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HTPANEZA Ilt0S4 Goldman Sachs rupepvd rovx6opo Mer6qpoo4: Aprordo Kopvqvdll4
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MarcRo(he, H TpdnEzo.n6s n Goldman Sachst
@ 20t0, Editions AlbinMichel,Paris yl6ooo) @ 2010,EK66o€rs METAIXMIO {yloTnv E),}nvri6 lsBN978-960-50r-193-2 soHe,rc6, MHXrsr 5 193 K ! . n . 2 1 4 1 , K n1.5 3 9
To mp6v apyonv€uFmn3 6'drmb3.p@modor ffi6 $ 6d6(.8 rd EN\.vrxoo N6po! (N.2t 21119936nor &a rpononomS.l er FxJa ony.F) e' nt 6'!ev* ouu6do.6 d.pr iv.(' uomtu 66nnoba Amtop.{lror onolrrro3 n 6ru yponfis 66.8r rou.{66. rcr6 omD 66noE E@ n rp6no owvpdg4 oorodwrln@n xor.vyavd ot/('mpoyoyi,.iuro&ron t 6.ts vao!65, lddopoon, 6|oonurt, ow!!r06oon oro xoNd o. onoE6nnor !op96 (nl.KlpovrKn, pnxovrKn6 6Mn) rcr n €v V,v.r .KlErotuuon rou ouv6l@ i ltpout rou tpyou,
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yto ndwo orn pvr1g41.roqnoworj: ornv 4 GoldmanBp(oKerot nrdrxeuonrnq rpdneqoq LehmanBrothers,or4v el,\r1vu
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H rorop(orrlg GoldmanSachseivor,orrlv npoygorxdrqro, dvo yo4reurrr6 ror dypto oxovopr6 Opi\ep.OSorovogx6q ouw6rrrlg, 6ro6oxrKdorn N6o Y6px4,mtg Bpuq6^Ieq,ornv Oudoryrrov xor oro Aov6(vo,npoono0o0oo ouveXdrgvo KorotrdBon6q l,€rroupye(qur6 ro g6ou6orou 1p{pcnog. Opycirvowogrov nlovnrn, yro vo onorun
rpqne(irngn 6tKny6poq,UroeK6voneolnp6volow key,yrq vct Xpnotponornoouueourn rnv r6roftepny^6qoo, Ufiqq0 yoltuK6v Koroyy}rKdrv,nou U oriv dvero or Poro[\w. E(votndvor on6 6)ro 6vog Bo0rigyvriorqg rqq otrovogtrrlg or4vr1q,rqv ono(o pdltoro erorgd(erorvq eyKorolE(rlar. flprv qn6 eKe(vo ro delnvogog,orLq28 Anp \fou2010,oro eortor6ptoWilton's,ro xohrirepoecnor6proyro rl.rdpr rou nov6ivou,nou np
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H 60vogqrqq GoldmanSachs,rcOdrgrot ro oxdv6d\o nou r4v nep$6N\ouv,e(vot6,n rol\wepo yto ere(vougoroug onolouq nep(ouvtupoo(oq.Auni n qr6lr'rrn rnpnorl opdoouvot Oetop(eq qq otrnqq npooqdpetor, 6uoruldrq, yto rr16t66ooqgrlgtiv rot nlrlpotpoprdrvon6 6ewepo X6pr,nou 6rioroho 6tooroup6vowor. O6)qoovo onoguytoge rdOetp6no rov 6t6ornx6 p60onou onoKoNinretrnv K}.oor4 oriyrpouoq ovdpeoooro KoM xot oro Kor6, roOdrgrot vo grlv r6vto to oqdl\go vo ono6dtqo oxoretoe ere(vouqnou entruyldvouv,rup(tog,Xdpnorn vdq6uv61retq touq. H Tp6ne(o6eve(vorAon6v ofte 11evo6pKoonrou 6ouAErd Koho0 en(rqg yqq owe 116topoturci6tivopq nou notr o[ nepF yp6rpouvoflpepo,or6go xororrlv Ageptxtl. H Goldmanxdvetere(vo,n Goldmanx6vetro 6tr)ro.Ere(voq nou Odletvo epeuvrioerro nopoorrivto, toug rov6veq,rouq K66txegrot ro grpd puom6 tou oy(ourcovoy(tovrqq noyr6olrtoq orxovopbq no0oivet[]rryyo.To eripoqnov 6poorrlptorrSov qq erorpe(oqe(voto4gepo eKflIrlKnKo. H retrewo(o np6xl\r1or1 4rov vo ogrynoti our4 14 odYKoPe 6vqvro6no nou vo e(votrcrtovorS6g16oo orov et6tx6oro xp4pcrroorxovo;tx66oo rot orov o1r0rpo.E^ni(tovo to rm6gepo'
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