OOl'.1 coont of T ool (J: ~ i, , ,,,,finned by Lau,,,,,,,, of Li«:
C~ Ki.,,,,,,,,.
p. ... 0], '''un' "f .-\>,<.... (e"'rnl""''')' .... , lno~.. " '1'",,",
• 1'''''''.
C""",k, Ki.p.m, p_ " 91
• 1-'001". Io,~ "f ">n>--lo-GroOO" ilk (""v, ,\!"unl-.e-..,_.\Io.dle. Fro""'l in ,he h ;, lnrn,," fmm < h.~", ",;den<:< ,h .. h" ~' i f" I bd,,;d. , ,,,;ornl""';..) h;m on eru .. 0010. (B,lWi:" I.:~"'goq) ~"!.n<><>,
11. I
ac princi!",S daTiss im i, ",odern an nl) medi" mem,is AUg'lI.
recto it inere k rus~lem' f. cienies," ;n lt rram Hosterric h"' ~ d ciuita lem T ollenburch," " ubi nuuius Linta" regnum Galik tenn;nal el JiuiJit hospil io resedenml, curri culo trill m ehdornadan"" mensis Septembris, Ut all di rem el imclligerent, qua occasione lIeI' exona scdition~ pCT<:grinoTum cxcrcil us paulo ame hos dies pericrit, CI a proposilO cund; in kru,.km cum 'm;s pri ncipibu. ~l ductoribus auer"" rue';t, ' et iam' c is in "hui am de~p'e"'Jtu' redierit. J<><>
2. Tandem pOST plu ri mu m mal i Tumoris, quid primu m, quid caul ius et consuhius ageTem ad explorandam rem el cTlldclilatem Vnproru m qtla m cgeran(' aducrsus Chrislianos confratres dum sc pius IrnClar<:m, uimm cst omni bus ulik cons;!;um, ut nem;n~m ex nominaliss; mi s CI a piJand s .. iris ad in quisitioncm lam nd amli hom icidii ct sed cris prcmillerCnt, preteT G odcfridum de Asc:o, co quod nolus essel Kalamanno rcgi !crr~, ante muh um tcmpus hoius oie in' k g;ll ioncm dueis Gode frid; missus ad eu ndem regem Vng>rorum. ,\lio$ uero duodedm ekclf1S eJ< familia ipsiu s duds. R;. ldricom. Slabdonem,' IJ CI quorum nomina lalenl, una cum il lo JireXCrll11l, III Icgalioncm la nt orum principum in" hoc modo ap<:r irenT: 'R eg; Vngarorum Kalamanno. G odefridlls dux Lolh aringiorum el cCler i com pri11l0rcs G allic sa lUlcm et omne bonum in Chrislo. Mil1lnlur dom ni et principes noslri cum Chrisli~nc profcssionis Silis, cu r lam cruddi marlyrio cxercitum Dei uiuentis inT~r~m ; Sli s, teTl1Im u~ro d regn um pcnransirt: intcrdixislis. ct uariis c:o lu mni is cOS alTcdstis. Quaproplcr nunc limorc ct dubictalC concussi. 'j'olknburch mOr.l m (acne deereueru m, dunee ex ore regis imdl igam, cur lam crudde faeinu~ a Christi .nis Ch riSl ianorum persccu tor ibus comm issum sit'" 3. Respomli l rn uniuerso celli suorum audien le: 'Non Christianoru m persecutores sumus. sed quicquid illis crud d italis oSlen dimus . au t in illocum interitu wmmisimus, nimia n ~cessi late eompu lsi (ccimus. I 1I.,JJ,;h iKfo" I..-.... Iern T,.,i
• Q,;,..,-,,::h A; H""."<-I1 C ToIl
htl.o.,.•..J /I Tult.nhmch
T,d l"" I.."" ,.j; • • '"_ ACII
•• ;amqu< A U'
• fC«fan' II
• , ... II
' , ... ACII
" Pop< Uro.n him.dflwl..,r II>< J"dor dcran""" ,I>< f.,." of ,I>< ..... ump'jon " ,I>< BkS>-7 " Tu~n (NKdeT60,..-rcich, 1I",,,,i.) i> >om< ' \ mil<> n'""t of \';rnn, on tl>< ""
,. ,1><
II .
knights and very illustrious princes, weIT maLing t he journey by the direct nJute to Je rusa l~m in the mid dle of ,\ u ~St of thc same year." Th~y "t. )"~d in quarters n ~.r t h~ cit y ofT ulln in t he land of Austria, ' / whcrc the rivcr Leith, marks th e bound.r)" and divides the kingdom of G.ul. T hey stayed fm th r~e weeks of Septemher, so that they mi ght lisreo and find out for whar reason or how th e in8urrection had arisen in w·hich. a li11ie while before. the army of pi lgrims had been deslToyed and was turned asi de from its plan of going to Jerusalem wi th its princes and leaders, an d was now coming baek to"·ard s them in despair. 2 . At last, afrer a lot ofdeSlructi'·e tal k as ro whallhey should do first . and ,,·hat would be ~ safe an d ,,·ise way 10 investigate t he truth of the affair and the cr udty the I lung:trians ha d sho"n towards thdr fdlow C hristians when they had d",,1t wit h them on many occasions, it seemed to everyone a sensible plan Ihat t hey sho ul d not send in ad,'ance any of lhe most renownt..J and chid men for an cnquir}' into the abominable murder and wickedness. except Glldfre~' of E.,eh, 1x.·<..""us~ h~ "'s knm'. n to Coloman, the ki ng IIf the coumry, ha,·ing been sent l long while beforc this joomey on an embassy from D uke Godfr~y w thi~ sam~ kin g of Hungary. Th q sent along with him twelve others chosen from th e dukc's household. Baldric, Stabclo," and others ,,·hose names are not known , to disclose the mission of ro many nobles in this ,,·ar: 'T o King Coloman of Hungary God frey. duke of L01haringia , and thc Olher nobles o( Gaul s~n d gr~cti ngs and e, ery token of goodwill in Christ. Ou r !uTds and princes ,,·onder "hy, since you arc " fthe Christian faith, YOII have dcslTol"cd Ihe army of the living God with such . crud martyrdom , and )'ou ha,·c in (,ct forbid den them to pass through ),our land and kingdom , and h ",·~ amicled t h~~n wi t h ".rious false accusar ions. Because of t his 1hey are nOw sh.ken hy fea r and doubt, and l h~y ha,·e decided to dday at T ulln umil th~ y karn from lhe mouth of The king wh y 00 crud • dttd was llerpct ratcd by C hrist ians persecut ing Christians' "
J . The king re pli ~d with all his """,,,,bled men listening, '\V~ arc n(ll llersecutors of Ch ri Sl ia ns , bu t Whale'·er crueh y ""!! ha'·c displayed towards th em, Or dealh we ha ,·e in fli cled on them, "c carried out " [bkl ,ic i> b,.". iJ "",illc ch.mberbin. " Thi, let"'r i. "'prodOC.0'·0 b«:-n b"",d on ~oo~kd ~o of. '''''] k1' <1",
ii. 3
Cum enim primo ~~~r<.-~I ui ueSlro quem I'elrus Heremil. coml uxir' omnia bona accommodaremus, cmen di licent ia concessa in mensura CI pondere equilalis. el pacifice ill is per lerrAm Vngarie Iransilum oonstitucrcmus. malum pro bono nobis red(li(lerunl. " non solum' in allro el argento. cquis el mul, s, el pecore' regionis u05tre' aufcrenles, sed ct duit atcs ct' ~"as tc lla n05lr.! cucrtcnlCS, homin csquc nustrus ad quatuor mili. m()rtili c"mc.~ , rebus et f ucslibliSn poli~ucrum. Post has a comitatu Pd ri nobis' lam inwlaabilc ': ~I iniuste illatas iniurias, rub>cq ucns cxcrcitus Godescalci. CI nunc recent cr adtritus, <jut m in {u~ m conuers um obuiam habui,tis . ('astdlum ac mun ilioncm reg-ni nOSlri lI-1esebu rch; <>bsedcrunt, in I superbi. CI I>utenlia uirlUlis ,ue'· ad nos illlrare uolcllles. III nos pUlli ren l et cne rm inarelll. de quibus Den auxi liaute uix defetlsi sumu s.' Rex autem, ut hee respot\dit, iussil cosdcm Iegatos duds honorif,cc in 113lalio suo hospit"ri . in low qui dicitllr Pannon i.," ubi pe r di es octo omnia illis necessaria in ipsa regis mensa amuenter' minislT31a sunt. Post dies UeTO octo rex super lc~L;OnC ducis consilio primal um suoTUm .e('{'pto, remi , ;t Ic~t os cum Iegali ' ' de domo sua' ul duei et primi' excrci tus in hoc modo ""pons. reg;, purlarem: ' Rn Kalamannu s duei God efrido, el omnibu, eonch ri stiani, ",lutem CI dikn;oncm sine simul'l ion e.'s " udiuimus de Ie quia uir el princeps p un iu ersis qui Ie noue runl, CI ideirco Ie semper dili g<.'ns e~ so l. bon a fama, nunc Ie uidere el agnosccre Opl aui, el n inde eOnSilillm aceepi \II descend,1S ad nos d castell um nostrum CHlC ron, sine opinionea li cuius periculi, el Ull1lquC ri pa pal udis residclllcs, IUIU Ill colloquium Icn tamus de omnibus qlle a nobis requiris. el quorum nos rens arbitra ris." ·
Hoc regis nuncio audito, dux uni uerso cetu relicto. ex con sil io maiorum, trecenlis2\l lanlum mi lil ibus assumpt is ad regem proreclus cst" in ' loco prcsignalo.' CI utrinquc hinc ct hine omisso comiulu J
• oon, .... i, ..lell
' N•• , 0/ ' "' .IISS l iJJl."" solum oy "" " ' ,...,.. ,,~ "'''. ' '-I" ' 1>rtd ..J: in II
... i, .k......k
•• 110m ", 'II< ..J ~
. .... ..J
•• locum pr<>iJnatum A
" [),bhc.l . , Gm . u: ~, .. U. Eph. 6: ' 0, n ' 1'""""",,,,' m. ) refer ,he ~hOIC c£ fl u"fl" Y " 'hIS tllnc bu, here prOO. bly the ,: 9 , Gyo.«y . 6o J..."~,,,. k ll" (","
11 · 4
we were compelled by an ",wwhdming n~"CCS,ity , For in the first pl"~~ wh~n we prepared all l\"ooJ things fm your army whi~h Peter th e Hermi t "_",emhleJ, a li~en<x wa~ gTO Oled 10 buy goods in fair wei ght an d rn~",ure, and we organizcJ a p~"ccful passa ge for them thmug:h the land of Hunpry. Thty returntd t" il to us r. .. good;" nOI only stea li ng gold and si!>'er, hor....,s and muk'S and herd~ fro m our territory. but even dest royi ng our cities and castles and ki lling about four thousand of o ur men; th"y plun der<: Duke Godfn; y and .Il hi~ fello .,. ChriSlians_ We h.,-e heard l hi s "boul you: Ihal you are a I" ,w"rfu l man "nd prinl-e in your Iond , anJ found In he lruSlwnrth y hr all whn have knowo you, "od beeau"" you are always ca reful of your good repOUlioo I ha'-e no ll' chosen 10 see and acknowledge you, and accordingly I h",'e come to a decision, that you may come dUII'1I tu uS at our castle of Soprun ",ilh lIu thought of an y dallger, anJ if our armies Sl>y on "ilh~r ,id" of the marsh w~ rna}' safcly huld. collfcrcncc aboul. ll the things you han: askcd ,IS alxout . and of whi ch you SU1)p<.o:se uS gui lty.""
+ After he had heard
Ihis m~ssagc from Ihe king: Ihe duke left all his assembled con'l,any, in accordance with Ihc ad,-ice of his ;;enior colle agu es and, taki ng wilh him ool y I hr~'" hu ndred ",Idi ers,l
.. T I... ", i. 00 ~")' whetl>< it ~ ,II< numl>< ... 1«.«1 h)' (rio! Ii.. G;dron ' " bo "".;n>t .1>< .' I;o;.n;'",Ouo , J), In ~" l AII>m', num"''' >Ie 00 more rd"bk ,lun 'n)' • •her m«ii<>',1 ~'ri t
'iUorum, dux, ""Iummod "
\V"rn~ m
de Greis UiTO nobilissimo d
propinquo eius Reinardo de Tul 1'1 Petro euocal;s, pomem qui palud; inminel ascendit, in quo regem reperiens 'benigne cllm' sa lUllUil, er hum il; deuOI ione oscula!us esr cum. Dchinc diuersa imer se" co ll oqllia habucrunt' de concordia e\ reconci lia!;onc Chrislianorutn, quousque raJ;u hu pacis Cl diice!;on ;s adeo flrmitcr process;l, ul Sf duo' fidei ill ius! credens, duoclccim ex ITeam;s '<Uscip~rct
cum q u ib u" cum reg" in I'anllon iam c{ te.ram Vn~ror um
descendit , (,alTern lIem lla IJ",;num rdidum T ul knburch populum "'g<'rc ac pmcurarc rem;,,,, ncrcitu Ircccntorum co"'tiluiL Dux ita qu" I'.nnon i.m
in grc~.u,
honorificc ah ipso regc CI prim.tihus
~ll i .
rusccptus CSI . Cui benigne CI copiose omnia necessaria parata s ... nr de dorno e( mensa regis que lam egregiurn principem dec.:ban1- Deh inc reX per dies octo plurimum conucntum suorum haocns . qui ctiam ad uidendurn tarn norninatissimum principern cOnflUXCrdnt. qucrebat .1<1' consili ... m I qua ftde el liducia saluo regno suo 'el rebus ' suorum lam cupiosus cxercims foni(('r .rmalus in Lwmincrelur. Ta ndem rep{'ftum csl cunsilium et duei dcdaTJtum , ,!uon iam nisi darmtur ,Jbsidcs uiri egrcgii el pri morcs cxercirus, null us · , ibi sui,'!uc· concederelur Iransitus, nc ali,! ua o,c"ione assumpla, in uinule tam in numcrabil is g~mis terram et n1\"num amille",,- Hii. auditis d ... , uoiunrati regis in omnibus cessit. el obs idcs quos petebat dare non .bnuil, b.c lamen condilione, UI ultra percgrinorurn exercilus, lam prescns quam fUlurus per lerrarn tius transirel si ne aliquo obslaculo. el pacifice mutuaret uit c necessaria. Nee mora percussit rex foedus cum duce. percusserunt el uniuersi primores regni sui in iureiurando. non ollra pcrcgrinis nocCTc traTlsiluris. Hiis ergo sic ulrinquc in ucra lidc hrmalis, rex ex consi lio suorum' requisiuil B,ldwinu m fratrem ipsius duei. ollsidem fieri, uxorem ,!uO'lU" l t ac fam iliam cius. Quod dux sine ulla conrradiaione adim plere concrssi'- J EI Slalim! POSI dies OCIO missa iegalione dux tmiuersum precepil proper.re exercilum ad casldlum Cy""ron. ac lahemacula sua hac .llera in rip. fluminis cl paludis collocari.
""";gni".im. / l(:/1
""i •• ib;q"< /I
' _ . /I . ' ."" II
h.I,.",. /I
f <;". /I " s,.timq ... ACII
, • n:hu.
" S.ld~·in>. ~if< Godcchil< o\auilll1" of tl>< Norm"" IoJd R.alph C,.,.,j" K ••,.k... p. >0,\].
0{ T o,"y (~luI<')" .
11 · 4
om \0 sec Ihe king in lhe phcc l11at had occn indicated, amI, leaving hi, wmpany of men on both sides h~re and th ~re, the duke summon~d on ly Warner of GTe>., a '-ery nob le man, and his kinsman Rain.ld of Toul and P~tn It> go up with him aCn", thc brid ge oHr th~ marsh. He found the kin g th ere .nd gre~ted him in " fri end ly W"y and kissed him with humble de'-Olion . Then they held various com-ersations OClween thtm abou t frkndship ~ nd the reconci liation of Christians, until this con sideration of peace and lo.e made sllch good progress lhat the duke was convinced of the king's good faith , and he took t\\'eh-e from the thrtt hltnurcd with "hom he had comcinto Pann onhalma and the land o( Hungary to SCe the king; in fa ct h,· apJloillL{"(\ his brother Baldwin, who had occn left at Tulln, to r ule and look aft ~r th p""ple "hen the army of thrce hundred had ocen ""nt back. Therefore thc du ke emered !'annonh"lma, and he WaS received with honour by the king himsd( and his nobles. Everything n~~'''''r)' waS !<e,,-cd It> thcm with goodwi ll and in quaotily fnMn the court and tabk oflhe king, as was fining for such an illustrious prince. Then for eig ht days the king held man y meetings of his men. "ho had also flocked to see such a ,'cry renowned princc, sttking to find a plan by which such an i n numcr~ ble army , hea,'il y anned, could be all owed in trust and confidencr- in to his co un try, and n-t hi s kingdom and hi s people's possessions be saf~. At la!>1 a plan waS devised and wa S announc~d It> the duke, thaI unl~ss eminent meo and leaders of the . rmy wer~ g:iven as hOSTages. no IMssage would be grJnted ", him .nd his m~n. so th. 1 the kin): would not luse his lands and kingdum, if "ume pr~text .rose, 10 the strengTh of 8uch .n in fin ile ma ..s of people. When he heard Ihis Ihe duke .cceded 10 the wishes o(the king in .11 things, . nd did nOI re fuse to gl,-e the hoslages he sought , making the con di tion, howen:r . th at aft~r Ihis the army of pilgrims-i n (uture as wdl as no"'--might pass through his land without any h ind"mc~ and ubta in p~.cdully the necessit ics o( life_ Without delay, the king st-abl a t r~'3ly ",ith the duke, al l the nobles of hi s kingdom sc.kd it al>(, with a swum 0,,111 nu t to harm the pilgrims fun ha as they passed through . So, with all thcsc manc," sen led thus on both sides in goud failh, thc king, O il Ihc ad ,' i~"" of his me n. asked that Rald win, the duke 's OWII brOlher, shou ld be a host.gc, and his wife as well,!l and .11 his household. Without an y argument the du \;e agreed to sat isfy this con dilion. ,\ nd al once, eighT days after tht embassy was ,;em. the duke ordered the whole army to hasten lu the {'3stle of Sopron, and their tents 10 be pitched on this other bank o( th~ ri,'cr and marsh .
ii. 5
5. Ad bane den iquc' ducis legat;onem cepil nimium hil.rescere excrd!us c{ puis; su nt uniuersi 'lui ant ea ex diUl ina duds abS'.'nTia hcsi!~balll, c;
dont..: popul us cum siknlio et pace pcnransc~t, alioqui n nullam sib; dari hcrntiam (.. nseuml i. Et POSt p.U~':I sl>l ;m ammon ll;1 rra Lr~m '>Uum Ihl dwinum 11I obs~'S ficret pm populo, si~ut decretu m cra!.
6. IgilUr lam preclaro principe iam obside facIo, el rege tlO a cllm illo in I'annoniam regresso, un iu~rsus exneitus n iuss u n ams<:n,u regi. pt" pontcm trans paludem intrumi"us est, ct ad fl uuium Ha rn .. ,.. ll mst rametatus est. Casuis uerO posilis, et ull iucrsis hO'ipitio sed. tis, (;odefridus dux pr ..'Cunes per sin gulas dOlnos CI' tentoria .cd.m.re conslituit, sub iudicio mortis, nc quinlu'im cunli ngerent, aut uiok nlet in regno "lIga ri c rarcrent, ct nul lam scditioncm commO UCITnt, sed omni a ~quo pre<·i" mutua rcntur. Similiter n rex per uniuersum regnum acdamar~ pr~c<:pil , ul omnCm <:op iam rerum n~c<:ssariarum "'pcrire t' exc",itus, in pan e, uino, frumemo cl ordeo, in bestiis api, in llolati libus ce!i.l> 'Ac iussunl est Sllb iudicio \lile, lIe illiusta uCliditiolle Vnga ri grd Uarent exercitum, aUl cOllturbarellt, scd JX>Cius omnia u<:na li'i ilIis alicuiarelil. Sic Cl sic IICr singu los dks ill 'silentio Cl' pa ce, in! mcIlSuta cqua ct iusta uendit ionc, dux et populus :;
' ,",. 11
• H,n1.>c £
/ eo A " Not identiDed
• >< .-Jell
, "rl""'re[ E
" .... A
" Jet. [6: 4
11 .6
5. Then at the an;",1 of the dukes embassy his ann)" bq(an 10 be exceed in gl)' cheerful, and they all rejoiced who wac filnncrly uncert.in occause of the duke's long ab""nce, lhinking l hat he had ocm oclrayed in mist.ken truSt an d killed. But now they arose as if they wt~ awoken from .. deep sl~ep, and in aecmdan<:e Wilh the duke's oommand the)' came to the bank of the rivcr and marsh and sel ttl' camp. When the tems were pi tched . therefore, the duke returned from the kingdom of Hungary and was restored 10 his men, ft'pon ing how much care and honour the king had displayed towards him. and all (he things he had agreed with the king and his nobks. and lhal his brother Baldwin had ocen requested by the king as hostage along with hi, wife and household, until thc peopic had pas.~ed right through the land in quitt an d peace; mhawise they would not he giH n pcrmi~sion to cross. l\n(1 afler a lin k he remi nded his brother Baldwin al ona: th. t he w.s 10 he host age for the people as had b...... n decr~ed. Rut Holdwin began to resisl and argue violent I)" until the duke, worried b)' his irresolut ion, decided that Baldwin shou ld ass tune (he care of God 's ann)". and he himsd f wou ld not hesitate 10 occome hostage in his brother's place, At la st Baldwin put all the wa'·ering Oltl of his mind and consented to become a hostage and to oc sent across into ex ik for the safct\" of his brothers, 6. Therefore, now thaI so illustriou, a prin l"t had hecome • host.ge and l he king had return~d with him into Pan nonh,lma, all the arm y we", .lInwed in over the bridge acTO" the ",arih in accord.nce with 1.he c,mlmand and consent ofl he king. and the r set up camp on the ri,·cr Hanta~." When lhc cantp had been estab li shed, and e'·cryonc sen led rlown in thdr quarters. Duke Godfrey appointed heralds to announ ~"t throughout ~ach and e>,cry household and tent that no one, under pa in or death, should touc h anyth in g, or carrl' ofT anl,thin g b)' violence in the kingdom of I lungary, or cause any insurrection, but should purch."" e'Trl,thin g at a f.ir pria:. In the !\amc W3)' the king also ordered it 10 be announa:d throughout the whole kingdom tha t 1.he army mighl procure a ple ntiful SUI'p l)" nf nec~"'silies: bread, wine, corn and barley, beasts or Ihe field, birds of the Sk)'. l) And il was ordained, on pain of death, lhat the Hungarians should not hurden l he army by ""lIi ng at an unj ust price, or upset thcm. but ralher they shou ld ofTer all things for sale to them on lenient terms. So it was that lhe duke and (he people crossed thc kingdom of I [ u n~ r\', cvery day in pcaa: and quiet, buying in f.i r an d JUSt measure, and the)' arri,'cd
ii. 6
"'gnum Vng~r;e p"Ttrm. siens, Drnw. ' " fl Ullium perueneru m , uhi conger;e Jignorum oom posiu, et p l urim ~ uim;n"m copulationI' f.Cla, eundem ' fluuium lTaiCCenml, assidue rege cum ualidissima manu ""lu ilum a sinislr;S gradiente una cum Raldwino et ceteris ohsidibus, qllOUSqUC ad locum qui dicillir Fr~nca\li ll a2< peruen!llm esc llIic per Ires dies remorati, lIi te n~-cCSS:l ri 3, Cl q'libus indigcbal ,""crdllls predo mutu.mcs, cu m ",nnihu_I J\blcuitbm dcscc",krum, in lilorc Suwo dieb", quinque I"'muctamcs.'" ilIi" due; cctc ri squc primis ncrc; r", in notuiL, <juoni"m intokrabi lis lIi Ttus milicic impnatoris Cunstantinop.. tis .ffui ...,ct, ad prohibendam pe. egrinis Ulaln p'" regn um Rul!:,•• ie. Quaprnplcr dux et uni uers ; ",,", ilium inierunT., ut partem c.\ere;tll, in armi s lrans fl umen pn:minercm ad n:primendos hosles mililes impcraloris, quolIsque' populus enauigarel. Non amp liu s enim quam tn:s nalt~"S iltic n:pcrlc su nt, cum qui bus mille cquilL"S loricati ad pn:occullandum liw s transmissi sunt. Cetera nHthilltdo copu latione lignorum el uiminum f1u minis alueum supera u"runl. JO~
7. Vi" cn1uigauil populus d COTum prin ~ip'--';, el eCIT rex ~um omni "pparatu suo, el fratre duei. Ba ld wino eiusq ue u,nre el cunel i. nbsidibus affuil, quos ibidem in m,nu ducis n-,;Iituil, ,e deh inc nimia dileelinne commend.1<> duce fratreque eius in doni . pluri",i. el o:sculo pads in lerram regni sui rcueTSUS est. D ux UeTO el omni s comilatus iJlius ahera in ripa conslilllti in lli ll a BelcgnHle BuJgarorum hospitio' pernoctauerunt, quam Petrus <:1 illius e~ercit us non longe allt e depredal; combusserant _ Mane autem facto, dux el exe"ilus iUiu s exurgentC'S, siluas inmensas el inauditas regni BuJgaror um ingr<:Ssi sunl, ubi !egali impcraloris illis oceurrerunl, in hee ueTba nunei, ddnm lcs ;' ' ,\lcxis' imp",."'r Constam inopolis rcgni Gn:co",,,, duci Godcfrido suisque .~qu.ei bus integram dilcclionem. Rogo te, du x C h,i,tianissime, qualenus regnum el leTraS meas q uos in gn:ssus es gentem Iltam uaSlare el depn:dari non patiaris, sed emendi necessaria" li<;enti.m ol>lineas. el sic omnia sufficicnte r ex nostro imperio emenda el uendellda lui rcperielll'" Hanc itaque impcratoris beniuolemiam dux intel li gens, in omniblls se imperatons , II . J.. .d Nfl'" D.6W•
• 'M. A
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" 110< Ii, .. D,," or D",~ flo..... ,nto ,be D,"uk
,,,IS' ofo.'jd (Cro.I".),
" Mod,m St."lam,n. nOl1h_~"" of BeIE"'d< (SeIOCi)
at the rivn Ura,'a,H where they m.d., a h~ap of 'n~Jd and 'oin.,d together many reed, and got anuSs the ri,-n, with the king continualiy marching On Iheir 1.,(1 side wil h • stron g troop o( l",,-alry, together with llildwin and th., uther hostages, unt il thy Jrriv.,d at the place which is called Franca" ilia, :' They STayed there fi,. thr~~ days, and purchased the necessil.ies of life and what rhe army needed a1 a fair price, then they wem on down to Zemun with the whole anny, spending fj,e nighls on the bank uftne San." There it bo:came known to the duke and the other kaders of the army that the irresislible mi gh1 oflhe imperia l 1ffily of Constant inople ,,-as present to dmy th,' pilgrims the way through the kingdom of Bulgaria. Ik'<.'rest' o( the Bulp rian kingdom, whe r~ kg~t e~ oflhe ~~nperor mell hem, bringing messages in these w"rds: 'Ale" ios, the eml"'ror of Constantinople in the kin gdom of Gr~~ce, sends his cmire love 10 Duke Godfrey and his f(lllo.,.~r<;_ I ask Y"u. most Ch rist ian duke, nOl to allo,," ),our people to lay "-a' le and p lun der my kingdom and territ ories which yo u ha'e entered . bUlto obtai n a licence:' to buy necessities, and lhen ncryt hing will be providnl from our .,mpire for your men to buy and ",,11 in suffil-icm quantit y.' When the duke lc~ rn t of the emperor's goodwill, he promised to oocy th empero r's comm, nds in .11 thin gs. Therefore ,. '\'h;,;, tho ""''','' no"", fo. ,"" n"<:T .\""", e
flo"" in'~ ''''' D.n""" """ IktfT""k,
'1'"" S.,'.
7' parer~
po llicelUr mandati,_ Vnde
uni u~rsis
ind icIum e.!, n e de;nc.,p" pTete. p~hul~ cquorum. Sic lIt.O pacifice ex rogalU imper,l1otis pertransellntes pcruencrlIni Nilh r presidium ipsius. ubi mi ra amucntia cibariorum in frumemn, orde<>,
~ liqua
in iusta u;
com ing~"l .
uinn e! oleo 'et plurima 1 ucnat ;one ex imperatoris dono dud oblala cst, ceteris liccnl;a ucndcndi cl emend i conccss:l. · 1I1ic siquidcm per dies qUllllOf in omn; opulenti. CI jocundil.l.: rcereaLi rullL.' PuSt hee Stcrniz dux cum "nmi cwrcit u profcclIIs est, ubi "u" minor; pingul...tine Jonorum impcr.wris sib; satisfac!Um cst. D.:hinc pOSl aliquot Ji~Si id;,,,,,dcns, 3d I'hinerop.,l;m Cill;!a!Cm predaram des~~ndeM/ ;lh" simi li ter eX impcr.!Oris dono omnem hahu ndanti am
necessariOrl,nn habuit , pcr dies octo. Vbi nuncia illi allau sum qltoniam imperalor Ilugoncm J\1ag:num!7 f,alrem re~ds Francie, Drugoncm ct Clan:bold um in uincu li s cl carccrc tcn uisscl.'" 8. I-h", audiw dux impcrnwri legal ionem mi sil, qualenu, ho~ princip"S Icrre sue quos lenebal cal'l iu"s liberlalj reSli luer"', alioquin .lOS sc fidem el amiciciam I illi sc ruare non poss<:. Bald winus Hainau corum comes" et Heinricus de ASCI in tdlecta ducis leg-Jtione ad impnawr<:m dcstinata, primo diluculo duce ignorantc uiam antidp"uerunt in Constantinopolim , ut legatos prcucniemcs, ab imperatore ampliorn dona conS<.X!ucrentuT. Dux ueT<> he.: grauiter aceepi t, sed la men iram tl i.s;m"lans An"ronupuli m pr"rccill' eSI, ubi <juo,J.m flumin~ n.lalu ~> imperalO'C, rel ulcru nl quoniam capl iuo. principes minim e red(li dissct. Vllde' dux et onmis societas in ira' exarseTUnt, et illi ultra f
N i ,A£H
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.... A
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'J OC5CUlOC ..
" Hugh of \"tm.nOOi<, broth" ofPh;(ip. l ing "fFr• • "". (Philip "'"' "commun""" .t ,t.. ,i"", '" ,ho", •.• • noqu",xm ufhi, .. l ing ,11«",,,,) liop> \«>p>.>mm«l, but. ro,mptio" 0' mi>,,,,,,.b,ioo of 'm.in,"'" (or '!!lOin. ",,'), m«ninl 'the YGun,""', II;"";,, A..,.Y"" J.- I. fu .. "" C""",,,,- «I . L. 11<0.. " (P. n •. ,~>.) . p. ' ~n . .1 " (;[, Vorgil, A""id i, s~. It i, unlikely tha, 11uJh ~... I; ""U)' .. "",", .uch "",,,,int, .nd toc ,...... ~"" ~hioh .-..ch«l Godfrey m.)' .. dl Iu,,, hi< ph ~ht, A""""din~ '0 tt.. (""", h _.."", Hu~h tu.d OC<1l d<TIt '""u«' (~'hich Ilili. cr, p. 6, ,,,,,,1 .. <> .. 'unincd '1\00 "",nino hocI" Gr '110' ,nti,"'), f,,£ An •• K"",,,,,,,< h./. •• cir
0«"" "" '"
ii. S
73 il waS Ilmdaimed \() all thai they should not ,eia anyth ing "I aU by unjust fil rcc, un I~ss it was foddcr for the hor>e~ , So in fact they cros>ed thmug h peacefu lly in .ccm dancr with the ~m pe ... r's requeSt, and arrived at his Own forlress of Nil; , wherc a womlcrful abundance of food wa< o(fered a< the ~m ~mr's gift to the dul:c: cum, harley, wine and oi l, amI many game anima ls: to the rest a licence to bu y amI sell was gratt1ed. The arm y rested th ere for fOUT days in great plenty and enjo}men1. :\fter this the duke set out with all his ann)' for Sofiya, where he was satisfied b)' no less a wealth of gifts from the emperor. Then after some days he left and ,,'ettl ..10" n to Ph ilippop'olis, a sp lmdid city, _n..l tha{' in the Some way for eight days k had a pkn tiful supply of . 11 necessities as a gift fmm the emperor. i... ltssagcs were brought to him there th at the emperor held Hugh the Great, n the king of France's brother. and Drugo and Clarembahl in pri,;,'" and in chains.' 8. When the du ke hc.nl this h{' sellt an embassy \() the empn or, requesting him to reslOre 10 freedom th",,", princes of his laml whom the emperor was holdi ng pri"oner, ot herwise he would forfe it the duke's trust and friendship. Raldwin, count of Hainaut,l'O and Henry of Elich. knowing tm, dul:c '~ embassy which was intended for the emperor, sct out in advance of it at first ligh t on the road to Constantinople, witho\ll the dllke's know ledge, so Ihat they would arri,e bo.Jorc the emo)s an d would get more girts from the cmperor, T he dukc recrh'cd this newS wilh di,pleasurc. but yct , concealing his anger , he sct out for Adrianopk "here. artCT they h"d crossed a cmain Ti ,·cr by swim ming Iheir horses. and pitched loci r lentS, he spent the night. Then a bri dge which ,tretches aen os., the ri.-er thruugh the middle of the ciry was harred to him and hi~ men by the 'nhabilants. So l he)' mO"cd on qu ickly to Salabr ia 30 an d pitched thei r lcnts in ddi ghtful plal"cs in meadowla nd , He.., the duke's mes'< " " ... p .... reeled Oft the D,I,n>!i:", ""'t. "",<,...i,""" b", ","ainty rr«:· • • ",t th<"01100 to eo"'''"t i"O!'I<, ~·hcr< h< ,"ore to berorn< 'he cmpcr",', mao, A.", r:...";",, .-lu.ri.>.k, «3. II. I.<;t, • .1 ,.,,1;, (1'0";' . ' ~j7--76).;;' ,".1- ', (h. ....d;.,- AC); 'm.'. L R. ... . &,;.,..... 7l, .-lbo.J 0/ fl_ C......... (I b"""oo,~, .... h, 'ljIo<j), I'p. J'J-'" " ll.tkl"in H of Moo .. rount of I [ai"""t. IMlo"in ,"J hi, ''''''''''>Or> d . im«l n..,dw;, ~h ich m.oy e>plain ~· hr he preferred 10 ,,,,'e! ,,·ith GOOf"'1 ,,' h-----] " ~il i'ri. 00 the S<. of ~bn1lOC'l n
ii. 8
fidem e' f()ed,,~ 1',c;"" "". uare nolu erunT _' £1 stalim' ex precepto d u<.-~. o", n;s lerra ilia in preda'" dal a est peregrinis <:1 .duenis mili tibu s, qui pcr dies octo illi c mOTam facienlcs, {otam regionem lune dcpopulal; run!.
9. [m ~mwr "ut~m intd li gtns regioncm grau ite. d~l}l)pulari , I{odolphum' Peelddau, Rotger u",' filium Dagebert{ Jl UiTOS disert is.s imos de lerra CI cognat ionc FrancigenaTl lnT dllci misi t, rogans \It a preda regni sui cl u,slal ione cessarcl e.~ercilus, el captiuos quos pCI<:oal
redderet sine dil ation". Du x ue ro cum ceteris primoribus iniw consilio adq uieuit legation; impcraloris, el amouens caslra, preda in tndicla, scccSSil ad ipsam uThcrn Constantinupolim, cum uniuerso comil.tu pcrcgrinorum, ubi fixis tentor;;, hospiTa l; sum in m~nu .... bust. ~t ;ntolaab;l;, lor;c;s et omn; bell; ca armaturn mun;t;. Et ecce in occu,-,;um Hugo, Drugo,. Willdmus' Gtrpcntarius ct Clarcboldus laxat; ab im pe ratore due; a((uerunt , grtudentes il lius aduent u, et sue mu ltitudinis, in! amplexus dueis et cetemrum plur;mo oscu l" oorruentes. Simi lit er el predi cti legali impe"'~10ris du ci occurrerUt11, rogrtntes eum U! inll"arel palalium imperalOris , cum aliquibus primi s de cxercit u, lIt a"diret uerbu m regis; cetera mul lil",)" O;lr. muros ciuitati.' remaneTel. 10, Vi" han e legrtlioncm dux aeeer il, el ecce quidam aduene de terra JOO Francontm I occultc in castris duci affucTlun , qui plurimum eum' ammonuenonl! UI c:lUerel uersuli as <:1 uenen ,nas uestes ip,ius imperaloris ac' uerba dolosa, el nequaquam ad cu m' intraret, aliq ua bland. prom issione, sed extra mufOS sed ens om nia que sibi offerrel sccure suscipcrc1. Du~ igil"r sic premonil"s .b .d"mi, el G recoru m dCC"rli()n~... edoclus, ad impcra wrcm minime intnJiuit. Quarroptcr imperaw r indi gnat;one uehc mcmi m01us aducrsus Jucem et omnem "ius cxercinull, uendendi Cl emen di liccnt i.m illis intcrdi~iL 8 alJ ", inus uem frater duc;s, agn;t. hac imreralOr;~ intli gnat;one et u;den~ populi ind igcnti.m 'el nimi.m' defe~'1 ionem neeessa riorum, egit cum duce!et ceteris magnificis f exerci. us, quaten us rursum ' per regionem'
9 • Rooulfu,n;/: R~OOIfum eH, A ,,", Rodulf H ~"" DniJO 1It1.. ' Wilhelmu, C, \\'ilkh
ilium "
• ,,,,,,,u
' illum;/
, ,u"u, "u;
" oimi.mq!l<
'~OO><> It
II . 10
his company furiously angry, an" thcy rcrus~" \0 gi,-e the emperor lTust .n" frien"ship any longer. An" .1 once thc duke in-'truct~d tha t all Ih~ land was \0 be han"e" over for the pi l grim~ and foreign ,,,1crt,J1 m~n who ,,-ere va l' eloq ue nt and uflh e country and race of th~ Franks, .-lin g that the .rmy shou ld cea", from l,wlIing his ki ngdom and la ying it w. ~te. and should return without dday the prisoners he WaS asking for_ The du~e, indeed, h" 'ing formed a plan with the rest of the leaders, agreed to th e imperial legation; he forbade looting and mo'ed camp, " ithdra" ing to the city or Constantinople itsel f wi th the whole company of pil gri ms: there thcy pi tched tenlS. lodging in a strong an d irresistible ooml, armed with hau ber ks ami neD' weapon of wa r. And there Ihq' found Hugh, Urogo, William the Carpenter, and Clarembald, who had been fn",d by the emp"",r and ".. me to mee t t he du~e, rej oicing at his arri ,-al amlt hat of his I.r~ comp.ny. and falling with man y kisses into the embraces of the duke and the rest. In the same wa y, WO, the .foresaid im)l<'ri.1 legates hurried to th e duke. askin g him 10 ente r the emperor's palace with some of the foremost in his army, to hear the word of the king; the rest of the multitude should stay outsid" the cit)' ".lIs. HI . Hardl ), had the duke n=i\"ed th is legation when ""r tain strangers from l he land of the Fran ks arri vcd secretl y in Ihe du~e's ~'lInp. and They warned hilll \'Cry serious ly to beware The tric~s and poisoned garmen ts of the emperor, an d his deceitful "·ords, and tmder no ci rcumstances 10 go into his prCSl'Oce, no mMt<:r what coax ing promises h~ !fit"e, but to,,;1 outsid~ the walls and , in safet}', mis tm st e, en-thing he offer<:d 10 them. The d,tke, therefore, " 'arned bv the st rang"'s in th is W3}' and wel l seh'~lk..! in the Gre~h' dettptions., did not !lo into Ihe emperor's pn"
" E'idmtl)' two franu in ,he <mpero,', bu, l;ul< fOOl"< is l"""n .hou, ,hem, "''" of D.ogOO