'J,?-l !JnZ Í.
hnte,trK PIon of the book To tfie teocher Acknowledgments Preview
iv vi vii
4 t4 23
42 5l ól 7l 8l
Planof the book
main ideas
generaland specificinformation toPic sentences logicalorganizationI inferencesentences facts and examplesin paragraphs supportingsentences definition paragraphs attention getters paragraphs cause-and-effect introductoryparagraphs processparagraphs guidebookstyle style classification concludingparagraphs comparison-contrastparagraphs expressionsthat show contrast paragrapt's persuasive parallelism sentencetransitions logicalorganization2 topic division paragraphlinks
newspaperstyles headlines
wr¡ting a paragraphabout thinesI like to do
writing a paragraphabout myself
writing a composition about careerchoice
writing a letter requesting information
writing a magazinearticle about a classmate
direct and indirectspeech
writing a resume
writing a composition about an invention
writing a letter to a companyabout a product
writing a composition about an important day
cause-and-effect words
a greetingcard designing
writing a guidebookarticle about a one-daytour
writing a letter requesting tourist information
writing a researchreport,
researchingrestaurantsand creatinga restaurantguide
writing a magazinearticleabout interviewingtechniques
waysot $vrns acvrce
rePorting on interview results
writing a letter to myself about goals
writing about classmatesand findingout about myself
writing a compositionabout dormitory design
a dormitory poster designing
writing a compositionabout an important person
writing a letter to someone who hasinfluencedme
writing a newspaperarticle
other words for soid
writing a letter to my teacher
¡?reñmr Work with a partner. Write the answer to this question. What is a paragraph?
Look at the bottom of page 3 to check your answer.
3 * Now read the two paragraphs below, and follow the instructions. Aovies There are three reasons why / /ove movtes ñrst of a//, movies tqke us q// over fhe wor/d. We con see beaufifu/ srghts and /eorn obout interesttng cuhures without ever /eaving home. Second movies show us how other peop/e /¡ve and so/ve their prob/ems. This he/ps us make decisions about our own prob/ems. ñna//y, and maybe most rmportant movies are Tusf p/ain fun. After a hard day af work, it fee/s good to sit down and be entertained a aood movie.
TelevLsLon ; Nq fanLlq has three televLsLon sefe . €one channels \-/ J are Ln languagee ofher .than EnglLsh, so L can't wafoh fhen, L lLke TV beoaqse fhere are to. ,na^q d¿ff"r""f show€, bqf Z don'f lLke to wafch felevLsLln wLfh nq
brofher becaqse.he changes fhe channele all fhe fL"-u, Sorte people lLke conedLes becaqse fheq help ue forg"f d'ag at worp. As for. ne, L l¿kre-^et',/s and nttsLc a nar) shows fhe" besf, Sone shows are verg {rnng, and sone feach
-qs aboqf
a. Which paragraph is easier to understand becauseit's better organized? Circle one.
If you saíd Mouies is better organized, you are right! ,., Mouies is better organized becauseit has only one topic. Circle its topic. travel movies
what kínds of movies are best
why I like movies
*," Mouies has a topic sentence.The topic sentencegives the main idea of the paragraph. Underline the topic sentencein the paragraph. d. Mouíesuses transition words and phrases such as first of all to connect ideas in the paragraph. Find the other two transition words in the paragraph. Circle them.
kno*'t',t:^t:1:kills necessary'to ln this book;you'willgain.the readhow thls book Now Lkt t *o*tni la wrile paragraphs'
"^51.'',"¡*'#:^x il''"* il;.':"';Tfi lJi:i :;;: ;: writins i.. Th"' i'^ti T.ff; ü"J;;; ; ;';'.o' *' n 1o
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^ \,^,,r
about b"^u"*h'n vo','**'Jir:u:llnT,tlink rhis When Youwrite
outit i;íI'Jl# :; ::,^disiouel ^:*,:hli* .^b to'.^tl,.lt'* of yoursubject newunderstanding
rent ns diffe meth so TL]:*# *t
\^y '?lt"
ffii:',il'"* r",,..'t
in thistext * :":Y iY Thisis whl so m;n1of'thewriting^"igntt-nt' ng abouryourself
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C,^.fisf"lLn D¡rí"nq.'6"6ti ^^'
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"fiAbout rtto
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comPlete sentences when brainstorming.
I . Whenever you brainstorm, think about whether you can break something down into smaller parts. For example, while brainstorming about "Things I like to do," imagine you wrote down "drawing pictures." How could you break this idea down further? drawina pictures
- of cars - of animals
- of airplanes - of people
2. Now look at these brainstorming notes.Notice the smaller parts, or subtopics. Can you add a few more ideas?
r favelLaa -+J"o
; - t t t oq n f a L n e
\s l t
Ca ltPu fe f L Ag
-ueLng {he -t"nirng
^-(-): t
CA.r Á 5
< \\
€h op pL ^d -buqLa4
\./ -Oor*rpqfer ganes
''grapl""ail softwar" -bugLng nagaz-L^e€ . -Lnfornef ' -ci-pqfer
na4azLnes rqag'az:Lnes
Unit I AbooÉt¿tp
I )
3. Now brainstorm for three minutes about things you like to do.Write at least 15 things.
4. Compare lists with a partner. How many things are similar? How many are different? LTsingideas from your partner's list, can you add additional information to your own list? L a ter in this un¡t ... You will write a paragraphabout things you like to do. You will learn to identifyand write phraseswith general and specificinformation.You will also learnwhat makes a good topic sentence.
Unit I Aboo*lnp
I . Read the paragraph below and follow the instructions.
My Worries Thereare many thingsthat worryme,but the most commononesare beingon time,getting my homeworkdone, and savingmoney.I worryabout beingon tímebecauseI don't like to makeotherpeoplewait,and I don'tltiketo míss anything.I alwaystry to arrivea little early.I also worry aboutgettrngmy homeworkdone.After school,I go to my part-timejob and don'tget homeuntil abouteighto'clock. Thatgivesme only one or two hoursto do my homework, and lh usuallytoo tired to do a goodjob. I worryabout savingmoney,too. l'm trying to saveenoughmoneyto go to Englandthis summer,but I haven'tsavedverymuchso far. I go out with my friendstoo oftenand spendmorethan I should.I will haveto eitherstop spendingso muchmoneyor . forgetaboutmy summerplans.
a, What is the main idea of this paragraph? Write one to four words.
b. What sentencestates the main idea of the paragraph? Underline it above. c. What are the specificdetails the author uses to explain the main idea? Finish the sentences.
t. I worry about betng on ilme
2. I worrv about because
3. I worrv about because
Compare answers with a partner.
Look dt the lists of general information and specific information. Specific informotion volleyboll buyinghikingboots sitcoms peopletalkingduringmovies
Generdl information sports shopping fV shows thingsthot irritateme
2. Look at these lists. In each column, which phrase is general and which phrases are specifrc?Write one G and three Ss in the blanks. I El
actron dramas sltcoms good shows on TV news progTams
_ -
rypopular software word-processing software spreadsheet software Internet software
learning about another culture good reasonsto have an international pen pal improving your English writine sÉiits making a friend abroad
3. Now complete these lists with your own ideas.There should be one general (G) and three specific(S) groups of words.
G - .musicthat I like
g bad habits
s _*_ s
S* S
g drivinq a car g takingthe train -. g walking
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit I Aboutt+to
G t.
: - s usuollyhove topic sentences.A topic sentenceis for orgonizing o porograph becouse it stotes what * ' e Ponagrc,phis obout. A good toPic sentence should i o Ee,ne¡olsentence thot presents the topic clearly. ::
# :';*
Read each paragraph below. Mark the best topic sentence with a T.
car alwayssmellslikeexhaustfumes.l've had two flat tires thisyear. -. ''esit won'tevenstart in the morning. i.
My car smells, has flat tires, and won't start.
So it's time to get a new car.
b. I
I tI I
I have a lot of trouble with mY car.
tope wos dsedonlgto necondrnosicond Thintggeonsogo,rnognetic onddotq. roices.Lofenit wos olsoosedto necondcornPoten Pnognorns necolding' Thebiggestosetodog,howevenis fon videofope d. €. -
The uses of magnetic tape have greatly increased.
Í. --
Magnetic tape has been used with computers.
Magnetic tape is good.
A /ong time ago, tfie app/e wqs q symbo/ of forb¡dden know/edge because of fhe story of the Gorden of Eden in fhe D¡b/e. Lafer, it become o trqditiona/ gift for feachers. These days, many peop/e think of the name when they hear the word'bpf/u." compurer compony with the -1ame
E. -APPles taste good,too. h. - The apple has been a symbol of many things. i. -. An apple represents forbidden knowledge becauseof the Bible, school because it was a traditional gift, and a computer company becauseit has the same name. 2,
Compare answers with a partner. Did you agTeeon the topic sentences?
3. With your partner, discussthe reasonsthe other sentencesare not good topic sentences.Mark each sentencewith one of these reasons. G S C N P
It It It It It
is too general. contains too much specifrc information. makes a concluding statement. is not related to the other sentences. is a summary of only part of the paragraph.
Unif I Abouttup _-
| , Chobséthree items on your brainslorming list from page 5. For each item, write one phrase that contains general information and three phrases üat contain specifrcinformation. Look at the example. G S S S
three places I like to qo to the Thai Orchid Rest'aurant Powell\ Bookstore the park down the street
G tv{-
Now write a topic sentencefor each of the items in Exercise 1. Near my apartment, there are three placesthat I like to go to. dr
b. C.
Choosea, b, or c to write a paragraph about in Lesson 6. Circle the letter.
Unit I Abooúmp
I . Read the paragraph below and follow the instructions.
Nearmy apartm",r,T;::,t:::'lÍ.!";f:",
/ /¡keroso to
The f¡rst is the Tha¡ Orch¡d Resfaurant. Tha¡ food ¡s my favorife k¡nd of food, and the chef there is exce//ent The restaurant isn'f too expensive, so / often go there wifh my friends. /f s a nice p/ace fo re/ax, ta/k, and enioy a de/icious meq/. The second p/ace is Powe//'s Bookstore. ?owe//'s is one of the biggest bookstores in my city, so / can f¡nd books on a/most any subJect there. The ¡zeop/e who work there are very friend/y /f / can't f¡nd a book, they wi// g/ad/y order tt for me. The third p/oce / /¡ke to go to is the park down fhe sfreet from my oparfmenf. /t has huge trees ond a beautifu/ garden. / sometimes go there after eating a fine Thoi meo/, and / sit under a tree fo reod o book from Powe//'s.
a. What is the main idea of the paragraph? Circle it. Thaí food
places I like
reading in the park
b. Underline the topic sentence. c. Subtopicsare parts of the main topic. There are three subtopicsin the paragraph above.Write them here.
Compare answers with a partner.
3. Now write a similar paragraph, using the topic you chosein Lesson 5. Underline the topic sentence.
Unit I Abooút+tp
'1 Pamgraph I uses an incorrect formot. Porograph 2 is corect
It Start the first line of the paragraph I
)r h
a iittie to the right of the other lines. It should start about five spacesto the right. Write to the end of every line except the last one. If a sentenceends in the middle of the line, don't go down to the next line to start the next sentence. Start it on the same line.
Start the first line of the paragraph a little to the right of the other lines. It should start about five spacesto the right. Write to the end of every line except the last one. Ifa sentence ends in.the middle of the line, don't go down to the next line to start the next sentence.Start it on the same line.
l. Look at the two short paragraphs below.Each one has mistakes in format. Rewrite them without the mistakes.
-;/ --"i I -'-*'t**I
..At home,I spenda lot of tímeon the lnternet.lfnd the lnternetusefulin and I -.ways.I can keepin touch with my friendsby sendínge-mail messagest cdn also do researchfor my job.
2. Compare answers with a partner. Did you rewrite the paragraphs in the same way? 3. Now look at the paragraph you wrote in Lesson 6. Did you use correct paragraph format? Unit | ,4booútttp
l. Show a partner your paragraph from Lesson 6. Read your partner's paragraph. Then answer the questions. a. Did the author include a topic sentence?Circle one. b" Did the author underline the topic sentence?Circle one.
Yes Yes
c. Write your partner's topic sentencehere.
d, Write another possibletopic sentencefor the paragraph.
e. Can you find any subtopics?What are they? Write them here.
2. Do you like to do the same kinds of things as your partner? Write a short note to your partner saying why or why not. Look at the examples. :1.
DeonAndneo, I ofsolike YouondI onevengsirrrilon goingto ihe beoch,plogingvollegboll, fo rnosic.lthínkwe'reboth ondlisfening sorrnerpeoplel Yo¿ln friend, Chnis
Dear Jonathan, I +h¡nk we re very differenf . You like hiking, playing basketbalÍ,and riding your bicycle, but I don't. You're much more crctive thon I am! See you, Emily
Show your note to your partner.
Unit I Abontmp
I . Write another paragraph about yourself. Chooseone of these topics, or use your own idea. _-.-Jll.\)
w things t like to do a placesI tiketo go to
q:e /
n people ^ -^ ^ t^ llike r
t I iL-
ú\ )¿
'A - *
á thinas tamaood at
^ F
_.*.SÉ ffiá/@)
2. Foltowtheinstructions below.
a. Don't write your nameon the paper,and don't showit to anyone.
trN f, \iN\
i;fftnrffñ?sri,ffi"Trfi,llnr r' \NJ (&t the papers and place them around the room.
3. Read the papers and guesswhich classmate wrote each paragraph. Make a list.
F*ffi number
Iz [3
F4 Fs
fe E7 Gg
-- - -"?t- .
4. Your teacher will tell you who wrote each paper. How many times were you correct?
Unit I About t+¡p
2. úu* lunit
¡ . Think about your personality type. What are some things you like? What do you dislike? Brainstorm for three minutes and make two lists. *ÁÍ*
eafLng Lce
)s? [
beLag alone
doLng honework repaLrLng
Compare lists with a partner. Do you like or dislike any of the same things?
3. Now imagine you are looking for a job. Think about your own personality and things you like to do. What kinds of jobs would be appropriate for you? Write two possibilities here.
Compare answers with a partner. .i
You will write a compositionand suggesta job for someone. You will also learnabout organizingyour ideaslogicall¡ makinginferencesentences,and connectingsentences.
Unit 2 Cateer cotrstiltant
R.eadthe paragraph below and followthe instructions. ' ar.s-**.'
'. +*r%e-'#fu'.
'%ur Cqreer ond Persona/ Sty/e
Th¡nk about it You wi// probab/y spend more time af work fhan anywhere e/se. Of course. you shou/d choose q career aeierdñg t'ó ;;your in:terests, but ihou/dn't you, a/so try ,to:fi6/'q .careerfhat fits your persona/ity? Unders{anding the three parts of your "persona/ sfy/e might he/p when you decide on o career Firsf. are you more inferested in hoving friends or being successfu/? For examp/e, in your free fime do you usua//y meef your frie,ndi ar.do',¡our' homework f¡rst2 Second are yw more acfive or passive? Do you prefer to fa/k or to /isten when you qre wit'h ofhers? Do you prefer fo be a
t t
decision maker or fo be parf of the group? Th¡rd, are you more of an emott'ona/ or a /ogico/ persan? For insfance, do you /ike t'o think through prob/ems st'ep by sfep or simp/y dec¡de whaf to do occording to your overa// fee/ing obouf the'sifuafio¡t,;at hand? ln,.conc/usion; ¡n addit¡on to thinking about your interesfs. lf is a/so very important to consider your persona/ity when choosing a coreer.
a. Underline the topic sentence. b. Three subtopicsfollow the topic sentence.Circle them. c. The concluding sentencesummarizes the main points of the paragraph. It is often introduced by a transition word or phrase such as in summary, in conclusion, or finally. What is the concluding sentence?Circle it. d. What are the other transition words? Write them in the correct column. Transition words that show the beginning of o new subtopic
Tronsition words that provide rnore specific information on the some subtopic
For example,
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 2 Cant¡arcoútant
úÉ trt&frf
An inference sentence is one type of topic sentence. ft is o Iogical concfusion based on the information found in the p oro graph's suppo rting sentences.
I . In each of the following groups of sentencesabout job choices and personality, one sentenceis an inference sentenceand the rest are supporting sentences. Check (r') t]neinference sentence.Look at the example. #i ffi ffi t/
Seeingblood or injuries doesn't bother Marta. Marta enjoys taking care of people. Marta is interested in biolory and chemistry. A careerin medicine would be good for Marta.
Sandv likes to write lists before making decisions. Sandy likes to solve problems step by step. Sandy would make a better scientist than artist. Sandy is very goodat math.
Being a writer seemslike a good career for Akemi. Akemi prefers working alone to working with others, Akemi loves to read novels,poetry, and short stories. Akemi likes to observepeople.
Joe reads fashion magazines to iearn about the latest fashion trends. Joe likes to draw his own clothing pafferns. The job of fashion designer would be perfect for Joe. Joe enjoys sewing. Joe is verv creative.
David likes loud parties. David has many friends. David would rather be in a crowded place than an empty place. David has a people-oriented personality. A career in sales would suit David.
E ¡¡:
Mimi dislikes puzzles and board games. One of Mimi's hobbies is gardening. Mimi likes to take part in sports rather than just watch them. Mimi seemsto prefer physical activities to mental activities. Mimi's favorite class at school is Dance.
Carol always reads the financial section of the newspaper. The job of stockbroker would be ideal for Carol. One of Carol's ambitions is to make a lot of money. Carol likes to take risks. Carol is very good with numbers.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unlt 2 Carut co¡uoiltant
l. Take turns using these questions to interview your partner about his or her personal style. Late4 this information will help you find an ideal career for your partner. a, What are four things you like to do?
b. What are two of your strengths? For example, are you good at solving problems? physically strong? artistic? patient?
2. What doesyour partner prefer in a job? Look at the example.Then interview your partner and completethe chart. Do you prefer working alone or with others? I prefer working with others.
I'm not sure. I like both equally.
ple (:)
F a a $
working alone
working with others
not sure/likeboth equally
makinglessmoney but havingmore free time
makingmore money but havinglessfree time
not sure/likeboth equally
talking to others
thinkingby oneself
not sure/likeboth equally
being logical
emphasizing feelings
not sure/likeboth equally
doing physicalactivities
doing mentalactivities
not sure/likeboth equally
working indoors
working outdoors
not sure/likeboth equally
taking risks
not sure/likeboth equally
havinga flexibleschedule
havinga fixed schedule
not sure/likeboth equally
being passive
not sure/likeboth equally
= =
g fl
Unit 2 Carw crrtstútdttt
l. Look at the chart below.Then look back at the responsesyour partner gave in Lesson 4. Check your partner's responsesin the chart where they appear.If your partner chosenot sure/Iike both equally, don't write anything.
working with others
not sure/likeboth equally
then check (r') working alone in the chart below Tour guides and Architects like this:
y' working alone
working with others y' working alone
working with others
Now fill in the chart using your partney's responses.Write the total number of checks in the spacesprovided at the bottom ofthe chart.
working alone
working with others
working alone
working with others
makinglessmoney but havingmore free time
makingmore money but havingless free time
makinglessmoney but havingmore free time
makingmore money but havingless free time
talkingto others
thinkingby oneself
thinkingby oneself
talkingto others
emphasizing feelings
being logical
feelings emphasizing
doing physical activities
doingmental activities
doing mental activities
doingphysical activities
working outdoors
working indoors
working outdoors
working indoors
taking risks
taking risks
havinga flexible schedule
havinga fixed schedule
havinga fixed schedule
havinga flexible schedule
2. Which job has the most checks?This is the job that suits your partner the best. Write it here.
3. Now think of a job not listed here that you think would suit your partner. Don't ask your partner - think of one yourself. Write it here.
Unit 2 carer courultdrrt
I i
I t
For example,if your partner prefers . . .
y' working alone
I . You are going to write a composition about an appropriate job for your partner. Use the job you chosein Lesson 5, or chooseanother one. 2.
Read the example composition and follow the instructions. A fufure Teacher C/oud¡o hos a wonderfu/ persona/ity.
a. Finish the sentenceaboutyour partner. There
qre so many things thot she wou/d be good at but if / hod to choose one 1ob for her, it wou/d be e/ementary schoo/ teacher. First of o// C/aud¡a /ikes peop/e. She enJoys ta/king fo others qnd seems fo make friends easi/y. She's good at fe//ing lokes and st'ories. Aost important, she says thot she eryloys being with young ch¡/dren qnd cares about them very
I think
would (name)
make a good (job)
b. List three reasonsfor suggestingthis job. Each reason should be explained in a separate paragraph. Write a word or a short phrase.
much. / th¡nk she wou/d make o aood teocher becquse of fhese qua/ities. Second, C/aud¡a is very sensifive. She is the firsf person fo nofice if someone is sad or not fee/ing we//, and she a/ways fries fo cheer that person u¡>.Since ch¡/dren don't a/ways say how they feel her sensifivity wou/d make her a good teacher. tt
fina//y, C/oud¡o is we// organized. She a/ways has her appointmenfs neaf/y schedu/ed on her co/endar. Ch¡/dren need fo fo//ow a reau/ar -t
schedu/e, foo. Therefore, / th¡nk C/oudio wou/d be a good teocher.
Now write a topic sentencefor each of your reasons.
4. Finally, put the parts together and write a composition.Underline the topic sentencein each paragraph.
You can use the conjunctions and, but, ond so to connect sentences. Johndanced,and hisfriendsongo song. Johndonced.His friend songa song.+ It is often not necessaryto repeot the subject when both " sentences have the some one. sango song.+ Johndoncedand songo song. Johndonced.John
, ,
But ond so usuofly hove o commo in front of them.Sometimes and does, too. but he con't writeit well. Johncan speokChinese, John wosn'tfeelingwell,so the teachersenthim home eorly. Do not use and, but, or so to begin o sentence. Use these transition words insteod. in addition / furthermore / also and + but + however/ on the other hand + so therefore las a result ',' John often workslote.ln oddition,he sometimesworksweekends. I . Read the paragraph below Add conjunctions and transition words to improve it. Cross out any word you would like to replace,and write the new word(s) above it.
ln addítion, Yqkt ¿s a hard wor!<ar, #
she Ls able to {a¿sh
her worf< Lndepeadenflg, For exanTla, we had a groutp fo do Ln ot¿r ecoaonLos clagg las{ gear.
at fh¿ end o{
were fhree Veople La YqkL's grouf,Oqf '
Trojeot ''
people Ln fha{
and asked bg
on Lf Ln the
€t u worked
on Lf af
both of har partners
schools. 5o she had fo do fhe Trojecf
to ofher bg
sLlaafLon for A"A
Yqk¿ does
an excellenf
on Lf af
have gone fo
help. gL.tf YLtkL f¿¡th.d Lf was onu o{ worf<. L
belLeve she
Ln fke.
2. Now look at the compositionyou wrote in Lesson 6. Would similar changesimprove it? 'Carc*:
| . Read your partner's composition about you, and follow the irr.ffrctions below. a. what career does!üüllpartner
suggest for you? write it here.
b. What are the three reasons your partner gives for suggesting this career? Write them here. t. 2. 3. 2. Do you think the suggestionis a good one?Read the example and then write a short letter to your partner explaining why ]-ou agree or disagreewith the choice.
I likedyour suggestionthat I becomean elementaryschool teacher.I agree wíth you. I am a people-oriented person ana have always wanted to do something that helps others _._-HowevenI think I would make one change to your suggestion.lnstead of teachingelementaryschoolstudents,| .*.
wouldpreferto teachadults.Maybe I will go to graduat schooland get a degreein English Anyway,thankyou for your positivecommentsand
encouragement.I was very pleasedto read what you wrote.
Sincerely, | Claudia
Unit 2 Career cotLtaltatú i
fu r|' ! . -. ] -''-
1r ¡i
| . Find some"""--*n" does a job you are interested in. Write that person a letter to ask for advice. Follow these suggestions for writing your letter: ' ¡ !;f'a
ffi Introduce yourself. '
ffi Ask for the information politely. Show that you think this person is an expert. ffi List three points about yourself, and ask if this kind ofjob would be good for you. ffi Give generousthanks for the help. ffi: Don't forget to sign your name
@ w ,.
....> ...>
1344FranklinRoad Liberty, MO 93OO1 Ma rc h ' 2 , 2 O O 1
Attorney JoannaLockwood, Lockwood and fusociates 2O5 DanforthStreet CA 5O53O Clearview DearMs. Lockwood, goingLo I am a seniorat Concordi a Collegeandam considering lawschoollo become Hówever,lam not sureif I am the a lawyer. kindof ?ersonwho would Áakea goodlawyer. Sinceyou arean lf you in thisfield,lwould liketo askyoufor someadvice. exper!. havethe time,I wouldappreciate your help.
I consider myself I likeworkingwith VeoVle and solvingproblems. but I do not liketakingrisks.I am verycareful a goodspeaker, in lawwouldsuit me? aboutwhat I do. Do you think a career What kindof peoplemakethe bestlawyers? I realize you areprobablyverybusy,butif you ftndtimeto answel You canalsoreachme by phoneat (396) I wouldbe very grateful. Thankyou verymuch. 555-3118. Sincerely,
K.i Y-sl, ií.o*o KeiYoshikawa ir, &'fu¡¡ 2.
When you finish, send the letter. Be sure to send a thank-you note if you get a reply.
Unit 2 Caret cnrcultant
t} Unit
-P A dru,*n c^rt4ptrop
I What do you need to do to become successful?What characteristics do ' you need?Brainstorm for three minutes and make two lists.
W hat L.need graduafe
fo do
dLlLgenoe Lnf ellLgence
2, Compare lists with a partner. Are there any additional items you want to add to your lists? l. Circle the most important thing you need to do or the most important characteristic you need to have in order to be successful. :-
L a ter in this unit . ..
You will write about a successfulperson. You will also learn about supportingsentencesas well as direct and indirectspeech.
Unit 3 A drut*cotaptrup
t ,& I . Read the paragraph ¡io*
and follow the instructions.
A Gredt Leader Imagine".a,' plac,ewherepeoplearejudged,,not "by,,the,ola,r"ó,f' {héir skinbut by the contentof their werethe dreamof the iini| chiaractgit|rte3e,w'ords *ú,1 rightsleaderDr. Martin LutherKing,Jr. To make his {:, dredmcometrue,he spent hishfefrghilngracismand it, prejuditein the UnitedStates.He playedseveralroles in hisfight fof equalrightsfor all AmericansFirst,he and wasd pastorin a church.He dislikedviolence taught hiscongregation that theycouldwin the war of ' iiequalí$,.iith laie, not hate.Besidesbeinga'pást:ai¡r, His 'l Have a Dredm"speechs ñ he wasalsoa speaker. of the stillconsidered one t,hebestspeeches V _of he wasa,,:group twel:tietficá'itury.,,,F,urthermore, *-, ed throughout the SóuthheIping. argan'iii.r H.e,',traiil registerto vote,and"hegrganizeda $frican',:Am'ericans D.C. King said that he hugemarchon Washington, wantedto changethe UnitedStatesand,in many Americans many ways,he succeeded. Consequently, J: '': :: ' ' " teader ,áít: a/¡itnn . great , gil
a. Underline the topic sentence. b. What three facts supportthe topic sentence? Write them here. 1.
He was a pastor who believedin love.
2. 3.
c. What is the concluding sentence?Circle it. d. Two things that Dr. King said are written in this paragraph. Write D for direct speechabove the exact quote. Write I for indirect speechabove an explanation of his words. 2.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 3 A dreat*ar@truu
Focts dnd examples con help support o topic sentence.
i '
Topic sentence; TigerWoodsis one of the best othletesin the world. Supporting sentence: He is the youngestpersonto win the Mosters golf tournoment.
: :
. ..::lr::':::::::::::.:: :'::'.:*: .i:::.:.:"':.'':.::.y::!.::::... ........... ...i l.
First, complete each topic sentence.Then write two sentencesto support it.
Topic sentence:
is an excellent fashion designer.
uppor.ing sentence: Supportingsentence:
One of the best filmmakers is
Supportingsentence: h
Supporting sentence: F
Topic sentence:
I think the most talented
Supportingsentence: Supportingsentence: h
Topic sentence:
A very successfulperson I know is
Supportingsentence: r Supportingsentence: EEd:=
. Compare answers with a partner.
I . What is your greatest dream? Do you dream about becoming an award-winning designer? a pilot? a doctor? Write a sentence about your dream.
2. Imagine that ten years have passedand your dream has cometrue. First, look at the example about the professional director. Then complete the chart below it with the key events of your own life.
da:r::MqY2,U,291?Today's What I am today: a brofessionoldirealr Key eventsin my rise to success:
Year 200|
graduatedfrom college
won a nationwidefilm contest
moved to LosAngeles
entered film school .
Today'sdate: --.--
What I am today: Key eventsin my rise to success:
fu**,É il:
h s ¡,
&i Unit 3 A dru*nunotrto
L Imagine you are a magazine reporter. Interview your partner about the details of his or her climb to success.Ask questions like the ones below,and take notes. What are you doing today? What are some of your successes?
:L/ Pleasebe specífrc. How didyou becomeso successful?
-:f f -/i',Y -t
-:-r-** I
=- -T^*''-
2. Write two actual characteristics that helped make your partner successful. Here are some examples. ' tPtg:z:|*
-': :',;+:@
Characteristics: 3, Now write two sentences about your partner - one that describes him or her and one that supports your observations.
thinqs that Jun-Ho is rntelliqentand o qood#rrver. He often notices other peopledo not
| . You are going to write a magazine article based on the interview with your partner in Lesson 5. First, read the example article and follow the instructions.
Jun-Ho is the mostpopularftlm director alive.His moviesare enjoyedby both young and old. His topicsare interesting,and viewers lt is no can identifywrthJun'scharacters. surprisethat he won thisyedr'sAcademy - . .Awardfor bestdirector. Jun has beendirectingftlmssíncehe was 18.He directedmanyshort moviesin college, . and aftergraduating,he won a nationwidefrlm allowedhim to - contest.Themoneyhe received . moveto LosAngelesand entera frlm school. -.. \tVhílehe was there,he wasfurther recognized - by a famousdirector,whosaid,"We'llhaveto . * keepour eyeonJun.He hasgredtpotentiaL" -,. ThreeyearSaftergraduatingfrom frlm school, .- Jun directedhis frrstmdjor movie,and he has -.. .bgrnin demandeversince. that have Jun-Ho has two characteristics helpedmakehim a great director.First,he is .. veryintelligentand studieshard.His schoq!-. -grddeswereexcellent, and he readsconstantly. " He can alwaysbe found with a book or magazinein hand.Second,he is a good - .observer. He oftennoticesthingsthat other he is usuallythe .peopledo not. For example, frrst to noticewhensomeoneis sad,and he is alwayswilling to listento that person's problem.Because of thesetwo important characteristics. lun-Ho is able to makemovies that are deepand insightfut.
Unit 3 A drea**cot't
ff a d
: ¡ !
a. The first paragraph explains what the person is doing today.Underline the topic sentence.
ñ o !
F oá -F)
b. The secondparagraph explains Jun-Ho's rise to success.Underline the topic sentence.
c. The third paragraph talks about characteristicsthat helped Jun-Ho become successful Underline the topic sentence.
/. Your magazine article will have paragraphs similar to the first, second, and third paragraphs of the example. ;r.t Write a topic sentence for each paragtaph. Then list facts or examples to support your topic sentences.
'.r"gr"pFiTffihuttffi Topic sentence: Facts or examples:
Paragraph2: the road to success
Topic sentence: Facts or examples:
.€ Paragraph3: characteristicsthat led to success-
Topic sentence: Facts or examples:
3. Now write a magazine article based on the interview with your partner. ¿I. When you finish writing, complete this checklist. Self-editing checklistd indented? ls thefrrstwordin eachparagraph Doeseachparagraphhavea topicsentence? Are the topicsentences supported by factsand examples?
ln your writing, you can use sorneone else's exact words.These words must be put inside quotation marks.When you do this, you o,reusing direct speech. "The keyto reochingmy gool,"soysJun-Ho,"iso lot of hord work"
You con moke your own sentence thot includes sorneone else'swords,When you do this, you ore usingindirect speech. Jun-Hosoysthot the keyto reochinghisgoolis hord work Notice that in indirect speech the;pronouns ond verb forms change.
I . Read the paragraph below. Then change the exact quotes from direct speech to indirect speech. :.qiii.."*i@f
1ally Corlin'a6ucceo6ie due to her hard work.Her etore, )ally'e gweet Neceaaif,iea,epecíalízeein creatíng beautiful qíft baokete. Corlinexplains,"lt'e myjob to knowthe tastee of my cuatomers." Corlínalso makesan effort to find out what'e1oínqon in her cu;tornere' livea,the eaya,"l alwayeaak them about their kids,eo Lhey oee that I'm really intereeted." the enjoyo epeakin4with people and alwayatrieo t'o delight her customere.Decauseahe workaao hard, her atore hao becomevery popular, "lt'o my favoriLeplace to ehop,"claims regular cuatomer Frank Wanq."l recommend1ally'e to all my friende,"he added.
Sally Corlin explains that
She says that
Frank Wang claims that He adds that 2. Now look at the article you wrote in Lesson 6.Try to add one example each of direct speechand indirect speechto your composition.Write them here. Direct speech: Indirect speech:
Unit 3 A dru..nt'cortptrup
| . Exchange the article you wrote in Lesson 6 with a partner. Read your partner's article and follow the instructions below. a. Fill in the blanks.
written by
articleabout tname)
b. Circle the phrase that describesthe best point of the article. credt¡vewriting style easyto understand
writtenabout an interesting person heartwarmtng topic
c. Write another reason why you like the article.
d. Which paragraph did you like best? Why? I liked paragraph number -
best because
2. Write a short letter to your partner. What did you like best about his or her article? Ih you agree with the author's opinions?What else could the author add to the article ¡o make it better? :
j I --i
f'\- ar veur'--f,
*. r.
read gour artLcle aboqf
and fheughf
Lf was
l. Exchange letters with your partner. What is one thing you learned from -": :rr feedback letter?
I . Read these important tips on writing a resume. # Make the most important information easy to see. ffi Keep the language clear and simple. ffi Be sure the resume is easy to read. # List yourjob and education history in reverse chronologicalorder. ffi Don't write "Resume"on the page. ffi Be certain there are no spelling errors. ffi Type the resume.
Read Laura Pei's resume below How are resumes different in your country?
Laune Pnr 205 East Mountain Lane Denver, Colorado 2I2L2 USA (303') 555-9447
To obtain a position as a graphic designer
t r.9.L-E.9.9.t.-o_l{.+.t ..P. r.t.9.s.1.P.L.9.P........... P & G Designs, Denver, Colorado, 1999-present Receptionist and Administrative Assistant r Assist designers . Work with both artists and clients r Organize projects and filing system
Vitamin Quota, Boulder,Colorado,1997-1999 Sales and Stock Clerk . Worked part-time and during holidays . Handled cash register accounts and special orders EDUCATION
B;;i;;h'";i Fil;ü;;ffi;;ffii
;i ó;i;;;J;,';bte
Clayton High School, 1995 SPECIAL
Extensive experience in desktop publishing Fluent in Chinese (Mandarin) AWARD S
Winner of Colorado Art Designer's Award, 1999
Now write your own resume. Unit 3 A drut*cotqptroto
Unitd4' nure*rtl I . What are some objectsthat you use to make your life easier?How are they used? Brainstorm for three minutes and make two lists.
U ses
^t YaC44n
lapfap conpufer
2. Now brainstorm with your class.Say your ideas for objectsout loud, and your teacher will write them on the board. 3. Look at the list your teacher wrote on the board. Choosetwo objectsfrom the list, and write them below.Why are they useful? How do you use them?
L a t e r i n th i s u n i t ... t' You will write about an inventionto make life easier: You will also learn about definition paragraphs, attention getters,and avoidingrepetition.
I -{
I . Read the paragraph below and follow the instructions.
,, O{ r lÍilíl til
Whqt is it? of o Heneonethe choroctenisfics Anegooneodgfon o gorne? "rngsferg o lot of itern." Congooguesswhot it is?It is sornething sog peopleoseevengdog,Infoct rnongpeople,especiollg Arnenicons, withootone,People thegconnotsonvive nubthernon fhe outsidewit speciolliqpidsso thot fhegsfogbnightTheinsideis sornefirnes f¡lled wifh rnosic fnorno nodio,o cosseffeplogenon o CDplogenSorne inside,ThegconreÍndiffenentcolons. peopleevenpdt telephones btrtfhegollhovetwo fhingsincornrnon, Finsttheg shopes, ondsizes, hovewindowsondfo¿¡nblocknoundthingson fhe botforn.Second, thegneedpeopleto contnolfhern.
J *! d
a. What is the mystery item? Write it here.
b. What clues were most helpful? Write them here.
2. Now it's your turn. Think of your own mystery item. It should be something your classmatesare very familiar with. Write clues.but don't make them too obvious.
My mystery item:
I 3. Read your clues out loud one at a time. After each clue, give your classmates time to guessyour mystery item. Did you fool the class? Unit 4 Ituru4t!
Lesson3 A topic sentence is important becouse it tells the reoder what the PorogroPhis obout. lt is often the first sentence in o porograph, but not olways.Sometimesthe first sentenceis on'rottention
:::::::: 1T::: :T:::::::::::::::: : :T::::: I . Look back at the example paragraph in Lesson 2. What word in the first sentencegets your attention? Write it here.
2, Complete this chart with an attention getter for each given topic. Then chooseyour own topic, and write an attention getter and a topic sentence.
Theshaesyou choosein the morningcan affectyour mood for the rest of the day.
There are basicallyfour types of shoes.
How canyou makeyour specialmemoríes last forever?
A camerarecords your experiences.
Good healthdependson good habits.
Candlesare becomingincreasingly popular becausethey can be used in a variery of settings. Somepeoplestill chooseto buy LP records rather than CDs becausethey saythey like the look.feel.and soundof them.
Write an attention getter about the mystery item you chose in Lesson 2.
il till lilir
I . Look at these sample inventions. What are they used for? Who do you think would use them?
¡3i:'t '
Sxning suitswith saferyair bags .-{
Dishesthat dont needwashing ;
tnsta-English dictionary
2. Now it's your turn to invent something. Draw a picture of your invention and name it. Label the parts and write what they do.
Unrt 4 Intntrt!
Lesson | . Describe your invention from Lesson 4. What doesit do? Make some notes.
How do you use the invention? Write down the necessarysteps. First, Second,
Next, Then. Finallu 3. Tell a partner about your invention. Does he or she have any suggestionsfor improving it? 4.
Write a topic sentencethat includes the name of your invention and what it does.
f . Now write an attention getter for a composition about your invention.
,,{i{ryYY:ryY*11,..,.... .
-t3 '7 *
| . You are going to write a composition about your invention. First, read the example composition and follow the instructions. The lnsta-Eng/ish Ring Do you wish you cou/d speak Eng/ish better? /f so, then here is the so/ution fo your prob/em - the /nsta-Eng/ish Ring Easy fo use and effective, fhe /nsta-Eng/ish Ring is on exce//ent aid for Eng/ish study. The /nsto-Eng/ish Ring is a specia/ device fhot gives you Eng/ish f/uency. /t /ooks /¡ke an ordinary go/d ring, buf it is rea//y a sma// compufer. This amazing /anguage too/ is made ouf of mefal but it con be adJusfed to f¡t a/most' anyone? finger The /nsta-Eng/ish Ring is easy to use. A// yau need to do is put it on one of your ítngers. Then push the butfon ond a tiny compartment' wi// open. Choose the type of lng/ish you wish to acquire. The current choices are Dritish Eng/ish, North Americon Eng/ish ond Austro/ion Eng/ish After you make your choice, the ring sends Eng/ish vocabu/ary and grammar up through your qrm to your brain. After o few days, you wi// begin ta notice fhe resu/fs Soon, you wi// be s¡zeaking, even dreqming, in Eng/ish
.-¡$ D:
dñn aif
a. The first paragraph is the introduction. Circle the attention getter. Underline the topic sentence. b. The secondparagraph explains what the invention is and what it does.Underline the topic sentence.
.lt 9) a A¡
oq T p)
c. The third paragraph explai how to use the invention. Underline the topic sentence.
2. In Lesson 5, you wrote a topic sentencefor your first paragraph. Now write topic sentencesfor your secondand third paragraphs. Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Now write a composition about your invention. Use your notes from Lesson 5.
When you finish writing, complete this checklist. Se tf-editi ng che cklist ú Do you havean introductionwith an attentiongetter? Areyour topicsentences writtenin a clearand interestingway? Did you use transitionwordsto make the organizationclear?
Unit 4 Inruü!
rf fi
fnsteod of repeoting the sofne noun in o second sentence, Useo pronoun insteod. (not good)The Insto-English Ring is eosyto use' Justputthe fnsto-EnglishRing on your finger. (better) The Insto'English Ríng is eosyto use. Justput it on yourfingen You con olso use onother word or Phroseinsteod of repeating the sorne noun. The Insta-EnglishRing is eosyto use.This omozing longuoge toof fits on Yourfinger.
fnsteod of repeoting o word, cross it out if it is not necessory. The|nsta.Eng|ishRingcontoinsosmoIl@computer.
is the
I . Read the paragraph below.Look at each place the memophoneis used, and decide whether yor, .r.r make one of the changes above.Write any changes directly abovethe mernophone. Tlze memophone is a device designed fo send shorf memos
rlains /nside fhe memophone is a microphone comPufer chip'
and mini-fqx. As you speak fo sorneone on lhe te/ephone,
":fi:i;"'#::,:::;t"'i:;i,l{f,7 (¡ | |
\*u*t, # | r*ft ;::::;:',)")"., J ::;":::;:";;:ffi,'':;'.';";:;;;
Iw*m¡*:ii:@ | *-ln*''l'thecompo"t""Ton6
r",-,r, *
I . Imagine that you are a member of an awardi committee. You are awarding prizes for recent inventions. Follow the instructions below. a. Work in groups of four. Exchange your composition with a classmate in another group. On your own, read and mark each paragtaph of your classmate'scomposition with one or more of the following comments. interesting style needs a topic sentence
eosy to understand
well-orgonized needs more information
b. Write which paragraph you liked best and why.
I likedthe oneabout
c. Now your group must award a pñze for the best invention. Tell the group about the invention you have just read about. Discuss each invention and vote for the best one. Best invention: d. Give awards to the other inventions. Choosefrom the awards below or think of vour own.
Easiestto use:
Most practical:
Most unusual:
Most benefrcial to society:
Most líkelvto t
0e 000ular: (your own idea)
e. Describe to the class the invention that your group choseas the best one. 2. Write a short letter to one of the inventors. Write your comments or questions about the invention.
Dear I likedyour wonderfulinventiona lot. However,I havea few questions aboul it. . .
3. Return the compositionsto their authors. Were you surprised by anything in the letter vou received about vour invention?
Oction e t L LL*
'e'.l *"
ñ¡. l\?'
I . Keep these tips in mind when you're writing a letter to a company about a product. I Introduce yourself.
I Give some background information. I State your question, problem, or note of appreciation. i
I Close your letter by thanking the reader.
2, Read the e-mail messagebelow.Would you ever write a letter like this? \ttry or why not? 1':"111!'*l,1w191ryryiry]'...:.,ll]].1]:..,]ii|.:!'.:.:|.|1:l.ll]i.lj]i9f,
From: mnakal€cup.org DaLe: 5/ 26/ 0L To : hiphopdesignsGcambridqe.
'. org
surject: los .Lti.itg
my name is
I rea11y like hip-hop music. Recentlyf I was watching a hip-hop prograln on MTV. I noticed that one of my favorite artj-sts was wearing a s\n¡eatshirt made by your company. It was blue and had "F1y" written across the front. I thought l-ooked really cool.
I would like to buy that sweatshirt for myself, but there I eannot find the same kind of is only one problem. Could you please telI sv¡eatshirt in my city. me where I can buy your line of clothing in the Kyoto or Osaka area? would also like to know if those stores have sweatshirts like the one I saw on MI'V. the fhank you for taking hearing from you soon.
Sincerely, Motohiro
3. Now write your own letter asking a question, stating a problem, or expressing appreciation. Some possibleexamples:
Question:Wherecan I ftndyour clothinglabelin my city? ffi Problem:My new computersoftwaredoesn'twork.Canyou helpme? G Appreciation:I am veryhoppywithyour latestline of cosmetics. ffi
Unit 4 lwent!
I . Imagine that you are a member of an awards committee. You are awarding prizes for recent inventions. Follow the instructions below. a. Work in groups of four. Exchange your composition with a classmate in another group. On your own, read and mark each paragraph of your classmate'scomposition ¡ with one or more of the following comments. interesting styfe
eosy to understand
needs a topic sentence
b. Write which paragraph you liked best and why.
I likedthe one about
c. Now your group must award a pnze for the best invention. Tell the group about the invention you have just read about. Discuss each invention and vote for the best one. Best invention; d. Give awards to the other inventions. Choosefrom the awards below or think of your own.
Easiestto use:
Most practical:
Most unusudl:
Most benefrcial to society:
Most likelyto be popukir:
(your own idea)
e. Describeto the class the invention that your group choseas the best one. 2. Write a short letter to one of the inventors. Write your comments or questions about the invention. n
\' { ( j l
invention I likedyour wonderFul a lot. However, I havea fewquestions abouLit. .
3. Return the compositions to their authors. Were you surprised by anything in the letter vou received about vour invention?
Unit 4 ltutent!
: I
l. Keepthesetips in
writingr i&t"r," ;*ft"Xy
I Introduce yourself.
uuo,i,a product.
.ia.;-¡&i::¡ ry*É,.ñe.if,.sry.$!qs.
I Give some background information.
I State your question, problem, or note of appreciation. I Close your letter by thanking the reader. 2, Read the e-mail messagebelow.Would you ever write a letter like this? Ittry or why not?
-q p:'
: 'j.l #lffS@4trs##qt
[email protected] Dat et 5/ 26/ 0L To : hiphopdesigns@cambridqe. Subject: SOS clothing
my name is
I really like hip-hop music. Récently, I was watching a hip-hop program on MTV. I not.iced that one of my favorj.te artists was wearing a sweatshj-rt made by yo,rr .o*puny. It was blue and had "FIy', written across the front. I thouqht looked really cool.
I would like to buy that sweatshirt for myself, but there is only one problem. I cannot find the same kind of sweatshirt in my city. Could you please tell me where I can buy your line of clothing in the Kyoto or Osaka area? would also like to know if thoÉe stores have sweatshirts Iike the one f saw on lvt'l'V. Thank you for taking the frorn you soon. hearing
Sincerely, Motohi-ro
3. Now write your own letter asking a question, stating a problem, or expressing appreciation.Some possibleexamples: ffi Question: Where can I frndyour clothtinglabel in my city?
# Problem:My newcomputersoftwaredoesn'twork.Canyou helpme? ffi Appreciation: I am very hoppy with your latest line of cosmetics.
Unit 4 Inturt!
F ry€
ft ,É;,r#{ .418#rwiÉ+W,s+}h-::
I " What are some important events that you have experienced during your life? Brainstorm for three minutes and make a list. É
evenf s
bLrfh of chLld wLaaLaga -g race
2. Review your ideas. Were any of the events or experiences particularly memorable? Put a star (*) next to the experiencesthat taught you something valuable about life. * * Tell a partner about an experience in your life that taught you a valuable lesson. Try to explain how it changedyour outlook on life. You can choosefrom the expressions in the box to get started, or use one ofyour own expressions. ..,e:sfd@ryF*E:
gdve me confidence
mode rne see something differently
tought me abtout the real world
changed my attitude
made me appreciate sornething more
made me interested in something
You will write about an important eveilt in your life. You will also learn about cause-and-effect words and paragraphs, and introductory paragraphs.
Unit 5 If,
Read the paragraph below and follow the instructions. :3&.,*..1@tw. *.'.... ':.br$& -1"ry@re'a54fu, _ .. . A Night /// Never Forgef One nrght, my house uuyylou .dowri t'¡/tt/aL./gn/ /ost many things in fhe ftre. t'he ex,oerience he/ped me to grow up Before the fire, / was se/f¡sh / a/ways comp/ained fo my mofher about how sma//
my room was ol how few c/othes / hod / never thoug/)t obou*) ál.,troub/es,lust my awn Then. the f¡re cctme and desfroyed everyfhing wc owned. . We were sudden/y ,ooor and had to borrow everyt'lli.itd'.á*áni.food Ar flrst, I had a hard time,'buf s/ow/y / began fo rea/ize t'hctt / 'ed m, ddn't rea//¡ / things /1usf ncc my famr/y. After a./ you con get new c/othes onyfin
but' a fami/y
can ne,
" r' " " " "
/t is tlua.,thaf the fire took many gooc ng.. . froni;*á,tbut tf gaze me somefhrnq. foo /r ruugh" me fo opprecrafe,oeop/e more n9s
a. The words below tell about the author's experience. Number them from 1 to 5 in the order the author writes about them. -- fire -_ selfish
_ _
new appreciation lost everything in fire
hard time
i b. Look at the first sentence ofthe paragraph. It is not a topic sentence,but rather q
an attention getter. Why does it catch the reader's attention? Circle the reason. It's funny.
lt's rude.
lt's an unusudl way of thinking.
c. The last two sentencesin the paragraph explain the topic. However, there is another sentence in the beginning that does so in fewer words. This is the topic sentence.Underline it. d. Group the sentencesin the paragraph in this way: I Circle all sentencesthat describe the author before the fire happened. * Put a star ('t) over the sentencesthat tell what happened to the author. & Put a box around all the sentencesthat discuss how the event changed the author. -'
Compare answers with a partner.
An introductory parogroph beginsd comPosition dnd often contoins these three things. The attention getter: a sentencethat gets the reader interested The main idea: the main topic or thesis of the composition The guide: a list of the points that will be discussed,thus showing the organization of the composition
I hate beans!
i i
i i
Vegetablesare good for us.
Let's look at vegetabletypes, the vitamins they provide, and various ways of cooking them.
I . Read these two introductory paragraphs from two diflerent compositions. Then follow the instructions below. rodag L becane an- AqsfralLan. Although L orLgLnallg carne hire to sfudg far iusf fwo gears, sonethLng {errLble happened Ln ng hone counfrg thaf nade ,ne decLde fo sfag. Ln ordar fo o¡ndersfand ng dooLsLoa, gou nusf hear t¿fe, L w¿ll tell gou abouf fl^e k¿nd af fl"/ storg o{ -g per€o^ L was b¿frre fhLs ferrLble evenf, whaf ha77ened, and how Lf nade ne decLde fo call thL€ cot4^frg ng hone,
oboot tokingo big fnipfon geons,ondthe You'vebeendneorning knowwhenegoowont to go,bot the big firnehosfinollgcorne.Yo¿¡ qpestionis whethengoushouldgo on godnown on signup fon o gno-tr cornponisor thinking of goingolone,bot woiflThissirnple foonYoo'ne vensdsgnooptoontnovelrnightchongegounrnind,It of independent cost sofetg,onduseof tirne. cornpones
In each paragraph, circle the sentence that is an attention getter.
b. Underline the sentence that shows the main idea. C.
Put a box around the sentence that is the guide.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 5 .rf,
| . Look again at your brainstorming list from Lesson 1. Choosethree significant events that you might like to write about.
2. Work in groups of three. Take turns telling each other about your experiences.Ask each other questions like these: * How did you feel when that happened? G How did that event changeyour thinking about G How did that event change you? What were you like before and after the event? 3.. When you finish, ask your group which event they think you should write about. 4. Chooseone event to write a composition about. It can be the one your group suggestedor your own choice. Write notes on how the event changed you, such as what you were like before and after the event.
Befarethe event
-1 r{
An introductory paragraph beginsa comPosition ond often contoins these three things. {n, The attention getter:
I hate beans!
a sentence that gets the reader
interested The main idea: the main topic or thesis of the composition The guide: a list of the points that will be discussed,thus showing the organization of the composition
Vegetablesare good for us.
Let's look at vegetabletypes, the vitamins they provide, and various ways of cooking them.
l. Read these two introductory paragraphs from two different compositions.Then follow the instructions below. Todag L beoane an A,¿sfral¿an. Alfhough L orLgLnallg ca,vte hera to studg f"r jusf fwo gears, sone{hLng fe-irLble haypened Ln ng hone counfrg fhaf nade Me decLda fo sfaq. Ln order fo qndersfa"d nq decLsLon, gau nusf hear fheu sforg of tLfe. L w¿ll fuí gou abouf"tt'." k¿nd of -g L fhLs ferrLble evenf, whaf happened, was 6u{oru Fer€oA and how Lf nada ne decLde fo call fhLs cot¿nfrq n4
+ loLt DA Y r o \/e s
Yo¿¡'ve beendneorning oboot tokingo big fnip fon geons,ondthe firnehosfinollgcorne.Youknowwhenegouwont to go,but fhe big qrlest¡onis whefhengooshooldgo on go¿in own on signup fon o gr: fhinking tounYoo'ne of goingolone,b¿ltwqitlThissirnple cornponisoIt of independent vensusgnoopto¿¡ninovelrnightchongegoonrnind. cornpones cost sofetg,ondoseof tirne.
0. In each paragraph, circle the sentence that is an attention getter. b. Underline the sentence that shows the main idea. G.
Put a box around the sentence that is the guide.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 5 ff,
1'il d
|| /
| . Look again at your brainstorming list from Lesson 1. Choosethree significant events that you might like to write about.
2, Work in groups of three. Take turns telling each other about your experiences.Ask each other questions like these: I How did you feel when that happened? I How did that event changeyour thinking about I How did that event change you? What were you like before and after the event? 3.. When you finish, ask your group which event they think you should write about. 4. Chooseone event to write a composition about. It can be the one your group suggestedor your own choice. Write notes on how the event changed you, such as what you were like before and after the event. ^ lF -H -
ú t/tF
{/ '-Y
Beforethe event
After the event
F ail
F Unit 5 .rú
An introductory porograph beginso comPosition and often contoins these three things. The attention getter: a sentencethat gets the reader interested The main idea: the main topic or thesis of the composition a list of the points that will be discussed,thus showing the organization of the composition
I hate
Vegetablesare good for us.
Let's look at vegetabletypes, the vitamins they provide, and various ways of cooking them.
I . Read these two introductory paragraphs from two different compositions. Then follow the instructions below. Todag L becane an Austral¿an. Alfhough L orLgLnallg carne hiro fo studg {"r jusf fwo gears, sonefhLng teir¿ble happened Ln mg hon¿ counfrg fhaf nade ,ne decLde {o sfag Ln ordor fo qndersfa"d ng decLsLon, gou nusf hear fhe sforg t¿fe. L wLll fell gou abouf fl"e k¿"d of "{ -U per€o^ L was before fhLs ferrLble event, whaf happened, and how Lf nade ne decLde fo oall fhL€ ceunfrq nq hane,
$ o L I DAY
T o UR
Yoo'vebeendneorning oboof toking o big tnip fon geons,ond the firnehos finollgcorne.Yor¡know whenego0 wonf to go, buf the bic q¡lestionis whethengoo shouldgo on godnown on signop fon o c foon Yoo'nethinkingof goingolone,but woiflfhis sirnple coapor : of independentvensdsgnoop to¿¡ntnovelrnightchongegounrnircornponescost sofetg,ond useof tirne.
á. In each paragraph, circle the sentence that is an attention getter. b. Underline the sentencethat shows the main idea. C.
Put a box around the sentence that is the guide.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 5 Iú
| . Look again at your brainstorming list from Lesson 1. choose three significant events that you might like to write about.
Work in groups of three. Take turns telling each other about your experiences.Ask each ':ther questions like these: I r How did you feel when that happened? I How did that event changeyour thinking about I How did that event change you? What were you like before and after the event?
3.. \Mhen you finish, ask your group which event they think you should write about. 1. Chooseone event to write a composition about. It can be the one your group mggested or your own choice. Il rite notes on how the event changed you, such as what you were like before and after the event. A lY
Beforethe event
After the event
Unit5 Iú
You are going to write a composition with an introductory paragraph. First, read the example composition and follow the instructions. An /mportanf
Hqve you ever t'hought fhat you knew someone very we// and then found ouf thaf you hard/y knew thot person ot' a//? This happened
t H I €
a. The first paragraph is the introductory paragraph. Circle the attention getter, underline the main idea, and put a box around the guide.
to me with my fafher. / thought / knew h¡m we// unti/ one day somefhing happened that' E changed my attitude toword h¡m. Let me * exp/ain how.1 used to see my fother, what E happened and how if changed me. ,*.-^:):., ás o ch¡/d / was a/ways c/oser to my mother fhon to my father. As ts frad¡t'iona/ in Japanese cu/ture, it was my mother's 1ob fo take cqre of me. She fed me and p/ayed with me every day On the ofher hond, / hard/y ever -. saw my fafher. He wou/d often work unti/ /ote at nighf, and he d¡dn't to/k to me much when he qt me sometimes, foo. -. cqme home. He got angry 1 thought he was o tough, co/d man, and / was q l¡tt/e afraid of h¡m. Then one day, my mother got sick. Ay fofher cqma home from work to fake cqre of her and fo/d me fo go to the drugstore to get some medicine. When / refurned / took the medicine to my ¡zarents'bedroom. / /ooked ¡n quiet/y before enfering and saw my mother /ying down with her eyes ha/f-c/osed. Ay fother was knee/ing on the f/oor nexf to her s/ow/y and patient/y feeding her some soup. When she f¡n¡shed he put fhe bow/ down ond soft/y k¡ssed her foreheod. On thaf day, / rea/ized thaf my fother was rea//y a k¡nd and /ovinq man. From then on, / saw on/y kindness qnd .cgring in my fafher's eyes. As a resu/t / /eorned two importanf fhings ñrst / /earned fhat even lhough my fafher seemed rough, he wqs q k¡nd mon. Second, / /earned thaf one . must be very carefu/ not to iudge peop/e. A person might /ook hard on lhe outside, but be quife differenf
on the inside
...-:-.-.- -
b. The other paragraphs follow this order:
il .g
before the eyent (what I used to be like)
ü d g
the eyent (what happened) ofter the eyent (how I changed) Decide the order in which you will write about these three topics in your own composition.
.,. l
,a t? ¡o tl A)
a :5)
.-'. :
p t,
:.. :..
ffij #q
F,@!@dilry Hg:x &.J
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b H
Unit5 .rú a
) I
l ' write an tr*tl:ro,o paragraphfor your compositionabout an important Includean atániion getter,the Áain idea of the composition, il:##r::life'
2' Look back in Lesson 5 at the order you chosefor your paragraphs. sentencesfor your second,third, write topic forrrif, ;;;;;;#.' ""¿ Paragraph 2:
Paragraph B:
Paragraph 4:
3 4.
' Now put the parts together and write a four-paragraph composition. When you finish writing complete this checklist.
Self-editing ch ec,r.1r ist t O"/:; #;:,an
introduction withan auentiongetter,mainidea,
ls,it clear how experíep6¿ changedyou? Hdve you read,the your composition again and checkedyour spellina?
Unit 5 .f¿
| . Write an introductory paragraph for your composition about an important event in your life. Include an attention getter, the main idea of the composition, and the guide
,p aa'{
2. Look back in Lesson 5 at the order you chosefor your paragraphs.Write topic sentencesfor your second,third, and fourth paragraphs. Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Now put the parts together and write a four-paragraph composition.
When you finish writing, complete this checklist.
Self-editing checklíst Ú Do you havean introductionwith an attentiongetter,main ídea, and guide? ls it clear how the experience changedyou? Haveyou readyour compositionagain and checked your spelling?
Unit 5 .rú
Ihese cause-ond-effectwords ore used with o noun or noun phrose. due to because of
Mony peoplebecamehomelessdue to the flood. Ihe storewoscrowdedbecouse of the so/e.
These couse-dnd-effect words ore used within o sentence to show o relotionship between clouses. becouse since
I possedthe test becouse I studiedvery hord. Since I forgotmy money,Donielpoid for lunch.
Thebusnevercome,so I hodto takeo tox¡home.
fhese couse-ond-effectwords ore used ot the beginningof one sentenceto show its relotionship to the sentence before it. as o result therefore
Ien inchesof snowhovefollen.Aso resuft, oll roodsare closed. Dr.Morshall¿ssick todoy.Therefore,his speechwill be delayed.
| . Rewrite these sentencesusing the word or words in parentheses. a. There's a large crowd of people.There is nowhere to sit.
of the large Thereis nowhereto sit because
crowd of people b. The economyis getting worse. Few companiesare hiring workers. (therefore)
c. I quit my job. I want to be a full-time professionalmusician. (because)
d. There was a car accident when he was thirtv. Mv father could not walk. (due to)
e. My aunt often scoldedme. I didn't like her very much. (since)
f, My sister and I could not agree.We argued over little things. (as a result)
g. My family moved to a foreign country. I learned a new language.(so)
2. Now read the compositionyou wrote in Lesson 6. Can you use any of these words to show cause and effect?
Unit 5 .f¿
I . Get into groups of four. Exchange your composition with a classmate in another group. Read your classmate'sstory and follow the instructions below. a, Evaluate the parts of the introductory paragraph. Check (r') t}re word that best describeseach part.
i= E
É}#sW gooa
I'm not sure
I'm not sure
I'rnnot sure
missing missing
b. Circle one or two expressionsthat best describethis composition.You can add your own expressions. heartwarming
easyto understand
c. Exchange compositions with others in your group until you have read them all. Which one do you like best?As a group, chooseyour favorite composition and put a star (*) on it. Then give it to your teacher. ; li: d. The authors with stars on their papers will read their compositionsto the?iáss. After each author finishes, write a "Lesson of Life," like the ones below.that vou think fits the story.
Ler to nt of Life A p eI e e i a t e y o u r { a m ily. D o n ' t g i v e up to o to o n . L e a r ¡ { r o m yo u r m ista ke r .
compare your "Lessonsof Life" wíth a partner. Are your ideas similar?
Unit 5 .fr
I . Do you often give greeting cards to friends and family members? If so, on what occasions? 2. Here are some common types of greeting cards. Can you think of any other occasionswhen you might give a card? birthday
onniversary I get wefl (soon)
Look at these gteeting cards.Which one do you like the most?Why?
No¡l tLrat
qot)'re enc,
I*:nt r d¡s]:ked
AnA tLauj", ,/e're e?^rt,
ñe became rry best Fr¡end.
Youve studiedhard . thlngsAndlearnedmany The gilt o[knowledge ls the gift of wtngs'
Jaill alual> 4 vtear, l¡eart. As *ear at \
You are going to design your own greeting card. Answer these questions. a. Who are you going to give your card to? b. What type of card will it be? c. What "Lessonsof Life" will you include?You may want to look back at your notes from Lesson 8 for ideas.Write them here.
Now design your card. Don't forget to give it to the person!
Unit 5 .rf
Lesson l. what are some placesyou've visited? what did you do on those trips? Brainstorm for three minutes and make two lists.
,.-r,-{elzocs ParLs
w haf nq€eqn€, boaf
dLd f here people-wafchLng,
rLde on the
RLver, E¿#"t LndLa
rvrahal, elephanf
spLoe narkefs
t{ 5 i1 s
$ fl
* &-t1, s-{Í i
Put stars (*) next to the places and activities that were the most memorable.
3. when you finish, compare your travel experiences with a partner.
Youwill wrire abour traveling. You will also learn about processparagraphs, guidebook styles,and modifiers.
,".!&*'&".&¡|S,t . f,J s .5Lf ,1 ,'r i,,,lh.*.} ,.fu', I . Read this paragraph written in guidebook style, and follow the instructions.
Aaking the Aosf of Your Trip ?rccadi//y Circus. London has p/aces fo visit thaf even if you went for q week you cou/dn't see
/magine standing under Dig Ben or wa/king so many interesting everything. carefu//y.
To see as much as you can during your visit, you must p/an your trip Flrst
you shou/d gafher
obouf London.
You can go fo the trave/
Next, *.-^make a /¡st of fhe things you wou/d /¡ke to do the most. For examp/e, if you have section of a bookstore, a/ways After
visit a trave/
agency, or surf the Web for informafion.
to see the Crown ¡ewe/s, then p/an a visit to fhe Tower of London. that /ook af a map to /earn obout the underground frain br "Tube? /ines so wanted
*-, that you wi// know how fo get around. Frna//y, wrife down your trave/ ... p/ans on a piece of paper and carry it in your pocket. Refer to it whi/e -
you are there so that you won't miss anything.
/n conc/usion, there is a
/ot fo see in London, so take the fime to p/an your visit beforehand.
a. Put a star ('t) over the attention getter. b. Underline the topic sentence. c. Write one to three words below telling what each subtopic of the main topic is about. aather information
d. Circle the four transitional time phrases that show you when a new subtopic is beginning. 2.
Compare answers with a partner.
{ j
Making d strong suggestion lf yougo to Son Froncisco,be sure notto missthe GoldenGoteBridge. you mustseethe GoldenGote Bridge. {F o visitto the GoldenGate Bridgeis o itt essentialthat you seethe GoldenGateBridge.
Moking o weaker suggestíon While you'rein Borcelono, you shouldtake a walk down LosRomblos. ty to visitLosRomblos. you mightwont to seeLos Ramblos. it wouldbe o goodideoto visi¿LosRomblos.
;¡ :ú ., f
I . Give suggestions about the following places. Decide whether you want to make a strong suggestionor a weaker one. Use the patterns in the box above.
a. Paris / the Louvre lf vou ao to Paris,
b. Tokyo / Meiji Shrine i
Sydney / Bondi Beach
,t ; d
; d.
London / Buckingham Palace
,Í ; i€.
Egypt / the pyramids
f. New York / Central Park
g. Peru / Machu Picchu .
..& lr$
2" Now write two suggestions about your hometown or capital city.
Compare answers with a partner.
| . Look at the map below.Which cities have you visited or read about? Which citv would vou most like to visit?
+h# e' "i
") L
a¡ c
o New York r Los Angeles
r Moscow
. Paris ¡ Rome
Beiiing. !"1*oryo
o Cairo
o.Mexico City
o Hong Kong o Bangkok
t I'
o Rio de faneiro o Buenos Aires
r Sydney
2. You are going to plan a one-day itinerary in a popular tourist city. Choosethe city and write its name here.
3. To make your itinerary, find magazine articles or a tour book about your city. Collect information on any of these topics:
4. Later, when you write your composition,you will have to include a list of the sources(the names of the magazines or books you used). Look at these examples and pay attention to the punctuation.
GrEailffimffi City of publication Berkele¡ California:
Author Noble et al.
Book title Mexico.
Publisher Lonely Planet,
Author Lansing, D.
Article Magazine title Publication date "48 Hours inVegas." NotionolGeogrophicTraveler(July/Aug.1999):
Year of publicr
G, G ffij
Make a list of your sources.Be sure to include all important information. Unit 6 Excitina dp¡ti¡tz.tiprc
Page number: 73*84.
Write a schedule for your one-day tour. Imagine that the questions below will be asked by the people on your tour. Can you answer their questions?
w What hotelare we stayingat? * What restaurants are we eatíngat? when? 3 When and wherewill the tour start?ftnish? * What sightswíll wesee? w Whenand wherecan weshop? ffi Are thereany culturaleventshappeníng?
Write a schedule for your one-day tour. Imagine that the questions below will be asked by the people on your tour. Can you answer their questions?
w What hotelare westayingat? * What restaurants are we eatingat? when? G When and wherewill the tour start?ftnish? * What sightswill we see? re Whenand wherecan weshop? WAre thereany culturaleventshappening?
tl IJ
I . You are going to write a guidebook article about the one-day tour you planned. First, read the example article and follow the instructions.
; :.^ '.
Da, in Veqaa
Can you vieit'Laa Veqaeand n'- qambl, \ueutuvútJ: Here'6a one-davf,our in which vou won'T, enLera cagino" ' -L visil f'o a unique a" f' a even once.Yot¡'ll day . .wilh
ohofpinq.a.qnL, frnali
=i ¡O oq= ¡i 5á
: a oinkinq :"áiáa ;á -\,'Í{: ohip .t lo . + :ti tv- +ra Afíl, reat; ,ti6hi'in'theF.iaminqa\ilLor,, T v, readyLo or,art our tour. Go ou! lhe fronf' doorof Lhe hof'el at:'! {D dñR and you'llsee'\e beautifulCaesar'eTalaceCaeinoacroeo qt :l o"',m erica'e Lhe:sir e'el;i'Nexfli¡q¡7 y^ iy")ra f,he'Forum ?ho,p rtn'r lot r Ueyine. mogt, unueualehoppinqmall,wrle(e frc ^friqerailorrYlaqnef,O lntereetinqohopeeelleveryLhing ot¿ - -iq r-. L o lo o klik e to co wb o w y ear,and lhe buildínqo ancienl Romanbuildin4o.lnaddilion, an arlificial oky on the -l :, ceillngchanqeefrom ounrigelo s.unsetoncean hour. a:l $he,ppinqwillmakeyou hunqry,oo you ehouldñnd a A)i Oql I nof expeneive aná eat euggeet to bernoullí'e.l|'e A) -: Vlace has lhe beet ,talianfood in Ve¡aelA coupleof aVpelizere willbe * and oome?áeta followedby a cup of caVpucaino yctt)an enouqh'+. eatieV " .yfiora _€ É Walk downlhe mainslreel, Now,il'e Iime ; -, advenLure. ;€ , .:c "fhe lslánd SLrt¡,,lo i;helakein fronl of lhe Treaouye ", or OE t: Casno.Youwilleeean amazinqshow.Twofull-eizedoailiny c-t€ B f3 +é onto the l'ake ,,,vn will oail oul live craw, ehipe, comVletc a ." ;€ . "and fiqht a baLtle.Aneof '(he ehipoio a piraleohiV,the " othe, a britieh veeoel.At frret, f,hepirale ehip willcaEch fira,and it wili looklik¿f i briLiehw'tllb6;victorioús.Then, ", onelaev,-ckyshot v. nft NhegriNishohiV,lr willexplode ' and sink riqhLin tront of you! youqo to.eleeyi, memoriesof a wopderfulday Finally,.ao willffash throuqh your head:the eitne of ancient'Rome,the smellof delicic: paeLa,and t.heeoundof cannonblaete. D on: I epend lo o muchl;imo.remamberinq,lhough. Tomorrow's Vlanie evenmorelanlaeticl
a. In the introductory paragra circle the attention getter, underline the main idea, and box around the guide.
b. The next three paragraphs are about shopping,eating, ani going to a show.What topics n.J vou write about?
N€ f.e OE
s€ g
.1i' .:..,..
2' Write an introductory paragraph for your article in the space provided. Include an ur¡entiongetter, the main idea, and the guide.
/,4 {
3. Look back at the topics you chose for your paragraphs. Write topic sentencesfor your second,third, and fourth paragraphs. Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Now write your article using guidebook style.
When you finish writing, complete this checklist.
Setf-editing checUist Ú Do you havean introductíonwith an obviousattentiongetter, main idea,and guide? Do you haveclearlystated topic sentences for all your paragraphs? Did you useguidebookstyle to makeyour compositioninteresting? Haveyou readyour compositionagain and checked your spelling?
L-. -
A commontyPe of modifieris the simple adjective. Thefriendly peopleof Boliwill welcome youwithwdrm smilesand exotic flowers. Anothertype of modifieris the participial adjective. In Quito,Ecuodor,you'll enjoyo breothtaking viewof snowcappedmountoins.
I . Rewrite these sentences about New York City using modifiers. Choosefrom the modifiers in the box. or use vour own.
a, New York City is known for its skyline. New York Citv is known for its dramatic skvline. b. People walk down the streets.
c. Shops in Chinatown sell food.
d. Tourists love the view from the top of the World Trade Center.
e. Riding New York's subway is an adventure in itself.
f. The nightlife
is famous all over the world.
Now go back to your composition. Rewrite three sentences using modifiers.
I work in groups of four. Pass your compositions ' around the group so everyon" can read them' After you've read ihe other compo.ition., answer these questions.
| J
a. which compositionusesthe best guidebookstyle? why do you think so?
b.Which r"
!i l
II ,1;'31milffiíilf*itT;ili;H*ffifl:lH:T"n:TfJLff]Ht#= I
) )
rlrl )
rffi I
/f ¡
Here is how you write to reguest tourist information on cities and nationol porl<sin the United Stotes. city:
(Ctty nome)Chomberof Commerce (Gty), (Stote) (ZP code) (Country)
SeottleChamberof Commerce 98107 Seott/e,WA USA
notional pork:
(Pork nome)NotionolPork Vlsitort Center (Gty), (State) (ZP code) (CountrY)
RedwoodNationalPork Visitor'sCenter CrescentC¡ty,CA 95531 USA
| . Look at this letter written by Hee-Sung Kim. Where does he live now? Where doeshe want to visit?
3905 SouthSt. CA 94102 SanFrancisco, 23,2OO1 Aprtl SeattleChamberof Commerce Seattle, WA 98107 Dear Sir or Madam: livingin I am a Korean studentof Englishcurrenlly BeforeI relurnhometo Korea,I would SanFrancisco. sendme any Iiketo visityour city.Couldyou please l'm particularly information you haveon localattractions? in visitingthe SpaceNeedle.I alsowantto do inlerested someshopping whilel'm in Seattleandwouldappreciate anyrecommendations. is: My address H ee -S u nKai m 39c¡5Sáth St. CA 941a2 San Francisco, Thankyou foryour help.I'm lookingforwardLovisiting vour beaulifulcitv.
Sincerely, H".-5u^nKir.'' ó
Kim H ee- Sung
2, Imagine you are going to visit the United States.Use Hee-Sung'sletter as a model. and write your own letter requesting information. 3. Mail your letter and wait to see what you receive in the mail!
I . What questions would you like to ask your classmates about their families? their interests? their future plans? Brainstorm for three minutes and make a list.
How ,qa^q
and sLsfers
do qou
M i m i ,7
I Juslin,4 P,osíe,2
2. Cornpare ideas with a partner. A¡e there any questions you would like to add to vour list?
L a ter i n this un¡t ... You will write about your classmates. You will also learn about classification, concluding paragraphs, and commas.
rt ,d ,#..
I . Read the paragraph below and follow the instructions. .-,.,-.**sry#@,,'
ü {
Threq ,CouP/e.,Typ.qs
How can you find out if ybu and your spouse are /ike/y to be a good coup/e? A recent study by a psycho/ogist night give some answers. The psycho/ogist studied married coup/es to ílnd out how people gef a/ong, ond she found that' fhere are three t'ypes.of cáup/es. The f¡rst type is the 'Za/m-co/m" coup/e, in L:l!/ch both members are ca/m. They a/most never fight, a/mosf never get angry. and rare/y breok up. /n con trqst in fhe'pass iona t'e-passronate " re /ati onsh rp. both. me mbers qre emotiona/. They often argue and somettmes have fights,However. they also tend fo be more to make up affer a fight As -a resu/t this kind of coup/e is a/so romantic and 1ry /ike/y fo stay together. /t ¡s th'e third type of coup/e. fhe "calrn-passionafe" coup/e. fhof is most /ike/y fo breok up. Because one memberfendp
rR (-.' *-
a. Put a star (*) over the attention getter. b. Underline the topic sentence. c. Circle the three subtopics in this paragraph. d. Finish this list of transition words. What does each one do in the paragraph? Draw a line to connect each transition word to its purpose. Purpose
It showsa conclusion.
It showsa difference.
It showsmore informationwill be addedt: the previouspoint.
Compare answers with a partner.
Do you agree with the opinions in the article above?Why or why not? Unit 7 Reseatcli,
to be co/m whi/e
Transition words
;.-t-,, *t. ' :;"4 You can classify people or things by organizing them into gtouPs.When you form these groups, it's importont to keep in mind who you will be writing for - thot is, consider who your oudience
.ildr-! ,!d
.to. -.
................: lr
I ¡ Imagine your reading audienceis fruit growers. Look at the lists below. Fruit growers need to know the kind of weather each fruit grows best in. €r!É4t#@sr¡:
W bananas
SraPes lemons
Look at these ways to classify fruits and vegetables.Add two more.
G by taste
,t;r.by color
*u by price
3. Imagine you are explaining fruits and vegetablesto the audienceslisted below. Classify fruits and vegetablesinto two or three groups that would best fit the audiences'interests. Be creative!
Unit7 Rsureh
A concluding paragraph is the lost paragraph of a compositíon. ' ' There ore three types: A summary repeots the moin points of the composition. A prediction discusseswhot will hoppen in the future. An evaluation compores the moin points ond stotes whot is best
I . Which type is used for these concluding paragraphs: a summ áty, d prediction, or an evaluation?Write your answers in the blanks.
c'ffiüaing p.."ffiffi
ln conclusion, the kindsof fruit you shouldusein your menudependon the age of the personyou are cookingfor. Childrenlike famíliarfruits such as applesand oranges;teenagerslike exoticfruits suchas limesand pineapples; whereasolder adultspreferberryfruits suchas strawberries or cherries.
ffiryp"' Therefore, if you are making one mea/ to be eqten by peop/e of o// ages. think abouf the¡r /tkes and d¡s/¡kes. Shou/d you use a fruit that oppea/s fo ch¡/dren. feenagers, or odu/ts? The answer is c/ear; fo feenagers. Teenagers eat more fruit' than the other groups, and they are more /ike/y to comp/ain about having fo eaf something fhey don't /¡ke.
Ae we haveoeen,dífferent aqe groupaprefer dífferent.fruits,but what will happenin the future? Chtldrenprefer famíliarfruite and teenaqeroprefzr exotic fruite, but due to inhernationalLradeand new farmíngtechniquea,the exottcfruite are becominqmorefamiliar every day. In twenty yeare,teenaqerowill be looktn7for other newexotic fruite to try.
Compareanswerswith a partner. :,
Unit 7 Rc¡are*,
I . Think of a uniqueresearchquestionto ask your classmates. you can use oneofyour questionsfrom Lesson1, or chooseoneofthe questionsbelow. 'ffi What kindsof clothesdo you like? What isyour favoite placeto go to withyour friends? I What doyou plan to do afteryou graduate? I What problemin today'sworlddreyou most worriedabout? I What anímalwouldyou most like to be? ffi What wouldyou do if you had a million dollars? \
Write your question here.
2. Ask your classmatesyour research question. Record their names and responseson a pieceofpaper. 3. Next, analyzethu ,".rrñ. Classify your classmates'answers into three. four. or five groups, using the blank chart below. Make a heading for each group, and write your classmates'namesund.erthe appropriate group heading. Look at the example. What kinds of clothes do you like? Dressy clothes
Keíko Tom
Athletic clothes Paolo
Casualclothes Angie ' Robert
Anything goes Peí-Wen Míke
4. Discuss the results of your survey with a partner. Are there any other ways you could classify the students using the same d,ata?
Unit 7 ResureJo
A concluding paragraph is the lost poragraph of a composition. ' ' :i There are three types; A summanl rePedts the moin points of the composition. A prediction discusseswhot will hoppen in the future. An evaluation compores the moin points ond stotes what is best.
t.. I
I . Which type is used for these concluding paragraphs: a summ aty,d prediction, or an evaluation?Write your answers in the blanks.
C:offiudins p"ffiir,A € Type' ln conclusion, the kindsof fruityou shouldusein )lour menudependon the age of the personyou are cookingfor. Childrenlike familiar fruits such as applesand oranges;teenagerslikeexotícfruits suchas limesand pineapples; whereasolderadultspreferberryfruits suchas strawberries or cherries.
LoncruotngParagraPh b
Therefore, if you are making one meo/ to be eofen by peop/e of o// ages, think about t'he¡r /¡kes and d¡s/¡kes. Shou/d you use a fruif that appea/s fo ch¡/dren, teenagers, or odu/ts? The answer is c/ear; fo teenagers. Teenagers eaf more fruif than the other groups. and they are more /ike/y to comp/ain obouf having to eqt' something fhey don't /ike.
Aa wehaveeeen,different aqe qroupaprefer dífferent fruita, but what wíllhappenin the future? Childrenprefer familiar fruita and teenaqereprefer exotic fruite, but due to international trade and new farminq techniqueo,the exotíc frutto are becomingmorefamtliarevery day. ln twenty yeare, teenaqerswill be lookinqfor other newexotic fruile to try.
2. Compareanswerswith a partner.
I . Think of a uniqueresearchquestionto ask your classmates. Youcan use oneofyour questionsfrom Lesson1, or chooseoneofthe questionsbelow. I What kindsof clothesdoyou like? I What isyour favoite placeto go to wíthyour friends? I What doyou plan to do afteryou graduate? I What problemin today'sworldareyou most worriedabout? I What animalwouldyou most like to be? r What wouldyou do if you had a milliondollars? Write your question here.
2. Ask your classmatesyour research question. Recordtheir names and responseson a pieceofpaper. 3. Next, analyze the results. Classify your classmates' answers into three, four, or five groups, using the blank chart below. Make a heading for each group, and write your classmates'namesunder the appropriate group heading. Look at the example. What kinds of clothesdo you like? .íá@h*!,,,,
Dressy cfothes
Keiko Tom
Athletic clothes Paolo
Casual cfothes
Angie '
.-- ¡.r
Anything goes Peí-Wen Mike
4. Discuss the results of your survey with a partner. Are there any other ways you could classify the students using the same data?
Unit 7 Rosearclt
l. You are going to write a research report based on your survey.First, read the example composition and follow the instructions. ResearchReporton After-GraduationPlans Wherewill everyone be nextSrearafter theygraduate?Wíll they return to their own countriesor stay abroad?Tofrnd'out, I conducteda survey.I askedeachof my classmates what he or sheplans to do aftergraduating.After lookingovertheir answers,I realizedthat thereare threetypesof studentsin my class:the "Don't Know"type,the "Go Back Home"type,and the "StayAbroad" type. Thegroup with the largestnumberof students,almost half of the class,consistsof Don't Know types.When I asked them what theywantedto do aftergraduating,theygot very seriousand said,"l don't know,"or "l hdven'tdecided yet." ln one cctset a studentdidn'tanswerme at all.Anotherperson even'seemed nervousabout beingasked.Obvrbusly, the membersof thisgroup are worríedabout theirfuture. About a third of the studentsare Go Back Home types. Theygave a varietyof answers,but all the plans they mentionedwerebackin their homecountries. Theyseemedto be a little homesick, but as soonas they talkedaboutgoing home,they cheeredup. Therest of the students- exceptfor two that don'tseem to frt any type - are the Stay Abroad types.Theysaid they want to stay in this countryor someother English-speaking country.Somewant to workand somewant to go to graduateschoolhere,but noneseemsto want to returnto livein hís or her homecountry. ln conclusion, the Go BackHome and StayAbroadpeople haveclearplans for the future,but what will happento the Don't Knowpeople?Will theystay hereand studymore,or go backhometo be with theirfamilies?I think that most of them will go back. Evenif they want to stay,it may not be possible.
Unit 7 Re¡u,^reÁ,
a. The introductory paragraph explains what the writer did and his or her results. Circle these two parts of the introduction.
o -
\< !
p) -t E) oq a
o r,¡ : o-
D oq
T Y',
.' -¡$ a
o-. !
A¡ oq
rC' :t'
;'g -n¡ o;, a ñl t a, .1
b. Each paragraph describes one group and explains the author's reasonsfor creating it. Circle the name of each group describedin the second,third, and fourth paragraphs.
¡r: -.
c. The last paragraph is the concluding paragraph. What type is used?Check (r') one. summary #i. prediction tr' evaluation
ruffi 2. Look back at the groups you created in Lesson 5. Each group will be the focus of a paragraph. Write topic sentencesfor each of the three to five groups you made. Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Paragraph 5:
Paragraph 6:
3. Write a draft of the concluding paragraph for your composition.It can either summarize or evaluate the results, or it can predict the future.
i,tz.. -
Now write your research report. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph.
When you finish writing, complete this checklist.
Self-editing checktist ú Doesyour tntroductory paragraphexplainwhatyou did for your surveyand give the resultsof that survey? Does eachparagraphdescribeonegroup of survey participantsand explainwhy it exists? Doesyaur concludingparagrapheithersummaríze,predict, or evaluate?
Unit 7 Rp¿arelt
rr r'
Reod the informdtion below on when you should use commos. # to list three or morethings Experts saythot childrenlikefomiliarfruits suchos opples,oronges,ond bononos. F between clouses Sinceteenogerslike exoticfrurts,cooksshouldservethem to that ogegroup. I to set off a phrose thot describes Berryfruits,preferredby most adults,are oftenusedin díshespreporedfor older people. J after certoin transition words childrenprefer familiar fruits. ln conclusion,
I . Add commasto the paragraph below.The number at the end of each sentenceshows how many commasto add. The first sentencehas been done for you. ::xsqq$ryS,.
Campuetaehionemlyhl change,bul lhe baaiccolleqe eLudenLie alwayeLhe oame,riqhl? fhl WronqlColleqe sluáenls in uníversilieoalloverLheworldhavechanqeáa lol in fihelaet,thirly yearoan¿ wecan ex?ect,lheee chanqeolo conlinue.t1I Firot of all whereaecolleqe sludenlo ueedla be fairly younqalmosl all aqed belween1B and 22 f,heyare nowmucholáer.Í31 ln lhe UniledSLaNeo tor examplesomere?arte ohowlhallhere are nawmore colleqeeludenÚeoláerlhan 22 than youngerll2l ln aáditiontoday'estudenNsare doinqmorethin4sthan before.tll lhirty yearo a4o almoel-allcalleqeeluáenle wenlto achaolfull-timelakinqlhree or moreclassee.l2l lhere are moreeludenls They)uol sludied.Todayhowever qaingpart'tímethan full-time.[2] Theyare nol juel eludyinq,Theyare obudyinqworkingand raíoinqtamilieo'I2l ln concluaion colleqeoLudenleare nol olayinqlhe samelhey are chanqinq. ll7 ln facl f,heyare changingalmosLas quicklyae cam?uotaehlonsl[Ll
Now look at the compositionyou wrote in Lesson 6. Did you use commas correctly? Unit 7 Rp,surcÁ.
,,f tf
f u
,ryp sf. S& l. Exchangecompositionswith a partner. Read your partner's composition and follow the instructions below. il.
Write the name of the research topic.
Write the groups into which the author divides the people surveyed.
c. Write what the differencesbetween the groups are.
d. Do you agree with the author's conclusion?
e. Circle the phrases that best describethe composition.You can add your own phrases,too. interesting
2, Write a short letter to the author. Ask any questions you have about the survey or its results, and give your opinions about the research. ,¡ :',:3@r¡¡",1$ry ), t:":,:
DeonYíng, Younoontpositión wos intenesting onded¿¡cotionol. I'rn.centoinlg inthe rninonitg in thisclossbecouseright now I thinkI'rno StogAbnoodtgpe.AlthooghI ognee with goonclossificoiions theneis one of ounclossrnotes, point 1dísognee with.I don't'thínkgo0aneo DonltKnow tgpe.I thinkgoooneo Go BockHorne firnegou tgpelEveng spedkobouf goüncodnfng.gor.tbeooneso enth¿tsiostic,I believe godoneo liftlehornesick, ondJ wouldliketo tolk to gouoboot it sornetirne. Sincenelg, Anrnondo
Unit 7 Rp¡urclu
I . As a class,make a list of local restaurants. 2. Form small groups. In your group, chooseone of the restaurants you'd like to research. 3.
Visit the restaurant and do these two things while you're there: a. Pick up a sample menu or business card from the restaurant b. Have a meal at the restaurant. Complete the questionnaire below as a group. Write the information on an index card. 'Name of restaurant:
Type of restaurant:
Price of averagemain course:
Priceof averagemeal includingdrink and dessert:
Atmosphere insideof restaurant:
Quality of service:
Quality of food:
Other comments: l¡@4Gy.fÉ
4. Now it's your turn to write your own review of the restaurant. Your review should focus on your own feelings and experiences. Make some notes below.Then write your comments on an index card.
5. Collect all the cards (questionnaires and reviews) and make a class restaurant guide. Unit 7
%r fh"e' oüerintudur
I . What should you do in preparation for and during an interview? What should you avoid doing? Brainstorm for three minutes and make two lists. t',,tt::.::;;:,1"':,:,:,$,,:t,,,:.:.:l; ;ffilw f
Do N' T s
, .-./D ot ,.tLngS
g" f
one '
r es f
ghort,i t he
do) nLgh{
Ght" gs be {o r e
ane €hoql d
look af" f he clock
avoud,tocn g) f he LnferlvLew
.,ag a:.
2. What is the best thing you could do during an interview? What is the worst thing? Write them below. Best thing: Worst thing: I Now brainstorm with your class. Say your ideas out loud, and your teacher will write them on the board.
You will write about how to havea good job interview. You will learn about comparison-contrast paragraphs, and expressionsthat show contrast.You will also be given adviceon interviewing.
Un¡t B 7úp
.,.& | . Read the paragraph below and follow the instructions.
ttt fwo Very D¡fferent Bosses Some peop/e say that happiness af work depends on how interesting yourlob is,but / disagree. / th¡nk happiness depends on your re/ationship wit'h your
" t) J
boss. / hqve fwo bosses, A¡che//e and €/¡zo, ond / th¡nk A¡che//e is beffer. A¡che//e gives positive feedbock and encourages me o// the time. She makes me wanf to work hard and cha//enge myse/f l/¡za, on fhe other hond on/y crificizes me. A/though A¡che//e is very busy, she a/ways takes fhe time to to/k fo me about my work. However, l/iza hard/y ever fa/ks to me. She keeps her off¡ce door c/osed with a Do Not D¡sturb" sign on it. furthermore, she doesn'f a//ow me to make any decisions withouf asking her first. A¡che//e a/ways trusfs my decisions comp/ete/y. /n conc/usion, whereqs / d¡s/¡ke working for E/¡za, / /ove working for /l¡che//e. A good boss can make a// the d¡fference in fhe wor/d.
K' t&a q g
Underline the topic sentence.
b. What two things are being compared? C.
The three points of comparison are the subtopics. Write them below.
Subtopics: d. Finish this list of transition words. What does each one do in the paragraph? Draw a line to connecteach transition word to its purpose. Purpose
Transition wo¡ds
It showsa conclusion.
It showsa contrast.
It showsa contrast. It showsmoreinformationwill be addedto the previouspoint.
2. Compare answers with a partner.
Unit B 77o
b F
Lesson3 "''-':' Use unlike with o noun. Micheile,unlike Eliza,keepsher door open. Use on the other hand ond however with complete sentences. Eliza'sdoor is olwoysclosed.On the other hond, Michelle'sis olwaysopen. Elizo'sdoor is olwaysc/osed.Michelle's,however, is olwaysopen. Use whereas and while to join two clouseswithin o single sentence. Whereas Michellekeepsher door open,Eliza keepshers closed. Michellekeepsher door open,whileEIzo keepshersclosed.
| . Read the sentencesbelow and write a contrasting sentence for each. Use the ctntrasting word or phrase in parentheses. a. Michelle always encourages me. (however) Eliza,howevenneverencouraqesme. b. Eliza never takes the time to talk to me. (whereas)
c. Michelle trusts my decisions.(unlike)
d. Eliza doesn't encourage me very much. (while)
e. Michelle always keeps her door open. (however)
f. I don't like working for Eliza. (on the other hand)
Complete these sentenceswith information about yourself and your classmates. a. Unlike my best friend,I like/don't like b. I'm good at
On the other hand, I can't at all.
My favorite food is eat it every day.
However.I don't
I 3.
Compare answers with a partner.
| . Choosetwo jobs you'd like to apply for. You can choosefrom these examples or use your own. newscaster
fashion model
police offtcer
Write your choiceshere.
2. Work in groups of three. Imagine the scene of a job interview What kinds of questions could the interviewer ask? Brainstorm and make a list.
{ work here? whg do gou wanf -fo kvhaf are €orvteo{ gor, sfrengfhs?
tvt^af are goqr
j f,
f *
3. Now you are going to role-play. One student will be the manager (interviewer). The other two students will be applying for a job. Ask and answer questions.
Wh y d o y "j want to work here?,
I enjoy talking to differ ent people, and f dor.r't mirnd workir'tg ,
on vnf f eet
After you've finished the scene,switch roles and do it again. Unit9 f,tp
I ' What are some unsuitable answers to the questions you wrote in Lesson 4? work in groups of three. Brainstorm and make r tirt of inappropriate responses.
-Whg 'l,vkat
do gou are
4,e#.l*+ee" i3@ Al /,/ ,--,.../ U nsq Lf ab le fe €Do rtqe- < lo
-L' n -L
Lf soqnde
lLke an easg job
nof good af prefer
faki ng orders. fo be Ln charge.
2l Role-play again with an interviewe" two job applicants. This time, one 1.r.g interviewee should give good responses,while the"othei gives inappropriate responses. Whf do /ot)
want to
w o r k h e reT
f hear d the t ip s a re q o o d h e re , a n d I * re a lly
3. Now perform your rore-playsin fro_ntof the class.As you watch other groups perform' take notes on the oos an¿ DoN'Ts of interviewing you seein the'ir performance.
Discuss as a class.Who was the best interviewee? UniI S Tlp
I . You are going to write a magazine article on good and bad interview techniques. First, read the example article and follow the instructions. CareAbout What You Wear My motherusedto say,"lf you want that job, dressllke are important,so you dlreadyhaveit." First impressions wearingthe right clothesto an interviewcan makea in whetheror not you wtllget thejob. Thereare difference threethtngsyou must think about whenchoosingclothesfor
ol ;P aj q
a. In the introductory paragraph, circle the attention getter, underline the main idea. and put a box around the guide.
an interview:color, style, and comfort
Thecolorof your clothessendsa message, soyou should ( o n frt the clothesto thejob. For example,if you are applyingfor q job at a bank or a law ftrm,you shouldn'twearbright o! lt might makeyou seemimmature to the interview. __glothing A) you shouldweargrdy,brown, 0a-aA' -gr too wildfor thejob. lnstead, or na\)/ blue.Thesecolors,combinedwith a classicwhiteshirl or blouse,will makeyou seemserious. -€l , ln additionto colorithe styleof your suit makesa. ;l : it is not A minisktrtmay be attractive,but . - difference. -l in many offtces. A suit that is big and baggy,or 'appropriate . suchas "l couldn'tftnd r'O short and tight, can senda message ;PJ "a anythingelseto wear,and I don'tcdre!"On the otherhand, Oq a 9J ! shows revealing too much, clothtngthat fttsyou wel[ without t in your and interested that you dre neat,organized, ': Youmust frnd clotheswith the right flt. ...dppearance. 9H 1' Thelast importantpoint about choosingan outfrti¡ 1] 'TI comfortable and lf you feel whetheror not it is comfortable. .a relaxed, and capableof doínggood you will look confrdent :l:'o work.Howeverif your clothingis too heauyor tíght,you'll trAJ il oq :'¡ andyou'll look insecure. and nervous, feeluncomfortable :r Therefore, try to wear comfortableclothes. ln conclusion, wearingthe right clothesmay not alwayl- _ get you your dreamjob, but my mother'sadvíceís worth thinkingabout.Shesatdthat whengoing for an interview your chancesof getting thejob are a lot betterif you dress for success. jf!
Unit B rhe,
b. The second,third, and foult' paragraphs give suggestionsfor a good interview Underline the topic sentencein each paragraph.
2. Write an introductory paragraph for your article. Include an attention getter, a main idea, and a guide. D /fl
/t f¿.'f
Look at your DOs and DON'Ts lists in Lesson 5. What are the three most important l. hints for a successfulinterview? Write topic sentencesfor each of your suggestions. Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Write a concluding paragraph for your article.
Now put the parts together, and write a composition.
When you finish writing, completethis checklist. *..,",.,,,
Seff-editing checklist ú Do you havean introductoryparagraph with an attentiongetter, a main idea,and a guíde? Does eachparagraphhavean engagingtopic sentence? Are the DOs and DOAV'É clearlystated in your article?
Unit B f,p
When giving advice,it is impoitant tó think about the strength of the expression you choose. ...-€".-]4r,,d1w*#*".r
somewhotstrong_ must rnustnot
no¿ Uetter-had better not
,no, Idloughtto shouldn't
moywant to may not want to
You must not be late for your interview. You'dbetter weor o suitand tie. Youmay wont to hoveyour resumeprofessionally designed.
I . Complete the sentencesabout interwiewing with an appropriate form of advice. a. You maV wAnt to take a practice ride to the interview location so you can seehow long it takes to get there. b. You
chew gum during the interview.
C. You
arrive a little early.
d. You
get a goodnight's sleepthe night before.
e. You personal life.
tell too many detailsaboutyour
t ¡:!
relax so that you don't perspire too much.
g. You
call soon afterward to see if you got
the job. h. You
ask the interviewer some questions
about the job. ¡. You
look around during the interview.
remember the name of the person who interviewed you, even if you don't get the job.
k. You
turn offyour cellular phone.
2. Now go back to the compositionyou wrote in Lesson 6. Find three sentencesthat give advice.Rewrite them, using expressionsfor giving advice. ?1.
b. C.
Unit 8 7úp
*? lü-¡" " sr l. Work in groups of four. Exchange compositions with the members of another group. Make a list of the interviewing advice given in each of the compositions you have. q ? w ,.- !ffi €
Composition I ,..i ,.. .r :.,r ¡ :.,;,:.
r :...
r :.
i :.,.;
- - ;,- j
.,.;.- ¡ t
r. ' . . i ¡i 4 1
Author's name:
Author's name:
2. 3. Fc(/,,,,r.r.,r,o,, t
Composition3 l 's
Author's name:
Author's name:
2. With your group, decide which advice is most useful for an interview. Write your reasonsin the paragraphs below.
Thisis the most usefulpieceof advícebecause
Share vour answers with the class.
alsohad usefulpiecesof advice.
: I . Let's test your theories! Contact two people with full-time jobs, and interview them. Ask them what they think the top three DOs and DON'Ts are in an interview Take notes.
.! ..
2. :..
When you finish, use both direct and indirect speech to report back to your group.
Mr. Jones,our school's príncipal,said it's importantto be positive.He said that peopleonjob interviews must be prepared. He alsosaid,"Don't wearjeans,"and that neatness is veryimportant.
3. With your group, choosethe two most interesting suggestionsto present to the class.
Unit 8 do
{B ?usonal, oak "*-*ffiry1¡'
l. what would yo_ulike to change about yourself?what are your future - Brainstorm goals? for three minutes and make two lists. e*@Wto
*/rt""*" L
lesc jqnk worpLng
food ouf .
Fufure L
fo aftend
a docfor.
Put stars (*) next to the things that are most important to you.
When you finish, compare lists with a partner.
L a t e r i n t h i s u n i t ... I ,e -
Youwill wrire aboutpersonalgoals. Youwill also learnabout persuasive paragraphs, parallelism, sentencetransitions,and avoidingincompletesentences.
l. Readthe paragraphbelow and follow tfre instrt*ffi"irs. 9S
L¡fe ¡s fu// of choices. We often choose between doing something the easy way anC doing something the hard way. Unforfunate/y. we a/most a/wayi choose fhe easy way because. we//, it's lust ectsier. lor exam,o/e. we a/rytosr a/ways choosa to do fhe eosiesf homework assignment t'o toke the eosiestlob, or to ílnd the easiest peop/e to to/k to at a party. However, these choices qre not a/ways t'he best cho¡cesi. Somatimes by choosing fhe hordest way. there is more tó gain. 87 choosing the hardest homewoik assignment, we might /earn more. Qt choosing the toughest 4ob, we might gain o new sk¡// B7 choosing ro ta/k fo someone who seems unapproachob/e at a party, we might end up making o ,ui *oy Ár't a/ways the b:est way
Ery -,.'¡*eqd$ili';
/n short ilrn nory
a. Put a star (*) over the attention getter. b. Underline the first sentencethat tells us why we should choosethe hard way instead of the easy way. It is the topic sentence. c. Circle the concluding sentence.It restates the topic sentencein a different way. d, Finish this list of transition words. What does each one do in the paragraph? Draw a line to connect each transition word to its purpose. Transition words
It showsa conclusion.
It showsa difference.
It introducesan example.
e, By repeating the same two words in three of the sentences,the author shows a strong connectionto the topic sentence.What are these two words?
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 9 Pqsotal,
K''. Xll
Use paraflelism with words ond phroses to ochieve coherence ond rhythm in writing.When words or phroses ore connected within o sentence, use the sorne kind of grammor. *".. words (incorrea) I likeswimmingrunningond to ploy tennis. (correct) I like swimmingrunning,ond playingtennis.
(incorrea) (correct)
He got up, took o shower,ond eots breokfost. He gotup,took o shower, ond ote breokfost.
| . Correct each sentencebelow.Make the sentencesparallel in structure. a. A computer can be used to search the Internet, writing reports and letters, and to keep in touch with friends via e-mail. A gpfnputer can be used to search the lnternet, to write reports and letters,
and to keepin touchwith friendsvia e-mail. b. Last night I saw a movie, met some friends, and call my parents.
c. Penny hopes to finish school,save some money,and will start her own business.
d. Mr. Potter never saw the ocean,has never been on an airplane, and has never owned a car.
e. Before you leave, please turn offthe lights, water the plants, and to lock the door.
Sam McCarthy is a doctor, writer, a husband, and father.
g. The new City Arts Center is modern, functional, and looks beautiful.
h. Max was a successful director, the winner of many awards, and he acted onstage.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 9 Persona.L
.:: fi
Good writers try to moke one sentence flow smoothly into the next One woy to do this is to stort o sentence with the sorne ideo that ended the previous one. rY (weok transition)Peoplein my countryprefer sp¡cy foods. A good exompleis cuiry. (goodtransition) Peoplein my county prefersPicy foods. Cuiry is a good exomple.
I . Read each pair of sentences.Then rewrite the secondone so that the sentence transition is smooth. a. I sent inütations to all my friends. The first to reply were Bess and Johnny. Bessand Johnny were the ftrst to reply. b. I'm going to Mexico this fall. The best time to visit is October.
c. The guests at the party included three movie stars. The most famous was Sean Connery.
d. Charles hopes to attend a prestigious university. His first choiceis La Sorbonne in Paris.
e. Next weekend I will see several old classmates.The people I am most anxious to see are Hae-won and Peter.
f. We must study global issues.One of the most important is world peace.
g. This year, I plan to learn how to use a computer.My first task will be to send my brother an e-mail message.
h. Carrie often travels to southern Europe. Her favorite countries are Spain and Italy.
Compare answers with a partner.
Unit 9 ?*so¡tntr
I . Make a list of goals you want to achieve in your lifetime. Look back at your brainstorming list in Lesson 1 for ideas. é*i!}*¡.tá;--:J;;;.;r:!i!:rirrói,¿r**ii:ór.!t!ia-nr:rsa.:r,.ii.;:
ProblemsI want to sorye I needto get alongbetterwith my sister. I wantto learnhowto speakEnglishfluently.
WeoknessesI want to get rid of I wish I weremore patient. I needto be moreoutaoina.
fhings I want to do I want to cltmbMount Everest. l'd love to visit London.
Skifls I want to gain I hopeto ftgureout how to usea computer. I wishI knewhow to drive.
f f I
2' Choosethree goals and write them in the boxesbelow.Then set a deadline for . achieving each goal.
Achieve by:
Unit 9 ?uson"a.l
You are going to write a letter to yourself concerningyour goals.First, read the example letter and follow the instructions.
DeonMe, This is o leftenJ ornwniting to rngselfwith three gools in it I will openfhis leftenin five geonsond decidewhethen oD-l AJ^ on not I hoveochievedthesegools,The goolsI hoveset ñi tl go to Chino,ond becorne € R fon rngselfoneto leonnMondonin,
whgJ chosethese rnone ongonized, NowI willexploin thern. goolsondhow I plonto occornplish FinstI wonf to leonnhow to speokMondonin,Ibelieve (tt o thoi Chinowill becorneon evenrnoneirnponfontnotion in a) wont to the futone.Sincewe will needrnoneinfenpnetens,I beginleonning Mondoninnow.ThisgeonI plonfo bctgo p¡ oq a book ond cosseffesto leqnnond pnocticeof horne,Nexf geonI will hire o pnivotetofon,I hope to be oble to conng wifhin two geons. convensotionin Mondonin on o sirnple Next I wo¿lldliketo go to Chinowithin the next thnee d-t& geons.Iwill gnodootenext geonond get o job, Wifhthe !l * o'q ai Io this end.I plon rnonegI eonn,I'llpog fon rngtnip rngself, oql fo open o speciolsovingsoccoont EvengrnonfhI will put -; . sornernoneginto fhis occoont untill hoveenoogh. Finollg,it seernsthot I lose on fongef sornethingeveng firnetngingto rnokeup dog. As o nesoltI woste too rn¿lch ar$ I woold liketo becornernoneongonized.In fon rngmistokes, +* onder to do this,I willbogo speciolnotebookond keepit Eq sornething,I with rneoll the tirne.WhenI needto nernernben often I get op, willwnite it down,Then,evengrnonning,just _,I will neviewrngnofes.Mggool is to hoveo nofebookin rng ._ pocket the dog I open this letten, The In conclosion, J hoveset fhneegools fon rngself. _ fhird is the rnostdifficolt but it's olso the rnosfirnpontont willconcentnoteon thot gool.In foct unlessI , _-..Thenefone,I the ._.ochievethot one,I doubt i willbe obleto occornplish
a. The introductory paragraph explains what the letter is for, how its author will use it. and what the writer's three goals are. Circle the three goals.
b. The second,third, and fourth paragraphs explain the goals. Underline the topic sentencein each paragraph.
f- j
*, f l
,q€ Hg
ofhen fwo,
Unit 9 ?ersotul
€fl TF
;'ru c. Now thi nk of your three goals.Write a topic sentence for each one. Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Goal 3:
d. Write a conclusionfor your compositionin the spaceprovided. It should give an evaluation of your goals.
e. Now write a letter to yourself. f. When you flnish writing, complete this checklist. Setf-editingchecktistd with threeparts? Do you havean introduction Doyou havea topicsentence for eachgoal? yourgoals? that evaluates Didyou include a conclusion
g. At the end of the unit, after your letter has been returned, you should put it in an envelope.Write these words on the front of the envelope,and put it in a safe place. Letter to myself.Not to be openeduntil -,
-.(year) Unit 9 ?usonal
Fragments ond run-ons ore two kinds of íncomptete sentences. Fragments ore sentencesthot o,renot finished.They are missing something. (frogment) Went to a movie. (frogment) My dog with big brown eyes.
(correa) We went to a movie. (correa) My dog hos big brown eyes.
Fragments con be dependent clouses.They are incomplete thoughts. (frogment) Becouseit was hot. (frogment) Aft.erhe gothome.
(correct) I openedthe door becouseit wos hot. (correct)Afterhe gothome,he modedinner.
Run-ons ore single sentencesthot should be divided into two or more sentences. (run-on) The womanwore o cap,it was too big. (correct)The womanworeo cop.lt wos too big. (run-on) I ote breokfast,then I ote lunch,and I ate dinner,ond it oll tosted good. (correct)I ote breokfost,lunch, ond dinner.ltoll tostedgood.
I . Rewrite this paragraph in the spaceprovided without fragments and run-ons. By the age of forty, I think I will havereachedmany of my goals.BecauseI will havespentso mdnyyears workingtoward them.I will have two children,a boy and a gírl, I will be maried to a great person.Someonewho sharesmy ideasabout life and love.We wíll live in a hame{ull of booksinsteadof televisions, dnd we will read everynight and we'llhavesomepets,too.Maybe a dog and cat. My spouse and I will havegoodjobs, we'llbe able to travel aroundthe world with our children,but sometimes by ourselves if we take time off from ourjobs. I think that whenI am forty I will be a happyperson.
2. Now go back to your own composition, and correct any sentence fragments or run-ons. Unit 9 Pqsonal,
L Get into groups of four. Exchange letters with members of another group. Read one of the letters, and follow these instructions. a. Rate the following parts of the letter. Check (r') the appropriate boxes. +6r+s[fl;FE?r@+
'*q t i
F, g,
b. Which paragraph did you like best? Why?
I like the one dbout
c. Now read the other three letters, and discussall the letters as a group. Which one doesyour group like the best?Why? We liked the one about
2. Write a short letter to the author of one of the letters. Comment on the author's goals.Give some encouraging suggestions.
Dear I reallylíkedyour letterand the goalsyou'vechosen that may helpyou for yourself.I havea few suggestions achieve your goals.
Give the author vour letter. Unit 9 ?qroeul,
l. Find out what positive things people think about you by following the instructions below.
Form a circlewith your classmates.Take out a piece of paper from your notebook,and write your nameon the bottom. ¡
I Hand your paperto the personsittingon your right.You will receivea paperfrom the person sittingon your left.Youwill now havea paper with a person'snamewritten on the bottom.
When your teacher saysto begin,write one sentencethat statesa good characteristic or a qualityyou admireabout that person. Negativecommentsare not allowed!
Fold the top down so that the next person can't see what you'vewritten. Passthe PaPerto the personon your right.
Continuewriting positivecommentson the papersyou receive.Whenyou havewritten a sentenceabout everyone,you will get your paperback.
.t3 2.
Read your paper.
Unit 9 P*sonz"L
#G Unit
* nrcÁ,ite¡*
. What buildings, rooms, and equipment do collegestudents need for daily -l living, study, and recreation? Brainstorm for three minutes and make three lists.
,n ,f BuLldLngs
R o ons
E auLpne n f
2. Look at your lists. Decide how you could divide your ideas into smaller groups, such as the following: rooms for studying
rooms for socializing
rooms for food preparation and eating
3: Compare lists with a partner. How many items on your lists are the same? What different items does your partner have?
.+4W You will designa studenr dormitory. You will also learnabout organizingyour ideaslogically and usingarticlescorrectly.
Unit l0 Arch)bÉ
ri, !
I . Read the paragraph below and follow the instructio ns.
'*¡@&, A TypicalDgrm Room
' '
emptypizza Wherecdn vou ftnd an unmadebed,booksall overthe floar,,,and studentslive college boxesnextto i IVZ Youcan frnd them,of course,wheremany threeaspectsof a student'slife: in a dormitorv.Studentdorm roomsaccommodate Daily livingrefersto the ttmea studentspends ,írdy, and recreation. dailvlivinq," aboutten hcturs student'spends and so on.Sincethe averdge ,,leíoina,áatina,'cleañina, furniture:a o jorín da¡tí t¡rinaait¡rities,mostof the room is fttledwith living-related bed,'asink,ird a árrrrrr. Studentstypicatlyspendlesstime studying- about three hoursa day - and so the onlystudy-related furnitureis a desk.Theamountof time variesaccordingto the student.Somestudentsenioy studentstiend on recredt¡on whereasothersprefer stavinain their room to watchTV or to surf the lntern.et, and computersactuallyspendless studentswith TVs,stereos, ao'ina"out.lnterestinaly, "t¡*r" áctivitiesthan studentswith only a TV.Althoughtheremay be on recreationdi tha-tiélate,,ta slíaht variations,a.ll dorm rooms contdtn óbje,cts thesethree aspectsof student life.
rc*# '5
W.., f: gl,l
1i '4{a
a. Underline the toPic sentence. ',h"-
b. Circle the three subtopics.
c. Find the attention getter. Then put a box around the three examples given in it. d. Look at the example below. Then change the other expressions in the same way. ffi furniture related to living
ffi expensesrelated to travel ffi thoughts for building confidence ffi methods for making money
Compare answers with a Partner. Unit l0 AreÁi&ct
* ,*
jl .ri I:J
, ,;{ r,3
You cdn take something complex and break it down ínto simpler pdrts. Look dt how these toPics ore divided into subtoPics to moke them eosier to exploin. How a dorm room is used - for daily living - for study - for recreation
How computers ore used - for reseorch - for communication - for fun
Sources of stress - at home - ot work - in personolr:elotionships
| . Divide the topics below into simpler subtopics.
ópo rt s
Typto rnuaic .ot..
'@: {,'
St odenf |if e/ - _- _- - -
Compare subtopics with a partner. How are they different?
Unit l0 Arclih¿t
| . Imagine you are an architect. Read this memo from your boss.What kinds of rooms will your dormitory building have?
To¡ From: Sub je ct: Date¡
All employees The chairman New project August 1?
Please begin work immediatety on our new project! a dormitory for international students. As you make your floor plans, keep these points in mind. You must include at least eight student rooms in your design. The dormitory must include shower and laundry facilities. You must design the inside rooms as well as the outside envÍronment (trees, gardens, pool, etc.).
2. Look at this list of items. How would you categorizethe items? Put them under the appropriate headings. cafeteria computerroom game room
related to doily living
garden gym laundryroom
related to studying
sauna showers kitchen
studentlounae tenn¡scourt copycenter
related to recreation
3. Look at the completed chart. What items would you most like to have in your dormitory environment? Join a partner and chooseyour favorites. Unit l0 Archiw
"i l
Fill in the floor plan using the symbols below. Draw one symbol in each square of your floor plan. Don't forget to show doors and windows in the buildings.
rl .$ i¿ 1l q :1 .A
i] s
:i ,
f t
* t*
@ @ $/m
try ¡!*
Unit l0 ArcÁihtt
Use the when your reader olready recognizes the specific Person,ploce, or thing you r,re writing obout. I wolkedout of the library ond into the studyroom. Use a and an when you are mentioning o Person,ploce, or thing for the first time ond the when you mention it again. Our dorm hos o sports center.The sports centeris free. I
¡rst time-ll
Use a ond an to refer to something in generol. Use the to refer to something specific. It'sfun to be o studenl The studentwho livesnextdooris friendly.
Add articles to this paragraph.
e{'"'3s:4r"'\,#, Let me tell you about
i&.$@$s".: .:!.&*
.:ffi##4w#Ht$fffin...'ür college dormitory in Los Angeles. It's at
g universit¡r
¡tiiiliÜ.niversity ot Los Angeles. Since u-t,.l ls ,,l,!LÁ,' ".:: ¡ .a',. :.. .:.,:..,:-. ....,,-,aa'..:,,,,:....a ,,,t rnany studei dorms¡.,4¡él.¡áigr.ind ha c
students at ULA are f rom California, but some d
students are irorlr ..uru¿rd.'Ihe dormitory ' .,::,.:.' :.
..:.' ,..
.....,.j ,1r.r-1LvDi whicrr
i kilerien
enough for students to cook
D l g meal . 'l
,, .
appreciale this because someLrrrres
l '.'- r r
like o,rrall
.- krlerrert rs -Lal'ge
I l:
' - suites include four bedlooms with two beds each,
i''apAftme.nts. .i
^ (jaleleria fooo ls not, so good, and
Now Iook at the compositionyou wrote in Lesson 6. Did you use articles correctly?
Unit l0 ArcÁibct
L Get into groups of four. Exchange compositionswith members of another group. Read one of the compositions,and follow the instructions. a. Does the composition have an introductory paragraph?
b. What topics are paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 about? Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: c. Circle the phrase that best describesthis composition.
creativedorm plan good choiceof topics
easyto understand interesti ng writing style
2. Write a short letter to the author. Explain what you think the design's strong points and weak points are.
3. Now read the other three compositions.Discuss them with your group members,and chooseone for an award. Draw a ribbon at the top of the paper. Which composition/floor plan did you choose?Why?
Unit l0 Arcltih¡t
| . Now that you have designeda new dorm, tell the world about it. Make a poster advertising your dorm. Uses these ideas in your poster. ffi an advertising
ffi room availability information
ffi a brief description
ü various scenes of students using the dorm's facilities
€ a list ofspecial features # contact information
tr6ffiw Ht
the idealtivingenv¡ronment TheLiveGreenDormprov¡des gardens, a pond,a sw¡mming Thedormhas for students. poot,anda runn¡ngtra¡[. Specialfeatures:
indoorgreenhouse snackbar sportscenter laundryroom library
rainwatershowers catm,peaceful surroundings locatednext to river
it :
2. When you finish, hang your posters up around the classroom.Whose dorm sounds most appealing?
Unit l0 ArchiW
I . Who has influenced you in your life? Your parents?A teacher?A friend? Brainstorm for three minutes and make a list. You should include both people you know and famous/important people.
.,^fr"* Non ttr.
PhLlLpt - .g
Oeefhoven - nqsLcLan
?' Describe some of the people on your list to your partner. Explain why these people have had an influence on you. L a ter i n this unit ... You will write about an importantperson in your life. You will learn how to link paragraphs. You will also learn how to put topics in order and learn about subject-verbagreement.
Here ore some woys of linking the fost sentence of a paragraph with the first sentence of the poragroph following it. A transition word or phrase can be used to connect ideos between porogrophs. lf I couldgo onywhere,it wouldbe to LotinAmerica. Firstof oll.l wouldliketo visitmy friend Chrisin Chile. A word (or words) from the lost sentence of one Porogroph can be used ogoin in the f¡rst sentence of the next ParograPh, If I couldgo onywhere, it wouldbe to LatinAmerica. LatinAmericohoso lot of placesthat I would/ike to visrt. An idea from the iast porograph con be used ogoin in the first sentence of the ne-lo.PoragroPh. re in LotinAmerico. lf I couldgo anywhere,it wouldbe somewhe Chilewouldbe my frst stop.
| . Read the sentencesbelow. Circle the link that is used. a. Singing is one of my favorite hobbies. In fact, I hope to sing professionally someday. b. A great humanitarian was Princess Diana. Diana used her fame to help the less fortunate.
Transitionryffiffi#. '
.ffiilfim.'ffiruqffi ryE
c. I want to travel before I get a full-time job. I don't know what work best suits me yet.
d. I knew then that Jane would agree with me. However,I didn't consider what Al would say.
W W"t¿
2. Write two sentencesabout a famous person.Link them with a transition, word. or idea.
.":Tf;Ery ' 'rálu'
l. Read the compositionbelow and underline the links connectingthe paragraphs. - " F u *_ {;:t,
:4#* t
Twocan be betterthan one!| havetwo bestfriends. Althoughtheyare muchyoungerthan'metweget along just frne.We redd,edt, and play togetherevery.day. We likegames.Our favoriteone is "dressup." We put on and costumes in orderto loo\ likepirates,princesses, "makeup or polrceoffrcers. Then,we laugh and makefunnyfaces.We can spendhourspretendingwe'reotherpeople. Pretendingwe'reotherpeopleis certatnlyfun, but we don't spendall of our time actingandjoking We alsospendttme eating.Sometimes we eat outsidein the park or dt a restaurant. 'as 3 It do"esn't matterwherewe edt,as long we do it together. Anotherthing we liketo do togetherís read,Everynight we sit and readat leasttwo storiesabout characterslíke Winniethe Poohor Spiderman. Some.times we all fall asleep togetherafterthe laststory. ln conclusion, maybeyou haveguessedwho my special friendsare.lf you hdven't,l'll giveyou anotherhint. Theyhave lfuedwith ,e'.;nce theywereborÁ.How you guessed?'My ) two bestfrienasare my children,Wesand Sofna.
How are the paragraphs above linked? Write transition word,,word,, or id,ea. Paragrophs l-2
Parographs 34
Read the introductory paragraph below.
There are - j .^"- -limporfonf is t, -." photographs. i This woman,
many peop/e who hove hod on inf/uence on me. One of fhe most..- ** someone / have never met but / have seen her /ove/y foce in many .* / hove heord mqny things about her from my parenfs and grandparents. who /ed a remarkob/e /¡fe, is my great-grandmother, Rose.
4. Write the first sentence of the paragraph that might follow this introduction, using each of the three ways of linking paragraphs. Transition: Word: Idea: rolpmod¿ls
I . Look at your brainstorming notes from Lesson 1. Choosea person to write about who has been especiallyimportant to you. What is your relationship to this person?Choosea specificincident that shows why t}":ris personis important to you.
Tell your partner about the person and the incident.
Write additional details about the incident in the first box below.
Subtopicf :
the incident
Subtopic 3:
4. Choosetwo other subtopicsthat you would like to include. Write your sentencesin the boxes above.You may use the subtopicsbelow,or make up your own. # positive characteristics of this person ffi how your life would be different without this person G
how you came to know this person
what this person has taught you
E problems in your life this person has helped you solve
(your own idea)
.r E
I . Read these three subtopics about Seiji, which are arranged in two different ways. Decide which one you like better. There is no one "correct,.r.*"r.
Seijiand I are in rhe sameclass.He is a quiet srudentbur is not afraidto help others.He givesme greatadvice.
I write many reports for classesand sometimesdont do so welr. Problems However,if I havea friend like Seiji,I know that I can succeed.
Last year,I was working on a researchpaper.I thought the topic was I¡,;¡denr too difficultand becamediscouraged. seiji herpedme and told me not to give up. I finishedthe paper and got the best grade in the class!
F Last year,I was working on a researchpaper.r thought the topic was too difficultand becamediscouraged. lncident seiji helpedme and rclá me not to give up. I finishedthe paper and got the best grade in the classl
, 1,, :
seiji and I are in the sameclass.He is a quiet student but is not afraidto help others. He givesme great ,dui.".
,I I
I write manyreports for classesand sometimesdon't do so well. Problems However,if I havea friend rike Seíji,I know that I can succeed.
I!o* Iook at your three subtopics from Lesson 4. What order should they be in? -?-:-Will the incident be the first, the middle, or the last? Think of three different ways your subtopics could be arranged, and write them in the boxesbelow.
$ É
$ l' With a partner, discusseach arrangement and decidewhich you like the best. Circle the number of your final decision. rol.emtl¡*
l. You are going to write a composition about the person you chosein Lesson 4. First, read the example composition and follow the instructions. in My Life An lmportantPerson I have read the words of great thinkers and studiedthe actsof heroes, but noneof them taughl me acceplance, the most
and thought, bul I couldnot think of anylhing to say.Surprisingly, he answered his own "l question: gainedthe loveof my family."I
importantthing in life.I learnedhow to acceptlife as it is from my father.However, he did not teach me acceolance when he was slrong and healthy,but raLherwhen he was weak and ill.
lookedat my sistersand saw tears rn lheir eyes, alongwith hope andthankfulness. As for me, though,I disagreed. I thought to myself"You You are wrong,Father. alwayshad our love.What you really gainedwas the powerlo saythosewords. Evenin your pain,you think
My father was oncea strong man who loved
being aclive,but a terrible illnesstook all that away from him. Now he can no longerwalk,and he must sit quietlyin a chair all day. Eventalking is very difficult.
One night,I wentto visithim with my sisters. We startedtalkingaboutlife,andI told them oneof my beliek.I saidthat we must constantly givethingsu? as we grow- our - .. youth,our beauly,our friends- but it always up,we gain seems that afterwe givesomething fhen suddenly my something newin its place. fatherspokeup.le said,"But,Curtis,I gave up everythinql What did I gain?"I thought
oI otnersllrst. I was touched by his words of accepLance. After that, when I beganto feel irrilatedat someone, 'Il
would rememberhis words and becomecalm. lf he could replacea greal pain with a feelingof lovefor others,then I shouldbe able to giueup my smallirritations. ln this way, I learnedthe powerof acceplance from my father. Sometimes I wonderwhat otherthings I couldhave learnedfrom him had I listened more carefully when I was a boy.For now ., though,I am gratefulfor this one gift.
2. Write your composition.Write at least four paragraphs. Be sure to include one paragraph that explains the incident and one that concludesthe composition. {'ñEF ü 3.
When you finish writing, complete this checklist.
Seff-editing checklist Ú Do you haveat leastfour paragraphs,eachwith a cleartopic? Did you link your paragraphs? ls the arrangement you choseobviousto the reader? Haveyou checked your spellingand grammar?
As your sentences become more comPlex, it becomes eosier to moke mistokes with subject-verb ogreement Reod these rules about ogreement. W hen e a ch ,every'neither,ondoneofore u s e 4 t h e v e rb is in the third-person singular form. Eachpersonhos his own notebook Neitherof us is obleto come. When words such os someone, anything everywhere, and nobody ore use4 the verb is in the thirdAerson singulor form. ls thereonr¡hingI con do? Someonewos knockingot the door. Even when a verb is seporote d from its subject, the subject and verb must stiff dgree. Ihe books thot I oskedmy sisterto bring from the librory ore overdue. The womon sittingon the bench feedingbirdsis my neighbor.
| . Read the sentencesbelow. If the verb agrees with the subject, write OK in the blank. If the verb does not agree with the subject, cross it out and correct it. d.
She#ke sports. likes
b. Each of the children have a tov.
c . Neither of the stores that I visited today are open. d. Both of my friends are sick. €. A minivan, like other types of cars, has four wheels. f.
Janet, of all my friends, are the most loyal.
g. There are no problems that I cannot solve. h. One of the kindest people I know is my grandfather. i . Nobody were on the other line when I picked up the phone.
My boss Joanna and her sister from New York are coming over for dinner.
k. People from all over the world is going to be at the festival. l . No one, especially not Tim and Patricia, is allowed in before seven o'clock. 2.
Now look at the compositionyou wrote in Lesson 6. Correct any similar mistakes.
l. Work in groups of four. Exchange compositionswith the members of another group so that each person has one composition to review. Read the composition. 2. Circle the expression that best describes the composition. You can add your own expressions.
unusualand interesting
warm and personal
well-wittenand easyto understand
Which paragraph did you like the best? Why?
I likethe oneabout
4. Write a short letter to the author. Write either your opinions and questions,or how this arrangement comparesto yours.
I . Now that you have written about someone 2. who has influenced you, why don't you write a letter to that person and tell him or her how ry; you feel? First, read the model below.
Now write your own letter. -:ffiS:
DeonFofhen In ouncornposition closs,we weneosked to wnifeo popenoboot on irnpontonf penson inoonlives.Af finst I coctldn'tdecidewhornto wniteoboot Mongfornoospeoplehove infloenced rne.I've qlsobeeninfloenced bg rg besf fniend,Jirn,fnornelernentong school,Do goonernernben hirn? We'ne sfillfniendsl In the end,howeven I chosegoo,Enclosed is o copgof rngcornposition obout goo. I knowwe hoven'tgoffen olongvengwell necenflg, bot I wont goofo knowthof I orn grotefolfon ollthe tirneondlovegoogoverne whenI wos gnowingdp. Thonks, Dod.Iowegouo lot Love, Contis
If you like, mail your letter and composition to the person. rolowod¿h
I * What are some interesting things that have recently happened to you, your classmates,your school,or your community? Brainstorm for three minutes and make a list. É
.-,{ new oaf"ferLa
g"c."f "ru^f
bLg wLndsforn
Compare lists with a partner. Mark the most interesting topics with a star (*).
3. Tell the whole class the most interesting things that have happened. Your teacher will write them on the board. 4. Choose three topics from the board that you would like to write a newspaper article about. Write them here.
You will write an articleabout a recent event. You will also learn about newspaperarticletypes, headlines, and usingother words for said.
Unit 12 Bc,o
| . Here are three different pages you typically find in a newspaper. Which are you most likely to read? Why? F
I nrs page carfles tne most
newsreportsof fi important the day. fr s s
Editorial page
This pagecontainsarticles and letters that giveopinions about controversialissues.
This pagecarriesarticles about major socialevents.
2. Read these three short newspaper articles. On which page would you expect to find each one?Write your answers in the blanks.
Gcol'sc l)etsrrtcllo.a p()pular teachcrat MarksonHigh School. has decided to leave this year after rwenty-five years of teaching -i::,,tenth-and eleventh-grade English lr. "I'11certairrlymiss this place," DeBartolo .statcdas he formallv
¿rnnouncedlris eady retirement."bLrt I need to do other things in my lifé!' i There will be a special ceremon1 on Saturdayat ál:00p.¡r.in the .school auditorium, ¿rsDeBartol()says goodJrye to all of hís beiovecl { ituctenti an
i *t
gresswomen and,:Sradshavv.x partyforMarkson rrrght's twoof DeBarlolo's former retirement students. praised HighSchool's teache' DeBartolo forwinning famous English Speakers d George DeBartolo. a record six"Teacher oftheYear" awards overhistenure. Guests woreclothing bytop Donna theoverall Afterbeinq served anexquisite Karan beinq meal -,-irqners: prepared favoiite forwomen. Calvin Kléinfor men. 0rgourffiet deiigrrts byLa topchef Thecelebratorv formaldinnerwas Maison's , guests enjoyed dancing untilalmost 1:00inthe nosted by MayorK-elly andincluded guests suchdistinguished m0r ntn. as
Last week,we lost another one of our best teachers,George DeBartolo. Maybeif we paid our teacherswhat they deserved,the good oneswould not quit so often. Though teachersare highlyrespected in our societ¡ their salariesare so low that they often work at other jobs just to make ends meet. lf hed had a better salar¡ Mr. DeBartolo might havestayed
at Markson High School. The good-byeparty for Mr. DeBartolo certainly cost a lot, but it might havebeen one of the only times he was rewarded for his many years of service. We need to lceepteacherslike George DeBartolo.Mayor Kelly should give out more rnoney at the beginningof their careers,rather than at the end. ''---'#"
Which article was the most interesting? Why? tffi.,
Un\t 17 Be*
I . A newspaper contains different kinds of news articles and sections. Look at the list below. How many do you know? Which do you like to read? a. b. c. d. e.
advertisements advice column classified ads editorials entertainment reviews
fashion news financial news home and garden human-interest stories interviews
k. news reports l. obituaries m. society pages n. sports stories o. weather report
2. The titles of newspaper articles are called headlines. They are short and simple.
i Ss l n'
;tudenf Founo
Read the headlines below and match each to an item from the list in Exercise 1. Some headlines mav have more than one possible answer. 4trr,..,-.-,i:,,.:s'.-r:3rit,
Studenl Found in Alasko "'Míssing
Better Thon Your Spause
IIIáy;or Keilly: Is He Fit for the Job? '-----t
Toronto's 101st Annual Firefighter's Ball
f 4.
_**ry The Míniskirt Is Back Agaín
Thrilling in Overtime
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I Dollar Grows Stronger This Week
Mouie Star Magazine 9._
Chan's IstestMovíe Jackíe o Smwh st thef¡ox0flirc
lo. _
WarmTemperotures for the Weekend
Decorating Tips for Your Liuing Room
Write your own headlines about a story of interest to vou.
4. Show your headlines to a partner. Can your partner guess where in the newspaper your headlines would be found?
Unrt.12 Bea
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Here are sorne suggestionsfor writing a newspoPer drticle. f Thinkaboutwho your reodersore ond their interests. ffi ln your orticle,onswerthe questions Who? What?When?Where?Whyl ffi Write a conciseheodlineto summarizethe orticle. w 6et to the point lntroduceoll the major pointsin the first porograph. ffi Use octiveverbslike saw or ran insteodof was or were.
I . You are going to make a class newspaper.What would you like to write about? Choose topics from your brainstorming in Lesson 1. What style will you use for each topic? .r'ffi'
increasein cost of schooluniforms
2. Join your classmatesand discussyour different ideas.Which topics will be included in your newspaper?Assign two writers for each topic. ryfEpt!Et*+r*,"{l'l:@@
3¡ Work with your writing partner. Write down your topic and make some notes about the kind of information vou should include.
Information to include:
Unit 17 Bo*
You are going to write a newspaper article. First, read the example article and follow the instructions.
After spendíns ,,"f';! f";;:,xz:; Cindy Certeilo has
a. What type of article is this-
returnedto her nativetown of North Brookfteld, Massachusetts. Soon,she will marry her high-school sweetheart and start teachingSpanish.The town celebratedher return last Thursday with a picnic. "lt's weird,"said Cindy whilehuggingold friends."l medn,in ,, somewaysít feelslike I neverleft On the otherhand,I know I ... havechangeda lot." Then,as shepickedup her three-year-old "Someofyou "..nephewand kissedhím on the cheek,sheexclaimed, havechangedevenmorethan I have!" Cindy also commented,"l mbsedeveryonehere.lt was hard _. beingso far away."Adding that she was about to becomea . Spanishteacherat the localhigh school,shestated,"Now I can abroad with the wholecommunity." .- sharemy experience "We missedher so much,"exclaimedMrs. Certelloas she wipedtearsfrom her eSres. Thenshegrabbedher daughterand "l ,. huggedher. was afraid she wouldstay awayforever!"she cried. "l knewshewouldcomebdck,"remarkedCindy'sfrancé,Mark Jonas."We said we wouldget marriedsomeday,but wejust weren'treadytwoyears ago. Now we are So, last month, when I . went to visit her, I took a ring along!"Mark proudly held up Cindy'shand to show us the ring. Thenhe added,"By this time next year,we'llbe marríed!"
b. Paragraph 1 answers these questions.Fill in the answers. Who? What? When? Where?
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c. Paragraphs 2-5 don't have sentences.but each is written ' one topic. Write the paragra number next to its topic. fiancé's comments changes mother's comments future plans
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tude Unit 12 Bo*
d. Now take notes for your fi.rst paragraph. Who will your article be about?
e. What will the main topics be for the remaining paragraphs? Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Paragraph 5: 'Í. Write the first paragraph for your article in the space provided. Make sure you remember these points:
{ .{ :Í
+" Think about your readers'interests.
ffi Answer Who?What? When?Where?and Why?in the first paragraph. 1i,(Jss a headline to summarize the article in a few words.
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kd Use active verbs like s¿¿uinstead of was.
p f'>¡-F
g. Now finish your article on a separate sheet of paper.
Lesson I . what are some other words you can use instead of said? Look at the article in Lesson 5, and write some of the words the writer used.
2- Here is a list of words you can use instead of said.If you know any others, add them to the list. admit agree answer ask
claim comment complain cry
demand exclaim explain tnqutre
remark respond state suggest
3. Look at these words. which ones are used when someoneis speaking loudly? speaking softly? Use a dictionary if necessary. ffi mumble
k shout
S scream
*+ whisper
* yell
Read the article and fill in the blanks. IJse a different verb for each blank. Reeidenrsof canton, ohio,wereeurvrieedyeeterdayro F,ndrhat city Hallhad beenvainzedyellowdurir,6the niinr. uayá, Lo,uncui|, _, "Wedon't,know whodid it or howil haVpened. Weare t""k'rq f"*lnow. but,,, ehe Vaínter -, "it'e a^Veleríauo tauqhinq, nicecolor.l likeit better than qray.,' Not all of the town reoidenLb aqree.GavinWanT,a dentiet, , "1think it's terrible.Whoever diá thio shouldbe puniehed." "Whoáíd sucha Lhiny?" 7arbara Koh,a qrocery eLoreowner."No buildin7ie safe anymore," ehe "Wherewerethe police?"ehe Toliceolficer Mark Morris "We áon'l have any clue6,bul we'radoinqour beol."He N.hathe had a debecliveworkinqon lhe caee. Hadas 1or| 6 years old,was very havpvto eeerhe brightlycorored buildíngon her wayto school."lt'e ,t Vretty!"ehe wantraoyneane No Vaint my schoolbuildinTfhe same color,,, ehe
4. Now look back at your own articre. can you replace sald with any ofthe words above? Unit 12 Be,*
. lii
I . Divide into groups accordingto what type of article you wrote. Exchange articles with your classmates,and read the articles. Then follow the instructions beiow. a. Circle the phrase that best describes the article. amustng
holdsyour interest
good information
creat¡veuseof words
simple and straightforward
good organization
b. Make suggestionsto the author on each of these points. l. How con the article hold the reoder's interest better?
2. Are the guestionsWho? What? When?Where? ondY{hy? answered? 3. ls tfie heodline short and eye-catchingl
4. Are all of the main points in the first porogroph?
5. Can any verbs be changed to active verbs?
2. Now read the rest of the articles. Discuss them and choosethe article your group likes the best. 3.
Draw a ribbon at the top of the article.
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Loyout and content tiPs Put the art¡clesin o two- or three-columnformat. to the reoder. FtrMoke surethe newsstoriesand featureort¡clesore interesting W lncludeo vorietyof newsstones,feoturearticles,cartoons,illustrotionslphotos, ond lettersto the editor. odvertisements, Typing tips :,: Useo serif typefacesuchos "Times" foryour articlesond a sansserif typeface suchos "Helvetica" for your headlines. don'tpushIRETURÑot the endof o line. ffi,rWhen typingon o computer, m Dont usethelSPAeEborto oligntext.UselTABlinsteod. Useitolicsinsteod. *, Dont underlineor useCAPITALSto emphosize.
I . Look at this model layout for the first page of a class newspaper,and study the vocabulary. \\
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2. After studying the information above,you are ready to start organizing your own class newspaper.Good luck! Unit 12 Be*
Teaching composition is not easy.Sometimes it is hard for the teacher to see things the way you do. Give your teacher some advice so that he or she can teach this class even better next time. Chooseat least three of the topics below,and write your teacher a letter. ffi What you learned
H Your most and least favorite lessons
ffi Your teacher's strengths
ffi A comparisonto other writing classes
ffi What you found difficult
ffi What you would like to study less or more of
ffi The good and bad points ofthe class
$fiHow you changedfrom the beginning to the end
If you have time, send us - the authors - a letter, too. We would like to know what you liked or didn't like about this book.Although we can't promise to send you an answer,we will read your letter with care. "€¡ÉñaÉÉÉe#4*
Dear ?rofessors KellyandGargagliano,
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Unil 17 Beo
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