sarnlll'l PooL., has~d on experience with the first batch of riH:r ironclad" bllt a lac\.. uf coordination between the builder, th(' naval archiu'Cl ,lnd the \\".11' D~p:tflment led to serious problems with tilt.' (k~i).\"ll of 11ll' \e,~el~, TIle Chillicollle used ..ide paddlewhecls muurHed Ull her ,tcm quarters, and a liglHh annorcd SUpcrstfllcture l'xlendin~ fOf\,'ard from the boxe~ ending in a strong rectangulM CaSl:lllatl' in her IXl\" Thi, gun casemate was protected b\ three indwo; ofinll1 plale (1\'0 iTlche' 011 the sides), and hOUSl:d a pair of II-inch Dahlgrell "lll()Olhhorc~, nw pOl,erful and n'liable engines supplied b\ tilt" ~IcC,()rd &: .Iungl'r .. "rl.~ 01" :":1.'" ,\lh.an\', Indiana, ~a\(:- her a maximum 'pl'ed of 7 ".I10b, bUI ....llIIe ,Iccounb "Il~l''it thi" ,,-as cW:lHualh incr('ased h\ l\"O ilion' l.nots. I)(,<;piu' thi.., Ihe \es.-',d had "0111(' '-'Clious ddl"Cb, lIer ,IruCIUrt' ",I!> nol ,"unR l'nou);;h 10 <;Ilppon hCI" anllon>d C,L<;('IIMt(", c;lu'iing Ill(" "eight 10 compre" her lo"er hulL ,\Iso, when her hTlIl1S 'n"n' lin'd, the \i("" falln Ill(" pilothou<;c was ob..clllfti. maling hel' dillicult 10 comrol 111 ,Inion. Shc lad.l'd lonwtmlinal "In~ngth, and "h('11 her hull "I;II"led to hOt{ (bt'nd). .tdditiunal irul\ 'trappin~ was ad{kd 10 pn'\('IJI .IIl' fUrllwr di'lonioll, The TtH('lllllbin \\,1, ;l bruadel" Il'I'''11I1I 01 tht, CJ"lIirolll~, and inc0'1>oratcd lhe """IIl(' "trollK 1)(l\\t'.-Illl CiI..'-'t"III.l!t' .uHI"idl: p.lddle"heeb found 011 the smaller ,(',>sd. ~ht, 011,0 .. hared lllill1\ (jf Ihe Ch,lJirol!u-'s 11<11\\, iI_~ thl: hull \IW.lS ;11'0 prom" 10 hog-!{illg-..mel Ihl: lIei!;hl of the {"aSt'Ill,lIl' and SlIpel""'II'lI('lur(' panl'llh cnl~lU'd Iht, dl'Ct... .1IId Ihe I()\HT hull tug('ther. 11'011 kJlt"t", (hridgclrt'l") IIl'n' 1;lll~c1to l.('('P Ihe dec" ofT thl' hoilt-r" I,hich \'t"re in (l.mKt'! 01 IX'inl{ nll~hl'd \Ihell III('" dcc" wa" comprt·"..ed 1)\ 0\('1" "i, incite" Similarh hog chain" ami hl~ICC" IIt'n' added 10 pre\('llt ht,! hull 11'0111 W,\I ping. I \(or ('ngilll" pO\,('rl'd hel' two paddle\lhl:c1s as \'1.'11 a~;I "inglt- 'Cle\l. and lil..t' th,lt oflhl: eI/illiff/lhl', the' pro\('d highh em'cti\e, althollgh the Lic" of prOll"CI ion pro\'i(kd lO the paddlebo"e' pro,cd .. Wt';Il.IH'" in .IClioll, l.i"I' lhc other \I',,~cL ~h(' w:a~ buill I)\' Brown, ahhough much 01 lilt, 1101 L. 11.1, ~llh-("(Jnll"lcled. B()lh ,hip' \\,CI"(' cXlrcllleh J>oorh constructed, al1d Ihi.. ha~t .. aud ,lip..hud buildiug uwanl lh,lt bolh 1(',,1,1, 'pl'Ul ;111 inorclinaH' amount 01 timc bt'illg- relined, ..trl'ug"tht'rlt'd or repaired. Thc dnig:1l \\'a~ lw;wih infllll'llCt'd b\' JOM.:ph l~r(lwll'~ IMIl l!l(ldifkati(Jl!~, hili Hl'ither I\rown nor Ilal'lt proved capab1l:' 01 coping wilh the dcsig-n c!l,I]leuge, lht,\ 11'('n' fa('('d with, Bolh It"s~d, were 'in).;"lIl
A "lew 01 the gundeck of Ihe City Clas. "e.HI USS CIInmdolet, looking aft. The cabin••hown on Ihe left fan along the centerline of Ihe thlp, and would be dltmantled before iI battle, (Author" Collection)
u\t·, t',uliel Ii\t'1 II Oil< I,l('cnnel '1ll.llkr ,[('rn C
\\hilt.' ,he \I,b 'till11lld,'1 ("Ihrrunion. h IWI" origin,ll pl;uh ,Ifl' 10'" il i, llnL.ll0\\1l Ilhellll'r hl'r Ill''' Lnion o\\IlCI'" "imph COlllilHlt'd In huild u~il1j,( lilt' orij,(in,11 Conlt-c1t·tll\\t·rt:'d, and her expected speed of 9 L.nots I\';h Il{" ('r
View 01 the
uss 0Nge,
-.omewne,.. on
the Ml..lmppi or the low., Red RIv., In 186~, It unitf_
de,"n. thi' ......-1 twd ,n
. .tremely shallow draft, and Pf'O\Ied a<.>c:c:. . .fut. ",. Osatre wa, alSO the fi",t na r _ , to
u.. a pertM:ope In na al waf'faN. IUSNHC)
~he c. lad. 01 proh'nillli .. 1Ild poor IHopul..ion w~tem, and lilt" (}-..n""" !)('rfonnance dminA: Ihl' Rt'd Ri\t'r CUllp.lign of 186-1 highlighted her mam EmiL'>. Thc InO't ..ignificam of Ill{'\(' was her incTedibh high coal con~umptioll. ,11I<1 ill lilt' nmlok of IHfl..l ~Iw was withdrawn from aeliH" ~n·ice.
OPERATIONS In prl'\'ioll" hooks in Ibi~ 't·rit·... Ihl' (ornpo~ilioll tJllbl' fll·\\.londitiOll' of "'l'rvin', lhe nature 01 ordn.IIKC', Iht' l"'\pcrknn· 01 lighlirlg in... idt' ,III ilOlUtld ,lIltl lhl: cornrn,Lnd 'IrU\lLUt· 01 Ihe l'nion tlN'r h,IH' ,III h<'t'n t'x,unirwd in detail ('cc O~PI\'\ :'\l'\\ Vanguard G: £'/110/1 ,\/o//llor 18til-ti5: alld ID: ,\/1\\1\\//1/)/ H/I'"r CIIII/mal\ oj Ilu' ,I/IIl'I"irrlll CII·i{ \lin 18ti{-ti5). To a\uid rqwtiriull tlw,t, ~llbjeo~ are nol di~nl~~t'd in Ihi, \ohmH',"o lhal morl' aUI'lnion (',[11 Ix: 1),.lid 10 rhl' ,hip' rlH·r11'ellt·" and lill' ,II tiOll' in "hidl tilt,\ 100rJ.lllt. Role
The river lronc:lMI USS Osage we' one of the two monitors 01 the Neosho f;anying her gun. In • turret mounled on the forwerd pan of her hull. lis freld of lire wu reslricled by the stern paddrewheer and pilothouse strl.lcture on her ,Ie.n. lUSNHC)
llle llliun riH:r irond.ld, \\t'n' dl"I~lwd ;L~ Ihe 'lI~llq.;-if IHol III "hkh lilt' l-rlInll could WIt"1 {omrol 01 IIll' \Ii\..~i\..,ippi Rilt'!" and ir... Irihl1laril'" In IIIl lhl' (AJIlfC'dC'ralt·'. 11It',ilahh I hi~ llll'illll Ihal lhl' ir Ill\( 1,ld... ,\ollid Ix: (,IIIl'd tlrOIl to ,1tI.lclm,IJOI Innilil.lllon". C'xch'IIlKl' lin' ,\ith IX)"erful ,hoi,' h,IIIl'.;l·... ;lml IXl"ibh t'\t'1\ light l\olil1~L" uf t'nelll' \\,II,<;hip~. "lllllC of 1\ hi( h l1Ii~hl al"O ht' irond.uh \\llh thi, in mind II ",I~ tlt·( idt'd Ih,u Iht:' .lnnOll'd CI:-.t:tI1t· t;\er irotlcl.ld., I.t< It'd prntt'nioll Irom plunl-\"ing lirt:', Ctlll't'lIllt'llIh \ll1t'n Ihe\ IH'I1I 11110 .lctlOIl at Fon I knn, Fort Donl'hon, or Vi( l ...hurg, Ihl'ir curnrn,mdl'"'' l\t'lt.' \\l'lI aware 01 tht, 1'lIhlt'r~lhilil\ of rht·u ,hip'>, ,1IIc1lrit,c11O lirnillht'irt"I-""llrt' Iu \l1i., lind 01 lirl', Sil11iLllh, Ilil lIlO'>1 of 11ll" c;l~l'1I1<1le iron('bd~ lilt' 1110'>\ pOI\t'rllll annal11l'rlt \\~I.~ (011tt'ntr,Lled in lhe bOI\.
rill' worl of p.lIrollillg" llw \\'("Ierll nH.'", II;h u'u,tlh left lip 10 Ihl' \\1:"II'rll (.lIl1h(1.I1 Flolill.t·~ lIel'l of \1()(KIt-II or tindacl g"unho,lI' .lIlcllhc irolidacl.. ll·lI(ll·d to Ix- ll'pl ill n·'>l.-·ne lor m,~or .Iuioll'. The\ werl' lI'ed III Iltunh('" ,I' al"rlll of 11,IIal cllelg"d. h,llu'!;ng: ellell1\ lonilicllioll' il110 "ubmi"lOIl ur r!t'ci11l,lIillg" l'IWIII\ 1I01illa,. To '"PI~lrt 1lll'Ill, ;111,1\.11 hil~' \la' t·,l.\hli,hl,d on lhl' Ohio Kilt'l ,It LJiru, Illillui... and lhc' ,hipl,lId... 1l \IOlmel em. Larondolt-l (~!. !.olliQ, "'{'II \Iham, ,mel Cindnllillti "II prmirkd I.l(illiit" lor lhl' n'pair .l1Id IIl.1intell.lnn' of the irond.lcllll'(·t. nl(' n"1I1I \\;1'.1 PO\'l·rful lorce Ilhicil IMd tht' righl ..hip" llll'lI. gUll'. .mel ~Ilppon 10 hl1lil il~ 'tr.I1('Kic mi..,inn. Ironclads In action
nJ(' L'nioll fIIl'l ironcl.lrl\ of I11(" \\"(·..lel11 Gunboat Flotilb rflughl '("l'I~11 cfll(i.11 c'ngI:lIlCO, Silililar It-~'()11~ \\'ollid bl' Il'al'lll'd durin!{ l'ncOUllU','" with COlllt'deral(' ral1l~ and ironclad... lllilll·~. ami "hOle IMllt'ril" ;1' tilt" rhl'r ironclad, loughl lheir \\~I\" sOllth 100\~lrd~ Vickshurg:. The anion, Ollllilll'd Ix:loll' It
nJ(' ri\l'l irtltlclMI, w("re cnldal 10 (;(,I1{'r,,1 Grant'~ plan~ capture Ihc,(' h·\ COtlrnleralt, 10rtifiGllioll!> which guarded Ille relllle....Y.:'t' and Cumlx'rland Ki\'I'I'S. C:oorrlill;llinll nlthc L'nion naval and land ell'IU(·IlL.. \\,1" ,illlplilil'd ,I.. hOlh ,hip' ,md troop' were under ;t1'1ll\ cOlllrol. Fil'S!. Cr.1II1 ,III<1cll'd Fon Ill'lII'\ on lhe Tt'nlles~e River (Febrll;!n 6), alld
The Itrlngely llhaped uss Chillk:olhe, In an engraving publilhed In Bufford's M~zlne In 1864, sne WI' I ,miller .....Ion of lhoe USS TIIacumbll, Ind llhared the ...... defects of o.slgn .nd poor con,truction, Tn. wi ....01)"11 p ..... enled the hull from w'I'l'I"ilI"hoggi"il"J. IUSNHCI
"Adml..1 Porte" Fleet Runni"1l the Re~ Bk><:k.cle of lhe MJsslulppf al VICksburg, April 18th, 1863." COlor'fil lithogr;oph published by Currier &. lves, Hew Vortl, 1883. The l~lads depicted e ... (trom trontto .... rj, the Bl,"fon, Lafayetle, lou/sv/lle, Mound City, Plttlburgh, C.rondo/." and 1lJlcumbJ•• (USNHC)
Flag.Qfficer Foote's four ironclad'), Gil/rill/wlI (ILI).,~hip), \I. [..oIlU, ('.aml/dolf'f, and EssLx, opened the aU;IeJ.;, b" bombarding llll: fon. Thn.:e da\"s before during a reconnai~s.lIlc(, the l~x had bel'lI lis.;-lllh d:llnagl'd b, :l Confederate shot \\hich had penemlted lilt' '1M" dccl and de..trO\cd pari of the caplain'~ ..talenXlIll, In Ihi.. <;('cond ;Il1acl FOOIC'~ \essels formed a line abrC;L..I. and bomlxlrdt"('l11all' and hkll lip a boiler, filling- the ironr1:IC! with "Gliding :-team. Two 11lt'll ill lhc pilolholl ..e lI"ere killed, and 29 CI"l'I\IlU'n were hadlr hllrm'd. 011 Febrllary 13 tilt: CmVlldolf'/ provided supponill~ lire ;" l;r~lI1t\ lllell ill\'eQed Fort Doncl"011. and the followillgda~ Footc Icd till' ."i/. /..ouis (lld.'(.. hip). 1'/II.,ulIff;fh. /..ollln1illf'. and Cmm/(loll'/ into t depIO\'Illt:lIt lir>;t WCII ,11 Fon l!clln. Foote\, COllcern for W,L"IC W; time lile Confederatel> I\cre bl'lll'r prqxl1 cd. :uld whell Filole til tit-red hi.. ..hip.. to do..e within 400 "ll"(I~ of the fOIl. his ..hilh \\t'!l' c"p0'>t:d 10 phllll{ill~ fire. rhe ftlg..lup 1\,1" lilt 59 time", one ..hnt hiltin~ her pilolhou'l' and wOlillding FOllle. Both the "'t. Lol/'l ;tlld tilt' /.lJllul'/III' had tlwir <;teeling gear ..hOi a\\·<1\ ilnd (!lifted from tilt' light. ,lIld the CllIum/w/ was hit so mam liml'" ..Ill' W,ll> near to sinlin,l;. \11 10111' \(',"£'Is \\t:l"e forced to retreat, \\'ith 110lhing 10 "hO\\ for Ihe GIMIOI!t\ Ii" 01 5-1 Illen. Two da\'., laler FOIl Dont:lson >;un"el1(!ered to Gelleral (.t',IIlt. In Itltllre t:ng-;lgt:ml'll!.'i whert:' plllng-ing lirc was eXI>t:'cled (lor ex,unplc al Vicksburg), commandeN would 'itael eXUt'r or IrOIl VII tlll'ir ..par decks to imprO\'e protenion. Island No.1 0 IMarch-Aprll 18621
Foot(· appmaclwd the ;!.....;llllt (Ill l"land No. 10 with c,tlllion aller his deleat;1I Fun Donelson. In hi .. att,tek on the slrong- Ctl11lt'(krall' po..ition ht' ll ..ed t Itc /Jell/on. CrmJllr/v/f'/, Pill~utll¥h, (.'iI/filII/fill, [Ami'l,ille, MOlllld (;;/,.. and St. /..olllS 10 bomb,lrt! tilt: t:nl'l1l\" al long l \\l're 'Uil'lbh \\ealelwd, Foote "l'nt (:OmlU,lndcr \",llll"" Cmvmloll't ill 01 bl'ller larKet. rill' Iwo ironclads e1kclhl'h cut ofT Ihe
Confert"I,Ut" from It'inloru,rnel1t, ,lnd when tll('\ eO\ er('d the cro,sing of (;t:'Ilt'rall'()lw'~ 11l1iolllroop~, the ddt'l\der~ ,tu n:Il
I-OOle II.I~ ,I ill ~unetillg: from hi~ wounds. <'0 he was repla("ed I" Flag:OOin'f Chark<, I L D,1\~~, Ilel\ cOIlll11ander led lhe 1~1I(0I1 (f1ag,hip), (;mulldo{rl, (',flim, Cil/ci/llwli, .HorOld (,';I\', I~illlbllr;.!h, and 81, /'olli~ in a dailv bOlllharclrlH..'llt nl !-ort Pillow. <'uppnrwd b\ monar IX)(' Fkt'l. ("01ll1l1;tnded b\ LlpLlill Jame'i !-. \lolll~()mcn, TIl(' lighl (:Cmfcdt'l ,tit' ,hip" "unmer! .Illd 'i;lIIl1ht, Cillrillmll' and .\Iol/Illi CIt) lX'fon' b\ Union lire, In lhe fiNl pllreh IM\
The White River Expedition IJune 1862)
III Illid:lulll' IHfl2, I\\'O irollc1ad~ (Mmwrl Cit.yand St, LOlli.)) SUppOllCd b} IWO 1,'oodt'l\ gUllho
The lonner Confederate lroncled En/port w .. c.pturad bilfore
.he could ••••It....lc., .nd w•• duly conv.r1ed. th.n chri.tened thlt USS Ea.tporl:, sn.......1Id -e-1n.t tler former _net", on ttlll Red River b111_ being de.troylld to p.....ent her capture in April l8~, Shit c.rriIId two 100,poundltr rifllt.in hltr bow, and the r.malnder of hltr "un. were .pllt biltween hltr two broad.id••. ICHCj
po>rt monftOf",
part casemate l..-I.cl
carried two t t .Inch .moothbo.... In her lurrel, and lour more gun. In .n ulUlrmo,ed ca.emale behind II. The ahlp was an abject lallul'1l, IIInd waa wllhdrawn lrom acllve Hrvlce after only lour monlh., (USNHCI
miss, and a 6+-pounder ~olid ~hOl hit the MQlIlIll CIl,', forward C'I'>t-'nl.ltl' on lhe port side, le'!ling through th,' Iron and wood (0 ,m.L;,h illln the steam drulll:.. (boiler,», The re,ulting: explosion fillc'r\ the C'I'CIIl.lIl' Wilh high-pre"surf.' "t<'t-'llI.ltt'S. The Yazoo River and Vicksburg (July-August 1862)
Tht' brO\\I\I\".ltl'r fled 01 D,lI"i"joim:d lorce" \\ilh Ill<' oCC',lIl-going Ill,(,t of Farr~lgur ahml.: \'ick~blll'g 011 JUIIL' 2H, ,md a.!> Ihl' two corulll,lmlcl"" decided 1111:!l to do IWxt, 111I'\' heard rUllltlrS ofa Ctlllfr.:del'llt' illlll(l,ld II hich II~l' being built 011 lhe \'<1/00 River. Da\'i~ 'ell! lhe (',am/lfI"lrf (captained 1)\ COllllll,lllder \\'alke) .mel 1\10 \1(lOdl.:lI Kllnho,ll' 10 inH:..ligall", 011 Juh 15 till' nOlilla encountered lilt' ironclad 1~1111 l ArlwlI.ilU cuming dO\,'nrill'r .lIld a running fight ell;;llcd, .L" Iht' j{l11lbc'ML'I mn for lhc cO\cr of tilt' Carondobt. Thl' 1\1t' ironclads l',changed fire.1I point-bl,lIIk l~lIlge" tilt' .-1 rk,l1/\llj raking hel" adn·l....lr. I)('fore Ining tu 1~lln her. u'romlo/"/\ ,hoL, had I>t't'n unahit" 10 pelWlrate Ih(' Confcdc'(;IIt, ironclad's armor, hilI Confederall' lirt:' had (k.,trO\cd J{llllpOrh, pl.:l1l:traled the Cfllvl/(l(Jlrt~ casemale, and ~1l1;l"hl'd illlo Iwl' l'ng-illt". Badl>' damaged and leaking :>tcam, the Crmmdolf'1 W'l" ~tt't'n'd to\\~lrd~ tht' bank. The Al'llfmWl,~ ("('!limed to tht' main channel ,lIld contilHlt,d on dO\l"nsu'('am, ka\ing \\'al~c.' to contcmplau' ,he poor performallcc.' of hi.!> \l'''.loC1. "\n hour laler lilt' ,\,*ml£ll.l" rom p,lSt lht" anchorcd L'nion flt't'1. firing alllll" n
The SI8g8 of Vicksburg (April-July 18631
,\11 lInion aUt'lllpt, 10 tolptllll: lilt, Confe{!l:rate cit\' of Vick"blll'j:{ had lOlllh. which meant it had to nlll p",t lilt· cil~ 'lo glln~. rht· 1\01 ill.l \1,1\ now IInde!"' the' conI 1"01 of Ill(' :\'a". and ib IIt'\1 COIlUIl;lI1dt·! Re;u--Admiral D.I\·id D. I'ol'ltc'r preparNI hi, <;hip, lor the' cuming batll<-, Colton. timber, and iron were lashed IU Lhe lolMr llt·d to the (;'nm,1 l'nu. and til{' 1.olllfl"II,. ,\lrmml Cit). r'l/twIIIK" . .ulCl CmvlUloin follu\\ed in lint' a'<;lt'rn. rhrl'e anm 11":11I'1)01'1.) ,mel lilt' 'lInrl"nblfl hroughl lip tht' rear. rhe flotilla! elll,tilled "bOlIl ROO \.11"(1:, lrolll Ihe ,hon'. dnd .1" Confcdel,lh' calcium lighh ,lIld fire<; Ii! the ';\'l·l. hoth ,ide' 0pc;'!l(;'d fire, ,\11 Ihe irund.ld, 1\l'H' hu. hilI the\ all m.lI1:lj:;,'d 10 nlll p."L"t Ihl' IXlHel;t>~ \\;L1lolll 'It.'rium d,lIll.lgl·, ahho"i{h till' l.affl\·,t/, \Il~nl agTollnd when her w)welholl<;(' I\;L' hi!, .111(1 had In IX' to\lecl!o ~Ifl't\, TIlt." ni\g:~hip Ikl/toll was hilfi\e limt". Incillding b\ one 1{).llIch "hul \\hich <;plil Iwr GL"C'male. hmllo crl'\I \\t'H' "ilkd 011 ,11I\ of till' ,hip'" \llllo<;! 1\\0 \\l.(....." la!er. on \pril ~. tilt:' ironclMh \It'H' In ,Inion .lg,lin. hmnhanlinj:; Ihe Confeder:ul' r11'fenw, ,II (,I,lIId (,ulf. ~li"i"$ippi. The lour Cil\ d.w. Il"Im-clads quir"" "ilt'nCl'd the ci!\', 1O\ll'!"' (c!()\\"lIriw'rl gllli hallerie'. then IIH.'\ joillt'd the Ik-II/01l. lA/film,. ,lIld lillrllmbw Ilhlclt \\1'11' hallllg a harder lime wilh till' fUrlifiGlliUlI~ upri\l'r, In IIIl' ~i:..-houl' l:lIi{"gelllent Porter'" Ikl't fired ml'r LOOn fOlLllfh, \\hich pani,llh 'i1ellcecl lhl' Conledel
"Between d
lhe (".I"ro, Ci"cillnf'li. ImlimlOlll. ancl IJmrm (II' Kalb (fonnerh l.he 5/. LOllu). ahholiKh lilt' l.'mmmflll was subsc
Afler \'iclsbllrg. lilt' Ri\t:r Fleel "as di"pt:t"ed to patrul the lellKth 01 the ~Ii.'isis~ippi ,IIHI iL~ triblllaries, bill ill ~I.lfcil IHol it I\~l" If.llhered togetht:r for a major joillt-~er"ict: otTel1"ive up the Red River to\\';1I'd" Shreveport. Tht' n'II/OII, I~sf'x, Cmrmdolr/. Lvuiwilfr, Moulld Cil). 1'II/I/m,].!h, Has/po"t, Cllifliro/h,., I.(/!(/,rllr, CllOf/(/W, Sr()\Iw,
F1all"C)fflc:er Foote In pllothouH of the USS Cerortdo,., durhli the attack On Fort Henry, February 6, 1662, The Ironclad w .. hit over 30 tlma. during the engagement, but no aeriou. damage or easu.ltles were Inflleled by Ihe Confederata gunnera. (Author's collection)
OS(lb1P. ,llld (}--'1I*all p,trticipal('d in Iht, campaign, ol\h to find thellls(:hc" ~tr'l1Ided b\ lhc f.tlling k,\'t'I~ 01 the Ji..,t'r, To compound lhe..' pmhklll, Ihe L'nion arlm commall(kd h\ (:.em'I"';11 Itllll." 1\';tS dt'fl';HI'd and heg.'t11 ttl n,'u'e;u, lhn',Hcning to II',IH' lilt' ironclad flt'('1 i-.olal('d, Th.lIll.~ 1.0 OJ hrillialH fe.1t of ellgillecrillg 1\\0 dams l\t'n' ('on"trtlCll'd to rai~ lhe \1~1\t:1 le\'e1s, ~1lJ(1 lhe Ileet IlMll'lgcd to e~cape 10 ",Llt:t\, rhe onh casllall\ \I"~ the Eastport, which struc]... a torpedo, and had to be destroyed to pre\'ellt her C;lpl.Llre, Unsupporlt'c\, the ironclad .. proved I'ulnerabk to ~llrpri~c all,l(k:. from till' ~h(Jrt', ;ltld ill future opt:l'ation~, tht' close ,o-opcratiOll 01 thl' anll\' was a",urt:d Ix:fure the il umlad, lI'cre ri~ked ill action,
Nashville IDecember 1864)
,\., (~neral I-lood'~ Confedt.'r.ue anm ,ld\.II1Ccd north from \tl,lIlt.1 to\\ til\ ... g.'lITi~.)Il. On Dt.'CCIllbc.'1 :t llw CmumloM shelled a C'.onfc'ckratc shore 1>
During tl1l' cI()~ing dal'\ or lhe \\';tr a joint land and "';tter .. ~ttllt "~b launched ilg-.tinst lhe Collrt.'del~Ue defensc.) ,tround ~Iobilt.', .\lal>.1.ma, TI1I""('{' Confederate iroll
bl.llll.l1 of Ihe \Iubilc ("1ll.1n. whit h \\,1' aho "nO\\ll .1' tlU' Sp;llli,h Ri\t."r ill fOIlIl:111pol.ln .1((.. Olllll') lht' 1Il0l1itor, (JloW' and ,\tIlINII/Hrr lell PH'\ III (olllt'e1t'I';I\I.' lorpt.'dot." OIl \latch ~I .llld \IMch I H le'pNli\d\. \IIIHIIIg:ll Ill(' (:onft'e1t'\ .tlt.' il 0111. I.l(h 1I/lIlhl,/II, .Illd
'\t.'rt:' ',Ill ili( ('d ,I' hlocl....hip" lilt' L-Ilion Ikel \\.l~ ,Iblt." 10 pll~h p.l't them lip tilt, BI.l\...t.·h Ki\t.'r 10 ddiH'r c1o,t.' 1';lOl'::e lire on loon B1a"t·h. It 'illlTl'ndt'l"t'l! Oil \pril H, alld \lobilt' ldl fouf dil'" 1,\I(:'r, Tlw ('II/cumall pll'ilwd till Up"lft.',l111 tn lhe Tombigb('(" Khel" in pllr~lIil 01 lh(' L.~~ .\(1:;.111'111" "hilt." IWu lllonilm.., dt.'Ml'd 111(' \Iahama Ki\er, Fillall\ nil \1,11 10. lhe crl'" of 1Ill' ,\(IIIlI'llb' ~LllTt:'lldt:'rt:'d, ,I month ,lilt'r I.c.'(' {.lpitul,llt'd.1I \ppmll
Union City c:l. .s lror>l;a.ds during
the .ttack on Fort Don
Pittabutll", St. Louis (Fl
sk.tch m.oe b, Re.......dmi,..l
A CATALOG OF UNION RIVER IRONCLADS 'Olt': \'l'~-,ch ,Ul' Ii~ll'd b\ the mUlllh ill \lIlich lhe\ l.·lIlt."n'e1 ",,'rYln'. \\Iu're Illore th,1Il Olll' \I,I~ Ct)III111i:'>.'>iUlWd ill lhe ....UllC lllOIUh. lht.'\ .1ft' li'led ill .,lph.,helical onl"l: .\1"0. mllch of the infollll,lIioli li.. u'c1 in Ctlnlt.'lllp()J~ln ,Utllln i" nHlll~ldicton. ~o Olher hi,tor;all" m,ll \It'll pml),!hl, plO(lllC{' difTt'rl'lll (I;ua, dt:'Pl'lldillg Oil Iltdl 'Olll t (". Lk.lrillj.; thi, III mind, Iltl' 1lIl(lnll,llion giH'1l hdow is proh..,bl, lhl' 1110"\ acnll';IU' li,TiIlg" 01 dle.. t.' 1t" .. t'l...1\
During the ettack on Fort OonotIton on the Cumberland Rw.r l"ebruery 14, 18621,_ 01 the 32-polll1der rtned guns on the port side of the USS
Cervndolet's c nt burs" wounding. Oozen m on the gundec:k. This accident demonst,..teel the lack 01 ...Il.blllty of the. . old .moothbore guns whk:h had been rlfleel, .nd encouraged tM edoptlon of mo.e reliable purpo. .-bullt Parrott rifles. (CHCI
Essex class (1
Type: Ong!n:
RIver cas&"T\8te II'OrK:Iad Convet1ed at the Page & Bacon Yard, New Albany, Indl8Nl. Fonnerty a nver ferry boat known as N6W Era. and firsl converted as a -lJmbetclad- gunboat. Converted from a bmbefclad to an ronclad WarshiP. then re-named Essex in
Bought into service: Commlssiofled: Length: Beam: Draught: Displacement: Crew:
PropulSIOn: Speed Annoc
"Bomb.rdment .nd C.ptur. of Isl.nd Number Ten on the MissIssippi River. April 7. 1882." A colored lIthO{lraph pubUsh-.:t by Currier a lves of New yo...... c.1882. tt shows thelroncled nolll", bomHrdl"'ll the Conf-.:te te 6elen.... 01 the lsI.nd pport-.:t b~ morbr bo.ets. The lronclada ahown .... (fTom Ie" to ri9ht). Mound City, louisville. Pitf'lburv". C.rondolet. Benton (fl.gahlp). Cincinnati. SI. lou/a. and the Ilmbe~led gunbo.t ConeatOll'a. (USNHCI
December 186t. september 1861 OCtober 15,1861 as New Era. and subsequefltly re-named 19S'ft 47',ft
6 • 355 tons
134 men Center paddlewheel, two horizontal englfleS.
3m. casemate. 1 In. pilothouse letters ·5 R X· -by two 9-t1'lCh smoothlxwes, S8YflI'l 42-pounder nfIes. seven 32· Armament pounder ntles. By August 1862 ttvee of her 4 2 - ~ had been removed, and Went replaced by an extra 32-pounder and two SO-pounder ntles. A 12-pounder howrtzer was also camed as a deck gun. In January 1863 two of her 32-pounders were replaced by 811 additIOnal pair of 9-mch smoothbores. By lhe end 01 the year, two 32-pounders and four 42-pounders had been removed, and were replaced by two l00-pounder nfles and another four 9-inch smoothbores. making her one ollhe most powerful vessels on the Mississippi. Operational history: OperallonS on Cumberland River (November 1861). Badly damaged dunng assault on Fort Henry, Tennessee (February 1862). Repaired. Engagement WIth the CSS Arll:ansas 8t Vicksburg, Tennessee (July 22, 1862). and at Baton Rouge. loulSl8ll8 (August 5, 1862). Attacks on Port Hudson (December 1862. and May 1863). ParticIpated" the Red RIver ExpedItIOn (Man::h-May. 1864). Commander William D. Porter ('Wild 81M'. not 10 be confused with FIag-otlicer (later Aear-AdmIt8l) David D. Porter. who was hIS brother (December 1861-5eplember 1862), Commander Charles HB. caswell (september 1862--July 1863). Commander Robert B. Townsend (August 1863--September 1864), Commander Andrew Bryson (OCtober 1864--end of war).
USS CAIRO Class: Type:
Bwn: Launched:
CommlSSIOOed: Length:
Beam: Draught: Displacement:
Crew: Propulsion:
ldentrlied by: Armament:
City class [aka "Cairo class"] (7 In class) River casemate ironclad James B. Eads Yard, Mound City, IllillOis OCtober 1861 January 25, 1862
5,. 6ft
512 tons 251 men CElntenlne paddlewheel, two honzontal engmes 9 knots An. casemate, 1 ..In. pilothouse IIQht gray stnpe on stacks ttvee 8-inch smoothbores. six 42-pouncIer rilles, slx 32pounder ntles, one 12-~ nile (deck gun). By November 1862 tI'vee of the 42-pouoders had been removed due to faults, and one 3O-pouoder ri1Ie put in their place. Assault on Fort Pillow, Tennessee (February-May 1862), Battle of Memphrs (June 1862). OperatIOnS on yazoo RIVeI" (November--Decembef 1862). Su'lk by a torpedo on the Yazoo River. December 12, 1862. Commander Nathaniel C. Bryant (January-Aogust 1862), Ueutenant-eommaooer Thomas O. 5eIfridge, .If (August-December 1862).
eType: Built: Launched: Commlsslooed: Length:
Beam, Draught: Displacement: Crew: Propulsion:
City class [aka -Calro class"] (7 in class) RIVer casemate wonclad James B. Eads Yard. St. louis, Missouri OCtober 1861 January 15, 1862
175ft 5'ft 6ft
512 tons 251 men Centerline paddlewheel, two horizontal engines Speed, 7 knots 2'An. casemate, ,'.In. pilothouse A"nO" Identified by: red band on stacks Armament: four 8-lnch smoothbores, one 42-poonder rifle. sl)( 32-pounder rifles, one SO-pounder rifle, one 30-pounder rifle, one 12· pounder rifle (deck gun). In May 1863 five of the 32-pounders were removed and three 9-lnch smooth~s were put In their place. By January 1864 two-1oo-pounder rUles had replaced the remaining 32-pounder and the one 42-pounder. Operational history: Assault on Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Tennessee (February 1862). Assault on Island No. 10 (March-April 1862). Assault on Fort Pillow, Tennessee (Apfil-May 1862). Battle of Memphis {June 1862). Operations on the White River (June 1862). Engagement With CSS Arlcansas on yazoo River (July 1862). Operations on Yazoo River (November--December 1862). OperallOr'lS at VIcksburg, Tennessee (AprD-May 1863). Assault on Grand Gulf, MISSissippi (Apnl 1863). Participated in the Red RIver expedition (March-May, 1864). Operations on Cumberland RIver (December 1864).
, •,•
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,=• •• D
•= •• ••
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u 0 0
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0 0
D: USS CAIRO 1 Extent ot armored protectoo 2 Ship'S boat (one ot lour)
48 Aelntorced knuCkle
3 Paddlewheel beonrlg
50 Boiler mezzantne support
4 """""""'" 5 Flagst,,11
51 80lIer '·3 52 E\oIlars 4·5
• uroon """'"
53""" .......
49 Near honzontal englfle
7 Armored padetIf!wheel box
8 Gentenne paddlewheeI
Rear hooZontai englll8 (Memttl
55 """"""'"
10 GapOO's l).JWt9rS 11 Sleerog rope IPOrt)
12 Srrt"Jkestack
13 Acl...<Jm:x:tatoon Iaodef
14 Slack bface 15ldenl fll;,..dlJon band
16 P'*:>thouse gralflg 17 P*:llhoose
18 Hogg.ng brace 19 SAc's whgeI 20 42·pounder rrl'oe 21 SqIaI hotsts 22 Sq\aIIong mast 23 HoggIng brace supports 24 Proter:trve blJwark 25lAddo' 26 3Q.pounder parrot nile 27 Gunport 28 Gunport mantlel and l!ft1llQ chain 29
Bower 3nchor
JOO""" 31 Railroad won bow retnforce 32 Hawsepor1 33 Forward hatch
35 Deck cleat
36 Boatswilin's store 37 Shot locker 38 a'lnch Dah~rE!(l smoothbore
(64·pounder, 63 ewt·l 39 GUrYlef'S
40 Gun cnmag& 41 Magazne 42 Guncteclo; (berth deck)
43 Hul supporl coIur'm 44 Ste9fYl9 rope (starboard)
.. """ ....... 45 H\A frames
47 32·pounder smoottbclfe (42 ewt.)
34 Bollard
56 Ocri:shalt 57 HlA CU\lalure to 3SSIS1 packtewheelllow
58 OIl\cer's QUarters
., """"'"
59 """""'"
62 SIde a-mor
•" •
~ ~
~ ~ ~
• •
, C
• •••
0 0
•0•• 0 0
Commandet Oater Captain) Henry Walke (January 1862-January , 863), l.leutenant-commander James A. Greer (January-February 1863), lieutenant J. McLeod Murphy (Marcll-October 1863). Ac1Jng Master James C, Gipson (November 1863-January 1864). Ueutenant John G, Mitchell (February-November 1864), Actmg Master Chaf1es W. M~1er (December 1864). l.Jeutenant Charles P CIarit (J8OOlIIY 1865), lJeutenant John RogEn (February 1865-end of war).
Type Built;
launched Commissioned; Length: Beam: Draught: Displacement: Crew: Propulsion; Speed:
Anno" Identlfl8d by:
CIty class [aka "calfO class1 (7 In class) RMlf casemate ironclad James B. Eads Yard. SI. louiS, Missoori October 1881 January 16, t862 175ft 51ft 6ft 512 tons 251 men Center1ine paddlewheel, two horizontal engines 9 knots 2' in. casemate, 1 _In. pilothouse blue stnpe on stacks three 8-lnch smoothbores, fOlK 42-pounder nf\e$, SIX 24-pounder smoothbores, one 12-pounder nfle (dec!< gun). In september 1862 two oltha 42-pounders W9Ill reptaced by two 3O-pounder nf\e$. By late 1864 her 8-1f'lCtI guns had been replaced by 9-inch amoolhtxlres, and her two r1lfl'l8l"'"lil
42-poundefs by two l00-pounder nlles.
The We,tern Gunboat Flotilla In action during lhe nllval engagement off Fort Pillow (labeled Fort Wright In the lithograph), M.y 10, 1862. Although Inaccurate, It c.pture. the lrenetlc nature 01 the battle. oN Fort Pillow lind Memphl. which decided the Illte of the upper MI..I..lppl River. (USNHCj
Operallonal history: Assault on Fort Henry, Tennessee (February 1862). Assault on Island No. 10 (March-ApOIl862). Assault on Fort Pdlow, Tennessee (Apnl-May 1862). Rammed and sunk off FOf1 Pllow, May 10, 1862. RaIsed and repalred. Operations on Yazoo RIvet (November-Dec.nber 1862). Assault on Fort Hindman, Ar1
Type: Built: Launched: CommIssioned:
Length: Beam: Draught: DIsplacement: Crew: ~,
Am>oc ldenllfied by.
City class [aka ·Calro classj C7 In class) River casemate ironclad James B. Eads Yard, 51. Louis, Missouri OCtober 1861 January 16, 1862 175ft
51h 6h 512 Ions 251 men centerline padcllewheel. two honzontal
9 2' In. casemate. 1 in, pdothouse
green stnpe on stacks 1tlr8e 8·tneh smoothbores, four 42-pounder ntles, SIX
32-pounder nfles, one 12-poundef nfle (deck gun). In 5eptember 1862 two of her 8-Inch guns W8fe removed, and three 9-inCh smoothbores added, wtwIe two of the 42·pounders were replaced by two 3O-pounder nlles. By 1864 she was tined WIth a SIngle 1ClO-pounder nfIe in place 01 her rern8l11lng 42·pounders. and her remawung 8-1OCh gun was replaced by a fourth 9-tneh pIeCe. Operabonal htstory. Assault on Fort Donelson, T91'V"1eSS88 (February 1862). Assault on IsIancf No. 10 (Mafch-ApriIl862). Banle of Mempl"lIs, June 6. 1862. Engagement WIth the CSS Arlwlsas above VIcksburg. July 15, 1862. Operallons on Yazoo RIV« (NovemberDecember 1862). Assault on Fort HlOdman, Mtansas (January 1863). Operallons off VICksburg. Tennessee (April 1863). Assault on Grand Gulf, MISSISSIppi (April 1863). PartICIpated in the Red RIVer ExpeditIOn (Mard't-May. 1864). Commander Benjamtn M. Dove (January-September 1862), lJeutenant-Commander RiChard W. Meade Jr. (5eptember--December 1862). LJeutenant Robert K. Riley (December 1862). lieutenant Elias K. Owen (December 1862-5eptember 1864), lJeutenant-Commander George Bacon (OCtober 1864--end of war).
The City clan Ironclad USS Carondola' pictured fighting the Ironclad CSS Arkansas on the Yuoo RIver, July 15, 18&2. This engraving was Ilrst published In Rea,...Admlral Henry Walke's Na.,a' See.... and Reminiscences o( 1M CMf War In the United Sta'••, 1877. Walk. commanded the Union Ironclad In the ac:Uon during which she was badly dllm898d, and then abandoned. (CHCj
City class (aka "calfO class1 (7 in class) RIV8l" casemate lrOf1dad James B Eads Yard, Mound CIty, Illinois
""", l.o""""'"
eoovn_ Longtft,
Draught: Displacement: Crew: Propulsion: Speed:
I 'f ,
Identified by:
The _II-delencled o;ity 01 Y1cQburv. T.n"............1,...;1 In Confederate hands until its wrrender to General UIys... S. Grant on July 4, 1863. It. high
liver bhstfs were lined with
Confederate heavy "una, lind made eny attempt to bypass the city en utremllty hazardous undertaking. (Authon c:ollectlonl
OCtober 1861
January 16. 1862 175ft 51ft 6ft 512 tOflS
Centef'llne paddlewheel, two honzontsl engines
9 knots
2'.ln. casemate, 1',in. pilothouse orange strip and/or slar on stacks (varied over time) three a-Inch smoothbores, four 42-poundef nfles, SIX 32-~ nfles, one 12-pcll.KWje( nfte (deck gun). By 1863 two of the 42-pouoders Wen! replaced by a 3O-pounder and a 5O-pcll.KWje( nfte. By 1864, her r8ma1llIllg two 42-pounders and two 32-pounder5 had been f8lTlOV8d. and had been replaced by lOll" 9-lI'lCh smoothbores. One further 32-pounder was also replaced by a SIOgIe 1ClO-pounder nfIe,
OpetatlOOal hIstory. ActlOfl 8t Columbus, Kentucky (February 1862), Assault on Island No, 10 (March-Apnl 1862). Assault on Fort PIllow, Tennessee (Apnl-May 1862). Rammed IwIce and damaged off Fort Pillow, May 10-11. 1862. RepaIred. Operattons on White River, Arkansas (June 1862) and Yazoo River (August 1862). Damaged dUring bombardment 01 5t Charles, Arkansas, June 17, 1862. Operations off Vicksburg. Tennessee (April-June 1863). Assault on Grand Gulf, Mississippi (Apnl 1863). Participated In the Red River Expedllton (Marcn-May, 1864). Commander Augustus H, Kilty (January-August 1862), ActIl"l9 Commanders' Master John A. Dubie (June-Ju!y 1862), l.JeuIenantCommander Wilkam Gwm (August--5eptember 1862), Ueu1enant Byron Wilson (OCtober 1862-January 1864), l.Jeu1enant Amos R. t...angthome (Fflbruaf'y--Nove 1864), Ac11f'lg Master Coleman (December 1864-January 1865), l.Jeu1enant Gnffrth W.O. Pat1erson (January 1865-«1d of wat).
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Pie" 01 the naval ettack on Grand Gulf, Mississippi, in
Apl11 1863. In addItion to c:ombatl~ the
'i"e-knot current durirltl the live· hour bombardment. Reproduced Irom the Official Reeard' of the Union and Confederate Navie•.
(Author'. collection)
_._--_._-----. _---. --~--_
I ( ~
, .. ,., . , .. or •
Type: BUJh:
Launched: Commissioned: Length:
Beam: Draught:
C<ew. Propulslon: Speed,
identified by: Armament:
City class [aka "Cairo class1 (7 in class) River casemate Ironclad James B. Eads Yard, $1. LouIs. Missouri October 1861 January 25, 1862
175ft 5,"
512 tons 251 men CMltef1ioe pacldlewheel, two horizontal
9 knot, 2 >In. casemate, 1 .In. pilothouse light brOwn stnpe on stacks. and tal funnels. three 8-inch smoothb0f9s, two 42-~ ntles, two 3O-pounder ntles, SIX 32-pounder ntles, one 12-pounder
smoothbore (deck gun).ln May 1863, two of her 32-pounders were replaced by two 9-tneh smoothbores, and by the end 01 the year one of her 8-tnch smoothbofes had been replaced by a lQ().pounder nlle. and her 42-pounders had been swrtched fot 9·inch nlles. In september 1862. two of her 101M remaining 32-pounders were removed. OpefatJonal history Assaull on Fort Donelson, Tennessee (February 1862), Assauh on Island No. 10 (March-ApOll862). Assault on Fort Pillow. Tennessee (Apn~y 1862). OpetatJOnS on Yazoo RIver (NoYember-Decembef 1862). Assauh on Fort HlOdman, Arkansas (January 1863). Opetations at V1cksbufg. Tennessee (AprIl 1863). Badly damaged dUMg assauh on Grand Gull, MlSsisslppi (April 1863). Repaired, and partICipated in attack on Fort Beauregard, Hamsonburg. LouI5l8f18 (May 1863). OperationS on Red Rrver (May 1863), and particIpated In the Red RIVer ExpeciltlOf1 (Man:h-May 1864). Commander Egbert Thompson (January-September 1862), Commanders: LJeutenant-commanderWilliam R. Hoe! (October 1862February 1865), Acting Master Morgan (March 1865-end 01 war).
Type: BUilt:
Launched: Commissioned: Remarks: Length: Beam: Ofaught: Displacement: Crew: PropIJlsIon:
identified by; Armament:
City class [aka "Cairo class1 (7 in class) River casemate ironclad James B. Eads Yard, St. Louis, Missouri October 1861 January 31,1862 On september 8. 1862 she was renamed Ihe USS BBron de Ka/b
51' ••
512 Ions
251 men Centerline pac:kUewheei. two horizontal engines a knots 2' in. casemate, 1 .In. pilothouse yelloW band on stacks ttwee a·inch smoothbores, lOll' 42-pounder rilles, SIX 32-pounder rilles, one 12-pounder nile (deck gu't). In OCtober 1862 two of her 42-po..nders were replaced by 3O-pounder nlles. Two months later two 1CH1ch smoothbores were added. By eariy 1863, one of these had been removed, along wrth one of her
were rupla:;ed by two 9-n:::h smoothbores. Her two ftlITI8II'ling 42-pou1ders were also 11!tl'lC/II'8d. OpennlOl'lSl tlIstory: Assault on Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Tennessee (February 1862). Damaged dl.Wlt"lQ Fort Hervy attack, but f'epaKed. Anack 8..Jnch smoothbores. and the pair
on Columbus, Kentucky (February 1862). Assault on Island No. 10 (Mateh-Apnll862). Assault on Fort Pillow, Ternessee (April-May 1862). Battle of Memphis (June 1862). Operallons on the WhIte RIVer (June 1862). OperatlOflS Of\ Yazoo RlIIer (November-December 1862). Attack Of\ Fort HIndman, Arkansas (JantJal)' 1863). and on Fort Pemberton. Tallahatchie River (March 1863). Operations on Yazoo River (March-May 1863). Sunk. by a torpedo off Yazoo City, July 13, 1863. Ueutenant Leonard Paulding (January-~I 1862), LIeutenant Henry Erben (April-June 1862), Lieutenant Wilson McGunnegle (June-July 1862). captain John A. Winslow (Juty-October 1862). lJeutenant.(;ommander JotvI G. WaM<et' (October 1862-Ju1y 1863).
Class: Type: Convetted at:
Benton class (1 in class) RIver casemate ironclad James 8. Eads Yard, SI. louis. MlS50Un Formerly e catamaran-hulled snagboat known as Submanne No.7. She served as the flagship 01 the Western Guoboat
FIoMa. Nicknamed "Old Warhorse: Bought Into service: November 1861 Commissioned: February 24. 1862 Length: 202ft Beam: 72ft Draught 9ft Displacement: 633 tons Crew: 176 men PropulsIon: Stem paddlewheel, two inclined engtneS SJ-!: 5 knots AImor: 2.11"1. casemate, 2·"n. pilothouse Armament; two 9-n:h smoothbonls, seven 42-pcu'1def- nfIes, seven 32-opc:uder nl'Ies. By August 1862 ttwee of he>- 42-pclU'1ders had been removed, and were replaced by an extra 32~ and two 5Q.pounder nfIes. A 12-opc:uder howrtzer was also c.riecI as a deck gun. In January 1863, two of her 32-poundefs were replaced by an addilJonal pair of g·1nch smoothborM. By the end of the year, two 32-p;:lUl'lders and lour 42-pounders had been removed, and were replaced by two 100·pounder nlles and another lour 9·lnch smoothbores. mak.lng her one of the most powerful vessels on the MiSSissippi. Opefational history: Assault on Island No. 10 (March-Apri11862. Assault on Fort P~low, Tennessee (April-May 1862). Bailie of Memphis, June 6, 1862. Engagement with the CSSArllansas above VIcksburg, July 15, 1862. 0petat1Ol"lS on yazoo River (August-December 1862). Operations off VicI<sbu'g, Temessee ~ 1863). OperatJons on Red RIver. PartlCIpllted 11"1 the Red RIver Expedition~, 1864). Expecfrtlon up Red River 10 caplunt the CSS M/SSO(JfI (June 1865). Commanders: lJeutenant..commander S. Ledyard Phelps (March-September 1862), Lleutenant..commander William GWln (OCtober-December 1862). Lieutenant George P. Lord (January-febroary 1863). Lieutenant-Commander James A. Greer (March 1863-September 1864), Lieutenant May (OCtober 1864), Ueutenant·Commander Edward Y. McCauley (November 1864-end of war).
Type: BUilt:
CommISSlOOOd: Leogth:
"""'" Crew:
t>_, Pro,,,"'"''
Chillicothe class (1 In class) River casemate ironclad Joseph Brown Yard, CIOCInnatJ, Ohio OCtober S, 1862 December 3, 1862 162ft
SOft 40 ~l00men
395 tons &de paddlewheels and two screws, two engll"l8S
7 knots 2m. casemate, 3on. pilothouse, lIn. deck two 11·1nCh smoothl:xxes. A 12-pounder smoothbore deck gun Am","e"" was added In October 1863. OperatlOMl history. OperntJons OIl WhIte RIver, assault on Fort HIndman, Arbnsas (January 1863). Operations on Yazoo RIYef, attack on Fort
Pemberton. MISSISSIppi (M8Id'I1863). PartICipated
the Red
RIver ExpeclltlOl'l (March-April1864). l..ieutenant-commander James P. Fosler (December 1852september 1863}.lJevtenant Hervy 51 C, Eytmge (5eplember...()ctober 1863). l.Jeuteoanl P. Couthouy (November 1863-March 1864), ActIng Master Smrth (ApnhJune 1864),l.Jeutenant Geofge P. lofd (July 1864-eod of war).
Type: Remarks:
Commissioned: length: Beam: Draught: Crew: Displacement: Propulsion:
Armor: Armament:
Eastport class (1 in class) River casemate Ironclad ram Incomplete Conledemte lrondad, captured by Union gunboats al Cerro Gordo, Tennessee. on February 8, 1862. Completed at Mound City. then New Albany, Indiana, by August 1862, but problems with hull detenoration delayed hef entry into active
service. January 9, 1863
2800 43ft
6' It approKimately 150 men
approKlmately 700 Ions Side paddlewheels, two engines appm)(imately 9 knots probably 21n. casemate
51)( 9-inch smoothbores, two 1CX>-pounder nfIes. By June 1863 two of the 9-inct1 guns had been replaced by two 5O-pounder rifles.
OperatIonal history: Grounded and damaged near VICksburg, Tennessee (February 1863). Repaired. PartICIpated in the Red RIVer ExpeditIOn (March-April 1864). Badty damaged by mine on Red Rivef, April 15, 1864. Destroyed to prevent capture, April 26. 1864.
LJeutenarrt-<:ommander I..ec:iy.W Phelps (Jantay 1863April HI64).
"""'"""'" Be."" Length:
Dn"'9"" C<ew DIsplacement: Propublon,
In(Mnoia class (1 in class) River casemate Wonclad Joseph Bmwn Yard. ClflCl/lnau. OhIO september 4, 1862 January 14, 1863
175ft 52ft
511 tons $Ide paddlewheels and two screws, four engines 6 knots 31n. casemate (2ln. at rear), lin. deck Annoc two l'-inCh smoothbores (forward). two 9-lnch smoothbores (aft) Armament: Operational histoty. OperatIOnS off Vicl<sblwg. Tennessee (February 1863). Blockade of Red RIV8r (February 1863). Rammed dunng engagement with Confederate gunboats off New Carthage, MiSSISSIppi, February 24, 1863. Grounded and captured. Destroyed by Confederates to Pfll'o'ent reocapture, March 4. 1863. Raised January 1865. lleu1enant-Gornmander George Brown (OCtober 1B62-Marcl1 1863) Commanders:
The USS Neo,ho bombarding a Conlederate shore battery at Sell" Mill, below Nashville, Tannes_, December e, 18&4. sn. was hit over 100 times In thle action, wlthovt sustaining any real damage. SM sHem:ed the Confederate battery. LIthograph. IUSHHCI
Type: Remarks:
CommiSSioned: Length: Beam: Ol'aught: Crew; Displacement: Propulsion:
Speed: Armor:
Choctaw class (1 in class) RIver casemate ItOI'ICIad ram Formerty the nv« steamer Nebraska. she was acqUIAld by the US Navy on september 27, 1862, renamed, and converted Il1to an Ironclad in New Albany, Indiana (some accounts state St. louiS. Missouri). March 23, 1863 260ft 69ft 8ft 106 men 1,004 tons Side paddlewheels, two engines 7 knots 21n. casemate (tin. at rear, plus 110. of inner rubber lining), 21n.
pilothouse, 1m. deck one 9-mch smoothbore, one lOO-pounder nfle, two 3O-pounder rifles. In May 1863 two 24-pounder smoothbores went added. By September 1863 the 24-pounders had been replaced by two 12·pounder rifles, and two addltJOnal9-lflCh smoothbores. OperatlOl'lal hlstoty. Oper'auons on yazoo A!vef (April-May 1863). Damaged dunng attack on Hayne's BluM, MISSISSIppi, but repalr9d. Par1Jclpated in the Red RIVer ExpeditlOfl (Marctt-May 1864). Pursuit 01 the CSS Webb (AprIl 1865). Commanders: lJeutenant·Commander FI'8flClS M. Ramsay (March 1863september 1864). lJeulenant-Commander John J. Cornwell (October 1864-end of war). Armament:
USS LAFA VETTE Class: Type: Remarks:
Lafayette class (1 in class) River casemate ironclad ram FOIll'lElfIy the nver steamer Aleck Scott, she was purchased for use as an Army transport in 1861, and renamed the USS Fort Henry. On September 14, 1862 she was acqUired by the US Navy lor use as an irooclad, and was converted at the James B. Eads Yard, 51. louiS, Missouri, where she was renamed.
February 27.1863
280ft 45ft 8ft
Speed, Annoc AnMmon'
210 men 1.193 tons SIde paddlewheels, two englfl9S 4 knots
2' '1n. casemate (plus 211'I. of lfYleI" rubbef brnng). .-tn. deck two 11·1nCh smootIlbores. l<:u 9-tnch S1,lCJOthbores, two
100-pounder fifIeS.1n Apri 1863 feu 24-pounder howitzers added. In May 1863. two of her 9-1nCh gu'l5 wen! rumoved, together WIth two of the 24-pounders. Two 12-pounder nowrtzers 'NeAt fitted 1'1 their place. Opefa!JOOBl h1s10fY OperatIOnS ofllJicksl:ug, Tennessee (April 1863). AssaUt on Grand GAl. M'SS'Ssppi (April 1863). ExpeditIon up Reel AMlr to capture the CSS Webb (May 1863). Partopated 1'1 the Red RIver ExpedrtJon {Mlwt:h--May 1864). ExpeditIon up Reel RIver to capture the CSS MISSOtM'I (Jt.I'le 1865). 'NeAt
Captain HerYy Walke (Febtualy--August 1863). UeutenantCommander James P. Foster (5eptember 1863-ilnd of war).
••., •• ~
. l
The City cia.. Ironclad US5 ClnclnrnJtl. phot~",phed Hmewhe~ on the Western rive.., moSI probably Ihe Mi..lsslppl. durl"i! Ihe spring 01 t8&3. u.undry lines have been rigged from her mainmast, Ind Iwnlngs hIve been spread 10 cover her exposed spar deck from the sun's rlIIYs. jUSNHC)
~Unlled StIles MI..Isslppl Ounbolll being buill at Clrondolet, nelr 51 Louis. MlsHUrl. M Engravl"i! published In Harper's Weekly, QetOber!l, t8&l. AlthoUilh Hmewhlt lnaccurllte. It purports to lhow IhIo construction 01 Ihe wood... Iramel 01 four of the City class vessels. (USHHC)
Tuscumbia class [aka "Improved Chillicothe class1 (1 In class) River casemate Ironclad Sui": Joseph Brown Yard. New Albany, Indiana Launched: December 12, 1862 Commissioned: March 12, 1863 Length: 178ft Beam: 75ft Draught: 7ft Crew: 130 men Dtsplacement: 575tons PropuISlOfl: Side paddJewheels and Single screw, four rogtnes $peed: 10 knots Armor. 3lf'I. casemate (2111. at rear). 1in. deck Am1ament: thIee l1-roc:h snWXJthboruS (forward), two 9-inch SlfllClOtilores (aft) OperatlOllal hlstory: 0peIab0ns 00 Teta usee River, attaclt 00 Fort HlWnan (Match
Henry A. Walke, USN 118O$-H1, pictured enet' hi, pf'Ol'lOtlon to n1ar-adml,..1 In 1810. Ttlla hloghly e.perian<;ed V1rvinlan-bom "",vel officer commal'lded tIM USS carondoIet In 1882, than went on to commend 11M USS H. waa promoled 10 tIM ,..nk 01 captain In "''''Vuat 1862, makl,., him one of the most .."Ior naval office... In the Wesl.rn Gunboat Flotilla. (CHCI
1863). Operallons on yazoo River (April 1863). OperatiotlS off \Iicksburg, T8lTI8SS8lI (April 1863). A.$saljt on Qa"ld Gulf, M'$$ISSW (Aprl1863). Damaged but rep8Jr9d. Structural and mechanical ptOO6el,$ prevented futtlef 8CtJIIe S8MC6. 0ec0fm1'SSI0ned in Februlwy 1865. lJeu'teoant-eommander James W Shirk (M3fCh-October 1863).
aas.. Type: Butlt: Launched: CommisSlOlleCl: length:
Neosho class (2 in class) River monitor
Urwon Irtlf'lWOrks, Caroodolet, MISSOUI'l February 18,1863 May 13, 1863
Draught: Crew: Displacement: Propulsion: Speed: Armor: Armameot:
4 • 100_ 523 tons
S!8m paddlewl'leel. two honzontaJ engines
7. knots 2'>in. hUll, 61n. turret. 1'.-2 in. deck two l1-inch smoothbores (turret); one 12·pounder rifle (deck gun) added In mld·l864 Operational history: Attack on Morganza, louiSiana (December 1863). Participated in the Red River Expedition (March-May, 1864). Operations 00 Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers (December 1864). Ueutenant Samuel Howard (September 1863-end of war). Commanders:
TIM City cia.. caaemat. Ironclad USS I.ou/avllla, photog•• pht'd aom.whenl on the W.,I.rn "v.,. du""i tIM l.at y..... 01 the CiVil War. Th. photog.eph Walll reproduced from Francl, T.....lyn Mill••• TIt
Type: Built: Launched: CommiSSIOned: Length:
Beam: Draught:
Neosho class (2 in class) River monitor Union IronWOf1(s, Carondolet, Missouri January 13. 1863 July 10, 1863
45' 4 •
, 00 """
523 tons
Pl'opulSlOO: Speed
Stem paddJewheel, two nonzootal
12 knots
2'..In. hul, 6in. turret, 1 ...... deck two 11·inch smoothbores (turret); one 12-pounder nfIe (deck gun) added In mtd-l864 Operational history: Operauors on the Black River, lDuislana (Fel:lnay 1864), Operatla IS on Ouachta Rrver,l..!ll.Jsa-1a (Mart:tI1864), Damaged by enemy shore bettenes. Aepand. Plnc1pated n the Red RlYer Expel:Ibon (M<wctt-May, 1864). R
M, ~ (JanuaIy-March 1865).
USS OZARK Class: Type: Built Launched Commissioned Length: Beam: Draught: Crew: Displacement: Propulsion: Speed: Armor: Armament:
Ozark class (1 in class) River monitor Hambleton's yatd, CoIII91", Peoria. Illinois February 18. 1863 February 18, 1864
,BOlt 5011
120 men 578 tons Twin screws. four engines (type unknown) 6 knots 2'in. hull, 61n, turret. l' .in. deck two 11·lnch smoothbores (turret): one 1O-inch smoothbore, three 9-inch smoothbores (deck) Operational history: Participated in the Red River Ex.pedllion (March-May, 1864). Commanders: Acting Master George W. Browne (March 1864-March 1865). Acting Master John Powell (ApriI1865-erld of war).
OTHER RIVER IRONCLADS III ;ldditiun 10 lhe abmc' ironclad.., two other classes orw,lI"hipl> ilre wUlth tilL" did not M"t:' acti\C scnicc on lhe ~Ii<;si....ippi RiHor.
noling:. lhollg:h
Milwaukee class
Th("o(' rmn lou'g"e t'\;1I.[1I1Tt;'IL'1:1 n\L'r monilor~ (Chidwsnw. KuJUlIJOO.. ,\Jlhlvwm,
and 11711l1doago) have becil {k">Clibcd in Umoll Momlor 1861--65 «().,prt:\ 1\'("\\ Vanguard Sclics. No. '15). Although dcsib'1K'd lll> liver ironclads. lIll'" all .... w senicc with the \\<..... tem Gulf 1\lockading Sclll.'ldron. and pbn.-d 110
229ft 56ft 6ft 138 men
DIsplacement Propulsion: Speod Anno<' Armament:
Four SCf8W$, four horizontal ef'IglrleS 9 knots 8.n. turret and pllothouse. 1'.in. deck and hull four l1-inch smoothbores in two twin-turrets
B"."" Draught:
1,300 tons
Marietta class Thc~l' ~illgk-lllrrclcd
rivet llloililur~ (J\lariel/lj alld '\(/lull/lli),) weft' 1;,id dO\\1l in IHfi~ ;\1 the Tnmil~orl. Ilartapcl.: 8.: Cn. V:\lc! at l'ilL~burgh. J'l.:IIIll>Y]VOIlll;1. Allhullg"h holh w;I1' t'll(kd
wcrt: bUllched illJ:I1I11;\1'\
till'\' \I'('l'l' lOlllllli,~iolH:d.
17011 6Of1
6ft 100men
DIsplacement: PJ'opulSlOrt: Speod, An1><>c Armament:
479 tons SIngle sct9W, two englO8S 9 knots &n. t~ and pilothouse, 1 010. decIl; and hul two 11·1nch smoothboAII8 In slI'Igle twJn·tumtl
BIBLIOGRAPHY Thl.' rollU\\ing rl.'adih ,l\ M/llilliIJIJi: ,.i1'1'1 {/(/I//PI Ihal .II/lil till' COIIJrdmtf)'. Sarpcdull. IYY6 (;(l\lll'l, Alan. GIIIIJ 011 IIII' IIh/rrll l\,tl('1\: Till' ~f()/)' IIf rill/'/ J.,'lllllxxth /1/ IIJr> Ch'/l \\(/I~ Luui:.i'lIl;1 Sl,th' l!lliwl... il\ Press, 19-19 Jonn, Virgil Carringtol1, TIlt· C/vi/I\{'l"al Sf'lt. Iiolt & Rirwh,lrt, IYGI ~lu"i("all1. h~lIl. Dip/rlt'd IInfrn: Tllr> ,\'(IT'(lJ 111.\/01) of tilt' ell'if 1\;'11. C.I~lk Hooks. 1995 1':.tSh. I IowaI'd P..Jr.. A SOl'itlllu(of)' ofII" en},J Hi-'f; AS. litfllc.·.. & (AI .• 1972 Riplt'\. "',tn'cn. Artlll")' alUl :\",mllllt/tOtl of/I" CiIJtI Hi-If; \'an :-':mllOmd. 1970 Ru..h. Rich.lrd (L'd.). Ufftntll UKmrL\ of II". ('n;otl alld COIifrr.lnnu ,\'ITI'/1"l ;11 (I" U'ar ofII" 1?rIx/lio" [303 \Ollllll("j. ~cllunent IJ,iILUIlIo{ Ollicc.·. 1~1:;""19<21 Sihl",..,tOllc. 1~1l1 II.. I\(mlll/J{ ofII" Cia/11m- Xm..~ l':a\~t1II1..tillue Prt-....... 19.."19 L'nderwood. Rolx-11. (ed.). !jllUlt"lllmIIAllinJ of /Iu' (:;1';/111.,,; """[{for 1Ju>",05I /Nlrt (OlI/rlbllliQlu Uy' {'1I;01l (,;;' Corifrdmllr Uflicm; 14 \ohlllw.. I, UI;Wllollh printed ill (~1/IIl1) MllfZ1/;:.Wt>, 1~7: reprimed 1)\ Ca."lIe I\O()f...~, 19:->6
COLOR PLATE COMMENTARY Plate A: USS Essex, USS Benton In September 1861 the US Army purchased the centerline paddle ferryboat New Era IOf COOVerSIOO Into a wooden gunboat Renamed the Essex. she was then converted by James BEads of 51 lOUIS 1Il10 a casemate II'OOCIad Her dlSllOdJVely hlgh casemate housed two decks, a lower gundeck and an upper accommodallOfl level. A semI' sphencal steel cupola lopped her welH)totected round pilothouse. and combined WIth her slab-Sldes, this gave hef a ullIque profile on the Western nYet'S. The Essex saw sefVlCe at Fort Henry (when she was hit in the steam drum), at VICksburg. Natchez, Port Hudson (when she was damaged again). and on the Red River. She was Widely regarded as an unlucky ship. as she was frequently damaged or $uHered from
some kind of mechanICal problem. Despite thiS. she was a VItal part of the river IrOflCIad fleet. The USS Benton began life as a nYer recovery vessel. Of Msnagboa'" known as SubrrlMne No.7. She was converted IOto an roncIad lolowlng a design proposed by James B, fads which Involved declong t:YoIet the space between the vessel's two catamaran huUs. wtwch became the gundeck. TlHs was then protected by an armored casemate, and lopped With an armored pllothouse. Her bow was also redesigned. When she entered SBlVtC8 in February 1862 she was conSidered the most powertul vessel in Western waters.
Moll"" City c.an be Identified from the other v....I. In her c ...... by thto distJnctlQ .tNCture built on top of tler armored pilothouse to Improve vl.lblllty, the deckhouN built In lront 01 her .tem paddlewh... boll, ilnd by the identltylng .t8,.. on her .mokestacks, a design she altemilted with o,..nge-colo,ed band•. (USNHCI The City c"'n lronclad USS
and she was duty made the flagshIp of the Western Gunboat Flotilla. She saw actIVe SElMCe dumg the war at Istand No. 10, Fort Pillow. Memptvs. VICksburg. the upper Yazoo Rrver. and on the Red Rrver. Plate B: The USS Mound City running past Vicksburg, April 1863
In Apfi11863 Admiral Porter's nver Ironclads above VICksburg were ordered to pass the city dUring the night of Api'll 16, arid Join the ocean-going fleet further downstream. He prepared hiS ships by pamtlng the huUs and casemates black. and Piling logs around the engine houSingS. and spreading damp hay on the upper decks In addJllon. tugboats. coal barges Of sman gunboats were lashed to the starboard SIde of the warships fOf extra buoyancy.
The City cl••• lronchtd USS Pitlsburvh, photographed s.omewne.. 0f'I the W"tem rive,.. duri"'ll the wa" She participated In many 01 the main 8(:tlon. 01 the w,r, Including the attsck. on Fort Donel.on, 1.l,nd NO. to. Fort Pillow, Vicksburg, and Grend GUll. (USNHC)
Th. photograph., captured the City class Ironclads USS 8aron d. Kalb (formerly St. Louis) with th. USS Cincinnati (right) at anchor on the Mlsslllllppl RIver, off CaIro, illinois, In early t883. In another vef'1J1on of the phot09raph, the USS Mound City can be seen anchored behInd Ihe Cincinnati. (USNHC)
Porter In the USS Benton would lead, followed by the USS Lelayette. then the four Cairo class Ironclads USS LouIsVIlle. USS Mound CIty, USS Pittsburgh and USS carondelet Three army transports and the USS Tuscumbia brought up the rear. At 20.00 hours they got underway. lOCfeaslng thelr speed as they turned the bend Into the southerly curve 01 the MISSISSIppi RIvet" whICh !lowed past VICksburg and ,ts commanding bluffs Alerted to the presence 01 the squadron by sentnes, the Conledefates I.t tar bamlls along the shore and fired calcium ftares Into the mght sky to Illuminate the targets lor their gunners. At this point most of the accompanylng barges were cast loose. as they were provmg an encumbfance. and the Umon stups opened flre as they ran past the shore banen&S. The fire was returned tenfold, but desptte the fearful exchange of shot, all of the II'OllClacts SUl'Vlyed the passage. battered but unbowed. In thiS depiction the View is shown from the perspective 01 an observer on the LQ(J/Svllie. and shows the Mound CIty in the foreground, followed by the two other City class IronClads which followed betllnd her.
Plate C: USS Chillicothe, USS Indianola Designed by the naval architect samuel Hartt. the USS ChIllICOthe was a sma". vulnerable casemate Ironclad. and was wtually a smaller ver3I()n of the USS Tuscumbia, whose plans I\ad a1ready beell drawn up when the ChlnlCOthe was ordered. She shared the structural defects and deslgn faults 01 the larger ship. and It was foood that her hull was hard-pressed to carry the wetght 01 her armor and ordnance She earned two 11-tndl Dahlgren smoothbores Ir1 her bow. which gave her a ~ punch whlch partly overcame her other faults Unfortunately her poof armored protectooled to her being damaged dunng the attack on Fort Pemberton on the TaUahatchle Rrver AI1hough she partICIpated In the Red Rrver expedrtoo. she tool<; Irttle actIVe part In the war after the summer of 1864. The USS Indianola was de5lQned by Joseph Brown of Cincinnati, and was deslQned to incorporate Improyements oyer the City class of river Ironclads, Two l1-inch Dahlgren smoothbores mounted on Plyots were fitted In a fOfWard casemate which allowed the guns to be fired from three ports (forward. abeam and on the stern quarter). Two 9-lnch Dahlgrens fired astern out of ports litted between the irorlClad's tWin side paddlewheels. Her one design flaw was her additional twin screws, whose machinery took up all the space that would otherwise have been available for the crew·s quarters, She was captured by a tno of Confederate rams. but the vessel had to be destroyed before It coold be pressed ,nto Confederate servICe. Plate 0: USS Cairo
One of seven Crty class casemate lrOtIClads. the USS Galro was the fastest wonclad ,n Its class, and one of the most unfortunate Along with two SISter ships. she was built at Mound City. IJlIOOlS, dunng late 1861. and she entered servICe on January 25, 1862. Within three weeks she was Ir1 actJ()(l at Fort Henry. Tennessee. then went on to take part 111
The largoe Ironclad USS Benlon, photographed al anchor off Nalche~, MIssissippi, In mld-HI64. Her powerfulal'mllment and s~clou. liIundec:k made her an Ideal cholc. as flagship 01 the Wellam Gunboat Flotilla In the aar1y part of the Mississippi River campaign. IUSNHC}
the assaults on Island No. 10 and Fort Pillow. She played a leading part in the naval Battle of Memphis (June 6, 1862), and was refitted In the late summer of 1862. On December 12, 1862, during an expedition up the Yazoo River she struck two tOfpedoes (mines), and sunk. Her remains were discovered in 1956. and the hull was raised. The Irooclad'S skaletal remains now form part of a naval display at the VICksburg MIlitary Par1<., Tennessee. Plate E: USS Choctaw, USS Tuscumbia The USS Choctaw and her near SIster the USS Lafayette were deslgned to be a second generation of nver IIOOCladS, Incorporating all the Improvements whICh had been suggested from expenence WIth the CIty class vessels. Destgned by Commander Wdham Porler, the Choctaw was converted ITom a nver steamer, and entered servICe on March 23, 1863, Although Porter had deslgned her as a ram, she lacked the power to use her remlorced bows as a weapon. Her malO armament was concentrated 11"1 a lorward casemate, while two smaUer guns fired ffom broadside and stem ports In addmon, two 24-pounder howrtzers were placed beneath her p«rthouse, where they coukI sweep her decks If anyone tned to board her She saw extensive servICe around \fIcksbla'g, and on me Yazoo and Red RIvers dunng the last years 01 the war The USS TusctJmt:Na was 13K:! down m earty 1862 and CCltIll'TlISSIO a year later. In MardI 1863. Although designed by the expenenced naval art:hltaet Joseph Brown, her hull constructIOn was subcontmcted to a New Albany builder who took ~nle care 10 the quality of his wor1<.. As a resoIt the vessel was poorly and hastily built, and the strength 01 the hull was IOSUfficlef\t to support the wetght of the arTllOf the vessel was designed to carry. It had ongmaDy been eovtSaged that she would be a smaller verslOO of the Choctaw design, and a larger and better armored vefSIOfI of the Cf'IIllICothe. Instead, she was a white elephant. lackIng the Choctaw's ruggedness and suffenng !rom the same structural and mechamcal problems which p1a9ued the ChIlliCothe. The deck soon warped. and reJnlorcements had to be added to protect her bollers. Both pilothouse and paOdlewheels were exposed, so after a dismal performance dunng the attack on Grand Gulf, MISSISSippi, In Apnl 1863, she was Withdrawn from service. She was decommissioned before the waf had even ended, and her crew reassigned to more useful vessels.
"The USS ~ .nd USS Nfllslto depicted rvnnl/'liil tnrou5Jh • V'P In the Red River O.m ne.r A1ex.ndm, ~n...s, on Ma, II, 1884. "The p;I~ took ad,.. nlage 01 an acc:ldef'lal bre.k In ~ dam, wtllc:h ..., boNn built br the Ann, to nlise ~ river Iev~ .nd " .......... th
Plale F: Running through the Red River Dam, May 1864
Dunng the Red River Campatgn of early 1864. UnIOn military setbacks and lalling nver levels made It h'9hly likely that AdmIral POr1er's !leel 01 Umon Ironclads would be stranded on the Red River near AJexandna, lOUISiana, unable to cross a stretch of shallows and rocks below the City. What followed was a stroke of englneenng genius. A former cIvil engineer turned cavalry commander offered to build a dam, to raIse the water level. The nver was some 250 yards Wide just below the rocks, bUI lhe engineers. aided by 3,000 soldiers, built a wooden tree dam to block the river, helped by a rock outcrop on the southern side of the river. Thfee coal barges were sunk to block the central section, and the water levels rose. On May 9 the water pressure drove two of the barges downstream, lorclng a lorrent 01 water to run through the gap. Porter ordered the USS Lexington, USS Osage. USS Neosho and the USS Fort Hmdman to "surf" through the gap. Six ironclads were still stranded upstream, so a secondary dam was built further up'stream, channelling the water so the water level in the centra! portion of the river rose high enough for the remaining ships to ride through two days later, on May 11. The plate shows the passage of the USS carondolet, USS PIttsburgh and the USS Mound City, watched by onlookers on the shore, Some of the ironclads' side armor had been removed before the attempt. and many of their guns and stores had also been landed and hauled along the "The USS
fe.lured In a enllra..l", br F.H. SC:hell
lIIu,tr.U", th
0' her slem guns, probably a. a 'Iilnal. IUSNHCI
TlMt "rangely shaped USS
Chill~othe, In an eng....nng PlJbllshed in Bufford's Magazirte in 1864. Shggln"". IUSNHCj
bank in order to lighten the ships for the altemp!. All three ironclads passed through the dam safely, although it took another day for the USS Chillicothe, USS Ozarlc and the USS Baron de Kalb to make the croSSing. Army engmOOfS had sailed the fleet. which m turn had been placed at nsk by the poor pertormance of the Army Plate G: USS Neosho, USS Ozark The two IfOI"ldads 01 the Neosho class were a radICal design departure from all that had gone belore. An II1Itlal design for a new generalJOn of rrver Ironclad was adapted to ltlCOrpOfate a turret when ~rTlOOItor fever" swept the Umon following the engagement between the USS MonItor and the CSS Vitg1ffl3 (March 1862). James B. Eads produced a design that had a Single, well protected turret. mounted on a cambered deck. A stern paddlewheel was protected by a mound-like armored
boK, but the deckhouse and pdothouse ramalned unprotected to conserve wetght. CommISSlOOed In May 1863. the USS Neosho PfO\Ied her worth dunng operatlOOS on the Red RIVer and the Cumberland Rlvel'". and was regarded as a useful element 01 the fleet The USS Ozark was also a slngle·turreted mOMO!". and was designed to Incorporate a large turret surmounted by an armored pilothouse. and a wooden casemate structure astern of It Four of her SIK guns were mounted In eKposed positions on the alter deck, although it seems that a wooden deck hut was eKtendec! to prollide a mochcum of colier tater In her career She partICipated In the Red River campalQn, and although her lack of speed and protection made her vulnerable. she continued her aet/\/e patrols In the MISSISSIppi RIVer and rts tributanes until the end of the war
Admiral Dallld Porte'" riIIer Ironclads de9lded during the bombardment of Grand Gull. Mississippi. on April 28. 1863. The ships depicted .... (from lett to right), the Benton. no,cumbl., Pittsbu'llh, lat.yetle, louisville, Sal'On de Kalb, .nd C.l'OndoJet. (USNHC)
INDEX ,,.1,-,
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The design, development. operation and hIstory of the machInery of warfare through the ages.
Union River Ironclad 1861-65 At the start of the American Civil War, neither side had warships on the Mississippi River, which was a vital strategic artery. In what would prove to 1x' the decisive naval campaign of the war, both sides fought for conlrol of Ihe river. While the Confederates relied on field fortifications and small gunboats, the Union built a series of revolutionary river
Full color artwork
ironclads. The first seven were commissioned in January 1862, and within two weeks they were tried in battle. 111ese Ironclads spent the next two years battling for control of the Mississippi, fighting in a string of decisive engagements including the Battle of Mobile B.1Y. This book explains how these vessels worked, how they were conslnlcted, how they were manned
Cutaway artwork
Unrivaled detail
how they
were fought.
ISBN 1-84176-444-2