TIÃUSÃ Charles H. Kraft. Ph.D. Departhent of ÌjinguiÂtics, tlniaerrìty ol Cdl;lorn;d iD â8ôociationwith
A. H. M. Kirk-Greene, M.A.(Cantab.) Seníor Rsee'ch IAI@ ín AÍríaatu Stúdíí,!' St. AÌúons's Colwc, o"Íod Unílcft;ts , IorncÌIy Ha oÍ tke DeIWtmmI oi LarqMg.s, Ak'"'ià,r Bello Uniü.tsiv. zdria, N;seúú Son tane Mennei oJ tha EMa hrÌ.gaqe Board ann Cteir,"nr oÌ the Higher StandMd Eth8a Boa oí E4min.rc
Long'renownedastfteauthoritativesourcefor self-guidedlearning- with more than 30 million copiessoldworldwide-the Teachyoursàtfseriesincludisover 200titles in the fields of languages,crafts, hobbies,sports,and other leisureactivities. Library of CongressCatalog Card Number:9+65395 First publishedin uK 1973by Hodder Headlineplc, 33gEustonRoad, London NWl 3BH First publishedin us 1994by NTC publishingGroup, 4255wesr Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood (Chicago),Illinois 606216 - 1975U.S.A. Copyright @ 1973Hodder and StoughtonLtd In UK: All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproducedor transmittedin any form or by any means,electronicor mechanicàI, including photocopy,recording,or any information storageand retrievarsystem,withãut permissionin writing from the publisheror under licencefrom the Copyright LicensingAgency Limited. Further detailsof suchlicences(for reprograpËic reproduction)may be obtainedfrom the copyright LicensingAgeìcy Limited, of 90 TottenhamCourt Road, London Vy'lp9HE. In Ils: All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced,stored in a retrievalsystem,or transmittedin any form, or by any means,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,or otherwise,without prior permissionof NTC PublishingGroup. Printedand boundin Great Britain by Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading,Berkshire First published1973 Reissued1990 10987654 3 1999 1998 1997 t996
1995 1994
PEnt ONn-IxrRoDUcrroN I The llausa Language 2 Hausa Pronunciation f: Consonants and Yowels 3 lfausa PronunciationfI: Toneantl fnbnation
7 13
Plnr Two-GneMMÂIr 4 GreeüingsI õ Genderof Nouns 6 'To be': [ê, Gêand Kè nan 7 CompleüedAcüion I The Genitival Link 9 PossessivePronouns 10 Specifiers-'This', 'That', 'These', ' Those' ll Quantifiers 12 Subjunative Aspect and Commands 13 Non-aspeotYerbals; 'Yes' and,'No' 14 Inüransitive Yerbs fã ftansitive Yerbs; ObjecüPronouns 16 The X'uture Aspectsand ZE. l7 Relaters and Relational Nouns l8 Continuative Aspecü 19 Verbal Nouns 20 The 'Relative' Aspecüs; Relative Constructions. 21 Interrogative and Indefinite Nominals 22 Noun Plurals 23 Adjectival Nominals ; Comparison 24 Âdverbial Nominals and Ïdeophones 25 Yerb ï'orrns
2g 27 32 36 41 46 õ1 67 61 66 7l 74 81 85 93 98 104
rl2 LzL t29 r37 r45
26 The }Iabiüual Aspect; 'Auxiliary' Verbs; Exclamations 27 LYses ofAspects 28 Reduplicaüion 29 The RelatersSai and Dè 30 Prefixes and Suffixes
176 185 I92
P.En'r Tnnns -REFEBDNcD 3l GnietingsII 32 Numbers 33 Time 34 llone,v and llarketing 35 Farnily and Kinship'Ienns 36 Person-Àspecü Pronounsand Pronoun Tables 37 l'erbals 38 Nominals
206 212 216 2r9 222 225 232 24L
Plnr Foun.-S uppr,DuoNl'anr* ll.l,rr:nrers 39 Letter \{riting 40 Proverbs and Riddlcs 4l Addit'ional Conversations 42 Additional Texts 43 Bibliography
265 258 266 282 289
Panl' Frvr: --AppENDrcES Ke.y to Exercises Translaüionsof Dialoguesand Fables Hausa-English Vocabulary Engli sh-HausaYocabulary
303 317 982 373
r57 r67
helace lV'ore it not for the facü that we have three matters to teooÌd, no prefatory note would be necessaryin a volume in the well-establishedTeach Yourself series. First, a note on the history of the materials in this Hausa grammâr. The original lessonswere used from 1962-1968 by l[r. Kirk-Greene in regular African languagecoursesin the SummerSchoolsat the University of ÕaliÍornia, Los Angeles, and for faculty and postgraduate classesat Ahmadu Bello University. A parallel ãnd adrr*oced version was used by Dr. Kraft in his e1sflif-sa,1ningcourses at Miohigan State University between1964and 1968,and.at UCLA from 1968to the present. On the experiencegainedfrortr this considerable tosting period we have combined.and revised our €oÌrrse materials. Since 1966,Dr. Krafb has worked'on the task of incorporating them into the eventual text of Tea'ch Yunsetf Eausa. If the found.ationsof this volume lie in ühe orilinal work of one of us, the credit for the final versionis essentiallythat ofthe other. Secondly,a referenceto someof the distinotive features of this Hausa grarÌrmar. In most existent grarg'mars1 ineufficient attention has been paid to ühe questions of ma,rkingtone and vowel tength; we have given-special attenüión to üheseessential aids to acquiring fl.uency. suc\ *t tl9 The supplementary sections of the\ok, refaenü-ial rg{ing, to fuúher gurde bibliogffphical and'-a synopsis lessonã,quick-look tables of grammaticaÌ üwo-wayvocabulary of some 2000 words will pÌacg -the studenüwho completesthis coursein a promising position to sit formal examinationsin llausa and then, hopefully, mqve to ühe field to put into practice whaü he has learned at home. Again, we have sought to suppoú
ühemorphologicaland syntactical analysis by a seriesof [t4y dialogues and üypical situational oonversations, 11d, later on, of traditional fables, proverbs and stories. 'Where the student has the advantageof working wiüh a Hausa informant, he may conveniently haú these conversation-pieoesread or recorded. But since .rre are aware ühat, in ühe nature of the Teach Yourself series, panl studenüs\rill initially be faced.with the problem of liüerally teaching themselves, we have here and there esoheweda-napproach ühat holds that grarnrnarsshould be_purely descripüiveand.never prescrìptive, and. have taken ad.vantageof our classexperiencewhere we have found that a didactio 'Iaying dõwn of ühe basic rules, is very often a helpful and áppreciated framework for tho* bgginning üo learn an African language. and most importantly, the achãwledgement ^Thir{y, of-our debüsof gratitude. To name all those-sclohrs informants, reseãrchassisüants,rt"ar"t -*U"-ú;;;;; readily co-operated in our work on this new ïlausa course would be impossible. But we hope that if we specify those to whom our greatest thanl<Àfor informaüion, explanalion and clarificaüion goes, and. happily d.edicateour book to all students of Hausa, be they Nigerian or otherwise, past or fuüure, we shaÌl havL achievedour aim of due aclrnowÌedgement. Those to whom our special thanks are due ú"lud" ilIr. X'. W. Parsons,Readerin Hausa at the Schoolof Oriental and African Studies,Universiüyof London, whoseexhaustive commentson the text were so helpful and upon whose scholarly analysesof Hausa verbs and noun plurals we have leanedso heavily; Dr. D. \ry. Arnott, Piofessorof West African Languagesat the Univemity of London, for_hp suggestedimprovements; Messrs.G. P. Bargery and R. C. Abraham, whosemonumentaldictionarieJw-e rarely turned to in vain ; the numerousand enthusiastic süudentsregisteredfor our respectivecoursesover the
yoars; our various researchassistants,Yahaya Ali-Iu: Benjamin Ishaku, SalisuAbubakar, Ibrahim W'ada,Sani Abdullahi, Katherine (Powers) cte BIii and Marguerite O. Kraft; and our üypists, Jean Gorman and.Dorothy Pelton, who have dealt so nobly with a language quite sürangeto them. In hoping that this book may be a helpfiil contribution to the learning of one of the two moÉt important languages of A.frica, we conclude-by remind.ing our readers of ühe Hausa proverb Kàràtü, lsrkonkà-madÈcl,Sarshenkòzumt: it may be bí,aern sud,y hn the enil is sweet. be,gi,n Crunr.ps H. Knnrr, Ph.D. Departmenüof Linguistics, University of California at Los Angeles in associationwith A. H. M. Krm-GnEENE,M.A. Sü.Antony's College,Oxfortl
Paú One
LessonI The Eausa lranguage l. Hausa hisüorically is primarily the name of a language rather than of a people. By extension,iü has cometo be usêdto describethe majority group of northem Nigerians, linkeil by a senseof uniüy basedon a contmonlanguage, history and.customs. Eühnically, however, there exists someheterogeneity within this group, and.religion-wise there are a few Christian and.animist Hausa as well as Mustim Hausa. 2. The present-day Hausa people originate from the Eausõ Bakwài, ühe seven historioal states of Kano, Katsina, Daura, Zazzaa(Zana), Biram, GobiÌ and.Rano, which form the nucleus of ühe Kano, Noúh Central and Noúh-wesüem states of Nigeria and of the contiguous flourished some portion of Niger Republic. These "tqttt to 100 years ago; Kano city is reputed. be a thousand years old. At the beginning of the nineteenth oentury, the X'ulaniof Sokotoinoorporatedthe governmentsof the Eausõ Bakwài into the Sokoto empire, the foundation of the poliüical enüity recognized.up to 1966asthe Noúhern Re6ãonof Nigeria. The kingdom of Bornu, along with the remainder of present-day Noúh-eastent, Benue-Plateau and Kwara states, remained ouüsid.ethe mainstream of Iïausa and later X'ulani influence. Thoseancient stateswhere Hausa was spoken,but noü as a moühertongue, were known as ühe Banzõ Bakwü, the seven'illegitimate' ones. They included.such areas as florin (Yoruba), Nupe, Yauri, Kebbi, Kwararafa (Jukun),Gwari and Zamfara. GwõrÍis aterm stillused.to rofer oontemptuouslyto one who haltingly stammersout
pidgin-Hausa : Bògwõri nìi. Its opposite, the flattery given to a foreigner who speaksfluent l{ausa,, is yõ iyà ausô kàmar iàHr Kanò, Ìiterally he spealcsHawa I,ilr a Kano Mby. The Kano dialect is that norrnally acoeptedas ' súandard' Hausa for teaching purposes,and is the one preferredin this book. 3. The Hausa languageis generally recognizedto be the largebt'!V'estAfrican language. X'ifteenüotwenty million -'peopÌe can claim Hausa as üheir mother-tongue wiüh some üen million non-native speakers demonstrating varying degreesgf competencein the language. It is the predominant languageof the noúhern süatesof Nigeria and of neighbouring Niger Republic. Sizable llausaspeaking communities (often itinerant and trading) are alsofound in nrany of the major cities of West, Noúh and Equátorial Africa. trn the former Noúhern Region of Nigeria up to 1966, Hausa shared.with English the status of 'ofroial' languageand both were wriüten into the constitution. In 1964 ühe Noúhern House of Assembly considered.the adoption of llausa as the only language of business throughout the Government and in the Ìegislature. Regulations üowardsimplementing this were introduced 'Without buü were rescindedin early 1966. a knowledge of Hausa, however, it is awkward to move very far from norühernNigeria's urban oirclesand difroult üocommunicate effectively wiüh any but the English-speakingelite. 4. Hausa is classified.by Greenbergas a member of ühe Chadic group of the Âfroasiatic family of languages.l It is, therefore, more olosely related genetically üo Arabic, T{ebrew, Berber and other members of ühe Afroasiatic 1 See Greenberg, J. H., The Langua4eo oJ Afríca. fndiana : Indiana University, 1963.
5 'fln EAUsaLl,Ì{GuÂGE fmily than are mosüof üherest of the languagesof.*"!Êúaian Afrioa. To this extent Hausa is not a 'typical' Afrioan language. The conõeptual framework of the Hausa-speaking peoples expressedthrough the language is, however, ãenitit"ty African and beãrs a closerelationship Q-!hú erpressed through more 'typically' A-frican Nig"tKõritofanian languagesto the south of Hausa. The cultural inflúenoe of the Near East upon t'he Hausapeopleis,however,quitepromìnentandis reflected in the language. The influence of Muslim thought and oulture may Uesaid to permeaüeqlny asperts of H3,19a life and lairguage. Borrowinç of goncepts (especially nligious andphílosophioal) and vocabulary are recognizrble et every üurn. As one reiult of early Muslim influence, Ilausa has a literary tradition pxtoniling back severalcenturiesbefore oonüsú with'lV'estern cultúre. Ilausa wasfiÏst wriüten'in rn Arabio script lnown as òiòml. Today this repr-esentation of ühe language is l*.g"Iy restrioted to Muslim rcholars, divineslmãtUai) and their Korania schools, hsving beensupersededfor mosüpurposesby üheRoman rcriptlminus tle diacritics) whirh is used'in this book. is available in "d brge amounü of prinüed,literature Ilousa, ana a variety of periodicals have appearedover tüe years, aü least üwo of which are still produoed rqgd;dy. X'oremosüamong the secular producers of Hãus" iiterature has been the Gaskiya Corporation, ?nna. In recent years, however, ühe Noúhern Nigeria Publishing Corporation at Zaria has emerged as the prinoipal publis-herof Hausa texts. The weeHy newsiapet'Gaíhiao Ta Fi' Kwabis ühemosüprominenüof the Ha:ot" periodicals,and is supporüedby a relaüively large numbei-when comparedüo the number of publications in oühervernacularJ--of books prinüed in Roman script and publishedby various oommeroialand missiongroups
in Noúhern Nigeria. Since it^s removal to Kaduna in 1966, however, iü has failed to retain ühe süandard oúhography (especiallywith respect to the 'hooked' letters), and should not, thereforg be imiüated by those siüting for formal Hausa languageexaminaüions.-
and EarrsaPronunoiration [ : Consonants Vowels l. Twenty-one written s;tmbols will be employed. to represent the twenty-four llausa consonanüs(three of the consonants,sh, ts and 'y, are representedby double letters).l The following chaú provides a fairly accurate indication of ühe soundsof sixteen of these consonants: b as in bag: bõbü,bàbba,bàH2 o as the ch in church: can, cikà, màcè ü as in dag: ilon, bàdükÈ,ak,rõ g as in gooil (nevet as in gzsú): guilü, gërõ, ilõgõ h as in hat: naã, habà,rahi i as inyoü: iEwõ,kuiÌirô, ilH k as in king: kàtë, kúkâ, kõwõ I as in lilw: lildã, lallê, lãfivà m as in mrrni môtà, nakõyi, üõmõ n as in rnt: ntmi, hannü, nlsa s as in sorit: sanyi rani, Eausô rh as in shut: shlga,shã,tõshl t as in ün: tàfl, têbüt, frtõ w as in win: watí, wuÍi, rowõ y as in yet: ydtó, hanyõyÍ,yunwà z as in zero: zrrwà,zõf,, küzõ r The letters q, o a;nd.c are not used in llauea except somotimes in the epelling of foreign names. The lettor p is eometimes seon as e non' whic\ rtandard rãpresentótion of tho sound regularly_wrtt!" however, ofton sounds moro like Englishp than Engliú/. "ÚThe sound representod in English by qz ocourq regula'rly in Hauss worde, but is wriüten kw. I See pages$-ll and 14forexplanations ofthe diacritical marks.
2. The remainder of the consonants require special tneatmenü. t soundsvery much like tÀe EnglishJ but is produced between the lips raüher ühan betúeen-ühelowei lip and upper teeüh as in ühe English/. Often, too, {ausa I is pÌonoUncednearer the English p, e.g. ElI, lã,fiyü, üüa, lõtl, Íari. fn some words it is inüerohangeablewiüh h, e.g. tudulhudu, tsfuõ/bõhõ. t is"a glottal catch like that which precedeseach vowel in English exolamationssuoh.asoh-ohot uh-uh. fn Hausa t is written when iü occurs in ühe midüe of a word, e.g. õ'ü, nà'am. Every word beginningwith a vowel iu Hausã actually süaús with a glottal oatch, buü ühis, since iü is predicüable, is noü wriüten either in ühe ofrcial oúho$aphy or in this book, e.g. aiki, òalalõ,i. 'y is a very rare Hausa sound which consisüsof y preced.edby a gloüüalcatch, e.g. 'yô'võ, 'yalsà. The consonants6, d, & and ts are known üechnicallyas glotnliznil consutants. Thaü is, each is produced *ith a simultaneous glottal catoh and released with a rather explosive quality to iü. The 6 and d, in addition, are often producedimplosively, i.e. with üheair streampulled into the mouth rather than expelled from ühe mouüh as with I and ts. In the schoolsof Hausaland ühe letüers represenüingthesesoundsare referredüoaslnolwil,letters. 6 is like b, but with a simultaneousglotüal catch and.an explosivequality to the release,e.g. ôõrõ,Iê6ìi,ho6à. d is like il (though the tongue position is a bit farther back), buü with a simultaneous glòtüal catch and an explosivequality to the release,e.g. dõkì, daya, kudi. & is like k, but with a simultaneousglottal catch and.an explosive,click-like quality to the release,e.g..ÊõfÈ,zõff. ts is }ike s, but with a simultaneousglotüal catch, an explosive quality to the releaseand.,for many speakers, an initial ú sound,e.g. tsõfi, yãtsà,tsütsà. r is either a short trill or a flap which often sounds
much like an l. Though marny Hausa speakers will maintain a distinotion bãtween ühe two t sounds, consistently employing ole in certain words and the oüher ia other **ãt,ïn""p-oesses of linguistic changehave so afrectedthe useof thesesoundstha-tit is ofüenimpossible to predicüaccuately which r will be employed'in a.given woid. The majoriüy of Hausa speakersempfoy a trilled' r before most cônsonants (except labial and' velar), e.g. murnà ;- in final position, e.g. har ; regularly in words borrowed from oüher languages,e.g. barkà' ka'ràt!; and in a relatively small number of other rvord's. The flap r occurs in most other contexts. The student is eúouraged to discover what the pattern followed !y lit informaãt is, and.to learn to employ that pattern in his own speech.He may find it convenientto aclda tilde (Í) throulhout these lessons to inclicate when the trill occurJin his informant's speech. The present authors have weighed the relative merits of consistently indicating the differencebetweenthe two r sound.sthroughout theie lessonsand felt that it would be lessconfusingto omit suchindication here. 3. Hausa makes use of five shoú and five long vowels. However, only fi.ve written symbols are used'in Hausa literature to rôpresentthese ten sounds. It is, therefore, necessaryto supplement the acceptedwriting systern in order toenable ihe studenüto lirrow which sound is to be employed in a given word. Long aowelswill thus be indicaleòin theselessonsby the presenceof a macron(õ) abovethe letter. Vorvelswith no macron are therefore ehoú. Due to the wid.ed.ialectaldifferencesin the pronturciation of English vowels, iü is very diffioult to illustrate Hausa von'els unambiguously by employing Eugliú words. The following attempt to do so is only a general guide and. must not therefore be depended.upon too
heavily. The student nrust do his besüto imiüate his informant's production of the vowel sound carefully, u'hether or noü the English illustration of the Hauãa sound given below is accuratefor his dialect. He may later frnd. iü profiüable to substitute oüher English (oï non-English) key-words for those given below.- fn any evenü,the-long vowels (ã, ë, i, õ, ú) are always . pure, vorvelsin Hausa, unlike -English where they úe uiually phorietic_dipÌ_rllongs (technicallyknown as glides).s The student shouldkeepthis basicdifferencebetweenHausa 1ld English.vowelsin rnind as he refers to the English 'l<ev-u'ords'below. a most frequenülyasimilar to the u inbutter, cuff: habà, àllõ, tàfr ã similar to ainfar, car,psalm: rãnõ, lõtò, tàfi e similar to e in bet,check: fensb, màcè,gôbe 3 'Ihe student unaware of this characüeristic of English pronunciation might profitably watch his lips in a mirror as-he pronounces slorvfy a word such as hope ot lgaf, He will note that as hõ completes the vowel segment of iho word iris lips becomo more tighüly pursed into a rr-like position in enticipatioÀ of the final labial coíeãnant. This pr-ocess_ie technically known ag a oouel,gli,ile,and, these word.s are spelled phoneüically liowp and towf to indícate-the fact that the vowel segrnentin-ühem is a cìmplex oi o plus tr,l. Lees easily observ_ able buü nonethelesereal vowef glides oôcur on mosü othõr ,lonE' vowels in as well. The vorvel ínfect, for example, involvee"a -{lglishforward sliding (gliding) of the tongue inio o y position (phoneticallv spelled,/iy{} as does that in rate (phonebicalJ.j reyt). Likewise thL vowol in .for-involves a tongue glide which-ma! 'b" phoneticallv represented by an ll (e.g- fa,H oí yaUry. The púnt is-that Hausá vowels are not characterized by-this'type of , diphthongizing,. Hausa long vou'els are, thereforõ, phone[iãally repr.ôsentabïeafoo rather Lhan ow, ii, ruther than iy, aaralher thin aH, az rather than uu, ee rather than ey. The E'glish learner of Hausa must, therefore, give some attention to keeping his lips still as he prorìuces a Ha rqa õ _o_rü, and his tongue-in its itarting posiúioir when he produces Hausa Í, ë and ã, regardlessof the con-soìantthat follows. a . fn proximi_ty t! V or i, a is ofterr pronounced as short €. ê.A. yànzursai. Other slight variations also occur in the pronunciâtiú of a. The student should be on.the lookout for them and seek to imitate the natirc speaker'sltroduction at all times.
I similer to o in ralÊ,nú,te,ilnÍp: lõôài,sõmü, têbür I similar to i in Nn, W: eihì, sidõ,idò klfi, shl, rigô I simibr to e rn-slw,Íd, (very short) : Bellò in fuy to o o similar goa,l: ilõÊ, tuwõ, mõtà õ similar to o in opm, n similar to ühevolrel infoot, pttú: ukü' mütüm, dubE : súnõ, tìilt, hìilõ ü similar to oo in bot, root,úooú l. Shoú vo$'elsarc Ewnt'itatü)elyslwrwr in duration than as well. Thâü lmg vowelsand.very often differ *q*W b, Í a grven shoú vowel requires a ceúain length of üme to be produced, its long counterpaú may requir€ ttioe as much time. The facü thaü a grven vowel is üoú rather than long may also be signalletl (especially in olosed syllables) by ühe facü ühat t'he shoú von-el etnìk difrerenü from its long counterparü. Thus, ühe üterence between tàfi, go aw&y, and tàfi, Tnlm of the lffii{ is signalled boüh by the difrerencesin the actual Lngth of tLe two a's and by the fact ühat they ' sound'' dlffãrent (i.e. have a difrerent phonetio quality)ü, In addition to the ton vowels, there are in Hausa two üphthongs. Theseare combinations et a short o plus y os u whioh occur in a ginglesyllable. They are, however, nitten as si and au: tl ueually approximates the u in cu'ff f y: kôi' nai ; or the enbd + y: sai,zôi lr usually apprõximates the u in atpt * w: Êauyè, lru!Ì. t. Tho süudenüshould always keep in mind the facüthaü r hnguage is made up primarily of sov'nls rather than rritten symbols. Wriúten symbols are used in ühis book mly as guiaesto the spokensoundsof the Hausa langurgt, not as an end in themselves.
The fptc_m of wriüten symbols here employed is designed toìe as-tme a guide as p,ossibleto tËe ipoken lranguage. Therefore, emh winut-syrnbol, repnaenísone, and,only one,mmninqful, undt of swnd,ín Hãwa.
Lesson3 Eausa PronunciationII : Tone and Inüonation rl. No language is known to be spoken without the rystematic-usá of pitch distinctions in addiüion to the disüinctionsbetweenthe various vowels and.consonants. English, for example,is characterizedby a very intricaüe intonational system(the specificsof the systemvary from dialect to dialect) in which pit'ch distinctions play a major paú. Á laige propoúion of the world's languages-including all but- a very few African languages--employ piüch lonally rather than intonationally. This is Ít,usagequite distinct from that of English. Suchlanguagesare linown 6s tunelnngmges. Hausa is a üonelanguage. Each Hausa syllable consists of a given set of consonants and. vowels plus an assignedüone. Each word must, therefore, be learned and pronounced' with its proper tone pattern as well as its proPer vgwels 1nd óonsonants.lIn order to facilitate proper learning, and to avoid.ambiguity, we have consideredit helpful to employ aocentmarks in this book to ind.icateüheproper tone of eaoh syllable. In ühe üraditional orthography (which does noü ind.icate either tone or vowel length), for I It is impoúant to observe that tone and tone paltern are-termg employed tõ designate a system-which employs p-itch distinctions in a rôlaõive mannei-not in an absolute manner like notes in music.. Different speakers, e.g. men and women, have different ^voice pitches and- these mav be varied for emotional reaeone. It is the ;elqtiae 'únteroa|betweãn succeggivesyllables of speech that do-üermines the tonal (and intonational)-patterns being employed in language, not t}le absolute pitch on which these apeech segments fall.
t4 example, the spelling iibi represent two distincü words 11- th" .spelÌing fitó represõnts three distincü words, differing in tone (seebelow). 2. In Hausa there are two tone levels (termed.hi,gh and, laut), and a less frequent combination'of high and low resultingin afalling [one. Thesetonesare noü-necessarily assignableto absolute pitch levels such as those of 'a musical scale, but rather are important becausethey contrast with each otl.r in a systõmatic way within the fanguage, Thaü is, Hg,gsahigh tone is of importance becauseit contrasts with low tone to accoundfor the difrerencein meaning betw_een ryords like jÍbi, iloy ofu ts and iibi, a mml, or between fltõ, cor;" 'urt, -rruorrsw, and Ãtà,ferryinç fltõ, guinnacorn beer. 3. In ühisbook the grave accenü(.) is employed.over the vowel of the relevanü syllable to indicaie h* t*r. A h,tgh-tonesyllable is signalled by the absenu of any tone marlcover the vowel. The circümflex (^) accónt órru" vowel indicates a falliny-tane syllable (i.e. one which " r.tltr. high falls to low). A few examplesof words -an!. difrering only in tone are: a cry kükõ kükò baobabtree inside cikÍ cikì stomach yô tàÊ vâ tàff he will go he went (paúicle of assent)na'àm nÈ'am (r.ply to a call) 4. Hausa also has an intsnational,system. This system involves tìe specifying anq modifióation of the"pitch levels in the tonal system. Hausa intonation appliãsto whol,euüerances,not to each syllable as is the casewith tone. .While g"e:y syllable has its own tone, the specific pitch level of eachsyllablein an utteranceis determined
by the intonational system in accordance with the pósition of the given syllable in the utterance. The tonal lattern of a wórd determineswhether the pitch-of_the Ëylable is the same, higher or lower than the pitoh of tLe immediately preceding and following syllables in the utterance. The intonational system specifieshow much difrerence there will be between contiguous with different tones. syllables The total pitch component(tone plus intonation) of a Hausautterancecan be convenientlydescribed'in terms of five pitch levels.2Thesecan be numberedfrom 1 to 5, with l ieferring to the lowest and õ to the highest pitch level. a-
õ. The mosü characüeristic type of Hausa intonation may be temed ileclnratúte 'í,ntonation. Ihis type of intónation has a generally !.escend.ingpitch pattern and may be represented.on a chart as follorÍs :
ga dõ
Bàbansòyõ shlgadõkln Auilü. X'ather-hishe entered room-of Audu. The first high tone in a declarative pattem is on pitch leveÌ 5. The next low is on pitch 3, the next high on 4, 2 See eleo lIodge, Carleton T., Hatno Couree, Pp. 3 ff-' and -Basi,c Kraft, Charles IIi, and Marguerito G., Spolcm Hauso: Introìhrctory Coueâ. An annotated bibliography wilt be found on pages 289 ff' (Leseon 43).
etc. The pattern, therefore,is to drgp two-stepsfrom,a high to a lãw, and to climb one step from a low to a high, Uu--twith two qualifications : (i) An initiat low tone will be on level 3 and the following high on level S. (ii) AEnal low will drop to level l, evenif the utterance is not long enough-to force iü there, but will go no lower than level 1.
intartn;ti'onis of two üypes: 6. InÍ,errogattiae (a)' When the utterance inolud.esno intero-gaüi-ve.1ord, ' the last high tone will i,t-p to 1 prlch-lwel at leasü one step higher than the pitch level of the previous high-tone sy[able. Often, !n fact, ühewhole utterance is"pitcnea ón a higher leveltìan in the goTespgSqlg stitement. If th; finat syllable is high, it will slur from the very high level to a level aü least one step lower. A foilóïvinã low tone (if present)*ill -.l"opg"ly one step rather túan all ühe way down to level 1 as in the declarative Pattern:
tii Sunà aiki në. Eani tã0yà. They are working. You are well. w91diü (b) 'lVhenthe uüteranceinclud'esan interrogative modúcaühe d'eclarative paütem with two "-pfãyt tions : (r) The wholc uüterancemay be on a slightly higher pitoh. tq'ï;r high-tone syllable becomesa-falling slur (ii) leasü'one step lowert If the final ú*l'at ; " it * to* tone, thó second modifrcation ;;úúiè doesnoü aPPlY. nõ ai
4 3i,
, .t
2 I
hõ sida? Kanà lãôyà ? Are you well ?
Sunà aiki në P Are theY working ?
Theseutterances as statements (deolarative intonation) would be asfollows, in conürastwith the interrogative patterns above:
ï[ow'g (your) familY ?
Yòushèza-}lt nõ? Wh"o will you come?
Ìne aiÊ f How'g-(Your) work?
emplolgdwhen.usinga Wrryi1 7. Vomtfue'inÍ,onniion, as üIraÚ him' is ühe same name or title in adclressing described under 6 (ó) above :
EAusapnoNrrNcrarroNrr: ToNDÀNDrNToNÂTroN
Sònnu,Müsõ. çlsefings, Musa.
I{õ gaishêLà, dõlìbl. f greet you, student.
Sànnu,Auilü. Greetings, Audu.
8. Slressis also presenüin Hausa, buü is noü nearly as impoúant in Hausa as in English. The süudent musü, however,learn to recognizeand imiüate the stressas well as the pitch pattern of each utüerance. The following generalizationsconcerningHausa stressmay be helpful: (i) Difrerences in stress alone do not accounü for differencesin meaning betweenwords. (ii) Süressgenerally,though by no meansalways,falls on syllablespossessinghigh tone (as excepüionsnote ühe following-the und.erlinedsyllable üakesthe süress: mòcè eê,it,í,sa woìn/ún;$wõ àkgàti, brúnqthebw). (iü) lVhen a seriesof high-tone syllables is followed.by a low tone, the high-tone syllable immediately preced.ingthe low syllable carriesgreater süressthan the precedinghigh syllablesunlesssucha sllable is both word-final and possesses a shoú vowel (e.g. lta oè, ü is slnl. 9. The impoúance of mastering ühetone and intonaüion paüternsof Hausa oannoübe overemphasized.To ' learn ' Hausa words and.longer uüteranceswithouü üaking the trouble to acquire the proper pitch pattern suggestsan indifrerence by the speakerthat indicates d.isrespecü or
evenignorance.ForeignershaveinsultedHausa-speakers too long by simply carrying their own intonational patterns over inüo Hausa. ft is an everlasting tribute to the patience and kindnessof the Hausa peoplethat they have not only put up with such carelessnessbut even learned to understand some of the things we have attempted. to say in our bastardized form of their language! The tone pattern of each word is fully as integral to it as are the vowelsand consonants,and iü must be as completely mastered. It is for this reasonthaü the effort has beenmad.eto indicate the tone and vowel length of each Hausa syllablein this book.
Paú Two
Lesson4 GreetingBI l. In llausa society, greetingsare usuaüy *o*:,th?o,,* rauoasual'hello' or nodd'ed'morning -r.hjy are ttre mark of couúesy and good maPeri' " L)rüêrenü4-e9ungs ;"itt for d.ifrerónt dões of the day and for differenü given activities. The more commonof ühesógreetingsare õr' bolow. Other impoúanü greetingsare grvenrn Lesson at 2. The following greetings can be use'l with anyone' any time. npW Greeüng yâuwô, sànnu sònnu hello hello (kàdai) I'm fine lau lãfiyà aÍe you well ? lõüvi ? there is no gàiivi hods (yoru) rnõ gàiiYàe bô tiredness tiredness? I'm thanHul how'g (yo,r") lnõ siti ? +ikì üa for iü sõdivõ work ? fine how's (your) trõ giüõ ? lõflyü familY ? tnõ tàb6tì ? (übari)sai what's [he ' all is rsell òlhêti news ? tò mõitülã fine see seeyou later sai an iimü yâuwõ, sai an okaY, You later iinà such 3. A typical greeting situation wiìl include some following The as thlat tistá in section2 above. ;;"#; greetings ?P substitutable for the firsü ;;;;õãtã in the above O""r g'and 4) or"ühetaãt ltine 5) greeting list when aPProPriate:
(o) Morning greetings Greetúnq how did you sleep? did you sleepwell ?
R ply inã kwõnã ? kwal lõOvà?
(ó) Midilay and afternoongreetings: Greet'dng how's (your) day ? tnõ wunì ?
5. Paúing greetings: Greet'i,ng seeyou later sai an iimà sai sõbe sai wani tõkàci
lõfiyà lãfiyà
fine fine
Rqlv lõüvÈ fine
4. Greetingsfor specialsituations: Greeting greetingsat (your) sàranuità aikì work greeti-ngsat (your) sònnudò zuwà oommg greetings(on entering süõmü àlaitün ahome)
seeyou tornorrow seeyou sometime (soon) unüil morning until evening
Repl,y yâuwã,sànnu yâuwõ, sònnu yâuwô, àlaikà sàlãmü
Reply yâuwã, mü iimà rlà yawà yâuwã, sai gòbe Vâuwã, sai wani lõkàci
yâuwã,sai ilà sõfë Vâuwõ,sai ilà yâmmã seeyou someday sai wata rãnô Vâ1wl, sai wata rana A commonalternative reply to any of thesegreetingsis : tô AUà yà kai mü may Godbring it about (tit. okay, may God take us [to that time]) to which one respondsin turn : Èmin may it be so sai rlà sõlë sai ilà yâmmã
tYotwí,nals sikì AUà au jimà
'rvork God after a *-hile (this is actually a verbai construction butoften functionsas a nominal) tiredness home, household tomorrow where ?, irow ? period. of night news health, rvell-being tirue morning early evening; rvest
eàiivà girtã gèibe lnõ kwãnã Êbõü lãfivà lokàci sãtê yâmmã wani (rn.), wata (/.) a certain, a period of claylight wunì
Particles Yerbals àmin thereisnofnone tâ, bebir n'ait a while iimà alà carry, take, kai mõitàllã convey
s8i sànnu
&men,may it be so rvith, and splendid,thank yo:u(lit. thanl<sbe to God) until, except greetings well, okay
yâuwõ/ yâuwa r fine, okay 1 The low-tono form tÈi and the form yÊuwa (with the short final vowol) only occur if no pause (indicated in these lessons by a comma) ocóurs between these particles and a following word.
26 Dialngue BeIlò I Sànnuilà zuwà, Isã. lse : Yôuwõ,sànnu. .Bellò lne geiivàr &e: Bô gàÍivà. Bellò lna aikì ?
lsc :
Ise :
AikÌ aròsòdivs. lne tàterir tàbtuf sai àlhêrt.
Bellò : Tò mõitàllõ. lse : Kwal tãfiyÈ ? Beüò Lõüvà. be: Ìnã giitõ ? Bellò Í,õÊyÈlau 2 lse : Tò mõilàllã. gai gìite. Bellò Tô Atlà yà kai mü. Ise : ì,.i" t LSu is on eurphasizing particle equivalcnt to . very well ,.
Lesson 5
Oenilerof Nouns l' All singular nouns are eiüherurasculineor feminine. Thereis ng neuter in Hausa. 2. Most nolrnsendingin -a areferninine. ilIa.ny,however, are masculine. Following a e soÌneof the ÌÌÌore conÌmon nounswhich have a final -a but are masculine: gialõ home,compound ruwõ water wüsõ1 game watl moon, rnonüh
sünõ güsõ ôõrõ nõmà
naÌne bucket tnouse meat
'Words acceptedlymale and femalethings, regardfor 3. less of their final vowels, expressthe erpected gender. (SeeLesson6 for use of nõ wiüh masculinenominals,cÕ with feminine.) üütüm nê. üàoè cê. 8â nê. Zàkorü në.
It It It It
is a man. is a wom&n.' is a bull. is a rooster.
4. No genderdistinction is madein the plural. Ifõ is used wiüh all plural nominals,evenif they refer to fernales. Môtõ nìi. 3ëràyë nè. JõkunÈnë.
They &re$/omen. They are mice. They are donkeys.
r But this ig fominirre in gome eroog.
õ. f'lre coÌllnìorìÌrÍì,lrres of nrost auiruals,though gremmntica.llyeitherrnasculineor felninine.referto cithe-rsex. 3êrõ nà. lt is a raü (eithersex). Giwõcè. It is an elephant(eithersex). Àkwiyà cc. It is a goat lcither sex).2 Tunktyãcè. It is.a õh"ep{eithcr sex).z 6. Thenanìesof towrrs,countriesl aud rivcrs a,tefeminine. Niiérivà Fòransà InstlÀ Amirkà trwârò
Nigeria X'rance Englanrl America River Niger.
Binuwài Ìtto Konôi Sskkwato Bauci
River Ilenue Lagos Kano Sokoto Bauchi
7. A ferninineof nìârìy llouns referring to personsor anirnalsand of mâny adjectival nourinalJmay-lyuformed. by changingthe masculineendingas follows': (a) A final -õ or -ú to -uwõ : tsõto(lr.) old pemou dôsõ(m.) tall persorr tsuntsü(na.) bird (ü) A final -c to -Ìyã : Bàhaushè(ru.) Hausaperson Bàl6rabë(m ) Arab 8àtürê (rn.) white nrarr shegë(rn.) bastard (c) A final -i to -lyõ : maiàmi (2ru.) tauner dãtibi (rn.) studerrt, mahàili (ru.) parent
tsõluwã(/.) ilõsuwõ (/.) tsuntsuwõ(/.)
or to a high tone -õ : donkey iàkÍ (ra.) braveperson iõrüni (rc.) gwàni (na.) expert mâlèm(i)(za.) teacher student dãllbi (za.)
majêmivã(/.) dãlibtvã (/.) mahaiftvõ(/.)
2 Llnloss thc trrirual refeu.ctl üo is lilros.n t.o bo rnale, in rvhich casc bhe rr'
iàte y.1 iõrünã (/.) swànõ (/.) mãIèmâ(/.) dâUbã(/.)
8. Somenoüns, especiallykinship terms, may be either masculineor feminine : kàkõ grandfatheror grandmother iikà grandsonor granddaughter àutã youngestbrother or sisüer VOCÂBULARY
Nuninals òkwivà (/.) Anirkè (/.) BàtuÌè, ôÕrõ
daubi(pl. dànb8i) siJã (/.)
Ingllà (/.)
Bàhaushtyõ(/.) Bàtãrabtvõ(/.) Bàtürìvã(/.) shesÌvã("f.)
iàrd kikõ K8nò (/.) nàcè (/.)
goat America white man mouse,rat student elephanü bucket England donkey grandparenü Kano
(ptr.mõtõ) woman,wife màcè * -r : màtar. . . wifeof... teacher, Mr. mõlàm
nè/pènc1 mënênë müttm (pÍ. mutànê
whaü ? man, person (p7.people)
30 njüdyò (/.) TTWT
ri ú!l
trrnt|ü tulHyi (/.) wrú!ò! rü!E Í8tl
Nigerie w&ter bull ruìme biÌil ú"ep this game,play mootr,month ÌoosteÌ,coot
fsurt8ü nê. üàcocÈwannòa? Àkwiyà cõ. wsaaÀr? Un8õ Iô. EècÕcè Audü w|Dnòr türHyõ oà. Tò mõdòltõ,ssi sòbs, üü!õ Àuilü Yôqwó.Altü yô ksi mü. ÂEdü Ui8õ Auilü
Partitk* !lã (/. cã)
ls, &Fe, VeÌe
ÌxlBcIsns Tra,rslateinto Engüsh: l. Burõ [}. 2. fltu!ò rlõ. 3. Girõ d. 4. Írõtusã cË. 5. BòtúLrè nã.
6. Irqrtrú !È.
7. ElIn nÈ. 8. rõrl nà. 9. DürDtaü. 10. üütiE
?rsnslat€into llausa with eithernü (m.) or cõ(/.) : l. ft'g a name, 6. She'ga womrn 2. It's a bull. 7. lts a game. 3. They ore mioe. 8. It's a Ìoost€Ì. 4. Ee's a llaura person(zr.). 9. It's a home. õ, Thoya,reromen. 10. It's the mooD. Dtologue
8ÀnLuúõUbl. YAUÍã. sò!|ru Bõlò8. ünrl üàrënè wauÀn P Audü WslrlÀn ilkl [à. üi!Í Tò, mÈrënàsruà,r ? Au|lü
'To BD':
Lesson 6
' To be' : I{e. CéanalKÈ nan' l. The serrse of antfisfarelwasluere is, regaldless of a,spect. íor 'lense'). expre.sedby aê if rhe srrbjectis mascuüne or cëif ir,i- íeminine.As no genr]er tiicrioction ú made in noun plurals, !õ is always used with plural forms. (SeeLesson5, section4.) 2. ë/cëtypicaÌÌy occursat the end of a phraseor olause and its tone js alrnaysoppositeto tbe úne of the pre. ceorngsyllable. Sarti nè. Yãrò !ë. uaksrsntã cà, Yõliryò cë. târe nÈ. Yõ tòff siitõ nè.
It is a cLief. It is a boy It is a scliool. It is a eirl. They aie ohildren. He went home (emphatic).
3. The oonshuction kè lan caí often be used to express the sauremeaning as aë/cê. The use of kè nan, Ìrowãver, úypically implies greater emphasisthan would the use of trë/cë.
6. C6.{N'DKÈ nar
4. The phrase shi kà nal, Ìiterally m€aning i, is rlrô i8 oommon in the llausa la,nguage,and is used to expÌess finaÌity and. oftên, to signaììraDsitiooLo a new topio similar to the notion of tidr's all, thÃl'sthtt' ,hnl's 4ll lhere;s to ít, thnl's theenÃof thnÍúttlar. Yõ mutÈ. thi kè uao, Bõvsu watrrrÀn. . ' Ee dieal. That wasthat. After this.. . 5. In the negative,bà .. BÈ iüò bs nÈ. Bà kudi ba kè latr. Bi giwã bs cà. Bà yâre ba nè.
. ba nè/cèor kè uslr i6 used. It is not an eye. It is not money ! It is not an elephant. They are not children.
6. The independent pÌonouns cornmonly në/cõ and kè u,r. it ito cè it is I (ar.) ai rà (/.) mü rè ii I nr cè it is it kú !è t&i trè it is you (r,.) it sü nè kë cè it is you (/.) it is he (rz.) lhi !è Ìfàtrõ Dà? Nì nè. tht nè zâi tàfi. Wà,vaz rõ? Ni kè naa.
occur with is she is we is you (pl.) is they
who is it ? It's I. It is he who rill goWho haecome? I.
KudI kè mr. gsrki kÈ nan. Yõ sàmi küfi kè Iõ,^rarl Eu! ilõwõ siilã kè nan.
It is money Iú is the kúg ! He's becomãreally wealthy ! Well, we're back hone.
_l Tllee r-o,rB sre not. howêv€r, rhe onty *ays to ÍêndeÌ rhô EngÌish eêrb'rô bp . For other renderiogs,sm L;ÊsoDst8 âDd tg.
Noninals cÀÍl idò kâi kàsuvâ (/.)
town eye heail market
The leâson for â short !'oweÌ oD this (snd other) person-âspect ' pÌonouns when following aD interrogative is explâinedin Lesson 20, section 7 (ó) (ii).
.mar,: trdl LyÂu têiff Bsksrsrtl (/.) !Ãtrtyõ (/.) (pJ. shõnü) 8alki ylrinvi (/.) yõrò (it. yâ!õ) wà, wànë, EànõDè?
Adagua Yir[lü Dôudò Yüúü Drqia Ìn!úü
cow (pl. cattle) chief
boy (ptr.ohildren) who ?
Yü[tü Pwtüles dò no yes I lelsu very
Itupoftan, Pkro,ses bElôifr that's okay (ldÍ. there's nothing wrong), neveÌ miÌral tlò kyÂu Aooil ! rhi kà'ran thst's that EXDRCISEA
Translateinto English: 1 2. 3. 4.
WÈ!õ rà I Gtri kè DaD. Bl gcttí br ú. ürLarutõ cè.
5. oìier nè.
Translatê into l{ausa : ì It is o sohool 2. Ho is o man.
6. That's all. 8. It is money. ô. fü ir not e bull, it is a cow. 9. It is not sa eye. 10. It is Dot I mcÌket. ?. They oro not chililren.
goodtresg fault, sin school
lerbals ilãwõ retuÌr (heÌ€), come baok shìga enteÌ, go iD go (away), go (to) tàú
IÍõ,Oóerl Kã nu
8ì sidõbs trÈ. 7. Bl yerEbl nè. 8. M aè. Ita cè. 10. üü aè.
3. They are boys. 4. He ie a ohief.
Dsudl Yü!tü
8fut!ú dà ![wÈ, Dsuilò. Yluwa rÀuu. trd llÂyl ? Lr,iyl &olsr, Würã ya H,ngòrI ? Anilü trè. Iõ ilõwõ!È P Àii, ssi còbo. rò dò kylll
cotÍ?LEïED ÁcrroN
4. In every sspectin Hausa,excepithe imperative,the verb must, unlike English, be pleoededby a pesoh-aspect tronaun (betaelorlh abbreviatetl ?'a ot p'@ l onoünl, iegardlessof whethetthere is alre*dy a noun subjeotor not.
Lesson7 CompletedAction l. In llausa, the aspeút(teÌmedâspectÌatheÌ than tense sinceit denoteskind ofactio[ Ìâther thân time ofactionì of veibs is shown by changes in the Wson-as?eci yotknn , \ot ìí the verb itself. This precedesthe verb. 2. The complctioeaspect indicatea aotion regarded as compìetedor as occurriag at a opeciâcpoint (Ìtther than as a pÌocess)in time. This point in time may be past, pÌesent oÌ future as indicateil by the co[text. Ìn the absenceof oontextual eüilence tothe contrary. however. it is usuallypossiblelo assumeúhetthe Ìcferenceis to a point in time in the past. 3. There are two forms of the compÌetive aspect. The filst s€t of persotu-aspectpronauns }Lete Ìisted rviúh lhe verb zõ, cona, isthe most oommonly used.r Note the feâtuÌe in Hausa of distinct masculine and femidne forms in. the_seoondperson singular as well as the thiril personslngular. nõ zô kõ zõ
I have come you (rr.) have come kitr zõ you (Í) have come yõ zô he has come 16 ró she has cone lD zõ oDêhas come
mutr ,õ krD zõ
tun to
we have come you (pÌ.) have come they have come
I Soe Ì,€€son 20, s€ctioD 2. for the otlor Áct.
Eutmple,s: Âurlü yõ tõ. Yârõ suo tÀ0.
Audu (be)hascone. The bo-vs(they) have gone.
5. The iurpcrsolal p-â pÌonoun str is used in hanslating the Engüsh passive: Alr kãwõ àbilci. Alr kashè IttüÈ.
Food has been brought. The lamp Las beeu extiüguished.
(Z'ít. one has brought food.) (l'rìú.one has kiìled the lamP,)
This difrerenceftom Engüú Ìnây be easieÌto Ìememberif one adapts the Eneliih passiveinto Hausa thougìt' pattems:-substitutiig srwton* htoqht thetood lot the iood, ras út(rtqht. 6. TLe nzqatìreof thc completcduspcrúis formed by placinsbàïlo\L tone,shortvówel)immediatelybcforetb" qhoÌtvowel)at the ênd 1,-*prónoun.and ba {higbtone. : ãf tììe utterance. The constmctionthus becornes bÀ + p-a pÌonoun + veÌb + ba zõ ba tà bò not she has cone not Shehas/diil noì come. aspectusedwith 7. The negativefonn of the compÌete<Ì ,õ : the veÌb
Sinry.iar bàJrrõ bs bà kÀ zõ b8 bò kt zõ b& bài zõ bs bÀtÀ zõ ba b à òrõ b g
Plu,ral, bò nü ,õ ba bÀ Lü zõ b& bÀsü rô bs
8, N;te three ilifierences between the p-e pÌonouns employeil ú the affrmative completivi uid tLo"" oaployeil in the negative sompletive': \a') Tìe negative p-a pnonounshave a low (rather than
bngb)tone and a shoú (míher than long)vowel. (ó) {n gÌl nlural_fo-rns, in the second person singular feminine, anrl in the impersonalal, the neg[tive rorus llave no itrêl -Á. (c) Ìu the fiÌ€t end ihird persons singular, the p_a pronoun eüdes with the fiÌsi bà, so thet bÀ'nÀ beoomesbÀnanil bè yò becomesbài. This is virtuallv always so iu spokeuand wually eoin written Haud, Eaamlícs : Eè kÀ kõwõ àhinoi ba" You diil not brilg food/you have noô trrought food, Bü shõ rurõ b8. Ee dicl uot ddnk water/Ee has not dÌunk watar. 9. Wlen the verb is followed by ao objecüoÌ otheÌ seotetrce msteÌiaÌ,the f,oaÌba usuaüy(but by no means invariabìy)occursat the end of the sentence.An important exceptiooto this rule is tbe word tüküna íaori a,r get, wüçh regularly comesafter the 6.nal üa. TLe fust negâtive woral bÀ must never be Êepârat€dfrom its p_a PÌOnOuD.
b ò+ p - ap Ì o Dou+n ve r b+ ... + kò rõ Dè Sialõ you troü came home You diil not oornehome. bt sü zõ ba not they came uot They haveDot corneyet.
bo Da not tühtrl (not) as yot
Nanvinals Àbilci ibõki daré lìfiIà (í) sõ!õ (Í) kõmë mière Lf.) fttúì !õEã (/.) übõ uwô (/.) yeB
food friend night lantern, lamp farrn, garilen anything stóol. cúir book farming father motheÌ toilay
Particles Veúdlà dàzu follow Di' ]rrsf now 2 tükütr&, ci eat ji s tüLü! (not) yet hear, unilerstancl,feeÌ tõwõ bring shã ilrinÌ yr, rlo, rnake ,ó come r ìÍorcsvtrÀbic aerbs enditrs itr -i (bi. oi f. ii ft" yi) hsvo s tors -i bofore r p'nruouo direct or i;dilscl, object, snd s rôo" -i bsfom I sn obiooi fonovirS. noun objicl, o. dhon th€y stÂod rithort Tho vorhsl nouí hss a loús -i silh fclling totre.
40 Importan* Phrq,ses .êi bE kõmé theÌe 18lottrilg (wrong), it iloes not natter, never rnÌn(l lxEecISEg
Translate into Engliú : I. BÀ rü lòô bs. 2- BòD ct Àbilci bs tlúü!s. 3. Bè rü Lõwô littõii br. 4- Yãúryò bò tò rtiTõ 08. 5. Auilü bòi tõ m8krr.ntà br. TÌanslate into Eausa : t . The man ilid noú make a farm. , Ee djd not come this momús. The giÌl did not qo io 3 the fa'rm, I have oot yet dãne the workThe ohair was not brousht.
Di"Wru Eò&o Crrbà 3Èto Gorbà BàEo Garbt BÈ&o
Lesson8 Genitival r.ink 1. In unilentanding the possessive constructiou in Hausa, it is helpful to rephrase the Br.glish the clúef's hottseas thehouseof thechief. Of ìs expressedby na if the noulr possessedis mascuÌioe,or ta if it is feminine. The genderof the possessingnoun is immaterial . 2. Usually tÌris genitival Ìinl< is shortened and suffixed to the noun. I{ô contÌacts to -n and t& becomes-t (exoeDtafteÌ the ferv feminine nouas which ilo not enil in -a, when the ta becomes-D). Note that the flnal vow€l of the possessednoun is ahvays shoú before the -l/-r sufrx.r giilá tra satH : giilaú ssiki
lnã wud ? lJalyo,
Ìtrã sàiivà ? Bõbüsàjiyà. Tò mãitÀllõ. Kã zõ lõÊyà ? Lãfyò, bâ kõmë. Offbà 6iilã üiflyò ? Bà&o LeffyÈ talsu. Oarbà Ìnô Bellò ? BÈ&o Ys tàÊ Nsnò. Carbà Tò dè kyÂu. yã tòfl kàruwã ? Bõlo Ã'à, bài tàl kàsuwõba. CarbÀ rò bâ tâiti. sai 8r iieà. Bà&o Yâuwasai an iimÈ. ! tàt : eo (ro).
kÀrë ra Dautlà : kàretr DatrilÀ Àbitrci[s kyâItwà : Àbilcitr kyâtrwõ
the chief's house David's dog cat's food
sãtrÌyãta Auilü: sã ya. Áudu's t:ow audü noun âgõ ta Csrbà: úgar Garbà Garba's posses.seil gown 3. Thc shoúeÌ, sulfrxcd Íorms (-n/-r) are far morc írequent than úhelonger forms. Na/ta, àon ever, is preferred (or requiretì.): ! Thì6 is bec&usê Harea does noi Âdmit ô Ìong aoivel íor ô diphthong) in ò cÌoÊcdElllabl€.
(o) ìYith an;- nou-oto jndicate possession of something
preliously referrcd to but not re-speoified ís€õ ksson 9, section 5, {or tho use of ràbted forms before pronouns) : !ô Audü në it (masouünething) is Auilu'o t8 Be||ò cé it (fenúnine thing) is Bello'o bÀ rÈ kõwõ rs (,heydid not bring Daüd,e D8nilàba yõ yi rs EÀEde Lyiu Kande'sis nice (ò) lVhen iìe na/tr pbrase is tììe oomplementof !õ/cõ : airlã m ÂultÈ !ë the housobelongsto Au
ilõtìr rÂn na Sellò this horse of Bello's kèkë üiyu Ls C&rbÀ Garba's two bicyoles (e) With numbers to fou ordinal numbers : ra biyu uà it is the secondíone) uakatstrtãts huducà iI is the Íourth scbooÌ 4. There is no gender distinction in Hausa pluraÌs. The form of the referential usedin the plural is alíays -u (ao): môtan Autiü Âuilu's $ives EutÈ[eD S..kin Kstrò thc Emir of Kano's oeoole
5. Nouns eading in diphthongs -ai anil -au usually drop the seconilvowel before the referential, and affix tÌre -u iothe- a:2 oil !rôi butteÌ (lir. oil of the cow) E6tt shãDú (visual)goodness kyÂu its goodness kyã!EÀ 6. Many nouu'r (ohiefly Arabic ancl nngüú loals) eniling ú a consonantadd -i before tÀe referential. teacher BõlàItr mtlÀoinmeksÍantã echoolteacher !ütüm Eütumh
m&n the chicf's nan
Nowimls sili ciki!
oa úÃhì
ivõlì iylyë tÀró LèKê lryStrtrã(/.) úôi
inside,in. .. horse son hut, Ìoom one's family (rvife and children) pa,.enfs dog bicycÌe oat oil
bslsrsrtã Eô! shãtri nôn/aan/nàn rigi ("f.) tÀim8kõ Tiranci
schoolteapher butter, oÌeam here, this gonn, ooat help, aid Engüsh language Íootnote on Gecíion 2 0boÍe. ' S€ê
a llsa
8õrtà3 tariatõ rrbàtõ tòmbsyòa
hereis/are, th ereis/are (pointing to object) úhank
read write ack, ask for
Translate into Hausa : l. Is this the ohief's houee? , The boy's father has gone tc Kano. 3. The schooÌteacherilid not eat fooil. 4. Where is the horse'sfood ? 5 . There is Auilu's cow.
TrausÌate into Enclish : t. Ìan giitao ssrlii 2. IüÌò! sarti nè. 3. I{õ kãwõ ntüàs Oübò, 4. Àbilcin kyâDwãnè, ã. Yõrinyü lô tòfl gõDst mãlòmitr matsr8trta.
I Ody Dow a.e scbolarspêying Lho closoattenr,ion ro iho ooltoo! length of firrl voe€ls in üÂuÁa ühsr tbe pbeoomenon d6so!vo6. Tbem isstill some eêy togo bêforê ê dêfitriti* Êrr of ruleô govornhg nnar vowei tengrh cân bé rormula!,e4 but w6 aro cratoful to P.ofeúoÌ AÌEott end his collêrgüeÂst S.O.A.S. foÍ stìoiwio{ uÊ ro quoüo thh proÌiaionâl stromsry oÍ th6 roles fo! potyryttabic-vorba. Ìn brief it mev be seid thst : A. Traftitiv€ and intrâDsitivo verbr vith hrgh-lov end highìorhigh tone psitêÌn : Ì. Thos6 ending in.o oud { (a) h3ve thê ffnsÌ vowol lons lehôn (i) thoy aÌe not followod by on objoot (ü) thoy ?.rê loÌlopêd by a di.€oÈ object proroua or by (á) hs,v€ the âlol ÍoÍeÌ short whon they sre fotlowed by I noün ooJeor. 2. Tho!ô ônding ìn -i and -u (LighloÍ' pâttem) (o) havs tho finêl voweÌ EhoÌt rhên th€ yorb is intronÊitivo (à) havo tho fiD8l vowel loDg ìrLen tho v6!b is rran6iúiye. ts. Tútrsn8itive verbô sil.h loe-hish and loe-hiqh.low iooê pâfl,om eìvsyô bsve t he ÂÍlal vow€l Êhorr,excep! wheDrhev âro fõÌlowôd by Àtr iDdir€ci objecl. Tbê vèrbsl norì bs s ioú ff!ét vorsl. Thê vowêì iength of motro8yllubioverbs oDding in C. -i h5õ b€,6ú d@lt with st pase 39, noto 2. . Tbê Êüod€DtBhouìdnot êtl€mpü to u6e this Ford sn obiecr 'iüh unril hê hs covêr€d tho nêtêÍiâl in Lesson Ì5.
Àri ;
üènõ lè süuanwsulir ? ,ieEê ne.
Na wòuë Dè? Wstrtrò! kèketr d8tr sorti trè. üuarü Tô, 1[õ kèkeDaurtü ? À i: Cà shi câtr cikin dõLi. ümarÈ 'Ìo ca llyatr' lra gooe. Àti : rò bA lâifi.
Àri :
Lesson9 PosgessivePl9s6rns l. There.are two foÌms of the possessrve pronoun: inseparableancl separable. 2. The hueparablz, which correspondsto the Engtiú my, hb,.etn. ie-form4 in all peisons,except the "Êrst personsiagular, by adding the g;nitival link -r or -r plus a protrominel eufix to the object possessed. Tbe À!oÌ vowel of the noun is úorteneil as in Lossong.
y&ò + -u+s ò:y ãÍòrrà yltõ + -r+ tI: yIròDtÀ Sõoõ+-t * sÀ: g5..rra 8õrI + -Í f tò: g6rslta
his boy her boy his farm her farm
3. Jbe,formation of the ioseparablepu$sessrve pÌonoun ilifrers in thefrs, íìâro7üsirgttor. He;e íbe srrffi -u o, ie eu.frxed directly to the thiag possessed (-[ô -tr to s rnasculrDonoun, -t8 to o femiDine_the gender (sex) of tüe speakeris irrelevant). The final vowã of ths nôun remains or becomeslong.
yftò +r s:yõ rò l s ttuô+tr:gõrits òbirci+Ds:àbirchs
my boy (said by male or female) rny farur (saiil by maÌe or female) my food {said by male or
Masatline noun ytuòEa I my boy your (m.) boy yõròakÀ youÌ (/.) boy yãtòlkl yôròtrsÀ his boy ytuòtrtà her boy yaròmmü our boy your (pl.) boy yõrükü yaròtrsü their boy
tr'enininerwtot gõDÁt&1 my fâÌÌrÌ gõnarkò your (n.) farm sõuarLt your (/.) fâÌm gõlarrà his farm gõlartÀ Àe. fâ,ÌÌn gõlstmü our faÌm sõrarkü your (pr.) íeÌm gõDerrü tÌÌeiÌ fâün
Note thot, except for ihe flrst person singular, all the inseparablepossessivepronouns have a low tone and a shoú vowel, Note âlso that where the qenitival Ìink -n precedes-m (fust person plural) it bicomes -m for euphony. Especially in the rvesteÌn dialects of Sokoto an
It is his. The houseis yours (zr.), The cat is youn (ac.). The cat is yours (/.).
6. As Írith the inseparable forlrls, aD exception to tho general pettern is fouril in the first person singular.
4, The. oompletetable of inseparable possessivepronoung ls :
I Thê lencth of lhe yowel of th6 frst peEon linsul.r ãu6! (-ui-tr) is;horr only shên uttersDcê fioÀl (e.s. bà ni òbinch., siae M ny Jood). when ¬hêr qord folloss, ihe Ìowel of thê -trs/-t! becomeÊÌone (e.s. òbinclnd üê, t & ,tg /oodl
Here nà- or ti- is prefxeil to -wa, This -wa suffx is invariable and disregardsthe genderof the possessoÌ. Giili nàwa nè. The house is mine (said by male or femaÌe). Gõaôtàwa cè. The farm is mine (s.eidby rnaÌe or female). Note that the toÌresof theseforms are low-high, just the opposiie of the rest of the separableforms (and of the simiÌar soundingword tawà, íow many ?, aeelesson l l). ?. The. complete table of the separablepossessivepronouns Ìs : Singul,a,r Plarul, nàna, tàwa nimü, tõEü !ãkÀ, tãkà rõkü, tikü trëkì, tãId nãsÀ,tõsà nãsü,tôsü uãtà, tãtà Á shoÌt-vowel form of the feminìres is usual when the separabÌe possessìves arc usedto modif1,otheÌ nouns,e.g. cõÍ,d taíà', hislarm I rrvã, tal(à',louÌ nather.z 8. _The plural possessivepÌonoun is generally used in referrúg to a towrr or househokl. Onli the oúief of the nowÌroÍ headof tbe housewould usethã personal, my , : gàtiD4orgiilõns. Otherswouldsaysàrimmüor 6dammü, VOCABUI,À&Y
àbüí+ -n : àbiu)
ch/c8lr/cttr there; that first tsrLõ gõrò kolanut path, road, way hanvà(/.) jivò yeúerilay soap ràburìi planting, sowing rhükà togetheÌ tàre yàrzu now yàu8hè' yàushe when ? Verbalsx b"gio lãrà go out (of) Ítts come out ftõ samà únish go ië put, place sâ shigõ oomein shúkà sow (seed)
Particl,cs à
at, in
dàDi!, ilolr
beoaure,in oriler to
Irr',po ant Phrases on (ìop of) à kâ! in the morning dÀ s6lë why ! rlom mò I'm going (now) rõ tú together with tòre ilt EXDRCTSES
. SoÌne Hêus soholrrs orrlsin lhe us6 of the sboÉ.voe€t forns, nGtÌy in th6 tbj.d persotr silgülsr, aÊ s subsr,itu[efor r,beimporjorm ôble poÈe8siee in orilo.lo svoid Lh6 non.faeourêd combir,. tions Ìike {st -rt.
TransìaÍe into English : 1. Ytuìi yã tàí Kmõ tàte rlò uwafsà. 2. MdlàmiDkü yã ië sõlarsÀ yÂu dà sãfë. footnote 3, p&gs 44, coDooEing ihe ffn5l vowel length of 'See Í€rb8 before objects.
3. Dom úè ks sâ littãdnkè à ktu Lujèrõts? 4. Dõkìlt yã shìsô sàri! èüõkirkü. 5. Yã k6wõ kòLõDa.BÀi kelsô !õkò bs. Translate into Hausa : 1. IÍy mother and my father went to vour house yesr€Ìqay. 2. Wtrereis my soap ? I put it ír ury room. Here is yours. 3. Our homeis in Kano. Whereis yours ? 4. Her father rventout of town ou ihe Kano road. õ. lVhen did rny friend eat his íood ? In the moming. Dío,logue ÃitÀmú: ltrotrlàtr gidõ trõkà !rë ? ÀbÊbskàr l. nàwaaÈ. Àdèmt: ltrã sõlartÀ ? Àbübrkàr CÈsõlõtã ci!r. ÀdÀmt : Tò rtÀkyôu, Àbúbakà! Nã ssBò shúkòiiyà. Àdàmü : tô, yòtrshèka ltuà ? Àbüb&kàr: À farko[ wstàn trâlr. Àdàmt : fi, bÀtrgsmÀ tòwa bs tàtüns. ÀbübakÀr rà bô |âif. Ità tàú yà!zu. Àdima : Tò sai wNDilõkàcI. ÀbqbatÀr Yâuwã, ÁIlò yÀ k8i mü. ÀdÀmu: Ànir
Lessonl0 t SDecifiers-'Ihis t, 'That ', ' Iboso t, ' lhose l. Snezifr'ewats a qroup of noung whioh oodify other tle- mõre spe.cificor less rpeci.fic' Thìe oorrig ti -nk" incluiles the worils ofteu I'exmedd'enwn' claes of *ords gtÌol@eg.
Ptrural. tüis, these wadòrlln that, those f,8dèrcôl w!da!!u, waau a. a cerüain, some (ptr.) ytuò thie boy radÀlJtôD wslaòn úeso PeoPle mtrtà!õ wrncòD gônõ that farm wani qüto. " i*-
$í,nwlar wainln 1ar.enil /.) rslrcì,r (or.), waócòa(/.) waúf (m.), wsts (/.)
2. The specifrers llfu, ihis, tÃae, ar.d cí!' tha, those, follow the nouns they modify. The -n/-r Ìeferentisl is noun. The tones on nâo and côn su.frxeil to the precedinq -or low, with or without slight fallüg may be higb,difr"."ncu" ú .er,niog. Tle followirg are the mo6t typical ways in whioh ühesespecifeÌs ooonÌ :
following a low-toDesyllsble ía) ' ' A fallirg-tone rôn/cÂnro[owi"g- a high-tonesyltable or a lowltoneaòrlian is the mosúgonmonway in whiohtheseworilsocour. The meaning is typically non-emphatic, e.g. :
d6Htr trâú Àbircir [à!
tÀis hut this food
Eütumh cen that man gõtr8r cllr that farm
(b) A high-tone !&r/can may be employed to inilicate
nausÀ pÌevious refeÌenoe. If the tone of the syllable preceilingthe speciferis high, it becomes falÌing,e.g.: 1 rigân aou this gowa (previously referreil to) sih-! !8D ôhis work (preüously refeneil to) kqiërir csD that chair (previously referreil to)
3. The speci6erlÂn cen opüooally precedeúbe noun it modifieswbea the r.ferenci of suõh-anour iô locative: ô gar 3ht [etr aà!i. I saw him (here) (in) this town. 4, Nâlr &nalcôtr may also occuÌ alone (i.e. not as modifiers), meaningiae and thztercspeatively. Only high- anil f-aUingtong fo-rms occüÌ in thiì usagá tle UlU-tone forms tlaically üücate a grearr áishnce dm the speakerthan do the falling-toìe forms.e.g. : Cò Auilü !râ,D. IÌere's Audu here (nearby). Cl Ândü trsl. Eere'e Auilu here iin tle viclnitv). Gò Auilü côn. There's Auilu over the-ÌeGà Auilt ca!. There's Âuilu in the distance. 5. Á.rr-{-r sufix may be useil without a foìlowins noun to_ specr$ that refereuce is úo somcúhitrg preúously referreclto or impüed fiom the context, e.g. : Oi rìgã, àmnõ hõ wàrrtôr ? There i8 â/the coat, brt rrhere are tbe tmuseÌs (tbat go with it) ? . If the _fin4 syllable of ttre sufixed noun is high, it becomesfalling before -{-r in thie usage.' The súxed t n*ors n&,/Drdnqa the femiribo , -r Âomr rsus y b6oono3 -Â, oÌú.ucÌr aaarmlerror dos úoü. ês e Ìute. tsk6 ptece boforc côn/co/ ca,!".üoEgh ú d6 in l,ho conpouDd wscoòtr (R sboeo). I We hsvo soughr to svoid the tôchDic*t isme oÍ \,hethêr confo. eú, ceo Plop€rly carry robe. Buü in this cmj the ÍslliDq torc m8y bê €r_pleinedby thó fsot thaü tbjs su6r haa a to;tone, strd theÉfoÌe o high Gnsl-voFel + toe-n/-I giver e Ís ìrg toDó -D/-r oeer th€ sholo eytlable Gin/CÍr, whemss e loF fDDt rowel J low
slEqü'rEas-. TErs
" transleteil by the EnglÈh rlefuite íorm may usuallybe articlethe,e.g,: Ânilü yõ tõwõ Àbilci. Auilu broughtsomefooil. ÀbiEcil bâ kyôq.
The food was not good.
Cà tuièrer.
HeÌe is tüe chair (ahat we talkeil about previously).
6. The woril rÍtr, usually meaning ,fr4 one previ,ousl'y rcfared, to, is usâble in plaoe of the -!Ê! ilescribeil in section 5 above anil with essentially the same meaning. It is paúioularly useil with borrowecl rvorils, especially those ending in ô consonaat. Itrl 3ôr ÍolsL diu. I \rânt the Dencil. Note that l8tr mey aacompanydì!. Yerò di! DsL bÀi dÃwõba. That bov has noi ÌetuÌned. A possessivepronoun may also be sufrxed to di!r. Ìn the úrot personsiugular the fomr is dlna. I brought your bioycle (the one I{Ã Lõwô kÈkèdiukÀ. we werc discussing). Ìrâ letrsìr fina ? lrylele is my penciÌ ? 7. Rules for the employment of the English ilefiuite (úãe) anil indefirrite (a, an) attioles ú translating Hausa are not â,ssimple âsthey appearat fust sight. ?he rendering of the. Hausa nomúal without either the referential suffx -n/-r (see section 5, above) or úhe qualifying w8li/rsts (6eesection l, above) is a complex quesiion that is, uníortuaately, not so cut anil dried as lhe thela dichotomy in English. Of the three grammatical sentenceg {rt yaÍo ya zo (ii) yõrònyõ zô (ìü) wari yãrò y6 zô
(ü) and (ü) are quite oleâr, yõ!òD yõ zõ is best trsostÈted 9y y." -yy hds cotnz, a, ÌefeÌence tÁ some specifled or impüed b.oybeingunaebiguousÌyundeÌstôod.'SinilaÌÌ;. wali yõ!ô yô ,ô is bestÌeodered by a (ce*ínl bw hii cona..,t\ut vhet of (i) -? Standard llausa gr*mmrrs".harre ngtrEly tÌar6Ìêted yõrõ yA zõ as lhc boy has arnúe,Eirrce, though Engli*h speâÌers ÌrrigÌ1texp€ct"tbe nore specúì yõròr yõ rõ to indicaíe this meaning every timà it is ht€nded, Eaüsa ruÌes do not coneÀpouil" to Enelish rules, and in IIausa. where tbere is no' doubt of, oï-nã *gortÍcanceaüt-acàed to, which . boy , is meaÌìt, ytuìj yõ zõ ooescerryÌtrucboftbe spocificitywhichEnqlisheap.esses by mears oÍ the defirite article. Thrs ãefiaiteness is pÌainly ilJustrated by suoh acceptableseotercesa6 sarti y--ro, u.n chleJ haa conì,ei búÍè Êõll, open thc daot; Büsurhê yõ zô, tha Hdu.saman ha comc-ìn note of .I"l 9"3gp1""._t_"there aoy questionof choice over wlrtcà chrzlld.txÍlHawo ,rútn iE rcfeÍeÀ to. the area of unoertainty and the ,.IU.: ry-g"-qg ortroru[y ot tormìiêtrng waleúrght rules for this issue, we do not go es far as Ábraham, who iô content to Ì-ecognizeno difrerence iu lIauss betweêtr the Dnglish tl,b. tbe . Au _basicrules of thumb, we recommendlouowrng Ìehen íranslaíing into Eauss : (o) \{trere tho nou.rrclearly rofers back to a previous reÍèrent (ststail or impüed), úe should ordi@rilv be renderedby meansof the -l/-r sufix deacribedaüove (seoüionõ) : veún yl zõ, thc bq (ge, loerc@peding) n4acorìlê. (ó) ÌrVherethe sensereguües a cerÍoin, sstri/wata sLoulil Deused : wani yõrõ y-szõ, a,wtlrin bo! has cdnê. (c) l{here lhe specúcity is immaterial or unmisíakable. the unquaÌified nou.nshould be used : ytuò yã,,õ, thp boylas unz Wtren in iloubt, this is the consürucíion most ükely to be úght since it is the moat frequent.
spf,crrÌlDRs-' aErs YOCÁ3UI,ÁRY
Notninals àkwlli àlmÀiìri bàbba cõkilli bakà kõSr &àraai
úâtõ tëbür waucàn(pr. wadàrcâu) wats (/.) (pl. waíelsu) wuÊd(/.) yarõ Veúdls àkwai lndì Lsu sali 3
bor pupil, student big (tüing) spoon thus, so river small (thing) car, lorry table that (pr. those) a aeúaín, a (p1,.some,oeúain) knife much!ìesa,quântitr, number
there is, there are faü mou:rt, climb lúow
Paúì.cl,cs òmmd but from iligè di! that previously referÌed to Lumt also, further, auil
Inportant Phroses bÀr .strì ba I clon't how much, many rlÀ yawò it is so, indeecl h8kÀ !ë I know (it) [õ ssú drinking water ruwan shâ I The student should not to use this wod with a! object 'ttempt iD L6son r5. until hê haÊ covered the metelisl
TransÌate into English : l . Itaai yãrà yõ tidt cikin ruwe.
Xôgin uàn, KwârÀce-
.Kõ sâ cõküin !àn ciki! èkwàtt! rlâ,!. Itrã kuiêÍó ? Gà kujèrôr. Wadàlrân mutànë sua tàn wani gòn-. Tranelate into lfausa : l This boy is my fricnd. 2. Lou U.j (have) pur rlar chair hero. Ihese boys. Thoseboys. I don't knou.yet. o. I went to thai towrl. Dia,logue trànde : Wadalsu E[tàtë sun zõ gittamúü. üaryamÈ UÂtlÀüõ,!ã kEwõ àbi.ucirtàgàkisuwõ yâu. XÀlile : Dà kyÂu. Àtwai ruwan châ dÀyawò tumi. DÍaryamÌi SaÍkitl gÀri trè ys zõ. KàDde I .E8kàDê. Yã zõ tàre dà wstri bÀbbotrmütôD. üaryamÈ Uütlmln, rsrH rè kuDã ? Eànile : Eakò.!è, yãròtrsàyê tãwõ wsni bôbbstr òkwÀti. üaryamì Tô, mÈncnè citin òtwÈtì ? EÀnd€ : Bàn sanì ba.
Lesson I I
Quantúers s, l r l 'c l l t;of r 'or r n'r r hi c l 'i r r 'l r r 'ìn s L The quonlifurarp.r úe numiers ind a forvot hcr rvolds. Qu.rnti6cn tl picaìly follo\r the nouÌÌthey rnodify, but rvithoui cmpìovitg tlre -tr/-Í suflìx. ten houses gitlã gõmà hov manY boYs? ? trowà vâr6 all the PeoPle mutàtrë dukà t*'o girls yãúnyà biYu Wiih numbersit is not alwaYsnecessaÌyto useihe pluraÌ form of the noun.
2. The numbers 1-22 (see l,esson 32 fo! a conÌÌtete listing) : 10 eõmÈ 11 (gõmà)shâdava 12 (Bômò)rhâ bivu l8 üshìrinbúu bóbüI or sõítÀ shôt&kwÀs 19 àshtrindovô bãbü' or gõmòshâtarl 20 àshtrin 2l àshlúú ili dsye 22 àshÌrindà biYu etc. Note that shâ, azd, is only used with numbers11-19' *".d lo, drl. dÃ,is usêd\ itb numbersabole ìU" "úutr. tuiu reasonl,heword gõmi^isfÌequenilyoolitted io.-noï f"om the ou-bers 1l -lg sinceshâ daya can ooly mean 11, shâbiyu 12, eto.
I dôya 2 biyu 3 ukü 4 hüdu 5 bìyar 6 shiilÈ 7 beksü 8 tskwàs I tsrà
I Literallv, ' 20, two/one l'hôre is noi ''
1:.-ll-g"Tt"*.*tt* qüanüfier_ mütôm tr8wÀp 8áuDawà? :ü yrè I Èldl nawà?
o,awà,?, tow ttturhlnwny i. is alsoa how rnan1,persons.f bow nani,iiures ? how many of r,üem(erc there)? hoÌv mucË(doesit cost) ?
aJJ,may alsobeomployed asa quantifer.
liT,xï* iÌ:lïf"Tu*" ;t*Í m:ffi_
sufrx -u l_ PA{iU"*, tg"""UraawÀ)maysomerimea
ll* j^*:-1or.A.,r'r,r,;.i^*"ïiãy*pi"iâïtri ji:
Í:ff :j::l _f=:.1'"_p*;;";,;-;;;;ii,íi;ï dependent nìminat. Tüe*"Àiü lri"t"u. dayêtrrü üiyuuü or biyu ditrsü blyer ditrsü du&ÀnEutiÈ
one of them twrce their number five times their number all the people
the i:,3ffi^3\#r#ï,"ffi;* emproving nrst(idr'orbegiDning) "lf Ïli: iï-J/t"t
tra/ta gõmè !8/tô a8sÀ ?
kÀrë!s biyu rÍgã ta takwà! Iiltëti !s lawà ?
teuth which (of a series)? (trú. the how manlth) thu súnd dos tbe eighth eo;n book?, -tï1"0tï";uiït", ""veral)
Note tlât farkõ o.rIôrì is substituted
,j,#";::ïïïifi Í#ftli:J.."-_ï fil;Ë"lïfjff r"i"*ïïr1o*t""t$".ilrh
tonedin is s ditreÌentÌvordrromdin
7. The word gíli,, u writ o/, is frequenilv used with numbers, as in the following examples \Then eüilê occursalone it moansoriz. yâr6 gàilã biyu mulôDê güilã hudu Dõtà 8üilô
two Ìroys four persons one caÌ
|lorninals Numbers 1-22 : banana(s) èyòDà mouth; edge bò!Í coÌÌect, Ìight dsiitsi all ilok rlukè, beginning tõri/iarkõ a unit of, one süda gwêbl guava mistake, error koglurè tàEõfiànú citrus fruit, citÌtìs tÌee sÌithmetio lìrsifi manclçòrò mango how many ?, how tnloh ? rswò ? timeg sÀ! ilifrculty wüyõ (Í) neck wüyò Patticl*s Veúals what âbout ? sãnè understand Ià? kei ! Gooil Heôvens! vorv !, oh mâütâ forget boy !, gee! (general zaulò sit down excÌamation) onÌy (seealso Le.sson4) rai zuwÈ toward, to (seeaÌao Lesson4)
60 Inryorktnt l,hrases that'x not suod il kveo blkia honyÈ edgcof tÌrirorrJ
TransÌateirrto Ulglisìr :
SubjunctiveAspectanil Commands
nnnfr io,: Íi,-*";A:*.'li f lï;,",. sa syâbt ò biki[sÀ, yã ,ra ci. À-ï$rìp Beuô yctrio
nasD!üdòshi. l. õ,8.l.awõ 11",_blll"1 u. gwêbi trawl ? Güdã aõeà. o. õ.ar j, Âuilü yÀ EôltÀ rünõDs, WÀolran bâ kyÂu. Trnrslate inío ÌIausa : Ì. L
Thc girl sat dowu on tle chair.
#;i,*ïï:ï;" lïtd,.ïiïiïi,ï,
ò:""i'ilï::,,i',ïllJ i",1'l,llï: ïï;,"",, ^ll,llï,ï Dialogue [õlàmÍ Biyu ilÀ ukü lswà nõ ? Dõlibi : Bìvar aè. MãIèúi shiilÀdòbskwàitÀ? Dõlìüi : #ïiu'. üãlàmi Di kyâu. Uudu siu biyu rawà ? DõIìbi : üõlàali Bõbü ! trô yi kuslurè. DE|lbi : Eokò üè, Sai takwòs. Uõlàmi Tõ. IÍ&wà nê shirlà sàu ukü p Dõttbi : Ashtdn biyü bõbü.
Dõübi : Itrãlòlri
fillu;#i."u" Tõ dà kyâu.
t'sirãtì dàwüvã !à?
1. The subjunctive aspect hâs a wicle variety of uses, though only a few of ihem wiü be treated here (seealso Lesson 27), Subjunctive constÍuctioís nay usually be ììterally translated let oned,osuchand,woh. 2. The subjunctive aspect peÌson-aspecúpÌonouns aÌe characteúzedby low tone and a shoú vowel Using the vetb zõ, come,as a model, the p-a pÌonouns in the subjunctive are : let me come l\ zõ mü rõ let us come come! (m.) kà zõ kü zõ oome! (?r.) come! (/.) Ill zõ yÀ !õ let him come sü rõ let them come let her come ll tõ) let someonecome À z õ 3. The uegative of the subjunotive aspect is fomred by employing the negative paúicle kailà (this is often short€úeil to kô! in Ìapiil speech): ksilà kÀ zõ ilo not oome yerò yà krdà tà,ô don'tlet (or, im contea. lest) the boy go away Lâ! kà yi hekà don't do that 4. The secondpersonforms of the subjunotive aspeotare commonly used to expÍess both positive 1 and negativo oorÌìmanos, rÁ p@itive coúDsrd úay be Bl.rengthêÂeal bJ the uge of sri, e.g. rei tà úìgl ! Dsy DoNn yos müli.n!er (lhough it hrs â eeâker Deâning âs well). See Lesson 29. .ection 2, for r fuller
tà gblgs tü Lõwõ yõ!ò
tsili H si ònilrci
enter! (rm.) bring (ptr.)the bov iloÀ't(/.) est (the)fooil
employeno p-E pronouÌ. ïheÌe is, 1.^!!; j^n*"Ut", a.sneciel tone-paütem ?ortie verbir this-tJj 1;r1-oye;, or oopÁtruttion: all syllaõlesexcepúth" 6"d;vlbbüï; more oyllabtee musr below r;; ih" Io]l::1 lyo.oÌ nÌìar'sylabtetypicalÌy is Àìgb,occasionally i^,"..
àïfrlH;;ìl"ff:*utus€d tosddÌËss '.o'"tii, (o) One-syllable verÌrs may be either high (unchenged) ot low :
zô7zo aea
come here ! êat (youÌ) food !
ct/ci Àbinci
(ó) Vcús wiih a basic low-high tôtre pattern wilt Dot ch&Ìrge: tà gtde go home ! rlrlga enter ! (c)
ary other
tooe paftern will staÌt
j".";;. ;; Hii,,ifrï â ffil*tr;r""*1,#: (tawõ)* küwõèbirci \fs
brüg tle food! (bsd)* bèri (it .l"uuË "looui: r?*l*Dtra-ôfbetweer ,hebasicformsof tle P:,,I".1]h rorowÌag.veÌbs (as
employedwith the subjuJiue pla
?. In complex senteucesit is often appropriate to translate a verb in a subjunctiveaspeol,coDstructionas a socalledEnelisb'iDÍoitive' (erpressingpurpose). Sucha clause, constructionformsthe pÌedicateoI the depeodenc e.g.: (a) The verb of the flrst olausemay be in a completive or subiunctive aspectconstructron : l'se coÚ]\eto grceÍ yoltItõ zõ tn gsirhë kà. yÀ went home to bri'ng wstet giitã IÍe LtÍõ ruÍE. Yõ ió Qomeanãln ilo your work. fü rõ h yi aiHrkü . (ó) The verb ofthe fust clôusemey te in the imperative : Comeand/úodo your work. Zõ kü yi sifhkü, Sit dov! andlta d'ti'nk waiel. zèurs Lò rhõ ruwa. YOCÀBUL/IBY
Nonínals oall
iõrò (/.) mtra (jr., 3A'l gAUd
tõsà("f.) ,ult
' bush ' oountry (i.e. uninhabiteal, unoultivated area) stÌength iloor (way) sun, ilay tiúe (: lõtÀcl) qúchess d.aybefore yesterday window hotness
Veúals barì t let, allow, leave (a thi"g) . budë open
Partì;ries ts i l À,ti r ...
i,{'d,Hlïïi;1"#,"ï*","tll[J"""m",1"Jffi],'*ïH tà zsünà kò shigõ kè Latàutã
sit dow]l come ln reail (it)
zòütra shlso kòràtrta
' rntil
i l onot..
The ÊtudeÃt should not àít€mpí to ús6 those veÍbs with objects he has oov€rôd the metorisl in Lesson 16.
gsishõ greet (before pronoun objectsonly) .
IüIè close sõDü 3 get, obtâú
get up, leave(fÌom â plaoe) tsayõ st:lnd (up), stop tãshÌ
Imwlrtant Phrases dà sairl quiokly rã!ã tô yi zãfi
the sunis hot
TÌansÌate into English : 1. Xôilà kÀ yi aikÌú Dôn. 2. Kailà yãrinyò tà ci àbitrcitr trètr. 3. Zõ trel tt zaunà. 4. üaitò kü ú hakà. 5. Ftts kà lutè &õrò. Translâte into ÌIausa : 1. Doa't ope[ the window. 2. Stop ! Enter ! Sit down ! 3. Bring (/.) the food here. 4. Let him do his work. 5. Come(pl.) and eat your food ú our home.
Di"loS* EE!ü[à
Yàtubà, sÀlõmüÀlsitàn.
YÈnubü Yârwã, àlÀikà rÈ.tâmü. EãrtuÀ Ìyõtlnkà lõâyò ?
Yà&ubü LãffyÈ&d8u. Nâ zõ lõôyà? Eãrúnà Lãíyà. Bô kõhõYò&ubü Uârlà[ã. ghtgõ mü ,sunÈ. 3 See footDots 2 oD pago 63.
ïò itÀ kyÂu. trôi, rõtrõ tü vi rãf vôr. Ëskà rê. Yãtò, kàvõ rtrwsD !hâ t nó rõ ln gaishètè aê. ltrõilÀtlã. Ìíõ gôitè. trõ zõ ità8Àkisuwõ üà ? Eõtrr!ò Ã,à, [ó zõ rtàaàgidó dütu. YèÊtrbü Tò bâ lâif. Gà ruwõ, kÀ 8hd. Eãrú!À !ò a6 gõdè. I{õ tÀ8 yà,trzu. Yò8trbü Tò bâ Éifi. 8ai woDi sãÌ. Yâuwã, sri teDi sô'Ì. Eõ!úlri
Eõrútrà Yi&rbü EArúnÀ Yà&ubü
Gi ni 1 lôn. 0l rìgeta.
LessonÌ3 Non-aspecf Verbals; .Yes'and (No'
Here I am, Ilero is my gown.
by the useof the particlet. 6. Íes is ordinarilyexpressecl The expressioruh;kn;ã, úrus;, ó, sòskiyãDèi dúds,À ,flrrã, o; gòskúarkà,gdtt tntíh, are frequently useil as
are a sma ,1.^ï1"_::";r.Oïr"fÌequeÌÌr "erbalsoccuÌÌêoce group of very rrhich rnay be ï^"f::j^,.1-y"_91 oy a nouD.a nounpüraseor a personol.proioun. luroweo enopìoyed are the, djÌect object pro_ _r^1-"_ _p.ï1o*" poulDg. I heseverbsÌsarenot precedeil by person_aspect
well io údicetc agreement.
2. Akwai,t]teìeülare, statesihe existeDce of something. ÀkEsi yÊÈì gidõ. Tlere arechililrenot home. sitiitÀ vswà. There is muchwork. +Iwli Irawa!tutl ô wuriDLò? Do yox hsveôny money? (,l,?. is there moneyin your
6. 1[o is orünarily expeseed by the lse of úhe paúicle l'ò. n'or emphasis,the veÌbal blbü may be useil.s
. akwai (sü).
place?) There orJ s,roe.
3.__Bãbü or bâ, thoe,islarerclnor, Ìneâo! the opposite of
*"'f; ;rh PÌ:nou's .;r oblect lEw8l,|fie pronouns. Bibü, however,is iollowed Ddepeodentpronotms(e.g.hãnnsw"rhzre ú none ;j;rüe
ïi'Hïil""'.. ïl:::iï3ïïl*u,ïi,::'"." ? No!(lü'
Alwri túi
p Bõbü t
Is tbere any
t4""" i" ioËJ""Y
a. Gà,hzrelthercislare, is used rhen poinüing something
gff,ËËfi,ï"d,,". ff:trì:,ï". ffiff"ï",ï",*\ï
Er tàÁiivè? l. trôi, róDõtEyi zããyôu! Qàskiysrlò ! ÀLwsi yâ!õ dò yarl à úü. E8tÀ trê.
Did you goyesterday?Yes. Gooilaess,the sün is hot toilay I You're right I There are many children here. You're right,
rl tüwõ òbirci? Ã'ü,
Diil you bringanyfootl ? No.
trsi àbõkilrÀ tlé ? Bõbü !
Áre you a friend ofhis ? (Emphatically) not !
?. In answerúg a negative qu.ell'iort.rhnsn"t he ame?, in Hausa, it is necessaryto note the tlifferenoe in the choiceof gesot rw. The Íollowing exanple ilÌuetrates this ilifrerence : Dnelish: I{asn'úhe come? No (he hasn't oome). 1 S€e Lessoú Ì6, Êection 3, fo. the Emaining
forms of ihe diEct
i AltÀoush sfter the feÍnininó nouo stubyõ oío vould expeot rÈ, heard nè is reguiarly employed iD lhjs stJlized -and.f.equêntly pbr$ê ws òbin e:pr"se;op. .Om explsnstioD is thst the origiDal gâslrya tro' Ú Ú o rfue,arug. ã This ussse, however. sppeaÉ to be & rê.ol drv6lopmênü in Èauss {Drobable due 1,o tbe iÍduencê oI Ëuropoen and/or other non-natìie soeeLers of Hsusâ). trõ hAú!I.,..: l^otJ ctcn 4 tittlc, ot ràataa,li|: utteús \,út), arc muoh moro oommonly usd by nativo Hawô. aFor a Íuller treatnìent of eskiDe questions, see LessoE 2r,
BÀi zõ ba ? Hasn't he come ? L Yes (whaí you say is Ìigbt: Ã,à.
come). No (what you say is come),
he ha^snot
he has
Misúakescanòe ar oidedin interpretúg the answeÌlo a negatÌveq ue6tronby mentaUyreÌatingI he or no U) the les oÍ the statementmadein tbe quesuon,oot as a lccÌIacy dlÌect reply lo the question; or by tbe use of the ,l.menoaÌrÌesponse. right ,. Examplcs: Eàqde bà tà ilãÌvõ ba ?
I (bôtà rrswôbs). À'à (tõdãwõ).
Isn't Kande baoL ? Yes (ehehas not come back). No (shehascomeback).
inexpensiveness sveetpotato(es),,European,potaio(es) ,'
aovÀ("f.) (lareefvamísì ' sà5kiyõ("f.) trutir krdi kwabò twsi Eadsrô (/.) mônyô nsiIò nõoà stri sulè tarõ tsiilõ wuri yurríò
Particl,es Yerbals kõ ? (question Paúiole), or cook ilatà guilà Ìlrn away në ? (questionparticle) (see Lesson5) (ihere), kõmà return go to another plâce intend ing to stâY there rhüyà prepare trúla çt old Irìrp(Ítani Phrases né ii yurwi I am hungry yn ú lsidà it is expensive yõ ylà!Àhõ it is cheap,inexPensive EXEBCISES
NorainaLs Àràhã gf"IS
price, money (seeLesso46) I
egg(s) milk big ones(pl. of Ditbe, lesoon t0) I nârra meat, wild animal 5 kobos l0 kobos 2! kobos exlleÌraiyeneÊa place hurger
Transla,teinto Elglish : 1. õ ii yurwò. Àtwai àbilci ? 2. fõ kiìíõ Eüt[mt{ rë P I' gà shi. 3. Bebü côkàli trâD? I. 4. Yârã sur tÀfi makarôntã, kõ I Tükü!a. 5. Bà kü shityà ba ? Â'à. 6. eà littõür üõlòE GrtbÀ. Ìn5 !òvs ? Translaie into Hausa : l. Has my mother retumed ? No, shehas not retuÌneil. 2. Didn't Bello go to Kano yesterday? Yes. he wení. 3. lsth-re workl Yes,thereis much work but nomoney. 4. Are there eggsand miÌk here? Thereis milk, but there are no eÃqs. 5. I am húgry. What about You ? Dialaqw uúLsõ: Àkwai dòtrkaÈò tòsure Yâu? GòEbo | Ã'à, èDmd Àkwai ilõvü ilò v8wü.
70 llüsõ : GàEbo DlüsÈ: 6à!rbo Músã : CÀEbo Uúsõ i GÀmbo
Tòdt kyôu. Itawl !ë tuditr ilõvÀ p Sulè dü rtsì zrvà sdè tiy!. trei, sur yi tsÈrlõ! Bõbü-! D*àurü Dâlyã nè. Tô bÀ lâifr. Àkwai Àyôbòkueã ? I àknai, immã bâ yawò. 14 srèbà lÀ ? Dà yawà, Àtwgi malrgwàrò rlò lèmõ rtà ygwò
kumõ. DÀtyôo. Bòli mü jO mü sõmü. Iò niü jè,
Lesson14 Inhansitive Verbs 1. Intransitive verbs are verbs whioh oannot take a ilireot object.l Yõ shlgô. Kõ tssyà, Yõ lòtu.
He hae gonein. You (have) stoppeil/stooil up. It (has) happenetl.
2. Intransitive verbs may be followeil by expressionsof place.time, mannerand the üke. Thesesre not to be ãonfusedwith objects o{ trausitive verbs (seeLessonI5).
Yã tèfl siilõ. trõ zô iiyi. Ye $,ff ili wuri.
Ee went/has gone home. I came yeôteÌday. He went early.
3. Intransiüivc verbs of motion typically imply the coDceptof to oÌ ,oúdrda place. Thus no specialwonilis rir,edÍot tnltoumrd,1f the foÌlowing word inilioates a place. Ye ié Lòsuwõ. S!! tnô Zirivô.
He hes been to rnarkei.2 They have goneto Zaria.z
4. If one wishes to expressmotion towaril a peÌson oÌ other non-placenoun.tbe wortlswurin or waie! aÌe used. I }latrv ìnLrsGiLiee! may, however, ÍÂko indircc( objèctô (e.g. S@ l-€lson I ;Pntlstood ,t'ely /@ ,'iu) nõ tssJÈits.yoú m&, 15. seéion 2, for ôn iatrodúcrion [o indirocf objecLÊ.eection a and Lesson37. mtion 4 (c), for funheÍ illustÉtions of inlísnsii,ieo lorb ÍomÊ bofor indir"ct obFcts Sêe l*sloDs 25 and 37 for an oreÉll 3 Ã seDorsfdisriÍcrion Dsv be mDde bôrçeen tìIfi, so (au!vl. go to d plú. \and rct hN. f.tutn7d yet). Lnd iê, so to and tdvÌn !rcn.
Yã tà,l rlrit !rsh-. IIe has gone to tüe ohief. Yõ rõ wurir mutòDemmü. ÌIe Dagcome to our DeoDle. Yã ttn wriell itücõ. Ee hae gone to tho úoiitv of (towards) the tree.
Nowinals brfi (/. baeã) dàbnrà(/.) lari (/. t8rã) hailui iuuwà (/.) ül (?r. itì-tuì) it (n. ot f.) klyÀ EÀi gldõ
tevò(,f.) uwôlgiilõ rôjê FEtn (/.)
btack (thiu) schome,plin, deviec white (thir*) súorm shade kind, sorr: seed red (thins) load, imp'iãnents 'man of-the houee,, house_otaer, husbând
tyre ' womanof úhehouse'. (senior)wife
prace, Ìegron, en}1lÌoru! IÌ'ê
VeÍbq,l,s Partíclps dourà tje (up), jmprison ai welÌ, why (a mild Iàru happeì exclmation) sÀvi" buy mài possessor of. . ,, wEcè pass(byfon) chatacterized b y... Impútant Phwses dÀ wuri early, ia sood time kãyaq ri.kì impiemeu:ts ofwork. tools mài tèbür small market trader |rawà lawÀ P horr much each ? 'The süodenrshoutd Dor stü€mpü to usé rb Ysrb witì rD objêc! unlu ne rras coçered rhe maroriar in L€€son
TÌsnslatê into English : 1. üè yô làru à snbu YÈtubà ? 2. EailsrÈ yã sucè vàúz[. BÀd mü vi wÈsõ. 3. trÈ tssyò kÀ d8!rè kõYatrkà. 4. DõLhsà yó gtrilü ilÀ ssrri zuwÈciÍi. 5. Yá tÀl wuritr àbõti!8à. Transla,t€iúto Hausa : bv the door. 1. Shepassed. 2. Tbev went t,osit in tbe shadeof tbe tÍec. 3. It happenedhere YesteldaY. +. Audu ioturnedhomethe day beforeyesterday. 5. $he rvent to market earlY. Dialoguz BeUò : üòi têDür Bellò : Uü tébür Bellò : Uài tébüÍ BolIò : ÌIài tëbüÍ Bollò : Mãi tèbü. Bellò :
l{ôli,À në kudin tsvÀt kòkë ? Ai irì ükü cê. Àkwsi lsÌã ü bôeãdà iê. Tô, nswà nôÍÀ kudiDsü? Farã. trairà dsva ttà sulè shiilÀ cê. Eâi, tõ yi tsÈde! Ànmá ita cà mài kvâu. BrÊõ là ! lfôirà dôya ilà sulê hudu' JõfàI Jã cè mÈi àÍàhs à naiÍà dava dà sulé bivu. Tò daidai nà.
(l'his Diaiogucis corttiuucdin Le*or lõ')
(b) Ìüouninilireot objectswith tÌsnÉitiveveÌbs: '!Vedid work for tÌre chief' Uutr yi wò sstH.ikì. I búught (it) to the ieache!' Ì{õ kdsõ wà nãlàúi'
Lesson 15 ftensifiyg Verbs ; Object h,ororrns
pronounor o nonlinal 3. -4.direcíobjectmaybeanoun.a ohrase. The úrre of ; dircclobieclfronoun is. in general, Àigb following a low'lone syllcbìc-andlorv foüowinga hiãh-tonesyliablc, like uê/cë (seeLexon 6)' The pro' nJunsused'asdirectobiectsate as lolìots:s
I. TÌan€itiveverbs may be followed hy indjrect âDd/or quecr oblects,or by no object at aÌÌ.
[üiïfi Ë--;'S,*t'*ii{+ir:fï:n*"+X Ìne you (rx.) you ("f.) Liher
possessrve pÌonouÌur |ory, ií is the insepaÌsble :nSlqÍ treatediD lesson 9. sectioì +, to' which 1Ài;;ï prcu^ru.
_rne proDoun tndirecí obiects are written as
show onËormore rlr€Ìnarivc ;:ïfl: -ix1ïïï: ï^otimes iofor me
Eo[ì/DriEt, ei.D
m|tÈ, mõ
nakü/mukÈ tofor yorr (ptr.)
tofor Ìrirn to/for ìcr
masà,mâr Ilrasü/Eusü tofor thern matè
Ixa.n4rÌes of indirect ol)jects (seealso seotion g below) : (a) Pronoun indircct objects with tÌâosltrve veÌbs: Yã shiryà lostrà. I{e prepared (it) for us. Tõ rlalà mid. Shccooked(it) for nre_
üs You (Pl.)
5, The verb hí, ghx, giw t'o'is lhe comdooest of e ÌeÌy limitril number õf veús wbich require no indirect obieot indicator (ma.irà/mÀ) before an iniliÌect o!lect-' If the indiÌecLoÈiectis a proDoun,tbe formsemployedare the direct objeãtpronoúns.5If (asinfrequentlyhappens)the
:;$r;l*lift*a+'r.'i'ír,*irtits;l'.nr kn"J ItË*,ï:;,*h*rïf i,".::;1;:, ^tï,::,ïï
mu/mü kdkÈ
4. When both indjrect and direct objects arc prescnt, lh.eind.irectobjed i nuarìablyptec'eiu the cl;rccrúicct'a and, ìI Lhedired;bienr is a peióoal pÌoDoun.it assumesthe ind"oenileutfor- (seeLesson6, section6. and example three below). He Lroughü tu foorl' Yã kõwõ ms!ò àbilqi. I ditl work for the chief' Itõ vi wÀ ssrLi 8ikì. Take it (n'/r) to him' Kò Lsi mrsÀshr/it&.
ío/for us
tofor you (rn-) toÊoÌ yon
ú/trì k;/kÀ ki/kÌ ghi/rht t8/tò
ì i
sNote that the.ê is no indêfinit€ dircct (or indirect) object orotron coFe6ponding to the an/à (eto ) p'3 pron ' . t.'nld tho l€€Á common {for erpFsing iDdir€ct obJecuvrry Ì S€ol4so-n l7' dootion2' gàlgàrìoà"*Íuoti." iÊ ".ploved --6-thb fsci lesds soD6 ro sugSeâtthst bè s.tuslly sov{ns tço d;r.d! objócts rsiher ih6n onê indirecl and oue d'Fcl {uke oEoer
düect object is a pronoun, the iuc
rornsareemployed, u" io urunptettÏ#"f;.;ll.n*no* Yi bõ mü tudr. I{õ ìõ sht si&i. IÍõ li rht its.
He gave uo monev. f gave him work.' I gavo her/it to him.
If the bdirecü object is a noua, bê becomes bã.
Yô bô müiüm h(n. ttã üô âudü 8ili.
Ee gave the man monevf gave Áudu work.
Bn/bê must take.ot least one object. W-henonly one o"":Ì",
it is.mostükely to'Uuu" iuA'i"ci-jiJii ,o,ol-:",1 rt oDtya directobjectis empioyed, it _*iì"1"*"ìü
It6 g8L !hl.
I{i ss Âuilü. Kò sa!è oid kèkêÂa!
7. Onegroup of verbs (often termed chongi,ngor oariable rowel,oerbsl3 chargetheir terminal vowel (ancltheir tones ifthey have tbÌee oÌ more syllables)beforea direct object. Transitive verbs with an initial lorv tone are of this type. Before a noun direct object the teÍrninaÌ vowel becomes -i. Before a Dronoün it beoomes-è. ÁlÌ tones are loÌí except for a final high-tone syllable. (snvô)
Yõ bã nt. Y6 bõ rtòhdf,
He gâve (it) to me. ,le gave money.
tulri, (set krcw, bc.i, permü,teaue,olld. 9:ft,:^l-"Ì" .to) gau,.pet@tve, see,arc abbreviated betoreau gaú and DaÌineverdÌ,opmoretÌran theü finaÌ objeot. vowiìIt s$r ibt. Yõ bsl sidn. Yã bar mstrà aikì. 8un ssD Auitü.
I laow 6 him, He (hae)left home. e (has) lefï us work. They know Áuilu. CrüI dropEits 6nel vowel beforea pronoun object and ite
sylìsbte before a.nouìobjecr.'d;foã;; Ii9l: uduectlTl oblect it becomesgs!è.
pr**r üïP;,ïà::f,*iJi*x':*ï:"j.:"j3i"pjt*l"_!e.!h".
l,"r#ii";ilï:'lÍ.'*:lT,::'ll^"É^'iïi! i*ra"J"r":#"",',T-;lí,*Hii:Fir
"lllt"'tl,".t S::,-" mentl fiÌing úÀ€ .iDdi;ect J[: :irl":lá{i.,itï'iiriiïi"l"ffii:T""ï *ïill,"ËË.',Jã,;"-#ïi"&"jd;f orbõsÊ *r"*::';".1t,',._=1":ïti': t*; soeo.oing tn ;l ifËira_Ëiï;;iï l."rüjtr_k . Seotootnot€ 7, p. ?7.
""i "új""ãi
I saflsee him.? I sa{see Áuclu. Keep an eye on my bike (for me) !
[ã, sàyã. Ì{õ sÀyi àbinci. õ sàyëshì. (tòEbsyà) sa tàEbayà. Íã tàmbÀyi BeUò. Ì{ã tàmbàyêsht.
(have)bought (it). (bave) bought food. (have) bought it. asked. (have) asked Bello. (have) askedhim.
A very few verbs wiih iniiial high tones belong to this group of verbs. Two common ones are sèmü, ger, and {tv.kìi, takc, 1ti,chupuu! sàúõ shl. Yã dòu&i kõyõ.
We sot it o/ we foüÌal him. IIe (has) pioked up/carrieil the load.
Yariable vowel verbs will be indioateil in the vocabularies by the pÌeseúceof (i/ë) following the verb thus : sdmü
7 Notê that thê EDgìish t!êDslatioD of the üâusâ conpÌeiivê asp€ci in contêitÊ euch âs theÊo iÊ present (noü ps6t) tênBe. ID the cssê ol nã srtr úi the literâl glo8s vould be sonèthing Ìike 1 lÌare sot to kÌ.oú hin, íherctote I latiul kn"i" k;n. Nô e8n shì literally g perê.iae,] h;'n, theeforê m@üing eitheÍ úeà.'a I haïêlhon ',tsuiviÁuâlly percêived him) I (stiÌl) se, àtu. 1 ,o1, áin or (hovins a lhi! oÌB ofve.b is Pa.sN' Gra.doII. Tho PaNoDs' clâssificâtion h htroducéd in l,son 25.
8. Before.aprooounindirectobjecí rariable vor_r,el verbs (anc low-hrgbrntransitives)operateas folÌows:
ìIõ kõEò wà Uusãkili trõ ksrÀrtõ. Íô laràDtõ shi.'g f,õ kslÀntÀ liftõfì. Suú karàltõ Eruè shi.
(c) They may either becomehigh_high(-high) ancìsuffix -t (wntcnassÌmllatesto _Dr),e.g.: (nèmê) + Yõ nõmam minì aiki. Ife sought work ($mü) -> M samammasÀkèkê.
trã Lãwõ.
à kõwõ rht/tà. Nã kãwõ kuú. AD küõwõ 3hì. An tirõwõ mtuã.
for nre. I got a bicyole
(vÀrrta-intransitive) + uoov"ra". wloirf,#"a rri* m&tà. ,-+yô raubeyam (rÀeba,yè) EiDi. "Jt;'"f:utlÌ".
Na nõnals àddõ(/.) oauu IaúaÁyò (/.) sàrBô (/.) sÈtali kõmë
I (have)caught(it). I (have)cauÀhtií. I (have) caúhr a fish.
Ìnâtchet Ìeason hoe Ìarge hoe, plough axe, hatchet everything, whatever
Port'iclês grve àlbsrkè no sale! (said by (i/õ) pick up, carry scller) dôuLò habà coÌne,comenow!, I.aa (r/e.l speak gari nonsense! see increase,raise u'a,-leà,| &dlà (pÌice) mà to, for rage reiluce (prioe) agreeto sell s&llÀmã raya male an offer (in buyúg) Verbals 0a (DaJ
9. O_ther trâDsilive veÌbs.eÌcepttho6ecndüg in _õ,also sxortenfbeÌr teÌminal voweÌbeforea direct iouo obiecl lDÌÌ not belorea direct pÌonounobje,,t. nor befoÌ; on lDduectoblect). 'l heseverbslikewiôe.if thêy consist of nìg,T.th.an-two syllabÌes.drop the tone oÍ th" 6n.l sytlatìlebelbÌea noun direct obiectIÍÀ kõ!!È shi/tâ. IÍõ kãmÀ kifi.
I have oaugÌrt Musa a fish. I (have)read (it). I (have)read iì. I (have)read the book. They Ìeâd it to us. I (have)brought (it). I (have)brought it. I (hâve)bÌought money. He halsbeensummoned. llusa hasbeensunrmoned.
(ó) Or they may becornehighìow(high), e.g. : (sàye)+ IÍã ssyà masà àgõsô. I boughthim a watch. (làdn) -+ Sun l8dà mauò làbÀÍì. They told us the news. (yÀrtla-intransitive),+ tre yarrtò I alìow you (io erkÀ. do ií). (tò!rbaüÀ)* sutr tsmbÈyã ma!à They askeil Áudu .â.nilü. for us. (kwÀikwsyÀ)+ g!tr kwaikwòya They imitated a naoÀ biÍì. monkey for us.
0 Note thât âfteÌ â high-ìow-high verb a proqoun objeci does not íollow the tonâl polsrity Ìulo given in secíion 3 âbovo; but, rrihe., is hish toDed.
ItupútÃ,rlt Phra.ses DôsÀyõ I (agreeio) buy (ii) elrl nin-J give rne somemoÌê. increateyour offer ràgë miqi take someawa].. reducethe price for me
Lesson 16
the FutureAspectsanrl Zâ EXrRCtg[S
1. There are two futüÌe aspects in llausa. The most usoil construction, \erc letmed. Júu,re 1, employs the speciolüedverbal zà plus the subjuactive aspectpe$onaspectpronouÌrs. Eüsion (incluiliug tonal) takes place in the 6Ìst ânil third (masouline) persons singulaÌ (cf. L€€son?, section 8 (c)),
Translate into EngÌish : Ì. Bellò yã kãwõ manònãmà. 2. KÀi masü littãIìr trÂ4 kà rtõwõ tlà wui3. tfò ya bõ kà &wai ? ÌÍài tëbtu à bàki! haryò. 4. Tã jé kàsEwõ,tã sÀyiilõyà mài hÈitô. 5. KiD dàukõ Eü. Kitr kai sü giils! EÀi giilalkü.
I will oome .enzõ you (,l.) lrill come ze kÀ zõ you (/.) wiü oome zóld zó he wiìl come zü rõ shewill oome zl tà 16 onewill come ,tràzô
Translate into Hausa : 1. Diil he seeme ? Yes, but he iloesn,úÌcrow vou, 2. He got meat. Shecookedit. They at€ it ií a hurrv3. We left thÌe,e Insggoesin his car. Go and get theú. 4. Sìe.prep-ared food for us in the shadeof the-big tree. 5. He bought tools. I don't know úhereason. Dfu,lnque (Oontinuation^ofDialogue in Lesson 14,) Bellò : Tô, !rã sàyi t&IÂr latuà uaya iè suè nudu aè. Mài tëbüÍ : ÀlbaÌkÀ, Shi trÈkudi! baÊâr. Bellò : Iô, na$à në tudirtÀ trr sàskiyã ? Uài tébür Itõ lacè &wabòütü. Bellò : IÍã Êtuàstuì. MÀi tèbür gabà mãlàE ! Bellò : fàdi stukiyê. Uài tëbÈÍ XÀwõnairà ilò sutèbtyet ttÀsisi. Bellò : Tõ, ú tayàmüà ilà sulèbtyar. Uài têbür I{ã eeuàeãmtuà ità sulèbtyaÌ ità tarõ. Bellò : MãittltÃ, gÈ ktr|Íi!.
,õ nü uõ rre üill oome zõ Lü zô you wiÌl come zõsüzõ they will come
2. "Ihefuture II aspnotis lessuseilthan tho fuiure f.r Use of this asDectsomotimestends to lenil an aiÌ of irdefdtenessto that is gaiil, The use of the future I does Dot. though, necessarily imply more deúniten€sdtÀan iloeg the üse of the futuÌo II. The future II forms are :
u t
f shaü come you (2.) úll come you (/.) will come he will come
nÊ zõ lâ zõ
úe will come one will come
tâ uõ â,z6
oâ/mwô zõ weúall oome you (?1.)will kwâ zõ oome
kyâ rõ yô zõ
they will come
I Some IIauÊ3 disÌôcts do not uso it et ell.
3. Tìre Degative <.rfboth future aspects employs the bÀ. .. be aegativepâÌticÌes. Bà zôi zõ ba. Bà tllâ tÀfl ba. Bà zõ sü ci àbitrci bs.
They are going/will go to the dance/ gômes. Zfr camot be foüorvedürectly by a nominal. Zâ construotions are negaúivedby the use of either the bò . . . ba or the bò . . . ba negative sets : ZÊ su !swõ.
He wiÌÌ not come. 'Wewill not go (away). Tüey are not goingto eât food.
Bòiüà tâ !i Làsuwã bs. Bò/bÈzÊ ku kàn6 bs ?
4. In sentenoesof a narrative type, when a string of verbs occursall of which require the future aspect,the 6Ìst veÍb is preoedeilbv a,futurc I or II p-a pronour and the Ìesú by the appropriate subjunctive âspect p-a pronouü.r GòboÌIõlèDr AuitÈ zâi tòí ,YôlÀ, yÀ budè Bakalartõ, yô tlõwõ,yà ci àbhci, yà hútà. Tomorrow M. Auclu will go to Yola, open the sohool,retum, eaüand rest,
zA ki rarò.
Zâ a eÀri.
Zâ mu aikì, zô ku kàJrfi.
syrdõ(/.) ,rbi
groundauts, peanuts ilay after tomorrow store kèDff very muoh &wa,fsi r!Àsa,lÈ ("f.) woÌd, talk, matter !3vt (rk.lf-) ilanoe, game new (thing) 8ôìõ exactÌy, really, for suÌe, that's right I r&ai (/.) tÌaveÌling, jouÌney tèfl.và tolu conveÌsation kõhõ/tsõtõ old (thing oÌ person) yõwò awalk, a stroll woman's bodY oloth zaúè
I am going/will go home. Wìere areyou (m.)going/willyou go ? You (/.) are going/will go to Kano. Sheis going/wiÌl go to the farm. They (im,persm.al,) arc going/üll go to town. We are going /will go to work. You (pl) arã goirg/'will go to the store.
This use oÍ rbe subiunotive Esv slso bê enDÌoved if [hô BDêot ' orrhê 6r& clsuse is co;rinustive o;habirust {s€; t ãsao" sr. *iio"
I {e)). .
Notê thot in theÊe examples the time oï the sotjon (proÊênt or IutuÌ€) is morc depeodeDt ihìrn usual on ths @rçxr.
Aren't you (pl.) going to the sto.e ?
Y6Ìòlr ü8tr zâ shi !lakarrntõ. This boy is going /will go to sohool.
zA6 sõ\ã,.
I em not going to úhemerket.
5.  ddely used, specialized verbaÌ reÌatetl to zã is zâ, will, go to, am bound,/or. The specialset of p-a prcnouns employedby lhis wtbal lollow rsthcÍ thao precedeit. Thãy are thi sameformslwitb the âddition oÌ a) as the diect object pronouns given in Lesson 15, section 3.3 Zô rti siúõ. Ìnà zô ks ?
sàii gaya tlurt
(ve) D^eEa r5 ssyat (ilÀ) zâ,
becometired teÌl (requiresan indiÌeot object) rest, relax seek,look for wear, put (clothing) on (seeLesson9, VooabularY) seÌÌ wiü go (to), am going (to)
84 Imputant Phrosa t!õ zÊks ? whereare you going?
Lesson I7
Relatersanil R'elationall{ounr
Translate into EngLish: I. Itd ii yuuwà Âwarai. Dòmin haki zâDci àbinci yòuzu. 2. Bà zõ Eü ci ÀDinsinân ba, uè rã H yi ? Zâr kõüò gtui sD ji!tò. zõ kò g8yÈeint lÀbãth tÀâyòrtò ? o. zA ku kòstrrô yôu P À'ò, zâ mu sirlan àbõkiDa.
1. Hausa employoseveralparticles (here tefitr.edÌehkrs) atrd nouna to iniroiluce (or relet€) phrases,cÌausesar
TransÌaie into Eausa : l. We will eo to the danoein the rnarkeütomorrow. 2. You wot't eo tó school. 3. They wilÌ aÃk you to give them moley. 4, Wtrere are you going ? I'm going for a walk. 5. lomorrow Malam Bello will so to Kano, He wilÌ brine his fether's horse.
2. Nottirrl phmse dnttoútcos (relater-head nominal pìrases). à,'at, in' arr : I saw him at/in Kaoo !tõ gsú sht À K!'Âò. He did his work io the bul' Yõ vi sildnrt È diti. i; ;ô tõsò ò LÃq tëbür. Fe put the ilish on the table' dlà,wiíh : Yõ tòô ifò rhi.
He hes goue away with it/him m he has teken it/hin awaY' quitü Ìan faú (liú. wiih speed)' IIe ilà ssBÌi. Yõ üu; ci òbirci tòr€ dÀshi. We âíe food with him'
anìhõ tròrile ADìDõ NÀDile ^Dibô trànilo ÁDìlrã
Kà lo AEìrõ
hõ râ ki, EÀndo? Zâ ni fÀng ta sàyi sibon zanè. Dom mè ? DòEin tr râ, b tàfl rrtrã ilÀ shi jibi. Dà !lãtr. Kâi, ,âtrèút na yànztr bâ kyer I Càskiya,lkt. Yõ tsúts ròssi. uòi siilaoh yã bã kt kndtu ? Bóbü ! I{õ saysr itò cyÀdõuÈ. rò bâ lâifi.
dàsà"fron : Nã diwõ dÀgÀKsiluÈ. I have returned ftom Katluna. IIe sot (it) fÌom }ome. Yõ stmü dàsÀSiilõ. Yô zõ itàcÀw!Ìir larki. Ee Àascome from the chief. Eüciu:ëtn, Íü, i'n the ptuence of' etc' (gà befoÌe nouns, gÀrëbefore PÌonouqs)1 :
i I I
I ln úêov cootett€ &ctroDperform€d fo. tbe beDê61'of sooìeoDo bv ;n indiíeot obj€ct coosLmciion or bv óf erp*sÊing oranpÌês aúrnatiro ;Ï'sòici È; tiiïoã -.;';.-;';"."*t;iú;;
";.8owouÌl be : -w-a.ve. trõ kri oarà 3ú,ând sun Lõwõ onoar
86 IÍõ ksi sü girë sht. Yõ rrèni sitì gà Ài. stra kõwõ rtrwõ gà mitÀmai, Strtrüsàré siJ. Ya sõmà ilàgà gÀrõtrì.
EAvaa I took/havetalen them to him. Ife sousht work from Ali. They bioueht water to the teachers-They are with him/at his home. He got it fÌom me.
sci, unÍi,l,,e@ept,onl,y(aoi also has usesoúherthân as a phraseintroilucet-see below) :
8ri sòbe.
Until tomorrow. Bàú gr walli Àbü bs ssi I ilidn'ü see ânything except tikòlef. shoes. 8ai dsyslsÈ ys tàff., Only one of them wenú. 8..Conneaorc(cotirnctions). DÀ is used (as a connectôr) withil serial nomúal phrases only. Kõ may connect wordo, phrases,cla,uses-orsentenoós. d í , a ú ; d à , . . . d à ... a n d ,b o tk... a n i l ... : trõ sr yõròrtt übs[sÀ. I saw tÀe boy and his fathor. Ssrki ill Eutôuêluà ru tl,i. The chiefand his mea hove gone away. Dò d ilà rhi rõ eü yi. Ee anil I s rl.ill do (it). tô, o. ; tõ... kõ ..., ('. . o r . . ) :
ú, e;,thã.. .or , . ., ukdhzr
Bn !ôú ci itÀ!L8ü kõ rtôyò ìa. fõ s{sti &õ wòtili zôi ië.
I won't ea,tôweet-potatoes or yalÌls. Either the chief or tÀe ileputy will go.
I The üÂô of the úoÉ vowoled p-ô pronoun (ya) will be ôxptsined in léson 20' Lit€Íâlly, ' I &nd hs '. Tho Hsus* custoú id oonÂtuuctioÀs lik€ Lhis oDo iô jusl l,hó.op-po6iteoI tbe EngliÂh convooúioD. In HêuÂs
Kõ zôi yi, tõ bò !ôi yi L8, òhô. 4, Clau,se,ú*odureteàsm4 bttt : I{õ tàf, falii òBmt bà! dodàctu bõ. Yf yi âikì ÀnEõ bÀi sàBi kudï ba. dà, uhën, os soorì'as : Dà yõ kômò ya { gôni. Dà yõ kõmò zÀi gõ!i,
whether he will ilo (it) or not, I ilon'í know (or oarer,
I went to Kano but I diila't staY there long. He worketl but diih't get (any) moneY. Wïen he returnetl homehe saw (it). Ás soon as he retums ho wiÌI see(it).
io or tilau, 'f, ofun (followeil by oompletive aspect) ; \{hen/If I get (some) I Itr !õ sãmü zâu bõ kÀ. will give (it to) you. gsyà gê! zôtr trõ shì lilan ff I seehim I will tell him. EasÀ. soi, t|ìnn : Dà yõ zõ sai h tÀfl. trwsbò yõ fãdt. Ssi tra I gsn sbì, ua a daukà.
Á-ssoonashe comes(then) I will go. The kobo fell. Then I salq it and picked (it) up.
5- Relatianal noúns aÌe not a speoial subcategory of nouns. They a,re,rather, !ryical nouns which âre Ìegularly used in contexts in which English-speakersexpect a pieposition or conjunction Someare frequently useil with relaters. . Thê .eâson for thê short vowèl itr the p-a pronoune is eiplsined in Leéson 20.
blya! (ftom bõyi, óar&|, behúvtr,aÍter : Ys Âtõ dÀgàbõyar dnÈ. Eo came out from bohinil ühehut. BôyôDrreaoà! lõkÀcl ya 5 b8r Bü. Àfter this time he left us. BÃyôlrilà ya ã tÈff bÀtrsao A{ter he left f dida't gee sDìba. him. cikiE (fÌom ciút, iasiàe i ct. citri, stomank),in (sii[,el, a,mong: Yt rhtgo ciki! dõti. Ife went úto the hut. üult aô! shl ciki! mutàaë. W'esaw him amons the people, 8Àbau(fÌom 8àbã,Jrtont),in front of, beJue: Yã tãdl gÀbsD s8rki. He postrateil (hiuselÍ) before úhechief. Ya s[llü gòban môtà. He ran ahead of the oar. kàmar (from kàmõ, srrro-toríty),l,í;ke,alnuf , aa iJ ; kàm,[ };s,kà: thus, üke this : Âuilü tÀmar Bellò !tõ. Áuilu is like Bello. Yiyi kèEaú shÈLslàgõmò. Ife was about teD yeerõ íold). I{à yi kàmsr zâl wucè. I made as if I'd pass by.
ktu (fuomkü, hnad\,on, on top oí : ta sa a aan teDüÌ-
Yã ,âtr[à à kôn kujèrõ.
He put (iú) on the table. IIe sat on the chair.
ÊòÌlashi[ (from Êàr&2sfr,unÃemeaüt),under : Ì{õ !A EàtÊsshitrtêbür. I puú (it) utrder the table. 5 See footDote on pege 87.
wai€D(fÌoÌn Íeiê, pk ce,tlituti ott),trbout,to.y' orrr,(secaÌso Lesson14) : IIe got about seven. Yõ ràEi tf,oi€tr ba,kwài. jë I went to the chief. trõ wsiea 8erki, gàri. We hearil (it) from thc Itt!! ii wsietrmutàDe! lownspeoPìe. zuwà (from zuwÈ,cpúit1ql Io. lntaad . I rvill run to/tol-ald home. ZÂ! guilü ruwà giilã Yê kâEò hsryi zusi He took the roail to K*uo. Kalà. 6. Two reÌational words ilon/ilòmin, óecazseoÍ, irl' ordcr ta, and tÈitE/kòmÌB befor, mw' be treated separateì1. Tbese woids, thoug-hthey Ìook likc nouru. hate no extant foÌms vithorit the -tr suffix, and function entüely ss Ìelat€Is. dor,ld.ômíl.,becauseof, ín ortlcr la : Do it please (rir. for God's Kò yi shl dotr AtlÈ. sake). gau I will go in order to see sü. Zâr i6 dònir ln !trem. this Ìèâson he will go For zôi tàfl' Dor hakÀ (aìray). \ry'hy (tit. besauseof $hat) Dom aè bò kÀ iè Dr ? didn't you go ? Làüri kàEir/kàan/ti lc.in, b{ot (when introducing a clausôkifln, etc,,is foÌlowedby the subjunotiveaspoct): Comebefore I leave. Nà zô kÈflD ln t6sht. guilü. yò Before he saw him he had tràEìtr catr sbi vE Ìun awèy. By tomorrow I will cone. trldn còbezer tõ.
7. Chart of positional relaters.
Veúals LõmÈ oatch,seize
Partícles i& lila[ kàrh/kàlntn kolai kawòi ollo
d wLren before only, alone only, ruerely rvhat do I care ? I neither knorv nor oare
lrn\ortqnt Phrdscs lavatory, toileí (lil. behinrl the btian gidã comPound) ' please' ilon Allò toke the Path/roa<Ì kõmÀ hrnyò wetà mài tuwà, [ext ÌìÌonth watÀn gòbe
Notuinals barkà bõyÈ cüì gÀbõ L'àm, (Í.1m., &òr&a8hi rõtrõ rhèkarà (/.) lÀkàlmi (?r. tãkalEà)
gleetmgõ (: rànnu) back ôtomaoh guinea corn front similarity unilerneath, uadersiile sun, ilay, heat of sun year shoe, sandaÌ (or, more frequentÌy, pair Lhercof)
taB() TU' wallul
(metal) bowl, (china) dish ileputy, represontative
tasÈ(/.) (pI.
Verbals Partìnles itadè spencla long time rtè
Translate into Engìislr : 1. Y6 lt|ü ciki! ruwõ. 2. Bõysll wàsâtr!A mü iê wuÍin sarki. 3. ÌilsD'yõ itõrõ, ssi ì! tòf. 4. Yt yi aildngÀkàmar Yitõ. õ. Xüfn ìn tòff, zôi zô. 6. Bleõ yA ra tàkòlnirsà Êtu&ashinkuièteh. Translate into Hausa : l. I saw Yusufu anil his fetheÌ in theiÌ hoÍre' Either she or I will comc to the school tortonow morluug. 3. I lookeã for the soat uniler the table but dida't secit' 4. When I retum next rnonth, then I wiü buv it. 5. ff you work for mc you wiÌl get monev from me. Dialagu,e M8EEÀ! : Bstkt ilà âiki, Dôgo. Yâuìrã, b&rkà dà zulÍÕ. Dõgo :
UammÀtr Dõgo : [sEmàtr Dôgo : Usbmòn Dõao : üÂmEàtr Dõgo i üaDmÀtr Dõgo : üamDôü Dôco : [&!t!!Àu Dõgo : DIaEUütr Dõgo : üamBàtr Dõgo : üammàn Dõgo : [aemòr
Ìne rrud I I,e6yi, bAkõÚlë. [õilàllã.
zô ka sòti Là P Ã'à, zâ ni yôwòtawái. Tà bA EiIi. Bòti uü zaunà, mü yi tódì. Iò dÀ tyô!. cl inuvà úài kyâ! i nâ!r. Kii, òkrsi Ìõ!ã yeu I GàsLiystkÀ,lõkàcinsÀné. E8LÀ 16. IÍõ ji rã kà iè Ksuò sòbe. H8kà rc. Zt! tii citi! nõtô rlÀ sãlê Iô, mè zã kÀ yi À würin ? Zô! sayer ilÀ ilõwàte ò kàsuwõ, Tò dÀ kyâu. zô kò d&dèà r(rnò ? L zÂu nèmi aitì À rudo. Tò bâ Eifr. gai yÀushèzã kà dãwõ ? Sai watò mài zuwà. Tò dà kyôu. zt! tÀfi yàltzu. Tà bâ lâin. sai nõ itõwõ ilàsÀ Ka!ò. Yôuwô, kà rlõwõ lãíyà. Ãmin.
Lesson 18
ContinuativeAspect 1. The conlinuar'inedspecti\üautes action regarded as occurrirÂas a prmessì rather than at a singlepoini in time. TÍis proàessmay occurin present,past oÌ futuÌe time as inúcated by ihe context. In the absenceof cont€xtüal eüdence to the contrary, however, it is usuallv oossible to assìrmethat the reference is to a proceú involving preeent (retheÍ than past or future) time, verbal nà, óe'in 2. This aspecLemplovsthe speoialized qt: sbort-vowel high-tone, piereded by a yocess'oÍ, be thp perÂon-esPoot pronouns. Thee€ set of Derson-aspect prooo,li" u"" tr;ditio;elv wÌitten ss pre6tes to nò Ltàer thou as seoÈÌate words. A modifier (usuaÌly a noua) murt follow nà' I a,mworking/ do worÇ wona you (ar.) are workinc you (/-) a:re norKmq he is worúng
bà aili
muni aiÈ
we are . woÌalng
tonl aiÈ
tunò aiÊ
you (pÌ.) are voÌÀrrlg
gunl aili
they 8:e woüartìg
úe is vorkiuc one isworkin!
tsul &iÈ ari aiÉ
lirrò 8iÊ vanÈ sili
r OÌ, frequentÌy, âs à habit. S6ôLossoú 26, foottrot€ l'end Lo6Ún 27, section 2 (d).
3. The aegatdrrof thie-aspectemploysa speoialüeilverbsl Depru8e speoralB€tof loÌí-tone, loqg_vowolp_aprououoa which follow tüo verh I iloa't work {dc.) you (m.) clon't work you (/.) don't work he doesn't work she doesn't rnork no one worke
bô d sifì ! bõ mü aiÈ r we clon't work bõ Lô tifi bã Là rüì " you (?t ) ' doi,t work btrì8üir bãyl 8ità, bõsìidÊ,
theI. don,t iork
Dõfò sitì bõ È aikì
4..f...large number of nounr indicating ôn action, sctiüiy,. stôte, plaoe, etc., may occnÌ wiil nt iu tUó conlrnuâave. yani màgoni yaúi sidõ vani lctvà ys!à Ka!ô ya,rü nal yani zàune
he is talkins he is at hoÃe he ie \rell ho is at Kano he is here he is sitting dowa/seateils
5,. ãaw inilicatüg possession is expressed by r,heuseof !tre cootinuÊ-tlveffpect construction plue tlÀ plus the poseessed objmt, -
I Oth6. foros not in-ftêqueDrty heêrd sre: bô ni...,
I . . . ; tõ
ry8. -, vo!{/ì... r bõshi,.- fu.,.; bn,niinwà. . ., ,,?. . . ; bètFi.,... vo&-!/.) . . . ; ardbãdisteÈ...,rá?,... ' see la$oú 19. s€ction 7.
irÈ dÀ sht a mulà dè aüì ys!à dà Ltrdì dÀ yswè
Ì have it we have work he has a loi of money
6. Eaoe nat is exprcsseclin either of two ways : (o) Employing the speciaÌizedverbal Dõ pÌus the set of person-aspectpÌonoung listecl in section 3 above. bã d dè kudÍ bã yò ità mõtà
I haven't any money he iloesn't have a ca.
(ò) Enploying the specialized-verbalbâ plus the set of p-s pronouns tisteil with zÊ in hsson 16. I dorii heve iv bô !i dò shi r it's no good (rdr.has no goodaess) bâ rhi ifà bôu bô k! dò ha[kòli you furtr.)ilou't have (any) sense 7. The forms arl ilil aDil bõ ü dÀ/bâa ità are rarely, ü ever, use(I. l/OCÀ3ULÂIY
Noniml,s barci, boccl
bükãrà(/.) ilõsô
don'uwè6 (d.'yar'uwa) tusbi
sloep(ing) ne,eil(ntg) tall, long, high (thúg)
pl. broíher (ldr.son-of-mother), meaussiblings (d.e.without referenceto sex) aÌrgeÌ úoú
. Notê thôt it iÊ the indepeadent pÍonou.rõ (seo Leffion I, sectioD 6) which ôrc enploted aff,€r ilò in these coDshuotioDs. This iB t.uó qheneeer tho direct obj€ct of the verb(êl) tB intÌoducèd by dè (seo LeÊÊon25. Êection 4-6ì. 5 Noto that the Clottal oeiob vtrioh occus (but i! not vdttên) befoÌe evorv word bociNiDc with a voEel muÊt be srirt€n wheE dan'uwd is ïritten s-o ringÌe ood.
96 ha!kÀli iticè iilSi ÊasÃ(/.) sa!rà 80,
consoiousness, serue,savoir-faire, cúqrmspection, caution, slowness, caÌe tree, wootl canoe,boaú ' eaúh, gound, lâ,nil, country sky wanting, desire,liking, love
Veúals dõkntã wait (for) í surpass,be more/ better than rrlUtü alie shâiilõ iDform, teÊtify yòlil8 agaee,consen!,accept ylrÍu be possible
Pdtt'ú:les kô ? maybe? perhaps ? wòtÀkilà, pobably, rataknò perlaps 6
Ilrrpoúnna Phruses Ìailway haiÌl iirgrn Êast ssmà aeroplane iirdu k6 vàrils, (Lô) ? do you agree? mrn jimò itÀ yawÈ (anotherreply to aai an iinò) yã yiwu, yã ylvu, ya,tròytruwõ it is possibleô yt tushi get/becomeangÌy EXXRCISES
Tranrlate into Engüsh : 1. Bê ri dÀkõystruõEã. 2. überrÀ ysnl zutrü yÀnzu. . The óim6 lefoÌ€DG of tüosô orpossionÊ iÊ detoÌmined by wLich aspeol, iÊ oopÌoJ€d iÀ tho followiog otause. e.g. yõ rtwu zti !õ : it is pqtíbl1 he uiü cow t yârã yìwtreõ yo rigõ J's aõ - ü i. poeêibla lthdJ h2 hds alreddy aftirêd.
3. 4. õ. 6.
ÌÍàtõtõ tsoà aiLì ilà hyeu à gõ!õ. SarH yani sô yÀ zõ yà yi trÀsanà ilÀ mú gòbo. uwalsiitõ tarà dà àbitrcinBÈ ctki! úôkÌjrtà. ltutàrc! càti! bõ sìi mlrõ.
Trauslate hto Ilausa : 1. They are talking together. 2. It is possiblehe is now st Lagos. 3. He hae a bis tree in front of his home. 4. He has ihrãe brothers and sisterg (d.e. siblings) at home5. I ilon't have it, Pleasedon't get angry ! 6. If he is here I won't go by tÌain. Dí"logIu Jòtau Inl sô h yi nÀganà rlà mài Biil5. GÀiõto MÀi side bi yò Dâtryôu. JÀtau Tô yÀushè,ôi ilãwõ nè ? GÀière ai, bàIr 88!ì bs. Yõ tàl lkko. JÈtsu Yõ tàfl cikin jirgin rset trõ ? Gài&e Ã,ò, cikir iilgi! Êôst. Jàtaa KÍãnã trswà zei yi I wuti! ? OÀiëro Ai bÀ zôi n rãti güdõ ba. Jàtsu Iô, zâi ràú kõyõ côn !è ? Gàiére WÀtàHÈ. ÀmEã yõ tÀÊ ilòmir dar'rwamò yõ mutü. Jàtsu Tô, kõ zôi d5wô sãtl Eü zuwl ? OÀiõro Eskà në. Jàtau Ìilatr y6 iltwô kà gayà masà i!È bükõiàt tÀim0korsà. Càiére tô, ztlr sheidõ Da,sÀ. Jütau DÀ kyôu. Sai an jimà. CÀjërô Tô, mua iimà tlÀ yawà.
he is Puttiug (it) on the table gô yaai ahi À tõbür he is Putting it on the table y8!à ig cetohing (it/ he kõEòwi (Laoi, catcn) tüem) vs[à kõmòwô ò dõiì ho catches (tÀom) ia the blgh yr,ri tüBi su he ig catrching Ítrem (hõwô,ór;Ìq) ysDòkãwôrõ' he is bringing (it) ' yaul tiwõ EaLò he is brirging us loails hãyõ y8!à savâ'rsõ{ he is selling (saytr, serr) (things) ys!à ssyar itò kõvô he is sellúg tÌrings ya,ni sawõ ò tõbür
Lesson l9 Verbal Norns r | . Irequenily, the noun employeila.fteríhe continuative nà is a nominalizedÍorrr of a verb, commonlytermed â aerbal,naun. Most verbs have oqe or more verbal noune oorrespondingto them. 2. Verbal nouas of transitive ole-syìLableverbs almost always 2 have a falÌing tone. (sõ, rr@?,r) i!à sôn kodì yanò yi/yirsò (yt, dol (ii, sern€) Eull iln zAfi (ci' eat\
I waut..(some)money. he is doingiinaking (it) we are warm (lrÍ- we feel Leatì bA yò citr nãmà he doesn't eat meat
3. A large number of transitive verbs I employ a verbal noun endúg in -ìrô in the continuative. If, however, there is an obje.ct (ilirect or inilirect) the basic verb ie epployed followed by the regutar indirect and/or direct oDle4ÌconalÌuc[rons. @í púl
yanÈ sâwõ
he iÊ puttiDg (it) on (r'.e.aúicle of clothing)
r The íofm&tion of verbsl nouns ând th€ir funcrionirc is ono of th6 moÁt complex aspec(s of lÍauÂa *.!úmar. Tho- foflonins shoold, lhereforê. bo ressrded ss 'helpÍãt hints' rath$ r,ban as i cônDlête treâtment. ! iìè- onJy erc6ption is b!n, si,jnS, úutíns lo!). whoaê u66 ts ! ThoÊe of Pa'rsonÊ' clades I, IY, V, VÌ and VÌI. S€e L€ÊÊons 25 aEd 37,
4. Many intransiìive verbs 5employ this same-we su6x' they, are coming sü!ü ôtôwll (fit6, wne our) (drã;wõ,rcturnh$e\ vs!ò {tõwôwõ4
he-is reúurning trele
5. Someooomon intra,nsitivesemploy a süghtly álifrerent sufrx or no sufrx at a,ll. yanü zuwò (rõ, @ne\ be is comirg he is íraveÌling itàf,, oo owav''. vanà tÀffvò he is getting olil Ìtsttú N olÀ) ys!ò tsürõ 6. the usual form of the vetbal nourr of a oariableouael' tronsí,tíoeoetb3 islhe sameshapeasthat of tLe verb when no object follows. I Notê thât before the sufixed -wã â high-tore syllablo becomes fâÌliDc. õ EiúeciâìlY of PaMns' Grade ÌII . Paìsns' Grade II eerbs.
Í usÁ
(k t6ã,,recsi.oe) ysuò kàr6õ
he is (regularly) receiving (it/them) yari sõmü (sãmü, gd) he is getting (it) (tÀnbayò, as&) ysd tàmbayÈ he is asì
than money) marDy beat, thrash beât, thÌash shoot at
èutô bücõ dòLõ hòlbõ
anÌõ bucì itütü hsÌbì
marrJnng,marnage beating, tlrashing beating, thrashing shooting at,
throw at seek till a fam Ìequ€st, beseech
tèIô trà!!ó tròeõ ròte
jüi . !õm5 nõmi rò&õ
throwing at seeking,looking for faming, tining requestrngra request steaÌing, theft b"Èg butchering
boy 3òye ròyé cut ofia piece yà,rkõ yart6 of (ó) lVtrat might (becausoof its Engüú traDslatioo)be regardedasa direct objectconstruolionwitb variable vowel verbal nouls is actualy a noun plus noun/ pÌonoun possessiveconstÌuctioD, e.g. : sõmü -+ ysnü simüD he is gotting money (hl, hd he fu in the processof Ízle gening oÍ útotwy) ttmbayÈ -+ sunò they are asking me tàDbaüòts 7 ? Not€ thaó tàüüoüà (the v€rb&l nouÌr) is feminine ând, !hoÉío!ê, Ìequirc! ths feminine po!ê€ssiyspÌonoun BüffiÍ.
vEBBÁLNouNs hatbì + Eurà hôÌbt! nãoà sÀyê+ itrà sèye! àbilci
we are hunting úld anirnaÌs I am buying food
(c) If an indirect object ({ a direct otrject) is expressed the verb form rather than the verbal noun i8 employed (as in section 3 above).3Somespeakorsprefer the vexbconstÌuction to ihe verbeì noun ooüstrruotion (ilescribed in (ó) above) \dith dircot objects as welÌ. Eaarnplns:
I.0.+ D.o.: ysrl s8yò m8!À àbilci sunü Dëmamminì D.O. only : yad tÀmbàyêrhì aúò büsi yÃrò
he is buying us food they are seeking(it) for me he is a^skiughim (: vanÈ tÀmbsyàlsò) the boy was/is being-beaton (: anÀ bugü! vôrõ)
7. There ie b lIausa. in aildition to the verbal nouls, * group of nominalüetl verbs sometimes*rmed rwns o! o."ur with lè. Tbes€indicateâstat€ Ío.a *hich ""gulorly resulìine from the aotion of the verb. (zatl;l,6l
yani zèune
Itsrrü, stald\ (tÍeaÃ, tie up)
ystrl tsàve y8!à úÀure
(búúè,o?err) (tàfr, prcce"À)
yaui Düde sà lhi !ts! tàle
he is sested he is standing it is tieil up ; he is in pÌuron it ib open here he comes(lú. there he is proceeding)
t S€ô i-ë6on 16, section 8, for s diÊcü!Áion oí indhect obiects of vôrièbìê voï/€Ì vôÌbs.
Nonhnl,s ô6dt kà!àtú kõwònè (/. . kõwÀcè) ftôÊeri
pleâsaltDess readiry (seeks!àJrtõ,L€s6on8) every, any worthy efroú (ueuaüy successfirl),gooil tr5r, ìard work calabash(gouil bowÌ) automobiles (ptr.of nõtò, seeLesson 10) noavtneas 'rrÌitirg (seerubàta, Lesson8) eaauleSs fable tmubÌe, clifrculty
trwôrvõ(/.) eõtõci rauyl tübÈrú rauli lÈtsluye (/.) wòlatt (/.)
TransÌôte into English : l. Tô!È Ehân!urõ. 2. Ys!ò búdè tôlà ? I, ystrà b,[dÈiwã. 3. surè ssysr iIÀ mõtõçi ? l, s[!d sayôrwõ. 4. Àtwiitr trôn yatrò ilò !súyi. 5. AiktD !ô! bâ shi rül wÈyõ. Traoslateinto Hausa: 1. The door is ooen, Closeit. 2. Sheis b nging a calabash. 3. Is he buying fooil ? Yes, he is. 4. ütln't she light a fire ? Yes, she did. 5. IIe is stauiling with a heavy loed on his heacl. Didagv.e
Vqbals cisèbs húli/lüti út shõÈ woúè
Parti,clcs continue, make progress mitÀ ildeeil
(ci + sòbs)
üght (a 6re), blow b e a b le to ... sweeD çaeL
Impodaht Phra,se,s yes údeeil ! I EàDò
iuàsôr... kõwà,rèlõLtci sar+ suDju.nctive yõ fr Bskà...
Iwanú... all tÀe time. evow time oneoughtto . . -, onemuat . . , it is the most... for you
'Ses Lesson 29, Êêction2, for ê füllèr treatmênt of.this coBtruction.
ïrõlibi : üôlèErD I DI :
üãIòDi Dõttli : [ãIòDi DõDbT: MètàEi
liubr : üõlàni
citi! sild! Eakerr õ Eè y& fl mtkt wüvõ ? Ai ltss6lÈt8rü y&!ü bã nl wàbalò. À!hã P Inrsnci lÀ ? Iô, Ttuerci ysni dà wüyó ròsai, òmmõ ll$õlÌ yó í thì. ttultú bâ yà dà süyõ ? I. Yrrl dò s8ú1. Ki,ràtü yrqà ilè ilãdi tumi. Tò dè kyôu. trüi kàràtú ilà yswò Dè? I mò!à ! trõwÀ!è lôkàci. ÀúBa bò kl úà l|ssãÌ bs ? Ã'ò, l8 ivÈ EÀnà. Àmmii ysnl ilà wüvã. Tò bâ lôifr. ssi kò cicòbr dÀ tò&srinkt.
The negative of the relative completive aspecf is from the neg&tive of the oompletive indistinguishable -See fusson 7, seotions6 anal7, for tle forms. asoeot.
Lesson 20
The ' Relative' Aspects; Belative ConrtÍuctions l. One completive auil one oontinuatriveaspectin Ilausa are knoïn as rclalioe asrrex*Bbeoauseof -tàe faoú that -couaterpartq these aepects,not their ere employeil in rcl,qtúx con*rwüorrs (eeeseotiobs4-7 belov fo-r úushaüioasof the contexts in which theseaspectsare employed). Ï[e meaningsof tbê Ìelotive aspectca,reessentia[y the saoe astheiÌ non-relative counterpartt (sseLeesons7 and l8) and ühey share the oegetive constructions described Íor íheir counterparts (lessons 7 and I8). 2. TÀe rekúiaecomptlctbeaspaa peÌson-asp€otpronouns rre_cbaracterüed by a hìgh-rooe, ehort-vowel syllable wrth, rn Bomecases,a -kl su.ffx.l Witb, for example, the YeÌb tãwõ the forEs are : . . , ne kõwõ 2 . . , mukÀ kõwõ
brought' .. -you\nì,.) brought . . . you ( " f.) brought .. . he brought . . . she brought ...one
. . . tô kõçõ . . . kukà klwõ
bÌought ...you(ptr.) brought
. . . k i kà kã w ô . . , ya kõwõ . . . sukÀkãwõ
brought . . . t akõ w õ . . . a tà ká w ô
bÌought I x-ote th&t Lbê -kè ôuffix is employcd çirh uho ssúr€ persoÁsâÊ h!!€ the -n sumr in rhê non.releüiv; cdmptetive âspecr(se;lésson ?). ! Se€ footnote 3 on Dsee 105.
3. The rekdhtecrtntíwaúh'vaspecÍemploysihe sameìrighmne. úort-vorsel peÍsonaspêctpÌonoun (minusthe -krl verbal lè, óei n theVtotcssof, su-ffix)plus tbe spcciatized beoí. ...r r - e . . . trak è r ô 3 . . . m u k è s ô ...IwaÌÌtB 1\-ànt
. . . you(nr.)
... ka kà sô ... ku kò sô
you(ptr) 1vànt
.. . ar f,eso
. .. you {"/.) ìvant ...be wants .. úe
...Y9 Èe3o .'.s uKes o
1vantg ..,oDe Ifanas
-. . 4 &ê s o
. tìrey $'ant
. . . t a kè sô
The negative of thc relative continuative aspect is fÌom the negative of the contúuative indistinsúúable -See Lesson18, section 3, for the forms. aspect. 4, Iìelati,oeconstnlotionsaÌe usua,lly modifioational oonstructions which tpically oonsistof an entire clause bui are empÌoyedwithin nominal pbrasesas rnodiÊers. are eoÌn-monin EngÜsb. Eacb oÍ Such co'ostructions the followineEoslisl rrorniriaìphrasesis divisibÌeinto a and a modificational head nomin"al(t t.n"õ n*i\ oonstÌuction (lahelled Mod,if'et\. Note that each of tÀc these form occur iu contetí! t@ Ìoüg to coúvenÍentìy list ' Since here, the âtrdont is âsked to suppìy in place of the thÌee doiÊ ÊomÕ such coniêx, as àlbis dà ... - the thirl that . . or mütãúên ali, . . : ll'. Tteoolellnt . . .
modifiers introiluced. by rclative wordo suoh as Jãoú, wfui,ch,wha, when, etc,, iqcludes a whole cÌouse. These cÌausesare the relative constÌuctions. N oú-relat:h) e ConsÍr"udions: Hed, Mod,;,f.er the home of the chief the boy of MalamYahaya Relati te Construdiorns: HeoÀ Modífur the home that the chief búlt the boy lhat Malam Yahaya gave tbe money to the knife that I droppeil by úheroail the man \Ího comeôto seeus the tinìe when ve had no work 5. Relative constÌuotioÌìô in llausa are usually intÌoduced by dà or wandò/wânrlà (/. waitdÀ, wôililÀ; pl. wadà lÀ) meaning tho.t,uhi,ch, who, the ene whichlwln, etc. The final syllable of the nominal prcceding ità tskes the -r/-r referential suffix (seeLesson 8).a If the 6.nal sllable of this nominal is on a high tone, it becomes falling before iü|. Neither the refereutiaì nor the tone chalge is necessarybefore wotrlÀ. N on-rclatú:e consbuctions : Hmtl Mod,if,er giilar rarki the home of the chiel yiÍò! Auilü Audu's boy a Conaiderotion iÊ herc confin€d to the comDoncst tvDe of relative claüsê,oflên lermed l?st ricli\ o rclsr i\ o clouses . i.e. ìirose io sbich the oÌ.uso seÍv6 to defino or lÌrticuladze one of a clasÊ of obj@t3. ActMìly thor6 ere in ÌIsuss, rs in English, À ìrumber of other types of r6lative cÌâtrss Às wêÌi.
: nelúiÚe corrstrudjíonÁ Moiliiét Eeaà giilô! ilÀ sstkl ya sirò (: siiti v&nilò. . .) the home that the chief buiÌt yEròr dò Auitü ye sikl (: võrò warilò...) the boy thât Audu sent ilò ts lEdì è bàki! hsnyà (wuRn wêitrtÀ. . .) ruÊôr the knife that felÌ by the siile of the road DütuElD dÀ ys kè 6 zurò yÀ gsl úü (: nütüm wstrilò . , .) the ma,nxrho oomesto seeus ilÀ mukà tà,fl taúà fõkòcin (the time) when we lcen-tto Kano Íônità ra kà hswõ (: dõkìn dò . . .) ifôLì the horse whioh I ricle mutlnë radàrilÀ bà mü ssd ba (: aotrlouo *..., people whom we clon't know sutfu ilà sukò tà úheplace where they werú Àbl[ ilò yr bõ [t the tÀúg that (: what) he gave me 6. Wan- occasion*lly seryes by its€lÍ as íhe heail of a nominel phrase containing a relative construction. fn each erompÌe the ws!-, wsdò!t-, wril- paú of the 6Ìst word is the hesd, the relaúiveconstruction introilucecl by lÊ is úhemoilifier : the one which he obteited wsnili yr rõmü gsni those that te saw rrdtúilò mütò the one (/.) úhat you (/.) wont waitilò ki tà sô 7. The relative âspects are employed in the following conÌ€xÌs : I ln tho thild per€on tho perÊôn.indicatoÍ fÌ€quortly odittéd : mütuoln dÀ tà mwà . . .
ta, !ub)
(a\ In relaüoeamatrurdions. Seeabove (rections 5 and 6) for illustrations. (ó) lVhen a construction that châ,ractedsticouyoccuÌ6 efteÌ the preilicâte in a olause is shiftecl to prepreilioate position fot emphací,s.Commoningtances of inversion for emphasisare ; (i) Afuqbial, nomirwls indìcaling time, plaoe, uìanner, et . : iiyò múè ti,ff à siilõ m[ kÈ sikì citin Eõtò rukò zõ rslr TÀlEtÈyârõ s[&à jõ
\,reset\t a\ray yeMa,y we wotk oÍ lntne íhev camein a qr the clililren went on
lôôyò su kè
Tunalag Lheyarc weV
(ii'1 Inlanogutioes, whether ailverbial or not, whenever they precedethe verb : what did tbey clo ? mè sukÀ ú? what do you want ? mètgtàsôa ys yàushèsarki ilõwô ? Ì3'hendiil the chief
wà yr sonì? t!õ Ls Lè ?
return ? who knows? whereare you ?
(iü) Objents(t*allly a ilireot object, oc,casiouallyan
{iv) Emphasisconstructionsúvolving oë whioh have been moved back into the emphasis position from either the post or the pÌe-pÌedicâtepoôitiou. VirtualÌy all the examples uÍder (i) and (iii) above may altematively involve a nê. sotkr nè ye tàÂ
it is the ciiel(who) went âwây it was yesterd,aythey iiyÀ trë sukà ilãwõ came aiË uè mu kÈ yi it is a'orÈ (that we aÌe iloinc cikilr mõtàrë mukò zõ it ìs óy mr (thab) we oame (a) In narroliae- The relative completive aspeotis useclin prcference to the compÌetive aspect thÌoÌrghout a narrative or extentled 'cbronologioal' aooount. See the fablo at the enil of this lessonfor an illustraúion. Typical introtlucers of ndnative or ' chronological' accounts (and, therefore, of these aspects) are rân (justl then,so . . .; â,ndsi'òt tratl' rla;n,onzday i sttiL, thetu(rJ) The relative aôpectsaÌe always useclaftr'r dà, wh,cn (referring to a single act in tho past): Dãyân ilà, afo; kõ dà,,whzn, thouqh; saì dà, ontryuhsú, (nníl until,; ard ltt dà, únce-
indüect object) : s8!H mukò bi ai*ì mu kè ú shl ta gsyà wÀ 6
it is íhe câdy' (tüat) we followeil we are doing uorÈ (not somethúg eìse) la dsthe onoI told (it to)
6 Noto th.t vhên sn indir€ct objeot is novêd into th6 êdptrasis positiou tho indirecl objeot InÂrkoÌ (sÌwsys teè) is lêfü bêhind.
NotrinÃls dâ ilüEVà (/.) küã (/.) &àrtalsaÈ màmãtì
(in) the past, formerìy world hyena tizard su4)rise,aÍrazemont
5 Fã.r"3 s ËÉ'Éã ò !É
33.ÊE: É. ' E
tr F
E x iOP. ï: gÈ . FË Ëo ÍEi F
"-3flE ã
e:g-$l: ïË s.í
E.rãg" Ér,
* ." ì"
ã ..ÊÊ .*.._.;
:'Ès"rei-F H
i esÌr EãE ' É.esvrraF" ;+ $AA*+ ; *i ã : X s .C $ É i :1 9 r .5 $arãr. *
igriE."Ëc,FE È Ë ãsãFt ; Ê eq; Í Ë ãÉ+ É ! '=a*59i1õ íi i Ë gg33l.:rn tã ÈËï iE s tÈ E í s *- l; r3 F Éã í l F Ë; g iã e
iiírÉ íi ËiFËF ãliãËF l 'ãiiï í;3i *ÈËFËiË iËËilg ãç i ã i';
Ë5 Ë €
Ë 's-?
q ã .i .E ã , tÊ .É "
? 3
^ =
ií iËiËF ã í Ë Ë 3 ã * r Ê g o i Í F =ãã; q" ã e Ë ; ã Ë'F ã i
E EF g ; E,F;"
lna na rsd ? Y t t à í l[ ã r è ? ' z
InterrogativeanalInalefrniteNominals i. The variousHau6aint€rrogatives(and tLe indeÊniue nominals formed from them) belong to several of the subolassesof nomüals. The majoÍity of them âÌe adverbial nominals, three are indepenileut nominals, one is a quantifer and one is a speciÂer. 2. The indefinite nominals are formed by prefrxing kõ to any of the intenogative nominals. tn Uiusa priited literature. someof the indefinite nominals are written as single words (e.g. kõBã, uhda,$, a,rrqthinq, }:6v-a, tahoecer.aLiergona)-Oühersare ofrcially Ì written as two woÌds (e.g. kõ /íe, ühercúer, eoetgwherc,kõ yàuhè, whenwu). lí seemspreferable to be coosistent and to write them all as single words. This wiü be the practice thtoughout tbis book. Iuilefi:rite nominaJs, when (as frequently) useil to inMuce relative clauses, are followed by the ' relative ' aspects. Note that they do not (as do regular nouns) require a following iIÀ to introduoe the reÌative clause. e.g. tõeë ka samü, whateter yott 9d, as opposed to àbin ilà La sõEü, yw get. Nchoì(euet) 3. Ad,aeú/iali*errogelive a,nil iailefrite nominals. il:d,uhere?, Áau? (seealsoLesson4): Ì!ã ya kè ?
Ìuã mutàuoEmü?
Where is he ? 'Where are our people ?
I Br decisionoI rbe Hausâ Lân8lago Board. But ihis onsêútion is subjecüto changsÍrom üime to üimo.
How should I lalow ? 'ffiere diil he go ?
: kifÌúe,s uheteDet,et:erytohere Eõ'lú ka tÀfi cütã rã tÀ Whereveryou go illnesswill befall vou. sàBê tà. Yârõ sutràcôn kõ'Ìtrõ. Children'are theÌe everywhere. Eìi&à,hott ? (uoóas wiileÌy used as yÈyàbelow) : { Kàlà zã kt yi ? How wiü you tlo (it) ! lYhat rà&à strkÀss!ì ?
wiÌl you do ? How do they know ?
kõÊ.i&à,,houel)er,any tay poseiblc: .Ani sãmürr kuín kõÊà&à. ?eople get (their) monev any rvay possible. yi À sht kõ&È&à. Do it any way possitrle, yÀu!hè, yàwbq ?l,r?r?í .' Yòushètrê ys zõ ? Sai yÀushè,ã sü ilãrõ ?
When was it he came ? (By) when will they return ?
kõyàwhè, kõyèushe,whcrwer, all tlw time : They're here all the time. Sunàartr kõyàüshè. KôyÀushèmu kà trsIrò ssi ffiõnever we're in Kano we oü zlyÀrcõshl.6 visit him. , Noto thât th6 regul&r (not ih€ roìstive) completivê aspoot F-s pronoun ;s uÊed hêre Bincê l,bê rcgüìsr (i.ê. troú-êmphatio) çoÍd phìch pl8@s thé intsrrogstivê word iD th6 order iâ êúIìloyed regÌrìanobjecu position aILff üh€ eerb. 3 Note that thê glotiâl cêich vhich occu. (büt is not vrittên) b€fore eÌÌy wod beainninq qith ê voFel Dust bê mitr,ên whe! tõ'ìn6 is ;ritten s! ; êinslã word (seeôlso dsÃ'uwã, LeÊÊonl8). l Indeeíl in Êome diâÌects (e.s. Zâriâ) itÊ üê is eonÊiddêd i mpoÌi te: õ S6o LossoD 29, s€ction t, for a disom€ion of thi! u€rge of rai pÌus
yiyìt, hou ?, what ? (referring, for example, to actions) : Yàyè mu kÈ ? YòyÈ zõ t yi ilÀ sht ?
How are you ? (l'ü. how are we ?) What shoulil be done with i t?
aky uay possí,ble : kôylyls, h.owdoer, xôyÈyÈ zã à syõrÈ shi bÀ zâi yi 8ikì ba. fõvÈvÈ akè sõDÈ zôtr tiyõ.
However it is fxed it (still) won't work. No mâtter how it was obtained I'Ìì buy it.
4. Ind,epenÃ,ent irdenogat'ioeanìÌ inl,ef,ni* nuninnls. g.ii, uhat ? (introduced in lesson 5, VocabuÌary) : 'What happeneil ? üè yo làru ? Wïatilo you want ? uèkskèsô? 6 y8 yi yi ffiat diil he do ! or He did üà ? oÍ Yô mè P what ?
uÈ[õ rè p or uècecè?
wtrat is it ('lr. or/.) ?
komàlia !.à, wh,ota,vrit is : zô! sòyã kõEèrè tlè mòcaoòrkà. romÈno rÈ ya tÈ ú lô úi itÀ kyôtr,
I'lI buy (it) ri'hotever you say (Iú. whatever your woÍl isì. Whatever he do€s is not good.
t:6mê1atuythirq, @ergú|vq, whaÍ@q : 8Ài kõwõ LõEã üa, AI|à yõ 8sr kõEõ.
He rliila't briug anything. Godhows everythiog,
. See footnotê 2 oÌ! plgo ll3, ? Noto thât in tho€€ oompourd.q, whic\ êIê rlçojl5 rritt€D r! sinslo vo!dÊ, tho int€nogaüvos (Eê Àüd ti) chrúge io high tons,
rÌÍrEaBocarrvD ÁÀlDÌNDExrNrtENourìrÀr/s Iõ lhirTò LõDõ ilò kõmõ.
She (has) -prepaÌeil everytLiag (necessary). \{hatever you get is youÌ lot.
trõmõ ts stDà ròtolrLà lõ. vü (pl. m wl), uho ? (introtluced in Lesson 6, Vocabu-
W lysyi? WÈDê|rà ? or Wàcõ cè ? 8r wünõ nè !!tò zõ ? lô'l!È. Í.È,whonq 'it it : Xõwlrã nè ys zõ kò kà!6ë sht.
Who ilid it ? Who is it (m. or/.) ? Wìo (pl.) oarhei Ì{hoever comesaccepíhim,
h.õvã.eo,ngone,eoeryoúe,whoëüet: Eõçõ yl tÀÂsidã. Everyone has gone home. Bü g8 kõvE ba. He dida't seeanyone. Bõw[ dÀ kõrt s[tò rõ. Dvelyone come. wàürã (/. wòacõ; pl. wM.àtl,ô), wluichone? : '\{hich Wà!!õ akò kôwõ P one wao brought ? '\{hich WÀccë ts il&fà ranlrÀtr one (/.) cookeil this rõm! ? meat ? Lõwàuõ (/. kõwòocë; pr. :rõvwürtâ\, whícleoo, er,wyo\e, an!@Le: KôwÀDDëy8 bõ kà kt WÀichever he gives you deukÈ. teLe (it). NõrÀdÀDlrer!ü suLÀbsr !rü. EveÌvone of them left us5. InteÌÌ,ogative and i-odefinite qunnli,frers (een alat rtzwà,how nwh ?, lwt nany ? : Kudilià lawò trë ? IIow much does it oost ? tra sàyi sõrò n8wà? IIow many kolanute diil
you buy ?
3 seo footnot€ 7 on psge ll4.
kõ\t'/à, har0evernuch, hnweuermang : Nõrarà ys bi Dl, yaDàilÀ Howeve.r much/many he gives me it's okay (witü Lyôu.
mer. trà sÀyõkõrawà kudiisà.
Buy it whatever its price.
6. Interrogative a,ndirldeôúte specif,ers. wÀuè(/. ,wÈcèi pr. wüàúè),whÃí (otwl ?, whük (one)?: Wòuè aúì zâi yi P l{lat work will he (or is he to) ilo ? Wòcè hsryà !n mü bi P Which path shall we follow? WàdÀmè Dutànõ sukÀzõ ? Wìioh people oame? hõwònè (í kõwòcè; pl. kõwàdÀ,Drè),eoery @ne),any (one\,wfuúÊter: Everyone hag a car ú our Kõrrà,!è mütüE ys!ò ilò nótò À &8r8rDü. country. Àkss,i Eaf,òÊa À kõwÀcò There are beggarsin every market. kÀsuwã. 7. The inteÌrogative ancl údeúnite speoiflersore often foüoweclby irì, &r'nd,sorr. In this oontext the genile.raoil number of the speoiúeris deteiuined not by üì but by the nomina,l following irì, Iri retains its masouline singular form. Wànè üt! sú zã mü yi ? Wlat kind of work will v'e
do? Wtrat kintl of lantem ilid you buy ? 'WIat kind of people âre WàdàrDè itìn mutôuë nè these! w8dàu!ôn P Zõi LõwõLõçàcèirìDrÈge. Ee ì,Íill brirg everykind of Wòcè irìr âtilò hs sàyõ?
ÀLwai kõwàuè irt! àDiosi À wuti!.
gown' Th-ersie every kinil of fooil in that pla&.
Ioúe: Ibis rule applies also with the specifiers waúi, wanail ancl waloòa introduced in Lesson10. WsDi irto tEü[t!ü !è. Itã gr w8t8 i!t! ügi ò côr. ' Irìn sadÀrrrôlr c mrtl!ê bâ kyâu.
It's a oeúaitr kind of bint. I saw a (ilifferent) kinil of govtr ther€, These kinds of oeoole aro no good.
8, Tberc are several wsys oI @shi,ng d qu.esÍd,ez in ilausâ : (a) By ttsing an interrogative nominal (plus interrogaÍive
inton*tion) ; lnã còrÌ ? üèuê nà wannàn?
'mêre is the tolrl ? 'Wìat is this ?
(ó) By usúg the partioles kõ 10or në, or the expressionkô tà halò be ?, o sn', ,', so?, at ihe end of a ôentence (plus interrogative intonation) : talrè ilò }!dl kõ ? 10 II&ve you a,nvmonev ? yó Yõrò zauà nè ? Has tËe boy Lt down ? Ydrò yn iM küsowa aÈ ? IIae tÀo Loy gone to market ? Gôskiyô nè, Lô (bà hstÀ It is truo, isn't it ? ba) ? ro (c) The parÍicle shú lsltu,@üli í,be 2 (plus úterrogative intonstion) iB also common ia interrogative conterts such as the foüowing : 1Ì 'gE&usi p|efeÉ to rêyôls€ tLe troÌmÀl orde! "f "e"otfr- +iri çN!!Àn snd çr,!d& âlthough wddà,D!âDidn Eutihê çoutd 'ilÀ âÌÊob€ ündêEtood. ú fõ üs€d a! a quesfion vold ìs sotusÌly eD Àbbrêvi&todfoÌm of tõ bô húà bo. Note thô pâÉllêì erp.essiotr in EDglish, lr€ yod comanqot . . . ? Ior ,_.. or atêí't gou ? 1rTho usè of thb prrtiolo iE simil&r to thât of rcy ot kok lhüel aÊ quêÊtion intÌodúcoÉ in Engli€h, e.g. Beg, Me loú aomíns?, LooL, .atu !:ot píoïe that ?
Ì18 thir ke ss! rbi P thir ilà siki ò worilkÀ ?
Do you (by any ohance) know hirn ? San ilo you have a job (for me) ?
(d) A changeof ihe intonation pattem of the utterance es desoribed in Lesson 3, eection 6, is frequently enployeii by itself to chaD€ean utterance from a stat€ment to a question anil, in acldition, is regulor\ employed with eaohof the above questioa worclsby most speakers. À paúial excepiion to tlis rule is thêt some speakers wi.[ noi employ interrogative intonatioD at all times with interrosative nomina.ls (category (a) above).
Nowinal,t üürf (/.) büdi (/.) bsÊs(/.) biro (/.) eíçò
tatõ kõ'hõ
tõwô Lõràú!ë Lõyàurhè, kõyiushe
kõvlvÈ tititÈ DõgÀrll
Bsròfr (?r. msròtã) nuryà ("f.)
needÌe,inoculation nexf year this yeaÌ last year illness, újury hope, hopúg thot everywhefe,anywhere eveÌyone, anyone whichever, everyone,anyone 'wheneveÌ however, iu whatevet way ilootor meilioine beggar voloe
rr{rERRoGÂTryE ÁìD rìrDErlllÍrD No!{rrÍÁrs
wàDr6 (/.
wàccë; ,rr.
wàdàuê) yÈyà ,à..à6i
whioh one ? how ? fever, malaria
Verbals Partiales (wheu bi ilà give no indüect shin/shitr couÌd it be ! object folÌows) ilúbÈ look at, look arou:rd awsilà measure,test, try to do kashà kill Irnportant Phroses headache clwò! kôi yã you have becomeill (ldr. sickneas(has) cisò tõeà kr caught you) shi Eãaàni take medicine (yanè)dè sauE or yõ yi ssufÍ it (illness) is (a bit) better ròzrà6i yó f have a fever (ldÍ.a fevor hascaught me) kãEà !i DXERCISIES
Translate into Englieh : 1 . Ìnõ kudiD ilÀ ns bõ kò iiyÀ ? 2 Wòcè mõtà zã hà tàâ ò ciki ? lõ gs wsni irt! sirâ,D ilt bàtt saul bs ilâ. KõyÀúhè râi ,ô bô !ò eô ìD gar slt. Yer bè ,âr sàyi kômë À kàruwõ bs. Translate into Hausa : 1 . Do you how him ? He's got malaria. 2. Wtrere diil you go with ouÌ caÌ ?
t20 3. 'lVtratkinil of gowndiil you bring from the store? o.
I haveo lot of work everjrwhereú this town, ThereI sêwthe chiefwho cameto tovn vesterdav,
Diawì/z 8ulè : Búbò Sulè BÊbà 8ufè Bübò
sulè BüDÀ 8dè Búbò 8olè Búbò
uwsrgiilõ tõ g8yà Dtut bâ ta dò lãâyà. Ea,kÀnõ. üè ys itìmô 1, kò ? ' Crlròn tli ré. Nâi, sòn[ú ! trã sha migàli nè ? l. Likftô yõ yi úilt lüri. Iò dà tyttr. Àkwsi rà',rÀ6i kuDA ? Àtwoi ú, àmme yÀnz! yõ yi saútL üõrlÈ,|lõ. Yàlshè ys kõmò ks ? Ai, iiyÀ rë, lõLÀch itò na tè nõmE, Iô, inà rftõ AUi zei bõ ilÀ sauti. Ành. n From rfin6 {Vë), óotÀ?r.
Lesson22 IttounPlurals 1. Noun pluralizaiion is a highly complex feature of Ilausa grammar. It is usually advisable simpÌy to mernorizethe most commonplural form of a given noun. ft is, however, possibleto classify Hausa noun plurals, anal to âÍÌônge them in four major and severâl minoÌ olâ,sses.Som€nouns employ moÌe tha4 one plural, but usually a single plural form will be more pÌominent in a given area than any of the other {orms, SeeLesson 38 for furtber treatmentof noun plurals. 2. Clossl plurals are characterizedby aìl high tones anil an -õ . . . i ending, The -õ . . . i Ìeplaoesthe flna,lvorvelof the eingularforrn, with the final consonantof the singular form reappearingbetweenthe ô anil the i.1 ClassI is the laÌgeet cÌassof plurals and includes most of the Ìecent I HeÌe, i3 a rúo (noté two eÌceptions b€low-both Ìêc€nt bo.rowiDgô from English), $ throughout th6 lengúge, ího following consonents ocouFing bêfore r, o or u ch&nge beforc o frn&l i oÍ a
bêcomês c,
4 r becoÍnei, r w
e.s-. cld ooa 6.C.: ftÈ ÌÈcomosrh olen beconesy e.g.: t$tuwf,
bome order bowl narket
EiilÀlõ (Clatu III) õdõii or õilõdi (ClasÊI) tãsõshl (CbÊsI) ttuusõtl (Êonêtines tàtuwôwi) (cl33s I)
IllustrêtioÉ of the€êchânces - in verbe aro :
rã ràaà he srole(ir)
yõ sÈcitic6h
ri cirü iü (r.e.sneke)bit (it) yã lì,tr5ã heÌcd€orÌcd(it)
yõ ciiõ nr yõ lòtrúë rbt
it bit mo
ye enn:it ct rie (úi)
he chsnsed (it)
(s nou) chensê
Ioannordsfronr English. The singularfrrrrrrsof most (but b-vno rneansaü) of ClassI nounsend in -ã. hanvà (/.) tõbür tànbayò (/.) tsltsnyü ("f.)
path, road tabÌe question hoe
halyôyi t6burõri tsEbryõyr lartsuyõyi
3. Clqss II plurals are chaÌacteÍ;ed by a -u... ò endiug wiúb âU tones high except the firlal -à., The -u. . . ò replaoes the final vowel of the singular, the cotrsonants n, w or k being the rnosi common ones appearingbetweenthe u and the È. ClassII is trhesecond ÌaÌgeBt cla,ssof pÌurals anil iaoludes many reoetrt loanwords. Most of the disflabic nouns with a Ìow-high tone pattern in the singular anil rrlany with a high-low pattern (endiug in a vowel other than a) belong to this cla6s. Some nouns reiluplioate their fiaal syllable before the pìural suffix, hke the thircl and fourth examplesbelow. kì,kê dâkì Àbü sulè
bicyole hut, room thins shiÌling
këkuut dãhnò sbúbuwà sutúlutrà3
4- Class III pluÌals ere characterizedby a -È...e ending with a high-low-high tone pattern. The consonant êppeaÌing betweenthe È and the ë is typicaÌly either y or, where the frrst syllabÌe of the root consists simpÌy of a consonantplus a shoú vowel, the consonantintrocluoing the final syllabÌe of the singular form. Many of the oldest ? \o re lh8t lhe: p c lN T T l ìl u rè l sà ,c ri rru a l l ) rh e o nl y pl ursl s i n the lsnsuase wjth a low finsl tone. tSo e e r êl s hillinÍ ( luk ) c o i n s : i n c o mD u l i n r mo n ev th.6i D qul â. Íorn' is.used wiÌh . numbe.. c.g. sovnn ehiÌli-ngs(70ir) is strIà (no,
sulúlutÂ) bskwài.
and oommonestnouns ü úhelanguage-especülly those *ith a highJrigh tone pattern -belong to ClassIIl. name sútrã sútròyê biril tsortsi tsunlgàyè (walled) birli city btuàaê l'ueõ (/.) knife wu&È&ê plaoc wüti wuròrè Ìrorne siilã sidòjê í, Ckrss IV plurals are charaoteÌized by a -ai (infrequently -au), -i or -ú sulfix \yith all tones but thât of the sufix low. Many nouls whosesingularscoDsistof Ìnore ì-,elong thon two sylÌa,bles to ClassIV. Somenounsreduplicate their final syllal.rÌe before this plural sufrx. Note thot deúved nouns of place and implement introduced in Lesson30, sections4 (ô) and (c), belong in this class. àbõH friend òbòksi làbtuì newÊ llbÈrsi o/ làbàtü Eãlòlo(l) teacher mÈlàm8i penny kwebô kwòbbsi (seeÌÌoic 3 .on pa.ge122) trõhô/tsôÍõ oLl (thing) tiôlÀfii guest bòRõ DÈfi farm 8õnõ sò!à'ki kothõ (/.) chair tüjèrü
màcorò("f.) Eakalsrtt (í)
word school
6. Àmong the minor cla,ssesof noul ClassI/ thoservith terminal -È... saildle sirú Êarfè metal rock. stone ilübè rúo eye ("f.) esrà l"g
Eàkàràrtü plurals are : Ã/ú : stuàilã &a,ròli iluwàtrü iilünú EslàÍú
II uaa
Ctassyl-those with termúÈl -ô oÌ -ò ir tho plural from singulõrs with terminal -l or -ã : (o) ?lurals of mó . . . i derived nou:rs signt:fymgagent, etrc.(seeLesson30, section 4 (c)) ' lqadbH tailor m{dtDtõ maEêia EsÊàrl blacksmith msrò&i beggar Itratoaa (ó) ?luals ending in -l with high-highìorv tonee (úth, on occasion,a changoof ponultimate vowel) : cõkòli sDoon cõtdi tòúanè smaUltlingl isnõri shoe(s) tÈkttBl tõkslEi (c) Pluols ending in -õ with high-high tones: EÀcè woman, wi{e mõt[ marõ nitì male, husband ClassYII other pìuralsendingú õ : (o) Those with falliry-high pluals : big (thing) eônyà bàbbo yaro boy va$ zõbÈ rug ,ôbbõ (ó) õwõ pluÌalô (usually plural;ni.g othnio designations whosesingrrlarsinvolve a bÀ- pre6x-see Lexson 30,. Êection2) ; European rìiriwõ Bòttuè pe&Bant t8fòLi tslstAwã Kano person k8Lõwõ BÀtrúè leather worker dikàwõ btilúkÈ Class 7l1l-rh/nki àLwivÈ dõtì kõyã turkvõ
plurals : goat horee loads sheep
aseH dawãJd kãyÀyyali iumlH
ìrornr PúuBÂús
Cfuss/X-those with teÌmiusl -ú mãrhì speaÌ róEà animâl (wild) rô, sõtrtyâ bull, cow yôtrà finger Cla*s X =-ted,uplíco,tive p\sals : 4 lfl
kind Native Admúi-
anil all high tones i E6sú oõllü shõtrü yõtsú
tui-irì e.u,ìien'ì;
7. Á.mong the common plurals not olassúable as ' regular ' in terms of the above olassesare the followlng : (o) The specifiers(seeLessons10 ancl 21, section6) e.g. : wsDDà! w8[i
tbis a (certain)
wsdà!!âD wodalsu
tõwòDè every(one) tõwàdòDrè (ó) King[ip tenns 1Êe.alsoLesson3õ): úõ 'yn (mòcè) 'yt'yô aon iloughter childreu, offspring 'y5'yõ n8rõ sons 'yõ'yõ Dõtã deughters übn use iyòyë psreüts fatheÌ mother tyr,t'[si tya,rtusõ daL'trwi brother sister brothers and sisters, drtr'übõ half-brother
'y{,t'übõ half-ei.ster
siblings 'yan'übs half-bmthersanil half-úters
. Sês L€€soì 28, s€ctiod t, ío. sDothor ÌodüplicÊtive conÊtruction sometime6 Ì€g&rd€Íl âs phrôlizÊtion.
126 wâ elilerbrother Êa!à young€r brothor
yâ eldersister t8owl youDger sister
v&yyõ eliler siblúss tâolrè youngersibliD€s
rãnì risõ (.f.) sarH ruÈ
'yrE BIt6 (employeal ss a pluÌel of yãsiryü, g!rr, or of hìrduasá,uwnarrid, yrung úqrnerrl
Clas III
Plurals of previous vocabulary worils not listed. a.s exomplesobove. ClassI Lfurwó (/.) Êõlò (/.) lôiE
market door(way) fallt
UfftÈ nurvò (/.) rimà
doctor voioe animal (wiÌil)
úndow fable üFe
kãsuwôyi/kõEüwõwi &ffõfi lrilõí (or ClassII fsilufiELt) likiiõci mlryôyl úmõml (or Class VÌf nãmü) fiisõgI tõküriyõyi tiyõyl
metchet work towa wooal,tree donkey store dog nver meilicine
silduri syyukÈ gariruwà or asrurukà itâtuwè iôLu!à ta,ntonl kstDukü kôguai Eõgutrgull
tÀtstotyl (/.)
trvò(/.) CtkwsII
àdìã(/J alal
gòrl itàcõ iàE tàntt kÀrë kòsr Bõgò!i
hole go.wn chief boily cloth
rõE'rnò or rômumeuLÈ rig[ll sarÍkuli zanauwl bs&È&ê
black (thiag) mouse,rat long (thing) white (thing) boat couühy
müt0m üwl ("f.)
mêD mother
Cla,l,s IV òLwüd
irkwàtai(or ClassII stwltrtrô)
neeillo ueecl reason lamp úort (thing) mietBke book new (thing) year represetrtatiYe
D8!t 6ëti
dõcô lrri iilcr
àutut(/.) (/.) bürÃrà itÀtÍì
16rà(/.) gÀiéró kukurè tittóÈ sibõ rbèkeÌÈ(/.) sà.L ì
dõcòyë/ilõsròyé lsrirõ iiràsë &usòshõ rwàtê, iyÈyé
bükütsi or bükòtú dàlí8i flt[ü (or ClassI f,t õA) gÀtàrúor gòièiiõrü kürküni or Lülàkülci UttàttÈlsi or llttllei sàbòbbi shèkòrü wàtìlsi
Traoslate into Engüsh : 1 . Uõtõci sutr kashè mutòuõ ilà yawà bòra. 2 anò sô tikitõcl BÈyi aikt$ü ità kyôu. Uazó Éu! ff mótõ &arfr. ÌlB giilüih itò Eutò bsr kõysmmü è citi jiyà ?
5. Yã àikë DÌ surin E,ônyan Eutàoe! gàÌi ilònin guaÈ sô b yi musü EÀg8!à.
I Translate into Hausa :
Ailiectival Nomirals; Comparisou
l . There are nrany schoolsin Álrican oountries.
2. Hausa have many ohairs in their homes.
1. Ad,jeaioal nomìmls are distinguishable ae a suboless of nominals primariÌy by the fact that, when they are employed as modifiers, they ordilarily preceile rather thôn foüoÌí what they moiüfy. Ailjeoüival nominaÌs(with úe exoeption of the quantifrers-soe Lesson ll) also have both mascuÌine anil feminine as welÌ as tgica\ plural forms.
Certain books have fableg in them. 4. TheÌe aÌe not many cars in somecountries. The beggars that rreÌe heÍe yeste lay are not here today. Dialagw 8ülëeãnü Ishã&ü : õurcmanu Ishõ&ü : DUlematru IshõÊü : 8üÊmõnü I8hÃÉü: Süàmõrü Ishã&à : Ëluetlatrü I8hâÊü :
Ìrè a kè yi à sÀrir ? Ai sulà wàeõ wàsanran kàsurã. Tò dà kyôtr. wànè irìr 8òsõ sr kè ú ? Eõwòqè itì. BÊ irh dÀ bà rõ rü yi bs. Mutànè ità yawò sürò würb ué ? sôsai ! Àkwsi mszè ifà mëtõ, yfuõ ilt tràtÀfii. Ze sü yòlds ìn iê l[ grlt ? Ai zõ 8ü yàÌil8 mònÀ ! BÀri DÈ iê tÈre. Tà dt kyôu. zõ tò yi rew6 nè ? K&i ! I{t, ba rò Íawõ yÀnzu. I{õ tsútô &war8i !
2. It is importônt to.ecognize that ailjectival nominals aÌe tru€ noninals, not simply ailjectives called by a more technicaì name, There is no sepaute category oÍ worils in Hausa oonespondiogto what are termeil ' adjeotives ' in European lahguages, Ân ailjectival nominal in Eawa is a noun !.hich design&tesbasically o pqson ot tINtÌW charad,erízcd.fu the paaioular qml,ity ônflimtd,-rct meÌely the quality itself. Adjectives in European languagesbannot stanil elone (with an aúiole) &s sent€nce subjeots or objeois. Ssnienceslike the following are not correct in English : The hie wenühome
rò bâlôitr. Ksi lò ? Zi kò swrilÀ wisôD ?
8ülèmtuü Ã'ò. !ri. bòn ivÀ irì! trõkü rsrôtr bs. Ishõ&ü: Iô, bÀri Dü ksyÈ mü ilúbò kõwÀi. 8ülòmãnü Tò ilò kyôrL
Ìte mt ÌÌìe Ìed_
In Hawa, however, since the worils which tranelate Ergüsh ailjeoúives are nouns ancl cen stând oìone as senteücesubjectsor objecis, it is pedectly propeÌ to say : The big (one) weat home. aÀbbay6 tòô gtulõ. Yõ büsi iô!. IIe hit the red (one). The olcl(woman)hosreturned. Tsõhuwi tã riôwõ. Uôlyõ süL zõ gdriDmü. Importaut (people)have oome to our t,owrl.
3, The refereniial -D/-r, rvhen employeil to join two nominals, is always sufixed to the frst. When the fint nominâÌ is an âdjeotival nominal, this means that the referential is suffxed to the modifler (the odiectival nominal)rather thân to the beadnominaiof the phrase, ' Modif,et Head bàbban the large home Srde dõguwar ha[yò the long road
I Í ï
Noie that this is a slightly diferent usageof the referential in llausa ; oilinarily the -n/-r is sufrxed to the heail nominal rather than to the noilifier, e.g. : Eead, Mod,ífz.r giilsn sarki the home of the ohief màtar Bellò Bello's wife The reason for this is úhat orilinary nouns (technically -wher, known as inì,epentant noninals) employed as modifiers folÌow the noun (the head of the phrase) úhat they rrodify. Àdjectival nominals ordinarily prececle the nourr tòat they modiff. The referential is iu either casesuffxeil to the frrst nominal.
Masatldw iB b8Íl lârl l&è shndi ràweyà
Eemin&le iõ bs8n IsrI kütyõ lhúrÍlrõ rlwayà
Platratr tüèyë búlÊë lalòrë lwôIrõ rhüddõ ròwòyú
Mu,nútg a red ihing a bìack thing a white thing a (tight) greenthing â (light) blue thing a yeÌlow thing
õ. Adjeotival nominals may also be employed appositionally de modi6ers. The referential -{-r is not wed in appositioD.alconstructioús. cidl bòbb8 a large house (lü. e house,a big one) This type ofoonttruction is, however, le.ssoommonthen that de,scribedin s€rtion 3 above for nearly ell the adjec: tival nominals e.rceptthe quantiÊeÌs ênd &à,n&8nÈ Á emall boy has come. Ytuò tèrta,Dè yõ rõ, Two chiefs aÌe here. btyu su!à !â,!. Sarld 6. Â more common tjrye of appositional modiÊcation of..., involves iho paúicle mÀi (pl. raòsu), posaessor cham.deriz.d,lg . . . (seeLesson l4). Many intlepenclent nominals, anil even nominal and verbal phras€s,may be conveúed into modi6ers by adcling nÀi as s pÌefx oÌ inïroducer. YE bü mü Àbúci EÀi dõdr. He gave us (very) gooil fooil. Yarl ilò kudi EÀi yswi (or He has a lot of money. dÀyswÈ). Yõ yi mrnò silì nÀi kyêu. Ee diil gooil work for us. Àkwsi rtawÃkrmàrtr girmõ r There ãre (very) large horsesthere. À Furil. The worcl msràs (?r. mlatis,ãr,lacbhg, is employed to i.ntroiluco appositional oonsiÌuctions as the negative of mòi :
4, The nrosúoommonailjectival uominals are : Mascuüne Femúuine Plutal Meaning bàbbô bòbba Dâryõ a big thing &ÀrsBi Êàrrme &anõnà a smell thine &àrÊsnè [àn&a!üwó ÊenôrÈ a small thinc a sbort thitrã sÀiëré cii€rtyõ sòièrn itõsõ rlõsuwã tlôe!òyë a ta[/loug t[ing sãbõ sãburíô sibàbbf a new thins tsõhõitsõÍõ tsõhuwõ/ bõhwã tsòfèft an old thias mügìr úrügüwõl niyrsúl nugulyà müggõ an evil thús
I Only gÍn!ã (Dêvd ÌÀbbo) csú be used with úài, ErÌÀí, or in sompsúson, to mesn àislrat |,.
il tc
Weüi yõrò msÌàs , hstrküU yõ zõ. Ân bõ mÈ 8büburò Esràsâ àefÈni.
7. Doubling o{ the oolour terms inilioates less intensity úhan the original foros. The úlral vowel of the colour term úoúens in both occllrrences. Eslrltú[ó yõ kõmü baÊi- My hand has beeome b8&i. bìa.okiú. WòDdolrò sh,Edt-shúdl!ã. His trousen are bluish. fõtàrsò tõ zema ròwayi" ròwayò. His skin wasyellowish, 8. Conparison inEausa involves the use of the verbs â, sürpdrs, aod k:ti, reo,oh,arrioe ot, e:g. : A s u rp a s s e s Bi n . .. Be[ò yõ I üúsA shmõ.3 Bello is bigger than Musa.
gulò y6 fi rü dntò &srí.
il I\
Se6 í@tnoté I on p
€ l3l.
Á doesnot reach B in . . . BeUòbòi kei [ürõ girnã a ba,
Beüo is not asbig asMusa.
Tslikô bòi t8i ralH arzlli ba.
 peasantis not as rioh as a ohief.
AisthessmeasB i n.., AudÈ ya Lri übaú!À tsrwõ,
Autlu is as tall es lús father. Fire is as hot as sunslÌine.
WEtõ tt kai !ã,Dõzã,f.
n :
Àsur passesalÌú ... 'YaFÀ tõ Â ilúà kyôrr. Jilgi! ssmi yn ff dulà guôà.
AiH! lébtuà yõ fl dukò w.àyõ.
His ilaughter is the most beautifuÌ of all. -4.naeroplaneis the fastesü of all. 'Working as e ìabourer is the most difroult (work) of all.
Nominal* àmlÈlt srztki
rnti (r) (?r.ãtõc{orlitú) gxrma sudìi hàÊuÌi
The boy is cleverer thau his faúher. -4.gown is more exponsivo ihan úrousere, Sule is stronger thân aü of then.
Rigõ tõ ú wàuiló tsòilõ.
Iú i5 common for tle âÍst consonânt oí the followins úord to ' Bplsce tbè < of mrtàs in pÍonanciâíioo tthough th6 -€ isórdiDsrily mittôr). Thus the plonunciotions herê would be n ràh bs[bÌi,
Erràk Mü. 3
Yõrò yõ n übsrsè wlyõ.
A oertain senseless boy has come. They have given us useless things.
ConstÌuctions introduoed by mÈi aud Earàs are frcquently empÌoyetì inrlependently (not as modifiers) as rvell : Itrài sidã bÀiilõwõ ba tükütr. The heail of the house has not returned yet. Ìtrõ mài mõtà ? Wïere is the owaer/driver of the lorry ? Bõ ò sôtrmüàs, Lyâü. No one wants a poor (quality) one. Uòsu ilswóLi sutr itãvõ. The horsemenhave retumed.
usefulness wealth skin, hide bigness run:rúg, speed paüence
. Soé footnoü€ I on l[ge l3l.
t34 itki kàdao kibiyÈ("f.) (p,. kibiyôyiot ktbru) LõrÈ(/. hõttyã; pr. kwtuÉ) kútõ Sàresnà(/. Êò!&aoüwõ; pl. talõnò)
rëbürà(?r. lêbrrõti) mshàrbi(pr. mrh&be) nügìi 1/. E,ústwr ; pi. niyÈsú) ràwayà(pl. ràwàyú) lhõhò (?i. shõhu!òi shüdì(/. shúdtyõ; pl. rhüddõ) tstàkÈ(?I. tslsLõwõ) tsswõ bútrÈ (/.) (?,. hútsôtrD wüyõ 'vl
boily a small amoult aÌrow
a (üght) $e€n úhing aory a õmallthing labourer huntor au evil tling a yellolvthing hawk a (Ìight) bluething peaseDt,commoner leDgih,height worm,gmb clevemesg
Vqbal Partídcs ua,rÀr(pÍ- laoking, sÀBr (dÀ) meet (\riúh) lt refw€, b,a,te matÀsõ) vithout (íc) sètg Ìelease müsu poss€Fsors sikë oÀangg rcpeat of . . ., doeÌs getofr, sòtrks of... descentl,lancl, (plural of arrive, loilge nài) ,aúa become Im.portatt, Pbrees su jioà kàda,D(or ilm kàdln)
a üttle whiÌe later
Translate úto English : i. Ítadêlsu môryatr iiràgen samò sul sÀuka ò Ksnò. 2. uÈsú trêmatrÀDitleisun sàEi kàden. ìtrsunàD &Àrsei! littãÊ vâ ô wencò! bòbbs daditr kàrÀtú. 4. Ka[ã!àn yfui sorà wàsãà siiita[ trõhõ. Yõ sÊ bòbbar!ìgõ òmnõ bÀi yi t&wõ bs. Túnslâte into Hâusa : t. Kano is not as big as Lagos. 2. Eie eowu iô reililish. 3. IIis horse is as fast as mine. 4. Many úoú people ars seatedin the lìut. 5. The white onesaÌe Drettie. thaÌlihe bleck ones, Ío.ble Kôsõ Ya!È DÀ WsortÀYs tri ght K&rã 5 Ivsts rô!ô trsui t&ami! ts[!bú ya kõEà tsútsÈ, zôi ci tà, rsi trúki ts yi kú&ã, ts cÈ,. rÀkè !ì mÀ!À ! ' Ísunteün ya cò, ' Ã'à, si zâtr ci kt, ilon ri fi tt Êsrfi.' Ssi ys úòrki &ÀrsEar tsütsò, ys cI tò. Dè yõ gsmò cltrtà sri wa,!i rhõhò ys ga,tr sht. 88i shãhò[ ya kômÀ &òrsEi! tsültsú. Zâ.icl rbi, 8ei tsunb0! ys yi kúk5, ya cÈ, , re Í miu lÀ&!rü &à 8òkêd ! , Shõhònys ti, ys cè, ' Ai ksi Dèàbircinõ yâu, iloq !õ f kt sirEô.' ssi shehôtrys ci tsuntsiú ilô ys ci &èrsBü tsút8à, Kòlür shihòD yà g.mà cl! tsuntsttr ssi gò wgts miHyô 6 ta lõdl ò kônsÀ. sai shãhò! ya Iõrà kúke, àEmd mthyâr üò tò sèkê rhi bs itòmitr tã fi shì Êsrfr. Ka Ka KaÌata. wga Ì8. atrd Àbrahem. È. C.. HauÃa 'Sêe veNion ot l,his si,orv. ILikrdnle. Dss.643. Ïot . A loree bird of p.ey "nolhor úhose ornitholosical nêie is Ruppcll's cúfron.
136 A! jiEà tàds! lriEyêr to tlsht !sEl. aÀ tI dadàbs r8i te ii tibiyÈ ò itkintò. Àshõwaúi ushÀlbt yõ 8ao tò, y8 lsshè tr. Ettyâ! tã gòmu iti wrodò yt i rü drkò &arã &è rrrl.
Lesson24 f,ilysftial Ì{sminals analIdeophones l. Ailverbial nomiDals.thougb tbêv regularly occur in positions occupieil by nominaÌs (and, therefore, must be classifieil as norninaìsì. difrer from other subclassesof nominals in several ways : \a) They do not have plural forms. (ó) They rarely occur as subjects or objeots.l (c) They rarely end in a Ìong vowel. (d.\ Many ailverbial nominals âÌe deriveil from ilde-
pendent nominâls (seesection 2 (ó) below). \e) They oannot be precededby mài/mÈru. çl They do not ordinarily take the referential (-n/-r) suffx,e Modifrers of these nominals are, therefore, typioally introduced by a relateÌ (usually ilà). 2. -{dverbial norninals are diüsible into two major subelasses: (a) Those whioh are not derivable from inilependent nominals. Some of the more inpoÌtant of these ÍroralsâÌe : bàdi bana benzô bÈra dâ
next yeâÌ this ]'eâÌ woúhlessly last year previorsly
ilÀbsn ilaidsi ilõlè dÈzu S8bÀs
alifferent exactly of necessit5' iust now esst
1 When ôhoy do occur ãs subieots ihey suslÌy tskc *,rirti€ con@Ìds (eê th6 nèxi to lssú oxsnple ude! 2 (d) bolow). 2 Dxcept when followeíl by e.g. bsDr|r sò:r : ,Ìis (' ery) 'làn/nÂn,
sàbe hakà iibi
irvà kàdan kawài ktrlltrE kuia
tomorÌo$' thus day aftcr tomoÌlo$ yesterday a smau aÌnount only always close
Bõ vòrô yà yi .üì à barzõ. I{i tôwõ wari àbü ilàb&n. Ltssã.lhsÀbà rtôidai ba lè.
zôi yàrila rè ? Ai, tilàs
uõ. Ys!È ,uwà tYurimmü kullum. Dà ya zõ kusa Enkà gatr 8hÌ. Lallé zâi rõ. SànDubã tà hâúà zuwã. Tilàs Dë à yi sht.
&wer|i lsllë tèrÀ 8ànDu rôçai tllàs yòlzu yôu
veÌy muoh certainly far arva! slowly really of necessit5 perforcc noiv today
He doesn't rvant to ilo work that is not woúhwhile or work for noúhing I have brought somethiug difrerent. IIis aritbnretic is not coÌÌect. 'Will he agree? \{[v, of ueoessity(:he'1 6svg16;. He regularll comesto (see) Ìrs. When hc carnecìoseÍ'e sarv him. He will come for sure/he is suÌe to oonìe. (Goúg) slowly doesn'tpreveni (one's)arriving. It must be done.
(ó) Tìrosewhich are derivablefrorn indepenelent norninaÌs. The majority of the nominâlÌclâterslistedanrì illustrateclin Lesson17,section5, âÌe sumxealfoÌms of many of the same indeoendentnominals. The aclverbiãÌ nominal form is tl'1lioally thc same âs the independent nominal form except thât thc finâl lowel is short. Sometimesthere is a chanqcof tonc
as welì. lJ,omeof the moÌe jmportant of this t)-pe of adverbioì nominal are : arèrra b6ya ciki ilãEs gÀbs hagtr/h&guD
northwards backvards inside to the rigÌrt in front (of) to the left
kuilü tasà dsa sartrò wòie yâmma
soullìwaÌds doçlr,ç'aril far away upward ouiside west$'a,Ìil
Yã tà aÈsa ilà. Krlò. utrn bi haryàr ilôms,
He has gonenorth of Kano, We followeil tÀe rcad to úhe rieht. He iell ilown to the ground. Yõ lãdt &asÀ. IsE[trú yõ tishì raDà. The bird took wing. They have gone outside. 8u! flts wòie, be intensifieil or rnade 3. Certain arìverbial norninalsmay ' more ilefinite by iloubliug,e.g.:
Dô dAôkÀgüràwauaòn ìrr8õ. A!ò y&yysf kàda'! ktdotr.
.L Ìong long time ago ihis wall was buiÌt. It's drüzling a (very) little
üu! yi Lusr kEEa(or lurkuss) ilò shi. Kültutü yrúà tàffyà sòlrru sÀlnu. Zôi yi 3hì yÀlzu yÈlrtl. Zâi yl shì yetr yeu.
'We got very close to Ìriu. The tortoise is walking very slowly. He will do it right nov. He wiìl ilo it today (for sure). yõ yi tasà &asà. The aeroplane began to Jilgir ramà ilescenil. It went right up. Yã yi 5aeà samà, '1. A lâÌgenumbeÌof relaterphrasesand stylizedphrases
of other typesfuúction adveÌbiallyin llausâ. -Uost,but b;' uo meansall, of theseare iniroducedby úherelaterdò. A fen: of the more common expressionso?this type are : (à hslkòli) (an jini)
0A üb6ì) (bâ shakkò) (ilò rtÈEu!õ) (ilÀ kyar)
Ssi kà ri.Êàshi À hartÈti. You must hokl it carefully. Zei zõ aõ iimi. He wilÌ come after a rvhile. Bã làbõri y8 kõEà thi. \Yithout \yamirg he câusht it, BÊ shakki zã &Àsan sb.Ìl Witüout a doubt you will i
(dà ea!E)
Yõ yi Lú&õ ile &arf. Ee cried louilly (lil. stronslt-). (itàtõrD DÀ fõd rõ eü !èmi tashÈ.X'irst of all we q'ill look for the gtation (ilò rtul) Dò rãtr! ba ò ruwõ. It doesr't rain clurins the dry seasor (ilà sauri) Yã iyÀ sldà rtÀ8auti. He can run fast. (dò lruli) Zõ trô! ilò ìrud. Comehere in gootl time I (Bàbsdays) sulr tõrhl gàbs days. They left all together (end aü one lrmel. (har yàuzu) Bèi zô bs hsr yè!r!. He still hasnÌ come, (r8u ilà [a!) I{o4 ilÀ lan sukÀ guilü. At oncethey Ìatr (â\say). (tll dò dadèwõ) Yaqi ns! tr; ae aacàwÉIIe has beenhere for a lonq time.
(tün dà wüti) (tun itâ)
Itõ zô tu[ ilà wüi. I cameearly/in goodtime. A[à yllsÀ hskà tutr dô. It has beendone this way from olden tÌmes.
5. Id,aryhoncs axe a Ìarge group of very speciaìizetl paÍtioles vaÌying witlely from each other ând, very often, from aU otheÌ woÌds in the language. A given iileophone is, typically, restriotecl in its usâgeto occüÌrence ú quiie a ìinited number of contexts (oftên as a rnoilifier of but a singÌeword) : (o) Ideophonesmoilifying nomúals. Each colour term (and rnany other nominals) has one or more ideophoneswhich ocour rvith the term to inteneify what it indicates : ià 3 wul; ià 3jtu; i È3 real as real can be, soarlet, blood-red zllt bsti &iritr ; ba&t siilú; jet-black, black as pitch ba&i sil kel snow-white lart Írt ; ia,ri búght green kõÌè shsr ilue noúh arèwa rak ilue south kuilü sak peoplebeyond number, Eúàú thiin people galore compÌet€Ìywell lõÊyà lar branil new 5Ãbõtul one and only one daya tak exaotly ten o'olook Êsrfè gômà cil (ó)
Ideophonesmodifying verbals. Á numÌrer of ideophones are empÌoyeil as verb : modriers. Someof üheseaÌe ono@atopoeic. I Note tLot ìÁ'itL wüdii.kút
tho toüe of iâ drops ro low.
tõ rÀrka iiril
it (e.9.a vulture) tanded ' kerplun-k , yô clks ist it's choìckfull yÈ 8õ!Ìi Aürmus it's completely burnt up, brrmt T/oasnea yi mars ! be quick ! yã yi tsit he Èept siÌence,kept mum yõ n but heeuddenly.poppãdout . (from hiiliaq) yõ itõ 6rtuk be emeúed etark naked 8r tdlõ t8E it lras lõked securelv mD yi-iüÌum they stood despondeotÌy lÀ yi lsrat ilo (it) at once ysri ròulre !lülüü. he's sitting despondently run ülrü çõhò wõhòthey folloied tiem. bo6ing Iò yi shirü be qúet !, shut up ! 6. Three perticles of frequeÌrt occrurence which are usually Ìabeüed'adverbs. aÌe wàtÀklò/wstakitÀ/kilÀ, ptobabl,g,_perhnps,fiüüD(a), rxo, ya, frsl, and aiuü(n), very tuuat. WàtÀÈilò,ôi zõ còbe. Bài ilôwõ ba tükü!, Bàri-ttr sbiryò kõyõtre tàkütrs. Ystrà gürtà itò ssül ainü.
ProbabÌy he will come tomorrow. IIc hasn,t returned vei. Let me pÌepare my ioads firsi. I{e is running very fast.
Vetbals clk& citÈ Itsr (dà)/ flit ità hryè Íltê
to.the Ìight ràÌny s€ason of necessiúy,perforce east to the left southwards ahvoys close oertâinly far away dry season iloubt (railway) station of necessity,perforce outsiile
ÌrccomefuÌÌ flll, complete,fúfrI
Parti,cl,es 8iDü(n) very much ilà kyoÌ with difrouÌty to the extent har
put out, take out crossover (e.9.a river) hold (on to), keep
ttraaa tuD
that, uutil q}ickÌY stnce
TransÌate into English :
N,yminals arèws bsDsõ(?t. baag(w)àvë) bôrzõ rlàbslr
dõma itiDrlnõ (/.) ilõlè gebàs hagu/haguu kuilü kdhm/Lalltrtr kwa lsllè [èsè rEni shakti (/.) tsshà(/.) tllàs wàje
weüÀD kògÍ y8 clks l8l tlà ruçõ. 2 . Dukàmmü mukà tõrhì gÀbadsy8, Eukà fftat dà shi wàis. 3 . Dà ra sotr sht ssi bâ Êbãrì yr hau itôLì, va guilü. 4 . Dâ dâ àkwai waDi tsõhõ wsDilà ya shtuyÀgõuarsò À bàaitr rsrDàn hsryô. D . tilÀs nè sü sàmi aikì dè wuri. zõ kÀ bõ sü ? l. DÀ ilioulô
noúhward wall, book cover wortlúessÌy, uselesÂthing, etc. ilifrerent
L44 TÌanslâteinto Hausa: t. The tyre that I saw was bÌatrd neÌv. 2. Run quiokly and bring wateÍ. Shewill prepare the food today for sure. I \rânt to go to my home frrst. Áfïer a little while we will return to our homes.
Di"WW Lawàl Kâi, ilÈEuqEtõ yi rìisai ! IIasÀtr CàskiysÌkà. Nã iè kòsi dÀ sãIe. Bàn iyà ìú hayàba. LawÀl Tô, yâ cìk& trÈ? gosà! Yõ clks lal I Esr &8|ín guilülrà yã bd d tsòrô. Lawàl Lollé àbin tsòrõ È. Ystrò gudìi ttà sauri sitrütr. gasàu sòsai ! Ear wali sõÌ ,ei â0 ilÀ Düttm. LaÌràl EekÀ në. Ìiletr watri yã lõdl à ciki sai yà mutü.a Easàtr Sòõai! Idtr wsnuòtr kògi múeütr àbü rë. Lawàl Iô, yòyò zn mü ri ? Easàu Ai, 8ai mü bi wetô ha[yò itàbsn.l LawÀl Àmmõ wata hanyi zõ tà yi trtsõ. Eõ bà h.kà ba ? Essàn EakÀ rê. Àmmõ bâ watô ilòbõrÈ. úawàl oÀrldyarkÀ. Âi itõlè !ë mü bi itôeÏwar hanyl kà tatl.
Tô. mü tÀfl.
' SeeL$son 29, sôction 2, for üÊâgesof rsi plüs ÂubjuDctivê.
VorbForms 1. The iniricacy of the lfausa verb system is one of the more fascinating aspectsof Hausâ gramÌnar. The most adequateoverall classiâoationof verbs to clate ig that of X'. ú. Parsons.' The major features of this systen anil the va6t majoÌity of Ileusa, verbs are organüable into sevencategories(oalled ' Grades' by X', W. Pareons)on the basis of theú teminal vowels anil tone pattems. Of these seven grades, the 6rst thlee rnay be termeil 'basic', whiÌe the remaining four may be termeil ' deriveil '. That is, though there are severâlverbs which have derivative forms io more than one of ihe fust thÌee gledes, the basic form of the majority of Hausa verbs will be either a GracleI, a Graile II or a Oraile IIl form. I'rom this basicform, however,may be deriveil up to four aclditional forms distinotive in both shape anil neaning from the basio form, These derived forrns are labelleil GradesIV-VII, e.g. : Basic &oì,es I g8mà , tõrü II sÀyõ kàr6n III Ehlg8 sòús Dêriad Gfldês IV gamè tarà V gsmsr ttuar VI csEõ lõtõ VII eòmu tiro
revà tuoè layar sayô Larõõ sÀyu LÀI6u
shicè saukè úigar sankar shigõ s&Ekõ shlgiu sàlrtu
1 S6ê his ?á" terbd Syste,,t in Eawú ltutèd in the BibliogÌêphy of rÍhich the lollowitrg i! e sunnary. W6 aF dê6pÌy $&têfDì to MÌ. PsMns both for tLs privilegE of inooryontiDg his &mly8iõ heE ând in IÉMD 3?, ênd loÍ hb detsiled ampliâortioDs ônd oolrôotioD! of . Soe ection 2 below fo! tho mooDingô oí úhe€ê forms.
With rnany veÌbs ceÌtâin oÍ the fonnÉ do not ocour. This is usually either because such forrns wouÌd be meaningless or because the meaning tÌrat rvoulil be oonveyedis alreadycoveredby sonreother word. making sucn a IoÌm unneceôsary,
Termí rwl Ione Grole Voutel Poaun GelleraÌ,Meaníng V high-high(-iúgh) Derived: úraneitive -ar
2. The oharacteristio pâtterns of the grades are as follows. IrreguÌar forms and patterns oflow frequeooy âÌe noi. dealt with : Terminnl Ione Grol,e Vuoel, Pattern Gewral,Meawíng I highìow(-high/ Basic : most Glade I -ã lorv) verbs transitive, a few futransitive (gamà, joi.n togeth.er,
frnisht ttuí, gathaÍ
togetherl low-high(-low)/ Basia:. afuiaç tuanei(low-)low-high tivo (sàyõ, óuy ; kàtíã,, recaiae) 3 low-high(-low) llasic : intransitive (8hlca, enlpr (tinrel i sò,u,hs, dzscend, high-low(-high/ Derived : moet transilow) tive, someintransitive. Signifying more oomplete or thorough action than baaic(lãtà, qathzraü : ózy dt, ; karôè, sa_yè, take aua,yf shjgë,go throu4h; stukè, p"t d,wn a l,oal,)
c r6w hsrc a 'A fêv CradeIrI vôrbseod itr -i ro.s.tjl0, gòji) 'nd hishJow tone pattem (e.s.tã5hì"iÂdÌ),
(requiring iti bofore diÌect obi€ot). Ofteu a cau8ativemeaning, SometimesmoÌe specialized(grmar, @rtseto [email protected] i swl , sal,l,(lit. catne to hql ; Ebigrl',Inir inaid,et s&ulrr, lorror) high-high(hieh) Deúved : most transitive, some intransitive. Typically signifying action compleìeclin vicinity of speúer (g8mõ, fmish and,cornc;lã,tó, gatheth.ere; awó, kty anl üring ; k*66, rccoúae anl, brin4 ; sbig6, snterh,síe; gaakõ,@tì.cdoún, (low-)low-high Deriveil : intransitive. Usually passive mqaning (gÀmu, haoemPJ; tltu,, fune gathpredrogethert sàrn" has been(welLl, bqüght; kàt6v' has beenal,l.cdedin Jul,l,; sbls\ be ennÃd, i tàaku, bcconjaìtiÃU
Note that, in general, monosyllabic verbs (e.g. ci" bi, etc.), Ligh-high toneil verbs eniling in -õ (e.g. Lirõ, iüõ, biyã) ând ceÌtain other vorbs (e.9.gnilü, mutü, ssDì,gaúi), including someof úhecommonestin the language,ilo not fall within this system and may, therefore, be termed iregular, though even most of these have several ileriveil grade forms, 3. The Grud,eIV or -õ form has, in addition to its -ê temiúation, a highìow or falling-high tone pattern for two-syllabÌe verbs and a higì-low-high pattem for threesyllable verbs.. If (rorely) the verb hâs more than tbÌee syllabìes, the 6rral two sÈebles are Ìow-high anil all preceiling syllablesìigà. The -ë fonus frequently úilioate more oomplete, extensive or thoÌough âotion than the basicform of ihe verb.5 With many verbs, however, the -ã form has úúually replaceil the basic forrn in common usageso tìat very libtle, if any, differenoein meaning Ìemaús beüweenthe -ë form anil the basic form ol those verbs. With a great rnany verbs, fufiher, the -õ foÌm is treDsitiveand the -ë form intransitive.
open beat blow eat
búdà lugi/ büs6 búsò ci cikl dadÈ dautà
urcÌeaae pick up tie up, tie on úourò sew,make by sewing dirkò
open (and leave open)
busà hook over/out bnshè get dÌy cI[yõ
eat aÌl of 6ll oompletely dadè spenil a long time daukè remove (completely) clf,e
tie up, imprison
sew up (completely)
'3 Subject to ühe chsúS6s notód in LeÊson 15, !êciion S. Álso oft€n connotinc sxcesÊivê or dertructivê âstioÌr.
gq out
guoè/ cè
cb,ot(coaúdentially) rub (on) go aÌontrd ilip out incease Btepover
gEnò cõcl Lõwòtõ kw6sò ÊôÌà tõtìré
stuà sõcÈ
reduce (píce) coveÌ buy eúter
r8gÈ rulÈ ròyõ
rasè rlrè ravê shisè
(basicform POUÌ
untlersíand (oompletely) rub (completely),rub of Iêwàüõ go arourl, surrormil Lwãshè collect ânalremove all iale fnish &ãtitë cross(e.9.river, mad)
eppaÌertly lost) yo,Dtò cut up
vaatÈ zubà
reduce (enything) cover, oloae buy all of pass by, (ovont) come antl go Ì€cover comPletelY (from ilhess) cui of, seveÌ
4- Tbe GradeV or -a,rform (often termed causalioe)also hag,in ailütiou to its -at terminoúion,all high toaes. The meening of the -ar form of a givon verb typìcolly úilicates that tàê Derlormer of the acüioncauseil the action ofthe verb to oome ôbout.? The ÌelÈt€r ilò i8 ÍequiÌeil to introduce a ilireot object following an -ar verb. 'When a direot object follows, thereforp, the únal -r of tàe veÌÌ) often.beoomee -il, e,g. Êtsd ilÀ. Some ilialects anil údividuaÌ epeakersregularly employ -s in place of the final -r, especiaÌly in gentence-final positioÂ, e.g. vE EAyeE. . Noto the chengo fron 5o6 -}. (boforo -s) to -c- {b€fore ì). footDotô I, LeÊâon 22. ? Büt thôrê s!ô other mosninss És weu, and thosê csÂnot .ls'eys bê Eâdily deduced froú thêt õf thô bssic form of the vorb (6.g.
150 eât go out teü tetuÌn
ciyar (ilà) fftôr (dà) sayar (ilÀ) kõmar (rlà)
feed (anirrral) ta,ke out, remove gÌeet take baok (something) kwôutõ ktrôrtaÌ (dà) put down. lay ilown ct
lÌte gayã kõmü
lie down take the pLaoeof màvõ dismoünt. descend sàuka boy sàyã üink shô be sure tsbbòtâ stând, stop tseyü get welÌ wsrkè sit ilown, zaunà live ponr, zubò tlrow (away) 3
put back. restore
ssukar (rlÀ) ssysr (ilà) thôyar (dÀ) úotb8Íar (ilà) tsa,ysr(dà)
set alot'rì, lower sell water (an animal) confum (a fact) oauseto sta,nd,8tôp, iletain heal seat(someone),settle (peoplein a place) tLrow away,8 pour/ spiÌÌ out
rú&rkar (ilÀ) zaunar (ilà) rubar (dÀ)
5. If an inilirect objeot is employed, it follows the -ar form immecliately, e.g. : Yë f,tü mi!t. I[õ ssyaüDg,sò.
IIe removed (it) for me. I sold (it) to (or for) him.
If a
They returneil their bioyoles.
3 Ì.e. a number o{things simuÌtoneously.
AD zs[!a,r dl Bú, Tõ kwatrtsr ilè yãrò.
l5r \{e were (caused to) sit down/settle. Shelaid the boy down.
If both indirect anil düect obj€ots occuÌ, the orilor is verb f indireot object f ilò f ilirect obiect,0 e.g. : He sold me a oar. Yõ ssyer Eid ilà mõtò. Iõ ssúôt nagÀ dò kãyatrsò. I set his loails dova for him. gun shõyst manà ilÀ sbõlrü. They watered tÀe oatile for ur. Greet him for me. Eà gay&Í mild ilÀ shi. 6. Several -a,r forms have a shortened forur which is commonly employed v.'hen a direct object, but no lnrlirect óbiecr,, fúows. A -rhë form may aÌso be ernpÌoyeil before a pronominal diÌect obiect with no ioUãwing al, The ilirect object pronouns are used with this form. (oiya,r) Ya ci ilÀ sbl. Yõ clshõ thl.
ìtõ ad dàytuò.
I{õ ôsshësht. (8syar) üu! g&i ilè r8rH. Uutr gsirhë 8ht. (mayor) Yõ mei ilÀ thi!r,E. Yô m8ÈbêEü. (sayar) Yô sri itÀ jòkiüè. Yõ ssishësht. (shaysr) Yã ihó dà dõki, Yõ shãshõsht.
IIe feil it. He feil it. I expelled/extricated the boy. I expelleil/eriricateil him. We greeteil the ohief. 'W'egreeteil him, IIe returneil the cattle. IIe retuÌned them, He has soÌil his donkey. lle has solil it. IIe wateled the Lorse, IIe watereclit.
, \ühóm the indiftct object ìs e noün, Kúo spêskeÍsÍrequ4tlv omit the dà, o.s. yõ ssy4t eò Aütü môtà (Éther th&n . . . dò môtô)'
(tEeyrt) Uü trai itÀ mótò. We stoppedthe car, tr8dà tà lsailhë nt. Do not iletaú me. (zuba!) 8En zub ilÀ tàLàrilü. They threw the papers away. 7. The longer-ar forìnsmay oeouÌwith no object at all. In this casethe ilà do€snot oocuÍ.ro lltatrcàtr mÈtúE yã kôller. Thât man returred (ií). Walci! eütüm yõ ftor. That man íook íit) out. Ì!ô oõtÀrkÈ? Âi, !õ saysr. Where's your car? Oh. I've "olâ titt' 8. The Grad,e71 or -õ fomr hss, in addiiion to its -õ termination (whatêveÍ the tonal pattern of the basicform of the verb), all hlh tones. ThJmeaning oí the -ô form of a given verb typically indicates that the aciion performeil had reference to, or \üas compleied in. the vicinìíy of the sceneofthe converqation or (in a síory)tbe oentÌe of intercst at the time. send (out) pick up, take
aikò sikõ send here daukà dautò pick up and bring here, fetch (basicfolm apparcntly itãwõ ÌetüÌn (heÌe) lost) go out frta ltõ oomeout go (anil retuÌn) iê zõ 11 coDÌe caÌry, convey, reaoh (there) kai kõwõ bÌú9, reaohhere oatch k6mÈ kãmõ catch and brinE here return (there) kõEà kõmõ Ìeturn (heÌe) seek uènõ nëmõ seekand bring ro NoÍ doe€ üherlÀ occu when, as in a relsrivê ctause.rhe obi€cr pre.êdê6th€ verb. e.g. jôldn dà nr sxysr, rn. donkeutho! I sotÀ.rlNo1F tbê cboÌge ÍÍon j- rbêfoíe -ê) ro z- {before -o). See l,eson 22- íminôtê ì.
get arrivc (thcre), get down enteÌ (theÌe) go (â\Yay.l leave(on jotrney Ielce)
sõmü sãúõ gci ald bring sàtrka saukõ arive (hero). corÌe down shigô cÌÌter (hcre)
shlga tàff talô/ toho ãrïrve. qolìÌc tâsõ le:lve (and arrive iroru iõshì journe-v hìther)
9.'lhe GratleÌ41 or -u form !a,8.in addition to its -u ternination, a lorr-high tone pâtteÌn (all toneslow except the final syÌlable which is high). The meaning of the -u forrn of a verb is úypioally passive,often with the addecl connotatioú of thoÌoughìr€ssor p<.rtentiaÌity. fall in, collapse aukÈ ilslà cook
àuku ilÀIo
bother begin join, finish rub repair (thing)
ilòmã 16rà gamò sõcÈ gyôrà
rlòmu liru gòmu còs! syòru
pui on, wcaÌ
estabìish increase(thirg) squeeze wind, oppoint causeÍ,o meel; get, obtâin
kà!tr ksli Êõrà tàru Eatsü mÀtsu uadà trÀdu sõdô sàilu sàmâ/ sÈmu sõmü
galher (tran9.)
do, make
Ìrappen,befall he cooked (thoroughli-) be worried happen (people)rueet be experienced be repairecÌ (completely) (people)get along well be estâbÌished be increaseil be untler pressure be wouril, appointed, (people)meet be obtainable/ available,occur (group)gather (?iú.), âssemble be possible
Nomi,tnls àslri (pl. àsiiai) secÌet bàtutr concerning(from íhe noun bàtú -- coraersatdon, ma;lte\ aÍa ir], hÀsãtà/àsõrô Ìoss due to sorneunlucky incident, misfortune kwõnò(pl. basi-n. headpan.corrugatediron .bowl, kçõ[õnÌ) sneerrng earlè üon tgànnõrì thinking, thought wltÈ (/.) (2i. wã&õti) song, poem, hylìrD zíctxá (f.l (pl. !üciyôyi or zúkàtõ) heaú Vubala Àuku bogÈ búshà rlòmu gõgò gyõrà itta ketò kõwÀyë Lsâtrtõ kwãshè sõ!è Êëtà!ë matsÈ DadÈ shisè
happen beat get dÌy bo worried rub repair, 6x (people)get along well set up, estabÌish,ereot go around, go roundabout Ìie dowlr colÌeot and remove Ênish crossover squeeze,press appoint (e.9.a chief), rvúd (e.g.ã +,ttÍban), {old (a cloth} Pessby (: wucà)
bbbàtn tlrl wartÈ rubÈ rula,r/zub(dà) mbò
be ôure gather together (rrdns.) get well (from ilÌness) pour, throw (a numbeÌ of things)
pout (out), thro$r'a\Íây (something) spilled
ImportuntPhrases thcy don't get along with eacÌrother/ bò ![ itt[ ba 'hi ti toff' (lò) ssi dè shi ! greet him ! (!À) ssyar DiDt give him my greeiings,ÌemembeÌnrcto hirn dò rhl kÈ LrilÀ don't bother me ! dòEë tri I Llt kò ilàmü ! don't n orry (about it) ! what has happeneil ? mè ya liru ? er! sòilu dò Ehi I (rdr.rve) Ìnet him dutril ilà shl ! let it clown!lay it dovn! they (a group) have gathered |u[ Blu thÌoÌc it away ! zub dà shi ! kò f,xnBcrsEs Translote into English : l. A! ôrrhë tò dàg+8iH!. 2. Kà lsyar mint ilà shi rlor Atlà, 3. KeitÀ tü itàD!, bA Àbürdò ya Àüku tüküDs. 4. zübÀ shi cikitr krõuò. Btyôtr húò h shõyor ilà rlõÉ. 5. Doe mè bÀzô kà íil itè àsirirkÀ ilÀsÀ ciLi! ,úclyarkÀ ba? Translate into Hausa : l. Dou'i tìrorr it away ! Clatohiü and go inside. 2. They bought somewood and brought it back. 3. Áre you sure she drank ii all up ! Yes, çhc did.
4 . Ptrl,it rlorrt herc. Norvla1'ìt dorvu(6at). 5. 'l\-etook it oüt snd storxlit lìp.
Dful.oguo ümarü BàIã : ümsrü Bàlã : , ümarü BÀlâ I ümarü BàIã : üourü EàIõ : ümaú 8Àlô : ümarìr BàIã : ümsrü BàIã : Ümarü BàIã :
Kô ilôwo rlàgà bhtli ? I. Nô dãÌíõ shëksBtriiyÀrlà sãI€. Tô. Àmmã ú ii wàhalàts àuku à euÍitr. Sòsai! Kâi ! Wutã tã kãmÀnadans! giilàiõ,tã &ôtrè8u &ürmus ! Eâi ! llutôtrë su! yi hò8ãÌà &werai I Kai tà ? Ai, lõiyà Da kè. Àbi! bòi zõ küsa dò wuú! dÈ aa kè zamaba. üõrtÕllê ! Dâ nâ yi tsòoeõnì kõ wÀiÀkilà ti rõ wutirkü úë. Ã'à. BÀ tà rlàmëDÀüba kô kÀdaD. ÀBmõ wsdsrsu sutrshãwàhalÈrlò yawò, Lallê. Ai, !âE uan tra gàmu rlà àbõkioõ, Dô tÀEbàyé shì bàtutr wutâr. Ya cê, giilousü iluk yõ Êõnè. Isbdì ! üèkayi? Ai, dõlèDëtn rhtuyàmssàwuri à dõLira. Tô, àmme mè ya iàru gÀ lyõlitrsÀ? Ai sur sàuka À giils! watri, Mõilàll6 ! Sai yàushè kàEtn sü kalà sõbotr sitlõ ? Bè rõ sü d8dè bs. z5 rü tõrà keyõ sü Íãrà ilà wuri. Tò dà kyâu. Âltò yà tài!!àkë sü. Àmia !
Lesson26 The HabitualAspect; ( Auxiüary'VeÍbs; Excla,nations 1. The habitual aspeot is employed to indioate action tbat occuÌs ioteÌmittently, customaÌily or habitually.r pronouns are formeil The habitual âspeci person-â,spect from a high-tone, shoú-voweÌ setofp-a pronounsprefixed to the paúicle -kàn. Since, however, these forms are tmditionaüy written as two woÌds (e,9, ue kÀ& etc.) ìhe verb zô the lhey will be so representedhere. With rorms aÌe :
I reguÌarly
ra kàtr zõ mu kÀtr zõ we reguÌar\ come you (rr.) ks kòn zô ku kà! zõ yor (?r.) regdarly come regularly oome oome
you ("f.)
ki kàr rõ
reguÌarly oome ys kàr zõ su kòa zô he regularly comes sheregula.rly comes ta kàtr zõ one regularly oomes s kòu zó
they reguìatly come
1 It müt, however, t'€ pointeil out ihât customary or hsbituaÌ soüivity in Hause is moro frequênily expre8sed by empÌoying th6 oltinuotive âspectÊthon by the uÊo of the h&bituel (BeoaÌso LeÊ8ôn 27, B.chion 2 (a)J. ror €ÍâmpÌe, if s ÌIsws pêrson w&nted. to sa{ he @mzÁ eúery ddg, he vould be moro likêÌy to sy laüd ,rnwõ hõwàcò rõnã lhan lo s'J y8 kàD zõ Lõwà4è rõn4 lbough either would be @rrecü. SomelineÁ, howovor, s distincl,ion b indicated by th6 coütrâât betweer eontinustivo ud hsbitual aspect8, e.g. yúà ehl tu ;s a &onüuÃL) ihìtuLet i ya,ltut rhô : ne ,aI6 a drìnk Jron tine to tine-
2. This aspeot,even moÌe than the others, must often be .einforcealby the useofan ailverbial nominaì to indicate the time of úheaction. Dâ su kàn zô kõwÀnèmâkò. They to come every _useal wee|<. Su kttr zÌyàrci Ka!ò lõtò- They üsit Kano from time lõtô. to time.
8si kò riÂà shân wsmÀn DÃgtri. Yi ilhgà ztrwà giilaDmü. tr8ilà kÀ d&À ch bôshì.
You must reguÌarly drink this medioine. He kept on coming to our oome. Don't alwavg boÌrow (ci bxtìt'- irwur a dúì\.
3. 'l'henegativeof the babitualaspectemploysbò . . . ba. BÀ lra kÀr rõ Da. I dou't reguÌarly come. BÀiu &À! ci ÀbilciúEü bô. They don't eat ouÌ (kinil of) food (very often).
?. The verb to,6à,tolrch, followeil by ceriain tpes of nouns or verbal nouns haueeuer. . . : Eeve youever beento Keno ? tri t8ôà luwò Ks!ò ? gsDilrè I have never geenhim. Bò[ tsoò br. I have eaien iü (at sometime f,õ tstò oi. iu the past/once or twice).
4. There are in llausa a number of verbs whioh are often tetmed. arnil,i.atg verbs because the meaning of the uttera,ncein whioh suohverbs ocouÌ is determined not so much by the verb itself as by that whioh immeiliately follows ihe verb, Seveml of these are treateil below.
8. The verbs Êõrà, dadò a\d sí]{:à: repedt. . ., ìlo . . . ana'rm: I ilidn'ú seehim again. BÀn rõkè cslitlsò ba. Ee came again. Yõ &õrÀzuwà.
5. tlhe velb !igã/rt8õyò : ,rarle al,readydonn - . . (ge* eralÌy in the reguÌar completive aspecú): , Yõ ricã yã tÀn. IIe has already gone. I{õ tlgõyô trõ tÀmbòyõghl. I have already asked him. Sur rigõ su[ lãf,ô. They hail alreacly begun. 6. The verbs ri-&àand ili4à followed by a noun oÌ veÌbal novt : rwl,arly dn . . -, heelton d,oi,ng. . :3 : Ullüê the oúe. vorb€ here iÌlÌrst.st6d, ris6 is followed oot bv o yerbsl or other nouD, bul by snotheruerá c;rrrz{tion iD thê súe ô8pecüar itself- The€€ rwo verbs {Íe closely co-ordiìotêd---€vên to the €xtent thot in the negetivo the fnal br slesy! oone! êItêr tho record nÈo rerord verb coDsiructioD constructioD which ordúerilv ordherilv tekoÊ a Do8itive. ,r, s Dogstivo, b6-gstivo. pÌonoun, pronouE. €.g. yô tÀí'ts, o.g. bN ri8õ rigõ yõ i,e tzaã ã tut gct goie tÀí'te, ire -p,e -p-& (tbough hài (thougL lÈi tái ri8È lÀt ri8É risE tàô bs tàl iB aho ste posibÌe). de ìôt tòt tàâ b3 is I They dìtro. diror slighiÌy sliqhtly in moên Doâniirq iD thsr ditrrà ususllv inDlio. thar thê tbiEs bêiú oõnriDuedis aì-resdybeing aone. qh;@sï&i nay oe sppr|oa ì,o somêrorng not yeu Êtrrred.
Xõ Èõrümasòkudi. Yõ itsdà&ò&ad.
I increaseilhis pay. Ee túeil hariler.
10. The verbs eikÈ anil loyè:
te r í2 e tfu ...:
óe/ull of. .., be charac-
He's extÌemeÌy meildlesome,a big nuisauce. yn layè BiDÌ wüyõ. The ihiúg \ras too difficult for Àbin me. I iloa't really üke (it). BàDcikà rô bs. Yã citò tÀràmbàni.
Yõ úà Eausã, Yrlè iyÀ oiklL Bò rôtr iyè ruwà bs.
Ee can speakllausa well. He can do the work. I ìron't be ÂbÌeto oome.
12. The verb i, do, llnzy be translated in a variety of ways acoordingto what follows (or precedes)it, e.g. : Yã yi aikì mài kyôu. I{e did good work yi A! ruwõ. It (has)rained. yi giÌmõ. Yã He's big. Or IIe grew up. üun yi yôwò. We wanderedabout. The food is ready. Àbirci yõ yi. yi Yã ,&ÂÍyã. He lieil. Yã yi barci, He slepí, Nõ yi Darà Eàgatri.a I taÌked to him (about a specific topic). 13. IÌausa, lìke other languages,has its shareof exolamatoÌy utteÍances. These expressions ere usually specialüed paÌticles, though certain nonrinaÌs, verbaÌs and stylizecl phrasesmay also be employed as exclnmations. The foÌlowing exclamations har-e aìreaily been introiluced : Partiales: a'g Ìlo Lesson13 al why !, well ! Lesson18 no sale ! Lesson15 àlba!kò lesson 4 àuin may it be so, amen well !, is that so ? Lesson20 àshé Lesson15 hobô nonsensercorÌÌenow ! I yes Lesson13 Eãdèllã fine, praise God ! Lesson4 indeeil Lesson19 mÈDÀ (utt€Ì âmazement) t.Mt Lesson25 (Dialogue) welÌ, okay Lesson4 ro/ro yôuwã/yâu!ea fine, okay Lesson4 Naninafe : KâI wow ! Good Heavens I Lesson1l greetinç ! Iresson4 sàtrnu . Not€ that the of yi doês not lerythen beforc â,n ibdireot object. -i
Vetbo,l,: btbü
no ! (emphatically)
Lessons4, 13
Phrases: rlon Allà sU kè nan
please that's that !
Lesson2õ Lesson6
Ì4. Several additionâl exclamations to listen íor and learn to use are listed beÌow. There are many more. Though it is very diítoult adequately t,o illustÌate in writing the us&geof exclamations, it is hopeclthat the eramplesbelowwilì be foundhelpÍul. a,ô s'òh6 8t/sp allÈ ? sllü m'ò tre'àm trfam wôyyô wôyyô Âllà wôyyô
exclamation of (real or feigned)amazement expÌession of concern at heaúng of mtsfortrne expressionof surpriseil reoognition really ? it.is íÌue (Ìeply to sUò?) expressionof sympathetic concern erpressionof inlerestor agreement(e.g.lo a story or account which is being narrated) yes ? (in reply to one's name being calleil) (exclamationof despair),alas! aÌâs ! woe is me !
Ewmples : (o'!) AfteÌ the toÌtôise has made the statement to the hare that he can outÌun him in â race, the hare might reply : A'a ! Kai, zõ kÀ ct nÌ dà sudà ? Eôbi ! The thougbl-of it! You. you will beal,me in ! â Ìaoe? Non8ense
(a'àhÀ) In the dialogue in Lesson 25 where ümarü
useil the compa,Ìatively neutnl tsbdl to expresshis amazementhe might alternatively have used dàhE, sinoe the- subiect of the iliscussionwas a misforiune. When two visitore come to the home of someone who knows one of the visitors welÌ aud the secondof them ìesswell, the householder anil the visitor he knows weìì will comrnonly exchangegreetingsbetweenthemselvesonly, at fust. Then the householderwiü typicalìv tum to the spcondvisitor (whom we ç l cú Bello) with feigned surprise (as if he hail uot seen him standing there until this moment) seJnng:
Âl Betlò ! trõ zô trÈ? Earkà dÀzuwÈ.wlrv. Bello ! -Eave you corne (too) ? GreetingÁ at (your) ooming. If a personrelates a remarkable incident, it is veÌy coÌÌtnon foÌ either of the two following exchangesto take place : Person A Person B Or Person A
(E'ò )
Állà ?
Did that really happen ? Allà (ktwõ) EveÍy word of it is tiue.
IIskÀ në ? Or Ctukiyã rè ? Is it a fact ? PersonB: AJIÈ. It ceúainÌy is. If o story is being reÌated in which someone gets inio difficuÌiy (usually, though not necessarily,minor), it woulil be oommoq for a list€ner to expÌesshis concernby the use of this paúicle.
As a longish story (such as a fable) is being nerrated by one person, it is appropriate for the listeneÌ(s)fairly ÍrequentÌyto inteÍject a casuaÌtu'òm (a/ tô) to signal to the nsÍretor oontinueil interest in and/or agreement with what he is saying, ff a personis caüeil by name,he will commonly euswerby using this porticle, e.g. : üammàtr! Mamuran! Audü: What?,Yes? Mammàn : ItÀ'sd ? Z õ!tu! Comehere! Audü: This cry of utter despair is reserved for real €meÌgeocies. One Hausa fable relates the story of a carelessfisherman casting his hook too neeÌ to otheÌ people end before.long hooking the eaÌ of one of the others. This situation seemealâppropÌiatê for the sioryteller to put the excÌ-a-maiion wôyyô AUÀin t[o mouth of the unfoúunate person who hacl beenhookeil. Seethe fable at l,heend of this lessonfor another illustratron.
NortuinaLs slli
btuhì cüI i.kõ (/.) (pr.iskuikurà) LòrÀubànl
it is true, is it true ? debt, loan seeing(verbalnoun of srnÍ, see)
earrã(/.) tõtô
(small) bag, ì*200 nuisance/putting one'suogein someone eÌse'sbusiness a lie time (: lôkÀcO
DslàsbI (?1.núàsã)
highway robber
mnkò sô'ò(pr.sô'õ'l) s8bò ilà/sobòrlà
8ôu zìyõ!i
week(: sõti) luck, good foúune ; tinÌe, houÌ beoauseof week(: môkò) visiting, a visit
Veúal; dadà ,
Pa'fticlcs (exclanútionof Ìepeâ,t..., a'a a,mazement) do... again keep on a'àhã (exclamation of ilingà doing... concemoveÌ Iãdà fall upon, fall misfoúune) into (d. tõdt) &ísp (excìamaüiotr of ÍayÈ becharacterized surprised by.. . recognition) (emphasis ligô/dgõyà have already dai parbicle), tlone... on rieò keep on the otheÌ haDil, doing. . ., clo for my paú (exclamation of regularly and rr'È sympathetic repeatedly taôÈ touch; have ooncern) ne'àm (exclâmationof ever. . . ztysttà (i/ê) visit interest or
"n'". r""ïï"ïÏ'i""tlul, yes ?, what ? wâyyô (exclarnation of despair),alas! Irnpoúant Phrasu  Uà y à b ã ! ì ü . . . Altà yà sô DAÀttr OAlt
ci bãshì iluk dÀ hokà
may God give us . . . rnay God bring (it) about forest (lo'ú.da,rk bushÌand) incur a ilebt in spite of this, ncvertheless,yet
lõtòJõtô rúrÈ rlÀ glttà
from tinre to tine break into a run
Translate into EngÌish : l. AIÉ và râ oü yi sã'è cikin clnikimmü. Ir bi h8kà b. dorc llê tnu cl oastu.
2. BÀ.i h ifqdÀnòÉaÍIrè cikin ailt! rôr. At, bà kà sÀji bB? BÀ zõ kà barì ba tütüDa ? 3. Bàtr ta6À gsnitr irLo wa!!à[ rawÂr ba. BÀÌi ltr gwailii yitrtè. A'8 ! Kâi, bò zã kà iyã bô I {. IÍõ yi úàsanô ilò shl EãLòtr rtà ys rucè àmmõ bÀi &õrè flwò ritir tràtr b8. õ. Dô s LÀ! hsu ilõLì ònnõ yÀlzu a! f, tôtr mõtà. A]là ? Âllà tüsë. Translate into Hausa : 1. I visited the chief's home but he had already gone away. 2. Gosh!, that nan is a terrible lia,r (rrat sk te. is full of lying) ! Becauseof this I ilon't like him. 3. It rains a lot cluring the rainy season. That's so. 4. He hasn't been in Nigeria Ìoug but he speaksHausa flneúIy (transktte,like a Kano donkey). 5. I wsnt to take out a loan in order to buv a new car. Xabl.e
Âudü rlÀ Àu 5 Âurlü ilÀ Àu suaà cikia tònyà. zâ su kàsuwõ ilè kõy6. sai si vatri òbü à DàLir h8!yà. Àü va daukÈ,va rtúbà. Àghõjàkar kudi cè. Sai Âudü ys cô, ' trâi, yôu mtrn yi sé'à.' 3see Ka Kdru Na,du, rase 12, â,Írd Abrab"m. R ( , Ea6o LitQtdtúrp. ps8a 41. rot dnoihe; (ersioh of this stoÍy
Àtr y. cê, , A,a ! I|[ü ltlrkà yi sõ'à Dê? Xô it8i !i ns y is d È? ' Âuilü ya cê, ,Iò ghi kè aan, ÂllÈ và bõ mü lãfiyà., 8ukà cigàba ilÀ tòÂyàr8Èhar sutÀ shìge wsli baÊi! diiì. sai wadÃlsu EaÍèrõ sqkÀIãdÈ E!sü. Auilü itè Àlt sutÀ ztuò ilà cüilà. 8u malàrõ rukà bl sü. Ân iimò 8si Àlr ys sàii ssbòrtàtrouyitr kõy&!sò. Ya cê, I Wôyyô. YÂu mun yi hàsõrà.' Auilü ya cè, . A's ! üü mukà yi hÀr6rà !ë P Kõ ifai ksi, ka í [Àsõrà ? '
Itsesol Aspects 1. The sxtÚjurlctú)e dsppzÍhasa wider variety of usesthau aÌry otheÌ aspect in Hausa. Ìn aildition t,o its üÁe to exptess commanils (see Lesson 12), the sutrjunctive is oommonly employeil : (a) In a large number of contexts that may in English be translated by the infinitive, notably in subordüate cÌauses(seealso Lesson 12. section ?) : I went to seehim. Zã sü iê sü htubi nilrÈ. They will go to/snd shoot (some)meat. I!È 8ô LÀ rõ Dâtr. I want you to comebere. Atr c6 Dasü sü ,õ. Tbev weretold to come. Yõ yòlda yÀ yi rhì. He agreedto do it. yõ n Lyâu ò it5Hte kMeE. It wouÌd be bett€Ì to wait a little. ytwu gòbo Yõ È biyõ kà ? Is it possibleto pay you tomoÉow ? I'm waiting for him to I!ò jtuàlsÀ yà ilõwô. Ìetum. I{6 tÀl ÌD s8! shi.
Iú many contêxts that may be translated by 'in oriler to ' (seealso some of the examples aÌrove) ot, negâiively (Í'ith kadà), ' lest ' : Yãrõ (doD)yòtÀimàkëmü. IIe came (in order) to heìous Sutr gtrilü (ifoD) k8ilò à They ran ôo that they kõmà sn. would not be caught.
(o) In some contexts thet may be traoslated by etrar (whicì does not in Hausâ ãlways require a speciaÌ vvoÌd): üunò lãtõ kà tlõwõ Wehope (that) you wiU lã[yü. comè baok safely. Au cà marà (wai) mü We were toÌd (that) we ilõkÀtrã. should wait. (d) In clontextsrelating to seeking,ilenying or assuming peÌmÌssloÌI: 'W'ell, let's go ! Iô Eü ië ! Ìr shtsô kõ ? May/úall I (am I to) enier ? KorlÀ Lõwã yà õhi wao!à!. Noboily is to ilrinÌ this. (e) ïollowing certain relaters : kÈoì{kÈfin, óelore.' trÈmh tlr tãshl sun ígã lnn zõ. zã !1ü hútò kàds! tànìtr Eü ci àbinci,
Before I left they had already come. We will rest a littÌe before we eat.
dòmin/don(seealso above,section(ó)), in oÃer tol that : Yõ keÍõ sH ilòÉi! t! goÍ1. He brcught it so Ì could 8eert. har, {r?rrd,(futuÌe) : BÀri mü dõtàtõ nan har Let's .rvaithere until they 6ü isõ. come. -Yor, : har, in coÌriexts indicating aotion in the pâst, requiresthe relative completiveor thã regulor cornplãdve P-ApronouÌs : Uur tlõkàtã har sukà isõ. We waited till they oame.
sõrs/ctf,àmmà, it is l)ett?.rthnt : It is betteÌ that \\e do Gôta mü yi hakÀ. thus. It is better to stay honìe Dà úàflyà batr,d gwàtimè than to tÌâvel \YitÌìout à zautrà à girlã. pu rpose salltã, tlìerercruti n, (onl,yr,&ll b'ìtt: Seurõúild sõnràsü isõ, They will be here iu ten mÌnutes, He nearly felÌ. Saurâ kàds! yà fãdì. (/) Ìú ji -. - (üI. let Le/iear) is a styììzed cxpression or employing the subjunctive N'hiclÌ means , . . a@.ínaccor dinqto....L zâi tô Eóbe,ttr ii Aüilü. t! ii wò P Katlà kà sãkèzuwà,Ìn ti sarH.
He rvill come toÌÌoÌro\Í, :r,ücorilinsto .A.udu. Who sa-vsõ ? The chiefsavsrlon't conte agein,
(y) In an utterance desoribing future (oÌ ìabitreÌ) action and involving severalprddicatc constÌuctioÌrs, only the flrst verb rreerlbe preoededby the future (or habitual) p-a pronouns-the remaining predicates are typicalÌv subjunctive(seealsoLesson16,section
-r): Gòbe m Àe üsmôtr tlà MÌtristà na nmì zã sü tàí SaktÌrato, sü búdè maksÌa[taÍ 'yam Ír5tõ, sü zlyàrci asìbitì, sü tlà$õ çürau, sü bõ dà lacci ilàl yâmmã. , i h j i rsrts" u* ,-l w he. ct èr r he Í . r bsn/ s/ sd; d cor oes4rI he. n. l ot ur rr the mr' l dl ê ot, â ,tuoÌ aiion. Cõ sol. @r r ol b" u{od in such tnsitjon$. See.p5.âgrâph4,line l..fth. íhbkì a{ rhc en,l ofthis t.csson
Tomotro,n llr. Usman and the MinisteÌ of Eilucation sill go to Sokoto. (wiÌl) open a girls' schooÌ, (wiü) visit e hospitaÌ, (rriÌl) return to Gusau,(antl will) give a (political)speech in íhe evening.
(c) Intent: DÀ zuwòlrà zâi yi EàganÈsai... Dtwâzõ.
2. The contintntiue aspacÍ, in addition to expressing sirnple continuative action (see Lesson 18), has thã foÌlo*ing more speoializeiluses: (a) The oontinuaìive is empÌoyed to expresscustomalv or habituel action, natural abiüties or disabilities, and the lüe : Yalà zuqi tõwàcô rânô. IIe oomesevery day. Bõ yà sitì ròrsi. (It iecharacteristicãf b inr thai) he doesn't work ÂaÌo Àlsdè bõ yò tãshì. Pigs can't fly. (ü) The coniinuotive is ofton employeil in a suborilinate claueeafter a maür.cÌauseempìoying a completive or continuâtivo aspect to indicate an âction occurÌiDg simultaneously with the actionofthe rnainclause: Xõ gan shl ysrò &iÈ. I saw him working. Yõ ttuhl i!ô barci. He got up (while) I rvas (stiÌl) aeleep. ltruaò zrwà yauà gsúmmü. (As) we wero coming he watohedus. (Àe) I worked he roà aitì yanà ta ràrttìi. chattered fooÌishly. Yâ dâdèyrlà sitì. He has beenworkinefor a longtime. 3, lhe Íuture aspectsand the specializedverbal zâ, in a ildition to expressingsimple future aotion (Lesson 16), aÌe frequeníly employedto express:
ua ,À Dl giloa . . .
Dâ mã zân kõmà, . . ,
When he arrived he intended to s&y somethi ngbut... We intend to coÌne. I had originaÌly plarrneil to go horne.. .. I rcas going Ììome(but . . .). I was planning all rlorrg tor etuÌn...
(ó) To be aboutto: ZA shi Ingllà sai àbstrsò He was about to leave ya rnutü, for Dngland u'het his father died. DÀ !ô shiryà, zâB hou lVhen I rvas ready, (and) was about to cliurb on kèkè!ã, sà shi bãbü to my bicyole. rúy ! iskè. there rvasno oir (in the t-vÌe). ((1) Couditional action : BÀu süoi w8!ilà zâi yi Ì rlidn't find anyone who would do it/to do it.t shl b8. Dà yi uü!à Diat iti zâtr Hail he shol-ed (it) to me I would have bougLt ràyô. ( ).
1. Tbe aompteüoeaspe.a tÍtã,y be employed within a sequeoceof relaíive completive clausesto expÍesso moÌe remote past (ihe English pÌupeÌfect) than that indicated by the rclative cornpletive predicates: DÀ 8ukÀ shiryà sukÀ tM. MÀkãliki yõ gytuà Dssü Dõtàrsü. I Another meanins could be ' I didr't sho wss goine to do it '.
ffnd thê (perticulao
\üheu they had got ready they Ìeft. The mechanic had (previously) repaired their lorry for them. gõ'Àr ilÀ Eõtõ sukÀditwõ dògòLòs!rõ, ya tômbÀyëtò, yr c;, ' Yàyà ctniH ? Yõ yi kyâu ? , gsi ta aDsà, í yõ yi Lyâu.' lYhen the women returueil frorn market. he asked hor. he said'Hov waothe trading ? Diil (cornpletive)ií go r,çell? ' Then sheanswerecl, 'Ìt went lcompletivejweÍ., ÍO('ÁBULAIiY
ryÌb,itì(tl. aribitõct)
cõwõ dabbÀ(/.) (2,. dobbõbi) dàrúõ (/.)
rõdl ímaè (pJ.tüàfltai) hatôri (pl. hatòrã) hsDnú (pr. hsDdyõ) hlrãji ll!u,
irki (/. oÌ m.)3 !ënõ-sà(?1.iènàgú) kè5hësàd laccò !!òLõlrkì (pr. nàkònìk8i) miEõ oìlistÀ (?r. oi|ristõci) õlrr/õfirbr (pl. õôsõshr)
rôi (?r.róvutà) saute sìirntü
hospital saying (verbal noun of cô) animal laughter chief's residence wiÌrg tooth arm (incluiling hand), hand tax hrowÌedqe. book-learnins wlno, au fruitbat on the foÌlowing ilay political speech,lecturc mechsnio breast, mother, mother's miÌk minister (of governrnent) ofrce Ìemainder (senseÌess) chatter
' Ths pfur$l ishõLÍ mesns (eïil) spnírs.
tünÈtrt tsakÈ/tsakiyò(/.) tsàkâni Itajgtl
Veúal,s amsà hailü (ii€)
reflecting, thinking centre between ÌepÌesentative answeÌ give biúh to shoot arrive (Ìrere)
isõ kà!ôõ (Vë) Irhã ry&le sau!õ
lecelve, acoepl,
câll, summon not bother with, ignore be left over. renain
it i,sbetteÌ thât ií is better that (emphasispaúicle), evet. too, actually quote, they say
gwàmEà n!õ wai Implvtrrnt Phtdses |lt
lDii. . . kuditr Ê88ã lar ilà !o! râlkà yà itâdè {
tÍaLÀr-kàkõ!i yã ff kyôu (plus subjunctive) yanòta...
it has been planneil thât. it is well knowr that, aJready to... ... says,a,ccording taxes (rr'r. money for the land) immediateÌy may you live long ! (saiil to a ohief or other social superior) bet rixt and between it is better/best (ihat . . .) hecontiDuously...
a OfteDhêed ss rtnkài dsdè,
Translate into English : Ì. Di me zâ d giitaDrÀìn gsishë shì, ssi üa ti làDôrì,!g cô, yE fl Lyôu lD aayò msrÀ. 2. trÈEln yÀ lõrÀ ,uwà Dãitsdè irà aikì è ú[. DÀ uô sòmê!hl, trstr ilà [sD ssi ya zürà dà gudà. ÀbiDciEmü yd tirè Dõ? Â'È, rlÀs rau!õ kàdatr, Narà !ô h ilslò wani ? 6 5. UlDirtàD MòLÀròDtúzâ,iyi laccà à Cüssu ? I. bàli mü 3hiryÈ,mÈ ië. Translate into lfauss : l, Ceriain highway robbers wanted me to telì them the nelrs of the town. 2. I oarne upon him while he was working. I{e is a mecbanic. He has beenrepairing automol,ilesfor a long tlme.
3. Originalty he had agreedto wait bere until I came, but now I don t know what 7 he rryilldo. 4. The chief saysdon't ever oometo his homeêgain. It is betteÍ that Ìou meet him at his office. 5. IIe can speak lÌsusa. but it is very difrcuÌt for him, Iablz fèEãsè Bõ Yà Biyà! Eàrãjì 3 Wata !õtrõ satkin tlabbõbiya &iÍõ çàkilìtrsà, ya cô masÀ, 'kÀ kësòyè cikir Êarãtekò jè giilÈjeurtabbõbiitukÀ tò kàr6i tudi! .&asãà hallun kõwàtrtretrsü.' wèHì ys cè, , Rôtrkà yÀ itadè, nô yi nao itÀ aon.' 5In thk context dÀ : à'kwsi (sêe Le€son 37, section 3). 6 In contexis such ss this waíi mèsns someztr€. 1 TtuNlLte úlat s6 the tÀt,g rcÀt., (àbin dÈ . . .). 3 See Littaf Na Kardntaa'd, pase 8, for &norher version of rhi!
fslrs ()r,ÀsPDcrs
S&i $àk ì ya kèwàyècikitr *âsâÍ, y kàÍôi htuõiì à kõwÀÀèsiitã. ÀlBDoõrlà ya isõ siita! jëmãcè,iõmãgèya &i biyò! kudir. .Âi, Ei bà dabbÈba cè,' itr ji jëÉãsè. . Kõ cititr talakãwâ,n sarkitrdôbbõbiàkçai eü lÌtàiÌkai kàmar !i ? Àkwei wtúilÀ yB iyà tãshÌ samÀkàEÂl Df ? Âi, bã trÈ biyàn hà"rãiisà sarki! dabbõbiI ' Shi kè mn. WÀkilh serkitr it|bbõbf yo bar shl, yô kõeà fõdà, ya shâidã wò saÍkinsü. Sarki ilâi, ya yi tüEàni,ya cè, . Lslle, sÀstúeÌsÀ. Jëmãcèbi irìnmü bs !è, à &yõlèshi., trà8hèsàrl sarlitr tsuntsòyê ya Liri nãBà wÀknì, y8 àikë sht yÀ kàrbi kuditr &ssõ À h&u!u[ kõwÀtròtsutrtsü. DÀ l'àkilh ya isõ girlaú iëmãeè, ye tàEbÀyë shì kudirl tasã,sai !êEãgàys yi ÍlasÀ ilòriyã,yaÁàcêwã,' Nt, bn nò tiyò!3À hÀrãjì.' Wai, i Kõ kã,ta6à canin tstrtrtsúEài hetòÉ ?' 'Xõ walttà ya kà! hài 'yõ'ya!rà ilÀ Íãi, yÀ bã 8ü Eúmà P KÂi ! M bò tslÀkàtrsarkitrtsurtsàyëba trèI' Dà *àk t! ya kõmà ttilà ya shâirlãwà sarkir tsutsàyê, sai slkÀ ytuila cêwãièEõgèbà tsuDtsúba !è. s8bòrlàhakà iêmãsèyaaà tsskÀr-tsàkãtri, bô yà cikia yò, dabbõbl,bõ küwã, ciki! tsurtsòyë.
look for boy
Lesson28 Rerluplicatiou l Hausa employs vârious tJ4res of reduplication for various purposes.SometimesonJya syÌlableis redupücated,sÀeìimesíhe wholeword."-Examples of the most fÌêquent I ypesof reduplicationÍollow. 2. Reduplication of the fust syllable of a trerógives it an intensiu?ìnc(ln;ng(e.g.kecpott . . .. da . . . tiniaier tíme, do -. . in successionJ.T)-pically, ihe fust stll&ble is reduplicated with accompanyingdupücer,ionof tbe ioitial consonantof the original verb (which bas now becomethe first consouant of the seconil svllable). If the original Êrst syllablehas a fi-rralconsonãnt,it may Ìemain or ma,y be assimilateil as a iloubÌeil consonant.r l'he great majority of reilupücated verbs have at least three syüabìesanil their tones follow the reguÌar patterns for three- and four-syllable verbs. Thus : (a) Highìow verbo becomehighìow-high : beât buc! bubbüsã keep on beating oook dúô itsdilüIõ keep on cooking Ìook tlübi dudilübà look evervwhere (ó) Low-high verbs, becomelow-high-low : go out llts ltfrtÀ keep going out I Whcn. Íor esaEple,lhe ffBt sylÌable endsin s nast, Njnitstion docs ôor take plso". ê.s. atutÀnbryi (tror tàttàmbf,yi). and ir i. optiooaì wheF thê ffrsl syllsblê ênds in eDê orhe! consoDsDts,e.g.
flmtà or tìútÀ sà$ayãor lràissyâ,kslkõwõ or esn}ãwõ.
' Irtho ba8o verb is a va sble vovel (cBde II) verb, rhe de.ivod intensive verb Ìdll also be s !.,. ve.b. Thus thê ruÌes for fiDat vowet ând tone change befoE diÌect objects (ss Fell &s sll othe. ,.,. veÍb
rul4) spply, e.g. son nÀlaèrni úênurcü, suü nenirèmarq úey tookêd dil ot.r Jú the* .4lttelthen.
nèmã sòyõ
lÀlnêmà 3 look aÌl over for buy a variety of sÀsrayà ihings
(c) Verbs with aJÌtones high remain aÌl high : bring kõwô kskkõwõ keep on briuging calÌ kirë kikkirõ call various people seü sayar salsaya! keep on selling 4 (d,)Three-syllable veÌbs rDeÌely Ìeduplicate the fust syllable (tone and all) 5 while retaining the original tone pattem on the original tLree syllables : read k8rÀtrtã ksktatàltà reâd in succes$otr ask tàmbayÈ tàrtÀEbsyà keep on askúg 3. ht oljeAì,oal, roniral, may be formeil from most tÌansitive and certail intraruiúive verbs by reduplicaiüg and doubüng the final cousonant of the original word, while replacing the final vowel with an -aCCë sufix (CG: iloubleil flnal consonant of the original word). The meaning of such a form is typicaüy soacething wfui,ch has been. - -, stttruthinqcfuttontet'ized. ìike . . , These, fur. other adjeotival nomirals, have feminine as vell as plural forms (the examples below list the foÍms in the order : mascuÌine,feminine, pÌural). (a) lhese forms d,erì,oed, fton uto-syllal e word,shave lho initial syìlable low toned, with all foüowing syllableÁ 3 ìryhen the o!ìgilll yerb has en -ë- oÌ an -õ. in thê root, thiã becomos -r- in ühe redupìic{t€ ÊyllsbÌe, if this -ê- or + iÊ precedêd by â et r consonrnt (k,-9, [), ii bêcones -yr- and -iyr- Esp€ctively, e.s. hôtâ,, tcar, kyslúõtã" ,cat to shrcìa t sõEã!, rub (aaaitustl, gwàLaga{:â,iub lagainst). t S€ê íootnot€"igo"oaÂIv 9 on pege Ì?8. 5 Somo verbs, in êddition to a form which shows ffEt lylÌsblê reduptication, hav6 ar elterDativè íorm (Fith ihe ssne mesning) ir which it is thó sêcond ÊyÌlabÌ6 thst iõ ledupliost€d, e.g. silyã, ?rJ doMlBídeo! .iiitye, pút dounlaride o nunúel st'üEõlt,oivô
high except for the plural fonn, in which aÌl syÌlables are low except lhe fi-oaÌone. e.g. . (cikò, lll) (da!à, aok)
ctkakkè cÌkkakkiyã,6 ctkàkkú (something) filled, oomplete dàIafrë, rlàiafÊyã, rlÀlàfrü (somcthing) cooked
(rdrà, sta,rt].
fàrarrè,làrauiyõ,tôrÀrrú (something) st!ìÌted
(gani, see) (môtrtõ, .[*Nl (Dõúa. loohJor) (sad, hnow)
gàúatr!è,gàtaaúiyã,sàaàÍÁú (something)seen màntaccè,Eàniacciyë,Eàtrtàttú l'orgol,Len. . (something.) úêlraEmë.trèEammiyõ.trëmàmEü (somethingsought) sàDaraë.sÀDarliyõ, sàDà![ü (sornething)known
(ô) Theseforms derroerü umtdsha,vethe Jrotn three-sgl,lnble first two syllables low, with all followúg syllables high except for the plural form, in which all syllables are low exceptthe flnal one,e.g.. (siìyê, ülyeyyè,àitysyyiyõ,oÀilyÀyyÈ (somethiug) set esiile sd asid,e) (tÀhi!rtÈ, IèhtEteccë,iòhtútacciyõ,fàhlEtlttú (something)untlerstood unlarsnnà) làfly8yyõ,Iòltyayyúõ,Iòflyôvyú 0õffyò,7 healthy (personor thing) h*oll,h\ (tabbàtô, tèbbÀtaccô,tôbbòtscciyÈ,tÀbbàtòttú (someìhing)ceúaiu be sute) (tàfo5ü, tàfÀs&sshê,tàlàsssshiye,tÀlàsòssi (something) boiÌeil boil,\ . There is en streÍnêtive feúiniìs forE in -oCCõ. rhich is not with tho Ìotreervor&. s.g.ÉòtÀ$ssà. unoobbon. €Êpêcielly 'This forú is deíiyed Èoo a noun rsthEr ühen ê verb. It ìe &ppsEntly the onÌy suoh er@ption in the wholê longuêg€-
Erãrnples : ÌIúityõ sàmtrtriy6 cè à The owl is rrcll-known in EasarEü. Dòiafrer àbiuci rè mu kò sô. We warl't aolcedfood. ZÍ!ãtlyõ trëtrsmmiyar Gold is a sought after (i.e. àbã cè.3 valuablething).
üu kÀu shõ tàtÀssasshen rurã kawài. We drinÌ onÌy boiled water. Tòbbàtaccé It is ceÌtain. Irè. 4. Ceúain nuans ind,icating a yal,'ity have a ilerivative adjeotival nominal which is formed by red.upücaúingthe first syllable and changingthe fnal vowel to -õ, The tone pattem of the new form is low-hìgh-high in the singular. The plural fomr (which duplioates the finaÌ oonsonantin an -ÀCôsufix) has a highìow-high pattern. The meaning is usually útensive.e (kErli, sbength\
&ÀtÊ&úã, very stroDgthing/ person esÌlàÍõ (pr.) (kyíu,goodnus) kyàkkyãwã, excellent(looking) kvãwàwõ(pJ.) thing/person Eaarnples: Màcèkyàkkvõwõ cÈ. The woman is beautifirl. gu tsrlàlõ nÈ. They aÌe very stÌong. tryãqÈwâ na sàyã. I bought very good looking ones. 5. Aúterbial, naninals and,üeopthowes may be intensúecl by reduplicating the whoÌe woril (see also Lesson 24, seotion3). 3 Wherc the noun bo !Íh;€h it rcfers is lominine ÀbÈ ,À;nr, hss s fmininê forÌn.òbô. Mèny Hausâ, hoqeeer. would say ZÍnõrlyã ,l6mammêÍ aDí n6. 0 I.e. úorc so tbsD s sibple DlÀi corÂpound.ê.g. mài zudi. dcep : uertj il..p. t^trulÃ,
(úaza, qL!.;ckltJ) Kü zõ maza-maza ! Oomevcr1.quickly ! (shirú, Âüdü shiÌu-shirú Aucluis very solt De.
(sànou, Yatrà tàÊyã sànnu,9lo?,rI,ess) s:ltxtru.
spoken. IJc is rvaÌkirrgslowly.
6. (-'orrrpÌeteredupÌicrìíion ol uliectiuLl, non,inals o.f colonr a]I,r]sorneoihcrs Ìessenstheir intensity (seeaÌso Lesson23, sectioo7). Notc tÌrat tÌre final vorçcÌbccomes -qhortin botÌr the seconrìand (rvith ferv erceptions,lìke jã-ja beÌow) the first occurrcnceof the ÌedupÌicated word.to (la'i, túite)
l{o sàyi Isri-Iari.
I boughtthe rvhitish
one. (bâ[i, ókcÀ) Ba&i-beÊiye ô kyâü. The bÌackish one is \18, red )
best. Wannà!, iã-ia trè. This is rcddish/pink. Wadàtr!âúiajàye- Theseare reddish/ pink. iõjàve uè. Tsõlu\i,e-tsõtuwa cè, Sheis rather elderly.
7. CoÌììpleteredupÌicationof rluantifiersand monetary termsìs employedto give the senseof, for exâÌÌìple,' two each'.Ìr They arq 5 koboseach. gõmà gõúà. Bà sr Give them eachtcn. Ì{awàlawÀ oè wadànnâa? How rnuchapieceare these? ÌUòsuÊefòhüdu hudu. Quadrupeds.
8. The plursls of certain nouns are formeil by reiluplioation (seealso Lesson22, section 6). Native Âdministration ea'è,pl. en'è-et'È Àklw,ü,?r. Àkàç"ü-àkàrn cbrk (other pluraìs aìsooccur) 9. Complete redupìication plus final -e and a low-high tone pattem is employeil úth mâ,\y nouhs denÃt'ingan aatiai,tgto indioàte (frequently) somethirg like oorzdres of . . ., oariou,skínl,s oJ. - - ot simply amnnber oJ'instanus oJtlaishtud,oJot*iv g, e.g.: guilìi, Ìunning + eÈie-gÈie, running (vaúouô t)?es of) râces trÀllo-tsülle, (various kings of) jumptralté, jumping ins ' tÁdì,chatting ' tàde-tòde,(various)chattings rhõwarà, advising shàwÈrce-shàwÀrce,adtisings (of variouskinds). 10. Complete reilupìioaiion of certain now,s may be empÌoyed to indicate . . - like. Note thât the final vowels aÌe short. ruwa-ruwa sèri-sàri gi$hiri-gishiÍi
rvatery, liquid (ri.e.water-üke) powtlery (i.e. flourìike) salíy (in taste)
ülsl slst ne.
'o ID e f . ç . A s c s th c !o { e l rc n Ìri rs l o rt rn d the nìeâD nìgi s ìúersíú, ..g. 8ü mânyã-mânyâ nè, 'l'n"y.," utlt lúts.líh1pa uüt
Nonim,ts àkÈwu(pl. &kãsu!à or clerk àtàwú-Àkàwn) (/. dslyé datryã,?r. dànyü) raw, uncooked,ulrripe primary school ír6mÀrà
tr lf the {lurntifio is x coÌnpôuDdonly thc ìâ6t nord iÉ rèpedtcd, e.s yâ bâ sü nairã shã dayr dà si-slsi, n. lta|. thoh ìtll.ti ea.lll Ludinsü suÈ ba twabò kpaSi;. r1,,y."r t.'L t',út, rpt,,,.
1r Thus the term for tnck and lìeld, coúpetítio1t ts güs-gÈjo killo-tsàdle.
182 sryÈ(/.)
bt rasi
beer (localbrew) gwalgwàYê) (?1. Swltrg^wslr titr can i8rrÀbõwõ(/.) test, examinâtion kwslabd/kwalbê (/.) (?r. kwalèbé) glassbottÌe Lyàklyãwõ (?r. kyawàw-) excellent (lookúg), handsome,beautiful tàtõ (/.) a oomplaint (e.9. in oouú), cÍy, noÌse ragì Ìedüction(âsin tmding) 8ak8udàrè secondaryschool simintÌ/sumuuti cement tÀbbàtaccë (something)ceúain t&kÀlilõ (/.) (pl. tàkàrdú) paper, lett€r Tüsi Ourope ysifì Euopean cloth. a yard (measuÌement) d!tutyã (.f.) golil Verbd,s 8üvë
làhintò (i/è) tàfist Particlzs cô
bÀbbs[ òkòwú b6 dÀ.8à6õkì cô ne kè ct jsrtÀbAwõ DaD&asõ yi ia,rrÀbâwõ
úirü In?ortant Phrases òbú mònõli Àbin ghi èbin rhô !r twalabô
an amazingthúg somethúg to drink, o drink bottled ilrink
no reduction (of price-iu trading) head clerk causeeÌna,zement,Ìvoniler I thought (tir. thiuking I was) passan examination (in) this country take an exarnination
Translate into English : l. Ai. E6 môDtõ ìtr kÃÌDõÀbitrci ilàlofré.
a Lõwõ shì
2. Cwàmmà kÀ dãkÀtõ treD tükün. fÈfilr kÀ sõkè dówôwi lõkÀciú àbilci yã yi. 3. Mtra tàn{Àmbeyàkõ'hõ ciki! cÀd àEúõ bl mü sõmi làbãÍhsÀbs. 4. trôi ! Waúi àbir tIlòEãkì yã tàru iiyÀ-&õrar iirgiu ssmütõ b6 d tsòÌõ hm ssurô kòdor ln gudü! õ. ZÊ tri kàúti Ìtr sÀyi àbitrcin gwatrgwatr ilÀ giyà t8 kr'slsbõ ilò r.urstr 8búbtrwÀndÀ !8 kà bükõtà.
put (thing) down. set (aside), give (thi"C to someoneelgeto keep for you) unilerstand boil (intpnsitive) thinking (from cêwe; s€e I mputant P hrase*b elow) silence(ideophone)
Translate iúo Hausa : l. Horr rnuoh epiece aÌe guavas? A penny apiece, no reduction. 2. I thought you woulil come tomoÌrorÍ but you caÌue vesleÌClâv, 3. Thprearemcny wonderfullhingsin tbe rvorìdioday. 4. You shoulil eat cookeil food and boiled wâteÌ lest you Eetill. 5. if I don't tâke tÌÌe examinationI won't passit. Dìatague Tsllo : DsudÀ! DsudÀ: trò'am. .À
184 Tallo : Dauilà IsUe : Daurlò ft,llo : DsualÀ Islle : DaudÀ Tallo : Dsuilò
Tslle :
DrudÀ TrUo : Ilr|l|lò faUo :
I[õ zâ ts ? ZÊ !i gidõ. Yàlzu nè !s tErõrtàcà8itì. Iò bAlÂiff. À ttra !à tr kà aikì ?
Ai, Di òkòwú !è è kàDd. Àrhê ? CÊtra kà h8!à mskarsntõ. À'È. Bàra uà na flta tirôEôrè. Bü1sòmi shìgsr s8tstliltuà bs. Bè kt ci iasràbêweb8 rè ? I, tõ yi mill rüyõ 8inül. Àueõ bâ kõEó, tu! tlà na gimi ritì. Iò dÀ kyôú. wànè irt! ritì !ë k8 kè yi p Ai i!à dè awull iri-irì: waui gõÌ ra kÀr shi8lhitTè Etyã, v.üf sãÌ D8kòr loüfl1 itÀ kõyõ, r8li !i'i uõ, bòìDs! lüirn yrrl Dõ !t liìdtl t*Àrdt h yi. Tô. Yswslsi! hõys[tü rltgò tagLher !Érri nã s kè tõwõ .ü ? I Àmmà yòuu al ttrò yi! wrdtulr sbibrwl |r8n furã_LiE{ú !r rit rtnl, itò virtì, dò riEinlì. dò àbin rhÊ [s Lwrtrbã" UÃitòllÉ! Ctrtiyt !È |si itò tòtÀ!8$ho!r lqrõ I LÈ rtr òbi! úi !s LwsfsDõ?
Ilrc RelatersSai aúil Dà l. The reÌaterssei and ilÀ (the spellingof rvhiclractually repÌesentsseveral difrerent rrortls) are among the most frôquently occurringn ordsin the Hausalanguage.Tbey the moÌe Ínportant eachhave e vÍidevariety of usages, Lesson 17, seotion2. are noied in of wÌrich, not already t eat€il beÌow. 2.Ssi as a cÌauseintroducer is often follo*-ed Lry the oubjunctive aspect. There are two kinils of meatring indioateil by this constmotion : (a) The weaker (and more common) meaning is to indicate a regular contingent habit or an inevitable coútingent consequence,e.g. : r When I get up irr the rnoming I (aÌwaYs) have a oup of teo. ganyôn you don't eÍâteÌ that If trs! I! bi kÀ bô yÀ pìant, it will surely clie' etrtü ruwõ bs, sei Ìda[ ye zõ, sai mü geirhê Wìen(ever) he oomeswe will (certablY) greet shl. him. I! nõ ttuhl rtà silõ 88i ln shô ti
8&ri ! Bì tòEsr tub ttmü svòr br !
Abircin gwrngTs! ft--irkiü!À düriõ nÈ P D&!ilò Ertà !õ. Wsi, rô'àn dÀ r LÈ rlirìui aai riailitltâwú.rg Iallo : Tstd. Àbh oimIlì aè ysititÀ yò ytru ò rtslò Àbilci ilò yôwi À flrlè shi ciki! gwaú8Ìwst À NjVë shi h8r 3hèL8rÈblyü ! DsuilÀ GòskiyuLò. Ai, hekò llè itúriyl yànzu-clte ts tè rtÀabúbuwòmàru bar ramimõkì. Talle : L8Uë,hskà tré.
(ò) The stronger meanúg, often limited to shorter contexts, is as a strcng courmand,t;ryically meaning rMst, ou4lú ta or lhe like, e.g. , You ought to go, or Geí 8&ikÀnn. away !
rs verbâl noun fronì dsdilàtã. u SeeLesson19.footnote2.
I See Losson 24, diâloCro (footnoted phr&ss), foÌ two ailditiotr&l
Bü zõ ba tükü!.. gai rqü kitõ shì.
He hasn'tconÌeyet.lve'll havc to calÌ him.
3. Styli"fd utteranc€s such as sai kà c6, os cf and (leos f.equ€ntly_)r&i kò g-8t1,lyouougltt to secit are frequertly interiecteil for emohasis. y"oi OA"È, r"i kò sarki. He goes around as if he "ê erc a chief. rtitt!!À, rsi kà câ bài iyà ba. His work (is) as if he doesn,t know how. WaluÀtr lbü, ssi kâ gs4i, This thing-you'll have to àbitr Eòmõkì trë. 6eeit (to believe it)-is really amazing. 4. Ssi oftan introduces a norninal pbrasewhich indicates an excepíion to lhe preceiling statenrent, (See also Lesson17, section2.) Bô Eài iyiwõ s8i ksi. There is none able to do it exceptyou. 86 È simün ilui sei ilò Onedoesn't get knowledge iòe&ri. without (;tot of) effo;. Ii kÀm, s8i òbitrdÀ ta c6. As for me (l lJ do) only what you say. 5, 9ai meê,o,nguúil, often iníroduces claus€sin the completive, sometimesin the oontinuative.z Bt rô! tà[ ba sai uõ gamà. I won't go until I finish. Bò zô! tÀl ba rli iaÈ sô! I won't go uatil I want to
tàriyt. sai tÊ ilõwõ.
go. Seeyou when(trtit.untiÌ) you Ìetum.
'Quit6 oftên, fhough not invariobly, the ssi-iniroduced cìauso i! s dêpend?nt c|!úF folìowing an indepêndon! clêus6 iD üho Dègstiv6 (8eerne nrsr two exânpre8).
8si nõ shilyi tüküra. 8ei ye zõ zô mü ci.
187 (Don't bother ne,) Let ure get ready first. 1Vewon't eoi until he oomes(lil OnìYrúen he hascomel'ill ve eaì).
6. Sai and har each oÍten, nean unííI' Wheu, as often, a oontÌast is iníended. har focuses on the completion or fulfllment of the action at the end of the presoribedtime, wheÌeâssai may sinìply refer to the aotion in geneÍâl oÌ foouson the starì of it, e.g.: I won't go üntil tomorrow.BÀ zâtrtà be ssi 8òbo. I von't go (at ìeast) uniil Bò zôn tòfl ba hst sòbe, tonìorow (hascoúe). BÀn yi borci bs r&i dè gàti I didn't get to sleep unüil y8 võYè. tÌawn. Bò[ yi borci bs hôr aÀri ya I didn't get a rvink of sleep all night. wõyò, 7.8ei is frequent in narrative as a clause (senteuce) intÌoducer indicating sequenceând translatable as ,âez or so. (SeeaÌsoLesson 17, section 4 ) Muu sar Bhttrstr ilà [an. 88i Buhò seishê shÌ. We saw hirn imrnediately. Then/sowe greetedhim. gur zõ. 8si sukÀzsrd." ssi suki hútà;òssi. They oame. (Then)they sat down. (Then)they resteil well. 8. Dt. ..8ôi is comnonly used for zoáea.. - then, wilh ÌefeÌenceto eventsin the past. Dò ns ga! sbt (ssi) ú ië When I saw hirn (ìhen) I went to him. wuÌinsà, 3 When he comes(then) DÀ zuwÀngò ssi sikì. (there'sa Ìot of) work. ãtì .oniry. A vetbal noun mey usuelly bo 'Dò urslìnsi\ lit. on sÌrbstituteilfo. e finite aerb in ihis construction.
When ho cntcnd (then) urc stôpped.
òlmakÀsbr(pl. òlmàLàssi) swÈ(/.) buLkò (/.) (pl. buklõki) cbõwà (Í) (pl. ctvàyi)
(pair of) scissors hour grasshut ; market stall gTa,ss sewmg vâcation,iest khaki cloth excellence of ohâÌaoter ol quaÌity tailor traile, occupatiou, profeesiol gaÌments, clothes trouble, difrculty trcüseÌs
.t88 DÀ ye shlgo (Esi) Eukò tsayü.
9. Dò ueaning rzlá or awl is an4iy iliustratedin Lesson [7, sections2 and 3. The useof di a" introducerof the clirect object after the -ar forrn of a verb is treatecl in 25_,section 4 end foüowing. Ilò meaning tuian is L:.esson illustmteil above, Dà ss itrtroduce-rof the tLing fiosseseeil ofter the continuative is illustntcd in Ìâson lg. geotions5 and 6. lO. Dò (or wurlò) is employed to introduco rêletivê clauses.It ÍÌrsy meanthat, úlún, eta,.l$eealso Lesson20, eections5 and 6.ì aüin ilò ú csnl tÌre thing that I see lôtich ü zti tàô wheD (: th€ time tÌraü) he will go r'l tôri mütumt|r itl skò úhey chasedaway the man 8itõ tlÌet wôs ,J€nt ttrò wr,!dò bÂlhi itò bsDtÀll a boy who bas no eenle lla DÀ is employod as an auxiüary with certain other
ntr ilò bii bà uü br bi Lô!ê. trô dàìèi c8Dmü b8 muni mllltl.
hútü kàki kirLi Eadloki (pr. D8dìrkô) ròna'ò (/.) (pl. rarr'dr) hrõrì (6dn9.túà) l'òhelò (/.) wòtrdõ(?r. waniluDà) Verbals ditrtò haDìi a
kao/kswad (ilà) aúnò 6
tàinakà (i/ê) ygtrkà
sew,mâke bY sewing prevent, hinder, keep from, refuse,forbid wait {or move to another place, alíer position of point out. show help, assist cut (up), slaughter
Sincehe didn't give it to us it iloesn,t maiter. (Even) though he didn,t see Us, \üe rÍeÌe there.
Partínl,es kim
Nomíno,ls òsõgõ(pJ. acõguni)
watch, olock
àlàmú,Âldnõlrl) ÀlkslÀmi (/,1.slkstuDoà)
indicatiol.srgrr pen
. Typical olsmptes of the way henà io enployed rre : ya hstri lli/ Dúi;iki - ,'?*,ti n" hon uo,Linsot hPk?pÍn. JrcL sains a iob : krdÀ kÀ bAnÀma|ò òbinci - dor't rcJú. hin Jood. rn htttü shôn grrà : bed dr;atina is prosÚìbed ! An indiro,r objêct is vêrv líequent wrth nÍmà" e.g. yd nüDâ miín - he shoú"d a.; nõ nü!à mrsà hatrti - I showedhin the ro.,r; tã ntui wà ytuÈiàbincinllà,: sheshõúed.theho! htstood ; but his str.nqtk. yã nünà tsrôúà : ,ta shÕ1oeìl
eni/ln'uni (/.) (pt.
(emphasispaúiole) at Ìeast, at s,nyÌat€, as foÌ. .
190 rltò
Inportnnt Phmses lõkân diÁld rai tl cê loi kà Saúl rhõ wòhslà
that is, . . . (the preceilirg stet€ment is then Ìephrssoal to cLarify it), DaÍaely,ü2.
D;n@ue ElrüLtrÀ OòDbo EõÍútrà Còúbo
sewingmachine lüe, as if you have to seeit (to believe rt) have (ldl. drinÌ) difrouÌty,
OÀDbo : Efrú!À OIBDo Etr!i!ò
OòEDo EltüúÀ
Oòmbo EIúúrl
Tronslate into Engüsh : l. YÍ kòmãtò lD ya,!kò w&[lòn yõdì. Dòlti Àlmsl&ht kè tòimòk6 !ì. 2. tht bü Eütüml! kirtì ba nà. Yant sôyò had ÀbõHtri 8iLi. 3. Ilò ys rhtgs brttÀt8ò r8i ys r8url, yr lnrò di!rÊ. 4. Zôu iirl !hl. Wltò, rôr dnLòtõ !ô[ ssi yõ ilõwó. ó. Àtwai }|lõnÈ zã tô 8hAwòhelò !ôu tilstr bÀ kà lswsd rtò kÉysrkò ilò wEri bs.
GÀEDO Eftú!ò Olmbo
E súrÀ OÀEbo EótnDi OÀDDo
Translate into Eeura : l. Sew me a good (looking) gowa. I arr going to the danoetomotrow. 2 I ìtaut you to help me to move my sewingma,chiueto onother stall. Ae for mo I will wait for him here-perhaps he rrill come ofter a while. 1. I diiln't show him your watoh. They say ho saw it on your FÌist (a,m). D . He hasn't eaten yet, Why ? BeoauseI refused him food until you arrived.
Etuú|lò CòEbo
8ÀDru madhH ! At EõrüL!è! Brrkò ilò YôBEã. Brrhò tòilsi. Ìrt sikì Yâu? ailí ôi bõ vò &õrèwõ. uúitòllõ. EsLò s kÈ sô. GòskivarkÀ. trs!à váwò À klluwÍ EìJP Â'à. Dô Eã irü rãDar bu&LÀrkò.' Iô. B[! !s! !s k8! ilò tlYclõ trwl nÂ!. Dò Lytu. DÊ Ls!à citiD brktà ts clvrtl ? òDEê wsl[l! te twôrô c6. Eatò rõ. x[ vi sô'ò tà n&[. Zó tò ivÀ kÀ diDll EiEl rade!|u üõrtüli. tEtõd trõ P Ai rlm'ltõ cà. wÀ!ò irÌ nõ Ls kà !ô ? rtrÈ bütótò! còiõton wÀlitõ güdl ìtvr ilÀ DÀbbsrd8õ tu.mõ. rò DÊlôtã. trÉ rõ dò vódì nõ ? l. Al kltf ns yin wslrilu[i ilÀ lrri! vll Dr ytr ü8ó. f,8wò trë tudtl diltì ? leirÈ í"nili t"i rorà ulò'ür dÀbtvst-tltò' hrdu ilÀ !dà btvsr tà !sD. Kôi, yãn yawi I r!bòLlvòtils ilò rsirà hudr bs, ssi tB !ãmi ws[i. Iò nn yÀrdr. Àilvè vndì! ct'u. Dò kyeu. sri vÀu8hòzô! zõ h Lòtôó f Ssi 8àbo si. Eò tg! ivÀ 8rmò dirh!!ü ilúÀ ylu be. tô, rai gòte kà ru. Yôuwõ, sri gòbe.
. The lddition ofúô to d conpÌotolv alters tho mosDing ïÌom ;n ans f*^";{y 1b,, * kúscrl ro Íúnuív too; i a anvúa!, 'a3e' *,11;,u" iron or oÌuminiur roofins mst Íisls' ., *"-r*od
veúes. X'eminiDeforms are not oommon (nor ere womon who hove these ocoupations)' leotherworker bòitúlà, dìitirõ 1 a büãitt/bòtõdà' chiaf' $tdì,, ' couúier wtgea ;ütítl ,ìdbvl ofice-holileÌ bòrarõtà' ra'rtkunì/ (fttl cliü "' undera chief aÀrÈLai'
Lesson30 Prefixesanil Srrfrtes 1. Fausa employsa number of pre6xesaud sufrxes to cbange basic forms of words into words witb more specialiáedmeanings. Ceúain prefixes and sufrres havs alreaily been ilescribed (see lessoÌrs 25 anil 28), but several others aÌe common enough to warrant mention nete.
3. The nou! dõ, sot?,is wiilely useil (in the íorm dra; /' is written as a 'yrr; pl. 'vrn) as a prefix (olthough it serargtê woÌd) i-othe followüg senees: @1fo ioar"rtu pt o* o7*igi^ ,
2. Bf- : pürceof orígin, yofesúon.
drn Íroò, 'vr'r taoò, Kono pergon 'vro troò
(a) Cortain nouns may be prefixetl with bl- in the singular with the resultant foÍm indicaúing f,\e pltuc of or{fia of the personreferreil to. The masoulineforms usually enil in -à with inilial and ânal low tones (all other tones high), These words have feminino and plural forms as well, as illustrateil below. (ra!ò)
d!ú tr!l,
locsl inhabitant(s) of a country, son(B) of the 80il
(b\ lo rl.dioalz-ooarpatüm: úü tlÍrrl, 'yrl Lituw& 'v!ü Lirusõ dr8 taüü, eto.
BÀka,nè/BÀkouà, lòkanüwl,
Nanõrõ (Eausô) BÀhsurhè,Bòhsulhtyi, EòwÈwõ (Turai) BòtúrÈ,Bòtürbr, Tìiròwã/ Túrõwõ BÀÍtu&rì, BòlòrsDsVõ, Fòròn5ei BònEcà,BÀfltãtü,r Ètrr
'Y!ú tlll
Kano person Ilauoa person European peÌsoD
(a\ As a iliminulú;e : úll yürò 'yor tlsuwi 'yaú kõyõ sikin ús[ lõkòci
l'renchman Fulani person
(ó) Other nou:rsmay be prefixeil with bÀ- in the singular to form nouns úilioatitg the o@upationof the person refereil to. The tone rules are usuolly the ssme as tboseabove,but the final voweloÍtbe mascÌrìine foÍm
market trader Detty maÌket trailer (who - ,hËpby" his goodr on a table) üttle boy small market small belongings in a short time
I Thesomsv bÀveoriaintted fÌon a plúo€csllôdDüh' for iartl, btritbereis seìdonanr' or'áú.Á 'in-Ãã ãi 't"ã "mployêd inv givon town or region har olrv on6 "inco ""rtìïi.,i !arH. -..r;"e
(sô, l,o/rt, ma5ò3/mrsòvt, 4ssõvvl, Esròvõ ' ooe who likes or loves,e.g.: late\ ' Your ologefriend ursòvintl la Yì doesn't see Your gsni! 8ibü!}à. faulis. who loveBSaÌeh one na€òyin Sõrstü likes Íice who mssòYi! shhkôIã one gi,h.ear naiìi moiivi, Eoiivìvõ' Baiìvõ hearer, feeler, e.g. : feÁ,\ haPPYPerson Eaiì ilãdl (rarl, marlr/maràshi,ma'rsshlyã'Be!Àsü lackiogin. ... e.g.: k êk'ì Earò8hitrhstrkàll' senseless (Seealso Lesson 23, section 6') (Àikõ, ms'Àiki'm&'Àikô messenger4 serLd] (8ikòtõ' m8'àikòct,ú8'sikacìvõ'ms'Àikòtõ ilo uorlc\ wolket (ditrtô, madtrokl,maditrkivi'm0dhk6 tailor sao\ (lâLúâ,aul Eshàüci, m&hàutà ?r1,tt?,€dú)butoheÌ, meaíseller (hsiÍü mabòif, meheiltYi, mrhÀil qõae PaÌent bidh\ (hrukòcë, mehÀukàcl' mshsukscìvõ' mahòükÀtõ mailman oo mol,\ (&órÈ, matèri, maÊÈrô blaoksmith forge)
(d) ln ceÍttrÍ\ s\l,izadwptestíons: dor sòDilõ,'ystr sòud[ ds! dòk,,'ysr dôkõ ds! Adim,'yan ÀrlÀm
tsr citi
Government policeman 1lü. sonof a siick) N.À. (: Native or'Looal AutÈoúty) poìicemon (lü. son of ou orilor) humau being (lir. son of Adam) iype of gown
(e) ïtan (never ,yar or 'yaa) is used with verbs (with or without tàdon) signifying a línle (bdtl : Iõ don r|ekòtõ (kÀdôn). I waited a bit. Y6 den tirà rhi. IIe Dushedit e ìittle. 8si kò dsl lsgè kudirrÀ. You shoulil lower the prioe a bit. 4. Vt'rious tpes oí nouns may be forureil from verbs by employing a ua- pre$x with or without an -i suffix: (o) No slgnXting lhe ageút ú ilaer oJ an acti,(n $e -s formed by prefi-Eingthe ma- and (usualty)sufiring an -i. Ttretoneson l,hemasculineform aie hieh-low for l,wo-syllable words.highìow-(tow-)highfor-threeand four-syllablewonds. Femirine (som;[imes)and pìural (usually) forms oÍ üheeewords also occur, Forms having the -i (high tone) suffix take a , referentiaÌ' -n beforea modifoiognoun oÌ pronoun.e.g. Ea!õyin 8õratü,easõyintÀ; ihe othêrsdo not. e.g. mqil ilôdi.
t thê short íoÌIn ús5ò is Ìegul6rly enployed Íjìh the meaning cg l.ndìno IoMt.I Lo derotà the intê.mediÀte poinLsoft'he cornpast sdth'wett'eír' a!àwã-m8!ò ssbàs aotin_?d,l'kuilü úasòvá'mma' . Tho Deonins horo is passive ie one eho i3 sent (comp3r6 Tbo.woÌd i3 Esct!'I - (i) duton. (ir) dep.nde,jtli e on'ledbg 90ü)ì Àlìô' aod'r Uo'àikin in th€ erpÌession r"ophot àr tlu u""a -aioìy
(& m{d/meftyl, ?r. erltyã, srrrjoass) surpassing. exceeding,e.g.: WanlÀr mali kyôu !rõ. This is the best one. merìküdõ moÌe expensive
(ó) Nouns signifying a pkne wb*e lhe actlvity indioated by ihe oúginal verb is performeil are also formed by preflring ma-. The ending may be either -ã or -t. The tones on the singular form are aÌl high. (a[Dü, ma'suDõ, Ddòtrnsi ,ttc,oaúre, ,twh) (8itYê,,?, as;ìal Eô'sii,mdàjlysi (dofò, maitatã/Eadafi, cook\ mÀilàlai (leütõ, o&, Dshsuti, màhàltai up rn@r) (karòrti, msksraúlõ. req.d,\ mÌúòròtrtü (sÀtlÃB, masallõci, putun màstültri o salll)
pÌace where com is sold storehouse kitchen, cookingplaoe place where meat is sold school mosque,pLaceof Muslim prayers
(o) Nouns signifying a tool,oÍ i,m,pl,enant úrvol.ved,in the action inilicated by the original verb are formeil by pefixing mo- anil eufrxing -i. The tones on the maoculineform are aÌl high. (auni, weigh) malarltl, mÈàutsi ony meãsure,scaleg (büúë, opek) msbúdi, màbàdsi key (ghbõ, megirbf, màgtrbsi t]'Ìre of haÌvesting rcap) tool (gwarll, rnaaaurelÃagwuil, úÀgwÀilai mea$lring rcd (tadü, beata tlrum) mekadl mtúÀdsi ilrum stiok
PRtrrÌxEsâND suE!'IxEs
õ. A -anci (someüines-ct) suffir is-employ4 wjtì ethtli,: teEfs to indicat€ the hn$lage (dnd custlms) o/ ' ' ' ' Arr tones are high. EuIoPeaDlânguage-{m {Itr8i. EuÍope) Túr8nci Nigeria this usuallY meansEnglish) (dialect) of lenguage trsrsnci (tr8!ò, Kano) llano language(dialect) of (Zrtd|l, Zs|r|sl ' Zana ',aan{raaí,i language Arabio (Bòlõrsbè,ArÊb) Irõrrboi A rathor humorous (but acceptable) term-to d91qrste the mixture of llauÊa anil EugÌú tn whrcn many bilinguals conveËe has Ì€cent'y come rnÍô GuIleDCy.
Itis; EllsDa'rc[
(ftom m/âllD' ducqrd' Petsanl
(fton B'B'C', tlu Eausa oJ tlrc B. B.C. E ausabroqnas*\'
So,too :
6. Certoin sbstraci loüns moy be formed Irom more clefaite nouns by usirg tÀe foüowing suffxes : tones ía) -lJcüò, -r,rtskò : the Pal'ity of being ' ' ' The ere low-low-high-low : deaf-muieness
IbáÌlê.doaf n t4\
uilelz*s (ewourõ, ' Mtn)
Ìrailties) stat'e of 8wòurÀatakà wifelessness
mütÈrrrrü o"-,"ïioi|""* inütôn,berson)
(sbêcè,baskrÍdl6 shègütrLò impudence, rascalitv yàrÀntakà childishndss Q*ï boyl (ó) -atò, -ncì, -tÈ, -1t6 : thaí possessed, bg . . . : gwÀnintà skill (cvà!,i, eapeú) (Êstr-&üà,o ,nrrt€) t&n&srtò smallness (Bàt0E, r?za) mutunci manliness,selfrespeot,int€grity (b6wà,slaoe) bàrtõ slavery gsisttà (eüêÉ, a thnrt shoúneBs
. (an8o,
Noturwls ô r (pr. dilõIi) shdi
7. Nouns mây be foÌmed from certain verbs by using the following sufrxes : (a\ -xyyà : rcpd;16onardfot reoipr
iackal Lase,Ìrotton, buttooks, foundstion hawest
8irDì tlrtú (/. gtlrtúwõ, ?r. gultàvë) grÀlr (/. swàtrõ,Pr. gr&dvê) {
state of being s ltrúlcgrooml bridegroom (õdàli,r'?Á, õddcÈ Justness, pe6on) righteousness (síeí, eÌ)il, thing) EüsüEtã 6 wiokeilness
8wìDiltÈ lòntÃkò (na.)(Pl. hÀntütl) tsltõ Èô!nõ (pÍ. kuDrrwò) matúÍt (pl. nÀbüú8i) nachi (?7. nlcìz*) " múluoi (?1. mshòtrtõ) nrhòulòcf (Pl. Esbò[kltõ) mümrtoI mrtàdi (Ptr.no'Lüó)
rooÊÈd 6r. DstÈrã) ròndõ@7.srndunà) úìúdtõ
V6balt su!i
dirõ(i/ã) dìrlô (?.4. iliúò) lâdõ cLbõ (i/é) Lasò Dòtârò
expeú skill, expertise cÌor{ watohing, looküg at esr(s) kov
(rit.' bit"" ') "úr" butcher, meat-seller msdma,rl ústeail of, in return for (from mÀimskõ,9tlôsúd,u'?) drummer blaoksmith stick, force rice measure,weigh bite beat, strüe, thrash fall ilown (here) reao. harvest arránge in heoPs, disPose (wiih küunê : tds,e,!) Ìre late
r Thi6 DlúÌsl, Dote' iB irregulsr {it should he Droìzi)'
ii oru*llvdrã' not'cizõ'
Also th6
200 rari rãrÈ
lack, be shoú of, loee (wil,h. vlíf:l : wnpose anl. gin4) chop down (a tree), (sna,ke) bit€ pueh, knock over
rira (i/c)
rtuÈ Po,rtüles Ladai
ody the story is over ! damn it ! (veÌy stÌong swear-woril, trdú. ' bastard )
türü!LÊu8 3héSè!
201 PR.rFrxEsaND surT IxEs Translât€ into Haüsa : 1. Ee's a forgetful person. Don't tall him to do anything for vou. t irn" utt the rvorlershad ìeft l didn'tknow z. in J "lo"t rhâ,t to do. 3. Brins the kev here. Let me openthe door' pa'y l. i *nï"a a'rit uotil ihe tlrummers began to aìteÌrtion. if his rvife sings a song the chief I'ill be 6. i';ti"Ì surprised.
Wets rã,!õ rsli hòlkãkò valà võwò' Y'Dà úõmstr Àbi! gs ssni gurrtü! nõmà ò fasÈ kura ilÀ .1. s"i illff "" sÀuka,va sâ tili v8 dsutà' Yo tãshÌ ãJ at*a. va I llkitrsò va sàúts bi!À w8!i iticê' r"-ì ae *ú;dtú "ú1"vatrò kaltorsL vô sa iluk Àbiu ilà hònhõki vaaà iir Yunwà' YanÈ sô Yà sàmi ;:- ;ú, ;;;; gai vs vr ilàbãtòÌ ilà zâi sãeü'e "" nõúÀtr. *ilï-o]roï""teí*tatD itàcë, v8 sai ilÀ hôDkôkà' Ya cà rôr nan ra ii katrà tërò wõ&à' MurvàrkÀ' .*à.
rrÈir -a.ò yôume
drn rtndl (1.'yrú Ir€i lüD!è
ú larà yrililè !ân yi 16Ìò wõ&È 'yr,! trctr
3 Diló Sarki! Dòbõrò
nortò-west Gove.rnmenüpoüoeman pric.k up one's ean, ilispose one's esrs to listen I iloft know whst to alo (composeaud) sing o song 'soDs of the soil'
iiíË. al Gn i" *
iÌltr tõkò -ú,Èumõ? ' "i"ün.
zâtr8ãkèiitr !Íã&È ssi vàushè
trònkõkà, illi va kasàküDDê.Àüitr ilà dilã vl-tyõ-{".t ôbrn üa f,e úasà ilãdi. Dà y8 ii hakÀ Ê.i is môtrtõ 'lÈ kèmn' wdÊà iiui"J r'ï lïae üHnse.zfi raà
Tranelate into Engìish : 1. üaclir yô sàri es'òiH òmnõ likità yã bn sH qÃsòd hst yõ wsrLÈ. 2. ghi bà Bòheurhè ba nè, aà ãcè Dê. ÀúEt rtuk rtò bskÀ yõ iyÀ Ksnsrci. 3. Zõriyà kurlü masà yimmõ t8 kè dÀ fmò. fòbitrà, arèwãmasòyâmmi ta Lè dà ita. 4. Dâ zõ mü yi siktmmü tàre ènmõ shi yõ D!àtsrÀ. sabòdÀhakà nã msà àbio ilà zân sayar à kàsuwõ. 5. Uúsó gwàui trè, Bâ wanilà ya iyà üìr wsLtràDaikì sai shi kodai. Yã kàmdtàmü rèmë shì mèimekonAuilü.
ãil" -ìË;iìïì
vo tato. Dili ve daukà'vs cè'
"e-eo shi. KütÈtrÊls ! ' Mõitàllã ', Ys tàff {tà See Kd líoui Kúdha pâge 9, forunother ' He nade; ' Plân to cet it.' '
versioD of this stort
LeÊson3r Clt€firgl tr l- Itr Í,esD 4 s nnbd of thë ndü eoluotr g$hbg! Ìt is tLê sinì of thü Ìwm to prcúilo vere üduced. the strddü çitl d huch lolgë (üào!gì Bti[ hy no nêm oon et€) lisi of cwi@Ì gr€eiilgs tÀô! w8 !€.€@ry
(6€fu aplio6 * for !òu!) ev@l)
ra!ftúh lúÂyi ?
G.ne .epli6 ós fo. ,è!!u)
hêlo (io a (snë rerliG d for duú) romú) vêlt 3['s wel do lou ? lÂúrl liôyò ra{ lalyà ÂtL! ttÂrl dd
Ì€Dr çell Ìert wêlì sü's çoU
lÃÂyt,tê IrôEë tli aàjiyà ? hoç'8 }!úr bAsa,iri íüerlÌ6s ? !õbü güirÀ
áll's sêIl
alÌ rigàt ãÌÌ ígLt
3!úr it's betüer ÀrürEd ìÌlõhi âlì's welÌ
?.t6 l.jt t la Di
getings ú (you) €ffoÉ (me É!üés N for .aún)
(d €trt*ins ! @n!Õud) lúl Bn&i ? Fìst's tÀe
(üD&i) $i
(roplY) È1ô
(rcPly) .
à|nenòüIlitì re t[d] {tuë
(eDê r€ i6 a fo! ürt! ?)
(fd it)
(sn€ BpÌi6 er fo. iÀu!) (sh€ rpÌi6
(me epü6 s fd lÃnti t)
cs foÌ rau!)
N lor !aus)
}t t3nt ll{tt P ilid you glt trPrêll ?
(@ê EpÌies * t@ uÂn ?)
(smê r€pÌi* s fo. rÀu!)
(sbs rô!ü6 ss lor nltl
(3ee Ìê?Ìi6 N fô! rau!)
; ÍEqqlorlÌ dh@hd
ÍoÍ aDlu b rhË;{úd oihd) qâroÌ h oqniis, bu! ü.rtò
b e h $; d d;Do bi!Ér iÍ* rnèii! "d- b r -d"aon ;.h brrÀ j! ii j8 r&ü üj. r$l epÌy 3Éd4
(ãme rclli@ a fo! Lírr t)
e&etiry! in {r@r) êíoú (snê r6pli@ôsfor rü$) t BÍ|t
{sm€ rcpliB N Ior Lôri t)
g@ti!g. (ú bt€ P.n.)
@yMÌigÀt@(yoü) (ane Epli6 osfor lúrl
(sme F![e€ Âsíor bôrt r)
God tÁve nenr o
(sre rplis N ld lÀôyrP) (9Mê B!üa s fd ltúyt ?)
(sne rc!ü6 âsfoÌ lrúyr t) lyahtò Lrlyt I
it'8 tÀ6ti@ fc it lJdhrl !a it'r liheMr for iü
(8Mo rôdis ró for l.aúrr ?) (sn€ rerlid I fo. lÀÂrl ?)
utntittaI th@'r s lot I
nor N (yoúr) c!üd@ (sqn6Èpüe s fd bnri ?) v&i liÂrl P ìov sr€ (you) oìrlilftn ? Gane rcpliN s fd lõtya ?) rlvi eirõ P hoe .E (rou) cliÌ,È€tr ? (snê spü6 s foÌ BqÊ P) {sneEpü6Nfdliôrl
iü's€âóoilof {l!@ Fdi6 * rd br aüal ?) õra ta atarl tlo Éia't ìs h6Ì!od (E@ rqlis6 s Id tlI rlü ? bnt mhitút 6ra fd rlu iD nEt
tiyò ,lri t '
(sne Fpüe s foi hr
gÈatin$ (ü nisfoÌtúo)
nay tu mks (lou) w[
uy it bêso
' lihuy
: ioul (s)
,d, ,
(súo Epü@ * gsetin€!(duiúsLoüdtF) . G, l€r óMdrr,
.!!p| q!drl hÉ 6Íe ébôdo. dFlu.
for hr
tl t
zto o:!r$ióE
rôlrÈ Du jiDÀ da ,.Íi o!át, sê you tohorcv 4o/ GodbrjDgiú eboüt
my qd bÌDg it sòoul
oljy, Áe yotr snôüin€ o}s', seeyd smetiho oksy, se lou ôohotine
üy yotr sEive saf€ly (ra) g.i dÀ3'rdl
lò ÀrÈ tò ú tòt6i i "
@on .s.D .[o d€ àiüor;Íúó.m | !ú!m 2 (Èr;g0 16rüiDvdbi,
D€sdiu FdoE.ü!d Eúì ro@ut.
oft€! m!ÌoIed in gsti4
6n€, splodid, tbrlk yon (ril. pBirc God)
lÉdy) olÁ_r.6ne
(I'U $re (É!ìy to" òihúúlta) yo!) s rol4lut (if you idì re) (fom!ìs sirÌ boforo be{ipriìg u aciioD, ,,9. BüiÍg, süúíi!8 wdktí. h t!ê !Á@ of G.d) go êhoiì anil ôt$ü ({Àaú6vd is to be ú Gld rill! iú .!. Ànã{üü} if ClodÍilì!
213 Ì 000000 Dilrb, lstü
3 0{X, núô !tò
L€son 32
m@ iòd
@6 tdm ú li.tãÌ
ôboft, üIe fEt
ü @dúdiìy
Ifümbêls l. In Lsotr 1l tLê rüòds 1-22 ed sveral r6Ìli€il 6I,EioB ç@ iqtFduc€il. It is lihe túpoe of tLiB l€@r i<j list Hâls rúb€B in gMte. iletril úhaÌ iD
I 2 3
ihê most @tr@À. Tho têú lutar r€swed fo. r* iÁ Dúb6 3boí6 9(x)0. Nìimtd bêtwm iloe ìist€d sbovo@ f(úed i! o regd' lrl@d with dl êú baDd! ü liF (62),úÈt ú
da. na(20ô),rLd bltü ò saEa(õ10), dadt|Èt.r. ü
dba'b ila db (873),drtú b.lril ila dad tut! ü drr,tú dr í.r. (?49r),dnúã d|'. (d aòna)ò Dlr! (r00t), úur|! rüdr da drbn Drr iÈ dld rd ill aõúa .ül r.rrü, êüc.(Ì00õ,918). Th. t@ t9t3 j! ihlú ú.r. iL dadtea iL dnò't! iü
r5 (sôoÀ).ü: hlrd 5 6 7 I I l0
3. ÍÌe ieh fd ã 18 à!bti. birq baDüor (sÕDa)
!. 8e ler
is r&1.
rl @úiotr 6, foÌ üìe fonstio! of otddrdl
19 ÀiàÈin&r. bnìü d (sòúl) 5. 8e ÌNÌ
ÁÌl Dnnhm sbov€ 20 €npÌoI dò, st!€r íhú rhg, ú comloüd lunì*lij c.g. Àúlri! ilÀ ú8yr, &!ìtiú ill êtc, btyú, itJàtú ilò dsyo,
6. -dddúbn èn oys dl e.g.:
20 30
!rü dalrd ú.ra (!a)t
SnidÀúõ. 3L&birüdtübltüd8y.brDü !.ça{!c) t Txlti! ittd.r..
40 60 70 80
U, &tio
?, íd t!€ @ of aòita çith
400 dòti à!ór/&bàDúyÀ 500 {òn üyu/LltEdDitryÀ Ì000 dubú/atü/,.nbòr
I $rr'id, tL'iq ônúnin iÀ sõbÀ .rir únd i sòDn ôú sre ued
8úd96àmmy?6. 12plurg.Fìorruy? 31,
?. 8flÌúra.dd mplorE . . . ìibò, dÀsÀr dëüè/ôt.d ili . . . Cónr, ìtrd! hihÈ trtsà (!a) P 10nús
4 tu Àov nâlX .?
2t4 3itü úrsa úial n.rr iúã) P 2 fmn 6 (l6vd) hot Eud!. mmy ! 4. Á daba blru dka cild! Tr!€ 5 frob (ir) 34, àoy taüdô ilò !úd!, urò (!ë) mDy rcnain ! ,9. rr ú3ô I tÀ|lfE úôt
I$€on 33 TiDe l. Tbe d!y8 oftl€ w€ek(w sbo IësD 20) src:
a. Mú,?liariot èbplot\ taí, üM, eA. Ittòd0r$úrÀ(úõ)?Iôrò. 3x 3: I L lbÊ ltrs .l[ Llnr ntiú !à. 16x4-60. 9, ,aiüilirì .ú oI. !ibìg. ud .a!, o.g,: 6 gG úto'1làôç|my 8úiitÀdiahü!aúì.iúdò[!dú !À! úrÀ P EúnL tiúa? 4, r8i !bì!. IIow I@y tiaes doesl0 t|[ !.rl íôDl gÕúto200? 20. úÈL! ? À!bltú. 10. ,arazrífu EF apF6sld s íouow; * i3 Ì.tL I i! rç.l! or úbü I. Otnd i&tiom re usu.UydMib€d *, eA. : d.'3 hid uh d úyr itarÀ oibú úrü *úerìdd ü tiyú bltò Dlrü d brF itacadri! ìtrú ; is üh üitÀ titreòr d úli ilò8adrjú túrü t rt is EúÈd d d.rú bi'ò a@t @ ú.rt ilisò drin rôú1, s follom: ll, Por@tôg4 @ d!!@ì 10./o: 3õna hira úlÍi (It. Ì0 on/ovd 1m), eta
Lüü!!ndì 4üa|l F iilit üo çorÈ íor wek e
DaLô Mil d{.
Otàd etul
Moiby (ú trt Dü nd
d Eltò!
i! optiú.L
DaLòú itl r. rnd d úaLò!
2. Oôbd q?@iou
!.bti!g to ilaF e duy rl! y@totdly jiya rôb. dsy befoÍé !!úr.mjua 1 iúi' y*úeÌdsy saL ciitlr tharxa! cÍaa r b rr! írInÚbIPìrqth*'üd.!'eÌliapl'b.vs.tsúEd
: tmorç tço aL'8 b@@ tbeeil8FL@cô fm ibys [o@ ÊvêiLdF ìo@ dey w€k
i ìï
2t6 rúÈ lsrt (!ë) ? tdlÈ dsy. tdtè !tü dÀ úiliì gõbò
rirhir4.t/ L sü n i l h t ì,. lidt úfôr€ h6t TÈ'rÍrdly úìi
lYàen òy3 Né @@t€dtrrat (not !a) ú uad, è& ,e4 ddy. rculd b. lrírúa sõnl tir@ ddyr, trtúa !tü. xralr hir!, thougü üteÌslt nmilg Í@ d,ys, ú nG6 fÉqumtly ür€d iitimiiorly rà Ã3 a la 4 iw, : ..9, íí lr.!abir!add&.. t?6r,aw titu ar ^! l@; 6i ú M!. blrú: @ r@ ^. .@ &tu I ra lraúr td'ü (f dnúrr): Ã"', tu ("'iry) d.ú16i, Ms ,úd a
Nlìn| ú!e ií ú one o'clôck ' tên past ìhroe (Di!d - nÌinrtls) siÌ ôftêeÌ
r&tà rúiilÀ ila tatl iütà üúúú yt Ílci dr Eillì four ü\reníY alhlri! Ê.dÈ {cõDl) úi d.tá itÀ êlÈvenini.il !.bì
rsdë rìi lirn r.ua Eilrì blr* l.!tà góEl nÂúriúti &ìrriD ila hlrü t.Ilà blys !t rÀDDi tuGrhn.ilsa ft.iã |IÀ 4 titõ Á.rlÈ d.y. n. !t!À
6ve Dinüt€eto nÍô twenty ivê to ttr âÌe !.nì thêô Á DÌ oD€P.n
1'à€i.@ r&b.ra neu-.. d, aÀ.M t w ü @. ..9. jira raltúla: aôh. lst rday d tLit t;tut d Íii' ,iz; tnnúa:tM r&ì.Ll dd bü 84.t. drl - at t^h òN ^at l. Cl@Ì.t'oô is ot?r€s€d hy tüo B of tb. ton b.tl, o'a]od& aüt 'm€tal'sì úd eveÉÌ Íord. boM€d from Dngüsn: I Tb6 (x6êÉíôú hdi-r !iú ánd trali .b : Én ü uréd li) toÍ r lpo.iôc .insl. d.y rxÍú
b urd
(i) foqì48rü oIeF G.6 Ìstli ad rr ri I ti6? Eav M! da!' d'd eh 4íd d
(ü) ro . !!3@ iio! G8. trlu . or, Èú e @o4onlÍ rt Lrl4
btú t ditir.
[tuì! Áhìl/ÀlÍ1d Uayà
8Àt!úhÀ OÌlõüÀ !ò'ehò
Íú!ì, ru
ntl úÀi rura rúàtrsòü. rôlaa jVÀ rôiÀú ilà yr ncà r.tòD júi
nêí motrih next nonih b4t noún bs, oontlì two nronihslìêlce
!a!, ,rã! dag,
iübu!ô/ dòNÀ/diúiúõ
Búy sâen houshry MàYsêlt€mtìer)
2 Ì8
ilty ssn ([email protected]€òuly) hot, n gey 3€M (úrcì-A!Ìil) r rLô @r4 h!@,ibo ie
tsd oÍ .hê dry
a iÍid {: dry @rd@ì q
üonsy arÌdMôrkefng l- Th€cuúcmJin Nigcria,nriil JãÌn.ry Ì9?3,folìosèÌ tle forDÌerEnglislì li€lling s) si€D of lontrds, chilirgs ond Fúe, btrt lRd it\ o\Ìí nôiêsúil coiìs, Ií JstrutÍy l9?3. Nicerú coryeried to d decirol cu@ncy bâsd oD rhe Ri; {t*). \Íhich êquâlôi[e tonÌe! t0/ ;otê. one út" is dividqì ini. Ì00 10ò6 (k) c\Ìfttrcy ìôícs sro isu€d in denonimtiors of liro, *õ. i*l ôrd 50k, Cbins isued áre 25k, rok, ãk, lk ând lk. an€ re@ncyof ülìb clÌangem€Ìs ttut tlìe nrDìcsof Ìreviôús]yi\suel unitr rÌc siiìÌ vidêìy ênlloyeì, For €xsmDl€Ìi2 ú knosn.e liú ípound).lok 3s rúõ (shiü;s rhôtrghnos onÌy dir;€d i;to ro Lyr!ò ,nsièd ol 12) 5k r5 tr.i (fom€dy 6 rmbò). U! tó 1960a À of !(b0, @il ÌÌlosn ac Àrhi s* úDt€d. Tnonshtìis "@in Ììasìonsbeenout olüÊ tüe t nD is siill hédd in !rcveÌbi.Ì ud othê. sFlizlil 2. T[e follo\ring chaúsün Enres the oìstrgcaãnil tlEi. drdt (19?3)ôritisl znd Ándien vâÌes : Btítítí laflM Akúhar -\'€r. Nisíian Volú6 YallB xiseriaü (dpt@) vntu6 l ottú lo"pmr) !6.30 {10 Í6.0,0 $5.20 ,3.1õ t2,t0.0 ì5 s? 60 ,r.0.0 tt 26 t3,04
r0/-(:120d) 5/ (- 60d)
63p 32P
, r! it 8ls u.J h ntu rúr
or &dÁa,
(r[diur) rúlè daúì (!.) ló,r l0k
2/6(: 30d)
ì/ (: r2d) 6d 3d ld
15! 6p
.dè úrd ì6 t!!õ
it€ pri@ ú (À1. give ne) 20k
(Lt !) ya ri
3. fÌ€ t tu for Do.€y, Lútl i! ü!e oÌusÌ oí sEtI @dr ú!ü. Thoush rEdr {tiüL it4 more ;od6m ref€fuG) ; loe Íi€qüdw ÌEsrrd€ds sirsdsr ic is !üiUotun u!.il s . !lq8l, e,g.E&l dl tldl f Ã,1, bl !i dt .n. ,o ,@ h@ (envl M.yt No,I.Ior't hú.l@r ú) th6.
I ofie (yd) rok redüe (rìe Pn@)íd Eô I Filúê (tLe ?ricè) by 5k
4. U.rs cutucy terN (&mê t€tus.efd to @mlioti@ of @im BthÈ ii.! to lirgle @iM) :
r indêse (nt otrd) !y 5k
l0k N. ì11
I Bsm to sêll (!t you! !Ìiee)
lax (youÌ) norcy | (i.a the
hóv @nr/Deh
do yoú
6. Tbe aouówibgüohs snd €rp@ioG cr€ ihl'o!ts!! in .ì"td l: turtd, ?Fclw6, hrgainrn?). See els iìo vocabularis efit diaÌoÈuesoI IffiB 13 16 pú ! !Ìicê on this (item)
ra (ú) t
ÈEúú dõdú ú.rl
(!ã) r
[oF nuch dos tìb cct ! !ú Í; . rirÃ. clFcnr y
(ètscisry irr hu4hE
uìs bsi 'r rúr ú; blrü hs sd rh! b(d oailo Dn€ Í inl eÉ Í001s r iÍohÀbl]16rúrb 3is À sr&i. tisìn[sr
vÈl ra L€$on 35 laEily
adl |.i'lhip
youig6ú !útìd oÌ sister lalf brcrhd (: &r of !eô
r, Esus fMüy Md Ìrnújp t3nns do ooí D@tily @ftsloDrl ekily Fjú E!Âü!ì Iânity úd LiEhó t€m. 1!€ r€m ü!üeil b€loì áF r[d; mDloeì t; p€ME sod Élaúbsl$s o;úd€Ì€d 4*ig@t€ úN ri úougÀ bt íle Ea@ s!€âkì!g cffiuiüy 'dpoÌt to r.'üt .!@úo ilsigBiio. 8€ê I,êeu 22, wüim ? (ó),.fd a üstì.9 of eoe of ih*ô têds r Mulinê,
(- DÂlêüdividul)
ì8ü+iÁt€! (: il4úght€r oI ìrcúheB uiÌ sútds'
mother, matêÌnal aut pntdsì Âut, fsíà€t's wifê (noto!€'s mother), nateúd IM
oÍ andat (shae Ietìer, p8t€maÌ uaclé motìôr, n8têmal ruút
erÌ dúd Irl|i
rar& ii
(nm's NiIe or wiva
laMt8 (n8y âbo jncÌüde oúhd sâniorreLtiye)
eldeÌ brotüe! r I [email protected] r ú r|g. 2!r.
Itr Í!d, hE trds o*i D,r b. rPpìnd b ó,rr r
221 Fug6t
sn d dãughter
youús ns! (ae€Ì !!!4tY) tüd@n (!4. 'yú Dà4.) yoüìs wonan (eÍier !ubeú/) 5. GmdpóFots sd srudcìililú: g.aúdfÕtlei, gnnd4orLêr
irh JÍôld
g|uiboD, gEÌdibüght€.
Le$on 36
Psr3@-ÁEEcthotrounssúd PloÀoül [ablor r. 4Ìthougà th€ wioú *t€ of HêB pêrM$lec !loú[email protected] intrcdnc€di! iLe 8l.rmd stior of tLn o{)]ltr (FÌ,.Mm 7,12,16,18,20úd26),ir b nèbful to bê rì1. to lofú to tÌÌe *t€ in ohsÉ foh * r.[. 2. ft* rÉ tm beic *t€ of I€MI4E4ü prcnous: 8d I- 1úzhútL-te ut ú\d sd II-lL la'-btú ..t. The cd!Ì€tiye, relf,tiv€ @npÌ€iiv€, oltinnstire, rcìrtivc @ntüútivê, ìebitu.l rúil fúturc II es@t€ e hút otr ilo Lügh-toleei-Set I. Tìe sübjüctivê úd fute I aIEü8 N búlt oDthê lov-tonê s{,t--SetII. l$a<:lún m Frgt 226dnìl 227.) 3. Tvo mshlEtiÕM DlLe ue of diÉü olj*t ptuoutrs (plN tL. inpor3@Ì r) e letutr-s5!@t lmúoüs G4 mtiú 4 h.lor fG the diÉt obi€aÌmmm liltl - t[ê ti @ruilucrion (F l*mtr | 61ina he regsiive ir ch€ rea ill lDwivê @frucíio! (@ ú€en Ì8). (Se clúls m ?ogd 22atrhd229,) 4. 1Ìê mn-p-i preÀolE hsy !lú b€ @rvoiotìr cìÁÌtlil, DjsrsioN of Jhw psnoum sE fÕuil iD thê gúnhúsfoÌlÕws: inilêpaddt,Iisn 6 ; i@paÉblc Md *laBhle lossivê, IasD 9; dn*t and indnaô (Se.ahartn ra4e 230.) b. En-. nèdt$ãìM pt@h' !rc fomed in HNsa wirh (utrrlìy) ità pltrs iLé sonÌ fd lÌ&rd,5e,/-kni, and thc jnsporãÌ,Ìe lo$çsive prenon$ su,fixêd to it. TÀêsc
o !r - r .ã !e
rÊ: al:ã i Ë; r v r Ë :
l E!rí,r.Ê!É
':ç Fç:-iÏr: 2
â â
t Àâçz È
;Ëãl*s ãl
niÊlEtEÊE 3
:rÉ*"e?!Ê s
5 e r ! ; s e Ë! 3
:E i íE â
2 ZZ LEa!
;;ã*,iãi: -i Ë
s $*"ré
ãT € E,*g
:szczzzilz ì
€ !:Ì.
ì sËÈË
s :
-. .ã
È tã
-È ! ã Êã
E ,E
$ Ilãe#{ã '
ê re=-g 442 ÉãË.i
9 ê
ìr !Ë.iÈ : *ã
-s ÉÉ
:€ Êt ç
5 -es
z ã
F € €
lomB .rc oÌdi@nlt pr€c.dtil ly s nomiÌal, olt n u ilitêprdent ?renoun,€-9.: I nwll ôúdlranoü No ourd dÀlrh. selves you your Ì.i dÀra!&À yotr yôüeu kà ilà tlnlrò sìv€s Ìa dÀLô!Ìl you (Í)
fu+ã,ããa Ë
+g*Ë;Ëã+ I 3
É lr : r ã! e
i ^!ttrt
.údÀlâuü tiú8,
lâE À, etc.
^ali. era.). Oír.thot oJryteï, that o! hira.lÍ, TL ihiA pmtr fons n.r be pleeiled bI noN, e.g.: Audq hiús]f Â!óü ila lL.a ôúiiúc6úü dÀttusü oür pmpÌethemwlG
Foiloüìg sÉ s few tt?ioâÌ *npleô òa! gu
of tìô $y thes
rht ila Âs foÌ ne, I didn'í sêôil
( n d a r & k È L lr $ , You youEêlÌs hov (it). ji di (ill) ltila !. abh dÀyt I n)nêÌf b@rd wààt Àe TÀ6Xìâve comiit€il si cido (r'l- Liled tLem
a .t 4 â .Ê
r l p ã :ã !E
h;ìimsu sIê Ldslf
A! oM, ài6 d@, er... e
+iErïE1ã !
.br dò !t!rò it ilò Llútl
m $D,
.{ noÌn, iú!á, iô uÉd ro n€âtr ea.h odw, e-8,. Do yotr loo{ €acb oiher -1 ru !a! júli ? gú g. iú!eü. TheX s* €roh other,
L I drrN nle l)r ïÀ. iLc Ìllge subcdüèg.ry oí verldt.': ! rroduct.ol b !1,.d.ÌJsri6.Jr'on, ,e L.son 2t, lô' 'Ihc '.x .lu!,dr, sìuJo al.o Ffcr üo rì,. clô$iicú:oL tìsfrüc'l l y B. I . ALr,hâ ' rn tn^ lÌont !f his Ìic. r '. ;j À' r 'm ' ( l 'or hÌi r k d i r .l ,be .Ì. l,úk ,i"n^r l "f "r ,J
1. 1Ìê dldt@ôid of vebs|s pr€@tld iÀ úhm lesm üviìl@ tLo gÌdr i!úo chru @t3güê | whs, spaAtatd wú o M - ú p a w ,
ôf !1" f.rlh Thcre fóllo'ç' r fan,A oí ri. 'idroíty lusns sr.ân4d eooÌdiu to P* ubs ucsrt€n n the* ,rtigorê5 à.ü r4'v'ng qDâr "rth
2. m. sptc,d*a wôak n llsm @ Iieited to r srde 4peü. They @ divisiì16 üto úo soups : íol TÀoe vhìiì & !@ded br Ècn pffi-epeu pMou (iÀd ôE @rr i@) :
ú! (*e IÁsm r8) rô (*e Irsn 20) (ó) Th@e ehi.[ M foìlosêd üt rl€jr rmn-qe6 pmu. Tì4e: rl (sê IéeÀ 16) ú (se I&oD 16) ü. {m Ia&r l8) It (@ Iés! r8) ,a (ÀotpÊÍiotuly üt du@d) rr (úò pÉviouly úteducéil) 3. I\eM -a.Fawbatc tÉ a grclp of fou rdib pbicL füotiotr ü clâu@ $ rdbsb but tâtê Ìo D*so! sD*t psúoìft. Tbey ror goym iti@t (buô;oì ìDdfút) ôbj€cíô(€e lson Ì3). Thêy Ère: ilÀ (: ÀÌsri ú D.ding $il fhction) r , ïi!
dà ü probâbry . lhôrennìg oi úi
.ìÀ . . ., oi. Àd . . _.
l,|J r ,.uJ. I r oú.- - óu!.g'v d @ ni i i n8 ut r r 'u..i r i v ê sb,ú do noLclbbsê r n.lm'bv6r t€q 'qls tplü 1ur'uì íor iis ìengtn) befoB ! thcir finsl G!@!i 'li'À{ objdr. TI'F* soLs msy sov4n dird rÍì/or 'ndiBú oblèú or. rn úNr M6, ì'ú folÌowâdhr tro obj@t !t !n (ddroDgh rn oüj€ct mnst f.€qú4tÌX ba {up!üeü ,n LheEosüsLi,rrbqlarion).Gmde I \aÌ,s h'g\r bú.naÌFmqsnd.rd "rdrM'lv lJv. n'gh lo\, CruJ Í vfr'/ 'ofl, vprl d orur enüinSn -sÕ ,\hi"l' ú emrlo).n in rì' @h inmrivp r'.Fl c n !Ìi .c i ) v hn. i , Le "La' noL f"lìos pübr úrrinuriÌp Npqa. .,n ot.je t foÌoq . üe ba c Ìfl, l ' €l .oI'- \u, r *lf ir Í1ploy.J r u' ( ;'- l êIv ' .sx!.1Âr \ ç- r l" ôf u1fl i ng fofl 1 r l ,i 'L 1 1 \" r ì i r p{l k ,14' ,!É .' kô \r nal l',or e \o\" {i 'aÌ (*o (í,)). ronisi hson 19.w.tioÌ 6
ry I:\v.l .abi b,4ra
{B I r& r'4'ds4an4 i{d;tr L!"1;8iúo '' beors !.nú t[o dnd iiÂ[ bE d{.[rce!nr,L'L Íq l, úvL Íu,oúi 0Llior,j.cf
Í r.' düÃ. Lnrntn Lrtu dtÁ 'i '. úili lnlr rhiflí). v!úà lfor' roÌ6i. dú
íÍreu dünã).
le is €ú.húA thc ìoric
eul LõDl úirii dõú ì€ @nghi n'c thc ìosô hei6câtchingthehors
wiion s. ïor tlp form tìrey tâÌe hefole nxliEt lie fôlloçcíl b] no obje.t objatr) or, ir nìoú {*i at sll. GBd€ IÌ veÌbs ordiúrily lavô low-ìish(-lov) iDne DsttenN Md é in -è' (*e belo*). Th; Ì{sl Íom of iLê rcrbèl noün oI G.|de Il vdbs h the srm€ shsps !È the v*h vher no obj@t llrtry Grade II vabn ho$e!€r, lÌ.ve lbìlo{s. vanuN t)ÌA (Lur nc!úof \*l,slnôun.ot rFgulsr ih. -sô r'fiìr ty!ê, êx@Ì,i vith hÁilü shich Lrs À spdisl ìisÌory). T[iE v*]tl troutr DÌãt bc 6x€d hy thc -r/-r g€nitiva.Ìlink, plls â loun or lrolou in th€ rc@Ìo. f$ìiôn for nouN to fornr o coí6irnotiôtr tl,àt cõftÌon& to tsrd trânslstêsinto -Ergli\hs) r v*b plu{ d'Éot objeú con{d.iion. Ilâ0 iDdú4t objcct o@un iì€ vdb íorn (sLich in tìú gl8de ú 3 rn*isÌlonn t) irêm!ìoyed- iJe Le$on 19 laüiÕn 6-
'E ìe ü Àekinatìê i€mìôr y.úl a.EbÀr5/ttbbty.B iÕ) Grsd€ II (or Ìsjsú1ê vosêl) vêrnÊ-Â òdejr Irdd, consisii.g of fr@iíivê sbs vìicü cÀogê th@ tminal vowelto .ë b€forcr trcmu direct úject andto -i b3forca nou düeotobj€oí. Th€s vdbsrot 8!vm diMr ud/or iìtliEcr object6(sê r,*Eon 15, t wtru r {i rvbhrn toÌ r
!übrÌ boh n forhôd Í 8rrÌ.bro ïdr, wilh I fÂÌrins6!ô do th. fd.rn*L)
helsÌ{eil tìô tdchôr lor
r ri{oDúg (Ìor )ìry'hisL ilnh rúd -.t irÉ ô pturouoobjet.
heiEdkin€ tÌc ímh€r
29ü tadr, hdi ìaitt 1&6a (.) GrsdeIÌI vdbs - 3 e4à trde coúisriry m.iÌIr of lor-bgüClov) to!ê intÉtuiiive vdüs çitú t€núrÌ Tàô vorl,Àl -. dlr cqtoü iF€gds. útlMitiy6, n@n @rmÌty, úìougl nót üeúüült, my üc Iomed by dnply Ì€Dgtà€lilg tho 6üÌ { of the hsio fdn. Tho -ra sufEr is trot üsed íêrcêú vitl th. i.FgüÌ.. ndl). GBdè üI eebs uuÀlly .'nplô, hiAhtonodfo!n] ú -*/ú çbú foÌlosod br .n ürli@t objet, e.s. xú !aú tnlúì rarü.t,9d @, o/ atm ! $D6 âtn Iâve lom in { o. ì {with ",! GBde Il-tE tôle ehdse if rté h*ic toro i. Iow Ngh{ ÌmÍ_o€. !n (Íiob laxEa) úsa, Ì úttd pib'11ltJ Jn ì.ftd lir ; ta {6ã úi!ì dt, t @ Jüeì üpí rc.
(d) Grde Iv vedx s d"n*.l rrdde of rerììs üiü s ldrìc hrlh lo\l hiú) tone rdtt€rn rLLl " tÉÌninai _ë thÉ fofl ' ôf il,e vdb oftên " thc 'oìrl -c,nina;f ìndicât€s ÍroÌc oonpldt€. êxtemive or tüorôn.sL rctiôn ihà! t]ìe bNio fo. of tLc v€rb. Gnde IV ÍeÌbd &c Noàllt ühnsitive, tlolgL tlÌúe .rc nìaÌy connÌor núrâííxn'.s itÌ tÌìis cÌÀssrs \Í.ll T[o prim.rj Ìerbdl dôh is lonied Ììke tl'ai of Gloile I {i... \Ìith -ri if no objêcí lolo\a). some conìno. Gdd. IV vorÌrs horc 'sô6nilêry Ìê ol nôuns'âsNclì.'.$Ìüeí.intlccontinustiÍeàsPccbtn objêcí lblÌo\s the rdb ìtÊclf is enplo)rd (as in
it o-rPr:i. Iè is openinstl'e door
[e oÌ)enedcìe d@r fDr
!e iJ olenin{ ühedoo!
IÁLEüh :üi
cÀlirt Eighl Ei,:ú,
âjtyé bldè dsuè rnvè
cí!è sõilà lshà kè{dr. ro
Ìrnehà Êrãrà iÂà rüli!
ii38 lwítiae
bü!È rtuÈ
ü lÍìttMitaú
Íaaa.atr neÈ
rrtÈ úcè
lë (d) Gdd€ Y Eb6+ dãted gtud" of vdbs \ith [ishhiehchid) tone patt€m eld a t€müâl -a. The moúiDg ü uülly 6usíive, úough otìer, lês !Éalicô.òl€,h@úilgs ftquotlX @ur. qt.ilê V vdbs lre t âÌsitive but reoüir the relster ita to Dreoede th€ diMt oòjot êxclt in the +üa íorn G.g. yi 3.yu/6t dò !ül ìux r.ilha !nì, tu eld 'l)-GradeL T!€ v6ìal noún 'Ib forúed lilc th8ô of Not€ th3q ò€f@ tìe -rr snfir yhên m ohjút follôw6,tÀ€ -& sylbbÌê i3k6  fÀliDg toìê. wld e obi€ú folÌw8 i! tÀe conii4utive, the v6b iteif is mDlored õs ú GÌad€L
UJ Gode VI \ crbs+ dzndÌr sÌndeof v{bs } iüà3 higt' bigL{-üigl) íon€ patü6n sd t ttnÂilsl -õ.r: The !Ìeônn@ *Di0âüv indicat6 ühlt túê antiotr h8it referoi" rà m v'is oopieted ,n the vicidty ôf tlLe $erc of tlÌ€ conversstio\ thoügi tì@ a@ cn!e! Dìasúngss Nell. Gúilê LI vdhs deived fron tlose irâúitiae vdbs re ordi@Íily tmitivê, dëriverl feh útrsnsitive Íerbs aÊ oÌdiBrny Tìé v€rbsl NüD is forned lit€ that ol G.aile V (inchdibg tLê faìiiry iore on tüâ syÌshìe pMediÌg thê -xõ súmx). TLe pÃttên Ìref@ obj@is itr tà€ contúüstire i6 ÌiLêçi& th€ sâmes Gnde v (úd I IV, t[ough {iú}out tIê chêngein 6nãÌ @Fol '!il lenstÀbefÒFs nouDiìirc46obj4ü).
hê is tskiq norey out rül n.tr Ei!ì da rldl ì€ tôo} núey ouüfor he is t tiúg aobet out
I€$on 33 NoDiuab Ì. Tà€ clÁ$iô@ìion of noniuk lHdt3il iú th@ lssB iliviiÌ@ ih€ rreop irto 6vê csrécdi*: ird@dat, odj.ÁiMÌ, ad adÊtiút ,@iM,I;, 'patqa'ua.
ì€ hrolght me thê food
2. 'I\ê g6úp tqned, ítulcp.nilantMritar! is the lÂrgsü 3!b@t€{o!- of troìÌúal!. It ilduils : À'ole {nìmt of the m@ eDpÌoyedil th@ leru whicbM not lilt€il in Iisd 10,2l c 24a bèl@gnla
ú liríawílíw
to @e of tlo oú€! flb@t€eqi6).
qFde VII ?elb3-8 dãitêìl gnAz .,1 \èrbs Nnn (ÌoF )loç I'gà ione !.it3n $d r t@üal -ü. Grsd€ TII verìE üe iltúitiy€ à l üsüy p*sire ú ndìng, thoDgì M ádrlitioÌ.I oDotstior of pr*Dt. or is oít n rllo thóiougìì* !ôt€ntiaÌity Ih€ vdb8l boú !!E iL€ -rã Êumr, hi (trrúikè GÌad$ ï ãd VI) the prsedins srìlÂbl€ rcú8iíE high and tn€ vowel sloú, ê.9. : 3ú tia üü€y s@nbled (ih€úseÌYeE)
tie*r âsúUìlg
Inri'osari$ úd iid.rnü; @;iMb soh s thos list€d in I,€s! 2ì, !4tio! 4. Not€ thtrt ôll Àê rerrrímal r@ indút€d i! tèsn ì1ecüioú 5, excq'úsrl(çhich d6ivstoF ! ve!b) !E ilenv€d íreú üalo!€nileÀtDo@. 3. 1lrê gDup tae.d adjedrul Minz& i@Ì!de : ttüecdelM laest@o 23f6 s vitôuüy ofuptet€ üstingofihoeè@lloy€d iú the lêsD), (ee Iaes rt sDd 32 Md wtid 5 ol Qü,rjd! 4. Tìe srcup iaÍ€rr adodò,ir.Ì@nt'z.b jnctud€s: ,rÍdÜeriúlno@ GeeINú 24), IntenolatíDeeú índ.fuitznÒm. ôucbs thos lisü€din 5- TÀ€s.oür temed ,?ctlds iDcludú | ,Sp*'jrár GôôL*ún r0), Iúqrosatbe \\d í,nefaút spbíjds srctt ú rhoic Iist€d ir l;essn 21, soiion 6.
242 6. Tìè gm? t nÌ€il ?DMiMb
36, sotior 4)
lüêpüìèú 1,M lw L*ot 6). (w laa I Nambb ps w sí* prw Di'ar oújat wM (w tM 16).
Ì. Nou pluals N itivisiblê jfto fou nrjor ud $vúd húoÌ cst4gori6 (@êJ,eson22). Thênljo.iiy or íàe ?Ìur&lizobl€nonasvlich @uÌ i! the aocôbúÌâridof tìeÉ lesm e€ ìiBted belo* nniler the spprotÌi6t€ plusl cìâs súd sühclrsúGtior. Sone word! mur noft tìrn ôncê3ineênor€ thô! B siDgÌêplu$l fm is
rco6lg nute.i.Ì
(e aborI (ó)(n))
ÍÕti, iúõn
f!!ìi (* oìlo II (ò) (ii))
lÍ6,liúdn nd!!lüt{
sÀool (w rlxô rv (a) (i),
w (ü)(i))
(of sovo.Ínert)
(Filci ani@l (Beeqko Ix)
L Plu.l Cbs I -ólÍ 6iÌú& .Ì ìigà tô!€ (c : f!âl @reMiof sinsuldfotu): |liEl, diEõDI Bietr{w sls IV (o) {i) end
Ìv (ô)(t)
..tblti, siüilod .rr|" ôeõrl bllla, DúttõH itabbl, itúbõbl dturya, dnlvõí t út !ri, t rt6rõí nr a, Âiilõll
ho"pri.l tr@ gÌw hut, ]mlet sisll (donestic)MiDõì wo it L@ (*e ôìs d€ltion r8) lonp, lonter Gee els ÌV
L Piur&iClÂsU- -úci €nding, À]l but 6ül i.nàc ligh
rY (d) rv (c)(i))
(ò) (i) Âtrd
III (ü)
üiwn, drtt nr lÌrili, .teatúi
cÌock Ge€ êls IV
k) {i))
245 hoürà (se elsorr (z) (it) ú!ü
aÀrEq süDur
ldgo l&, plotrsh(w rle doúey (seesrs ÌY (o){0) body (@ !ìs u {a) (ii), II (c)(it) ìeed (@ sìsoIl (ó) (i), (a)(i))
hole(e de u (d)(i), Ix) "hiü"C
(i) siqÌe: h@n, nulra
un, húd (w sìm IIÌ {r)) hêad(e À!s tr (r) (i))
tlllra, túúra
àole(w álsoII (Õ)(ii), Ix) cli€r (*e dso Ìv (a) (i))
tlrl üúrlrl
raúilõ, *Eilul blh, batüllul jòtI, icLulrEri ÀrgÀú-,úisurud
noutì (&e ôboII (4)(i)) brg,l{200 body (w sllo rI (d) {i),
.Ìe II (a) {0,
rr (d)(ü))
Ì0. Pìu.l Clas UI-ìcõ endiú8, üigh-lo*bigh toDê pstt3D (c : r or 6ìsl mmnmt of sinsd.Í foF) :
n k) fi))
,õ.1 laúra diaõ, ilõliya/dõlrira
(t sinple:
!ô, riyurì/{wntì
òody (e
ì€.d (* sr6orr(ò)0, (c)(i)) dos (sa sÌsolv (u) (i), rY {d) life
üsin, rco6Ìs Ììardiaì (eô
am, bdd (*
al& Il (ô))
,õ, iãjìÈ ev'Ì (tÀing) (w âl$ v (1,) and YII (r)
246 (ó) .lcõ eldilg (c : fnel €otÌs@nt oí singul.r fon) :
ììs.k (tÀirg)
üitõÉ, ttttlfri
iüd, riÈ90
241 nbrâle (ssè,rrô rv {4) (ii)) les G4 .lso Iv (ó) (i), IV (ó) (ü) b@k (s* r&o Iv (a) (ü))
3ch6ì (seeèbo I, Iv (ô) (i))
11. Plusl Cls lv-ri,
-ú, .i -t!.úling,
(ü) Râdupticit€dor *rênal€il:
(i) Siúplê: fúeÃd (eê sLo Iv (a) (ii)) mtah, cÌ@L G* ale U
|Ínrl, Xlfott
ohiêí (*o 8le II (d) (i))
sü bú im1
dtútõ,lnnbi ÈulEtê
lttaò ü$arillri
Êied Ge sìsorY k) (t) hist8ke (s4 ds Iv (a) (i)) ìook (e* 3ì!o w {a) (i))
sisú{@ Ál$ I úd IY (ó)(i))
0 sinȀ:
arúÌ,drú.i tú viLi jlrl iird
s8n (s 3r!or !!drv {o)(i)) scloi GeoáÌ!o IY (a) (i)) ted (Fe also Iv (a) (i))
!ê@t (mè.lso Iv (ó) (i)) neéd(3èêsls Iv (ü) (i)) aaiL, tì$Iú doDü€y(sa &ko II (o) (i))
dos (sé .ls. u (ò) (ì,
rv (d)
I Nob ò!r trr! d .r&'hÊE Ge ta.!rôr4
shoú (üìins) (ee sÌso IV (ó) (ii)) stôôI, càln (&e also I and
Iv (c)(t)
244 Ìewo (@ .bo IY (o) (i),
rv {r)(D)
sb@Ì (&ê âLo I, Iv (d) (i))
(ii) R€dupli.atéd : arja!õ,aaiajj;!ú
(d) ..! €ndins(riiü sÌislú dos GcerìsolI (i) (i), rv (a) (i))
12. PlürèÌCÌ$s V -ic./n cbding(c . iinãl @r\Ìr!Ìt sìo|ì (tLiDg) (h rlso lV (Õ)(i)) ne$ (3e 3l$ Iv (,) (i), lv (ó) (ì)
(i) sibplê :
tlr4 üÀn evn (tnins) (w lle ÍII (a) rnd YII (ô))
r|4 rÜr tdbl
cllii, Eiool(@ .ls I rnd lv
{ô) (i))
(ii) Rrdupü@trd:
{ô) -ô e.dins higb'lô{-hisl toD€p.han: old (tìúg)
ÌC. PÌüsl C'lasYI---., -i €ndiÌgsvità aitguìtrÂèndìng
260 (ò) -i @dirg, .Ìl !!i 6nl sylbbl€ hisü tôné ($ne dú oìúge üên Fodtinâtê vo*€ì) :
251 t6. PIIEI Clâs YIll ' -.rl/!rl all his] :
i6. PìümÌ Cla$ Di (.) -r ddi.s, 3Utó!6 hi8À
cndúg, ton€sarc usúlìy
Bll ìigl : -ú {ding, 1on€É ($ild) ÀniDsl (seeãlsoI) hol6Gêêrls II (a)(i),IÌ (ô)(ii))
14-PlürõlCl&$Vu-otheÌ plÌBI! enilúgin a : {o) -icc./Êc. ""din8 (Y: vowel of 6i!sdú fotd i C : @nmânt oí siDenÌsrfom) : òig (ü!irs)
Ìi. ?Ìuol Cì8s X r€ilupüeiieo plnmls: oldk (seesllo U ({) (i)) tri*n, úlrú-üitú
cr*à..iìrÀaÈ.Èrrca ilìì€s
Nstiv€ Adúúi6rtuìion
eviÌ (tbi!s) (@ rÈo l- (t) âEdIII (o))
südìl,sü,4nia iÀ iì.rd dúôl 10ú6 no! classiÂât'bnÌ 8ny
llL.rü4, Eaulrà !Ànúò dàtirr büanf/ú&rnàüdttra lsreê hoe, llousìÌ {#e aìdo II (d) (i))
a.tüÈ, tìtltrr côm@
Pê@!, siúll€
Pâí Fou. Supplement.Ìy MateÍiaÌs
L€€son39 I4ttd ÌYÌitirg l, Ìin€! nitiDg jl ÌIaE iâ bôdit'omly ddê @oÌairg to & btüd p@ibêil oriliÁo. The tuü 0Ì@6ò3 of tlió outìiB e @h sÈmlÌed by strúdsÌd foml&e.
2. 146 raÌddrion ü uuaÌt: [,On B.trò hrl t Ètút! !a! ta Âtõ ilixa luu ra üdrD La This Ìêüü4 i! fron tìô büd ôf Mdú
Zlrl sl [aLEba tÜi al úü ú.d.nl ütL6 í&l
To Ms]m Is To tLê !€€!€otad MâIaE Ssi
3. m. opè ing zatusra?L ir tlÈâ[y
tr]rd l!
ôü rrl dr .6 nÀ ròrü ili O.irltI vdl my ud ,fioiion ud spptuÌeÌ enil G@tiìg8 ||!Jl-_da ](ú irl .Bi!cì, rd t.ta tui f.i6tbbip, I !0!6 you !o hê6ìtìy-òôtì you eit t'ünrÀ nüLl taúú r.ihl D! rÈ aú!. tli you fsmilr rÌÌ-jü!t s re are ì*€. Ieb itõbe ü úMi teúri ila sür6 da o tlDi vdt bucì tbt I hveoppoÌtüity| }8lPy ,ru m!Ètl úúò r@a! ròrnì dònil t! di Eiie yoü tìis ôìdl letter iú úild to Môi?o hoúúü. übarl,Ìà (u) bÃru yô! (oq Àftd orÌ s€lsBtiol levs of
U iüe Èiter is not $elÌ hom to the úadd he viìl úe tÌre ú€rü laÌagraph .ít€Ì the ssìutÀtiôB to inthdtr@
TbE odiig is, howercr, being dilplâ.êd by iüs 116@ €qujerl@t .LI li @. d ìt mcì fomuü6 s : Ìfl !à,...
4. T\e ôod.!oÍ iE hud i,súèn intrôiltrc.d by eh€ 6ucl Búú
. . (often !b
breviâiéd8/o) Àit€rsreetúss... ün.iiln dl rÈtlüLa rlú . . . I Hêiveil yoü lêtter íÓdâl' Ill
.{nil dÀ t i...d t!ienõlÀ...
Ini I u
infomúg you. . .
Drrú f,Iuò!.
Àff€Ì tÀis. . . .. The hody of thê l€itèr úsI @Eo to svd4l pdsg4?ls úd rü @ntsiÀ?ì!t€vd ih€ nitq is sekiry to eonEuicôt€. It my ad útì smetìiry like : 3.iúu!ÀDqddtLü& UÌül Í€ n€et. 6. Tlú LNI pdorw?h *ill twicaUy qjoü thê !€@ivd to gret mütuÂliienils md ek tu's lìsiÌg, e.g.: 6.i it! Er!t!€! riü dllr dt ú Alitò itÀ deüt Gr€êú(rbú)ìóuãìôld rü md ,{.udü ud GEbs dt [u$ idôn rúì dl tÈ rdtLh nEll .Ãd mt of acquútãúc$ rtro orc n@r you âÌÌ, ÀÈ n hi Eü httl. tEi!. Godn3)Ì l€ givê us h.4li!. In@. 6. Th€ tBditioDsl adtry i! tìe ÂEbic signing{Ë follored by tü€ uitlr's sigai@ : lìÀts tü.t (,t.... dd Eaó tdüàú/wtdBúò. !oee). ' or ftú.ttò
t. àü ilr d...
{it !à)!|r\...
Íl abi,ü!r|... ü!àÍ!tr..
I tm Fu frimil . , ,
ï,€€son40 Prov@branil &iddlot 1. Thê EauslMgmee is ich in pbvêrhiâl md Âlhorisüic qlBdions (rnom $ È!ri! D&úL lileíaÌly ttglitd @rd) dil tÀ* lby ã !úúiúdt rcÌe ir Hsns ste@h. & in ôlgÌiÊh (8nil probbÌy every oiheÌ Ìerguss€) ihe ühoducüor of s prcv€Ìb &t th€ dght monênt cm b€ hucì noE efr€ctivê in n8kúg 3 poift rhe êtÀ!@tó ê+llmíioÀ -Are, $ ü X.gÌish, ibe Br€*q Fü oftd m€rêÌÍ 6lluìlo to s llovqb to noLe bis poht (nthd thm sting tìe ehole ployeú), iÌepodi.g n!ü tle listÀer 2. WliÌe púydbs mny of ÀüLm's pbvdhq
3 c@pÌeô€ ìóüúg of ev@ tle ndi ú!@iúi i! úlosihle ì*, th€ foüoFilg Ibü úolúd@ tü€ most oonnoD. Thè stüiìdt is EfeEeil to Didnmw úd iÕ wo!ÂÌ @s[ col|cüiom of $cÀ s xaÈt ,{drr@ (çsLil' Corlorrtiôn,
196Ìì .Íar À. IÌ. M. Eük qÌeo Aì. ItMe Ba DaboBt N. (1966)- Tìe moú oondëte oleation js thãt by C. J. mittilg (1940,rpnú€il 196?). Tì8t by G. MeEiak, r90õ,ió, uìJoúDÈtely, ont ofllint rnd !ô!t ili6cuÌt to (6) PrcvEbs qàoúilg to prold cmduot : (1) À ò.! lirã ciÌi! ga.bì!aa. Lesvêúhechickd ú its íaúìê8. (i-á.IÉt Êl*ling dôgsÌiâ,) (2) Eúòì ltif, !ôn rü!id. llf oÍe doeE)!o úong, ihúâ (3) DÀ Eúur& t rsrã stÀnEÀ tb ttuàì, Ratler thm (ilmcúg) d lâil il,n o (ôíê wôìnd lê !èn€r nnsn GmLsoo !3).
sdüs€d to) rcfup to l6ve Ois plâ.e). (t.a r6ve vêll aongh 8lmè d Dd't rtt hpt wl8t youft ü@Debleof pêÌ{oúil!.) (1) . Diú's!i;Êrõri oõ: ì If IÀ.d (only)ioÌo@ ú (ükê)ú€ l.ok ol (oe's) hqd. (rt.aNo e oryils ovd milt nilk. Fhst s itorc iB rlorc ud moi !e uiloÀ; d You LÀr€ro üYerith it,) (6) Doútúm! sòbe. rà *úta tüh!r8. Idi.ho ssle of tomófrç's fooil úe @ì6 the @kiúa Doü. (t.a Doít sloil you oìrÌo€ tondreç ìy-Ëing (6) oidú tiy! úsalio sòbda. (II vì'g) tvo hom6 (!Dvids) prct!4tioÀ (ogsimt) e outbrea&of 6r€. í,.e. Doít put âUyou esg3ü oÃebeskêt) (7) s.!ò rsi, hll Ìti. (ff ore) .efws uotü*, (oDe)rfus o@6eu. (ia Ì{i8gdilÌús .@ú on (8) rrlrDbiDiú lÌrirà, 3.i dÀ Lü4. {Ii rs ?ue) nedól@nm€s (on tì€ p,.i ol) tàe soÈt (to tlirk ìê côrrd) eret the hym (çithoú ilisste..) (t.?. Dotr'bôii€hlt tlô nnpcsibÌe,) !òEdtq iD úÀ!Àn'a a llú d..rg úi. {9) rite IÃrb (pElued for) sú qÌy nomjn8 dú&.1,jn tàê (ppviou) evoi.s t!€y,E tied tosetàd. (t.s. ÌorewMed b folqned.) 00) tõúël. yi tÀúÈniòDh!!!ld, \Ììa!€vd,ruito. l@t aftê. xouÌ otu neds. (i.d.Dopêlilo! Xousu, dotr'i glolee ofr oih6.) (r1) Ewàdòrr b.búdi! rú.rl. GMd (12) BnEìr úügtúti À stún!!i sijõó. ôìrUov. (i.e. B€ defd aol t! !6 (Ì3) Íúd hÃal hnrà rrii. Brsking {iÌil von't bÌing s (dom!t) 6ft to tunc. (iá. Dont ileped oD mm@ne/&úeôIingtìal €r t iLôtìe job.)
,Gô (à) Èove.ìs qloÌüing eiivity : (Ì4) Ánl yô e€,' tÀthi t! erúÀeó ka.' Godsays,' Get q, (ânit íìa) let ne ìeb yÕu.' (t.€. God Ìelps tüôs wìo LêL themelves,) (lõ) Àdtà!i! núrrü .iÈ dÀ rht. The v.lue of good enF (is ir) nd.ldngNe oI it. K@piìg 06) B.n! raeìi ò cilì tI rì nàgüin yúri. stlmôL den't L*! €:cÉmênt in loft'ã) io!€'3) (r.e. vìo the SpêâÌ oui üme lone) fion Lünsd. @n4 rcnsining silat Íor't slye tì€ ?rcbleD.) (tÌ) Dò yôyr.E Ìôsi tò! cüt.' By n€âÌs ol d.i*les ã rivêr iÌbüp. (i.e. PesÈten@!âF of.) (Ì8) Aìsi$|ÈyIÂntuÀ!Í À trcÌdtsôive iEbeìt3Ì ihe o úcdìcúê. (i.,. Àn ouÌoe of peyeítiotr h bet@r thu a poundo{ mèity-) (19) züntuió À tuli t3 tõ, GôodrêlatioNhips(d€!eÌd npôb)rêèt. (i.?. The msintelmcê ôÍ goôil rêlâriôh6hiprblirêo peoplerequiFsrr€queolvisitúg.) (o) hovdb8 *ìoning ?ôtiecè : (20) Eaild Eõsòú dúlirt. Prtiêne (2ì ü.üúüd E.rlillcl. À p!ìi6i w6ÌtìX !etM. (22) üti ìüui yr rÀ! drti dnbá ra !Àn lõEout. À pâii€nt peMn rìll cookt stôneMd ihink it8 broth. (t.,. ?rtiéncê is e ürt!e.) (23) ! iÀlN hI tì !úà Evl', t! ji rnltltú. ' ll\âvellilg) slowly docM't kep (orc) ftum aFiviíg,' syô tì€ to.iois. (i.r, Slov ôui suE.) (24) Yrú dl sòhetã ivü, Tôrlôyânit tonoNìv (= littl€ by liítlc) yoÌ wi[ !€ abl€. (i,s- üfüÌe by ]itile orc on moonpÌú  thúg-)
261 (25) Yr! dÀ Éòhcrhl yr ri aUúl sid! rij\ra. {Doing a thing) iiiíle by littl€ thb hÀrlê it posibl€ ío. úhe rêidlê tô ilig & çeü. lt,a. Pqseteúâ!@viu ont-) (26) zRl ila mÌ ô di. CôDilg 'iíhin 'r'i 'tl (Ìú, 'l d 6niê) is betúer tü.. coning son€ nÌoney gooil timê. (í.a It is bltt3r tô âEive Itt€ tiih even s 3ns[ gilt íìsn to MiÌ€ @ü siiL noìhing.) (d) Pbvêús süstús lets of üfe i (14 Dd tilI Àn!È. Nisbtb'me (i:) thê.loaÌ of êsil. Í28, Do! [uura ti n dõrl ba rl rútõwl tl tr. Bè.s@ your ìurl na bMme Iour sn€Uiús,Iou {onltu't out it 06 ed ilkclrd it, (i.?. Oúe@uot ìüt I'sÌdoDihe fdili3 of dds dep€r&trk.) (29) oat. dacaüEri. (Eydyorc) inlonü Àe (@6!.) infiút of!ün. (i.a Ívm the s@ta3úba st@!. tgo) iÌH D..r4. Tbe bodr (h) úê i.íom6. {i.a Iat vou süÉneihhe vou suido -i@ í ov€do tliqs.) No bstt€r hoq ìoDs {31} irõôõ !In; dÌa;rd rl 'õrè. (t.aE lty cloudhs tie íiaht, moEiDg'iU @me. oa, Ever silenceis sPeah, Í32) xlrün Er Elrúi (ia Sil€r@my be gi8!iÂ4!t.) (Ao4 thê Ìows of (93) ,lhÀnú rnolJl a ttDbl'i lú the À€aú ole 3ÀoìndsL the fs@. (i.t, One'r{e úo*s wbri is in on 's he&i.) í34) lrõho ilõrì Dü dúõ. ,{r old loM (È) a kloçjng (35) rvÀúãúì bÃrà.ô! jrún. T[â t'tooer (,í. borbeÌ) dom't Ìile (t be) tatooeil- (;.2 Oft $Ìo chets/ ìuÌís otÀeF d@str't like it {b@ tLô üâbl6 .rc (.) Prondìs doãling wii! dsê
tnil efreot, rêúèdy.
262 (36)Àbürad! Lfuõ Êütes.tè y. lhr !sú tetõ, TbúL! to ile càicko tìe ÌizrÌd rlÌ&D}rrter Êoma b@1, . (i.e. SoD€gúìtr sdsnt €6 türdgh !o eirtue (37) üri !iúÀ y. ri! úi!úi mti, T[e onè wbo (sL€d]) Ls mBü wü l@k fq tue. {r.?-À Dàr6ond@[ *Ì È iìils u.l* he ãlÌ€âdl ìsa a :el$ for (38) . [ü tõ nü ru| Dãsüt! DúÀty&r. 'Iéúì so Eê€ (it) ' (is) tìê rmedy for è iis. (39) Irnka! !abà, Í. an únEl.t. TÀ€ mggoü id tüe ú4t b itself mei, Íi.a It's,ll í!€ !@,ì (40) Üúsün bà tl rÀúka b@," The nrltN rlod'ú d*oeld ritÀont M. {t.,. ì. (dire) €l4t ito4 rct 6ne âòoul üthout. esM.)
(41) ia.õ nòite mil òôd ti 8tu1úi. Á chüddoesn'r laow fs utiì it b[D hin. ff) IdüoeìlsDou provêrb6 iDÌolvils @nlNieD : (42) À!õLi! !ún, !úld úè. Â ohi€f's fiiad (is) s chiof. (t.d. Th6 Êidd of È!m. ìì hjsh pditiôb sbres the positior.) silYút3ge of ihsú (a3) Àlìaì !.do! bed !È. KidnN is s hêd to úep on. (i.r. Doúg E fsvou is s eed invêstnat ) (44) Áni sÀI ú *Ìd. God ú tìê Cìiêf (of chiefs). (í.. (45) DÀ !rl!&ì sir. h.ti! [Àútó. Ìi&i]d libatr Ãú€dlN òett* á Uâck ÌoilcÌoòì. (rt.. SaU a Ìoaf is hêtter (46) Dnliyà EÀ4è itÀ ciÈ cõ. Tìê woriíl iE s pegisaü moan. (r.e. No one loovs sL8i çir cône of rhe
presmmy{ bor a sid, ,Ìiae, alegd, d..) (44 cer rr  (o r5 L&i) ji. Seeinsis benérrhar (or c[Nd .vox) !€Ìing. (i.e.Seeilsis beü€viìg.) (48) OÀskirã lã  LFshò. Tntò ú bêiíêr |IÀtr ooney (i.e.Eoh6iJ útÌê L*t !ôLicy) lln. opot).
263 (49) Ol'n À gÀrú rúi !õoÒ. Án êlêpìãÌt ir mother's tom (ìs büt) ..&blit (t.e.A !ôen vìo is inlor tMt in his om tom is jugt e"otìer otdi!âtv ?êMn (õ0) seDì Àm6yl rã Á Lú!üà. shoot'ìs (snetìús) ú the toiÌ is better ihm nìising (conpletely). (t.e. Esü r loaf ú hettd thaú tune,) {tl) Jlli yà ô rôlrë ii. Tìe hody is beitq oi @rEilgl healingthsn úÀe4É. (t.e.ff orê rèíüsesto üstento ailvioehe viu be tângbt by h&.dhÕcks.) KinÀ itt wã!à hi wã!è bs. üìÌe Soúd-a (is) {ã2) not Sconiko, (i.r. TLê sin snty of two thì!8s is Íü ÍÌm syìls ibuL tÌêI âF the sme.) (õ0r rõ DÀà r.dl b. lDIúi yú a bòLi! ÌltÃ. nven is ta,!€n{oúe@Í @ôtnÂt) iLousì !o ndumot è òriüe is ioo bie fo! ih€ moüih oï â cìick€n. ít.,. Snoh-ed{ucì iúooDÌetêle obviou.) (ã4) L.qrr! iüd elrd !à. il€aú is *@hü. (65) lsbì! !uÌ ra ô düa drhü. Laok of ÌÍowledgs h dekd tÀe úìt tim€. (t.a. T!€rc is nothing vore thu ignormoe,) (56) taDà ya n PNNins Gonetàing)È bet'ter 'ylti. ihú e4€tie (ú trsús it). (t.,. Posesio! ú ninÒ (s) Prevdhs foÌ norc sp&islizeil siiu&tiols l (6?) Âi!! !u,I núrüò ita rarray.. (It is) Northles (í.,. FoÌk(for)eblúdú.niolü!ìisìe&iiolook. Áì ilnstrãtion of o suprenerãsíe of efloÉ.) (64) à tràEi iinl eÀli!. ? \{o d om reekblooil flon e Ìo@ü 1 (i.,, YoÌ m't get bloodf.on a storc.) (69) Biilaoa tësbÀÃrúò. Thê Kr!ô rriÌwsy sfotiotris n?osibh. (i... Not s cì6r@ snrFhse.) 160ÌBNt iã tòri íòd. Á voÌtì16 orc !s! càs*d ã'sÌ s úel€s ore. {i.e. TsÕ villêús au@redeao! orheì's tch.)
lô4 If lmâ,k€ {6t) t!!iyiEatir.!ar.datòrir.ldilü€. &yiigìifôr you, ilon'úyoutuÌeíishtfd n€- (t.e. ü I do 8@d to yon, dd'ú you Epsy n€ viüh êú1.) 3. Aiirdkj arc 3 @Ìmon fon of È3w word 4eo. Rdill€s N t !ioÂ[y p@t€it a6 sôâtdnúí3 (i!ú!er ibe 3s qu*üi@). IJ the âús@r ií rtnúpêd by the ridill€IeeiìÌredyl!ìõÌÀtìtrl I sieup lliÈ.I sru!tu ,i? rdã), Ee ú tho told tle &rd. 4. ThêfolÌoçiDgÂhoúlbt ofd.liu4 is úâ16 b|gely froD q. U@icL, ãô@ PdËór,Ióndon, 1906: (l) Bkr$ 3üdad.rr ü[utl il]tl. l'l@: Oldú (òut I ì8ve otrìy on€ it he) r(l0 tld. eon t@ket€. lM: 1! â!thìI. (2) Elü. úl daü, aËEÈrr d rlji l,|.6: Wlaa ita ü.rúr. I'.thd b ú ü€ hut {bür) ìjó b.úd i6 out siil€. l'tlia : Fjr. úd aok€. (t a ÍiB *6 büiÌt iBiilê of huiefor & ile úoke shm out '!mtà. d tbntrgl a gN Fof iú thmgh s d6r, {itrdow re*nble s vtiü. hàÍd.) (3) Eryi d.r. ta lah biy!. l,t.@: Waúi!ò. A iilgÌê p.tü ilividôóiato ttu. lM: ltoìlrc. (4) ana!útò dr4 E.d.uútl : tÍrr.. ÁM (bnt) Its Bttlê ìnnbü 100 túa. it oìly h6"òú otr (lt. Fp€/strús tyd.) l@d I A b!@b. (t.e. .L aúgÌostriDgtt@ r{]0 oÌ norc pie@ of gN togeüheÌ (5) X&!çt tã ci ti çittâ. ti he Litra tâlÂ. lm@ : Eeàô. TLê mrltêt $s ìelil Àtrdlbla trp, ii lêfí 3 dog glêúing. ,4rea i Th€ úongls. (i.a ÁJtq o !€Mn frni$h6 eatiDghis tongue g06 'ãdeÌúg uouit ú ìis mouih picÌiDgnp iLê EúÀini.g foôil.) (6) Oõdtynr tâd itÀctli. Bã ni basú sõdiylr, lsi ciÌì !. Là n4{e, ;1*úr | ÌDÃkìdÀa.ilõ À ciH. My m5Ìe
!65 is pregÌànü. I ilo{'t ridc tle MÌe. (I) onÌy ridc ur€ üborn f@ì. .,ftrud : À hní sith à bcd n1 il (7) R.wÀ!i! r&ldy tÀlLÀriladèet, ,r,sz"r: Aeyi. The ctrief's tnrbsn Írs impossible to Fìnd êund (hh rêdd). ,4",r4: .4.rcad. (3) Dãlìú $!ròri ú5bì lõlÀ. lnsrd : IC$i. Tl'è ìuí ol o Xoung Dàn !âs Do d@flây. ,Ìe@ : Ár e€9. (9) ÌÍi r.úÌà tçryãtr, !n jè grüà!, ún jè y6úô4 úô dãrõ, nÀ tÀ bn i!é ba, ,4w€l: Erúà! Lar6 cili! hÀrdaò. I Í€shed ny calabeh. lsenütouDost, I *€nt to ihe w€st, I r€íuhdd, iü !ôdí'i driêil. -4mú.r : -{ dôg's tôngle in iüs nouth110) Utü-rrò, saoÀ 3üi. -,lN&yf : üurlü, Thre each, iòê ioú (ie) @npleté. lru1d: Thô tÀree st n* on \ehioh Iroís èE st ôve! nle: ! locaÌ kind of iovê. (t... \o tôsn is cohtleie \çithout coohng
261 (ò) !Í.úúò!
neet3 3úlè ieÀting in the ìÌeat ol the
LeÊson4t Iôúrã, úe$a dt ,üRÀ.
Ailditionâl Conve$atioús
l Ii I€s LecnloÊEibl€t includeonlv a liniíêd !úrrEl of t ?icaì diâlôglqi!tbe re!lârldsr6. À ls!!ü sl4. tiôtr, 8@,sed bpioãlly âppêàs below, Fdl ürs$latids úobotgiyên. Wìer€ dlloDltioü ig @esry !tr st*isk (*) ã!!em EfôEilA the scudent t sedüioÌ 8, Àrot6, st
Kn rõ rõÁya? Laâyàit.i.
2, Àddition.Ì 8Ìecting cotrÌdsíiotrs l
lò bi lôiG,..i Iü dõrõ Là m.
ütun ío) ao!ò !isi|| Jil.tr (rLo h4 beensrc]) ât tìo ìaft* r
Ì!. sòjúÀ ? úú!õ
Bollò Irllò Bdlò
xairala,tút tõtlynt lrírt ilaì.
l{õ giilõ ?
rô, yàrnjúi ?* xAi iìEiìã yu! dÀnuF| * sòraiI EeUò Esl, rlrlr ! clsò! oiti úëP BeIò
Ì!õ dli ?
YÁuEa, nü
jiDà ilt y!çi,
Eâi, ÁÌlà yA hE itÈ r.úì.
268 3, Con'mstiolr doling vith foodinÌe : Àliyü : Cl blslitì * küúã, ssÀn : !ô, íÀ gõda. Büút. âül
I, lEEt hòli tl ruta lNn
A !: Iò ú l|rn' Datlirrr rüi$i da BÀTfuè Dr H!, El b újrri t '|çi. À Il: f,lna!.&Ìrl dartta dadlúlú. Àü:
lô, la rlllrr darata. 'l! lta !ra!, ò ta'l irshd * !aú1, Àü: lô, rr!è iiì !õ r. Ll !ô ? a&tuè I. tfur r.!i iti \iht yas! P ttlErdaa. ralrL ^i .a la ri büôdl. lüna t lafnú t6 AN: Lrútì
Dr H!. Eli, !a rõ.üi t * úaitl[t, bül i! tarõ tàü,.
tò datrtu. (ò) i|lirìr lnd E!.!
,1.Con'ersationô on tlc rôDd: (a) l3n DìeetsCârbÀon th€ sat io úãrLêt i
lú .
lànnu ç&bà
tÀi rlsâ
uâitèu4 úà rã ÈÀyi à t&nri ? Zi ni h g.i ilt d.!'!çã!a, iò itÀ tyâtr. DÀsÀgÀrt ys Là P Ã'i, ilacÀ t$yà * úõ. Ànná yrd
ZÂ! !è!i
&õlÀ. * l$iuri.
!allë, yü LabÃta À !ÀDi tÃhüwn!. (ó) DruilÀ takesa trip in o lorri t:
fÒr Àe pri@ \rirh íhê dÌìve.: Dnahà,ili 3ôt! iAô (.!ò.
dnnlus tea :
Büi úü r.ul
rô. bâltit,
Eü shãai-*
On rúÀi * ilò úaile5 !,!, tò dèbõ* Ei!ì rúàr Ìrdú Ì.wai, Àràã, lã li !ôúà dÀ ritu * ?
Bl ciktu tyÀtlrúwa. nõià Èan* zà hÀ birã shiiÌÀitÀ sÌ5ì!ô ? Bnbü! I! hà 3biilÀba, ,a li nãbú Iô. liwõ Ìurli. ShtsâiIÀ r!ri,
Ãeâ 3ô! sulrÀritÀ yèrA I
(n)On úe
úd, clsìtúg siih ìhe not$ boy r Xti, rút! Dõn t. üÀ glilú ! DsuitÀ: rir@üõtl*: 8àaai! W.Dlatr iti!ãbÀilõloú üõii
l. it.rÍë rei diuú ilirõtl !a P rhëL.ra Edrà !ô-rrj.! Eii I waúd! Dõtl trrè ca? I !a!i I Y.!i itÀ úõtò trÈü, Às!5 t ÀEúÀ ri lròtú t * OÀ*iytÍta, Ai yi yr ìrii *
EaÌa !õ, nru E*, r.i, rui
rrEl ìã yt 6itl * t3, tògÍ rt ctÌâ yt Ìrilhò
DmitA : A'a, úõtl t4 ilsyi ! (vi) StucÌ on 3 Blìppdy Lili, ilrê il.iver an.t nator Ls_v
Dü ë b ò . ÈÀÈ! üõil : DüitÀ : tl@ üünl : DüèbÀ: Eüe üõtl:
"*.*'ri .Ot,n Í6, úõ.â. Ãõró rÀ !òELs r! fnÉ,* (to p-ssêDgGl 8t!È. ! 3ÀEÈ.I lõ. tdn l Iô hüs. ! 8bt Lô !d, ii tìta. It @sm4!s)Xüì.u
I, Ni cã dr sbr, . Àbiì Jügh
it"-d.i*.i1ò, bìsr!
(in) Sioppingfôr À 'rest stop', teìhng *iíI fellów
I Küb.u I
5. ConrèÌsaiios âi $ork l
D.!ità : B\i ôü sà!r. BÀ lnti. BÀ|n: Íô, ri !i dãiì ìú ri nt'rrl + tàkü!t. Dsüdl : Íô, tin !àEi ràüë.* Dò tyôú, n lryô ni !r adõ. E,lt: (iv) Stsrting ag&in.íLé dÌivd ud tle notor boy :
Tó,ò rdÌÁrõ* tsjójr." üôtì : 16, Núl úe, KÀÈêÂ
tÀ'!dà {ll, frrr i rr ll
,urlrúai! oò!ÌVúrà, rlú l&à .hnta .ône. bÀ tÀ óEl
À rFãia in lÀ$' lltú X!i, sllnr I üí&kI
Ã'4, !ú !õei tu iti 'üi. Dl Ly&, bÀ sI h ii yúrì
t. ^!ài aà yi dú laiu * hrü. 3ò'idÈ lli ditili ?
KÀr.!üõin: 8ôidár!. Íci ! zõEer! I<üe!üõtì:
!ËI rè !a!, nüsò úii ! *
(Í) Belr ôn tlo roâ.d,DNdà sd Bàlõ . D.litA : Íâi luyÀn ru tâ DãctI t Ldüé. ÀL*ai süs.!i * ità vtwÀ Br,lã:
* òÈ tüLì!
!à!. la8
Nigerioa YdDs lvdtd
* br, LG :
: r'" úlú r.ôò 3ilü iD irl! tlrÈ tutürl
213 Àlë ? !Ãbü i!ì!tÀ n lselrò ? l, ür! rÃún tEnl dt dôgr@! Áóii * úè, EsÌÀ !ë. Do! úà bÀ a Lõsõ sü !tu ha ? Ài, M Laçõ, tÈEn bÊ s ilà ònÈdl-
S.ìò ità i.[ri! Ai, ràtÀríà
tôiÀflü ts LòÀ tE vÈ+ ilÀ
: W.id
taüEMìa !a.
a&nra: xli, rnrl rìl! .úÌ illl tlÌã.* Yìa!bà: Ca.L&aúè. À@r ú!úa süúüú Àúiú ldrlaúdnúúrr llÂ!üà : À'1, ür.i
itl r.rl, adni í.i !! süa,*
a.tútì : rò bar!in.
* Âsi tè úaú ? À Ás.rEü
irt! tnDü tà À
(d) lt th€ ofrlF(taDlo lntdô ffi E€sng6
i! s clêÌk (atirll), (uLidò).
ldè úd
8da ! Àúnà aiÈ dÀ tuh taDn dÀ wüçn, cÈrtiyõ !à-r.i à .àn}rlyo.* E.Ètr !ë !& ráli Bã'ì nülüa
ItiL .
Zõ tl !d rei! zâi li
nll tüâ! {à'b.li ! Eni, ndü.nÌü Âi ilólè !è, l' hrbà !õEô, bdnü àbúci. càllireÌl Lõ À Âasnà h.ltÀ ts Lè.
ntr- tioitaiingh,rv6t: DÀ eÀiilú lxi * húriEEn * zÂiri Ìtôu
(it oIúDo Yôdrü llrõ fttaür Iô
z& À yi súnìrlà t r.t.l SnirDtÀkô ? À'i, s.i úçl rr dôori * rrh!. 3ó'i d.tâ da 3é!õ,*
Ài l.!âÌ, 3âi iüÍómbÀ. ÀnEn ft. cõ Dài leâtrtà kó P
eò!.i ! r&Ar tã Â itúò itúrtì. Birlrà * lÀ-sn I !ôtri, * ilÀ iã 9 l, àEEe bÀ tA ke ldlr br, Yauha s kih ritìë lÀ ?
(ii4 ruL .
rõ, va@ Ll ja liüfi!
yi ÍüÀ lnÈn * ,À!d.
Ss[À rõ. Â!à sübÌll}
r ür *
ol sü bir!, Ea r.yõ tls.su * ús aüò-aüüta iirr I t!ú rlrn&.* 'l
càlkirüÀl, ra bìla sò!ôi. Sú jll'
EË rrÈ da.!rà !!d!.
Íi ilarõ. Ol tlú rdu.
tô, ÍÀer Èò Ìri úuÀ! t|llrdõ * 6sa bÀ!h& llrlrú ì JlDn6l *-
rô, I! !A hi tÀ câà si kÀ birõ ir LAliú jsr IltaÀtittsi Èa $yõ oitrì lrdhe
r6. : I! ri sr YËElà cin !a oô @à rò il-rõ ilÒe!ú hl bìrtúrìrà. lòúri
G) Àònhslò! ìÌs eone to the d@io. \ÍitÀ s @nplàitri :
ü&itl : 6. oorve.satiDnsdcâ]ilg Fiih húlth : (a) 8üaD.!È nèets BÀbàon tì€ P8tì :
Âi, !A úi etbità rú rbd úõsÀd. Àrìé f aô ll dt riÂrl !õ ?
t, bÀ! yi bNcl hs yl[ t Ló tldu,
EsrI ú. Da r.!l aúDa ra@ l.
rnrl lõtèlotò L.rü Í Lrala urü ba!
tiúll rü bn kÀ lüún !è ? w aHL. Errl ú tà !ã,
úEdsid.lrì tã yi ciÈ * !è ? ãllra ú. Iul itè r' rúa htrú, Ã'ì,t ,i rúi Dirs òb!| yÃ,íbà.* Iô òDEe leôyi t Làyl!z!? Âiitim&itims' ÍrÁltlrõiÀÌdNrniÀü8itò
lÃÂrf. rò À$ yÀú.
üldti :
ühtà. cúiú ysl
daeÈla *
Ãôi, rlüu ! Ílúbè úë Y3rõoi ? | Âi rõ itarÍô ÌÀDú rali üirú, lô. BFltrtã * ! tãhú rü En núüi.
,Iô. In !a i.óÀ úú, dI rõi * !è ? À'i, Dü í a + Úuú cúì b& Tô, tõ irÀ ttulì ràú@ B:l jã LÀ cüa r@À! Lr.lüÀ dÀ 0nIrL* rt cút iU liru rmü 3iit4 là bú tü l8n, Tô. BhI ÉÈ!ú,
!.i gòn wübra.*
7. CoÌveMtiols deoling {iüì wêttÀôr : (d) ÌEaE aÌd 6.Àbò sitüilg outsidô üìè lÂttèÌt hone: Aai sirisi!ú * tu ti trti. cülirdtl. BtÀ! Alrll !é, I bàsõ* il|Dúõ,õ iÀ yi lrr& b.4. ni hrta. Blt Erã bü ri rô!ú n.. n gú À.{'i!' rdr va Âõ!õ." raÍe3ú .úi E tl !õ. $bò dò rMà! wddE oÀtÉreta. Ânl yÀ !í,
Ei ro À@i
oi btubi itòDi! ìairiúü ir âtll yd rànit abh
eì"ÈiìE Nig*iã,
À raenü
to r Eumlean :
dip out (úto Dy mp) (iioa ú&, .zrrdrr, dtatu dÌt)
&bê P Bi ìâr.ò rs rè ò nriEún bâ. S.i iL itinrnâ !à útr Ìà rãnòn mtâ.
iÌr.i !!rÀ LldM itÀ b&dn. Ài rui.r'ì tô, òoE bi y..l rõ ? Wei lõÌàor,ôi !õ ilÀ de yl*n,
r (o) 1( ó)
BÀfnti l, aDEô .! iiEl sli rt úônLõ.* E&n!È lô, ìil& ú linúl itò b&*À,âi ri * !à P wòtililü lúún yawúciú tôtLi ba È yi. üü úül !Âi úd Eaü.la tõ ? E.La !a. ÀhiDà si rÀ ÌiücE.* oütiye!ò,
àmã tâitr ttl
* !ê.
3. NÕtês on ste.út€d itene frcú íà€ @rrdstiobs tÈsâítéd ú saüioB È7 of íhis Ìesn : yirt tld ? 2l.) hor's (rq, iÌÌms (Ìü. bodt) ? (w L€son 3r, sction 6) ôê ve.b.l Ìou fron itlE! diDurt I'n 6nús (t... jü'i a ninüte 3 (a) úì n'i eDongh(iiom lr., ú€.,a{r) a bit betio (tÀu Iornêü) heve ì@ónê fúlÌ (of lood)
3 (ü)
{B.itish E!süsÌÌ), o@Ìne
r (ó)(t 11ó)(iì
ledle (of ìoê, ?Ìê, dc.) m?, bFâL {$ . slicl br€üÂ) ldi6 N tle o.diÀet n@ú of ôEslbrtatim ld !@ple a @U s goo& oÌd bÌg€ M of Nigerú. Th6É @ bÌ@ sÌit otàd pa3@g* vêbrcl€3 iD úd b€iwq caü.ú Ìarg6 ube @il€s s r€11. sttú (tìê dgiD), stdt (dÌiYiÍg) notor boy 0ú. @td itos). Èe i6 t[€ p6e! ruloúiblo to e tüstlordq p@ple, ete., !t r|l ú pl& befoE tU€ loty süsr&, iô iú{m ihe &im if úIiàing g@ wDg, to püt vedg* beìind tb€ vì4lr wlo ihe Ìony siola, {&nè tihe) i. @llei the fos, êtc, ' old Lúit', dpdioceil pêrson atr Árhsji sho hae ddê rhê !iÌ(Ìbêtúlo eÌimsebymddP. ií nsôil !ümoreusly.) Alh.ji is tì€ titlê givôn to Myonê Yno hs nde tì€ lilgÌiMge.
214 4 (ó) (iii) ft'Ií
4 (ò)
uridte. It is nor coBid€pil in d€ìi@t€for s pe&! to stât€ tlÁt tàê @on foÌ his going
câlÌ àdê (ô[e -ô ío.n or ll.õ] rhedusì of r{al'ò : pd$qser siet g.iúg ! (rú, àib tà€ letrcl.
red vsietX of güil6 @n-ih€ úlidt mtuirg úil Ìoweli tt?€ gaiqd of om rr .6tieê
4 (ü)
ônil bÌidg. (fDn Xi€tilb 'giÌdq )
4 tb)
weilSe. O&ì ìoÌry oaEi6 t$o oÌ morc worlôn UocÌc ($Dly rp!úrinatêly four úchês i$@ Fiòb oa€ 6rl vLittled dom to forn à À!Àdle) ròich ihe noüd bot pús behúd (o. ú frotri o0 úhe rerÌ vheels wloeq the ldry is süoÌ!6i1, io kap ii
5 (s)
Èatõ {ôr} Bt ìohô (..9. $!.ü!s t!ê àuìs, ÉJoofng, nsLing mF
6 (d) (i) t& õdr
!oú oFce (rls ortÌed siOu r|yi:ÀoDê of tLo isle p6tsgê ttlEp
5 (d){n) ddr
h€.d ol tb€
larL : ú6iÉ
in 3 coÀteÌt.!cb ss this i, m6ns
5 (d)(ni) bta.dr
rsitì 5 (ó)
orly mtuiry v{i€tl o{ Diü6t %riêtl gdls @h of têlov
diéil (tle -tr fom of.úà, tÈú) leÈ it ú@ go h@|ry. tkM boÀiUe (of h@, rx€, et. se ãlm uder a ia) éboYe) sp, bÉ.Ì (as  süick-see 3l$
Jo}! Uolt @!te6 (úeúe of s prcnin€nt @únercirl 6m) iLê IIÀu8 dry bâgi$ ql 6 p,E. Th\E, I d'ídít slacp tod.,r it H^te ls I d'ídtìt shè? last
Ìr€ ep!Ìated
({ fõn
úry (h üshrer(yoü.)rmublo (*e L€sn 31,wtion 5) 6 (ó) b€tilr the
bef@ (st l@i)
6 (a) r.tt (w ãlso udd õ (u) ahov€) (Èon !r!!ti, lÈ d@) lie |n @Ntip.téil (lü. 3tonrch ì.9 ú t!êE !âiú ? (ran : h€c, !èitr) úiÀ€ {@ .bo udd
{rôt ) 7 (ú)
À cÌN (verb fon
4 (h) (in)
(pruBr ôf úrtja,
tut'ato'id) or ih. &q
(6a âl& úder
lrÌm (t". ímm the l€ât of su úd td.L of nÕisiuÌe)
7 (h)
(nnü úols (reerÌ$ {Nlcr
oI r.bl.
be repaiEd, co@ted (-! fom bÕn E Átl,i.,re?a ) bot, mügg)' eNon (MârL-,{pril) jüst befor ílô sins cônê
sloil (: ôãci ünde. a (r) (\,
!bÌê tó $e (Ìi,- !os{s!úg
1. Sovêrd {Àbl6 àeweâlÌcâdy Ìreetrihhodmed s @!kMtiônrl nst€rioÌs iú thâ forêÂorn! lêsoru (ee Lo*ons r0,23, 2d, 2?,30). S€w6Ì noÉ;r. intodui€d bêloN. Since soúe voaion of cãoh of tLô* lìae sìreâdy ãI)I)earêdin lritrt (ususlÌy niüu âny indicstion ol tole â!d rowd lergtà) a refdocô t thee is given fôr eÊch
2. UÀtõ[õüü ttrü waúi 3&urMv.Èl rÂsò iüi ilMil8rë si hÀlsi Râli ú 0ú itt rftü r núú!uâ, Dt t!}a gÒ6! 't yô gÉÀrhã, EÀLôhô luÀ !À!tõ !à P [ò ei Lsi Dúõ ilò r!!õ bl itur( d.ya !! trà sÀla üú!hò r. ot, ' Ai, ilút úsrs È nòla I Es, ú itò d$è !ò !i 3 tÀ s.d, Fìtilò! !.ú, !n !úà t. [l do! Èliúã h. !ô, Àbmd ilo! irtúh !õ-ni.! iilò ÀúEa úÈÃ. hNllü-doú lú su !ì dl iuddNè, tr.ita Ìü
ltatt rana d ã edl ciú Àirã, sai {ini ÊÀlhi úòi t3ì!ì yâ Lntirè e.rò a rat6ge&õ. Js ìi Ieí, vÀbi cÂ!, vMi nãEú tudÀ rei ciÈ Earò làrtú. Ya cõdrL FúdÀ v. cúa múÀ, rÀi hÀlbt ]ndÃ. t6. úi z.rõàrr,õ, yâ oòrhi !8i ri. DiL v. bndètih, rdôà y. sl Lt4a, r. cilõ tühi!. D n rs júri, zôi í tAnrÀBà.$i lslôè y. cA,rÌúi Itft y. .@ì, y. cà 'ai, lndalrÀ kà nM : kn 3â LalLÀ ciliú ôÀlio ililr, Ìô ltts ldnyà!' SeeÁaúrrrd (urdrrr, NOITLÀ (ìo* GâskiyaL'orpod tioh), Ì954, pogr ?, S@ .ls Á!ÍúrnL, Ì. ('., íídso Literurüc, t9t-'9,ttty,. A7,
lÌc wentÌ'iiÌúr ândtLirÌìer
Ra totu I<arotu NOÀLÁ (hos ftrkir! rÌryorÈ iid) 1954,po3e4. S@3ls Ábúhen, R. C., Ea@ Litadhú., 1959,peee31. bàiõüó (?i. 4úòÍ
dÀdlddsã: 'ÀErú) d.l dn6
bÌiDdM youìg @D
o\ s)
puu out GõIorÌì oI cLà)
285 Ctduú Isidi südn hiyu ruLô lirÍÁ cikin lrerN madaín, eúÀ ÌntÀ rti. sut .l iyò, rüi ir irò, bt dãúi, Ad !m, $i d.rdü ra sÀJi y3 e€, ,Yôu y. Lwnlili ÍtiÈ.' Ir iÂr iòtdr, ys !!tÍè, ys nüiü. D!yt!, nÀ' y. Í ts ri üòtrilrt ÀTEi r. !â ún yâ ia!!, yr í cú'., sfü r.! yr hu li.À cúh nôú, y. yi Álìl rt cã, { lirhi
8* Ii, r,r/ À(rl{,
üÈtüEìn r. câ b. yi ilt rÀsâni ànD. a ôòr. y6 knlàlta !tü ilÀ !aaúúú!À, Di r,ltãü yô eE úòìrnh ta lpriÀltn ilÀ L.ÀruÀ ìrlrÀ y! ri rtÀDDnú rAi bi rlì :rild EÈüú. S.i ys rsnÌè shArl'À, !!ÌÀ tã!!ì. Da bülrntn ya kòni giil& yo rúõ FÀ rJÂi[ dò rabart sndl !Ìn. DÀ sa!i! ütLÀ ÀlEÃlú ,3 Ìilõwõ úúnú, y. câ EaeÀ, { E.i itci, EuõràÌi !à, Lã cìcõ Dt I
rtrlt ç.durl! Da n
ì! tainòtè tÀ,,
Nr)lìLr\ (no\çGà.tirâ Coqúrd-
Tòúi ìaÂ! ,
ya 6ts rÀjë, rs ú, ' ú, çòú!n6ì bi yl
NORJ,À (troN GsÌiy8 CorpoBSê âlao Áhreà,n, B. C,, Iiaúa 37.
tion). lglt{, I{gc 4. Seeâho -4.1rôh3n, IÌ. C., /Id,ra ütenhtíe. 1959,psg.t t1.
j"dc" âilhiniòüÌliion of justice
(dánã .
ìiddú (fiom ôõià, Itiid") idi@t€, 6n!âft (h@, iìe d& helil úp ibrc tugeE) pas eltene, giY€ thê verdict *rd to Gõ íornÌ o{ airò, sdd)
@vdìèDt, ììôtiôn, Ntiviq' gltbq togeiìer, coìlect Gr fom ot tíi, sat\il. úlkct)
câ[ (À€E) (the -õ fom of ]ü., elÌ)
c r 0ó) (€rcìeDtion oí sliglt suÌpris) ìârhd (wìo 3ì3v4 !êoPlê's he6il., !ôrfoús @Ììlìcatiol'
AtÀ kái rani Átud rúrií dÂnti âkÀ ri !hÀli't. AiÂãü ys câ raídò akà yi tãÌNÀ bâ shi dn aÈbyõ, ys cAEs\
lor tl€ nming ôf úis púverb * Le$on 40, proYerb 35
6, Arü dI íüõún lÍ.d@! LçÌli Nd Hrô a iaü&i, oi lErÀ àlúri btliE{ !Èda üiy! .ul !Itl. 8.t d.y.!tò rs cl, ' tli I t .ll tu u 1.. da bú ltòrõ ! üü níllda na Di ita tutn, ,aya ,a eü yi dÀrôúDü P' ÍòúN, túút, rr c3, Í tli, hl m{erü & ún? lrrài, do! drt se'lò r. ! i.r! 8ul ú iltelliqü taÌlúi4d yà aajèbiii! rüIúô! ilò tô qilil !úra! !|!. Ai, üa .l lilõ dÀinÀEü Áui!i.' nô tutq Ei, rs rul dra. ' SlitÀ úë, Ìtõ 6úì, rõEa !úü il|bu ra tà dò !adò, À'iilú bl 'e.qÈ tó da d.t r! ta iL lleü !& Àôôt ts, duk dt !.ta. m tè itò úIrô rleq rúda rr r&l clhr!ü rli úõtl iU 3üitü,hÀlli hra dt Ìõna !t rli thrl. lÍÀiÀbtt lti ó rl ttttalra N cirl! grilú hUõ, lríòlrü yi ,!lt6 úò ! , À.üa !úllrl !à stÀ (i, r lil.! útDrÈDelrr.ú!i llll Lõ t3l3lôrã .! kl!.ha raü.Ia., sóê 1rtutu. O!{ord Urivêsii! Pms lnd Sslivr Corlolsìion, 1952,psg€4. lilrô e8ri!g, srcàingío. !@d; t nüag
(?4,bìtDri/bÀitbri) big huìÌ (enpìâsis!"diclo oÌ ú*ú) üdeêd IrignÌ€úg, terifyiDe (,iú. givúg the oüer on€,tL€ oD€ú qu€stioÌ vhèt do rlìêyce? 0â;'rdr it tu @ne of hú @mem; h6 rlrar!à ? çhat bNiìôs is it
inÀdiì ê fo@ of ,tdr, 'iaì"Àr)
xtrti (?1.il'idn) tõ ita trom!Ìe uilq
(v.) .Larõ
f@t (IÌ@ 6ta,
è dú€ú obj*t pmnou ü hisl sftâ 3 ìjsì low ìigì i@6 vôrh the útüdiiÂUvê6ìthy of íhê
Â! rt r.!i lúLõ, aalãild. Í.t. ra!| da!Ìi ì uò! illra snik sõ6À rât l.i lam*õ. rmò 'lt|! búrl ,! r. ratd !t!iti! rei itli,õ ito! ra !ntÌ. DÀy3 ii hú.[ ,.d lanu klEì !hr, rÉ rr !l iht húlúÀ! t ìild LluI deyi birÀdayeD6ca!ú ôòrìrl tÈ !ú. lhl !à DD, ì&cI tr LInrÀê rli b& ilÀ Eiu!õti C& rri Ed@! üiu ,úl b\võtr ruú ilt lúktÁ ú tà bdcl, .rta gú !ü1. lô,lu !u hdi! büli ilÀ !ô! rl.õ. 8.Í birì südar. I!íôta, ra ,úè !ìittit dòrà biiÀ, yr tl À ttuÀ. tur!ú bitri LúDa, di dqt{.I rltl yi húò. tnrò br t{ra ò bõhuw hÈrEÀ LsrÀi. dotl !.rà lt! laìoã.rulò !.üì. rúì !.ltorsi. Eelõ r. tsrta bri g3 Lnlúòúò h& Y. ú.ÍÀ llt üìl itl 6ÀliyiDÀ I tlú ilioõ ! E.uihr rr ..Ed .ri 'l Yr 'i ItDl !üi. cüa hütd da IràltAua" y! ru8e ! Íú ill ú üi!ú Ìúoa. súa tròitrarã rht, rúÀ yi ir rrsó t&ü Âú4. üìô ! ttãitìú51 Fútë y. lBhca}lr.ut, rr
288 GasÌi}? CorporÀtion, Ì960.
LôMn 43
BibliosroDhy t@ rBjd€,sFeÌve k.r. lrcm â roÀill
ôa!Àrò (?i. ôi.iyl) eil
íìi6 Mt
c!,múa, lióà6I
cô! - hre
pr,È''furn@(&r. lìki4 !Ìayins)
climh (bya taú itüeè: olmó z? lìft ul @mêüpoÀuelpetêdry púI (tLüs) off. pul (thine) out rhrw (viol€ndy) Gü fôrn ot
l. Pühüotid of @t6iÀl! ih âhd on IIÁus siüt al wôll ìêfom liheh€simiry oftLê tFeüieüI c6túy. The 6rü of the ìsDgurgevs FbÌúed hy iúlortet el'* J. F, ScüaÀú l8ô2, foltored by his flsE iliotioBry ü 1876,r md ìy rgrr it @ p@iuê for ttluck tô ltrod@ 3 ìibliogBphy of tu@ {hich liBüs 22? iêtu,: .An qcolÌ6li strfty of dy mitiaes itr Esw j! P. Í- H. gtn, Iú. üdrq stuìI! oÍ Nis*iM Iansusã ípmúidso Univ$ity P@, 196?), h sddiüiú to . Bü!3ü3uôisÌ lMò€r of b@b â!iÌ E!@ stütlots @ foúut€ to sticle by EmIM, à!16 3i thêi! dielosl a blge nMbE of pubüóiiom ü q.@. The @údí6 of the ?uìü@tiou i@ltrdê fshl€5,hj'tory, biogÉphy, pM6bn posüll, S@CB!ìy, Dâim shity, rcìkiru mt€risl! âlrl oEch nc. lho sìulde@ óf suú mtdisÌ ü dne lrÌgett to the eforts of iÌF q*Iil€ CortoEtim ú z*i', vìiú ìs cls fo. d€! tr@q-fvê lnììiúed s v€eHy !ffi!.!ú yeE.! 8ú.e 1969,nuü ol tlis iniôistivs ha3leil to tÀe Norüì@ N'gdin PühìjrliDg Compmy,Z&ú. T!@ fôUoE a 6êÌaúiotr0dthe püblictioD in llgìiú or Ssus vhicì ãrc of vrìtrê io stülants begiuilg tLe
í!Ìow dom Gõ lom of €rolrmtion
'u3l, ol rpprou,,Ì óf ú
picìÌup,6nd bt.bên@ (..9.sloog tìe osd) (ì fom oÍ trbta" rrik tup!ú*
(,t. wtútê6tol@h)
2. GrMrof È lúagúag. tre ol iwo it?6: reíerence In sramars snil ledã8osicâÌ (tcdc!úg) g1ÀÌMs. 'sohóa,r f
&c4@ ott^' Eoüo ebq4(B@!ruLr;üü),
en NiaqÀ
, Jo44d
,r /ndÀ8r t;r y,xÌ,ìer r 2 pp.4- 6r ,r n- 80
29t) spitê oJ oe.taú modú@iions madè ú tìe Dsènr gmlrì]w to nale Í uâìle s â led4gogrcal eBmúar, iü rs b6oxy rtr DãEducúory rèlèMce qnn@Ì, Ir is HoÌMúdeil th.t thB bôôkbeüpd wlôúera pomibte ú oõllerior mtì- s god peìagoeic4l grcImm, pts a nouve spwd or íÈu4, lor u (d) PedrÌqosi@ÌGtúMÉ. Tm p€dâsosicolFmB co! be loomDèúdêd. The 6Jsüçill-be ;Gr €$itt Ìeble rjtl ihj! look bc,@ of ihê simildjty of ê??Facl. Trpe MoÌd itresereamilsbletôr trÀe$irh êkì ôf tìeF lmlÀ KÉfü, Charles Ìtuo4'"/,t cú@ Loa Á&!lss. útrivdiúv of CsÌfomis FMq Ì9ì3. Eoilg€, ftrloion T., mil lbnhim UI4u, .4060 Adlt C@ú. wsslilgüoD. D.c. : U.S. covdmmi Priltins O6oe (for rhìe Foleisn Sdú@ Iúújtur€), Àn wlid !â&gogiosl splroâcb qbicb, tlouAh bnol ú uêÍ (iI oòreimble) i6 II. L. @Jvje, Eetix t ttÈ Stvdr d HaM. Jôs sudâtr rbt3Íid i[j.sioo. 1942Ì951. \bt E.Ía@ GÌ\nMÍs. ftê mojonb, oí thê arstusc of lIous vìjch Isve LeenrubLúêd huü be ola€sC.n osrfeÈncÊ grsúmmÌalthough tunr, LÌe the pMmt voÌDq lrovid€ vo6!d4ri6 aDil €rèrciss to ssisi úê begiming úüileo. íi) Onìy one oI tLê"o gÌ.nmoÉ lrôvjd€s any o@uÌBtêând tloÌougbgoiúeÌcpBenrsron of 1ô!e and vowêl Ìeneth. Ii rl& proyìdes à noE soou.ìe tqtm€nt D{IIEuso @mm.r iìâtr àny of its uonp.úioE ônil tìxs.; sDjts of dav; dcfscrsrn ihe wsy rhe book i,..s,"""d;*r, be regud€il & tì€ bBi syâilablo :
AüÉb@, R. c., Ihe Laaes. oÍ thr H@ P@pla. Londó : Univdity of Ìótrilor P6, of I 19ó9. This eiliüo! is a Múúg€nônt Moddn GrMtut oJWã Haw, r94r. (ii) OíLd relercnoe srômes rith vhiel thê süudé!í bsy cone üto oDtsct de tist€d od bÌie{y €valwted }olo*, MaveU, J. Lowry, utl Eloúd M. ToÉhêI, YMda Gohe.J6: Nige. h*, Ld, .4.üluu€, íhougì tnditioìâ1, otrtlirc pr6eú! It ignoB iorc sld úio! of SÃn4 elsll@i Íow€l leqth }lt i! gmenìlX reüable êúil hN convoniúi to w ihar noBt of the oihq tfd€n@ gràmârs lút€d h€É. Roòi@n, Chel* 8.. E@ CrM. LÌilotr: RoutledSe ed K€gm Ps!Ì, 1925 ofIIsNs. Prodüoed On@íLê sísnddil gM betç@ Ë97 1025 hI ônc ôf th€ gr8têst of Èène scholaB. Á ìrief trertE@i ôt Èrut witl m &tt€Dtion to torc or voçê1 s.rmrÌ ÍobgtlÌ ìut cont"inúg sne %lu6bl€ culüuraÌ 1!yÌor. F. W., A Prd.riúI E@ Ow, I-lilotr: OíoÌd UniyeÉitr PÈs, 1923 (tÁ noÉ onplet€ $ásma! thân RobiNnt. Ámoúg the noF uâfd ôf tìô old€r gM6B hú Dot elmx3 s@ú1€.
Mie€.d,F. W. fr, Á GMì
ol .ne E@
Ia gwg. Lotíot: Kegm PaüI, tgl4. TÀeno6l dt€Nive of tÌe oldêrglêÌma. (iü PNsils neftioÀ ur abo b€ natle of the íÕllovúg gmÌÌrlMs wìich beoaue oí ag€,
i93 jnobplatens or ünÌ€liâbiÀty .re of les vsh€ rlu thm &lÌ€âdy liÂteil :
Mi[€r, W, R., Ita@ Ió,a, MissionerySooi€íy,r90Ì.
úrôr, E. P., rar" Bíw l4 GuAzb
Jôs : S. I- M. B@kÈhop,reviseileütion 1939, EMÊ;d!, l, Cwúe EMd QrMr. Otlord.. Geors€Ronald, 1953anil Ì969. Sliü6, A. N., Irc@ld ,rgtnd'. Iddo! : r.Ì,ìon u4iw€Bú of IÌ*, 1968. 2nd ôilirion. Ì968_ BÉ!ÃeÌ, S., a I M. ,{shiPsj!, ,?iròúl' dãr
X. Düri@ti4. IIsw: r
. Làipzi9: V&BVedreEnzrklo
There re
qood diotiomri€s oI
Àbrú8b. R c., DidiMr! ôJ thz Eaua tÃns4t.. Intrdon Udpmiiy of Inodon PÌcs, 1949(Bp út"d
BrÌesy, G. P., A Eú@Enslüh DdiMn! ahd, Ênglish HaM Vfubxtü!. IÃndor : OdoÌdllhiveÌsity Pres, 1934(rôprút€dì951r. Abrúmì dioiionsry pbyjd6 a mo.e moustê toml amlrsis atrd mls fde eltl roF€ì lúÊtb tlrô!Âhout Ií .ontÂm, le€vú no IhsIú to Hsm *ciion.- Both dictjoneis oov€Ì viÌtl.lly tlo sMê grcúil, Á. N, SLitrqì. taM tntlisi Po.]4t DüriMí! Kanu w EaM da fü@i (Iabdôh I-!súM, Gr€er uil Compmy, 1959, evisail 1968) Md la . rho qÌü( didioú6 br lclón tr376)rnd nôüintu om),
Eì4LiÂh-Ea@ ï1diotur! (Z6r:b r G$kiye Corporãiion, t966) or€ very nueh ' for t!ê looket '. UdDrtMíely, tÌE eithe. ignore or e uürüsts'orthy in thèir Epr€sêni8tion ol tone 8nd vovêl lôngih, ,L DoF uôfuÌ ÌEoI Olilough ii doee&i ÉpÍeeli torc or \ovel leigt\') Á ltawú fa{i & ?@am, pübìiüed by Inlenam, Gm ud Cônpuy ú 19ãÌ (bt L N. SLimd tLôugì no enthÕr i3 údiúi€il). TLb book is sal.rirìeÀ Á Didi@ry ôÍ Endísh Cnwsotioa Jü Eaue gtudent3 but i! velt u!€nt s m Engliú to Haüs e!id€, eotrtsitrine ovd 300 !âgEs of oldináry md jdiom8tio Esus erp@ioB, a. R@dth4 Mordídt i6 Ilw. "4, ú@tioftd sborc üìerc È u ebuDiì.D@ ol suoÀut€í.b lrt n@ m beúg produod â11tì€ tine Of ihe hudndr of iíêns tlr3ú @üÌd ìê lbt€it, iüo fo[oviDg is . 3ú.Ì .e i!9, Á!DhM. R. C,. E@ Litãaàaa @d ú. E@ ôoúrd &d.r. L!dm: Uliy€Bity of Iddd PIw. 1949. ltr€ fBt iço thiÌ& of tìü volMè È Átr uorgúirêd oollè.tion of E3B ìit3btE FiíL Ebgli6h hDrtrtionB of vartiDg quglib'. TLió eiÌ Kbft'd, ãd@ ,4@lirgt eÉ, hove@, tls dìy publiôhed @U6ti@ oI Esús literstN vìiol e |Mlrcd for toDêud voml hngth. Àirsli€, üNiM D., Xtãyd. Lldor : LDgnm, çrè6n úd ConpúI úit Zeir : G8skiy8 CoÌpoBtioú,
r960.  90-t%€ elen€nt rr eh@l geogÉphl b@È. 3aÌd, R. I- and L. O. iuu*v&, Oqíod EoM núdd, s.i6 1,2, 3. Ióldor : Odord UliveEity Prss, 195É8. T!Ìe ftll il$t|ât d llinüy *L@l r€âiling prines. EelÌo, Áììoji, Go"uìÀa,zdiô; çasLiy. corpÕÍãiion,  l3-Drse ljstori@Ì mn€l
Bmqti,Nn\t, M@ Púlè UaÍtuÃt KM. C*kiXè Co4o.stioì, 1948{EDdÌt€d Ì966). 4 153-!Àgeac@úr. of MutrÂopelih tu;i !!d joumêysselTg üIe n,ouíbofúêNiÂ*RiÌ€r. BanèI', Núu, Bolà ìtn t^abivo, Aú: cmLE, (ÌìrpoBfion, Ì95o, Án thsgê èltuent&J' à€oÌúì ìook. Cou-.f, J. W., €d., A@,gtM Kan e@la^dúl l,De@os, GÌM anil Oo.,t953, Á sioú $l*iion o{f.bl€ ú ÌLur, XãÀ[, md Abubâlr llìe, l],a ,,tjÌd!. -Rupdb,-tÌrrpomhoD, l9t9 (Eprjnr€tt z&0: hhla t962). Á natm study òôok of tr6Ìly 100 ies8,
l:%;'l*'f ïP,# "#*i;"il1t.,ff
rdDe). Lasc: CMS B@txÌÌop atrd zsnâ: iìaüirs tror?@hoo, 1924i4. The ÀBbiú NjsÀtu in lÌâtr*. JoìEtór. H. Á. S., ed., Lgdarih of Eaua &ún:. pÌ8 (O;dd IjbÌF Irondon: OdoÌd Udv$iry Õf ' Àiìicd l,iientue Sênd), 1966. GÌ@o, Â H. M.,.od yàh,r^ ]Jjyt, A Moaan -Kìrl |ruveÌsfty of r,Ddon PÉs. "* ?{K -*_ À coU@tion of sleeahês ud nempsÌE FDort! Ílnstãtúg cotrl€bporsrtEous. Knlt l-. H.. tldún Ìcdd?r, Bêrkcle,aüttoe Ájertês: -. uuvè6riy o1 Gi'roo3 frs, 1973. Cuìtml, gcôgÌspìicaÌ md ìjaío.icalr€lüs jn Esüsa í,[ dorled for xon€ and woyeÌ longrh). ÍúaD. Àüaii Átubê!ÂÌ, Maaom Ja; Ce ftireè
coshya.ôrporaiiôb. rvjT3e.
A g@d, fún blsth (oyer 650 pssd) nÒvêÌ. ,L liü oilhrced foÌ ! begim* but dcè[êbi Fâding st s bt€r ste€.  olassicoí EBüs litd8tuE ì{âtâú, Àbdt ohi,lfm,í Dcrì dô GaÌ.ito CoÌloEtion, 1958. Á ?l-pagê itsorilriôn of sv€rel uaú, AMnÌnâriL, 2ffi1 ?@4@ Nijdisa 16 ÁíM. Lqdon : Iüeú,bq CÈe âoit con!ânr, urÌ zâria: [húiy8 Côrpoatioo, ]9õ?. .{ 2Ì8 p&gehistory ol the Mivâl ôf the Briiiôh in <ue\E. Ìú, eld,., Zd@ Muhm iÌõ SMúsú. ZNiÀ : Ga{LiyaCo.!mtio!, 1966. À 20+pg€ trstnot oI ydiou osío@ Etrdcrd,Ílsof odt in ofthê çoÌlil's p6dd. skim€r, Â. ìÌ., ãde ?dÌã od Tradüúm, w\. \'. Idilotr : ÌBlk Câs, 1969. Tìió i! ühêfrt of thF€ volu* giying f@ tì6 fst iiúe m 3.9Ìiú tr$IÂtioD of r- Edg&'s €lesic thM rclue6lì6tionoíEsurfoÌLÌialeslubÌislÌ€d in 191113 N I'rt'rj M To1 tuíyoriN IIML sli@r,4 N.. /Juüd Fadrn4s.l,VjensúUnileEiiy Á @iletior of rê,ilúgs fúh Eileãr in IÌâüs rith mÍ6. sônÒ,r in aldfur (Arabic)as{€lt ôsNúâtrüêd tdaw. Balewa, À$àji sü ÀbubãtaÌ, s/Ei, umÌ. z8rjè: GaúiF Côrporâtion,1946G€!Ìúted 1955). TLe ôÉü lovel ol the late trinê Múist€r ôt Nisúit (49!os6), d€alúAvith thc trâvdE ôf ShehutÌmer fion Bmu tn À$bia. ,{ì DnEÌiEIiBGlltior bv M. Eiskett çss pnllh][il hy Iónsn;,s in 196Ì.
Mi..eqaw srDry boôkw ptüíshd w G6híva Cdpüatíe aià Nor.ltu Nildiab Puúkbitls Conaans: Ã4 rda {d'.tu (4? pasls of f.U6). Ì{d Ya Ia Kúafu (71 paga of fsblear. Áï@ Í29 Wg.e oÍ fsbl6t. ,Sant (tço botlêls, 66 átrit 62 Dts6 of fMiÍ helnfüI itrímtiotr fôr êlâm s[6] Áiiiltenr 'F JtÉi irgayt (s õr"psg€loYeÌetüe) Iìizfr Na Xüa'ttow \48 psas oI f3bl6t. ra íoyt rard" (Â3o-psgê.Ìe@úNr rBde) Ãr@6
sdjdJid (4 @jor &YoÌ).
Labdtu N6 DÈ,Da Nõ va@ ts sh@b' Í.voüit3). 5.
A&rd.i!. T!* ieÌude (sM.I tüstoriol òEoLsrcu l úst€Iiú hoth ir Etrgürh úd
ÁmeB,DÂvid, ed Ki!s, AI}LoLy, abwr 4 HM Múi.. . .;n S@í.dContda. Noúhrdta UtrivNity DdaioÌ, J. M., I EM 1916,
B.la'ti.d Yd,hlary. 1Ãadóa,
Ht,''s,.!.., úd S.Nsibi,Crrdri'lr oJÁbúa. rrss: .Lfti@ UnivoÌsiti6P.*, 1962An €rcelÌêltlt illusbstêrl @out
ôf IIau66 sôciêty ú
giU, PoUy, !zÍul ÌJdúa r Á villagè diì a seírin4 Csnbiiìge Univ*siüt PÈ6, Ì972. Eogb3À,S. J,, ad Â. ü. M. Kük-Gr.,ft, Ihe Etuínlps oJNotlhün Nìgúid. I4rdon : O*fod UnirrcrsityPrcsq 1966_ Dêtoiledhistôry .f tà! I{eus kingdons
firlr-Geene, Â. IÌ. M-, 'Nslogims ir E!úa: Á 1963, S@iologrcalÂrpúeì.' ,!/n@, Íó1. xxxlll, pp. 25-44.  ilaindi of many ol tÀê lNoiDltile bofrçingá @úiúg into Èduâ MeúÌy ihugL conieü çiiÀ Dürcp€m lessges (?dmily Dnglúh). Á lÌeìiÌÌinlry Inqü ry 'trtoHsusâQrcnstoloey. Zâüs: -Ahnrilu Bêiìo U Y€Bity, l9&. TìÌe stuiliesin tìê ôrigiro ol peEmsl, title Mil pb.ê -,
Ba Dqbo Bú Na,
Ai, IlM
A colleat'onof 500 IÌrns ?reÌdbs ÍMì6úi, Ìbr,àinì, Y.ààr3 Is lhd Beìlo Dòu., Ilaüu CúrõN. Z6ris, N.N.P-C., 1968. ,{ uefu.l expGitiôr of IÌÈus cDstom, cra,ft.s,pâstiÍreE, etc. ?ubÌished h Xnglüì. RatiràL Ê. S., ía6o ,t lÌ-Ir., CütoN, PtôMbs. OÌíord: Clormilon ?rcs, Ì9Ì3 (rcp.int€il 1968). -q! iúportânt côlÌêction, mostly gât!€Éil in Noúlem SniíÀ, MNy I., 3aó4 o/tidÌ". Ìandon: Ì'èbe. md FaÌre., 1964 (Ìêp!ôrêil 1964). .{ vahsblo bjos.ophy ôf IIâe vôhân i! EngÌìs! ' úcieit b)' ü. q. snitl. ìvitL an iútrcduction to lÌôus oJ Sdith, ì{. G., fie j8@nó,,, ó/ d ItMa cownít! 1955Zaría, Lo dot : H* ìlojestx'ô sl8tìôndX 06.Ò, Á iletãileil stuilv of the sonomics of ! Frusâ Gdqn'tuntit -{n dcelleni 1800,Ì950_
LÕLda : OxforrìUrive.-
enalysú ol a Euso
298 Tsylo!, I. 1Y.,oÌil Á- G. Webb, Iie CúürN oJ th. Eaúú Pêb?L.!ÃadÕa: OdoÌd Uriv6ity Pru. r9l2. Á üsful @llecüiÕnoI cdúüsl ieÍ6 ; H.üâ md EngÌi6h. TremeÂm., J N., Eaúa Svpistúaú andcustM LÕldoo : J. Brle. ^. Eons,Ì 913(rp.úú€d F.â.k Css 19?01 A lôrge colÌeatìob in Dndiü of.dtxÌ.l m.r€rBb,
pt@úts I"h ^rn Lago6: CDv.ÌMo( PrDFr, lgao (rprúr€d br Crp wÀÍrrg. c. E. J-. ÍIú@
InFDaÌjôbat. FomborÕugh. HrD|Á.Eúbtrd. 19'6?).A nâjor @Ue.tjob ô{ 2000 Esusa üd 600 fúâni ?FveÌü úib Ìbglilh trsnsÌstioE.
6, leclhiúlgtrdìes. LLN oÍ 6hemany t@ìnioel sruú€B iD Engìiqhee Dot€dhde Íor thos shô rish !o qo boÌ" deoply úto IIa@ sf,údy. 1ìê íidê! indioat€ rLê õo!üoar Olhêr inlorrut tehnicâl sdichs iú Eblli6h wiU bfoud ib 6uoh roúrbais is Aíran rM;úe Studils JútMt oÍ Aítu;n rin4ua46: Jo*""Ì oÌ wi"t Àhi*; IÃnsw . Büttdú ol thP$iwt o! ovÃd aú ÁÍü-,. tunia, sturti5 n Álíi@n Li@uÃtw. ,4tnhj nnn Ilò,Ga. ê1a. ThpF sú, .r edd,tdn, e.ê,si;orudt Haúss rchda$ qlo cultoúanty miü3 in loDquãsB orha tlan Eogülh. ÁÌoosth*doD, Oldeúss; ofÌusôia. c. cDUflè of Fmn@, J. Lulss of G"rmni: P. Zlm of ChchosÌowakiô&úd N. Pilv,zilow of Pob ì, In r9?, the Niqsiôn LÀbÊraqe6 CotE of Àbduìlaln Bs@ô Collese; Kâúo, pr;duõed íhe Êrsi ilsuê or ÀÊim l4!gns$s rêvieq mitt€n jn gsos, EaÌtum^ 'b Nú. ud. TIê ìncü oomrlêtp ecat list@ of Miti.ss otr H;uei is [hâï @npil€d by D. W ÁmoÈ ÍÒ" th. ;úsd rdiiion (r9t0) of D. W*tenÌaM âúiI M. Pr\^L, Ih. Iawr ' @6 af V6t Á{w ,Iú.nsíioBI ^. Áf.ún Insrúurê) Cenocho, J., ' Glottalizríiôí ü Haus,' ?rahtr{ri% of tle PüiÌnlogiql srcíe4. 1952, tp. 1a,ú9.
!99 Coríochd, J., À Stuilx of Quriity in ItuNâ, BulÌáín oJ the S.túI ol Orímtal ann .4jri@h $raid, 195ì,!p. 10321044 GÈônbere,Jceph H., ' .{rôbicLotn-WoÌik in ll.usa, IlÌd.i, Ì94?, pp. 86 97. á?hoío\ogr,'I$g"a!è, Ì941,tp. 3lô 323. tt.d4e, CanèÍú T., An oú|tíN ú HMa Grumü, Búpplen€ú ío Ln u49e,1947. EsÍt, CÀsrÌ* II-, 'Th€ Modìeúê nÀin Rêl,rioú to d arcrde. Closjôdiioú of IIaw Vdbels,' J@ru, o/ AÍriM 1an4ur6, 1961,W. 2Sl-240. * Á StuduoJE@ S$t4r (3 volMd). Eeirord, CoEecticuô| I{düfoÌd seúihút Fouil8ììoD BooÌNeNro!, P*ul, 'Id€ôphotr$ From s 8)ntsotic Poiú oÍ liew' , JMhrl ol Wd Alrietu IÃnsuala, \, r96a,
Plmnq F. W., ' Àn Irtnduciioú to S*dôr ú Haus,' Ahi6 IÃnyrse Stü.|íâ I, 1960,!p. lU 136. Tb€ Ororaüôr ôr (ltodd in lÌaus: Thc ?e@!ÂÌ Prcmus ! l GêÀiiivo copnb, ltrim Ltn!úge Studb II, $AL W- LgJ l24. ' Ti€ ODerii on of Geldd ú Harú : Sü.ìiÌia. Dôpdirmi N;Ìintk ear QüotÂds, Aftiún IÃnaera ,SM;.J 1Y, 1963,pp. 166 207. aÌrl N€nirsÌidtion il tLê Verla.l -'SüDDletiotr s]Igten ol-iÌsEâ', Aftika uìn Üh6eq L\, r97\, _' ,'The ve.bãl Sxsten in Esú.,' 4ni&a 2,, Uúese,XLIV, 1960,pp. t 36. Sclscltêi, PsüI, Á GenerstivoÁccoui of EaN Dê ú.f Álriat lansvas', \, 1966, LLã ce', JMt !!.34-53.
Key to ExeÌcises Êaüsato E gliú Exeúfue8: I
4, ghê s sr oÌd rond. 7. He's (my) sÌalilftìL*.
6. It's rot s conÌFund. ?- Tbey sre nol chitihoÌ.
onìr ono hodòto! no!oiobbÌdDÀNdh4.
rod re woÌd Ìiúôieodqins!.
Gedrt lbr
r. Tì6y didn't 80 owây.
õ. ÌIoe my gúvs diit you briDgI 14. 6. GoodL6y€E ! Âlilu [a Iolgottetr úÍ Me
3. Th€t diilnì briry tüe bdk 4. The girl diih'i atum, 5. Átrittr diiì!'C cone to shml. 2. Dú't lei ôê sül6i 6hisM. 3. Cone Nd sit ãom (to t fenôl€). Ì. Wìer€ ìs th€ cìief s Àomô? 2. Ee's the ohiefs loy. 3. I bloryLí Grbô's Ìamp. 6. TLê gi.l
to the sh@lt*hôr'E f.n.
l The boy went to K.!o Fi6I his motid, 2. You t€a.ì€r rei âoLis Iam tbjs nômiq. 3. Why did you !út youÌ b@k or ny cìd. !4. ÌIy boe ent€redyou fridd's loM, 5, H€ bmueìt my bicyclê. Ee diiln't bÌúg Io@ 1. À (ert8ú) hôy {eÌl üto the w.tà. 2. lLis;Í6 b ìibeNigB. 3. You (bw€) llt tìis spon ü thü bo1 4, Ìlì€É is tLe olsn ! TìeÈ'6 tle chsir. 5. ThM !6ple vat to r @rt iú tom. 1. Th* !rê two nôúg@ oú the tsbÌê. 2. ÁJiihneiic is dificìnt Büí I Dd6üud. 3, U€ put the òÁìrD ú his eoutb, ì€ ste (it), 4. Wü*ü úhèlrlgê àor ? BèUohE soú to üi. Àd!
õ, Gooui strrtcÌM tüo iI@. I! thN food i r. I d hr@. t. Did vou b;L! üÂt m ! Y6.ü@b€ú. 3. Iú íú@ s-sr@ú h@ ! Yd {tÀ@ it !ol). 4. E ch6cìrliim sd. to &hól ! Not t6ü. '€ ó. EÂm't tou got Ègdy t No (or tüô @trüt, 6. EN is ì[.bú Chrbs. b@Ì. Whdú
nirc I
1. Whrt À[email protected] Y.Lubul Loe ! 2. TL. std;l-hs !s.d D{. Ltì PLÍ 3. Etopdd tie úp tou ldd 4. IIi! ìoe tu stiftlt io iü. üom, to ìü Êi6d'3. õ. Ee 'êt l lêlo breu{ht a n4t2. Tãtô thm ihf b@k úil Rtu qücHY 3. who sôvôyoo ihe eagsI Tne bEilsr si úe sid€ol il€ 4. 8nêvat to nârkêi, sì€ bolgLí u e4eÉi@ Im 6. Youít) pick€dt[d n!. You(r)t ok then lô your
306 r. I om v6ry ìúgry,
of thÈ I vitl êsi now,
3. Tüe ú Doorc Fhon ú!€t f@Ì, 1, WÌôx * rs dôrc st KrÌo tìe dãt beforerÁt€ld,y 5. I ilidr't * tàGe t]ìÈt Iôü {Mt thêe.
3. lllÌlr úll yotr (r) do ? Ì shsl rüuú tô iom ,ft€r 4. Wü tou IEXne ihe tressôf yo.Ì brip ! 5. Áft )ou g!úg to mdk t toilay ! ìo, stp goin8to
1. Eê fell iúo the wstê!. 2, r|.ftd ô€ ilM we vü so to tl€ càiefì. 3. r ìe reüüm rle! I úsii so. 4 H€ itid hiâ wdL iike a òo; r. 6ôb
r go b€ d
6, Tle guesí püt Lú !ì@s uder my cìEí Ì. ,. 3. 4. õ. 6.
I ilob'ü hsre {evr íEEiu unldútâ' Hi. firher i, 6r;ú r@." Mt vjlè is rd}ils yery rê1l ôõ üle iam. the cbiof h8t6 to obê @d irlk to u t hômF (MI) rifo ìs ou {oôd ü hd !trt. Tìe !s e of thst tom doúit ilânce,
1. 8Àeis ilÌi!ÌjÌg vstôr. 2. Doeshe opo íb€ il@r ! Y6. trêooeB írt). 3. Do úey;U horo o.B ! Ys, ràú #x lrhú). 5. TLie voÌk is üot itificdi,
Ì. Wlere is the rú!êI I gÀr€you yostdil6y ? t. whi.[ loFy sill you go in ! 3. I sn r tind ôf dsnoethrt I !ãdn'í *@ bâfor€. 4. lllen€vd ìô côn6 I ilatr t mrt to @eÌüm5. I vor't ìuy úXôìing âi ndk€t today.
l. !oEj* LiIèiI nDy leoplê lÀstX@Í, 2. P6pÌe rut doci.s ío do uìêi. voÌk çell. 3. Menâr strcryer tüe *ôúêr. 4, lyì€E de tht @mpoúds id rhich v€ lelt oür Ìoails to t[ê l€adiq nm of i]e tosn h*âuse 5. ÍIë Fú; they vmt(etl) b€ tó i3& to then.
l. SoEerÀr@ãesDlârcslsnd€dot rdo. 2. ThG b;kn* fôì rod obtÂinedo litílâ. 3- This littl€ boòki6 bobt* fttitús than that big ôrc. 4- üttlê childÌm .r€ plsying ü the oìd maÃ3 lonê 6, Eê ptrr oú ([is) biSgom büí didn'í iLnce.
l_ Duing tüe riúy
ssotr ihis nvq flêd i. íhe brin
!. Àl or us got Ìp ,t tìo Àth€ tin€, vê threw bib 1. Tìê !.ôpÈ eho üe .ôm ús nU stsy hde ! ìo rim., 2. 15€ one sho caDè üodst Ìeít ÊorLy.
3. Wlm I ew Lih âtl of 6 sudilen Lê nôüt
d Lis io.se
L Lbg Bgo,üêF Ms tu old mrn EIo pr€lôRd his fem rú úoe€dgeor tbE road. 5. Iljs iDpêrÀtivetbst-tbêye€, "oÌÌ rigòt "roy. Wü yon arvè r @ rhm ! Ì. TÀ€y dimisil
3 Dotrì yóu (pi.) eoEt, núhrne Ie ì3ppeled yêr 4. rou ri the bNiD. Afi€r úairsrer üìe bo!6ê. 'n yotr r€veiÌ you ftúer 6. Why *oDì Irem çiiÀin ,our Làú ?
2. Irr meüúêe;]
€üoÌrÁin rìis worÌ. tvìy. ìsvê!,t
)!u g.t íired ? WotrÌ yor Ì@vê (ir) t€i ? J . rv € n ô ! ú *e n tb j styp € o fd ú cê . L e i m etr vr oilor È. GodÍôrbd I Gôods;ÁoB, yôu çon'r besbt; tu do Í | 4. I üalkedto bú, lost Feek but he [.sn t rôr'med íh'q 5. lq tlìe psst they úd€ ho6es bui boç thev DFÍcf caB. lÉttatso ? Its t.uê L I üsd plaúed to eo to hi6 home(rby.st) ro eRêi uD, iôà Ì heardtne bem and d{ided ú woúd be best for ne to t€I hih. 2. BefoÉ he (ÍNr) câec Ì lúd wôrled ìerc À lônÊ rine_ 3. WÀm I c.n€ Dpon hin innsrlietety n€ búk;üú. .
Is ouÌ íoôil rìl gorc ? No, th€rêis s Ìiftle Ìefr. Do yóu
mo tô o@k $be noÉ !
6. wiU fte Ìlúrsr€r of EdxBiiôn aÌve a lDeeoàar GMU ? Y6.lêts get rcsdyând so.
2, It rü be ìôst íor yoü to w,it ì@ fo. ÃoÍ, Bôfórê ,!u Ì€túh !g8ir ii çilÌ be ío.dtiúe. 3_We l€pi skjDg .vortrì€B il tôm but ve goi no
Ìrq âon (LÈ) \{orÀ.
1 May tu lemit u ro be sü€èsfú.I ü oü iBdi4_ thi6 doesDot LsDren Íê'[ Iâvê to hÕmr
r. Wlt I forgot to lriDg ihê food côokeil. I brcught it
4, E6vom! 1ì m*iÌ8 ihin8 hôppgleil Xêet€rdryiightaed úe & tìtt I t&o úi& ôf d dl'lm€ 6. I'n goiDgio tle @t€d to hDy riD€d food, bottleil bd ânit {son€)ot}€! i}itgs tl8t I E.d. l. I !..d to cut útrúolotì. PicLu?tì. sisoB ânilü€lpúe. 2. E.ì trot  lrcMr of goodcÀ.@têr, E. k tryiry to ke@ bY fr@d frcb lobt3hjn4 rork. 3 Wt'd È. hd út€bd ìir mÌ€t siaü beeü doú ed 1- IÌl mit lü Én. T!.t id. I sÌltll sit
ìèrc etiì he
í Th@ @ inò@tios thet you wiu ìlwe túüìtlê ìBre if yor do!'t !êl@tè yoü tìiDgs dgtt sv!y. l. À sm!€ ìii tLê nMg€r but tbe detor g.ve àütr mèdioioeso lü8t Lê got vêü. 2- IIe s not . H!w, àé's6 Fdâlj. But in spitê of this l€ sprsksthe Kano disleú (ôf srB) w€n. 3. Zdis is suth-wst ofKâm. Kst€i@ iÊtõ ihê norih4. We iôil plsnrcd to work togetheÌ but àe w$ idtê. to seìl at nd[eí. Beoaü@of this I I&! 'nything is no ore wno c.n do this 5. Mces h ân expeú. TÀôÉ Wc sÌroìnil eng.ge hin nork êÌcept hin âìoÌe
Etrglishto EausaExercises l. Wenan siilo rúld úà ? 3. ünlàDi! Eakeuüi
2. 8i 4é,
Ì. 2, 3. 4. ó.
3, YÂli nà.
bài ci Àtirci ba.
Itrãtii ità üòdna 3e lÀn siiianüÀ jiyÀ. Ì!n liìiriia ? rÀ si rú ciki! drtì!â. oà !ãLÀ, Cidsúúü à xâúà !ë. lúõ lakÀ ? übmlÀ yã fìt! sÀti t Ler hsryÀ! EMò. YÀubà Àbõklni ya ci àbinciúà. DÀ iãiõ.
2, Eh !i rMcàn túèrà !en. 3, Vrdaú!! rÂÍÃ. WadÀúeâ! úõ.
l Yãlilri tã lrui À Imjtuã. 2. Ìtõ yi ÈBkuà cilir tLli|i:m. 3. Y. h&i Èèkádíì gidMÀ. 4, üín bi Leyà À biltiú Ìòci. 6, EÂi !, ÀLwaiEüiôE t!ÌFÀs eikiú rmqà! úõtÀ.
l, úütün bÀi ei sõla b.. 3. Yãúiryi btr tn tÀí sõnã hs, 4. BÀr yi likì hs rühr& 5. aà À Lãrô ttrjàrã bs. d&rprchod4usi\!o
oo! m! rèrbnú rsuin\ rhe
hq. rh€ ksmhrors ü deúúoì b ;!rde I rL. Elslsi Bihq rh; b b
2. Tdyr I 3nìsa! ZÀus ! r,, Eü rõ Eü ci àbirciúò À gid.úúò,
l. l3. 4.
uqÃtntn dãçõ(!i!)? Â'1,[Àr{dãrôb& EeüòbÀitiô r&ô jiya ba? Ã,1, rarà ÀLr.i.iÈ ? J, Àlçli .üì dÀrÀFà òDEô bÀbüÈüdi ÂlrF.i ÊFri dÀ E.ileã !â! ? Àtrri D.it.rtr aDDã
5. {a ji rmrt.
3. Ìaa!èEi r'Hti r&edbi! iábür ÀúDn btrng@ ,1,Ìilú !A darõ wtÊ Eni zrwi $i tn tÀvësht. 5, lite L. ri Eilt ôúi rÀ ÌÀ sÀDi kÍn d!{t rArè
!. tu ta! rü sld
cili! ilrçü
4. Ârilü ya rüli aiita rhar.Niiyt. 5. li llÁ lam{õ i tui,
,. Yi rìm raíi IkLõ vúàr. 3, Yül itò bòbbr! itlcê gÀbú giitluà. ,1, túÀ dÀ,y!o,rr. (sÈitÃ)!lü r Fdô, 5. Bl D iìr rhr. Don Ârl kôitÀf,ÀÉ lElbi ! 6. I'l& yeà m hè teú tú cildú lúeh tsn b..
L Aôll túa ôìúà, Rüé.nÌ. l. ti !ü O ? l, ÀDD. nòt F Lr h.. ,. Yi rlúi úiEl. L d,.d thi. luert!ì drsur 3. Uú he Eúgt..ò (srdi) !rü oitú Eôta!À, {Etì
ra! rl
n rü.
3. Yúà rÀyè! Àbilci? I, taúi 3Úê. 4- BÀrÀ húrÀsútú bt ? À'1, tõ !õtl. 5, Yel iràee dÀÈnvnnÀi úwi À LAüt
{, Ia úiryì E&ò lbirci ciliú úurr. bÀbnúfttca. 5. Yt rayi tare !üì. Baúú itÀÌtrìb!. ,. wúcÀn nÀcètsll drì ú!.
l. z. nü rú r.ra a kl.lri
2. Ba 16 ÈÀtàl ElLlrúlt ür, 3- Zn rò tòEbúa l,ò tÀ bõ rü tadÌ. 4. Ili ri Ìs 2 zi ú yõvò. 5. Gàb. úõtÀo B.Ilò rÂi tú (eò,
4 cl yfuÉçâdÀlilò ,ô !ü tàd ciLi! Eõti. 5. Zd nü rinè rü À ruitr itÀ údlÀ 3u sü jÚ4. zâi Lãró ilôB! l. Íõ !s! tìl fi ? {úi
I, Tí so Ìúrulü dÀ üb8sà À 8iit.uü. 9, (õ ú kõ ila rôi !õ Èl}*srta sòb. dÀ .nlè.
itÀ zÀ"ÀôI
t. Ì!a ts tÀôiÈ bôl&úü P 3. WÀcèidn rüà naLs Lnrõ dtuèLú6 ?
,1. &l itÀ !iÈ ità ya*ò kõ'bn cili! sÀd! !an. 5. côn rô gc !úli! itÀ Ya tõ gÀÌt jVÀ.
l . Ákç.i mi&irà!üú itÀ y4a à Â&i.hètr ÁitÌà.
2 . üà$irõ rul lüjèú ità ysri cilü sidÀt€un, 'ra 3. Wader! liilÀttilúi sui da tit ú!üõri I cih. 4. Bnhü úôtôcl dÀ ylv à s!d@n t!übè. 5. ürótà $dÀúitÀ sú Ì. tre liyA ún rè !m râu,
{. aü dldà À ÌttièdrÀ bs Ànbã tn ÚÀ IIru6 Laúar jiüú Kúò. 5 tnÀ !6 tí ci hãlbì ilònin t! sAti t.hu{úr mõta. w.dasr nslàli 3rúi 3ôh gtvÀ Dsü úbirh 3òrI. 2. n6 rÀna sàì ysli aiÈ. shi úÀtÃnlÌi !è Ya ibd6 v.!l l
3 , DÂ ún yõ ròrits tÀ dd.Àta nÀ! hd h ,õ' ÀDúi vrDtr til !u àbiú dÀ rãi yi ba. 't_ f.ili yi cô, ÌôdÀ lÀ rôÌè za*ì sidsúÀ t- 6 tvtr lt
3. DõttlrÀ rã tsi nlwr 4. cAiôln da yâwi rúi
5 , Y. úÀ gân!. Ànúã tsnÀ úsò rüYá !irn.
1. llõri vadilÀ !s s.II 3ãb!rã itrr cì. 2. Güilr esFndâ $ $rô ntt. L Zã tÀ.àilrÀ Ànúoi y& yl!.
r. NsrÀ-lrrÀ !ë swóbàP rw.n;Lw.ìò (!0, bl ra.ì. 2- cii D È rà eà rõ cèb.Ànsn m,õ iivÀ itÀ v.wi a 3- Àrsúi sbúúorÀ BÈsr b. itÀ úìnlÌì Íõ n LrÂu ò ci itÀraffetrÀhinci dÀ iÀlllsrhoÀ oçl
4. Ili !ô h rü sirrtuàaòLn!.
5. Àr jtnò ÌÀrÍe rô nü iõúl sidlionbò.
5. Iits hÀ! yi jsr!Àbiwr br
l Eô. tl zühitÀ íbr ! ElEa rbì Ìa sbìss,
L Ãò dlÌÌl 6id rrÀklrÃw!Ì Ìl!Ã zi ! rstrÀ 3òbo
3. XE hühatè 16r!õ !hÌ tblra ? l, ti !h!, 4. 8Àúta dÀshi !ô!. Yòúh tEÀlts dÀrài. 5. üú fsìè ròÌ, úü ttryú dÀihr.
rrÀ 3ò tA iàiEàkõ Dl ir Llu dÀ !ijüô! dirtiíÀ trÍl
tõ .! jiôi. 3. r! hitú, zÂl lirÀ rht !ô! süÀLilà 'Âi W.i, vã sm tìl t ). aan aúú DúÀ Àgõso!Èò b. ó. Bni ci br iükü!!,
l. Ilã dy&ci siibú ldÈi amúÃ yõ ngi yÈ iàt. 2. xÂi reeàn 6üinn yâ citÀ Âslrr ! dshò itò Fú!ü 3. Á!i mwõ dÀ y.rì
rlÀ ilàÈrì..
Ì.shiúÀnlar!èEakÀ !é.
Don bà ? Dònin Àã hqíÀ BÚa
xadl tÀ sâvl EâlÀ tÀ vi ú!LÀ w.!j
310 2. JtD LAdú n.'ÀiLèta dúki .ukà itô. 3. xirõ
móbúdi !!r. B{.i ìú búdò tôÈ. xi dalltã Èild.n he ú.trtdi !trtd lnd Lsa k0!!è, 5. Ila t DBani ìil.D DitsÀ tú rõd ritl ru*r zri ei {.
Ítanslationsof Dialoguesrnil Fables B. Greetinss êt (you.) comins, Ie. B. L B. L
r{ôw s (Jóu4 rì&dnss l TÀere's!o tiledns. ÌIowt (you) work ? (I m) íhskftr lor work.
L B. Ì. B. L
The ne{s (is) o y sood. Good. Did (you) Êl€êpvêll ! Ìinê. Hw'$ (xoÌr) lanily ?
L Gúod. (se roü) tomomw. B- qood, nôy côil iaìÌc !s (í]] tôDômç).
M. Cood,uiil t noEow. À. Okây, Drt Cod iate us (tô ionorcr).
Y. Greetilgsât ydr 6mìô3Dsd.
Y- Wlo Íenú to xom ! D. Nq not nltiÌ tôborrow.
Y. Gooil. B. How s lyou) ds)r lsouÌg)t B. Ilort (yôu.) üeilÌes ? G. TlêEh no tiEdns.
Àd. I3 tìis conpouil yotrs ? Ail. Wl@ is you. fs.m ! Áb. Ther€t ny íárn ovêr tn€re. Áb. I 6nieÀodplÈntúg t síerilôt, -{il. I'i!e, s}e! üil yor staÌt ! Ab. Ât the ìegimiDg of this nontì. Ád. & foÌ nê, Ì h3va'í ffìiÊLedúúe y€r, Àb- Tìrf's oÌây. I (Law€ío) BonowAd. O}ãt, util lnoíhd tine. Àb. I'úe, nay tu tÂÌe u ([o morhê?üinô).
G. IÌowe yoÌ @ne Íell ?
a. Fine, Ìorhilsk ms. G. Is yolr tutuüy weü a
G, Gooil. Did ìe so ro herkêi ! B, No, ìe diibì e. tô msÌÌet. C. Olrãy. (S€ yÕtr)Ì&ú€.. B. Okoy. (sêÈïor) let€r.
K, Sôhê ?eoPleh&Ì€ @mêto oür.aúpounil, M. Good,I've bDught foôd fDa D*Ìet toilèy. K, Clood.Thereì pl€tríy of ilrirkiús {ster ioo ì1. Tìe ohiêíof the àownbe @m€. K. (You'e) rigàt. Iì€ ìas ome Fiü str inpor[Ânr bd. ìÍ. ls íàet mm o cìiel ús ? K, Y6, tris boy lãs lmtrglt s lereeÈox. M. Good,vìrtri s in iìé box ?
ÌÍ. Tvo atrdtlrêè N€ Èo* m.Ãy ? À, Tìis is the bìcycÌeôf the ctiei's &n, U. OkÀy,Nh*eì Âuduì hicycld! Á. TÀer it is tu iLe lnt
M. Thri's right. IIov.boni sìÌ rnd soven? M. tu-
lou tim6 iwo iElow mory,,
3n D, M. No I Yoü Dade ô qilteke. D . (Ì-oü'e) risüt. It\ onÌr,eiglìr. M. OÌÌty. Hov mny is six tÍncs íhÌee! D. M. G.od. Ìs t1ìislrithmcti! dilìcdí ? D, M.
H. Is your fanüX weìl ? Y. Y€rx well. IÌãve you cone ÍcI ? IL Fin€- Noihing s wmng. T. Goôd.Ent€r,lel'ssìt do*nII. Gôôil. Gosì, the sun is lDt tadsy, Y , lY o Fl n g h t. B ot. bÌi ìg,l ri nk i ng ratê Í ' d. r \e comero gftêiyôu. Y. çood. Th$k (ro!). ãavc you @nc tôÌn hôrÌ€t ! I{. No, I\c oone Êon ìomê just mw. Y, Fine. IIêE\ veüer to drinL. H. Gooil,rhDks_ r (hev€ro) so no{. Y. OlÀy. Unril ,nofher tine. I{. Ìirc, untìl ¬hertin€. U. -4rethere I)otôtes et úarkêN toilôy ? G, No, but ihere de â Iôt ôf y!N, M- Gooil. IIôw hncü do yèns cost ? G- r sLilü.g snil5 kobc io 2 chillilgs. M, Wo{ ihey m expe$ivê | G. Not m I Thêy sÉ dl ls€o. M. TÀ8t s dll righô. AÉ there also bananas! G. Yes íÌreE src, òut not nant. M, Irine, lÌor obort grav$ ?
32r O. Á lôt. TheÌe ere tlso plèmíyof nang6 3.d oitÌus, M. Aood. Lctì s. and8et Go'na).
B. IIoN núrc[ dos a bicycl€tyÌe côst ! ü, Wcìì,ther€aÉ iÌrrEêkinds- TheF ore*hib€,blÈck B. Fine,hÕr nìucndo6 4h 6t3 ìÍ. ÁNhitc oaek r nsiB, 6shillìígô, B. !Vow,th.i's €xpeúive ! Ì1. But tbi's íbê b6t om, B. Êow sbout. bl,.k one! B lvhÀl Àìoüt s r€ã one! U, The red on€s árc the Ìedst qPo$iv€ &t I mnt. 2 sìnlngs. qood. B. B. Ok!y, Ì'll buy thè wüiü€one lor I @io, 4 snilings. tl. No sôle. Tìtt's the pricê ôf È hhok orc' B. .4rl Ìight, ho* nüoh is the reÀlPrice.1 ìÍ. I Ì€duoê(ihê prioe)3 kobc. B. I incMso (ny p.ice) bY 5 ltobG M. CoDq con€ no{ $ | M. Pôyn 55. B. oki, I odr (you)ìl 5'0M, I'lÌ âgr€eto ìiÌ 52Ì 3. Goôd,!êrc'e thô noneY. À. whercÀÌêyouBong KãndcI
K. I n goihg lo ihe oarh.n Lo Lúl a nes LudJ croth
322 K. A. K. À K.
To lni @ to go to tìe dâìôa dre d.y â.itêr Gooil. Bon you pEônt body cloth is nô You'rc Ìishi. It he Roliv lot olil. tìd rotrr huÊbând srveyòuìF nôD.r. ? No I I {ld (sme) tqDuts.
M. GmeÍDgsD {yoú)vdl Dogo. u, ur€cbnssrÌ 6our) @úma.
M.uor s qyou4iloy igorn$i
D. Fúè, notìiDg Ercrg. ì1. Gooil.
D .  Eto u h e â d rgl órtos n ? M. No,lm juú ôuütor a stsu. D, OÌry- Lêi's sit dom âìil chrt. M. OÌÀ]. IÌereì (bnê) ao.d shad€. D. GedDcs, ú\ (uJy) lot today I M. You're Ìieht, ií's the tjne lor iü. D. Right. M. I À€sÌyou siÌl go to I(Ènó tomorc$.. D.\c6. I lì eb hy lony itr the ooruÊ. Iu.Good,NhaüyrlìyôtrdotbeF? D. Ih ÂoinÂtô sêI hy @Dea6q in the m.rket. U. Cüi. will 10" EtoeÍoru in KÀn. I D. Ys. rn, sôi;s to jo;k tô; woÍk rb{e. M. Fúe- lv]|n vill rou ntDn (here)I D, Not uriÌ ne{t month. IL Gôód. I havêtó s. nos, D. O[ry. (Seêyoü) ;ìen I reiun fró'n Kano. M. Right, nay yotr refurn efely.
J. I vúr 1oratL ro üh€h€d of rLe hou@, G. TLê Ììeadol tld Àouseisn't leÌc iodÂ),.
J. OkE , Íìôn sil ìe letm ? ç. W!y,I iloaì knôv. Eê Ími to LagG. J, Diil Lê g0 bI aeropllht ! J. Ho' I@y ilsys wìI ìe stây tìeF ? C. Oì it ron'ú bo no.ê tlú a s@}. J. Il !ê eoinato buy úDÍrü* thm ? G. Po!À;\'.-Bur h; vent baâus bh hrotherhNd'êd. J, Wìll ÀenNí probobìyÈtuh neÌí vak ! J. wlen he Éluns ttll lin I úeedhis helP, q. oÌ", rll tell hìn. J. G@d. (s@you) Ìet€Ì. G. OlÌeX,Gcêyoü) Ìater. T. A. L À.
I! sìmÌsorÌ whaí jÈ üh€ncí dificüli for yon ! WslÌ, only üitlnetic giv€! úe iolllle. Is íÀst riqht ! ülìat about Easliíh ? Well, Ë.'sÌLì ú very iliÍ[onit bu0 arithnôtio is
1t, Rsedingis't diffioult 3 A. No. It's e$y. Ì€ldins id ds (rêry) djoyâble. T. Good, Do Iotr rmd á lot ? À. Y6 inde€d| ,AlÌ íLê rime. T. But you côr't ilo tÌiihhoiic ? Â, No,I oü do (ú) sUti8ht. But it is di6cült. T, OkÀX. Qorti.ú Fith your efiorts. Thô Èym, ihe üzerd ãnil t[e Dôg In oldentins th€F @ a ìytu. Oneilay sheças yety àu.gry. Sosì€ ôrcs atul r€ntouí. Slìêwd i@ÌingIo. food wÌìentlôre rrs a lúâÌd st€lirs beÈG. WAo shê sãi the Ìimrd sìê úughr ìin. Shêms oboui tô aô Lin
8o shosâid(tõ ÈeseÍ), .Lú De helore I r.tnrn to @tch ihô dos.' So Êlìciook úe lizdrd I'oìnc '$rhcn she rèturn€d sbe didn'i *c tle dos- Wlile she Nre têÌnìs LÌrcli?ard ìrone tlìc dÕ!Ìrm offúto rìe bnsh. \Ìlier ille htem retürÀeil lône sìê diòfr !@ úlÌe lizâril. While she w&sloôkiq for the doa ihe lizard leiì tì€ Àrena s lÌol€ and went,iniô tlê bush.' The hJonn vs maed, shc sid, ' lYhy, vhâtdd you seekin the \Íó.1d, il it is noi }oür lor, you won-t sôr (ìr) !
S. (Ity) site tôlil ne yo{ are not Ncìl. S. \41ìát's boiherins yor ! s. B. S. B. S.
Or, (I'D) sony | IIeve you tako (sôb€)Dedicinc! Ìes. The ddtô! sÂve ne a shoí. Goad. Is ilÉr€ sìso â rêvÈr ? Forhrc.Ìl' there wâí but iNis bett€. nor. G@il. lÍhen did iilìiíyou ?
B- Wht it \ãs yêstêrdeX,v[ile I Nâs (woÌìrìnson S. Wêll, I l,opeiìãt Go.l Nill nrÈô (Ìdt better.
S. Wìsi sre íl€I doingir tosn ? L WLy thcy'Ìe ducing ihe neÌrl S. L S, L
Góôd. l{hat kind oI ilândins do they do ? Eyerykird. Tnercs tu kind thai tì€y {ìll Di dô. À!e theÉ r lor ôl peoDìetherc 3 Thdc @ú!ìÀly;el_ Tnero àrô Ììe. an{ì wonêDj childÌ@ Md old folÌs. S. !iì;ìl they a[oe ne tó go dnd v .h?
L WìrI ce sinìy ihet ll lgÌd ! Let'" go toF€lìtêr. s. G@d. -\Ìc roú s.ús to don.e? L Goodh.a\?;s, adôn tJan@ an nôÌc lrtr too old! L IÌoÌ sì,ôut yoü ? Do róu vdnt tô tÌy (tlis ilTe of) S. No. I an'í dô you tind of dscitrg. L Oüsy, lei s j6t 6isú ànd F&ich
Everyone IIs O!è wìo Is Srúng€r Thsn IÌê Is IIe vls lbont tô Onê dsr s snolÌ bìrd ciÌdt o 'om. €ôt it ì;ìen the wom diãl ont ssiúe. ' PIêM let oê - The btd sid, 'No. Why, I'n goú8 tô olt yotr, ldsus ln stre!3r tban you qe' So !è Dickedup tlê tiitÌe som ond 3t ú When hê 6niúed atin! it s b'Nk Êdw hnÌ So tlìe hrwÌ @üqht iLe litìlê òirã, !6 he was sbout to ot hinÌ iLê bird c;ied oul syins. 'B€ psiieÌt üt! nìè, lêi nÌe - the hsçk rcÍ6ed sJilg. wby.you sÈnLyÍ@d foÌ tod.r, b{6ns I0 sbrcog*ihs tou oÉ sô Ìhê lu" I rt€ ihe bid tìlt Lad 4ten t hÊblile $ on' ' BefoE the h3sL lsd iriôleil €iinà thô bid à griGon feìl ulon him. Sô t!€ nàÍk begs ta orX ôüt, butlhe srilon didn t releo* hiD bm8üP sIê w.s úrônger in3r liiil€ shile ihc arifron íeN up üto the sir' SLÈ -Aiter o Ji,lú tq€t ver' fàÌ (úr.diy lond beforeúÈÍelran atôLv l'ôÌ bodr'. \\'l'], è ccriÂ,nhuntêr ha,l sên hêr Ând 'n The sri{ôtr hàd coac up âgànìst tÌìd one Nho q.s tiÌe
n6 L G!sh. ú1rc6ine'r s*on
321 is EsIÌ
uoon üs !
H. YouÌe $€nr to rr" ;À @ì]lilÌ'r 'gòr. gat &ros.
l{- It ü @npleteìXiÌÌl ! Tô tüe ãtetrt thâí rle ôE€trgrì o{ tbe cumi nsdc hè fsÌfì,l Ì]. Thst s c.rt3idy smcthing to fd. lü 6 leÌy sriIr. ú. (Your) ÌieÌt I Wàr, em€Ìüne ihc$i€s a Ie$ú ô0, L. Tbst s su. Ìf $mêo!eIrls h À€Mìld,ê E. (You'rc) risnt I This Lúil ol a .ivd is M ôviÌ rhins. !. well. sìar sh,[ yê ito ? q. WÀy, v€'[ Ìsvo to foÌow s iliftehr .@d. L. Boí rtroíls úsd {Ìlì be íverv'l@2. ìYotrtií! L. Yôu re riqhr. wê ìsvô ro @ i!ê ìo@ wor II O&!r, ktb Ao. ú. You'verctüned Ircn tLe eity, àeverÕú ? B. [email protected] Ftmeit LÌeibr b€fú yomiav mom;s. U Fine. But I hêúd làst there çs tioübiê tlêB. B. Thst s foÌ cdrrìD ! Wov ! Sônô @mpouits oourht ôn, il bE€il úì€n lI) ohpletely ! U. Gosà| (Tìose) ÌÈolle ne oeúrirÌly !Ìfoúusi3! D. Wht, In olsy. It ilidn't comên€oÌ FheÉ I ss ü. Glod ! PÉvjouü M úìotrgüttìst lerúsp! jt ÌÌrrl onc ncar wh€rcyou wêÉ. B. Nó, Ii ilìdnl bot!êr $ 6t ãÌÌ- tsut snê boil o loi ôf
U, B, l{hy, otrô dât' I net . ôienil ôf nirc md N}ed hin âboüüì!s 6e, II€ siil iÌÌcü @úpoud Àd bueit
U B. U. B. U.
M ì€âvôB ! Wìlt diil yÕu ilo ? wlry, I lud 10 trr lim & d.co in ny rcoú Iine, hú wìãt !ápponed to hiE tsúily ? O} tLey stêy€Íl at otutl€r PeMn's ìôho Wn€n wiìl tìey (lè anle to) sl4rt a ÌeP Ml
B. Thèt von't wrii 1ons. The/[ dil síart .ight sú'. U. Gool. IÍsy H heìp tlen.
gâíLeÌ thc rútc|i6]s
Áüdü ãúd Ni .{du uil -Aìi v€É iBveilúg. TheX *dÒ o! theiÌ Íày to úsÌkât úú (mms) soodr. Áll át oôcê them ças áônêthúg et thÈ side;fihe psth. Àli prckedit up strd l@kêd ât it. Wby ii wN a bag ot muêt ! SoÀudu sad, GsL, se Isft lsllen iúoìuoLtodot! 3 troLsvê fallm intoÌúcli ! Orisit/ Ài6dd,'th.t vLo ìave fsllú úto luck ! ' Àndn sid, ' Olsy, thâre it your çsy), nal God grânt Tìer cÕtrtiÌüed on ílìei. vãv nntil ihev @ne io à Audu foreú. Thd sme hishsey úòbeB teÌl on ú.n Thô ÍobbeF folbscd sft€r âad Áì tek olÌ od úê ro âJiêr âwìiÌe A.li got tiFd bee@ ót lìis ì@vt laa.d E€ said. 'Àlãs. Tod'y ve lrv€ faÌÌen jnl,o sfoÌüüê.' Àüdu 6oid, ' W!àt 3 IÍ? ìâvc i8Ìlen úto uisiortunc. O! ú it r@ Íhô ÌN íallê! int nidortue ? '
The Fniibât Do6r'L PBY T,xN Oíê d.y tì€ ki.g Òftìc âtrin.ls ooleil Àis rcFe$ìiative (tuhìtt) anrì Mid to hìú. ' Go everrryhdê ú ny @utrt
328 to tÀê ìon6
of alÌ tìè âninôls ând @llet têr6 fto'n
Th ", d l ì ? i s si d . Ma vyo u l i v€ l ô n g ,Iil doilr gb' So tÀó t aÈ!,t qent sU ovd th6 Lúd Dd oollÊotèiltLê br Í b b e \ c r t h o mê . B u Ì r[6 h ê @mê b r bp hôhÈôI iho fÌuitbat {the laiieÌ) refutrd tô Be tìô honey.
' wny, r'ú norotrê;insl,' $id üio'muftbãô.. iÍeu, js
thdo âny de of tl€ flbj€t€ of the kilg oI th€ Ánimals sho às vitr8e lke I nsve ! Is theF ;ny wbo m ty i! tüe oü ükê DÊ ? Welì, l m Ãot so@ to Davtaa* to tbs Ìús of thô sbj@a16.' TÀsi ve tbot, The dlrô of the kill of the Minds Ieft hih úd Èúmêd to iho Dâle ua toìd úe ki@. Tbê!iog, foÌ bs !rí, übought;bú ábdsid, ' WôX,hà rjabf. Ihe btritlâi iB noüou kiid, tÉsíoìjm elú€.' Ïbe &n dsy rhe llang of rhê bndc @u€d ts reprc, $nt8tivê
{@Àni'!) úd
io @lleat ts!*
at hiD Byiì*, ás for ne, I ei't DaehiD iud'E !ê rou d€r sd r biÌd mÈ ìsÌb, hesid. O. oDêwìo dres bnth to it€ vou! úvê úd ì@tfeils iÂd I Come, @m€| l.n ;oú s ;biai of tte kin! or rÀe Wìd rò€ Éime.l to tbe palM ed rôld th€ 'diii they (âll) ssÌeed ihe íruitbâi iÊhoi e kitrg ól úê biÌde, Fo. this ÉMí ühefnitbst is bciwir.i âtril ìetween : ìe isn'i rn ânihal, he isr't s òird.
T. WIcrô are yon going
T. $nÌe. WIìe.èdo you *ÕrÌ ! D. !Íell, l'n cÌerÌ at o csnt€d T. Is tlàt so '? I tlonslÌí Ìou ì!êrê in shooL D. No- Lãú reaÌ I lc{ (t.;. hoyingconpì€r€d)PrnNÌX S.lool. I aonÌdD'igêt irto S€conilôrJsohoôl T. Didn'i you pâÉsibe exaúiìàtior ! D. À-o,ìt ;aí vêry dificult fôr nê. Bli r!âi's olruv, 3incèI ve (b*r dÈleio) get{órk
T, Goôil.
What Ìjnd ol work do yôü do ?
D- Well, I hrlc vârioü8 iohs: snêtÌrrcs I Èúânse
gooib som€t,tuesI sll goôd:, soEetimn even tì0 húil cleÌÌ civc\ mê p8pesork to '1orrom EurcÍìea T, Hn. aÌ mo+ or yo;r Àúdq bDugl'i But íow ihey hove stsrt€d to mske oe.ttin tLinÉF ú this coEtry lúe shôôs,aloth, cêment lnd
D. Y6.
6v.fy büd. $rì€nüìô{sÃiÌt qin€ to rò€fruübsi'sìono ed os!€dìin fd tbe tu Domr ih€ Êuitbst laushed
T. Daüd !
D.I'n headedÌúìnè- Ive iusi no$ le& \ro* hìal
T. G@d I Is it t ue ilEt Ìroitled dti.Ìs are oilv ÌÌnde D. T. D r.
Of caürse! It's íôt Lüe ou. om b@r ! IIow úont t'lqeil foÕit is ií 3lÌ cooked ! Y€s. TIêv savtlâtiì€l c@krüshÒ thevpÌ.pareit Grmrougi rireauy rs o-a,iìs hor ii is lseiblè to @Ì â ìot offôoJ, Dut ú rn iiDÊ,atrd sst ii ôúde lbr
êÌà as nucà oí nvo yêoB I D, You rè rjght. Wcll, üL8t'sthe wly íhe it is fulÌ oí tDazins ini.gs
G. Wly, Âtror! Gr€etrn€sin thc (lâtc) lI. Greetrnss.IIow s (you) Íork todoy G. WeÌt,voÌk nev€rnDs oLú,
3t0 IÌ. Good.TÀat'Éthe \çsÍ oncs!írs ir. G. Yotr'.Ìê _{rc Ìotr (ju6í) {éÌd*ina in rhe -rjshr
íe vdìed io gêt tìÌ€ nìeet, Só Ìld rvô.ked otrt a slLetre
H , No. I've b*r lôokinp fo. vouÌ sir[. G. Oh. Thê ôtì*day lìdo";d by thinq, üothE Dlse. H, Good. Bétorerou w.F InÀ sÉ". (m;rj *rn r,ú rh6
" ' Coslt, ihe oúherday I Lcsrd ihe crow. IÌe said to ìim, you siÌgiÌg . m"g. Your Ìôicê wâsvêry pleasnt i.deèil. I{os loDg (rill I bnve to ylii üítil) I câÌ lE Ì yotrr sdg
G. Ìisht. I ve Lêú lortúah I{, Gooil. CÕdil yotr Éw mê sône cloihiu 3 G. 1\rê.I,il's Dy occÌpaiion | \4Aer hÌrl d; yau Íânr ? E. Ì ocedtwo (rìsr of)shorr, aoÍl a bip @sn. G . F,n" Drd yôu b.iog (/Í. @De *itÈ)_$u l H. Yes. fiêrô 3 thp khskicloth fô! @ki! the"*r"nnt shortsahd
Tìe cÌow ìisiencd (ottentively). Whoi íhe jdclâi stiit üho hê besÌd it he foÍsüN dêBeJ brnr (Ìpô 'Ì,'.h). ;boni ibe tbrns rn he monib. ÌIê opeoedbF notrh, Ee ** aloní io (obìise by) singidg 3 sons. Ïhrú {ss tbâü | TIE mei felì dort, TLe jtcbl pioÌed (it) trp a sid, ' Thanks.' IIe Fent ofr rjüà it. Tbt'ó
33r -Sïüiï*'L
on. ú (nade)or.arnarr€il 006ns (Ér)
dloth for na.king iho gown. Êõ{ nnch it ihe
G. The vhole jôü üu
be .15/ -rÌúr is, 4 !èüâ aúd
lI. llêlv€ns ! thâtBtoômncÀ| lf)'on don t âgrôê(to da it) Ior 4 min I'll (hrwc to) Iook {or sneone eìÊe G. OÌ,y, I !gpe. j,eà1c tnê ciour there. H. GôoJ. Whensbr'llI cobs sd Âet {ìi) , G Nnt Í,ll tonomN. I cslt ,roú seNrnAthe'n all ÌL Olsy, Êêeyoü tonorrc\ÌC. Olìây, untiÌ tonrorreN. Ihe Jscl
tr" ta* orthetft€, bês*t d
333 ÀüÍitì (/. sLçetúà), bo! àkEirn (l) (d. $.Id),
Ilausa Eügliú VocabuìaÍy
sr/.!, Gx.Ìanìâtion of su.
This ro@buÌÂ.y iloÌutl6 ãll tle Ìo.ds ânil nosi of úc iilionraüio e&resions foud uyrLde ú íhsâ lê!s@ thê er@ption of mne of t!ê l*r @húon fods {\çiih liEtêd ú I,osn 39, Eaüion 7). Noô3that the .lDhsbeúiel orde! in wìich íne çord! sF amled is Hôls túhd ú úüh elMtê !@tiod fG t, 4 r,;h, ir súit 'ri rathd i[sÌ coDbiúns th* lettèrs ritl tìê nost dniÌâr Ìeüter ol tÀô ÌnglÈì Àl!ìsbêt âs n@t í!@ dicôioNi€ do. N.'Ía 1 tiê stulaais @4ítud,agaíntt6wnín4 thtr he út lznt* the Mnks oÍ a úúd ü ct tít1t rìd b! stnd! ièJ*ii! to üt M-btüJ sl'86 ldda ìi ú@ thdt d@butãr'b. E. shúü dt Ì41úoú ah..k uith w oÍ tlp Iar1. di.ri@ía Vw ouaTtins tn MLr ue oJ rhe
.. (ntrlmnâip-spÌonoün dployóil wiiì ri)
abôH (, abõhri ì atòtôi), fn€úd
l' (nnlee@r
{ìü (?L 3búh!Ít), thiÌg Àtü ill, wh3t, thê íhúg
i, (iDlôMMl
? a ?&nou
- abD blDãÈ, a ndrveÌ
Â, (inrpeúnal foturc II p
(abouü)his oM
" - Àòil sìi, sonEtlüg tô .-r,(dclãr8íionof â â2.ÁünbaEòr,(nôn s nme) ãdsloi juôti@, fãim6s, s'Ààd,(exclan'ation of oon .dÀÌ (?Ì- idÀld), just, Ìôn 6i, rigLtrôls (pemn)
òrÃd! (l)
(?Ì. À,!dú),
À| ilõ (pi. ÀrÀdri),l'-ig rsosõ(21. agósudi), \rdt h,
greetrng6 iiì F?lY to sÀÌãuü/ràlõ6àì.iÌü!) Àlãúà/hàlôEÀ(./.) (l. rlt-
si, wìX, sell (i.hodtrctoÌI dbì
(2i. ribõbt,
ÀiLe (i/.),
àlôúkàci, }indn€ss at úà€ hânib of, bemÂts re
ri!ü(!), very Nch. too àityàyrë ( f. tjlvsvvivÀ; ?, Àtty{yyú), (snetàing)
Àlhsiì, (titÌe of oÀc who has nâile tìe pneÌim ma.ge-hsjì ao M@m) Àlhlmitò
Goil l, nne! {âr excla nâtior ol grst€luln€s) (i), TàuËdly put, place ÀlhàBi! sjtyé, r. set aside, relot've àrü.ri Ìindnes, Iibemlitr, .ÌÀ, (irìleNml @npteLÌÍè P-3 conse Àlìãrì, (ÉPly tó t!à . úÀL (inlerúúÌ LâbihúL akòrn (/. aldmtrà), oler! - hÀhbsnIúàFn. hed a lè, (nìÌ)cM!.l rehtive continuâtiYô P.à con
Àljüú/nriün(Pl. diituDn), ÀtaDúi
(21. altahDl),
334 òlÃãü (d. ÀlÍihi), jÌdsc Aü!, God Àuõ (/
À.Àüt.!!eâpnsr, nExpen ya ú À!Àhi, it is in-
a'i (r) (?1.wõqi). Ìonr
dbi, u. hrt)Ìen on
ür" ú. nor bc nì ile pucs.
ânnnà) shôol í
ÀlEõitd (, Àlú&tl j ?1. ÀìEàjlni),pupil,lhldent iúil, rnen, naX itòe p ADi!4 (Ío.rmr mme) .bhcì, lcìisbility. frienil.
-- hÀira Danari, he Mobe tlò!õ, ouins
.rÈçã .ÀL, duê nortl üôr., nortÀ\edrd, to iàc e!üd/u,
a@i, 0. d n. (t) acwo ô!, (inpe.sonal conplêrive -ú
Àota, Ìoüngêst of sèverâl
:rzúiã, L
d, pr@!eúI, hecoììê pús,
jibÀ. rftsÌ r vbiÌe
úò, (inÌdsonal cohiinue iivô t-á .ônsbuotion) cÀn !a!, dter â wlile
&hó, NôlÌ i, oh l, Ì*llt
ohìef's sêrváDi,courtier Bü{!Nì (l BÀlà.údyr : É ròrèuôi), r'rêndh-
aúãoè (l Bàôritl; 21.
Filhi), FuÌãui !.Mn Btüluú. (t aàb.ütütr. ; ba/tóbò.ü. thüc Á no/nôt lì,. tàtrllrõ), Hsú6â
bãlõú6, therc'snothing
bl rr|!, iü b lot gooil aa&uò/Bar.sò(/. Bal& bà,.. bâ, (ne$t'we Perlnel ; ?t. E.!ntI), ticl€s êmployed çith bìrr Ol. hnlúil nìotril, bai,.. h., (íLiil p.Mr Ìnasoulinering!Ìe! nesê blriú hú!ì, eilgeof i\o - iÀn . - . b.. (6rsí peMr singd8r negàtive pÀ! bl,., bâ, (neg3üY€pdtict4 êmployèd Míh nouns, noun Pìuà*,
Ìrei.g a bridF es@ci srooni narring€fast ÀDhi (?,. À!ì!si), Ì/10 ôfe üã (i/é), ,. boro\Í (othd
(d. ridàFõ), òàr&ri/bàrrdè
bsfl (/. b.Âã ; d- òsrllã),
pit h-blúk, jôt-blMk ìúin d.jì, foúst (,!r.
su!À, {- vcigh, n€âsú.c
taìüa (?t. nô!yã), bis
nikó (/. hàÂ{i: ?,. hl$),
í b&tõ, havêa gu6t BÀìtuúi! (/. aÀltuÂbtyÃ
biri, ?iyiìg
(Ìdh3l rou
bnyE! giilà. Ìsvrtort, h.y8,
bÀrÌe,nuo! more/Ìês. . -
büüã (J.), hot, nusgy ôúsõ, \Ìall, boo! cove. ìm t!à!õ, crBúg lltt- givì3!zã, worthì$
ôÀrõPò 12L6arií1,rhi€f
!, kېpotr hetiDg
(p1. 'riE
jNt búon í[c
bàbÀltglò (r), beì.g dsf
(thine), D.D. (I. 0â0rys: ?r. D.-
| ôòyo,hiitíto, ú s.€t aôyà,0. hidô (sneúirg) 6!t!Ì,
büÍ4, u cl6r !v!X,
BatúrÈ (/. BÀlúdrn j ?r, rinÀEÀ), nuopem pd
Átàwã, 6pit
most imloúet
.iüy of
blstiti (?1. túBiiõci), bis - ci Dã!È, r. incu s dêbt òkEi|ri, goâÌ€âiI rÌilÊttut aúd (Í ), tLe iom oÍ (Ì LstêYcrir tô !c dón€)! tisút!ãÈ, (fomÌls siil on standìng u!, siitúg bá*À(t hôirÃ; p,- bârl), down,stàrtineÍork, he'
rr/ú ià, I tàoqlt
N/crú/.ò4 b!8a d!
bü.È,l!Ìâúús, bmtins bÈütr (,) (ri. brürtn),! üírrt (J.) (?Ì. brrkõH), àut Õrems {bú} Õr òuõdì/b!õilì ìrdd, nlÌ
n blt
tLêre, tb8i
st€! oà thê
!ü:i (i/ã), ,. beôí, tbnsh hui. u. òet ed laúk
büi, südda
hi folósing G,.r {úD hi)
büeãr.è bl. !eãtúò), o1fr c+holderuDderechief Búlwü (/.), BenueRiver !tin, coÀ\'€Ntior. matt€., birri (1. hriné), (rvâlÌed) - bÀtúú, @ncomú8, E-
ya naô6!hL, he cèúc
iìriúr/tÀjiúì (r,, brlh'ú/
clçt eyiag, qútê, úìâi ci r. 6t, m (3 @tsi) d tlrhì, imu s d€òi pss â t€st ci lúàrirr, eü. eetìy (u id@!ho&) Ê.tia EÌü cú, exootly
lÌê !ra.d€ a
yõ ct&r lal, ii is füll to
338 eltrt!ë
(Í cìr8}}iyà ; pÌ.
eúi, stonâcl! pregMcy
tttiú ciri, sâdnoss {r';,.
yA úeü!ê. I ab -cüI 6rotilrt€d (,rt. st nooh
'tlji, di, in tìe tst,
[á, fÌotì
- ri ciLi, beome p.€gtuni
drli (r) (/. drlõü), lóiin, two shìUings(: lÀt.kà) ittüü (?t. itÀúsi), reasor,
dõlô, p6'Io!.e, of !e@siiX, itor
düÍè, d- spend ã long
(21. cìròrr), --tE!
ità iteÍère, frcrÌ s
spoon oúòü (d. côkulÀ), itÀlôEè (í cú,', balL(of sôúôíLins) ctuã (/.), iìlnN, di**ê,
dòúú{[ (t), beihs {or
dÀlaúrd ; ?1.
il.i, úilêEd, howevêr, on (ân Iúd tle otlìr
ple$e, for
dÀÈÌsÌ, (swet) potato(6)
cnià (tã), ü. újüre, o[6t
itôLó(tó),,. tì6ú, boôt ds! itòÌi (?1.'y.! itôLó),
ilaililÀlã, o. Leêpon oo}jng
spdding a ]ong
DÈaútÀ (r), Decehber
dòrÃ(r) (?t.dõrõLi),
dshhi (/.) (?i. dólbõhtl
dingì, 0. kêepon (doúg)
dnDã 0.), chúcè, oppôF
dÀhõ!ò(Í) fu,. dòhrrú),
oty&/oI {dò), 0. eârs to
(: dTJD dãrõwn,.€turnìng ìÌeÌ€
-eds, rcngrn Ìn€ pNi dô n.. it nas b@n damed tLôí, ií is wel iu
' btrsl ' dountrr, un-
beosus oí, in
dnbÀ,r. Ì@k (Ài), inpect
dÀ(dÀrrliteÈ, ôr nighr
ouutrDa, rcoF ew€ÌÌÌtrere' kep oD lookús (fÌon dnbl)
: Dàvid)
- nnÈda (L8kÀ),ú +ite of (iüis), aevertbeles
34r ihk dry!, !ìl tìe snô - dtrt r.!itÀ anyoneÌhô
d:!vn), rès/unoôôlod
dõ4 6ìilnN drc to Nind (6urUy d4reid as op pced to serr : ddm?srône,
dút!è (?1. itu*àtlnl
dÀ!i,r00; ik(-
dri-dÀi. ooe ht oe, sú8ly nu., oM (pr. osr!.J.
(tìiúg), vhit€nes
cÈ Lsppir6s {,ú.
(?t ldlra),
tnti í), clúêf'3Fúidêncê/
fln Ei (r) (!1.l.núõúD, figütiDg,
l{rô, hegiming,stet ú/ts
dóbé,o. Emove,subbâci (?,. dú'!si Ilúò, 0. di! oüt, €xírer 'ye'rrõ), lrcül€Ì (,i". sor ol ore s lrE, tìe oDéin gtr*tion di!, peaioÌe used {ith nmbe6 (seeL6on lÌ,
rrd (í rú.i d. r{iÉ),
Í: taú
ìaìf brcther (Ìú. @ of
ra indeeil, or tbe otüe!
Ldl, qüel,
drr. t|k, one only (t.0. pôlicdú (tiú. $n of . DoúôÉ, nolos tnM one) dl,& júi â ütil€ while oso úú'ütr (?r, 'y.!,òbâ), dãhõ,!. dip out ed bring
Nêtivê Ádnúúíráüon
d!uè, 0. iiê (condctêÌy/
Êúô), ndtivc Òl Kdo de ròúirÀ (2Ì. 'yú
dnüri (?Ì. dòlìbri), úudênt
F&Àtrrti, (w BüIr.úi) r&al'ã (/. trrEi'E ; d. ÈÍÀ!tn), havjjÌs beeú
d|nll (i/é),!. írLe/piú np, úe aiül@ (?,. 'ru ÀitÀa), peÉon, hmâ! hêing {lí. mú of Ailen) - íu ilôLa (/Ì. 'yú dóLõ), úlúté, 0- (rrú) stot, e (íi,. son N.À. poli@ dü lnlì, ôFtboú s! jn l, gEt grãnd -de
dò'l, sttnúl, u!Ì@Dt
pl9t"1x) (-'rü) dìrÀ(Í). daushtêr
üÍr (r), ihjlg $iit, sloko
ìLe fEi
(?r. t íu-
Ldõ, 0. ísll dom to eúelòúiola (Vël ,. unitmred Ìr,llúfô@õ (, l|üdmtD cúõ; ?,. titútúlòaEl uúdestlod, int€lliseút üL @nplet€ly (medr3)
{i/è), 0. b€ òoyotril
tstl (/.) (/ iftú),sÌin,hide lÀtrti, lìoÌin, tvô sììiliìgs (: dsll) rìr. (/.) (?t lld), l@ust, ilít6 r. cìt rt melt rõi
u2 nyô, q b€ cLsturdjrd
t !'rt(r).(?r. t uiú!t,
lalt (r) (?i. tutóH). fâoe
r.6niÉL j jôin t&
canu (dà), ,. Dêet (vith) ca!ò,r. clrt(cônff iletbÌly) l.laúúé {, gòú.útún i
-! n Âú , , , , I p l ó f€ ....
- rô n dút. . ., ìü is tle YÃú.. bel' ií ìsbeiter ' -Ye  beÈ ií is àlttér Âfiré (!t. tìÌtnrd), wib! n6là' u. Ieep Âoi@ ó-ur
sÀküë, ú íàepleere of, reglrding, ú rhè pc-
343 gidr i?L eidtlõ), ìonÒ, sidu 3.üõ, nosqüito --bÀi
siill' [s.d of iLô
use sidn, vonãr of ihe hoGe, (tustì rife c's,ryà úI dêl€ì-!€In sinì, r. luìld (Ntrs[I witì olay,brick oÌ oetÂe ) tÀ!., ìt Noüld b€hettsihât gÀrã (r), Íòitê ènt(s), siriti bas, botion, büteìrbI (i/è), 0. M!, lrNsr
lüd, (e BattLcì) ft (?i tnyè), op* coo"- - gÀür&ra sll rogrrhêr,
!Àti (?t. suúmçì), iom - s.rl yõ r.yã, it has
si4ijè i2,. rt!tsi,ri), rãiníú0[' bigìé*, Lônôu, ntr-
útúüq ltims.y eìoút rútq r. (fom of Í:r)
gò.nõ(r) (pr.ceaúu!,
ÌãÌsetrTe of àoê.ploueh drr ú) (?,. clçtyõ), ele'
lte/úil (dt), r, rak€ onr, Ehoc€, ilêpde, erpei clhlr ütli (l) (y' üittúr. lãnréh.
('), lsrdoDiig, loF
l.iúó, ,. (f<m of ssyu)
Ârãri, @nins oú íIúh
rEõ (Í), s food môde of @kêd íoür nü€it rirh
güë!. (, !àjë yI; sii .n), shoft
- ilÀg&Lè, ôltrènêly (se
siiLd (Zt. g.tui), ,i.
s.yl, ,. t€Ìl G€quú6 m s&ye oiúì ilÀ,geât for
sôb.ú (/.), etchins fire sôürn (/.), ihdì16, g1 lì-dÀ sàidia vjtl ihrnk,
gõsé.t. ub (conPletêly) sõs& !. !è expérieh.od,
x45 - 3ôEÀ-sõEà, ten âPi&c/
!ôbÀ rhÂdôrs, clcve,
sõ'I (r) (rt. sônÀti),fâün
stsurtyê), lf ilclGs ìrrÌ,
südà1/. sütÈsütè), nn! nng (gôe.lso srriÈsnF
crÀd. (l).
(fo. halà. ,, prdcrt, lbrÌ,id, hncí ssdtÀn(Dü), ÌìüìE nsêd lt end of ã lcitd '. yours f,úlnìIy) Ànng. (i/é), .. socalur ôlÌ
stúÌã, ü nrôkAÌcight' siist {tt súgútú),Luctcr Arv.Ì bt sellôr: E
(ôrsLìD.AÕudor nrereÌ)
iô. dippiòsfm'n ! vell snjo, cpediÌx, on th€ nr ! sülê, oÌ tlrc nnì.
aülè3ü4, runrinA in hÂcì. end ffôld @mDeiirior
hayà,r. nnìnt. clinnì, cRxs
lúbü conìe rcÍ l, don'l ìre
(n.) h.úú |pÌ. h@triyã), rn! (ìrìclüdúshard), lìond heyà (t) (?r- ìs!yõí), hsn untiì, to the.f,rônt Ìhat
3utú (tr_ su!tàyã), shoú bàdE,!. n@r, bc jojned (òhing),frasÌrâi íoI àraqbsú, ÌêItlúil sidc oú.! (/.), (tôs! il ì{. NjgeÌi!) !t
ili, ,. nÌaqrc,
sBracô, srÀgsô, patênbl aüú, 1Àtlrcr'swìf€ (not onê'sn'othd)j màremal gFàDE4 râthcr. it ÌouÌl gqugre
h.lfü (i/é), L give llirrì hriì. ihe pilsnn,sa. to
(/t. swesrà-
juÌÈdicrion ovc., iroesêÂs ì.eõri {?,. ÀsròrÃ), íoodr hlÃud, patiôn.e, nsicnn-
idò (?t. idlrú), eye, siglí iilòD sa.i. àcqmnLtunce isiyÀ(í) (?Ì. iívódt rore, hÀ!tuò, loss düc to sonr uÌluoky ió.idetrt, nns ìrtsi, goin stâ!Ìle {;.4 guin€ corn or nillêt) hà!tt, ÌMdness,insqity Irngnàge, fì€ Ilôus
h3ü. chÌr{ctcÌ, iê.Ìpera
hôushi,r.rrtion,.nger h!ç4 nìonntns, ridinÂoD
ilEi/üEi, Ìnowlcdge,cdu Iôeú, tÌàr's n!úe, lioD Ìnn!, ,tàitn ?n6,) i! !hà Ànã(hü),il Coil tí. (frBt person singulu ìÍ ii. . ., rccoÌdÌngto,
jl., (6Nt persor ciÌìgulâÌ ìvãii, rnnì \çilc/vivB and coÌnnuttre !,3 coÌchililra, ô!e's [oüe]oiil
jtt!, t, te on goodtcrrs,
jvldi (l), aìrìlitr
ii tui. o. ìève nÌercl. he jìvâryà(i), DcinsonBoôd ji (?r jijArõ),Ìed (tlüne)
ú. shÀÀüI(ìü), (ee iü) iÌi-üi, krioN
[nús, alÌ
I!Ã, (,nand mÌre = Jesu4 üd, .. be sulãciení,recch
- ji yuúPi, u, l,olügrj
- jl vu/iit/!u, òrisì1i
jiú ÂÂi,Ìnery, syrrletÌry jihi, dry allêr tônìororÌ
jrki (/.) 1?Ì.j.ku![!!i),
jitò (?1.ji}õrdl grMdclÌÌld
jilr ú jir.ã ; ?1.jÀruà),
l,srÀa i/ ksúirI; ?Ì. kleú), enougl, süfroiãt (J. orn.), !ind, air 'i}l
jiúà, ,r.spend,lútêr tnre - jin $ds!,
e liítlc
lsi ú jiúà, cÒctor later
jtunDi (, jãrüDâ; ?i. júünii), òravêpdson uually given to light
iyÀ ll.úsã, hê car jÃ'õ, ,. ?uÌ (lÌd4, dres
iyÃ,üiirrã(l), ìroü!dâr)., iyi cbdi, (oÌe s) wâist
jìy,syyi (lt, @nircw$r,
kâ. (Mo^d sìngnl nri*u Ìine i€latiÍe cornpl€hYe .üd tLê D & Drcnou
icn-ìnployea afto. ai, ha,iô) }3 t'ar, (seoondsilgulâi lBòiiuèL p o noelliío Ls là, Gmond ôinsula. mM!Ìino rcloiive con tnnàüve !r consruc-
it|, sne (úi.d f€núiúc súgülÈr ide!ènilôat
itrca (?,. i6tuwò), tr€ê, preoe of {ood, tvig,
jüirD, Le ile{ondert
jiryi! sanã. ÌdúPlâne jirir, terdurl | (in nlconlgüln tã sàulc jiúi, rlÌe voltuìe laided kê.
Ìô/kÀ, (ecôÌd {nsulrr .i,ject ptomMüne ringültr rÌrroü Ìâ, (seco'Id lin. oonÌilctirc p-r lto Ìá, (smôdsnquÌaÌn'r{u line lìrttrc 1I !.i lto
rr, (socondsiígrlár rqn nno p-a Drenonn x6st tÀ, (sond *insd.Ì nrâúu linô subjüDcôive,{ prc-Ll {secotul singoìar Ìus
(pftLicl. ôrplôyeil L}!, vith hahihDl NIÈot-
l.da/Ì&, do nor, Ì*í {fot lored I'y {bjuncrive) radii, (uêd çúÀ dÀau
!l dr ÈÂi!a,I r\,6elf ÈrÈi (Í), harv€sieasr LÀk[ lpÌ. LlLò!r). Bmn,t.
lô!à, (sccônd sinsul$ nrsorlinc corúÌ,riivc ,ìiJì&i
kári/üàEú (/. LiwàDti),
Idrti (/. Èútuò), sÀôp !,ayn i7,. Ìãràrraìri), lo'd. Fuins (priru.ily) in Ètya! dLì, tôôh, iúple-
!€ad t!
ÌÀÌÀútò!i, nedillesoüe tê, you (Í) (lccoídsingtr' indcpenilcni Ìüòrú, ft âding,Éfudynìg, larfeminìne
ttí&,a fe ìÍ,sìitti a, aligltly
kÃ,õ, ü. h;rnF
xbit6, (Íonanì mnìc)
tÀo, initcêd. on ,1. otlcr
r. 6tâlrlislì. l,uild.
k3ü/k.,êit (dÀ).ü. r.'nor.
ÌiLü6, ., b*orD jâ'hhroì
(rellt tó lAudbúH),
snÌ!U, errthen\Ítrt,
!à!uwÀ (l) (pl. [ã6trróyi).
l.bétr u) (?1.rd;t),
kè,r. Lein uooes of,lc di - oiwô ya raDl !i Ì'ra b@Ee iü (lr. ün6 n&s - - yõ tãúÀ ì8rya, lìc \Íotrü
t!i, Iou (nrÀ*ulinesúÉu. r^ai,r. c..rJ, takct., Ìod.l', kèúrn/Ìiiúi!, ÌrúoÌo ífoÌ be ctuú81,Le.{tüalr. Ìo\sd l,r {,ÌJju&tivol Lâiüt Ìêsoni), hern.toD Ìánõ, .. carorì{ l,.in"
kÀrc! nõln, notoÌ iroy Ìúyà, ü. (siict) snap,l)rcak ÌârÀ' ,. rnaÌge in heaps,
(slcciiÌüqd vdbúÌ on lloJed üì rehtne @n
kè re, it i$ (cnphalize; tlÉ thìÌcô or clanso
lrâsi Liuë, Frick üp !èÌõ (/. têksDi), l,iolch, (one's)eas- t|.r rtíen rtuÈ, r. fâÌi s[ori
ldshàstui,oDiho Ìêxt drr !õíì1. ÒrcÈneni. lãccês
l.rÀyd, r. go Ìroutrd plaoe téwòyé, ,. g. rónndàboui rBti, go oNund pla@.
350 ki, Gaord singulor feÌiÌ,ne P+ proNü êtu jè) 3fíe i, bâ, PÌoy€il ri ÈÀ!, (8ecod si!Âular fcbìnine lÌÀbitu.l p-â Iri ka, Ge@nd singllar feninnre .ctúive coniin!âti1rc p r @.struc
35r ü&htyi (l) (d. Ìisüirõí),
Lóçtcâ.è/tô'icé cè), Ìooo, gÈans i {pêisonl Irõ, ôr, vì€rLer, peÌhaps, (qu8tior Ìãúicle), (!n ü cotrve.rmgân ÌrÌeÌro, gâr're nonúÀl into dÌ
ri/kt,. G@md dbgul$ rem.ne obldcr pÌob',/EyÀ, (@ond sitrgulü renútne p-â Plononn
kòsi (?r- Éõgúà), river
IrúÀ, (@onil plu8l Ì€ÌÈ íireoonpletiY€pr!ú
küri (dÀ), 0. p.I !tta.t'ôn
rü, G@nd duBL inde lü, {se@ddplual Êr pÈonoe enrloY€il ütb ri,
-lì, (sonal sineuÌâÌ foìi úine pô,ssivô DronouD) eibryt (/.) (?t. ÈbiyõyD, h!À GêcondteDìinúô reìa tive .on!Ìeiin. p ! lro.
LõrÀúè (, LõvÀcoé; tl. Lõwàíè!!õ), everXom rõyà6hò/kõyÀuEh.,{ben-
üâolab hee, lods or
Lü Ìa!, Gecond?ÌüDl habitusl p ! @tuírúc'
ni ü!!è Âõlà !úb, I l@hd ô€ door ti8àtly ku,
(s@ond plüral @D
(s@ril pÌuat oon ünmúYe p-È 4ônsmc-
kn ta, Ge6Ld pÌürêl tuà,
ila Ìõú4
kõawÀ [oweÍd mny Iti!, Gúond sürguìar fenìi nrne coL!Ìe.Jre È3 Ìrro
- !ôiii shú, Lìrjghi $eer
Linl, G@oÌrdsingìlsr f€nìim€ @niÌtruriÌle aspet
tõsÀ ilÀlõwn, evertone ÈõrÀeeè,(seekõEà!úë) ÌõwnúÀuà, (ee Ìôs.Il.) ÌõwÀdà!úè, (8eekôtÀÀè) ÈõEÀíè (/. kõrÀcè ; /. LõçàrÍÀr!è), ôvqt, ãtry
rÈ, (ô@ondpluol ôubjtnG
Il":914 Fn'.4ì.''
tn, (sconil pÌüraÌ p-â pm noun eDplól.edürL b.) -Lü, ls@oniìpluÌal loset
(/.), sil6cè i oDly
L@.. nem€s, clce!6
!ndn. soüt!, soutlFüds rêry close,cad .lôsr t@., 0. 8PPÌo.on, g€t !4f Lú!}ua. mGtakq emr. ìn nìsing íLê nr.Ì
(: ntriì)
hjàld (í) (2/. rüiàn), Ldr., indeed,as tbr, . ., losêvôr, on tlÌ€ other
ÈúÌi (Í)
(?Ì. rüõìtt),
twâ" Goco.d plu{l tuhtro
krtuhè, ,. coll@t âní1 Ì.
!rà, (wô.d plÌftI t) x Ìrronotrn eìnllol,sl \dil'
kwatàd4 r. codÌpãrc,gilo
k'sbò (/. Èvàbhri),t,ol)o Ìwàdàyi, lÌeen desüc,grced
kyâ, (*conit sltrAul,rf.nìi nne lütn& 1I p o pro
tsÀdõ (/t. kròú). n ôs.
Áâ!!ê), youngd sibling lÀeht (Il. e{ú.qa), tànta!ë (í. Âàraeü*I;
kyÀ,(secondsnguìâ.nÌ,'i ÌndlocÌ ÌçÀikmyÀ (i/ë),r,. ni'iiütc nìnê l-â tronorn erÌ twd, (tlt forD ôf Isám eÌrplot'ed lìêfore bnyi) ÌyÀkkeè*õ (,r. orl) 01. k$Ì.tã/ksatbã (l) bt. kyePàfi) sood. Iand ÌwslAbè), glass lìotíle. soÌÌe. hÒÂütiful,(often
honr tÂlyè (pl. raúyrkòì, wil ft|!!n, ,. stêp/úGs over lãtÀ!ã, ,. croÉs(mad, rivôr.
(í), smallns ruretr reqt (í), younsê! sútcl rõr. {J), cryiÌs out, com pÌrint to orc ú suthoÌity t&1, 0. ircw, Elet
Âònbi (t. tÀúúr; I. rú.úi), smsU(thìns)
Èytrri (/.), nÌühDl hstred 16È (Í) (d. Êõlõn), door effort, (woru\y) sttcmpí
eir€, u- be @mpl€tê, 6núh nìghr.rÌnc, a rwcÌtr four lon. dâr {*lìen LnnÀÃ òi9r, ã loDg tiÌe ÌrÃnã aõnà. t n d.ys trEãna/lwd. r. steml tlì.
tye, dilìor t) (r{.1 only ilÀ Ìyar, \rith dilÌcultl ÀyÃu, gôorhFi (üsu,Ut n, iÀs 6isht). l'flndsoDc. itâ LyÂü,goô(1,hândsore hànüful ([?. Ì]os4$ins
t..t| (2,. Í|rlra), n€tsl; É&lè biyú, tFo o'olmk
ÁIru, u. üc inde$ed, nraÌe
rúrã (r) (l. ròryacÈ
ÂsÀ,onth. ground,tLo\fr
(/.), Nisd Rn.tr
Âalâr/14!.vcÌ.Ì sÌ)oilesslr
yn ft!à tüúú, it's coìrplet€ly bmed üp
tôtt (r) (?,.t&ô.4, Lsídlê
ìâ ksÀro hiytr À wnì, I spcntI lolrÌrinrctìÌef. ÂÀitsússrÈ(?,/.ÁÀaànRàÌú), kwinò (p!. kwÀútrü, àny netâl hoNl or b3sin. ho.n (ol uirü.0. tr.ìr ewôDtã,r iiedoün. (\rú . d'íUÍe../..). sìbsi.ll. (ilA).,.clrsf to lie
Âõ!à, o. burn (.onpÌet€ly),
hcre ends the
tàtrÀcè),À lie, uíhuth.
(r) Ol. esàrhê),
aaí Âeã, h.re n, llis
Ãweâi itÀ aáslë, veD kwr9a (/.) ( lÌr. Ìorâ,r Ár ë, !. tgn.r.
trkc Ìo
ey.yi (r), r,nckofiììeLead làhúrÌ ( /,1 làbirú), re{r.
355 IìlrõEì (?1. üDàori),
0. $olÌ sú€altìilX,
lea, (political)6pêeÌ'
!!di. ei of reclming up, arftuneü0,âc6mtln tittõÈ (?L lÌiiÀttlLl), boìk
úfuVrõú,(4e I,;hadì
lãôyr ú),
D.cill (pl. büì4i),
fq!41€ súê
ô.d.tõ/Mda6 (d. oòdrtai), ÌiteÌÌen, @oÌriíg
lür.yyë (í üdysyriyí; ?L lltlYayyú), heÌthr, Ithadì/I.tdì (l), 8llilèr
llú.fu,, r.úôí), feuli, - ha ||i!, that's âll Ìialtt (,t , tìereì ÌÕtÀins -Éi.tu
&neÀ his o\Ín
|rlòoõ, u. hdone EloiÌëd. rl!Àbã o), weiln*ilay tú!.birÀ, (sseEÀttu.hà)
ú.dúõ (í), (fruh) nilk nútrli {/. Esdúrtyõ; n, xsll (an exclâmtion indiosiingthoüghtful E./D., a$ lbr. . ., on tàa oih€r hsnd, howeveÌ (n
oâ, (6rsi ptursÌiuturcII EÈ/rÀ,
tolro! (iniliEct
rüit. Ol. likitôcl), dootor
6.ü/ú.!rI ií 6c6
(?Ì. n.eral of, superiôrio
ü y.. . '. nÀi siilÃ, hêÀil of tle EÀi t6büt,6nãll nnÌoi
ersòú (?r, núsuÀeül|),
disployshig g@di on r
sànú), NoÌd, úing sid
Eai ríwi, thãt ÌÌich is .ôújng (.-9. úfi úÀi ú!i, oil, {Àt, gÌ€aÉ, petml (tt?e of her6hing tool úaleil lik€ . let8ryÀ) b.smtl (?t. EÀsdn3i),
úahridi (pÌ. nÀbiidat, kcr
n.üülütcr (i ô8hüiG otye; l, úàüÊüíõ), pâtieú/long sfding
Etuer (l) k. E&À!-
tu ÀiErd Í, u,ait olyl ; ?t. bt'üràad), sorÌd
Dr'lDi (Í) br. bÀ &!.i), deè wlìôregÌliÀ is sotd br'eúi (?Ì. DÀ'Àuui),
úaüütutã (d, úàhür.n!-
nri (?r. úl!u), pose'mr
E.tÀlhl (pL EslüÀ), high-
lau!ì (1. l.!DôDr),colon.
lëôèi?t. Lôúà),lìr, lõnõ/bnn, ciirüs (fruit ,r
eatLql (Í,. eÀdAui),
ú.[aElòoi (, n!h&Ìs elY6; /. nahaúati), maman. DÈanêpersotr Eôb.!tã (!,, úl!Àürai), plÂ@wlÌer€ tuêrt is sld
úelòi! (/. oú8iiyr;
naiD.ko!, ihsteail of - - . a.üüë, (forn of Dsys)
?1. ú.jì/ú.liri
Àuter, orc vho shoots
(, ô.jiety. I
f*l€r, one wlo À€âF/
356 úÌÀ, roloÌ ]nu (n. err.) bdÀb(i) (, Ddtun ; /,1. (indneíotljectprononÌ EàlADri), iercher, lÍr.
am.D8nci, {doyfuÌ têrn conìcd tô .eler tÔ rhc ììir1nre of Hsnsa onn l.lngÌiú shiol I)EoplÈ íuent in lúh langrâÊd: cnìÌrlôÌ in inforDâìcoì ; /. ba!ÀE),
Dòktuiüì (?7. nÀri!ìhi), nàLet,
r. ÌÈ/com Ìstc,
l5Ì dÀ úÀ!Àicè, jn thc (Ìdtê) Eüir (t1. Drtli),ltuÀnÌF oúÀròi {/- búdhìy.; Ìú @À!õ),l&Li.g i', Dúôlc (Í Eõltra
('ún s nâme)
Àüt üt (t) (l-
üryÀ (Í). ÌlÈÌ
i /.
oè7nàl,/ni!úúò, \ú{Í (is jt) ?
bÃqã, (wonìânh) brusrG), !ln.lì (r,. DÀEl!}i), r,ôirAsurpri*d. ânszo,
n!yd/n.i (di). ii. rul LacÌr.rctnm (n ihnì to it\ tloce), ohâDAê into.
Dút$ òìú, eretiD€s (ú nplr to
@|/ôirbt diMt
tofor hin {iD- oíi (rr. Drr.), Àúì!!d
objcct preno!ú
ra*H!.r, ÌrôMÌ wìo is custônrrily 1.tê, dil!
núa/E.nn, rolíôrüs(nr di4ct objet Ì,Ìonou
úr.Di fur h.rn), cPed
nôIl/rjrì, to/ror you {/. *rq.), (indú4r objèú p.onour construciion)
EÀ!\ nÌdêaì | (en exdc-
EsõvFr; pr.qôrõ),
(ô l gc s6vd!
EüÌ/Es4 tofo. ìì€ (in' diHt objet preNüD
úgò/búü, tofor (indiMi bItô! sòü.. ne:t seek bÃÈò! jità, last week
úatòrl (J:úaüõrtrã; I, ú.rd/DElrü,
tô/for rou
Foroün @nstucrior) @ÊÀryàci (l borúracìvÃ; 2i. oaÍàrrüe), &òtõ{ra:õ, rl'màr. wind
nÀntâ@ë(t úarlr@iyã ; /1. aÀ Àatn),fôrgoticn (ihing), forgetfut Penoì DÀntrtr' {orgetfnlleMì mãnya-Eányã,rtrPor
i./fôr À.r (indiKr n'rh, (êxpÉsiÕtr ot syrts EoE( /.) ( Ì{ D or oq) ,anÌo
úrt!à, 0- squcúc/piÌcà toúIisu, !. l. nnderÌ resflre EMàÌrAei(/. n.miticly ; ?t. D!wÀdà1.). $esÌLl'ì
Eõi.L ìnovcÌìêni. ÌrotÌon nú, (6rsr plìÌril in'loE!,( l ìF Ènl ur J ìpr r p" ou cirLrloJc,ls ril' eir bE)
- o! LÀa (6sl DluÌôl àsbitual p-s con;tmc-
m! tê, ífEt reÌrtive oftúusii;
Dbraì !-a
È4Dà, (dat !Ìu.ã1 objecr.
E! nt, hon, leson nraErcí rènliÌ6. Éü-
nü (ÊÌú plutul p 4 !r noun endo)'êil *iü hnJ nrÂ, (ÉEt dürel fiúr.€ -Eü, (6rit !lu.ãl posesivê
(?1. Esn), noÌe. rl, 6Et Àingnl*r Fs ?m- !úiji loun enl?lo'redlirh hr) jn -!i' b€ úhel.ocss of, be !aú/úôúhlú, thh/íhse, 3t (sp€dÌüêd vêrhl tlot/thee, À€É/thêr€ mploted ú contúuÀ dt D!, imnredi -!h M gÀtL in ilìh lowr (Í mj' !u Âen, in ill;s ountry -!3/-!ã -6/-tã), (6rst sinsulir t)os.essivo !ÀúãDl, r. look !11over nõ!àÁ&,, Iìis (údepcnrtent
Â{4, (6Er ltud !-. !tu EEsulrà ; ?r. roun ènprô'rit virh hô)
onsi (í úirtuü), hil/évit (per-
úúÈ, u. $iad (â iü.ìr.n), fold (3 cloth), âì point (.
tiêì) úütÀ (Íbt plüBÌ r€Lúive condêrivê P-ô Prcnoun)
(fNr ?tu4ì oonplê-
btrli, (ÊBt plDl @n tinustivê Ès co!6true
mhi Ìõ, (!irsí sinsula. ÌêÌativê coaünustivep-Â
?r. 6üúòlüesi), ìypo úuÈ/DuhÈ (Pt.!úrìtú), tìe ihÉ€ dôn€s whi.n fonì tàe inilig€m$ úúrn
(t) (?Ì- n@'õei),
(indepeí rrcnoun) (indê!ènpsÃoE)
ú!raèrÃ,foìdìns,ìÌìndins, ú, (68ú singubr &lotive conpletiv€ p-â !rcnou) !. ran {riú súgnra! hÂbiíuÌ È. coDetmc
úsü/tãlü, theirs ddi Posssivc úalÀ/tãtÀ, !êB ildü lo$ssive
o. te foldeil up. be
!àís/tl@, mine (nÌdepen dent pcssivô pronouü) nènã, *êÌinÂ, ìookiÌr for !ànú (i/ú),1'..ìoek,l@!for !èôaúúè(l!èn6bniyi; /. nànà;ún), 6oúght aènúbi, (: !Àr!êEn) !ëoõ, r. sÒôkand bring
(ÉFü dineìn.r @n
Èã-/nl- (t tr-/íà-), belo.girg to (pÌeôled io possrive !rcmu tô fold tì€ ildÈ!ôúl&t ÃÂ;í 6Ei singìhr futu;ê II
úa{À, ho$ nuch/nìon}- ? !.vÀ-úRa, hos hnch
!rkü/lÈtü, youÉ (?/.) (n! libì
(pl. íÃnn).
ná5À,lar arçar (: úü3) agõ/unsô. iâte hoìd (of ràlt I dn lÀndnìa you) I ni (first sì.glllÌ indcpeD-
!ild, (6st singDr!. object - !àúra yÀibdà mÊyton Ntiô-tiyì(t), Nis""i" útõ, ( *ú r õ n l d !.)
liY€loDe| 0t. n.y you
.õúì (pÌ. r6úünr), ìol€ {i! gúúd, vâ[, 6Ìtì-fl@.)
!ôúi (í.),
dn, fâeì -iôú
sü h@ì o{ snn,
djtyi (r) 1/. íjirôyi), ã
rdso/.J r. (ílxeqú,uesê0n !õtõ, r. À reqlêlt. rc-
sòdu{da),0.Net (Nitrr)
(or) a cert in .üh n, Niting,
(/.), NoÍehber
ò[õ, wìãt do I ce !. I
!.ià, r. diÍiilê, spsrste
i, r. l&k, be [mble to -tsbr!
(t), ep*s-
(/.) (?1. !.rÈ!.yè), (?1.
- ttr..!,üri*arÀ
nrut), yelÌos
iã!À rÂÊt, sirg â &ng lcãlrlgãrô, o. (ò!Ìd al-
r. Nd
!l.!, u dio, ò€ in sÌrod S.P?II tõ!õ, u íreFr. stBy (freD
lDu (iL). r, ì1'ú f.oÌì, !Ãnúr {?r. !lnmi), bater-
hi rusnü ?, ìYhlú do I
úõ,otrê'slôr, sh&.ingont, úr. ratõ/lòüüri
r.cÌ, tÌrre is .o re- !ìsi (/) (d dgluà), sôN,.
sabò dòh.bòitt, l)a.nie ôf
'itl úlá, in ihc nÌtrÌtrìg sâi, €lceÌrt, then, rnlè*, !íly, nntjl, ììuú ('Ir) !.i ÌÀ ..8, !s it (h?. roÌ cd rò sani. ,eon'll ìDYe io seeit (tô Ì,èlieÌcii) 3sL, exooílt (Nith n,w-
3n (, saltyã j ?)4.!ìrtrú),
(i r' 3ÀLn(i/è), D. Ft*c rmÌ' PÌ'$n, üÌo.Ì'Ae,
râ. r. flú, I ìncc,.!!oint !Ã/.w4, (ülìiftÌ pluìd lnrììre d/wi/sìt ( nd ú&l Ìr-a PÌonoutonÌtor.,l,filì'
sllrè lÀdÈ, (ìredre) Ìc
{À, (tl,irdsnìAulàr !'ossesrÀ',à(l), súì l,(k, Ì,ôtrÌ,
rrÈêitr,e;I lfslì.d rLonL !ur ,dôÌÜ ê.or ) poìr !l 3êIÌt (í), ÌrsliÌ, Pàv.s. '
96: rô!lú8,
aÊftè to rêll âr
. .laún sluq grcttnl:s
ri&rdúún (i,/è),r- oütì.irì, rsld (21.r.ritu!l), cìri.i dBD.lrõ, rìâIiÍg u errlr
seãfõ, vcry cadÌ Dìúmrtg ' ill rs8tè, tho wcrv ,iibõ, !, $t ud brirg ]!rd 'n 3l8.yt' !. têel)on l,ur''inA .lnn, occÍnrd. i4 oÌ)' 8aÉyu, r. Ìecp on sÒ[in! 'i. 3.rttra, 0. lrêePon búl (/.) (/. s.!dt uniìl (ono) ìs ìroughr !rM'ô'I). 'Í! (oreì)
süe!ë ..rú
iBdd. occutrr
snÀrDiyi ;
(da), f. otrls t0
túB!é, !. (Iontrof rs) clDi!ê (/. ssnilusà),ítiriì.
(- Eelò), \rc.ìdy nâgt" ràf bÀi rúsò. n Ìt sõ6esúil} rs ncè, ÌÌì
satuda(Í), sorbun)er
5Àr,tiìÌas (usÌ wiüì num ters. ?,q.sÀrülü - thre doÌÌn fiÒbÌ. dúive (A1) súta! (ilà), !. lüt doFr,
g@tings l. slo\: srükõ,o. 6rìc ilÕNì (t&nt
rADr ità siLì, gsctiÌgs
303 dÀ rdÂi, dailt, loae botlÌeMnic, {ilne$4 ì)c yea
!Nh_, it (d/i
rà yr í.uli, Ìt Fóí bctkÌ
d!ì.d!ì^Èdrì, i tol,or
ìikins,lÒriDs sô,rvânting,
rau5.. .eÌìrin. ìrdleitovor s.úàyl (d. ràetd), Ìorìg
sâPl puitinFF oÌì olndn plot ly, n,tÌ. r.rü/$i
k.t. ill
(ili), .. *ll, dus
s!. {thirLì plüEÌ p.s ttrc
erniiÌoy€dsith ú, "ôrn hl) .r Ll& (ihiÌd PÌlol hrbitusl p t consiruc r rè. ObiÌd dúrd rclá_ d, (fbiÌd phÌol iddepèn-
rsyó,,. buy â!,ì Ì)rnìgLere ,drü, (ihid plDnl obFoi .àyu, ,. Lê Ìioughí (comcò, (tbird llural suljüDÈ íòl soction rü-. {suc tb -sü, (ihúd pÌml los*ìive ocDdrt núi!ü/3unuti, (d. sgildlÒ. !itld.), 3ndì *ri (of lJiclcìt. moior
6úkÀ (ìÌìird plrtrìl Ìelotive @ürPletive Fd Prcmu.)
3Gt rÈLüLü, ilo6loúlcntlr (ãÌ
shatõ(v6), r. NiPc,.fier I
- yaú ,À!& ròhh, he rhaàô (?1.r!ni@l), üâNk Nú sittiDgd6ponddüìÌ úildõ, L ìJcr vihÌeiJ, í/. dú,lt úilihg ), 'dã íttàoanü, (rüú's !ô,ú€) -ba ,!a {rhir.r d@l or e, @ì, (tÀnd pÌu,r.Diiüurtire I)'â oonsincôion) !n!i (?,. .n!iy.), nmq
rbúta, dorldcs
ràldì (Í) Ol. ú.!iõ5), qdúintuhÉüionof juerìco,
- - si üú!r" *t iLe pri@ (of rü-hô ({mr of !L.ru) .n.rr/úÃ (iír), r. Bter (an aina.l), @úe to a lÈlrsve,
ú@t oÍe.,
rh.sÊ(t .D4tr.; I. 3turH (/'
úôsú), La3lúd, iü€siti-
Zr, !üõrÈ !, iìanu
rh&ul (/.) irt ú:Lìú), úãlúÀú .iltò, fve dÂÍÌ .àa}.ruiiya, iley heloú
3hã rÁIcÀb-,t6kc Ììêdi lài tlÉaB, h&v€boúòle rha. dÌihkrns: sd ($ith
úêll, !. Finnoìr, I'oq olt 3Lõ*i ilÀ s!ilà, tsÌrê tô úl
(íài.d ôilguìer M6culÌns P,é prcDrn €!4
36il !hr, {ihird singdâr ìn*cu l nderndeht J)rorhi ta n.À tòáts ilÌrt, rlìrt. tÌe ênd ôf tlE n.sÌúinc
! n
ts kõ, (rLinl sinsulâr lenìininc rclotive côriinustive p s @nstÌtrc t.ltÀ, (íÀiÌd singnì.r feni1ã,(ihi.d singd.r í.diairc con't,ìd,Ìc p-s pónonn) lÃ. (tl'ird singtrbÌfêminrnê
3hlg&,,.cntc. (ihco so in rhìsi, ente.ing(tld€) rúrÉ U p,o prcnou) 3higa,r. passLìv(: srcõ) tÀ, (tììi.d sinAulôrfeminine rhig4 o. eri!r (lìer.). conre could it r)c ?, I
- úim{hir!,
r. I)r€po.e : seitle
r . úr
r n u ü r r aI
ti!, (iÌ,i.d ôinsdü feeiíúe p'. rmnoun endoved t úly&, u'€ Âfth (s r.bbàar,0. bê$re (thâr),
p r. úbbÀt&ca (,
sow, tlmt s€ed
tAhhÀtaccúÃ i I. i{bbÀtòrh), .onrirnril, Púv.ú (feí
tahhrt.. (itÀ),., netê côr ta. (third singulòr fêDini〠Ìolriirô cotrÌietive p,ã lmmrn and ibr p.t Fonour enplój.d ìvitü .- le ÈÀú (ihnil sì,rgular
tlbrn, (dpr6eioÌ of uttê. i!ôi, r. ioüclì j h.ye êrc4 tÀôÀ.ra!na,guí
366 1üa!À, N. (\Ìât$, e1,.) boils
rÀtòlBhè (J. tÀlÀrs!('ã
túi, (üLird singul8r felúü,ns oôntÌnullÌÌê P-â tantAEh.yì,
r. keep on
rioi (ll, ticõ.r), t€&lÌ€r 61|, lElfore, ol nc@siil dljim, ubündoíly, in lÀIgê rlnü€s (or idcophole) ú!lâ!ê ttlriD, a ld.Aê
tiÊ, phlm oftlìe hrnd, sole
.Àlyi (/.). tnrelÌins, sôiÌ,s Ìrú ttÉ (dr), tog€ihú (with) tãci {l) oÌ. 1ógõ3i),
tikl, ,. treaild, \"lh,lorg
t8hò/ìërLi (?1. tsà6abr), itÌrrdâ
(.t) (?,. iÀtÀtdú),
|nehl, u. get up, sta.í ôúí (on a jouney), standup
i[rl (1. l[l.Ì),
iú.!yà (/-) {rr. iolri!è),
hrÀtÀfut.tôr.Êrrr),caìÈ .àtsúltrõ 1Í) (?1.t.k'i!i-
tÀnb.và (/.) (?1.ìebayõyi), question, aoü of
(dÀ),f. ere
bÀye, stotped, ôiorilirrg i rsay., in a sta ìing
tüDanl refleciing, rneD! bding, Egftt. ,pprcb€n- r!úcõ, r. Èiok up, Êelè.t.
luÌtró (r) (r,4.tMnrtD,
ttuÈ, ,- pNì/LÌ@k ov* tnlr (t), Lre8Ìing wind tü4. flindd-.ôrn ôr nilléf nu6h (il,e 6t plê {@il óf
tsud, hs.dness,toughrcÉ tnri (/-) (?t. tiyõri), tj@ t!yì, .- nlâle m ofi€Ì (ir
harò, .. st nd (ul ), stol ,
tôlú (p,. túrÉd), pitcher
tArtÀôÀkúúúè, groÀi-gMi 1ót1ik6.0. inÌÌpÌe undeÌ
kaüÈtllll., jrrnprg €Íotrts ir írâqÈ md ffeltì
16/tò,\.ên, oúy h-, (se the b- &ction fol
tàm, ,. l,e gâihêr€il tô-
tÍll (r) (?1.t&õ.b4, n€íal ho\elor bsin ; ?t. iliÁhes
Jdt k.lrü irèÌâ!ì, r)ctsixt
(r/. irhryà), sL,,p
kìútõ (í0, !. *leci, lick uÌ) |lilt'iyn (í) (/.) &{|ln rõrl), brconr. type of
tlil silence(d ideophone) - tà yi reü hô Ìâpt sileDú
hôdõ(t), exponsinen*s trõüõ/rsõrõ (/, rtõhlr! ; yúi dn t3árrã: yÃ Í I. i!òrah), oÌd (peEon - lrõloú tl@n, êxp€ri€noedpeEon. 'âí old
téhür(i)(!1. tèbúõri), tâUê, í!.rl^sliri
FâúÀnceú,(sô wúcÀú) tsútI, bcmìÌilq old. qeiíg butsú (, tsút$rà ; ?1. s.dÀucl, i5út5à 1r) (/.
ülgülú (/.) (?1. üúsò,lti),
çsio, iomrd/to 3 Idson or Ìrl.ce, in the trseNo of . PersoÌ
ol tlìê
çãÉà (Í)
- ri!ë
(?1. sr
rni ?, vho iìoes Iìê
Ql. wÈnõÂi),
súcÀ! (J. w.mrl r ?,. wdà!cnú), th8t. that
(?i. v.dr!!rr),
Fruõ (í ; '&cõ@e! ti. rarrÀúa) vÀich *r!!iEi (?r. riqÌúri),
(?,. f,.yõyt,
--drrú s.yr, post ofr.e (sheretel€s@ esy ìo
ta.b.ta, !t tìis tnüê. . . wta, ,. Mv€r Êoúr - ca.r rr rarà. it ilêwftil
çàlcan (t ; r/. tìe oÀÒ nì wüíèícÀú).'À.c.! ?1,vrdÀndò),thât which,
waiiai, ctrNè (nÌ €Ìcttm-
rtlk râ!ilà,
çarilô (pl. mtrit!Àn), plir m!
riri(?t. rt aut),dsyins, - slyyã 4 me is nìê | radÊa (t) (e1.rà.itú),
rô! (pr. róôyõ), uset6 (í!bg oÌ !dm), mlly tõhô, b@úg
rlcã/riioéoè,(remnìnr ôf *eitÀ/{ÁrdÀ (/. randÀ ;
Ánl r!d!úl(à.
o, wrú
tttà, ,. bmDê [email protected] rirà (?,. Fó*ayõ), fdl (üodX, - rarú !ecl, hovy/
tiyõ, olêY€mN,trickins ,ryra âla€| (dcrsnirio!
Fâ (Í vA J ?Ì- vaYYã), wákíi (?Ì. vt}n.i), eìilú sibliry OÌotLêr or wl/{;ú/'Àúè!ê
$4o (oü€), & (one), â, êDofLú
'.du!), @.i'ú
wâ! ii is :àid, qnote. rtrnoü h$ ìt íü!r . . . wài{òye, ttr ing tìÌc he.d
mÀyho(bur prcbÂble)
w .ré íÍ
WaÁcà: Dl.3!
6onD ô{ Íôd.4)
dtn (?i. rl.aut), noo!,
- $tl
Rrri (l.) (?ú maarè),
(: ÌrtlL&D
nài nri,
- *tA! aôb., nàÌí noríI1 @tÀr iiyÀ, lâÊi month $iÀn ila y. mcà, lst
u .ü rôhó-çôlô. lss ty (: ncà,
wírì/rüì, !. spendthe ilat vú!i/ri!i, roiod of dày-
ri, (tìid sinsübrnaeu lúe fuitrr Il !.. p.o
rui (?1.tdl), @my sbeu rÀ (rhi.a singülãrrnssn (foüìedy uêd s nonèy) li'Ìe sübjunctiÌepa prc' plâ.ê tui (?i. 'GiÍõ), rn, (il,iÌd singubr Ììàúü êairy, vêry prorn!üy I'n€ Pa prononn eu rún!, ftüril/tó . po son or Pl,oôi in the r.'rò/râddò, hoN- íhe wot presce of ! Pumn (lü!) daruri, prenrtìr,
r&úEü, v6t,
yÀrds"r- âgrê, mDseìt
yãtrì (p,. yàbõht),6rge. (l{i€) aIt€r
rlbmô .Àk, du€ vest mâsoulúe @Ìünultire
r! Ìrn, (third sirgulôr tutÀ, ,. sbtrShler (rni hâetrlinê l[biiuol ta m!l), out In trvo; st {r r. tà, (ihìil sinsular masuline r€lativô .onijnuiivÈ !-r oo.sLruo
ye/yi(dÀ),,. ihrcv'wây,
'- ji rr!Fò,
lJô/eo hung.Ì
'vÂ(t), dâüslior(: dryÃ) &atü), toung wonrar 'yu ciÈt t)?è of goÌrì
rtryÈ (?1.ç!rõrr), ntrk 'r-, (seesepamt€*iiôn tor 'y- fouoçinsüis @liôn ) yr, (rhid singnLarmaeuline Èlôiivc mnplêtiwe
Àr yÀM., still. up tô
'YòlÀ, Yols (a tosn neôr the crrrtuú Lôrdd) yô!.ã/yârrâ, frnc, splen ditì (rcdy tô ercting)
zã. r Gpeciaìizedvêrbrl erlploted as lutüe I
ilò yl{i, mucn, nany riiwà, Btrolilg. ssndê.ihg
y6 yi ,ãË, it vs lìot/
ri t3 ri, rct ol,oüi doing
zôi, [e will (i]ìiríl sinsulsr nGouÌnrôloln of{uiure zÀLarà(?Ì. zÀklrú),rcost€r.
yõ, (íbird sineül8r ÌmoL noüncejudsenEni (in r lineco n p le ii v eps prodc. (freú
lâ6õ. n Ìtbitents
yiu-yru, ihis vèry day,
tine) isiÌe verdict (in À
YËÈ Jnlt
r.16à,onnôn greyhercn ,tnr,
0. !?. Ì,s@ne, livc
iÌr oÌdâ
r|rbtr it!òú, 1 000 000 ,tu, I rill (úBt singübr fom o{ lnlur€ I ! o ,uô
(?i. ,surtl,
,tuè, a @ì$th hvoÌd), (a9. oui {oot flon ?uìl nüil, 6tiÍup, sh@, €íc.) z.úi,
r. sit doú,
(dÀ),r- cãue to cit/
EDglbh ãawa Vocabülory rõúô (!1. rõDirã), Ìsbbit züh*/rüb (dÀ), .. rÌouí zúòà,0.poü dwdy (rn oq,
NÕt€: útur stn, rÌú Ektüsh-EM eextíore,ít;: M'Md.À tà4t tle th!44d ú6s-ch.tÍ dçtu úiú th. ttw Endish ietíM, a lorgailíatitury anA,{ ?úsibtz, úiti m MMM oJtL wiÌBÌ@ndtucrifu iú @nt@l. It iê í6c eas! a ü nitÌ"Ã í'ú wüg usagebr rh. a@ briafídìútí@ oJ.t2 @i'tst t úid.itr ia shúttMbx-
,úctyã (r) (?l- ,úcúõyl),
slong, eoú 3lo!g eelÌ, r.
,noüdr (r), lelaíioi$ip (by òlood or m!riôse).
sìÉoityplrmeil or Ìao@, dFglr, to h8E (it@4, L
zúIi,.. stlí up +icHr znrl itÀ siti. toke to
ldult, hÀbbl(?r. nnDrõ)
sI Ìiglt, thst's aU d8lt, ba üiì ãfthoue, tõ d.' lò da !ìi/
the di.la"f or
,ur!, @núe ; io{àrds - dri sr. . ., ta. . . (ro! ìrüls mpìôyed rí stà.t
sfi*tion {mütuaÌì,ràrryyi
0!te), rôDaô,
ago, cloú $hilê lgo, din
òhbl anrmaÌ(doD€Áiic), (sild), úni (/. !ãdú/
37+ b€gee, úúôri
mX, lõràúè (, ÌõrÀcè : ânyonewho, itúÌ w.IdÀ
(í E.!è
'be! of the lì€ad, tyari (,f.)
(, bÌue, 'húdt 'Éürrã;
[dd, Dúln (/. nngnnyÀ;
t 1)
AÌab, aÀlãútõ (l EatJ.) raRbtyã; ?4,I44bó*ã) b8g,jòk. (l) (?Ì. tármorn. n@ú (pl. ìruìy.)
hôtìla,Èml3hõ/Lrdtn (r) (?1. lsslitõ/Lrd.ìóhD
bmbobíÉè, LúId (r) (?t. bicycle,!ìtë (?i. rëÌ@ò)
bo{I, rrnúô {neúBÌ)(Ì,1.
ìird, t5út'n (t &uiu-
bq. ÀtsìÈ tpl. ú'.rúl)
beèrohild, r. 5.iüü (i/é) ltistion,
pây, 0. rd.
(nìôtèrnâl),_il!i/t!!6/ (notêmâl unclê's rifê)
búclìêlor s$u!ô/3r.8!õ
hoDê,ra.hì (?Ì. a!rn!úrô) h6Ìr, ü16lÌ (pi. üttüíòrai)
j&òDÉ ; ?r. iiúrì.i)
ütlr (, D.& r ?i.
b€o! ,. ú!gi, r. bneéíi/é),
bcstiÌg. th..shúg, dnl! bcaúíi{ul, rrtülry.n (?l-
- jêLblÀck, búr f,i*/
b@anw(of), ilônin/aton lecaüseol !úò ità/rEbòilà b@., con, lìtõ, EiÈ (r)
ìÉâÌ ( stieÌ), r. rürà
blsclboard,Àüõ(d. â!úà) blênis!. lihii (?i. lihnbi) Earãlõ (, úalüDryã r
(r) 0t.
@üe, t'.rita/!.ri
çÌotrd (Bú),
4úsitè (?r.
ìFrhq, ìa4 du,üb. (d. bFrhd, yoDgÈ, lsõ {!L tr!!õ)
- 6rdn€s (dMp), $nyr
bucke!,nra {rl, aúaul)
colouÌ, l.uì
(d. buõ!i)
bìdì, ii (/. .rnìyr: l.
.àr!n), trjiDl/'üülol (?L
crôwúe(ofoolÌ), cÀú(r)
ch.e 3mr r. ròd (võ)
cuE, r. rueu
(ilÀ), ,.
cuôtn, Nidl
(/.) (?t
drÌ@, Brã (h. ül) @nplsiú, tn}.|, Â&a (í)
oì6p, it b, rI n &rha
ü!ttóÀ, aútúI(d. a!ü.i) qÌr^bscü,lr.!r. tõ.4)
(r) (ri.
cap,!Ër (t) (rL lnlld) @re, vìâü do I?,
childioh!èq rila ch.i!,h|tl (Í)
d.üght€Ì, ryi (/.), dtyã (/.) @ìnm€il, tabbà..!oé
chiêf, *B (rl. .dlui) ohild, r&ò (t rúi.ri
er rf!r)
oontroYersy,jiy.yrÀ (-l) cotrver$tion, atdr, bltú
iby (leriod of ilsxlisht).
.ta {t)
Ìtõ!5 (r) (1. Iriúali) cLr!, atisô (pi. .1.ru1)
cookúg-loí, lú@y-
com (s!in€),
.orècü(ly), üid.i, 3ô!d @uííly, rúõ (í) (?i.
day âíta ionomv, iúi ilef ãnd dmb, tèbaúbri (Í., ú8!hüh,
oô0.t I. ...nÂ
(?tr. @uúier,ìúÃitryhÀlãilà cÌoth (My),
@-rif€, rdrìtyõ (r) kl. cement. dni
cÌothes,üaÈ (d"r. iúi)
@sriêshêÌI,ìíui (?,.!udt)
- in@r e dêbr, u. ci bã!ìì D€@nbd, DizútÀ (t)
3?8 d@6d.út€, !ürúr (t)
-çiúì difrclrìty,dr rye dip otrt,r. trarl; dabõ
3ì9 IuÉpm
d, Lôúa (pr. rEultr) eüly (veÌy), dò rúi-rúi,
€rery,&õFr!a(, tõ'rcà ; rÀnnX,Feü,,triyl (í)
6úh, coutry, rua (t)
eül, úüsà (Í
c!ry, ii iÃ,y.Èl dl lNal
digh,ttril (Í) kL li!õ.!t
DdgulrÀ i
?r.Dirisnt úücn!6 ú)
dimiple,Àrúõjlri(t xúü
.ôuí dliq.i
f8m, sõú. (l) (?1.!ôÀiÌt)
,. ri !óEã ; ,r Dôea (i/õ)
- to pN M €smrn4t@tr, - to t&k€ tÍ ótámimtion,
fsuÌC,lôi6 (?1.Lirôq, .ità (?,. -"iì!u)
d@toalilitl (!1. [rüõcr)
rô {"f.)(?r.
doÌkey,jird (/. lüõ : Pr. tãÌul)
d@r,rôÈ(Í)fu|. úõrôn) - ilonbtl€s,òa.!.Ìrò
*i,"."i"""*, brdõ(./.) ô4di€nced peún, &õro!
expèrt,srà (Í 3*òú |
spsüpd,rldll (i)
í3ll€, Étun!ìr8 (r) (?t. ilrm srioL,ulrír
Ê.d (bX olEú.ô), !, tshr.
381 lÌst, L õ (/.) (d nnÌula)
980 6rgd, rlt!l,(/,
rat óldl gMt.grest-gl&dcòild,
fre, ú!. (Í), côüuõ(r)
!ârÌed,rÌr.rri (t), ri
lleuso pú6o!, BÀh.úna
ddi {/.) {!r
!@ú, !Í.ü, i.lõlt
greq LtuÉ(Í tõrtta; ?t,
s , rrtiryi (/.) (?r. ".D
- ltisàt grçn, Lôrôlhe
ÀMI, rbahò (?1. .hôbu!l)
óvê; ,. ì.,'ü& o. Drrr gi@b&k,r. D.rr/ó.a(dr)
iool, 'I'.
(d. r.rara)
- forifiil
Dd@, !br.!
esuilnut(6), pee!t(s),
f"rnúy, af
gu6i, !lÊõ (í nürÀ ; /. bt íl
gúür, Àairrr (r)
ì@ls, toÌe i.
| glod h6vM
one's, l.
som,Èr (r) kL Í&.!.) iÊl (/. ttrõü) frield, &ôri (t òtõ4ra t súldclitiì,
ìú, tìri (r) k. üÍ) ìanrì, ìtBn (?l ìmrt.) òúd, on íLê oiheÌ, dú ta. I€Ìd ÍorsnjnoÌs),gera ìadl€ (106,ue), rõt| {r) Eótõol) fuD,. ìúibonq Lyürr|*ü (?1.
hide, òLin, Lli eÍtsboppq, d.i (d. tLI)
- ìappen oí, ,, yt rba
(r) FurMi leson, aÀ,rõaE(,/. sntíüde,-sôdirú
nsesJ sún, litõ (r)
(t) (pL
rcÜber, nrlÀ!ìl
382 lìolc. dúì (pl. r.DDr)
{.t kobq Lrrüô(?i, ttabbri) júilg,
hoM. Àõld{rt dôÍ&i) hGpitút, qabid (d. eihi
(rl. trLaD't)
ìonr. .ri (i) kt. .sõ*i)
initrtê, r, rrükr.yÒ (4a),
- hoNeloliler, eü cinl
innedistèly, ú
hol Ì- tlii P,rlrl ? ìoN rÌsúy ?/hos Dn'cÌ' ?
nDpolbnt p@plê,ea!r&
ila rú,
inl)osible. bc, u, lúl&i
inpudd@, r[.8.!h,ri
trqt. bdê
lÂúp,tìËll {Í) (!1.lltuú)
lilXôi) jurtioe,rddd:, tüar?l (t) (/. larBüÍi
kep otr (doins),4 ai!!i'
low@urü,rüatt'l (Í) (d. úrfdr), EôüúlúaI
Ìer, úündr(1. raüàd.i)
lav dom. o. l'üt&
(r) (?t naÀüLü!a.i)
latúô inilietiotr, a!.Da/ü.|.Da (í) (d. Iiú.i)
Jult, ftú
{ Í)
[osevc núy, róuwr ìuìrn üêií9, dú AiliD ìünor naiuF, úünlbli
Eiii (?1. DI.), of eK,
(r) (?1.Dltrõüt)
ini@tiú, rüútt {t) (!i. lüÈ.i)
kinil. iÍì
l6tìe. voÍkêr,!üntn {tú dül'r)
}irdnN, Ibad, alòslact kiry, .{H (pi. !úúúl) lÌii.à@, ú.it.tõ/úrd.A
lelt r, radri/túer
38t @bÂnic, orltud h€dtll€slmtrs,
lie,rúrI (r) {d. r.!r&È life, t.i (?t, !erúf)
(?L hotld-ú-ÌsF, rÈlrl
385 (r)
boy, tòú-úõi
lfuhjÀ€, Ì:rõ {?r. &alu!i) 4!aLÌu, n À&rad (J. trbM, ôõ!r (d. (ôõ!itõ)
Itìi (fÈ), 0. húrt linit. iyrlr (í) lip, Ióaà{p,. Ìõtuì) liftlo, iaaDl (í lÀrúi ; M, pL húõúi), tÀú.!à (J
úoutÀ,ìòH (?r,òarú!i) ì{r., úlüô (, E|rrúi ;
.íír!.i) Bìfôb (pr. úúrÀnõ)
ú€t3L r.úü (d. r!in) niddre,!rÉ !|ri (r) Ltsr.
Dúe, rnla (pL tôdÍ)
úpe ofiLe@h rrõrt (t )
(1.) (?l-
loôd,rnrr (?Ì.rarayrrH) nMisge Iwtr et'@ì Mrú, lll@ü,1lr5 (r) (r,. t!li)
büLE) n@dlo,ül[d (í) (!í.
mtuh€n rddr (i) (?r.
lory, dõ.ô (t dõ!!wa ; ?i.
n@k,mn (d. 'úr.r4 n4d,rür.ü Í1.) k..
(d. eataú4 'rti mdth, rÍü ,irl
ho!üü, mstt€r, iú ilo6n't, bl LõEã
u3Í üarü(Í)
úeerc, !. c'.dÀ, e !úúi n€iìsiry stiok qsuii
-ldtnoú!,rataúsõn noor, ntr (?l ròi&!I) nmúg, ia!4,raní (r) notÀ.r, btD. U.), ú{.
nw,.aDã (Í |tbútõ ; pÌ. rlbabbr) . n*,
Büiri (1. ltìò!n)
&v€úü€Ìss, dú ilè hdtl
nise RiÌer,tsila (r)
onry,rd.i, t sü, tuüE
- at night, dÀ{dü) drú night, 8!ênd the, r. Mu
pott ofr@, siilr! çarl, ll.
rdson, Eüito (?L EEaiúa) lor (@kirg),brúr.
dôrõlr) oÌd*, in od* to, dôEid - iìu€ @ú1, {a'Í -úrtlsgt,.*ri
!.1 úò
- mrtl-s€3t, 3.òrõ 6eõ ! oü,òl . . .0 ., b a ... È t noti@, tské !oti@ oI, L
r , { da) Nd€nì.! xàruDa (r)
- ?ou! dvay, 0. ãte/ãb
prdì@k, Idtúô {?t. trtíi)
peÌn tree (deleb),sisilri
piücàcrtòlú(d. aün!l)
p8pc, a.l&dr (/.) (Pt.
!lm, dab.ú (r) (?r, ila!4.ú)
pemt, D.ìün
(t E.tn-
lDiP Godl, lúDdüllüali
plrt€,!úl (Í) bl. ltuülr) Dlav. Dl.v'e. rfur (rl. FiMy ' -
sh@l, llú.tra
obi3ú, ,. liúüÊiEr li/t) @Petion, (/.) (y' 'r!.1
pas {by), r. RÈ
ptuI€sion, d!r'l r. tL.tsÈ
(r) {l|.
pocLet, üittú/àljí!ú
ofrer(bs.gainúg),r. t.yr olil, r3õtõ/t!õhõ (,
(r) kL
prccldity, .!.üt/e!üd
(.i) bt.
rlhptú, rlÈ.rr (r) (?1. ?qil, üôíird (/. ald-
!en, XhÌlEl
(?,. drG
Ì encil,t@ìr fut t údrüi)
-{N.Â.Ì, dú dôrà bi. poì!À, 1. !ôri
jÈI ; Í1. llEliild)
rut dorì, o. !.!Ì.i
!EÌe, dòH (/.) (?i. narórí) rmoü h* it tüst . . ., *i
qu€srion, iaob.ra (./.)fu)|. qoidìdn È8,!" di ltuì
rãbbit, tõDô (?r- ,óniré)
üüÀhi - mdbêrilg, r€Ìúv€, ,. L.qÌ.raÀ ila ; d€04 u' r'g@l
súy sêssh,dàú!!é (r) rok, hish, Dra.[i
nv, daúyè(í d.!rõ ; ?r.
M!Ì, dari {?r, düúnf}
sèpMuoú, Èh6/dh!ra
Sêpte.bd, ínúba
,' Ilt/
nd dÀ Epâú, o. syaln, 0. gy&lÀ B?@t (woÌd). rÌkò fldt eplee, !. n ye/ni (dÀ) represertÁíire, rÀrilì (?1, dliLi)
rcqúÈr, rôra ; (,,.)ótõ ".
Btf.ty, riÍri (/) sid, it iÂsid tòst . . -, oi
8òtÌrdsy, Àabi. {i), 8.6
datLô) @ì@1, úú|ú|1 E@u
(inms), ,_ dÌ4,
Éd, ir (PL iúiòyE)
enÌe (in plÂ.4, ,. ,.cl
sl@p, t!!Dr.
dalíi (?r. ilàlibi)
dghteoú p@4 ndü O{.
(?Ì. òip, tid (21-,iri!a)
{r) (?Ì. d@, rt||ot (l. üdúr)
- slml-sìrt€, ütõ (d. .tlEli)
brishúred,tl ru/iir/,Er Ì€düe, q ..sò, r. ..wòtè, nok, dúlri (d- drslkn)
se fÍon ofú, 0. !Àúsi (i/ë)
short,sltaaa(, aüõnrõ; - sboúM, s.r6{ (í) glop,rad (d r.üiul) sàoY€I, .hõbnt,aõnü bÌ. (r) (?1. sigí,alÃEÀÈüaEr
991 triìe, rabürÍ?1.iõbuúrl)
st rr, üüõrì (?t Èüú) sing o song,!. Éú ratl .t@Bêr, tìÊõ (/- tòtrõ ; .!€!Ì, úa!üì (pL ú&n) sp.€.h (politicst),L.d (í) sp*ì, Digüt (t) (?i.
slrú,r&r(r) {?r.rriú)
cp4d s loús ti@, r. il.raa +ènil oDodây, L f,uvrút spÌeÀdiilI, yaúr./talE I
(/. hlir.
- (suil),
sâkê, @iil
t /.
.?r.birrl. ,
r.rnn) síud€rt, darìbrbi. dllìbd), òloitld (, x!üì.I i
tn[, nõ3õ {í dõ!lra)
j ?i.
nlraDl; ?r, en|,Àú.i),
l!.) tN.
3poD, cõüÀ!{P,. oõüolt)
lhrnp {pctag€), rr! NH st nd l!, r. ra.À! 0. isrl
of ! psrly,
SDd&Í úúüì/rÂdì {-f.}
(?L DreÌqi)
s?6ior to, 4.i/nrnrt úicÈ, ràúdi (pi, $ôdui) .tor@h mhq clrò!.üì stone,dn6è OÌ. nlrtt'n)
rÀdrDi {Í)
wererr *bj
r€st, .Y nin!+jon,
(?l- thãt, tuoÀ!
there is/ÀE, !. ÀtGi, r. ità
3S4 r!@ i5 m/rcr, ,. üaDü/ni tÀiof,6lúrò (?Ì. ,atirt) úi@. abú(rL .hüDúrlÌ úi!Éj!s. di@Ill d rüb, tü*, !.Ãhrt.an
30.3 uclê
r.rà/ mtuh, rsõrõ (?,. r!õ!!!i)
ò@ilÌ,ì.rõd (d. n r&r)
- (pai€ml), D.p!Vúb. u@kód, duy. (, í!Àrir
wÂfêr, !!rú
çsr€Ì pot !ìúú(ta, tólnll)
wolthy pere!, úsüDci
(/. mndÀcvÀ ; d
tóD, !ür (?f arir'|)
tìór, ú.tart,u rúrl tllw ôrôt, o. r&/tl ü IloEdsr, lsÀDs (Í)
tnds (iti!@t), hr./ núõ (?Lr.È$) rt&lirim, .r'|li {J.) (d. üldn)
WedDdd3y, L\Àì6
râry nuoh, rrúü
titr 3 ôú, o. !õD. (t.) [email protected] lõir.ú (d. lôüaa.l),
ì!êl€s 1tìiDg), rôE (?1.
lo|ôrla (rt
djly. (,f.) (?1.dtvôí) 'o!, veìÌ l, aú6 ! v€ÌÌ. . .. 16Íò.. .
- Aom fim ÉotiD., lõtü
tim6, io olôq, rreülú dl vuftuq
(?Ì. Yh6, lõtach il,t, .tail ita vhm !, rÀú!üè4ròúh€
Tu*dsl, rüa!| (t) vsit for, a jirõ, ,. ilúaaa
rrrc, tirl {/.) (1. nr.ú)
394 wo@.
Fhioì, çeda (/.
'!dda sbich 1, rila ? ( Í tra.a : ç.od, itlca (pL it lrl) Zl. rüÀuA) Íìtq ôft€Ì s, s iiúl. ite woú, b.ser (r) (Pr. vÀit€, td
; pi.
rìo, shon, w.údt (/. mddò ; ?1.r!ÍI!ü) çìo !, çt/sìúi!ò I (?a. 'r
\üfe, aLa (?L oõlõ), !ú -faiLdh
ríe (not oúo'! Y"!d, rld
Pi!d, ì&skilg, tútt (r) itsõd)
riry, Aürõ(?r,Ër.!r.i) mpe,r. .!lü (ir.)
Fnìg$t (ofohndÌe),4út youih, (?r. .r!iÍt) -!raí