5(i>VOKp6TOVS. aKovnd T€ Kal irtATas /cal iyx^iptSia 309. iv ipiiQov \6-yq. Here the con- fffJLLKpd. text suggests the sense, ' not even by a 315. vTroffTaOels, inroeTTas, 'withstandrough computation;' whereas in Ag. 553, ing.' Inf. v. 375. iv ^"h. See on Prom. 915. the Trojans, has now been crowned by 311. TEA?), ' ranks.' Pers. 47, Slppv/xd this second piece of luck, the arrival of a re Kal rplppvfia TCAT/. The iriKraaral powerful ally. or targeteers were, as most of the com322. ifyiarris (a0e?v), a wind that
eOpave XaCr) TrjcrSe yrji /i,eyas trvkoiv. 'Pfjcros S' ISeifev otos ^v Tpoia CXo<;TjKet, yap es Saxr', ou TTapcav KvvrjyeTai<s
aipoucri Xetav ouSe crvyKafj.a>v 8opL XO.
dri^eis KCITH/AO/A^OS el
Se^ou Se rows OeXovras axfreXelv EK. XO.
apKov/juev oi ^ovTe<; "IXLOV TraXai. TT€voL0a<; 17817 TroXe/xiovs yprjKevai. ;
TT€Troi0a' 8eC£ei TOVTTIOV creXas #ecw. opa TO fJueXXov iroXX* avacrTpifyei 6eo<;. JJ.LCTCJ <J)LXOL(TLV vcrrepov j^orjhpo^iv. avag, airoOcw crv/j,//,a^ovs €TrL$ovov. (f)6(3o<; ykvovr
av 7roXe/xtot§ 60el? \LOVOV.
O O OWZ/, eTrenrep r/Xue, cru/x/Aa^os /Aev OV,
Se, Trpos Tpdne^av rjKero) ^ivav ya/> aur&j ITpta/xtSaJt' StwXero. cru T' ev wapaiveis /cat cru drives vessels out of their course upon the Prom. 956, <5 8' ovv iroieiTW irai/ra irpoirshore, in which case they are said e£- S6icr)Td /j.01. Similarly eyi> S' oiv Ag. OKeAXeffSai, Ag. 64!), Aesch. Suppl. 432. 217, ci> 8' oiv inf. 868. Androm. 258. " Ita Ulixes in Eur. Cycl. 278, dicit Eum. 217.—It seems better to place a TryevfiafTiv 8a\aTts fjKOti-eii. Utitur voce Herod, ii. the verb which is negatived is ^A0e, not 113, KUI /J.LI> e|£(TTai &veixoi zKf&t&Wovai TJK4TW. The scholium on v. 339 ends 4s rh AlyviTTiov i:£\ayos." Vater.-— with the words Xonrhv I)|EI, which probacSpave, al. edpav&e, etyavve. The true bly should be referred to this verse, (Threading is supported by Eum. 527, 6pav- pax0* A4*" °"X yt*h £4vos 5e ^KeVoi. oftevas tcepaias. The imperfect is ob338. 5(C6A€TO at»T^, i. e. SiwAece- yhp viously preferable to the aorist. X^P'" n v Sffrepot iASdv, he has forfeited 327. bpSSis K.T.\. Their conduct does the gratitude of the family of Priam by indeed afford a reason for rejecting the coming too late. allies; but their good intentions justify 339. than the vulg. 88' ovv. Cf. Alcest. 73, TI Teuxfc, implying that true valour does 8' ovv yvrf K&Ttunv eis "A18011 S6/J.OVS. not consist in fine accoutrements.
ETPiniJOT 6 )(pvcroTev'^7j<; S' ovveic dyyeXov Xoycov 'PTJCTOS TrapecrTco TijSe cru/A/xa^;os
'ASpdcrTeua fikv a ALOS TTCUS eipyoi (TTOfiaTtov 06vov pdcra) yap 8r/ ocrov (JLOL ;a 7rpocr^tX.es ICTTIV elireiv.
errp . a.
inXddrjs $pvy'iav npbs avkav dcnraarTos, ineu ere ^poVa) Utepis fia/njp o re KaWisyecjivpos TTora^tos Tropevet ^TpVfKOP,
OS 7TOT6 TO.S |U,eXft)Soi)
350 . a.
Movcras Si' crav i< Zevs 6
342, seqq. In the very elegant ode in the middle of a sentence. See Hipp. 131. which here follows, the chorus express 353. SurqBtis. There is great elegance their delight at the appearance of Rhesus, both in the allusion to SIVJJ, and in the whom they address in terms, the invidi- idea of a river-god, or rather, the river onsness of which in the eyes of the gods itself, transfusing its amorous stream they prudently deprecate. Rhesus has through the lap of the Muse. come to them as Zeus the Liberator, nay, 355. Zeiis & tyavaios. This remarkable as avrbs "Aprjs to the long-beleaguered expresson, no doubt extemporised for the Troy. They entreat him to exhibit his occasion, means ' Zeus the Appearer,' prowess in opposing Achilles and driving {$>6.vr]di, v. 370.) It is in no way conthe Atridae over sea to their homes again, nected with the (paval, or mystical torch—*A5pa