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Elisabeth Smith
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How this book works Iead this first Progress Chart
4 5 6
Week 1 DAY·BY·DAY GUIDE 7 Im Flugzeug - New words - Pronunciation Good news grammar- Learn by heart- Let's speak German - Test your progress Week 2 DAY·BY·DAY GUIDE Im Schwarzwald - New words Good news grammar - Learn by heart Let's speak German- Test your progress
Week 3 DAY·BY·DAY GUIDE 25 Wir gehen einkaufen - New words Good news grammar - Learn by heart - Spot the keys Let's speak German- Test your progress Week 4 DAY·BY·DAY GUIDE 33 Wir gehen essen - New words - Good news grammar Learn by heart - Say it simply - Let's speak German Spot the keys - Test your progress
Weil on the way
Week 5 DAY·BY·DAY GUIDE 43 Unterwegs - New words - Good news grammarLearn by heart- Let's speak GermanSpot the keys - Test your progress Week 6 DAY·BY·DAY GUIDE 51 Im Flughafen - New words - Learn by heart Good news grammar- Say it simply - Spot the keys Let's speak German - Test your progress
Answen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60
Flash cards C.rlificate
64 95
German has been structured for your rapid success. This is
how it works: DAY-BY-DAY GUIDE Stick to it. If you miss a day, add one. ~Dialogues Follow Tom and Kate through Germany. The English of Weeks 1-3 is in 'German-speak' to get you tuned in. ~New words Don't fight them, don't skip them -learn them! The Flash cards will help you. Good news grammar After you read it you can forget half and still succeed! That's why it's Good News. Flash words and Dash sentences Read about these building blocks in the Flash card section on page 64. Then use them! ~Learn by heart Obligatory! Memorizing puts you on the fast track to speaking in full sentences. C>Let's speak German You will be doing the talking - in German. Spot the keys Listen to rapid German and make sense of it. . . Say it simply Learn how to use plain, INSTANT German to say what you want to say. Don't be shy! Test your progress Mark your own test and be amazed by the result. ~Pronunciation If you don't know it and don't have the tape go straight to page 12. You need to know the pronunciation before you can start Week I . ""C'f"This is where you find the answers to the exercises.
4DThis icon asks you to switch on the tape.
Progress Chart Enter your score each week and monitor your progress. Are you going for very good or outstanding? Certificate It's on the last page. In six weeks it will have your name on it!
READ THIS FIRST If, Iike me, you usually skip introductions- don 't turn the page. Read on! You need to know how INSTANT Ge171Uln works and why. When I decided to write the INSTANT series I first called it Barebones, because that's what you want: no frills, no fuss, just the bare bones and go! So in INSTANT Ge171Uln you'll find: • • • • •
Only 358 words to say all, weil ... nearly all. No ghastly grammar- just a few useful tips. No time wasters such as 'the pen of my aunt. .. '. No phrase book phrases for bungee jumping from the Lorelei. No need tobe perfect. Mistakes won't spoil your success.
I put some 30 years of teaching experience into this course. I know how people learn. I also know for how long they are motivated by a new project (a few weeks) and how little time they can spare to study each day (~ hour). That's why you'll complete INSTANT Ge171Uln in six weeks and get away with 35 minutes a day. Of course there is some learning to do, but I have tried to make it as much fun as possible, even the boring bits. You'll meet Tom and Kate Walker on holiday in Germany. They do the kind of things you need to know about: shopping, eating out and getting about. As you will note Tom and Kate speak IN!$TANT Ge171Uln all the time, even to each other. What paragons of virtue! There are only two things you must do: • Follow the Day-by-Day Guide as suggested. Piease don 't skip bits and short-change your success. Everything is there for a reason. • Piease buy the cassette that accompanies this book. It will get you to speak faster and with confidence. When you have filled in your Certificate at the end of the book and can now speak INSTANT Ge171Uln, I would like to hear from you. You can write to me care of Hodder & Stoughton Educational.
At the end of each week record your test score on the Progress Chart below. At the end of the course throw out your worst result - everybody can have a bad week - and add up your Jive best weekly scores. Divide the total by five to get your average score and overall course result. Write your result- outstanding, excellent, very good or good- on your Certificate at the end of the book. lf you scored more than 80% enlarge it and frame it!
outstanding excellent very good good
Study for 35 minutes- or a little Ionger if you can!
DayZero • Open the book and read READ THIS FIRST! • Now read HOW THIS BOOK WORKS.
DayOne • Read IN THE AEROPLANE. • Listen to/Read IM FLUGZEUG. • Listen to/Read the NEW WORDS, then leam some.
Day 1\vo • • • •
Repeat IM FLUGZEUG and NEW WORDS. Listen to/Read PRONUNCIATION. Leam more NEW WORDS. Use the FLASH WORDS to help you.
Day J'hree • Leam all NEW WORDS until you know them weil. • Read and leam GOOD NEWS GRAMMAR.
DayFour • Cut out and leam the 10 FLASH SENTENCES. • Listen to/Read LEARN BY HEART.
Day Five • Listen to/Read LET' S SPEAK GERMAN. • Revise! Tomorrow you'll be testing your progress.
DaySix • Translate TEST YOUR PROGRESS.
Day Seven is your day oft!
~IN THE AEROPLANE Tom and Kate Walkerare on their way to Germany. They are boarding jlight QG 901 to Stuttgart via Frankfurt and squeeze past Klaus Becker who is sitting in their row.
Klaus Tom
Klaus Tom Klaus Tom
Klaus Tom
Klaus Tom
Kate Klaus Kate Klaus Tom
Kate Klaus
Excuse me, we have seat 9a and 9b. Oh yes, a moment please. Hello. We are Tom and Kate Walker. Good day. My name is Becker. Boris Becker? No, unfortunately not. I am Klaus Becker. We are flying to Stuttgart. You, too? No, I am flying to Frankfurt. But I am from Cologne. I was in the May in Cologne. The town is very beautiful. I was for my firm in Cologne. What do you do? Computers. I work at Unilever. And you, Mrs Walker? What do you do? Where do you work? I was in a travel agency. I work now at Rover. The job is better. Are you from London? No, we are from Manchester. We were three years in London and a year in New York. We are now in Birmingham. I was at Shell. I am now at the Deutsche Bank. How is your job at the bank? Good? The job is boring. But there is more money. I have a big house, a Mercedes, a wife and four children. My wife is from America. She has parents in Los Angeles and a girlfriend in Florida and telephones always. That costs a lot of money. We have now holiday. You, too? No, unfortunately not. I have in the September holiday. We are flying to Mallorca - but without the children. We have there a house - without telephone!
Tom and Kate Walkerare on their way to Germany. They are boarding jlight QG 901 to Stuttgart via Frankfurt and squeeze past Klaus Becker.
Klaus Tom
Klaus Tom
Klaus Tom:
Klaus Tom
Klaus Tom
Klaus Kate
Klaus Kate
Klaus Tom
Kate Klaus
Entschuldigen Sie, wir haben Platz neun a und neun b. 0 ja, einen Moment bitte. Guten Tag. Wir sind Tom und Kate Walker. Guten Tag. Mein Name ist Hecker. Boris Hecker? Nein, leider nicht. Ich bin Klaus Hecker. Wir fliegen nach Stuttgart. Sie auch? Nein, ich fliege nach Frankfurt. Aber ich bin aus Köln. Ich war im Mai in Köln. Die Stadt ist sehr schön. Ich war für meine Firma in Köln. Was machen Sie? Computer. Ich arbeite bei Unilever. Und Sie, Frau Walker? Was machen Sie? Wo arbeiten Sie? Ich war in einem Reisebüro. Ich arbeite jetzt bei Rover. Der Job ist besser. Sind Sie aus London? Nein, wir sind aus Manchester. Wir waren drei Jahre in London und ein Jahr in New York. Wir sind jetzt in Birmingham. Ich war bei Shell. Ich bin jetzt bei der Deutschen Bank. Wie ist Ihr Job bei der Bank? Gut? Der Job ist langweilig. Aber es gibt mehr Geld. Ich habe ein grosses Haus, einen Mercedes, eine Frau und vier· Kinder. Meine Frau ist aus Amerika. Sie hat Eltern in Los Angeles und eine Freundin in Florida und telefoniert immer. Das kostet viel Geld. Wir haben jetzt Urlaub. Sie auch? Nein, leider nicht. Ich habe im September Urlaub. Wir fliegen nach Mallorca - aber ohne die Kinder. Wir haben da ein Haus - ohne Telefon!
CD 4DNEW WORDS learn your vocabulary by covering up the German words. Then go down the Iist of the English words and see how many you can remember. Always say the German words ALOUD. Tomorrow you'll have flash cards to play withl
in I im in I in the Flugzeug aeroplane entschuldigen Sie excuse me wir we haben, habe I hat have I has Platz place, seat a ••• b (pronounced ah ... bay) und and ja yes ein, eine, einem, einen a Moment moment bitte please guten Tag hello, good-day sind are mein, meine my Name name ist is nein no leider unfortunately nicht not ich I bin am Oiegen I fliege jly I are flying, amjlying
nach to, after Sie you (polite) auch also aber but aus from, out of
war I waren was I were Mai May der, die, das, dem, den the
Stadt town, city sehr very schön beautiful, lovely, handsome für for Firma firm, company, office was what machen I mache make, do, are doing I am doing arbeiten I arbeite work, are working I am working bei at Frau Mrs, woman, wife wo where Reisebüro travel office, travel agency jetzt now besser better drei three Jahr, Jahre year, years wie how Ihr, Ihre, Ihrem, Ihren your gut good langweilig boring es gibt there is, there are (lit. it gives) mehr more Geld money gross, grosse, grosses big Haus house vier Jour Kinder children
Weelc:J-1 sie she Eltern parents Freundin girlfriend telefonieren I telefoniert telephone I telephones immer always das (by itself) that
das kostet that costs viel much, a Iot of Urlaub holidays ohne without da there Telefon (the) telephone
Some easy extras These are all very similar to the English!
die Monale (tlte montlts) Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember
Zahlen (num&ers) null, eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
More greetings hallo hello guten Morgen good moming guten Abend good evening gute Nacht good night auf Wiedersehen goodbye
49PRONUNCIAßON lf the German pronunciation is new to you, please buy the cassette. But if you are good at languages, or would like a refresher, here are the rules:
First the vowels The English word in brackets gives you an example of the sound. Say the sound ALOUD and then say the German examples ALOUD. They can vary a little, but don't worry- near enough is good enough! a (starlcat) ja, Tag, war, da, Name, haben I das, nach, hatte e (yeslname) der, es, jetzt, dem, Dezember, Oktoberfest in, ist, bin, Firma, wir i (in/feel) o (nolpot) gross, oder, kostet u (Junelgood) gut, Juni, Juli, und
Now the dou&les ei I ai (jly) nein, drei, klein, langweilig, Mai (jield) Sie, wie, vier, telefoniert, viel, fliegen ie au (house) Haus, Frau, auch, aus, August
Now the consonants j (like Y. in y_es) ja, Juni, Juli s (like ~in zero) Sie, sind, September v (like f in feel) viel, vier, w (like y in yan) was, wo, wie z (like .ts. in .ts.ar) zwei~ glatz, Dezember. sch(like in ~ip) scflön7 Schiff (ship), entschuldigen Sie eh (like the ~in logv, after a, o and u nach, noch, Kuchen eh (like an exaggerated h in Hugh), after e, i and ö: ich, schlecht, möchten
The famous Umlauts ä (care) März, Mädchen ö (curve) schön, zwölf, können (can) ü
This is a tricky one with no English equivalent. Try the way a Scotsman would say noo in och aye the noo. Then say: für, fünf, Frühstück, Reisebüro
And some more dou&les ee (say) Tee, Kaffee eu I äu (toy) teuer, neu, neun, Verkäufer (sales assistant) Everything is pronounced in German: Name is not 'Nam' but 'Na-me'. Are you tearing your hair out? Why not treat yourself to the cassette!
-GOOD NEWS GRAMMAll This is the GOOD NEWS part of each lesson. Remernher that promise: no ghastly grammar? Every week I explain just a few things and talk you through the differences between English and German. This will help you to speak German INSTANTLY. J -Der, die, das der, die, das, den, dem --+ all mean the ein, eine, einen, einem --+ all mean a Example der Platz, die Firma, das Geld, ein Haus, eine Frau. So how do you know when to use which? Here's the first ofthe good news: In INSTANT German there is no need to struggle with what's what. You may muddle up your der, die, das and everyone will understand you perfectly!
2 - Saying 'you' Germans usually use Sie (with a capital S) when talking to each other. This is a formal way of saying you and is always used - except to family, best friends and children who are called du. When in Germany stick to Sie. lt's much easier to use!
3- Doing things- remember to drop an 'n' When you want to say I jly, I do or I have you drop the n from the end of the verb. Example fliegen becomes ich fliege, machen ich mache.
4 - Asking questions Easy! You simply reverse the word order. Sie fliegen ..• Example You fly... Do you fly ...? Fliegen Sie ••. ? You have... Sie haben •.. Do you have I have you? Haben Sie ••• ? 5 - 'l'here is', 'there are' Use es gibt for both of these. You will use this a Iot, especially when asking questions: Example Gibt es hier eine Bank? ls there a bank here? Es gibt mehr Geld in Amerika. There is more money in America. 6 - Capitalletters All proper names and names of things (nouns) start with a capital Ietter in German: Firma, Hans, Name, Geld, Kinder, Urlaub.
~ ~ LEAilN 8Y HEAilT Don't be tempted to skip this exercise because it reminds you of school . . . If you want to SPEAK, not stumble, saying a few lines by heart does the trick. Learn MEIN NAME IST . . . by heart after you have filled in the gaps with your personal, or any, information. E:xample Mein Name ist Amanda Hurley. Ich bin aus Birmingham. When you know the seven lines by heart go over them again until you can say them aloud fluently and fairly fast. Can you beat 40 seconds? Excellent!
Mein Name ist ••••••• Mein Name ist ••••••• Ich bin aus ••••••• Ich arbeite für eine grosse Firma. Wir haben ein schönes Haus, aber es kostet viel Geld. Ich war im Dezember in ••••••• Wir Oiegen im Juli nach ••••••• Wie war Ihr Urlaub, gut oder langweilig?
J----,, 15
Jfyou have the cassette, close the book and Iisten to LET'S SPEAK GERMAN. lf you do not have the cassette, read on. [' 11 give you ten English Sentences and you put them into German. Always speak ALOUD. After each one check the answer at the bottom of this page. Tick each one that you get right. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 Yes, I am from London. I have a girlfriend in Bonn. 9 We are flying to Stuttgart. 10 My name is Walker.
Are you from London?
Do you have a Mercedes? No, unfortunately not. We have a house in Dresden. There is more money in Köln. How was your day, good?
Weil, how many did you tick? lfyou arenot happy do it again. Now here are some questions in German and you are going to answer in German. For the first Jivequestions answer withja and ich and for the ltJst Jive questions use nein and wir. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Sind Sie aus Manchester? Haben Sie ein Haus in London? Fliegen Sie nach Frankfurt? Arbeiten Sie ohne Computer? Waren Sie für Thre Firma in Bristol? Fliegen Sie nach Berlin? Haben Sie sechs Kinder? Haben Sie im April Urlaub? Waren Sie ein Jahr in New York? Haben Sie jetzt mehr Geld?
Answers I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0
Mein Name ist Walker. Sind Sie aus London? Ja, ich bin aus London. Ich habe eine Freundin in Bonn. Wir fliegen nach Stuttgart. Haben Sie einen Mercedes? Nein, leider nicht. Wir haben ein Haus in Dresden. Es gibt mehr Geld in Köln. Wie war Ihr Tag, gut?
II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ja, ich bin aus Manchester. Ja, ich habe ein Haus in London. Ja, ich fliege nach Frankfurt. Ja, ich arbeite ohne Computer. Ja, ich war für meine Firma in Bristol. Nein, wir fliegen nicht nach Berlin. Nein, wir haben nicht sechs Kinder. Nein, wir haben nicht im April Urlaub. Nem, wir waren nicht ein Jahr in New Yot. Nein, wir haben jetzt nicht mehr Geld.
Well, what was your score? lfyou got 20 ticks you can give yourself
* * *'
~TEST YOUR PROGRESS This is your only written exercise. You'll be amazed how easy it is! Translate the 20 sentences without looking at the previous pages. 1 My name is Peter Smith. 2 Good day, we are Helen and Elke. 3 I am also from Hamburg. 4 I was in Frankfurt in October. S My wife and I werein America (for) three years. 6 We always fly to Berlin in June. 7 How was your holiday in England? 8 Excuse me please, what do you do now in London? 9 Are you Mrs Becker from Bonn? 10 The house in Hanover is for my children. 11 One moment please, I have the money. 12 Is there a telephone here? No, unfortunately not. 13 I am in England without my wife. 14 How big is your company? 15 Does a Mercedes cost a Iot of money? 16 England is unfortunately not beautiful in February. 17 Udo has a girlfriend in the travel agency. 18 The day in Holland was boring. 19 My job is very good, but (a) holiday is better. 20 My two children have a Iot of money. When you have finished all 20 sentences Iook up the answers on page 60, and mark your work. Then enter your result on the Progress Chart on page 6. If your score is higher than 80% you'll have done very well indeed!
35 minutes a day- but a little extra will step up your progress!
DayOne • Read IN THE BLACK FOREST. • Listen to/Read IM SCHWARZWALD. • Listen to/Read NEW WORDS. Leam 20 easy ones.
DayTwo • • • •
Repeat IM SCHWARZWALD and NEW WORDS. Go over PRONUNCIATION. Learn the barder NEW WORDS. Use the FLASH WORDS to help you.
Day Three • Learn all NEW WORDS until you know them weiL • Read and leam GOOD NEWS GRAMMAR. DayFour • Cut out and learn the 10 FLASH SENTENCES. • Listen to/Read LEARN BY HEART.
Day Five • Listen to/Read LET' S SPEAK GERMAN. • Go over LEARN BY HEART. Day Six • Translate TEST YOUR PROGRESS.
Day Seven is a study-free day!
~IN THE BLACK FOREST In Stuttgart Tom and Kate hire a car and drive through the Black Forest. They speak to Ilse Wolf of Pension Wolf.
llse Tom
llse Kate
llse Tom
Good day. Do you have a double room for one night and not too expensive? Yes, we have a room with bath and shower. But the shower is broken. My busband can that perhaps repair. Where is the room? It is here left. Is it big enough? The room is a little small and dark, but not bad How much is it? Only 75 Deutschmarks for two, but no credit cards! There is breakfast from eight to half past nine. WeiL., we would like the room. But can we the breakfast at a quarter to eight have? We would like to tomorrow at a quarter past eight to Freiburg go. And I have a question: where can one coffee or tea drink? Where is there here a cafe? There is a cafe five minutes from here, thirty metres right and then always straight on.
(In the cafe.) Waiter What would you like, please? Kate We would Iike a cup coffee and a tea with milk. Waiter Would you Iike also something to eat? We have apple cake. Tom 1\vo apple cakes, once with cream and once without, please. Tom
Kate Tom
Kate Tom
Kate Tom
My cake is terrible But the cream is good. The table is too small. But the toilets are very clean My tea is cold. But the waiter is handsome. The bill, please! Nineteen Deutschmarks twenty (pfennigs).
In Stuftgart Tom and Kate hire a car and drive through the Black Forest. They speak to llse Wolf of Pension Wolf.
llse Tom
llse Kate
llse Tom Kate
Guten Tag. Haben Sie ein Doppelzimmer für eine Nacht und nicht zu teuer? Ja, wir haben ein Zimmer mit Bad und Dusche. Aber die Dusche ist kaputt. Mein Mann kann das vielleicht reparieren. Wo ist das Zimmer? Es ist hier links. Ist es gross genug? Das Zimmer ist ein bisschen klein und dunkel, aber nicht schlecht. Wieviel kostet es? Nur fünfundsiebzig (75) Mark für zwei, aber keine Kreditkarten! Es gibt Frühstück von acht bis halb zehn. Also ... wir möchten das Zimmer. Aber können wir das Frühstück um viertel vor acht haben? Wir möchten morgen um viertel nach acht nach Freiburg fahren. Und ich habe eine Frage: Wo kann man Kaffee oder Tee trinken? Wo gibt es hier ein Cafe? Es gibt ein Cafe fünf Minuten von hier, dreissig Meter rechts und dann immer geradeaus.
(Im Cafe.)
Kellner Was möchten Sie bitte? Kate
Wir möchten eine Tasse Kaffee und einen Tee mit Milch. Kellner Möchten Sie auch etwas essen? Wir haben Apfelkuchen. Tom Zwei Apfelkuchen, einmal mit Sahne und einmal ohne, bitte.
Tom Kate Tom Kate Tom Kate Tom
Mein Kuchen ist schrecklich. Aber die Sahne ist gut. Der Tisch ist zu klein. Aber die Toiletten sind sehr sauber. Mein Tee ist kalt. Aber der Kellner ist schön. Die Rechnung, bitte! Kellner Neunzehn Mark zwanzig.
ciD 4D NEW WOilDS Learning words the traditional way can be rather boring. Jf you enjoyed working with thejlash cards, why not make your ownfor the rest of the words. Always remember to say the words ALOUD- it's the fast track to speaking!
Doppelzimmer double room Zimmer room Nacht night zu too teuer expensive mit with Bad bath Dusche shower kaputt broken ~ann man,husband kann,können can vielleicht perhaps reparieren (to) repair es it hier here links left genug enough ein bisschen a little klein, kleine, kleines small dunkel dark schlecht bad wieviel Jzow much I many nur only fUnfundsiebzig seventy-five (fi ve-and-seventy) ~ark (D~) Deutschmark kein, keine no Kreditkarte credit card Frühstück breakfast von from bis until halb half halb zehn half past NINE
also... weil ... möchten would like um at (a certain time) viertel quarter vor before viertel vor quarter to morgen tomorrow viertel nach quarter past fahren drive I travel I go Frage question man one Kaffee coffee oder or Tee tea trinken drink Cafe cafe ~inuten minutes dreissig thirty ~eter metre rechts right dann then geradeaus straight on Kellner waiter Tasse cup ~ilch milk etwas some, something essen I gegessen eat I eaten Kuchen, Apfelkuchen cake. apple cake einmal once Sahne cream schrecklich terrible Tisch table
Toiletten the toilets sauber clean kalt cold
Some easy extras Zahlen {numbers) II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 700 1000
---·- .. ) zWÖif - -·-
dreizehn vierzehn fünfzehn sechzehn siebzehn achtzehn neunzehn zwanzig dreissig vierzig fünfzig sechzig siebzig achtzig neunzig hundert zweihundert dreihundert siebenhundert tausend
Rechnung bill neunzehn nineteen zwanzig twenty
Zeit {time) Uhr um ••• Uhr um wieviel Uhr? eine Minute eine Stunde ein Tag eine Woche ein Monat ein Jahr
clock at ... o'clock at what time? aminute an hour aday a week a month ayear
Numbers up to 20 are very similar to the English. After 20 you say the sma// number first:
24: vierundzwanzig. 42: zweiundvierzig.
Watch out for the time halb zehn: think of it as halftowards ten = 9.30 halb vier= halftowardsfour = 3.30, halb eins= 12.30
~ GOOD NEWS GRAMMAll J • Drop the 'n' Remernher to drop the n at the end of verbs when you say ich: essen becomes ich esse; trinken becomes ich trinke. Here's an odd one out: können becomes ich kann.
2 • Splitting ver&s Germans like to keep you in suspense! When they say: We would like to eat Apfelstrudel with cream. They actually say: We would like Apfelstrudel with cream ... (to) eat.
Wir möchten Apfelstrudel mit Sahne .•• essen. So you don 't know right to the end what they are going to do to the cake- buy it, hake it, or perhaps eat it! What happens is that, when there are two verbs in a sentence, such as möchten and essen, the second one gets shoved to the very end of the sentence. Können wir ein Zimmer mit Bad ••. haben? Ich möchte morgen in meinem Mercedes 600 nach Freiburg ••• fahren. If you forget and say: Können wir haben ein Zimmer mit Bad? there may be smiles all round, but everyone will understand you.
~ 4DLEARN IY HEART Learn the following seven lines by heart. Try to say them in under 50 seconds and with a bit of drama! Choose one of the following to fill in the gap: meinem Mann; meiner Frau; meinem Freund (boy I male friend); meiner Freundin
Ich ha&e nicht viel Geld, a&er ••••••• Ich habe nicht viel Geld, aber ich möchte im Mai eine Woche Urlaub machen. Ich möchte mit ... nach Frankfurt fliegen. Ich möchte von Frankfurt in einem grossen Mercedes nach Freiburg fahren. Ich möchte im Schwarzwald viel Bier trinken und Kuchen essen. Kann ich das machen? Ja, meine Firma hat ein gutes Reisebüro. Der Flug und eine Woche in der Pension Wolf sind nicht zu teuer. Es kostet nur 700 Mark. Urlaub machen: to tMlcelhave a holidDy; Flug:jlight.
Over to you! !'II give you ten English sentences and you say them in German ALOUD! lf you don 't have the cassette, cover up the answers and tick them as you go along. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
We would like a double room. It is unfortunately too expensive. At what time is there breakfast? The telephone is broken. We would like to drink something. Do you also have something to eat? Where is the cafe, left or right? The cup is not clean. Can I please have the bill? I am in London at nine o'clock tomorrow.
Now here are some questions in German. Useja and wir for the ones on the left and nein and ich for those on the right. 11 Haben Sie eine Kreditkarte? 14 Möchten Sie um acht Uhr essen? 12 Möchten Sie nach Berlin fahren? 15 Können Sie morgen arbeiten? 13 Haben Sie hier ein Telefon? 16 Möchten Sie das Zimmer?
Now think up your own answers. Yours might be different from mine but still be correct. 17 Wo gibt es ein Cafe hier? 18 Um wieviel Uhr möchten Sie essen? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0
Wir möchten ein Doppelzimmer. 11 Es ist leider zu teuer. 12 Um wieviel Uhr gibt es Frühstück? 13 Das Telefon ist kaputt. 14 Wir möchten etwas trinken. 15 Haben Sie auch etwas zu essen? 16 Wo ist das Cafe, links oder rechts? 17 Die Tasse ist nicht sauber. Kann ich bitte die Rechnung haben718 Ich bin morgen um neun Uhr in London.
Ja, wir haben eine Kreditkarte. Ja, wir möchten nach Berlin fahren. Ja, wir haben hier ein Telefon. Nein, ich möchte nicht um acht Uhr essen. Nein, ich kann nicht morgen arbeiten. Nein, ich möchte das Zimmer nicht. Es gibt ein Cafe fünf Minuten von hier. W1r möchten um viertel nach siebeD essen.
Weil, did you score another 20 out of 20 and * * *?
~TEST YOUR PROGRESS Translate these sentences into German and write them out. See what you can remernher without looking at the previous pages.
1 2 3
4 S
6 7
8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
I drink a Iot of beer. How much is (costs) the breakfast, please? Is there a travel agency here? Do you have a table? In fifteen minutes? I would like to drink so mething. My holiday in Aorida was very good. Where is there a good bed and breakfast place? Can I have the bill for the telephone, please? We were in Köln only once. My children are big enough now. At what time are you in the office tomorrow? I am always there from half past seven to a quarter past five. A question please: where are the toilets, straight ahead? We would like to fly to Oslo in January. But it is too cold. Does that cost more money? Where are you tomorrow at half past ten? It is terrible, there is not one job without a computer. Can we eat here now, and do you have seats for six? Wehave a small house in America, but it was very expensive. Goodbye, we are going to Harnburg now.
Check your answers with the key on page 61 and work out your score. If it is above 70% you have done very weil. Now enter your result on the Progress Chart in the front of the book.
Study for 35 minutes a day- but no penalties for more!
DayOne • Read WE ARE GOING SHOPPING. • Listen to/Read WIR GEHEN EINKAUFEN. • Listen to/Read the NEW WORDS, then learn some.
DayTwo • Repeat the story and NEW WORDS. • Learn all NEW WORDS. Use the FLASH CARDS!
Day Three • Test yourself on all NEW WORDS. • Boring, boring, but you are over half way already! • Leam GOOD NEWS GRAMMAR.
Day four • Cut out and learn 10 FLASH SENTENCES. • Listen to/Read LEARN BY HEART.
Day Five • Listen to/Read SPOT THE KEYS. • Listen to/Read LET'S SPEAK GERMAN.
Day Six • Have a quick Iook at NEW WORDS Weeks l-3. • You know 205 words by now! Well, more or less. • Translate TEST YOUR PROGRESS.
Day Seven Enjoy your day om
~ W1 ARE GOING SHOPPING Tom and Kateare in Stuttgart. They have rented a holiday apartment for a week. Kateplans some shopping.
Kaie Weil, we must today do the shopping. We are going with the bus into the centre. Tom But the weather is bad. It is cold, and there is a Iot of sport in the television ... Golf at half past twelve ... Kate I am sorry, but we must (go) first to a cashdispenserat the bank and to the post office for stamps . . . and then to the ehernist and to the dry cleaner. Tom Weil, no golf ... perhaps foothall at three ... Isthat all? Kaie No, we must (go) also in a department store and a new suitcase buy, and I must (go) to the supermarket and to the hairdresser. And I would also like to (go) in a shoe shop. Tom Oh, good grief! Until when are the shops open? Kate I believe until six o' clock or eight. Tom Ah weil, also no foothall ... perhaps tennis at half past eight. .. (Later.)
Kaie I think I have too much bought. 200 g ham, a piece cheese, a half kilo sauerkraut, a kilo potatoes, six Vienna sausages, bread, butter, eggs, sugar, four bottles beer and a bottle wine. Tom No problem. That is enough for tomorrow. We have yesterday not much eaten. And what is in the big bag? Something forme? Kaie No, yes ... Weil, I was at Karstadt, at the hairdresser's, and I have in a shop shoes seen, exactly my size. Are they not super?- dark blue with white. The sales assistant was very nice and as handsome as Tom Cruise. Tom Who is Tom Cruise? And how much cost the shoes? Kate They were a little expensive. But they cost the same in England ... 350 deutschmarks ... What? ... That is crazy! Tom Kate But this T-shirt for golf was very cheap, size 44, only 25 Deutschmarks, wool with cotton, and here is an English newspaper ... and is there not now tennis in the television?
Week I
:Tom and Kate are in Stuttgart. They have rented a holiday apartment Jor a week. Kate plans some shopping. Kate Also, wir müssen heute einkaufen. Wrr fahren mit dem Bus ins Zentrum. Tom Aber das Wetter ist schlecht. Es ist kalt, und es gibt viel Sport im Fernsehen ... Golf um halb eins ... Kate Es tut mir leid, aber wir müssen zuerst zu einem Geldautomaten bei der Bank und zur Post für Briefmarken ... und dann zur Apotheke und zur Reinigung. Tom Also kein Golf ... vielleicht Fussball um drei ... Ist das alles? Kate Nein, wir müssen auch in ein Kaufhaus und einen neuen Koffer kaufen, und ich muss zum Supermarkt und zum Friseur. Und ich möchte auch in ein Schuhgeschäft Tom Ach, du meine Güte! Bis wann sind die Geschäfte offen? Kate Ich glaube bis sechs Uhr, oder acht. Tom Ach, also auch kein Fussball... vielleicht Tennis um halb neun ... (Später.)
Kate Ich glaube, ich habe zuviel gekauft: 200 Gramm Schinken, ein Stück Käse, ein halbes Kilo Sauerkraut, ein Kilo Kartoffeln, sechs Wiener, Brot, Butter, Eier, Zucker, vier Flaschen Bier und eine Flasche Wein. Tom Kein Problem. Das ist genug für morgen. Wrr haben gestern nicht viel gegessen. Und was ist in der grossen Tüte? Etwas für mich? Kate Nein, ja... Also ich war bei Karstadt beim Friseur, und ich habe in einem Geschäft Schuhe gesehen, genau meine Grösse. Sind sie nicht super? - dunkelblau mit weiss. Der Verkäufer war sehr nett und so schön wie Tom Cruise. Tom Wer ist Tom Cruise? Und wieviel kosten die Schuhe? Kate Sie waren ein bisschen teuer. Aber sie kosten dasselbe in England ... 350 Mark ... Torn Was? ... Das ist verrückt! Kate Aber dieses T- Shirt für Golf war sehr billig, Grösse 44, nur 25 Mark, Wolle mit Baumwolle, und hier ist eine englische Zeitung ... und gibt es nicht jetzt Tennis im Fernsehen?
caD ~NfW WORDS Leam the New Words in half the time by using Flash cards. There are I 8 to start you off. Get a friend to make the rest! gehen go Schinken ham einkaufen to do the shopping Stück piece müssen I ich muss must I I must Käse cheese heute today Kartoffeln potatoes Bus bus WieDer Wenna sausages (hot dogs) Zentrum centre Brot bread Wetter weather Butter butter Fernsehen television Ei, Eier egg, eggs es tut mir leid /'m sorry Zucker sugar zuerst first Flasche, Flaschen bottle, bott/es zu, zum, zur to, to the Bier beer Geldautomat cash dispenser Wein wine Post post office kein Problem no problern Briefmarken stamps gestern yesterday Apotheke pharmacy Karstadt ... a well known Reinigung dry cleaner chain of department stores Fussball foothall Tüte bag (paper or plastic) alle I alles all mich me Kaufhaus department store sehen I gesehen see I seen neu new genau exactly Koffer suitcase Grösse size kaufen I gekauft buy I bought blau blue Friseur hairdresser weiss white Schuhgeschäft shoe shop Verkäufer sales assistant Geschäft, Geschäfte shop, nett nice shops so ••• wie as ... as ach, du meine Güte! Good grief! wer who wann when dasselbe the same offen open verrückt cra:zy glauben I ich glaube believe, dies, dieser, diese, dieses this billig cheap think I I believe, I think später later Wolle wool zuviel too much Baumwolle cotton Gramm gram Zeitung newspaper
~GOOD NEWS GRAMMAll J • Remem&er: 'möchten', 'können', 'mü•sen'. When these verbs appear, the other verb goes to the end of the sentence. Example Wir müssen heute viel Bier ... kaufen.
2 · Good new•: •hortcutl Whenever you would like or must GO somewhere you can drop the word go. (But if you do not drop it, that's okay, too.) Wir müssen zur Bank. (gehen) Ich möchte zu Karstadt. (gehen)
3 · Not •o bad: the pa•t lmagine that you are getting married today. You would say: I do. If it happened yesterday you would say I did or I have done it. When you talk about something that happened before, or in the past in German you use haben plus the other verb, slightly changed and often starting with ge-. Example Wir haben gekauft. We bought. As in the case ofmöchten, können and müssen when you use haben the other verb always goes right to the end of the sentence. Example I have seen Tom Cruise. Ich habe Tom Cruise ... gesehen. We bought a car yesterday. Wir haben gestern ein Auto ... gekauft. As you can see: another suspense story! Nobody knows right up to the end what we did to the car yesterday ... sold it? smashed it up? Once you get into the habit of putting the second verb at the end you'll have mastered half of INSTANT German grammar! On page 56 there's a summary of alliNSTANT verbs and verb forms. Whenever you get in a muddle have a quick Iook there. 4 • Some eaq extra• - Farben (colour•J As a reward for the mental acrobatics with verbs here are 10 useful words for when you want to change that pink shirt for a green one ... weiss schwarz rot blau gelb grün orange rosa grau braun white black red blue yellow green orange pink grey brown
~ GDLURN 8Y HURT Try to say these eight lines in less than a minute!
Wir müssen lteute einkaufen Wir müssen heute einkaufen - kein Problem! Aber wo gibt es einen Bus zu den Geschäften? Ach, du meine Güte! Ich glaube, ich habe nicht genug Geld. Es tut mir leid, aber wir müssen zuerst zu einem Geldautomaten. Wir haben im Supermarkt viel gekauft: Brot, Butter, Schinken und Käse, und zwei Flaschen Wein. Es war nicht billig: fünfzig Mark, aber der Verkäufer war sehr nett. The more expression you use when saying it, the easier it will be to remernher all the useful bits.
4111!1» GD SPOT THE KEYS By now you can say many things in German. But what happens ifyou ask a question and do not understand the answer - especially if it hits you at the speed of an automatic rijle? The smart way is not to panic, but to Iisten only for the words you know. Any familiar words which you pick up will provide you with KEY WORDS- clues to what the other person is saying.
lf you have the cassette close the book now and Iisten to the dialogue. Here's an example: YOU Entschuldigen Sie bitte, wo ist die Post?
ANSWER .Aiw-, ~~ß!Or/t, &wtma/'umner geradeaus bis ZLUYlörM-en' !TC-e.ttzt~ tbi.beia'enll grossen roten Haus. Dann links, tbzM.t--em, .Aiter.shemuUI.tbiU'/ll'f'/'r. Geschäfte. Vn-
Now let's practise again what you have leamed. lf you have the cassette switch it on and close the book! lfyou don ~ have the cassette, cover up the answers below with a piece of paper. Read out the sentences AWUD, one at a time, translate or answer them AWUD. 1 I am now going to the post office. 2 When are the shops open? 3 I am sorry, but that is too expensive. 4 Where is there a bus to the centre? 5 We ate at Karstadt 6 Can one buy wine in the supermarket? 7 Shopping without money? No, but with a credit card. 8 I bought everything in the department store. 9 Have you seen the weather on the TV? 10 Good grief, the suitcase is broken! Answer the following in German using the words in brackets: 11 Haben Sie die Schuhe in Grösse 38? Ga, wir) 12 Haben Sie das Bier im Supermarkt gekauft? Ga, wir) 13 Haben Sie meine Frau gesehen? (nein, wir) 14 Müssen Sie um neun Uhr gehen? (nein, wir) 15 Haben Sie zuviel gegessen? (nein, wir) 16 Was haben Sie gekauft: ein Stück Käse oder Schinken? (Schinken) 17 Wer hat gestern billig gegessen? (ich) 18 Bis wann sind die Geschäfte offen? (acht Uhr) 19 Möchten Sie ein viertel oder ein halbes Kilo Kaffee? (ein halbes) 20 Gibt es einen Bus zum Hotel? Ga) I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ich gehe jetzt mr Post. Wann sind die Geschäfte offen?
II 12 & tut mir leid, aber das ist zu teuer. 13 Wo gibt es einen Bus :rum Zentrum? 14 WJr haben bei Karstadt gegessen. 15 Kann man im Supennarkt Wein kaufen? 16 Einkaufen
Ja, wir haben die Schuhe in Grösse 38. Ja, wir haben das Bier im Supennarkt gdawft. Nem, wir haben Ihre Frau nicht gesehen. Nein, wir müssen nicht mn neun Uhr gehin Nem, wir haben nicht zuviel gegessen. Ich habe I Wll" haben Schinken gdawft. Ich habe gesUm billig gegessen. Die Geschäfte siOO bis acht Uhr offen. Ichllilc:he/Wir111ÖdfalcinhalbesKilo.Kaffee. Ja,esgibteinenBus:rumlUtel.
~TEST YOUR PROGRESS Translate these sentences into German, in writing. Before you mark your work check again on the scoring instructions. Enter the result on the Progress Chart and be amazed! You are now halfway home, and it will be getting easier all the time! 1 Can you see a sales assistant? 2 Where can we buy something to eat? 3 When must you (go) to the office today? At seven? How terrible! 4 We saw that yesterday on (in the) television. 5 I believe the shops are now open. 6 Is there a department store here or a centre with shops? 7 Excuse me, are you also going to the post office? 8 Where did you buy the English newspaper? 9 Who would like wine, and who would like to drink beer? 10 The weather will be (is) bad tomorrow. That is not nice. 11 That is all? That was cheap. 12 The stamps cost exactly five marks. 13 The cash dispenser is for all credit cards. 14 Are 300 grams cheese too much? No, no problem. 15 There is a new dry cleaner three rninutes from here. 16 Do you have a bag for my shoes, please? 17 I believe I have seen a chernist's here. 18 Good grief, all (the) eggs and three bottles are broken! 19 Can you see that? Isthat cotton? 20 Size twelve in England - what is that here? Check your answers on page 61. And don 't forget the Progress Chart.
Study 35 minutes a day but if you are keen try 40 ... 45 ... !
Dayone • Read WE ARE GOING TO EAT. • Listen to/Read WIR GEHEN ESSEN. • Listen to/Read NEW WORDS. Learn the easy ones.
DayTwo • Repeat the dialogue. Learn the barder NEW WORDS. • Cut out the FLASH WORDS to help you.
Day Three • Learn all NEW WORDS until you know them well. • Read and learn GOOD NEWS GRAMMAR. Day four • Cut out and learn the 10 FLASH SENTENCES. • Listen to/Read LEARN B Y HEART.
Day Five • Read SAY IT SIMPLY. • Listen to/Read LET' S SPEAK GERMAN. DaySix • Listen to/Read SPOT THE KEYS. • Translate TEST YOUR PROGRESS.
Day Seven Are you keeping your scores over 60%? In that case ... Have a good day off!
CD Wl' AllE GOING TO EAT Tom and Kateare still in Stuttgart. Horst Schmidt is inviting them to dinner.
Kate Tom Tom
Kate Tom
Kate Tom
Tom, someone telephoned. He did not say why. The number is on the paper by the telephone book. A Mr Schmidt from Frankfurt. Oh yes, Horst Schmidt, a good client of the company. I know him weil. He is very nice. I have an appointment with him on Thursday. That is an important matter. (On the phone) Hello, good moming Herr Schmidt. Tom Walker here ... Yes, thank you ... Yes, sure, that is possible ... next week ... of course ... yes, very interesting ... no, we have time ... wonderful ... no, only a few days ... I see ... when? ... at eight o'clock ... at the top by the exit, by the door. Weil, until Thesday, thank you very much, goodbye. What are we doing on Tuesday? We are going to eat with Herr Schmidt. In the centre, behind the church. He says the restaurant is new but cosy. Herr Schmidt is in Stuttgart for two days, with Edith and Peter Palmer from our office. I know Edith Palmer. She is boring and knows everything better. She has a terrible dog. I think I am going to be sick on Thesday. A heavy cold and pains. The doctor must come ... No, please, that's not on, one cannot do that.
(In the restaurant.)
Waiter The fish is not on the menu, and the desert today is Horst
Kate Editlt Horst
Apfelstrudel with ice-cream or cream. Mrs Walker, can I help you? Perhaps a soup, and then fish or meat? I would very much like the steak with salad, please. I think too much red meat is not good for you, Kate. Mr Walker, what can we give you? And what would you like to drink? Wine? I would prefer a beer and then the fried sausage, with potatoes and vegetables, please. Tom, the vegetables are in cr~am. I would not like to eat that. ..-Page 36
CD 4DWlll GEHEN ESSEN Tom and Kateare still in Stuttgart. Horst Schmidt is inviting them to dinner.
Tom Tom
Kate Tom
Tom, jemand hat telefoniert. Er hat nicht gesagt, warum. Die Nummer ist auf dem Papier beim Telefonbuch. Ein Herr Schmidt aus Frankfurt. Ob, ja, Horst Schmidt, ein guter Kunde von der Firma. Ich kenne ihn gut. Er ist sehr nett. Ich habe Donnerstag einen Termin mit ihm. Das ist eine wichtige Sache. (Telefoniert) Hallo? Guten Morgen, Herr Schmidt. Tom Walker hier ... Ja, danke .... Ja, sicher, das ist möglich .. . nächste Woche . . . natürlich . . . ja, sehr interessant .. . nein, wir haben Zeit ... wunderbar ... nein, nur ein paar Tage ... ach so ... wann? ... um acht Uhr ... oben am Ausgang, an der Tür ... Also bis Dienstag, vielen Dank, auf Wiedersehen. Was machen wir Dienstag? Wir gehen mit Herrn Schmidt essen. Im Zentrum, hinter der Kirche. Er sagt, das Restaurant ist neu aber gemütlich. Herr Schmidt ist für zwei Tage in Stuttgart, mit Edith und Peter Palmer von unserer Firma. Ich kenne Edith Palmer. Sie ist langweilig und weiss alles besser. Sie hat einen schrecklichen Hund. Ich glaube, ich bin am Dienstag krank. Eine schwere Erkältung und Schmerzen. Der Arzt muss kommen. Nein, bitte, das geht nicht, das kann man nicht machen!
(Im Restaurant.)
Kellner Der Fisch ist nicht auf der Speisekarte, und der Nachtisch Horst
Kate Edith Horst
Tom Edith
ist heute Apfelstrudel mit Eis oder Sahne. Frau Walker, kann ich Ihnen helfen? Vielleicht eine Suppe, und dann Fisch oder Fleisch? Ich möchte gern das Steak mit Salat, bitte. Ich glaube, zuviel rotes Fleisch ist nicht gut für Sie, Kate. Herr Walker, was können wir Ihnen geben? Und was möchten Sie trinken? Wein? Ich möchte lieber ein Bier und dann die Bratwurst, mit Kartoffeln und Gemüse, bitte. Tom, das Gemüse ist in Sahne. Ich möchte das nicht essen . ..-Page 37
And you, Mrs Palmer? A little chicken from the grill, fruit and a glass of water, please.
Edith (Later ...)
Are we all ready? It is late. Would anybody like a cup of coffee? Nobody? Good, the bill please. Oh, Herr Schmidt, can you help me please! How do you say 'doggy bag' in German? I would like a bag for my dog. But Edith, the dog is in England!
Edith Kate
jemand someone er he sagen I gesagt say I said warum why Nummer number auf on
Papier paper bei, beim at, at the Buch book Herr Mr, gentleman Kunde client kennen to know ihn,ihm him Donnerstag Thursday Termin appointment wichtig important Sache matter, thing danke thank you sicher sure, certainly möglich possible nächste Woche next week natürlich of course interessant interesting Zeit time wunderbar wonderful ein paar a few
ach so I see oben at the top, upstairs an at Ausgang exit Tür door Dienstag Tuesday vielen Dank thank you very much
hinter behind Kirche church gemütlich comfortable, cosy unser, unsere our sie weiss I wissen she knows I know (something)
Hund dog krank sick schwer heavy, difficult Erkältung cold Schmerzen pains Arzt doctor kommen come das geht nicht that 's not possible, that 's not on Fisch fish Speisekarte menu Nachtisch dessert
Und Sie, Frau Palmer? Ein bisschen Huhn vom Grill, Obst und ein Glas Wasser, bitte.
(Später... )
Edith Kate
Sind wir alle fertig? Es ist spät. Möchte jemand eine Tasse Kaffee? Niemand? Gut, die Rechnung, bitte. Ob, Herr Schmidt, können Sie mir bitte helfen! Wie sagt man auf deutsch 'doggy bag'? Ich möchte eine Tüte für meinen Hund. Aber Edith, der Hund ist in England!
Eis ice-cream Ihnen you helfen I geholfen help I helped Suppe soup Fleisch meat gern glady, very much Salat salad geben I gegeben give/ given lieber rather (i.e. prefer) Bratwurst fried sausage
Huhn chicken Obst fruit Glas glass Wasser water fertig ready niemand nobody wie sagt man ••• auf deutsch? how do you say ... in German?
Last easy extras The days of the week Montag Alonday Dienstag Tuesday Mittwoch Wednesday Donnerstag Thursday
Freitag Friday Sonnabend/Samstag Sonntag Sunday
CJ»GOOD NEWS GRAMMAll J - The luture: more good newsl In colloquial German there is no difference between: I am sick leb bin krank and I am going to be sick tomonvw. Ich bin morgen krank.
So when you are talking about things that are going to happen, there's no need to add frills like shall, will, or going to.
2 - 'Gern' and 'lie&er': easyl If you want to say that you are enjoying something, you use gern: Ich helfe Jim gern. Ich spreche gern deutsch. If you want to say that you prefer doing something you use lieber: Ich helfe lieber Paula. Ich spreche lieber spanisch.
3 - Pronouns: uselul These are the little words which save you repeating the name of the person you are talking about: Tom said to Kate that he was going to meet her, as opposed to Tom said to Kate that Tom was going to meet Kate. Here are the personal pronouns you' lllearn in INSTANT Gemum: you he she it we they me I ich Sielihnen er sie es wir sie mich/mir her him ihn/ihm sielihr
us uns
them sielihnen
This may look like a bit of a minefield, especially when there are two choices for the same word. But amazingly, you willlearn to pick the right one most of the time.
4 - The thircl person (just lilce in English} When you are talking about another person or about something, you often have to change the verb, just like you do in English. Example: I eat- Tom eats. Ich esse - Tome isst. I have- it has. Ich habe- es hat. In Week 2, you learned about dropping the n when saying ich, so this is just another small step. When in doubt, remernher you'll fmd alliNSTANT verbs on page 56.
~ 4D LEARN BY HEART Pretend this is a one-sided telephone call by someone rather selfopinionated. When you know it act it out in less than 50 seconds.
Möchten Sie mit mir essen gehen? Möchten Sie Freitag abend mit mir essen gehen? Ich kenne ein sehr gemütliches Restaurant. Man kann da viele gute Sachen essen, und der Wein ist wunderbar. Nein, Sie möchten nicht? Warum nicht? Ich bin sehr interessant! Sie kennen mich nicht? Aber sicher, Sie sehen mich im Fernsehen: Ich mache das Wetter. Sie können nicht? Warum nicht? Sie haben einen wichtigen Termin? Das ist nicht möglich!
When people want to speak. German but don't dare it's usually because they are trying to translate what they want to say from English into German. But because they don't know some of the words they give up! With INSTANT German you work around the words you don't know. with the words you know! And 350 words is enough to say anything! lt may not be very elegant- but who cares? You are communicating!
Here are two examples showing you how to say things simply. 1 You need to change your flight from Tuesday to Friday. Say it simply: Wir können nicht Dienstage fliegen, wir möchten Freitag fliegen. or: Dienstag ist nicht gut für uns. Wir möchten den Flug am Freitag. 2 This time your friend has just broken the heel of her only pair of 'shoes. You have to catch a train and need some help now. Say it simply: Entschuldigen Sie, der Schuh hier ist kaputt. Gibt es hier ein Geschäft, wo man das sehr schnell repariert?
C> 4D LET'S SPEAK GEllMAN Here are ten sentences as a warm-up, and then on to greater things!
1 Wbo has said that? 2 I don't know why. 3 Can I help you? 4 I believe we have time later. 5 I enjoy driving to Hamburg.
He would like to know that. Work on Sunday? That's not on! Can I give you my number? I prefer to eat chicken. Yes, sure, I have an appointment for you. Now pretend you are in Germany with friends who do not speak German. They will want you to ask people things in German like: Piease ask him... 11 if he knows Edith Palmer. 12 if he is going to eat with us on Tuesday. 13 if she would like meat or fish and potatoes. 14 if they have an appointment today. 15 if they know where the restaurant is. Now they ask you to teil people things. This time they use some words you don 't know, so you have to use your INSTANT words. They say: Piease tell her ... 16 that the soup is stone cold. 17 that we are unfortunately in a rush now. 18 that we would like to have a meal with them. 19 that I am a vegetarian. 20 that next week will suit us. 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 10
Wer hat das gesagt? 11 12 Ich weiss nicht warum. Kann ich Dmen helfen? 13 Ich glaube, wir haben später Zeit. 5 Ich fahre gern nach Hamburg. 14 6 Er möchte das gern wissen. 15 16 7 Sonntag arbeiten? Das geht nicht! 8 Kann ich Ihnen meine Nummer geben? 17 9 Ich esse lieber Huhn. 18 10 Ja sicher, ich habe einen Termin für Sie. 19 20
Kennen Sie Edith Palmer7 Essen Sie Dienstag mit uns? Möchten Sie Fleisch oder Fisch und Kartoffeln? Haben Sie heute einen Termin? Wissen Sie, wo das Restaurant ist? Die Suppe ist kalt. Wir haben jetzt leider keine Zeit. Wir möchten (gern) mit Dmen essen. Er I sie isst kein Fleisch. Nächste Woche ist gut für uns.
Weelr4---~ 41
...."~SPOT THE KEYS Now you are in a department store and ask the sales assistant black shoes you fancy were also available in size 39:
if the
Entschuldigen Sie, haben Sie diese Schuhe auch in Grösse 39?
She said nein then einen Moment bitte and went into the stockroom. When she came back this is what she said:
ANSWER JUr.oirMabe.L'bOl/UJCh
t/lltnU/'t'Hl' r~r fH!9U(yP/ldOM-
t:O:en.oc.hmobtacMukn- aknkh.abent:Oe, Schuhe nur nor.hu1 braun . .Akft:C.hi~BsattBIJ~:e.se- ./~seh~
Grösse uJiin.eutWttv.ß gross genug. {l(-#lillttuulic.hnteut.e-
Size 39 was only available in brown but size 38 should be big enough.
Cf> TEST YOUil PllOGilESS 1 2 3 4
I am sure our appointment was (on) Tuesday. Today? No, that is not possible. Unfortunately we do not have time. I must buy a few things for my friends. Can you help me please? I would like the number of the doctor. 5 Do you know where there is a good restaurant? 6 I believe the church is very interesting, but nobody would like to see it 7 We would like to fly next Monday evening. 8 Can you give me the menu please? 9 Have you given him your papers? 10 Can one buy fruit and vegetables here? 11 Do you know bis new book? 12 It was wonderful, thank you very much for the nice evening! 13 Why must you see my credit card? 14 The two weeks on the QE II were a little boring. 15 You see the cash dispenser upstairs at the exit, by the door. 16 We eat chicken or fried sausage - the fish is too expensive. 17 How does one say in German ... ? 18 Do you know where there is a bus here? 19 My busband likes going to Texas, but I prefer going to Arizona. 20 They did not say where this cosy restauraut was. There were eight split verbs in this test. Did you spot them? Check your answers on page 62. Another brilliant score on the chart.
WEU ON THE WAY After four weeks you are well on the way, and as a reward for all your hard work here's a bit of light relief- a multiple choice quiz. Some of the answers are in German so you have to be smart. But you only need to score 5 out of 10 for a gold star! 1 What would you expect to be offered in Germany for breakfast? a) Salami b) Schinken c) Käse d) Orangenmarmelade 2 How do you say half past twelve in German? a) halb zwölf b) halb eins c) halb elf d) halb nach zwölf 3 How would Herr Schmidt and Frau Schulze address each other after having been good neighbours for 10 years? a) Helmut and Karin b) Liebling c) Herr Schmidt and Frau Schulze 4 How do you say and spell 'sales assistant' in German? a) verkaufer b) Verkeufer c) Verkäufer d) Kellner S When do you exchange Christmas presents in Germany? a) Heiligabend (24th) b) am ersten Weihnachtstag (25th), morgens c) am ersten Weihnachtstag, abends. 6 What's wrong? Ich habe gekauft den Wein am Sonntag bei Karstadt a) gekauft muss ans Ende b) nichts c) alles 7 What does 'es gibt' mean? a) lt gives b) does he give? c) there is, there are 8 What is 'New Year's Eve' in German, and what happens at midnight? a) Ostern/nichts b) Sylvester/grosses Feuerwerk c) Pfingsten/arbeiten 9 How do you say in German 'I am sorry'? a) Es tut mir leid b) ach du meine Güte c) kein Problem 10 What do Germans do when they meet? a) lachen b) küssen c) geben sich die Hand d) nichts
Answers: I a, b, c 2 b 3 c 4 c 9 a 10 c
6 a, c Stores are not open on Sunday. 7 a, c
How about 15 minutes on the train I tube I bus, 10 minutes on the way home and 20 minutes before switching on the television ... ?
DayOne • Read ON THE MOVE. • Listen to/Read UNTERWEGS. • Listen to/Read NEW WORDS. Learn 15+.
Day 1\vo • Repeat UNTERWEGS and NEW WORDS. • Cut out the FLASH WORDS and get stuck in.
DayThree • Test yourself to perfection on a1l NEW WORDS. • Read and learn GOOD NEWS GRAMMAR.
Dayfour • Cut out and learn the 10 FLASH SENTENCES. • Listen to/Read LEARN BY HEART.
Day Five • Listen to/Read LET' S SPEAK GERMAN. • Listen to/Read SPOT THE KEYS.
Day Si:x • Translate TEST YOUR PROGRESS. How is the PROGRESS CHART looking? Great? ... Great!
Day Seven I bet you don't want a day oft" ••• but I insist!
C:.oN THE MOVE Tom and Kate are now travelling through Bavaria by train, bus and hire car. They talk to Helga, the ticket clerk at the station, to Jim in the train and lo.ter to Heino, the bus driver.
At the statio11 Tom Two tickets please to Lake Stamberg.
Helga Tom Helga Tom Helga Kate
Theteandback? There and what? Can you speak slowly please. There - and - back? Only there, please. When does the train go, and where (from)? Nine forty-five, platform eight. Quick, Tom, here are two seats in the non-smoking. Oh, someone is smoking there. Excuse me, you cannot smoke here, because this is 'non smoking'. Smoking is forbidden here. Sorry, I don't understand. I only speak English.
At the &us stop Kate On a Sunday the bus does not come often. We have to
Heino Tom
wait for 20 minutes. Tom, here are my postcards and a Ietter. There isaletterbox down there. I am taking a few phot()s. The Iake is so beautiful in the sun. Kate, quickly, two buses are coming. Both are blue. This one is full. We take the other one. (In the bus.) Two to Munich please. This bus goes to Lake Stamberg only. But we are at Lake Stamberg. Yes, yes, but this is the bus for the Stamberg hospital.
ln the car
Tom Kate Tom
Here comes our car. Only 100 Deutschmarks for three days. I am very pleased. Idollot like the car. I think it was so cheap because it is very old. I hope that we arenot going to have problems. The first car was too expensive, the second one too big. This was the last. (IAter.) Where are we? The map has gone . .._ Page46
~.UNTERWEGS Tom and Kate are now travelling through Bavaria by train, bus and hire car. They talk to Helga, the ticket clerk at the station, to Jim in the train and later to Heino, the bus driver. Am Bahnhof Zwei Fahrkarten bitte zum Staroberger See. Tom Helga Hinundzurück? Hin und was? Können Sie bitte langsam sprechen. Tom Helga Hin - und - zurück? Nur hin, bitte. Wann fährt der Zug und wo? Tom Helga Neun Uhr fünfundvierzig, Gleis acht. Schnell, Tom, hier sind zwei Plätze im Nichtraucher. Oh, Kate da raucht jemand. Entschuldigen Sie, Sie können hier nicht rauchen, denn dies ist kein Raucher. Rauchen ist hier verboten. Jim Sorry, I don't understand. Ich spreche only English.
An der lushaltestelle
Tom Heino
Am Sonntag kommt der Bus nicht oft. Wir müssen zwanzig Minuten warten. Tom, hier sind meine Karten und ein Brief. Da unten ist ein Briefkasten. Ich mache ein paar Fotos. Der See ist so schön in der Sonne. Kate, schnell, zwei Busse kommen. Beide sind blau. Dieser ist voll. Wir nehmen den anderen. (Im Bus.) Zweimal nach München bitte. Dieser Bus fährt nur zum Staroberger See. Aber wir sind am Staroberger See. Ja, ja, aber dies ist der Bus zum Staroberger Krankenhaus.
Im Auto
Tom Kate
Hier kommt unser Auto. Nur hundert Mark für drei Tage. Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Das Auto gefällt mir nicht. Ich glaube es war so billig, weil es sehr alt ist. Ich hoffe. da<;s wir keine Probleme haben ... Das erste Auto war zu teuer und das zweite zu gross. Dies war das letzte. (Später.) Wo sind wir? Die Karte ist weg . .._ Page47
On the left is a petrot station and a stop for the underground and on the right is a school. Quickly! The main road is at the traffic light. If we go to the end we'll come to the motorway. Perhaps three kilometres. (On the motorway.) Why does the car go so slowly? Do we have enough petrol? How many litres? Do we have oil? ls the engine hot? I think the car 'has bad it'. Where is the mobile phone? Where is the number of the workshop? Where is my bag? Kate, these questions are making me mad. And here comes the rain! And why are the police behind us?
~4DNEW WORDS unterwegs on the move Bahnhof (railway) station Fahrkarte ticket hin und zurück there and back, return (ticket) langsam slow, slowly sprechen I gesprochen speak I spoken Zug train Gleis track, platform schnell quick, quickly Nichtraucher non-smoker, non-smoking (compartment) rauchen smoke denn because Raucher smoker, smoking (compartment) verboten forbidden Haltestelle stop oft often warten I gewartet wait I waited Karte card, postcard, map Brief Ietter (da) unten down (there), at the bottom Kasten box
Foto photo See Iake, sea Sonne sun beide both voll Juli nehmen I genommen take I taken anderer, andere other, other one zweimal twice Krankenhaus hospital Auto car Tag, Tage day, days zufrieden content, happy es gefallt mir nicht I don 't like it (it pleases me not) weil because alt old hoffen hope dass that erste first zweite second letzte last weg gone Tankstelle petrol station U-Bahn underground Schule school
Links sind eine Tankstelle und eine U-Bahn Haltestelle, und rechts ist eine Schule. Schnell! Die Hauptstrasse ist bei der Ampel. Wenn wir bis zum Ende fahren, kommen wir zur Autobahn. Vielleicht drei Kilometer. (Auf der Autobahn.) Warum fährt das Auto so langsam? Haben wir genug Benzin? Wieviel Liter? Haben wir Öl? Ist der Motor heiss? Ich glaube das Auto ist kaputt. Wo ist das Handy? Wo ist die Nummer von der Werkstatt? Wo ist meine Tasche? Kate, diese Fragen machen mich verrückt. Und hier kommt der Regen. Und warum ist die Polizei hinter uns?
Hauptstrasse main road Ampel traffic light wenn if, when Ende end Autobahn motorway Kilometer kilometre Benzin petrol Liter litre Öl oil
Motor engine heiss hot Handy mobile phone Werkstatt workshop, garage Tasche bag Regen rain Polizei police, police station uns us
E• gefällt mir 'I lilce it' means literally: it pleases me E• gefällt mir nicht 'I do not lilce it' it pleases me not
Das Auto gefällt mir. 1/ike the car. (The car pleases me.} Das Auto gefällt uns nicht. We do not like the car. (The car does not please us.}
~GOOD NEWS GRAMMARI J - dass (".,at), weil (&ecauseJ, wenn (il, when) • Ich hoffe, dass wir keine Probleme haben. • Das Auto ist so billig, weil es so alt ist. • Wrr haben kein Geld mehr, wenn wir das Haus gekauft haben. Can you see that after dass, weil or wenn the verb goes to the end? And haben gekauft does an extra twist, becoming gekauft haben! Don't kill the messenger! If you get it wrong- it's not a problem. Good news: another word for because is denn. No change after denn: Das Auto ist billig, denn es ist alt. Good old denn! Use it!
2 - Another twist Here's a harmless-looking sentence: First we eatfish. This should be: Zuerst wir essen Fisch. But instead it is: Zuerst essen wir Fisch. This sentence doesn't start with the subject (we), so the verb (essen) has rushed into second place. First eat we fish. Remember: ... da raucht jemand. Am Sonntag kommt der Bus? But if you say Am Sonntag der Bus kommt it's near enough!
~ 4D LEARN BY HEART Here's a dialogue between someone who pranged the car and someone eise who is getting suspicious! Try to say the ten lines like a prize-winning one-act play. Ichallenge you to 45 seconds.
Das Auto ist nur ein bisschen lcapuHI Können wir morgen zum Tennis gehen? Jemand hat mir Karten gegeben. Ich möchte die zwei neuen Amerikaner sehen. Und können wir die U-Bahn nehmen? Oder besser den Bus, weil er genau zum Tennisplatz fährt. Bus? U-Bahn? Warum? Die Sache gefällt mir nicht. Wir haben unten ein schönes Auto. Ja, also ••• ich habe nicht gesehen, dass die Ampel rot war ••• Aber das Auto ist nur ein bisschen kaputt!
C> 4D LET'S SPEAK GERMAN Here 's your ten-point warm up: I give you an answer and you ask me a question, as if you did not hear the words in bold very weH.
Example Steffie ist hier. Question Wo ist Steffie? 1 Das Handy ist in meiner Tasche. 2 Die Autobahn ist da unten. 3 Der Bus kommt in zwanzig Minuten. 4 Tom möchte mit Herrn Schmidt sprechen. S Hin und zurück nach Köln kostet 30 Mark. 6 Das Haus gefällt mir nicht, weil es sehr alt ist. 7 Sie kommen mit dem Auto nach England. 8 Ich habe die Ampel nicht gesehen. 9 Ja, das Hotel gefällt mir. 10 Nein, ich bin mit der Schule nicht zufrieden. Now answer, starting withja and ich:
11 Kennen Sie die neue Autobahn? 14 Gefällt Ihnen der See? 12 Nehmen Sie diesen Bus? 15 Können Sie die Haltestelle 13 Gehen Sie jetzt zum Bahnhof? sehen? Here are Jive things you want to refer to but you don 't know what they are called in German. Explain them using the words you know.
16 Your parents in law 17 central heating 18 a headache
19 a teacher 20 a kennel
1 Wo ist das Handy? ll 2 Was ist da unten? 12 3 Wann kommt der Bus? l3 4 WermöchtemitHennSchmidtsp-echen? 14 5 Wieviel kostet es nach Köln? 15 6 Warum gefällt Ihnen das Haus nicht? 16 7 Wie kommen sie nach England? 17 8 Was haben Sie nicht gesehen? 18 9 Gefällt Ihnen das Hotel? 19 10 Sind Sie mit der Schule zufrieden? 20
Ja, ich kenne die neue Autobahn. Ja, ich nehme diesen Bus. Ja, ich gehe jetzt zum Bahnhof. Ja, der See gefällt mir. Ja, ich kann die Haltestelle sehen. Die Eltern von meinem Mann. Es macht alle Zimmer im Haus warm. Schmerzen hier oben. Der Mann oder die Frau in der Schule. Sie arbeiten mit den Kindern. Ein Haus fiir Hunde, wenn wir Urlaub haben.
This time you are planning a trip in the country and want to have some idea what the weather will be like. This is what you would ask: YOU: Entschuldigen Sie, können Sie mir bitte sagen, was für Wetter wir morgen haben?
ANSWIR: Ja, ich weiss nicht, u6- die letzte Wetter~mrq~r,
Fernsehen .U.tnvnt:. aber danac.h.wllda& langsam ab-zieh>n, tuulesso/1 morgen warm tUf'~ alrmlkr fünfundzwanzig .9/vuAlbereoem-~tellbifY-e/ltoW.oclt tuieLkr Regen am Abend. !T~~-bieL
He isn 't sure but according to the 1V something slow is happening(?) and it will be wann tomorrow - 25"C - but with rain again in the evening.
-TEST YOUR PROGRESS Translate into German.
1 I don't like this bag, the other bag was better. 2 How much does the ticket cost- retum? 3
What did you say? Can you speak slowly, please?
4 I know that petrol is eheaper in America. 5 It is forbidden to smoke in the underground. 6 I cannot wait, I have a second appointment at eleven o'clock. 7 Isthis box for letters? A yellow letterbox? 8 Hello, we are 30 km from Hanover, isthat the garage? 9 Which is faster: the train, or the car on the motorway? 10 It is very bot this week. I would rather (have) a little rain.
11 He did not see the traf:fic light, and now they are both in hospital. 12 I saw her twice at the petrol station today. Her car drinks petrol! 13 Where is there a dry cleaner? I have oil on my Armani T-shirt. 14 We live behind the main road, exactly at the bus stop. 15 We are at the police station because our mobile phone has gone. 16 The tickets are eheaper if you buy them now. 17 I like your car. Was it very expensive? 18 Can you help us please? Where can one eat here by the Iake? If you know all your words you should score over 90%!
This is your last week! Need I say more?
DayOne • Read IN THE AIRPORT. • Listen to/Read 1M FLUGHAFEN. • Listen to/Read NEW WORDS (only 24!).
DayTwo • Repeat IM FLUGHAFEN and learn all NEW WORDS. • Start working with the FLASH SENTENCES.
DayThree • Test yourself on the FLASH SENTENCES. • Listen to/Read LEARN BY HEART.
DayFour • No more GRAMMAR! Have a Iook at the summary. • Read SAY IT SIMPLY.
Day Five • Listen to/Read SPar THE KEYS. • Listen to/Read LET'S SPEAK GERMAN.
DaySix • Your last TEST YOUR PROGRESS! Go for it!
Congratulationsl You have successfully completed the course and can now speak INSTANT
Tom and Kate are on their way back to Birmingham. They are in the departure Iounge at Frankfurt airport.
Tom Kate
Klaus Kate
On Monday we have to work. Terrible! I would like to go to ltaly now or fly from here to Hawaii. My company can wait, and nobody knows where I am. And what are the people in my office going to say? They wait for two days and then they' 11 phone and speak to my mother. I am sure she'll give them the number of our mobile phone. And then? Yes, yes, I know. Well, perhaps at Christmas, a week in the snow or on a boat to Madeira. 1'11 go and buy a newspaper downstairs ... Kate! Hereis Klaus Becker! Hello! How are you? What are you doing here? This is my wife Nancy. Are your holidays finished? How was it? Gennany was wonderful. We have seen a lot and eaten too much! We now know Bavaria and the Black Forest well. Next year you must go to the Rhine. Mrs Walker, my wife would like to buy a book for our computer. Could you perhaps go with her and help her? And Mr Walker, you have a newspaper. Could you give me the Sport please. And then would you like to have a Schnaps?
(At the airport kiosk.)
I see nothing here. What I see is not right. Are you also flying to England? No, we are flying to Hamburg. Klaus's mother lives there. She bad our children for two weeks. A boy and three girls. We are coming back by train tomorrow. That is cheaper. Your busband works at the Deutsche Bank?
.._Page 54
CD ~IM FLUGHAFEN Tom and Kate are on their way home to Binningham They are in the departure Iounge at Frankfurt airport.
Klaus Kate Klaus
Montag müssen wir arbeiten. Schrecklich! Ich möchte jetzt nach Italien fahren oder von hier nach Hawaii fliegen. Meine Firma kann warten, und niemand weiss, wo ich bin. Und was sagen die Leute in meiner Firma? Sie warten zwei Tage und dann telefonieren sie und sprechen mit meiner Mutter. Sie gibt ihnen sicher die Nummer von unserem Handy. Und dann? Ja, ja, ich weiss. Also vielleicht Weihnachten eine Woche im Schnee oder mit einem Schiff nach Madeira ... Ich gehe unten eine Zeitung kaufen . . . Kate! Hier ist Klaus Becker! Hallo! Wie geht's? Was machen Sie hier? Dies ist meine Frau, Nancy. Ist Ihr Urlaub zuende? Wie war es? Deutschland war wunderbar. Wir haben viel gesehen und zuviel gegessen. Wir kennen Bayern und den Schwarzwald jetzt gut. Nächstes Jahr müssen Sie an den Rhein fahren. Frau Walker, meine Frau möchte ein Buch für unseren Computer kaufen. Können Sie vielleicht mit ihr gehen und ihr helfen? Und Herr Walker, Sie haben eine Zeitung. Können Sie mir bitte den Sport geben? Und möchten Sie dann einen Schnaps trinken?
(Am Kiosk vom Flughafen.)
Ich sehe hier nichts. Was ich sehe, ist nicht richtig. Fliegen Sie auch nach England? Nein, wir fliegen nach Hamburg. Die Mutter von Klaus wohnt da. Sie hatte unsere Kinder für zwei Wochen. Ein Junge und drei Mädchen. Wir kommen morgen mit dem Zug zurtick. Das ist billiger. Ihr Mann arbeitet bei der Deutschen Bank? .._Page 55
Nancy Tom Kate
Yes, his job is interesting but the money is not good. Our VW is nine years old and we have a small old flat. We bad a lot to repair this year. My parents and my girlfriend are in the USA and we write a lot of letters. I would very much like to fly to America but that costs too much money. But you have a beautiful house in Mallorca. A house in Mallorca? I have never been to Mallorca. When we have a holiday, we go to the Ruhrgebiet to a friend. Kate, come, we must (go) to our flight. Goodbye! ... What is the matter, Kate? What did Mrs Becker say? Wait, Tom, wait!
CD 4DNEW WORDS Flughafen airport Leute people Mutter mother ihnen them Weihnachten Christmas Schnee snow Schift' ship wie geht's? how are you? zuende finished, over Deutschland Germany ihr her nichts nothing richtig right
wohnen live sie hatte I hatten she had I they had
Junge boy Mädchen girl sein his Wohnung apartment, jlat schreiben write nie never Ruhrgebiet industrial area ofGermany Flug jlight was ist los? what is the matter?
Nancy Tom Kate
Ja, sein Job ist interessant, aber das Geld ist nicht gut. Unser VW ist neun Jahre alt, und wir haben eine kleine alte Wohnung. Wir hatten dieses Jahr viel zu reparieren. Meine Eltern und meine Freundin sind in den USA, und wir schreiben viele Briefe. Ich möchte gern nach Amerika fliegen, aber das kostet zu viel Geld. Aber Sie haben ein schönes Haus auf Mallorca. Ein Haus auf Mallorca? Ich war nie auf Mallorca. Wenn wir Urlaub haben, fahren wir ins Ruhrgebiet zu einem Freund. Kate, komm, wir müssen zu unserem Flug. Auf Wiedersehen! Was ist los, Kate? Was hat Frau Becker gesagt? Warte, Tom, warte ... !
This is your last dialogue to leam by heart. Give it your best! You now have six prize-winning party pieces, and a large store of everyday sayings which will be very useful.
Auf Wiedersehen Kate Herr Schmidt, Kate Walker hier, vom Flughafen Frankfurt. Ja, unser Urlaub ist leider zuende und unser Geld auch. Vielen Dank für den schönen Abend! Tom möchte mit Ihnen sprechen, auf Wiedersehen!
Hallo Horst!. •. Was? Sie kaufen beide? Meine Firma hat Ihr E-mail? Das ist wunderbar. Vielen Dank! Nächstes Jahr? .•• Kate möchte nach Italien, aber ich komme lieber nach Deutschland. Mit Edith Palmer? Ach du meine Güte, nein, nein! Unser Flugzeug wartet. Also ..• auf Wiedersehen!
~ GOOD NEWS GRAMMAR Here is a summary of all 32 INSTANT verbs and verb forms. If you are brave why not test yourself? Cover the three columns on the right and see how many you can remember. Do you know the meaning of the word and how to say ich ••• , er ••• or the past?
Basicform Sie/ wir I sie (they) arbeiten einkaufen essen fahren Oiegen geben gehen glauben haben helfen hoffen kaufen kennen können kommen kosten machen möchten müssen nehmen rauchen reparieren sagen schreiben sehen sein/ sind sprechen telefonieren trinken warten wissen wohnen
ich arbeite kaufe ein esse fahre ßiege gebe gehe glaube habe helfe hoffe kaufe kenne kann komme koste mache möchte muss nehme rauche repariere sage schreibe sehe bin spreche telefoniere trinke warte weiss wohne
er I sie (she) I es arbeitet kauftein isst fährt ßiegt gibt geht glaubt hat hilft hom kauft kennt kann kommt kostet macht möchte muss nimmt raucht repariert sagt
schreibt sieht ist spricht telefoniert trinkt wartet weiss wohnt
gearbeitet eingekauft gegessen gegeben geglaubt
gehabt, or hatten, hatte
geholfen gehom gekauft gekannt gekonnt gekostet gemacht gemocht gemusst genommen geraucht repariert gesagt geschrieben gesehen use: war, waren gesprochen telefoniert getrunken gewartet gewusst gewohnt
Where you see a gap the verb is rather irregular. So work around it or use war or waren which are good stand-bys.
6----,1 57
SAY IT SIMPLY Here are two more exercises to practise using plain language:
1 You have just hired a car and notice a scratch on the left, behind the door. You want to report it so as not to get the bill for it later.
2 You are at the airport, about to catch your flight home when you realise that you have left some clothes behind in the room of your hotel. You phone the hotel's housekeeper to ask hertosend the things on to you. What would you say? Say it then write it down. Then see page 63.
C!IP $SPOT THE KEYS Here are two final practice rounds. lf you have the cassette close the book NOW. Find the key words and try to get the gist of it. Then check onpage63.
1 This is what you might ask a taxi driver:
Wieviel Minuten ist es zum Flughafen und wieviel kostet es? ANSWER & 1wmnw ~ an, ~ J"~ ~ ._N'~~N·~~
w/1& in· tfo" cp~ ~ unJ t/k. ~iM- tfann, ~ mii&eul.· J"~ mh einwc- ~ JlunJe, ~ gjen,. fß.ei&, ~ tße, """~ ~ ..N'~
fitet· tfo.- 60- ~ ~- unJJiiefiuul-
~~ 2 While in the departure Iounge of the airport you hear someone raving about something. Identify keywords and guess where they have been. The answer is on page 63.
... und mein,.~ luw ~ ~ ~ e.<91fo/b dun, ~ Juo.. f//nJ tfie -r,e«Le- «HU"W#' ~ "k/w SO ~<e~ wle-nuu~; lnuno--.uwe-~.reb-nete und~· "?//i~ al.& I.Jeiun& flJa& !ßDtet6w tfü.e/d·IU'n J'ee, und fN,~, tlwn ~ 1f.Jetw., .und wüc oie/3~ odn- miL· tlwn vfum-~tlie~~9~ &~tla60-oiel lnL~- zu ,uohw,. ~· da& /J.r.u.~ um-ltlich.F .AJ.w. IDei/;au&
n~·$idu-J~wüc-~·~nadl.. ••
~ G» LET'S SPEAK GEllMAN Here's afive-point warm up. Answerthese questions using the words in brackets. 1 Hat er die Wohnung in Marbella gekauft? (Ja, Montag) 2 Wieviel Jahre haben Sie bei BMW gearbeitet? (drei) 3 Wann haben Sie mit Ihrer Firma gesprochen? (gestern) 4 Warum müssen Sie Ihr Auto immer reparieren? (weil, alt) 5 Hat er zuerst bei seiner Mutter gewohnt? (nein, bei seiner Freundin) In your last exercise you are going to interpret again, this time telling your German friend what others have said in English. Each time say the whole sentence ALOUD, translating the English words in brackets. Remember: after wenn, dassandweil all verbs go to the end of the sentence!
6 Jemand sagt, Sie sind verrückt, ... (if you buy this old flat) 7 Jemand sagt, es gefällt ihm nicht, ... (if you come too late) 8 Jemand sagt, es ist kaputt, ... (if you have no bot water) 9 Meine Freundin hat gesagt, ... (that our holiday is over) 10 Sie hat auch gesagt, ... (that we come back next year) 11 Meine Frau möchte sagen, ... (that she has a cold) 12 Mein Mann sagt, er kann nicht kommen,... (because he works on a ship) 13 Er kann auch nicht kommen, ... (because he is often sick) 14 Mein Freund sagt, ... (that you are very beautiful) 15 Er sagt auch, ... (that he would like your telephone number) I 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15
Ja, er hat Montag die Wohnung in Marbella gekauft. Ich habe drei Jahre bei BMW gearbeitet. Ich habe gestern mit meiner Firma gesprochen. Ich muss mein Auto immer reparieren, weil es sehr alt ist. Nein, er hat zuerst bei seiner Freundin gewohnt. wenn Sie diese alte Wohnung kaufen. wenn Sie zu spät kommen. wenn sie kein heis~es Wasser haben. dass unser Urlaub zuende ist. dass wir nächstes Jahr zurück kommen. dass sie eine Erkältung hat. weil er auf einem Schiff arbeitet. weil er oft krank ist. dass Sie sehr schön sind. dass er Ihre Telefonummer möchte.
Now do it once more- as quickly as you can.
,.TEST YOUR PROGRESS I have put a Iot into this last test- all 32 INSTANT verbs! But don't panic- it Iooks worse than it is. Go for it- you'll do brilliantly! Translate into German: 1 I enjoy writing letters because I have a new computer. 2 How are you? What is the matter? Can I help you? 3 How many boring people from the office are coming? 4 I do not have the number of her mobile, I am sorry. 5 I like the Black Forest. We had a Iot of snow there last year. 6 The second case is in the bus. Can you take the brown bag? 7 How many cards did you write (at) Christmas? 8 That's crazy: I believe somebody has eaten my steak! 9 Why did you not telephone? We waited until yesterday. 10 Quickly! Have you seen a taxi? My plane is waiting. 11 Don 't you know that? The airport is always open - day and night. 12 lt is important that you are happy with your holiday. 13 I worked on a boat and was never seasick. 14 Did you seemein the newspaper? ... without shoes? 15 Your mother is very nice and makes wonderful applecake. 16 Do you live in a house or a flat in Germany? 17 We must both work. Three boys and two girls cost a Iot of money. 18 We hope the garage can repair that. 19 I know him. He always goes shopping with his dog. 20 Who said one cannot smoke here? 21 We fly to Dallas. Then we take a car and drive to Las Vegas. 22 I would like to speak with the sales assistant. He did not give me a receipt. 23 We drank your wine but we have bought two new bottles. 24 I am sorry, but INSTANT Germanis now finished. Check your answers on page 63. Then enter a final excellent score on the Progress Chart and write out your CERTIFICATE.
ANSWERS How to score From a total of I 00% • Subtract I% for each wrong or missing word. • Subtract I% for wrong fonn of verb. E.g. Ich gehen; wir hat gekauft. • Subtract 1% if you forgot to split the two verbs in a sentence. E.g. Ich möchte kaufen einen Hund. Ich habe gesehen ein Taxi. There are no penalties for: • wrong use of: der, die, das, dem, den, ein, eine, einem, einen, diesem, etc. • wrong ending of word, example: mit Herr Schmidt; in der gross Tüte. • wrong choice of very similar words such as zu I nach or an I bei. • wrong word order, example: Morgen wir kommen zurück mit dem Zug (should be Wir kommen morgen mit dem Zug zurück). • wrong spelling, as long as you can say the word!
WEEK J TEST YOUR PROGRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mein Name ist Peter Smith. Guten Tag, wir sind Helen und Elke. Ich bin auch aus Hamburg. Ich war im Oktober in Frankfurt. Meine Frau und ich waren drei Jahre in Amerika. Wir fliegen immer im Juni nach Berlin. Wie war Ihr Urlaub in England? Entschuldigen Sie bitte, was machen Sie jetzt in London? Sind Sie Frau Becker aus Bonn? Das Haus in Hannover ist für meine Kinder. Einen Moment bitte, ich habe das Geld. Gibt es hier ein Telefon? Nein, leider nicht. Ich bin ohne meine Frau in England. Wie gross ist Ihre Firma? Kostet ein Mercedes viel Geld? England ist leider nicht schön im Februar. Udo hat eine Freundin im Reisebüro. Der Tag in Holland war langweilig. Mein Job ist sehr gut, aber Urlaub ist besser. Meine zwei Kinder haben viel Geld.
I YOUR SCORE:-% I Correct those answers which differ from yours. Then re{l{/ them aloud twice.
Answers------, 61
TEST YOUR PROGRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ich trinke viel Bier. Wieviel kostet das Frühstück, bitte? Gibt es ein Reisebüro hier?. Haben Sie einen Tisch? In fünfzehn Minuten? Ich möchte etwas trinken. Mein Urlaub in Florida war sehr gut. Wo gibt es eine gute Pension? Kann ich bitte die Rechnung für das Telefon haben? Wir waren nur einmal in Köln. Meine Kinder sind jetzt gross genug. Um wieviel Uhr sind Sie morgen in der Firma? Ich bin immer von halb acht bis viertel nach fünf da. Eine Frage bitte: wo sind die Toiletten, geradeaus? Wir möchten im Januar nach Oslo fliegen. Aber es ist zu kalt. Kostet das mehr Geld? Wo sind Sie morgen um halb elf? Es ist schrecklich, es gibt nicht einen Job ohne einen Computer. Können wir hier jetzt essen, und haben Sie Platz (or Plätze) für sechs? Wir haben ein kleines Haus in Amerika, aber es war sehr teuer. Auf Wiedersehen, wir fahren jetzt nach Hamburg.
TEST YOUR PROGRISS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 · 20
Können Sie einen Verkäufer sehen? Wo können wir etwas zu essen kaufen? Wann müssen Sie heute in die Firma? Um sieben? Wie schrecklich! Wir haben das gestern im Fernsehen gesehen. Ich glaube, die Geschäfte sind jetzt offen. Gibt es hier ein Kaufbaus oder ein Zentrum mit Geschäften? Entschuldigen Sie, gehen Sie auch zur Post? Wo haben Sie die englische Zeitung gekauft? Wer möchte Wein, und wer möchte Bier trinken? Das Wetter ist morgen schlecht. Das ist nicht nett. Das ist alles? Das war billig. Die Briefmarken kosten genau fünf Mark. Der Geldautomat ist für alle Kreditkarten. Sind 300 Gramm Käse zuviel? Nein, kein Problem. Es gibt eine neue Reinigung drei Minuten von hier. Haben Sie bitte eine Tüte fllr meine Schuhe? Ich glaube, ich habe hier eine Apotheke gesehen. Ach, du meine Güte, alle Eier und drei Flaschen sind kaputt! Können Sie das sehen? Ist das Baumwolle? Grösse zwölf in England - was ist das hier?
WIEK4 TEST YOUR PROGRESS 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ich bin sicher, unser Termin war Dienstag. Heute? Nein, das ist nicht möglich. Wir haben leider keine Zeit. Ich muss ein paar Sachen für meine Freunde kaufen. Können Sie mir bitte helfen? Ich möchte die Nummer vom Arzt. Wissen Sie, wo es ein gutes Restaurant gibt? Ich glaube die Kirche ist sehr interessant, aber niemand möchte sie sehen. Wir möchten nächsten Montag abend fliegen. Können Sie mir bitte die Speisekarte geben? Haben Sie ihm Ihre Papiere gegeben? Kann man hier Obst und Gemüse kaufen?. Kennen Sie sein neues Buch? Es war wunderbar, vielen Dank flir den netten Abend! Warum müssen Sie meine Kreditkarte sehen? Die zwei Wochen auf der QE li waren ein bisschen langweilig. Sie sehen den Geldautomaten oben am Ausgang, bei der Tür. Wir essen Huhn oder Bratwurst - der Fisch ist zu teuer. Wie sagt man auf Deutsch ... ? Wissen Sie, wo es hier einen Bus gibt? Mein Mann fährt gern nach Texas, aber ich fahre lieber nach Arizona. Sie haben nicht gesagt, wo dieses gemütliche Restaurant war.
WIEKS TEST YOUR PROGRESS 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Diese Tasche gefällt mir nicht, die andere Tasche war besser. Wieviel kostet die Fahrkarte- hin und zurück. Was haben Sie gesagt? Können Sie bitte langsam sprechen? Ich weiss, dass Benzin in Amerika billiger ist. Es ist verboten, in der U-Bahn zu rauchen. Ich kann nicht warten. Ich habe einen zweiten Termin um elf Uhr. Ist dieser Kasten für Briefe? Ein gelber Briefkasten? Hallo, wir sind 30 km von Hannover. Ist das die Werkstatt? Was ist schneller: der Zug oder das Auto auf der Autobahn? Est ist diese Woche sehr heiss.lch möchte lieber ein bisschen Regen. Er hat die Ampel nicht gesehen, und jetzt sind sie beide im Krankenhaus. Ich habe sie heute zweimal an der Tankstelle gesehen. Ihr Auto trinkt Benzin! Wo gibt es eine Reinigung? Ich habe Öl auf meinem Annani T-Shirt. Wir wohnen hinter der Hauptstrasse, genau bei I an der Bushaltestelle. Wir sind bei der Polizei, weil unser Handy weg ist. I denn unser Handy ist weg. Die Fahrkarten sind billiger, wenn Sie sie jetzt kaufen. Ihr Auto gefällt mir. War es sehr teuer? Können Sie uns bitte helfen? Wo kann man hier am I beim See essen?
An.wen-----, 1
JIST YOUR PllOGitESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Ich schreibe gern Briefe, weil ich einen neuen Computer habe I denn ich habe .... Wie geht's? Was ist los? Kann ich Ihnen helfen? Wieviele langweilige Leute von der Finna kommen? Ich habe nicht die Nummer von ihrem Handy. Es tut mir leid. Der Schwarzwald gefällt mir. Wtr hatten da letztes Jahr viel Schnee. Der zweite Koffer ist im Bus. Können Sie die braune Tasche nehmen? Wieviele Karten haben Sie Weihnachten geschrieben? Das ist verrückt: ich glaube jemand hat mein Steak gegessen! Warum haben Sie nicht telefoniert? Wir haben bis gestern gewartet. Schnell! Haben Sie ein Taxi gesehen? Mein Flugzeug wartet. Wissen Sie das nicht? Der Flughafen ist immer offen - Tag und Nacht. Est ist wichtig, dass Sie mit Ihrem Urlaub zufrieden sind. Ich habe auf einem Schiff gearbeitet und war nie seekrank. Haben Sie mich in der Zeitung gesehen? ... ohne Schuhe! Ihre Mutter ist sehr nett und macht wunderbaren Apfelkuchen. Wohnen Sie in Deutschland in einem Haus oder in einer Wohnung? Wtr müssen beide arbeiten. Drei Jungen und zwei Mädchen kosten viel Geld. Wir hoffen, die Werkstatt kann das reparieren. Ich kenne ihn, er geht immer mit seinem Hund einkaufen. Wer hat gesagt, man kann hier nicht rauchen? Wir fliegen nach Dallas. Dann nehmen wir ein Auto und fahren nach Las Vegas. Ich möchte mit dem Verkäufer sprechen. Er hat mir keine Rechnung gegeben. Wir haben Ihren Wein getrunken, aber wir haben zwei neue Flaschen gekauft. Es tut mir leid, aber INSTANT German ist jetzt zuende.
Weelc: 5 (Entschuldigen Sie), Sie haben mir jetzt ein Auto gegeben. Aber die Farbe ist ein bisschen kaputt. Links, hinter der Tür. Bitte können Sie kommen und es sehen und es auf mein Papier schreiben.
Weelc: 6 Hallo I Guten Tag, ich bin Kate Walker. Ich war in Ihrem Hotel, Zimmer Nr ... bis heute. Ich habe leider im Zimmer Sachen von mir, und ich bin jetzt im Flughafen. Ich möchte die Sachen bitte nach England. Das Hotel weiss, wo ich wohne. Vielen Dank.
Weele 6 I
It depends when you are going. Normally it takes 20 minutes. But if there is a Iot of traffic and the Bleichen bridge is blocked you have to allow three quarters of an hour. You can read the price on the meter. Normally it is roughly between 30 and 35 Deutschmarks. 2 They bad of course been to ... England!
C»HOW TO USE THE FLASH CARDS The FLASH CARDS have been voted the best part of this course! Learning words and sentences can be tedious but with flashcards it's quick and good fun.
This is what you do: When the DAY-BY-DAY GUIDE teils you to use the cards cut them out. There are 18 FLASH WORDS and 10 FLASH SENTENCES for each week. Each card has a little number on it telling you to which week it belongs. So you won 't cut out too many cards at a time or muddle them up later on. First try to learn the words and sentences by looking at both sides. Then, when you have a rough idea, start testing yourself- that's the fun bit. Look at the English, say the German, and then check. Make a pile for the 'correct' and one for the 'wrong' and 'don't know'. When all cards are used up start again with the 'wrong' pile and try to whittle it down until you got ail of them right. You can also play it 'backwards' by starting with the German face-up. Keep the cards in a little box or put an elastic band around them. Take them with you on the bus, the train, to the hairdresser or the dentist. lf you find the paper too flimsy photocopy the words and sentences onto card before cutting them up. You could also buy some plain card and stick them on or simply copy them out. The 18 FLASH WORDS for each week are there to start you off. Convert the rest of the NEW WORDS to FLASH CARDS, too. It's weil worth it!
Fla•lt canl•---
..················································· •................................................ 1
.................................................................................................. 1
................................................. ·················································( 1 1
auch 1
)················································· ·················································< 1 1
································································································i·· 1
•················································· .................................................
..................................................................................................····< 1
................. ················ ................................................................. 1
to, after
.................................................................................................. 1
..............................................i.l··········· ...................................l.
. .
. .•·············· .................................................................................... , 1
................................................................................................... 1
................ ················ .................•.................................................
················································· ................................................. . 1 1
Ihr, Ihre
................................................. ·················································1
.................................................................................................., 1
··································································································· 2 2
)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<
ein bisschen
: ................................................... ·················································< 1 1
.................................................................................................. 1
much, a Iot
.................................................................................................., 1
.................................................................................................... 2
• expenstve
................................................. ·················································2 2
would like
.................................................................................................... 2
a little
...............................................2'' ..............................................2...
kein, keine
................................................., ................................................ . 2
von ... bis
................................................................................................... 2
.,.................................................................................................. 2
················································· .................................................
..................................................... ·················································< 2 2
how much, how many
............................................. 2................................................2.1
. ... . . ,.................................................................................................. "
from ... to
..................................................................................................... 2
straight on
.................................................................................................... 2
:.............................................. 3................................................3...
················································· 3 ·················································3
zu, zum, zur
kaufen I gekauft
.................................................................................................. 3
,................................................. ·················································< 3 3
sehen I gesehen
................................................................................................... 3
: . ................................................. ·················································< 3 3
.................................................................................................. 3
buy I bought
.................................................................................................... 3
shop, business
)•••·············································· ..................................................,. 3
see I seen
..................................................................................................., 3
sales assistant
~:r ............................................. 3................................................3... flaMcal'fh-
················································· ................................................. .3 3
sagen I gesagt
.................................................................................................... 3
................................................. ················································· 4 4
.,................................................. ·················································< 4
··································································································· 4 4
................................................... ·················································<(~ 3
.................................................................................................. 3
• ptece
say I said ~·················································
................................................. 3
the same
.................................................................................................... 4
.................................................................................................... 4
.................................................................................................., 4
thing, matter
!:r .•.............................................4'' ··············································;;·. nächste Woche
ach so!
·················································•················································· 4 4
wissen I gewusst
•················································· 4 ·················································( 4
sagen I gesagt
,.................................................................................................. 4 4
ihn, ihm
,................................................. ·················································< 4 4
················································· ................................................4. 4
geben I gegeben
I see!
next week
.................................................................................................. 4
know /known
at the top, upstairs
)················································· ................................................. , 4 4
say I said
................................................................................................... 4
)•················································ ................................................. 4
of course
................................................. 4
give I given
················································· s ................................................. s.
hin und zurück
···································································································5 s
sprechen I gesprochen
................................................. ·················································< s s
warten I gewartet
nehmen/ genommen
;................................................. s:i·················································< s
weil, denn
················································· s ................................................s.
······································································································< 5 5
there and back, retum (ticket)
················································· ................................................. .. 5 5
speak I spoken
)•················································ ................................................." 5
wait I waited
················································· ................................................. . 5 5
take I taken
that .
)················································· 5 ·················································5
..................................................................................................., 5
main road
content, happy
...................................................................................................... .
................................................. ·················································5 s
.................................................................................................., s s
,.................................................................................................. 6
.· .
;.................................................................................................. J 6
··································································································· 6 6
················································· ·················································
.,.................................................. ·················································< 5 5
................................................................................................... 5
petrol station
)················································· ................................................. . 5 5
workshop, garage
mobile telephone
.................................................................................................... 6
)················································· ................................................. . 6 6
finished, over
..................................................................................................... 6
Fla•h carth----, 1
················································· ................................................. . 6 6
················································· ...............................................6. 6
sie hatte I hatten
················································· 6
.•................................................. ................................................. 6
,................................................................................................... 6 6
................................................................................................. 6
..................................................... ·················································< 6 6
.................................................................................................. 6
sbe bad I bad
)················································· ................................................. 6 6
apartment, flat
.................................................................................................. 6
.................................................................................................... 6
................................................. ·················································;
Flash carrl•-----, 1
:································································································i···: ~ Wir waren im Mai in Berlin. :~ :
.. . :·····································································································: . .. für meine Firma ..~ .~ . . .:·····································································································:. Entschuldigen Sie, bitte. ..~ ..~ .:·····································································································:. : Ich arbeite bei Rover. .~ . .:·····································································································: .: .. · Wir haben jetzt Urlaub. . •····································································································: :
1 :
Sind Sie aus London?
. :i····································································································: 1 : ~ Wir sind aus Manchester. ~ : .: . J····································································································: :
1 :
~ Ich war bei Shell. ~ ..2····································································································:. : 1 : Sie hat eine Freundin. ...~ ..· '····································································································· : 1 : ..~ Wir fliegen nach Mallorca. ..~ ...:·····································································································
~ ···••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C
1 .:
We were in Berlin in May. .~ ..~ . =····································································································t ...~
for my firm
Excuse me, please. ...~ ..~ ..:·································································································1···:. l I work at Rover. ..l .. .r································································································1···;. ~ We are now on holiday. 1 ........................................................................................................•.. 1 .: .: 1. Are you from London? 1 . .:...................................................................................................... ~
We are from Manchester. 1. ..~ . :....................................................................................................• 1 .: .: I was at Shell. ...; ..;. :...................................................................................................., 1 .: .: She has a friend. ..; ..; :=····································································································~ 1 :
We fly to Mallorca. ..j ..j .....................................................................................................•
:····································································································· : 2 :
~ Haben Sie ein Zimmer? : .. . •····································································································• 2 .: .: ~ Es ist kaputt. ~ ..:································································································2····:... . .. Wieviel kostet es? ..~ ...~ . . .:································································································2····: · Von acht bis halb zehn. ~ . ..:································································································2····:. . . Das ist zu teuer! .:~ .:~ .:·······························································································2···:. .~Wir möchten nach Berlin fahren.~. i····································································································: :
2 :
2 :
..~ Wir möchten etwas essen. ...~ !····································································································: ..~
Wo gibt es hier ... ?
.. 2····································································································: : 2 : ~ Wo ist das Cafe? ~ :. :. :'····································································································· 2 : Um wieviel Uhr? .:~ .~ .:····································································································· .: ..
....................................................................................................., :
Do you have a room?
It is broken.
. . =····································································································t 2
How much does it cost?
From eight to half past nine. j .:·································································································2···;. 1. That is too expensive! ~ . ......................................................................................................•. :
..~ We would like to go to Berlin. ..~ :...................................................................................................., .~ We would like to eat something. ..~ :....................................................................................................
Where is there ... here?
, 2!
Where is the cafe?
At what time?
Fla•lt carrl•------., 1
.~ Wir gehen heute einkaufen.
=····································································································= 3 ~
Wo gibt es einen Bus? ~ ..•....................................................................................................•.. .
3 :
..~ : ....................................................................................................• Es tut mir leid.
3 :
~ Wir müssen zuerst zur Bank. ...•...................................................................................................
..~ Ich möchte Schuhe kaufen . .•····································································································• ~
Das ist alles.
r·························wa···glbi. es. h1er. . . . . . . . . . . 3···~
~ einen Supermarkt? ~ )····································································································: : 3 : .~Wann sind die Geschäfte offen?~.
.......................................................................................................... ~
3 ~
Wir haben viel gekauft.
:'····································································································· 3 :
..~Ich habe bei Karstadt gegessen. ..~ ...:·····································································································
I We are going shopping today. ~ :
.=····································································································t 3 j
Where is there a bus?
I am sorry.
~ .:·································································································3···i.
First we must (go) to the bank.
j I would like to buy shoes. .j .. . r································································································3···1 . . That is all. ...l ...l :....................................................................................................(
Where is there a supermarket here?
l ~
1 When are the shops open? 1 .:....................................................................................................(. :. 3 :.
We bought a Iot.
I have eaten at Karstadt.
:....................................................................................................i 3 : !
!.. .
"".,. c a r d • - - . 1
:····································································································· : 4 :
~ Jemand hat telefoniert. ..~ .:································································································4····:.
... ~
Er hat nicht gesagt, warum.
. . :·······························································································4···:
~Ich habe einen Termin mit ihm. i ..: .....................................................................................................:. :
4 :
..~ : ....................................................................................................:
: :
Ich kenne ihn.
4 :
~ . : ....................................................................................................: . 4 • ~ Können Sie mir das geben? .= .. .
Das geht nicht.
:~-···································································································: 4 :
~ Können Sie mir helfen? · ...!····································································································:. :
4 :
.i '····································································································· ~ 4 : ~ Ich trinke lieber Wein. ..~ ~
Essen Sie gern Bratwurst?
:'····································································································· 4 :
..~ Wie sagt man ... auf deutsch? .~ ..:·····································································································
I 90
.....................................................................................................( 1
~ .
Someone has phoned.
4 1
~ .
He did not say why.
I have an appointment with him.1 ~································································································4·~
I know him. ...~ ..~ . .:·································································································4···:. That's not on. ..~ ..~ .:·································································································4···:. . . j Can you give me that? j .:..................................................................................................... 4:. .: 1 Can you help me? ...~ . :=···································································································•( 4: ..1 Do you like eating Bratwurst? ..~ ·....................................................................................................(
I prefer drinking wine.
How do you say in German ... ?
"_,. Cfll'd.-----,,
•....................................................................................................• . 5 : :
Wo ist der Bahnhof?
. ~ ..
.. .:································································································5····:. : Wann fährt der Zug? ~ . . .=·······························································································s···= ...~Wie kommen wir zur Autobahn?~... .:································································································5····:. ~ Wohin fährt dieser Bus? ~ : . : ....................................................................................................: •
5 •
5 :
Gibt es hier eine Werkstatt? .~ ..:~ .................................................................................................... : =
Wrr nehmen das andere.
:~····································································································: 5 :
~ Es gefällt mir nicht. .~ :J····································································································: 5 : .~ Es war billig, weil es alt ist. .~ :J····································································································: s:
Die Tasche ist weg.
!··············'fch. hoffe~··aa·s·s···sie. eln···········:s···~ ~ Auto haben . .:·····································································································
~ ·····································································································( l
Where is the station?
When does the train go?
5 l
.: ..: :=····································································································t 5:
..1 l································································································-s··i
..1How do we get to the motorway? .1. l·································································································5··i .. Where (to) does this bus go? .. r·······························································································-s··;
Is there a garage here?
......................................................................................................... 5:. .: We take the other. .....~ ....~ :.................................................................................................... :. 5:. ~
I don't like it.
.:..................................................................................................... (
j lt was cheap because it is old. j
5:. .: The bag has gone. .~ .~ l·································································································s··j
I hope that you have a car.
..~Nächste Woche muss ich arbeiten. ..~ .:································································································6····:. ~ Ich kann nicht warten. ~ ..: .....................................................................................................: 6 .: .: Wo wohnen Sie? ~ ..~ ... :·······························································································,···: ~ Ich muss mit ihm sprechen. ~ : ~
..........................W1r . iiäheli.
: eiiie······················6··~
•~-···································································································: 6 •
.~ Unser Urlaub ist jetzt zuende. ..~ ~-···································································································: :
6 :
6 :
6 .
6 :
~ Was ist los? ~ ..!····································································································:..
.~ Wir haben zwei Tage gewartet. .~ !····································································································: ~ Haben Sie das gesehen? ~ .'····································································································:.. ~ Wie geht's? ~ .:•.......................................................................................................
! l
Next week I must work.
6l 1
:=····································································································~ 6 :
! ~
I cannot wait.
~ :·································································································6···: : : Where do you live? .~ .~
.. . l........................................................................................•........6...1. . . ~ I must speak with him. ~ ... .. .r································································································6...1. !.. We have a three room flat. !.. ......................................................................................................•. 6:. .: ~ Our holiday is now over. ~ .:.................................................................................................... (. 6:. .: What is the matter? ..~ .i. :.................................................................................................... :. 6:. j We waited (for) two days. j . .
.................................................................................................... (
Did you see that?
..................................................................................................., 6:
How is it going? I How are you?
~ ....................... ~