Cleaning Specialist For Fo F or Today’ Today’s y s Floor Care and Restoration Professional Proffessional
Using Google Adwords to Pull in Prospects 2012
Carpet-Cleaning Chemical Market Study The Fragrance of Floor Maintenance
W W W.I C S M A G .C O M
Not Grooming the Carpet?
It’ll Cost You Page 22
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February Vol.51 No.2
Features & Columns
Creating Adjuster Cheerleaders – Part II
Using Google Adwords to Pull in Prospects
Not Grooming the Carpet? It’ll Cost You
24 28
2012 Carpet-Cleaning Chemical Market Study
Green Cleaning: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Turkish Rugs
The Fragrance of Floor Maintenance
By Steve Toburen
By John Braun
By Gordon Hanks
The Phenomenal 747 Business Model – Part II By Howard Partridge
By Stephen Ashkin
By Aaron Groseclose
By Stanley Quentin Hulin
Game Plan: A Detailed Exploration
Bane-Clene: 50 Years and Counting
By Noel Frank
By Evan Kessler, publisher
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ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST (ISSN 1522-4708) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media II, L.L.C., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to qualified individuals. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in the U.S.A.: $115.00 USD. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in Canada: $149.00 USD (includes GST & postage); all other countries: $165.00 (int’l mail) payable in U.S. funds. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 2012, by BNP Media II, L.L.C. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations. Periodicals Postage Paid at Troy, MI and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. GST account: 131263923. Send returns (Canada) to Pitney Bowes, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Change of address: Send old address label along with new address to ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. For single copies or back issues: contact Ann Kalb at (248) 244-6499 or
[email protected].
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Fragrant orange grove or mountain forest?
The choice is now yours. We understand that every one of your customers is different and have their own personalities. That is why we have brought you NEW Pine Boost. Same great boosting performance as the famous Citrus Solv, but with the pleasant natural scent of pine. So saying the choice is yours really isn’t accurate. In reality the simple choice belongs to your customer. Do they prefer the sweet citrus smell of an orange or do they like the natural smell of a pine tree? You would be wise to keep a bottle of each in your van so you can accommodate the whims of your customer without sacrificing cleaning performance. www.bridgepoint.com | 800-658-5314
Available at Interlink Supply. Circle 21 on the Free Information Page
3UL]H Share your cleaning success story with us on Facebook and win! Simply post a before and after photo of a problem you’ve solved d using Bridgepoint Systems chemicals along g with a short description for a chance to win.
Visit www.interlinksupply.com/contest for rules and directions.
Editorial Comment By Jeffrey
Purpose + Precision = Performance
’ve never been a big fan of the idea of trying to be all things to all people; the concept sits just a little too close to the old saying “Jack of all trades, master of none.” In a time of increased specialization and expertise, identifying and polishing up those areas in which you truly excel not only sets you apart from your competition, it helps solidify your position at the top of the business food chain. What happens, then, when technical prowess isn’t enough to raise you up to the next level? That is to say, you may well make the finest widget ever conceived, but it won’t do you a lick of good if no one knows about it. The phone’s not going to just ring off the hook of its own accord: you have to find the best, most powerful and most effective ways to get out there and get that business, to seize it and wrest it away from the less aggressive and driven souls populating an already-crowded business landscape. With “Using Google Adwords to Pull in Prospects” on page 18, John Braun pulls the trigger on the marketing weapon he’s spent the last two months building, showing how the subtlest tweaks and messages can work wonders in drawing in new business in a variety of cleaning segments. This isn’t some unwieldy shotgun approach; John explains how to take precise aim at the niche you’re targeting. Steve Toburen’s no stranger to hard work; he’s also well versed in smart work. In “Creating Adjuster Cheerleaders – Part II” on page 14, Steve furthers his exploration of what it takes to get adjusters on your side, how to manage and then exceed their expectations and, best of all, to get them to say thanks but no thanks to the 20 other restorers banging on their door and call you instead. Inspiration leads to implementation; that’s the message Howard Partridge delivers in “The Phenomenal 747 Business Model – Part II” on page 28. Howard’s approach to business success is well known and well documented, and this month he shines a spotlight on some of the critical concepts to building a stable, successful company the right way. It’s not about being busy; everybody’s “busy,” you can throw a stone and hit 20 people who are “busy.” It’s about channeling the energy you’re devoting to your business in ways that maximize your efforts and deliver the greatest results, helping you down the path to greater success and opportunity. Speaking of opportunity, one has recently come my way that is making this my final editorial comment for ICS Cleaning Specialist. It’s been a truly remarkable 10 years, marked by great friends and unforgettable experiences. Have no fear, you’ll still be on the receiving end of the industry’s best content; the new editor, Eric Fish, is no stranger to B2B publishing, and brings a tremendous enthusiasm to complement his formidable skills. I have no doubt you are in more-than-capable hands. To each and every one of you, thank you for reading, and the best of luck in 2012!
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
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Circle 14 on the Free Information Page
ICS eRants & Raves Questions, Insights and Outbursts from ICSmag.com
Blower Grease: When’s Enough Enough?
Getting a Handle on
Insurance Payments We have been doing water restoration for a long time now and in the last few years we have had more insurance companies sending checks payable to homeowner and their mortgage company. This process seems to take forever for the homeowner to get the mortgage company to sign the check. We spoke to a few of the insurance companies and they said that they would pay directly if we had homeowner sign an “Authorization to Pay” letter. Does anyone have a sample they would like to send? Any advice?
–Little Aggie
Anyone Else in a
I stupidly put the wrong grease in a few weeks ago - general purpose - and was worried that it would not hold up with the heat. So I purchased the right stuff and proceeded to put it in and try and purge the other stuff out. Pretty messy and didn’t see the new stuff come out as it is red and other is gray. Anyways, I thought that maybe it would be okay but after a few days I am getting what appears to be liquid grease coming out of blower exhaust. I go to look at manual and it states “do not over grease.” How can I tell when there is enough grease? And if I am going to purge the old grease…don’t I have to do it through the breather vents? Did I just ruin my blower or seals?
Credit Reduction State?
– D.M.S.
Such a ‘nice’ surprise this morning: Finishing out our Fed 940s (Fed Unemployment) for the year and I get to the end and see a large ‘additional payment due’. Turns out Wisconsin is one of several ‘Credit Reduction States’; states that have runup huge loans with the federal government to try and refill overused unemployment insurance coffers. Since our state has not made timely enough payments, we as business owners must pay a 35% ‘surtax’ on top of our regular UI payments. Current estimates show that this figure will be 2-3x that level within two years! That comes out to around $120 ‘surtax’ on every staff member you have! – Aaron S.
Calendar of Industry Events Conventions & Trade Shows
Feb. 16-17: Xactware User Conference 2012. Salt Lake City. Go to www.xactware.com for more information.
March 5-8:
This Sound Like a Bad Pressure Gauge? The pressure gauge on my TM has what I guess is oil in between the glass and the faceplate making the pressure reading illegible. There seems to be no problem with my pump as I see no water in the pump oil. Is this just simply a gauge gone bad or is there possible pump problems?
– Jdhake
Ideas and inspiration for the industry, by the industry. For more go to the ICS and CFC Bulletin Boards at www.icsmag.com. 8
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
IAQA 15th Annual Meeting & Indoor Air Expo Las Vegas. Go to www.iaqa.org/expo for more information.
March 19-22: NADCA 23rd Annual Meeting & Exposition Puerto Rico Go to www.nadca.com for more information.
Circle 18 on the Free Information Page
ICS eMedia An Offline Look at What’s Happening Online
Knowing When the Scales Are About to Tip
For more go to www.icsmag.com
y the Other Wa
It’s an age old question that we contractors face. That’s if we’re paying attention to changing market conditions and monitoring how well our own company is functioning. There is always a balancing act between how much work we sub out so we can stay focused on our core business and giving away dollars and control to someone else. This inevitably leads to the continual question about whether or not to take on a new trade with new products and services. Does it make sense, and will it continually challenge you and eliminate the subs? There is no one answer that fits all, but here is some good advice that I share with my own clients who have both decided to continue to appropriately use subs and to enter new trades successfully. It’s all based on my own company’s approach. As a matter of fact, one of my clients is currently debating the value of whether or not to add weatherization products and services to the work they already do. There is this enviable situation because they now do a great job of selling and doing home energy audits and this weatherization work is a natural result of their energy audits. — From “Want to Add Another Trade…Really?” on the ICS Blog Spot
I’ve Got Some
Swampland in Florida for Sale…
Cliché or Not, Every Day IS a New Day
Legendary college basketball coach, John Wooden had many tremendous sayings but probably his most famous was, “Make everyday a masterpiece.” Great advice from a man who led UCLA to ten national titles in men’s basketball including an unbelievable seven championships in a row! Did you know, if you live to 85, you will have lived 31,025 days. How many of those could be considered masterpieces? Quite a thought, isn’t it. Well, how many would you say have been masterpieces in your life so far? 50%, 25%, 80%, 2%? What would it take to make every day a masterpiece? What would your life and legacy look like if you actually did that and…. how could you possibly do it? Oh, yes, two more questions. Do you have a desire to make everyday a masterpiece, and do you believe you actually could do such a thing?
— From the Web Exclusive Feature “Make Every Day a Masterpiece”
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Recently the director of operations for a large casino for which I was consulting asked me why their 6-month-old “no-maintenance” floors were looking so bad. Here is where you pause, take measure and wonder whether to sell him your oceanfront property in Arizona or sit him down and explain that there is no such thing. Even a path through the woods needs to be cleared of debris if it is to continue as a path. And that periodic clearing of leaves and branches is maintenance. As long as a surface is used and abused, as a floor is, it needs maintenance. Now stone is low maintenance, but I have never heard or seen anyone guarantee it as no maintenance.
— From the Web Exclusive Feature “No Maintenance? Who Are You Kidding?”
The ICSmag.com Web
I think the IICRC’s decision to change its name to The Clean Trust is: 14% A great move for the organization and the industry 18% A good way to update the brand and image 41% Not something that’ll really impact my business 27% The IICRC changed its name?
News, Views & Events New international trade association forms Seven trade associations have agreed to move forward together with a new international association, the Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Association (ICRA). ”This is an exciting time for our industry. An international membership organization has been needed and talked about for a long time in our industry. With the support of national and regional associations working together we can build something that will benefit all sectors of the inspection, cleaning and restoration industry. With shared vision and knowledge, we can better support technicians, companies and related stakeholders,” Craig Kersemeier, ICRA chairperson, said.
Poulos rejoins HydraMaster/US Products
RIA transfers CRS certification to ARCS The Board of Directors of the Restoration Industry Association transferred ownership and administration of its Certified Rug Specialist certification program to the Association of Rug Care Specialists. “Given the RIA’s focus on the restoration sector, our board unanimously agreed that it is in the best interests of the rug care industry to transition this program without cost from our organization to the Association of Rug Care Specialists,” said Timothy Shaw, RIA’s executive director. “We know the CRS will be in good hands with ARCS and we eagerly anticipate seeing the certification program grow under ARCS’ leadership.”
Mickey McKee, VP of sales and marketing for HydraMaster and US Products, announces that Steve Poulos will be rejoining the company in a newly developed position as a regional manager. “We believe that the addition of Steve’s talents, industry knowledge, and relationships further bolsters our ability to expand our markets going into 2012,” McKee said. “Steve will be an important part of meeting the demands of sales, service, and support for our growing businesses.”
Jon-Don hosts Denver Grand Opening There was a turnout of over 150 carpet cleaners and restorers in Denver for Jon-Don’s official Grand Opening. Representatives from Benefect, Dri-Eaz, Flir, Fresh Wave IAQ, HydraMaster, Phoenix, ProRestore, Square Scrub and StoneTech were on hand, as well as a host of Jon-Don staff. “When we opened Jon-Don in Chicago in 1978 we started with zero and it is very humbling to see this many people in here when we have just opened our doors six weeks ago” said Jon-Don President and co-founder John Paolella.
United States Patent awarded for centrifuge United States Patent 8,074,370 was awarded to inventors Thomas Monahan of Ann Arbor, Michigan and Greg Turcotte of Black Diamond, Canada. The patent was for their rug wringing centrifuge: Centri-Maxx by Centrum Force. “Greg Turcotte and I collaborated and developed the horizontal centrifuge beginning in 2006. We subsequently joined together and co-founded Centrum Force. Our company continues to build and sell rug washing equipment,” Monahan said. “On December 13, 2011 we were awarded the full patent #8,074,370 for the horizontal centrifuge.”
PACR holds holiday party, awards inaugural Leadership Award During the PACR’s December holiday party, in Arvada, Colo., the BOD of PACR presented a new award. The Larry S. Cooper Leadership Award was given to its namesake, Larry Cooper, in recognition of outstanding vision, dedication and commitment to excellence within the cleaning and restoration industry. The award was presented by PACR VP Sam Castro.
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
In My Experience…
the sale of a product or service to that foundation. You can also do this with local schools. For instance, 5% of your cleaning bill will go to the local schools art program. Simply donating gift certificates to charity auctions can be really helpful as well.
Volunteerism – Ways to Give Back By
olunteering in your community and within the industry can not only help others, but can also bring satisfaction to your life and occupation. The altruistic activities that you choose can be fun and a great way to meet people. Accomplishing what you set out to do with a team of volunteers can be very fulfilling. The community offers many ways
Marcus Taylor
in which you can volunteer as a company. There are organizations that you can team up with to generate funds for a cause. Choose a foundation that has a great purpose and create a campaign around it. Plan for it months in advance. Have fliers, mailers and T-shirts made. Create a positive excitement about the event. Donate a certain percentage of
You should also consider volunteering within the industry. There are local, national and international trade organizations that you can join. Within these you can volunteer your time to conduct research and develop standards for our industry. This helps to generate enthusiasm within your occupation and helps to move the industry forward. Even volunteering your time on internet bulletin boards and forums helps others. Volunteering is not about making yourself or your company look good. It’s about giving back to the community and industry that feeds you. Your community chooses your company as the professional choice for cleaning. Show them that you appreciate this through healthy measures such as volunteerism. The industry provides you with guidance. Give back by volunteering your time with interesting research and networking.
Marcus Taylor has been working in the industry for more than 5 years. Currently the Cleaning Department Director for the Plainwell branch of Modernistic, a large cleaning and restoration company headquartered in Troy, MI. He is a CleanTrust/IICRC certified Master Textile Cleaner and serves on the CleanTrust/IICRC Education Committee. You can reach him at (800) 627-5080 ext. 116 or
[email protected].
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Close the door on dust. Apply a ZipDoor™ to any doorway and you have a dust-tight door – fast. Seal a doorway in under a minute. Our ZipDoor comes with everything you need: two heavy duty zippers installed on a 4 mil plastic sheet, plus a roll of our unique ZipWall® Tape. This double-sided tape holds plastictight, and is easy on paint. Save hours oflabor on every job with the ZipDoor.
Standard ZipDoor (transparent 4’ x 7.5’, 4 mil sheet) for doorways up to 3’ x 7’ Commercial ZipDoor (fire-retardant 5’ x 8.5’, 4 mil sheet) for doorways up to 4’ x 8’
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To Your Success
Steve Toburen
Steve Toburen sold his carpet cleaning and restoration business and retired at the age of 38. He now serves as Director of Training for Jon-Don’s Strategies for Success program and created their Value Added Service for Technicians seminar. JonDon is the exclusive distributor for Steve’s “Winning on the Home Front” line of audio customer service programs. For more information call (800) 556-6366 or go to Jon-Don’s new information resource for all carpet cleaners at SFS.JonDon.com Steve welcomes your comments and/or questions at
[email protected]
Creating Adjuster Cheerleaders – Part II “What we prepare for is what we shall get.” – William Graham Sumner
onventional wisdom says you need to “schmooze” adjusters to get their losses. You know the drill: expensive lunches, fancy outings and always let them win at golf! Hmmm…my adjusters were way too busy for elaborate lunches, they wanted to spend their free time with their families, and I’ve never set foot on a golf course! Even so, the adjusters I worked with became passionate Cheerleaders for my company. My adjusters would maneuver, manipulate and even fight to get me on their losses! Why? Because with my company the adjuster knew the constant hassles, problems and drama with the average insured were a thing of the past. I “brought peace to the valley” of the adjuster! Sure, your adjusters have other priorities too. Immediate response, reliable work, technical knowledge, cutting edge equipment and speedy, accurate, organized paperwork along with help in jus14
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
tifying your charges are all essential. (For more on what adjusters want check out last month’s To Your Success.) However, never forget that adjusters have a tough job. They basically live in fear of the phone ringing! So how did my company eliminate the fear? We followed a routine program – a step-by-step script – focused on soothing the traumatized emotions of a customer who just suffered a devastating loss. Once the insured trusted and appreciated us they quit making angry phone calls to the adjuster! Simply put- I made adjuster Cheerleaders by consistently making a Cheerleader out of the insured! Let me share some of the elements in my home owner Cheerleader script for a typical water loss. (To download my complete “Restoration Moment of Truth Checklist” for free just go to http://tiny. cc/SFSrmt ) The single most important part of the script starts with the client’s initial call.
Answer Your Phone 24-7 No one with Lake Erie in their living room will “leave a message”! And few will want to talk with an answering service no matter how skilled they are. You personally don’t need to take the call, just forward your business line after hours to your rotating on-call employee’s cell phone.
Bring peace to the adjuster’s valley
Answering machines are deadly: answer the phone!
Be fast, be thorough and exceed expectations
Circle 23 on the Free Information Page
To Your Success
Develop a Phone Outline Callers with a flooded home will be freaking out. Can you blame them? So your people must convey a sincere attitude of care and concern while subtly taking control of the conversation. Do so by immediately “taking ownership” of their problem:“I can help you with this.” Then ask for “permission to proceed”: “May I ask you a few questions?” Your employee now quickly fills out a short form to give you essential loss information: Name, address, phone numbers, insurance company and agent, water source and approximate quantity, etc. Finally, take control by reviewing with the home owner a short “safety and logistics” list: “Here are some safety reminders, and also, this is what you can be working on till we get there.” Most importantly, stress to the caller that “I will be calling out (your tech) immediately and he/she will be arriving within X minutes.” Give the customer your cell phone number so they can call back with any questions; hopefully they’ll call you instead of panicking while you are in route and call your competition! In fact, it is a good idea to call the client back within 10 minutes to verify that your techs are on their way and see how they are coping with their disaster.
Get There Fast! We guaranteed one hour (or less) response time 24-7. Arriving quickly is a huge positive Moment of Truth plus it lets you “spike the job”. (Once I had extracted and placed equipment 80% of my profit was guaranteed- even if I later was kicked off the job by the insurance adjuster in favor of the insurance company’s preferred network vendor!) 16
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
The First Two Minutes Are Vital If practical, park in the street where the customer can see your van. Your (hopefully) well-groomed employees should be in clean uniforms with clearly visible photo I.D. badges. After ringing the bell your lead tech should step back 3 feet, with the other employees behind him or her. When the client opens the door look them in the eye, smile and clearly identify yourself: “Mrs. Jones, I’m Steve Toburen with J-D Restoration. You spoke with Bill Yeadon, our Operations Manager, around 45 minutes ago about your water intrusion. This is my helper …” Hand the customer your business card.
fore opening any closed doors, cabinets, furniture, etc. During this inspection be sure to listen carefully and take immediate action on what the client says or shows you. Immediate action techniques include writing down their answers, testing areas they point out and/or immediately tagging for special handling any possession the home owner is concerned about. Questions in our On-site Initial Interview/Inspection Water Damage form included: 1. “Have you identified where the water came from? Has the in-flow been stopped? Would you please show me?” 2. “Are there any unsafe conditions that you know of? For example, are any electrical items or plugs wet? (If so, “Where is your breaker box?”) Are any ceilings sagging due to water?” 3. “Does anyone in the family have any unusual health issues?” 4. “Do you have any special concerns? Are there any items of unusual value in the affected areas? Has anything been damaged with extra sentimental value?”
Loss Review/Damage Containment Planning
Interview/ Tour Now simply look down at your clipboard: “Mrs. Jones, would you please show me the source of the water? I’d like to test how far it has spread. And while you and I are doing the Loss Evaluation is it OK if (name of helper) starts setting up our equipment?” Note: Before stepping in place a clean door mat and wipe your feet. If you have to cross clean areas to access the water damage, have all employees use shoe covers and extra caution bringing in equipment. Subtly guide this initial tour by interviewing the homeowner. “Can you give me a tour of the affected areas and as we go please show me anything you are concerned about. I’ll also be checking areas that may not appear to be wet for any hidden water intrusion.” Be sure to ask permission be-
After your interview/tour, you should have the “big picture” of both the homeowner’s concern/emotional condition and the actual loss. So now it is time to tie things up with a planning session. If practical, try to sit down with the client in separate area. Here is what our form included: 1. “Let me review your concerns and questions …” 2. “Here is what we will be doing right now as part of what we call Damage Containment. (Itemize the steps you will be doing on this visit and the equipment you will place along with your estimated time for drying.) This Damage Containment phase will dry and stabilize the home and prevent further damage. This first step will also allow you time to coordinate between your insurance company and our office.” 3. “Before we begin I need a signature allowing us to start work …”
Note: For a free download of my “Onsite Initial Interview/Inspection Water Damage” form just go to http://tiny.cc/ SFSwd
Keep the Customer Involved If the home owner is interested always explain what you are doing and the purpose of each piece of equipment. Keep technical jargon to a minimum and use simple illustrations to explain what you are doing. Display a “Sense of Urgency” and avoid personal chit-chat.
Thank You and Good-Bye “Mrs. Jones, I’ve enjoyed meeting you even under these unhappy circumstances! If you have any questions just call me. Do you still have my card? Here, let me write my cell phone number on the back. We really appreciate your business and if you have been happy with our work please tell your insurance agent and adjuster that you are pleased!”
Wow! If your company can consistently follow this script I guarantee your clients with water damaged dwellings will be delighted and sing your praises to their adjuster! The result? You will create Adjuster Cheerleaders that will maneuver, manipulate and fight to get your company in on their losses- because you will have brought “peace to their valley”!
Post Inspection As you are finishing up the initial work simply say, “Let me review with you what we’ve done…” Show the home owner around and explain your internal paperwork including your Moisture Control Monitoring Sheet. Then explain what is going to happen next: “Here is the next step in the process…” Give the client a reasonable time line and what their responsibilities are. (Including contacting their insurance company.) Be sure to double check the client’s contact phone numbers and how you will access their home for moisture monitoring/equipment checks. Circle 8 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Google Adwords to Pull in Prospects
ver the last two months we’ve covered the basics of Adwords and how to develop an Adwords campaign. Now for this third and final article in the series, I’ll give you some examples and show you how to pull in prospects with your Adwords ads. As we mentioned last month, you
must first identify your target market, and then decide what you want to tell them. So who is your target market? Most likely, your target is someone who lives in the cities you service. It’s likely someone with the income to afford regular cleaning services. The other thing to consider is their demographic. Decide
John Braun owns Premium Carpet Care in Pensacola, Florida, and is the principal behind Hitman Advertising. To get a FREE advertising strategy guide for carpet cleaning companies plus a 19-minute audio on how to use these strategies, go to www.HitmanAdvertising.com or call toll free (888) 211-7702.
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
John Braun
The point is to pull in prospects
You must consider your prospects’ demographic
Be truthful: prospects can sniff out falsehoods
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Terms and conditions apply. The Butler System price will vary when installed into cube vans and trucks. Butler System shown with optional equipment.
Circle 2 on the Free Information Page
Using Google Adwords to Pull in Prospects
whether they are a homeowner, renter, pet owner, high-income earner, low-income earner, young adult, elderly adult, or fit some other criteria.
5 Pay-per-click Ad Writing Tips 1. Use your main keywords in the headline or your city name. This increases the number of clicks you receive. 2. Use power words to evoke response like cheap, sale, special, tips, free, you, discover, etc. 3. Omit needless words. You don’t have much space. Make it count. 4. Target a niche instead of going after everyone looking for cleaning. For instance, in the “Carpet Cleaning Yourcity” keyword, consider instead going after pet owners with a Pet Stain Removal ad. 5. Ask specific, probing questions like, “Need Pet Odors Gone?”, “Ugly Grout Lines?” or “Need Clean Area Rugs?” in your headline. I’ll give you some examples of targeting a niche.
Move-In and Move-Out Cleaning You may want to target an ad directly at renters who are moving out. Many of them are required to have the carpet professionally cleaned to fulfill their lease agreement. And many of them are on a budget. So you may try targeting keywords like “carpet cleaning yourcity,” “carpet cleaning specials,” “carpet cleaning coupons,” or even simply “carpet cleaning” with the ad below:
Headline: Move In/Move Out Specials Description line 1: Carpet Cleaning in Yourcity Description line 2: Get $25 Off (See Coupon on Website) If your city has a high rate of people renting or moving, this could be an ad that works. See how the headline pulled the prospect who happens to be moving out and looking for a cleaner? The headline makes mention of a special and the last line of the ad gives more detail of what the special is about. And you’d have to set your website up so the first thing the prospect sees is the $25 off special promised to them once the ad is clicked. See how much has to happen in a tiny Adwords ad to make it work well?
Pet Owners If you’d like to target pet owners, you can run an ad that specifically targets them. Most pet owners have problems with 20
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
pet stains. And they’d like a break when it comes to deodorizer and pet stain removal. So an ad targeting keywords like “pet stain removal,” “pet stains,” “pet stain removers,” “cat urine,” “dog urine” or “carpet cleaning” with ad copy below could be a winner.
Headline: Free Pet Stain Removal Description line 1: Yourcity Pet Stain Specialists Description line 2: Get $25 Off Pet Stain Removal Once the ad is clicked the prospect should instantly see an offer of $25 off pet stain removal. If you fail to do this you’ve wasted money on a click. Notice too that your city name should be included in the ad. Why is that? The prospect may not know that your ad is targeting their city. So if your city name isn’t mentioned in the ad, they may skip right over it. If you are offering a local service always make at least a brief mention of the city you are targeting.
Oriental Rug Owners An important thing to understand is that you don’t want to target all your services with one ad. If you’re targeting the keywords for area rug cleaning, you shouldn’t have a headline that says, “carpet cleaning.” Your prospect is looking for one particular service. So it’s best to target that prospect with the one service they are looking for. Target keywords like “area rug cleaning,” “oriental rug cleaning,” “wool rug cleaning,” or “Persian rug cleaning” with an ad similar to below. Headline: Yourcity Area Rug Cleaning Description line 1: Call For Pickup or Drop Them Off Description line 2: Located 1116 Olive Rd Cityabbreviation Make sure the page of your website the prospect lands on is about area rug cleaning. Also consider testing an ad for each different keyword. For example, test an ad with the headline “Oriental Rug Cleaning” that targets on the keywords “Oriental Rug Cleaning.” Also consider further breaking down targeted prospects by the area of the city they live. For instance, target the Northeast side of your city with an ad that has the headline “Carpet Cleaning NE Yourcity.” This headline catches the Northeast resident’s attention because it calls them out. Other cleaning company ads aren’t likely to do this. Want more ideas for the best keywords to use for your business? Google has a free tool set up called the Keyword External Tool. You can type in the keywords that you think
Use Google Analytics, a free tool located in your Google account, to track which ads work best in your area. Most importantly, track which ads are converting website lurkers into paying clients. Remember, with Adwords pay-per-click we’re not after tons of clicks. Clicks just cost you money. We’re aiming at turning lurkers into paying clients for the small-
est dollar amount possible. Track your results often and drop the ads and keywords that don’t make you any money. It would be wise to read over this article series a couple times to get well acquainted with the ideas presented here. With a little practice and testing, Adwords can bring your cleaning business a great advertising return.
may have the most traffic and the tool will tell you the amount of searches Google has per month. It can be found at https://adwords.google.com/select/ KeywordToolExternal Generally, the most searched keywords for carpet cleaning are “carpet cleaning”, “carpet cleaners”, and “carpet cleaning yourcity”. For water damage restoration, the highest keywords are usually “water damage”, “water restoration”, and “water damage yourcity.” For air duct cleaning, the top keywords are “duct cleaning”, “air duct cleaning”, and “duct cleaning yourcity.”
Make Sure Your Ad… Calls attention. This can be done with using your keywords (ie “carpet cleaning northeast yourcity) in the headline or body copy. Or by offering a very compelling benefit or making a very compelling offer. Is truthful. Make sure the key point of your ad is followed through when your ad is clicked. If your ad is about rug cleaning, make sure the prospect is taken to a page about rug cleaning. If your ad mentions a $25 off coupon, make sure the prospect instantly gets access to the coupon. This not only helps your sales conversion ratio, but you also may get a better cost per click from Google if your ad is in harmony with the page it leads to.
Sporicidin® Mold Resistant Coatings are a water-based permanent coating developed for remediation and flood damage restoration. Sealing nanotechnology provides long-term protection against moisture, while the EPA-registered antimicrobial protects the coating film from mold, mildew, algae, and odorcausing bacteria. These coatings, when used in conjunction with Sporicidin® brand mold cleaners and Sporicidin® disinfectants, provide a professional CLEANKILL-SEAL approach to microbial remediation. Sporicidin® Mold Resistant Coatings benefits include:
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Circle 3 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
The Gadget Man
Gordon Hanks
Bridgewater Corp. CEO Gordon Hanks got the nickname “Gadget Man” as a result of his brainchild that developed into one of the industry’s leading cleaning and restoration accessories. The Gadget man series is about making life easier and improving profitability. For more information call (800) 658-5314 or e-mail
[email protected].
Not Grooming the Carpet? It’ll Cost You Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, I learned about “carpet raking” before many of you were born. Our home was carpeted with white wool short shag. Mom was a meticulous house keeper, and we vacuumed that carpet often.
fter every vacuuming we would pull the carpet rake out – the same rake that could be used to rake leaves in the fall – and remove vacuum marks and footprints. We were then told we could not walk on it. This made getting from my bedroom to the kitchen quite a chore. My kids didn’t believe me when I told them I had to walk out side through a foot of snow in my pajamas and bare feet just to get a bowl cereal in the morning. I found many of my customers shared a similar attitude with my mother. They insisted on me grooming (I prefer “grooming” over “raking”; it’s more professional) the carpet after every cleaning. I know this because I groomed all carpets right from the beginning. At some point in my career I got a brain cramp and decided that grooming after cleaning was time consuming and 22
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
served little purpose. It was my policy to call every customer back the day following our service. I quickly learned that my customers were not pleased with the cleaning marks left in the carpet versus the smooth, even look of a groomed carpet. In fact, I won a considerable amount of customer loyalty because I was willing to groom…and the competition was not. I also discovered early on that cleaning heavy-traffic areas was made much easier (and they cleaned much better) when I pre-sprayed and then agitated with a groomer tool. This is a quick and easy way to work the pre-spray into the soiled fibers and at the same time open the fibers up for better extraction of the soil. It’s an easy formula: Customer satisfaction = More Work and More Referrals = More Money. Every step you take to improve you cleaning effectiveness and
please your customer should be part of your “must-do” procedures.
Why Is Carpet Grooming Essential? Several years ago, Jeff Bishop, then the Technical Advisor for the IICRC, wrote a Technical Bulletin titled “Why Groom Carpet?”
Use “grooming” instead of “raking”
Beyond appearance, grooming helps the cleaning process
Grooming’s a simple process, just be sure you do it correctly
“Grooming untangles pile yarns, eliminates the appearance of matting and crushing. It is essential for the distribution of aftercleaning treatments, such as protectors, in order: To eliminate wand-stroke patterns left after cleaning. To produce faster drying on a typical cleaning job and to give maximum light reflection To make carpet look brighter and more pleasing overall.” He makes some valuable points. I understand that some professionals believe the wand strokes are preferred by their customers. I would suggest, if this is your feeling, that you ask your customer if she would like the carpet groomed, but be sure you have a groomer available when she says yes. Crushing and matting are common problems with many carpets. When you “fluff ” the carpet after cleaning and allow it to dry in the upright position it creates a positive impression of your service. Most likely your customer has hated the crushed look and now you are helping to bring back new life to the carpet. Explaining to your customer that the carpet will be prone to mat again is important, but if you offer to sell her a groomer she can use to fluff it again, that will take all the pain away. You will have the option of pulling the pile toward you or pushing it away. This will make a distinct difference on the way the customer will see the carpet. If you are pushing the pile in one direction away from you and the customer will view it looking from the same direction the carpet will look brighter and, as Jeff states above, be “more pleasing overall.”
The Solution to Most Effective Grooming Proper carpet grooming with grooming tools is designed to: 1. Prepare matted and badly soiled traffic and entry areas, to open and lift crushed yarn and simultaneously loosen and lift deeply embedded soil particles for efficient extraction and cleaning. 2. Loosen and lift surface embedded pet hair 3. Restructure the original design of carpet 4. Restore the resilient effect 5. Finish grooming the cleaned carpeting to render the “like new” appearance 6. Satisfy and please your customer!
The consumer’s interest is not only clean carpeting, but carpeting restored to resemble the original installation. Your customer will be willing to pay more for a job superbly done. So it makes sense for the professional to groom the carpet. What else can you tell the customer about the use of this valuable tool, the carpet groomer? Most carpet has more space than fiber. It is true that a higher face weight equals a better quality of carpet. However, regardless of any rating of density, proper care and cleaning will always extend the life and use of any carpet. With all carpeting having open space to capture hair, sand, and soil, it is very important to vacuum and do it often. With the natural tendency for carpet to mat and crush, the vacuum can become less effective. Let your customer know that grooming the carpet before vacuuming will open the fiber up and expose more of the soil for removal with the vacuum. Your customer needs a groomer, and you can sell her one.
Since we have more space than fibers in most carpets, where is the soil going to go? Most of the soil is going into the space. This photo has been magnified and enhanced to show the contrast of space to fiber. We can vacuum every single day and get most of the top soil, but the soil that goes down in the space of the fiber is the soil that does the most damage. Proper grooming will untangle the filer, loosen the soil and bring to the top for removal. Embedded soils and pet hair remain at the base of the fiber until raised to the surface with a grooming tool. We also find our customers loving to groom the carpet before company of after they vacuum to give it nice finishing touch and remove foot prints and vacuum marks.
What are Carpet Grooming Tools? • • • •
The names may differ but the purposes are the same: Carpet rake Pile lifter or brush Carpet comb Nap finishing brush (Brushing rather than grooming is required on a low-level loop, Berber, or commercial-grade carpet). February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Carpet-Cleaning Chemical Market Study
elcome to ICS Cleaning Specialist’s 10th commissioned market study designed to gauge the opinions and preferences of floor care professionals with regard to carpet-cleaning chemicals and suppliers. The study looks to answer many of the questions concerning chemical use in the cleaning industry, including: • What types of carpet cleaning chemicals and cleaning methods are most popular today? • How environmentally conscious are today’s carpet cleaning and restoration specialists? • Who are the key suppliers in the carpet cleaning chemical market? 24
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
• What factors are most important when selecting carpet cleaning chemicals? The size and scope of the study dictates that only certain responses can be represented here; see the “ICS Market Study” box at the end of the feature for more information. The target audience for the study consisted of 8,264 active, qualified ICS direct-request subscribers who have purchase authority for carpet cleaning chemicals and supplies, and whose primary business is professional carpet cleaner or smoke/water-damage restoration specialist. The study was conducted online; the sample was pulled on an Nth name basis from the domestic circulation.
Jeffrey Stouffer
Determining the makeup of the sample is critical with any study. Ninetythree percent of survey respondents are
Buyers still like face time with suppliers
Quality is still tops among cleaner concerns
Performance outweighs price in most cases
individuals involved in the purchase of carpet-cleaning chemicals. Ninety-one percent responded that they are the owner and/or president of their company. Forty-three percent of those responding claim annual expenditures of $5,000 or more on carpet-cleaning chemicals, with 18 percent spending upwards of $10,000, compared to 27 percent last year. The average annual revenue for responding companies is just over $331,000, or just about $44,000 less than last year. The primary method used for cleaning carpet cited by 88 percent of respondents is hot-water extraction; 13 percent are running HWE portables, while 75 percent operate truck-mounted units. Bonnet/pad respondents were cut in half from last year, clocking in at 4 percent. The meat of the study concerns the habits purchasers and users display when dealing with carpet-cleaning chemicals. Eighty-eight percent of those responding use a traffic-lane cleaner or pre-conditioner “always” or “often” according to the study, while 63 percent use a steamextraction detergent on that same basis. Spot and stain removers are employed by 98 percent of respondents on some basis, while carpet and fabric protectors are used by 97 percent. Quality/Reliability tops the list of factors cited by respondents when it comes to selecting carpet-cleaning chemicals (Chart 1). Ninety-three percent claim it is “very important,” while less than 1 percent dismiss it as “not important.” Product availability experience and past experience were ranked as important or very important by 96 percent and 95 percent, respectively. Price was cited as very important by 39 percent of respondents. Where companies make purchases can be just as important as why (Chart 2). Sixty-five percent of carpet-cleaning specialists purchase carpet cleaning chemicals from local distributors or suppliers; 46 percent purchase from three or more. Seventy-four percent of respondents indicate the number of suppliers they purchased carpet cleaning chemicals from in
the past year has remained the same. The Internet continues to make an impact in the carpet-cleaning chemical purchasing cycle. More than 50 percent of respondents indicate they make purchases online. Of those not currently purchasing carpet cleaning chemicals online, almost 40 percent plan to do so in the future.
Respondents are getting more predictable in their purchasing habits. Twentyone percent cited scheduled purchasing as their method of choice this year, down from 24 percent last year (Chart 3). Those claiming they purchase carpet cleaning chemicals “as needed” bumped up a 5 points this year to 57 percent. The number who purchase “in small quanti-
A rotary tool beyond belief The T he HOSS 700 70 00 is like nothing se you’ve ever s seen before. nin Easier Better clean cleaning. maintenance. maintenanc ce. Drier carpets. I have been n an n avid RX user for years and “ found f d the th Hoss Hos to H t be b a lot l t better...you b tt can move faster. faste er. It I covers more area and with setup, the jet set up, you get both flush and penetration. penetratio on. Dry times are great. Jim Martin n Bey Beyond Clean
» Unique spiral-pattern solution injection
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Circle 11 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
2012 Carpet-Cleaning Chemical Market Study
Chart 1
Important Attributes When Selecting Carpet Cleaning Chemicals Mean Score
Product quality/ Reliability
2% -1%
1% 2%
1% 4%
-1% 3%
-1% -1% 4% 11%
178 199
-1% -1% 3% 15% -1%-1% 4%
-1% -2% 7%
Past experience
2007 2010 Product availability
4% -1%
4% -2%-1%
4% 9% -2%-1%
3% -1%-1%
2008 2007 -60%
Not Important, At All (1/2)
Not Very Important (3/4)
Somewhat Important (5/6)
Important (7/8)
Very Important (9/10)
Chart 2
Sources of Carpet Cleaning Chemicals Change in Number of Suppliers Purchased Chemical Products From
Number of Different Suppliers
More than 5 suppliers
4-5 suppliers
3% 2% 4% 2% 5% 14% 18% 17% 20% 14% 29% 29% 28% 29% 26%
3 suppliers
Remain the same
122 174 192
30% 32% 28% 35%
2 suppliers
1 supplier
2011 (n=122) 2010 (n=178) 2009 (n=198) 2008 (n=348) 2007 (n=457)
16% 21% 19% 20% 20%
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
2008 -6% 2007 -20%
-2% 0%
77% 20%
343 519 100%
Chart 3
tant for both sides to understand why, when and how companies make their carpet-cleaning chemical purchases.
Frequency of Purchasing Carpet Cleaning Chemicals 57% 52% 51% 54%
As needed
ICS Market Study
21% 24% 25% 18% 19%
On a regularly scheduled basis
16% 17% 17%
In small quantities when supply is gone
11% 4% 5% 6% 5% 4%
When I'm notified of a discounted price/sale
2011 (n=122) 2010 (n=178)
2% 2% 2% 0% 1%
ties when supply is gone” stayed just about constant at 16 percent. The percentage of those that “purchase when notified of a discounted price/sale” dipped
2009 (n=199) 2008 (n=348) 2007 (n=490) 20%
from 5 percent to 4 percent. To continue to strengthen and build on the relationships between chemical manufacturers and the end user, it is impor-
The preceding is a snapshot of a comprehensive study examining the opinions, preferences and purchasing behavior of floor care professionals as they pertain to the use of carpet cleaning equipment and chemicals. The study was conducted by Clear Seas Research, a division of BNP Media. The full and complete report is available from Clear Seas Research. For information about ordering or to find out more about Clear Seas Research services contact Beth Surowiec at surowiecb@ clearseasresearch.com.
Circle 5 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Building a Phenomenally Successful Business
Howard Partridge
Howard Partridge started his cleaning business out of the trunk of his car and built it up to a consistent $2.5M per year. For FREE VIDEOS, TELE-SEMINARS and REPORTS that reveal the SECRETS of a PHENOMENAL Business, go to www.HowardPartridge.com or call 877-354-7960 today!
The Phenomenal 747 Business Model – Part II Last month I shared the first part of my 747 Business Model, the 7 core areas of life. I shared the one and only reason your business exists: to help you achieve your life goals.
he “4” stands for the 4 Pillars of a Phenomenally Successful Company (which I have already written about in a previous issue of ICS). Briefly, the four pillars are: 1. Marketing - everything you do to attract prospects to your business. 2. Sales - everything you do to turn the prospect into a paying customer. 3. Operations - everything you do to service your new customer and hopefully turn them into a long term client! 4. Administration - Tracking your num-
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
bers. This is your sales reports, income statement, hourly production and any other stats that tell the story of your business. When thinking about the Administration pillar, just imagine the instrument panel on a 747. It shows the fuel level, the state of the myriad of parts and it shows the attitude and altitude of the airplane while in flight. My good friend Zig Ziglar says that “it’s your attitude that determines your altitude.” If you’re read this article right
The 4 Pillars are key to your success
If you don’t implement, then what’s the point?
Keep your vision clearly in mind when moving forward
when it comes out, it’s February. That means you may be really busy with water damage work, you may be steady with commercial work…or you rely on residential cleaning and it just ain’t there! If you’re in the last category, then this is especially for you! The final “7” in the 747 Business Model is the 7 Steps of Implementation. Step 1 of 7 is “Inspiration.” This time of the year can be frustrating. People aren’t calling and now that you finally have time to market, no one seems to want your service. Your bills are still there but the income isn’t. My goal this month is to take you from desperation to inspiration. And if you happen to be busy right now, it will encourage you as well. First, what is inspiration anyway? And why should you be inspired in the face of difficult times? In my mind, inspiration is not motivation. Motivation comes from external forces. When you need to pay your bills, you are motivated to find money. Motivation can be a positive reward too. Perhaps you are working to pay for a vacation to Hawaii. You can get motivated about that! But inspiration is different. Inspiration doesn’t depend on circumstances. If your attitude is determined by whether you are “busy” or “slow,” you are living by circumstance. Was it slow last February? What about the February before that? And the one before that? Have you tracked your numbers? Did you do a 12-month budget for this year? If you did, you would know it would be “slow” and you would have found a way to fund your business during this time. That’s called planning. Don’t get me wrong, it’s normal to be discouraged when things aren’t going well, but let’s not put so much stock in living by circumstance. Instead, let’s get inspired. Before I share how that works, let me also say to you who are “busy”. Don’t live by circumstance. We are grateful to hit our numbers and we are blessed to be able to build a phenomenal business, but you can be “busy and broke”. You can be
“busy” but not really fulfilled. So, keeping in mind that your business exists only as a vehicle to help you achieve your life goals, you must consider where you are going. That’s called vision. If you don’t have a compelling vision for your life, you will be forced to focus on activity and become enslaved by it. Did you really put down some life goals last month? Once you get that vision and understand that you can reach it, you begin to look beyond your current circumstances. That’s called hope.
The No. 1 Reason Small Businesses Don’t Grow is Failure To Implement You know what to do and how to do it, you just don’t do it! The key to overcoming F.T.I. is inspiration. My slogan in my coaching program is “Inspiration to Implementation,” because when you have a compelling vision that excites you
and you can see the benefits, you are going to implement! But when you see just the problems rather than the possibilities, your mind shuts down and starts thinking about all the reasons it won’t work rather than why it will work. Have you ever noticed that the business owners that are growing are excited? You think to yourself “sure they are! They’re busy!” Nope. They were excited before they were busy. They see possibilities. They have hope. They know how to stay inspired during difficult times. How do they do it? They have a vision. They have compelling life goals.
Circle 9 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
• Two Pre-Conference Workshops: May 2, 2012 The Smart Business Symposium AND Xactimate Training.
• Water Damage Restoration - We’re building structural components in the exhibit hall to demonstrate expert water damage restoration.
• Major Keynote Address: Greg Habstritt, The Trusted Authority - Become the Trusted Authority in your market, bringing a constant flow of high quality prospects to your business.
• Rug Cleaning - Jeff Bishop, Clean Care Seminars and Dusty Roberts, RugBadger
• Keynote Address: Mike Koenigs, CEO, “Chief Disruptasaurus” and Founder of Traffic Geyser and Instant Customer. • Insider Secrets: Collect on Insurance Claims and Protect Your Business - Harvey Cohen Esq., and David Dybdahl. • Creative Marketing Through Social Networking Taryn Pisaneschi, TPS Marketing.
• Mold Testing - Daniel Bernazzani, Dry Advise by Liberty Consulting • Stone, Tile & Grout Cleaning - Dane Gregory, Interlink Supply • Carpet Repairs/Reinstallation - Barry Costa, the Costa Group Education • Wood Floor Cleaning - Rob Dobson, Basic Coatings • Water Damage Related Inspections - Tom Rochenski, Sales Manager Extech Instruments/FLIR Systems, Inc.
And don’t forget about the CONNECTIONS Beach Party, Cocktail Reception ... AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE!
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• US Products PEX500 Portable Extractor • Xaact Xtract 500psi Heated Carpet Extractor • RugBadger CUB (Compact - Ultralite - Badger) • 3 night stay at the Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort • iPad 2 *must be present to win
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Green Cleaning: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
nvariably, one of the things that most impresses me when I attend tradeshows for the carpet cleaning and restoration industries is the entrepreneurial spirit of the attendees. My “takeaway” is that the industry is filled with men and women who have decided to make it on their own, improve their technical and marketing skills, and take some calculated risks, with the goal of becoming another American success story. This is all very good. However, one “calculated risk” we must avoid is the chance of someone becoming ill as a result of cleaning carpets and upholstery. Such an incident can cause havoc for a budding entrepreneur. Yet it can and has happened. The hope now is, with new trends evolving in the Green cleaning chemical industry, it can be avoided in the future. Several studies, dating back to the early 1980s, have linked the use of certain conventional carpet cleaning compounds to respiratory irritation, even
asthma, in both residential and commercial settings. For instance, in one outbreak, workers in an office building experienced coughing and difficulty breathing after carpets had been recently cleaned. In a medical clinic, respiratory reactions were reported “immediately” after carpet cleaning; and in a day-care center, children complained of breathing difficulties, coughing, dry throat, headache, even eye irritation that persisted for weeks after the facility’s carpets had been cleaned.* What is most important to note is that as far as can be deciphered, these reactions were not the result of the ways in which the carpets were cleaned. In fact, the technicians were likely experienced carpet cleaners using quality tools and equipment. The culprits, as referenced earlier, were instead the carpet cleaning “compounds,” as the investigators called them. Apparently specific ingredients in the chemicals resulted in these reactions. Knowing what the problem ingredi-
ents were beforehand very likely would have avoided such incidents and protected the reputation of the carpet cleaning company that performed these services. This is why I, along with others whose goal is to minimize cleaning’s impact on health and the environment, have become a strong proponent for what is termed “full ingredient disclosure.” If users are aware that one or more ingredient in a product might pose a health risk or trigger an allergic reaction—because the ingredients are clearly posted—they can select another product that does not contain those specific ingredients. This applies to Green cleaning products as well, which are known to be safer to use than conventional cleaning products. Even though they are safer, they still may contain ingredients that pose a health risk to some people. Full ingredient disclosure is one of the next steps in Green cleaning and will likely
specializing in greening the cleaning industry and CEO of Sustainability Tool LLC, an electronic dashboard that allows organizations to measure and report on their sustainability efforts. He is also coauthor of both The Business of Green Cleaning and Green Cleaning for Dummies.
Remove whatever risks you can from the equation
Ashkin has worked in the cleaning industry since 1981 and has held senior management positions in leading consumer and commercial product companies. He began his work on Green Cleaning in 1990 and today is thought of as the “father of Green cleaning”. For more information, visit www.AshkinGroup.com.
More disclosure has led to more demand for transparency
Knowledge is power, both for you and your clients
Stephen P. Ashkin is president of The Ashkin Group, a consulting firm
Stephen Ashkin
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Circle 15 on the Free Information Page
Green Cleaning: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
have a significant impact on all in the professional cleaning industry, including carpet cleaning technicians.
Evolving…Though Not the Law In September 2009, the Household Product Labeling and Disclosure Act was introduced in the U.S. Senate. If enacted, it would have required the manufacturers of household cleaning products (many of which are also used in commercial cleaning) to disclose all of the ingredients in the product on the product’s label or make it available in some way to the consumer, for instance on the manufacturer’s Web site. The bill was batted around for a while, only to die in committee.
However, what has been evolving ever since the act was introduced is quite interesting and has significant parallels to the growth of Green cleaning and its impact on the professional cleaning industries, including carpet cleaning. Under pressure from some manufacturers of Green cleaning chemicals marketed to households, mega-players in the cleaning industry such as Clorox and SC Johnson have voluntarily begun disclosing more information about the ingredients used in the making of some of their products. And as they have done so, it appears more consumers have begun investigating the ingredients in cleaning chemicals, wanting to know more about them. At least one marketing executive in the field, Erick Ryan, cofounder and marketing executive with Method cleaning products, says he expects this chorus to grow stronger in years to come. We see a very significant parallel here with the evolution of Green Cleaning. Initially, it was believed by many that the use of environmentally preferable cleaning products would only happen as a result of government action. While there has been some government action in recent years, especially on the state level, the transfer to Green Cleaning has for the most part been customer driven: the end customer wants the Green products, believing they are effective, healthier, and safer than what they have used before, and the market has delivered. In all likelihood, such pressure will result in full ingredient disclosure as well.
Complications to the Movement At this point, many readers may agree that full ingredient disclosure has merits and that end users as well as consumers Circle 22 on the Free Information Page 34
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
should have access to this information. So what’s the problem? Why is it not happening? Here are some of the complications. First, some believe full ingredient disclosure is unnecessary because every cleaning chemical includes a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) listing chemical ingredients. This is only partially true. The MSDS does not list all the ingredients in a cleaning chemical but typically only those that are known to be hazardous over a specific threshold. In our carpet cleaning reaction examples mentioned earlier, the ingredients that caused the respiratory problems may not have been considered hazardous, as such, would not have been listed on the MSDS. Yet they caused health problems nonetheless. Further, and of greater concern, many manufacturers believe divulging this information is like giving away their trade secrets. This is an understandable con-
cern and one that a very active player in full ingredient disclosure, the Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA), a nonprofit trade association representing the interests of more than 250 companies, is working to resolve.
Putting Full Ingredient Disclosure to Work The likelihood that some type of full ingredient disclosure program is developed is quite high. So what impact will this have on carpet cleaning technicians? Will it require them to become technocrats and bureaucrats—essentially the opposite of what being an entrepreneur is all about? Most likely not. What it means is if a carpet cleaning company were called in to clean the carpets in a day-care center, for example, they could now doublecheck that none of the ingredients found in the Green cleaning chemicals they planned to use were known to cause or
have a likelihood of causing a health problem for young children. If one product did, they could select another. In this case, knowledge is indeed power, and making the right choice for your customer’s health will be easier than ever.
*First reported in “Indoor Air Pollution,” by John D. Spengler and Demetrios J. Moschandreas, published in Environment International, Volume 8, Issues 1–6, 1982, pp. 337-341. Made available online in July 2003 as well as other sources
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This high performance, heavy-duty concrete, tile and grout cleaner and degreaser safely replaces mineral spirits and chlorinated solvent-based heavy-duty concrete degreaser products.
Circle 24 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
The Rug Cleaning Specialist
Aaron Groseclose
Aaron Groseclose is president of Master Blend, and has more than 20 years experience in the cleaning industry. He is a senior carpet inspector and has led many carpet, upholstery, Oriental rug, leather and commercial cleaning seminars worldwide. Aaron is also co-developer of the Master Rug Cleaner Program. His email address is
[email protected]
Image 1
Turkish Rugs This time we are going to look at rugs from Turkey. We have not discussed rugs from this country before and it seems time we do.
ne of the reasons for getting a feel for rugs from this country is this summer we are taking a group of rug enthusiasts to Turkey to visit the weaving villages, including Eastern Turkey and Mount Ararat. Later this year, through this column, you will have the chance to see how Turkish rugs are made. (Image 1). Turkey has a long and storied history of rug weaving. The many different types of rugs are difficult to classify, as they do not always fit into specific, structured categories. Most scholarly texts divide Turkish rugs into Western, Central and Eastern weaving areas. (Image 2). We will divide Turkish rugs into City and Village production and cover only those most commonly seen in a cleaning plant.
pile rugs are on a cotton foundation and the silk rugs are on a silk foundation. Most of these rugs are purchased in Turkey by tourists, and do not have any major cleaning concerns. (Images 3 and 4).
The town of Hereke is located 45 miles east of Istanbul. Here, they weave both wool pile and silk pile rugs. The wool
Kayseri is located in central Turkey. Rugs made here are wool, silk or cotton pile. The mercerized cotton rugs are
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Image 2
Turkey offers a great variety of rug types
Different regions offer different materials and construction methods
Don’t just lump all rugs in as “Turkish” when it comes time to clean them
Image 3
many times sold to unsuspecting tourists as silk rugs. Check silk or mercerized cotton rugs for colorfastness and texture distortion. (Images 5 and 6).
Image 4
Oushak is located in western Turkey and has produced rugs for at least 500 years. Early 20th century Oushaks are currently in fashion if the colors are pastel and faded. Designers like them because they are easy to decorated around. As a result the prices are a bit high for an old worn rugs. These rugs are coarsely woven and when worn, the knots can be removed easily by hand. Cleaning considerations center around the rug’s structural condition. (Image 7 and 8).
Village Production Yahyali, Dosemealti, Yagcibedir, Tashpinar. These rather difficult to pronounce names are villages in Western and Central Turkey. They are grouped together because they are similar in structure, design, and color, and because the red has a tendency to bleed. (See Images 9 and 10). These rugs often have light colored wool for the warps and some have braided fringe. Image 11
Image 7
Image 8 Image 12
Image 5
Image 9
Image 6 Image 10
There are other village production rugs, but generally speaking, the colors are brighter, harsher and less pleasing to the eye than Persian village production. (Image 11 and 12). February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Hard Floor Maintenance Opportunities
Stanley Quentin Hulin
Stanley Quentin Hulin has been actively involved in the industry providing services, management and sales/marketing expertise since 1975. Stan conducts training seminars/clinics, establishes educational programs and serves as a speaker at industry conventions and meetings. E-mail him at
[email protected]
The Fragrance of Floor Maintenance Recently, while performing an audit for one of my clients, I was confronted with a vile odor emanating from a janitor closet that was so over powering I could smell it from good distance away.
he closer I got to the closet the more overpowering the smell became and upon opening the door the full force of the sickly odor was sufficient to cause a gag reflex that was extremely unpleasant. Surely, I thought, someone had left something in there that had rotted, or maybe some animal had crawled into a corner and died; either of these would have at least explained this offensive odor. Instead, what I found was nothing more than an unfinished job. Within this small confined area was a complete set of equipment that had been used for a service procedure, but had never been cleaned. It was as if someone had used the equipment and put everything back in the closet without even wiping it down. The rotary floor machine still had a pad attached to the pad holder and was
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
stuck to the floor. The wet vacuum had the top off and was full of contaminated slurry. A soiled wet mop was in a bucket of very soiled water that had a slight iridescent film on the surface and smelled something horrible. To top it off there was an abundance of mold around the sink that gave an additional pungency to the already foul odor. It was as if someone had just closed the door and walked away, which ended up being exactly the case. Floor maintenance is abundant with different aromas. From the fragrant sweet smell of floor finish to the pungent stinging aroma of ammoniated stripping solution, we are surrounded by smells of our workspace. That does not mean that we should leave these smells for others to encounter at the end of the job. Although there may be a lingering
scent of our work left behind, which can sometimes be pleasant, we should never leave a facility with an overpowering stench that can cause discomfort to our customers, especially when most of what we smell can be eliminated simply by keeping our work area, equipment and storage areas clean.
Poorly maintained equipment: ground zero for odor
Many chemicals mask odors, so removal is often incomplete
Check your vehicle: it’s not all roses and sunshine back there.
Of the five basic senses (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste), smell is often overridden by the other more prevalent senses. The odd thing is that we are surrounded by smells everywhere we go and especially in our workspace. These odors can be as simple as the smell of rain on a summer day or significantly defining such as fresh baked bread hot out of the oven. Some are pleasant and some are repelling, but the funny thing is that no matter what smells we are surrounded by, we ultimately get used to them. What this boils down to is that the smells that we get accustomed to may not even be noticed by us, but can be very offensive to others. Because of this, the floor maintenance technician should be aware the odors we generate and the reaction of others to those smells. Floor maintenance has a wide variety of smells that emanate from some primary sources: chemical, equipment and people. Chemicals are probably the most obvious source of smells and range from natural malodorous emissions such as isopropyl alcohol and ammonia, which has very distinct aromas, to fragrances added to cleaning chemicals that give off pleasant aromas such as floral bouquet and fruit scents. Usually the chemicals used for daily/routine maintenance such as neutral and general purpose cleaners are less offensive and the likely candidates for fragrance additives, while periodic and restorative chemicals emit a more powerful odor due to the more aggressive chemicals used in them. This is especially true when working in occupied areas. There have been many instances of employees of customers who find they must leave our work areas due to the overbearing smells that we for the most part are used to. Equipment is another source of smells. The primary power sources, electrical, battery and propane, have very distinct smells associated with them. A slight smell of ozone may be detected when an electrical machine is overworked or overheated, the acrid smell of battery acid can be detected when using battery operated equipment and the marked smell of garlic is present when using propane equipment. Usually these subtle odors are not too detectable, but when they become overpowering, there may be something seriously wrong with your equipment, which may warrant some servicing or repair. Then there are the smells associated with technicians, which are usually due to poor housekeeping or hygiene. Poor hygiene is a very sensitive topic, but I have on many occasions throughout the years been approached by customers regarding the body odors of technicians. Bad breath, smelly feet, body odor,
cigarette smells and unlaundered clothing are generally at the top of the list and all can be eliminated by having policies and procedures in place. Having regular meetings discussing these sensitive topics can and does reduce the number of occurrences. By far the biggest complaint regarding smell is usually associated with the janitor closet or the van. These are areas that we have a tendency to let lapse because we get busy and tired and we convince ourselves that we will let it go tonight and clean it up tomorrow, after all no one will see it. Then tomorrow comes and we get busy again and we push it back and push it back until the area reeks and we are forced to deal with it. Although no one may see these work areas, I guarantee you if let go long enough, they will smell it. We’ve all heard someone at some time or another say, “it smells clean,” which can be misleading because the statement is relative to the individual. Some people like a fragrance that is added to a cleaning chemical and they associate that smell with clean. Others may associate the smell of bleach as a clean smell because they think bleach is a disinfectant and kills odorcausing bacteria. The truth of the matter is that clean does not have a smell; clean is a term that represents removal of soil and really has no odor at all and that is exactly how we should leave our buildings.
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Coach’s Corner
Noel Frank
Noel Frank is Director of Education for Chemspec Inc., where he has been employed since 1992. In a prior life he was a high school math teacher as well as a football and basketball coach. You can reach him at
[email protected].
Game Plan: A Detailed Exploration The purpose of the “Game Plan” is to explore in detail the technical or mechanical process of cleaning carpet. This process involves following the steps set forth in S100, the Standard and Reference Guide for Carpet Cleaning as set forth by The Clean Trust (formerly the IICRC).
revious discussions centered on the first step, the removal of dry soil. Removing the maximum amount of dry soil greatly influences the ease of removal of the fluid soil, that is, the soil that remains after vacuuming. Technicians who are CCT certified and companies who are Certified Firms are ethically, if not morally, obligated to adhere to S100. As a Clean Trust certification instructor, it is a point of emphasis in my classes. It is tantamount to the “Rules of the Game.” Step 2 in the cleaning process involves soil suspension; it is the suspending of the above mentioned fluid soil. The fluid soil is a combination of the oil and water based soil that remains after the dry soil is removed. It is this soil that the second step in the cleaning process addresses. 40
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
S100 states that there are four components of Step 2. Those components are: Temperature, Agitation, Chemistry, and Time. The acronym TACT (or CHAT) reminds us of all four parts. Another way of describing the Step 2 process is: “Prespray, Agitation, and Dwell Time.” Ideally we would use all four components equally to suspend the fluid soil, but from a practical point of view, each is usually used according to our ability to facilitate it. This step is started with the application of a pre-conditioning agent. This agent is the “chemical” part of TACT. One question I get a lot is, “Why are there so many pre-sprays?” This can indeed be a little confusing. A supplier should be able to answer the question, but let’s discuss a few of the possibilities.
For wool, the answer is simple. Always use a product that is certified Wool Safe. For the synthetics, the first consideration might be pH. Newer generation residential nylon carpet requires a pH no higher
Dry soil removal influences fluid soil removal
There are four components to soil suspension
The key to wool pre-sprays? Wool Safe
than 10 to avoid a warranty issue. Commercial nylon, olefin, and the polyesters do not have such a requirement, thus allowing the use of higher pH pre-sprays, if needed. The use of a pre-spray generally will be the highest amount of chemistry we use in the cleaning process. Most pre-sprays have dilution ratios ranging from 10:1 to 32:1. The concentrated product is a combination of several ingredients designed to loosen and suspend water based soils as well as oil based soils. “Traditional” chemistry is a combination of surfactants, builders (relating to pH), and co-solvents. Unless a pre-spray has a specific “Green” certification, it will most likely be a “traditional” product. Traditional chemistry pre-sprays are the backbone of the step 2 process. This is still the majority of pre-sprays used today, although “green” products are making an increasing dent in that category. Another class of popular pre-sprays is the “enzyme” category. Enzymes are effective in helping to break down difficult protein-based soil found in areas where food is present. These include restaurants, cafeterias, break rooms, etc. One point to remember when using enzyme pre-sprays is that they require a longer dwell time. Protein soil does not break down very quickly. Many cleaners like to use one pre-spray for all situations and be done with it. But customizing your pre-spray to the situation at hand makes far more sense. For instance, using a pre-spray designed for residential nylon might not be very effective on a highly soiled commercial olefin. Next month: maximizing the effectiveness of Step 2. Time Out: Tech Issue In previous discussions, we’ve been looking at “reappearing spots.” One of the more common ones is a coffee spill. Depending on one’s definition, this could be described as a coffee “spot” or a coffee “stain”. Regardless, we discussed several possibilities of removing such. Another category to consider is reappearing soil of a general nature. This occurs when an area is cleaned and soil reappears in a large area, usually the high use areas. The scenario I hear of most often is a synthetic commercial carpet directly glued to a concrete slab. A case in point: I was asked to inspect a carpet in a video store in a Texas city. The store had about 5000 square feet of carpet as described above. The parking lot outside was asphalt. The carpet had not been cleaned in three years. A cleaner with a truckmount was contracted to clean the carpet. He was called back to re-clean the entrance and traffic areas, about 1,000 square feet, due to reappearing soil (remember the 80/20 rule). He was called back a third time for the same reason. A second company was then called to clean the traffic areas.
After the same result, a third company was called to again clean the traffic areas. All three companies had expensive equipment but apparently no clue as to why the traffic areas kept reappearing. The simple solution is to just clean the surface of the carpet where the soil has reappeared, using one of the industry recognized low moisture methods. All three companies kept suspending oily soil in the carpet backing and on the surface of the slab, but were not able to rinse it out. Another case of not removing fully suspended soil. Coaching Tip “Inspect what you Expect.” this was one of my most effective management tools. In other words, don’t assume anything.
Bulletin Board Material “After you retire, there is only one big event left….and I ain’t ready for that”— Legendary FSU football coach Bobby Bowden
If you are looking for the best pre-spray and citrus solvent on the market, look no further. Grime Release Pro is a premium super concentrated pre-spray and traffic lane cleaner. Powerful emulsifiers lift and suspend grease, oil and soil, rinsing completely leaving no residue and no re-soiling. For an extra boost add a couple ounces of De-Zov-All, the original citrus solvent. When combined with Grime Release Pro it will cut through grease and grime like a warm knife through butter. Also, makes a great spotter that will instantly remove ink, tar, asphalt, gum, wax, grease, soap scum, adhesives & much more.
Chemical Research, Inc. HCR HARVARD www.hcronline.com or (800) 423-7514 Circle 12 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Bane-Clene: and Counting By
Evan Kessler, publisher
t is not often that a company reaches 50 years in any industry, and I am honored to be writing about Bane-Clene and its founder, Bill Bane, Sr., a true pioneer of our trade. Bane-Clene’s humble beginning was Feb. 4, 1962 when a 13-year-old Bill Bane Jr. cleaned the office of Dr. James P. Leeds. The $10 he earned that morning would help with his tuition at the expensive prep school he planned to attend in the fall. According to Bill Sr., Bill Jr. did such a good job that colleagues of Dr. Leeds asked him to clean his offices regularly, and the little part-time job soon grew into a full-time business. In December 1964, Bill Bane, Sr. left his job at Brink’s Armored Car Service to join the company full-time. The business was incorporated in 1966. Youngest son Don became a full-time employee after graduation, and Elizabeth Bane left her job as an optometric assistant to be a full-time employee in 1971. The family has been together in this thriving business ever since. According to Bill Sr., “Carpet and upholstery cleaning became a major part of our janitorial duties in the late ‘60s which lead to the development of the Bane-Clene system. Residential carpet and upholstery cleaning jobs we acquired through our commercial contacts were so successful we decided to market 42
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
the method to other professionals in 1971. A chemical line was developed in 1974 and Don Terry came on board as our in-house chemist. Bane-Clene Institute was founded in 1978 to train professional cleaners.” Among Bane Clene’s major accomplishments are the more than 400 MiniClinics held in England, Scotland and forty-seven states including Alaska and Hawaii. Bill says, “in more than twenty years, even with all the travel involved, only one meeting was cancelled and we were never late for a single one. The largest was in Philadelphia with 102 people and the smallest in Hays, Kansas, where three folks showed up in 1978. All three bought equipment though which made it our best meeting with a 100% sales factor” In 1974 Bill organized the Steam Carpet Cleaners’ Association, the main purpose of which was to combat misleading and inaccurate information surrounding that method of cleaning. By 1977, the SCCA had brought together more than 1,000 individual firms, the only time such a coming together had occurred in the carpet cleaning industry. Conventions for Bane equipment owners featured great orators like Dr. Norman Vincent Peale; Earl Nightingale; Dr. Herb True; Dick Semaan; Bill Gove; Dr. Ken McFarland; Bud Wilkin-
son; Carl Erskine; Jonathan Trivers and many other motivational and goal setting experts.
Bane-Clene Convention Crowd
ICS Founder and former editor and publisher, Howard Olansky was invited numerous times to speak and even won the Bane-Clene “Jimmie” award. “I first met “Humble Howie” in ‘74 as he was considering the move from installation to include cleaning.... Says Bill Sr. “I gave him our entire mailing list in ‘76 so he could reach more regular cleaners. In ‘77 we worked together to end the BBB threat to “Steam.” Howard was in Philly at our meeting and publicized the event so our attendance was good” When I came on board with ICS (then Installation & Cleaning Specialist) in 1987, I quickly picked up on the close personal relationship that magazine founder Howard Olansky had with Bill. I recall many early mornings in our Encino, Calif. office with Howard on the phone jabbing at and sparring with
Howard Olansky in Philadelphia
It helped me to see the friendships and camaraderie and mutual respect, but moreover, I learned how pivotal Bill Bane’s role in the professional carpet cleaning industry was. In 1971 Bane-Clene established a newsletter to communicate with its equipment customers. 1981 the name was changed to The Cleaning Digest which continued through 2008. Bill Bane and BaneClene continue to provide excellent information in their web-based and emailed Clene Times today. Perhaps the most iconic symbol of Bane-Clene is “Jimmy,” The Cleaning Digest the leprechaun that became the company logo in 1969. When I decided I needed to write something acknowledging the achievements of Bill and Bane-Clene over these past five decades, I wanted to include some of what others in the industry had to say about the impact Bill has had on their lives, both personally and professionally. I didn’t have to look very hard. “I spent almost 2 decades working for him and thought of him as the Great Communicator. Early on he spent his time writing the Bane-Clene Digest which had a mailing list of 30,000 readers. At the yearly conventions he brought in speakers such as Earl Nightingale and Normal Vincent Peale. In my opinion he was their equal and I learned everything I knew about public speaking from him. He has had a major impact on my life and career. “As Bane-Clene celebrates 50 years, Mr. Bane (yes he is still Mr. Bane to me) is still communicating his message through his blog.” – Bill Yeadon “I was so impressed with Mr. Bane that when I helped set up the night before for one of the first Bane-Clene conventions that I brought along my 10-year-old son. I wanted Don Jr. to meet Mr. Bane to show him what a successful business man was like. Don still remembers that meeting and went on to get his MBA and Circle 20 on the Free Information Page February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
Bane-Clene: 50 Years and Counting
The Clene Times ® A publica tion of Ba ne-Clene ® Systems Equipm
Professiona l Carpet Clea ning Service,
Volume 21,
No. 11
Give custo
ent, Chemica ls, Supplies
© Bane-Clen
mers more
e® Corp., 2011
and Educatio n
By Bill Bane November 2011 Tough times demand our Worth repe utmost attent because consu ating ion mers want The follow better servic less money ing e for Winter will . The intern Cleaning Diges article appea red in et has been be here soon responsible our partly t magazine for that menta Cold weath many Some lity, er years how it seems everyone wants means ice melt but it seems ago. appropriate a deal. Sharp compounds to reprint it will be used on streets and give custom en your pencil now. Its title is “The , sidew Salesm alks and parkin ers the best lots. Usually, an.” In these disma afford while value you can g these are salt l days of recess still making (sodium chlori there came a profit, even ion, behold but in below-zero a meager one. de), through the , if it’s weather, calciu city gates a from afar, m chloride merchant is frequently used. It’s fine to and it came set your standa Calcium chlori to pass that among the rds and prices aplenty. And in that de is exohe sold thermic (releas top in es heat when city were they merely order it dissolves) that were is effective member custom your market area, but takers who and reeven at minus ers expect more spent their 40°F. Carlton than from the Ritz appending alibi sheets days When they do from tracke . Mightily were d into a buildi astonished by Motel 6. Give the best effort they chloride ng, calcium his success. them you can afford absorbs and They spoke another and holds moistu . Then be sure send a “Than one to carpet queried, “How re, making to so k You” and , walk off mats, doth he perfor competently? postage paid card after every and hard floors m pery report ” service call wet, slipand dangerous. And it came so you know were satisfi When calciu to pass that they ed. It’s impor m chloride were gather many of them comes in contact with tant to ask were please ed in a coffee a detergent like if they d. in extraction house compa alibi sheets that used cleaning or ring Believing that when behold mopp , “no news is a ing, alkalinity soothsayer amongst them. a trap that leads good news” came in the detergent conve And they spoke rts the calciu is querie to failure. If to him and into calcium m d him vigoro chlori there is negati feedback, act de hydroxide (lime) usly, “Tell us ve oracle on it quickly, which is almos Oh brilliant insoluble find the reason , how is it address the in water. As t that this strang and compl problem. This a result, carpet er can ac- floors take commitmen ish the seemi be driven from s and hard t must ng impossible on a white, dull the top down during such is difficu appearance and understood dastardly times?” by all emplo which yees. Don’t lt to remove. Whereupon join the ranks in the cleani the soothsayer of those Don Terry ng business respon of sugge who brag about whom you speak ded, “He, sts removing customers” “firing chloride residu , knoweth his on industry calciu m the early morn line, riseth in e from carpet bulletin board Positive feedba and by adding eight s. goeth forth. ck will make He complaineth ounces of Brown Out® not, neither but rarely helps doth he know us feel good per gallon water (no deterg despair. Imma improve our of clear culate ing from someo service. Hear- in his person, he is arraye ent) to the solution tank d in the finest ne who hasn’t your Bane Clene while ye goeth of linen, experience had a good ® base unit forth with garme is more impor and extract While ye gather nts unkempt. carpet or mats. tant to us if the out what made With other equipm and sayeth one we find them unhap ily this is a to another, ver- be harme ent that may py and fix problem. Most terrible day, d by the acid the At the he is alread in Brown Out, unhappy custom y abroad. eight ounce eleventh hour their family spray ers an will per he needeth no tell to salve gallon solutio and friends alibi sheet and extrac and probably n on the fibers his conscience. call us in the won’t t with clear ” future, but won’t “They water. that would unless we ask. tell us about stave him off, Why Custom it unto him and say ‘Nay’ when There is no ers Quit he cometh, better custom More custom names on that hath their er than one retain after ers quit becau line which we goeth. a bad servic se of a percep is dotted when that the compa He taketh with e experience. tion there is no he ny doesn’t care him And tion’ better emiss than as a result and ‘perspiration two angels, ‘inspira- of poor service. ary than a whose proble customer Listen carefu ’ and he worke m has been Verily I say lly to every comsolved quickl th hard. plaint, no matte efficiently. unto ye, go y and and r how small It’s cheaper forth and do it may seem. ye than likewi shall Be sympathetic advertising new ones, too. harvest the se for so richly treasure ye to a complaining seek and Sincerely deserve.” customer. empat hize with them Author unkno as if the probwn lem had happe ned to you. Then fix it as as you can. soon
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The Clene Times
become a successful businessman himself, partly inspired by that meeting. “When Mr. Bane asked me to join BaneClene full-time instead of just consulting, I barely hesitated to agree because BaneClene exemplified the ideals and independent spirit that I admired.” – Donald Terry, V.P. Technical Services
“When I hear the name Bill Bane, I cannot help but to think of the all time classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. James Stewart plays George Bailey the all American boy. Great moral character, good hearted, a man that would give the shirt off his back for his fellow man., devoted family man in a family business. In the movie, George Bailey learns how many lives he has touched and helped. When you look at Bill Bane you see the American dream come true. “A good hearted man of strong character, devoted to his family who built a family business following the golden rule. As I travel the country teaching classes I have come across hundreds upon hundreds of cleaners that Bill has touched. I am now running into second and third generations of cleaners who have successful businesses by following the Bane-Clene way. “In the movie it’s a wonderful life, one of the last scenes shows a quote from a
book that says, “No man is a failure who has friends.” Bill Bane, you have hundreds upon hundreds of friends. Thank you for all you have done” – Craig Jasper For me, Bill has been a mentor and someone I have looked to for industry knowledge and wisdom. Bane-Clene and the Bane family have been much more than an advertiser. Bill Bane has walked a road less traveled and has not always been in lock step with others in the carpet cleaning trade and I appreciate the work he has done that has helped move our industry forward. “Never in our wildest imagination, on that cold Sunday morning in 1962, could we have dreamed of the vast number of lives this little business venture would touch over the next fifty years,” Bill said. “ And it all began with that little ten dollar job. Is America great, or what?”
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Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Industry-Leading Technology Featuring MICA Mobile Communications
New Products & Technologies 5
3 4
5 Clarke
BEXT delivers power and flexibility 3 MasterBlend
1 Butler Corp. Butler’s Maximum Traffic Lane Cleaner A concentrated blend of selected surfactants, builders, softeners and solvents for improved soil removal and cleaning results. Butler Maximum Traffic Lane Cleaner works to emulsify soils and suspend them to the surface for easier removal. Recommended for use on colorfast, synthetic and non-stain-resistant carpet. Circle 250 on the Reader Service Page.
MasterBlend’s launches new pet odor deodorizer At Last is a new, oxidizing odor counteractant that” is effective on all protein odors from dead body odor to pet urine. At Last oxidizes the odor molecule and leaves a pleasant orange fragrance in its place,” the company said. With a super concentrated formula, At Last dilutes to 10:1 for a total of 11 gallons of odor fighting solution that is effective on all fibers and surfaces. Circle 246 on the Reader Service Page.
Clarke introduces the latest addition to the company’s line of carpet extractors, the BEXT Pro Portable Extractor. Delivering instant, continuous heat of 212° degrees Fahrenheit solution, the BEXT Pro effectively attacks tough carpet stains. The BEXT Pro is available in two pressures—100 psi and 400 psi—in addition to models with heated and non-heated performance, providing operators with the ultimate cleaning flexibility to satisfy applications ranging from light duty cleaning to deep extraction requirements. Circle 248 on the Reader Service Page.
Bridgepoint Systems 2 Dri-Eaz Products Dri-Eaz ships new dehumidifier The Dri-Eaz LGR 7000 delivers extra-large dehumidifier performance in a compact, highly maneuverable unit that only weighs 107 lbs. Given its size and water removal capacity – 130 pints/61.5L per day at AHAM – the 7000 sets a new industry record in pound-for-pound performance. “We’re excited to get this unit in our customers’ hands and out in the field,” said John Ormsby, President of Dri-Eaz Products and ProRestore Products. “We know they’re going to be astounded by its performance, portability, timesaving features and overall quality of build.” Circle 249 on the Reader Service Page.
4 HydraMaster HydraMaster introduces Blitz Heavy Duty Carpet Prespray Blitz incorporates a solvent into a blend of alkaline cleaning agents and builders that quickly dissolves and emulsifies the heaviest of soil. Blitz is a non-enzyme mixture so it does not require long dwell times to break down the grimiest soil. Being a super concentrate powder, Blitz dissolves quickly and easily. The versatility of Blitz will allows cleaners to effectively clean trashed and neglected carpets, as well as high soil environments like restaurants and dirty apartments. Circle 245 on the Reader Service Page.
Bridgepoint U. releases 2012 Schedule Bridgepoint University is the educational division of Bridgepoint Systems, one of the cleaning and restoration industry’s largest manufacturers of equipment, chemicals, and accessories. So far over 300 events are scheduled in 2012 throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Hands-on product application training classes that specialize in training owners and technicians alike on the exact procedures, equipment, and chemicals alike is the fastest growing segment of Bridgepoint training schools. Circle 240 on the Reader Service Page.
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
New Products & Technologies
6 6 Advance
Spectrum 12H provides a valuable carpet care solution Advance introduces the Spectrum 12H Single Motor Upright Vacuum. The Spectrum 12H is designed to withstand the demanding environmental conditions and the unique operational needs found in the hospitality market. “The hospitality industry requires continuous cleaning and carpet maintenance to ensure excellent guest satisfaction,” said Bob Abrams, Product Manager for Nilfisk-Advance. “The Spectrum 12H meets these requirements with superior reliability, day-in and day-out, providing a valuable carpet care solution.” Circle 247 on the Reader Service Page.
7 CTI CTI leads with the rise of the APES “New levels of soil removal are being achieved with new osmotic extraction technologies,” the company said. “The system utilizes the new chemistry of Applied Physics Extraction (APE) Solutions used in conjunction with the new high-performance Pro Sorb Bonnets.” Circle 241 on the Reader Service Page.
OdorXit OdorXit Concentrate takes on nasty scents Easy to use, OdorXit Concentrate is a fast-acting liquid and produces guaranteed permanent odor and mold elimination results when used as instructed. Ideal for such disgusting matters as odor removal of rodent and human urine on flooring, bedding, in forklifts and trucks, or on cement and clothing, OdorXit Concentrate also eliminates the odor of rotting meat, fish, vegetables and smelly refrigerators & freezers. OdorXit Concentrate contains no fragrance or masking agent; however, the component that neutralizes ammonia does have a fleeting odor. Circle 244 on the Reader Service Page.
Odorcide works. We’ve been using it for six years on all types of material. Od
IT WORKS WONDERS ON ODOR! This is one of only a handful of cleaning agents in our industry that I give two thumbs up! You really should try it out.
- John Braun Premium Carpet Care, Pensacola, FL
Please contact us by phone, email or visit our website 888.873.3442
mikeh @ thornell.com Circle 6 on the Free Information Page
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Watch where you leave it. Not everything is as rugged as a Fluke thermal imager.
8 ProTeam ProTeam adds HEPA filtration to model 1500 ProTeam recently released HEPA-filtered versions of its powerful dual-motor upright, the ProForce 1500 HEPA and the ProForce 1500XP HEPA with onboard tools. The ProForce 1500XP HEPA unites the performance of ProTeam’s upright design with a 15-inch powerhead and the trusted superior filtration of HEPA for improved indoor air quality. Two replaceable HEPA media cartridges now stand in the exhaust path and are 99.97% efficient at capturing particulates 0.3 microns or larger. “We wanted to offer an upright vacuum that includes HEPA media for improved air quality and cleanliness,” says Matt Wood, ProTeam President and CEO. “The ProForce 1500XP HEPA effectively traps dirt and dust, while being easy for any user to maneuver and operate.” Circle 242 on the Reader Service Page.
Before our intensely rugged thermal imagers hit the streets, they go to the school of hard knocks. In our unrelenting testing labs, they learn to stand up to moisture, dust, a 6.5 foot drop—and other hazards of the job. Count on Fluke thermal imagers to spot energy leaks and poor insulation, find construction flaws and HVAC issues, detect moisture or document your work. We’re all about helping you make a strong impression. Learn more at www.fluke.com/answers Or call 800-760-4523 to find the nearest reseller.
Remote Swipe Deposit checks right into your account with just a click Now available for iPhone and iPad, and soon Blackberry, Remote Swipe allows users to click & deposit digital check image deposits right your business bank account! Transactions are captured and transmitted via secure Check21 technology. Funds are electronically settled in two business days. Circle 243 on the Reader Service Page.
Models: TiS, TiR, TiR1, TiR32
Fluke. Not just infrared. Infrared you can use.TM ©2010 Fluke Corporation. Ad 3851970A
Circle 1 on the Free Information Page 3851970A_BOM_ICS_RR_2-3pg.indd 1
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
8/16/10 3:48 PM
MustSee Products Gallery The ICS Must See Products Gallery is a multimedia showcase designed to allow manufacturers and distributors an opportunity to introduce new products, programs and technologies through a variety of platforms. The information and claims found here are provided by the manufacturers; any questions or requests for more information should be directed to them.
Planning to Win Is your market share growing the way it should be right now? Planning to Win’s Accelerated Marketing Program provides an intensely focused lecture/workshop curriculum to ensure your success in marketing. Whether your client is an agent, adjuster, property manager, home owners association, or contractor, this three-day comprehensive seminar will give you the tools to elevate your business to a whole new level. Visit our website for more information at www.planningtowin.biz. Circle #101 on the Free Information Page.
The Butler Corporation The Butler Corporation (www.butlersystem.com) manufactures specific Butler System components to be in compliance with the vehicle manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). It’s important to consider the total of all intended weight to be carried (vehicle weight, occupants, fuel, water, equipment, other supplies, etc.) when purchasing or supplying a vehicle for the installation of a new or pre-owned Butler System. Circle #102 on the Free Information Page.
Kleenrite Chemical KleenFog® The power of No Limit® in a wet fog! KleenFog is a high-intensity odor eliminator that also provides disinfectant-quality deodorizing. Perfect for use in a ULV fogging unit for heavy-duty deodorization after smoke or water damage, as well as pet odor restoration and other severe jobs. And KleenFog is more effective than other water base fogging products because it contains ingredients that allow it to remain airborne longer and penetrate difficult surfaces—such as paint, ceiling tiles, and other substrates— more readily. Pleasantly fragranced! For more info, go to www.kleen.com or call 800-553-3678. Circle #103 on the Free Information Page.
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
Rotovac Corporation The Rotovac 360i Quad Head has a new optional cleaning head specially designed for high powered portable extractors or truck mounted machines. The Quad Head features FOUR stainless steel Swoop Glide vacuum ports and 4 spray jets producing higher flow with more agitation. The Quad Head cleans both commercial and residential carpet up to 25% faster and is available now through distributor’s nationwide or visit us at www.rotovac.com. Circle #104 on the Free Information Page.
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Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
ARCS Association News By Tim Horrigan Author Tim Horrigan is a Certified Rug Specialist with Horrigan Cleaners in Gardner, Massachusetts. He can be reached at
[email protected].
ARCS Assumes Ownership of Certified Rug Specialist Designation
he Association of Rug Care Specialists assumed ownership of the Certified Rug Specialist (CRS) certification program from the Restoration Industry Association on January 4. The CRS designation represents the highest level of training and education in the cleaning and repair of Oriental and specialty rugs offered in the marketplace today. The transfer of ownership, which followed several months of cooperative discussions between officers of the two associations, has significant implications for both rug care professionals and the rug care industry. Current holders of the CRS designation will benefit from the ownership transition because their certification will now be recognized by the ARCS, the only international trade association representing rug care professionals. The designation is currently held by an elite group of 65 rug care experts across the U.S. In addition, experienced rug care professionals seeking to advance their technical skills will now be able to take advantage of a reinvigorated CRS certification program under the auspices of the ARCS. The last CRS certification program under the RIA was held in January 2009. The ARCS is expected to launch a CRS certification program in the first quarter of 2013. It will be open to experienced rug care professionals who have successfully completed the ARCS intermediate level courses. The rigorous curriculum will include five days of intensive training with an emphasis on the history of handmade rugs, rug identification, cleaning and repair tech-
niques, and potential cleaning problems based on a rug’s origin and construction. Successful candidates for the CRS designation must pass a two-part written examination and complete a paper on a topic relevant to the cleaning and repair of Oriental and specialty rugs. Holders of the CRS designation have a significant advantage in the marketplace because their certified technical expertise sets them apart from the competition and enables them to provide greater value to consumers. In addition, the CRS designation can be a powerful marketing tool with consumers who want to ensure that their valuable rugs are cleaned and repaired by highly trained professionals. Finally, the rug care industry will benefit from ARCS ownership of the CRS designation because the association, which was formed in January 2011, is now solidly positioned to fulfill its mission of educating rug care professionals at all levels and advancing the art and science of rug care to the benefit of consumers. Further information on its educational offerings is available at www.rugcarespecialists.org.
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
CRCII News By Don Quick
CRCII Announces Upcoming Meetings
he Carpet and Rug Cleaning Institute of Illinois has announced it meeting schedule for 2012. This year we will have monthly meetings, with meetings on March 22, May 23, July 25, September 26, and November 28 being webinars. With these webinars we are expanding the CRCII benefits throughout the State of Illinois. There are meetings in the planning stage for other areas outside the Chicago region.
Meetings are also scheduled for: February 22 – Spotting Demonstration/Spotting Contest April 25 – Dave Vebeten – Action Coach June – 27 – Tour of In-Plant Carpet Cleaner August 22 – Water Damage Restoration October 24 – Carpet Repair Demonstration December 19 – Holiday Party For more information, or to register for any of these meetings please contact Tammy at the CRCII office at 847-579-1884. If you are not currently a member of CRCII please consider joining. For more information about CRCII and its member benefits, which includes a business insurance program, log onto www.crcii.org.
PACR News By Jillian Olson
PACR: Moving Ahead in 2012!
he Professional Association of Cleaning & Restoration (PACR) is excited to be moving into 2012! The new 2012 PACR board of directors will be meeting the first week of January to discuss new education, networking opportunities, Power Meetings, and more that will be available to all PACR members including events in Omaha and Salt Lake City. Classes coming to Denver will include
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
an AMRT class and a meth lab cleanup class as well as PACR Power Meetings. The first PACR Power Meeting “HandsOn Water Damage” is coming up on Feb. 16 at A Cleaner Carpet in Denver, and will give attendees an opportunity to try out the latest technologies in water damage restoration in a flood house. Look for more details on these and other upcoming events at www.professionalassociationofcleaningandrestora-
tion.org or by contacting Jillian in the PACR office at
[email protected].
The Clean Trust Corner By Darrell Paulson
Darrell Paulson is the chairman of The Clean Trust (formerly the IICRC). You can reach him at
[email protected].
Collaboration – What Makes the Clean Trust Tick
ast month we put out a call for volunteers – and you answered back with a resounding yes. With energetic people filing in from 15 shareholder associations, you have demonstrated your commitment to continuing our position of strength in the industry.
The Clean Trust leadership is keenly focused on increasing overall collaboration, both internally and externally, to ensure efficiency. The good news is that a lot of this is already in the works. For example, when evaluating our Certification Council we realized our needs had evolved, so the re-formed Education Committee is better suited to fit the organization’s needs for planning, leading and directing the certification arm of The Clean Trust. The purpose of the committee is to create a global view of the education landscape that includes all stakeholders in the process as The Clean Trust continues to serve the industry through education and certification. At the April meeting, the Education Committee gets its start, and the instructors will have an opportunity to ensure their voices are heard. Through an increased level of participation and the addition of a paid, full-time education staff, our certification process will remain the best in the industry. As an organization of volunteers, working together is critical to our progress. We have made great strides to collaborate with like-minded organizations and this will be a focus moving forward. For example, in 2008, we developed a memoran-
dum of understanding (MOU) regarding the use of the indoor environmental professional (IEP) designation. The consensus group consists of the American Indoor Air Quality Council, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Indoor Air Quality Association, Indoor Environmental Institute, Indoor Environmental Standards Organization, National Air Duct Cleaners Association, Restoration Industry Association, and Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians. Following on the heels of this successful initiative, we are working with an industrial hygienist group to determine if an MOU is appropriate for that situation as well. Through efforts such as these, we can work with others in the industry to share costs, energy and provide the best value available to our registrants. If you have other organizations or suggestions on how we can best partner with others in our industry, please let the leadership know. Beyond MOUs, our standards are the result of combined efforts from professionals around the industry. The R800 Reference Guide for Carpet Inspection, currently underway, is a great example. Between a chair, a vice chair, 12 to 15 voting members of the committee and more than 20 volunteers assigned to specific subcommittees and topics, we have the best inspection minds in the industry working on this guide. Mili Washington, the new Clean Trust standards director, will focus on streamlining the standards development process and strategy at The Clean Trust, working toward ANSI approval for new and revised standards, and using more digital tools to make virtual collaboration come to life. Taking a lesson from governments around the world, we have to look at the organization holistically to determine where there is excess and where we can better utilize our resources. Our standards are not effective if they are not properly and technically applied. Working together – it’s my theme for 2012.
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
CRA News By Jennifer Germond
Jennifer Germond is Member Services Coordinator for the CRA. You can reach her at
[email protected] or call her at 916-736-1100, ext. 302.
Join Us
embers and non-members alike - for the CRA Southern California Regional Meeting. Cory Chalmers, featured expert on A&E’s hit series Hoarders, will present “Hoarding and Biohazards.” Topics of discussion will include suicides, decomposition, miscellaneous trauma, the psychology behind hoarding, types of hoarders, working with hoarders, and hidden dangers in hoarded homes. Also happening in February: CRA will be conducting an Asbestos Building Inspector course in Sacramento, CA, an AMRT course in our new Phoenix, AZ training location, and a Trauma Scene Clean Up class in Santa Fe Springs, CA. For details, registration, or for information on how to become
a member of the CRA please visit us at: www.crassociation.org or email
[email protected].
Circle 27 on the Free Information Page 56
Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
CFI Report By Norma McCormick
Why CFI?
ince 1954, the Carpet & Fabricare Institute (CFI) has grown to include Arizona, California and Nevada. We are one of the largest regional non-profit inspection, cleaning, remediation and restoration associations in the country. Joining CFI benefits you and your business. It allows you to attend practical classes learning new techniques in higher profit margin areas such as tile and grout
cleaning, and stone care. Membership gives you access to discounts on training, tools, materials and chemicals. You will also get CFI pricing for the Connections Conventions and Trade show held twice a year, WFCA scholarships and access to a Members-only area on our website. Call 1-800-Carpet9 today, email us at
[email protected] and visit our website at www.carpet9.org to learn more.
Upcoming Events February 18: Give back to your local community by helping us with Loma Linda Ronald McDonald house cleaning at 9am. We need help cleaning their upholstery, area rugs and hard wood floors. Please call 1-800-Carpet9 if you are able to help. February 21: Arizona Director Norma McCormick encourages everyone to attend our meeting at 5pm to learn more about Oriental rug cleaning. Now is the perfect time to explore other avenues of revenue for your business. For further information please call Norma at 480-821-1481 or by email
[email protected]. March 10: Hands-on upholstery cleaning at Clean Center, 8550 N 91st Ave D 37, Peoria, Arizona. Bring us your dirtiest, most challenging piece of upholstery, and we will clean it on site. Finally, be sure to check out all the classes at Academy of Textile and Flooring www.academyoftextilesandflooring.com, where CFI members always save!
Visit www.carpet9.org for the latest updates on classes and chapter meetings.
February 2012 | www.icsmag.com
SCRT News By Gary Glenn, SCRT President
News and Views From the SCRT
appy New Year from SCRT to the entire industry. It has been an exciting year for SCRT, with the administration change and moving the office hundreds of miles away from south Georgia to The Great State of Texas. It is complete now and everything should be back on schedule by the time you read this article.
The other exciting news is the formation of the new International Trade Association named the Inspection Cleaning Restoration Association. SCRT is involved and excited about the idea of bringing cohesiveness to our industry. The official kick off for ICRA was January 1. It is very exciting that seven of the 14 trade associations have decided to work together for the benefit of their members. The interim officers have been elected, bylaws have been written, budgets are being worked on, and things are moving quickly and efficiently. The associations that are involved are SCRT, MCRA, CRA, MSPCA, NEIRC, PACR and NYRCI. There will be a lot more to come from ICRA in the following months that will be exciting to the membership in what benefits will be available to each member. As events take place, I will keep you informed, so be watching your emails.
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Cleaning Specialist | February 2012
The Ohio SCRT chapter held a Clean Trust CEC approved meeting on December 15, with more than 20 attending. Mark Violand led the class on a demo of graft repair on Berber carpet. In the lobby of the hotel, members were able to practice their seaming skills. It’s amazing how simple this value added service is to learn and perform for you clients.
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